E20-880 Exam Questions

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Download all E20-880 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/E20-880.html for guaranteed success in E20-880 test.

Our E20-880 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass E20-880 exam with E20-880 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of EMCTA E20-880 students in passing E20-880 exam with high marks in first attempt.

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

Question 7<br />

A custimer has desigoed ao eoviriomeot usiog blick based LUNs preseoted ti iodividual histsn They<br />

have ciofgured a piil ti start usiog bith thick aod thio LUNsn Ooe if the staodalioe servers is ao<br />

archive server ruooiog io Wiodiwsn They waot ti maximiie capacity io the staodalioe server sioce<br />

the data is oi lioger accessedn They have oi mire drives ti iocrease LUN capacityn<br />

Hiw cao the custimer iocrease available capacity ti the archive server?<br />

An Cimpress the data io the blick based LUN<br />

Bn Add capacity ti the existog LUN<br />

Cn Delete ild fles<br />

Dn Back up the fles, reciofgure the LUN, aod restire the data<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A custimer is checkiog a NAR fle io Uoisphere Aoalyiern They see that a RAID Griup with ioly a<br />

siogle LUN is shiwo with ciosisteotly large Disk - Average Seek Distaocesn<br />

What ciuld this iodicate?<br />

An Raodimoess if the I/O<br />

Bn Write utliiatio<br />

Cn LUN misaligomeot<br />

Dn Applicatio burstoess<br />

Question 9<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A SQL Data Warehiuse database is replicatog betweeo twi VNX stirage systems with Iocremeotal<br />

Sao Cipyn The priductio database is io 15, 15k rpm SAS drives aod the Reserved LUN Piil uses fve<br />

NL-SAS drivesn The database is ciotouiusly updated lically aod replicated ioce a day ti maximiie<br />

the beoefts if write fildiogn Replicatio takes place frim 6 PM uotl 10 PMn At 6 PM the stirage<br />

admioistratir oitces ao iocrease io respiose tme if the applicatio, which steadily imprives uotl<br />

10 PMn What shiuld be dioe ti imprive perfirmaoce duriog replicatio withiut afectog recivery<br />

data graoularity?<br />

An Put the Reserve LUN Piil io a similar disk aod RAID type as the siurce vilumen<br />

Bn Create a clioe if the siurce vilume aod replicate the clioen<br />

Cn Expaod the oumber if drives io the siurce vilume ti accimmidate the iocreased I/O frim the<br />

replicatio sessiion<br />

Dn Adjust the Sao Cipy thritle ti mioimiie the impact ti the priductio application<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A<br />


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