Northeast & Southwest Ohio Joint Sunday School Convention

Sunday School Convention Program

Sunday School Convention Program


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Lesson 11 August 12, 2018<br />

Scr i pt ur e Lesson Tex t<br />

II COR. 8:7 Ther efor e, as ye abound in<br />

ever y thing, in faith, and utter ance,<br />

and know ledge, and in all diligence,<br />

and in your love to us, see that ye<br />

abound in this gr ace also.<br />

8 I speak not by com m andm ent , but<br />

by occasi on of t he for war dness of<br />

ot her s, and to pr ove t he si ncer i t y of<br />

your l ove.<br />

9 For ye know the gr ace of our Lor d<br />

Jesus Chr ist, that, though he was r ich,<br />

yet for your sakes he became poor ,<br />

that ye thr ough his pover ty might be<br />

r ich.<br />

10 And her ei n I give m y advi ce: for<br />

t hi s i s ex pedi ent for you, who have<br />

begun befor e, not only to do, but<br />

al so to be for war d a year ago.<br />

11 Now ther efor e per for m the doing<br />

of it; that as ther e was a r eadiness to<br />

w ill, so ther e may be a per for mance<br />

also out of that w hich ye have.<br />

12 For i f t her e be f i r st a w i l l i ng<br />

m i nd, i t i s accepted accor di ng to<br />

t hat a m an hat h, and not accor di ng<br />

to t hat he hat h not .<br />

13 For I mean not that other men be<br />

eased, and ye bur dened:<br />

14 But by an equal i t y, t hat now at<br />

t hi s t i m e your abundance m ay be a<br />

supply for t hei r want , t hat t hei r<br />

abundance al so m ay be a supply for<br />

your want : t hat t her e m ay be<br />

equal i t y:<br />

15 As it is w r itten, He that had<br />

gather ed much had nothing over ; and<br />

he that had gather ed little had no<br />

lack.<br />


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