Salem's Birthday 2015

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Willow and the troublemakersWormhole Bistro<br />

13. Oktober <strong>2015</strong> ·<br />

Wes here to pawtie wiff Salem!!!! Happy Birfday Dude!!!

Missi Stutes to Salem the Cat's 6th <strong>Birthday</strong><br />

Think that's 9am my time. Can the girls have eggs and steak??<br />

Sean Walker You'll have to ask Shadow and the gang. I don't think it'll be a problem<br />

though. It's eastern standard time if that'll help you determine what time it will be in<br />

your time zone<br />

Missi Stutes Yep it's 9am. The gang is actually pretty cool about requests. The<br />

troublemakers love Salem.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Steak an eggies noted... ya want dem eggies skrambeld,<br />

fraeed, kooked or tshuss dropped ta da floor?<br />

Missi Stutes Scrambled would be lovely<br />

Wormhole Bistro Okaee, den skrambeld it will be!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Pookie wat bes dis droppin dem eggies on da floor fur customers?<br />

MOL<br />

Missi ib mew bes Pacific time den 9am it is fur da pawty fur Salem. Hopie dat helps<br />

mew out!<br />

Missi Stutes Yeppers. The troublemakers are already getting ready. Lol!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro (SHRUGS) Dat be da waee uz kittehz get da mostest<br />

eggies in da hoomin kitshuns... wenn dem drop ta da floor an da doogie no be fast<br />

enuff!<br />

Missi Stutes Hehe the girls like eggs off the floor. They say they taste better<br />

Wormhole Bistro <br />


Wormhole Bistro Oh otay me fink dat mew droppin uncooked eggies on da floor, me<br />

due dat tu momma too Pookie ans Missi<br />

Big Pook to Wormhole Bistro<br />

Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem! I hope you're having an awesome day today filled with treats and<br />

lots of catnip

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow comes in abter bein outsides wiff da BigPaw fambily feedin n pwayin wiff dems.<br />

Boy can dem wittle one packs way dem groceries now.<br />

So Shadow abter washin him's paw really guds starts bringin out da mornin noms fur da<br />

day.<br />

Tuday we habs da Nana Split Brekkie Strudel, da Eggie Wiches wiff Bakum or Snausages,<br />

Mini Berry Fluff Pannycakes wiff fresh berrys, da fwesh Croissants wiff lots ob Starlie's<br />

pecial blends ob Cawfee, da variety ob Teas, juices, fwuits ans Milk.<br />

Susan Siefers Egg-wich with bacon, please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai der Auntie Susan, one order ob da Egg-wich wiff da Bakum<br />

ans me gots mew da Cawfee tu goes wiff dat. Me hopie da Miss HoneyBun is gunna<br />

bes here laters cuz da Ginger Boys is gunna bes here<br />

Susan Siefers She's taking a nap right now so she has enough energy to enjoy<br />

the party.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat bes da bery gud finkin on her part<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hi, Shadow, good morning to you! I'll have the full brekkie<br />

menu for my tea time, with a big coffee, please, before I have to run off to go shopping<br />

and do the usual chores...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai der Auntie Johanna one full menu ob da brekkie comin rites<br />

up fur mew ans Garcon bes bringin mew da bery large cawfee tu enjoys. Ans mew<br />

bes safe twip fur mew's shoppin excursions tuday!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Thank you, Shad! Oh, it's only a short trip to one<br />

discounter today... mostly for cat food and fresh litter.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Momma asks can mew gets her sums too cuz her gotta due<br />

dat a morrow too abter her vetman appointment<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, I'll pack another bag on my bycicle, no problem... It<br />

just MIGHT be a bit difficult to get it through the internet.<br />

Wormhole Bistro We needs da replicator fingy fur duein dat! Momma wanna<br />

habs one tu cooks fur her, mew ask it fur sumfings ans it appears magically<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, I know what you mean! Tried to get my hands on one<br />

of those... but they're not exactly on sale anywhere near...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Momma knows ans her stamped her foot ans says dat her goin<br />

tu da Enterprise Star Ship ans borrowin dems, wat ebers dat bes Auntie<br />

Johanna<br />

Markus Roßkotten oh please the Nana Split Brekkie Strudel.oh that looks so yam!<br />

thankie yous<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai der Markus Roßkotten, guds tu sees mew tuday. One order<br />

ob da Nana Split Brekkie Strudel comin rites up fur mew ans can me gets mew<br />

sumfings tu dwink too?<br />

Dawn Barela May I have the full menu this morning Shad? With butter for the<br />

croissants. and a glass of milk too please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai Auntie Dawn, one full menu ob brekkie comin rites up wiff da<br />

budda fur da croissants ans da large icy cold glass ob milk too, purrlease enjoys<br />

mew's mornin noms<br />

Dawn Barela I sure did Shad! Thank you so much!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew more den welliecomes Auntie Dawn

Jon Adams Hai eberybody! Howse be eberybody tuday? Ai can haz da Froot plaet wif<br />

sum da no dairy whip kweem and a kwsants wif da no dairy buddah and a hooge cup<br />

ob da special cawfee? Please and Thanky yous.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai Unkie Jon it guds tu sees mew tuday, how bes awl dem<br />

gorgeous kittys ob mew's tuday ans mew selfie too? Garcon on large Cawfee fur<br />

Unkie Jon purrlease while me gets mew da fwuits plate wiff da basket ob da<br />

croissants wiff da non dairy budda. Ans da non dairy whippie cweams fur da fwuit<br />

plate too<br />

Sean Walker Good morning! I'll have the berry pancakes and a glass of orange juice!<br />

Salem says to say he is on his way!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai Unkie Sean, one order ob da Min Berry Fluff Pannycakes ans<br />

da nice n cold glass ob da orange juices fur mew tu habs<br />

Angela Warren Oooooooh ... That Nana split brekkie strudel looks YUMMY ..I'll have<br />

that with cup of coffee and troll cream, please!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai Auntie Angela, one order ob da Nana Splits Brekkie Studel<br />

ans da cuppa cawfee wiff da Twoll cweam too fur mew<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow starts takie da large platter ob steaks outsides tu da BBQ wiff Garcon rites ahind<br />

him wiff da huge platter ob awl kinds ob seafood on it ans da large platter ob veggies tu<br />

goes on da grill da bes just about da rites temperature fur da cookin.<br />

Jon Adams Looks yummy shad man. Ai can haz da grilled veggies and an icy cold<br />

beer? And an order ob da stakes fur da kittehs? Please and Thanky yous.

Wormhole Bistro Mew shurs can Unkie Jon, here bes mew's order ob da Grilled<br />

Veggies wiff mew's nice n colds glass ob Beer sew purrlease enjoys mew's noms ans<br />

da huge platter ob steaks fur awl da kitties tu enjoys too<br />

Liz Reeve Hello Unkie Jon! Are the little kitties with you? How is Moonlight?<br />

Jon Adams De bes da gud. Sum be habbin da naps, sum bes playin. Moonlight<br />

bes doin da gud. Herz no more da hissy. Herz touched noses wif da Garnet kitteh<br />

and headbonks da Thor. And herz lubs to be da o et and just purr and purrs<br />

Liz Reeve That's great Unkie Jon!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, me be happee her feel home wid ya!<br />

Unkie Jon an Auntie Liz!<br />

Hi,<br />

Janie Devaux on my way . i hope there are steamers<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ob corse cuz dat bes mur fur da kittys, BigPaw babies ans wittle<br />

Dragons tu pway wiff Auntie Janie<br />

Salem The Cat I iz here! OMC! Everything looks so yummy. Can I has big glass of<br />

Heineken and a little of everything you iz making?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ob corse mew's can Salem as Shad goes n gibs him da manly<br />

paw hug, Happy Birdieday me gud Buddy, ans here bes mew's Heineken ans da<br />

platter ob sums ob eberyfings fur mew, der still bes serts too<br />

Salem The Cat No worries. I has plenty of room!!!<br />

Liz Reeve Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem! <br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Happy birthday, Salem!

Precious Jezzie Happy Birfday Mr Salem. Ohh my could me habs a bit ob eberyting<br />

pwease...it smells so good<br />

Wormhole Bistro Purrlease helpie mew self Miss Jezzie tuday<br />

her da paw hugs<br />

as Shad gibs<br />

Willow and the troublemakers Could we please have a troll steak to go wiff our<br />

eggies. We already found dem!!! ------Ella<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew shurs can, helpie mew selfies ans enjoys der bes lots<br />

steaks Miss Willow and the troublemakers<br />

Stephanie Hall Big steak please, den a little bit ob eberyting else.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai der Auntie Stephanie, helpie mew selfie tuday purrlease<br />

ans enjoys too<br />

Stephanie Hall Oh we sure will. We gunna beez stuffed wif all dis gud foodies an<br />

dwink.<br />

Pat Gancarski The Ginger Boys ~ Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem! They all give him big guy<br />

hugs.<br />

Pat & Charlie~ Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem! Charlie give him a pawshake.<br />

Liz Reeve Hello Auntie Pat! Hello Charlie, Ginger Boys!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun squeals, as only a kitty-fan can > The Ginger Boys are here!<br />

Pat Gancarski GB~ Hello HoneyBun<br />

They each give a hug and kiss to HoneyBun.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Hi, Auntie Pat. I'm glad you feel good enough to come.<br />

Pat Gancarski Hi HoneyBun. I'm doing a little better so we all came today.

Pat Gancarski Hi GS Shad! We're all here! The boys are visiting with their friends and<br />

fans.<br />

Charlie Gurl~ Hi Shad! Oooo them steaks look good!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here Charlie gurl one nice grate bigs steak dun just da way mew<br />

likie it very bloo rare<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Gurl~ Thank you Brudder Shad! You know exactly how I<br />

like my steak!<br />

Pat Gancarski GB~ Hi Brudder Shad! They all give him a group hug. Shad nearly<br />

disappears in all the ginger fur.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hi, Pat and the gang! Great to have you here today!<br />

Wormhole Bistro WOOHOO group huggies me lubs dem him says muffled as<br />

him gibin huggies back tu dem awl ans den dem awl starts gains but gigglin now<br />

too<br />

Pat Gancarski Hi Johanna! My gang and I wouldn't miss a party unless I was in<br />

the hospital.<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Gurl~ look at them ribs! I'll have to have some ob them too!<br />

Wormhole Bistro One large rack ob ribs fur mew Charlie Gurl ans here bes da Beef<br />

Milkie Shakie fur mew too<br />

Pat Gancarski Charlie Gurl~ Thank you! You all bes the best! Charlie digs into<br />

her ribs with zeal.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ans here bes sums Chickie n Shrimpies fur me Brudders da<br />

Ginger Boy ans 3 Chickie Milkie Shakies too<br />

Liz Reeve Hello everybody! Aunties! Kitties!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hi, Liz and Cleo!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai der Auntie Liz ans Miss Cleo, come n enjoys mew's selfies<br />

Liz Reeve We will, we will!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Guds! Auntie Liz ans Miss Cleo<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten nice spread!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Den Shadow brins out awl da loons fur da kittys tu pways wiff ans da decorations ans da<br />

bery huge table ober filled wiff gibts fur Salem our Birfieday kitty boy!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Happy Birfieday Salem!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai der Auntie Rena it gud tu sees mew tuday, come sits n<br />

enjoys mew selfie

Willow and the troublemakers we bringed our prezzie for u. we hopes u likes it!!<br />

Salem The Cat Yay! Thanks!!!<br />

Willow and the troublemakers we knew u would lubz des!!<br />

Stephanie Hall We bwought you a prezzie too.<br />

Salem The Cat Thank you so much!!!<br />

Stephanie Hall Hope you find a few thingz in der you wike.<br />

Big Pook Oops, I popped a bunch of balloons with my claws.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dats wat dem be der fur Big Pook habs fur

Dawn Barela Hi Salem! Happy 6th <strong>Birthday</strong> Sweetie!! Here is a cool sofa for you and<br />

your humans!!<br />

Liz Reeve Oh that's great!<br />

Cheryl Overman Everything looks so beautiful. Mr.Blue<br />

Wormhole Bistro fank mews Mr Blue ans Auntie Cheryl<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow next brins out da munchies n snackies fur eberypawdys tu eats too. Debiled<br />

eggies which it seems der bes sums missin awlreadys...hmmm, Grilled Mushyroom Caps,<br />

Bakum wrapped Snausages, ans da Burgers n Hot Doggies on da Grill too!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Are the burgers twoll meat? If they are i will hab one or two of<br />

those purrlease Shaddie!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ob corse dem bes Twoll Burgers Auntie Rena, sew here bes da<br />

plate ob da cuppa fur mew tu enjoys<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Fank mew Shaddie,i went to Maine fur a few days. Mes iz<br />

home now,i got back yesterday!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Welliecomes back Auntie Rena ans me hopie dat mew enjoys<br />

mew self der too xx<br />

Jon Adams Shad man, iffin it noes be da twouble, maybe ai can haz da veggie burger?<br />

Please and Thanky yous.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat not bes any trubles at awl Unkie Jon, one large n nummy<br />

Veggie Burger fur mew tu enjoys<br />

Willow and the troublemakers ::::grabs all da deviled eggs:::: Yummy!!!! ----Willow

Wormhole Bistro Der bes lots more ob dem Debiled Eggies Miss Willow and the<br />

troublemakers not tu worrys<br />

Willow and the troublemakers wes gonna eatz dem too. yummy!!!<br />

Dawn Barela Save some for me please!!<br />

Willow and the troublemakers Hands Auntie Dawn da plate.<br />

Liz Reeve We all love them!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad sees dis ans brins out 4 more huge platters ob Debiled<br />

Eggies fur eberypawdy tu enjoys<br />

Liz Reeve Great, Shad!<br />

Wormhole Bistro fank mews Auntie Liz, me knows dat dem be likie by lots ob<br />

peoples<br />

Dawn Barela YUMMY!!!<br />

Dawn Barela I am glad there are more deviled eggies! Those are my favorite!! I would<br />

aldo like a double cheesyburger and hot dogs please. With Minty ice tea.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Helpie mew self Auntie Dawn but here bes mew's Minty Iced Tea

Dawn Barela Thanks Shad! Pawesome pawrty!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Mmmh... Shad, you've outdone yourself - once again...<br />

I'll just nibble through it all... slowly but stealthily, ah, I mean steadily...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Teeheehee not tu bes too obvious tho rite Auntie Johanna<br />

ans fank mews too!<br />

Cheryl Overman Oh Delicious. Mr.Blue<br />

Liz Reeve Deviled eggies! Yay! I already hoped they would be there!<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad brins out sums more munchie stouffs too, da Mixed Veggie Kabobbies, Tatie Salad,<br />

Cole Slaw, ans da stuffed Baked Taties.<br />

Stephanie Hall Oh diz all wookz gweat. Chancy Boy takez a kabob.<br />

Willow and the troublemakers ::::finds da scrambled eggs hidden on floor under<br />

table::::: Here it is guys!! -----Brielle<br />

Big Pook Whoa, that's quite the spread you got there!

Dawn Barela I help myself to a little bit of everything!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Not furgets tu gets sums ob dem Debiled Eggies Auntie Dawn<br />

Dawn Barela I never furget those!!<br />

Cheryl Overman Oh wow so much food. Thank you. Mr.Blue<br />

Liz Reeve Cleo is dancing from bowl to bowl...<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten wowzers!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Den Shad brins out da large platter ob SeaFoods, BLT Cups, Wild Mushyroom Risotto, ans<br />

da Snausages wiff Peppers on Buns.<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Wild Mushyroom Risotto sounds gud to me Shaddie,me finks it<br />

will pair purrfectly wiff the twoll burgers.<br />

Wormhole Bistro One order ob da Wild Mushyroom Risotto ans da Twoll Burger fur<br />

mew Auntie Rena<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun dashes into the Bistro, sees the BLT cups, and skids to a halt.<br />

> Dem's amazing!

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Hi. I seed Salem already, but I still hasn't seed the<br />

Ginger Boys. But I'z looking!<br />

Liz Reeve We'll have the risotto!<br />

Sean Walker Yum...oysters! I love oysters!!!<br />

Salem The Cat Oysters? Did someone say oysters??? I lubs oysters with Tabasco hot<br />

sauce on them!!!<br />

Big Pook Holy cow, that's a whole lot of yummy there!!<br />

Dawn Barela Oh those BLT cups look yummy!! I serve myself some and some<br />

sausages too, without the rolls.<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten<br />

nomnomnom<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad brins out da Beers, Champagne tu toasts da Birfieday Boy Salem, da Purkle NipTinis,<br />

ans various Milkie Shakies fur eberypawdys. Der alsos bes lots ob Starlie's pecial blends<br />

ob Cawfee, Tea ans milk eben fur da Kittys.<br />

Willow and the troublemakers tea please. Its too early for drinkies

Wormhole Bistro Helpies mew selfies Miss Willow and the troublemakers<br />

purrlease, we habs lots ob various kinds ob tea includin Nip Tea ans Iced Teas too<br />

Willow and the troublemakers one of each!!!<br />

Stephanie Hall Whoaaaaaa, we never gunna beez able to choose. We wantz da<br />

pweety gween on wif chovolate stripes.<br />

Susan Siefers I'll have a purkle niptini, and HoneyBun would like a chickie milk shake,<br />

with whipped cream, of course.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Helpie mew selfies Auntie Susan ans Miss HoneyBun ans da<br />

Ginger Boys bes rite here sews stay tuned<br />

Sean Walker I'll have a Rolling Rock if ya got it!<br />

Wormhole Bistro One glass ob Rolling Rock fur mew Unkie Sean<br />

Sean Walker Thank you!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bery welliecomes Unkie Sean, sew me hopie dat Salem<br />

likie him's pawty tuday too! Ans him habin funs too!<br />

Sean Walker Oh no worries! I'm having a great time! I had a feeling Salem was<br />

gonna do that low note glass shatter. He's been wanting to do it for awhile now!!!<br />

Sean Walker Salem is having a ball!!!

Jon Adams<br />

Big Pook Beer here!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Helpie mew selfie Big Pook der bes lots<br />

Liz Reeve Cleo and I would love to have a purple niptini!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here bes mew's Purkle Niptini Auntie Liz<br />

Liz Reeve Thank you so much Shadow!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bery welliecomes Auntie Liz<br />

Dawn Barela I would like a purple niptini and a mint chocolate milkyshake please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here bes mew Purkle Niptini ans da chocolate mint milkie shakie<br />

Auntie Dawn<br />

Dawn Barela Thank you Shaddie!!<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten ooh purkle!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Den Shad brins out da Birfieday Cake ans da table wiff da guest book sews da eberypawdy<br />

can signs n leab comments fur Salem!<br />

Willow and the troublemakers Happy Birfday sweet one!! Salem u don't look a day<br />

over 2 yrs old. We want to know your secret!!<br />

Salem The Cat Shhhh...it's magic!!!<br />

Susan Siefers Beautiful cake, Shadow. Did you and Bonnie work on that together?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Nope her bes back home wiff da fambily ans helpin Meowmy wiff<br />

kitchen n garden chores<br />

Susan Siefers You did a fantastic job.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mew Auntie Susan<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Happy <strong>Birthday</strong>, Salem, and many, many more to come!<br />

As you happen to like fish... well... every cat needs lots of cat beds, to be placed all<br />

over their realm, right?

Salem The Cat MOL! I like it!!!<br />

Lauren Spiridigliozzi Beautiful cake!<br />

Big Pook P O O K<br />

HAPPY birthday Salem!<br />

Jon Adams Happee da purrthday Salem kitteh. From awl ob us<br />

Debbie Lucy Bateman Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem!

Dawn Barela Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem!! May you have many more!!<br />

Liz Reeve Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem! I'm here with Cleo. Cleo won't you say anything to<br />

Salem? Happy Purrsday Salem!<br />

Salem The Cat I wouldn't want ya to feel left out!!!<br />

Liz Reeve Cleo blushing) Thank you so much Salem!<br />

Liz Reeve Here's our prezzie for Salem!

Cheryl Overman Happy birthday Salem. Mr.Blue<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten thats kewel<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad steps furwards tu Salem ans paws him da set ob keys. Dis bes<br />

mew's Birfieday Pressie frum me gud buddy as him gibs Salem da paw hugs ans habs<br />

da lookie ober ders, dat Off Road Vehicle bes mew's pressie frum me<br />

Hope mew likie it!<br />

Liz Reeve Wow! What a prezzie!<br />

Salem The Cat Thank you! Thank you! I love it!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Now mew not needs tu bes sew ruff on Unkie Sean's twuck<br />

me sew glads dat mew likie it Salem as Shad gibs him anudder paw hug!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Now, that's a great present for a tomcat!

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten<br />

Liz Reeve Trooper! Yay!<br />

Jon Adams Wes gets mew da helmet fur be da safe salem<br />

Salem The Cat Thank you Unkie Jon! I be safe!!! I promise!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mew Unkie Jon cuz me furgets dat, silly me<br />

Jon Adams And we gets mew da cooler to take along da nipsi-cola fur da twips.<br />

Salem The Cat Pawsome!!!<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten hai salem~ iz Trooper! happi birfday!

Karyn Vanderburg Happy <strong>Birthday</strong><br />

Joanne Torino Ferro Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> to mew! Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> to mew! Happy<br />

<strong>Birthday</strong> dear Salem! Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> to mew! Love from Joanne, Peaches and Danny!<br />

Precious Jezzie Happy Happy Happy Birfday<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad jumps up on da outdoor stage! Taps da mike..thump thump, ahem ahem, Hey<br />

eberyone can me habs mew's attention now!<br />

Me bes pleased tu brins tu our stage fwesh frums dem appearance in Vegas!<br />


Come Eberypawdy puts mew's hands n paws tugethers fur dem!<br />

As Shad reaches down him's paw tu help dem awl on stage.

Susan Siefers HoneyBun cheers and jumps up and down.<br />

Pat Gancarski The Ginger Boys take their mikes:<br />

Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> to you<br />

Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> to you<br />

Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> dear Salem<br />

Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> to you!<br />

Willow and the troublemakers ::::::cat calls da Ginger Boys::::: Woohoo!!!! ------the<br />

troublemakers<br />

Pat Gancarski For he's a jolly good fellow<br />

For he's a jolly good fellow<br />

For he's a jolly good fellow!<br />

Which nobody can deny<br />

For he's a jolly good fellow<br />

Which nobody can deny!<br />

Happy 6th <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem!!!<br />

Salem The Cat Thanks! This party is pawsome! I wonder if the Ginger Boys know I can<br />

sing baritone? I actually have a hidden talent they might appreciate! Now I knows<br />

everyone has seen someone break a glass with a high note but has you ever seen<br />

someone do with a low note??? I can!!!<br />

Willow and the troublemakers hehehehe<br />

Pat Gancarski GB~ we haven't seen anybody do that Salem.<br />

Salem The Cat Ok!!! Check this<br />

out everyone! I iz gonna break this glass with a low note! Do dey know the song "That Old<br />

Black Magic" since Salem is a magic kitty?

Pat Gancarski There working on that one for Halloween, HoneyBun. Sorry. They<br />

don't sing anything until they have it arranged for them.<br />

Susan Siefers They do an amazing job. They always sound like they just decided<br />

to burst into song together. That has to take a lot of work.<br />

Pat Gancarski It does! I hear them practice all the time for them to get it just<br />

right! They sing along to nearly everything I play on the stereo. Yes, stereo. I still<br />

have old fashion albums and a turntable.<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Meomy says that sounds better than the little digital<br />

players. She says if you can't walk a glass of water across the table when you<br />

listen to a symphony you have cheap speakers (and nice neighbors).<br />

Liz Reeve Just in time to hear the Ginger Boys and Salem singing!<br />

Pat Gancarski GB~ Hi Auntie Liz! We're glad you got here to hear us sing.<br />

Jon Adams Yay! * picks up bass and plays and sings along*<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Came back just in time... I wouldn't want to miss the Ginger<br />

Boys for anything! And Salem was pretty impressive...<br />

Aleta Frey Yay!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad offers da Ginger Boys him's paw tu helpie dem back down.<br />

Climbs up on stage him's selfie ans goes back tu da mike.<br />

Come let's hear it fur our catabulous<br />


as Shad stands der n claps him's paws fur dem him's Brudders

Susan Siefers HoneyBun claps her paws and jumps up and down. Meomy whispers<br />

under her breath "I'm glad none of the Boys are named Frankie. I don't think I could<br />

handle a bobby-soxer kitty."<br />

Liz Reeve Clap clap clap!!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (clap clap clap STOMP) Woo-hoooo!<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten clapclapclap<br />

Precious Jezzie claps loudly<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow goes tu da outdoor juke box ans dis song starts pwayin just fur Salem!<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=bymLrAXm5Qk<br />

That Old Black Magic (Frank Sinatra - with Lyrics)<br />

Arranged by Billy May<br />


Wormhole Bistro Ohhhhh lookie eberypawdy da wittle Dragons bes dancie tu da<br />

musik in da air ans da baby BigPaws bes swayin tu da musik too!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

Liz Reeve That's the black magic!

Dawn Barela Pawesome!!<br />

Susan Siefers Good music to dance to, and when I hear it I know what the words are.<br />

Thanks, Shadow.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

ans mew waz just mentionin dat song too Auntie Susan<br />

Trooper the Handicapped Kitten haha<br />

Pam Jones Baird Sings along<br />

Rudi Maicher Arrrrgh!!! Video blocked in my country!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Outs ob da bloo da juke box springs tu life gains playin<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQswfILThsY<br />

Bob Seger - Old<br />

Time Rock n Roll -<br />

The Distance Tour<br />

1983<br />

Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band -<br />

The Distance Tour 1983 - Detroit -<br />

Cobo Hall<br />


Johanna Duffek-Kowal (smiles and waves up to a conspicuously purple cloud)

Dawn Barela HI ANGEL JACKY!! WE LOVE YOU!!<br />

Susan Siefers It wouldn't be a party without Angel Auntie Jacky.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad stands n puts him's paw on him's heart n furhead as da wittle<br />

bitty tear rolls down him's check, Lubs mew Angel Auntie Jacky him calls out xxx<br />

Susan Siefers She hasn't missed a party yet. Have you checked to see if she sent<br />

Salem a feather?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dis wun tshuss kommed daun... owt of no-were, of<br />

korze.<br />

Dawn Barela That is a very beautiful purple feather! Thank you Jacky!!<br />

Liz Reeve Love you Auntie Jacky!<br />

Jon Adams Hai auntie Jacky!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeKxQ9LQAB4<br />

Gloria Estefan - Conga<br />

Music video by Gloria Estefan performing Conga. (Live in Las Vegas 2003)(C) 2003 Epic<br />

Records, a division of Sony Music…<br />


Trooper the Handicapped Kitten<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun jumps up and gets in line.> Conga! Da da da da da kick! Da<br />

da da da da kick!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (carefully edges to the side and out of the way) Ah... I need to<br />

hop home for a short while...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad hangs on tu Miss HoneyBun's tail; da da da da da kick, da da<br />

da da da kick,<br />

Dawn Barela Da da da da da kick! Da da da da da kick!Da da da da da kick! Da da da<br />

da da kick!Da da da da da kick! Da da da da da kick!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shakie it der Auntie Dawn<br />

Liz Reeve Da da da da da kick, da da da da da kick!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU1Qb2hzMSs<br />

John Mellencamp - R.O.C.K. In The USA (Live at Farm Aid 1995)<br />

John Mellencamp performs "R.O.C.K. In The USA" at the…<br />


Sean Walker Salem likes the choice of music! He's busy dancing so I'll make a<br />

request. Can you see if the jukebox will play "Rappers Delight" by The Sugarhill Gang?<br />

Susan Siefers Good music doesn't have a label, does it? It just gets inside you and<br />

brings out the joy.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me shurs habs da lookie Unkie Sean<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CHvDPRWgJ4<br />

John Cougar - Ain't Even Done With The Night (Live 1981)<br />

AMA…<br />


Jon Adams I must compliment mew on da music tuday.

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews Unkie Jon but me da Shad canna takie awl da credits<br />

fur dat Gud tu sees eberypawdy habin funs n dancie tho<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow climbs back up on da stage, Eberypawdy can I habs mew's attentions purrlease!<br />

Tomorrow da Bistro is gunna bes 1 year old (just da baby n takin baby steps) ans we habin<br />

da small pawty tu celebrates da day but on da Fryday n Caturday bes da huge pawty wiff<br />

da Fair tu really Celebrates our Anniversary!<br />

Susan Siefers Oh, good. A family party!<br />

Sean Walker Cool! Sounds like fun!!!<br />

Dawn Barela PAWESOME!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcrVxbwEmEQ<br />

SUGARHILL GANG ☃ Rapper's Delight 【music video】<br />

Reportedly it became the first hip-hop single to go diamond (5…<br />


Sean Walker Yes!!!<br />

Susan Siefers Sean, HoneyBun and I hate to leave the party early, but duty calls<br />

at home. Please tell Salem thank you, and happy birthday/ He is one amazing kitty!<br />

Salem The Cat

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > He does that above the floor, and he doesn't even<br />

need dragon fruit!<br />

Liz Reeve <br />

Wormhole Bistro WOOHOO go Salem as Shad claps him's paws, me canna due dat<br />

Precious Jezzie gooo Mr Salem<br />

Jon Adams Now what you hear is not a test, I'm rapping to the beat, and me,my<br />

friends, and the grove are gonna try to move your feet.... you see I am wonder<br />

salem. ....<br />

Jon Adams "Go salem,go salem! "<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt2mbGP6vFI<br />

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise (Official Music Video)<br />

Phil Collins' "Face Value" + "Both Sides" remastered and…<br />


Liz Reeve Oh yeas we are!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkADj0TPrJA<br />

Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (Official Music Video)<br />

Phil Collins' "Face Value" + "Both Sides" remastered and…<br />


Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad walks up tu da juke box n pways dis song den slowly walks back tu Bonnie n takie<br />

her paw fur da dancie, dis bes mew's pecial song me lub<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyrQqmc5UT8<br />

elvis presley - the wonder of you<br />

another superb song by elvis<br />


Wormhole Bistro Dem boff goes out on da dancie floor ans sway tu da music<br />

tugethers in time!<br />

Dawn Barela They are so beautiful together!!

Wormhole Bistro Shad lookie obers him sholder ans winks at Auntie Dawn ans him<br />

mouffs da wurds Fank mew!<br />

Dawn Barela<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

So romantic...<br />

Lisa Broshar Oh my paws Shadow. I'm so sorry. I've been flirting with you relentlessly.<br />

I was unaware you had a girlfriend " blushes ". I'm so embarrassed. But your girl Bonnie<br />

probably knows we all love you. Tell Bonnie I'm sorry for flirting with her boyfriend.<br />

Friends???? Huggs and kisses!!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Teeheehee dat bes otay Auntie Lisa, not only bes Bonnie me<br />

gurlfriend but her bes me Bride too<br />

Lisa Broshar Oh my paws. You are beautiful together. That picture is gorgeous<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mew sew muchie Auntie Lisa, our 1st Wedding Anniversary<br />

bes December 13th!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me furgets tu say dat me Bonnie Lub knows ans her bes sew<br />

prouds ob her hansums gentlecat hubby!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Salem gots dis lubly gibt frum Josephine (Sa Majesté impériale le Chat) from Team<br />


Rudi Maicher to Wormhole Bistro<br />

Hi Salem, it's me, Josephine (Sa Majesté impériale le Chat) from Team #GreenCatArt.<br />

A wish for lots of birthday fun.<br />

To last until the day is done.<br />

Hoping that all your wishes comes true,<br />

and your birthday cake is as sweet as you!<br />

Happy <strong>Birthday</strong> Salem<br />

Thought you'll like this present.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Dere be wun song dat ma Mama hab ask for...<br />


Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven Live (HD)<br />

The footage is from the concert film "The Song Remains the…<br />


Wormhole Bistro Pookie & Starlight dat bes da bootiful song, fank mew<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Hm... uz dink it be da taim fur sum sweets - uz bringed ofer da<br />

Mozart ballz an sum da tshokalaets... An uz hab da fresh klassikal Austrian kaffee fur<br />

ya!<br />

Dawn Barela What fabulous chocolates!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Da Europe hab da graet tshoiz of relllee good<br />

tshokalaets!<br />

But Mama neber allau me ta hab sum at home!<br />

Dawn Barela I know Pookie! American chocolate does not even compare to<br />

European chocolate!!<br />

Dawn Barela That is because it's not safe for you to eat at home Starlie!!

Wormhole Bistro Dat wut Mama saee...<br />

tshokalaet!<br />

But me LUB da<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Mmmh, I think coffee is just what I need now... and one or two<br />

of those chocolates... or three, maybee...<br />

Liz Reeve Oh Mozart balls! Great! <br />

Jon Adams Yay! Himz be da gud composer. And ai likes da chocolate tu. Hehe and ob<br />

course sum ob starlie special cawfee. Please and Thanky yous.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow climbs back up on da stage....Salem wuds mew likie tu joins me up here ans<br />

speaks da few wurds tu eberypawdys afors dem goes back home.<br />

Eberypawdys I give mew SALEM as Shad puts him's paws tugethers n claps!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (aplauds, with her mouth full of chocolate) Mmmh...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oopsie me finks dat Salem mites bes takie da nappy now Auntie<br />

Johanna<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (swallows her chocolate) Never mind... I'm sure we're<br />

gonna hear enough of our Magical Cat yet!<br />

Sean Walker He is napping! The party wore him right out!!!<br />

Sean Walker Maybe that drink from Quincey and Joey hit him a little harder than<br />

he thought it would!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat bes otay Unkie Sean but fank mew fur da telling us ans<br />

wes awl lookie furward tu habin Salem as our Guest Chef amorrows wiff Pookie &<br />

Starlight ans me laters on too.

Sean Walker Definitely! Don't bother waking Salem up. I'll let him wake up on his<br />

own! He's looking forward to cooking with you! In fact it's all he really talks about!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat bes wunnerfuls<br />

Unkie Sean Walker<br />

Liz Reeve Clap clap clap clap!<br />

Liz Reeve Thank you all so much for the party! I had a wonderful time! Bye bye! Cleo<br />

and I go to beddie now...see you all tomorrow!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Sees mew boff amorrows Auntie Liz ans Miss Cleo, habs da gud<br />

sleepie<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Have a good night and sweet dreams! See you<br />

tomorrow!<br />

Liz Reeve Bye bye Salem! Unkie Sean!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Sorry, firends, it's time for me, too... long past witching hour...<br />

So I wish you a nice rest of the evening, a good night and sweet dreams, see you<br />

tomorrow for the next party!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Nitey nite ans habs grate dweams Auntie Johannaans Pookie &<br />

Starlight, me sees mew awl a morrows

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