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“The freedom of the open road<br />

is seductive, serendipitous and<br />

absolutely liberating.”<br />

Aaron Lauritsen

“It’s a magical world, Hobbes,<br />

ol’ buddy . . .<br />

Let’s go exploring!”<br />


“When all’s said and done, all roads lead<br />

to the same end. So it’s not so much<br />

which road you take, as how you take it.”<br />

Charles de Lint

“Not all those who wander are lost.”<br />

J.R.R. Tolkien

“I love road trips. You get into this<br />

Zen rhythm; throw the sense of time<br />

out the window.”<br />

Miriam Toews

“Not I, nor anyone else, can travel<br />

that road for you. You must<br />

travel it for yourself.”<br />

Walt Whitman

“To wander is to be alive.” Roman Payne

It’s not a race, it’s a journey,<br />

enjoy the moment!<br />

Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Save the Planet.<br />

Ride a bike.

“Not till we are lost do we<br />

begin to find ourselves.”<br />

Henry David Thoreau

“Twenty years from now you will be<br />

more disappointed by the things you<br />

didn’t do than by the ones you did<br />

do. So throw off the bowlines, sail<br />

away from the safe harbor. Catch<br />

the trade winds in your sails. Explore.<br />

Dream. Discover.”<br />

Mark Twain

“Sometimes the most scenic roads<br />

in life are the detours you didn’t<br />

mean to take.”<br />

Angela N. Blount

“At the end of the day, your feet<br />

should be dirty, your hair messy<br />

and your eyes sparkling.”<br />


The road is there.<br />

It will always be there.<br />

You just have to decide<br />

when to take it.<br />

Chris Humphrey

“Life is beautiful if you are on<br />

the road to somewhere.”<br />

Orhan Pamuk

“A bicycle is the finest mode of<br />

transport known to man.”<br />

Adam Hart­Davis

“I take to the open<br />

road, healthy, free, the<br />

world before me.”<br />

Walt Whitman

“Wаνdеr, аνd lеаvе а тrаіl оf<br />

frееdом wнеrеvеr үоu gо.”<br />

Маrтү Ruвіν

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead<br />

where there is no path and leave a trail.<br />

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I travel not to go anywhere but<br />

to go. I travel for travel’s sake.<br />

The great affair is to move.”<br />

Robert Louis Stevenson

I'm going to take the high<br />

road because the low<br />

road is so crowded.<br />

Mia Farrow

“There was nowhere to go<br />

but everywhere, so just keep<br />

on rolling under the stars.”<br />

Jack Kerouac

I za kraj jedna moja "mudrost" koja mi<br />

je pala na pamet prije koju godinu kad<br />

smo se malo "pogubili" tražeći neke nove<br />

puteve poljima Podravine:<br />

"Ako znamo gdje smo<br />

na krivom smo putu."<br />


Web portal for promoting cikloturism in Croatian<br />

regions of Slavonija and Podravina<br />

Design by<br />

Mario Koren

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