Viva Lewes Issue #137 February 2018

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What's the most creative swear word<br />

you've heard? It repeatedly astounds me<br />

when toddlers first start to do their own<br />

version of swearing. It happens when<br />

they're potty trained and they suddenly<br />

realise that everything to do with the<br />

toilet is taboo. Spontaneously they start<br />

to call people ‘poo heads’ and ‘wee faces’<br />

when they're annoyed, upset, or just want<br />

to get a laugh. Although every toddler<br />

does it, the first time any child does it is an act of<br />

pure creation. I'll try to remember that when my<br />

daughter reaches that stage!<br />

How did you find yourself studying the science<br />

of swearing? I was working in a neuroscience lab<br />

in the Science Museum when I came across a study<br />

on swearing and pain relief. It was such a simple<br />

design with such a clear outcome: when we swear,<br />

not only can we withstand more pain,<br />

we can exert more strength for longer.<br />

It made me wonder what else we know<br />

about swearing.<br />

Is swearing becoming more acceptable?<br />

It may seem that way but,<br />

actually, taboos simply change over time.<br />

While blasphemy was once considered<br />

exceptionally powerful, it rarely raises an<br />

eyebrow these days - in British English<br />

at least. Conversely, there are words that were in<br />

the literature, and even the nursery rhymes, of my<br />

grandparents' generation that I just wouldn't use.<br />

Swearing is so deeply ingrained that it will never<br />

truly disappear, it will keep reinventing itself. RC<br />

Swearing Is Good For You, part of White Heat at<br />

Brighton Science Festival, Sallis Benney Theatre,<br />

Brighton, Sat 17th, 10.30am-5pm<br />

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