Fishing Trip June 2015

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Pookie & Starlight Oh, looke, me katshed da fishie! Aw, but it be so littul...<br />

an prettee... me dink me gonna frouh it back in da waters...<br />

Pookie & Starlight Yep... hardlee anneding on it but fins, annewaeez...<br />

but dem fins be prettee, me agreez!<br />

Valarie Delbridge Catch and release is a good thing to do, Star, unless they are<br />

for eating. In which case, you DON'T want to name them.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otay eberypawdy stays tugethers ans we heads back tu da Bistro, as<br />

Shad starts da whistling as him walkin wiff Miss Em carryin her fishie.<br />

Wormhole Bistro *Da Bear Boys washes dere faces, packs up dere gear n heads back<br />

tu da Bistro fur da nice Spa tweatment wif da west da fishin buddies n awl da fishies*<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ Oo he is pretty! Yeah, he's much to small. Wait I'll take a picture<br />

with my ipaw. Then you can show you Mamma.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oh, dank ya, Luke! It be da furstest ebber fishie dat<br />

me katshed!<br />

Pat Gancarski Luke~ You did good Starli! Your fishy was a pretty one. Some fishy<br />

are so pretty. Concatulations! On your first catch!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya! Mebbee nekst taim me katsh da fishie fur<br />

da fraieein pan....

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