Keto Quick Start

A six step quick start guide to eating a ketogenic diet for weight loss.

A six step quick start guide to eating a ketogenic diet for weight loss.


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<strong>Keto</strong> <strong>Quick</strong> <strong>Start</strong><br />

A Six Step System for <strong>Start</strong>ing and Succeeding<br />

on the <strong>Keto</strong>genic Diet<br />

Happy <strong>Keto</strong> Woman<br />

1st Edition

Introduction to the <strong>Keto</strong>genic Diet<br />

It seems like keto is all the rage these days. But there is a great deal of<br />

misinformation out there about what exactly the ketogenic diet is and how to<br />

adhere to it.<br />

Simply put, it is a diet of low carbohydrates, moderate protein and high fat. That<br />

last part scares some people, but it will all make sense in a moment.<br />

More and more research is showing that fat does not make us fat. In fact, the<br />

primary culprit of our obesity epidemic is sugar. Not fat.<br />

“But I don’t eat sweets.”<br />

Sugar isn’t always found in sweets. It is anything that your body turns into<br />

glucose during the digestion and absorption process. In a word, carbohydrates.<br />

This includes:<br />

• Bread<br />

• Potatoes (and most root vegetables)<br />

• Pasta<br />

• Grains<br />

• Candy<br />

• Fruit<br />

Each of these foods contains varying amounts of carbohydrates, which your<br />

body converts into glucose (sugar) during digestion. In a healthy person who is<br />

at their ideal weight and fitness level, this glucose supplies energy that they<br />

then burn off.<br />

However, as we become a more sedentary society, we consume more and<br />

more sugar, but burn less and less of the resulting glucose.<br />

When we don’t burn off the glucose within a certain amount of time, our body,<br />

rather than get rid of that extra sugar, stores it as fat. Historically, this allowed<br />

our ancestors to have energy reserves for when food was scarce. Today,

especially if you are able to be online reading this, chances are you rarely, if<br />

ever, go hungry.<br />

“But fruit is good for you! And grains are the biggest part of the food pyramid!”<br />

Today’s fruits do not resemble the ones our ancestors ate. They have been<br />

bred and modified over generations to be little more than sugar bombs. You<br />

can get all of the very same nutrients from vegetables, without the sugar.<br />

As for the food pyramid, follow the money. Poke around and see who had a<br />

vested interest in the layout of that pyramid, as well as the change in overall<br />

health and obesity on a national level since its implementation.<br />

When you ingest a high carbohydrate diet, your body releases a lot of insulin to<br />

help process that sugar. This puts a lot of strain on your pancreas, potentially<br />

causing Type 2 diabetes and other health issues. Also, when you consume a<br />

lot of sugar, you get blood sugar spikes. And as you come down off of those<br />

spikes, you again feel hungry, tired and maybe even cranky.<br />

Eating ketogenically stops that. By strictly limiting your carbohydrate intake,<br />

you reduce the stress on your pancreas (and other organs), and force the body<br />

to begin burning your stored fat for energy instead.<br />

<strong>Keto</strong>nes, the form that energy from fat takes, are a far more efficient fuel for<br />

your body and brain. The ketogenic diet has been shown to:<br />

• Aid weight loss<br />

• Stabilize blood sugar<br />

• Balance hormones<br />

• Lower A1C levels<br />

• Boost energy<br />

• Increase mental clarity<br />

• And more.<br />

So, how do you get started?<br />

In this guide are six steps that will put you on the right path.

Getting <strong>Start</strong>ed Step 1: Find Your Why<br />

This may seem like an odd first step, but it is vital to your success. Weight loss<br />

is not a linear process. You will experience ups and downs, stalls and plateaus,<br />

no matter what method you use to lose. Without a solid why, it is easy to lose<br />

confidence and give up.<br />

So, start by finding<br />

your why. Find the<br />

core reason that you<br />

are doing this. What,<br />

beyond losing<br />

weight, drives you to<br />

eat better, get<br />

healthy and have<br />

more energy?<br />

Perhaps you want to<br />

be able to play with<br />

your children?<br />

Or, you want a longer, healthier life to spend with loved ones.<br />

Maybe you lost someone to diabetes complications and don’t want to suffer the<br />

same fate.<br />

Dig down and figure out that one big reason that will keep you going on the<br />

hard days.<br />

Write it down where you can look at it often. Journal about it. Whatever it takes.<br />

Your why will be that beacon of light you can keep in sight when all around you<br />

is dark.<br />

It can overcome many of the stumbling blocks you might encounter on your<br />

keto journey.

For instance, you are going along, losing a good amount of weight. Then, you<br />

have a rough weekend and indulge in high carb food. The next day, you feel<br />

bloated, tired and hungry. Part of you feels guilty and wants to give up<br />

altogether. Then, you look at that beacon. That powerful reason you have to<br />

get back on the wagon and keep moving forward.<br />

No one is perfect. And no one does keto perfectly. And that’s okay. The<br />

important thing is to have something to keep you motivated. To give you hope.<br />

So, take some time today and figure out why you want to go on this journey.<br />

Why you want to change your lifestyle to be happier, healthier and more<br />


Getting <strong>Start</strong>ed Step 2: Take Before Pictures<br />

and Measurements<br />

When we are heavy and unhealthy, it’s easy to avoid the camera. Most of us<br />

do. But, it’s hard to know how far you’ve come if you don’t have a record of<br />

where you began.<br />

So, find a most unflattering outfit, one that hugs in all the wrong places, and get<br />

pictures in it. Front, side and back. You can do this yourself in the bathroom<br />

mirror, or you can have a trusted friend or significant other do it. What’s<br />

important is that you have a basis for comparison down the road.<br />

Also, get a tailor’s measuring tape (in the sewing area of most stores) and<br />

measure yourself in specific areas:<br />

• Neck<br />

• Upper Arms<br />

• Chest<br />

• Waist<br />

• Hips<br />

• Thighs<br />

Some people also measure wrists and ankles.<br />

Often, we will lose inches even when we are not losing pounds. The reason for<br />

this is that your body is undergoing recomposition. It is replacing some of the<br />

fat with muscle. And a pound of muscle only takes up 20% of the space that a<br />

pound of fat takes up. So, as you replace fat with muscle, that part of your body<br />

gets smaller, even though it weighs the same.<br />

Think of it this way: A pound of rock will not take up as much space as a pound<br />

of cotton. So, if you get rid of the cotton and replace it with the rock, you will<br />

have more room, but no change in weight.

You do not have to show your before pictures and measurements to anyone.<br />

They are for your eyes only. But put them somewhere easy to find, because in<br />

a month or two, you will be shocked to see the changes you’re making, no<br />

matter what the scale says.

Getting <strong>Start</strong>ed Step 3: Establish Your Macros<br />

Macros is short for macronutrients. Your macros will be the grams of fat, protein<br />

and carbohydrates you need to be eating each day. It will also show you the<br />

calorie intake that will work best for you to start losing weight.<br />

Different websites have different macro calculators. Find one that works for you<br />

and enter the requested information. If it asks for an activity level, put<br />

sedentary (or something close to it). This will give you the most bang for your<br />

keto buck.<br />

Since the calorie burn calculations for most exercises are inaccurate, it doesn’t<br />

make sense to include them in your calculations.<br />

Also, do not set your net carbs to more than 25g. Twenty grams is ideal, but 25<br />

works for most people.<br />

Once you have your macros, you will know where you stand in terms of how<br />

you will be eating.<br />

What do macros look like?<br />

Here’s an example:<br />

38/F/5’4”<br />

Current weight: 200 pounds<br />

30% Body Fat<br />

Mostly Sedentary<br />

1450 kCal (calories) Goal - a 16% deficit<br />

25g Carbohydrates<br />

100g Protein<br />

106g Fat<br />

So, this woman should not consume more than 1450 calories per day. And of<br />

that, only 25g will be carbohydrates and 100g will be protein.

The fat grams will vary from day to day. In fact, it is fine if you do not reach your<br />

total fat intake in a day. This forces your body to burn it’s stored fat instead.<br />

The key is to use fat to help you feel full. Beyond that, it is not a goal to reach<br />

for.<br />

Now, go find a keto macro calculator and get your macros. In the next step, we<br />

will learn what to do with this information.

Getting <strong>Start</strong>ed Step 4: Track Your Carbs<br />

For the first two weeks of the ketogenic diet, the only macro you need to track<br />

is your carbohydrates.<br />

On nutritional labels, carbs will be broken down into dietary fiber, sugar and<br />

sugar alcohols. Starchy fillers are not listed, though they may appear in the<br />

ingredients lists on the food package.<br />

You will be tracking net carbs. This means, you will take the total carb amount<br />

and subtract the fiber and sugar alcohols from that total. So, if the item has 10g<br />

of carbohydrates, 2g fiber (soluble or insoluble) and 2g sugar alcohols, your net<br />

carbs will be 6g. That 6g will include all sugar and fillers.<br />

Sugar Alcohols<br />

Not all sugar alcohols are created equal.<br />

Sugar alcohols are artificial or non-sugar sweeteners.<br />

These include:<br />

• Stevia<br />

• Erithrytol<br />

• Maltitol<br />

• Sorbitol<br />

• Aspertame<br />

• And others.<br />

Each one reacts differently in the body. Most of them do not trigger much of an<br />

insulin response, which is a good thing. However, Maltitol, Sucralose and a few<br />

others can be problematic. They can trigger hunger and cravings.<br />

You will need to test and figure out which sugar alcohols you can tolerate<br />

without problems and which to avoid.<br />

In order to track, you will want to use either a notebook or a phone app. These<br />

are the most popular tracking apps at the time of this writing:

• My Fitness Pal (user generated information can be unreliable at times)<br />

• Cronometer<br />

• Carb Manager (limited without paid upgrade)<br />

• Senza<br />

It doesn’t matter which app you use (or if you decide to go the pen and paper<br />

route), so long as you track carefully.<br />

This means that you will want to weigh out your serving sizes to keep yourself<br />

honest. Invest in a good kitchen scale. It will pay for itself quickly.<br />

Aside from tracking your carbs, simply eat when you are hungry and stop when<br />

you get full.<br />

Important Note: Electrolytes<br />

As your body gets accustomed to using fat for fuel, you may experience<br />

withdrawal symptoms from sugar. This is normal. A good way to minimize this<br />

experience is to stay hydrated and be sure to get enough sodium, potassium<br />

and magnesium.<br />

Since glucose binds to sodium in our bodies, when we reduce glucose, our<br />

bodies shed sodium quickly. This can leave us feeling tired, weak and sick. You<br />

will want to take in at least 5000mg of sodium per day to offset this loss. It<br />

seems like a high number, but it matters. The same applies to potassium (any<br />

salt substitute is potassium). You will want to ingest at least 3000mg per day.<br />

And at least 500mg of magnesium.<br />

The best way to get these supplements is to add the salt and salt substitute to<br />

your food and drink. For instance, you can mix two teaspoons of salt and one<br />

teaspoon of salt substitute in a container, then add 1/2 teaspoon of that mixture<br />

to a liter of water. For flavor, you can add a sugar free drink mix, such as<br />

Crystal Light or Mio.<br />

Not only will this method help you get your electrolytes, it will help you stay well<br />

hydrated. Both of these will make the first two weeks (and beyond) of keto far<br />

more simple.

Getting <strong>Start</strong>ed Step 5: <strong>Start</strong> Tracking Calories<br />

After the first two weeks, you will want to start tracking your calorie intake. <strong>Keto</strong><br />

alone is not a weight loss plan. You still need to take in fewer calories than you<br />

burn.<br />

By now, you may have already lost some weight.<br />

This is generally excess water your body has been<br />

retaining. However, don’t dismiss it. You are<br />

heading in the right direction. Just don’t expect to<br />

always be losing at the same rate. Some weeks<br />

you will lose a few pounds, some weeks you may<br />

go up a pound or two.<br />

Especially for women, this is an issue. Our<br />

menstrual cycles cause water retention and<br />

hormonal disarray. Don’t panic. It will pass.<br />

Chances are, you will end your cycle weighing at<br />

least a little less than before it began.<br />

The same app you are using to track your carbs will track your calories and<br />

other macros.<br />

Now, strive to stay at or under your calorie macro on a daily basis. Doing so will<br />

further encourage your body to tap into your fat stores for energy.<br />

As your weight drops, you will want to adjust your macros. It is recommended<br />

to do so at every 10-20 pounds lost. As we get smaller, our calorie needs<br />

change. If you don’t update your macros, you can find yourself stuck at the<br />

same weight because you are inadvertently taking in too many calories.<br />

Spend the next week getting accustomed to tracking your calories. Then move<br />

on to the next step.

Getting <strong>Start</strong>ed Step 6: Track Your Protein<br />

You should be getting the hang of tracking your food by now. The next thing to<br />

pay close attention to is your protein intake.<br />

Contrary to what you may read in many places online, too much protein will not<br />

affect your ketosis. You would need to more than double your macro in order<br />

for it to be a concern. And, if you are staying within your calories, odds are you<br />

won’t be doubling your protein.<br />

However, it is<br />

extremely important to<br />

meet your protein<br />

macro every day if<br />

possible. Even if you<br />

only meet the lower<br />

end of the suggested<br />

range. Protein is<br />

necessary to help<br />

maintain your lean<br />

muscle mass. Loss of<br />

muscle is not<br />

something you want.<br />

If you struggle to hit your protein macro, you can find protein powders or drinks<br />

to help. Just watch the carb content on them.<br />

Another reason to hit that macro is that it will give your body what it needs if<br />

you are exercising. Muscles need protein to repair themselves and to grow.<br />

If you are staying within your carb and calorie limits and hitting your protein<br />

macro each day, your fat macro will take care of itself.<br />

Generally, you only need to increase your fat intake if you are struggling with<br />

hunger. Otherwise, let your body consume the stored fat you want to get rid of.

Congratulations! You are now on the<br />

<strong>Keto</strong> path.<br />

But, I know it can feel overwhelming, even with this simple guide.<br />

So, if you want additional help, including a 21 day meal plan to jumpstart your<br />

progress, I’d like to share:<br />

Ultimate <strong>Keto</strong> - 21 Days Into <strong>Keto</strong>sis<br />

Full of all the information you need to successfully navigate the keto journey.

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