Northeast & Southwest Ohio Joint Sunday School Convention

Sunday School Convention Program

Sunday School Convention Program


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Shar ing Gifts w ith the Needy<br />

How often have you hear d the w or ds "You need to shar e"? Per haps you thought your<br />

mom just wanted you to<br />

be nice. But shar ing w ith<br />

other s is a Bible tr uth. By<br />

giving to other s, you can<br />

show people that you<br />

r eally car e. Giving is a<br />

way to show people that<br />

you love Jesus.<br />

Jesus show ed how much<br />

He car ed w hen He left the<br />

r iches and joy of heaven<br />

to come to ear th. He came<br />

know ing that He w ould<br />

die on the cr oss to pay for<br />

our sins. He gave us the<br />

best gift of all - a way to<br />

live for ever w ith Him.<br />

Jesus is our best example.<br />

He was always w illing to<br />

give. Jesus was always<br />

looking for people w ho<br />

needed His help. Many<br />

people tr aveled far just to<br />

see Him because they<br />

hear d about how He<br />

helped many people in<br />

need.<br />

Look for people to help<br />

ever y day. Shar e w ith<br />

those in need w henever<br />

you can. Give out of a<br />

hear t of love for the Lor d.<br />

God does not look at the<br />

size of the gift w e give; He<br />

looks at our hear t<br />

attitude.<br />

Childr en's Lesson: II Cor inthians 8:7-15<br />

GOLDEN TEXT: " Though [ Jesus] was r i ch, yet for your sak es he<br />

becam e poor , t hat ye t hr ough hi s pover t y m i ght be r i ch" (II<br />

Cor i nt hi ans 8:9).

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