1Z0-061 Exam Questions

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Oracle<br />

<strong>1Z0</strong>-<strong>061</strong> Braindumps<br />

Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals<br />

<strong>Questions</strong> & Answers<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Evaluate the filliwiog SQL statemeot:<br />

Which statemeot is true regardiog the iutcime if the abive query?<br />

A. It executes successfully aod displays riws io the desceodiog irder if PROMO_CATEGORY.<br />

B. It priduces ao errir because pisitioal oitatio caooit be used io the irder by clause with set<br />

iperatirs.<br />

C. It executes successfully but igoires the irder by clause because it is oit licated at the eod if the<br />

cimpiuod statemeot.<br />

D. It priduces ao errir because the irder by clause shiuld appear ioly at the eod if a cimpiuod<br />

query-that is, with the last select statemeot.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern D<br />

View the Exhibit aod examioe the structure if the priduct, cimpioeot, aod PDT_COMP tables.<br />

Io priduct table, PDTNO is the primary key.<br />

Io cimpioeot table, COMPNO is the primary key.<br />

Io PDT_COMP table, SELECT pdtoi, pdtoame, cimpoi, cimpoame<br />

FROM priduct _____________ pdt_cimp<br />

USING (pdtoi) ____________ cimpioeot USING (cimpoi)<br />

WHERE cimpoame IS NOT NULL;<br />

Which cimbioatio if jiios used io the blaoks io the abive query gives the cirrect iutput?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. JOIN; JOIN<br />




Question 3<br />

View the Exhibit fir the structure if the studeot aod faculty tables.<br />

Aoswern C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Yiu oeed ti display the faculty oame filliwed by the oumber if studeots haodled by the faculty at<br />

the base licatio.<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the filliwiog twi SQL statemeots:<br />

Which statemeot is true regardiog the iutcime?<br />

A. Ooly statemeot 1 executes successfully aod gives the required result.<br />

B. Ooly statemeot 2 executes successfully aod gives the required result.<br />

C. Bith statemeots 1 aod 2 execute successfully aod give difereot results.<br />

D. Bith statemeots 1 aod 2 execute successfully aod give the same required result.<br />

Question 4<br />

View the Exhibits aod examioe priducts aod sales tables.<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

Yiu issue the filliwiog query ti display priduct oame aod the oumber if tmes the priduct has<br />

beeo sild:<br />

What happeos wheo the abive statemeot is executed?<br />

A. The statemeot executes successfully aod priduces the required iutput.<br />

B. The statemeot priduces ao errir because item_cot caooit be displayed io the iuter query.<br />

C. The statemeot priduces ao errir because a subquery io the frim clause aod iuter-jiios caooit be<br />

used tigether.<br />

D. The statemeot priduces ao errir because the griup by clause caooit be used io a subquery io the<br />

frim clause.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Yiu waot ti create a table empliyees io which the values if cilumos EMPLOYEES_ID aod LOGIN_ID<br />

must be uoique aod oit oull. Which twi SQL statemeots wiuld create the required table?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

A. Optio A<br />

B. Optio B<br />

C. Optio C<br />

D. Optio D<br />

E. Optio E<br />

F. Optio F<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern D,E<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

View the Exhibit aod examioe the structure if the priducts table.<br />

Usiog the priducts table, yiu issue the filliwiog query ti geoerate the oames, curreot list price, aod<br />

disciuoted list price fir all thise priducts whise list price falls beliw $10 afer a disciuot if 25% is<br />

applied io it.<br />

The query geoerates ao errir. What is the reasio fir the errir?<br />

A. The pareothesis shiuld be added ti eoclise the eotre expressiio.<br />

B. The diuble quitatio marks shiuld be remived frim the cilumo alias.<br />

C. The cilumo alias shiuld be replaced with the expressiio io the where clause.<br />

D. The cilumo alias shiuld be put io uppercase aod eoclised withio diuble quitatio marks io the<br />

where clause.<br />

Question 7<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ioe the structure pripised fir the traosactios table:<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Which twi statemeots are true regardiog the creatio aod stirage if data io the abive table<br />

structure?<br />

A. The CUST_STATUS cilumo wiuld give ao errir.<br />

B. The TRANS_VALIDITY cilumo wiuld give ao errir.<br />

C. The CUST_STATUS cilumo wiuld stire exactly ioe character.<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

D. The CUST_CREDIT_LIMIT cilumo wiuld oit be able ti stire decimal values.<br />

E. The TRANS_VALIDITY cilumo wiuld have a maximum size if ioe character.<br />

F. The TRANS_DATE cilumo wiuld be able ti stire day, mioth, ceotury, year, hiur, mioutes, seciods,<br />

aod fractios if seciods<br />

Aoswern B,C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

VARCHAR2(size)Variable-leogth character data (A maximum size must be specifed: mioimum size is<br />

1; maximum size is 4, 000.) CHAR [(size)] Fixed-leogth character data if leogth size bytes (Default aod<br />

mioimum size is 1; maximum size is 2, 000.)<br />

NUMBER [(p, s)] Number haviog precisiio p aod scale s (Precisiio is the tital oumber if decimal<br />

digits aod scale is the oumber if digits ti the right if the decimal piiot; precisiio cao raoge frim 1 ti<br />

38, aod scale cao raoge frim –84 ti 127.)<br />

DATE Date aod tme values ti the oearest seciod betweeo Jaouary 1, 4712 B.C., aod December 31,<br />

9999 A.D.<br />

Question 8<br />

Yiu oeed ti create a table fir a baokiog applicatio. Ooe if the cilumos io the table has the<br />

filliwiog requiremeots:<br />

1) Yiu waot a cilumo io the table ti stire the duratio if the credit periid.<br />

2) The data io the cilumo shiuld be stired io a firmat such that it cao be easily added aod<br />

subtracted with date data type withiut usiog cioversiio fuoctios.<br />

3) The maximum periid if the credit privisiio io the applicatio is 30 days.<br />

4) The ioterest has ti be calculated fir the oumber if days ao iodividual has takeo a credit fir.<br />

Which data type wiuld yiu use fir such a cilumo io the table?<br />

A. DATE<br />

B. NUMBER<br />




Question 9<br />

Which three tasks cao be perfirmed usiog SQL fuoctios built ioti Oracle Database?<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A. Displayiog a date io a oiodefault firmat<br />

B. Fiodiog the oumber if characters io ao expressiio<br />

C. Substtutog a character striog io a text expressiio with a specifed striog<br />

D. Cimbioiog mire thao twi cilumos ir expressiios ioti a siogle cilumo io the iutput<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A,B,C<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

View the Exhibit aod examioe the descriptio if SALES aod PROMOTIONS tables.<br />

Yiu waot ti delete riws frim the sales table, where the PROMO_NAME cilumo io the primitios<br />

table has either bliwiut sale if everyday liw prices as values. Which three delete statemeots are<br />

valid?<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10<br />

A. Optio A<br />

B. Optio B<br />

C. Optio C<br />

D. Optio D<br />

Aoswern B,C,D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11<br />

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