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DRA GEN<br />

Crimson red lights coloured the corridors at intervals, indicative of imminent danger. Each<br />

flash acted as the hands of a ticking clock, a grim reminder of what was to come.<br />

Three of the crew sped towards the airlock, time now a luxury they couldn’t afford. The<br />

lives of Kaydn and Humaira hung in the balance.<br />

And it was all due to a moment of naivete.<br />

“Why did you let them leave, Kara?” Erie demanded furiously.<br />

“They told me that the labyrinth was safe!” Kara defended, “They showed me those texts<br />

again and--”<br />

“They showed all of us those texts!” Erie almost screamed, “You don’t see us pulling off a<br />

stupid stunt like this. Honestly, Kara, I taught you better than this!”<br />

Kara held back her retort and sulked in response. She was unwavered in her decision to let<br />

them leave, if it weren’t her then who else would it be? The distress call must be a false<br />

alarm, it had to be. Most of the spacecraft had broken down and communications couldn’t<br />

just start up on its own.<br />

Even so, her heart raced, a seed of doubt implanted within her.<br />

“The both of you stay behind,” Evelyn ordered once they reached the airlock doors, “I have<br />

every inch of that cavern memorised, it’ll be faster that way.”<br />

She extended her hand towards the scanner.<br />

“Out of the question,” Erie grabbed her wrist, “Whatever they saw sounded like trouble and<br />

I can’t have you going in there without backup. Or a plan, for that matter.”<br />

“This isn’t my first rodeo, sweetheart. I'm sure that I'll be fine.”<br />

“This is not the time for the shoot first, think later approach--”<br />

“I seriously don't have time for this,” Evelyn pulled her hand away and placed it on the<br />

scanner, “If you want to come so badly, then be my guest. But if anything were to happen to<br />

you, best be warned that I will leave you behind.”<br />

The doors opened and Evelyn stepped in, “Move now if you're coming because I'll be<br />

closing these doors with or without you.”<br />

She grabbed one of the space suits while the other two looked on. Torn between fear and<br />

duty, they lingered by the door. Reckless valour in the face of danger was uncharted<br />

territory for them both. Even more so with the threat at hand.<br />

“I’m giving you three seconds.”<br />

Erie exhaled loudly as she entered the airlock, “You had better know what you're doing,”<br />

Evelyn made a dismissive sound in response and shoved the space suit into her hands.<br />

“Suit up.”<br />

Kara remained by the door still, too frightened to move. No matter how hard she tried she<br />

just couldn’t summon up the courage. The consequences of her actions, if it was indeed a<br />

bad one, were too dire for her to face.

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