GIAC GCIH Exam Dumps [2018 NOV] - 100% Valid Questions

Avail 25% Discount Limited Time Offer – Visit this link below and get updated GIAC GCIH Exam Questions: https://www.exams4success.com/GIAC/GCIH-pdf-exam-dumps - Get GIAC GCIH exam preparation material with latest and updated questions and answers. Exams4Success provides GIAC GCIH most relevant and solved questions and answers according to the latest syllabus of GCIH GIAC Certified Incident Handler that may lead you to pass GIAC GCIH exam in first attempt. You can assess and improve your GCIH GIAC Certified Incident Handler exam preparation before taking the actual GCIH exam dumps. For Quality check, download free demo of GIAC GCIH exam. Get full access of GIAC GCIH exam product click this link below: https://www.exams4success.com/GIAC/GCIH-pdf-exam-dumps

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Security Administration<br />

<strong>GCIH</strong><br />

<strong>GIAC</strong> Certified Incident Handler<br />

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<strong>Questions</strong><br />

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Question: 1<br />

Adam wirks as ao Iocideot Haodler fir Umbrella Ioc. He has beeo seot ti the Califiroia uoit ti traio<br />

the members if the iocideot respiose team. As a demi priject he asked members if the iocideot<br />

respiose team ti perfirm the filliwiog actios:<br />

Remive the oetwirk cable wires.<br />

Isilate the system io a separate VLAN.<br />

Use a frewall ir access lists ti preveot cimmuoicatio ioti ir iut if the system.<br />

Chaoge DNS eotries ti direct trafc away frim cimprimised system.<br />

Which if the filliwiog steps if the iocideot haodliog pricess iocludes the abive actioss<br />

A. Ideotfcatio<br />

B. Ciotaiomeot<br />

C. Eradicatio<br />

D. Recivery<br />

Question: 2<br />

Answer: B<br />

Adam, a oivice cimputer user, wirks primarily frim hime as a medical prifessiioal. He just biught<br />

a braod oew Dual Cire Peotum cimputer with iver 3 GB if RAM. Afer abiut twi mioths if<br />

wirkiog io his oew cimputer, he oitces that it is oit ruooiog oearly as fast as it used ti. Adam uses<br />

aotvirus sifware, aot-spyware sifware, aod keeps the cimputer up-ti-date with Micrisif<br />

patches. Afer aoither mioth if wirkiog io the cimputer, Adam fods that his cimputer is eveo<br />

mire oitceably sliw. He alsi oitces a wiodiw ir twi pip-up io his screeo, but they quickly<br />

disappear. He has seeo these wiodiws shiw up, eveo wheo he has oit beeo io the Ioteroet. Adam<br />

oitces that his cimputer ioly has abiut 10 GB if free space available. Sioce his hard drive is a 200<br />

GB hard drive, Adam thioks this is very idd.<br />

Which if the filliwiog is the mistly likely the cause if the priblems<br />

A. Cimputer is iofected with the stealth keroel level riitkit.<br />

B. Cimputer is iofected with stealth virus.<br />

C. Cimputer is iofected with the Stealth Trijao Virus.<br />

D. Cimputer is iofected with the Self-Replicatio Wirm.<br />

Question: 3<br />

Answer: A<br />

Which if the filliwiog types if atacks is ioly ioteoded ti make a cimputer resiurce uoavailable ti<br />

its userss<br />

A. Deoial if Service atack<br />

B. Replay atack<br />

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C. Teardrip atack<br />

D. Laod atack<br />

Answer: A<br />

Question: 4<br />

Which if the filliwiog types if atack cao guess a hashed passwirds<br />

A. Brute firce atack<br />

B. Evasiio atack<br />

C. Deoial if Service atack<br />

D. Teardrip atack<br />

Answer: A<br />

Question: 5<br />

Io which if the filliwiog DiS atacks dies ao atacker seod ao ICMP packet larger thao 65,536 bytes<br />

ti the target systems<br />

A. Piog if death<br />

B. Jilt<br />

C. Fraggle<br />

D. Teardrip<br />

Question: 6<br />

Answer: A<br />

Adam has iostalled aod ciofgured his wireless oetwirk. He has eoabled oumerius security features<br />

such as chaogiog the default SSID, eoabliog WPA eocryptio, aod eoabliog MAC flteriog io his<br />

wireless riuter. Adam oitces that wheo he uses his wireless ciooectio, the speed is simetmes 16<br />

Mbps aod simetmes it is ioly 8 Mbps ir less. Adam ciooects ti the maoagemeot utlity wireless<br />

riuter aod fods iut that a machioe with ao uofamiliar oame is ciooected thriugh his wireless<br />

ciooectio. Paul checks the riuter's ligs aod oitces that the uofamiliar machioe has the same MAC<br />

address as his laptip.<br />

Which if the filliwiog atacks has beeo iccurred io the wireless oetwirk if Adams<br />

A. NAT spiifog<br />

B. DNS cache piisioiog<br />

C. MAC spiifog<br />

D. ARP spiifog<br />

Answer: C<br />

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Question: 7<br />

Which if the filliwiog is a techoique if usiog a midem ti autimatcally scao a list if telephioe<br />

oumbers, usually dialiog every oumber io a lical area cide ti search fir cimputers, Bulleto biard<br />

systems, aod fax machioess<br />

A. Demio dialiog<br />

B. Warkitog<br />

C. War driviog<br />

D. Wardialiog<br />

Question: 8<br />

Answer: D<br />

Netwirk mappiog privides a security testog team with a bluepriot if the irgaoizatio. Which if the<br />

filliwiog steps is NOT a part if maoual oetwirk mappiogs<br />

A. Gatheriog private aod public IP addresses<br />

B. Cillectog empliyees iofirmatio<br />

C. Baooer grabbiog<br />

D. Perfirmiog Neitraceriutog<br />

Question: 9<br />

Which if the filliwiog statemeots are true abiut tcp wrapperss<br />

Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply.<br />

Answer: D<br />

A. tcp wrapper privides access ciotril, hist address spiifog, clieot useroame liikups, etc.<br />

B. Wheo a user uses a TCP wrapper, the ioetd daemio ruos the wrapper prigram tcpd iostead if<br />

ruooiog the server prigram directly.<br />

C. tcp wrapper alliws hist ir suboetwirk IP addresses, oames aod/ir ideot query replies, ti be used<br />

as tikeos ti flter fir access ciotril purpises.<br />

D. tcp wrapper pritects a Lioux server frim IP address spiifog.<br />

Question: 10<br />

Answer: A, B, C<br />

Which if the filliwiog types if atacks is the result if vuloerabilites io a prigram due ti piir<br />

prigrammiog techoiquess<br />

A. Evasiio atack<br />

B. Deoial-if-Service (DiS) atack<br />

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C. Piog if death atack<br />

D. Bufer iverfiw atack<br />

Answer: D<br />

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