Job One Training Manual

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JOB ONE<br />


Success <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

We are leading the way in economic<br />

opportunity by mobilizing local churches to the<br />

front lines of social change.<br />

www.seedtooaks.com<br />


2<br />



For I know the plans<br />

I have for you,”<br />

declares the LORD,<br />

“plans to prosper<br />

you and not to harm<br />

you, plans to give<br />

you hope and a<br />

future.”<br />

— Jeremiah 29:11<br />



Table of Contents<br />

1<br />

Defining Success<br />

Vision and Success<br />

Success Accomplished through Work<br />

Page 06<br />

Page 10<br />

2<br />

Presenting Yourself for Success<br />

The Resume<br />

The Interview<br />

Page 16<br />

Page 21<br />

3<br />

Practicing for Success<br />

The Mock Interview<br />

Page 25<br />

4<br />

Success is More than Work Excellence<br />

Personal Character<br />

Your Past Influences the Future<br />

Page 30<br />

Page 34<br />

5 Apply for Success<br />

The <strong>Job</strong> Application and Next Steps<br />

Page 36<br />

6<br />

Additional Resources<br />

Networking<br />

Workplace Culture<br />

Page 38<br />

Page 40<br />



Welcome!<br />

About <strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong>’s Success <strong>Training</strong><br />

This training course is designed to provide you with guidance that will sharpen skills you<br />

already have and help you develop new skills that will secure you the best job, with the<br />

highest pay possible. We are on this journey with you to:<br />

§ Help you to define personal success<br />

§ Help you to learn and excel at the game of life<br />

§ Prepare you to market yourself for success<br />

§ Place you into employment, with opportunity for pay raises<br />

§ Train you on keeping your job for long-term increased pay<br />

§ Focus on character (handling anger, tiredness, frustration…)<br />

What to Expect<br />

§ Expect breakthroughs.<br />

§ Expect an experience that has been proven over time. This training process has<br />

been tested and offers you a proven opportunity to find a job. Take full advantage<br />

of it.<br />

§ Expect God to show up. God tells us that we have all we need for life and<br />

godliness. God will provide for you in ways you never expected or imagined.<br />

Our Commitment to You<br />

It is our desire that all of these objectives are accomplished. Due to God’s grace, we are<br />

committed to introduce you to employers who are looking to hire – from all over the city of<br />

Louisville – and who are rooting for your success. They are excited to offer you an<br />

opportunity, not a guarantee, to succeed in your own personal dreams and endeavors.<br />

YOU, however, are the primary person responsible for your success throughout this<br />

training. We are thrilled to see what you will make of such an opportunity!<br />



01<br />

Defining Personal<br />

Success<br />

Commit your way to the LORD, and then your<br />

plans will succeed. – Proverbs 16:3<br />



What is vision?<br />

Vision is a picture of what<br />

could be, with the<br />

conviction that it must be.<br />

How Vision Shapes Your Life<br />

Let’s begin by getting on the same page mentally.<br />

Just as in boxing, where the head goes the body<br />

follows. In the same way, where the imagination<br />

goes on any given issue, your life tends to follow.<br />

Vision is a picture of what could be, with the<br />

conviction that it must be. In other words, how you<br />

envision your future life will shape how you live<br />

today. Clear vision is so important that the bible<br />

says, “where there is no vision, the people parish<br />

(Proverbs 29:18).”<br />

Success = Making Your Vision a Reality<br />

It is also critical to have a clear definition of success.<br />

Success is defined as accomplishing an aim or<br />

purpose. We don't want to be dreamers only. We<br />

want to succeed at making our vision for a good life<br />

a reality.<br />

Being successful is harder than it sounds. It requires<br />

work, discipline, trusting relationships and most<br />

importantly character. Character refers to your<br />

mental strength or grit and your moral maturity.<br />

If you are like most of us, we grow up never quite<br />

knowing how to be successful at life. Even if we have<br />

vision, we don’t know how to succeed at making it a<br />

reality. For some of us, we lack both vision and<br />

direction. Nothing to move towards. We settle for<br />

lives where we simply exist and move about. God,<br />

however, wants and has more for us, much much<br />

more.<br />

Because we serve a big God, God has a big vision for<br />

our lives. There are several areas of life where we<br />

need a proper vision of success. What might some of<br />

those different areas look like?<br />

For example:<br />

A Theological Vision may look like this:<br />

“The Chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy<br />

Him forever (Westminster Confession).”<br />



Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on<br />

your own understanding. In all your ways<br />

acknowledge him and he will make your paths<br />

straight.<br />

Proverbs 3:5-6<br />

Think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable,<br />

whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,<br />

whatever is good, if there is any excellence and<br />

anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.<br />

Philippians 4:7<br />

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the<br />

desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord<br />

and he will do it.<br />

Psalm 37:4-5<br />

An Educational Vision may sound like:<br />

“I want to attain my High School equivalency with an<br />

undergraduate degree.”<br />

Your vision for life and definition of what success<br />

looks like for you should give shape to every choice<br />

that you make. Either the choices you make are<br />

moving you closer to success or moving you further<br />

from it.<br />

Mapping My Success<br />

PART ONE: My Definition of<br />

Personal Success<br />

This is the first part of two exercises in this session<br />

that will help you bring clarity to what success<br />

personally means to you.<br />

Step 1: Assess what is important. Rate each of these<br />

life priorities on a scale of 1-10 in terms of how<br />

satisfied you are in each of these areas.<br />

Next, number each of these things from one 1-10 in<br />

order of what you believe is most important for you<br />

to focus on this next year.<br />



1. Write words that you want to associate with your life that means success to you (peaceful, well-off,<br />

secure, etc.).<br />

Life Area How am I doing? Priority?<br />

Relationship with God<br />

Finances<br />

Family<br />

Self-Development<br />

Marriage<br />

Health<br />

Recreation/Hobbies<br />

Children<br />

Friendships<br />

<strong>Job</strong>/Career<br />

Other<br />

Step 2: Write words that you want to associate with your life that<br />

means success to you (peaceful, well-off, secure, etc.).<br />

God never said<br />

that the journey<br />

would be easy, but<br />

He did say that the<br />

arrival would be<br />

worthwhile.”<br />

— Max Lucado<br />

Step 3: Write a one sentence definition of success using the words<br />

and priorities above.<br />



Accomplishing Success through Work<br />

There are many ways you can accomplish your goals. Faith, work,<br />

family, relationships, and money are all needed to succeed. Let’s look<br />

at accomplishing success through work.<br />

Work is not punishment OR a necessary evil, OR a means of getting<br />

control, power and wealth. ALL of these ideas are contrary to the<br />

biblical view of work. The bible says God created work as something<br />

very good. Through hard work, we are co-creators in God’s world and<br />

work is part of our contribution to each other and to God.<br />

Work is unique to humanity. In a sense, it constitutes our very<br />

nature. In other words, work itself is part of who we are as humans and<br />

a primary means of life in God’s world.<br />

The Lord God took the man and<br />

put him in the Garden of Eden to<br />

work it and take care of it.<br />

Genesis 3:15<br />

Whatever you do, work at it with<br />

all your heart as working for the<br />

Lord, not for men.<br />

Colossians 3:23<br />

Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop.<br />

Proverbs 16:27<br />

Work hard…do the will of God<br />

with all your heart. Work with<br />

enthusiasm, as though you were<br />

working for the Lord rather than<br />

for men.<br />

Ephesians 6:6<br />

And also that every man should<br />

eat and drink and enjoy the good<br />

of all his labor, it is the gift of<br />

God.<br />

Ecclesiastes 3:13<br />

5 Key Principals of Work<br />

1. Only We Can Do It-Working Is essential to the nature and design of<br />

humans. Work is a supreme dignifying activity because with it comes<br />

purpose and clarity of self-ability. To not work is to create voids within<br />

our personhood that often leads to low feelings of worth; depression;<br />

and too often leads to idle hands and time.<br />

2. Without It We’re Idle- Proverbs 16:27 tells us “Idle hands are the Devil’s<br />

workshop.” King Solomon’s point here is that hands that are empty of<br />

the hammer and nail for the sake of production are hands available<br />

inevitably for mischief and destruction.<br />

3. It’s How We Benefit The World-Mankind (you) participates with God In<br />

taking care of the world by working, cultivating, problem solving,<br />

producing and harvesting. Without mowing the lawn, uprooting the<br />

weeds, protecting the endangered, etc., the world would be in<br />

shambles.<br />

4. It Uniquely Fulfills- There is a fulfillment that only comes through the<br />

stuff of planning, sweating, producing and accomplishing. Whether at a<br />

coal factory or a national cooperation the stuff of work provides unique<br />

pleasure necessary for human flourishing.<br />

5. Working Helps To Accomplish Dreams – Simply put, working brings<br />

about a steady and predictable resource that allows humans to build<br />

deeper foundations for larger and more successful futures.<br />



America’s Model for Economic<br />

Success<br />

But as for you, be strong do not give up,<br />

for your work will be rewarded.<br />

2 Chronicles 15:7<br />

Every establishment has rules that govern their particular<br />

philosophies of life and culture to an expected end of success.<br />

Reviewing the model above from left to right, notice America’s<br />

philosophy of success under capitalism:<br />

§ Someone has an idea to start a company. After that idea has<br />

been processed and defined through a business plan, the plan<br />

is pitched to banks and investors for funds to start the<br />

company.<br />

§ If approved, the funds for the idea are invested in hiring people<br />

to work in different capacities at offices and<br />

warehouses/factories for mass production and shipping for the<br />

marketplace as individuals are purchasing the product of the<br />

business starter.<br />

§ Finally, as people are hired to produce products, and consumers<br />

purchase those products, profit is generated for the company,<br />

as well as pay checks for the employee, monies for local cities<br />

that receive tax revenue from goods sold in their municipality<br />

and most of all, a happy customer which the entire system rests.<br />

The man who plants, and the one who<br />

waters has one purpose, each will be<br />

rewarded according to his own labor.<br />

For we are God’s fellow workers; you are<br />

God’s field, God’s building.<br />

1 Corinthians 3:8-9<br />

He must labor, performing with his own<br />

hands what is good, so that he will have<br />

something to share with the one who<br />

has need.<br />

Ephesians 4:28<br />

May the favor of the Lord our God rest<br />

upon us; establish the works of our<br />

hands for us – yes, establish the works<br />

of our hands.<br />

Psalm 90:7<br />

Now that we’ve discussed how to play<br />

the game, are you healthy enough to<br />

play? In our next section we’ll discuss<br />

discuss the health of your self-sufficiency.<br />



Mapping My Success<br />

PART TWO: How Self-Sufficient am I?<br />

<strong>One</strong> of the biggest hindrances to success in the workplace are the weaknesses that we bring into the<br />

workplace. Knowing yourself and where you are vulnerable is important to succeed. Only when we are<br />

honest about where we are, can we truly address our weaknesses and build on our strengths.<br />

Take time to work through the following assessment. It will help you determine how self-sufficient you<br />

currently are. Score yourself in each life area and select 3 areas you want to focus on this next year.<br />

After this exercise, you may want to change or update your definition of success on the previous page.<br />

Area of Life 1 2 3 4 5 Score?<br />

Housing<br />

Employment<br />

Income<br />

Food<br />

Child Care<br />

Children's<br />

Education<br />

Adult<br />

Education<br />

Homeless or<br />

threatened with<br />

eviction.<br />

No job.<br />

No income.<br />

No food or means to<br />

prepare it. Relies to a<br />

significant degree on<br />

other sources of free<br />

or low-cost food.<br />

Needs childcare, but<br />

none is available/<br />

accessible/ and/or<br />

child is not eligible.<br />

<strong>One</strong> or more schoolaged<br />

children not<br />

enrolled in school.<br />

Literacy problems<br />

and/or no high<br />

school diploma/GED<br />

are serious barriers<br />

to employment.<br />

In transitional, temporary<br />

or substandard housing;<br />

and/or current<br />

rent/mortgage payment is<br />

unaffordable (over 30% of<br />

income).<br />

Temporary, part-time or<br />

seasonal; inadequate pay,<br />

no benefits<br />

Inadequate income and/or<br />

spontaneous or<br />

inappropriate spending.<br />

Household is on food<br />

stamps.<br />

Childcare is unreliable or<br />

unaffordable, inadequate<br />

supervision is a problem<br />

for childcare that is<br />

available.<br />

<strong>One</strong> or more school-aged<br />

children enrolled in school,<br />

but not attending classes.<br />

Enrolled in literacy and/or<br />

GED program and/or has<br />

sufficient command of<br />

English to where language<br />

is not a barrier to<br />

employment.<br />

In stable housing that<br />

is safe but only<br />

marginally adequate.<br />

Employed full time;<br />

few or no benefits.<br />

Can meet basic needs<br />

with subsidy;<br />

appropriate spending.<br />

Can meet basic food<br />

needs, but requires<br />

occasional assistance.<br />

Affordable subsidized<br />

childcare is available,<br />

but limited.<br />

Enrolled in school,<br />

but one or more<br />

children only<br />

occasional attending<br />

classes.<br />

Has high school<br />

diploma/GED.<br />

Household is in<br />

safe, adequate<br />

subsidized housing.<br />

Employed full time<br />

with adequate pay<br />

and benefits.<br />

Can meet basic<br />

needs and manage<br />

debt without<br />

assistance.<br />

Can meet basic food<br />

needs without<br />

assistance.<br />

Reliable, affordable<br />

childcare is<br />

available, no need<br />

for subsidies.<br />

Enrolled in school<br />

and attending<br />

classes most of the<br />

time.<br />

Needs additional<br />

education/ training<br />

to improve<br />

employment<br />

situation and/or to<br />

resolve literacy<br />

problems to where<br />

they are able to<br />

function effectively<br />

in society.<br />

Household is safe,<br />

adequate,<br />

unsubsidized<br />

housing.<br />

Maintains<br />

permanent<br />

employment with<br />

adequate income<br />

and benefits.<br />

Income is sufficient,<br />

well managed; has<br />

discretionary<br />

income and is able<br />

to save.<br />

Can choose to<br />

purchase any food<br />

household desires.<br />

Able to select<br />

quality childcare of<br />

choice.<br />

All school-aged<br />

children enrolled<br />

and attending on a<br />

regular basis.<br />

Has completed<br />

education/ training<br />

needed to become<br />

employable. No<br />

literacy problems.<br />

Participant<br />

Goal?<br />



Area of Life 1 2 3 4 5 Score?<br />

Participant<br />

Goal?<br />

Health Care<br />

Life Skills<br />

Family/Social<br />

Relations<br />

Mobility<br />

Community<br />

Involvement<br />

Parenting<br />

Skills<br />

Legal<br />

Mental Health<br />

Substance<br />

Abuse<br />

Safety<br />

Disabilities<br />

No medical coverage<br />

with immediate<br />

need.<br />

Unable to meet basic<br />

needs such as<br />

hygiene, food,<br />

activities of daily<br />

living.<br />

Lack of necessary<br />

support from family<br />

and friends; abuse<br />

(DV, child) is present<br />

or there is child<br />

neglect.<br />

No access to<br />

transportation,<br />

public or private;<br />

may have car that is<br />

inoperable.<br />

Not applicable due<br />

to crisis situation; in<br />

"survival" mode.<br />

There are safety<br />

concerns regarding<br />

parenting skills.<br />

Current outstanding<br />

tickets or warrants.<br />

Danger to self or<br />

others; recurring<br />

suicidal ideation;<br />

experiencing severe<br />

difficulty in day-today<br />

life due to<br />

psychological<br />

problems.<br />

Meets criteria for<br />

severe abuse/<br />

dependence;<br />

resulting problems<br />

so severe that<br />

institutional living or<br />

hospitalization may<br />

be necessary.<br />

Home or residence is<br />

not safe; immediate<br />

level of lethality is<br />

extremely high;<br />

possible CPS<br />

involvement.<br />

In crisis - acute or<br />

chronic symptoms<br />

affecting housing,<br />

employment, social<br />

interactions, etc.<br />

No medical coverage and<br />

great difficulty accessing<br />

medical care when needed.<br />

Some household members<br />

may be in poor health.<br />

Can meet a few but not all<br />

needs of daily living<br />

without assistance.<br />

Family/friends may be<br />

supportive, but lack ability<br />

or resources to help; family<br />

members do not relate<br />

well with one another;<br />

potential for abuse or<br />

neglect.<br />

Transportation is available,<br />

but unreliable,<br />

unpredictable,<br />

unaffordable; may have car<br />

but no insurance, license,<br />

etc.<br />

Socially isolated and/or no<br />

social skills and/or lacks<br />

motivation to become<br />

involved.<br />

Parenting skills are<br />

minimal.<br />

Current charges/ trial<br />

pending, noncompliance<br />

with probation/ parole.<br />

Recurrent mental health<br />

symptoms that may affect<br />

behavior, but not a danger<br />

to self/other; persistent<br />

problems with functioning<br />

due to mental health<br />

symptoms.<br />

Meets criteria for<br />

dependence;<br />

preoccupation with use<br />

and/or obtaining<br />

drugs/alcohol; withdraw or<br />

withdrawal avoidance<br />

behaviors evident; use<br />

results in avoidance or<br />

neglect of essential life<br />

activities.<br />

Safety is threatened/<br />

temporary protection is<br />

available; level of lethality<br />

is high.<br />

Vulnerable - sometimes or<br />

periodically has acute or<br />

chronic symptoms<br />

affecting housing,<br />

employment, social<br />

interactions, etc.<br />

Some members (e.g.<br />

Children) have<br />

medical coverage.<br />

Can meet most but<br />

not all daily living<br />

needs without<br />

assistance.<br />

Some support from<br />

family/friends; family<br />

members<br />

acknowledge and<br />

seek to change<br />

negative behaviors;<br />

are learning to<br />

communicate and<br />

support.<br />

Transportation is<br />

available and<br />

reliable, but limited<br />

and/or inconvenient;<br />

drivers are licensed<br />

and minimally<br />

insured.<br />

Lacks knowledge of<br />

ways to become<br />

involved.<br />

Parenting skills are<br />

apparent but not<br />

adequate.<br />

Fully compliant with<br />

probation/ parole<br />

terms.<br />

Mild symptoms may<br />

be present but are<br />

transient; only<br />

moderate difficulty in<br />

functioning due to<br />

mental health<br />

problems.<br />

Use within lasts 6<br />

months; evidence of<br />

persistent or<br />

recurrent social,<br />

occupational,<br />

emotional or physical<br />

problems related to<br />

use (such as<br />

disruptive behavior or<br />

housing problems);<br />

problems have<br />

persisted for at least<br />

one month.<br />

Current level of safety<br />

is minimally<br />

adequate; ongoing<br />

safety planning is<br />

essential.<br />

Safe - rarely has<br />

acute or chronic<br />

symptoms affecting<br />

housing, employment,<br />

social interactions,<br />

etc.<br />

All members can get<br />

medical care when<br />

needed, but may<br />

strain budget.<br />

Able to meet all<br />

basic needs of daily<br />

living without<br />

assistance.<br />

Strong support from<br />

family or friends.<br />

Household members<br />

support each other's<br />

efforts.<br />

Transportation is<br />

generally accessible<br />

to meet basic travel<br />

needs<br />

Some community<br />

involvement<br />

(advisory group,<br />

support group), but<br />

has barriers such as<br />

transportation,<br />

childcare issues.<br />

Parenting skills are<br />

adequate.<br />

Has successfully<br />

completed<br />

probation/ parole<br />

within past 12<br />

months, no new<br />

charges filed.<br />

Minimal symptoms<br />

that are expectable<br />

responses to life<br />

stressors; only slight<br />

impairment in<br />

functioning.<br />

Used during last 6<br />

months, but no<br />

evidence of<br />

persistent or<br />

recurrent social,<br />

occupational,<br />

emotional, or<br />

physical problems<br />

related to use; no<br />

evidence of<br />

recurrent dangerous<br />

use.<br />

Environment is safe;<br />

however, future of<br />

such is uncertain;<br />

safety planning is<br />

important.<br />

Building Capacity -<br />

asymptomatic -<br />

condition controlled<br />

by services or<br />

medication.<br />

All members are<br />

covered by<br />

affordable,<br />

adequate health<br />

insurance.<br />

Able to provide<br />

beyond basic needs<br />

of daily living for<br />

self and family.<br />

Has healthy/<br />

expanding support<br />

network; household<br />

is stable and<br />

communication is<br />

consistently open.<br />

Transportation is<br />

readily available<br />

and affordable; car<br />

is adequately<br />

insured.<br />

Actively involved in<br />

the community.<br />

Parenting skills are<br />

well developed.<br />

No active criminal<br />

justice involvement<br />

in more than 12<br />

months and/or no<br />

felony criminal<br />

history.<br />

Symptoms are<br />

absent or rare; good<br />

or superior<br />

functioning in wide<br />

range of activities;<br />

no more than every<br />

day problems or<br />

concerns.<br />

No drug use/alcohol<br />

abuse in last 6<br />

months.<br />

Environment is<br />

apparently safe and<br />

stable.<br />

Thriving - no<br />

identified disability.<br />



There are no secrets to success. It is the result of<br />

preparation, hard work and learning from failure.<br />

Personal Reflections/Notes<br />

Homework<br />

• Memorize your personal<br />

definition of success and be<br />

prepared to share it next<br />

class<br />

• Bring in current resume<br />

• Dress professionally as best<br />

you can<br />



02<br />

Presenting Yourself<br />

for Success<br />

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of<br />

things, but their inward significance”<br />

-Aristotle<br />


l o n g , e s p e c i a l l y i f y o u g e t h i r e d f o r a j o b p o s i t i o n .<br />

p r o f e s s i o n a l e v e n t , t a k e o n e m i n u t e t o c e n t e r<br />

y o u r s e l f , s a y a p r a y e r , a n d g e t y o u r i n n e r w o r l d<br />


A picture is worth a<br />

thousand words.<br />

You may only get one shot to show<br />

an employer who you are and what<br />

you are capable of. How you<br />

present yourself is of great<br />

importance. How much is your<br />

success worth to you?<br />

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment<br />

You own it, you better never let it go<br />

You only got one shot, do not lose your chance to blow<br />

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime…<br />

Eminem<br />

First Impressions<br />

The image of success is not universal. What communicates success in one context<br />

may not do so in another.<br />

We're built to size each other up quickly. Even if<br />

we're presented with lots of evidence to the<br />

contrary, we're attached to our initial impressions of<br />

people—which is why you should be aware of the<br />

impression you make on others. You can’t undo your<br />

first impression, but there are lots of ways you can<br />

plan to make a great first impression that is positive<br />

and memorable.<br />

When meeting someone for the first time, it is<br />

important to be yourself, but focus on showing your<br />

best self. You can’t keep up false impressions very<br />

Before entering the room for a job interview or<br />

Be mindful that your words are important but your<br />

non-verbal communication tends to speak volumes<br />

of truth. Pay attention to your posture, manner, eye<br />

contact, and other non-verbal communications and<br />

ask yourself what they are communicating about<br />

you.<br />

Ironically, leaving a good first impression is not all<br />

about you. Focus on the other as much as you can.<br />

Attend to the other person by asking questions and<br />

try to see the world through their eyes. Not only will<br />

you likely connect better but you'll find yourself<br />

freer to be your best self that is likely to be more<br />

thoughtful and compassionate too.<br />

organized.<br />



from a fireman or soldier, a<br />

uniform is an identifying outfit<br />

worn by members of a given<br />

profession, organization or rank.<br />

To be employed is to learn what<br />

uniform should be worn (suit and<br />

tie, tucked in shirt with steeltoes,<br />

polo’s and khakis, etc.).<br />

The Two P’s of Presentation<br />

Paper Presentation<br />

Your Presentation Is Like The Shadow Of A<br />

Tree, More Often Than Not, It Precedes You.<br />

Presentation, Identity and Uniforms<br />

Image and presentation are very important to most people because it<br />

can represent who you are and make a statement of who you want to<br />

be. How you dress, or wear your hair; your style or your swag is closely<br />

associated with your identity.<br />

The discussion of professional appearance and presentation can ruffle<br />

many feathers because it may communicate that “your style” and thus<br />

“your identity” is not correct. Conformity, therefore is the potential<br />

threat.<br />

While this is understandable, there are two issues that need to be<br />

addressed. First, is our belief that internal realities are far more<br />

important than outward appearance, and when necessary, we all have<br />

to be able to hold style and/or appearance preferences with a loosegrip.<br />

Secondly, when applying for a job, included in that job is a workplace<br />

culture (which we will discuss further in another section) where some<br />

styles and appearances will be preferred over others. While there may<br />

be some conformity necessary to us all, doing life in the workplace is<br />

very much like putting on the proper uniform for a job. No different<br />

The Resume and application are<br />

the paper versions of you. It’s the<br />

first opportunity the employer<br />

has to evaluate whether you will<br />

be a good match for an open<br />

position. Resumes are based on<br />

your previous work experience,<br />

relevant accomplishments,<br />

accolades and educational<br />

attainment. Here you will want to<br />

put your best foot forward to<br />

assure that the paper version of<br />

you demonstrates a competent<br />

and impressive individual.<br />

In Person Presentation<br />

The in-person presentation,<br />

namely the Interview, is your<br />

second and typically final<br />

opportunity to convince the<br />

potential employer why they<br />

should hire you. It is pertinent<br />

that both your paper and inperson<br />

presentations align<br />

because the interview will be in<br />

conversation with your resume<br />

and application.<br />



The Resume – a written summary<br />

of relevant job experience and<br />

education that comes before the<br />

interview.<br />

Two Different Styles<br />

Resumes can be used for several purposes, but most often are<br />

used to secure new employment. There are two accepted<br />

styles to present your qualifications to potential employers.<br />

Choose the one that best highlights your strengths.<br />

u<br />

Reverse Chronological Resume<br />

A reverse chronological resume lists a candidate's job<br />

experiences in chronological order, generally covering the<br />

previous 10 to 15 years. Positions are listed with starting and<br />

ending dates. Current positions on a resume typically list the<br />

starting date to the present.<br />

The reverse chronological resume works to build credibility<br />

through experience gained, while illustrating career growth<br />

over time and filling all gaps in a career trajectory.<br />



The simpler you<br />

say it, the more<br />

eloquent it is.”<br />

— August Wilson<br />

Tip #1<br />

As a rule, you should only include the most recent 10-15<br />

years of your career history and only include experience<br />

relevant to the positions to which you are applying.<br />

A chronological resume is not recommended to job seekers with gaps in<br />

their career summaries.<br />

Functional Resume<br />

A functional resume lists work experience and skills sorted by skill area<br />

or job function. This type of resume is used to focus on skills that are<br />

specific to the type of position being sought. This format directly<br />

emphasizes specific professional capabilities and utilizes experience<br />

summaries as its primary means of communicating professional<br />

competency.<br />

A functional resume is a good method for highlighting particular skills<br />

or experiences, especially when those particular skills or experiences<br />

may have derived from a role which was held some time ago. Rather<br />

than focus on the length of time that has passed, the functional resume<br />

allows the reader to identify those skills quickly.<br />

Resume Evaluation<br />

There is great benefit in having your resume evaluated by a<br />

professional who will give constructive feedback on the content and<br />

presentation of your resume. You are then free to accept and make the<br />

suggested changes that will strengthen your resume and increase the<br />

chances of securing a job interview.<br />

Emphasize your strengths and<br />

accomplishments on your resume,<br />

in your cover letters and in your<br />

interviews.<br />

Tip #2<br />

Convey your passion and link your<br />

strengths to measurable results.<br />

Employers and Interviewers love<br />

concrete data.<br />

Tip #3<br />

Cater and/or adapt your resume for<br />

the industry or job you are applying<br />

for.<br />

Tip #4<br />

Networking is key to success.<br />

Handing out resumes to potential<br />

employers, friends who are in<br />

management positions, and to<br />

influential people you know should<br />

be a full-time job.<br />

Tip #5<br />

You don’t need to include your<br />

address anymore, but you need to<br />

include a reliable phone number,<br />

professional email address, as well<br />

as other ways employers can find<br />

you on the internet or social media..<br />

Tip #6<br />

Get help from a professional or<br />

friend. This is the most important<br />

document in getting a job, so ask for<br />

and receive help!<br />


20<br />



The Interview - a formal<br />

meeting in which one or<br />

more persons, question,<br />

consult, or evaluate<br />

another person to find<br />

out if they are suitable for<br />

a job.<br />

Preparing for the Interview<br />

Essentially, your interviewers are buyers and you<br />

are salespersons. What are you selling? You are<br />

selling the most valuable commodity in the world;<br />

when interviewing for a job, the most valuable asset<br />

in the world is not, oil, rare jewels or gold; it’s you.<br />

The question is, is what you’re selling worth buying?<br />

Are you qualified to do the job that needs to be<br />

done? And if so, can you convince an employer of<br />

such? If you’re not qualified for the position, if you<br />

make a good impression on the employer, you<br />

increase your chances they will keep you in mind for<br />

another position.<br />

As a matter of fact, we interview all the time. Can<br />

you think of times when you interview people?<br />

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.<br />

Psalm 31:24<br />

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in<br />

prayer.<br />

Romans 12:12<br />

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and<br />

courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be<br />

discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you<br />

wherever you go.<br />

Joshua 1:9<br />

Get a Good Night’s Sleep<br />

§ You don’t want to look tired, sleepy or sickly.<br />

§ Take a shower to look sharp and alert.<br />

§ Shampoo your hair to make a huge statement<br />

about personal hygiene and cleanliness.<br />

Brush your Teeth<br />

§ You want employers to remember your ideas,<br />

personality and skills; not your breakfast!<br />

§ Use deodorant, but do not over do on the smell<br />

good. Example: your perfume or cologne could<br />

remind the employer of an ex husband or wife or<br />

someone they don’t like.<br />

Trim your Nails<br />

§ For guys, long and dirty nails are a turn off.<br />

Employers will notice when they shake your<br />

hand.<br />

§ For ladies, employers might think long colorful<br />

nails are unprofessional.<br />

Hair Styles<br />

§ For guys, lean and trimmed is best.<br />

§ For ladies, less is better.<br />

Men’s Attire<br />

§ Suit (solid color - navy or dark grey)<br />

§ Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the<br />

suit)<br />

§ Belt<br />

§ Tie<br />

§ Dark socks, conservative leather shoes<br />

§ Little or no jewelry<br />

§ Neat, professional hairstyle<br />

§ Limit the aftershave<br />

Women’s Attire<br />

§ Suit (navy, black or dark grey)<br />

§ The suit skirt should be long enough so you can<br />

sit down comfortably<br />



Answering the felony<br />

question.<br />

Give a very brief explanation of the crime including<br />

only the necessary information and leaving out<br />

personal details and drama. The older the better so<br />

mention if it was a long time ago.<br />

Take responsibility for your actions. Admit you<br />

made some poor choices. Give the interviewer a<br />

brief explanation of your crime. Do no make excuses<br />

or try to justify the crime.<br />

Put a positive spin on your experience. Tell the<br />

employer what your experience taught you – ex., you<br />

gained quick social skills, respected authority, took<br />

direction, tapped into your creativity or set goals.<br />

§ Coordinated blouse<br />

§ Conservative shoes<br />

§ Limited jewelry (no dangling earrings or arms<br />

full of bracelets)<br />

§ No jewelry is better than cheap jewelry<br />

§ Professional hairstyle<br />

§ Neutral pantyhose<br />

§ Light make-up and perfume<br />

§ Neatly manicured clean nails<br />

Before the Interview<br />

§ Get your interview clothes ready the night<br />

before<br />

§ Practice your interview the day before<br />

§ Confident in responses<br />

§ Arrive 30 mins before<br />

The Role of Prayer<br />

Prayer does not guarantee a job outcome, but does<br />

show dependence on God, who controls all things and<br />

can make anything happen.<br />

§ Directions: know exactly where you are going!!!<br />

Do’s<br />

§ Bring identification<br />

§ Bring and use a note pad and pen<br />

§ Mention names of mutual contacts and people<br />

you and your interviewer both know<br />

§ Bring extra copies of your resume<br />

§ Be prepared with a reference list<br />

§ Bring a work sample if relevant to job<br />

Don’ts<br />

§ Gum or candy<br />

§ Coffee, soda or water<br />

§ Phone/ IPod<br />

§ A hat or cap<br />

§ Too many rings - if you have lots of piercings<br />

leave some of your rings at home (one pair of<br />

earrings is a good rule)<br />

§ Cover tattoos<br />

§ Your parent(s), friends or anyone else<br />



Stress that you have turned your life around. Since<br />

your conviction, you probably have made changes in<br />

your life so you don’t ever go back to prison. Talk<br />

about these changes. Ex., joining AA, a support group,<br />

seeking counseling, leaving an abusive relationship, or<br />

reconnecting with family.<br />

An example: “Seven years ago, I was convicted of<br />

possessing a controlled substance. I served my time<br />

and am now on parole. I took part in an addiction<br />

program and am now drug free. Since my conviction, I<br />

have earned my GED and have gotten my beauty<br />

license. I have reconnected with my family and am<br />

living with my parents. They are incredibly loving and<br />

supportive. My conviction was a mistake I made, but I<br />

have turned my life around. It won’t happen again.”<br />

Interview Tip #1<br />

Practice your responses to the typical job interview questions<br />

and answers most employers ask. Think of concrete examples<br />

you can use to highlight your skills. The easiest way to do this<br />

is make a list of the job requirements, and match them to your<br />

experience.<br />

Tip #2<br />

Don’t wait for the last minute to pick out an interview outfit,<br />

print extra copies of your resume, and find a notepad or pen.<br />

Have one good outfit ready, so you can interview on short<br />

notice without worrying what you will wear.<br />

Tip #3<br />

Be on time for the interview. On time means 5-10 minutes early.<br />

If need be, take some time to drive to the interview location<br />

ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and<br />

how to get there.<br />

Tip #4<br />

Always follow up with a thank you note reminding them of your<br />

interest in the position. You can also include details you may<br />

have forgotten during your interview. Send your thank you<br />

note (email is fine) within 24 hours of your interview.<br />



Homework:<br />

List of Accomplishments/Achievements:<br />

Resume Builder -<br />

Reverse Chronological<br />

Style<br />

<strong>Job</strong> Two<br />

Company:<br />

Title:<br />

Start Date:<br />

Description of Role:<br />

End Date:<br />

Personal Data<br />

Phone:<br />

Email:<br />

Website:<br />

List of Accomplishments/Achievements:<br />

Social Media<br />

LinkedIn<br />

Key Skills (Circle 3-5 or use your own)<br />

Efficiency | Honesty/Integrity | Organization<br />

Aggressiveness | Follow-through | Intelligence<br />

Analytical skills | Detail-Oriented | Persistence<br />

Proactivity | Flexibility/Adaptability | Enthusiasm<br />

Calm under pressure | Strategic thinking | Vision<br />

Creativity | Innovation | Work ethic | Listening<br />

High Standards | Openness to criticism and ideas<br />

Communication | Teamwork | Persuasion<br />

Technical | Salesmanship | Interpersonal<br />

Education<br />

School <strong>One</strong><br />

Name:<br />

Dates Enrolled:<br />

Degree:<br />

School Two<br />

Name:<br />

Dates Enrolled:<br />

Degree:<br />

Additional Activities<br />

Work Experience<br />

<strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong><br />

Company:<br />

Title:<br />

Start Date:<br />

Description of Role:<br />

End Date:<br />

Software<br />

MS Excel | MS Word | MS PowerPoint | Others<br />

Summary Statement (on the resume’ this goes<br />

first)<br />

I am a…<br />



Homework:<br />

Resume Builder -<br />

Functional Style<br />

Relevant Skills<br />

Skill <strong>One</strong>:<br />

Description of accomplishments using skill:<br />

Skill Two:<br />

Description of accomplishments using skill:<br />

Personal Data<br />

Phone:<br />

Email:<br />

Website:<br />

Skill Three:<br />

Description of accomplishments using skill:<br />

Social Media<br />

LinkedIn<br />

Key Skills (Select 3-5 or use your own)<br />

Efficiency | Honesty/Integrity | Organization<br />

Aggressiveness | Follow-through | Intelligence<br />

Analytical skills | Detail-Oriented | Persistence<br />

Proactivity | Flexibility/Adaptability | Enthusiasm<br />

Calm under pressure | Strategic thinking | Vision<br />

Creativity | Innovation | Work ethic | Listening<br />

High Standards | Openness to criticism and ideas<br />

Communication | Teamwork | Persuasion<br />

Technical | Salesmanship | Interpersonal<br />

Qualifications Summary<br />

Highlight top 3-5 life/work accomplishments:<br />

Work History<br />

<strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong><br />

Employer:<br />

City, Location:<br />

<strong>Job</strong> Title:<br />

<strong>Job</strong> Two<br />

Employer:<br />

City, Location:<br />

<strong>Job</strong> Title:<br />

Education<br />

School <strong>One</strong><br />

Name:<br />

Dates Enrolled:<br />

Degree:<br />

School Two<br />

Name:<br />

Dates Enrolled:<br />

Degree:<br />

Software<br />

MS Excel | MS Word | MS PowerPoint | Others<br />



The Top Forty Interview<br />

Questions<br />

Homework: Have concrete examples<br />

for questions.<br />

Create professional email: first name<br />

or initials-dot-last name @<br />

gmail.com<br />

1. Are you the best person for this job? Why?<br />

2. Are you overqualified for this job?<br />

3. Describe a difficult experience at work and how<br />

you handled it.<br />

4. Describe yourself.<br />

5. Describe your best boss and your worst boss.<br />

6. Describe your career goals.<br />

7. Describe your work style.<br />

8. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?<br />

9. Do you take work home with you?<br />

10. Give some examples of teamwork.<br />

11. Tell me of a time when you had difficulty<br />

working with a manager?<br />

12. Have you gotten angry at work? What<br />

happened?<br />

13. How do you handle pressure?<br />

14. How do you measure success?<br />

15. How long do you expect to work for this<br />

company?<br />

16. How much do you expect to get paid?<br />

17. How would you describe the pace at which<br />

you work?<br />

18. How would you describe yourself?<br />

19. How would you handle it if your boss was<br />

wrong?<br />

20. If the people who know you were asked why<br />

you should be hired, what would they say?<br />

21. Is there a type of work environment you prefer?<br />

22. Is there anything else I can tell you about the job<br />

and the company?<br />

23. Tell me why you want to work here.<br />

24. What are you looking for in your next position?<br />

25. What are you passionate about?<br />

26. What are your goals for the future?<br />

27. What are your salary requirements?<br />

28. What can you do for this company?<br />

29. What can you contribute to this company?<br />

30. What challenges are you looking for in your next<br />

job?<br />

31. What did you like or dislike about your previous<br />

job?<br />

32. What do you expect from a supervisor?<br />

33. What do you find are the most difficult decisions<br />

to make?<br />

34. What have you learned from your mistakes?<br />

35. What interests you about this job?<br />

36. What is your greatest strength?<br />

37. What is your greatest weakness?<br />

38. What major challenges have you handled?<br />

39. What problems have you encountered at work?<br />

40. What was your biggest accomplishment (failure) in<br />

this position?<br />



03<br />

Practicing for<br />

Success<br />

Without good direction, people lose their way. The more wise<br />

council you follow, the better your chances” - Proverbs 11:14<br />



The Mock Interview<br />

A practice interview with a<br />

professional to give you<br />

constructive feedback on<br />

your performance.<br />

Preparation<br />

§ Prepare for the session by researching your<br />

company/job position/industry of interest.<br />

§ Investigate and identify the most common<br />

industry traits sought (analytical skills,<br />

communication skills, business knowledge and<br />

problem solving).<br />

§ Script answers to demonstrate your experience<br />

with these factors as well as answers to the<br />

behavioral questions in the top 40 interview<br />

questions (“tell me a time when…” and “Can you<br />

give me an example of a time when...”).<br />

The Session<br />

§ Dress in appropriate attire -- as though this is an<br />

actual company interview.<br />

§ Greet the interviewer with an<br />

enthusiastic handshake and smile.<br />

§ Listen to the question asked. Make sure you<br />

know what the interviewer wants to know. Ask<br />

for clarification if the question is not clear.<br />

§ Keep your answers concise and to the point --<br />

two to three minutes long.<br />

§ Make sure you are selling the product: You.<br />

§ Have questions prepared to ask the interviewer.<br />

The Feedback<br />

§ Observe your feelings during the interview and as<br />

you are hearing feedback.<br />

§ Did you coming across the way you intended?<br />

§ Listen to feedback with an open mind, not<br />

defensively.<br />

§ Learn from your performance.<br />

§ How are you being perceived through the eyes of<br />

someone who does not know you?<br />



The quality of your answers and<br />

how well they match the job<br />

requirements<br />

The way you deliver your interview<br />

answers<br />

A mock interview helps reduce stress and<br />

anxiety about interviewing. It also boosts<br />

confidence and provides feedback in a low<br />

stress environment.”<br />

— James Westbrook<br />

Your confidence and poise under<br />

pressure<br />

Notes from interview feedback:<br />

Your Interview manners and attire<br />

The overall package<br />

Your level of preparedness<br />


`<br />


04<br />

Success is more than<br />

Work Excellence<br />

As in water face reflects face, So the heart of man reflects man.<br />

Proverbs 27:19<br />



Personal Character is A<br />

Significant KEY to Success!<br />

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,<br />

hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup<br />

and the plate, but inside they are full of greed<br />

and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First<br />

clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that<br />

the outside also may be clean.”<br />

- Matthew 23:25-26<br />

Your Story And Success<br />

You’re blessed when you’re at the<br />

end of your rope. With less of you<br />

there is more of God and his rule.<br />

Matthew 5:3 (MSG)<br />

You’re blessed when you’re<br />

content with just who you are –<br />

no more, no less. That’s the<br />

moment you find yourselves<br />

proud owners of everything that<br />

can’t be bought.<br />

Matthew 5:5 (MSG)<br />

You’re blessed when you get your<br />

inside world – your mind and<br />

heart – put right. Then you can<br />

see God in the outside world.<br />

Matthew 5:8 (MSG)<br />

You’re blessed when you can show<br />

people how to cooperate instead of<br />

compete or fight. That’s when you<br />

discover who you really are, and<br />

your place in God’s family<br />

Matthew 5:9 (MSG)<br />

When speaking with the religious establishment during the 1 st century,<br />

Jesus warned religious hypocrites of looking the part on the outside,<br />

however, being corrupt on the inside.<br />

Did you know that obtaining, maintaining and moving up the work<br />

ladder of success at your place of employment is not simply about what<br />

happens at the job but by what happens off the job as well?<br />

Our character is all the traits and features that we possess that reveal<br />

who we are. How do you respond when you’re angry? Are we honest?<br />

Do we steal? Do we take care of our family? While there are many<br />

reasons one loses their job – say, unfairness or job cuts – more often<br />

than not, how we answer the previous types of questions determine our<br />

ability or inability to maintain employment. Essentially, morally healthy<br />

persons healthily work.<br />

Our characters are shaped by the details of our life stories and<br />

particularly the good and bad habits we form from those details.<br />

The habits and behaviors we learned and didn’t learn—the good<br />

the bad, the ugly.<br />

Here we want to take some time and shortly discuss some of the<br />

events that shaped us as individuals. This session is going to<br />

require a small amount of trust and vulnerability with fellow<br />

students and table leaders.<br />



Your Past<br />

Influences Your<br />

Future Success<br />

The blessings and hardships of<br />

our families have impact lasting<br />

our entire lives.<br />

Your Story<br />

We look at our families, not to find fault, but to get a<br />

realistic picture of what was healthy and unhealthy<br />

so we can grow, heal and mature as adults. This<br />

exercise will help you see generational patterns that<br />

impact your life.<br />

1. Write down 2-3 adjectives describing key<br />

members of your family (angry, joyful, sad,<br />

anxious, frustrated, born out of wedlock, griefridden,<br />

motivated, silly, envy, numb, mental<br />

illness).<br />

4. Describe the relationships with significant family<br />

members (ex., cut-off or no contact, conflict or<br />

issues don’t get resolved, enmeshment or lack of<br />

clear boundaries, abuse or severe crossing of<br />

personal boundaries, distant or unhealthy<br />

connection).<br />

5. What are the three most significant repeating<br />

patterns in your family history?<br />

2. Who in your family had the most “Power”?<br />

3. What role did you play in your family? (ex.,<br />

scapegoat, victim, fixer, favorite, problem solver,<br />

baby, screw-up, peacemaker, clown, loser).<br />

6. Are there any “earthquake” events in your family<br />

history? (ex., premature deaths, abuse, suicide,<br />

war, cancer, business collapse, affairs, etc.)<br />



Evaluating Your Character<br />

This activity is geared to help us identify character flaws<br />

they can negatively affect successful employment.<br />

But as for you, be strong do not give up,<br />

for your work will be rewarded.<br />

2 Chronicles 15:7<br />

Characteristic Inadequate Adequate<br />

1. Overall Maturity—your overall maturity 1 2 3 4 5<br />

2. Above Reproach—Your overall reputation 1 2 3 4 5<br />

3. Marital Faithfulness—Your relationship with your spouse 1 2 3 4 5<br />

4. Temperate—The degree to which you level-headed and self-controlled in<br />

your daily living<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

5. Prudent—Your ability to be wise and discerning 1 2 3 4 5<br />

6. Respectable—Is your life worthy of respect 1 2 3 4 5<br />

7. Hospitable—Your kind and generous spirit 1 2 3 4 5<br />

8. Self Controlled—Your ability to control various obsessions and<br />

compulsions<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

9. Not Self-Willed—Your ability to relate to others without being selfcentered<br />

and controlling<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

10. Not Quick-Tempered—Your ability to control your anger 1 2 3 4 5<br />

11. Not Pugnacious—Your ability to control any form of verbal or physical<br />

abuse<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

12. Gentle—Your ability to be objective and fair-minded in your relationships 1 2 3 4 5<br />

13. Uncontentious—Your ability to avoid arguments 1 2 3 4 5<br />

14. Free from the Love of Money—Your ability to be non-materialistic 1 2 3 4 5<br />

15. <strong>One</strong> who manages his/her own household well—Your ability to function<br />

well in your family role<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

16. Loving what it good—Your ability to overcome evil with good 1 2 3 4 5<br />

17. Just—Your ability to be just and fair in your relationships with others 1 2 3 4 5<br />

18. Devout—The way your life reflects God’s holiness 1 2 3 4 5<br />

19. Disciplined—Your ability to live a disciplined life 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Reflections / Areas that I want to work on<br />



05<br />

Applying for Success<br />

Without good direction, people lose their way. The more wise<br />

council you follow, the better your chances” - Proverbs 11:14<br />



Be Ready to Give Information<br />

The <strong>Job</strong> Application - the<br />

very first step in applying<br />

for a job.<br />

The application may also require you to disclose<br />

any criminal record, and to provide information<br />

sufficient to enable the employer to conduct an<br />

appropriate background check.<br />

For a business that employs workers on a parttime<br />

basis, the application may inquire as to the<br />

specific times and days of your availability, and<br />

preferences in this regard.<br />

Be sure to do the following while filling out<br />

your application:<br />

1.<br />

2. When applying in person –<br />

Bring your completed Resume’ Builder from session<br />

The <strong>Job</strong> Application<br />

Two in this booklet to help fill out your application.<br />

Be sure to:<br />

From the employer's perspective, the application<br />

serves a number of purposes. At a minimum, an<br />

3.<br />

1. Dress professionally;<br />

application usually requires the applicant to provide 2. Smile;<br />

information sufficient to demonstrate that: 3. Ask for a manager;<br />

4. Firmly shake hands;<br />

§ The applicant is legally permitted to be employed. 5. State clearly that you would like to fill out an<br />

application, and<br />

§ The applicant can provide information regarding<br />

relevant skills, education, and experience (previous<br />

employment or volunteer work).<br />

6. State the position that you are applying for (you may<br />

have to call ahead for this information).<br />

§<br />

When applying on-line –<br />

It is a Test<br />

The application itself is a minor test of your basic<br />

literacy skills, penmanship, and communication<br />

skills. If you are careless, you might disqualify<br />

yourself with a poorly filled-out application.<br />

1. Follow up directly with step 5 above.<br />

2. Fill every portion of the application out.<br />

3. Be completely honest<br />

4. Know that it can take upwards to 4 weeks to<br />

complete a hiring process, but be sure to follow up<br />

in no later than 2 days to confirm that your<br />

application was in fact received.<br />



James Westbrook<br />

<strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong> Program Director<br />

502-791-OAKS<br />

jwestbrook@seedtooaks.com<br />

We are here to help you in any way that we<br />

can!<br />

Next Steps<br />

After applying for your new position with a Seed To Oaks partner,<br />

expect the process to take upwards to 3 weeks (which includes<br />

application, interviews, background checks, etc.).<br />

John Fleming<br />

<strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong> Strategist<br />

jfleming@seedtooaks.com<br />

When a position is offered, upon your acceptance of the offer, you have<br />

officially entered into the 3 rd and 4 th phases of <strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong> <strong>Training</strong> (refer to<br />

Phase chronology below).<br />

• Phase <strong>One</strong>- Assessment & Strategy<br />

• Phase Two-Recruiting; <strong>Job</strong> <strong>Training</strong><br />

• Phase Three- <strong>Job</strong> Placement; Mentoring & Accountability<br />

• Phase Four- Retention<br />

Every trainee will be paired with both a workplace advocate as well as a<br />

community advocate (working as a mentor with a minimum<br />

commitment of 1 hour a week for a minimum of 3 months) for your<br />

successful professional and personal development.<br />

Our prayers are with and for you!<br />

Patrick Johnson<br />

<strong>Job</strong> <strong>One</strong> Retention Strategist<br />

pjohnson@seedtooaks.com<br />



06<br />

Additional Resources<br />

Without good direction, people lose their way. The more wise<br />

council you follow, the better your chances” - Proverbs 11:14<br />



Networking<br />

Networking is simply a<br />

strategy by which people get<br />

in touch and maintain<br />

contact with each other. It is<br />

one way to create a<br />

community that helps each<br />

other out.<br />

Knowing People is the Key to Success<br />

It's simple: knowing the right people can get you to<br />

places that you might not reach otherwise. Of all the<br />

areas where networking can help you, the most<br />

important are having relationships with key people<br />

who can help you out in ways you can't predict yet.<br />

Networking opens up new opportunities for you and<br />

your career. Ultimately, it's all about the relationships:<br />

the ones you can build through networking are<br />

invaluable. As some experts put it, "when times are<br />

tough, a client or ministry partner will leave you, but a<br />

friend won't."<br />

How to get started<br />

If you've never done it before, networking can be an<br />

intimidating endeavor. The only way to become a<br />

good networker is to "practice, practice, practice.”<br />

The more you do it, the better you get.<br />

Generally, there are 4 types of networking groups.<br />

§ Casual contact networks (friends, family, existing<br />

relationships)<br />

§ Knowledge networks (professional associations,<br />

schools, conferences).<br />

§ Strong contact networks (groups that meet<br />

frequently specifically to build professional<br />

relationships, like Young Professionals<br />

Louisville).<br />

§ Online networks (social media services, such as<br />

LinkedIn).<br />

Guidelines for Networking<br />

1. Be visible - You won't be able to network if<br />

you're not visible. If people don't know who you<br />

are, you can't start building those important<br />

relationships. Networking is a contact sport! You<br />

have to get out and connect with people.<br />

2. Build solid relationships - You have to cultivate<br />

real relationships with your contacts before you<br />

can ask them for a favor or expect them to send<br />



you any help in return. It takes time for people<br />

to have confidence in you and have a<br />

relationship with you -- you have to invest in<br />

them.<br />

Try connecting with them on a level other than<br />

work. When you start to care about one another,<br />

you've developed a solid contact.<br />

3. Diversify - Having a diverse network is just as<br />

important as having a large network. Don’t let<br />

differences hinder you from getting to know<br />

people from different backgrounds. If you only<br />

know people who are like you your network<br />

becomes narrow and limited.<br />

4. Stay in touch - Your network will be useless if<br />

you don't maintain it -- that means constantly<br />

reaching out. Sending a thank-you note, making<br />

a phone call, arranging a meeting, sending an<br />

article of interest to someone, sharing someone<br />

else's insight... all of these count as networking,<br />

and you should be doing these as often as you<br />

can.<br />

5. Give back as much as you can - Successful<br />

networking is never about simply getting what<br />

you want. It's about getting what you want and<br />

making sure that people who are important to<br />

you get what they want, too. It's easy to drop off<br />

when you're not actively in need of something.<br />

But you need to remember that networking is a<br />

perpetual give-and-take. You want to be the<br />

one people go to when they need something.<br />

That means suggesting somebody else for a job<br />

when you can, putting them in touch with an<br />

acquaintance they should know... You have to<br />

give, give, give.<br />

6. Asking for help - Reaching out for help is often<br />

what makes people most uncomfortable. But<br />

the exchange shouldn't be awkward. If you've<br />

developed the relationship well, that help will<br />

come naturally. Some suggest asking what they<br />

need first, doing a favor for them unprompted,<br />

before you ask for one. Also, remember that<br />

people hate to say 'no.' If you put them in a<br />

position where they can say 'yes,' they'll be happy<br />

to do so. Most importantly, before asking for help,<br />

you should always remind yourself that you're<br />

focusing on building a relationship, not trying to<br />

get something out of them.<br />

7. Rekindle the relationship - If you've lost touch with<br />

a contact that you're wishing you could get in<br />

touch with now, you're not out of luck. While you<br />

should never just call them out of the blue and ask<br />

for a favor, you shouldn't feel awkward about<br />

getting in touch. Send an email, or call them, and<br />

say you want to rekindle the relationship.<br />

8. What if you're shy? - The thought of networking is<br />

most intimidating for people who are shy. Try to<br />

remember that you're really building relationships,<br />

not trying to get something out of someone.<br />

Consider planning three interesting talking points<br />

to bring with you to a conversation with a contact.<br />

Make them things that you'll be excited to talk<br />

about and you know will interest them, too. And, of<br />

course, practice will make you more comfortable,<br />

as well.<br />

9. Never, ever... The cardinal rule of networking:<br />

Never, ever ask for anything from someone you've<br />

just met, who you don't have any relationship with.<br />

Networking goes bad when a complete stranger<br />

says 'let's do business together, hook me up, etc.<br />

That's not networking, that's direct selling.<br />

Remember, networking isn't about passing out<br />

your business cards or asking people you don't<br />

know well for favors.<br />

10. Key takeaways - The key to successful networking<br />

is to remember that you're working on building<br />

real, deep relationships with your professional or<br />

ministry contacts. Your network won't do you any<br />

good if it's full of lots of people who you don't<br />

know very well; cultivating both the depth and<br />

width of your network is extremely important.<br />

Networking is not just about who you know -- it's<br />

about how well you know them."<br />



Workplace Culture<br />

There are often unwritten<br />

and sometimes unfair<br />

rules in the workplace<br />

The Unwritten Rules of Company Culture<br />

Some rules pick up where the employee handbook<br />

leaves off. They are the real, but unwritten ways<br />

things actually get done in a given business. Be<br />

aware of them and succeed. Ignore them to your<br />

detriment. The only way to discern these rules is by<br />

observation. Here are some typical unwritten rules:<br />

Rule 1: When the Workday Begins and Ends<br />

If you came in early, it’s likely that no one saw you<br />

arrive. If you leave early, everybody knows it.<br />

Regardless of how productive your day was, if you<br />

regularly jet hours before the majority of your coworkers,<br />

you may get inaccurately labeled as lazy or<br />

lacking drive.<br />

Rule 2: Your boss’s open-door policy<br />

You may find a company that will tell you the boss’s<br />

door is always open! Come and share your best<br />

ideas! The reality may be quite different. It may turn<br />

out that your manager does not have time for you.<br />

Best to be informed before you invite yourself in to<br />

share your big ideas with the boss.<br />

Rule 3: When you are expected to respond to email<br />

Sometimes a boss will send detailed project emails<br />

late at night. It may not be necessary to interrupt<br />

your sleep schedule, but be sure to check emails every<br />

morning to see if you missed anything.<br />

Rule 4: How to dress<br />

Observe what your department is doing, and follow<br />

suit. Note whether your co-workers are dressed in<br />

jeans or business attire. Be sure notice how the team<br />

handles tattoos and piercings. Some organizations will<br />

be more open to these than others.<br />

Rule 5: When to take Vacation<br />

Every company defines the concept of work-life<br />

balance a bit differently. The stated vacation policy will<br />

tell you how much time you get to take off. The culture<br />

will tell you whether or not people actually pay<br />

attention to that policy.<br />



Rule 6: Promotions are not always about who does the best job<br />

Politics and loyalty play a large role in the decision-making process.<br />

80% is performance, 20% is relationships and politics.<br />

Rule 7: Titles don’t necessarily indicate power<br />

Many people influence decisions, and sometimes politics trumps titles.<br />

Don't assume that someone's position means that person has power. To<br />

get ahead, be mindful of who really makes the decisions and who<br />

influences those decisions.<br />

God is just<br />

and gives<br />

us hope in<br />

the midst<br />

of<br />

unfairness<br />

and even<br />

setbacks.<br />

Rule 8: There can be a different set of rules for different people in<br />

different departments<br />

Your boss may have a different set of rules than someone with the<br />

same title in another department. You can't assume that everyone<br />

follows the same procedures.<br />

Rule 9: You can voice your opinion, but no one at the top may listen<br />

Figure out who actually listens and build relationships with the people<br />

who seek your input and can get things done.<br />

Rule 10: Most people are out for him or herself.<br />

Sometimes, the team exists on paper, but the reality is that the team<br />

doesn't function as a team.<br />



Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with<br />

your might, for there is no work or<br />

thought or knowledge or wisdom in<br />

Sheol, to which we are going.”<br />

-Ecclesiastes 9:10<br />



JOB ONE<br />

Resources cited and/or for further study:<br />

1 vision definition in faithmapping book<br />

2 How Self Sufficient am I? citation<br />

3 The Resume via Wikipedia<br />

4 Answering the Felony Question article<br />

5 Top 40 Interview questions<br />

6 Your Story Genogram by Pete Sczarro<br />

7 The <strong>Job</strong> Application via Wikipedia<br />

8 Networking articles<br />

9 Workplace Culture articles<br />




1302 S. Shelby Street<br />

Louisville, KY 40217<br />

502-791-OAKS<br />

info@seedtooaks.com<br />

www.seedtooaks.com<br />


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