02 Engadi Team Wishlist

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

Derek<br />

Family<br />

Schools<br />

Community<br />

Brotherhood for a<br />

Better Future<br />

Impacting Where <br />

It Matters<br />

Leading for the<br />

Future<br />

Bringing Hope &<br />

Producing Change<br />

ENGADI<br />

From Our Heart<br />

Transforming lives of boys is what drives <strong>Engadi</strong>. The ones who once were<br />

candidates to be part of a gang, or to live a life without a purpose are now<br />

dreaming of a brighter future. They have set new goals for themselves and<br />

their families. This time they are including God as a key component in their<br />

decisions bringing glory to Him in all they do.<br />

Come join us to continue seeing lives transformed by a simple act of love.<br />

Helping<br />

Guatemalan youth<br />

in troubling<br />

situations reach<br />

their full potential<br />

in Christ<br />

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

Transforming Lives<br />

In the following pages you’ll see <strong>Engadi</strong>’s team wish list. Come<br />

see just how your gifts and talents can be used to grow the<br />

Kingdom of God in Guatemala. Please read through carefully and<br />

ask any questions. There are numerous ways to get involved as<br />

an individual, a church or an organization. We focus on four main<br />

areas of ministry outreach: 1) Derek Program, 2) Local Families,<br />

3) Public Schools, & 4) the Community at Large. Pray about<br />

where God can use you best.<br />

"Give me a job<br />

teaching rebels<br />

your ways so the<br />

lost can find their<br />

way home”<br />

Psalms 51:13<br />

We do not want you to simply come and do for us. There are<br />

tasks where obviously only you can do it like teach English, or we<br />

simply need extra hands on a construction project. In most other<br />

cases, we want you to come teach our leaders how to do<br />

whatever it is. A simple example is VBS, coming to do our VBS<br />

for us is a one time deal, but if you teach Guatemalans how to<br />

plan and execute a VBS then we can have an impact for years to<br />

come. Keep the general concept of coming to teach in mind as<br />

you read through our needs.<br />

Derek Program - 32 Boys<br />

Like polishing diamonds in the rough, the Derek Program has<br />

been established as a tool to train and disciple a dedicated group<br />

of boys wanting to get out of poverty and to have a chance for a<br />

better future. This is your opportunity to use your gifts and talents<br />

to impact the lives of these boys. We need:<br />

‣ Boys’ Retreat: Fun, fellowship, camping, bonfires, and<br />

discipleship are some of the activities that can helps us get to<br />

the heart of our boys. A small group of men that can lead this<br />

time for us would be perfect in the Fall when our boys are out of<br />

school.<br />

‣ Sports Camps: A full week of fun, training, tournaments and<br />

discipleship. More than simply doing the camp, we would like to<br />

see you come train our older boys in leading the camp for the<br />

community. Although soccer is king here, it could be just about<br />

any sport.<br />

‣ Job Training & Professional Development: As we prepare the<br />

Derek Boys to go out in to the world there is some basic skills<br />

Every boy is an<br />

acorn with the<br />

potential of growing<br />

into an Oak of<br />

Righteousness.<br />

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

"He defends the<br />

cause of the<br />

fatherless and the<br />

widow, and loves<br />

the foreigner<br />

residing among<br />

you, giving them<br />

food and clothing"<br />

Deut. 10:18<br />

they need to know.<br />

Things as simple as how to behave in a<br />

professional setting, eating at a restaurant, or even what career<br />

path to follow. This team would be preparing the boys for a better<br />

future.<br />

Local Families - 300 Families<br />

Another level of involvement is with the families we work with.<br />

Many couples occupy the same space under a roof, but don’t<br />

know how to live together. Sharing the truth of God’s Word first<br />

in marriage and then in raising their kids will transform the<br />

community from the inside out. We need teams to lead: <br />

‣ Marriage Conference: A lack of commitment in a home is the<br />

root of most conflict. Teaching the importance of a committed<br />

marriage is just the start to begin to eliminate the dysfunctional<br />

families. Conflict resolution, loving each other, and protecting<br />

the purity of the bedroom are just a few topics to touch on. This<br />

week long activity could end with a celebration dinner. We<br />

might even find a way to help unmarried couples have a<br />

wedding.<br />

‣ School For Parents: Parents in Zone 18 many times lack basic<br />

life skills. Building on the importance of marriage we need<br />

follow up training to help the parents know how to manage a<br />

limited budget, discipline their kids in love, enjoying quality time<br />

with their kids, helping them do homework when you may be<br />

behind, and so much more.<br />

"If you go one time,<br />

and see the need, and<br />

allow the children to<br />

touch your heart, you<br />

will have to go back<br />

again and again"<br />

Greg Allgood ‘82<br />

Instructor of Christian<br />

Studies<br />

Campus Worship<br />

Anderson University<br />

Public Schools - 2,000 Students<br />

Schools are a bridge to the community. The Paraíso<br />

Neighborhood has four elementary schools with different levels of<br />

need. By helping them we are also investing in the children. We<br />

need:<br />

‣ Teacher Training: Working with children is a demanding task.<br />

They come up short on ideas on how to teach a particular<br />

subject, or simply how to get a child's attention. Strategies to<br />

encourage kids to read and write, fun ways to teach math,<br />

classroom discipline and order when you have over 30<br />

students, proper management of classroom time, and how to<br />

balance lecture and fun in class are just a few ideas.<br />

‣ Building an Effective <strong>Team</strong>: Teachers are assigned to a<br />

School by the district office and not hired by the Principal. This<br />

causes unique challenges in leadership and team dynamics.<br />

Training in conflict resolution and team development can help<br />

catapult the school forward.<br />

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

‣ English as a Second Language: Learning English is key to<br />

success in Guatemala. Proficiency in English can easily double<br />

your salary. While working with teachers on the above topics a<br />

whole group of people can be interacting with the kids by<br />

teaching them conversational English.<br />

Community - 30,000 People<br />

From the inside out, a good way of witnessing to our neighbors<br />

our commitment to love one another, is not by telling, but by<br />

doing good. One of the goals is to show them that God has<br />

placed us as stewards of what we have, and if we are faithful<br />

keepers we are going to have a better place to live. <strong>Team</strong>s can<br />

collaborate with: <br />

"One of the most<br />

violent areas of<br />

Guatemala is being<br />

transformed from the<br />

inside out. Only God<br />

can do that, but He<br />

uses people and He<br />

allows us to be a part<br />

of the process"<br />

Pete Fowler<br />

‣ Community Beautification: This is a great opportunity to share<br />

with other people from the area and to have the participants<br />

build up a meaningful relationships with one another, both<br />

schools and streets will look greener, nicer, and safer. Painting<br />

murals, landscaping, building playgrounds and other creative<br />

ideas to make the neighborhood more attractive.<br />

• Painting: not only to look nice, but to portray to others<br />

the change that can happen when we allow Jesus to<br />

come into our hearts.<br />

• Murals: carrying the message of God's Love and sharing<br />

the gospel though art.<br />

• School Landscaping: this is to become good stewards<br />

of the things God has provided us.<br />

• Note: We do not encourage Trash Pick up. If they aren’t<br />

willing to pick up their own trash we shouldn’t have to.<br />

‣ Trade Skills: People want an opportunity to provide for<br />

themselves. Many times they just need an idea to spark their<br />

imagination or some basic training to get out of the rut they are<br />

in. Teaching carpentry, baking, sewing, handcrafts, business<br />

skills, among other things can give them the boost they need to<br />

be self-sufficient. We also gain their trust and are able to share<br />

the love of Christ with them in the marketplace.<br />

‣ Coaching Development: Sports are big everywhere you go.<br />

The local recreational teams are yet another way to impact<br />

lives. Taking time to teach the Coaches how to coach is a fun<br />

way to build even more equity into the neighborhood.<br />

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

"Oklahoma<br />

churches have and<br />

will be committed to<br />

coming and serving<br />

the beautiful people<br />

of Guatemala”<br />

Tony Mullican<br />

Portland Avenue<br />

Baptist Church<br />

‣ Sports Camps: Regardless of the particular game, sports<br />

remains one of everyones favorite pastimes. Sports ministry<br />

allows us to reach a wide audience. We will be able to teach<br />

different values at the same time we are having fun. We end our<br />

meetings sharing the Good News of Jesus’s love. These<br />

coincide with teaching the Derek Boys how to do Sports<br />

Camps.<br />

Neighborhood Churches<br />

"Equipping the body of Christ, or equipping the Saints”, there are<br />

many ways to say it, but one way to perform it. By putting your<br />

faith, gifts and talents into action. Many of those in leadership in<br />

the local churches are there because they are one of the few that<br />

can read and write. Faithfully they have served but without any<br />

preparation or the tools they need for their walk. We need teams<br />

to do:<br />

‣ Teaching on Sunday Morning: Training for Sunday School<br />

teachers will empower them to use a variety of resources to<br />

reach those kids that need to hear about the love of God, in a<br />

more creative way.<br />

‣ VBS Training: This is not an opportunity to come and do a<br />

VBS, but to come and help train local VBS leaders how to<br />

create their own VBS.<br />

‣ Practical Evangelism: Teach locals about being a blessing to<br />

others, living authentically in public and in private, and regularly<br />

praying for those who don’t know Christ. These are some of the<br />

ways we can proclaim "The Message.” We need teams that<br />

can come to teach effective ways of spreading the gospel.<br />

"There is nothing<br />

that compares to<br />

allowing the Lord to<br />

use the skills he has<br />

given me to reach<br />

his people"<br />

Heather Vincent<br />

RN<br />

‣ Church Administration: A church's success or failure hinges<br />

on properly administering the business and organizational<br />

aspects of ministry. T.D. Jakes - "The local church needs to<br />

become effective, and it will be so when we learn to use the<br />

resources that God has giving us."<br />

‣ Leadership Development: To train and equip those who are at<br />

front lines of the church work, and to expand their capacity in<br />

the service they perform.<br />

‣ Pastoring the Youth Guy: With a generation that is in constant<br />

change and adaptation, the youth leader needs to be a “step<br />

ahead”. Let’s train the pastors in how they can help lead the<br />

youth pastor and make his work even more effective.<br />

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

‣ Dealing with Others’ Problems: Money, relationships, family,<br />

health, school, careers…..problems can and will pop up in<br />

nearly every area of life. Sometimes it is hard for us to deal with<br />

our personal problems, but, what about when dealing with<br />

someone else’s? Our leaders need to learn solid problem<br />

solving strategies. Active Listening, Professional Counseling,<br />

and Ministerial Prayer are just some of the ideas.<br />

Medical <strong>Team</strong>s<br />

This is one team where it is hard to come and teach us to do it.<br />

Here we need more specialized services that can do for us what<br />

we can’t do for ourselves. We do hope to develop partnerships<br />

with local churches and individuals to make this an ongoing<br />

service and not a one-n-done. We can apply theses teams to any<br />

section of <strong>Engadi</strong>’s ministerial area depending on the size of the<br />

team. We can open them up to the whole community of 30,000<br />

people, assist the 2,000 students in the schools or simply focus<br />

on the 32 boys in the Derek program. <br />

"Through my<br />

experience with<br />

<strong>Engadi</strong> I saw hope<br />

brought into<br />

hopelessness"<br />

Chris Fitzgerald -<br />

Missions Director<br />

Watkinsville First Baptist<br />

‣ General Checkups: A general day clinic type setting can help<br />

us determine trends and develop better ideas and strategies on<br />

how to tackle medical issues in the future. We would probably<br />

treat some general issues.<br />

‣ Better Sight: Poor planning and limited budgets have left many<br />

of the classrooms in the public school system with poor or no<br />

lighting. This has had a prolonged effect on the kids. Many of<br />

them need glasses. A team of Ophthalmologist would help<br />

determine exactly how many and then help them regain the<br />

eyesight they need.<br />

‣ Pearly Whites: Healthy teeth are key to a long life. Sadly many<br />

kids in Zone 18 are already down the wrong road. Initially it<br />

may involve lots of fillings and extractions of rotting teeth, but<br />

the goal is to reach a point of prevention.<br />

‣ Personal Cleanliness: How do you tell someone their lifestyle<br />

is unhealthy? This team will require extreme tactfulness and<br />

kindness. Creative ways to resolve problems with water<br />

purification, waste management, bathing, and food storage.<br />

Construction Projects<br />

Sometimes, serving others means rolling up our sleeves and<br />

working up a sweat. Construction projects allow involvement from<br />

those who may not usually see themselves as skilled workers. It<br />

also builds a cross-cultural bridge with the people we focus on<br />

helping.<br />

"Overtime you will<br />

leave knowing you<br />

have invested in the<br />

future of Guatemala.”<br />

Wayne Slay<br />

Adult Ministries<br />

The Avenue Church<br />

AUGUST 2017 !6

ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

"In joining with<br />

<strong>Engadi</strong>, we have<br />

experienced what it<br />

is like to be God’s<br />

Light in a dark<br />

place” David Read<br />

Student Ministry<br />

Associate<br />

Asbury Church<br />

‣ Preschool Facility: One of the schools that we work with has<br />

requested we build four extra classrooms with bathrooms for<br />

the little ones. We have started construction on two classrooms.<br />

‣ Segura Home: Doña Letty is living with her three children in her<br />

mother-in-law’s house, due to the fact that her husband left<br />

years ago. Her tin shack slid down the hill in a rain storm. She<br />

needs a house for her and her children, two of which are<br />

involved in the DEREK program.<br />

‣ Hernandez Home: Doña Claudia suffered the infidelity of her<br />

husband and was left behind with six kids which she has raised<br />

hardily on her own expenses. Three of her children are involved<br />

in the DEREK program. She needs a house for her and her<br />

children.<br />

‣ <strong>Engadi</strong> Ranch: Due to unforeseen circumstances we had to<br />

put the construction of the Boys’ Homes out at the Ranch on<br />

hold. We are in the process of regrouping and restarting this<br />

amazing project soon. Look for more info to come.<br />

‣ Hen House: Some of our neighbors need to become selfsufficient.<br />

Due to various reasons some of them are not being<br />

hired by local companies. Nevertheless they need to be able to<br />

produce an income. We need teams to build a hen house that<br />

will provide sustenance for the family.<br />

‣ Efficient Wood Stoves: Breathing problems, red eyes, and<br />

many other consequences are some of the problems that<br />

cooking with firewood has left. In order to contribute with the<br />

environment and improve their health we intend to help install<br />

Efficient Wood Stoves. We need teams to assemble these<br />

stove in existing kitchens.<br />

“Blessed is he who<br />

considers the poor;<br />

the Lord will deliver<br />

him in time of<br />

trouble” Psalm 41:1<br />

<strong>Engadi</strong> Staff Training<br />

As a small organization we need training in spiritual wisdom, team<br />

building, personal growth, and family dynamics.<br />

If we aren’t<br />

healthy how can we impact those we minister to? Consider<br />

coming and pampering our staff for a couple days and pouring<br />

into us as individuals and as a team, while caring for our kids, as<br />

well. It may even be that your church sponsors us to go to an<br />

already established conference elsewhere.<br />

church do to ensure your pastoral staff is healthy?<br />

What does your<br />

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ISAIAH 61:1-6<br />

Internships<br />

“I see His hand in this work and when I hear the stories of how He<br />

has provided from the very beginning, it is evident that God’s hand<br />

is on this and leading the way.”-Pete Fowler- Our desire for our<br />

interns is that they would gain new insights into what God is doing<br />

in "El Paraiso.” <strong>Engadi</strong> is inviting you to use your gifts and talents<br />

for a season of your life.<br />

‣ ESL Teachers: Every week Derek Kids come to our facility to<br />

learn English. We need an individual or a small group of people<br />

that can come for one to twelve months to teach English<br />

classes to the kids during the day.<br />

‣ Social Media: <strong>Engadi</strong>’s main source of communication is our<br />

ability to update people through social media. If you are gifted in<br />

this area we could use you to come assist in helping us become<br />

more proficient in maintaining communication with those that<br />

support us.<br />

"I witnessed both the<br />

depths of darkness<br />

that sin can cause<br />

and the power of<br />

light that the gospel<br />

can bring through<br />

loving, intentional<br />

investment."<br />

Chris Fitzgerald -<br />

Missions Director<br />

Watkinsville First<br />

Baptist Church<br />

‣ Tech Support: You may be particularly gifted with computers.<br />

We run a Mac centered office because they are just so easy to<br />

use, but we do need some help in completing a database using<br />

File Maker Pro. If you have any gifts or talents in this area we<br />

could use your help.<br />

‣ Graphic Design: Do you have a keen eye for design and<br />

creative means of presenting ideas. We could use your help in<br />

formulating our vision, fundraising and communication on paper<br />

and on the web. How do we get what we want to accomplish<br />

and what we need out to those that can help?<br />

‣ <strong>Team</strong> Hosting: During the busiest times of year we are running<br />

full speed ahead. Extra hands are needed to help tend to the<br />

volunteer teams that come down. Ensuring that lunch boxes,<br />

water, tools and other supplies get to where they need to be are<br />

just a few of the tasks.<br />

"The Lord will grab<br />

the hearts of your<br />

team so deeply that<br />

many will come back<br />

for years to come!!"<br />

Rick Emerson -<br />

Youth Pastor<br />

Glen Meadows Baptist<br />

Church<br />

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