Art Dealer

Art dealers often study the history of art before entering on their careers. Related careers that often cross-over include curators of museums and art auction firms are industry-related careers. Gallery owners who do not succeed may seek to work for more successful galleries. Others pursue careers as art critics, academics, curators of museums or auction houses, or practicing artists.

Art dealers often study the history of art before entering on their careers. Related careers that often cross-over include curators of museums and art auction firms are industry-related careers. Gallery owners who do not succeed may seek to work for more successful galleries. Others pursue careers as art critics, academics, curators of museums or auction houses, or practicing artists.


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Gagosian (born 1945)<br />

Larry<br />

of the multimillion-dollar Gagosian Gallery group.<br />

Head<br />

Glimcher (born 1938)<br />

Arne<br />

is the founder of The Pace Gallery and is widely known as one of the art world's most powerful dealers. The Pace<br />

Glimcher<br />

represents contemporary artists including Chuck Close, Tara Donovan, David Hockney, Maya Lin and Kiki Smith. It also<br />

Gallery<br />

the estates of several artists, including Pablo Picasso, Agnes Martin, Ad Reinhardt, and Alexander Calder.[8] During<br />

represents<br />

career he has worked closely with important artists including Jean Dubuffet, Robert Rauschenberg, Louise Nevelson,<br />

his<br />

Lucas Samaras. In 2007, Glimcher received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Massachusetts College of <strong>Art</strong> and<br />

and<br />

Halpert (1900–1970)<br />

Edith<br />

was born in 1900 in Odessa, arrived in the U.S. as a penniless Russian Jewish immigrant and grew to become a<br />

Halpert<br />

New York City art dealer, transforming the landscape of Modern art. Over her forty-year career from 1926 through<br />

pioneering<br />

1960s, Halpert brought recognition and market success to many avant-garde American artists. Her establishment The<br />

the<br />

Gallery, one of the first in Greenwich Village, introduced and showcased many modern art luminaries. Halpert died<br />

Downtown<br />

age 70 a multimillionaire, with Sotheby's crediting her with having put modernist painting auctions on the map. Its<br />

at<br />

Perls<br />

Klaus<br />

(1912–2008) was born and raised in Berlin. He studied art history in Munich, but was forced to finish his education in<br />

Perls<br />

Switzerland, as the Nazis were no longer allowing degrees for Jews. He ran Perls Galleries for over 60 years. His gallery<br />

Basel,<br />

with contemporary American artists, modern works from the School of Paris and Mexican and South American art. Perls<br />

dealt<br />

developed an interest in art from Benin and built a sizable collection. He was not only an art dealer, but also a donor as he<br />

also<br />

many significant works of art to the Metropolitan Museum of <strong>Art</strong>. He died June 2, 2008 in Mount Kisco, N.Y. at age<br />

contributed<br />

Hopkins Struever<br />

Martha<br />

was born in 1931 in Milan, Indiana. She attended the Tobé-Coburn School For Fashion Careers in New York City, after<br />

Struever<br />

her Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University in Lafayette, Indiana in 1953. She began collecting and<br />

obtaining<br />

in American Indian art in 1971, and is regarded as a leading scholar on historic and contemporary Pueblo<br />

dealing<br />

pottery and Pueblo and Navajo Indian jewelry. She has authored books on Charles Loloma, the foremost American<br />

Indian<br />

jeweler, and Dextra Quotskuyva, the pre-eminent contemporary Hopi potter, as well as exhibition catalogues<br />

Indian<br />

Seligmann<br />

Jacques<br />

Seligmann (1858–1923) moved to Paris in 1874 where he set up an antiquarian business in 1880. Benefiting from<br />

German-born<br />

interest of clients such as Edmond de Rothschild, he moved to the Place Vendôme in 1900 and in 1904 opened an office in<br />

the<br />

York. In 1909, he acquired the Hôtel de Monaco in Paris where he was able to impress his more important clients such as<br />

New<br />

Russian Stroganoff family and the high-flying British politician Sir Philip Sassoon. In New York, he developed interest in<br />

the<br />

art attracting collectors such as Benjamin Altman, William Randolph Hearst and J. P. Morgan. On his death, his<br />

European<br />

Weber (1932-2008)<br />

John<br />

was born in 1932 in Los Angeles. He was a radio corpsman in the Navy during the Korean War before receiving a<br />

Weber<br />

degree from Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio in 1958. As a contemporary art dealer, Weber was ahead of his<br />

bachelor's<br />

as he was one of the early promotors of Conceptual <strong>Art</strong>, Post-Minimalist sculpture and Italian <strong>Art</strong>e Povera. He was the<br />

time<br />

of several galleries throughout his career and helped organize shows that featured big names such as Robert<br />

director<br />

Richard Long and Andy Warhol. Weber died May 23, 2008 in Hudson, N.Y. at age 75.<br />

Indiana,<br />

Design.<br />

posthumous sale of her collection went for million in 1973.<br />

96.[9]<br />

on Hopi potter Iris Nampeyo and other Hopi art, and has guest curated museum shows in several cities.[10]<br />

son Germain Seligman continued to run Jacques Seligmann & Company.

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