Easter Curriculum 2019 w HL

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<strong>Easter</strong> Programme<br />

Kings’ Kids <strong>Curriculum</strong>

**Click on the date below and it will take you straight to your lesson plan**<br />

Date Theme Topic Bible Story<br />

29 MAR <strong>2019</strong> PRAISE & PETITION EASTER LESSON 1 ENTRANCE<br />

Matthew 21: 1 - 17<br />

5 APR <strong>2019</strong><br />

(Communion)<br />


Matthew 26: 57 - 68<br />

12 APR <strong>2019</strong><br />

(Palm Sunday)<br />





Luke 23: 26 - 49<br />

19 APR <strong>2019</strong><br />

(Good Friday)<br />


Matthew 27: 57 - 66<br />

21 APR <strong>2019</strong><br />

*<strong>Easter</strong><br />

Sunday*<br />


Romans 8: 34

Lesson 1<br />

Praise & Petition<br />

• Donkeys, Hosanna & Palm branches<br />

• Memory verse: Psalm 150: 6 & Psalm 8: 1 - 2<br />

• Object lesson: Homemade Instruments<br />

• Bible story & Scripture: Make way for the King! - Matthew 21: 1 - 17<br />

• Arts or activity: Word search<br />

• Game: Praise Game<br />

• Snack: Water & cookies

Lesson 1<br />

Praise & Petition<br />

Theme: Donkeys, Hosanna & Palm Branches<br />

Memory Verse:<br />

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” Psalm 150: 6<br />

“O Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have et<br />

your glory above the Heavens. From the lips of children and infants you<br />

have ordained praise.” Psalm 8: 1 - 2<br />

Note: When you want to print only the words in the frame, you can copy the inserted<br />

box and paste it in a new word doc and print.<br />

Object Lesson:<br />

You need to bring different homemade instruments in from home.<br />

Difference between PRAISE and PETITION<br />

PRAISE = we give God something<br />

PETITION= we ask him to give us something<br />

Incorporate this short poem in the lesson, use it to explain how we are more<br />

prone as humans to ask God for things. Rather than to praise Him just because<br />

he is God!<br />

“Two angels left from heavens gates to gather up the prayers; <br />

They carried golden baskets and descended golden stairs.<br />

As they would hear the people pray from all the earth around, <br />

They’d fill their baskets to the top and then be heaven bound.

One gathered up petitions and he soon could travel back;<br />

The other sought for praises, but he found there was a lack.<br />

And so we learn a lesson true: of prayers that people raise, <br />

Petitions are abounding, but there is very little praise.”<br />

Psalm 150 encourages us to PRAISE God in a variety of ways, most of which<br />

involve noise! The first verse tells what to praise God for, and the following<br />

verses describe loud ways to do this.<br />

<br />

Questions:<br />

• What are some ways you can show happy sounds? (laughter, singing,<br />

cheering, encouraging words)<br />

• How do you feel when people make these sounds towards you? (think<br />

how much more pleasure God gets out of our happy sounds of praise to<br />

Him)<br />

• How can we make a joyful noise to the Lord?<br />

Note: When you want to print only the Questions you can copy the inserted box<br />

and paste it in a new word doc and print.<br />

Explore the instruments you brought from home and look around the warehouse<br />

and see how you can make a noise for the Lord.<br />

Example: <br />

• Glasses with water in at various levels and tapped gently with a spoon.<br />

• Containers with coins in or rice can be shaken.<br />

• Pots and pans from the kitchen with a wooden spoon<br />

• Rubber bands stretched across a shoebox to make a guitar<br />

Get some of the kids to come up and use their instruments to praise.<br />

Chose a praise song and play along to it.<br />

Other kids can clap, stomp or click their fingers, <br />

SHOW PRAISE VIDEO – Copy this URL and paste in YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/jHCunb2Uws - Psalm 150 Song

Read Psalm 150 again and discuss the following questions together:<br />

• How does it feel to be praised for something that you have done, or for<br />

something special about yourself?<br />

• How do you think God felt when we praise Him with our instruments?<br />

• If a crowd of people where to gather and praise God as described in<br />

Psalm 150, what would it sound like?<br />

• Why does God like to be praised?<br />

• What things can we praise him for?<br />

Let me tell you about a time where a group of people gathered to praise a King!<br />

Does anyone know?<br />

Bible lesson: Make Way for the King!<br />

The Bible story today can be found in the following passages:<br />

Matthew 21:1-17<br />

Mark 11:1-10<br />

Luke 19:28-40<br />

John 12:12-19<br />

Retell the story in your own words!<br />

SHOW ONE OF THE FOLLOWING VIDEOS – Copy this URL and paste in<br />

YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/pIvkrPLYUXU - Bible YouTube reading<br />

https://youtu.be/GBN9NhenNI<br />


Make sure you explain these 4 facts:<br />

1. A King’s transportation - In the bible times, horses were used to pull<br />

chariots, and they carried soldiers into battle. A King often rode a prancing<br />

horse into a city to celebrate a victory in battle. When he rode a donkey it<br />

usually meant he was coming peacefully. Solomon rode a donkey when he<br />

was crowned king of Israel.

2. Hosanna - This word means “Save us Please”. It was first used as a<br />

prayer for help. By the time Jesus was on earth, it had come to be used as<br />

a cry for joy or a shout of victory.<br />

3. Palm branches - The date palm was long, with leathery leaves on<br />

branches that are 6-8 feet tall. It was an ancient custom to pluck off<br />

branches and wave them as a welcome to the king. This was a symbol of<br />

victory.<br />

4. Prophecy - When a prophet tells something that will happen in the future,<br />

it is called a prophecy. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, a<br />

prophet wrote “Shout daughters of Jerusalem. See your King comes to<br />

you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a<br />

colt, the foal of a donkey.” (Zechariah 9:9) The New Testament tells about<br />

a time in Jesus’ life when this prophecy came true.<br />

Many people praised Jesus that day. <br />

Some were joyful and excited because they really thought that Jesus had come<br />

to rescue them and be their king. <br />

They expected him to lead them to defeat their Roman rulers. <br />

Later when Jesus was on trial some of those same people were probably with<br />

the crowd that shouted “Crucify Him.!”<br />

Other people truly loved Jesus and their praise came from their hearts. Jesus<br />

especially liked the praise of the honest and sincere children.<br />


Jesus wants us to ask him for the things we need. He loves to shower us with<br />

good things. But it makes him sad when we keep asking for things and then<br />

forget to praise Him.<br />

Don’t forget to praise Jesus every single day.<br />

How?<br />

• tell him that you praise and worship him as King of Kings<br />

• let him know that you want him to be your Lord and Saviour<br />

• thank him for dying on the cross for you<br />

• thank him for answered prayers and for all he has done for you<br />

Jesus will be so pleased as he delights in the praises of his children.

Pray with the children<br />

Split into different age groups<br />

Activities<br />

5-8 years <br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 1<br />

9 -12 years<br />

Discussion<br />

Finish strong don’t give up and don’t start to follow & praise Jesus and give up<br />

half way when it gets hard. Don’t be influenced by the crowd and the world's<br />

voices around you.<br />


Get up again if you Fail - https://youtu.be/wOlTdkYXuzE <br />

Game <br />

Praise Game<br />

Write 4 compliments on a piece of paper for the person on your right. (Sit in a<br />

circle) read them out load and give the paper for them to keep. Try to encourage<br />

them to speak prophetic words over each other’s lives as well. <br />

<br />

Snack<br />

Water & Cookies

Lesson 2<br />

All Guilty of Sin<br />

• A whip, a crown of thorns & a purple robe<br />

• Memory verse: Romans 3: 23 & Romans 5: 8<br />

• Object lesson: Cleaning Supplies<br />

• Bible story & Scripture: An innocent man is declared guilty! - Matthew<br />

26: 57 - 68, 27: 11 - 31<br />

• Arts or activity: Unscramble <strong>Easter</strong> sheet<br />

• Game: Crossed or Uncrossed<br />

• Snack: Water & Bugles

Lesson 2<br />

All Guilty of Sin<br />

Theme: A whip, a crown of thorns & a purple robe<br />

Memory Verse:<br />

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3: 23<br />

“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this. While we were still<br />

sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5: 8<br />

Note: When you want to print only the words in the frame, you can copy the inserted<br />

box and paste it in a new word doc and print.<br />

Object Lesson:<br />

You will need a bible, a bucket full of cleaning supplies like laundry powder,<br />

wash detergent, a bar of soap, toothpaste, scrubbing brush.<br />

Read the memory verse and ask the children to explain it.<br />

Read Psalm 51:10a<br />

Ask the following questions:<br />

• what would make your life impure or dirty?<br />

I thought getting a clean life was a good idea, so I looked around the house for<br />

some cleaning supplies (bring out the bucket of cleaning supplies and show<br />

them to the children)

• What are these used for?<br />

• Which of these do you think would help clean up my life?<br />

Let’s see what the bible says about cleaning the sin from our lives. Read<br />

Jeremiah 2:22 - “Though you wash yourself with lye and use much soap, the<br />

stain of your guilt is still before me, declares the Lord GOD.” <br />

• What do you think this verse means? (We cannot clean our lives with soap<br />

– God still sees our sin. Lets see if another bible verse will help us know<br />

what to do!)<br />

• According to this verse what purifies us from our sins?<br />

• How does Jesus blood make us clean?<br />

When people talk about Jesus blood, they mean that Jesus bled and died to<br />

purify us from sin. So if we want our lives to be pure and cleansed of sin, we<br />

need to believe in Jesus (point to the bucket of cleaning supplies)<br />

That sounds a lot easier than scrubbing with all these things!<br />

Let’s thank God for sending Jesus to die for our sins on the cross so that we<br />

could have clean pure lives. <br />

Bible lesson: An innocent man is declared guilty!<br />

The Bible story today can be found in the following passages:<br />

Matthew 26: 57 - 68<br />

Matthew 27: 11 - 31<br />

Mark 14: 53 - 65<br />

Mark 15: 1 - 20<br />

Retell the story in your own words and link it up with the object lesson!<br />

SHOW THE VIDEO – Copy this URL and paste in YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/DbweIOE4Va8 - Bible YouTube reading


Make sure you explain these 4 facts:<br />

1. A crown of thorns - A crown is worn to show a person's authority or<br />

place of high honour. The Roman soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus’<br />

head to mock him. We do not know what kind of thorns they were. They<br />

may have been from a plant in the “buckthorn” family, whose thorns have<br />

both curved and straight spines.<br />

2. Scourges - These were whips made of leather straps attached to a<br />

handle. Bits of sharp metal or bone in the straps cut into the person's flesh<br />

and caused severe pain.<br />

3. Purple Robe - Usually a robe was an outer garment worn over the other<br />

clothes. Kings and wealthy people wore purple clothes.<br />

4. Sanhedrin - This was a group of 71 Jews who were experts in the Jewish<br />

law. This group also called “the council”, was like a Jewish supreme court.<br />

The final word though came from the Romans, who ruled over the land at<br />

that time.<br />

Remember when Jesus was arrested he had a question for those who arrested<br />

him in the garden. He said “Don’t you think I can call on my Father and ask Him<br />

to send thousands of angels to help me?” Jesus didn’t ask for that, though. He<br />

had come into the world to die for our sins, so he willingly went to be tried and<br />

crucified.<br />

GUILTY!!!!! We don’t like to hear that word. Sometimes it is true.<br />

We have all done wrong and have tried to hide it.<br />

Then someone finds out and says “You are guilty”<br />

But there is something worse: being accused of something when you are<br />

innocent!<br />

How would you feel?<br />

And that was what happened to Jesus.<br />

All people are guilty of sin and deserve to die.<br />

Jesus, God's Son, never sinned, yet he loved us so much that he let people<br />

accuse him of things he had never done and say that he was guilty.


Thank Jesus for taking your place and your punishment!<br />

SHOW THE VIDEO – Copy this URL and paste in YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/wQCeXkn0aM - Bridge illustration<br />

Pray with the children<br />

Split into different age groups<br />

Activities<br />

5-8 years <br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 2<br />

9 -12 years<br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 2<br />

Game <br />

Crossed or Uncrossed<br />

You take a scissor in your hand and pass it from person to person around the<br />

circle. You cross your legs unnoticeably and put all the attention on the scissor<br />

and open the scissor and say: Cross. You let the next child say Crossed or on<br />

crossed but they don’t know the trick yet. They try to figure it out. They open or<br />

close the scissor and think it’s got something to do with the scissor, but it is<br />

actually whether you sit crossed legs or not. Don’t tell anyone what it is. Tell the<br />

children that thinks they figured it out to keep quit until everyone has figured it<br />

out. <br />

Snack<br />

Bugles & Water

Lesson 3<br />

Died between 2 Robbers<br />

• From palm branches on Sunday to spikes & crosses on Skull Hill<br />

• Memory verse: 1 Peter 1: 18 - 19<br />

• Object lesson: Cheerleading Pompom<br />

• Bible story & Scripture: The Redeemer dies between 2 robbers! - Luke<br />

23: 26 - 49 & John 19: 16 - 37<br />

• Arts or activity: Crossword puzzle<br />

• Game: Pass the gift left or right<br />

• Snack: Water & Crackers

Lesson 3<br />

Died between 2 Robbers<br />

Theme: From palm branches on Sunday to spikes & crosses on Skull Hill. Palm<br />

Sunday reminds us that Jesus is Lord of our lives and the reality that our sin<br />

nailed Jesus to the cross.<br />

Memory Verse:<br />

“They took Palm branches and went out to meet Him shouting ‘Hosanna!’<br />

Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.” John 12: 13a<br />

“It is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were<br />

redeemed…but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1: 18 - 19<br />

Note: When you want to print only the words in the frame, you can copy the inserted<br />

box and paste it in a new word doc and print.<br />

Object Lesson:<br />

You will need a cheerleading pompom and a few palm branches.<br />

(Hold up the pompom and give it a shake)<br />

Ask the children the following questions:<br />

• When do people use these?<br />

• Why do they use them?<br />

It is fun to cheer for someone we know or for our favourite team.<br />

It makes us feel happy and it lets the person or team know that we are<br />

supporting them.

In Bible times it seems that people like to cheer too…. except they didn’t use<br />

pompoms. They used palm branches. (Hold up the palm branches and let the<br />

children take turns waving them in the air)<br />

Palm branches were used to celebrate a victory, sort of like the way you might<br />

wave a pompom when your favourite team wins. Remember how the Bible tells<br />

us of a certain time people waved palms.<br />

Read out John 12:13-14<br />

• What were the people celebrating?<br />

• How did they cheer for Jesus?<br />

The people in the Bible passage cheered because they wanted Jesus to be their<br />

King right then and there. They didn’t understand that Jesus would be King in<br />

heaven, not on earth.<br />

Jesus also wants to be King or Lord of our hearts and lives. He wants us to<br />

praise Him and tell others that Jesus is number one in our lives!<br />

Tell the children the following story:<br />

There was once where two boys who lived in a town in Scotland. They were the<br />

best of friends growing up together and spent lots of time together.<br />

When they grew up they went their separate ways and lost contact.<br />

The one became a very outstanding judge.<br />

The other one unfortunately became a criminal and one day he was caught for<br />

committing a terrible crime.<br />

When the criminal came into the courtroom, he saw the judge and recognized<br />

him as his best friend when he was a young boy.<br />

“Oh “ he thought , “what luck I am sure he will go easy on me”<br />

The judge heard the case and then asked the assistant to bring the book<br />

containing all the penalties for crimes.<br />

“There are two penalties for your crime,” the judge told the criminal.<br />

“One is a small fine and the other is a large fine”<br />

The prisoner hoped for the small fine, but the judge gave him the large one.<br />

The prisoner hung his head in despair.<br />

His friend the judge then said to him “George my old friend, I have judged you<br />

fairly. Now I will save you as a friend. I myself will pay every cent of your penalty.<br />

You are a free man.”<br />

What a friend!

Remember that that is what Jesus did for us and we must praise him for the<br />

wonderful sacrifice he made on the cross.<br />

Bible lesson: The Redeemer dies between 2 Robbers!<br />

The Bible story today can be found in the following passages:<br />

Luke 23: 26 - 49<br />

John 19: 16 - 37<br />

Retell the story in your own words and link it up with the object lesson!<br />

SHOW THE VIDEO – Copy this URL and paste in YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/pfe_Zzcp0O8 - A Story of Two Thieves<br />


Make sure you explain these 4 facts:<br />

1. Crucifixion - This was a method of putting someone to death. The person<br />

was placed on a wooden cross. Many nations including the Romans chose<br />

this kind of death for people who had done really bad things. It was a<br />

shameful and very painful way to die.<br />

2. Cross - A wooden crosspiece, fastened to an upright stake, formed a<br />

cross. Crosses were in several shapes. Jesus’ cross was probably one in<br />

which the stake extended above the crosspiece for a short distance.<br />

3. Spikes - The nails used in the crucifixion had to be large spikes that could<br />

hold the weight of a person. In 1968 the remains of a victim of crucifixion<br />

were found in the Holy Land. A 7inch spike still pierced his ankle bone,<br />

which was attached to a fragment of his cross. <br />

4. Skull Hill - Jesus was crucified on a hill called Golgotha, which means<br />

“Skull” Another name with the same meaning is Calvary. No one knows<br />

exactly where this hill is. The bible says that it is somewhere outside<br />

Jerusalem. There is a hill outside the city in the shape of a skull.

5. Redeemer - This is a person who pays ransom for another person.<br />

Example: A redeemer might pay the price to set a slave free.<br />

Who do you think caused Jesus to be crucified?<br />

Many people did. <br />

Judas, one of Jesus disciples, gave Jesus up for a bag of coins.<br />

Right into the hands of Jesus’ enemies.<br />

These Jewish enemies brought Jesus into the court and falsely accused him of<br />

doing wrong. The high priest said Jesus was worthy of death.<br />

Pilate handed Jesus over to that said “Crucify Him!!!” <br />

The Roman soldiers drove the spikes into his hands and feet.<br />

Yes, all of these people had a part to play in the death of Jesus.<br />

BUT so, do you and me.<br />

We caused him to be nailed to the cross, because it was our sins that put him<br />

there.<br />

1 Corinthians 15:3 “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures”<br />

All of us have done wrong in Gods sight.<br />

We deserve to be punished. The penalty for our sins is eternal separation from<br />

God – eternity in Hell.<br />

Jesus loved us so much that he didn’t want us to be punished. He redeemed us<br />

by paying the price for our ransom.<br />

Now all who receive Jesus as Saviour are set free from paying the penalty of sin.<br />

Pray with the children<br />

Split into different age groups<br />

Activities<br />

5-8 years <br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 3

9 -12 years<br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 3<br />

You could maybe show the following YouTube Video to create discussion.<br />

https://youtu.be/wp2p9sIOyVM Jesus is crucified. **Just check this first as it is<br />

a bit graphic**<br />

Game<br />

Pass the present left and right. Every time the story says ‘right’ pass the present<br />

(“Parcel to the right”), and the same with the left.<br />

Read the story:<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Wright<br />

Mr. Wright & Mrs. Wright works for Shell in Dubai. As Mr. Wright, left in the car<br />

one day, he turned right out of the driveway. He had to go right back as he left<br />

without Mrs. Wright.<br />

They both got in the car on the left side, as the right side door would not open.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Wright then left for the Shell office, turning right out of the<br />

driveway. An argument occurred about the shortest way to work as Mrs. Wright<br />

said that the left turn is quicker, but Mr. Wright kept insisting that the right turn<br />

was much easier and shorter.<br />

Two blocks away after another left turn they discovered that Mr. Wright left his<br />

suitcase at home. So, they made a quick left U-turn and went back home.<br />

As they turned right on to their street and left in the driveway, Mrs. Wright said<br />

“I’ll just stay right here in the car while you go and get your suitcase that you<br />

have left”<br />

They again left from home for the third time, to get it right this time! Right out<br />

of the driveway and straight to work.<br />

When they arrived at work, Mr. Wright said that he needs a strong cup of coffee,<br />

right away. So they went into the staff canteen, and used the strong coffee on

the left shelf. When Mrs. Wright wanted to pour the sugar in, they realised that<br />

there was no sugar left. Not the right way to start a day, Mr. Wright said.<br />

Snack<br />

Crackers & water

Lesson 4<br />

Jesus is Alive!<br />

• Escape from a cocoon & a sealed tomb<br />

• Memory verse: John 11: 25 & Matthew 28: 2b<br />

• Object lesson: Cocoon, Butterfly Escape<br />

• Bible story & Scripture: Jesus Lives Again! - Matthew 27: 57 - 66, 28: 1 -<br />

15<br />

• Arts or activity: Crossword puzzle<br />

• Game: Limbo<br />

• Snack: Chocolate milk boxes & bananas

Lesson 4<br />

Jesus is Alive<br />

Theme: Escape from a cocoon and a sealed tomb!<br />

Memory Verse:<br />

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even<br />

though he dies.” John 11: 25<br />

“For an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven and going to the tomb,<br />

rolled back the stone and sat on it.” Matthew 28: 2b<br />

Note: When you want to print only the words in the frame, you can copy the inserted<br />

box and paste it in a new word doc and print.<br />

Object Lesson:<br />

You will need a picture of a caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly and a large stone.<br />

This object lesson is in two parts<br />

1.<br />

A caterpillar begins life as a tiny egg. Its mother lays it on or near a plant it will<br />

later use for its food. The egg hatches into a tiny caterpillar with an enormous<br />

appetite. It eats plant food and grows very quickly.<br />

Soon the caterpillar outgrows its skin, which then splits open. With its new<br />

elastic skin, it crawls out in the process called molting. It will molt 4 or 5 times<br />

until its full grown. After the last molt, the caterpillar is covered with an oddly<br />

shaped hard skin, called a cocoon. At that point the caterpillar has no eyes,

mouth, antenna or legs. Inside its case, big changes take place. The body<br />

becomes a soft creamy liquid. Wings and legs and other body parts slowly form.<br />

After a while the cocoon splits.<br />

A butterfly emerges weak and covered with moisture. It hangs upside down,<br />

waving its wings until they spread out and harden. Before long the beautiful<br />

creature flies into the air.<br />

Jesus was also inside something like a cocoon. But he was able to get out only<br />

because of his supernatural power as Gods only Son. <br />

2.<br />

Ask the children the following questions:<br />

Questions:<br />

• Why do we celebrate <strong>Easter</strong>?<br />

• (set the stone in front of the children) How do you think this stone<br />

reminds of <strong>Easter</strong>?<br />

Lets read Matthew 27: 57 - 61, 28: 1 - 7 together.<br />

• Why do you think the stone is so important in this story?<br />

• Why did the angel roll the stone away from the tomb??<br />

When the angel rolled the stone away from the entrance to the tomb, it wasn’t<br />

because Jesus needed any help getting out. Without the big stone blocking the<br />

entrance, everybody could clearly see that Jesus had risen from the dead.<br />

God wanted everyone to see with his or her own eyes that Jesus was more<br />

powerful than death. <br />

* What things in our lives keep us from seeing God’s power in our lives?<br />

* How can we roll those “stones” away?<br />

Sometimes problems, activities or people keep us so busy that they block our<br />

view of what God is doing in our lives. That is why it is so important to talk to

God, to read your bible and learn more about God from your teachers and<br />

parents.<br />

We need to ask God to help roll away the things in life that block our view of<br />

your love and power. We want to put Jesus first in our lives.<br />

Bible lesson: Jesus lives again!<br />

The Bible story today can be found in the following passages:<br />

Matthew 27: 57 - 66<br />

Matthew 28: 1 - 15<br />

Retell the story in your own words and link it up with the object lesson!<br />

SHOW THE VIDEO – Copy this URL and paste in YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/HaS-9AP96gE - Son of God | Resurrection | 20th Century Fox<br />


Make sure you explain these 3 facts:<br />

1. Tombs and tombstones - In Bible times, usually the only well-to-do people<br />

were buried in tombs. These were usually caves or chambers dug out of rock.<br />

A man named Joseph from the town of Arimathea placed Jesus body in the<br />

new tomb that he had cut from rock. Nicodemus went with him. He rolled a<br />

heavy round tombstone across the entrance. <br />

2. Grave clothes - Jesus body was covered with spices and wrapped in pieces<br />

of linen strips that were wound around his body like a cocoon. A separate<br />

cloth was used to cover his head.<br />

3. Guards - Roman soldiers guarded the tomb of Jesus day and night. To sleep<br />

while posted as a guard meant death for a Roman soldier. Yet notice in the<br />

story the lie they told about Jesus body.

Jesus’ “cocoon” was not torn apart or split. He came right out of the strips of<br />

cloth without disturbing them. He entered a room with locked doors. Yet he was<br />

not a ghost. We knew he had a real body, for he ate some food, and the<br />

disciples could touch him.<br />

A caterpillar body is changed into a beautiful butterfly that emerges from its<br />

cocoon. The caterpillar is not earthbound, it can fly. Jesus came out of the tomb<br />

with a new heavenly body.<br />

All who belong to Jesus will be changed someday when Jesus comes back<br />

again. Those who are dead and, in the grave, will come alive, and their old<br />

bodies will be changed into new ones.<br />

Those who are alive will also be changed so their new bodies are like the body<br />

Jesus had when he came out of the tomb. “He who believes in me will live,<br />

even though he dies.” Jesus said.<br />

If Jesus is your Saviour, you will have a new, perfect body to enjoy in heaven.<br />

Isn’t that super good news????<br />

Pray with the children<br />

Split into different age groups<br />

Activities<br />

5-8 years <br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 4<br />

9 -12 years<br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 4

Show the following YouTube Video to create discussion.<br />

https://youtu.be/bbsfqB5ngvc - Why is the resurrection so important?<br />

Game <br />

Limbo<br />

There is a stick that is hooked onto two cutout trees with markers, or have two<br />

teachers holding the stick. The kids dance underneath the stick until they can’t<br />

go under it anymore. The music is playing while they are doing this. The last<br />

child to manage not to touch the Limbo stick wins the game.<br />

Snack<br />

Bananas & Chocolate milk boxes

Lesson 5<br />

Celebrate Jesus<br />

• Resurrection Eggs<br />

• Object lesson: Resurrection Eggs<br />

• Bible story & Scripture: Celebrate He’s sits on the right hand of God! -<br />

Romans 8: 34<br />

• Arts or activity: <strong>Easter</strong> Hunt<br />

• Game: I go on a trip<br />

• Snack: Party snacks (chips & cold drinks)

Lesson 5<br />

Celebrate Jesus<br />

Theme: <strong>Easter</strong> Hunt - Resurrection Eggs will be hidden away in the Kings’ Kids<br />

Area.<br />

Object Lesson<br />

Have the children hunt for the hidden Resurrection Eggs around the Kings’ Kids<br />

area. Once they have all been found use the eggs to teach the children the story<br />

of <strong>Easter</strong>.<br />

Bible Story and Scripture<br />

“And Jesus Christ our Lord was shown to be the Son of God when God<br />

powerfully raised him from the dead by means of the Holy Spirit.” Rom. 1:4<br />

“Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised— who is at<br />

the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” Romans 8:34<br />

“He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from<br />

off all faces.” Isaiah 25:8<br />

“For as by a man came death, by a man has come the resurrection of the dead.<br />

For as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.” 1 Corinthians<br />


“We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no<br />

longer has dominion over him.” Romans 6:9<br />

“He was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” Romans<br />

4:25<br />

Pray with the children<br />

Split into different age groups<br />

Activities<br />

5-8 years <br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 5<br />

9 -12 years<br />

Print each child a copy of: <br />

worksheet 5<br />

SHOW PRAISE VIDEO – Copy this URL and paste in YouTube<br />

https://youtu.be/XV15GBkgJgs - Song to Celebrate Jesus<br />

Game<br />

I go on a trip and I take my favourite thing<br />

Let the children sit in a circle. The first child says: I am going on a trip and I<br />

take a teddy. Next child says: I am going on a trip and I take, a teddy and<br />

brush. The next person says I am going on a trip and I take a teddy, a brush and<br />

my toothbrush. Next child needs to say all the things the children mentioned.

Each child adds their thing to the list in circle. You need to remember<br />

everyone’s things and add your own. Last person in the circle has the hardest<br />

job to remember every bodies thing they added. Give each child that feels up<br />

for the challenge at the end a chance to also say everyone’s things.<br />

Snack<br />

Party snacks (Chips & cold drinks)

Worksheet 1<br />


Worksheet 2<br />


Worksheet 3<br />


Worksheet 4<br />


Worksheet 5<br />


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