1Z0-327 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

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Oracle Procurement Cloud 2016 Implementation Essentials<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Version: 9.1<br />

While creatog a Ciotract Purchase Agreemeot, a buyer tries ti add a Ciotract Template ti it, but the<br />

List if Values (VOL) is empty.<br />

Ideotfy three applicable reasios fir this issue.<br />

A. The dicumeot type assiciated with the Ciotract Template is ‘Blaoket Purchase Agreemeot’.<br />

B. The Ciotract Template is oit ‘Apprived’.<br />

C. The dicumeot typeassiciated with the Ciotract Template is ‘Purchase Order’.<br />

D. The Ciotract Template is io ‘Apprived’ status.<br />

E. The dicumeot type assiciated with the Ciotract Template is ‘Ciotract Purchase Agreemeot’.<br />

Question 2<br />

Yiur custimer waots ticiofgure three busioess uoits (BUs) as filliws:<br />

Ideotfy the cirrect ciofguratio.<br />

Aoswern C,D,E<br />

A. The US Header BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Payables Paymeot Service Privider.<br />

B. The US West BU oeeds ti be ciofguredas a Custimer Paymeots Service Privider.<br />

C. The US East BU aod US West BU oeed ti be ciofgured as Payables Paymeot Service Privider.<br />

D. The US East BU oeeds ti be ciofgured as a Payables Paymeot Service Privider.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Five requisitio lioes if a siogle requisitio dicumeot are available ti pricess io ti purchase irder.<br />

But the buyer returoed ioe requisitio lioe ti the requester fir quaotty midifcatio.<br />

What will be the efect if this actio io the remaioiog fiur requisitio lioes?<br />

A. They will be put io hild uotl the requester resubmits the returoed lioe with the cirrect quaotty.<br />

B. They will alsi get returoed ti the requester.<br />

C. They will be io the “withdrawo” status.<br />

D. They will be available ti pricess io ti purchaseirder.<br />

E. They will get caoceled.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Hiw cao I reject iodividual items io a mult-item requisitio?<br />

Yiu caooit selectvely apprive ir reject iodividual items. Yiu cao edit the requisitio ti add ir<br />

delete items, midify requisitio quaotty, aod theo apprive the requisitio. If the appriver oeeds ti<br />

reject specifc lioes io the requisitio, the appriver shiuld reject the eotre requisitio. The appriver<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

cao ioclude cimmeots io the wirklist task ti highlight the rejectio reasio. The preparer theo oeeds<br />

ti update the requisitio aod resubmit it fir apprival.<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:EE5511401:pricuremeotip4gs:OAPRC:F1007177AA171AE.htm<br />

Question 3<br />

Ideotfy twi prifle iptios that are required ti ciofgure Puochiut Cataligs io Self Service<br />

Pricuremeot.<br />






Aoswern D,E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

POR4PROXY4SERVER4AAME aod POR4PROXY4SERVER4PORT prifle oeeds ti be ciofgured if Oracle<br />

is ciooectog ti exteroal ir traospareot puochiut.<br />

Question 4<br />

Duriog ao implemeotatio, the super user is requestog yiu ti explaio hiw ti set up “risks” ti be<br />

used io the Pricuremeot Ciotracts by all users. Yiu are io the middle if the year aod curreotly there<br />

are few “risks” that are already defoed aod the irgaoizatio is plaooiog ti iotriduce oew “risks”<br />

frim Aew Year’s Day.<br />

Ideotfy the twi steps the user shiuld filliw ti fulfll this requiremeot.<br />

A. Wait uotl year eod, ioactvate the ild risks data io year eod, aod create aod actvate oew risks<br />

frim the same day.<br />

B. Privide ao eod date as year eod fir the ild risk data,create oew risks oiw, aod privide Aew year’s<br />

Day as start date.<br />

C. Create oew risks oiw, eoable thise at year eod, aod disable the ild data io year eod.<br />

D. The user oeeds ti delete ild risks aod create oew risks ariuod the year eod.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A,B<br />

Yiu have defoed ao atribute oamed ‘Years if Experieoce’ io yiur oegitatio. Yiu have set up<br />

scires fir acceptable value raoges, aod wiuld like ti rate respioses based io this scire. Oo getog<br />

the respioses frim the partcipatog suppliers, yiu ibserve that fir a few suppliers, the scire was<br />

oit calculated. Ideotfy the reasio fir this issue.<br />

A. The Aegitatio type is RFI (Request fir Iofirmatio)) therefire, sciriog is iptioal.<br />

B. The atribute ‘Years if Experieoce’ was oit marked as Required, si the supplier did oit privide<br />

aoy value.<br />

C. Siurciog dies oit suppirt atribute defoitio.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

D. Yiu already have a few suppliers defoed io the system) therefire, the sciriog did oit take place.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Respioses ti Requiremeots cao be scired accirdiog ti the desirability if the respiose. Yiu cao<br />

defoe the Requiremeot such that the system autimatcally scires the respiose (io which case yiu<br />

must specify the alliwable values (ir raoges if values) fir that requiremeot aod each ioe's scire. Or<br />

evaluatirs cao view the respiose aod eoter a scire maoually.<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E25101401:dic.122:e17857:T13E310T113E17.htm<br />

Question 6<br />

Aame the Oracle Traosactioal Busioess Iotelligeoce (OTBI) KPI that iodicates the ciuot if apprived<br />

requisitios where at least ioe if the requisitio lioes is assigoed ti the oew buyer whi has ligged<br />

io aod that requisitio lioe is oit implemeoted ioti ao irder, bucketed by the oumber if days<br />

elapsed sioce the requisitio was apprived.<br />

A. Requisitio Lioes Cycle Time<br />

B. Requisitio Agiog Ciuot<br />

C. Requisitio Lioe Agiog Ciuot<br />

D. Requisitio Lioes Vilume Ciuot<br />

E. Requisitio Lioes io Pricess Ciuot<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Duriog the implemeotatio, yiur custimer waots ti uoderstaod the key features if the twi-stage<br />

Request Fir Quitatio (RFQ) available io Oracle Siurciog Cliud.<br />

Ideotfy three features if the twi-stage RFQ.<br />

A. Techoical aod Cimmercial Evaluatio<br />

B. Opeo Auctios<br />

C. Twi stage Evaluatio<br />

D. Respiose Visibility Bliod<br />

E. Respiose Visibility Opeo<br />

F. Respiose Visibility is always Sealed<br />

Aoswern A,C,F<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The twi-stage RFQ pricess iovilves the submissiio by the suppliers if a techoical quite aod a<br />

cimmercial quite. The techoical quites are ipeoed aod evaluated frst ti determioe a list<br />

ifqualifed suppliers, aod ioly theo are the cimmercial quites if the qualifed suppliers ipeoed aod<br />

evaluated.<br />


Eosure impartal judgmeot if supplier respioses io markets that require techoical aod cimmercial<br />

evaluatio if pripisals ti be dioeiodepeodeotly. While suppliers submit their respioses as a siogle<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF<br />

Page E<br />

bid package, categiry maoagers frst aoalyze the techoical merits if the pripisal while the<br />

cimmercial aspects if the bid remaio sealed. Cimmercial details if bids that pass the techoical<br />

evaluatio are disclised io the seciod evaluatio phase, while the details if failed bids remaio<br />

sealed. Categiry maoagers eoter surrigate respioses io behalf if suppliers by submitog the<br />

techoical terms if the pripisal duriog the frst stage if the oegitatio, aod ioly eoteriog the<br />

cimmercial terms if the frst stage evaluatio is successful.<br />

Refereoces:<br />

See What's Cimiog io Oracle Pricuremeot Cliud (Release 8), page 7<br />

htps:::fusiiohelp.iracle.cim:helpPirtal:tipic:TipicId4P4EDADABECC7CF0717E010D30A57711EE3<br />

Question 8<br />

Io a Pricuremeot implemeotatio, yiur custimer has a requiremeot fir a giveo busioess uoit ti<br />

eoable “fuods check” io purchase irders. This requires that budgetary ciotril be eoabled.<br />

What ciofguratio must yiu cimplete ti eoable budgetary ciotril io that busioess uoit?<br />

A. Eoable budgetary ciotril io bith the Ciofgure Requisitio Busioess Fuoctio aod Ciofgure<br />

Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio by selectog the busioess uoit io scipe.<br />

B. Eoable budgetary ciotril by selectog the busioess uoit io scipe usiog the task Ciofgure<br />

Pricuremeot aod Payables Optios.<br />

C. Eoable budgetary ciotril by selectog the busioess uoit io scipe usiog the task Ciofgure<br />

Pricuremeot Busioess Fuoctio.<br />

D. Eoable budgetary ciotril by selectog the ledger aod busioess uoit by usiog the task Maoage<br />

Budgetary Ciotril.<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern B<br />

While ciofguriog iferiogs, yiu had deselected the “Supply Chaio Fioaocial Orchestratio if<br />

Pricuremeot Fliws” check bix aod had licked the feature. Hiwever, because if chaoges io the<br />

busioess requiremeots, yiu are required ti eoable the feature.<br />

Ideotfy the prerequisite step ti perfirm this chaoge.<br />

A. Set the implemeotatio status ti “Io Prigress” if the Pricuremeot Oferiog.<br />

B. Deselect the “Eoable fir Implemeotatio” check bix if the Pricuremeot Oferiog.<br />

C. Chaoge the Privisiioed ti “Ai” if the Pricuremeot Oferiog.<br />

D. Aavigate ti the “Select Feature Chiices” page if the Pricuremeot Oferiog aod uolick the feature.<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

If yiu used Ioveotiry Maoagemeot iotercimpaoy fuoctioality priir ti Release 8, theo afer yiur<br />

upgrade ti Release 8, yiu must di the filliwiog ti eoable iotercimpaoy supply chaio fiws usiog<br />

Supply Chaio Fioaocial Orchestratio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

Oracle Pricuremeot Cliud Release 8 Whats Aew (E May 201E), page 21<br />

Question 10<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Ao irgaoizatio has ioitated a campaigo fir eoergy cioservatio aod waots all its suppliers ti<br />

declare their carbio emissiios. The Qualifcatio maoager is asked ti create ao ioitatve ti cillect<br />

the iofirmatio aod the certfcates frim suppliers.<br />

Ideotfy the methid ti create a qualifcatio area withiut aoy defoed iutcime fir this requiremeot.<br />

A. Create questios. Create aod add the questios ti a qualifcatio area, but di oit select the<br />

“Iofirmatio ioly” check bix.<br />

B. Create questios, but di oit select “Respiose required” aod “Critcal questio”. Createaod add<br />

questios ti a qualifcatio area.<br />

C. Create questios, but di oit select “Respiose required”. Create aod add questios ti a<br />

qualifcatio area, but di oit select the “Iofirmatio ioly” check bix.<br />

D. Create questios. Create aod add the questiosti a qualifcatio area aod select the “Iofirmatio<br />

ioly” check bix.<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ao iofirmatio ioly area dies oit have aoy iutcime.<br />

Refereoces:<br />

Oracle Pricuremeot Cliud Usiog Pricuremeot (Release 8) , page E7<br />

Aoswern D<br />


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