Fairhaven Baptist College Catalog 2017-2019

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MI 305 On-Field Training<br />

During the summer between their junior and senior years, missions majors will be required to<br />

take a thirty-day missionary trip to a selected mission field. This trip will enable the student<br />

to not only gain valuable experience but also see firsthand the problems and obstacles<br />

that missionaries must overcome to start a work. The trip will also instill in the student a<br />

greater burden and zeal for the mission field that will carry over while out on deputation.<br />

One month, three hours.<br />

MI 306 General Teaching Methods<br />

A study of the basic principles involved in teaching high school students. Identical to ED<br />

306.<br />

Spring semester, three hours.<br />

MI 307 Preparation for the Mission Field<br />

Taught by an experienced missionary, this course provides practical instruction from<br />

someone with first-hand knowledge. The subject content of this course includes topics that<br />

will help prepare an individual to go to the mission field. Specific topics to be considered<br />

are as follows: the need for missions, the call to missions, learning the language, training,<br />

survey trip, ordination, deputation, and relocation. Identical to CE 210.<br />

One semester, two hours.<br />

MI 312 Teaching Reading<br />

This course is designed to give elementary teachers the skills needed to help students<br />

acquire the foundational reading skills using the phonics approach. Attention is also given<br />

to helping slow readers. Prerequisite ED 204. Identical to ED 304.<br />

Fall semester, three hours.<br />

MI 402 Storytelling<br />

A study of skills necessary in the art of storytelling. Students will have practical experience<br />

in the use of illustrations and stories for all age groups. Prerequisite SP 103. Identical to<br />

CE 416 and SP 401.<br />

Spring semester, two hours.<br />

MI 403 Early Childhood Education<br />

The materials, curriculum, and methods of teaching in the nursery and kindergarten school.<br />

Studies will include the characteristics of preschool children, organization of units of work,<br />

lesson planning, and classroom procedures. Identical to ED 205 and CE 206.<br />

Spring semester, three hours.<br />

MI 404 Basic Building and Maintenance<br />

Men will learn the basics in areas such as masonry, concrete work, carpentry, and reading<br />

blueprints and drawings. The philosophy of maintenance in the ministry is also taught.<br />

Spring semester, three hours.<br />

MI 406 Great Missionaries<br />

This course is designed to survey the lives of the great missionaries of the church age<br />

identifying their dedication, burden, trials, and faith in God. Identical to CE 213.<br />

One semester, two hours.<br />

MI 407 Cults<br />

A study of the major so-called “Christian” cults from the viewpoint of the New Testament and<br />

from the actual outworkings of the false doctrine, with the object of preparing the individual<br />

to defend the truth. Identical to BI 306 and CE 214.<br />

One semester, two hours.<br />

MI 408 Denominations<br />

A doctrinal critique of the major denominations which are currently active in the United<br />

States in order to aid in soulwinning efforts and to strengthen ecclesiastical separation.<br />

Identical to BI 307 and CE 215.<br />

One semester, two hours.<br />


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