AARAVAM - E Magazine from JCI Arayankavu (April 2018)

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E M A G A Z I N E F R O M J C I A R A Y A N K A V U<br />

I S S U E 4 | A P R I L 2 0 1 8<br />

<strong>AARAVAM</strong><br />

The words <strong>from</strong> your leader - Part 1<br />


(<strong>JCI</strong> Sen Reji.P.Mathew , ZVP - Region D)<br />

Solve this Puzzle<br />

<strong>JCI</strong> India Zone XX<br />

The words <strong>from</strong> a<br />

National Trainer - Part 2<br />

Know Your Psi Value<br />

(<strong>JCI</strong> JAD Dr. Harish Kumar H)<br />

Very happy to inform you that , JFM Varghese M D will be the<br />

co-faculty of S.R.Pai Foundation Crusade <strong>2018</strong> Training Program<br />

on 29th at Kothamangalam.<br />

In memory<br />

Yoga for Health (World Health Day - <strong>April</strong> 7)<br />

of Asifa<br />

<strong>JCI</strong> <strong>Arayankavu</strong> celebrated World Earth Day on <strong>April</strong> 22 & World Books Day on <strong>April</strong> 23




Chief Editor<br />

Aaravam - March Edition<br />


JFP Priyada Mohanan<br />

Advisor<br />

<strong>JCI</strong> SEN Reji.P.Mathew<br />

Creative directors<br />

JFM Varghese . M.D<br />

HGF Shoukath A<br />

Lom President<br />

JFD Varghese M Thomas<br />

Editorial Board Members<br />

JFP M M Kunjumon<br />

JFP Satheesh kumar A G<br />

JFP V V joy<br />

<strong>JCI</strong> SEN Hareesh PN<br />

HGF Reji Edampadam<br />

Copy Editors<br />

JC Sunitha Reji<br />

Jcrt Sheeja Rafeeq<br />

JC Rafeeq<br />

Designed by<br />

Jcrt wing of <strong>JCI</strong> <strong>Arayankavu</strong><br />

<strong>JCI</strong> <strong>Arayankavu</strong><br />

<strong>JCI</strong> Bhavan,<strong>Arayankavu</strong> (PO)<br />

9895792185<br />

http://arayankavujci.com/<br />


Usually, it is large enough and almost semi circular area. But, in life situations, which<br />



In memory of Asifa<br />

Know Your Psi value<br />

J C I J A D D R . H A R I S H K U M A R H<br />

A few weeks back, I was travelling with my friend to Mumbai. It was a night flight and as the<br />

plane took off we were looking down to see the well lit township down. My friend brought my<br />

attention to the fire crackers happening somewhere down in a temple or church. We could<br />

see the fireworks as a small flower opening & fading out. This was the same phenomenon<br />

which we used to watch with awe <strong>from</strong> land. Our vision and conversation drifted to a variety<br />

of matters, but my thoughts wandered back to the sight of fireworks that I saw with a<br />

different feeling.<br />

I was thinking what was the major difference in the sight. It was not a task to understand that<br />

the position <strong>from</strong> which I saw the sight made all the difference. The perspective of each<br />

person varies <strong>from</strong> where he "stands" to view the situation. His 'stand' is dependent on his<br />

values, beliefs & past life experiences. Everyone's perspective will be different <strong>from</strong> others'<br />

and that is the source of all discords in life. In order to reduce our stress in life, we need to<br />

widen our "Field of Acceptance". In medical science, there is something called "field of<br />

vision" ie., the area in front & around our eyes which comes under our ability of vision.<br />

involves interpersonal relationships, we are like horses with vision guards which reduces the<br />

semi circular field of vision to more of a "V". We must remove our "vision guards" and<br />

increase our *"Field of Acceptance"*. You may not accept all of others' point of views, but<br />

definitely can respect others' freedom of having their *Perspectives.*

families, what I understand is that the response of people to<br />

menstruation, variations in blood pressure etc can determine<br />

easy, but to understand the emotional situation one person is<br />

rise. One of the major reasons behind it is the expectation of<br />

Similarly, for the greatest adventurous journey called life, we need to<br />

From the 15 years of experience as a Homoeopathic doctor<br />

through which I had the opportunity to understand both the<br />

status of health as well as life problems of many thousands of<br />

a problem not only depends on his perspective but also on<br />

his or her *"Situations".* The response, decisions and actions<br />

of a person may surprise himself at times because he would<br />

have responded in that particular manner just because of the<br />

pressure of the situation. Even biological situations like<br />

one's reactions. Understanding physical situations may be<br />

going through will be a Herculean task. But, if you want your<br />

relationship with others to be strong and consistent, at times,<br />

we need to take that Herculean task.<br />

Problems between newly married couples are steeply on the<br />

a Perfect Relationship. But, in real life, the basic logic is that<br />

there is no Perfect person in this world. This is universally<br />

accepted too. Then, why should we expect a Perfect<br />

Relationship between two Imperfect individuals. Accepting<br />

the *"Imperfections"* is the key to any successful married<br />

life.<br />

The unit of air pressure filled in tyres is *Psi*. For a smooth and trouble-<br />

less journey, we need to check and know the Psi value of tyre pressure.<br />

know our *"Psi"* Value. How well you can *Accept* the *Perspective,<br />

Situation and Imperfections* of others will determine the stress on you<br />

in every relationship you build in this journey.<br />

Know your Psi Value of your mind and Accept others' Psi Value and move<br />

forward in this wonderful journey bestowed upon you by God. Bon<br />

Voyage .<br />

Yours in <strong>JCI</strong><br />

<strong>JCI</strong> JAD Dr. Harish Kumar H<br />

National Trainer<br />

NOM Coordinator Corporate Training,<br />


elationships, is bombarded with many types of thoughts. These thoughts, if one fails to<br />

manage, will certainly make the calm waters of the mind turbulent. They are mentioned in<br />

<strong>JCI</strong> Sen Rajesh Panicker<br />

National Trainer<br />

YOGA<br />

F O R H E A L T H<br />

World Health Day - <strong>April</strong> 7<br />

Human mind is like a water body; say for example, a lake. A calm lake with clear water is like<br />

a mirror. You will be able to see your reflection in that, won’t you? What about if it is turbid<br />

and with lot of waves or whirlpools? Will you be able to see your reflection?<br />

A mind in today’s competitive world, because of different types of transactions of<br />

yoga as “Vritti”.<br />

So yoga is all about stilling (nirodha) this whirlpool (Vritti) of turbid mind (Chitha). "Yoga is<br />

the silencing of the modifications of the mind”.<br />

Same is the case when you try to see the bottom of the turbulent lake. You will be able to<br />

see the real ‘satta’ (the juice) of you only when the mind is calm. You will be able to look<br />

deep into yourself and see the depth of your consciousness only when your mind is still.<br />

Yoga is the method which helps you to do this and realize yourself.<br />

W H E N Y O U S M I L E , I T I S L I K E T H E S U N<br />

C O M I N G O U T F R O M B E H I N D D A R K C L O U D S ,<br />

A N D L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R E A R T H .<br />

S O S M I L E . . . ! B O T H I N S I D E A N D O U T S I D E !<br />

How to practice inner Smile ?<br />

Continued....<br />

Click here to read the first part

touching), with palms facing up to open your awareness or palms facing down to calm the<br />

mind. Now close your eyes. Do a body scan and relax any tension you may be holding. Let<br />

exhale. Visualize shining green colour to the energy that is flowing<br />

exhalation. Breathe and smile into these organs. Visualize the energy there as bright yellow with<br />

peace. As you move the energy in the given order – the creation cycle – every cell is charged with<br />

energy. The surplus energy is automatically conducted into the brain and the nerve cells. This<br />

you?” His face radiated with happiness. "That is easy," he said. "Just give me your smiles. It<br />

To begin, choose a quiet spot. Find a comfortable posture for meditation (seated on a Yoga<br />

mat or in a chair). Place your hands on your knees in Jnana Mudra (index and thumb fingers<br />

your spine rise <strong>from</strong> the root of the pelvis. Draw your chin slightly down and lengthen the<br />

back of your neck. Become aware of the midpoint between your eyebrows through which you<br />

will draw this abundant smiling energy in front of and around you. Let your forehead relax,<br />

and allow the smiling energy accumulates at the mid-eyebrow [ bhru-madhya ]; it will<br />

eventually overflow into your body.<br />

Feel your abdomen rising and falling and the overflowing energy<br />

gradually accumulates into your navel, which is the energy centre.<br />

Let it flow in to your abdomen. Continue smiling into your navel.<br />

As you exhale, bring your attention into the bladder. Visualize the<br />

energy flowing there in bright orange colour. Let your awareness<br />

stay there for a couple of breaths.<br />

Move on to the right side of the body,to the liver on the next exhale<br />

.Smile into your liver.Visualize energy in the form of a bright<br />

sunlight flowing in to the liver with the inhalation. Continue this for<br />

another three to four breaths. Now move to the heart on the next<br />

to your heart while you continue to breath and smile. Stay there for<br />

a couple of breaths as well.<br />

Now let your awareness slowly glide down to your stomach, pancreas and spleen on the next<br />

the qualities of warm soft earth. Continue to smile. Bring your awareness into your lungs. Lungs<br />

denote the quality of the value, Peace. Inhale bright blue coloured energy into every cell as you<br />

smile into them. Feel your lungs expand and become cool and pure helping you to find your<br />

inner calm. Repeat this for a number of times of breaths.<br />

On the next exhale, let your awareness go down to your kidneys. Visualise the energy in bright<br />

yellowish orange colour. Go through the cycle of organs as explained for a few number of times.<br />

When you finish, finally bring your awareness back to the navel where the energy is stored. As all<br />

the internal tensions are dissolved by this practice the whole body becomes calm and filled with<br />

harmonizes the brain, balances both hemisphere and provides healing effects on the organs.<br />

Dalai Lama gave a teaching recently. The final question asked of him was, “What can we give to<br />

makes me feel good when I see people smile at me. And if you smile at each other that would<br />

also be very good. So please give me your smiles.”

D e a r a l l<br />

G r e e t i n g s f r o m y o u r Z O N E V I C E P R E S I D E N T . . . . . . .<br />

Once a traveler was in midst of his trip.After a long time<br />

journey he reached in near of a quarry where the big<br />

T H E W O R D S F R O M<br />

Y O U R<br />

stones were changed in to small pieces in different<br />

shapes.The traveler saw three men who were restlessly<br />

work with the big stones.<br />

LEADER<br />

P A R T 1<br />

J C I S e n R e j i . P . M a t h e w<br />

( Z V P - R e g i o n D )<br />

reached near to them and asked the first person "<br />

He<br />

what are you doing here?" The man replied " I<br />

brother<br />

breaking the big stones in to small pieces "<br />

am<br />

traveler reached to the second man asked the same<br />

The<br />

answered that " I am making this big stones<br />

question.He<br />

to small shaped pieces for constructing houses "The<br />

in<br />

traveler entered the place of the third person and<br />

repeated the question.<br />

The man replied "Sir I am work with my dream,I am in<br />

the process of making the big and rough rock pieces<br />

suitable as for making marvelous mansions.<br />

Friends in the above story we saw three persons who<br />

S U C C E S S W I L L<br />

F O L L O W Y O U<br />

N O M A D I C | 2 4<br />

different.We are also engaged in some<br />

entirely<br />

etc.See big dreams in & about<br />

work,profession,business<br />

career,and give 100% dedication to<br />

your<br />

engaged in same job.But their attitude to their work is<br />

it.Sure.....success will follow you.


Put the numbers <strong>from</strong> 1 to 8 in the grid, so that<br />

consecutive numbers are not next to each other<br />

For Example ,<br />

Take any number , say 2. Its consecutive numbers are 1 & 3 .<br />

So that the numbers 1 &3 should not come inside the neighboring grids of 2 .<br />

See the picture .<br />

Like this , put the numbers <strong>from</strong> 1 to 8 .<br />

Send your answer to +91 98957 92185 on or before May 10 , & win exciting prizes.<br />

Winner's details will be published in the next Aaravam issue

J F M V A R G H E S E M D<br />

( S A B U M A L A Y I L )<br />

Very happy to inform you that ,<br />

JFM Varghese M D will be the<br />


co-faculty of S.R.Pai Foundation Crusade <strong>2018</strong><br />

+91 97464 05165<br />

Training Program on 29th at Kothamangalam.


O F J C I A R A Y A N K A V U<br />

A B O U T T R A N E R ' S F O R U M<br />

<strong>JCI</strong> <strong>Arayankavu</strong> is significant in the area of individual development. We are<br />

conducting individual development platform 'Trainers Forum' (SRUSTI) every<br />

friday <strong>from</strong> 8pm to 9:30 pm in our <strong>JCI</strong> Bhavan.<br />

Trainers Forum provides the opportunity to learn, practice, update and to develop<br />

ourselves under the leadership and guidance of renowned National Trainer<br />

<strong>JCI</strong>.Sen.Rajesh Panicker and pre eminent Zone Trainer JFM Varghese M D.<br />

C L I C K T H I S L I N K T O V I S I T T R A I N E R ' S F O R U M P A G E


Contents<br />

Contents<br />

Contents<br />

JJ Wing of <strong>JCI</strong> <strong>Arayankavu</strong> under the great leadership of JJ Sumayya is<br />

functioning very well. Mayilpeeli is a JJ bulletin with their creative ideas and<br />


Jcrt wing sticked<br />

posters on women's<br />

day on different bus<br />

stops. Shared in<br />

social medias as<br />

profile picture and<br />

fb cover page. Also<br />

recognised the kerala<br />

sahithya academy<br />

award winned Smt K R<br />

Meera and Filmfare<br />

award winner Ms<br />

Anjali Nair in a<br />

public function in<br />

association with<br />

Amballore Grama<br />

Panchatath. More than<br />

300 people<br />

participated in the<br />

function<br />


<strong>JCI</strong> <strong>Arayankavu</strong> conducted an<br />

eye testing camp in association<br />

with Giridhar Eye Hospital and<br />

SSMI Research centre. The camp<br />

was inaugurated by Sri Manoj<br />

Kumar, Vice President,<br />

Amballore Grama Panchayath in<br />

the presence of assigned ZVP of<br />

Region D, <strong>JCI</strong> SEN Reji P<br />

Mathew,. More than 200 people<br />

participated in the camp and<br />

the selected participants are<br />

offered free cataract surgery<br />

in Giridhar Eye Hospital,<br />

Kadavanthara. The registration<br />

for the eye camp was done by<br />

JCrt Wing<br />

E-magazine of <strong>JCI</strong><br />

Arayankvu "Aaravam"<br />

was inaugurated for<br />

the public. It was<br />

designed by JCrt<br />

Wing of <strong>JCI</strong><br />

<strong>Arayankavu</strong><br />

Jcrt chaiperson sheeja rafeeq and<br />

Vp Management Sunitha Reji along<br />

with president Varghese M Thomas<br />

and IPP Reji Edampadam honoured<br />

anganwadi helper as a part of the<br />

dhanyawad program with ponnada,<br />

trophy, certificate and cash<br />

award in the honourable presence<br />

of Amballore Panchayath<br />

president smt Jalaja Mohanan and<br />

block panchayath vice president<br />

sri Manoj kumar

OUR<br />


Some of our LOM Activities<br />

Click this link for viewing in FaceBook

<strong>April</strong> 22<br />

(<strong>April</strong> Cool Campaign<br />

Celebrated on <strong>April</strong><br />

1st)<br />



Celebrated on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 23

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