USTA Speaks 6 Versión Final

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Issue 6<br />

Issue 5<br />

Feb-May<br />

Nov-Dec<br />

2017<br />

2016<br />

s peaks<br />

U TA<br />


A wonderful event<br />

“Something special happens between the photographer and the<br />

people he is photographing. He realizes that they are giving the pictures to him.”<br />

- Sebastião Salgado<br />



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Photography: language and life translated into images<br />

By: Alexander Avellaneda Barreto<br />

Dear faithful readers:<br />

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube<br />

and thousands of emerging social networking have<br />

changed the way we communicate. In no other point in<br />

the history of humankind photographs and visuals have<br />

been so influential, powerful and yet so deceiving. So<br />

why write if we could simply show you a magazine full<br />

of images that will disappear in the next twenty-four<br />

hours? Well, we (as members of the <strong>USTA</strong> community)<br />

believe in critical thinking and analysis so this sixth edition<br />

of <strong>USTA</strong> SPEAKS takes most of its interest in discussing<br />

photography of what we can understand as photographs<br />

of a variety of situations.<br />

When people see a photograph, perhaps a perfect photograph,<br />

all they can see is a snap taken on less than one<br />

second that captured the right moment, some say a magical<br />

moment. However, photographs need lots of patience<br />

and thought before they can be taken before they<br />

can actually capture the entire reality of the world. Once<br />

a photograph is taken, no matter how many filters or<br />

how much photoshop you apply to it, it can never be<br />

taken exactly the same. Perhaps there is where the beauty<br />

of the world that we are unable to appreciate when<br />

time is money or when life is nothing but a constant<br />

rush.<br />

What our contributors on this edition wanted to show is<br />

how life itself is nothing but a picture, a snap, a photograph,<br />

a moment that can never be repeated. A vision of<br />

the world that can be interpreted in many ways. One<br />

thing that makes this edition special is the variety of<br />

languages in which the articles are, this time our readers<br />

will enjoy articles in English, French, Portuguese,<br />

Dutch, and Czech language so as you can imagine this<br />

can be incredibly joyful reading experience.<br />

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who<br />

decided to write down and share their ideas to make this<br />

edition possible. To every professor and every student<br />

who played an important part in this edition, and we<br />

hope to continue sharing your thoughts and reflections<br />

on future editions.<br />

Fr. José Arturo Restrepo Restrepo O.P.<br />

President<br />

Fr. Fernando Cajicá Gamboa O.P.<br />

Academic Vice-president<br />


Coordinator<br />

Lucimaver González Robayo<br />

Editor<br />

Alexander Avellaneda Barreto<br />

Proofreaders<br />

Mckenna Marie Wellhousen<br />

Designer and Diagrammer<br />

Iván Felipe Marín Escobar<br />

Frontend Developer<br />

““Photography helps people to see.”<br />

Rubén Mauricio Muñoz Morales<br />

Berenice Abbott<br />


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Awesome photographers around the world<br />

By: Camilo Pinto, Law Student, 2 nd semester<br />

Being a good photographer isn’t an easy job. Angles, lights,<br />

colors, effects. You have to make them look harmonic. Maybe<br />

not. The only thing you have to do is find a perfect synchronization<br />

between all the elements you have, and show something<br />

that makes the people feel inspired. It seems easy, no? Check<br />

it out.<br />

Steve Mccurry<br />

Afghan Girl is a 1984 photographic portrait<br />

by journalist Steve McCurry which<br />

appeared on the June 1985 cover of National<br />

Geographic.<br />

The American photojournalist best known for his photograph,<br />

"Afghan Girl" that originally appeared in National Geographic<br />

magazine. He became interested in photography when he started<br />

taking pictures for the Penn State newspaper The Daily<br />

Collegian. After working at Today's Post in King of Prussia,<br />

Pennsylvania for two years, he left for India to freelance. “If<br />

you wait,” he realized, “people will forget your camera and the<br />

soul will drift up into view.” I think he’s an awesome photographer<br />

because he worked during the Afghan War. He can<br />

capture the soul’s essence by taking photos of people off<br />

guard!<br />

You can follow him on: facebook.com/stevemccurrystudios<br />

Timothy Hogan<br />

As a photographer, director, cinematographer, and avid surfer, he is a jack of all trades, working with<br />

global clients on everything but the kitchen sink – from still life, to film, to fashion. Few photographers<br />

can get a mix of modern and old<br />

architecture – some wood, some<br />

color, each one with its own<br />

distinct aura. He is an awesome<br />

photographer because he can<br />

show us art by using typical<br />

things. His photos remind us of<br />

how the simplicity of objects<br />

can become in their own way,<br />

beautiful masterpieces. Not everyone<br />

can make a simple object<br />

become in a piece of art, full of<br />

color and life.<br />

You can see his works here:<br />

timothy-hogan.com<br />

Timothy hogan— still life & product photography portfolio<br />

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever…<br />

It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”— Aaron Siskind


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By: Diana Katherine Guerra, <strong>USTA</strong> student<br />

Wildlife is currently threatened by activities such<br />

as hunting, trafficking and pollution. Some people<br />

think that it is better to have animals in their houses<br />

enjoy the nature, and admire their animals, we need<br />

new tools for that. The world and the technology<br />

let us appreciate the life without put this at risk.<br />

like a trophy, that it is better to have birds in cages,<br />

like a prison for the humans with the only difference<br />

that they do not have committed crimes.<br />

These facts have many consequences, the Red List<br />

of Endangered Species is increasing fast, and the<br />

forests have fewer animal species to keep the ecosystem<br />

in balance. The animals are the main part of<br />

the tropic chain, they are seed dispersers,<br />

so they have the responsibility to help<br />

in the growing of trees, the<br />

trees provide water, and the<br />

water provides life.<br />

All is connected<br />

in the<br />

nature;<br />

we<br />

must not<br />

break the<br />

balance.<br />

So, if we<br />

would like to<br />

One of these important tools that we have is the<br />

photography, however, we need to understand that<br />

wild animals, in their natural state will act as they<br />

are, we cannot talk to them and say please look at<br />

me, smile, pose like this or that… So we just have<br />

to be there, ready, when they decide to look cute<br />

or do something interesting. Be prepared to wait.<br />

This takes a long time if you are to get<br />

good wildlife shots, however it’s a small<br />

price to pay if you want to be a witness<br />

of the life, it is the price you have to<br />

pay if you wish to be a creator<br />

of awareness about<br />

nature and its much needed balance.<br />

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”<br />

-Ansel Adams

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By: Aneta Toborikova, Fli’s teacher<br />

Fotografie a společnost<br />

Rok v Kolumbii a ostatní úvahy<br />

Nikdy jsem nebyla velkým fanouškem obrazů.<br />

Možná proto, že mě samotné se nikdy nepodařilo<br />

vytvořit nic s čím bych byla spokojená. Možná proto,<br />

že jsem obrazům<br />

nikdy moc nevěřila.<br />

Možná proto, že<br />

jsem vždy měla tak<br />

trochu pocit, že<br />

obraz nedokáže<br />

ukázat všechny<br />

barvy a odstíny reality.<br />

Tam venku v širém<br />

světě, obraz Kolumbie<br />

je velice jasný a<br />

jednoduchý. Neexistuje<br />

ani žádná debata<br />

ohledně tohoto<br />

zda odráží opravdový<br />

svět. Nehledě na<br />

to, že vlastně každá<br />

země tíhne k tomu mít jeden jasný a jednoduchý<br />

obraz. Jako například Venezuela, Severní Korea<br />

anebo Tibet. Abych uvedla pouze některé. Jaký<br />

obraz se Vám vybaví, když řeknu 'Venezuela'?<br />

Kolik má tento obraz barev a odstínů?<br />

Já měla to neuvěřitelné štěstí, že jsem skončila v<br />

Kolumbii. Kdo by byl bývat tušil, že by se něco podobného<br />

mohlo stát? Kdo by se kdy mohl rozhodnout<br />

přistát na místě s takovým obrazem jako má<br />

Kolumbie? A abych byla upřímná … bylo to pouhé<br />

štěstí. Pouze o trochu víc než jenom náhoda. A né o<br />

mnoho víc než impuls pod dohledem mého<br />

strážného anděla.<br />

Když jsem přistála, tak mi ten obraz, který jsem si<br />

vezla s sebou, spadl na zem a rozbil se na milion<br />

střepů. Některé z nich pořád dávaly smysl. Většina<br />

z nich ne. A mě se už nikdy nepodařilo dát jej<br />

dohromady. Mohla bych psát hodiny a hodiny o<br />

všem dobrém a špatném, všem co pro mě nedává<br />

žádný smysl. Ale pravda je, že to jediné na čem<br />

opravdu záleží se nikdy v žádném obraze neobjeví.<br />

Žádný obraz nezachytí Nestora. Zpěváka, jehož<br />

šarm rozesvítí jakékoli zákoutí. Člověk, který<br />

neustále okolo sebe šíří radost a rozesmívá ostatní.<br />

Nikdy byste nepoznali, že ho bolí záda tolik, že se<br />

mnohokrát nedokáže postavit a že jeho dítě se<br />

narodilo předčasně a trpí mnohými problémy. Nikdy<br />

byste nepoznali, že Nestor musí každý den<br />

vybojovat svou bitvu, ale I tak se stále směje a dělá<br />

vše pro to, aby rozesmál ostatní.<br />

Žádný obraz nezachytí Alejandra, jehož odhodlání<br />

dát lepší příležitost dětem z venkova přináší naději<br />

mnoha rodinám. Člověk, který začal neziskovou<br />

organizaci, která se snaží zlepšit vzdělání v zapomenutých<br />

vesnicích Cundinamarky. Je to jeden z<br />

nejmilejších lidí vůbec. Když se s ním potkáte, máte<br />

pocit, že je udělán z marcipánu. A přeci je to on,<br />

“Something special happens between the photographer and the people he is photographing. He realizes<br />

that they are giving the pictures to him.” - Sebastião Salgado


který začíná každý den bojem proti současnému<br />

systému, aby zajistil lepší budoucnost ostatním.<br />

Každý den se zajímá o postup dětí v jemu<br />

svěřených školách a vymýšlí nové a nové způsoby,<br />

jak je motivovat.<br />

Žádný obraz nezachytí Elkina a jeho odhodlání.<br />

Připomíná umýněného býka, který se nikdy<br />

nezvdá. Jako malý vyrůstal s násilnickým otcem,<br />

ve 14 letech musel opustit domov a od té doby se<br />

živil, čím se dalo – od prodávání pašovaného zboží<br />

po bankovek. Člověk, který se nezaleknul žádné<br />

bitky a to ani, když se v ní objevily nože a pistole.<br />

A přesto to byl on, kdo mi nabídl ubytování, když<br />

jsem projížděla jeho městem, a<br />

byl to on, kdo mne doprovázel<br />

na místa, která si myslel, že<br />

bych neměla zmeškat. A byl to<br />

on, kdo mi vyprávěl o lásce<br />

svého života a o svém zlomeném<br />

srdci.<br />

Existují stovky dalších příběhů.<br />

Stovky další neuvěřitelných lidí,<br />

které jsem zde potkala během<br />

svého ročního pobytu. Žádný z<br />

těchto příběhů by se nevešel do<br />

fotografie. Žádný z těchto<br />

příběhů by nebyl vidět na obrazu<br />

společnosti.<br />

Photography and society<br />

My year in Colombia and related reflections<br />

By: Aneta Toborikova, Fli’s teacher<br />

English version<br />

I have never been a big fan of photography. Maybe<br />

because I'm really not good at it. Maybe because I<br />

have never trusted pictures very much. Maybe because<br />

I've always felt that pictures can't show all<br />

the colours and shades.<br />

to end up in Colombia. I'd never thought such a<br />

thing might happen. At the end of the day, why<br />

would anyone choose to live in a place with this<br />

kind of picture? To be honest? It was mere luck. It<br />

was a bit more than accident. But not much more<br />

Out there in the big world, the<br />

picture of Colombia is very<br />

clear and straightforward. There<br />

is not even any discussion.<br />

Well, needless to say that the<br />

picture of any country or society<br />

tends to be very clear and<br />

straightforward. Take for example<br />

Venezuela, North Korea or<br />

Tibet. Just to name a few. What<br />

picture do you see when I say<br />

'Venezuela'? How many colours<br />

and shades does it have? How<br />

many stories does it contain?<br />

I've had the extraordinary luck

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than an impulse supervised by my guardian angel.<br />

Once I landed here, the picture that I was carrying<br />

with me fell on the hard ground and got broken.<br />

Some of the shards still made some sense. Most of<br />

them didn't. I never put the picture back together.<br />

And I want to keep fighting against doing so, even<br />

though it can get difficult.<br />

I could spend hours and hours showing you pictures<br />

of the Colombian society. Pictures of all the<br />

good things, all the bad things, all the things that<br />

don't make any sense. But none of them would<br />

show you what it is that matters the most.<br />

None of the pictures can possibly show the aura<br />

that spreads around Nestor. A singer whose charm<br />

makes everything brighter. A person that constantly<br />

spreads joy and makes people laugh. And you'd<br />

never know that his back hurts so badly that sometimes<br />

he cannot even stand up and that his child<br />

was born prematurely and suffers from many health<br />

problems. You'd never know that he needs to fight<br />

his daily battle and yet he keeps laughing and<br />

cheering up everyone around him.<br />

None of the pictures can possibly show the dedication<br />

of Alejandro to give more opportunities to kids<br />

from the poor countryside. A guy that started an<br />

NGO aiming at improving education in forgotten<br />

villages in Cundinamarca. He's the sweetest person<br />

ever. When you see him, you might as well think<br />

that he's made of marzipan. And yet, he starts every<br />

day fighting with the current system to ensure a<br />

better future for others.<br />

None of the pictures can possibly show the resilience<br />

of Elkin. He gives the impression of a bull<br />

who never gives up<br />

and never gives in. A<br />

boy who grew up<br />

with abusive father,<br />

had to leave home<br />

when he was 14, used<br />

to sell smuggled<br />

goods and forged<br />

banknotes. A boy<br />

who was not afraid to<br />

defend himself even<br />

when there were<br />

knives and guns involved.<br />

And it was<br />

him who offered me<br />

accommodation while<br />

I was travelling. It<br />

was him who drove<br />

me to places just because there was something interesting<br />

for me to see. And it was him telling me<br />

about the love of his life and his broken heart.<br />

There are hundreds of other stories. Hundreds of<br />

extraordinary people that I've met here during that<br />

one year. All the stories that would never be captured<br />

in any picture. Stories that would never be<br />

captured in a picture of a society.<br />

What picture do you see when I say 'Venezuela'?<br />

Now that you know me, what picture do you see<br />

when I say 'the Czech Republic'? I urge you to<br />

break that picture. Stop looking at pictures and start<br />

listening for stories.<br />

There are some places that seem picture-less. Like,<br />

Ivory Coast or Georgia. At least for most people<br />

they are picture-less. And maybe. Just maybe. It is<br />

better this way. Maybe this allows you to see everything<br />

for yourself and search for the story. Maybe<br />

I will start to believe in pictures when I find one<br />

that is capable of capturing hearts of all the extraordinary<br />

people that you meet in your journey.<br />



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By: Juan Stevan Delgado Palomá Civil Engineering1A<br />

The current literary paradigm<br />

Though we can’t see it, it is very sure that the book’s publishing industry has continued in a constant way,<br />

in spite of the emergence of new industries of entertainment, as the cinema, the television, etc. We would<br />

suppose that there is a decline of the literary trade for that evolution established in the current times, nevertheless,<br />

every time reading<br />

has become more popular,<br />

but we should fix ourselves<br />

in the quality of this one,<br />

more than in the quantity of<br />

new fanatics who have joined<br />

this movement.<br />

The type of literature that one<br />

handles nowadays has<br />

cleared up itself of any communicative<br />

and intellectual<br />

character. Something that<br />

cannot be eliminated of the<br />

literature is the use of the imagination,<br />

which does that this one is outlined over other areas. Nevertheless, the literature already does not<br />

possess that reflection of the feeling of the author and very much less useful knowledge for personal development<br />

and interpersonal relations.<br />

We do not speak about a literature with an academic character, but not for this we have to scorn the work<br />

of the current writers. Big examples would be J.K Rowling, Stephen King and George R.R Martin whom in<br />

spite of losing that classic characteristic, they offer to their readers an innovative and surrounding experience<br />

that they will remember for a long time. Drawers of those words that send us directly to a dictionary,<br />

the reading of the books becomes pleasant and incites to re-read the above mentioned their works.<br />

In an age of influences, the<br />

benefits that reading brings<br />

along nowadays are promi- “Books, ways and<br />

nent. The improvement of<br />

our lexicon as it is as though<br />

some words in certain cases<br />

remain recorded as pho-<br />

tographs. In spite of not<br />

days give wisdom to<br />

having the concepts present,<br />

the man.”<br />

it is very possible that a<br />

young person who reads<br />

could elaborate his own<br />

Arab proverb<br />

writings using literary fig-<br />

ures without still knowing<br />

it. The creativity is obtained<br />

as result of the production<br />

of texts, and it is reading what incites us to write. Said before, the understanding with other persons becomes<br />

easier when the things are able to express that you feel.<br />

To end, we have to conclude that the current literature has changed as for his generalities. It does not stop<br />

offering us big histories, but already they are not impregnated with this academic character that in certain<br />

cases was making the reading complex. As everything, the literature only has suffered an evolution, adapting<br />

to the contemporary times.<br />

“The world belongs to those who read.”<br />

-Rick Holland

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Photographie d’une université privée humaniste en 2017<br />

By: Sebastien Vanhaecke<br />

Pourquoi écrire sur l’université humaniste? Parce que je pense qu’aujourd’hui, il y a une différence entre<br />

la théorie et la pratique qui s’établit dans les universités du XXIème siècle (beaucoup de paroles humanistes<br />

qui ne se vérifient pas dans la réalité). Elles ne remplissent plus ce rôle qu’elles devraient remplir<br />

auprès des étudiants. Elles manquent d’originalité en s’adaptant au système économique proposé au lieu<br />

de proposer, d’aider à l’étudiant à s’épanouir en l’aidant à rechercher ce qui lui convient le mieux.<br />

En résumé, je pense que ce que<br />

disait Gramsci dans ses écrits<br />

évoque le message que je<br />

souhaite faire passer: plus<br />

d’humanisme dans le<br />

but de moins suivre les<br />

règles du marché<br />

qui sont fondamentalement<br />

anti huma- nistes et productives.<br />

Gramsci:”On peut<br />

observer en général<br />

que, dans la civili- sation moderne,<br />

toutes les activités<br />

pratiques sont devenues<br />

si complexes et les<br />

sciences se sont tellement<br />

imbriquées dans la<br />

vie que chaque activité pratique<br />

tend à créer une école pour<br />

ses propres dirigeants et spécialistes:<br />

et par suite à créer un groupe d’intellectuels du niveau le plus élevé, destinés à enseigner dans ces<br />

écoles. Ainsi à côté du type d’école qu’on pourrait appeler “humaniste” (c’est le type traditionnel le plus<br />

ancien, qui visait à developper en chaque individu humain la culture générale encore indifférenciée, le<br />

pouvoir fondamental de penser et de savoir se diriger dans la vie), on a crée tout un système d’écoles particulières<br />

de différents niveaux, pour des branches professionnelles entières ou pour des professions déjà<br />

spécialisées et caractérisées avec précision. On peut même dire que la crise scolaire qui sévit aujourd’hui<br />

est justement liée au fait que ce processus de différenciation et de particularisation se produit dans le<br />

chaos, sans príncipes clairs et précis, sans un plan bien étudié et consciemment établi : la crise du programme<br />

et de l’organisation, autrement dit de l’orientation générale d’une politique de formation des<br />

cadres intellectuels modernes, est en grande partie un aspect et une complication de la crise organique<br />

plus globale et plus générale.”<br />

Voici la photographie d’une université privée qui se dit humaniste en 2017.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui “sécurise” les gens en les contrôlant à l’aide de caméras de surveillance.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui “fait confiance” à ses professeurs en notant leur présence en<br />

classe à l’entrée de la séance et à la sortie de celle-ci.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui demande à ses employés qui travaillent dans l’administration de<br />

mettre tous les mêmes vêtements.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui se dit religieuse<br />

en ne respectant pas les propres codes soi-disant humanistes<br />

de cette religion.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui base son fonctionnement<br />

uniquement sur le marché et le profit.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui n’enseigne que<br />

très peu une éducation humaniste.<br />



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Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui donne le pouvoir du savoir à l’argent et à ceux qui en ont.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui donne le pouvoir à des êtres encore immatures en leur donnant le<br />

droit de proclamer leurs droits sans réfléchir sur leurs devoirs à l’égard d’autrui..<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui autorise ses étudiants à salir les salles de classe et à ne pas respecter<br />

les femmes de ménage<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui ne donne pas raison à ses professeurs et qui ne leur donne pas la<br />

possibilité de s’exprimer démocratiquement.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui n’autorise pas les autres opinions.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui met en avant une église qui aveugle mais qui ne resplendit pas.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui ne permet pas aux humains de penser autrement.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui crée de bons petits soldats qui ne réfléchissent pas par eux-mêmes<br />

mais grâce à leur portable.<br />

Bref, Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui vit dans l’illusion de l’humanisme.<br />

Photographie d’une université humaniste selon moi:<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui sécurise les gens en leur laissant un mínimum de liberté.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui fait confiance à ses professeurs<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui respecte la diversité de chacun.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui se dit respectueuse de toutes les croyances sauf celles qui portent<br />

atteinte à l’individu.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui base son fonctionnement sur la base de ce qu’est un être humain et<br />

pas sur une logique artificielle.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui enseigne une éducation humaniste.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui permet l’épanouissement de tous en fonction de ses qualités<br />

propres.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui forme et qui aide des étudiants à se connaître en cherchant à se réaliser<br />

que ce soit de manière professionnelle ou personnelle.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui respecte tous les membres de son personnel.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui donne les moyens nécessaires aux professeurs pour faire leur travail.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste ouverte sur TOUTES les opinions.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui resplendit et qui n’aveugle pas.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui permet aux humains de penser autrement.<br />

Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui aide des personnes à réfléchir par eux-mêmes.<br />

Bref, Il s’agit d’une université humaniste qui n’a plus besoin de prôner l’humanisme.

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Photography and personal identity<br />

How photography captured me<br />

By: Long Junchao, FLI’s international teacher<br />

I remember that one day when I came to<br />

with the camera to the university, the photographer<br />

of university asked if I was also interested in<br />

photography and I told him: I’m not a photographer<br />

and I’m just interested in taking pictures. As<br />

funny as it sounded, I was telling him the truth. I<br />

do like taking pictures. But I don’t think that I’ve<br />

been so qualified to define my hobby as an occupation.<br />

To be honest, I never imagine being a photographer.<br />

However, this fact can’t be a good excuse<br />

to miss the beautiful moments. Therefore,<br />

before coming to Colombia, I spent almost all the<br />

scholarship savings that I had been accumulating<br />

buying a camera because I hoped that I could capture<br />

every moment that touches me and that when<br />

I’d return back to my country I could share them<br />

with my friends and family.<br />

I must admit, not all of those who practice<br />

the hobby can become experts. However, we can<br />

actually develop a passion for it to live a more<br />

colorful life. All in all, not all visitors of the museum<br />

are artists but the exhibition is available and<br />

enjoyed for all. And exactly because of being the<br />

minority, artists are respected and appreciated.<br />

We should foster the basic appreciation and<br />

understanding of art to enrich and deepen the life<br />

that we are living. It may be a personal enjoyment<br />

but we can watch and see the world from other<br />

angles and find it more colorful than we ever believed.<br />

Personally, this may be the most important.<br />

Maybe not all of us can create the beauty,<br />

luckily, everyone is able to find and experience<br />

the aesthetic feeling.<br />

On the special day when people celebrated<br />

the peace referendum, I went to visit a friend in<br />

Bogota who took me to his rural house. And when<br />

we passed<br />

through the<br />

mountains behind<br />

the city,<br />

its night scene<br />

was so beautiful,<br />

attracting,<br />

and brilliant as<br />

the Milky Way<br />

dropped in the<br />

world that we<br />

stopped the bus<br />

and appreciated<br />

it in silence.<br />

At that time, it<br />

just naturally<br />

occurred to me<br />

that if only<br />

everyone could<br />

be here without<br />

any misgiving<br />

nor danger to<br />

enjoy the gentle<br />

wind<br />

sweeping our skin, the bright stars intersperse the<br />

silent, profound and blue sky and the resplendent


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city sheltered by the eternal peace.<br />

Another picture listed among my favorites, is<br />

the one I took in the Square of Bolivar. The reason<br />

that I prefer it is that I believe I managed to capture<br />

the transient instant when the child enjoyably chases<br />

his football that still hung in the air, disturbing<br />

the pigeons pecking the corns on the ground. It just<br />

touched me so much in an inexplicable way, perhaps,<br />

because of the peace symbolized by pigeons<br />

and the sweet smile presented in the innocent and<br />

pure cheek of the<br />

child.<br />

Thanks to<br />

this interest, I also<br />

had some opportunities<br />

to make some<br />

new friends. In Medellin,<br />

I met a photographer,<br />

to whom<br />

I expressed my<br />

hope of taking<br />

some photos of the<br />

city at night. And<br />

then, we climbed<br />

until the top floor<br />

of a building where<br />

we took pictures. I<br />

stayed in touch in<br />

touch with this<br />

friend until this moment<br />

and the<br />

friendship goes on<br />

By: Katlein Spildooren<br />

and on.<br />

In China, a poet said, the literary works exist<br />

naturally and the skilled hand finds them casually.<br />

Similarly, I also hold the opinion that it has not<br />

been the photographer, but the scene that produces<br />

a beautiful picture. Accordingly, I think of what I<br />

have been doing and will try to improve which ultimately<br />

lies in the ability to observe ,to find, to<br />

meet, to sense, to keep, to express and finally to<br />

share.<br />

Filmrolletjes en zelfontspanners<br />

Waar is de tijd dat we onze filmrolletjes binnenbrachten in de lokale fotowinkel en vol verwachting uitkeken<br />

naar de ontwikkeling van de foto’s? Ik spreek over een tijd zonder fotoshop en selfiesticks, toen<br />

foto’s onmiddellijk bekijken, bewerken of deleten nog pure science-fiction was. Een camera en een filmrolletje<br />

van vierentwintig,<br />

zesendertig of - als je echt gek<br />

wou doen - achtenveertig plaatjes,<br />

meer had je niet nodig om dat<br />

ene familiefeest of die jaarlijkse<br />

vakantie vast te leggen op beeld.<br />

De laatste fotowinkels zijn stilaan<br />

verdwenen, want waarom nog<br />

betalen om foto’s te laten<br />

afdrukken als je ze toch vierentwintig<br />

uur op vierentwintig bij je<br />

kan hebben op je Smartphone. De<br />

traditionele fotoalbums hebben<br />

plaats moeten ruimen voor digi-

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tale versies op computer<br />

of sociale media en<br />

voor wie toch nog graag<br />

door een album bladert,<br />

kan dat gewoon online<br />

bestellen en kant-enklaar<br />

afhalen in de supermarkt.<br />

Door de digitalisering<br />

heeft de fotografie<br />

voor een groot<br />

deel zijn charme verloren,<br />

maar de digitale<br />

fotografie biedt ook<br />

voordelen. De kwaliteit<br />

en duurzaamheid van<br />

de foto’s is er zeker op<br />

vooruit gegaan en er is<br />

de mogelijkheid om mislukte foto’s meteen te deleten en plaats te maken voor nieuwe, meer geslaagde<br />

foto’s. Bovendien is de limiet van achtenveertig plaatjes per filmrolletje uitgebreid naar duizenden afbeeldingen<br />

per geheugenkaart. Dankzij de uitvinding van de Smartphone is fotografie nu toegankelijk voor<br />

iedereen en ook veel eenvoudiger dan voordien. Lenzen en zelfontspanners zijn niet langer nodig. In- en<br />

uitzoomen kan gewoon door een simpele druk op de knop en de fotograaf kan gemakkelijk mee op de foto<br />

dankzij de uitvinding van de zogenaamde “selfie” en het bijbehorende accessoire, de selfiestick. Foto’s<br />

bewerken is niet langer een zaak voor de professionele fotograaf. Dankzij allerlei apps en computerprogramma’s<br />

kan nu ook Jan met de pet zijn foto’s omtoveren in kleine meesterwerkjes.<br />

We kunnen het er over eens zijn dat de digitale fotografie zo zijn voordelen heeft en ongetwijfeld nog verder<br />

zal ontwikkelen in de toekomst. Modernisering en de toepassing van nieuwe technologieën zijn belangrijk<br />

voor de maatschappij en moeten zeker worden aangemoedigd, maar in een nostalgische bui verlang ik<br />

soms toch terug naar de tijd van filmrolletjes en zelfontspanners.

By Cristian Velez, <strong>USTA</strong> student<br />



Photography and education.<br />

The normal things can be amazing<br />

Laura Ayala says in her article Digital photography as an<br />

educational tool "it is useful for different areas of<br />

knowledge, not only those that have to do with art or images,<br />

it can also be used in scientific documentation, mathematics,<br />

social sciences, among others. "(Ayala, L. Digital photography<br />

as an educational tool).<br />

Moreover, according to Bruno Latour, based on basic epistemology,<br />

there is no perfect art, it just only change of tendency.<br />

For this reason, to think of<br />

photography as a resource in classrooms,<br />

which allows expressing<br />

artistic elements with a critical eye<br />

and pedagogical purposes, is a<br />

powerful possibility, especially in<br />

the current digital era. (Iliadis, A.<br />

2013).<br />

My first experience with photography,<br />

around the year 2010, transformed the way I perceive<br />

the surrounding elements of my reality. I just didn`t see<br />

things, I saw life, history, expressions full of emotions that<br />

connected my perception with the depth of my environment.<br />

Enriching thus, my ability to recognize in the most insignificant<br />

objets, powerfull things..<br />

"I thought, there is no<br />

small thing, it depends on<br />

which lenses you use to<br />

take the picture."<br />

Cristian Velez.<br />

Photography is a reality in the current general social layer of<br />

the 21st century. Nowadays more photographs are taken per<br />

person than ever in the history of the world. Instragram, Facebook,<br />

Messenger, blogs, easily accessible web pages,<br />

Whatsapp, are platforms that enhance the use of photos as<br />

elements of public exposure. We take a photo to be perceived<br />

in other realities and likewise, the photographs build<br />

our identity. However, from the academy, how do you take<br />

advantage of these resources to<br />

give you a value beyond just a social<br />

photo?<br />

The thing, the object, the person,<br />

the scene that stars in a photograph,<br />

could simply be an element without<br />

bottom, without value, without<br />

history. However, appropriating<br />

people from photography as a<br />

means to critically analyze<br />

"photographed" could be a high-impact pedagogical resource.<br />

In such a way could arise an endless number of mental possibilities<br />

from taking photographs, such could be how I perceive<br />

the reality from a photo ?, what resignified can I pose



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transcendental vision?<br />

In contrast, photography as an extension of the perception of<br />

reality, is a resource to deepen the construction of meanings.<br />

A profile photo on Facebook would be no longer an empty<br />

scene, stupid and meaningless, but instead, would be a way<br />

of expressing transcendent concepts that become an insignificant<br />

reality in a work of art.<br />

My life changed when I learned that there is no small thing,<br />

everything depends on the lens you want to look at, the<br />

meaning you want to give it and the story that tells the story.<br />

in reality from a photograph? How I Perceive and what I<br />

perceive in reality?<br />

Apart from faculties that deepen photography as its field of<br />

general study, little or nothing pedagogical studies have been<br />

developed in terms of using photography as a real learning<br />

element. How would bethe world if people perceived it as a<br />

permanent photograph, and to this, can it be given a critical<br />

References<br />

- Ayala, L. Digital photography as an educational tool. 2013. Retrieved from: https://colombiadigital.net/actualidad/articulosinformativos/item/4953-la-fotografia-digital-como-herramienta-educativa.html<br />

- Iliadis, A. Interview with Bruno Latour. 2013. Retrieved from: http://figureground.org/wp-content/<br />

uploads/2014/11/01Latour_E84.pdf<br />

By: Franklin Modesto<br />

Triste Corrupção<br />

A corrupção na política do Brasil a cada dia está descontrolada, descontrolado por conta dos grandes<br />

escândalos que são manchetes todos os dias nos jornais nacionais e internacionais do Brasil e do mundo.<br />

Políticos e pessoas de empresas particulares sendo acusados de corrupção até mesmo senadores, exgovernadores<br />

e até mesmo o atual presidente da Republica está envolvido em corrupção, esses fatos de corrupção<br />

são relatados através de empreiteiras e grandes empresas do setor alimentício. Tudo isso se deve a<br />

operação lava jato onde o Ministério Publico<br />

junto com Supremo Tribunal<br />

Federal e a Policia<br />

Federal conduz as investiga-<br />

ções, a operação lava<br />

jato é um grande momento<br />

histórico para o Brasil,<br />

pois dessa forma esta<br />

ocorrendo varias punições<br />

com os políticos e<br />

pessoas que estão envolvidas<br />

nesses escândalos<br />

de corrupção dessa<br />

forma a justiça Brasileira da<br />

uma resposta de punição<br />

para que a população não<br />

pare de acreditar que


16<br />

em um dias será possível um país sem corrupção.<br />

A operação Lava Jato sem duvida é uma grande operação que mostra o quanto o Brasil foi e esta sendo<br />

castigado, o melhor roubado pela corrupção de desvio de dinheiro publico seja em licitações de construções<br />

publicas ou até mesmo privadas, desvios a qual políticos e pessoa que não ética recebe dinheiro sujo, dinheiro<br />

sujo que vem de vários desvios de obras que são os valores dos projetos são super faturados, exemplo<br />

muitas das<br />

vezes a obra<br />

custa A valor<br />

e nas licitações<br />

está 2<br />

vezes mais<br />

que o declarado<br />

perante a<br />

lei.<br />

Acabar com a<br />

corrupção de<br />

desvio de dinheiro<br />

e sem<br />

duvida um<br />

grande problema para todos as gerações seja passadas, presentes ou futuras, pois atrás da corrupção esta<br />

algo muito forte que é o PODER, poder de ganhar dinheiro fácil, dinheiro que vem de desvio onde o mesmo<br />

podia ser aplicado na educação, saúde, cultura entre outras áreas assim. A corrupção é muito injusta,<br />

pois ela não pensa no próximo, ela não pensa o quanto esse dinheiro faz falta para uma comunidade, pra<br />

uma cidade, um estado ou até mesmo para o país. Pois assim vários projetos não podem sair do papel pois<br />

não se tem dinheiro nas comunidades tudo isso por conta da corrupção onde o País começa a entra em uma<br />

crise a qual afeta todas as área seja educação, saúde, cultura e infelizmente os que mais sofrem nessa historia<br />

é o trabalhado que trabalha honestamente<br />

o mês, o ano todo pagando<br />

impostos para ter uma melhor educação,<br />

saúde e esse mesmo dinheiro que<br />

poderia ser investido nessas áreas. Os<br />

corruptos se aproveitam e roubam<br />

esse dinheiro do trabalhador brasileiro.<br />

Junto com todo esse cenário a<br />

população esta em uma situação a<br />

qual acredita na mudança mais pouco<br />

faz por essa mudança, é preciso mais<br />

união da nação, é preciso à união da

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população para da um basta na corrupção de uma vez por toda, é preciso mais conhecimento da população<br />

para escolher os futuros governadores da nação brasileira, é preciso mais fiscalização dos órgãos responsáveis<br />

pela fiscalização, com punições mais duras onde a população possa observar o que se passa com uma<br />

pessoa que é corrupta e assim ser um exemplo para todos que um dia pensar em desviar dinheiro, essas punições<br />

se trata de um maior tempo de cárceres e pagamento de multa referente ao valor que foi desviado da<br />

população. O país deve investir em mais educação de boa qualidade e uma educação cultural assim poderia<br />

ser algumas atitudes que contribui para uma mudança das atitudes das pessoas e mostrar o que de fato esta<br />

por trás da corrupção.<br />


By: Raquel Souza<br />

O Brasil vive hoje o que podemos classificar como<br />

"dias sombrios", uma crise generalizada na área<br />

econômica, política e principalmente social onde<br />

assistimos extremismos e polarização de opiniões<br />

impostas e defendidas a qualquer custo por<br />

seus idealizadores, o senso de coletividade é praticamente<br />

inexistente, o que abre portas para o racismo,<br />

intolerância e violência.<br />

Os problemas sociais brasileiros são conhecidos há<br />

anos e possuem forte ligação com os problemas<br />

políticos e econômicos que sofre atualmente, a democracia<br />

no Brasil possui deficiências graves pois<br />

esta não reflete um bem comum nacional mas sim<br />

um país de interesses partidários o que prejudica o<br />

fortalecimento dos direitos sociais alcançados. Esta<br />

mesma lógica rege o sistema político brasileiro<br />

que alias é um ambiente extremamente movido a<br />

corrupção e conseqüentemente recaem implicações<br />

sobre o desenvolvimento nacional em todas as<br />

áreas.<br />

Nesse sentido podemos destacar um dos principais<br />

embates sociais travados atualmente: a terceirização<br />

nas relações de trabalho, a contra-revolução<br />

orquestrada pelo então presidente da república Michel<br />

Temer, que consiste no objetivo do atual governo,<br />

no universo das relações de trabalho, em<br />

corroer a CLT, que a classe trabalhadora com-


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preende como sendo sua "verdadeira constituição Além deste poderíamos citar vários outros casos de<br />

retrocessos sociais e discutir<br />

sobre eles, mas a<br />

grande questão é que a<br />

própria sociedade brasileira<br />

tem falhado na<br />

função que exerce na política<br />

ao permitir que os<br />

extremismos guiem sua<br />

luta e em não dar-se conta<br />

de que ao selecionar seus<br />

representantes estes recebem<br />

a função de representar<br />

a todos e não a<br />

grupos específicos como<br />

percebemos que acontece.<br />

do trabalho" e dar cumprimento a exigência do empresariado<br />

cujo objetivo não é outro senão instalar<br />

imediatamente uma "sociedade da terceirização<br />

total", o que se entende como sendo um retrocesso<br />

na garantia de direitos a essa classe que compreende<br />

a maior parte da população brasileira.<br />

A democracia caminha em conjunto com a cidadania<br />

e ambas tem a missão de tornar a sociedade<br />

atenta aos seus deveres e direitos no esforço constante<br />

do desenvolvimento de um ambiente justo e<br />

de igualdade onde haja espaço para a pluralidade e<br />

não polaridade.<br />

http://diplomatique.org.br/a-devastacao-do-trabalho-na-contrarrevolucao-de-temer/<br />

Sebastião Salgado proyecto Génesis

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