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ḺeGeNDS<br />

(in their own lunchbox)<br />

Riley Clowns<br />

Around<br />

Bill Condon & Andrew Hopgood

ḺeGeNDS<br />

(in their own lunchbox)<br />

Riley<br />

Riley always<br />

has a plan.<br />

Trouble is,<br />

things don’t<br />

always go<br />

to plan …<br />

Kim<br />

Kim, super<br />

news reporter.<br />

Except she’s<br />

usually the<br />

one creating<br />

the news …<br />

Noob<br />

Noob, superhero.<br />

Saving the<br />

world without<br />

leaving the<br />

library.<br />

Lucy<br />

Lucy’s heart<br />

is in the right<br />

place. It’s her<br />

spinning, kicking<br />

feet that are<br />

the problem!<br />

Chaz<br />

Chaz Camilleri.<br />

Master chef —<br />

or disaster<br />

chef?<br />

Stella<br />

Stella has<br />

stars in her<br />

eyes. It’s just<br />

that no one<br />

else can<br />

see them!

Contents<br />

Meet the Characters 4<br />

Chapter 1: A Brand New Face 7<br />

Chapter 2: The Babies 14<br />

Chapter 3: Silly Boy 23<br />

Chapter 4: Buddy’s New Face 29<br />

Chapter 5: Happy at Last 37<br />

Riley’s Email 44<br />

More Legends! 45<br />

Meet the Author 46<br />

Meet the Illustrator 47

Meet the<br />

Characters<br />

I’m Riley.<br />

I love making<br />

people happy.<br />

Woof!<br />


I’m Matilda,<br />

Riley’s best<br />

friend and<br />

sidekick.<br />

I’m Big Jim<br />

Judd. Everyone<br />

is scared<br />

of me!<br />

LEAVE<br />

ME<br />

ALONE<br />


Chapter 1<br />

A Brand<br />

New Face<br />

‘I want the same face as yours, Riles.<br />

Do you think you can do it?’<br />

‘Sure, Tilda. Sit down and don’t move.’<br />

Riley got to work. A dash of this.<br />

A splash of that. Giant blobs of red<br />

and blue.<br />


‘What does it look like?’<br />

‘Be patient.’<br />

‘You’re not going to give me a<br />

monster face, are you, Riles?’<br />

‘I might.’<br />

‘Can I see it? Please. Please. Pl—’<br />

‘OK. Check it out.’<br />

Riley held up a mirror for Matilda.<br />

She had blue eyebrows. A patch of red<br />

on each cheek. And a big white circle<br />

around her mouth.<br />

‘You’ve done it. I’m a clown!’<br />

‘I haven’t finished yet.’ Riley gave<br />

Matilda a bright red rubber nose,<br />

the same as his.<br />

She looked into the mirror again.<br />


‘Now I’m really a clown! Aren’t I,<br />

Riles?’<br />

‘Almost.’<br />

In his hands was a curly yellow wig.<br />

He put it on Matilda’s head.<br />

‘Now,’ he said, ‘you’re a clown!’<br />


Matilda jumped to her feet.<br />

‘We’re clowns! Hurray!’<br />

They pranced around the room,<br />

laughing and giggling. When they<br />

finally stopped, Matilda said,<br />

‘What do we do now?’<br />


‘I don’t know, Tilda. I’ve never<br />

been a clown before.’<br />

Just then they heard babies crying.<br />

They looked out the window and<br />

saw strollers being wheeled along the<br />

street by the babies’ mums and dads.<br />

‘That’s the answer.’ Riley’s eyes<br />

gleamed. ‘Those babies need clowns<br />

to stop them crying.’<br />

‘But we don’t know anything<br />

about babies.’<br />

‘I do,’ Riley said. ‘I used to be<br />

a baby myself. Let’s go!’<br />


Chapter 2<br />

The Babies<br />

On the street they found more parents<br />

wheeling strollers. And more crying<br />

babies.<br />

‘Let’s follow them!’ Riley said.<br />

Soon the two friends were looking at<br />

a sign outside the Seacliff Town Hall.<br />


Baby Show<br />

today<br />

Prizes for the<br />

• cutest baby<br />

• happiest baby<br />

• biggest baby<br />

• smallest baby<br />

and lots more!<br />

Inside were dozens of babies. Some<br />

were smiling and laughing. A few were<br />

asleep. Many more were kicking their<br />

tiny arms and feet. And hollering.<br />

Matilda looked nervous. Riley<br />

whispered in her ear, ‘Clowns rule!’<br />


Baby Show

And away they went.<br />

They pulled funny faces. Made silly<br />

‘blub, blub’ noises. Bumped into each<br />

other. Fell down. Jumped up. Blew<br />

their blowout whistles. And laughed<br />

and laughed.<br />


One by one, the babies stopped<br />

crying. They waved their rattles<br />

and giggled.<br />

‘Riles! We did it!’<br />

‘I knew we would, Tilda!’<br />


For a moment there were only<br />

contented gurgles in the town hall.<br />

Then the sleeping babies woke.<br />

They squawked and squealed.<br />

The babies who had been smiling<br />

before now looked grumpy. One<br />

threw a rattle out of her stroller.<br />

It almost hit Seacliff’s mayor,<br />

Mr Jones, on his shiny bald head.<br />

There were loud grumbles, not<br />

just from the babies. From their<br />

parents, too.<br />

‘Our baby was sound asleep,’<br />

a red-faced man snarled, leaning<br />

over Riley. ‘Until you made all<br />

that noise.’<br />


‘Sorry,’ said Riley.<br />

A lady glared. ‘You scared my<br />

little girl.’<br />

‘I didn’t mean to,’ said Matilda.<br />


All the babies were crying again.<br />

Louder than ever. Their parents were<br />

angry.<br />

Matilda said, ‘What will we do?’<br />

‘Run!’ said Riley.<br />


Chapter 3<br />

Silly Boy<br />

Riley and Matilda watched people<br />

trudging down Sandy Road to visit<br />

the dentist. Some looked in pain.<br />

Others looked afraid.<br />

‘They need us,’ Riley said.<br />

‘Do they?’ asked Matilda.<br />



‘Yes! We’re clowns. It’s our job to<br />

make people happy!’<br />

The first person to come along was<br />

Mr Bell. He was rubbing his mouth<br />

as if he had a really sore tooth.<br />

Matilda leapt onto the path in front<br />

of him and spread her arms wide.<br />

‘Ring a ding, ding, Mr Bell!’<br />

Mr Bell growled and snarled. Riley<br />

gave him a super-clown grin. Mr Bell<br />

screwed his face up like a squashed<br />

tomato. Then he put his head down<br />

and marched off to see the dentist.<br />

Matilda sighed. ‘I don’t think we<br />

made him happy.’<br />


‘Some people take a while to get<br />

the joke,’ Riley said. ‘He’ll probably<br />

laugh later.’<br />

Just then Mrs Bensley came along<br />

with her son, Jonathan.<br />

‘My turn,’ said Riley.<br />

He tumbled onto the path with a<br />

double somersault. Then he ran in and<br />

out between Jonathan and his mother,<br />

all the time quacking like a duck.

Jonathan’s mouth fell open. It was<br />

the strangest thing he’d ever seen.<br />

‘Wasn’t that fun?’ Riley said.<br />

Jonathan kicked him in the shin.<br />

‘Ouch!’<br />

‘Mummy!’ Jonathan ran back to<br />

his mother.<br />


‘Now look what you’ve done,’<br />

Mrs Bensley said. ‘He’s upset.’<br />

‘I was trying to stop him worrying<br />

about the dentist,’ said Riley.<br />

‘We weren’t even going to the<br />

dentist. You silly boy!’<br />

And then she and Jonathan<br />

strode away.<br />


Chapter 4<br />

Buddy’s New Face<br />

‘I wish we could make even one person<br />

happy,’ Matilda said.<br />

‘Of course we will!’ Riley honked<br />

his rubber nose. ‘For sure.’<br />

The children sat on a bench next<br />

to Fifi’s Dog Wash.<br />


Outside the shop was a sign about<br />

dog washing.<br />

Ten people waited in line. Beside<br />

them were dogs of every kind, from<br />

long-legged strutters to tiny, roly-poly<br />

pooches.<br />

I know what we can do! We’ll paint<br />

clown faces on dogs!’<br />

‘Great idea, Riles!’<br />


WASH<br />

DOG FIFI ’S<br />

DOGS<br />

WASHED<br />

FOR<br />


TODAY<br />


Soon there was a new sign, right<br />

beside Fifi’s.<br />

A lot of people stopped at the<br />

children’s stall, but no one wanted<br />

to have their dog’s face painted.<br />

Not even when they were told it was<br />

only water paint. Then Fifi said,<br />

Dogs’<br />

faces<br />

painted<br />

free!!<br />


‘Sorry, kids. You’ll have to go.<br />

You’re blocking the footpath.’<br />

As they walked away a dog came<br />

trotting up to them. ‘Buddy!’ said<br />

Matilda. She knelt down to pat him<br />

and he licked her clown nose.<br />

DOGS<br />

WASHED<br />

FOR<br />


TODAY<br />

ONLY!<br />


‘He’s jumped Mr Tran’s fence<br />

again.’ Matilda looped her belt around<br />

Buddy’s neck. ‘Come on, boy.’<br />

‘Wait,’ Riley said. ‘Before we take<br />

him home, let’s paint him. I think<br />


Mr Tran would like that.’<br />

‘He’ll love it, Riles!’<br />

They gave Buddy a splash of this<br />

and a splish of that. Some stripes<br />

and spots. And a yellow smiley face.<br />


He wagged his tail, as if he knew he<br />

was the best-looking dog in Seacliff.<br />

But when they took him home,<br />

Mr Tran stared and shook his head.<br />

‘That’s not Buddy.’<br />


Chapter 5<br />

Happy at Last<br />

The real Buddy leapt up at the side<br />

gate and barked at the children to say<br />

hello. He looked exactly the same as<br />

the dog they’d painted.<br />

Mr Tran explained what had<br />

happened.<br />


‘They’re litter brothers,’ he said.<br />

‘The dog you’ve got there is Spike.<br />

He belongs to Mr Judd.’<br />

Big Jim Judd never ever smiled.<br />

And he wore a T-shirt that said<br />

LEAVE ME ALONE. Everyone did.<br />


They were scared of him.<br />

‘Spike can find his own way back,’<br />

Matilda said.<br />

‘That’s not right.’ Riley frowned.<br />

‘We have to make sure he gets home<br />

safely.’<br />


LEAVE<br />

ME<br />

ALONE<br />

‘OK … But let’s wash the paint<br />

off him first. Then we won’t get into<br />

trouble.’<br />

When they splashed water onto<br />

Spike all the colours mixed together.<br />

He looked like a furry, four-legged<br />

rainbow. They looked up as an orange<br />


van screeched to a stop beside them.<br />

Out stepped Big Jim Judd.<br />

Riley stood in front of Matilda<br />

to protect her, even though his legs<br />

were shaking. ‘Hello, Mr Judd,’<br />

he said. ‘We found Spike. Sorry that<br />

we painted him.’<br />


‘It washes off easily,’ added Matilda.<br />

Big Jim looked mean and full of<br />

menace. But that changed when Spike<br />

bounded up to him and rolled over<br />

at his feet to have his tummy tickled.<br />

Then Big Jim Judd, who never ever<br />

smiled, couldn’t stop smiling.<br />

‘Spike’s my only friend,’ he said.<br />

‘I’ve been looking everywhere for<br />

him. And you brought him home<br />

to me. Thanks, kids!’<br />

Riley and Matilda smiled, too.<br />

At last they’d made someone happy!<br />


LEAVE<br />

ME<br />

ALONE<br />


Riley’s Email<br />

From: riles@litols.com<br />

To: bruno49@litols.com<br />

Sent: Sunday 20 April<br />

Subject: Clowning around<br />

Hi Bruno<br />

Last week Tilda and I dressed up as clowns.<br />

We thought it would make people happy.<br />

Wrong! Babies screamed. People ran away<br />

from us in the street. Others growled at us.<br />

But in the end we did make one person<br />

happy. Someone who never usually smiles.<br />

And that made us happy.<br />

Here’s a photo of Tilda<br />

and me in our clown paint.<br />

CYA<br />


MoRe ḺeGeNDS!<br />

Want to find out<br />

about my next<br />

adventure? Read<br />

my next book!<br />

Here’s what happens . . .<br />

Every night, Riley<br />

dreams that he’s<br />

being chased by<br />

a giant banana. It’s<br />

the worst thing that<br />

has ever happened<br />

to him. Until he<br />

meets the giant<br />

banana for real …<br />


Meet the Author<br />

Bill Condon was born in the back seat of<br />

a taxi. His mother couldn’t afford to pay<br />

the fare, so the driver kept him. Or is this<br />

just another one of Bill’s wild stories? It’s<br />

hard to know because he’s always making<br />

up stuff. He became a writer because he<br />

loves telling stories. Next to breathing, it’s<br />

his favourite thing. And writers get paid for<br />

making things up! It doesn’t get any better<br />

than that.<br />


Meet the Illustrator<br />

Andrew Hopgood loved drawing as a child<br />

and just never stopped. He lives in Melbourne<br />

with wife Ally and sons Bailey and Miles,<br />

who still can’t believe he gets paid to draw<br />

pictures. Andrew has illustrated for books,<br />

stamps, jigsaws, packaging and advertising.<br />

You can check out some of his other work<br />

on his website:<br />

www.hopgoodillustration.com.au<br />


Read all the books in Set 1

RL: 15<br />

This PDF ebook edition published in 2013<br />

First published in 2013 by<br />


15–19 Claremont Street, South Yarra 3141<br />

Associated companies and representatives throughout the world.<br />

Visit our website at www.macmillan.com.au/primary<br />

Copyright text © Bill Condon 2013<br />

The moral right of the author has been asserted.<br />

Copyright illustrations © Macmillan Publishers Australia 2013<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored,<br />

distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon<br />

or similar organisations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical) or by any<br />

means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission<br />

from the publisher.<br />

Legends (in their own lunchbox): Riley Clowns Around<br />

ISBN 978 1 4586 4300 1 (PDF ebook)<br />

Series Editors: Meredith Costain, Helen Chamberlin<br />

Designer: Ellie Exarchos<br />

Illustrator: Andrew Hopgood<br />

iStockphoto.com/marlanu, 44<br />

Visit www.macmillan.com.au/primary to read more about all our books and to buy both<br />

print and ebooks online. You will also find subject catalogues, teacher support material and<br />

news of professional development events.

ḺeGeNDS<br />

(in their own lunchbox)<br />

Riley<br />

Riley Clowns<br />

Around<br />

Everyone loves clowns.<br />

They’re funny, friendly,<br />

and make people happy.<br />

So why is everyone running<br />

away from new clowns<br />

Riley and Matilda?<br />

Kim<br />

Noob<br />

Lucy<br />

To find out<br />

more about<br />

the ḺeGenDs,<br />

look inside the<br />

front cover!<br />

Chaz<br />

Stella<br />

Look inside<br />

the back cover<br />

for all the<br />

ḺeGenDs<br />

(in their own<br />

lunchbox)<br />


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