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OCTOBER 2018<br />







OCTOBER 2018<br />

"Made in Pakistan<br />

with German Engineering"<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

to Pakistan<br />

Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore<br />

from the 21 st – 28 th of October 2018<br />

An opportunity to explore Pakistan’s<br />

emerging economy and innovative businesses<br />

Title page: Dr. Shoaib Warriach, Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis, Honorary<br />

Consul of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for<br />

Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

Federal President Roman Herzog spoke in 1998 of a<br />

successful “symbiosis of laptop and lederhosen” when<br />

he characterised the transformation of Bavaria from an<br />

agricultural state to a high-tech location. A year later,<br />

Herzog explained his metaphor in a speech at the CeBIT<br />

computer trade fair: “Perhaps tradition and modernity<br />

are more visible in Bavaria than in other regions of<br />

Germany. In reality, this symbiosis between being rooted<br />

in the Heimat and being open to the world is everywhere<br />

in Germany. Our regions are our sources of power”.<br />

When I was appointed as Honorary Consul of Pakistan<br />

exactly ten years ago, I cannot deny that I had my<br />

doubts about the country. I was heavily influenced by<br />

the bad press and had astonishingly little well-grounded<br />

knowledge about Pakistan’s culture and religion. But<br />

within only a few months I saw my view of Pakistan<br />

change dramatically: I met incredibly wonderful and<br />

inspirational people, experienced the richness of<br />

Pakistani culture and tasted the most delicious cuisine<br />

imaginable.<br />

I realized that Pakistan, similar to Germany, is a fascinating symbiosis of centuries-old<br />

tradition and the modern.<br />

It wasn’t meant as such, but my recent trip to Pakistan was a celebration of the 10th anniversary<br />

of my appointment as Honorary Consul of Pakistan. I’m proud to have led a delegation of 36<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> business managers who, rather like me, finally learned of Pakistan’s rich culture as<br />

well as its growing economic potential.<br />

We all enjoyed the very high standards of our hosts’ hospitality and were deeply impressed<br />

by their ability to convince us of the myriad reasons for laying the foundation for cooperation<br />

between Pakistan and Bavaria. The pillars of this foundation are interdisciplinary, intercultural<br />

and interreligious. I am confident that given such support, we can together master<br />

the challenges of the 21st century.<br />

I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Pakistani ministers Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar,<br />

Governor of Punjab; Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh; Shafqat Mahmood, Federal<br />

Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training; Aamir Mehmood Kiani, Federal<br />

Minister for National Health Services and Regulation; Abdul Razak Dawood, Advisor to the<br />

Prime Minister for Commerce and Industry; Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Provincial Minister of<br />

Sindh for Energy; Muhammad Akhtar Malik, Minister of Energy for the Punjab; Faisal Hayat<br />

Jabboana, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Punjab for Livestock and Dairy Development; and<br />

Haroon Sharif, Chairman of the Board of Investment, who kindly received our delegation.<br />

The cooperative projects which have arisen through our visit would not have seen the light<br />

of day without your input.<br />

Further I would like to thank His Excellency Martin Kobler, German Ambassador in<br />

Islamabad, for hosting a wonderful dinner reception and especially for his enlightening<br />

briefing that showed clearly that Pakistan was under a strong and positive “wind of change”.<br />

Special thanks also to Eugen Wollfarth, German Consul General in Karachi, for receiving us<br />

for a delightful dinner invitation as well as His Excellency Jauhar Saleem, Ambassador of<br />

Pakistan, and his entire team for the strong support we received from Berlin. We are also<br />

more than grateful for the perfect and smooth organisation of the trip provided by Bayern<br />

International.<br />

I would like to thank Qazi Sajid Ali, CEO of the GPCCI, and his highly dedicated team who<br />

gave our delegation the great opportunity to start our travels with inspirational discussions<br />

und intense and fruitful talks.<br />

My special thanks go to the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs for the trust that<br />

has been given to us, headed by Hubert Aiwanger, State Minister, and Roland Weigert,<br />

State Secretary. I would like to express my warmest and heartfelt thanks to Dr. Markus<br />

Wittmann, Head of Department International Economic Relations and Industry, who like<br />

I never doubted the enormous potential of Pakistan and of course to my dear friend Head<br />

of Division Ulrich Rieger who led the delegation with his unbelievably deep understanding<br />

of our goals and who supported us in every way imaginable with his profound experience<br />

and competent guidance.<br />

As you will see on the following pages, we were not only able to experience Pakistan from<br />

a completely new point of view but had the opportunity to build a bridge between the two<br />

countries. We implemented the concept of “Made in Pakistan with German engineering”<br />

and established our future aim of strengthening Pakistan economically and helping it<br />

reach its full potential while maintaining its historical, social and religious heritage.<br />

Therefore we hope to be able to adapt a slogan, similar to that of Bavaria: “Smartphone<br />

and Shalwar Kameez”.<br />

I sincerely hope that you will enjoy the little journey you are about to embark upon by<br />

reading this brochure.<br />

Yours,<br />

Poetis<br />

Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis,<br />

Honorary Consul of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan<br />

for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

With a population of over 200 million people and a booming economy, Pakistan is among the 25 largest<br />

economies in the world. Germany is Pakistan’s fourth largest trading partner and Pakistan‘s largest<br />

trading partner in Europe.<br />

The economic and financial center of the country is the Megacity Karachi. The city is also the most<br />

important port in the country. Over 20 million people live in the metropolitan area. Thus, Karachi is<br />

not only the most populous city in Pakistan, but also the seventh largest on Earth. Karachi is the most<br />

important financial center with the Pakistan Stock Exchange, the seat of the Pakistan Central Bank,<br />

the State Bank of Pakistan and almost all the headquarters of major banks. Many ICT companies, call<br />

centers, media and television stations have also settled there. In addition, Toyota and Suzuki Motor<br />

Company produce in the metropolis.<br />

Pakistan’s capital Islamabad in the northeast is the country’s political center. Together with its<br />

immediately adjacent twin town of Rawalpindi, the metropolitan area has 4.5 million inhabitants.<br />

In recent years, more and more IT companies have settled in Islamabad. Furthermore, all major<br />

telecommunications companies such as Mobilink, Telenor or Ufone are headquartered in Islamabad, as<br />

are most state-owned companies.<br />

Lahore, the capital of the Punjab province in the northeast of the country, on the border with India, is<br />

one of the richest cities in Pakistan and the second largest economic center in the country after Karachi.<br />

Lahore is traditionally a center of the textile industry, but also numerous other manufacturing companies<br />

have settled here, such as pharmaceutical and chemical producers, steel and construction industries as<br />

well as IT companies and Pakistan’s film industry, called Lollywood. In addition, Lahore is an important<br />

tourist center. The city of Sialkot in Punjab is the world’s second largest cluster for producing surgical<br />

instruments made of metal. Sialkot also produces around<br />

40 million leather footballs annually.<br />

6 7



OCTOBER 2018<br />

the quality of work force to fulfill international standards. A digital<br />

facilitation service for international product queries was another<br />

area that needs improvement for boosting Pakistan’s Exports.<br />

16 Nov 2018<br />

The trade volume between Pakistan and Germany oscillates around 2.5 to 3.0 billion US $ per annum.<br />

Germany has also an investment of around US $ 380 Million in Pak Economy. There is a huge potential<br />

still untapped in all sectors of economy which if properly exploited can transform the two countries into<br />

strategic partners. Pakistan has many export possibilities to cater the buyers of industrial and consumer<br />

goods like furniture, fruits and agricultural products, packing materials and so on while in return can get<br />

technology and assistance to uplift health, social, educational and energy sectors. Pakistan, certainly, can<br />

achieve sustainable development through the cooperation of German companies coming to Pakistan with<br />

investment, skills, knowledge and technology provided their confidence in Pakistan is heightened through<br />

boosters like increased facilitation and an improved security environments. In the wake of China Pakistan<br />

Economic Corridor (CPEC) and strategic geopolitical location of country there is a strong realization among<br />

the EU countries that Pakistan would be a hub of business and trade activities in near future.<br />

In the backdrop of this realization, the Economic Affairs Ministry of the Government of the State of Bavaria,<br />

Germany took an initiative by sending a 36-Member strong business delegation to Pakistan in the last week<br />

of the last month after almost a 20 years gap. The Honorary Consulate of Pakistan in Munich coordinated<br />

this 5-day visit with the support of the Pakistan Embassy in Berlin. The back bone of Germany’s Economy is<br />

its Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) that constitute about 75 % of the total economy of the country<br />

and majority of the members of the delegation were owners or holding higher positions in their respective<br />

companies that fall in the category of SMEs.<br />

The delegation started the visit by attending a German Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Day Conference organized by the<br />

German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. While addressing the participants, Chief Minister of<br />

Sindh, Mr. Murad Ali Shah emphasized on the German companies to invest in the energy sector where there<br />

is huge potential for the German companies known for their best technologies. He assured that government<br />

is going to provide 1000 acres of land to foreign companies and we definitely would designate a piece of land<br />

for German Industrial Zone to welcome the companies to establish auto industry, wind turbines, smart grids<br />

and others. Afterwards, B2B meetings were arranged which proved to be an icing on the cake.<br />

Karachi chamber of commerce and industries being the country’s biggest chamber out of 39 chambers having<br />

24,000 direct and about 55,000 indirect members, hosted the delegation. KCCI office bearers expressed<br />

four concerns i.e. restoration of Lufthansa flights, increase in Deutsche Bank’s branches, visa barriers and<br />

vocational training.<br />

Provincial Minister for Water and Energy, Sindh Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad Shaikh, while briefing the delegation,<br />

stated that Sindh was providing an ideal investment environment (Karachi is the port city, there are 6<br />

economic zones in Sindh, facilitations are extended through investment promotion agency, virtual one-stopshop,<br />

tax holidays, ease of doing business ranking has also been improved) for the foreign companies which<br />

have already invested in wind energy projects and there was a potential to generate about 50,000 megawatts<br />

of energy from wind in Sindh.<br />

Trade Development Authority of Pakistan showed interest in both trade development in terms of investment<br />

and procurementand trade promotion to increase visibility of Pakistani products and establishing follow up<br />

committee. The German delegation urged the need of focusing on up-gradation of technology and improving<br />

Chairman, Board of Investment, Mr. Haroonsharif briefed the<br />

delegation about the role of BOI in facilitation, promotion and<br />

investment of trade. He highlighted the importance of Pakistan’s<br />

economy in terms of its consumer market with 100 million youth<br />

having reasonably high consumption power and that Pakistan open<br />

avenues of trade to its neighbors like Afghanistan and china. Mr.<br />

Abdul Razaq Dawood, PM’s Advisor on Commerce, Trade, Industry<br />

and Production discussed about the challenges Pakistan was<br />

facing like current account deficits, job creation, transmission and<br />

distribution of electricity. He emphasized that partnerships between<br />

B2B were broader than investment because we need more ideas to<br />

change liquidity into products. The leader of the delegation said<br />

that political stability, family owned businesses, vocational training<br />

and energy were the contributing factors to the strong economy of<br />

the <strong>Bavarian</strong> state of Germany.<br />

Pakistan is expecting that CPEC projects on completion, would enable the transportation of goods worth US<br />

$205 billion through one-road-one-belt. About 35% of global traffic is happening in this region and the route<br />

is safeguarded by 10,000 military security personnel and 5,000 by civilian security forces. In the IT sector,<br />

Pakistan is exporting services of $16.3m in value to Germany, whereas Pakistan is the third largest country<br />

having 3M IT workers and 4th largest freelancers in the world are found in Pakistan’s $1bn IT industry and by<br />

2020 e-commerce is going to cross the digit of $1bn; the readiness of this particular market is almost 100%,<br />

burgeoning incubation centers, 151 million mobile subscribers, 57 million broadband subscribing and only<br />

5% sales tax on IT sector are contributing to the ideal investment environment in Pakistan. Health sector,<br />

health insurance and health care systems are areas of foreign attraction. Similarly, petroleum sector offers<br />

opportunities for business development and licenses for exploration and so on. B2B meetings organized by<br />

the BOI were attended by a good number of representatives of local companies from almost every sector to<br />

interact and negotiate with the German delegation.<br />

While briefing the delegation, German ambassador Mr. Martin Kobler analyzed Pakistan’s current politicoeconomic<br />

situation; relations with neighbors;institutional capacity; transparency of CPEC and concerns of<br />

IMF and the ways to move forward. He said that the PTI government’s initiatives to improve the indicators<br />

in education, health and clean Pakistan were among the factors that provide a strong foundation for future<br />

economic growth. He emphasized that Pakistan should have more regional trade with India just as Europe did<br />

throughout history which ultimately led to European Union.<br />

In nutshell, Pakistan has enormous economic opportunities and great potential for growth and development.<br />

It has every reason and perspective to become an ideal investment destination in the world provided that it<br />

succeeds in softening its image through lobbying, bringing necessary reforms in Pakistan through political<br />

will that encourage new frameworks, politico-economic models and other arrangements to practically<br />

involve and engage all the stakeholders (economists, industrial experts, academicians, financial advisors<br />

etc) to materialize strong Industry-academia linkage and to support Pakistani industry to become ready for<br />

exports. There is also need for international business networking to expedite export promotion activities.<br />

Syed Mohsin Raza<br />

S. Mohsin Raza, Managing Director,<br />

VPS Vertriebspartnerservice GmbH<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

Monday, 22 nd of October 2018<br />

21 Oct 2018<br />


Islamabad (Staff Reporter) A high level German <strong>Business</strong>men <strong>Delegation</strong> is arriving on a 5-day visit to<br />

Pakistan on Monday. The visit of the delegation, comprising of 36 executive level decision makers of various<br />

German <strong>Business</strong> Houses including IT, Manufacturing and Service Sectors, has been organized by the<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of Pakistan in Munich<br />

with active support by the Pakistan Embassy in Berlin.<br />

The objective of the visit is to explore opportunities of joint ventures and innovative businesses in the<br />

emerging economy of Pakistan. It will be the first official <strong>Bavarian</strong> delegation since 20 years ago. Bavaria, as<br />

Europe‘s strongest economic region, can become an important partner for Pakistan in the future.<br />

During its 2 day stay in Karachi, the delegation will attend Pakistan German <strong>Business</strong> Conference being<br />

organized by the German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Murad<br />

Ali Shah is scheduled to be the Chief Guest. In his keynote address Syed Murad Ali Shah will highlight the<br />

investment and business opportunities available in his province for the foreign businessmen.<br />

The delegation will visit Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry and hold meeting with the President<br />

of the Chamber, Mr. Junaid Esmail Makda and members of the KCCI, to be followed by a presentation “Made<br />

in Pakistan with German Engineering” by Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis, Honorary Consul for Pakistan in<br />

Bavaria.<br />

Mr. Ulrich Konstantin Rieger of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy & Technology, will<br />

brief the participants about the Bavaria State and its pivotal role in the German Economy. The Sindh Board<br />

of Investment (SBOI) will also make a presentation to be followed by group discussion and B2B meetings<br />

during the delegation’s visit to the SBOI Head Office. Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)<br />

has organized a Round Table <strong>Business</strong> Discussion. The delegation is also likely to visit a few industrial units<br />

located in Karachi.<br />

In the Federal Capital, Islamabad, the delegation will call on Prime Minister’s Advisor on Commerce,<br />

Textile, Industries & Production and Investment, Mr. Abdul Razzaq Dawood. The meeting will be followed<br />

by a presentation by the Board of Investment on “Regime and Special Economic Zones of Pakistan”. Senior<br />

Representatives of Ministries of IT & Telecommunication, National Health Services & Regulations, Industries<br />

& Production, National Food Security & Research, Energy (Power and Petroleum Divisions), Commerce,<br />

Punjab Information Technology Board, Private Power Infrastructure Board and the Federation of Chamber<br />

of Commerce & Industry, shall make a presentation on their respective sphere of activities. B2B meetings<br />

with Pakistani businessmen and industrialists have also been organized with the active cooperation of<br />

Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry.<br />

A Reception in honour of the delegation by the German Embassy is also in the cards.<br />

01:30 Departure from Karachi Airport to the<br />

Avari Towers Hotel<br />

02:00 Arrival at the Avari Towers Hotel and Check-in<br />

10:30 German Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Conference organised by<br />

German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry<br />

(GPCCI) at Avari Towers Hotel, Room Khorshed Mahal<br />

Programme:<br />

• Welcome address by Qazi Sajid Ali, President GPCCI<br />

• Address by Eugen Wollfarth, German Consul General in Karachi<br />

• Address by Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister Sindh<br />

• Address by Imtiaz Ahmed Shalikh,<br />

Minister for Energy Government of Sindh<br />

• Notes of Thanks by<br />

11:30 – 12:00 Refreshments<br />

- Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

- Nadeem Kazmi, Senior Vice President GPCCI<br />

- Danesh Dinshaw, Secretary General GPCCI<br />

- Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

12:00 – 13:00 Round Table <strong>Business</strong> Discussions by GPCCI<br />

13:00 – 14:15 Lunch at Avari Towers Hotel hosted by GPCCI<br />

14:30 Departure from the Avari Towers Hotel to the<br />

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

10 11



OCTOBER 2018<br />

German Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Conference organised by the German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GPCCI)<br />

at Avari Towers Hotel, Khurshid Mahal Room, 22 nd of October 2018<br />

12 13



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI<br />

Imtiaz Ahmed Shalikh, Minister for Energy, Government of Sindh<br />

Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy<br />

14 15



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Danesh Dinshaw, Secretary General of the GPCCI<br />

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding: Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis and Adnan Hussain of ICS Group<br />

Asra Junejo, Project Manager, GPCCI, and Hina<br />

Ilyias, Communication and Membership<br />

Affairs Manager, GPCCI<br />

16 17


TO<br />


Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh<br />

Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and Syed Murad Ali<br />

Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

18 19



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Muhammad Ahsan, Photographer, Siemens Healthineers<br />

Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh, German<br />

Consul General Eugen Wollfarth<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s,<br />

Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of<br />

Pakistan, and Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI<br />

Nadeem Kazmi, Senior Vice President of the GPCCI<br />

20 21



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Nadeem Kazmi, Senior Vice President of the GPCCI<br />

Danesh Dinshaw, Secretary General, GPCCI<br />

Wajid H. Junejo, Plant Manager, engro fertilizers, with Naseem Shaikh, Director & General Manager,<br />

Authorised General Distributor of Mercedes-Benz in Pakistan<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis with Imtiaz Ahmed Shalikh, Minister for Energy, Government of Sindh<br />

22 23



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP and<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s,<br />

Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan<br />

for Bavaria<br />

Avari Towers Hotel, Khorshed Mahal Room<br />

Philipp Andree, Association of German Chambers of<br />

Commerce and Industry<br />

24 25



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Pakistani Media (PTV News, Geo News, Ary News, GNN, Express News, 92 News and many more)<br />

Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director, Petal Consulting UG<br />

Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO, B2P GmbH<br />

26 27



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Marina Andresen, Managing Director, Serena‘s, Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh<br />

Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

Martina Maschauer, Managing Director, Bayern International, Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist,<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, and Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI, in discussions<br />

Christoph Waldhauser, Owner, Waldhauser junior, Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib<br />

Cash & Carry, and Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Sohail Yasin Suleman, CEO, World Wide Group<br />

30 31



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh, hands over the shield of German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry to Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

German delegation due on 22nd<br />



KARACHI - A thirty-member business delegation from Germany -representing important<br />

sectors like energy, engineering, security technology, financial services and construction- will<br />

be on a two-day visit to Karachi, from October 22.<br />

By Staff Report - October 21, 2018<br />

This delegation was the result of joint efforts by <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy<br />

and Technology; Pakistan Embassy in Berlin with support of Dr Poetis, who is Honorary<br />

Consul General of Pakistan in Munich; the Embassy of Germany in Pakistan and the German<br />

Consulate in Karachi, President GPCCI, Qazi Sajid Ali told APP here on Monday.<br />

On the first day, German-Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry has arranged a<br />

conference on the trade and investment opportunities in Germany and Pakistan.<br />

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah is expected to inaugurate this programme.<br />

Then, the delegation would visit Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trade<br />

Development Authority of Pakistan, Sindh Board of Investment, Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council’s<br />

secretariat and the Governor House.<br />

Qazi said that after a long period of time, a business delegation from Germany was coming to<br />

Karachi for business discussion with Pakistani counterparts and would finalize the projects of<br />

mutual interest for the bilateral business growth. Some of the German businessmen are also<br />

interested in the joint ventures.<br />

The visit would encourage German investment here and exports of Pakistani goods to<br />

Germany.<br />


AFTER 20 YEARS<br />



Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

34 35



OCTOBER 2018<br />

ISLAMABAD: A high-level German businessmen delegation will arrive on a five-day visit to Pakistan today<br />

(Monday).<br />

The visit of the delegation, comprising of 36 executive-level decisionmakers of various German business<br />

houses including IT, manufacturing and service sectors, has been organised by the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of<br />

Economic Affairs in collaboration with the Consulate of Pakistan in Munich with active support from the<br />

Pakistan Embassy in Berlin.<br />

The objective of the visit is to explore opportunities of joint ventures and innovative businesses in the emerging<br />

economy of Pakistan. It will be the first official <strong>Bavarian</strong> delegation visit to Pakistan after 20 years. Bavaria, as<br />

Europe’s strongest economic region, wishes to become an important partner of Pakistan in the future.<br />


DUE ON OCT. 22<br />

During its two-day stay in Karachi, the delegation will attend Pak-German <strong>Business</strong> Conference being<br />

organised by the German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali<br />

Shah is scheduled to be the chief guest of the occasion. In his keynote address, Murad Ali Shah will highlight<br />

some of the investment and business opportunities available in his province for the foreign businessmen.<br />

The delegation will then visit the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry where it will hold a meeting<br />

with the chamber’s president, followed by a presentation on “Made in Pakistan with German Engineering” by<br />

Consul for Pakistan in Bavaria Dr Pantelis Christian Poetis.<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy Senior Counselor Ulrich Konstantin<br />

Rieger will brief the participants about the Bavaria State and its pivotal role in the German economy.<br />

The Sindh Board of Investment (SBOI) will also make a presentation which will be followed by a group<br />

discussion and business-to-business meetings during the delegation’s visit to the SBOI Head Office.<br />

The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) has organised a round-table business discussion with<br />

the visiting delegation, which is also likely to visit a few industrial units in Karachi.<br />

During its stay in the federal capital, the delegation will call on Prime Minister’s Advisor on Commerce Abdul<br />

Razzaq Dawood. The meeting will be followed by a presentation by the Board of Investment on “Regime and<br />

Special Economic Zones of Pakistan”.<br />

Senior representatives from the ministries of IT and telecommunication, national health services & regulations,<br />

industries & production, national food security & research, energy (power and petroleum divisions), commerce,<br />

Punjab Information Technology Board, Private Power Infrastructure Board and the Federation of Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry shall make a presentation on their respective sphere of activities.<br />

B2B meetings with Pakistani businessmen and industrialists have also been organised with the active<br />

cooperation of the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A reception in the honour of the delegation<br />

by the German Embassy is also on the cards.<br />

A thirty-member business delegation from Germany -representing important sectors like energy, engineering,<br />

security technology, financial services and construction- will be on a two-day visit to Karachi, from October 22.<br />

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Oct, 2018): A thirty-member business delegation from Germany<br />

-representing important sectors like energy, engineering, security technology, financial services and constructionwill<br />

be on a two-day visit to Karachi, from October 22.<br />

This delegation was the result of joint efforts by <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs,<br />

Energy and Technology; Pakistan Embassy in Berlin with support of Dr. Poetis, who<br />

is Honorary Consul General of Pakistan in Munich; the Embassy of Germany in<br />

Pakistan and the German Consulate in Karachi, President GPCCI, Qazi Sajid Ali told<br />

APP here on Monday.<br />

On the first day, German-Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry has arranged<br />

a conference on the trade and investment opportunities in Germany and Pakistan.<br />

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah is expected to inaugurate this programme.<br />

Then, the delegation would visit Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trade<br />

Development Authority of Pakistan, Sindh board of Investment, Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council‘s secretariat and the<br />

Governor House.<br />

Qazi said that after a long period of time, a business delegation from Germany was finally coming to Karachi for<br />

business discussion with Pakistani counterparts and would finalize the projects of mutual interest for the bilateral<br />

business growth. Some of the German businessmen are also interested in the joint ventures.<br />

The visit would encourage German investment here and exports of Pakistani goods to Germany.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

36 37



OCTOBER 2018<br />





October, 22, 2018<br />

Karachi-The signing ceremony took place in the presence of the Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah and<br />

the Provincial Minister of Sindh for Energy Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Mr. Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, Senior Ministerial<br />

Counsellor state of Bavaria. Consul General of Germany in Karachi Mr. Eugen Wollfarth and President GPCCI Mr.<br />

Qazi Sajid Ali,VP Mr. Syed Nadeem Ali Kazmi during the inauguration ceremony commemorating the visit of <strong>Bavarian</strong><br />

<strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong> from Germany to Pakistan an MoU was signed by Mr. Adnan Hussain of ICS Group and Dr. Poetis<br />

of Power Group from Germany related to the Pharmaceutical sector.<br />

Oct 22,2018<br />

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has urged the German businessmen to avail the vast investment<br />

opportunities in different sectors in the province<br />

While addressing the inaugural session of German investors conference ‘Made in Pakistan with German Engineering’,<br />

the chief minister said that Sindh is the land of opportunities and the provincial government has created one-window<br />

facility for investors at public-private partnership unit.<br />

Karachi-Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah along with Provincial Minister of Sindh for Energy Imtiaz Ahmed<br />

Shaikh and President GPCCI Mr. Qazi Sajid Ali, Presents Shield to Mr Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, Senior Ministerial<br />

Counsellor state from Bavaria state Minister of Economic Affairs Media Energy & Technology. Consul General of<br />

Germany in Karachi Mr. Eugen Wollfarth and others also seen in on the occasion.<br />

Karachi -Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah addressing inauguration ceremony of the “Made in Pakistan with<br />

German Engineering” initiative. Provincial Minister of Sindh for Energy Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh and President GPCCI Mr.<br />

Qazi Sajid Ali, Mr Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, Senior Ministerial Counsellor state of Bavaria. Consul General of Germany<br />

in Karachi Mr. Eugen Wollfarth, VP Mr. Syed Nadeem Ali Kazmi, also seen on the stage<br />

He said that Sindh has vast investment opportunities in different sectors such as energy, including renewable and<br />

fossil fuel, infrastructures, agriculture, corporate farming, textile, city design, heavy engineering, public transport,<br />

pharmaceutical and in various other sectors.<br />

“We are developing special economic zones and invite German companies to establish their factories here,” Sindh CM<br />

said, and added his government would extend full support to German firms establish their factories here.<br />

The provincial government was working on solar energy for which the entire Sindh is available where solar panels could<br />

be installed for power generation, he said and added that smart, mini, micro grids in rural areas could be established<br />

under PPP mode.<br />

The event was organized by German-Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) at a local hotel.<br />

Those who spoke on the occasion include Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Shaikh, German Consul General in Karachi Mr<br />

Eugene Wollfarth, Senior Ministerial Counselor from The <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Media, Energy &<br />

Technology, Munich Mr Ulrich Konstantin Rieger and others.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

38 39



OCTOBER 2018<br />



October 24, 2018<br />

Karachi -The signing ceremony took place in the presence of the Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad<br />

Ali Shah and the Provincial Minister of Sindh for Energy Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Mr Ulrich Konstantin<br />

Rieger, Senior Ministerial Counsellor state of Bavaria. Consul General of Germany in Karachi Mr. Eugen<br />

Wollfarth and President GPCCI Mr. Qazi Sajid Ali,VP Mr. Syed Nadeem Ali Kazmi during the inauguration<br />

ceremony commemorating the visit of <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong> from Germany to Pakistan an MoU<br />

was signed by Mr. Adnan Hussain of ICS Group and Dr. Poetis of Power Group from Germany related<br />

to the Pharmaceutical sector.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

40 41



OCTOBER 2018<br />

The senior Ministerial Counsellor of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy<br />

and Technology, Ulrich Konstantin Rieger will brief the participants about the Bavaria state and<br />

its pivotal role in the German Economy. The Sindh Board of Investment (SBOI) will also make<br />

a presentation to be followed by group discussion and B2B meetings during delegation’s visit<br />

to the SBOI Head Office. Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) has organized a<br />

Round Table <strong>Business</strong> Discussion. The delegation is also likely to visit a few industrial units<br />

located in Karachi.<br />

A high-level German businessmen delegation is arriving on a 5-day visit to Pakistan<br />

on Monday (today). The visit of the delegation, comprising 36 executive level decisionmakers<br />

of various German business houses including IT, manufacturing and service<br />

sectors, has been organised by the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs in collaboration<br />

with the Honorary Consulate of Pakistan in Munich with support by the Pakistan Embassy<br />

in Berlin.<br />

In the Federal Capital, Islamabad, the delegation will call on Prime Minister‘s Advisor on<br />

Commerce, Textile, Industries & Production and Investment, Abdul Razzaq Dawood. The<br />

meeting will be followed by a presentation by the Board of Investment on “Regime and Special<br />

Economic Zones of Pakistan”. Senior Representatives of Ministries of IT & Telecommunication,<br />

National Health Services & Regulations, Industries & Production, National Food Security<br />

& Research, Energy (Power and Petroleum Divisions), Commerce, Punjab Information<br />

Technology Board, Private Power Infrastructure Board and the Federation of Chamber of<br />

Commerce & Industry, shall make presentations on their respective sphere of activities. B2B<br />

meetings with Pakistani businessmen and industrialists have also been organised with the<br />

active cooperation of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry.<br />

Copyright <strong>Business</strong> Recorder, 2018<br />

The objective of the visit is to explore opportunities of joint ventures and innovative<br />

businesses in the emerging economy of Pakistan. It will be the first official <strong>Bavarian</strong><br />

delegation after 20 years. Bavaria, as Europe‘s strongest economic region, can become<br />

an important partner for Pakistan in the future.<br />

During its 2-day stay in Karachi, the delegation will attend Pakistan German <strong>Business</strong><br />

Conference being organized by the German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce &<br />

Industry. Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah is scheduled to be the chief guest.<br />

In his keynote address Syed Murad Ali Shah will highlight the investment and business<br />

opportunities available in his province for the foreign businessmen. The delegation will<br />

visit Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry and hold meeting with the President<br />

of the Chamber, Junaid Esmail Makda and members of the KCCI, to be followed by a<br />

presentation on “Made in Pakistan with German engineering” by Dr Pantelis Christian<br />

Poetis, Honorary Consul for Pakistan in Bavaria.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

42 43



OCTOBER 2018<br />

He stated this while addressing the inaugural session of German Investors Conference “Made<br />

in Pakistan with German Engineering” organized by German-Pakistan Chamber of Commerce<br />

& Industry (GPCCI) here on Monday.<br />



Murad Ali Shah said that Sindh has vast investment opportunities in different sectors such as<br />

energy, including renewable and fossil fuel, infrastructures, agriculture-corporate farming, textile,<br />

city design, heavy engineering, public transport, pharmaceutical and in various other sectors.<br />

He said that Sindh has a vast wind corridor at Jhimpir and Gharo near Karachi. It has a potential<br />

of producing 50,000 MW wind energy but “we are producing 1035 MW from 20 projects and for<br />

projects which under installation process would produce another 200 MW,” he said.<br />

The Chief Minister said that the provincial government was working on solar energy for which<br />

the entire Sindh is available where solar panels could be installed for power generation. Smart,<br />

Mini, micro grids in rural areas could be established under PPP mode.<br />

“We establishing a 50 MW solar power project with model grid connectivity at Majhand, District<br />

Sehwan,” he said and added in such projects there were vast investment opportunities.<br />

Talking about coal energy, Murad Ali Shah said that the Sindh province has vast coal reserves<br />

and, in their exploitation, – means mining and power generation the German experts have<br />

played their role.<br />

“We are developing special economic zones and invite German companies to establish their<br />

factories here,” he said and added his government would extend full support to German firms<br />

establish their factories here.<br />

“The theme of the conference has really made me glade- “Made in Pakistan with German<br />

Engineering- now time has come to materialize this theme,” he said and added this conference<br />

would bring German investors here in Karachi.<br />

Murad Ali Shah appreciated President GPCCI Qazi Sajid Ali for organizing such a conference<br />

here in Karachi. “Karachi is hub of trade and industry with facilities of seaport, airport, rail network<br />

and goods transport facilities and availability of skilled and unskilled labour,” he said and added<br />

that these features were pretty enough to ensure good returns.<br />

KARACHI : Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that Sindh is the land of<br />

opportunities and the provincial government has created one-window facility for investors at<br />

Public Private Partnership Unit.<br />

Those who spoke on the occasion include Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Shaikh, German Consul<br />

General in Karachi Mr Eugene Wollfarth, Senior Ministerial Consellor from Tha <strong>Bavarian</strong> Satte<br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Media, Energy & Technology, Munich Mr Ulrich Konstantin Rieger<br />

and others.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

44 45



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

46 47



OCTOBER 2018<br />


KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that Sindh is the land of opportunities and the provincial<br />

government has created one-window facility for inves tors at Public Private Partnership Unit.<br />

This he said while addressing the inaugural session of the German investors conference titled ‘Made in Pakistan with German<br />

engineering’ organised by German-Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GPCCI) at a local hotel on Monday.<br />

He said that Sindh has vast investment opportunities in different sectors such as energy, including renewable and fossil fuel,<br />

infrastructure, agriculture, corporate farming, textile, city design, heavy engineering, public transport, pharmaceutical and in<br />

various other sectors.<br />

He said that Sindh has a vast wind corridor at Jhimpir and Gharo near Karachi. It has a potential of producing 50,000MW<br />

wind energy.<br />

Mr Shah said that the provincial government was working on solar energy for which the entire province is available where<br />

solar panels could be installed for power generation. Smart, mini, micro grids in rural areas could be established under PPP<br />

mode. “We [are] establishing a 50MW solar power project with model grid connectivity at Manj hand, [district] Sehwan,” he said<br />

and added that in such projects there were vast investment opportunities.<br />

Talking about coal energy, the chief minister said that Sindh has vast coal reserves and in their exploitation the German experts<br />

have played their role.<br />

Mr Shah appreciated the GPCCI for organising the conference in the metropolis. “Karachi is a hub of trade and industry with<br />

facilities of seaport, airport, rail network and goods transport facilities and availability of skilled and unskilled labour,” he said<br />

and added that these features were enough to ensure good returns.<br />

Others who spoke on the occasion included Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Shaikh, German Consul General Eugene Wollfarth<br />

and others.<br />

Published in Dawn, October 23 rd , 2018<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Social media coverage<br />

48 49



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Social media coverage<br />

Social media coverage<br />

50 51



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Monday, 22 nd of October 2018<br />

15:00 - 17:00 Visit of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and<br />

Industry (KCCI)<br />

Programme:<br />

• Welcome address along with a brief presentation on KCCI by<br />

Junaid Esmail Makda, President of Karachi Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry<br />

• “Made in Pakistan with German Engineering”<br />

Opening Remarks by Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Question & Answer sessions<br />

17:30 Departure from the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

to the Avari Towers Hotel by two busses<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

52 53



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

54 55



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Discussing the prospects of “Made in Pakistan with German Engineering” at Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

56 57



OCTOBER 2018<br />


October 22, 2018<br />

Led by Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, who represented <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry for Economic Affairs and<br />

Media, the German delegates from leading companies showed their interest in various potential<br />

sectors of Pakistan.<br />

The German businesspersons agreed with Karachi Chamber leadership’s proposal for increased<br />

exchange of information on trade and investment opportunities on the both sides and on the potential<br />

of economic collaboration between the two countries.<br />

German delegation’s leader supported the demand from KCCI that there should be transfer of<br />

technology to Pakistan under economic collaboration and joint ventures.<br />

They should work together for the progress of the two countries. There was a big scope for economic<br />

cooperation and enhancing trade in Pakistan and Germany, Rieger said.<br />

KCCI President M. Junaid Makda led Karachi chamber’s team. KCCI business leaders shared<br />

information with visiting German businesspersons on bilateral trade and possible joint ventures in<br />

various potential sectors like automobiles, mining and vocational training.<br />

KARACHI: A business delegation from Germany on Monday visited<br />

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), and discussed<br />

trade, investment and other issues of bilateral interest with KCCI<br />

officer-bears and other members of the chamber.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

58 59



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Wednesday, October 24, 2018<br />



KARACHI: German businessmen are eager to explore investment and joint-venture opportunities in trade and industry of<br />

Pakistan, a foreign official said on Tuesday.<br />

“There is a great potential to enhance bilateral trade and we must use this potential,” Ulrich Rieger, a senior ministerial consul<br />

from <strong>Bavarian</strong> State’s Ministry of Economic Affairs said at a meeting with the officials of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and<br />

Industry (KCCI).<br />

Rieger was leading a 36-member German delegation, which visited after two decades, to discuss trade and investment<br />

opportunities. “We have observed that Pakistani businessmen are very active and innovative all over the world and also in<br />

Germany,” a statement quoted Rieger as saying.<br />

The ministerial consul said Pakistan with a huge population of 220 million can offer a lot to <strong>Bavarian</strong> businessmen and<br />

investors “therefore we decided to visit this country”.<br />

“The German business delegation is here to look for cooperation, new business ideas which is our main interest and they will<br />

also be happy to cooperate in transfer of technology,” Rieger said. “One of the secrets behind success of Bavaria has been<br />

the vocational training and development of SMEs (small and medium enterprises). We can support Pakistan with vocational<br />

training.”<br />

Honorary Consul for Pakistan in Bavaria Pantelis Christian Poetis said they want to see the industries and economies of both<br />

the countries to be as prosperous as possible and “that’s why we are here for cooperation and we are here for networking”.<br />

President KCCI Junaid Esmail Makda said that Karachi, the economic and financial hub of Pakistan, offers profitable investment<br />

opportunities and facilities for trade, investment and joint ventures to German business and industrial community.<br />

Makda said the region is likely to attract substantial foreign investment from different parts of the world after completion of<br />

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Gwadar port. “The German business community can also benefit from the situation by<br />

investing or undertaking joint ventures in Pakistan, particularly in Karachi.”<br />

KCCI president said trade between Pakistan and Germany significantly improved in the last decade.<br />

In 2017, Pakistan exported merchandise worth $1.87 billion to Germany as against $1.68 billion in 2016, showing growth of 12<br />

percent. Pakistan’s imports from Germany rose five percent to $1.36 billion during the year.<br />

October 25, 2018<br />



Karachi Leader of German delegation and Senior Ministerial Consul from <strong>Bavarian</strong> State’s Ministry<br />

of Economic Affairs Mr. Ulrich Konstantin Rieger has said, “Many German companies usually look for<br />

trade opportunities in China and India whereas Pakistan with a huge population of 220 million can also<br />

offer a lot to <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong>Business</strong>men and Investors therefore we decided to visit this country.”<br />

Ulrich Rieger, who led a 36-member German delegation during its visit to Karachi Chamber of Commerce<br />

and Industry, said, “There is a great potential to enhance bilateral trade and we must use this potential.<br />

We have observed that Pakistani businessmen are very active and innovative all over the world and<br />

also in Germany.”<br />

President KCCI Junaid Esmail Makda, Senior Vice President Khurram Shahzad, Vice President Asif<br />

Sheikh Javaid, Former Presidents KCCI Mian Abrar Ahmed, Majyd Aziz and Shamim Ahmed Shamsi<br />

along with KCCI Managing Committee members, Vice Consul for Economic Affairs from German<br />

Consulate Vogel Ingolf, Honorary Consul for Pakistan in Bavaria Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis and others<br />

attended the meeting.<br />

Ulrich Rieger further stated that the German <strong>Business</strong> delegation was here to look for cooperation,<br />

new business ideas which is our main interest and they will also be happy to cooperate in transfer<br />

of technology. “One of the secrets behind success of Bavaria has been the vocational training and<br />

development of SMEs. We can support Pakistan with vocational training and we are ready to do it”, he<br />

added.<br />

Referring to concerns expressed over issuance of visas, he opined, “It is much easier to come to<br />

Pakistan from Germany but if a businessman from Pakistan wants to come to Germany, it’s not too easy<br />

due to the Schengen system. As businessmen, we are on your side.”<br />

Makda said German programs like BFZ’s Espire Project by <strong>Bavarian</strong> Employers Association and GIZ Asia Social and Labor<br />

Standards in textile and garment sector proved instrumental in capacity building of industries and organisations.<br />

“Such collaborations and cooperation should further be strengthened,” he added.<br />

“There is a substantial room available for Pakistani products like halal foodstuff, dairy products, textiles, cotton, which can be<br />

exported to Germany while Pakistani industries can greatly benefit from German technological advancements.”<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

60 61



OCTOBER 2018<br />

KCCI president said trade between Pakistan and Germany significantly improved in the last decade.<br />



In 2017, Pakistan exported merchandise worth $1.87 billion to Germany as against $1.68 billion in<br />

2016, showing growth of 12 percent. Pakistan’s imports from Germany rose five percent to $1.36<br />

billion during the year.<br />

October 25, 2018<br />

German Companies to Boost Trade Ties With Pakistan: Most German companies usually look for trade<br />

opportunities in China and India whereas Pakistan, with a population of over 200 million, can also offer<br />

a lot to <strong>Bavarian</strong> businessmen and investors, said <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry of Economic Affairs Senior<br />

Ministerial Consul Ulrich Konstantin Rieger.<br />

Speaking at the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), while leading a 36-member German<br />

delegation, Rieger said, “There is a great potential for enhancing bilateral trade and we must use this<br />

potential. We have observed that Pakistani businessmen are very active and innovative all over the world<br />

and also in Germany.”<br />

He shared with the audience that the delegation was visiting Pakistan in a bid to find avenues of<br />

cooperation and new business ideas and would be happy to cooperate in the transfer of technology.<br />

“One of the secrets behind the success of Bavaria is vocational training and development of SMEs. We<br />

can support Pakistan in vocational training,” Rieger said.<br />

Referring to the difficulty in getting Germany’s visa, he pointed out, “It is much easier to come to Pakistan<br />

from Germany, but if a businessman from Pakistan wants to come to Germany, it’s not too easy due to<br />

the Schengen system.”<br />

German Companies To Boost Trade Ties With Pakistan<br />

Makda said German programs like BFZ’s Espire Project by <strong>Bavarian</strong> Employers Association and<br />

GIZ Asia Social and Labour Standards in textile and garment sector proved instrumental in capacity<br />

building of industries and organisations.<br />

“Such collaborations and cooperation should further be strengthened,” he added.<br />

“There is a substantial room available for Pakistani products like halal foodstuff, dairy products,<br />

textiles, cotton, which can be exported to Germany while Pakistani industries can greatly benefit<br />

from German technological advancements.”<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

62 63



OCTOBER 2018<br />



22 Oct 2018<br />

KARACHI: A business delegation from Germany on Monday visited Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

(KCCI), and discussed trade, investment and other issues of bilateral interest with KCCI officer-bears and other members<br />

of the chamber.<br />

Led by Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, who represented <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry for Economic Affairs and Media, the German<br />

delegates from leading companies showed their interest in various potential sectors of Pakistan.<br />

The German businesspersons agreed with Karachi Chamber leadership’s proposal for increased exchange of information<br />

on trade and investment opportunities on the both sides and on the potential of economic collaboration between<br />

the two countries.<br />

German delegation’s leader supported the demand from KCCI that there should be transfer of technology to Pakistan<br />

under economic collaboration and joint ventures.<br />

They should work together for the progress of the two countries. There was a big scope for economic cooperation and<br />

enhancing trade in Pakistan and Germany, Rieger said.<br />

KCCI President M. Junaid Makda led the Karachi chamber’s team. KCCI business leaders shared information with<br />

visiting German businesspersons on bilateral trade and possible joint ventures in various potential sectors like automobiles,<br />

mining and vocational training.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Social media coverage<br />

64 65



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Monday, 22 nd of October 2018<br />

19:30 Departure from the Avari Towers Hotel to the German Consulate<br />

20:00 – 22:00 Reception by Eugen Wollfahrth,<br />

Consul General <strong>Bavarian</strong> Evening<br />

21:30 First pick up from German Consulate to Avari Towers Hotel<br />

22:00 Last pick up from German Consulate to Avari Towers Hotel<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Asra Junejo, Project Manager at GPCCI, German Consul General Eugen Wollfarth<br />

66 67



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, German Consul General Eugen Wollfarth and Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis at the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Evening, German Consulate in Karachi<br />

68 69



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Interview of Deutsche Welle with Martina Maschauer, Managing Director, Bayern International<br />


0ct 24, 2018<br />

A high-level German businessmen delegation is arriving on a 5-day visit to Pakistan on Monday (today). The<br />

visit of the delegation, comprising 36 executive level decision-makers of various German business houses<br />

including IT, manufacturing and service sectors, has been organised by the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic<br />

Affairs in collaboration with the Honorary Consulate of Pakistan in Munich with support by the Pakistan<br />

Embassy in Berlin. During its 2-day stay in Karachi, the delegation will attend Pakistan German <strong>Business</strong><br />

Conference. The delegation will visit Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry and hold meeting with the<br />

President of the Chamber, Junaid Esmail Makda and members of the KCCI, to be followed by a presentation<br />

on “Made in Pakistan with German engineering”.<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Asra Junejo, Project Manager at GPCCI<br />

Social media coverage<br />

70 71



OCTOBER 2018<br />

German CG<br />

hosts dinner<br />

The German consul-general in<br />

town, Eugen Wollfarth, hosted a<br />

dinner in honour of a German trade<br />

delegation comprising companies<br />

from the German province of<br />

Bavaria at the German Consulate-<br />

General on Monday evening.<br />

Speaking on the occasion, he<br />

said the mission would focus<br />

all its efforts on helping the<br />

private sector increase trade and<br />

investment between Pakistan and<br />

Germany. Wollfarth said Germany<br />

appreciated Pakistan’s efforts to<br />

project a realistic, soft image of the<br />

country and that Germany would<br />

help Pakistan in the endeavour.<br />

Later, the consul general,<br />

assisted by Ulrich Reiger of the<br />

Internationalisation Department,<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic<br />

Affairs, Energy and Technology,<br />

and Qazi Sajid Ali, chairman of the<br />

Germany-Pakistan Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry, cut a cake<br />

to commemorate the occasion.<br />

Karachi: Senior Ministerial Counsellor State of Bavaria Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, Consul General of Germany Eugen<br />

Wollfarth, and President GPCCI Qazi Sajid Ali photographed at a dinner reception at the Consulate General<br />

This was followed by dinner<br />

attended by the elite of the<br />

business community, the media,<br />

the bureaucracy and diplomats<br />

stationed in town.<br />

Press coverage of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Evening at the German Consulate in Karachi<br />

72 73



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Tuesday, 23 rd of October 2018<br />

09:00 Departure from the Avari Towers Hotel to the<br />

Sindh Secretariat<br />

09:30 Meeting at Sindh Secretariat, organised by<br />

Sindh Board of Investment (SBOI)<br />

Group discussions<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong> and Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Minister for Energy, Government of Sindh<br />

74 75



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Minister for Energy, Government of Sindh, Imran Atta Soomro, Director General, Sindh Board of Investment, German Consul General Eugen Wollfarth,<br />

Kalim Farooqui, Managing Director, Technology Links LTD.<br />

76 77



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Attendees Meeting at paying Sindh close Board attention of Investment to the presentations about business opportunities in Sindh<br />

78 79



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary Investment Counsellor,<br />

Board of Investment, Pakistan, Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Schmidt, Managing Director, InterMedia Gesellschaft<br />

Exchanging gifts at Sindh Secretariat<br />

Dr. Olaf Fleck, CEO, SUNSET Energietechnik GmbH<br />

German Consul General Eugen Wollfarth<br />

Ingolf Vogel, Consular Attaché, Economic and Cultural Affairs, German Consulate and Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the<br />

GPCCI<br />

80 81



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs,<br />

Metro-Habib Cash & Carry<br />

Kalim Farooqui, Managing Director, Technology<br />

Links LTD.<br />

Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director, Petal Consulting UG, Philipp Andree, Association of German Chambers<br />

of Commerce and Industry, Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers<br />

Marina Andresen, Managing Director Serena‘s, Christoph Waldhauser, Owner, Waldhauser junior,<br />

Muhammad Sajjad Azam, Group Commercial Head, World Wide Group<br />

The plenum<br />

82 83



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Judith Gampe, CEO, Nova Products GmbH, Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V., Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO,<br />

B2P GmbH<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, and Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Minister for Energy Government of Sindh<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis and Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Minister for Energy, Government of Sindh<br />

84 85



OCTOBER 2018<br />



KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Oct, 2018): A 36 member German business<br />

delegation from Bavaria region which is visiting Sindh province now a days, headed by Ulrich<br />

Konstantin Rieger, from <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology visited<br />

Sindh Secretariat on Tuesday.<br />

The delegation met representatives of local business forums like Karachi Chamber of Commerce<br />

and Industries (KCCI), Association of Builders and Developers (ABAD) and other industrialists<br />

and Company heads, said a statement.<br />

Consul General of Germany in Pakistan Dr Pantelis Christian Poetis was also present in the<br />

meeting.<br />

On this occasion Chief Executive Officer of Sindh Special Economic Zones Management Abdul<br />

Azeem Uqaily briefed the German delegation about investment opportunities in Sindh province.<br />

He also briefed them about investment policies and incentives which are being given to the<br />

investors by the Sindh Government in the province.<br />

The German delegation expressed keen interest in investment in terms of joint ventures and<br />

business partnerships with Pakistani investors.<br />

They also showed interest in investment in training in various fields specially in skill development.<br />

Minister Energy Sindh Imtiaz Ahmed sheikh, while addressing the participants, said that we<br />

should certainly get success in making some important business partnerships and assured his<br />

full cooperation in this regard.<br />

A 36 member German business delegation from Bavaria region which<br />

is visiting Sindh province now a days, headed by Ulrich Konstantin<br />

Rieger, from <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and<br />

Technology visited Sindh Secretariat on Tuesday.<br />

The meeting was presided over by Minister Energy Sindh Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh besides<br />

Director General Sindh board of Investment SBI, Imran Atta Soomro, Chief Executive Officer<br />

of Sindh Special Economic Zones Management Abdul Azeem Uqaily, CEO of Sindh Enterprise<br />

Development Fund SEDF Mehboob ul Haq, Director Administration SBI Abrar Sheikh and other<br />

senior officers of various departments were also present in the meeting.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

86 87



OCTOBER 2018<br />



IN SINDH<br />

A visiting German delegation showed keen interest in investment opportunities in the province,<br />

particularly joint ventures and business partnerships.<br />

A 36-member German business delegation from Bavaria headed by Ulrich Konstantin Rieger,<br />

from <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology visited the Sindh Secretariat<br />

on Tuesday and met representatives of local business forums like Karachi Chambers of<br />

Commerce and Industries (KCCI), Association of Builders and Developers (ABAD) and other<br />

industrialists.<br />

The meeting was presided over by Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh. Chief Executive<br />

Officer of Sindh Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Abdul Azeem Uqaily briefed the German<br />

delegation about investment opportunities in Sindh province. He also briefed about investment<br />

policies and incentives which are being offered to the investors by Sindh Government.<br />

The German delegation showed keen interest in investment. They also showed interest in<br />

investment in training in various fields particularly skill development. Energy Minister Imtiaz<br />

Ahmed sheikh, while addressing the participants of the meeting, showed interest in initiating<br />

business partnerships with Germans. He assured them of his full cooperation in this regard.<br />

Concluding the meeting, he thanked the delegation for visiting Sindh.<br />

The meeting was attended by Honorary Consul Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis, Sindh Board of<br />

Investment (SBI) Director General Imran Ata Soomro, Sindh Enterprise Development Fund<br />

(SEDF) CEO Mr Mehboobul Haq, SBI Director Administration Abrar Sheikh, and other senior<br />

officers of various departments.<br />

Published in Daily Times, October 24 th 2018<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

88 89



OCTOBER 2018<br />


October 23, 2018<br />



KARACHI: German businessmen from Bavaria region have shown interest in joint ventures with Pakistani<br />

counterparts, especially in energy sector and skill development trainings in Sindh. These views were expressed<br />

by a 36-member German business delegation headed by Ulrich Konstantin Rieger from <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of<br />

Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology during a meeting with Minister Energy Sindh Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh.<br />

The delegation met representatives of local business forums like Karachi chambers of commerce and industries,<br />

Association of Builders and Developers ABAD, and other industrialists and companies’ heads.<br />

KARACHI: A 36 member German business delegation visited Sindh Secretariat today and met representatives<br />

of local business forums.<br />

The local business forums included Karachi Chambers of Commerce and Industries, Association of Builders and<br />

Developers ABAD, and other industrialists and company heads.<br />

The German delegation from Bavaria region, headed by Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, from <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of<br />

Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology is on visit of Sindh province.<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis is also present in the meeting.<br />

Minister Energy Sindh Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh presided the meeting. Besides, Director General Sindh Board of<br />

Investment (SBI), Imran Ata Soomro, Chief Executive officer of Sindh Special Economic Zones Management<br />

Abdul Azeem Uqaily, CEO of Sindh Enterprise Development Fund SEDF, Mehboob ul Haq, Director Administration<br />

SBI Abrar Sheikh, and other senior officers of various departments were also present in the meeting.<br />

Consul General of Germany in Pakistan Dr Pantelis Christian Poetis, Director General Sindh Board of Investment<br />

SBI, Imran Ata Soomro, Chief Executive Officer of Sindh Special economic zones Management Abdul Azeem<br />

Uqaily, CEO of Sindh Enterprise development fund SEDF Mehboob-ul-Haq, Director Administration SBI Abrar<br />

Sheikh and other senior officers of various departments were also present in the meeting.<br />

Abdul Azeem Uqaily briefed the German delegation about investment opportunities in Sindh province. He also<br />

informed about investment policies and incentives being given to the investors by the Sindh government.<br />

Later, the German delegation showed keen interest in investment in terms of joint ventures and business<br />

partnerships with Pakistani investors in Sindh.<br />

Minister Energy Sindh Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh said that they should certainly get success in making some important<br />

business partnerships with German counterparts and assured his full cooperation in this regard.<br />

According to the official handout, Abdul Azeem Uqaily briefed the German delegation about investment<br />

opportunities in Sindh province.<br />

He also briefed about investment policies and incentives which are being given to the investors by the Sindh<br />

Government in the province.<br />

The German delegation showed keen interest in investment in terms of joint ventures and business partnerships<br />

with Pakistani investors. They also showed interest in investment in training in various fields specially in skill<br />

development.<br />

Minister Energy Sindh, Imtiaz Ahmed sheikh , while addressing to the participants of the meeting, said that they<br />

would certainly get success in making some important business partnerships with their German counterparts. He<br />

assured his full cooperation in this regard.<br />

He also paid thanks to honorable guests for their visit to Pakistan and specially to Sindh.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

90 91



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Tuesday, 23 rd of October 2018<br />

11:30 – 12:30 Round Table <strong>Business</strong> Discussions at Trade<br />

Development Authority Pakistan (TDAP)<br />

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch at TDAP hosted by TDAP<br />

14:10 – 14:40 Departure from the TDAP to the Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council<br />

Syed Rafeo Bashir Shah, Director General, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan<br />

Dr. Muhammad Usman, Director General, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan<br />

92 93



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Round Table <strong>Business</strong> Discussions at Trade Development Authority Pakistan<br />

94 95



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Martina Maschauer, Managing Director,<br />

Bayern International<br />

Ingolf Vogel, Consular Attaché, Economic and Cultural<br />

Affairs, German Consulate<br />

Judith Gampe, CEO, Nova Products GmbH<br />

Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary Investment<br />

Counsellor, Board of Investment, Pakistan<br />

Jahangir Beg Ahsan Mirza, CEO/Founder,<br />


Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist<br />

Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of<br />

Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy<br />

Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V.<br />

96 97



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Christoph Waldhauser, Owner, Waldhauser junior Marina Andresen, Managing Director, Serena‘s Walter Englbrecht, Export Manager Asia,<br />

Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Schmidt, Managing Director,<br />

InterMedia Gesellschaft<br />

Shakor Ahmad Nasir, Managing Director,<br />

grandega GmbH<br />

Josef Müllner, Managing Director,<br />

e.sigma Systems GmbH<br />

Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI<br />

Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO, B2P GmbH<br />

98 99



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Danesh Dinshaw, Secretary General, GPCCI<br />

Muhammad Sajjad, Group Commercial Head,<br />

World Wide Group<br />

S. Mohsin Raza, Managing Director,<br />

VPS Vertriebspartnerservice GmbH<br />

Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director,<br />

Petal Consulting UG<br />

Social media coverage<br />

100 101



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Exchange of souvenirs at the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan in Karachi<br />

102 103



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Tuesday, 23 rd of October 2018<br />

15:00 – 16:00 Visit to Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council<br />

16:00-17:30 Ehsan Malik, CEO, Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council<br />

Presentation “Pakistan´s Economy”<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Ehsan A. Malik, Chief Executive, The Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council, Honorary Consul<br />

Dr. Poetis<br />

104 105



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Talks with the Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council at Marriott Hotel<br />

106 107



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Tuesday, 23 rd of October 2018<br />

20:00 - 22:00 Dinner at Karachi Boat Club hosted by Sohail Yasin<br />

Suleman, Vice President GPCCI<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, German Consul General Eugen Wollfarth, Sohail Yasin Suleman, CEO, World Wide Group,<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong> , Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the GPCCI, cutting the cake to commemorate the occasion<br />

108 109



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Group picture at the Karachi Boat Club<br />

110 111



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Everyone in the delegation received a wonderful gift basket<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Sohail Yasin Suleman, CEO, World Wide Group,<br />

Majid Aziz, President, MHG Group of Companies<br />

Group posing with the beautiful cake<br />

112 113



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Wednesday, 24 th of October 2018<br />

10:30 - 12: 00 Visit of Mohatta Palace Karachi<br />

12:30 – 13:30 Asia Live Restaurant, Avari Towers Hotel<br />

14:30 Departure from Avari Towers Hotel to Karachi International<br />

Airport by two busses<br />

16:00 - 17:55 Flight departure Karachi – Arrival Islamabad<br />

Flight Number: PK 308<br />

Duration: 1h 55 min<br />

Group picture of the delegation in front of the Mohatta Palace<br />

114 115



OCTOBER 2018<br />

<strong>Delegation</strong> inside the Mohatta Palace Museum visiting the exhibition “Alchemist of Line” by artist Imran Mir<br />

116 117



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k., Khurram Shehzad Chughtai, Corporate &<br />

Strategic Counsel, Jus & Rem - Counsel & Consulting<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH, Asra Junejo, Project Manager at GPCCI, Honorary Consul<br />

Dr. Poetis<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,<br />

Khurram Shehzad Chughtai, Corporate & Strategic Counsel, Jus & Rem - Counsel & Consulting<br />

118 119



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Group talking in front of the Mohatta Palace<br />

Dr. Olaf Fleck, CEO, SUNSET Energietechnik GmbH<br />

...and getting in position for a group picture<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,<br />

Jahangir Beg Ahsan Mirza, CEO/Founder, ETS INTERNATIONAL UG<br />

120 121



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Wednesday, 24 th of October 2018<br />

19:45 Arrival at Serena Hotel Islamabad and Check-In<br />

20:30 - 22:00 Dinner and <strong>Business</strong> Round Table at<br />

Baradari Restaurant, Serena Hotel<br />

Guest of honour:<br />

H.E. Aamir Mehmood Kiani,<br />

Federal Minister for National Health Services<br />

Social media coverage<br />

122 123



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Front: Ahsan Mehmood Baba, Politician and President Lions Club Chillianwala, Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest and founder of Lions Club Chillianwala, signing an agreement of Patty‘s Child Clinics Pakistan with Aamir Mehmood Kiani, Federal<br />

Minister for National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination. In the background are Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter<br />

Schmidt, Managing Director, InterMedia, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers, Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary Investment Counsellor, Board of Investment, Pakistan<br />

124 125



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH, Ahsan Mehmood Baba, Politician, Irfan Muhammad, Director,<br />

Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, Khalid Rasool, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Khan Raheel Akhtar<br />

Yousafzai, Former Chairman, Drug Court Islamabad<br />

Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Maj. Gen. (Retd) Muhammad Farooq, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the<br />

Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

126 127



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis with Khalid Rasool, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

Group Picture during dinner reception at Baradari Restaurant<br />

Jahangir Beg Ahsan Mirza, CEO/Founder, ETS INTERNATIONAL UG, Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director,<br />

Petal Consulting UG, S. Mohsin Raza, Managing Director, VPS Vertriebspartnerservice GmbH<br />

From right: Martin Herzer, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Islamabad, Jens Jokisch, Deputy Head of<br />

Mission, German Embassy Islamabad, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Syed Feroz Shah, Advisor Technical, Prime Minister<br />

Secretariat Board of Investment, Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers<br />

128 129



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Thursday, 25 th of October 2018<br />

09:00 Departure from Serena Hotel to the Ministry of Planning and<br />

Development<br />

09:30 Meeting at the Ministry of Planning and Development<br />

(MPD) with Board of Investment (BOI) in the presence of:<br />

• H.E. Abdul Razak Dawood, Adviser on Commerce,<br />

Textile, Industry & Production and Investment with<br />

the status of Federal Minister<br />

• Haroon Sharif, Chairman BOI<br />

Focus on Round Table Discussions and B2B Meetings with high<br />

ranking government representatives<br />

Availability already confirmed by:<br />

• Ministry of IT and Telecommunication<br />

• Ministry of National Health Services and Regulations<br />

• Ministry of Industry and Production<br />

• Ministry of Energy (Power and Petroleum Division)<br />

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch at MPD hosted by BOI<br />

14:30 – 16.00 Round Table <strong>Business</strong> Discussions by BOI<br />

16:20 Departure from MPD to Serena Hotel<br />

Dr. Liaquat Ullah Iqbal , Pakistan Air Force, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Dr. Ibraheem Haneef, Director Air University<br />

130 131



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Standing for the Pakistani, German and <strong>Bavarian</strong> anthems at the Ministry of Planning and Development<br />

132 133



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Haroon Sharif, Chairman, Board of Investment, Abdul Razak Dawood, Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industry &<br />

Production and Investment with the status of Federal Minister, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

Haroon Sharif, Chairman, Board of Investment<br />

Abdul Razak Dawood, Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production and Investment with the status of Federal<br />

Minister<br />

134 135



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Marina Andresen, Managing Director, Serena‘s, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH<br />

Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO, B2P GmbH, and Arshad Mughal, General Manager, AVIANET GmbH<br />

Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k.<br />

Muhammad Saleem Ahmad Ranjha, Executive Director General, Board of Investment<br />

136 137



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers, and Philipp Andree, Association of German Chambers<br />

of Commerce and Industry<br />

Muhammad Saleem Ahmad Ranjha, Executive Director General, Board of Investment, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, and<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, and Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k.<br />

Martina Maschauer, Managing Director, Bayern International<br />

138 139



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Abdul Boi Razak Dawood, Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production and Investment with the status of Federal Minister, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong> and<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Haroon Sharif, Chairman, Board of Investment, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

140 141



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director, Petal Consulting UG, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s,<br />

Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Adnan Munir Rajput, Deputy Director (Europe), Board of<br />

Investment, Walter Englbrecht, Export Manager Asia, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Ms Asmara Jabeen, Siemens Healthineers, Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director, Petal Consulting UG, Walter Englbrecht,<br />

Export Manager Asia, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH & Co. KG, Khurram Jameel, Managing Director<br />

& CEO, Siemens Healthineers, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic<br />

Republic of Pakistan<br />

Group picture<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH, Dr. Liaquat Ullah Iqbal , Pakistan Air Force ,<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Dr. Ibraheem Haneef, Director Air University<br />

142 143



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Prince Luitpold of Bavaria, Managing Director, König Ludwig<br />

International GmbH & Co KG and Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund<br />

Equity Invest<br />

Brigadier Abrar Mehboob, Director Marketing, National Logistics Cell shaking hands with Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers<br />

and Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k.<br />

144 145



OCTOBER 2018<br />

At the Ministry of Planning and Development<br />

146 147



OCTOBER 2018<br />

business delegation from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy and Technology and German<br />

Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industries, he told.<br />



He said this while talking to a delegation comprises of around 40 companies including two officials of<br />

the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry and one from the German Chamber. Speaking about the investment climate, the<br />

Chairman, BoI emphasized that Pakistan is open for business and all investors are welcome to take<br />

benefit in particular from the opportunities that lies in large consumer market where average age of<br />

100 million of Pakistan's population is below 35. He said that Pakistan is also the gateway to western<br />

China after the launch of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and is the logistic hub. He said<br />

the prominent sectors in Pakistan for investment are Renewable Energy, Information Technology, food<br />

and Dairy and Services.<br />

In addition to the financial investments, Chairman, BOI emphasized in tapping the opportunities,<br />

partnerships and other prospects.<br />

The Adviser on Commerce, Textile Industries, Production and Investment, Abdur Razzak Dawood<br />

stressed that Pakistan is dealing with macroeconomic challenges successfully. He said that all these<br />

advantages coupled with a friendly investment policy offers ideal opportunities for investment in<br />

Pakistan and the issues also presents an opportunity. He said the security situation in Pakistan has<br />

significantly improved.<br />

The Adviser also recognized that fact regarding Germany‘s unwavering support for Pakistan for GSP-<br />

Plus in the European Union (EU) market and urged further enhancing the exports of Pakistan as well<br />

as the German delegation to explore business opportunities during their visit to Information Technology<br />

incubation centers where young entrepreneurs are engaged with generating new ideas.<br />

State Minister and Chairman Board of Investment (BOI) Haroon Sharif on<br />

Thursday said that economic partnership between Pakistan and Germany is<br />

showing positive trends in the recent years which needs further strengthening.<br />

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Oct, 2018): State Minister and Chairman board<br />

of Investment (BoI) Haroon Sharif on Thursday said that economic partnership between Pakistan<br />

and Germany is showing positive trends in the recent years which needs further strengthening. He<br />

also highlighted the role of BoI in the area of Investment promotion and facilitation in addressing to<br />

Pak- Germany Investment Forum organized by the Board. The Forum was participated by German<br />

The German companies participated in forum include sectors encompassing Special Economic<br />

Zones (SEZs), Electronics, Aerospace, Industrial Plants, Consultancy, Retail, Information Technology,<br />

Fintech, Dairy, Energy, Financial Sector, Technology, education, Healthcare, Renewable Energy,<br />

Trade and Social Sector.<br />

Pakistan‘s Honorary Consul, Dr. Pantelis Poetis, from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> region accompanied the delegation<br />

for coordination, while, Dr. Ulrich Rieger, Head of Asia and Africa from <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy,<br />

Energy and Technology led the delegation.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

148 149



OCTOBER 2018<br />

The forum was attended by a German delegation from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy and<br />

Technology German Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industries.<br />



While conversing about the climate, the BoI chairman stressed that Pakistan was open for business<br />

and called the investors to take benefit of the provided chances, especially in the extensive consumer<br />

market.<br />

Mr Sharif indicated that Pakistan was the gateway to Western China after the beginning of the China-<br />

Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and a logistics centre.<br />

Furthermore, the BoI chairman said that food, technology, dairy services and renewable energy are the<br />

major divisions that require investment.<br />

Besides investment, the BoI chairman asked for building ties and reviewing the available<br />

opportunities.<br />

Abdul Razzak Dawood—the PM Adviser on Commerce, Industries, Production, Textile and<br />

Investment while speaking on the occasion said that Pakistan was dealing well with its<br />

macroeconomic challenges.<br />

He also said that the security situation has improved also and all of this along with a friendly<br />

The Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman—Haroon Sharif on Thursday talked about strengthening the<br />

economic ties between Pakistan and Germany.<br />

While speaking at the forum of Pakistan-Germany Investment which was organized by the BoI—Mr<br />

Sharif, he said that the economic cooperation between the two nations had shown a positive trend in<br />

recent years.<br />

investment policy provides ideal opportunities for investment in Pakistan.<br />

He applauded the efforts placed by Germany to support Pakistan in getting the GSP+ status for the<br />

EU market and stressed the need to further increase exports.<br />

He asked the German delegation to search for business opportunities in their visit to the IT<br />

incubation centres where the young entrepreneurs were producing creative ideas.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

150 151



OCTOBER 2018<br />



October 26, 2018<br />



ISLAMABAD: Pakistan being becoming the logistic hub and favourable investment destination after the China-Pakistan Economic<br />

Corridor (CPEC), Islamabad on Thursday invited German companies to invest in its various sectors including renewable energy,<br />

information technology, food & dairy and services.<br />

Pakistan is the gateway to western China after the launch of CPEC and is the logistic hub. Economic partnership between<br />

Pakistan and Germany is showing positive trends in the recent years however, needs further strengthening, Minister of State/<br />

Chairman, Board of Investment Haroon Sharif said while welcoming delegation of German companies at Pakistan-Germany<br />

Investment Form held here on Thursday.<br />

A large German business delegation from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy & Technology and German Federal Chamber<br />

of Commerce & Industries participated. The delegation comprises of around 40 companies including two officials of the <strong>Bavarian</strong><br />

Ministry and one from the German chamber.<br />

KARACHI / ISLAMABAD: The economic partnership between Pakistan and Germany has shown positive trends in recent years,<br />

however, it needs to be strengthened further, said Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman Haroon Sharif.<br />

Sharif was addressing the Pakistan-Germany Investment Forum, organised by the BOI and attended by a German delegation from the<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy and Technology and the German Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industries.<br />

The delegation comprised representatives of around 40 companies, two officials of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> ministry and one from the German<br />

chamber.<br />

Talking about the investment climate, the BOI chairman pointed out that Pakistan was open for business and invited investors to take<br />

advantage of the opportunities, particularly in the large consumer market. He highlighted that Pakistan was the gateway to western<br />

China after the launch of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and was a logistics hub.<br />

Sharif cited renewable energy, information technology, food and dairy and services as the prominent sectors that required investment.<br />

In addition to the investment, the chairman called for forging partnerships and reviewing other prospects. Speaking on the occasion,<br />

PM Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industries, Production and Investment Abdul Razak Dawood emphasised that Pakistan was dealing<br />

with the macroeconomic challenges successfully. “All these advantages coupled with a friendly investment policy offer ideal opportunities<br />

for investment in Pakistan,” he said, adding the security situation in the country had improved significantly.<br />

The adviser acknowledged Germany’s unwavering support for Pakistan in securing the GSP+ status for the EU market and stressed<br />

the need for further enhancing exports. He also encouraged the German delegation to explore business opportunities during their visit<br />

to information technology incubation centres where young entrepreneurs were coming up with new ideas.<br />

The event was followed by a presentation from the BOI which highlighted the investment opportunities available in Pakistan as well as<br />

the investment regime.<br />

CPEC project director and the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reform also gave a detailed presentation on the opportunities<br />

available in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and informed the audience that the corridor was open for partnership with<br />

other economies of the world.<br />

Later, a B2B meeting with the local business community was held wherein a large number of representatives from all sectors of the<br />

economy were present for productive discussion and possible future collaboration.<br />

Published in The Express Tribune, October 26th, 2018.<br />

The German companies include sectors encompassing Special Economic Zones (SEZs), electronics, aerospace, industrial<br />

plants, consultancy, retail, information technology, fintech, dairy, energy, financial sector, technology, education, healthcare,<br />

renewable energy, trade and social sector.<br />

Pakistan’s Honorary Consul, Dr. Pantelis Poetis, from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> region accompanied the delegation for coordination, while, Dr<br />

Ulrich Rieger, Head of Asia & Africa from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy & Technology led the delegation.<br />

Haroon Sharif while speaking about the investment climate, he emphasised that Pakistan is open for business and all investors<br />

are welcome to take benefit in particular from the opportunities that lies in large consumer market where average age of 100<br />

million of Pakistan’s population is below 35.<br />

Pakistan is also the gateway to western China after the launch of CPEC and is the logistic hub. The prominent sectors in Pakistan<br />

for investment are renewable energy, information technology, food & dairy and services. In addition to the financial investments<br />

the chairman, BoI emphasised in tapping the opportunities, partnerships and other prospects.<br />

Abdur Razzak Dawood, the Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industries & Production and Investment stressed that Pakistan is<br />

dealing with macroeconomic challenges successfully. All these advantages coupled with a friendly investment policy offers ideal<br />

opportunities for investment in Pakistan and the issues also presents an opportunity.<br />

The security situation in Pakistan has significantly improved. The adviser also recognised that fact regarding Germany’s<br />

unwavering support for Pakistan for GSP+ in the EU market and urged further enhancing the exports of Pakistan as well as the<br />

German delegation to explore business opportunities during their visit to information technology incubation centers where young<br />

entrepreneurs are engaged with generating new ideas.<br />

Project Director, China Pakistan Economic Corridor, Ministry of Planning, Development & Reforms made a detailed presentation<br />

on the opportunities available in CPEC and informed that CPEC is open for partnership with other economies of the world while<br />

recognising the German strength in manufacturing and technology. Presentations were also made by Ministry of Information<br />

Technology & Telecommunication, Ministry of National Health Services & Regulations, Ministry of Industries & Production, Ministry<br />

of Energy (Petroleum Division), Ministry of Commerce, Punjab Information Technology Board, Alternate Energy Development<br />

Board and Private Power Infrastructure Board covering the opportunities as well as briefing the participants regarding the policies<br />

in the relevant sectors.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

152 153



OCTOBER 2018<br />



October 26, 2018<br />

Pakistan is the gateway to China after the launch of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and<br />

becoming the logistic hub. CPEC is widespread and had enormous golden platforms and also open for<br />

partnership with other economies of the world while recognizing the German potency in manufacturing<br />

and technology market.<br />

A large German business delegation from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy and Technology<br />

and German Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industries participated.<br />

The allocation comprises of around 40 companies including two officials of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry and one<br />

from the German chamber.<br />

The German companies include sectors encircling Special Economic Zones (SEZs), electronics,<br />

aerospace, industrial plants, consultancy, retail, information technology, fintech, dairy, energy, financial<br />

sector, technology, education, healthcare, renewable energy, trade and social sector.<br />

Pakistan is open for business and all investors are welcomed to take advantage from the opportunity that<br />

lies in large consumer market where average age of 100 million of Pakistan’s population is below 35.<br />

Pakistan is dealing with macroeconomic challenges successfully. All these advantages attached with a<br />

friendly investment policy offers ideal opportunities for investment in Pakistan.<br />

The security situation in Pakistan has significantly improved. Pakistan was a peaceful country for<br />

investment. German government would be encouraged to invest in Pakistan.<br />

Pak-German Relation ties become stronger in sustainable development by investing in the field of<br />

education, renewable energy, and the massive and leading Information Technology sector.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Social media coverage<br />

154 155



OCTOBER 2018<br />



October 26, 2018<br />

ISLAMABAD: The Board of Investment (BoI) Chairman Haroon Sharif on Thursday called<br />

for strengthening the economic cooperation between Pakistan and Germany.<br />

While speaking at the PakistanGermany Investment Forum, organized by the BoI Mr Sharif<br />

said the economic cooperation between both countries had exhibited a positive trend in<br />

recent years.<br />

The Pakistan-Germany Investment Forum was attended by a German delegation from<br />

the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economy, Energy and Technology German Federal Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industries.<br />

While talking about the investment climate, Mr Sharif highlighted Pakistan was open for<br />

business and called investors to take advantage of the chances, especially in the large<br />

consumer market.<br />

The BOI chairman pinpointed Pakistan was the gateway to Western China after the<br />

commencement of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and was a logistics hub.<br />

Moreover, Mr Sharif mentioned information technology, food and dairy and services and<br />

renewable energy as the major sectors which needed investment.<br />

Aside from the investment, the BOI chairman called for forging partnerships and reviewing<br />

other opportunities.<br />

And the PM Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industries, Production and Investment Abdul<br />

Razak Dawood while speaking stressed that Pakistan was dealing with macroeconomic<br />

challenges successfully.<br />

Mr Dawood said the security situation had improved greatly in the country and “all these<br />

advantages coupled with a friendly investment policy offer ideal opportunities for investment<br />

in Pakistan.”<br />

He appreciated Germany’s steadfast support for Pakistan in getting the GSP+ status for the<br />

EU market and emphasized the need for further boosting exports.<br />

He called the German delegation to explore business opportunities in their visit to information<br />

technology incubation centres where young entrepreneurs were generating new ideas.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

156 157



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Thursday, 25 th of October 2018<br />

17:30 Departure from Serena Hotel Islamabad to the German Embassy<br />

18:00 – 19:30 <strong>Delegation</strong> Briefing by H.E. Martin Kobler,<br />

German Ambassador for Pakistan<br />

19:30 - 22:00 Reception by H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador<br />

<strong>Bavarian</strong> Evening<br />

22:00 First pick up back to the Serena Hotel<br />

22:30 Last pick up<br />

Khurram Jameel, Managing Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers, with H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador for<br />

Pakistan<br />

158 159



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Address by H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador for Pakistan<br />

160 161



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Address by H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador for Pakistan. To his right: Major General Muhammad Khalid,<br />

Executive Director (Industries, Farms & Trade), AWT<br />

Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO, B2P GmbH, Khalid Tamton, CEO of BurraQ int´l USA, H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador<br />

for Pakistan, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary Investment Counsellor, Board of<br />

Investment, Pakistan, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s<br />

Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry, Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Schmid, Prince Luitpold of<br />

Bavaria, Managing Director, König Ludwig International GmbH & Co KG, Jahangir Beg Ahsan Mirza, CEO / Founder ETS<br />

INTERNATIONAL UG, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, accompanied by guests of the embassy<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Prince<br />

Luitpold of Bavaria, Managing Director, König Ludwig International GmbH & Co KG, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager,<br />


162 163



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Heinke Shanti Rauscher,<br />

humedica e.V.<br />

Ahsan Mehmood Baba, Politician, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP, Asif Choudhry, CEO, Vertex<br />

International, Mrs. Herzer, GIZ, Christoph Waldhauser, Owner, Waldhauser junior<br />

Shakor Ahmad Nasir, Managing Director, grandega GmbH, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary<br />

Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Marina Andresen, Managing Director, Serena’s, Pericles Poetis, Project<br />

Manager, POWERGROUP<br />

Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary Investment Counsellor, Board of Investment, Pakistan, Honorary Consul<br />

Dr. Poetis<br />

164 165



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k., Marina Andresen, Managing Director, Serena’s, Pericles Poetis, Project<br />

Manager, POWERGROUP, Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry<br />

Josef Müllner, Managing Director, e.sigma Systems GmbH, Khalid Tamton, CEO of BurraQ int´l USA,<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Josef Müllner, Managing Director, e.sigma Systems GmbH, Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director, Petal Consulting<br />

UG, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Khalid Tamton, CEO of BurraQ int´l USA<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary<br />

Investment Counsellor, Board of Investment, Pakistan<br />

166 167



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Patricia<br />

Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH<br />

Dr. Sajjad Randhawa, CEO, Randhawa Group, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH, Khan Raheel<br />

Akhtar Yousafzai, Former Chairman, Drug Court Islamabad, Christoph Waldhauser, Owner, Waldhauser junior<br />

Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V., with guests of the German Embassy<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH, H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador to Pakistan, Honorary<br />

Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

168 169



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Entire delegation at the dinner party at the German Embassy, Islamabad<br />

170 171



OCTOBER 2018<br />

A 36-member German business<br />

delegation visited Pakistan from<br />

October 22 to 26, 2018. The visit was<br />

organised by the Ministry of Economic<br />

Affairs of the Government of State of<br />

Bavaria, Germany in collaboration with<br />

the Honorary Consulate for Pakistan in<br />

Munich. The delegation was briefed by<br />

the Board of Investment about the<br />

business and investment opportunities<br />

cropped up in the wake of China-<br />

Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)<br />

and various initiatives that have been<br />

taken by the government to attract<br />

foreign investment. The delegation<br />

called on the Cief Minister of Sindh,<br />

Syed Murad Ali Shah, visited the<br />

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and<br />

Industry, Trade Development Authority<br />

of Pakistan and the Sindh Board of<br />

Investment while in Karachi. They also<br />

called on Prime Minister´s Advisor on<br />

Commerce, Textile, Industry and<br />

Production, Abdul Razaq Dawood,<br />

Federal Minister for Education and<br />

Professional Training during their stay<br />

in Islamabad. The German Ambassador<br />

in Islamabad, H.E. Mr. Martin Kobler<br />

hostet a reception in honour of the<br />

delegation which was largely attended<br />

by Pakistani businessmen and media<br />

representatives.<br />

Social media coverage<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

172 173



OCTOBER 2018<br />



Bavaria is the largest federal state of Germany, located in the southeast of the country. Today, Bavaria<br />

is one of the strongest economic regions in Europe. Munich, the <strong>Bavarian</strong> capital, is among the leading<br />

international business hubs of the world. It is the third largest city in Germany and one of the industrialized<br />

world’s growing metropolises Pakistan and Germany have a great potential to enhance their bilateral trade.<br />

Bavaria could offer a lot to Pakistani businessmen and investors to establish strong economic cooperation.<br />

German Delegates stayed in Karachi for two days where they attended Pak-German <strong>Business</strong> Conference<br />

organised by the German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Chief Minister Sindh, Syed Murad<br />

Ali Shah was the chief guest on the occasion. In his keynote address, he highlighted the investment and<br />

business opportunities available in his province for the foreign businessmen.<br />

The delegation then visited the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry where meeting with the<br />

chamber’s president, Mr. Junaid Esmail Makda followed by a presentation on “Made in Pakistan with German<br />

engineering” by Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis.<br />

October 27, 2018<br />

Islamabad - Germany has played a key role in two world wars. The pace with which Germany rebuilt<br />

itself is remarkable. Today, Germany is the largest economy of the European Union and the fourth largest<br />

economy of the world. The country also has one of the more liberal trade regimes among the industrialized<br />

countries.<br />

A high-level German businessmen delegation comprising 36 executives has arrived on a five-day visit to<br />

Pakistan.<br />

The ambassador of Germany Martin Kobler hosted a dinner in honour of the visiting delegation at his<br />

residence in the diplomatic enclave of Islamabad. The event was attended by leading businessmen from<br />

all over Pakistan.<br />

This visit was organised by the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs in collaboration with the Consulate of<br />

Pakistan in Munich with active support from the Pakistan Embassy in Berlin. Leader of German delegation<br />

and Senior Ministerial Consul from <strong>Bavarian</strong> State’s Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. Ulrich Konstantin<br />

Rieger was the head of the delegation while Honorary Consul for Pakistan in Munich, Dr. Pantelis Christian<br />

Poetis, also accompanied by the delegation. It is probably the first official <strong>Bavarian</strong> delegation after 20 years<br />

in Pakistan.<br />

An interactive session between Pakistani businessmen and German Delegates was also held on the<br />

occasion. <strong>Business</strong>men from various sectors including IT and telecommunication, health, industries &<br />

production, energy, food security & research discussed matters of greater prospects of trade and investment<br />

between the two countries.<br />

Mr. Ul rich Konstantin Rieger gave a briefing about the Bavaria State and its pivotal role in the German<br />

economy. A round-table business discussion between the visiting delegation and The Trade Development<br />

Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) was also organized. During their stay in the federal capital, the delegation<br />

met Prime Minister’s Advisor on Commerce Mr Abdur Razzaq Dawood.B2B meetings with Pakistani<br />

businessmen and industrialists had also been organized with the active cooperation of the Islamabad<br />

Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the dinner by the German ambassador Martin Kobler also provided<br />

chance to interact more with them.<br />

Martin Kobler is a different ambassador. He is attached to Pakistani social fabric and treats himself like a<br />

responsible citizen of Pakistan and frequently shares his love for Pakistan on social media.<br />

He has been to different parts of the country where he has mingled with locals, visited local eateries,<br />

interacted with food vendors and travelled to cities through train. He is working hard to restore direct air<br />

links between Pakistan and Germany, which is direly needed, but international Security Agency is not taking<br />

concrete steps in this regard.<br />

He welcomed all the guests and gave a briefing about German delegates’ visit and said that the delegates<br />

now have a very different approach about Pakistan and their confidence in the Pakistan is much greater. He<br />

said the perception about Pakistan does not change overnight and requires dedication, commitment and the<br />

level of desire to boost relationships between two countries.<br />

He said that this delegation is the first largest delegation, which is a sign of growing confidence of Germany<br />

and European companies in Pakistan. He further added that delegation came at right time as this is the time<br />

of “Naya Pakistan”. He hoped that new government would invest in education, institution building, and give<br />

entrepreneurs space to invest in CPEC and major economic zone and also the bank of Bavaria.<br />

Ulrich Konstantin made a short speech in which he applauded all businessman and women for providing so<br />

many ideas of cooperation. He also acknowledged the ambassador for his support. Dr. Pantelis Christian<br />

Poetis hoped that this visit will promote both countries trade links.<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

Press coverage of the events<br />

174 175



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Friday, 26 th of October 2018<br />

06:45 – 07:25 Departure from Serena Hotel to Islamabad International<br />

Airport by bus<br />

09:20 – 11:40 Flight departure Islamabad – Arrival Dubai<br />

Flight Number: EK 613<br />

Duration: 3 h 20 min<br />

16:30 - 20:50 Flight departure Dubai – Arrival Munich<br />

Flight Number: EK 051<br />

_____________________________________________________<br />

10:00 Call on H.E. Shafqat Mahmood, Federal Minister for<br />

Education & Professional Training<br />

12:00 Leaving Serena Hotel to Gujranwala by three Jeeps<br />

Shafqat Mahmood, Federal Minister, Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training and National History &<br />

Literary Heritage Division, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

176 177



OCTOBER 2018<br />

<strong>Delegation</strong> visiting H.E. Shafqat Mahmood, Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training, National History and Literary Heritage (fourth from left)<br />

178 179



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Friday, 26 th of October 2018<br />

16:00 Meeting with Dr. Shoaib Warriach,<br />

Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala<br />

20:30 Arrival at Pearl Continental Hotel<br />

Dr. Shoaib Warriach, Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala<br />

180 181



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Group picture with Dr Shoaib Warriach, Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala, Waqar Shoaib, Senior Superintendent Police Gujranwala, and Hashim Mehmood, In-Charge Special Branch, District Gujranwala<br />

182 183



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V., Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest , Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann,<br />

Lecturer/Publicist<br />

Hashim Mehmood, In-Charge Special Branch, District Gujranwala, Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s,<br />

Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Choudhary Khalid Tanda, DSP, Punjab Police, Honorary Consul<br />

Dr. Poetis, Ahsan Mehmood Baba, Politician, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH<br />

Hashim Mehmood, In-Charge Special Branch, District Gujranwala, Waqar Shoaib, Senior Superintendent Police<br />

Gujranwala SSP, Punjab Police, Dr. Shoaib Warriach, Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Dr. Shoaib<br />

Warriach, Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Ahsan<br />

Mehmood Baba, Politician, Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH<br />

184 185



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Murad Mehmood and his brothers<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V., Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund<br />

Equity Invest and Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k.<br />

Murad Mehmood with his brothers and nephews<br />

186 187



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Social media coverage<br />

Social media coverage<br />

Social media coverage<br />

Social media coverage<br />

188 189



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Saturday, 27 th of October 2018<br />

10:00 Visit to the National Incubation Center at<br />

Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS),<br />

hosted by Faisal Sherjan<br />

Start-up "Trash Masti" with Faisal Sherjan, Director Operations, National Incubation Center Lahore<br />

190<br />




OCTOBER 2018<br />

Group picture at the National Incubation Center at Lahore University of Management Sciences<br />

192 193



OCTOBER 2018<br />

#inspirational<br />

Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k., Dr. Sarah Qureshi, CEO, Aero Engine Craft, Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann,<br />

Lecturer/Publicist, and Shabana Jamshaid, founder Fine Traders<br />

Start-up "Trash Masti" explaining their projects at the National Incubation Center<br />

Founder of Start-up "Fine Traders" Shabana Jamshaid with the delegates<br />

194 195



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Founders of the Start-up "Home Innovation"<br />

Start-up "Trash Masti" explaining their projects<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Faisal Sherjan, Director Operations, National Incubation Center Lahore<br />

Asif Chaudhry, Digital Marketing Expert, National Incubation Center, taking selfie with delegation members<br />

196 197



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Social media coverage<br />

Social media coverage<br />

198 199



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Saturday, 27 th of October 2018<br />

13:00 Meeting at METRO HQ Lahore hosted by Pervaiz Akhtar<br />

and Marek Minikiewicz<br />

The delegation visiting Metro by invitation of Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib<br />

Cash & Carry<br />

200 201



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Metro Headquarters in Lahore<br />

202 203



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH<br />

204 205



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Saturday, 27 th of October 2018<br />

18:00 Call on Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar,<br />

Governor of Punjab<br />

Konstantin Ulrich Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, receiving a kind present form Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar,<br />

Governor Punjab<br />

206 207



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Call on Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, Governor of Punjab<br />

208 209



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Impressive interior design at the Governor House<br />

Exotic decoration from Pakistan’s colonial past<br />

Governor House Punjab<br />

210 211



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Muhammad Akhtar Malik, Minister of Energy for the Punjab,<br />

and Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong><br />

Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V., Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Main Qamar uz Zaman, Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Dina Treu, Owner,<br />

dt communication e.k.<br />

Pericles Poetis, Project Manager, POWERGROUP GmbH, and<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

212 213



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k., Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life<br />

Fund Equity Invest, Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V.<br />

Muhammad Akhtar Malik, Minister of Energy for the Punjab, Jahangir Beg Ahsan Mirza, CEO/Founder,<br />

ETS INTERNATIONAL UG, Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO, B2P GmbH, Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, S. Mohsin Raza,<br />

Managing Director, VPS Vertriebspartnerservice GmbH<br />

Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis, Muhammad Akhtar Malik, Minister of Energy for the Punjab, Ahsan Mehmood Baba, Politician<br />

214 215



OCTOBER 2018<br />

<strong>Delegation</strong> meeting with Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, Governor of Punjab<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Delegation</strong>s, Qasim Mahmood, Solicitor Higher Courts of England and Wales,<br />

Director Dawn Solicitors London, Shahbaz Bara, CEO, Sara Construction, Faisal Hayat Jabboana, Advisor to the Chief<br />

Minister of Punjab for Livestock and Dairy Development, Ahsan Mehmood Baba, Politician<br />

Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry, Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k.,<br />

Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V., Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, Governor of Punjab<br />

216 217



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Saturday, 27 th of October 2018<br />

19:30 Visit to the Walled City of Lahore:<br />

• Huzoori Bagh<br />

• Badshahi Mosque<br />

• Lahore Fort<br />

• Sheesh Mahal<br />

• Largest Picture Wall<br />

• Summer Palace<br />

22:00 Dinner at Haveli Restaurant Lahore<br />

Entering the Lahore Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, through the impressive Alamgiri Gate<br />

218 219



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest with Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist<br />

The Badshahi Mosque, constructed in 1671-1673, is the largest and most recent of the grand imperial mosques of the<br />

Mughal-era, and is the second-largest mosque in Pakistan.<br />

220 221



OCTOBER 2018<br />

View over the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore. The mosque is located west of Lahore Fort along the outskirts of the Walled City<br />

of Lahore and is widely considered to become of the city’s most iconic landmark.<br />

Moonlight over the Lahore Fort<br />

Entrance of the Badshahi Mosque. The mosque was built to commemorate military campaigns against the Maratha king<br />

Chhatrapati Shivaji, although construction of the mosque exhausted the Mughal treasury and weakened the Mughal<br />

state.<br />

222 223



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Riding an traditional Tuk Tuk through the streets of Lahore<br />

... and maybe participating in a race Many vehicles in Pakistan are hightly customized by the owners<br />

224 225



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Shahi Qila (Royal Fort) is a citadel in Lahore. The fort’s present structure dates back to its occupation by Mughal<br />

Emperor Akbar in 1575.<br />

Meeting a celebrity of "Lollywood", Pakistan’s film industry based in Lahore.<br />

Musicians reviving the times of the Mughal Empire<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest, Dina Treu, Owner,<br />

dt communication e.k.<br />

226 227



OCTOBER 2018<br />

The Sheesh Mahal (“Palace of Mirrors”) was constructed under the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1631-32. The ornate white marble pavilion is inlaid with pietra dura and complex mirror-work of the finest quality.<br />

228 229



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Kathak Dance Performance at Sheesh Mahal. The origin of Kathak is traditionally attributed to the traveling bards of<br />

ancient times known as Kathakars or storytellers.<br />

Enjoying Sandal Sharbat, a traditional juice prepared from sandel wood<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Dina Treu, Owner, dt communication e.k., Heinke Shanti Rauscher,<br />

humedica e.V.<br />

Mr. Rieger, Head of <strong>Delegation</strong>, Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry, Honorary Consul<br />

Dr. Poetis, Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest<br />

230 231



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Guards in front of the Sheesh Mahal in traditional costumes<br />

Fort Road Food Street was reconstructed and opened in 2012 as a tourist attraction, by offering Lahori cuisine and views<br />

of Badshahi Mosque.<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

Entrance of the Restaurant Haveli<br />

Restaurant Haveli<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

Enjoying the last evening with traditional music<br />

Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry, Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V.,<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/Publicist, Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity Invest<br />

View over Lahore from the Rooftop-Restaurant Haveli<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

Hundreds of contacts and dozens of projects<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />


Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, Governor of Punjab<br />

Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh<br />

Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, 66, has been the Governor of Punjab since September 2018. He was a former<br />

Pakistani senator and former British Member of Parliament. Previously he also served as the Governor of<br />

Punjab, from 2 August 2013 until his resignation on 29 January 2015.<br />

Born in Faisalabad, Sarwar moved to Scotland in the early-1970s where he emerged as a successful<br />

businessman operating a chain of cash and carry stores. Sarwar served as Labour Member of Parliament for<br />

Glasgow Central from 1997-2010 and retired from UK politics in 2010. During his tenure at Westminster,<br />

Sarwar served on the Scottish Affairs Select Committee. He holds the status as the first Muslim to sit in the<br />

British parliament.<br />

Murad Ali Shah, 54, is a graduate of the Stanford University from where he received MSc degrees in economic<br />

systems and civil structure engineering. In 1986, he gained a Civil Engineering degree from the Nadirshaw<br />

Eduljee Dinshaw (NED) University of Engineering and Technology. From 1986 till 1990 he served as an<br />

engineer at WAPDA, Port Qasim Authority and the Hyderabad Development Authority before joining the<br />

Citi Bank. He also worked at the Gulf Investment Corporation in Kuwait.<br />

Shah was elected to the Sindh Assembly in the 2002 elections. He was again elected to the provincial<br />

assembly in the 2008, 2013 and 2018 elections. He served as Minister for Irrigation (Sindh) and<br />

Finance Minister of Sindh before elevation to the Chief Minister of Sindh in 2016.<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />


Shafqat Mahmood, Federal Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training,<br />

Federal Minister for National History and Literary Heritage<br />

Aamer Mehmood Kiani, Federal Minister for National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination, Pakistan<br />

Shafqat Mahmood, 68, is the current Federal Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, and<br />

Federal Minister for National History and Literary Heritage, in office since 20 August 2018. He has been a<br />

member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since August 2013.<br />

Mr. Aamer Mehmood Kiani, the Federal Minister for National Health Services, was a founding member of<br />

Tehreek-e-Insaf, Prime Minister Imran Kahn’s ruling political party. He has held a range of important posts<br />

within the party since its founding in 1996. Minister Kiani, a law school graduate, has wide ranging business<br />

experience in the energy and IT sectors. He stems from a prominent Punjabi family.<br />

He completed his master’s degree in Public Administration at Harvard University Cambridge, United States<br />

of America, in 1981. He also holds a master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration from the University<br />

of Southern California which he completed in 1987. He has served the civil service of Pakistan for about 12<br />

years. He served as assistant commissioner in Murree and Pakpattan from 1978, after which he was posted<br />

as a provincial deputy secretary in Lahore till 1980. He also served as deputy commissioner in Gujranwala<br />

and DG Khan and also as additional commissioner Afghan Refugees Organisation for quite some time in<br />

1985. He was additional secretary finance in Punjab during 1988-89 and later served as joint secretary PM’s<br />

Secretariat from 1989 to 1990.<br />

Previously, he was member of the Senate of Pakistan from March 1994 to March 2000. He served as Federal<br />

Minister for Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Environment, Urban Affair, Forestry and<br />

Wildlife, and Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in the federal cabinet of Prime Minister<br />

Malik Meraj Khalid from November 1996 to February 1997.<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />


Abdul Razak Dawood, Adviser on Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production and Investment<br />

Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, Minister for Energy Government of Sindh<br />

Abdul Razak Dawood is a federal minister who advises the Pakistani Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile,<br />

Industries, Production and Investment. He was the Founder of the Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council, Lahore<br />

University of Management Sciences and Descon Engineering Ltd.<br />

He graduated in Mining Engineering from Newcastle University UK and in 1968 obtained his master’s degree<br />

in business administration from Columbia University, NYC, USA. He started his career in the family textile<br />

business in 1968 and was then transferred to Dawood Hercules Chemical Limited and was that company’s<br />

Managing Director from 1973 till 1981. He previously was the Federal Minister for Commerce, Industries &<br />

Production and also is a former Director of the State Bank of Pakistan.<br />

Mr. Dawood has been deeply involved in education for many years. His interest in education started when<br />

he became a visiting faculty member at the newly established MBA Programme at the University of Punjab.<br />

He taught from 1975 till 1981. His interest increased when he became one the founders of Lahore University<br />

of Management Sciences (LUMS) and has been the Rector of the University from its inception. Currently he<br />

is Chairman of the Managing Committee of the University. He recently joined the Board of Namal College to<br />

become an affiliate college of University of Bradford, UK and has taken up the challenge of creating a centre<br />

of excellence in a very backward area of Pakistan.<br />

Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh, 62, is the current Provincial Minister of Sindh for Energy, in office since<br />

5 September 2018. He has been a member of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh since August 2018. Previously<br />

he was a Member of the Sindh Assembly from May 2013 to May 2018. Additional previous posts include Special<br />

Assistant to the Pakistani Prime Minister (2013-2016) and Adviser to the Sindh Minister of Education (2011-<br />

2012).<br />

Mr. Shaikh completed the civil services Central Superior Services training in 1983. He is a civil engineer<br />

with a degree from the Sindh University and completed the Advanced Management training programme of<br />

Pittsburgh University in 1987. He participated in many seminars and conferences including the prestigious<br />

Parliamentarian Leadership Seminar at Johns Hopkins University in the USA.<br />

Mr. Dawood became a trustee of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital at its inception and remained with the<br />

hospital for 10 years. He was one of the founders and first Chairman of the Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council, a new<br />

forum on economic policies.<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />


Dr. Muhammad Akhtar Malik, Minister of Energy for the Punjab<br />

Faisal Hayat Jabboana, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Punjab for Livestock<br />

Dr. med. Muhammad Akhtar Malik, 52, concluded his studies in 1992 from Baha-ud-Din-Zakariya University,<br />

Multan. He served as Member, District Council Multan, during 1998-99 and as Nazim, Union Council, during<br />

2001-02. A medical practitioner, who has been elected as Member, Provincial Assembly of the Punjab in general<br />

elections 2008. He remained Parliamentary Secretary for Finance from 31 January 2009 to 26 February 2011<br />

and remained Member of the Provincial Assembly till 2013.<br />

Faisal Hayat Jabboana, 44, is a member of the Punjab provincial assembly and advisor to the Chief Minister<br />

of the Punjab on Livestock & Dairy Development. He was also member of the Punjab assembly from 2002 to<br />

2007 and served as Chairman of the Standing Committee on Culture and Youth Affairs.<br />

He is a graduate of the Forman Christian College in Lahore in 1999 and has a post-graduate degree from the<br />

National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.<br />

His father was Member of the Punjab Assembly from 1990-93 and 1997-99 as well as being a Parliamentary<br />

Secretary from 1997-99.<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />


Qazi Sajid Ali, President of the German<br />

Pakistan Chamber of Commerce &<br />

Industry<br />

Nadeem Kazmi, Senior Vice President<br />

of the German Pakistan Chamber of<br />

Commerce & Industry<br />

Danesh Dinshaw, Secretary General of the<br />

German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce<br />

& Industry<br />

Imran Atta Soomro, Director General,<br />

Sindh Board of Investment<br />

Abrar Ahmed Shaikh, Director, Sindh<br />

Board of Investment<br />

Dr Shoaib Warriach,<br />

Deputy Commissioner, Gujranwala<br />

Kalim Farooqui, Managing Director,<br />

Technology Links LTD.<br />

Sohail Yasin Suleman, CEO,<br />

World Wide Group<br />

Junaid Esmail Makda, President of the<br />

Karachi Chamber of Chamber of<br />

Commerce & Industry<br />

Syed Rafeo Bashir Shah, Director General,<br />

The Trade Development Authority of<br />

Pakistan<br />

Dr. Muhammad Usman, Director General,<br />

The Trade Development Authority of<br />

Pakistan<br />

Waqar Shoaib,<br />

Senior Superintendent Police Gujranwala<br />

S.M.H Rizvi, Secretary General, Karachi<br />

Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

Mian Abrar Ahmad, Chief Executive,<br />

Ahmad Group (Pvt) Ltd, Former President<br />

Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry<br />

Ehsan A. Malik, Chief Executive,<br />

The Pakistan <strong>Business</strong> Council<br />

Haroon Sharif, Chairman,<br />

Board of Investment<br />

Muhammad Saleem Ahmad Ranjha, Executive<br />

Director General, Board of Investment<br />

Dr. Assad Hafeez, Director General,<br />

Ministry for National Health Services,<br />

Regulation & Coordination, Pakistan<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />


<strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs,<br />

Regional Development and Energy<br />

H.E. Martin Kobler, German Ambassador for Pakistan,<br />

German Embassy, Islamabad<br />

Dr. Martin Herzer, First Secretary - Political & Economic,<br />

Head of Economic Section, German Embassy, Islamabad<br />

Publisher:<br />

Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg<br />

Copyright: Honorary Consul Dr. Poetis<br />

Design concept: Patricia Poetis<br />

Picture credits:<br />

Siemens Healthineers Pakistan, Photographer: Johan Nicholas and Muhammad Ahsan,<br />

German Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Karachi,Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jahangir Beg<br />

Ahsan Mirza, Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, Pervaiz Akhtar, Heinke Shanti Rauscher, Sikander Mir-Kohler, Shakor Ahmad<br />

Nasir, Philipp Andree, Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg<br />

Despite thorough research and the use of reliable sources, we cannot accept responsibility or liability for the completeness<br />

or accuracy of this publication’s contents.<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

Use of the copyrighted publication or of any of the contributions and illustrations it contains, in particular through<br />

duplication or dissemination, is not permitted without prior consent in writing from the publisher and shall lead to<br />

prosecution unless such is excluded by copyright laws.<br />

In particular, storage or processing in data systems is not permitted without prior consent.<br />

Letters to the editor:<br />

info@pakistan-bayern.net<br />

Honorary Consulate of the Islamic Republic<br />

of Pakistan for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg<br />

Habenschadenstraße 13<br />

82049 Pullach<br />

www.pakistan-bayern.net<br />

Tel +49 89 759 005 57<br />

German Consul General Eugen Wollfarth, Karachi<br />

Ingolf Vogel, Consular Attaché, Economic and Cultural<br />

Affairs, German Consulate , Karachi<br />

Published in Munich, Germany, December 2018<br />

250 251



OCTOBER 2018<br />


Ulrich Konstantin Rieger, <strong>Bavarian</strong><br />

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional<br />

Development and Energy<br />

Martina Maschauer, Managing Director,<br />

Bayern International<br />

Dr. Pantelis Christian Poetis, Honorary<br />

Consul of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan<br />

for Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg<br />

Abdul Hadi Shah, Managing Director,<br />

ILF Beratende Ingenieure GmbH<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann, Lecturer/<br />

Publicist<br />

Khurram Jameel, Managing<br />

Director & CEO, Siemens Healthineers<br />

Pervaiz Akhtar, Director Corporate<br />

Affairs, Metro-Habib Cash & Carry<br />

Philipp Andree, Association of German<br />

Chambers of Commerce and Industry<br />

Arshad Mughal, General Manager,<br />

Avianet GmbH<br />

Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood, CEO, B2P GmbH<br />

Sikander Mir-Kohler, Former Honorary<br />

Investment Counsellor, Board of<br />

Investment, Pakistan<br />

Jahangir Beg Ahsan Mirza, CEO/Founder,<br />


Walter Englbrecht, Export Manager Asia,<br />

Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH &<br />

Co. KG<br />

Dr. Olaf Fleck, CEO, SUNSET<br />

Energietechnik GmbH<br />

Dr. Klaus Peter Follak, Managing Director,<br />

Petal Consulting UG<br />

Josef Müllner, Managing Director, e.sigma<br />

Systems GmbH<br />

Imre Ghani, Managing Director,<br />

MAN Energy Solutions<br />

Patricia Poetis, CEO, Life Fund Equity<br />

Invest<br />

252 253



OCTOBER 2018<br />



Pericles Poetis, Project Manager,<br />


Prince Luitpold of Bavaria, Managing<br />

Director, König Ludwig International<br />

GmbH & Co KG<br />

Heinke Shanti Rauscher, humedica e.V.<br />

Judith Gampe, CEO, Nova Products GmbH<br />

Marina Andresen, Managing Director Serena‘s<br />

S. Mohsin Raza, Managing Director,<br />

VPS Vertriebspartnerservice GmbH<br />

Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Schmidt, Managing<br />

Director, InterMedia Gesellschaft<br />

Dina Treu, Owner,<br />

dt communication e.k.<br />

Haris Ali, Managing Director,<br />

Rohde & Schwarz International GmbH<br />

Murad Mehmood, Manager of <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>Delegation</strong>s, Honorary Consulate of the<br />

Islamic Republic of Pakistan<br />

Helmut von Struve, Managing Director,<br />

Siemens SE<br />

Shakor Ahmad Nasir, Managing Director, grandega<br />

GmbH<br />

Christoph Waldhauser, Owner, Waldhauser junior<br />

254 255


TO<br />



OCTOBER 2018<br />

Ich bedanke mich von Herzen für die überragende Organisation. Es hat mir mit euch allen<br />

sehr viel Spaß gemacht!<br />

Shakor Ahmad Nasir<br />

Auch von mir ein herzliches Dankeschön an die Organisatoren der Reise. Die vielen interessanten<br />

Menschen und Eindrücke werden lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Es war großartig mit<br />

euch/Ihnen Pakistan kennenzulernen.<br />

Heinke Rauscher<br />

Good Morning. Dear fellows, it was a great time we had together and the credit goes to Mr<br />

Poetis and Perry. I wish you best of luck and may you all succeed in your careers.<br />

Everybody stay in touch<br />

Regards<br />

Raza Syed Mohsin<br />

Dear All,<br />

I take this opportunity to congratulate everyone for organising and participating in a successful and a wholesome<br />

Bussiness <strong>Delegation</strong>, particularly Mr. Rieger, Dr. Poetis, Mr. Murad and of course Qazi Sajid Ali. I<br />

know what a huge effort it took to make this so great and achieve the intended purpose. Besides business we<br />

had so much fun from the beginning till the end. It was like being with old friends, even though we had all<br />

just met. What a wonderful experience! We missed those of you who could not join at Lahore! It was a very<br />

eventful and fun filled trip to Lahore and I captured a few moments which I share in following messages. I<br />

wish you all a safe return journey and do stay in touch! Best regards, Perrvaiz Akhtar<br />

Dear everybody, I had a great time with all of you. It was such an adventure. I am looking forward<br />

to continue our relationships beyond the delegation. My special thanks to everybody<br />

who was part of the organization team, it was really eceptional. See you soon! Best, Judith<br />

Judith Gampe<br />

Likewise, many thanks from my side for wonderfully organizing that visit. I also agree and<br />

believe in fostering those relations we have developed during the trip, and am on-board for<br />

the arrangements of final delegation dinner together.<br />

Arshad Mughal<br />

Herzliche Grüße aus Dubai - auf der Rückreise von einer einfach wunderbaren <strong>Delegation</strong>sreise.<br />

Mein unendlicher Dank dem Organisationsteam. Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen<br />

zum Themen und Erinnerungen austauschen in München. Safe travels<br />

Dr. Alexandra von Ilsemann<br />

Dear all,<br />

a very warm thank you to Dr. Poetis and his family, to Mr. Rieger and the delegation team for making this<br />

event a great success. The hospitality in Pakistan was overwhelming. I can only wish this country many<br />

more official and private visitors to revise its image in Germany. I think every member of the delegation will<br />

join me in hoping that the friendly relationship between Pakistan and Bavaria will be intensified by as many<br />

follow-ups and return visits as possible. Apart from that, it was a great pleasure to meet like-minded fellow<br />

delegates. I very much hope that all these relationships can be continued. Best, Peter<br />

Dr. Klaus Peter Follak<br />

Liebe Mitreisende, heimgekehrt mit vielen neuen Eindrücken danke Ulrich Rieger, der verehrten<br />

Familie Dr. Poetis für eine ausgezeichnete Organisation und Kontakte zu vielen wichtigen<br />

wirtschaftlichen und politischen Entscheidern in Pakistan, eine gute Basis für weitere<br />

Aktivitäten in diesem gastfreundlichen Land.<br />

Dank, herzliche Grüße an das ganze <strong>Delegation</strong>steam<br />

Walter Schmidt<br />

Many and sincere thanks also from my side to the Poetis family, Mr. Murad and Mr. Rieger<br />

for the organisation of this amazing journey, its many insights, opportunities. It was wonderful<br />

meeting all of you and sharing the experience. Looking forward to being in touch and<br />

meeting soon again!<br />

Dina Treu<br />

Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Poetis, vielen herzlichen Dank für die hervorragende Organisation<br />

der <strong>Delegation</strong>sreise nach Pakistan. Mein Dank gilt dabei auch Ihrer verehrten Frau, Ihrem<br />

Sohn sowie Herrn Murad. Ich konnte auf der Reise viele nützliche Kontakte knüpfen und<br />

würde Sie bitten, mich wissen zu lassen, wenn Sie eine Nachfolgeveranstaltung planen, daran<br />

würde ich gerne teilnehmen.<br />

Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter Schmid<br />

Liebe Mitglieder der <strong>Delegation</strong>, ein großes Kompliment an die Poetis Familie, das Team<br />

und Herrn Rieger für eine großartige Organisation. Unsere Botschaft ist bestimmt ganz gut<br />

für eine bilaterale Geschäftskoopertion vermittelt worden. Alle Firmen haben jeweils ihren<br />

Beitrag geleistet. Wir sollten alle miteinander in Kontakt bleiben und ein Follow-up nicht<br />

vergessen. Wünsche allen einen guten Flug.<br />

Herzlichen Dank und mit vielen Grüßen.<br />

Dr. Dr. Talat Mahmood<br />

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OCTOBER 2018<br />

258<br />


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