Volume 1 March 2019

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“Archangel Sandalphon and The Elohim<br />

Pelleur have mentioned the arrival of the New<br />

Children upon Earth; those Beloved Beings<br />

who will not arrive on Earth through the<br />

normal birthing processes. These Dear Souls<br />

are Christed Beings who will become part of<br />

the Greater Communities around the Planet<br />

for the quickening of the Christ<br />

Consciousness within humanity on mass. I<br />

do not wish to elaborate on this at this time,<br />

but for Peter’s reference I will share some<br />

aspects of this event. As Peter knows these<br />

Divine Beings, with the appearances of being<br />

aged between 3 and 17 years old will be<br />

transported to Earth’s Atmosphere, at a time<br />

when the surface of Earth is at a specific<br />

Radiance and Level of Vibration. The land<br />

regions that have been designated in the past<br />

have not risen sufficiently and so We are<br />

waiting to see how things pan out in<br />

accordance to human engagement in the<br />

clearing of such localities for these Dear Ones<br />

to live. There are two unyielding points that<br />

remain at the forefront of Their arrivals. The<br />

land surface in which these Beloved Children<br />

will walk must be Pristine in every respect,<br />

no contamination, no pollution, no negative<br />

human thought forms, no imbalances of any<br />

Nature. If the slightest imbalance is present,<br />

because these Dear Ones have never<br />

experienced such things, the shock of the<br />

energetic transferences could possibly have<br />

some grave effects; and at the very worst, send<br />

their emotional, mental and physical bodies<br />

into total disarray or even collapse. This<br />

scenario is out of the question and We will<br />

do everything necessary to prevent this from<br />

occurring. Even to the extent of abandoning<br />

this potential. This has never been attempted<br />

before and so We are still very reluctant to<br />

say too much at this time.<br />

“When and if these Dear Souls arrive, they<br />

will require both time to adjust to the Octaves<br />

of human consciousness and the Earth<br />

Resonances around them, as well, They will<br />

require complete Guardianship by selected<br />

human God Parents. These God Parents are<br />

just that, God Souls Who Know Who These<br />

Dear Ones are and can support and guide<br />

them in all manners and matters of human<br />

conditioning, human life, and who are able<br />

to assist in bringing forth Their Gifts and<br />

Divine Virtues. But most of all these God<br />

Parents, will have to be their Divine Mentors<br />

and Their God Protectors at the same time.<br />

These New Children will arrive under the<br />

auspices of My Blue Ray coming in via Our<br />

Temple of Protection and Faith over Lake<br />

Banff and Louise and across the Rocky<br />

Mountains to Vancouver and other World<br />

destinations. “<br />

That is all I wish to share about this at this<br />

time, just enough to spark another new<br />

avenue of thought and potentiality of a more<br />

Expanded Awareness. I do not wish to be too<br />

descriptive as I begin my closing Address. But<br />

suffice is to say Earth and the Evolution of<br />

Humanity is a Divine Experiment, and those<br />

human Souls Who Are of Higher<br />

Consciousness will need no explanation. This<br />

potential of having Children of such High<br />

Resonance arriving from outside of Earth’s<br />

atmosphere and successfully embodying<br />

human life on the ground is also a part of the<br />

ever expanding Nature of this Divine Plan.<br />

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