Yes Philippines NewsMagazine UK Edition - Issue 1

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ISSUE 1<br />

7<br />

Continued from page 6...<br />

of four culinary t radit ions ? Spanish,<br />

Am erican, Malay and Chinese, and a real<br />

fusion of flavours from t he East and West .<br />

And she?s earnest in m aking it know n and<br />

savoured by t he w orld.<br />

Great ness in t he Making<br />

It has been non-st op w ork at Rom ulo Café<br />

since day one. The challenges have been<br />

huge and dem anding. How t o not only<br />

int roduce but fam iliarise diners w it h<br />

Filipino food; how t o com pet e in such a<br />

crow ded, noisy and high-st andard<br />

culinary locat ion, and even how t o<br />

persuade Filipinos in London t hat Rom ulo<br />

Café offers a viable alt ernat ive t o Pinoy<br />

hom e-cooking or Mam a?s cooking.<br />

Row ena st rat egised and soon<br />

w it nessed hist ory in t he m aking.<br />

?Filipino food has been t he ?quiet<br />

m an (or w om an!)?of gast ronom y for<br />

t he longest t im e. But w e t ried t o<br />

explain our food on our m enus as<br />

sim ply and clearly as possible, and<br />

w e did not hesit at e t o prom ot e, via<br />

social m edia and ot her m edia<br />

?We have t o m ake<br />

sure w e are<br />

com pet it ive ? in<br />

every w ay, versus<br />

est ablishm ent s in<br />

our st yle and price<br />

bracket .?<br />

channels as<br />

w ell as<br />

exhibit ions<br />

and food fest ivals, t he<br />

fact t hat w e exist ed as<br />

purveyors of ?a t ast e of<br />

t he <strong>Philippines</strong> in t he<br />

heart of Kensingt on?.?<br />

Today her chefs ensure<br />

t hat t hey keep her grandm ot her, Lola Virginia?s<br />

recipes alive by overseeing t he consist ency and<br />

qualit y of t he food seven days a w eek, bearing in<br />

m ind t hat m any no longer consider eat ing out as<br />

a t reat but a lifest yle.<br />

?We have never claim ed t hat our food is t he<br />

definit ive t his or t hat dish; rat her, it is t he fam ily<br />

rendit ion of Filipino favourit es or, ever so oft en,<br />

our innovat ive t w ist on dishes using<br />

Filipino ingredient s and cooking st yles,?<br />

said Row ena. Rom ulo Café?s kit chen t eam<br />

is quit e pleased t o have been able t o<br />

convince a num ber of people t hat fine<br />

w ine goes w ell w it h fine Filipino food, and<br />

m any of t heir Philippine-inspired<br />

cockt ails have t aken off.<br />

?We have t o m ake sure w e are<br />

com pet it ive ? in every w ay, versus<br />

est ablishm ent s in our st yle and price<br />

bracket ,? she added.<br />

Row ena cert ainly had high hopes, but she<br />

herself could not believe t he t urnout .<br />

Rom ulo Café has becom e a head-t urner,<br />

creat ing not just a buzz but a resounding<br />

bang. That sam e year it opened, Rom ulo<br />

Café w on t he 2016 Tim e Out ?Best Loved<br />

Rest aurant in Kensingt on?. It also received a<br />

5-st ar and ot her t op rat ings from t rend-set t ing<br />

lifest yle/ food bibles like Tim e Out , Hardens, and<br />

Square Meal.<br />

And w hile t hose are already m ilest ones, t he<br />

inclusion of Rom ulo Café in t he prest igious<br />

The popular Rom ulo Cafe Pandesal<br />

Row ena and Chris w it h Execut ive<br />

Chef Jerem y villanueva<br />

TATLER<br />

Rest aurant Guide in 2018, t he A-list of t op<br />

rest aurant s in London and t he <strong>UK</strong>, is one of t he<br />

forem ost achievem ent s, carrying t he pow erful<br />

st at em ent : Filipino food has definit ely arrived<br />

and is here t o st ay. As if t o drive hom e t he point ,<br />

in May 2018, Rom ulo Café ret ained it s crow n as<br />

Tim e Out Most Loved Rest aurant in Kensingt on.<br />

Moreover, it is now Tim e Out ?s second Most<br />

Loved Local Rest aurant (am ong all rest aurant s)<br />

in London!<br />

The hard w ork has paid off. Today, t hanks t o bot h<br />

fellow Filipino, Brit ish and int ernat ional<br />

cust om ers, Rom ulo Café?s Crispy Pata, Adobo,<br />

Kare-Kare, Pansit Guisado, Flying Fish, Pork Sisig,<br />

Chicken Relleno, Halo-Halo, and Suman Latik are<br />

Row ena accept ing her aw ard as one of t he<br />

FWN 100 Most Influent ial Wom en of 2017<br />

firm favourit es on Kensingt on High St reet .<br />

The Conquist ador is a Wom an<br />

Som e of t he firm favourit es at t he rest aurant<br />

What could happen in less t han t w o years? For<br />

Row ena and Rom ulo Café, w hat has happened is<br />

not hing short of m onum ent al.<br />

Grit over experience is Row ena?s form ula for<br />

cham pioning t his voyage. Says t he now<br />

est ablished rest aurat eur, ?We are never t oo<br />

old nor is it ever t oo lat e t o st art over. At<br />

t im es, w e need t o t ake a risk and have t he<br />

courage t o vent ure int o som et hing<br />

new ? even if it m eans clim bing out of our<br />

com fort zone. All our dream s can com e t rue<br />

if w e have t he courage t o pursue t hem .<br />

Not hing is im possible, t he im possible only<br />

t akes t im e.?<br />

Wit h such a disposit ion, it w ould not t ake<br />

long for t he w orld t o see t he st rengt h in<br />

Row ena. In 2017, she w as nam ed one of t he<br />

100 m ost influent ial Filipinas in t he w orld by<br />

t he Filipina Wom en?s Net w ork. She w as<br />

recognized in t he ?Builder Aw ard?cat egory for<br />

her "except ional organizat ional im pact at a<br />

large w orkplace environm ent ," her<br />

"deep passion for a<br />

?My t eam and<br />

I cont inue t o<br />

w ork<br />

ext rem ely hard<br />

t o ensure t hat<br />

w e are<br />

consist ent ly<br />

delivering<br />

qualit y food and<br />

service day in<br />

and day out . And t o<br />

show case t he best of<br />

Filipino hospit alit y,<br />

and m ake Rom ulo<br />

Café ?hom e aw ay<br />

hom e?for Filipinos.?<br />

cause, t hrough<br />

collaborat ive<br />

init iat ives or<br />

alliances" and "high<br />

pot ent ial and skill<br />

w it h<br />

m easurable<br />

result s."<br />

In t he m idst of all<br />

t he accolades, she<br />

rem ains st eadfast .<br />

For her, receiving<br />

recognit ion sim ply<br />

m eans ?No Slacking?.<br />

?My t eam and I<br />

cont inue t o w ork<br />

ext rem ely hard t o<br />

ensure t hat w e are<br />

consist ent ly<br />

delivering qualit y food and service day in and day<br />

out . And t o show case t he best of Filipino<br />

hospit alit y, and m ake Rom ulo Café ?hom e aw ay<br />

hom e?for Filipinos,? she said.<br />

Row ena cannot help but liken t he journey of<br />

Rom ulo Café t o t heir Pandesal. ?Our hom e-m ade<br />

Pandesal is t he first t hing t hat guest s are<br />

served w hen t hey dine w it h us. It looks very<br />

sim ple and unassum ing and t hen w hen<br />

guest s t ake t heir first bit e, t hey say ?WOW?<br />

and are very com plim ent ary. From t he<br />

out side, t he rest aurant looks sm all and<br />

unpret ent ious but w hen people ent er t he<br />

m ain dining room , t hey are im pressed w it h<br />

t he overall am biance and décor and t he<br />

hist ory t hat surrounds t he rest aurant . Our<br />

journey has been t hat of a relat ively<br />

unknow n cuisine in London t hat has m ade it<br />

t o t he A-list of rest aurant s in less t han 2<br />

years. And now , Pandesal is delivered t o<br />

m any London hom es and w e have<br />

non-Filipinos w ho com e in t o t ake it hom e.<br />

How about t hat !?<br />

The eponym ous Rom ulo Café is sure t o honour<br />

t he grand legacy of t he diplom at Carlos P.<br />

Rom ulo. because a det erm ined and driven<br />

w om an nam ed Row ena Rom ulo t ook up t he<br />

challenge, it is now an em blem of Filipino pride in<br />

London, our very ow n cuisine at it s heart .

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