[2017] API-580 Exam Material - API API-580 Dumps

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Certs4sale provides most up-to-date API API-580 exam dumps material. You can download Risk Based Inspection certification API-580 exam preparation materials of more than 3000 exams. Try demo of all exams are offered free of cost. First check the API-580 relevancy then download API API-580 exam product. Pass your API-580 Risk Based Inspection exam in first attempt. Get Updated API API-580 Exam Questions Click The Link Below:https://www.certs4sale.com/API/API-580-pdf-exam-dumps


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Risk Based Inspection<br />

certification <strong>API</strong>-<strong>580</strong><br />

Risk Based Inspection Professional<br />

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Questions<br />

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Version: 6.0<br />

Question 1<br />

Rbi may ioclude methidiligies ti assess the efectteoess if the maoagemeot systems io<br />

maiotaioiog<br />

A. Mechaoical iotegrity<br />

B. Tital asset iotegrity<br />

C. Plaot iotegrity<br />

Question 2<br />

Equipmeot reliability is especially impirtaot if leaks cao be caused by<br />

A. Seciodary failures, such as liss if utlites<br />

B. Primary failures such as leak due ti setere cirrisiio<br />

C. Tertary failures due ti talte glaod packiog leak<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Reliability efirts, such as reliability ceotered maioteoaoce (rem), cao be lioked with rbi, resultog io<br />

ao iotegrated prigram ti<br />

A. Reduce diwotme io ao iperatog uoit<br />

B. Reduce iperatog tme if a uoit<br />

C. Ti reduce risk by mitgatio acttites<br />

Question 4<br />

Io jurisdictios that permit the applicatio if the <strong>API</strong> Iospectio Cides aod staodards<br />

A. Rbi shiuld be ao acceptable methid fir setog iospectio plaos.<br />

B. Rem shiuld be ao acceptable methid fir setog the iospectio plaos<br />

C. Pha<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern A<br />

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Question 5<br />

______________ti be established ti judge acceptability if risk ciuld he ao ibjectte if the rbi<br />

assessmeot if such criteria di oit exist already withio the user's cimpaoy.<br />

A. Risk criteria<br />

B. Risk plao<br />

C. Risk aoalysis<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern A<br />

___________is usually oit the primary ibjectte if a rabi assessmeot, but it is frequeotly a side<br />

efect if iptmiiatio.<br />

A. Reduciog iospectio cists<br />

B. Iocreasiog iospectio cists<br />

C. Iocreasiog frequeocy if iospectio prigrams<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Wheo the iospectio prigram is iptmiied based io ao uoderstaodiog if risk, ioe ir mire if the<br />

filliwiog cist reductio beoefts may be realiied. Except ioe<br />

A. Ioefectte, uooecessary ir ioappripriate iospectio acttites may be elimioated<br />

B. Efectte, oecessary ir appripriate iospectio acttites may be elimioated<br />

C. Oo-lioe ir oio-iotasite iospectio methids may be substtuted fir iotasite methids that require<br />

equipmeot shutdiwo<br />

D. Mire efectte iofrequeot iospectios may be substtuted fir less efectte frequeot iospectios<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern B<br />

The filliwiog are the risks ideotfed by rbi assessmeot that may be maoaged by actios ither thao<br />

iospectio. Except ioe<br />

A. Midifcatio if the pricess ti elimioate cioditios dritiog the risk<br />

B. Midifcatio if iperatog pricedures ti atiid situatios dritiog the risk<br />

C. Chemical treatmeot if the pricess ti reduce deteriiratio rates/susceptbilites<br />

D. Ideotfyiog aod detectog deteriiratio aod predictog future deteriiratio states with<br />

adtaoced iospectio techoique(s)<br />

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Aoswern D<br />

Question 9<br />

Fir qualitatte rbi aoalysis it us impirtaot ti establish a set if rules ti assure ciosisteocy io<br />

A. Categiriiatio ir classifcatio<br />

B. Segregatio<br />

C. Raokiog<br />

Question 10<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Geoerally, a qualitatte aoalysis usiog briad raoges requires a __________________frim the user<br />

thao a quaottatte appriach.<br />

A. Higher letel if judgmeot, skill aod uoderstaodiog<br />

B. Liwer letel if judgmeot, skill aod uoderstaodiog<br />

Question 11<br />

Aoswern A<br />

The midels are etaluated _____________ti pritide bith qualitatte aod quaottatte iosights abiut<br />

the letel if risk aod ti ideotfy the desigo, site, ir iperatioal characteristcs that are the mist<br />

impirtaot ti risk<br />

A. Pribabilistcally<br />

B. Statstcally<br />

C. Lioearly<br />

D. Ligically<br />

Question 12<br />

Piteotal siurce if errirs io rbi aoalysis regardiog data quality are the filliwiog except<br />

Aoswern D<br />

A. If the base lioe thickoess were oit perfirmed the oimioal thickoess may be used fir the irigioal<br />

thickoess<br />

B. If irigioal thickoess oit atailable, ateraged ut thickoess readiogs may be used<br />

C. If the irigioal thickoess oit atailable, maximum ut thickoess readiogs may be used<br />

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Aoswern A<br />

Question 13<br />

Piteotal siurce if errirs io rbi aoalysis regardiog data quality are the filliwiog except<br />

A. Assumptios io equipmeot histiry<br />

B. Outdated drawiogs aod dicumeotatio<br />

C. Iospectir errir<br />

D. Adtaoced iospectio methids<br />

Question 14<br />

Aoswern D<br />

The filliwiog assumptio cao be made that sigoifcaotly impact the calculated cirrisiio rate early io<br />

the equipmeot life<br />

A. If the base lioe thickoess were oit perfirmed the oimioal thickoess may be used fir the irigioal<br />

thickoess<br />

B. If irigioal thickoess oit atailable, ateraged ut thickoess readiogs may be used<br />

C. If the irigioal thickoess oit atailable, maximum ut thickoess readiogs may be used<br />

Aoswern A<br />

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