Advocacy Committee Meets Congressman John Linder - NAMI

Advocacy Committee Meets Congressman John Linder - NAMI

Advocacy Committee Meets Congressman John Linder - NAMI


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(Continued from page 2)<br />

not get worse with time.<br />

What are other examples of<br />

behaviors typical of people who<br />

suffer from OCD?<br />

People who do the following may have<br />

OCD:<br />

• repeatedly check things, perhaps<br />

dozens of times, before feeling<br />

secure enough to go to sleep or<br />

leave the house. Is the stove off?<br />

Is the door locked? Is the alarm<br />

set?<br />

• fear they will harm others.<br />

Example: A man's car hits a<br />

pothole on a city street and he<br />

fears it was actually a body.<br />

• feel dirty and contaminated.<br />

Example: A woman is fearful of<br />

touching her baby because she<br />

might contaminate the child.<br />

• constantly arrange and order<br />

things. Example: A child can't go to<br />

sleep unless he lines up all his<br />

shoes correctly.<br />

• are excessively concerned with<br />

body imperfections -- insist on<br />

numerous plastic surgeries, or<br />

spend many, many hours a day<br />

body-building.<br />

• are ruled by numbers, believing<br />

that certain numbers represent<br />

good and others represent evil.<br />

• are excessively concerned with sin<br />

or blasphemy.<br />

Is OCD commonly recognized by<br />

professionals?<br />

Not nearly commonly enough. OCD is<br />

often misdiagnosed, and it is often<br />

under diagnosed. Many people have<br />

dual disorders of OCD and<br />

schizophrenia, or OCD and bipolar<br />

disorder, but the OCD component is<br />

not diagnosed or treated. In children,<br />

parents often are aware of some<br />

anxiety or depression but not of the<br />

underlying OCD. Researchers believe<br />

OCD, anxiety disorders, Tourette's,<br />

and eating disorders such as anorexia<br />

and bulimia can be triggered by some<br />

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of the same chemical malfunctioning of<br />

the brain.<br />

Is heredity a factor in OCD?<br />

Yes. Heredity appears to be a strong<br />

factor. If you have OCD, there's a 25percent<br />

chance that one of your<br />

immediate family members will have it.<br />

It definitely seems to run in families.<br />

Can OCD be effectively treated?<br />

Yes, with medication and behavior<br />

therapy. Both affect brain chemistry,<br />

which in turn affects behavior.<br />

Medication can regulate serotonin,<br />

reducing obsessive thoughts and<br />

compulsive behaviors.<br />

Anafranil (clomipramine): A tricyclic<br />

antidepressant, Anafranil has been<br />

shown to be effective in treating<br />

obsessions and compulsions. The<br />

most commonly reported side effects<br />

of this medication are dry mouth,<br />

constipation, nausea, increased<br />

appetite, weight gain, sleepiness,<br />

fatigue, tremor, dizziness,<br />

nervousness, sweating, visual<br />

changes, and sexual dysfunction.<br />

There is also a risk of seizures,<br />

thought to be dose-related. People<br />

with a history of seizures should not<br />

take this medication. Anafranil should<br />

also not be taken at the same time as<br />

a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).<br />

Many of the antidepressant<br />

medications known as selective<br />

serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)<br />

have also proven effective in treating<br />

the symptoms associated with OCD.<br />

The SSRIs most commonly prescribed<br />

for OCD are Luvox (fluvoxamine), Paxil<br />

(paroxetine), Prozac (fluoxetine), and<br />

Zoloft (sertraline).<br />

Luvox (fluvoxamine): Common side<br />

effects of this medication include dry<br />

mouth, constipation, nausea,<br />

sleepiness, insomnia, nervousness,<br />

dizziness, headache, agitation,<br />

weakness, and delayed ejaculation.<br />

Paxil (paroxetine): Side effects most<br />

associated with this medication include<br />

dry mouth, constipation, nausea,<br />

decreased appetite, sleepiness,<br />

insomnia, tremor, dizziness,<br />

nervousness, weakness, sweating,<br />

and sexual dysfunction.<br />

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Prozac (fluoxetine): Dry mouth,<br />

nausea, diarrhea, sleepiness,<br />

insomnia, tremor, nervousness,<br />

headache, weakness, sweating, rash,<br />

and sexual dysfunction are among the<br />

more common side effects associated<br />

with this drug.<br />

Zoloft (sertraline): Among the side<br />

effects most commonly reported while<br />

taking Zoloft are dry mouth, nausea,<br />

diarrhea, constipation, sleepiness,<br />

insomnia, tremor, dizziness, agitation,<br />

sweating, and sexual dysfunction.<br />

Celexa (Citalopram) Side effects may<br />

include dry mouth, nausea, or<br />

drowsiness .<br />

SSRIs should never be taken at the<br />

same time as MAOIs.<br />

How log should an individual take<br />

medication before judging its<br />

effectiveness?<br />

Some physicians make the mistake of<br />

prescribing a medication for only three<br />

or four weeks. That really isn't long<br />

enough. Medication should be tried<br />

consistently for 10 to 12 weeks before<br />

its effectiveness can be judged.<br />

What is behavior therapy, and can it<br />

effectively relieve symptoms of<br />

OCD?<br />

Behavior therapy is not traditional<br />

psychotherapy. It is "exposure and<br />

response prevention," and it is<br />

effective for many people with OCD.<br />

Consumers are deliberately exposed<br />

to a feared object or idea, either<br />

directly or by imagination, and are then<br />

discouraged or prevented from<br />

carrying out the usual compulsive<br />

response. For example, a compulsive<br />

hand-washer may be urged to touch<br />

an object he or she believes is<br />

contaminated and denied the<br />

opportunity to wash for several hours.<br />

When the treatment works well, the<br />

consumer gradually experiences less<br />

anxiety from the obsessive thoughts<br />

and becomes able to refrain from the<br />

compulsive actions for extended<br />

periods of time.<br />

(Continued on page 4)

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