Fishing Trip June 2015

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Wormhole Bistro<br />

26. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

POOKIE, OH POOKIE, mew stills here? Cuz me gots<br />

sumfings importants tu ask mew!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me heer, Shadow!<br />

akspurrimantin...<br />

Tshuss beed in da kitshun,<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh mew sorryes, but me n da udder guys waz wunnerin if mew<br />

wuds likie tu come wiff us a morrows fur da wittle fishin trip obers by da stream<br />

here at da Bistro?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oooooh yeah, me gonna lub ta komm!<br />

Wormhole Bistro DAt bes grate but me will habs tu gets back tu mew bouts da<br />

time wen Quincey and Bonnie gets back tu me bouts da gud time cuz dem gots<br />

dems hooman brudder comin fur da bisit.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Pookie due mew habs da pickture ob mew sews dat we can<br />

puts da fishing hat on mew?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oooh, Mama alreddee getted me da fishin hat AN<br />

da sunnee glasses!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Kewl Pookie, dat bes sew kewl

Pat Gancarski I love your shades Pookie! Very Cool!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Brudder Shad, tomorrow's fishy trip, do you know the time yet<br />

for us to meet up here?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me checked wiff Quince ans da time gunna bes 11 am my time<br />

which shuds be bouts 1 pm mew's time Collin n GM Pat<br />

Pat Gancarski That's okay with us! I'll make sure the boys are here on time. But<br />

for now we need to head home. Lot's to do tonight. Pat and Collin hug Shad Good<br />

night. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye (") (")<br />

Wormhole Bistro ("") ("") nite nites GM Pat ans me Brudder Collin, sees ya<br />

morrows wiff mew's fishin hat n fishin rods xxx<br />

Pookie & Starlight (waves) Good night, Collin an Auntie Pat! See ya<br />

tamorra! - Bai, Auntie Pat an Collin!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Oopsie, me tells ebery pawdys da wrongs time fur morrow's fishin trip, is supposed tu bes<br />

da 4pm in Irelands which be 7 hours heads ob me which bes 9am me time.<br />

momma canna tells her lefts frums her rites eithers.<br />

:/ Sorry! Da<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal The usual confusion with the time zones... particularly<br />

confusing, as here at the Bistro it's ALWAYS breakfast-lunch-AND-dinner time...! - Which<br />

reminds me that currently it's half past three in the morning back at my home, and I can<br />

hear my bear snoring through the wormhole. So I think I'll better say good night to you all<br />

and wish you a peaceful and refreshing sleep with sweet dreams! See you tomorrow!

Wormhole Bistro Nites nite Auntie Johanna, me sees mew morrows, sweets<br />

dreams<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Thank you, Shad! Hm... I think I should get Pookie<br />

out of the kitchen - he better get some sleep before that fishing trip tomorrow!<br />


Pookie & Starlight Kommin in da minnit, Mama! Tshuss wun moar littul ding<br />

ta wurk owt...<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Sigh... the attention span of a determined cat... Starlie,<br />

be nice and remind your brother to come home and sleep, will you?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me gonna pester him till him gib up, purrmiz!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew wants dat me kicks him outa da kitchen now Auntie<br />

Johanna?<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans I'm confused....what time in USA MD<br />

Wormhole Bistro da times fur da fishing trip starts at 11am eastern time zone Auntie<br />

Linda, due dat helpie? Me shurs hopie sews, ib not den tells me!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Good Caturdaee mornin, furends!<br />

Uz hab maekd it ta anudder weekend!<br />

Fur da brekkie tadaee, uz hab da Eggies Bennie Brisbaen, da palatschinken wid da fillin of<br />

yawr tshoiz, da skrambeld eggies, da fresh, warm appelstrudel an da niez kontinentul<br />

brekkie plaet, an of korze da lots of kaffee, an da tees, tshoozies an milk.<br />

Oh, an no lissen ta owr littul dragons wenn dem klaim dem be STARFIN - uz DID feed dem!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Good mornin, friends and kids! Yawn... I need my coffee, please!<br />

And then eggs Bennie, the appel strudel and a continental plate with lots of salad.<br />

Wormhole Bistro GRUNT - heer be yawr mornin kaffee, Mama, brekkie<br />

on da waee!<br />

Dawn Barela Good morning Johanna, Pookie and Starlie! Breakfast looks great today! I<br />

would like the Eggs Benedict, the Continental and apple strudel please with whippy<br />

creams and extra to share with the poor starving dragons! MOL!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good mornin, Auntie Dawn! Eggies Bennie, Kontinentul<br />

an strudel wid ekstra wipppee kreemz on da waee! If owr dragons keep eetin liek<br />

dat, dem gonna be too heffee ta flaee soon...! - Wut kan me bring ya ta drink?<br />

Wormhole Bistro (indignant) Beep!

Susan Siefers Good morning, everyone. I think I'll try a little bit of everything this<br />

morning, with plenty of coffee to keep me alert while I eat. I know our little friends can<br />

be counted on to dispose of any leftovers - and some of the I-can't-get-to-that-yets.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good mornin! Wun da-bit-of-eberee-ding an lots of<br />

kaffee kommin rite up, Auntie Susan! Will HoneyBun be kommin too?<br />

Susan Siefers Maybe later. She spent most of the night on the kitchen counter,<br />

guarding her treat canister from the monsters under the bed. Like they would go<br />

out to the kitchen and face her in the open. It was an exhausting mission of a little<br />

kitty, and she is catching up on her sleep. I hope she gets here in time to wish all<br />

the fishercats good luck.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good ding uz alwaeez hab da fresh wippee kreemz in<br />

stock...<br />

Susan Siefers Thanks for reminding me. I would also like a bowl of whippie cream<br />

with my breakfast to share with the little dragons. I know you say they aren't<br />

starving, but dragon wing bones have to be strong and the calcium in the whippie<br />

cream should be good for them. And of course, they LIKE it.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Kommin rite up fur ya - an dem... Me shoor demz<br />

wing boens gonna get FERREE strong!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin,Dillon, Luke~<br />

Good morning to you,Good morning to you,<br />

Good morning everyone here at the bistro Good morning to you Allllll<br />

The Ginger Boys are here!<br />

Morning everyone!<br />

Us thought you'd might like a little song this morning afore we head out fishin' taday!<br />

Collin come on guys lets get something to eat!<br />

They all go to the buffet.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, GOOD mornin, Ginger Boys!<br />

Wut an appeeranz!<br />

Pat Gancarski D & L~ It was our idea and Collin agree it was a good one! We're<br />

glad you liked it!

Pat Gancarski Pat walks in behind the Ginger Boys smiling at what they did, singing<br />

as they came into the bistro.<br />

Good morning everyone!<br />

Susan Siefers Good morning, Pat. The boys look like they are planning on a large<br />

catch today.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good mornin, Auntie Pat!<br />

Pat Gancarski Good morning Susan Siefers! That's what their planning. But the<br />

fish may have other idea. You never know with fish.<br />

Pat Gancarski Good morning Starli!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad comes obers ans gibs hims Brudder The Ginger Boys awl<br />

da group hugs gud tu sees mew tuday, me sees mew awl ready too, finish mew's<br />

noms ans we off. GM Pat<br />

Pat Gancarski Already Shad, they tell him. We're all finished with our noms and<br />

ready to go.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Gud says Shad, we bes off den!<br />

Pat Gancarski I'll have a coffee and orange juice, Please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Kaffee an tshooz be rite dere fur ya, Auntie Pat! An wut<br />

kan me bring fur yawr boyz?<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Hi Starli! We will all have some bacon and nip tea, Please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Kommin rite up fur ya!<br />

graet good mornin wishez!<br />

An dankz agaeen fur dat<br />

Pat Gancarski All of us are glad you enjoyed it Starli! It was all the boys idea this<br />

morning. Their very happy today to be having a day out with the guys.

Pat Gancarski Having the Ginger Boys sing on their way in this morning makes getting<br />

up early for work worth it today. Don't you think Starli?<br />

Liz Reeve I couldn't be here for brekkie! Had to leave early today!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

*SC Cooper* It look like it gonna bes da gud day fur<br />

fishin.<br />

Wormhole Bistro SC Cooper, hiya der, glads tu see mew. Bes mew awl ready tu heads<br />

out?<br />

Valarie Delbridge Oh goodness! The fishing trip! I forgot. I'll have to catch up.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

*Quincey, Joey and Emily rush out of the wormhole clattering rods and nets* Where's unkie<br />

Shaddie? I wants to show hims my fishy rod ~ Emily<br />

Hold on there Em he'll be along in a minute ~ Quincey.<br />

*Joey rummages in his bait tin and sticks his nose in there for a good sniff* I hope fishies<br />

like nip, everyone likes nip, I'm bound to catch lots with this - it's good stuff.<br />

Pat Gancarski Good morning Quincey, Joey, Emily! You all look ready to head off to the<br />

fishing spot. Nice fishing rod you have there Emily!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fanks mew auntie Pat. Iz gonna catch lots of fishies ~ Emily<br />

Pat Gancarski I'm sure you will Em!

Dawn Widener Pratt good fishing<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oh, hai, Quincey, Bonnie, Emily an Joey !<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Hey Starlie! Mew coming fishing? ~ Joey<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad comes obers ans sees him's fambily ans goes tu gibs dem awl<br />

da hugs, OMC, Miss Em dat bes da wunnerful fishing rod dat mew gots ans Joey mew<br />

gots da good bait? Quince me sees mew gots mew new rod ans tackle box wiff mew<br />

too.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Uhm... koold it be possibul dat me komm along wid ya<br />

boyz, too? (bats her lashes at Joey)<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Bonnie pops down the wormhole* Shaddie I brought mew some<br />

sardine samiches in case mew gets hungry<br />

xx<br />

Wormhole Bistro OH me lubs mew takie such guds care ob mew, dem bes wunnerfuls as<br />

him sniffs ans smells sews gud too<br />

xxxx Quincey and Bonnie<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ I have some new lures and flies that are hand tied! They use to<br />

be Ma's unkie Iggy's.<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge Gud morning Quincy n da<br />

luvly Ms. Bonnie. Yu awlso lookin bery purrty dis morning Ms. Emily, in yur fishin outfit.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey and Joey take a look* My those are fine looking lures! *Joey<br />

loos worried about his nip bait*

Pat Gancarski Don't worry Joey, Luke will let you use any of his gear. My uncle left<br />

a lot of fishing gear when he crossed the bridge. I think nip bait may just work here.<br />

You never know what fish will bite on.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Paws crossed auntie Pat and thanks mew Luke I'd like to try<br />

some of those fine lures<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Sardine sammiches, dems da bestest, thanky yu Ms.<br />

Bonnier.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Good thing Mama is always prepaired... Come here, Starlie,<br />

and get your fishing equipment!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya, Mama!<br />

Pat Gancarski Nice hat Starli!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ooooooooo Starlie mew looks so cute in that hat<br />

~ Joey<br />

Valarie Delbridge

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Shadow comes walkin in tu da Bistro wiff him's fishin gear, him places da rods n tackle box<br />

by da door ans goes tu gets sum cawfee ans tu fill him's thermos wiff cawfee too. Mornin<br />

everypawdys. ("") ("")<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Ai bes awl weady Shad mai furiend. Yu brungs us da bait?

Wormhole Bistro BAIT...OMC, me thot mew waz bringin da bait! Maybe Collin ans<br />

da boys will brins sums or Quincey n Joey n Miss Em will.<br />

Pat Gancarski Good morning GS Shad!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mornins GM Pat as him gibs her da paw hug, oopsie sorry me<br />

hopie dat none ob me hooks gots mew?<br />

Kathy Piland I hope the fishing is good today boys! Be safe out there!<br />

Pat Gancarski Ginger Boys~ Good morning to you, Good morning to you, Good<br />

morning dear Shad, Good morning to you<br />

Wormhole Bistro OMC, da Ginger Boys singing tu me. Shad turns rounds ans sings<br />

back tu dem ♫ ♫ Good morning to you, Good morning to you Good morning me<br />

fambily, Good morning to you ♫ ♫<br />

Pat Gancarski The Ginger Boys and Pat all applaud Shad! Yeah! Great job Shad!,<br />

say all the boys together!Pat~ I love it!<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Sammi da Bear Managed by Brudder Freddie Ai bes awl weady tu goes. Gots mai<br />

wod n weel n da bunch da noms fur da fishies.

Wormhole Bistro YAY Brudder Freddy members da bait fur da fishies, mornin Brudder<br />

Freddie<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hello, everybody! Oh, it's just great to come in and hear the<br />

Ginger Boys sing! I bring Pookie's stuff - he was in such a hurry this morning, he left<br />

everything beside the wormhole back home, and guess WHO has to play delivery<br />

service then...<br />

Pookie & Starlight Sorree, Mama, me allmoust oversleepie tadaee... an da<br />

brekkie hab ta be on taim, an da littul dragons need ta be feeded! Me dress up rite<br />

awaee... be reddee in da minnit!<br />

Pat Gancarski It's the excitement of going fishing with the guys. Your okay<br />

Pookie. It happens to us all is me where along the way.<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge Ai lefted da SPL tu da<br />

Depurrties tuday. Ai gots mai cawfee n awl mai fishin gear n bes weady tu goes.<br />

Wormhole Bistro WooHoo da Chief bes in da house awl ready fur da fishie trip,<br />

mornin Chief<br />

Valarie Delbridge Hey Chief! Lookin' good!<br />

Pat Gancarski Ginger Boys~ Hi Cooper and Brudder Freddie!<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Hewwo dere Auntie Pat. Yur boys gonna comes da fishin<br />

wif us?

Pat Gancarski They are! There here somewhere. We got here a little early for them<br />

to get themselves some bacon.<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Oh goody, more da fishin buddies. :<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me be reddee!<br />

Pat Gancarski Looking good there Pookie!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya, Auntie Pat!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun comes into the Bistro, yawning. She sees the fishercats with<br />

all their gear and stops mid-yawn.> Oh, wow! You guys look like you are going to have<br />

lots of fun today. Meomy, do you think I...(Meomy doesn't even look up from her coffee)<br />

"No."<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad says next time we habs da fishing trip Miss HoneyBun if da<br />

meowmy says it bes otay! Bes dat otay wiff mew?<br />

Pat Gancarski Sorry HoneyBun. In this case Mom gets the last word.<br />

Pat Gancarski The Ginger Boys go over and each of them give HoneyBun a kiss. Hope<br />

that helps HoneyBun.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun blushes.>You catch lots of dem fishies. I just wanted to fly<br />

along and be a fish spotter. (Meomy takes a sip of her coffee.) "No."

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in ChargeDats OK HoneyBun, sisfur<br />

Tori cans stays round here fur yu.<br />

Valarie Delbridge Mornin' Shad! Auntie Val is late, as usual. I'm trying to catch up on<br />

the fishing trip.<br />

Liz Reeve You look great Shad!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Tuday since me bes da fishin wiff dat guys who awl bes me gud buddys ans da fambily, me<br />

not gunna bes rounds tu serbs mew da noms sews me gots lots ob da sammiches, da<br />

Bistro Salads, da cawfee, ans da tea in da Buffet fur mew tu helpie mew self, me bery<br />

sorry!<br />

Susan Siefers That is one impressive buffet spread, Shadow. I hope you get to relax AND<br />

catch a lot of fish today.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mew Auntie Susan, me needed da day off tu just bes da kitty wiff<br />

him's buddys.<br />

Pat Gancarski You work hard Shad. You deserve a break like this. Go relax and have<br />

fun today.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews GM Pat, we bes off on our way now.<br />

Liz Reeve I'll have some sandwiches too!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

27. Juni <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Da Bear Boys heads out da door wif awl da fishin gear weady fur da beach.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad gathers up him's fishie gear ans follows abter dem wiff Quince,<br />

Joey n Miss Em wiff him<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (leans back and sips her coffee) We'll see HOW quiet that day<br />

will be around here... Our little dragons seem to like the thought of going fishing - I<br />

don't see even one of them around here anymore...<br />

Valarie Delbridge Uh oh...<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun sits at the window with her chin on her paws> I bet dem<br />

little dragons gonna be fishin' too. Dey can dive and catch 'em while they fly. (Meomy<br />

takes another sip of coffee, and takes a bite out of one of Shadow's tasty sammiches)<br />

"No."<br />

Pat Gancarski Poor HoneyBun, she can't wear you down can she, Susan?<br />

Susan Siefers She was up all night guarding her treats and now she needs a nap.

Pat Gancarski Guarding her treats? Who would be take them?<br />

Susan Siefers She's convinced herself that there is a monster under the bed who<br />

sneaks out to the kitchen when she isn't looking.<br />

Pat Gancarski Oh. I don't know how to convince a furkids there isn't. But for kids<br />

I use to babysit I had a spray bottle with water and lavender oil in it. It was<br />

antimonster spray. It got them in bed and to sleep in no time flat.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad looks up ans sees da rock jetty, hey awl, dat bes da purrfects<br />

place tu fishie frum.<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Hi ho, hi ho, it's off tu fish we goes.<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro dem awl gets tu da rocks ans lay down dem fishin gear ans climb up<br />

on da rocks tu sees da bestest spots.<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge Grabs da fishin stuffs n<br />

expwores da wocks.<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad n Quincey sees da purrfects spots on da rocks ans gets sums<br />

bait frum Brudder Freddie ans da wittle bit frum Joey ans den boff ob climb up on da<br />

rocks ans frow dem's lines intu da waddas.

Pat Gancarski Collin ~ This looks good. What do you two think,Dillon, Luke? You guys<br />

like it?<br />

D&L It's good we'll fish here with you Collin.<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Joey, can I try your nip bait, please? You can try any of my lures.<br />

The flies aren't good here. In ponds or streams yes, but here not so good.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad calls out tu Coop, Brudder Freddie, da Chief, Miss Em ans<br />

Pookie comes on dis bes da grate place tu fishie fwoms.<br />

Pat Gancarski Well their all off with all their gear! I thought getting 4 furkids out the<br />

door together was rough. Try 3 with fishing gear! What a production!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun, still watching out the window, sighs loudly to let everyone<br />

know how deprived she is. Meomy has had it! "HoneyBun, why don't you ask Miss Tori if<br />

you can curl up on a cushion in the movie room and watch a cartoon. You might even<br />

take a little nap, and who knows? Maybe Minnie will stop in and watch with you for a<br />

while."<br />

Wormhole Bistro HEY, wat bes dat in da wadda eberyones? It bes blue!!!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Where? Oh, there! I don't know what that it Shad.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Should I throw in some nip? ~ Joey<br />

Wormhole Bistro it bes sumfings likie da bloo pool in da wadda, wat it bes or da<br />

frums?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Sum buddy spill da ink bottel dere???<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ Go head Joey. Throw in a piece or two of your bait. Let's see<br />

what happens.

Wormhole Bistro *Emily dips her toe in* ewwwwwwwww it's all wet! My beans is all<br />

wet!!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Its blue! Maybe it's a blue whale!<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans I brought a cooler for all the fishes<br />

Valarie Delbridge Thanks, Linda. That should come in very handy.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Miss Em why mew sticks mew paw in da wadda fur? Now mew gotta<br />

drys it off. but we gotta catch fishies not da wet beans<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Miss Em..here bes some booties for your beans<br />

Valarie Delbridge Awww! How cute are they? Bean Booties.

Wormhole Bistro Me likes dem a lot! ~ Emily<br />

Liz Reeve Cute!<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Here are some towels too!<br />

Liz Reeve I want them too at home!<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge OMC, it be da octopussy in da<br />

water makin it bwue!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad yells out OMC LOOK! WAT BES DAT FING IN DA WADDA?

Pookie & Starlight So DAT be da ink bottel dat spilled owt dere...<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski That's an octopus Shad, yells Collin!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hey bes it rainin here or sumfings says Shad, me gettin awl wet<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie *Cooper dips hims paws in n shakes dem gettin bwue awl<br />

ober hims.*<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Liz Reeve Hehe Cooper!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Miss Em lookie at mew, mew's paw bes da purkle frum da wadda,<br />

COOP, help ober heres purrlease!<br />

Wormhole Bistro OMC I is all spotty! ~ Emily<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Coopie what happened!<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge Coopie!! OMC!! Lok at what<br />

yu done tu mei!!

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski You got inked by the octopus! Sorry Shad. They do that as a defense.<br />

Pat Gancarski You to Coop! That's octopus ink.<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Comes ober here Ms. Emily, ai dwies yu off<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh unkie Coop what will Chestnut say when he sees me?<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Sammi da Bear Managed by Brudder Freddie Quincey, looks at whats Coopie did wif<br />

hims paw shakin!! OMC!!

Wormhole Bistro OMC Quince mew gots da polka dotties on mew too<br />

Wormhole Bistro OMC!! I has de measles!!<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski It may have to wear off, I'm not sure. I've never been inked by an<br />

octopus. But the ink in pasta is very good to eat.<br />

Valarie Delbridge Auntie Pat--the ink in pasta???<br />

Pat Gancarski Oh yes, in pasta. Black ink from squids actually. It's really you can<br />

Google it. We got some as a gift years ago.<br />

Liz Reeve I never ate it but it's very popular in Italy!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin and Luke go over to help Shad dry off. Collin~ I don't know Shad.<br />

Looks like it's stained your fur. It may need to wear off you. Or you could take a<br />

dreaded baff.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Luke n Collin, mew boff takie da baff ans tells me ib it workie, me<br />

here tu catch da fishie<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ hey I don't like baffs any better than you. But you are the<br />

one who is worried about Bonnie. I just was suggesting a spa trip could help. This<br />

ink does stain though.

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ Hey! No body try to shake this ink off! We'll try to help you all<br />

towel dry.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Teheheh... Pookie, ya hab da bloo pawz! - <br />

(looking down on himself and then at Starlie) An ya hab da bloo dotz all ofer!<br />

Wormhole Bistro OMC, Collin lookie at mew<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Liz Reeve Ohhh Collin...<br />

Sammi da Bear Managed by Brudder Freddie Coopie, yu gots da inky stuffs awl ober<br />

mei. Looks at mai purrty white furs now!! What ai gonna do????

Valarie Delbridge Maybe a baff?<br />

Pat Gancarski Great! I look like I have purple measles! Mol!!!! Collin rolls around<br />

laughing! Ma's going passout when she sees me! Mol!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad bustin da gut, mew lookie sews funnyah der Collin, Luke n<br />

Dillon<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dillon lookie at mew too<br />

Pat Gancarski You too!<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro And Luke mew habs da purkle polka doties too<br />

Pat Gancarski And you too Luke! At least you all look good in purple!<br />

Valarie Delbridge

Pat Gancarski Collin~ At least we all look alike now!<br />

Wormhole Bistro OMC lookie ats me bootifuls fur Boonie gunna bes sew upsets wiff<br />

me but me due lookie funnyah tho<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ We could all try to get it to come off at the spa,back at bistro.<br />

We could soak in the jacuzzi and maybe it'll come off. Or fade some.<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Ai luvs dem bwue paws Shad, dey matches mine. MOL!!<br />

hee hee hee<br />

Wormhole Bistro We cuds play patty cakies der Coop wiff our purklie paws MOL<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat mites bes da gud idea, me wunners due we continue da fishin or<br />

just goes back. I mean we awlready gots dis stouffs on us now!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Maybe we could stay a while and see if we catch anything.<br />

Other than ink I mean. We can go back to the bistro a little later.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yuppers and me gots sums sammiches here ans sums gud<br />

drinks, da sammich in our paws cuds turn purkle but who cares now

Pat Gancarski Once it's dry it'll only stain if you wet your paws.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me NO taek da BAFF. Me heer ta katsh da fishies, not da<br />

Kold!<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Ai thinks ai gonna stays til ai gets one da fishes after awl<br />

dis.<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ I'm with Pookie!<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Ai gots da fishie!! Ai gots da fishie! Quicks, summpawdy<br />

gets da net!!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin ~ here's a net!<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Thanky yu Collin, ai gonna needs it fur dis one!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey breaks off from trying to wash off the spots* I'm coming to<br />

help too.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Emily thrashes about with her net and rod* Iz helping too<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke run over to help net the fish.

Wormhole Bistro OMC lookie at Miss Emily's rod bendin der, it gunna pulls her intu da<br />

wadda ans den her will bes awl purklie. Hold on Miss Em me comin tu helpie mew outs.<br />

Shad gets der just in time ans pull Miss Em back on da rocks ans reels in her line ans<br />

her gots da biggie fishie on her line too, sum pawdy help me out heres purrlease ans<br />

brin da net.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin grabs a net on the ground and runs it over to Shad and Em.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mew Collin, me needs da help draggin dis one in<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Okay I'll help! He pull Shad and Em reel in the hugs fishy.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yay!! Unkie Shaddie I caughted a fishy! Iz gonna call him Spot. ~<br />

Emily<br />

Wormhole Bistro OMC lookie at dis fishie da Miss Em catches<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ It's a big fish! A real big fishy!<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge Yu shur gots da catch of da<br />

day dere little Ms. Em.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Joey drags himself away from Starlie to help land the fish* Wow!<br />

That's a beauty!

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Yep! You win Em!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Emily dances about waving her net and singing* I got a fishy!<br />

Pat Gancarski D&L ~ That's a beauty alright, Emily! You done really good for your first<br />

fishy!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hey eberypawdys, let habs da sammich ans da drink ans den we<br />

heads back tu da Bistro fur da jaccuzzi stouffs tu trys tu gets rid ob dis purklie stouff off<br />

our bootiful furs.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin,D&L ~ Okay wiff us!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad hands out da sammiches ans drinks tu eberypawdy, we gotta<br />

builds up our strenths tu gets back tu the Bistro<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey gets out a bottle of brew from his fishing bag* I think<br />

we need something a bit stronger to give us strengf after all that inking and stuffs<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Da Bear Boys* Dat sound like da pwan tu us, noms bes da necessity<br />

on da fishin twip.<br />

Cooper & Brudder Freddie Dese bes da bery gud noms dere Shad, thanky yus.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin, Dillon and Luke all munch on their samiches with gusto.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew awl welleicome me figgured dat most ob mew wuds furgets but<br />

bes sew cited bouts da fishies<br />

Sammi's Purrtection League Chief George in Charge Ai s'ppose ai gonna haves tu<br />

gets dese spots off mei afore weportin fur da duty. "Course maibee spots scares twolls,<br />

yu neber knows.

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro I is hungry from all mys fishing *Emily scoffs a sammich* Nom nom<br />

nom. Can I has some brew too?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ib mew wuds likie anudder sammich der bes lots ib not den let's<br />

clean up here ans heads back tu da Bistro.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey hands Emily some fizzy nipade* I thinks this is better for<br />

mew Em, mew are only likkle. We don;t want mew getting tiddly and falling in the<br />

water!<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Liz Reeve Those fishies are looking very happy but I'm afraid they won't staay happy<br />

for long..! What ar you going to do with them? But you all had fun!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad says tu Auntie Liz, me nots shur yet<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ I'm done!<br />

Luke~ me too<br />

Sammi da Bear Managed by Brudder Freddie Quincey bes rite bout da not fawlin in<br />

da water. We neber gets da ink off yu if dat happen.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ I'm done too!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Emily clings on to a rock and looks disgusted* Ugh!! Iz not goin in<br />

dat water<br />

Pat Gancarski Come on Em, says Collin. I'll help you down from there. We're going<br />

back to the bistro soon.

Pookie & Starlight Oh, looke, me katshed da fishie! Aw, but it be so littul...<br />

an prettee... me dink me gonna frouh it back in da waters...<br />

Pookie & Starlight Yep... hardlee anneding on it but fins, annewaeez...<br />

but dem fins be prettee, me agreez!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Catch and release is a good thing to do, Star, unless they are<br />

for eating. In which case, you DON'T want to name them.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otay eberypawdy stays tugethers ans we heads back tu da Bistro, as<br />

Shad starts da whistling as him walkin wiff Miss Em carryin her fishie.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Da Bear Boys washes dere faces, packs up dere gear n heads back<br />

tu da Bistro fur da nice Spa tweatment wif da west da fishin buddies n awl da fishies*<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Oo he is pretty! Yeah, he's much to small. Wait I'll take a picture<br />

with my ipaw. Then you can show you Mamma.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oh, dank ya, Luke! It be da furstest ebber fishie dat<br />

me katshed!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ You did good Starli! Your fishy was a pretty one. Some fishy<br />

are so pretty. Concatulations! On your first catch!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya! Mebbee nekst taim me katsh da fishie fur<br />

da fraieein pan....

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Yep! Then Shad can cook it for us all.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ we're all packed up and ready to go Shad.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Come on mew two Shad calls out tu Luke n Dillon, mew not wanna<br />

gets lost due mew?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad ans Emily gets tu da Bistro ans him says tu her mew go tu da<br />

spa ans gets awl cleaned up ans me will bes rite a hinds mew abter me puts mew's<br />

fishie in da fridge Otay?<br />

Pat Gancarski D & L ~ Okay Shad, we're here and ready to go.<br />

Luke ~ Starli caught a pretty little fishy. I took her picture with it and she let it go back<br />

in the water to grow up.<br />

Liz Reeve That's nice Luke!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otay dat waz guds ob her tu let it go tu grows up. Comes on fur<br />

da spa treatments tu gets rid ob dem polkie dots.<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Aww Auntie Liz, Starli should have proof of her catch even if<br />

its just a picture.<br />

Liz Reeve That's right!<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat takes one look at her 3 boys and nearly passes out!<br />

Pat~ what the...<br />

What happened to you guys?<br />

Valarie Delbridge

Pookie & Starlight (packs his stuff together) At leest me got WUN fishie ta<br />

fraee, an not tshuss da bloo staeenz on da fur...<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ Don't worry Ma it be ink from the octopus that inked Shad. We<br />

all gonna go in the spa and get cleaned up now.<br />

Valarie Delbridge *Calls out from the Jacuzzi tub* Hey guys! Did y'all have a good<br />

time? Did anyone catch a fish?<br />

Pookie & Starlight (tries to sneak past his Mama unspotted)<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh dear... Pookie, you need a BATH. You as well, Starlie.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad whisper tu Pookie guds luck wiff da sneaky parts, hurry tu<br />

da spa.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oh noooooo....! Me no wanna get all wett!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me no wanna liff wid da bloo dots all ofer. Mama, ya<br />

halp me da bit dere?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Of course I will, baby girl!

Wormhole Bistro As Shad sits in da jacuzzi him's fur awl start tu turns back tu its<br />

normal colour ans lookie rounds ans sees da udders polkie doties comin off too, sew<br />

him just lays back n relaxes fur da while, dis feels sews gud.<br />

Valarie Delbridge I've been soaking in the jacuzzi and trying to catch up on the fishing<br />

trip.<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ We did Auntie Val! But we all need a baff now cuz us all got<br />

inked! Mol!<br />

We are all going to use the other jacuzzi.<br />

Valarie Delbridge I'm glad you caught some fish. If you plan to eat them, I hope<br />

that you didn't name them--It's very hard to fry someone up who has a name.<br />

Wormhole Bistro wittle Miss Em named her fishie Auntie Valarie, not shur wat her<br />

wanna due wiff it now!<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat~ Pookie! You need to get in the jacuzzi too. No sneaking around it<br />

won't go away on it's own.<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin, Dillon and Luke all soak in the jacuzzi. They watch the spots<br />

disappear from their fur.<br />

Valarie Delbridge Oh! You don't have to use the other tub. I won't mind it if I turn<br />

purkle too.<br />

There's still plenty of room in this tub.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Emily looks with big eyes at the jacuzzi* Iz not getting in there! I<br />

get all wet<br />

Wormhole Bistro Come on Miss Em it bes otay, look me, Quincey ans Joey in here<br />

tu gets da purkle off ob us likie you

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ Thanks Auntie Val! He gets in with her. Ahhh he says. Don't tell<br />

my Ma, but this feels good.<br />

Valarie Delbridge Hahaha! Are you worried that she'll find out that you don't find<br />

baffs all THAT bad?<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ Yup! I don't want Ma to know that. She'll give me a baff all<br />

the time.<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro NOOOOOO not tells da mommas purrlease cuz me enjoyin dis<br />

baff too!<br />

Valarie Delbridge I promise.<br />

Wormhole Bistro fank mew Auntie Valarie<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Sigh... Starlie, it doesn't help - if you want to get clean, you'll<br />

HAVE to get into the water! Don't worry, Mama won't let you drown in the tub...<br />

Pookie & Starlight (VERY gingerly gets into the warm water) Yuk... wet!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Joey holds Starlie's paw and helps her into the tub* I come in<br />

wiff mew Starlie - I not let anyfing bad happen to mew<br />

Pookie & Starlight (grabs Joey's paw rather tightly) Dank ya, Joey! It<br />

be tshuss... (shudders) dat be so WET! Me no be da catfish!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Starlie, it's not so bad. Just sit back and relax, close your eyes<br />

and think about CATCHING a catfish.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Come on Starlie, maybe likkle Em will come in too if she sees us<br />

in the water -she is very spotty ~ Joey

Linda Steinkraus Evans So glad those spots are coming off!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me no wanna! Dem bloo dots no look DAT bad, ya<br />

neauoo. Me kaind of liek da kolor. Waee do me HAB ta taek da baff? Dat be WET!<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat~ Johanna, Pookie's trying to sneak around so you don't see him.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal As if they EVER could fly under a mommy's radar... Pookie,<br />

you ether use the spa HERE, or I'll throw you in the bathtub at home! Decide for<br />

yourself.<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat~ Pookie, use the jacuzzi. No scrubbing! The spots will float<br />

away and you'll be nice and clean. Sorry Pookie. Here is better than home. Look<br />

my boys are in the tub.<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Pookie it'll be ok. Your momma will make sure you're ok!<br />

Starlie is doing so good..look at her...be brave!<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans Would you like me to get you a fur dryer so you won't be wet<br />

too long?<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya, but me no wanna get wet in da furstest<br />

plaez!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me NO WANNA go in dat big water bowl! Me neerlee<br />

DRAUN wenn Troubie back den pushed me in Mama's baff tub!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Don't exaggerate like that, Pooks! You just got startled and<br />

panicked when Troubie shoved you over the edge and into my bath, but you NEVER<br />

were completely under water for even one moment! And I would have gotten you<br />

out a lot faster if you hadn't thrashed around like that, with all claws extended...<br />

Now CALM DOWN and get in on the shallow end. I'm here to hold you, in case you<br />

should slip.

Pat Gancarski Good luck with Pookie, Johanna!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Thank you, Pat! I'll NOT live with a cat sporting blue<br />

measles, period. Ya hear me, Pooks?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Non habla da English, sorree...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad says frum da baff pour fa favor baff Pookie!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Emily sits in the water looking outraged* Dis is sooo undignified!<br />

Pat Gancarski It is Emily but there's no other way to get those spots off you. You<br />

don't want to go home like that. Meowmy will give you bath then.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal That reminds me so much of my alledged Persian<br />

Petzi... he didn't mind the water, he just hated to look so undignified, dripping wet<br />

and thin as a pencil stroke with eyes... But he fluffed up really nicely when dried<br />

up again!<br />

Valarie Delbridge I love the drawing, Auntie Johanna.<br />

Liz Reeve Oh he's so funny!<br />

Pat Gancarski I had a cat like that! Cassie was all fur. Fluffy fur and the fluffiest<br />

tail ever on a tiny 9 pound cat. All fur and attitude!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal The really funny thing is... Petzi never minded getting<br />

baths UNTIL one day his daddy came in, saw him like THAT and started laughing<br />

out loud. Next time I wanted to give the cat his bath, he refused to get into the<br />

shower tub...

Liz Reeve He knew! He didn't want to be laughed at!<br />

Pat Gancarski That's awful! I yell at my hubby for laughing at them and they<br />

Charlie over things. They have feelings too.<br />

Liz Reeve They know!!!<br />

Pat Gancarski Sometimes I wonder what they know.<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat goes into the spa to check on her boys. So how is it going you<br />

guys?<br />

Collin? Dillon? Luke?<br />

Those spots gone yet?<br />

All three boys answers her. Dillon~ mine are almost gone. Luke~ me too Ma. Collin~<br />

same here, almost Ma.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Starlie, you look almost normal again... only a slight blue hue<br />

left... Thank you for calming her, Joey, you did a great job! - Pookie, you won't get away<br />

with those blue stains. Now SIT DOWN in that water! Let me put it this way - NO dinner<br />

for blue dotted cats!<br />

Pookie & Starlight • Whomp-SPLASH • Blackmaeel! Hrmpf!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal That's better, big boy! See, you're NOT drowning... and<br />

the water does NOT hurt, right? And I've got a nice, big towel ready to dry you<br />

once you're clean enough!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Joey helps Starlie out of the tub and wraps her in a towel*<br />

Don't look at my tail Starlie it's all thin and drippy<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Pookie & Starlight (looks behind her) So be main...<br />

funnee! Be ma eers as wet as yawrz look?<br />

Uz boff look

Pat Gancarski Collin and Luke get out of the jacuzzi and wrap up in towels. Pat~ come<br />

on I'll towel you dry Collin.<br />

Luke~ what about me?<br />

Pat~ you too. I'll dry you off too.<br />

Pat Gancarski Dillon~ My spots are gone now too Ma!<br />

Pat~ I need two more pairs of hands here! Hang on Dillon, I'll get to you too.<br />

Pat Gancarski Okay you two,Collin and Luke go over there where the kitty drier is and<br />

stand there. You'll finish drying off there. Pat grabs another fluffy dry towel to dry<br />

Dillon. Once done she sends him to the cat drier too.<br />

Wormhole Bistro UNKIE SHADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wants a towel - I wants one of dem kitty<br />

towels - *sob* I is all wet..........my beans are all shriveled up ~ Emily<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Aw, POOOOR littel Miss Em - here's the right towel for you!<br />

Wait, I'll help you a bit, okay?<br />

And next up is Starlie!<br />

Pookie & Starlight An WENN be MAI turn?!?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal When your blue spots have vanished, Pookie! You still<br />

look as if you had alien measels!<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fanks mew auntie Johanna - I likes dat towel a lot ~ Emily

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Starlie, Joey, let me help you both a bit, okay? It would<br />

take you much too long to lick yourself dry - even when helping each other...<br />

Liz Reeve Can I give you a hand guys? I know, I don't like being wet myself!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Joey looks relieved,* My tongue is getting tired auntie Johanna<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (gets some fresh towels and starts rubbing dry whatever<br />

cat she gets) What else would us humans be there for...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here Miss Em, mew n me stands unner da kitty drier ans gets<br />

awl dry now dat our spots bes awl gone. Den our furs bes awl fluffy ans clean frum<br />

da spots.<br />

Pat Gancarski After drying off 3 cats from their soaks, I'm drenched!<br />

I need the cat drier too! Mol!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin,Dillon n and Luke~ Ma we all dry now. Can we all get something<br />

to eat we're all hungry. Pat~ Go into the bistro and get yourself some food. I'll be out<br />

soon.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Bonnie peeps round the door to see if Shaddie needs a little<br />

massage after his busy day*<br />

Liz Reeve I bet he would love it Bonnie!<br />

Wormhole Bistro I'll get some nip rub and give his ears a nice massage<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ooooo me sweetheart Bonnie, mew bes da angel sends frum<br />

heavens tu gibs me da massage now, come gibs mew's kitty boy da hug n<br />

smoooooch me shur missed mew tuday tho xxxx Quincey and Bonnie<br />

Liz Reeve You're a lucky man Shad!

Wormhole Bistro Me bes bery lucky kitty boy tu habs me gorgeous sweetheart<br />

Bonnie lookie out fur me Auntie Liz me lubs her sews muchie too!<br />

Pat Gancarski Bonnie, I bet Shad would love one of your massages. He could use one<br />

after the day he's had.<br />

Wormhole Bistro I think they could all use some brew Quincey has gone to his shed to<br />

sort some out ~ Bonnie<br />

Pat Gancarski Pat goes it the bistro, she checks on her boys who are happily<br />

munching away. Um, guess I'll get me something to eat too.<br />

Liz Reeve Yes have some food all of you! That was quite an adventure! But I see<br />

everyone is spotless and dry now!<br />

Pat Gancarski Ginger Boys ~<br />

Hello Auntie Liz. Hello, hello, hello to you Auntie Liz!<br />

Pat Gancarski Oh Hi Liz! I hear the boys have been serenading you Hello. Their all<br />

clean and starving.<br />

Collin~ taking a baff works up an appetite Auntie Liz and Ma! We all be hungry.<br />

Liz Reeve Yes they were serenading me! I feel honoured!<br />

Pat Gancarski Collin~ We're glad you liked it Auntie Liz!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Quincey comes in from the shed carrying a large fishbowl* Special<br />

brew in honour of the big fishing trip.

Pat Gancarski D & L~ Ma can us have some of Quincey's brew? Pat~ Yeah. But no<br />

drinking so much fun have to carry you two home! Do you understand what I'm<br />

saying?<br />

D & L~ Yes Ma. We know, drink yes, too much no. Pat~ okay go ahead then.<br />

Valarie Delbridge<br />

Liz Reeve Hi Quincey! Do I hear the word: brew??<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew do indeed auntie Liz, *Quincey passes a glassful to auntie<br />

Liz* Cheers! ~ Q<br />

Liz Reeve Thank you Quincey! Cheers! ...bluip blurp...<br />

Pookie & Starlight Mamaaa! Kan me get OWT of dat terribul wet baff<br />

neaoo? It be WET, an me be HUNGREE!<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Bonnie brings in some little fishy pizzas* Mew all look like mew<br />

could do with something to nibble on - that brew looks strong to me!

Wormhole Bistro Bonnie me lub, mew bes da mind reader, dis bes purrfect noms,<br />

me bes da starbin kitty boy rites now xxx Smoooch xxxx Quincey and Bonnie<br />

Liz Reeve Oh look at them! Pookie I'm sure you like that!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hm... well, I think we can live with that remaining blue tinge.<br />

So, come on out, and I'll rub you dry!<br />

Pat Gancarski You look good Pookie! I can't see any blue spots on you anywhere.<br />

Pat Gancarski Hi Bonnie! Ooo those look yummy! I love the fish shape of them! Thank<br />

you Bonnie<br />

Boys! Tell Bonnie Thank you.<br />

Ginger Boys~ Thank you. Thank you,Thank you very much Bonnieee<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Blush* Oh I'm all of a twitter...... the Ginger Boys sang just for<br />

me! *Bonnie fluffs herself up and looks delighted*<br />

Pat Gancarski Sorry Bonnie, they didn't mean to embarrass you. They've been<br />

breaking out in song all day today! I don't know why either. Practice maybe. Their<br />

always practicing<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh no I isn't embarrassed auntie Pat - I am honoured!<br />

Pat Gancarski Oh, I forgot that you blush easily. I'm glad your honoured Bonnie.<br />

They may sing to you again just so your ready for it this time.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, special brew - I need some of that now! - and mini fishy<br />

pizzas! Great! Come on, Pookie, stop pouting and join me with the pizza!<br />

Liz Reeve You can both start eating it from each side...<br />

Pookie & Starlight

Pat Gancarski I agree with you! It's delicious! You did really good Pookie! This is<br />

great!<br />

Pat Gancarski Pookie! That looks delicious! I try it! I love everything on that plate!<br />

Yum!!!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke walks over to Pat and crawls her lap and curls up. Ma, I not feels<br />

so good, he says. Pat stops and looks at him. Are you tired? Is your tummy hurting?<br />

What is it Luke? Ma, I just don't feel good. Can we go home? I want sleep in my own<br />

bed.<br />

Pat~ Home? Now? Luke~ please Ma, I don't feel good.<br />

Okay, then I'll round up your brothers and we'll go home. Luke~ how much of Quincey's<br />

brew did you drink. Luke~ none Ma. I didn't want any. Pat~ Then you are sick. You love<br />

brew!<br />

Okay we'll go.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wut rong wid ya, fella? Too mutsh sun tadaee? Hoep<br />

ya feel betta soon!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Pookie, I just don't feel good all over. I want my bed and go<br />

to sleep at home. Maybe it was too much sun. Thanks Pookie. I did have fun taday.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad runs obers Oh my Luke me shur hopie dat mew feels<br />

bedda soons Brudder, mew nots lookie bery guds eithers, wunners wat it cud habs<br />

bes dat dun dis tu him<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Mmmh... yes... I agree - you've outdone yourself with this one!<br />

Very good work, my big boy!<br />

Pookie & Starlight <br />

littul dragons!<br />

Ya see - me NO tshuss hang owt heer an plaee wid da<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Hi Pookie,that looks delicious,i will definitely try sums now.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wun plaet fur ya, Auntie Rena! Me hoep ya liek it!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Pookie,fank mew fur the plaet ob noms,wish i could taek<br />

sums home wiff me fur my mom and dad.

Pookie & Starlight Oh, dat no be da purrblam! Uz hab da insalated<br />

bokses fur dat... an da rite boks ta karree dem!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki My mom ans dad say fank mew very much for their<br />

noms,they really enjoyed them Pookie.<br />

Pat Gancarski You stay here Luke. I'll get your gear and brothers, then we'll go.<br />

Collin,Dillon, I hate to break up the fun here but Luke has had what we call at home "<br />

Too much window".<br />

Collin and Dillon look at Ma then Luke. Okay Ma,we go home. Us will take Luke's gear<br />

and head home.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh dear, I hope there's nothing seriously wrong!<br />

Pat Gancarski I think Pookie's right, too much sun. I'll keep on eye on him at<br />

home tonight. If he's not feeling good tomorrow I'll get him in to the emergency<br />

vet.<br />

Pat Gancarski Sorry everyone we are going to head home. Luke isn't feeling well.<br />

See you all tomorrow. She picks up Luke and meets Collin and Dillon by the door and<br />

they leave.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Bye, Auntie Pat an da Ginger Boys! Hoep you feel<br />

betta afta a good nite rest, Luke! - See you all tamorra, me hoep!<br />

Pat Gancarski Night everyone. I'll let you know how he is tomorrow. Bye!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Bye, Pat, Collin, Dillon and poor Luke! Hope to see you all<br />

tomorrow, and in good health and mood!<br />

Linda Steinkraus Evans I hope he feels better soon!<br />

Pat Gancarski Thanks. I think he's just overtired today. Lots going here and home.<br />

Daddy's doing things at the house today.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Yaaaaaawn.. sorry! I guess that's the sign it's time for me to<br />

go home and to bed... And Pookie, tonight I'm gonna take you and Starlie with me right<br />

away, or you'll "akspurrimant" in the kitchen till early morning AGAIN! I know that AND<br />

why you fell asleep while fishing... - Good night, friends, have a great night's<br />

sleep and sweet dreams, and we'll see you tomorrow!<br />

Wormhole Bistro nite nite Auntie Johanna, Pookie n Star, me see mew awl a<br />

morrows xxx<br />

Pepper and Onion [Duron gobbles up this food.]

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