TMEA 2017 Professional Development Conference Program

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Gaylord Opryland Resort<br />

& Convention Center<br />

APRIL 5<br />


APRIL 8<br />

<strong>2017</strong><br />


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APRIL 5–8, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center<br />

2800 Opryland Drive | Nashville, Tennessee | 615.889.1000<br />

Brad Turner and James P. Waters, <strong>TMEA</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> Co-Chairs<br />

Information is subject to change.<br />

For session descriptions and presenter biographies please download the<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> EventMobi App from your smartphone store.<br />

https://eventmobi.com/tmeaconf<strong>2017</strong>/<br />

Exhibit Hall Hours<br />

Thursday, April 6, <strong>2017</strong> – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />

Friday, April 7, 2016 – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM<br />



Welcome to the <strong>2017</strong> Tennessee Music Education Association’s <strong>Professional</strong><br />

<strong>Development</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>. This year’s convention features several musical offerings<br />

from our Tennessee All-State Musicians and selected conference performance<br />

ensembles, all of whom are sure to deliver exceptionally musical performances.<br />

Ronald Meers,<br />

Executive Director<br />

Some of the most knowledgeable clinicians in America, some from among<br />

the ranks of Tennessee’s finest music educators, will present workshops and<br />

professional development sessions designed to engage, inspire and inform. The<br />

Tennessee Music Education Association takes great pride in the relationships<br />

between our association and these outstanding music education leaders. With<br />

the TI:ME Music Technology <strong>Conference</strong>, held in conjunction with our convention,<br />

there are even more opportunities to for professional growth. Don’t forget to visit<br />

our exhibit hall. Many new ideas, travel companies, music publishers, fundraising<br />

companies, resources, prizes, and friends await you there!<br />

We hope you enjoy renewing old friendships and making new ones while<br />

attending the convention at the world-class Gaylord Opryland Resort and<br />

Convention Center. We are confident that you will return home with many<br />

innovative concepts and ideas that will help you and your students reach your<br />

highest goals with a sense of energy and vigor for the months ahead.<br />


Johnathan Vest, Ed. D.<br />

President of <strong>TMEA</strong><br />

On behalf of the Tennessee Music Education Association Board of Directors,<br />

<strong>Conference</strong> and All-State chairs, let me say “Welcome to Nashville!” Our<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> has many great opportunities for our state music educators<br />

of all levels to sharpen their skills, hear the best performing groups Tennessee<br />

has to offer, see the latest materials and equipment, and network with each<br />

other. Take the time to look through this program and plug in your schedule<br />

with our EventMobi (our mobile app that will help you plan your day, interact<br />

with sessions, and explore the exhibits)!<br />

Our All-State Ensembles also offer something for everyone, so make sure that<br />

you take the time to not only watch a rehearsal with a master conductor but to<br />

attend the concerts as well.<br />

Brad Turner<br />

Co–<strong>Conference</strong> Chair<br />

I hope when you leave this year’s conference you’ll feel rejuvenated and ready<br />

to be the best music educators ever! Tennessee is blessed to have great<br />

students, teachers, and supporters of music. Thank you for being <strong>TMEA</strong>!<br />



We are pleased to host the <strong>TMEA</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> once<br />

again, and the Tennessee All-State Ensembles in Nashville, Music City, U.S.A.!<br />

All events take place at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center.<br />

This year’s conference is streamlined, with careful consideration to the timing<br />

of various events. There are no sessions that are at the same time in the same<br />

discipline and no meetings during a session. As it was in the recent past, the<br />

conference includes discipline-specific “visit the exhibits” time. There are also<br />

many dining options available at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention<br />

Center with a variety of cuisines.<br />

James P. Waters,<br />

Co–<strong>Conference</strong> Chair<br />

We are very excited to host the <strong>TMEA</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> and<br />

the Tennessee All-State Ensembles. We hope you enjoy your time in Nashville.<br />

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| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE



<strong>TMEA</strong> SPECIAL AWARDS<br />

Outstanding Young Music Educator<br />

25-Year Service Award<br />



<strong>TMEA</strong> SPECIAL AWARDS<br />

40-Year Service Award<br />

Friend of Music Education<br />

Outstanding School Administrator<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> Hall of Fame<br />

Johnathan Vest, Ed. D., <strong>TMEA</strong> President<br />

Jeffrey T. Phillips, Ed. D., <strong>TMEA</strong> Immediate Past-President<br />

Jeff Mayo<br />

Billy Bateman, Darrell Boston, David Butler, David Chipman,<br />

Alan Clark, Mary Davis, David Diehl, Cathy Dunstan,<br />

Dianne Evans, Edward Freytag, Greg Jones, Karlton Scott,<br />

Donna Martin, Gary Merritts, Raymond Morton, Shirley Pace,<br />

Paul Waters, Vicky Williams<br />

<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> Intercollegiate Orchestra<br />

Jeffrey Grogan, Conductor<br />

Lynn M. Tuttle, Director of Public Policy & <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong><br />

National Association for Music Education (NAfME)<br />

Jeffrey T. Phillips, Ed. D., <strong>TMEA</strong> Immediate Past-President<br />

Charles Collins, II<br />

Mike Smith<br />

James Waters<br />

Steve Boyce, Rush’s Musical Services<br />

Tabor Stamper, KHS-America<br />

Gary Houston, Union City Schools<br />

Eric Lifsey, Fred J. Page Middle School<br />

Travis Mayfield, Wilson Central High School<br />

Letoni Murry, Stewarts Creek Middle School<br />

Sallee Reynolds, Hardin Valley Academy<br />

Tonja Williams, Head Middle Magnet School<br />

Ellen Koziel<br />

James Holcomb<br />


<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> INTERCOLLEGIATE ORCHESTRA<br />

Jeffrey Grogan, Conductor<br />

The program to be selected from the following:<br />

Aus Holbergs Zeit, Op. 40...................................................................................................................Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)<br />

1. Praeludium<br />

2. Sarabande<br />

3. Gavotte<br />

4. Air<br />

5. Rigaudaon<br />

Water Night............................................................................................................................................... Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)<br />


Applauded for performances “high in energy, with close attention to ebb and flow,”<br />

American conductor Jeffrey Grogan is hailed as a musical leader who “knows what kind<br />

of sound he wants from an orchestra,” “rich and vibrant.” His humanistic leadership<br />

style, coupled with a strong command of skills as a musical communicator, has<br />

earned him an impressive reputation with audiences and music programs throughout<br />

the country. Known for “shrewd programming, skillful rehearsing, and an energized<br />

performance,” Grogan was recently chosen to participate in the prestigious Bruno<br />

Walter National Conductor Preview sponsored by the League of American Orchestras.<br />

Jeffrey Grogan has been Education and Community Engagement Conductor for the<br />

New Jersey Symphony Orchestra since 2006. He leads the NJSO in a variety of<br />

concerts each season. He has also recently conducted performances with the Little<br />

Orchestra Society of New York, Adelphi Chamber Orchestra and the New York Concerti<br />

Sinfonietta where the reviewer stated:<br />

“Maestro Grogan was an ideal partner. Under his direction, orchestra and soloist<br />

rose to a glorious culmination in the last movement, glowing with passionate<br />

fervor evocative of Scriabin’s orchestral masterwork, Poem of Ecstasy. The<br />

performance was deservedly greeted by cheers from the capacity audience.”<br />

Jeffrey Grogan considers his work with young musicians one of the cornerstones<br />

of his career. He serves as conductor and Artistic Director of the Greater Newark<br />

Youth Orchestras, the InterSchool Orchestras of New York and the New Jersey Youth<br />

Symphony. Just this past season, his youth orchestras have performed to capacity<br />

crowds at both Carnegie Hall and the Musikverein in Vienna. He has recently appeared<br />

as a guest conductor at the University of Georgia, Indiana University, the Manhattan<br />

School of Music, and the Mannes School of Music Pre-College Division.<br />

Jeffrey Grogan was previously on faculty at the University of Michigan, Ithaca College<br />

and Baylor University. He taught public school in the Desoto (Texas) Independent<br />

School District. Grogan is a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University and the<br />

University of Michigan.<br />

Jeffrey Grogan holds the following positions:<br />

• Education and Community Engagement Conductor of the New Jersey<br />

Symphony Orchestra;<br />

• Conductor and Artistic Director of the Greater Newark Youth Orchestras;<br />

• Conductor and Artistic Director of the InterSchool Orchestras of New York;<br />

• Conductor and Artistic Director of the New Jersey Youth Symphony.<br />

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| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> INTERCOLLEGIATE ORCHESTRA<br />


Austin Peay State University (Emily Crane)<br />

Union University (Michael Mann)<br />

Carson-Newman University (Pat Bivens)<br />

Belmont University (Robert Gregg)<br />

UT-Chattanooga (Sandra Morris)<br />

University of Memphis (Mathias Elmer)<br />

UT-Knoxville (Jim Fellenbaum)<br />

VIOLIN I<br />

Chandler Custer (APSU)<br />

Nancy Alvarado (APSU)<br />

Lydia Michelle Cronk (Union)<br />

Emma Otto (Union)<br />

Paula Oliveros (CNU)<br />

Brandon Stephens (BU)<br />

Joshua Brock (BU)<br />

Victoria Smith (BU)<br />

Rachel Crick (BU)<br />

Darrian Lee (BU)<br />

Leyla Feyzulayeva (UM)<br />

Benjamin Parton (UTK)<br />

Inna Karsheva (UTK)<br />

Jane Robertson (UTK)<br />

Carolina Pons-Martinez (UTK)<br />

Angkun (Kie) Uabamrungjit (UTK)<br />


Katie Spicher (APSU)<br />

Margot Weslee Cronk (Union)<br />

Mark Carbonell (Union)<br />

Euclides Andrade-Silva (CNU)<br />

Chris Gerth (BU)<br />

Monica Garren (BU)<br />

Carly Rupp (BU)<br />

Jacob Naggy (BU)<br />

Caroline Farmer (UTK)<br />

Stephanie Horton (UTK)<br />

Clara Prinston (UTK)<br />

Krista Heraux (UTK)<br />

Hannah Irwin (UTK)<br />

VIOLA<br />

Beau Keith (APSU)<br />

Natalie McCommon (Union)<br />

Katherine Messer (BU)<br />

Annabelle Campanelli (BU)<br />

Corey Starks (BU)<br />

Makenzie Wade (UM)<br />

Breana McKendrick (UM)<br />

Zachary Jerome (UTK)<br />

Shelley Armer (UTK)<br />

Angela Lois (UTK)<br />

Rachel Nilles (UTK)<br />

CELLO<br />

Trevor Compton (APSU)<br />

Hannah Lamb (CNU)<br />

Tanner Borum (BU)<br />

Benjamin Van Winkle (UTC)<br />

Joseph Miller (UM)<br />

Ashlee Booth (UTK)<br />

Clara Johnson (UTK)<br />

Bery Filsaime (UTK)<br />

Margie Way-Kiani (UTK)<br />

Hannah Haggit (UTK)<br />

BASS<br />

Stuart Caron (BU)<br />

Steven Brija (BU)<br />

Kaleb Ritchie (UM)<br />



Director of Public Policy & <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong><br />

National Association for Music Education<br />

Lynn Tuttle was Director of Arts Education at the Arizona Department of Education.<br />

Her duties included acting as a liaison to the state’s arts educators; providing<br />

professional development in Arizona’s Academic Arts Standards, arts assessment<br />

and arts integration; and promoting quality arts education programs in Arizona’s<br />

schools. She co-chaired the Arizona Arts Education Census Committee, which<br />

published the 2010 Arizona Arts Education Census, documenting access and<br />

availability of arts education in Arizona’s district and charter schools. She has<br />

keynoted for The Kennedy Center’s 2013 Partners in Education conference and the<br />

2013 Biannual Maine Arts Education <strong>Conference</strong>, and has presented for Americans for the Arts, Arts Education<br />

Partnership, the Educational Theatre Association, the Kennedy Center Alliances for Arts Education Network, the<br />

National Art Education Association, the National Dance Education Organization, the National Association for<br />

Music Education, and the State Arts Advocacy Network. Lynn serves as Past-President for the State Education<br />

Agency Directors of Arts Education and is one of the leaders of the revision of the National Voluntary Arts<br />

Education Standards. Lynn holds degrees from the Peabody Conservatory of Music (valedictorian), the Johns<br />

Hopkins University (Phi Beta Kappa) and the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University.<br />


TM<br />




It’s easy to add your voice to our growing<br />

movement by making a donation of $10.<br />

Text “MUSICED GNF” to 20222<br />

Give a Note Foundation was created to bring communities<br />

together to fight to keep music in every child’s life.<br />


$ 1.2 Million in Grants<br />

45,000 + Students<br />

20 Scholarships<br />

1,000 Individual Donors<br />

100 + Schools<br />

7 National Campaigns<br />

www.giveanote.org<br />

A one-time donation of $10.00 will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from your prepaid balance. All donations must be<br />

authorized by the account holder. All charges are billed by and payable to your mobile service provider. All donations must be authorized<br />

by the account holder. User must be age 18 or older or have parental permission to participate.<br />

By texting YES, the user agrees to the terms and conditions. Service is available on most carriers. Message & Data Rates May Apply.<br />

Donations are collected for the benefit of the “Give a Note Foundation” by the Mobile Giving Foundation and subject to the terms found<br />

at www.hmgf.org/t. You can unsubscribe at any time by texting STOP to short code “20222”; text HELP to “20222” for help.<br />

1806 Robert Fulton Drive Reston, VA 20191 571-323-5957 info@giveanote.org<br />

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Add Magic!<br />

The <strong>2017</strong> All-National Honor Ensembles<br />

will take place at WALT DISNEY WORLD!<br />

November 26-29, <strong>2017</strong><br />

• Recommend your students in grades 9, 10, or 11 during the 2016-<strong>2017</strong><br />

school year to apply<br />

• The All-National Honor Ensembles represent the top performing high<br />

school musicians in each state across the country<br />

• So much more than a musical ensemble, it is a comprehensive, musical,<br />

and educational experience<br />

• Students will learn under the baton of leading conductors who<br />

are sure to inspire<br />

• This year’s event will feature one of the nation’s only college<br />

music showcases<br />

Apply today: nafme.org/ANHE<br />

Application deadline: May 12, <strong>2017</strong><br />


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| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL<br />


Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center<br />

2800 Opryland Drive | Nashville, Tennessee | 615.889.1000<br />


Listings are subject to change.<br />

For session descriptions and presenter biographies please<br />

download the <strong>TMEA</strong> EventMobi App from your smartphone store.<br />

https://eventmobi.com/tmeaconf<strong>2017</strong>/<br />

Exhibit Hall Hours<br />

Thursday, April 6, <strong>2017</strong> – 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />

Friday, April 7, <strong>2017</strong> – 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, <strong>2017</strong><br />

7:30 AM Collegiate Orchestra Registration: TBA<br />

8:00 AM Collegiate Orchestra Auditions: Locations TBA<br />

9:00 - 11:AM Collegiate Orchestra Rehearsal: Gaylord Event Center<br />

12:00 PM <strong>TMEA</strong> Board Meeting / Luncheon: Magnolia B<br />

2:00 - 5:00 PM Collegiate Orchestra Rehearsal: Ryman Ballroom AD<br />

6:00 PM All-State Instrumental Auditions<br />

Tennessee Division II State Marching Band Championship Roundtable:<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> Executive Suite<br />

7:00 - 8:00 PM All-State Choirs and Jazz Rehearsal<br />

TBA Honors Recital: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 - 8:50 AM Band: Theory: It’s Not a 4-Letter Word! Teaching Musicianship in the Performing World.<br />

Margaret Heron. Belmont A<br />

Choir/Collegiate: The Human Voice: Function, Dysfunction, and Keeping it<br />

Healthy. Michele Paynter Paise. Ryman PQR<br />

Technology: Logic, Garage Band’s Big Brother. Floyd Richmond. Belmont B<br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening. Visit Exhibits.<br />

Performance: Conrnerstone Brass Quintet. University of Memphis. Exhibit Hall<br />

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Ask A Pro - <strong>TMEA</strong> Retired Educators Booth. Maxine Jones, Marion Coleman, Sally McFadden,<br />

Jeff Beckman, Audrey Bowie, Carol Crittenden, Victor Davis, Gary Merritts, Greg Snyder, Bobby<br />

Jean Frost, Bill Hull, Jean-Marie Hull. Ryman Exhibit Hall B1, B2<br />

9:30 - 11:30 AM General Session: TN Collegiate Orchestra, Awards Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 - 12:50 PM Band: Tennessee Tech Tuba Ensemble: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

Orchestra/Collegiate: Collegiate Conductor Session: Jeffrey Grogan. Ryman Studio PQR<br />

General Music: Visit the Recorder Buffet. Allen Moody. Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Technology: Technology Tools for the K-!2 Music Instructor - including iPads! Jody<br />

Underwood. Belmont B<br />

Research: Poster Research Session. Jamila McWhirter. Belmont C<br />

Meeting: Awards Luncheon. Magnolia B<br />

1:00 - 1:50 PM Band: Stewarts Creek Middle School Band: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Choir/General Music: Re-discovering the Rabbit Hole. Mark Simmons. Ryman NO<br />

Orchestra: Tennessee ASTA Concerto Project. Sara Johnson. Belmont A<br />

Collegiate: Transformation: Preparing for the Transition from Student Teacher to <strong>Professional</strong><br />

Educator. Corynn Moore, Mattew Pyles. Cheekwood GH<br />

Research: What’s Lit in Band? A Comparative Examination of Literature Selections for<br />

Concert Band Adjudication. Dr. Patrick Carney. Belmont C<br />

1:45-2:15 PM Performance: Off Kilter. Maryville College a cappella. Ryman Lobby<br />

2:00 - 2:50 PM Band: Teaching for Independence. Carole Smith Grooms. Ryman PQR<br />

Choir: Choral Reading Session for All. Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Angela Tipps. Ryman NO<br />

Orchestra: Visit the Exhibits<br />

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| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

General Music: Orchestral Music in the Elementary Classroom: Elizabeth Carter.<br />

Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Technology: Improving Your Ensemble with Technology You Probably Already Own. Curtis<br />

Tredway. Belmont B<br />

Collegiate: Looking for a Job? How to Develop Your <strong>Professional</strong> Portfolio. Sarah Burns.<br />

Belmont A<br />

Research: Vocal Techniques Using Natural Projection or Microphones: What are the<br />

Differences? How Do I sing Both “On” and “Off” the Microphone? Dr. Catherine Wilson.<br />

Belmont C<br />

2:45-3:15 PM Performance: Oliver Percussion Ensemble. Oliver Middle School - Ryman Lobby<br />

3:00 - 3:50 PM Band: Teacher Assessment and Student Growth - GLADIS: From a User’s and Peer Reviewer’s<br />

Perspective. Carol King Chipman. Ryman NO<br />

Choir: Mt. Juliet High School “Ladies of Vocal Excellence” Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

General Music: Let’s Play! Student-Centered Music Lessons for K-3. Jennifer Vannatta-Hall,<br />

Jessica Barnard, Jessica Scruggs. Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Technology: Four Simple Ways to Record Your Students. Jody Underwood. Belmont B<br />

Collegiate: Teach Your Students to Practice. Nancy Summitt. Belmont A<br />

Research: Teaching Strategies Using Mental Models in Music Instruction. Dr. Dave<br />

Knowlton. Belmont C<br />

Meeting: Da Capo Meeting. <strong>TMEA</strong> Suite<br />

3:45 - 4:15 PM Performance: Austin Peay Clarinet Ensemble. Ryman Lobby<br />

4:00 - 4:50 PM Band: Visit the Exhibits<br />

General Music: General Music Caucus. Linzie Mullins Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Research: A Creative Duet: Mentoring Success for Emerging Music Educators. Dr. Jamila<br />

McWhirter. Belmont C<br />

Meeting: Exhibitor Reception. Exhibit Hall<br />

Performance: Greyscale ETSU a cappella. Exhibit Hall<br />

5:00 - 5:50 PM Band: McGavock High School Wind Ensemble. Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Orchestra: Recruiting and Retaining English Language Learners. Angela Ammerman.<br />

Belmont A<br />

General Music: The Magic of Kindergarten. Lauren Bain. Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Technology: Notation <strong>Program</strong>s - Side by Side. Floyd Richmond. Belmont B<br />

Meeting: Higher Education Meeting. Belmont C<br />

Exhibit Hall Closes<br />

6:00 - 6:50 PM Band: Repair: I Can Do All That by Myself? Dave Lawson. Ryman PQR<br />

Collegiate: Higher Education Caucus. Ryan Fisher. Magnolia A<br />

Meeting: UT Knoxville Reception. Cheekwood GH<br />

Meeting: MTSU Alumni & Friends Reception. Magnolia B<br />

7:00 - 7:50 PM Band/Technology: Digital Audio Basics for Music Educators. Jody Underwood.<br />

Belmont B<br />

Choir: Arlington High School Chorale. Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

Collegiate: Collegiate Caucus. Jennifer Vannatta-Hall. Belmont A<br />

Meeting: Phi Beta Mu Meeting: <strong>TMEA</strong> Executive Suite<br />

8:00 - 8:50 PM Band: Jazz Caucus. Ryman PQR<br />

Collegiate: Collegiate NAfME Social. Cheekwood GH<br />

THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00PM<br />

Orchestra: Belmont University Symphony Orchestra. Presidential Ballroom AE<br />


FRIDAY, APRIL 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 - 8:50 AM Band: Knowing When to Pull the Trigger: The F Attachment Trombone. Jeff Philips.<br />

Belmont A<br />

Meeting: ASTA Board Meeting. Sara Johnson. Magnolia A<br />

8:45 - 9:15 AM Performance: Meistersingers. Tennessee State University. Ryman Lobby<br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Opens<br />

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Ask A Pro - <strong>TMEA</strong> Retired Educators Booth. Carol Crittenden, Linda Friend, Bobby Jean<br />

Frost, Margaret-Campbelle Holman, Genevieve Simons, Marsha Hartwein, Sara Johnson.<br />

Ryman Exhibit Hall B1, B2<br />

9:00 - 9:50 AM Band: Maryville High School Band. Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Choir: Bringing Life Back Into the Choral Classroom: Techniques for Motivating Choral<br />

Music Students. Kelly Rainer. Ryman PQR<br />

Orchestra: Orchestra Caucus. Michelle Clupper Ryman NO<br />

General Music: Dalcroze Eurhythmics: Meaningful Movement. David Frego.<br />

Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Collegiate: LGBT Musicians: A New Status Quo. Jeffery Chipman, Valerie Speakman.<br />

Cheekwood GH<br />

9:45 - 10:15 AM Performance: Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. UT Martin. Ryman Lobby<br />

10:00 - 10:50 AM Band: Unpacking the New Fine Arts Standards: How to Unwrap Standards and Set<br />

Learning Targets. Brad Foust. Ryman PQR<br />

Choir: Choral Caucus. Gerald Patton. Cheekwood GH<br />

Orchestra: Teaching in Rural Setting. Timothy Heath. Belmont A<br />

General Music: Visit the Exhibits<br />

Technology: Creativity Through Technology: Application for All Levels. Christopher Dye,<br />

Sandra Hamilton, Jessica Scruggs, Rebecca Turner. Belmont B<br />

Collegiate: Music Teacher Candidates and Students with Exceptional Needs: Building<br />

Relationships. Judith Sullican, Helen Dainty. Belmont C<br />

10:45 - 11:15 AM Performance: Ravenwood High School Chamber Choir. Ryman Lobby<br />

11:00 - 11:50 AM Band: TBA Meeting (90-minute session). Ryman Studio PQR<br />

Choir: Lee University “Ladies of Lee” Choir. Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

General Music: Make it POP: Tune Your Students’ Ear with Pop Tunes! Heather<br />

Klossner. Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Technology: Piecing together the Pedagogy Puzzle: Kodaly and Orff Meet Quaver<br />

Music Interactive Technology. Otto Gross. Belmont B<br />

Meeting: ASTA Membership Meeting. Sara Johnson. Magnolia B<br />

11:45 - 12:15 PM Performance: Bluff City 5. University of Memphis. Ryman Lobby<br />

12:00 - 12:50 PM No Sessions. Visit Exhibits<br />

ASTA Membership Luncheon. Magnolia B<br />

SMTE Luncheon. Magnolia A<br />

TN ASBDA Meeting. Executive Suite<br />

1:00 - 1:50 PM Band: Franklin High School Wind Ensemble (TBA Hall of Fame Concert)<br />

Choir/Collegiate: ACDA Undergraduate Choral Conducting Master Class. Jeffery<br />

Ames. Ryman NO (2 hours)<br />

General Music: Dalcroze, Kodaly, Orff: Different Paths to One Destination. Heather<br />

Klossner, David Frego, Lauren Bain. Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Technology: Classroom Management Made Easy. Otto Gross. Belmont B<br />

2:00 - 2:50 PM Technology: TI:ME for Tennessee. Floyd Richmond. Belmont B<br />

12<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

2:45 - 3:15 PM Performance: Fifth Measure. Houston High School a cappella. Ryman Lobby<br />

3:00 PM Exhibit Hall Closes<br />

3:00 - 3:50 PM Band: Band Caucus. Ryman Studio PQR<br />

Choir: Charting a Course for Success: The First Days, Weeks, and Months in the Choral<br />

Classroom. Vincent Oaks, Kristen Wiram. Cheekwood GH<br />

Orchestra: Baroque Bowing Party. James Westerfield. Belmont A<br />

General Music: First Time at the Bars: Orff Instruments with Little Ones. Eric Young.<br />

Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Collegiate: Administration of a High School Music <strong>Program</strong>. Susan Kelly. Belmont C<br />

3:45 - 4:15 PM Performance: The Bright Boys. Maryville High School. Ryman Lobby<br />

4:00 - 4:50 PM Band/Orchestra: Marketing/Public Relations: Things you Think Aren’t Important Because<br />

They Aren’t Music. Heather Cook. Ryman NO<br />

5:00 - 5:50 pm Band/Collegiate: I Got a Job! Now What? Eric Branscome. Room: Belmont C<br />

Choir: Building a Successful Self-Directed Ensemble. Alan Stevens. Room: Ryman PQR<br />

Meeting: ESTBOA General Meeting. Gary Wilkes. Cheekwood GH<br />

6:00 PM Meeting: Phi Beta Mu: Executive Suite<br />

6:00 PM Tennessee All-State SSAA Choir: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

6:45 PM Tennessee All-State SATB Choir: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

7:30 PM Tennessee All-State TTBB Choir: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

9:00 PM Tennessee All-State Jazz Band: Presidential Ballroom ABCE<br />

FRIDAY, APRIL 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

SATURDAY, APRIL 8, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Tennessee Treble Honor Choir: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

10:00 AM Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade String Orchestra: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

11:00 AM Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Symphony Orchestra: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade Concert Band: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

1:00 PM Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Concert Band: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Tennessee Treble Honor Choir Conductor. Music with Margie and Debbie. Ryman Studio L<br />


14<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE


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16<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>Conference</strong> Meetings, Receptions, and Recitals<br />


Wednesday, April 5, <strong>2017</strong><br />

12:00 PM <strong>TMEA</strong> Board Meeting and Luncheon: Magnolia B<br />

6:00 PM Tennessee Division II State Marching Band Championship Roundtable: <strong>TMEA</strong> Suite<br />

8:00 PM Tennessee Bandmasters Association Honors Recital: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

Thursday, April 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Awards Luncheon: Magnolia B<br />

3:00 PM Da Capo Meeting: <strong>TMEA</strong> Suite<br />

4:00 PM General Music Caucus: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Exhibitor Reception: Exhibit Hall<br />

5:00 PM Higher Education Meeting: Belmont C<br />

6:00 PM University of Tennessee at Knoxville Alumni & Friends Reception: Cheekwood GH<br />

Middle Tennessee State University Alumni & Friends Reception: Magnolia B<br />

Higher Education Caucus: Magnolia A<br />

7:00 PM Phi Beta Mu: <strong>TMEA</strong> Suite<br />

Collegiate Caucus: Belmont A<br />

8:00 PM Jazz Caucus: Ryman PQR<br />

Collegiate NAfME Social: Cheekwood GH<br />

Friday, April 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 AM ASTA Board Meeting: Magnolia A<br />

9:00 AM Orchestra Caucus: Ryman NO<br />

10:00 AM Choral Caucus: Cheekwood GH<br />

11:00 AM ASTA Membership Meeting: Magnolia B<br />

Tennessee Bandmasters Association Meeting: Ryman Studio PQR<br />

12:00 PM ASTA Membership Luncheon: Magnolia B<br />

SMTE Luncheon: Magnolia A<br />

TNASBDA Meeting: <strong>TMEA</strong> Suite<br />

2:00 PM TI:ME for Tennessee - Floyd Richmond: Belmont B<br />

3:00 PM Band Caucus: Ryman Studio PQR<br />

5:00 PM ESTBOA General Meeting: Cheekwood GH<br />

6:00 PM Phi Beta Mu: <strong>TMEA</strong> Suite<br />

General Music <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Visit the Recorder Buffet - Allen Moody: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

1:00 PM Re-discovering the Rabbit Hole - Mark Simmons: Ryman NO<br />

2:00 PM Orchestral Music in the Elementary Classroom - Elizabeth Carter: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

3:00 PM Let’s Play! Student-Centered Music Lessons for K-3 - Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Jessica Barnard,<br />

Jessica Scruggs: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

4:00 PM General Music Caucus: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

5:00 PM The Magic of Kindergarten - Lauren Bain: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Friday, April 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Dalcroze Eurhythmics: Meaningful Movement - David Frego: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

10:00 AM Visit the Exhibits<br />

11:00 AM Make it POP: Tune Your Students’ Ear With Pop Tunes! - Heather Klossner: Presidential<br />

Boardroom A<br />



1:00 PM Dalcroze, Kodaly, Orff: Different Paths to One Destination - Heather Klossner, David Frego,<br />

Lauren Bain: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

3:00 PM First Time at the Bars: Orff Instruments with Little Ones - Eric Young: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Saturday, April 8th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

10:00 AM Music with Margie Orem and Debbie Burton: Ryman Studio L<br />

Choral <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 AM The Human Voice: Function, Dysfunction, and Keeping it Healthy - Michele Paynter Paise:<br />

Ryman PQR<br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

1:00 PM Re-discovering the Rabbit Hole - Mark Simmons: Ryman NO<br />

2:00 PM Choral Reading Session for All - Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Angela Tipps: Ryman NO<br />

3:00 PM Mt. Juliet High School “Ladies of Vocal Excellence”: Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

7:00 PM Arlington High School Chorale: Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Bringing Life Back Into the Choral Classroom: Techniques for Motivating Choral Music<br />

Students - Kelly Rainer: Ryman PQR<br />

10:00 AM Choral Caucus: Cheekwood GH<br />

11:00 AM Lee University “Ladies of Lee” Choir: Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

12:00 PM Visit the Exhibits<br />

1:00 PM ACDA Undergraduate Choral Conducting Master Class - Jeffery Ames: Ryman NO<br />

3:00 PM Charting a Course for Success: The First Days, Weeks, and Months in the Choral Classroom<br />

- Vincent Oaks, Kristen Wiram: Cheekwood GH<br />

5:00 PM Building a Successful Self-Directed Ensemble - Alan Stevens: Ryman PQR<br />

Orchestra <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Collegiate Conductor Session - Jeffrey Grogan: Ryman Studio PQR<br />

1:00 PM Tennessee ASTA Concerto Project - Sara Johnson: Belmont A<br />

2:00 PM Visit the Exhibits<br />

5:00 PM Recruiting and Retaining English Language Learners - Angela Ammerman: Belmont A<br />

9:00 PM Belmont University Symphony Orchestra: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Orchestra Caucus: Ryman NO<br />

10:00 AM Teaching in Rural Setting - Timothy Heath: Belmont A<br />

3:00 PM Baroque Bowing Party - James Westerfield: Belmont A<br />

Band <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 AM Theory: It’s Not a 4-Letter Word! Teaching Musicianship in the Performing World -<br />

Margaret Heron: Belmont A<br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

18<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE


9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Tennessee Tech Tuba Ensemble: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

1:00 PM Stewarts Creek Middle School Band: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

2:00 PM Teaching for Independence - Carole Smith Grooms: Ryman PQR<br />

3:00 PM Teacher Assessment and Student Growth - GLADIS: From a User’s and Peer<br />

Reviewer’s Perspetive - Carol King Chipman: Ryman NO<br />

4:00 PM Visit the Exhibits<br />

5:00 PM McGavock High School Wind Ensemble: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

6:00 PM Repair: I Can Do All That by Myself? - Dave Lawson: Ryman PQR<br />

7:00 PM Digital Audio Basics for Music Educators - Jody Underwood: Belmont B<br />

8:00 PM Jazz Caucus: Ryman PQR<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 AM Knowing When to Pull the Trigger: The F Attachment Trombone - Jeff Philips: Belmont A<br />

9:00 AM Maryville High School Band: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

10:00 AM Unpacking the New Fine Arts Standards: How to Unwrap Standards and Set Learning<br />

Targets Brad Foust: Ryman PQR<br />

11:00 AM Tennessee Bandmasters Association Meeting: Ryman Studio PQR<br />

1:00 PM Franklin High School Wind Ensemble (TBA Hall of Fame Concert): Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

3:00 PM Band Caucus: Ryman Studio PQR<br />

4:00 PM Marketing/Public Relations: Things you Think Aren’t Important Because They Aren’t<br />

Music - Heather Cook: Ryman NO<br />

5:00 PM I Got a Job! Now What? - Eric Branscome: Belmont C<br />

Technology <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

8:00 AM Logic, Garage Band’s Big Brother - Floyd Richmond: Belmont B<br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Technology Tools for the K-!2 Music Instructor - including iPads! -<br />

Jody Underwood: Belmont B<br />

2:00 PM Improving Your Ensemble with Technology You Probably Already Own -<br />

Curtis Tredway: Belmont B<br />

3:00 PM Four Simple Ways to Record Your Students - Jody Underwood: Belmont B<br />

5:00 PM Notation <strong>Program</strong>s - Side by Side - Floyd Richmond: Belmont B<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

10:00 AM Creativity Through Technology: Application for All Levels - Christopher Dye, Sandra<br />

Hamilton, Jessica Scruggs, Rebecca Turner: Belmont B<br />

11:00 AM Piecing together the Pedagogy Puzzle: Kodaly and Orff Meet Quaver Music Interactive<br />

Technology - Otto Gross: Belmont B<br />

1:00 PM Classroom Management Made Easy - Otto Gross: Belmont B<br />

2:00 PM TI:ME for Tennessee - Floyd Richmond: Belmont B<br />

Collegiate Student <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Collegiate Conductor Session - Jeffrey Grogan: Ryman Studio PQR<br />

1:00 PM Transformation: Preparing for the Transition from Student Teacher to <strong>Professional</strong> Educator<br />

- Corynn Moore, Matthew Pyles: Cheekwood GH<br />

2:00 PM Looking for a Job? How to Develop Your <strong>Professional</strong> Portfolio - Sarah Burns: Belmont A<br />

3:00 PM Teach Your Students to Practice. Nancy Summitt: Belmont A<br />



7:00 PM Collegiate Caucus: Belmont A<br />

8:00 PM Collegiate NAfME Social: Cheekwood GH<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM LGBT Musicians: A New Status Quo - Jeffery Chipman, Valerie Speakman: Cheekwood GH<br />

10:00 AM Music Teacher Candidates and Students with Exceptional Needs: Building Relationships -<br />

Judith Sullican, Helen Dainty: Belmont C<br />

1:00 PM ACDA Undergraduate Choral Conducting Master Class - Jeffery Ames: Ryman NO<br />

3:00 PM Administration of a High School Music <strong>Program</strong> - Susan Kelly: Belmont C<br />

5:00 PM I Got a Job! Now What? - Eric Branscome: Belmont C<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> Higher Education and Research<br />

<strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Sessions<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 AM Exhibit Hall Grand Opening: Exhibit Hall<br />

9:30 AM General Session Meeting, Intercollegiate Orchestra Performance, <strong>TMEA</strong> Awards<br />

Presentation: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

12:00 PM Poster Research Session: Belmont C<br />

1:00 PM What’s Lit in Band? A Comparative Examination of Literature Selections for Concert Band<br />

Adjudication - Patrick Carney: Belmont C<br />

2:00 PM Vocal Techniques Using Natural Projection or Microphones: What are the Differences?<br />

How Do I Sing Both “On” and “Off” the Microphone? - Catherine Wilson: Belmont C<br />

3:00 PM Teaching Strategies Using Mental Models in Music Instruction - Dave Knowlton: Belmont C<br />

4:00 PM A Creative Duet: Mentoring Success for Emerging Music Educators - Jamila McWhirter:<br />

Belmont C<br />

6:00 PM Higher Education Caucus: Magnolia A<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

12:00 PM SMTE Luncheon: Magnolia A<br />

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20<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE



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<strong>2017</strong> MARCHING BAND AUDITION DATES<br />

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Connect with UT Bands<br />


22<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE


Thursday, April 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

12:00 – 12:50 PM Tennessee Tech Tuba Ensemble: Presidential Ballroom D<br />

1:00 – 1:50 PM Stewarts Creek Middle School Band: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

3:00 – 3:50 PM Mt. Juliet High School “Ladies of Vocal Excellence”: Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

5:00 – 5:50 PM McGavock High School Wind Ensemble: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

7:00 – 7:50 PM Arlington High School Chorale: Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

9:00 – 9:50 PM Belmont University Symphony Orchestra: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Friday, April 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 – 9:50 AM Maryville High School Band: Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

11:00 – 11:50 AM Lee University “Ladies of Lee” Choir: Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

1:00 – 2:30 PM Franklin High School Wind Ensemble (TBA Hall of Fame Concert): Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Thursday, April 6th, <strong>2017</strong><br />

9:00 – 9:30 AM Cornerstone Brass Quintet (University of Memphis) - Opening of Exhibits Ryman B1 & B2<br />

1:45-2:15 PM Off Kilter (Maryville College, Stacey Wilner, Director) - Ryman Lobby<br />

2:45-3:15 PM Oliver Percussion Ensemble (Oliver Middle School, Kevin Jankowski, Director) -<br />

Ryman Lobby<br />

3:45-4:15 PM Austin Peay Clarinet Ensemble (Dr. Spencer Prewitt, Director) – Ryman Lobby<br />

4:00 – 4:30 PM Greyscale (East Tennessee State University, Alan Stevens, Director) – Exhibit Hall Ryman B1 & B2<br />

Friday, April 7th, <strong>2017</strong><br />


8:45-9:15 AM Meistersingers (Tennessee State University, Dr. Susan Kelly, Director) – Ryman Lobby<br />

9:45-10:15 AM Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble (University of Tennessee at Martin, Dr. Bill Waterman,<br />

Director) – Ryman Lobby<br />

10:45-11:15 AM Ravenwood High School Chamber Choir (Lauren Ramey, director) – Ryman Lobby<br />

11:45-12:15 PM Bluff City 5 (University of Memphis) – Ryman Lobby<br />

2:45-3:15 PM Fifth Measure (Houston High School – Germantown, TN, Dr. Billy Rayburn, Director) –<br />

Ryman Lobby<br />

3:45-4:15 PM The Bright Boys (Maryville High School, Chuck Yost, Director) – Ryman Lobby<br />


MusicatTech<br />




Friday, January 27, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Friday, February 24, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Friday, March 17, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Cody Hoenie, a junior from Knoxville, Tennessee, is majoring in percussion performance, and studies with Dr. Colin J. Hill. PHOTO BY WARREN LAFEVER.<br />

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Honor Band Saturday, Jan 28, 8 a.m.<br />

Junior/Senior Day Monday, Feb. 20, All day<br />

Woodwind Day Saturday, Feb. 25, All day<br />

* Additional dates upon request.<br />

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for details.<br />



26<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, <strong>2017</strong><br />


Student Registration (All Ensembles):<br />

4:00 - 6:00 PM (CST) Presidential Lobby<br />

Judges Meeting:<br />

Band & Orchestra: 6:00 PM (CST) Presidential Ballroom D<br />

Rehearsal Locations:<br />

Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade String Orchestra: Ryman Ballroom AD<br />

Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Symphony Orchestra: Ryman Ballroom CF<br />

Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade Concert Band: Gaylord Opryland Event Center<br />

Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Concert Band: Washington B<br />

Tennessee All-State Jazz Band: Ryman Studio L<br />

Tennessee All-State SATB Choir: Presidential Ballroom C (Wednesday & Thursday morning)<br />

& Presidential Ballroom D (Thursday night & Friday)<br />

Tennessee All-State SSAA Choir: Cheekwood ABC (Wednesday Only) & Lincoln CDE<br />

(Thursday & Friday)<br />

Tennessee All-State TTBB Choir: Hermitage AB (Wednesday only) & Jackson AB<br />

(Thursday & Friday)<br />

Audition Times:<br />

Rehearsal Times:<br />

Auditions for all Concert Bands and Orchestras - 6:30 PM (CST)<br />

Rehearsal for all Choral and Jazz Band in designated areas 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM<br />

String and Woodwind Audition Times and Locations:<br />


Brass and Percussion Audition Locations:<br />

Violin 1, 9 - 10: Belmont A<br />

Violin 2, 9 - 10: Belmont B<br />

Violin 1, 11 - 12: Magnolia Boardroom A<br />

Violin 2, 11 - 12: Magnolia Boardroom B<br />

Viola 9 - 12: Belmont C<br />

Cello 9 - 12: Cheekwood GH<br />

Bass 9 - 12: Presidential Boardroom A<br />

Flute 9 - 12: Ryman Studio M<br />

Clarinet 9 - 10: Ryman Studio N<br />

Clarinet 11 - 12: Ryman Studio O<br />

Saxes: Ryman Studio R<br />

Double Reeds/Low Reeds: Ryman Studio P<br />

Orchestra Woodwinds: Ryman Studio Q<br />


Trumpet 9 - 12: Ryman Ballroom B<br />

French Horn 9 - 12: Presidential Ballroom C<br />

Trombone 9 - 12: Presidential Ballroom E<br />

Euphonium/Tuba 9 -12: Ryman Ballroom D<br />

Orchestra Brass: Ryman Studio L<br />

Percussion 9 - 12 & Orchestra: Ryman Ballroom F<br />



WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, <strong>2017</strong><br />

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Registration. Presidential Lobby<br />

6:30 PM Auditions for all Bands and Orchestras<br />

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Rehearsal for all Choral and Jazz Band in designated areas<br />

THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

All Instrumental Ensembles:<br />

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

All Choral Ensembles:<br />

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

11:30 AM *College Fair: Exhibit Hall<br />

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

FRIDAY, APRIL 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Band and Orchestra Ensembles:<br />

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

11:30 AM *College Fair: Exhibit Hall<br />

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

Jazz Band:<br />

9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Rehearsal: Designated area<br />

11:30 AM *College Fair: Exhibit Hall<br />

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated area<br />

7:30 PM Sound Check / Warm-up: Presidential Ballroom ABCE<br />

All Choral Ensembles:<br />

9:00 AM-12:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rehearsal: Designated areas<br />

5:00 PM SSAA Warm-up: Designated areas<br />

5:45 PM SATB Warm-up: Designated areas<br />

6:30 PM TTBB Warm-up: Designated areas<br />

Concert Schedule:<br />

6:00 PM Tennessee All-State SSAA Choir<br />

6:45 PM Tennessee All-State SATB Choir<br />

7:30 PM Tennessee All-State TTBB Choir<br />

9:00 PM Tennessee All-State Jazz Band: (Presidential Ballroom ABCE)<br />

SATURDAY, APRIL 8, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Concert Schedule:<br />

9:00 AM Tennessee Treble Honors Choir<br />

10:00 AM Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade String Orchestra<br />

11:00 AM Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Symphony Orchestra<br />

12:00 PM Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade Concert Band<br />

1:00 PM Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Concert Band<br />

28<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

Music is<br />

Part of a<br />

Well-rounded<br />

Education<br />

REINFORCE what’s in the law.<br />

REMIND stakeholders about the benefits of music education.<br />

REQUEST that your school and community leaders<br />

collaborate with the state Board of Education.<br />

Download your free ESSA Brochure at nammfoundation.org<br />

“Well-rounded Education”<br />

The term ‘well-rounded education’ means<br />

courses, activities and programming in subjects<br />

such as English, reading or language arts, writing,<br />

science, technology, engineering, mathematics, foreign<br />

languages, civics and government, economics, arts,<br />

history, geography, computer science, music, career<br />

and technical education, health, physical education,<br />

and any other subject, as determined by the state<br />

or local educational agency, with the purpose of<br />

providing all students access to an enriched<br />

curriculum and educational experience.”<br />

S. 2277 (52)<br />

AMMF_TennesseeAd8.5x11.indd 1<br />

3/22/17 10:29 AM<br />



30<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE







Dr. Sonja Sepúlveda is the<br />

Director of Choral Activities<br />

and teacher of Theory at Salem<br />

College in Winston-Salem, North<br />

Carolina and conducts the Salem<br />

College Chamber Choir, Chorale,<br />

and SuperTonix. She came<br />

to Salem following positions at Western Kentucky<br />

University in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Brewton<br />

Parker College in Mt.Vernon, Georgia. Graduating from<br />

Winthrop University with a Bachelor of Music Education<br />

and Master of Music degrees, Sonja Sepúlveda earned<br />

a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University<br />

of South Carolina where she directed the Renaissance<br />

Singers and Carolina Alive.<br />




Dr. Gene Peterson is the<br />

conductor of the Bethel Choir,<br />

the fourth in its 66-year history,<br />

Director of Choral Activities, and<br />

Artistic Director of Festival of<br />

Christmas at Bethel University<br />

- St Paul, Minnesota. Peterson<br />

came to Bethel after serving on faculty at the University<br />

of Tennessee School of Music as the Associate Director<br />

of Choral Activities. During his tenure in Knoxville, he<br />

was also the Director of Choral Ministries at Cedar<br />

Springs Presbyterian Church. Peterson is a proud<br />

graduate of El Camino College, Chapman University,<br />

and the University of Washington, Seattle.<br />



9TH AND 10TH GRADE<br />


Thomas Loewenheim is currently<br />

Professor of Cello and Director<br />

of Orchestras at the California<br />

State University, Fresno, and the<br />

Music Director and conductor of<br />

the Youth Orchestras of Fresno. Loewenheim earned<br />

a doctorate in cello performance from the renowned<br />

Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, where<br />

he studied with Janos Starker and Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi,<br />

and was mentored in conducting by David Effron.<br />

He received a master’s degree from the University<br />

of Michigan under Erling Blöndal Bengtsson and a<br />

bachelor’s degree from the Rubin Academy for Music<br />

and Dance in Jerusalem.<br />



11TH AND 12TH GRADE<br />


Giancarlo Guerrero is the<br />

Music Director of the Nashville<br />

Symphony Orchestra, taking<br />

up post in 2009. A natural and<br />

instinctive musician, Guerrero<br />

is a charismatic presence on the podium. He is a<br />

strong advocate of new contemporary music and has<br />

championed the works of several of America’s most<br />

respected composers. He has presented eight world<br />

premieres with the Nashville Symphony and has led the<br />

orchestra to several GRAMMY wins in recent years,<br />

including in 2016 for his recording of works by Stephen<br />

Paulus.<br />

32<br />




Leslie J. Blackwell is the Director<br />

of Choral Activities and Professor<br />

of Music and Music Education<br />

at Kennesaw State University<br />

where she has directed choral<br />

activities since 1998. Dr.<br />

Blackwell’s duties include<br />

conducting the KSU Men’s Ensemble, KSU Chorale, and<br />

KSU Chamber Singers, as well as teaching advanced<br />

choral conducting and literature. A native of Georgia,<br />

Blackwell received the Associate of Arts degree from<br />

Gordon Junior College (1982), the Bachelor of Music<br />

in Music Education from West Georgia College (1984),<br />

the Master of Music from Georgia State University<br />

(1991), and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the<br />

University of Kentucky (2002).<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE<br />



9TH AND 10TH GRADE<br />


Richard L. Saucedo recently<br />

retired as Director of Bands and<br />

Performing Arts Department<br />

Chairman at the William H.<br />

Duke Center for the Performing<br />

Arts at Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana. During<br />

his 31-year tenure, Carmel bands received numerous<br />

state, regional and national honors in the areas of<br />

concert band, jazz band and marching band. Carmel’s<br />

Wind Symphony I performed at the Bands of America<br />

National Concert Band Festival three times (1992, 1999,<br />

and 2004) and was named the Indiana State Champion<br />

Concert Band most recently in 2013. The group also<br />

performed at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic


in Chicago during December of 2005. Carmel Jazz<br />

Ensembles have won numerous awards at jazz festivals<br />

in Indiana and throughout the Midwest. The Carmel<br />

Marching Greyhounds have finished in the top ten at<br />

the Bands of America Grand National Championship<br />

for the past 17 years and were named BOA National<br />

Champions in the fall of 2005 and again in 2012.<br />



11TH AND 12TH GRADE<br />


Following a distinguished 33 year<br />

teaching career, Professor Paula<br />

A. Crider continues to share<br />

her passion for making music<br />

through an active schedule<br />

as guest conductor, lecturer,<br />

clinician and adjudicator. She has enjoyed engagements<br />

in 47 states, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom,<br />

France, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Spain, Hong Kong<br />

and Australia. Professor Crider has taught in the public<br />

schools at all levels, and holds the unique distinction<br />

of having been the first female in the state of Texas to<br />

serve as director of bands at a class 5-A high school.<br />

Her Crockett High School Bands in Austin, Texas<br />

enjoyed both state and national recognition for musical<br />

excellence on the concert stage, and were twice named<br />

Texas 5A State Marching Champions.<br />




Musical ambassador and<br />

interpreter of America’s music,<br />

Wycliffe Gordon experiences an<br />

impressive career touring the<br />

world performing hard-swinging,<br />

straight-ahead jazz receiving<br />

great acclaim from audiences<br />

and critics alike. His unmatched modern mastery<br />

of the plunger mute and his exceptional technique<br />

and signature sound, has solidified Gordon a place in<br />

musical history known as one of the top trombonists of<br />

his generation.<br />


to exalt TO INSPIRE<br />

We are proud of our Tennessee Music Educators<br />

Union graduates who are teaching in Tennessee schools:<br />

Marya Davis Bailey Family Christian School, Jackson<br />

Karen Barker Crockett County Middle School, Alamo<br />

Dawn Baxter Gregory Caywood Elementary School, Lexington<br />

Candice Blackard Dunbar Elementary School, Memphis<br />

Anna Price Brown Isaac Lane Technology Magnet Elementary<br />

School, Jackson<br />

Madelyn Carson North Side High School, Jackson<br />

Krist Chaney Goodlett Elementary School, Memphis<br />

Adam Clark T. W. Hunter Middle School and Beech High School,<br />

Hendersonville<br />

Carol Culbreath Whitehaven High School, Memphis<br />

Elsie Dumser Marshall County High School, Lewisburg<br />

Mindy Parsell Essary Augustine School, Jackson<br />

Elizabeth Clark Evans Hendersonville High School, Hendersonville<br />

Leah Foust Crockett County High School, Alamo<br />

Mandy Fuller Grisham New Hope Christian Academy, Memphis<br />

Wendy Nolan Hill Bailey Station Elementary School, Collierville<br />

Alisa Clift Inman Loudon High School, Loudon<br />

Susan Graves Land Collierville Elementary School, Collierville<br />

Dianne Armour Lowery Henry Elementary School, Henry<br />

Carole Howard Mathis Crestview Middle School, Covington<br />

MaryAnn McClendon Community Montessori School and<br />

Alexander Elementary School, Jackson<br />

Sharon Crihfield Morris Ripley High School, Ripley<br />

Emily Matthews Nelson Oak Elementary School, Bartlett<br />

Carla Nichols Trinity Christian Academy, Jackson<br />

Martha Robinson Coulter Grove Intermediate School, Maryville<br />

Kennda Ross McEwen Elementary School, McEwen<br />

Bret Scott Rose Hill Middle School, Jackson<br />

Madison Shepard Centennial Elementary School, Dickson<br />

Andrew Smith Evangelical Christian School, Cordova<br />

Stacey Smith Rossview Elementary School, Clarksville<br />

Marissa Foote Toothman East Robertson Elementary School, Cross Plains<br />

Adam Wood Lexington High School, Lexington<br />

Union University is proud of our alumni. If your name was not included<br />

here, please contact the music department at 731.661.5345.<br />

Jackson, Tennessee<br />

731.661.5345<br />

uu.edu/music<br />



34<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

• Competitive<br />

scholarships available<br />

• Music ensembles from<br />

symphony to salsa<br />

• 200+ music<br />

events per year<br />

• Ten undergraduate<br />

music programs<br />

• Eight graduate<br />

music programs<br />

• Music living/learning<br />

community on campus<br />

• 38 full-time and<br />

45 part-time faculty<br />

• University Honors<br />

College courses<br />


Saturday, February 4, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Friday, February 17, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Saturday, February 25, <strong>2017</strong><br />


Tuesday, November 1, 2016<br />


MTSU Box 47<br />

Murfreesboro, TN 37132<br />

615-898-2469<br />

mtsumusic.com<br />

Middle Tennessee State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. See our full policy at mtsu.edu/titleix.<br />



Tennessee All-State SSAA Choir<br />

Sonja Sepúlveda, conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Wir eilen mit schwachen doch emsigen Schritte,<br />

Duet from Cantata BWV78 ................................................................. Johann Sebastian Bach ed. Arthur S. Talmadge<br />

Northern Lights ...............................................................................................................................................................Ola Gjeilo<br />

Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie..........................................................................................Huddie Ledbetter arr. Moira Smiley<br />

Skye Boat Song ........................................................................................................................................... arr. Lee R. Kessleman<br />

Las Amarillas ............................................................................................................................................... arr. Stephen Hatfield<br />

Mornings Innocent ............................................................................................................................................ Gwyneth Walker<br />

My Soul’s Been Anchored in the Lord .........................................................................................................arr. Rollo Dilworth<br />

Tennessee All-State SATB Choir<br />

Gene Peterson, conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Exultate Deo ...........................................................................................................................Hans Leo Hassler ed. John Tebay<br />

My Spirit Is Uncaged ................................................................................................................................................... Paul Rardin<br />

Great God Almighty ........................................................................................................................................ arr. Stacy V. Gibbs<br />

Let My Love Be Heard.............................................................................................................................................Jake Runestad<br />

The Music of Living ..................................................................................................................................................... Dan Forrest<br />

Evermore...................................................................................................................................................................... Aron Acurso<br />

Tennessee All-State TTBB Choir<br />

Leslie Blackwell, conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Tantsulaul...........................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

Veljo Tormis<br />

O Magnum Mysterium.......................................................................................................................................... Brian Schmidt<br />

Majiko, Majiko zelena.............................................................................................................................................Zdenek Lukas<br />

Grace ...................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

Mark Hayes<br />

Yonder Come Day................................................................................................................................................ Paul John Rudoi<br />

Victimae Paschali Laudes............................................................................................................................ Michael Engelhardt<br />

Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade String Orchestra<br />

Thomas Loewenheim, conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Andante Festivo.......................................................................................................................................................... Jean Sibelius<br />

Holberg Suite, Op. 40................................................................................................................................................ Edvard Grieg<br />

I. Praeludium<br />

II. Sarabande<br />

III. Gavotte<br />

IV. Air<br />

V. Rigaudon<br />

Quartet No. 12 in C Minor.................................................................................................................................... Franz Schubert<br />

Jalousie (Tango Tsigane).............................................................................................................................................Jacob Gade<br />

Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Symphony Orchestra<br />

Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Symphony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47...........................................................................................................Dmitri Shostakovich<br />

I. Modearto – Alelgro non troppo<br />

II. Allegretto<br />

III. Largo<br />

IV. Allegro non troppo<br />

36<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE


Tennessee All-State 9th and 10th Grade Concert Band<br />

Richard L. Saucedo, conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Ecstatic Fanfare........................................................................................................................................................Steven Bryant<br />

Australian Up-Country Tune...............................................................................................................Percy Aldridge Grainger<br />

Melodious Thunk.........................................................................................................................................David Biedenbender<br />

A La Machaut.............................................................................................................................................................Andrew Boss<br />

Walking Into History......................................................................................................................................... Richard Saucedo<br />

Tennessee All-State 11th and 12th Grade Concert Band<br />

Paula A. Crider, Conductor<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

Grand Fanfare.................................................................................................................................. Giancarlo Castro D’addona<br />

Pacem..................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

Robert Spittal<br />

High Wire............................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

John Mackey<br />

Danzon No. 2.........................................................................................................................Arturo Marquez arr. Oliver Nickel<br />

Semper Fidelis.................................................................................................................................................... John Philip Sousa<br />

Tennessee All-State Jazz Band<br />

Wycliffe Gordon, clinician<br />

<strong>Program</strong> to be selected from the following:<br />

What You Dealin’ With......................................................................................................................................Wycliffe Gordon<br />

Basin Street Blues...................................................................................................... Spencer Williams, arr. Wycliffe Gordon<br />

Swing That Music........................................................................................................ Louis Armstrong, arr. Wycliffe Gordon<br />

I Got Rhythm...............................................................................................................George Gershwin, arr. Wycliffe Gordon<br />

The Woogie........................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

Wycliffe Gordon<br />

Credit Crawl (soundtrack from Within Our Gates).....................................................................................Wycliffe Gordon<br />

Little Liza Jane...........................................................................................................................traditional arr. Wycliffe Gordon<br />



YEARS<br />





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38<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> EXHIBITORS DIRECTORY<br />

Algy Team Costumes<br />

Booth Number: 122, 124<br />

440 NE First AVE<br />

Hallandale, FL 33009<br />

www.algyteam.com<br />

bradleywatkins@algyteam.com<br />

561-389-9858<br />

Austin Peay State University<br />

Booth Number: 327<br />

P. O. Box 4625<br />

Clarksville, TN 37044<br />

www.apsu.edu/music<br />

music@apsu.edu<br />

931-221-7818<br />

Bandwagon Music & Repair<br />

Booth Number: 515, 517<br />

7639 Highway 70 S<br />

Nashville, TN 37221<br />

www.bandwagonmusicandrepair.com<br />

linden@bandwagonmusicandrepair.com<br />

(615) 721-2263<br />

Belmont University<br />

Booth Number: 415<br />

1900 Belmont Blvd<br />

Nashville, TN 37212<br />

www.belmont.edu<br />

maren.bishop@belmont.edu<br />

615-460-6408<br />

Custom Fundraising Solutions<br />

Booth Number: 126, 128<br />

9522 Timberlog Drive<br />

Chattanooga, Tn 37421<br />

Customfundraisingsolutions.com<br />

cfschattanooga@gmail.com<br />

(423) 802-9919<br />

David McClune Mouthpiece Service<br />

Booth Number: 514<br />

736 Mount Pleasant Road<br />

Kingston Springs, TN 37082<br />

www.mcclunemouthpiece.com<br />

cdmcclune@gmail.com<br />

731-499-3756<br />

East Tennessee State University<br />

Booth Number: 322<br />

PO Box 70661<br />

Johnson City, TN 37614<br />

www.etsu.edu/music<br />

stevensae2@etsu.edu<br />

423-439-4725<br />

Elvis Presley’s Graceland<br />

Booth Number: 110<br />

3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.<br />

Memphis, TN 38116<br />

www.graceland.com<br />

kwoods@graceland.com<br />

901-332-3322<br />

Gateway Music Festivals & Tours<br />

Booth Number: 408<br />

530 Broadway West - PO Box 1165<br />

Monticello, MN 55362<br />

www.musicfestivals.com<br />

angie.voll@musicfestivals.com<br />

763-238-8632<br />

Ginger Snaps Apparel<br />

Booth Number: 129<br />

2427 Franklin Drive<br />

Mesquite, TX 75150<br />

www.gingersnapsapparel.com<br />

info@gingersnapsapparel.com<br />

800-760-0038<br />

Grand Ole Opry Entertainment<br />

Booth Number: 112<br />

1 Gaylord Dr<br />

Nashville, TN 37214<br />

http://www.opry.com/groups<br />

mmolloy@opry.com<br />

615-882-5344<br />

Hawaii State Tours<br />

Booth Number: 426<br />

1272 S. King St, Suite 205<br />

Honolulu, HI 96814<br />

http://www.hawaiistatetours.com<br />

mikedprints@gmail.com<br />

404-904-4516<br />

Bob Rogers Travel<br />

Booth Number: 127, 226<br />

3440 Lacrosse Lane<br />

Naperville, IL 60564<br />

www.bobrogerstravel.com<br />

info@bobrogerstravel.com<br />

800-373-1423<br />

Carson-Newman University<br />

Booth Number: 318<br />

C-N Box 71891<br />

Jefferson City, TN 37760<br />

www.cn.edu/music<br />

pbivens@cn.edu<br />

865-471-3496<br />

Charms Office Assistant<br />

Booth Number: 205<br />

1985 Forest Lane<br />

Garland, TX 75126<br />

www.charmsoffice.com<br />

justin@charmsmusic.com<br />

972-603-6776<br />

Conn-Selmer, Inc.<br />

Booth Number: 519, 618<br />

600 Industrial Parkway<br />

Elkhart, Indiana 46516<br />

www.conn-selmer.com<br />

rhanby@conn-selmer.com<br />

574-522-1675<br />

Florida Indian River Groves<br />

Booth Number: 305,307<br />

4625 Highway A1A<br />

Vero Beach, Florida 32963<br />

http://www.FruitSale.com<br />

vsanders@FloridaIndianRiverGroves.com<br />

800-468-3168<br />

Fruhauf Uniforms<br />

Booth Number: 513<br />

800 E. Gilbert<br />

Wichita, Ks. 67211<br />

fruhuf.com<br />

dblanchard@fruhauf.com<br />

316-263-7500<br />

Fundraising with Simply Sheets<br />

Booth Number: 104, 106<br />

7900 Bullitt Drive<br />

Mobile, Alabama 36619<br />

www.simplysheets.net<br />

Michelle@simplysheets.net<br />

251-454-0507<br />

Gandy Ink<br />

Booth Number: 419<br />

2027 Industrial<br />

San Angelo, TX 76904<br />

gandyink.com<br />

brenda.klepser@gandyink.com<br />

800-999-8137<br />

Huddletrip, LLC<br />

Booth Number: 227<br />

100 S. Saunders Rd. Ste 150<br />

Lake Forest, IL 60045<br />

www.huddletrip.com<br />

mgraham@huddletrip.com<br />

601-323-1495<br />

J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc<br />

Booth Number: 306, 308<br />

3909 Westpoint Blvd., Suite D<br />

Winston Salem, NC 27103<br />

http://www.jwpepper.com/sheetmusic/welcome.jsp<br />

satisfaction@jwpepper.com<br />

800-345-6296<br />

Jaci’s Jewels<br />

Booth Number: 208<br />

209 Ledgeview Drive<br />

Shelbyville, Tn 37160<br />

lisadwhite79@gmail.com<br />

931-607-7995<br />

Jumpin Goat Coffee Roasters<br />

Booth Number: 109<br />

7086 South Main St<br />

Helen, GA 30545<br />

JumpinGoatCoffeeRoasters.com<br />

charlie@jumpingoatcoffeeroasters.com<br />

850-585-9570<br />


<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> EXHIBITORS DIRECTORY<br />

KHS America (Jupiter/Mapex/<br />

Majestic)<br />

Booth Number: 218, 220, 222<br />

12020 Eastgate Blvd<br />

Mount Juliet, TN 37138<br />

www.jupitermusic.com<br />

dana.bell@khsmusic.com<br />

615-773-9913<br />

Lane Music<br />

Booth Number: 621, 623<br />

9309 Poplar Avenue<br />

Germantown, TN 38138<br />

lanemusic.com<br />

scott@lanemusic.com<br />

901-755-5025 Memphis<br />

615-679-8888 Nashville<br />

865-357-5025 Knoxville<br />

Lee University<br />

Booth Number: 316<br />

1120 N. Ocoee St.<br />

Cleveland, TN 37311<br />

www.leeuniversity.edu<br />

mfetzer@leeuniversity.edu<br />

423-614-8240<br />

Limestone College<br />

Booth Number: 428<br />

1115 College Drive<br />

Gaffney, SC 29340<br />

http://finearts.limestone.edu<br />

pcarney@limestone.edu<br />

864-488-4508<br />

Lincoln Memorial University<br />

Booth Number: 526<br />

6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway<br />

Harrogate, TN 37752<br />

www.lmunet.edu<br />

james.mcallister@lmunet.edu<br />

423-869-6799<br />

Lippo’s Music Mart<br />

Booth Number: 326<br />

251 Bethel Dr<br />

Bristol, TN 37620<br />

www.lipposmusicmart.com<br />

lippolady@gmail.com<br />

423-677-8276<br />

Lipscomb University<br />

Booth Number: 312<br />

1 University Park Drive<br />

Nashville, TN 37204<br />

lipscomb.edu/music<br />

gary.wilson@lipscomb.edu<br />

615-966-5750<br />

Manhattan Concert Productions<br />

Booth Number: 204<br />

236 W 30th St, FL 3<br />

New York, NY 10001<br />

http://www.mcp.us<br />

mworkman@mcp.us<br />

212-279-1147 x16<br />

Maryville College<br />

Booth Number: 329<br />

502 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy<br />

Maryville, TN 37804<br />

www.maryvillecollege.edu<br />

ashley.maynard@maryvillecollege.edu<br />

865-981-8153<br />

McGraw Hill Education<br />

Booth Number: 518<br />

8787 Orion Place<br />

Columbus, OH 43240<br />

mheducation.com/prek-12<br />

Gregg.ritche@mheducation.com<br />

503-312-7013<br />

Medieval Times Dinner &<br />

Tournament<br />

Booth Number: 114<br />

5900 Sugarloaf Parkway, Suite 517<br />

Lawrenceville, GA 30043<br />

www.medievaltimes.com<br />

andy.lengsas@medievaltimes.com<br />

770-225-0230 ext. 2920<br />

Merry Blu Boutique<br />

Booth Number: 613, 615<br />

5294 Main Street<br />

Spring Hill, TN 37013<br />

www.merrybluboutique.com<br />

shelly@merrybluboutique.com<br />

931-489-9334<br />

Middle Tennessee State University<br />

School of Music<br />

Booth Number: 404<br />

MTSU School of Music<br />

1301 East Main Street Box 47<br />

Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132<br />

www.mtsumusic.com<br />

michael.parkinson@mtsu.edu<br />

615-898-5924<br />

Milligan College<br />

Booth Number: 523<br />

1 Blowers Blvd<br />

Milligan College, Tennessee 37682<br />

www.milligan.edu<br />

NDelong@milligan.edu<br />

423-461-8791<br />

Mrs. Field’s Fundraising<br />

Booth Number: 228<br />

3606 S. Haven Td<br />

Knoxville, TN 37920<br />

patrick@weaverfs.com<br />

865-386-4604<br />

Music & Arts<br />

Booth Number: 217, 219<br />

4626 Wedgewood Blvd<br />

Frederick, MD 21703<br />

www.musicarts.com<br />

wgreen@musicarts.com<br />

301-620-4040<br />

New Vision Fundraising & Marketing<br />

Booth Number: 108<br />

419 Henson Road<br />

Bristol, TN 37620<br />

www.newvisionfundraising.com<br />

greg@newvisionfundraising.com<br />

423-967-6257<br />

PepWear<br />

Booth Number: 119, 121<br />

1540 High Meadows Way<br />

Cedar Hill, TX 75104<br />

samantha@pepwear.com<br />

9727237053<br />

QuaverMusic.com<br />

Booth Number: 113, 115, 117, 212,<br />

214, 216<br />

1706 Grand Ave<br />

Nashville, TN 37212<br />

www.QuaverMusic.com/preview<br />

alayna@quavermusic.com<br />

407-460-8389<br />

Riversweet Fundraising<br />

Booth Number: 123<br />

209 150th Avenue<br />

Madeira Beach, FL 33708<br />

www.riversweet.com www.<br />

thetumblerguys.com<br />

Mredgm@aol.com<br />

615-330-5445<br />

Samford University<br />

Booth Number: 223<br />

800 Lakeshore Dr<br />

Birmingham, AL 35213<br />

www.samford.edu/arts/music<br />

arts@samford.edu<br />

205-726-4111<br />

40<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> EXHIBITORS DIRECTORY<br />

School Services, Inc. (Fundraising)<br />

Booth Number: 207<br />

1567 Old Hickory Lane<br />

Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772<br />

www.schoolservices.tv<br />

troylaneroberts@gmail.com<br />

865-809-2087<br />

Snap! Raise<br />

Booth Number: 429<br />

939 Westlake Ave N<br />

Seattle, WA 98109<br />

Snap-raise.com<br />

neil@snap-raise.com<br />

206 286-0906<br />

Stanbury Uniforms, Inc.<br />

Booth Number: 213<br />

P.O. Box 100<br />

108 Stanbury Industrial Drive<br />

Brookfield, MO 64628<br />

www.stanbury.com<br />

btstill@shighway.com<br />

800-826-2246<br />

Steinway Piano Gallery<br />

Booth Number: 516<br />

4285 Sidco Dr<br />

Nashville, TN 34204<br />

www.steinwaynashville.com<br />

robert@steinwaynashville.com<br />

615-373-5901<br />

Super Holiday Tours<br />

Booth Number: 209<br />

116 Gatlin Avenue<br />

Orlando, FL 32806<br />

www.superholiday.com<br />

ccole@superholiday.com<br />

407-851-0060<br />

Tennessee State University<br />

Booth Number: 614<br />

3500 John A Merritt Boulevard<br />

Nashville, TN 37209<br />

www.tnstate.edu/music<br />

preeves@tnstate.edu<br />

615-963-7785<br />

Tennessee Tech University<br />

Booth Number: 309<br />

TTU Box 5045<br />

1150 North Dixie Avenue<br />

Cookeville, TN 38505<br />

www.tntech.edu/music<br />

wmullen@tntech.edu<br />

931-372-3167<br />

The University of Memphis Rudi E.<br />

Scheidt School of Music<br />

Booth Number: 425, 427<br />

129 Music Building<br />

The University of Memphis<br />

Memphis, TN 38152<br />

http://www.memphis.edu/music/<br />

musicadmissions@memphis.edu<br />

901-678-3766<br />

The University of Tennessee at<br />

Chattanooga<br />

Booth Number: 423<br />

Music 1451<br />

615 McCallie Avenue<br />

Chattanooga, Tennessee 0<br />

www.utc.edu/music<br />

lee-harris@utc.edu<br />

423-425-4601<br />

The University Of Tennessee School<br />

Of Music<br />

Booth Number: 417<br />

117 Natalie L Haslam Music Center<br />

1741 Volunteer Blvd<br />

Knoxville, Tn 37996<br />

music.utk.edu<br />

lbrown@utk.edu<br />

865-208-1147<br />

Thomas Tours, Inc.<br />

Booth Number: 304<br />

2405 12th Avenue South<br />

Nashville, TN 37204<br />

www.thomastoursinc.com<br />

johnny@thomastoursinc.com<br />

615-292-0470<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> Retired Teachers<br />

Booth Number: 522 ,524<br />

129 Paschal Dr.<br />

Murfreesboro, TN 37128<br />

bjfrost@aol.com<br />

615-973-1537<br />

Trevecca Nazarene University<br />

Booth Number: 215<br />

333 Murfreesboro Rd<br />

Nashville, TN 37210<br />

trevecca.edu<br />

mmurdock@trevecca.edu<br />

615-248-1269<br />

U.S. Navy, Fleet Band Activities<br />

Booth Number: 221<br />

5722 Integrity Drive Bldg 780<br />

Millington, TN<br />

http://www.navyband.navy.mil/<br />

navymusic.html<br />

justin.strauss@navy.mil<br />

901-874-4316<br />

Union University<br />

Booth Number: 314<br />

1050 Union University Dr.<br />

Jackson, Tennessee 38305<br />

www.uu.edu<br />

rgraves@uu.edu<br />

800-33-UNION<br />

University of Tennessee at Martin<br />

Booth Number: 320<br />

108 Fine Arts<br />

16 Mt. Pelia Road<br />

Martin, TN 38238<br />

http://www.utm.edu/departments/<br />

music/<br />

joelrich@utm.edu<br />

731-881-7403<br />

Violettes by Becky: Gifts for Music<br />

Lovers<br />

Booth Number: 406<br />

1527 Botsford Dr.<br />

Knoxville, TN 37922<br />

www.ViolettesbyBecky.com<br />

RMChaffee1@comcast.net<br />

865-850-9220<br />

Wenger Corporation<br />

Booth Number: 105, 107<br />

333 Park Drive<br />

Owatonna, Minnesota 55060<br />

www.wengercorp.com<br />

jimmy.mcclain@wengercorp.com<br />

800-733-0393, ext. #8183<br />

WorldStrides<br />

Booth Number: 206<br />

218 West Water Street #400<br />

Charlottesville, VA 22902<br />

www.worldstrides.com<br />

requestinfo@worldstrides.org<br />

434-982-8600<br />

Yamaha Corporation of America<br />

Booth Number: 413, 512<br />

6600 Orangethorpe Avenue<br />

Buena Park, CA 92869<br />

usa.yamaha.com<br />

sslocum@yamaha.com<br />

714-522-9059<br />


<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> EXHIBITOR BOOTH NUMBERS<br />


Algy Team Costumes______________________________________________________122, 124<br />

Austin Peay State University___________________________________________________327<br />

Bandwagon Music & Repair________________________________________________ 515, 517<br />

Belmont University____________________________________________________________ 415<br />

Bob Rogers Travel_________________________________________________________127, 226<br />

Carson-Newman University____________________________________________________ 318<br />

Charms Office Assistant______________________________________________________ 205<br />

Conn-Selmer, Inc._________________________________________________________519, 618<br />

Custom Fundraising Solutions______________________________________________126, 128<br />

David McClune Mouthpiece Service____________________________________________ 514<br />

East Tennessee State University________________________________________________322<br />

Elvis Presley’s Graceland_______________________________________________________ 110<br />

Florida Indian River Groves________________________________________________ 305,307<br />

Fruhauf Uniforms_____________________________________________________________ 513<br />

Fundraising with Simply Sheets____________________________________________ 104, 106<br />

Gandy Ink____________________________________________________________________419<br />

Gateway Music Festivals & Tours______________________________________________ 408<br />

Grand Ole Opry Entertainment_________________________________________________ 112<br />

Hawaii State Tours___________________________________________________________ 426<br />

Huddletrip, LLC_______________________________________________________________227<br />

J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc____________________________________________________306, 308<br />

Jaci’s Jewels_________________________________________________________________ 208<br />

Jumpin Goat Coffee Roasters___________________________________________________109<br />

KHS America (Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic)_______________________________218, 220, 222<br />

Lane Music _____________________________________________________________ 621, 623<br />

Lee University________________________________________________________________ 316<br />

Lippo’s Music Mart___________________________________________________________ 326<br />

Lipscomb University___________________________________________________________ 312<br />

Manhattan Concert Productions_______________________________________________ 204<br />

Maryville College____________________________________________________________ 329<br />

McGraw Hill Education________________________________________________________ 518<br />

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament__________________________________________ 114<br />

Merry Blu Boutique________________________________________________________613, 615<br />

Middle Tennessee State University School of Music_____________________________ 404<br />

Milligan College_______________________________________________________________523<br />

Mrs. Field’s Fundraising_______________________________________________________ 228<br />

Music & Arts_____________________________________________________________ 217, 219<br />

PepWear__________________________________________________________________119, 121<br />

QuaverMusic.com_________________________________________113, 115, 117, 212, 214, 216<br />

Riversweet Fundraising________________________________________________________ 123<br />

Samford University____________________________________________________________223<br />

School Services, Inc. (Fundraising)_____________________________________________ 207<br />

Snap! Raise__________________________________________________________________ 429<br />

Stanbury Uniforms, Inc.________________________________________________________ 213<br />

Steinway Piano Gallery________________________________________________________ 516<br />

Super Holiday Tours__________________________________________________________ 209<br />

Tennessee State University_____________________________________________________614<br />

Tennessee Tech University____________________________________________________ 309<br />

The University of Memphis Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music__________________ 425, 427<br />

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga____________________________________ 423<br />

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville School of Music_________________________ 417<br />

Thomas Tours, Inc.___________________________________________________________ 304<br />

<strong>TMEA</strong> Retired Teachers___________________________________________________ 522 ,524<br />

Trevecca Nazarene University__________________________________________________ 215<br />

U.S. Navy, Fleet Band Activities_________________________________________________ 221<br />

Union University______________________________________________________________ 314<br />

University of Tennessee at Martin_____________________________________________ 320<br />

Violettes by Becky Gifts for Music Lovers_______________________________________ 406<br />

Wenger Corporation_____________________________________________________ 105, 107<br />

WorldStride_________________________________________________________________ 206<br />

Yamaha Corporation of America____________________________________________413, 512<br />

42<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> EXHIBITOR MAP<br />



Some are born with<br />

in their souls<br />

If authenticity had a<br />

soul, you would find it<br />

in Memphis. Creativity<br />

flows through our veins.<br />

This is the kind of city and<br />

university where original<br />

people are elevating the art<br />

of music in unforgettable<br />

ways. If you were born<br />

with music in your blood,<br />

you belong at the UofM.<br />


B.M., M.M., D.M.A., Ph.D.<br />


Dec. 2, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Feb. 3, 2018<br />

Feb. 17, 2018<br />

Feb. 24, 2018<br />

memphis.edu/music<br />

901.678.3766<br />

44<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

IT’S A NEW ERA<br />


What does that mean for you as a music educator?<br />

Music advocates have begun the hard work of ensuring the<br />

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is properly implemented<br />

across the country. With music included as part of a wellrounded<br />

education, now more than ever, your voice and<br />

expertise as a music educator is critical.<br />

NAfME is here to help you make a strong case for music<br />

education under ESSA.<br />

“Everything ESSA”<br />

Visit bit.ly/NCLBends for all the resources you need to understand ESSA and take action to<br />

ensure implementation includes music at the state level. NAfME’s Toolkits include:<br />

• ESSA in Plain English: What It Means for You: Learn more about this historical law and see our<br />

detailed FAQ that features questions asked by music educators just like you.<br />

• ESSA Implementation Toolkit: This thorough resource links your program with admissible<br />

provisions in ESSA so you can make your case for your program where you work.<br />

• NAfME Field Guide to State Lobbying: This document explains the ins and outs of what you<br />

can do to lobby at the state level.<br />

Webinars<br />

At bit.ly/NCLBends, you can receive recognition for professional development valued at one<br />

contact hour for watching these webinars:<br />

• ESSA Passage and Next Steps<br />

• Title IV, Opportunities to Learn, and You!<br />

• Federal Funding Facts<br />

Grassroots Action Center<br />

Right now, you can make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. At bit.ly/NAfMEgrassroots, you can:<br />

• Support music education in federal education policy<br />

• Be involved with the legislative process<br />

• Engage your members of Congress via ready-to-send letters on ESSA funding<br />

Your Association. Your Profession. Your Voice.<br />


<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

R. Winston Morris<br />


R. Winston Morris, Director<br />

Presidential Ballroom D<br />

Currently celebrating their 50th year, the award-winning Tennessee Tech Tuba Ensemble is<br />

one of if not the most successful performing collegiate ensembles in history. The TTTE was<br />

recently selected by The Tennessee Board of Regents to receive the prestigious TBR Academic<br />

Excellence and Quality Award.<br />

TTTE is very proud to be the only performing ensemble in the state of Tennessee to receive this<br />

award. Recognized internationally as the leading group of its kind, the TTTE has an enviable<br />

record of twenty-seven recording projects (the most recent recordings on the Mark Records<br />

label were submitted and accepted by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences<br />

to be included on its “Grammy Entry List.”), eight Carnegie Hall appearances, two World’s<br />

Fairs performances, numerous national and international conference engagements, a 49-<br />

year history of performances from Preservation Hall in New Orleans to the Spoleto Festival in<br />

Charleston to the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC and is responsible for the composition<br />

and arrangement of more music for the tuba than any other single source.<br />

Founded in 1967 by R. Winston Morris, the TTTE and Morris established and defined the<br />

standards for tuba ensemble performance practices and have inspired the formation of<br />

like groups all over the world. The subject of several doctoral dissertations, the TTTE most<br />

recently enjoyed wide- spread exposure via a nationally broadcast PBS documentary titled<br />

TUBA U: Basso Profundo and the publication by Scarecrow Press of “The Tennessee Tech Tuba<br />

Ensemble and R. Winston Morris: a 40th Anniversary Retrospective” by Charles McAdams<br />

and Richard Perry.<br />

R. Winston Morris has been internationally recognized for the past 50 years as one of<br />

the leaders in the advancement of the tuba and is considered the “elder statesman” of<br />

tuba professors in the United States. He is Professor of Music and Instructor of Tuba and<br />

Euphonium at Tennessee Tech University, where he has been on the faculty since 1967.<br />

His students are historically successful in the field of music education, as award-winning<br />

professional musicians, and in other music-based professions and non-music professions.<br />

In 1967, Morris organized and founded the, now internationally renowned, Tennessee<br />

Tech Tuba Ensemble (TTTE). The TTTE has performed extensively throughout the<br />

eastern half of the U.S. They have performed at regional, national, and international<br />

symposia and workshops sponsored by the Tubists Universal Brotherhood Association,<br />

the International Tuba Euphonium Association the International Brass Congress, the<br />

Music Educators National <strong>Conference</strong> and other organizations.<br />

The Ensemble has, to date, 27 commercially produced recording projects that have<br />

received the highest accolades from members of the music profession and have received<br />

Grammy Award recognitions. They have performed throughout the eastern half of the<br />

United States in such venues as Bourbon Street and at the New Orleans Jazz Festival,<br />

Disney World, the National MENC <strong>Conference</strong> in Chicago, the International T.U.B.A.<br />

<strong>Conference</strong> in Austin, the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., the Spoleto Festival in<br />

Charleston, and eight unprecedented Carnegie Recital Hall performances.<br />

The TTTE is responsible for more arrangements and compositions for tuba ensemble and<br />

the euphonium and tuba than any other single source while providing the inspiration and<br />

leadership for the formation of such ensembles internationally.<br />

46<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Andrew Lynn<br />

Jazmin Jordan<br />


Andrew Lynn & Jazmin Jordan, Conductors<br />

Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Stewarts Creek Middle School opened its doors in 2006. During its short history, the SCMS<br />

Band program has continued to grow and consistently includes over 200 students each year.<br />

Recently, the SCMS Seventh and Eighth Grade Advanced Band received its second invitation<br />

to perform for the Tennessee Music Education Association state professional development<br />

conference that takes place at Gaylord Opryland in April, <strong>2017</strong>. The band first earned this<br />

distinction for the 2013 conference in Chattanooga. Over the past eleven years, the band has<br />

earned all Superior ratings at the Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association’s<br />

Concert Performance Assessment and has been recognized with multiple Sweepstakes<br />

Awards from the Tennessee Bandmasters Association and Awards of Distinction from the<br />

American School Band Directors Association. SCMS Band students have been accepted into<br />

All-Midstate Bands, All-County Bands, and other auditioned bands and orchestras. SCMS<br />

Band alumni have become top performers in their high school bands and have been accepted<br />

into All-State Band, Governor’s School for the Arts, the Macys All-American Marching Band,<br />

and the U.S. Army All-American Band.<br />

Andrew Lynn has served as band director at Stewarts Creek Middle School in Smyrna,<br />

Tennessee since the school opened in 2006. The SCMS Band program has had the<br />

honor of performing for the Tennessee Music Education Association convention and has<br />

been recognized with multiple Sweepstakes Awards from the Tennessee Bandmasters<br />

Association and Awards of Distinction from the American School Band Directors<br />

Association. Prior to his appointment in Rutherford County, he taught grades six through<br />

twelve in the Coffee County and Bedford County schools.<br />

Lynn is the founder and co-director of the Rising Stars Band Camp, a summer program<br />

for beginning band students.He is active in many professional organizations and serves<br />

as a guest clinician, festival judge, and low brass instructor. He has served on the<br />

executive board for the Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association and<br />

is the chairperson for the All-Midstate Middle School Jazz Band. He is a member of<br />

Phi Beta Mu honorary music fraternity as well as the American School Band Directors<br />

Association and has been awarded two Citations of Excellence from the National Band<br />

Association.<br />

Lynn is a graduate of Tennessee Technological University where he studied tuba with<br />

R. Winston Morris. Since 2004, he has performed as the tubist for the Capitol Brass<br />

Quintet. He resides in Smyrna, Tennessee with his wife Beth, an elementary music<br />

educator, and his eleven-year-old son Carter. Lynn is a member of Northside Baptist<br />

Church in Murfreesboro where he plays in the church orchestra.<br />

Jazmin Jordan is band director at Stewarts Creek Middle School and Siegel Middle<br />

School in Rutherford County. Jordan earned her Bachelors Degree in Instrumental Music<br />

Education from Middle Tennessee State University where she graduated cum laude.<br />

In addition to performing in multiple MTSU ensembles, Jordan served as an orchestra<br />

assistant, head librarian, and personnel director for the MTSU Symphony Orchestra<br />

from 2006 to 2009. Additionally, she was the assistant coordinator for the American<br />

String Teacher’s Association’s annual workshop for Tennessee string educators in 2005.<br />

In 2005, Jordan began work as a woodwind instructor with Metro-Nashville Public<br />

Schools, Murfreesboro City Schools, and Bedford County Public Schools. During the<br />


<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

summers of 2006 and 2007 she was a member of the Rome Festival Orchestra in Rome,<br />

Italy where she served as a clarinetist, set-designer, librarian, and wardrobe coordinator.<br />

She has worked with Vanderbilt University’s Blair School of Music Curb Youth Orchestra<br />

under the direction of Dr. Carol Nies and served as the assistant conductor during the<br />

2011-2012 season.<br />

Prior to moving to Rutherford County, Mrs. Jordan taught in the Metro-Nashville Public<br />

Schools from 2010 to 2014. She performs with the Tennessee Valley Winds and Nashville<br />

Wind Ensemble. Jordan currently serves as a middle school band representative on the<br />

Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association Executive Board.<br />

Sandy Elliot<br />


Sandy Elliot, Conductor<br />

Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

The Mt. Juliet High School L.O.V.E. (Ladies Of Vocal Excellence) choir is an audition group of<br />

9th through 12th grade singers. This choir meets one hour a week after school and performers<br />

four major concerts a year. They also perform at community events, regional, state and national<br />

festivals as well as churches and other special requests.<br />

The LOVE choir consistently receives Superior ratings at regional, state and national festivals.<br />

In 2014 they won Outstanding Grand Champion Choir at the Performing Arts Consultants<br />

festival in New Orleans. In 2015 they won top women’s choir at the Festival in the Parks in St.<br />

Louis and 2016 they won top women’s choir and tied for highest scoring choir at the World<br />

Strides festival in San Antonio, Texas.<br />

These ladies are outstanding sight readers and work very hard to learn and prepare their music<br />

in such a short amount of time. In its 15th year, the LOVE choir is a family that creates a lifelong<br />

sisterhood and life-long musicians.<br />

Sandy Elliott is in her sixteenth year as Director of Choral Activities at Mt. Juliet High<br />

School where she started and has grown the 300-member program. Her choirs continue<br />

to earn Superior ratings at regional, state and national festivals. She has had experience<br />

as a professional singer in several churches as well as minister of music at Eastwood<br />

Baptist Church in Nashville. Elliott earned her Associate of Music from Cumberland<br />

College, a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Samford University, a Master of<br />

Church Music in Vocal Pedagogy from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a<br />

Master of Arts in Education from Cumberland University. She has professional affiliation<br />

with MTVA, <strong>TMEA</strong>, NAfME, ACDA and Delta Omicron music fraternity. She has served<br />

as the Freshman Honors Choir Chair, Vice-President, President and Advocacy Chair for<br />

the Middle Tennessee Vocal Association as well as the State Choral Chair for <strong>TMEA</strong>.<br />

Sandy has two wonderful adult children, two beautiful grandsons, and her amazing<br />

husband Scott who supports her in all that she does.<br />

48<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

John David Hazlett<br />


John David Hazlett and John Womack, Conductors<br />

Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

The Wind Ensemble is the premiere band in the music program at McGavock High School.<br />

This ensemble is open to 10th through 12th graders and membership is selected by audition<br />

only. The students in this group consistently are a part of the MTSBOA All Mid-State and<br />

Tennessee All State Ensembles. The ensemble plays a variety of literature with an emphasis<br />

on the classical standards in the wind ensemble repertoire. The Wind Ensemble consistently<br />

receives the highest marks at M.T.S.B.O.A Concert Performance Assessment and has been<br />

invited to play at several special performances including <strong>TMEA</strong> State Festival and the Belmont<br />

Wind Ensemble Invitational.<br />

John David Hazlett is Director of Bands/Arranger/Composer at McGavock High School<br />

in Nashville, Tennessee.<br />

Mr. Hazlett is an alumnus of the McGavock High School Band and was on staff with the<br />

band beginning in 1998 as the jazz, brass and marching instructor. He received his Bachelor<br />

of Science in Music Education from Austin Peay and a Masters of Arts in Instrumental<br />

Conducting from Middle Tennessee State University. Mr. Hazlett served as Director of<br />

Bands at Joelton Middle before coming to McGavock in 2004. Mr. Hazlett also serves as<br />

the Jazz Band Director, the Coordinator of Music Theory Studies, teaches the Advanced<br />

Placement Theory Course and served on the AP Music Theory Textbook Selection<br />

Committee and Curriculum Mapping Committee for Metro Nashville Schools. Mr. Hazlett<br />

is an active composer and arranger, writing for marching bands across the eastern United<br />

States. Mr. Hazlett has also been on staff with the Music City DCI Drum Corps.<br />

As a trumpeter, Mr. Hazlett was section leader, principal trumpet, marching band<br />

captain, 1998 TN Trumpet Competition winner, and All State Band member. Mr. Hazlett<br />

received his BS in Music Education from Austin Peay State University, Magna cum Laude.<br />

At Austin Peay, Mr. Hazlett was principal trumpet in the Wind Ensemble, soloist in the<br />

Governor’s Marching Band and member of the faculty Brass Quintet. Mr. Hazlett was<br />

also guest conductor with the APSU Wind Ensemble. In 2001, Hazlett received the<br />

National Sinfonian Foundation Scholarship and was named Sinfonian of the Year by the<br />

Theta Tau Chapter. Mr. Hazlett completed his student teaching with JoAnn Hood and<br />

Rick Murphy at Overton High School in 2002.<br />

Mr. Hazlett was Graduate Teaching Assistant with the University Bands at Middle TN<br />

State University. While pursuing his MA in Instrumental Conducting at MTSU, Hazlett<br />

conducted both the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band in concert and was principal<br />

trumpet in the Wind Ensemble. Mr. Hazlett also served as conductor of the MTSU<br />

Concert Band in Spring 2006. Mr. Hazlett has studied conducting from Gary Schallert,<br />

Reed Thomas, Rapahael Bundage, Bob Lee and Carol Nies.<br />

As a composer, Mr. Hazlett’s original compositions and arrangements have been<br />

performed in cocert around the world. In 2002, Hazlett’s Three Moods for Brass Quintet<br />

received third place in the National Young Composer’s Competition. In 2004, his<br />

DREAMS for Brass Quintet and Three Moods were recorded and released on compact<br />

disc by the Austin Peay Faculty Brass Quintet.<br />

Mr. Hazlett is also in demand as an arranger, writing custom marching band arrangements<br />

and compositions for high school and university marching bands.<br />


<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Mr. Hazlett is a member of Phi Beta Mu Bandmasters Fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia,<br />

Pi Kappa Lambda Music Honor Society, Tennessee Music Educators Association, Music<br />

Educators National <strong>Conference</strong>, Tennessee Bandmasters Association, Phi Meta Mu<br />

Bandmasters Fraternity, the <strong>Professional</strong> Educators of Tennessee and has served on the<br />

Executive Board of the Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association. Mr.<br />

Hazlett is also a 2-time recipient of the National Band Association’s Certificate of Merit<br />

for Marching Excellence.<br />

John Womack<br />

John Womack is the Assistant Director of Bands at McGavock High School in Nashville,<br />

Tennessee. This will be his 7th year teaching and 3rd year at McGavock where he<br />

conducts or assists with conducting the Beginning Band, Jazz Band, Freshmen Band,<br />

Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble. Prior to his placement at McGavock, he served<br />

for four years as Director of Bands at Croft Middle Design Center in Nashville, TN. As<br />

the director there, the program grew almost twenty percent and the bands consistently<br />

received the highest ratings at contests and festivals.<br />

John is a graduate of Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia with a Bachelor<br />

of Arts in Music Education. In additional to his teaching positions, John has served as<br />

instructional staff with many great programs in Georgia including Roswell High School<br />

and Johns Creek High School as well as John Overton High School in Nashville, TN.<br />

John’s professional affiliations include Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra<br />

Association (MTSBOA), the Tennessee Music Education Association (<strong>TMEA</strong>), the<br />

National Association for Music Education (NAfME), and the Tennessee Bandmasters’<br />

Association (TBA).<br />

Jeffrey Chipman<br />


Jeffrey Chipman, Conductor<br />

Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

The Arlington High School Chorale is an advanced-level competitive ensemble hailing from<br />

beautiful Arlington, Tennessee. This group has a long history of exceptional performance<br />

beginning with the opening of the school under the direction of Mr. Ed Riddick. Continuing this<br />

tradition under the direction of Mr. Jeffrey Chipman, Chorale routinely achieves sweepstakes<br />

ratings at concert festival. During the 2014-15 school year, this group was honored with a<br />

Superior rating and the Team Building award as part of the Bluff City Choral Festival in<br />

Memphis, TN. During the 2015-16 school year Chorale won a First-Place award and was<br />

named Grand Champion for the highest overall score of the Performing Artists Consultants<br />

Windy City Classic in Chicago, IL. Performing a wide variety of choral repertoire, Chorale has<br />

endeared itself to the community and enjoys a strong alumni connection. This connection to the<br />

community has helped to foster a reputation of excellence that has been evident consistently<br />

throughout the group’s history.<br />

Jeffrey Chipman serves as Choral Director and Fine Arts Department Chair at Arlington<br />

High School in Arlington, Tennessee. During his 18-year teaching career he has directed<br />

choirs to numerous awards and accolades. He has taught all levels of student from<br />

elementary to undergraduate. His work also includes professional singing engagements<br />

and directing community and church ensembles. Mr. Chipman earned his Bachelor’s<br />

and Master’s Degrees in Vocal Music Education at The University of Mississippi. He has<br />

worked as an honor choir clinician in the Southeastern United States He routinely provides<br />

professional development for other music teachers, most notably in the areas of student<br />

assessment and teacher evaluation. Mr. Chipman recently served as the chairperson for<br />

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| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // THURSDAY, APRIL 6, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Choral Music with the Tennessee Music Education Association. Among his most cherished<br />

recognitions is the “My Favorite Educator Award” from the Memphis-Shelby County<br />

Education Association. This award is given based on an essay written about a teacher by a<br />

former student whose life was positively impacted through the teacher’s work.<br />

Robert Gregg<br />


Robert Gregg, Conductor<br />

Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

The Belmont University Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1984 with the arrival to Belmont<br />

of its current director, Dr. Robert Gregg. From its meager beginnings of 20 players, the<br />

ensemble has grown to an 85-piece orchestra with over 50 string players. The entire orchestra<br />

is comprised of Belmont students, both music majors and non-music majors.<br />

The orchestra performs at least twice every semester. A typical concert year would include two<br />

standard orchestral concerts, a performance with Belmont choral ensembles for “Christmas<br />

at Belmont (viewed nationally over 400 PBS stations),” a performance “in the pit” with the<br />

Opera Workshop, a special performance at the annual President’s Concert, and the Classical<br />

Performer’s Concert. This last event brings together the orchestra with some of the most<br />

talented student soloists at the university. Through an audition process, approximately six<br />

soloists in strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, piano, voice, and composition are chosen to<br />

perform concertos, arias, or student compositions in formal concert with the orchestra.<br />

The orchestra has performed at several colleges and conventions during its lifetime,<br />

including the Tennessee Music Educators Association convention four times, the Tennessee<br />

Technological University, Scarritt College, Trevecca Nazarene University, and the ACDA<br />

Southeast regional conference.<br />

Dr. Robert B. Gregg is currently Professor of Music and Orchestra Director in the Belmont<br />

University School of Music in Nashville, TN. He received the Bachelor of Music Education<br />

degree from Oklahoma Baptist University and the Master of Music Education and Doctor<br />

of Philosophy degrees from the University of North Texas. While at North Texas, Gregg<br />

served as Assistant Conductor of Orchestras under Maestro Anshel Brusilow, Assistant<br />

to the Dean of the School of Music, and Brass Choir Conductor.<br />

Currently in his thirty-second year at Belmont, Dr. Gregg teaches conducting and<br />

music literature at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He also serves as pit<br />

orchestra conductor for the Belmont Opera Theater, having conducted diverse operas<br />

as The Magic Flute, Die Fledermaus, Dialogue of the Carmelites, The Medium, and The<br />

Bartered Bride as well as several musicals. He participates every summer as a conductor<br />

in Belmont’s String Crossings Camp. Gregg has guest conducted the Missouri All-State<br />

Orchestra, the Nashville Symphony, TX Region 9 Honors Orchestra, the University of<br />

Central Florida Orchestra, the Tennessee Governor’s School of the Arts Orchestra, and<br />

was the first conductor of the Lake Cities Symphony, a civic orchestra in the Dallas area.<br />

He adjudicates across the nation with Heritage Festivals. Dr. Gregg and the Belmont<br />

Symphony Orchestra can be seen every December on many PBS stations on “Christmas<br />

at Belmont.”<br />


<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // FRIDAY, APRIL 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Chuck Yost<br />


Chuck Yost, Conductor<br />

Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

The MHS Band was formed in 1938 under the direction of Mr. Marvin Lindley. He served<br />

as MHS Band Director until 1950, with the exception of a few years during WWII when he<br />

was in the service. Ms. Lillian Ray (a local school music teacher) served as interim director<br />

during his absence. Mr. Lindley was a founding member of the East Tennessee School Band<br />

and Orchestra Directors Association (ETSBOA), and served as president of the organization<br />

from 1944-1946. He left his position at MHS in 1950 to become the band director at East<br />

Tennessee State Teachers College, now known at ETSU. In 1950, Mr. Jack Connell was named<br />

the director, and he lead the band for 13 years until 1963. In 1963, Mr. Connell was named<br />

the Supervisor of Instrumental Music for the Knoxville City Schools, and held that position<br />

until his retirement in 1987. He was posthumously inducted into both the ETSBOA and the<br />

Tennessee Bandmasters Hall of Fame. Col. Ed Bilbrey moved over from MJHS in 1963 and<br />

served at MHS for 28 years until his retirement in 1991. Five of his students, Bill Connell,<br />

Mark Connell, Dale Horst, Tom DeLozier, and Ed Nichols were successive drum majors of the<br />

University of Tennessee ‘Pride of the Southland’ Band. In 1991, MHS Alumni Mr. Tom Delozier<br />

assumed the position of Director of Bands, and served through 2012. Mr. Delozier is currently<br />

the band director at Coulter Grove Intermediate School in Maryville. Mr. Chuck Yost was<br />

named director of the band in 2012, and presently serves in this capacity.<br />

The Maryville Band consistently earns Superior ratings in both concert and marching<br />

performances, and each year approximately 25% of the band earns a chair in the ETSBOA<br />

All-East groups.<br />

Chuck Yost joined the MHS Band in 2012 after 25 years in another local school system.<br />

He is a graduate of James Madison University (Percussion) and has a Master’s degree<br />

in Education from Tusculum College. He is married to Janie and has three grown<br />

children, three beautiful granddaughters, and one handsome grandson. His professional<br />

affiliations include NAfME, TBA, TNMEA, and ETSBOA.<br />

Johnathan Rodgers<br />


Johnathan Rodgers, Conductor<br />

Presidential Ballroom BC<br />

Ladies of Lee, the premier women’s choir at Lee University (Cleveland, TN), has enjoyed a<br />

thriving ministry of choral music for fifty years—performing in churches, schools, and senior<br />

care centers throughout Tennessee and the Southeast and other locations across the U.S.<br />

and abroad including: India, Mexico, Europe, Israel, the Bahamas, India, Bermuda, Hawaii,<br />

Alaska, and Washington, D.C. In addition, they have performed in other venues such as<br />

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| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // FRIDAY, APRIL 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

Rock City in Lookout Mountain, Georgia and the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.<br />

They have been featured performers at the Candlelight Christmas Evenings at the Biltmore<br />

Estate in Asheville, NC for twenty-five years. Made up of 55 female singers from across the<br />

Lee undergraduate population, the choir performs a variety of a cappella and accompanied<br />

sacred literature, drawing from standard choral repertoire, traditional hymns, spirituals, and<br />

gospel songs, and recent evangelical Christian music.<br />

Jonathan Rodgers is Assistant Professor of Choral Conducting in Lee University’s<br />

School of Music. He is the conductor of the Ladies of Lee and Choral Union, and his<br />

teaching responsibilities include teaching choral conducting and literature classes,<br />

overseeing the choral conducting curriculum, and supervising choral conductors in<br />

the graduate program. A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Rodgers holds a Bachelor of<br />

Music in Music Education degree and Master of Music in Church Music degree from<br />

Samford University, studying conducting and church music with Milburn Price and Paul<br />

Richardson. He completed his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting<br />

at the University of Southern Mississippi, studying conducting with Gregory Fuller<br />

and John Flanery. His scholarly research and dissertation examines the choral singing<br />

tradition of Estonia and, specifically, the choral folksongs of Estonian composer Cyrillus<br />

Kreek.<br />

While at Southern Miss, Rodgers was assistant director of the Women’s Chorus and<br />

rehearsal assistant and accompanist for the flagship ensemble, the Southern Chorale.<br />

In addition, he was accompanist for the Southern Hymn Festival (under the direction<br />

of Mack Wilberg), continuo player and rehearsal assistant for USM’s presentation of<br />

the Bach B Minor Mass, pianist on recordings of the music of James Mulholland, and<br />

pianist and rehearsal assistant for the Carnegie Hall premiere and recording of Edwin<br />

Penhorwood’s An American Requiem.<br />

As a member of the American Choral Directors Association, Rodgers has been<br />

guest speaker and presenter at the 2011 National ACDA Convention in Chicago and<br />

state MEA conferences in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Georgia. He has also given<br />

presentations at Baylor University’s Alleluia, Youthcue Choirs Inc., and Student Music<br />

Metro <strong>Conference</strong>s. In addition, Rodgers was featured as a masterclass conductor with<br />

Helmuth Rilling at the 2015 National ACDA Convention in Salt Lake City. Previously,<br />

he has been a guest conductor for honor choirs in Tennessee, Georgia, and Louisiana<br />

and YouthCue Choirs summer festival choir in Washington DC. Upcoming guest<br />

conducting appearances will be in Alabama and Georgia. Currently, Rodgers is a regular<br />

article contributor for YouthCue Choirs, Inc. and their online service, CueWeb, serving<br />

directors of church student choirs. He is also on the editorial board for Creator, ACDA’s<br />

journal for Music in Worship.<br />

In addition to his conducting and scholarly activities, Jonathan is an active pianist,<br />

church musician, and arranger. His choral arrangements have been published with<br />

Walton Music, Pavane, and Colla Voce and performed by high schools, colleges, and<br />

churches across the nation. His works have been performed at Kentucky All- ‐State,<br />

ACDA Conventions, and most recently at Carnegie Hall. Rodgers’ works have also been<br />

featured on recordings by the Brigham Young University Women’s Chorus and The<br />

Southern Chorale of the University of Southern Mississippi.<br />

Jonathan has been married to his wife Alicia for thirteen years, and they live in<br />

Cleveland, Tennessee with their three children: Savannah, Leighton, and Brooks.<br />


<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // FRIDAY, APRIL 7, <strong>2017</strong><br />

David Aydelott<br />



David Aydelott, Conductor<br />

Presidential Ballroom AE<br />

Franklin High School offers classes in vocal and instrumental music, AP Music Theory, IB Music,<br />

Piano, and Guitar. The band program is divided into five classes: beginning and intermediate<br />

percussion, 9th grade brass and woodwind, intermediate brass, intermediate woodwind, and<br />

advanced brass, woodwind, and percussion which make up our Wind Ensemble.<br />

The Franklin Wind Ensemble consistently receives Superior Ratings at regional Concert<br />

Performance Assessment, and for the past three years has been rated Superior with<br />

Distinction. The Franklin Wind Ensemble performed at the 2012 Tennessee Music Education<br />

Association conference and the 2013 Music for All National Concert Festival.<br />

After school offerings include brass, woodwind, and percussion chamber groups, two<br />

jazz bands, and a large percussion ensemble that performed at the 2013 Music for All<br />

National Percussion Festival and at the 2014 <strong>TMEA</strong> conference. A chamber ensemble in<br />

the proportions of the classic harmonie performed at the inaugural Music for All National<br />

Chamber Music Festival in March of 2015.<br />

A graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, David Aydelott is the Director of<br />

Bands at Franklin High School in the Williamson County Tennessee School District.<br />

Before his appointment at Franklin in 2007, Mr. Aydelott taught at Lexington High<br />

School in Lexington, Tennessee, John Overton High School in Nashville, and Ravenwood<br />

High School in Brentwood, Tennessee. During his tenure at those schools, students<br />

distinguished themselves on the marching field, the concert stage, and in individual and<br />

chamber settings. While at John Overton, the music department was selected as a 1999<br />

“Signature Gold School” by the National Association of the Recording Arts and Sciences.<br />

Now in the early years of its second century, Franklin High School has a long history of<br />

excellence in band performance. Bands at Franklin have marched in the Tournament<br />

of Roses Parade and twice in the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade. A five-time winner<br />

of the Tennessee Governor’s Cup, Franklin was named Grand Champion of the 2012,<br />

2013, and 2015 Middle Tennessee State University “Contest of Champions.” An active<br />

participant in Bands of America events, Franklin has been a finalist, class champion,<br />

regional champion, and is a three-time National Class AAA Runner Up at the BOA<br />

Grand National Championships. In 2014 Franklin was awarded the Sudler Shield, an<br />

international award for high school marching band sponsored by the John Philip Sousa<br />

Foundation. The Franklin Wind Ensemble performed at the 2012 Tennessee Music<br />

Education Association <strong>Conference</strong> and at the 2013 Music for All National Festival. The<br />

Franklin Percussion Ensemble performed at the 2013 Music for All National Percussion<br />

Festival, the 2014 <strong>TMEA</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> and a chamber ensemble in the proportions of the<br />

classic harmonie performed at the inaugural Music for All National Chamber Music<br />

Festival in March of 2015.<br />

A recipient of the National Band Association’s Certificate of Merit and the Citation<br />

of Excellence, David Aydelott is President of the Middle Tennessee School Band and<br />

Orchestra Association, past Band Chair for the Tennessee Music Education Association<br />

and has served two terms on the Executive Board of the MTSBOA. Mr. Aydelott served<br />

on the 2009 committee to revise the Tennessee instrumental music curriculum and is<br />

54<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

<strong>TMEA</strong> SELECTED PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES // FRIDAY, APRIL 7,<strong>2017</strong><br />

an active clinician, adjudicator, and arranger. As a part of their 40th Anniversary, Music<br />

for All named David Aydelott to the Forty for Forty, a list of educators who have made<br />

a difference in Music for All’s history. Mr. Aydelott is an elected member of Phi Beta<br />

Mu International School Bandmaster Fraternity and holds membership in MTSBOA,<br />

Tennessee Music Educators Association, National Association for Music Education,<br />

Tennessee Bandmasters Association, and <strong>Professional</strong> Educators of Tennessee and<br />

in December of 2014, Mr. Aydelott was presented as a John Philip Sousa Foundation<br />

Laureate of the Bandworld “Legion of Honor.” He and his wife Renee have two children,<br />

Katherine and Meredith.<br />

Audition for the 2018<br />

U.S. Army All-American Marching Band<br />

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This incredible opportunity is open to high school juniors who demonstrate exceptional musicianship,<br />

marching achievement, character, and leadership. Have your band director nominate you for the 2018<br />

U.S. Army All-American Marching Band, held in San Antonio, Texas, January 2-8, 2018!<br />

Apply today for an experience you’ll never forget: nafme.org/USAAAMB<br />

Application and Nomination Deadline: May 1, <strong>2017</strong><br />


<strong>TMEA</strong> ADVERTISING INDEX<br />

The Tennessee Music Education Association would like to thank each of the following sponsors whose support<br />

for music education in the State of Tennessee make events such as our <strong>TMEA</strong> <strong>Professional</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Conference</strong><br />

possible. Please visit their booths in the exhibit hall.<br />

Austin Peay State University ........................................................Inside Back Cover<br />

Lee University ......................................................................Inside Front Cover<br />

East Tennessee state University ....................................................................16<br />

Lane Music .......................................................................................22<br />

Maryville College ..................................................................................26<br />

Middle Tennessee State University .................................................................35<br />

Music and Arts ....................................................................................38<br />

NAMM Foundation ................................................................................29<br />

QuaverMusic.com ................................................................Outside Back Cover<br />

Tennessee State University Bands ..................................................................15<br />

Tennessee Tech University .........................................................................24<br />

Union University ..................................................................................34<br />

University of Memphis ............................................................................44<br />

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga ............................................................14<br />

University of Tennessee at Knoxville Bands .........................................................21<br />

University of Tennessee at Martin ..................................................................25<br />

56<br />

| <strong>2017</strong> <strong>TMEA</strong> PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE

Music<br />

D E P A R T MENT O F<br />

Clarksville, Tenn.<br />


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For Audition Dates and Requests Please Visit<br />

www.apsu.edu/music/auditions<br />

Austin Peay State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender<br />

identity/expression, disability, age, status as a protected veteran, genetic information, or any other legally protected class with respect to<br />

all employment, programs and activities sponsored by APSU. http://www.apsu.edu/files/policy/5002.pdf<br />

Contact : Department of Music<br />

931-221-7808 • music@apsu.edu<br />



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