C.ircuit..___L. - McHenry County

C.ircuit..___L. - McHenry County

C.ircuit..___L. - McHenry County


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I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Wolfgang Schedlbauer<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: April 12, 1938<br />

Manner of arrival: ss Europa<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and<br />

only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNES.WUERE0F,thi9 certificate of arrival is issued<br />

APR 22<br />

mm<br />


Form 161 ye ..ym.ne. .me.<br />



•<br />

• •<br />

4£<br />

/<br />

FILED ,<br />


JAN 271944<br />

• - Cleric of the C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court

—<br />


(To be giv to<br />



• (Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof) - - -<br />

_Rt4ci&.nE T11innj ' In the Couzt<br />

• QountøffldHrt<br />

',o1fEobTha_ --------<br />

• now residing at--- ±<br />

tflTtott1<br />

• , occupation age d k__ ears,, do declare on oath th at my personal description is:<br />

sen_Wile color iQ complcxion;Ijt ----------1,color of eyes BlU&<br />

.<br />

color of hair Bin da_ ----- height &__ feet ff inches; weight i610L2ounds; visible distinctive marks<br />

• - -----------------------•------<br />

• 0 n ;nationality ------arr- --- 4<br />

t was iornmSlrnansdorf3 GnmuanyT 0 :_ _____<br />

(Utyotiaw.) (Oo.tnJ •<br />

I am married. The name of my wife-€.,,tiI is - Anna iaraa<br />

• we were married on ncOrnbfl1L2j, at StuLt iQeanv_; aiioasàe was<br />

lPc') (Ye) - (aotta.ney)<br />

born at brnnn Jkrramv------------- on Oat.nr_ -IRPQenteredtheUnitedStatcs<br />

• fl J (oQ&&fry) -a - 1_Iflcaacdo itnt V cr<br />

at -on -2C isfl_, for permanent residence therein, and now<br />

• resides at flE8WFVa..111 i S - ----------'ta' I ha4e trhhthWi, and the name, date and place of birth,<br />

• (Qfl4b) - - csccfry). --<br />

- and •of residence of each fsaid children areas follows- _ _ ------------- -<br />

--a<br />

eQ<br />

-<br />

cc<br />

•o.<br />

Ragtpa ar e ' att* roy4fl&Ran&an1,botunsc<br />

I have heretofore made a declaration ofint ention: w'<br />

------ —<br />

---- ------------------------------------------ ----------------<br />

- (a , - - . (Nat)<br />

my last foreign residence, was StU Ug_Cermany<br />

I emigrated to the United States of America fron<br />

my lawful entry for permaept residence in,jhe Tjjjted States ws1iatio&jJLaflL2r'------------------<br />

under the name of .JLflSQ4JLba , — -----<br />

on the vessel _65 '°L_t.<br />

Wotha by'. — ad .SnD<br />

I wifi, before being admitted to citizenship, renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate,<br />

state, or sovereignty, and particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate,, state, or sovereignty, of which I may be at the time<br />

of admission a citizen or subject; I sin not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer In the practice of polygamy; and<br />

it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to reside permanently therein; and I<br />

certify that thphotograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicntu hereof is e likeness of me: Sn usia us GOD. --<br />

~iCz..ot-<br />

- 4O,si Sa. atk,b.a daa.t .h..ska — asi.aU ,ad)<br />

Subscribed and sworn4 ,Vefore nb/b the office of the Clerk of said Court,<br />

- IX<br />

at tPg iUiisthis<br />

_ La_ Qf. j ay<br />

811110 Domini I L fl.L from t he Commisabner<br />

of Immigration and Naturalization showing the lawful entry of the<br />

declarant for jehnanent residence on the date stated above, has been received<br />

by me- The photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a likeness<br />

of the declarant. '<br />

[SEAL] Clerk of the ------- CrAntt_Cotifl. ---- ------ Court.<br />

By ,'Deputy Clerk.<br />

as to Pbnn 22O2—L-A<br />

--- -<br />



H '1

.<br />

0;<br />

e mw<br />

S<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court) -<br />

1071<br />


(Under General Provisions of the NationalitiAct of 1940 (Public, No 853, 76th,Cong )J<br />

To (he Hww,4kthc C<strong>ircuit</strong> . awt 4 z_c2LL_. d g,pggck -Illinois<br />

This p4iilon for nabnalizdiws, herehy made aniflied. rewa*d!, shetss<br />

(1) My foil, true, and oorract nteis Wolfgang SC & /k/a u.nts Wolf Shadls-<br />

(2) My present — of reddenoe is £Qx1ii ifl&Wfl-----'ttP (3) My oopn<br />

cal ,plant,<br />

(4)1 am ,ñO years old, (5) 1 wast tQi)!fl9 a JSfl—__ —_, dt.hCas,'.,.,<br />

(6) My personal deseription is as follows: Sex u1ft 41" cnjonwhtte,00mpioxion fair color of eyes qo of hair<br />

height 5 -- feet - ' Inches, weight 160 pounds. visible distinctive marks tatocon right _. ?jtt€ ----- — -----present<br />

nationality, r p n qn (7) lain - married; the name of my wife Z XX.'* t. ,nna.SflAfle--------<br />

wawcemaniecionllecewflat,2Zs19J-9__ • stuttgartiGtnany ----------<br />

XJshe was born aLJAeUbrLQntJ1e2!Wdt------- . j __,jttsober_4 ,t570""--------<br />

and entered use United States atxrrQ r)L ° - — 41fl-_il9'I for permanent residence In the United Slaice<br />

- Pn nab'<br />

and now resides atR1ngwQps.4,'l-. - ____________________________and wntnaturnlized] ---------- ---------_. ---------<br />

- W ) a.!_ CO..an) A----- -- oü.th W' (Yes)<br />

—<br />

(6) 1 have ta- children; and the name, sex, data and plane of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who is living, are as follows:<br />

Paul W.male born in Stuttgart, Germany on March 9, 1921 now residing at<br />

WI] on usc. 5<br />

re<br />

Co<br />

(0) My last place of foreign residence was iAk.LL' t)LKM4J (10) 1 emigrated to the United States frpm<br />

cob, - tea., (O,.aa.<br />

,,. 5remen, OflY____________________ (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the united States was<br />

"Jw_Yofl---5_____________ WolfgangSeb auer — ------<br />

- 1zj ....flss_ruropa ________- ----t5L..tSl<br />

men (Yes) We-..'<br />

as shown by the oertifloate of my arrival attached to this petition. - -<br />

Us<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I hav, not been absent from the united States, for a period or periods of 6-months or longer, as foilowli<br />


Oat<br />

Dan - V1aezL OR OHIR MEANS , OaT<br />

DA F& Vasit OR OHSR Masas<br />

(Month,day.year) or Coyvavaxca (Month,day.year) - or CONVEYANCE<br />

(13) 1 declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on In tho,Cl t..<br />

Court 0f ffenry <strong>County</strong> as !294fl291c , flU4P.4!" (14)It is my intention in good faith to became a<br />

(City - tea.) CPU.)<br />

citizen of the United States and to renounce absolutely and forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, State, or sovereignty of whom or which at<br />

this time I am a subject or citizen, and It is my intention to reside permanently in the United States. (15) 1 a not, and have not been for the period of at least 10 years<br />

Immediately nn'mdine the data of this netition. an anarchist: nor a believer in the unlawful damaeo. Injury. or destruction of property, or sabotage; flora disbeliever in<br />

United States of America for the term of 6-years at least Immediately preceding the data or this petition, to wit, since----esh) -------1938<br />

- (M (fl*31 Cr—)<br />

and continuously In the State In which this petition I. made for the term of 6 months at least Immediately preceding the date or this petition, to wit, since<br />

.4P 14t 198 - _ (19) 1 have .IIQXt. heretofore made petition for naturalization: No.X_..............................<br />

on- ------ at___ ------------------ -- -------------------- bs the X _______________________________________<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following ressons and comes, to wit: XX_____._ ----------------- — ------<br />

____ ----------- and the cause of such dismissal or denial has since been mired or removed.<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made a pert of this, my petlunu for naturalization, are my declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States (if such declaration<br />

of intention be required by the naturalization law), a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Sent of my said lawful entry Into the United<br />

States for permanent residence (Bauch certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying witnesses required bylaw.<br />

(21) Wherefore, 1, your pefiUonar for naturalization, pray that I nsa; be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

£hi&. ---- . --------------------- ----------------------------- -- ----------------------<br />

(22) 1, aforesaid petitioner. do swear (affirm) that I know the contents of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me, that the tame are true to the heat of my own<br />

knowledge, erpt as to matters the-tin stated to be elIrd upon Information and belief, and that as to those matters I believe them to be true, and that this petition is<br />

signed by me th my full, true name: SO KELP M GOD.<br />

eto-40150'l -- . ad ,Saeten of p.titMa. sitbeet --bt.,l.tIee)<br />

- - -


• The following witnesses, each being sevqrally duly; and re etively wan, depose and say,<br />

• Mynamela _- Artflur Tuelen •myoccupatlouls _Fanner<br />

tresideatIoUte 3. Mefly1 Illinois ------.- ---------- and<br />

My oameb Ce1ifl1tTbn - 7OOOt" Hbusewife<br />

lrwtdeat _Route 1pnry, Illinois - ------------ - -<br />

.. t. .u, t<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have been aauninted In the United States witlfl° .dfl3t. DCJJ!?UJ. tiE<br />

- ------. thu AeUuiona named Intha peduS for ntnraliration of whitE tth affidavit ha part, since January- 1.<br />

W my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the United States continuously since the data Inst mentioned,<br />

entiat.B1WP1_-- - Illinois. l?&andI have personal<br />

5 - Otet$ a,)<br />

knowledga that the petitioner band during all such periods lit been, perron of good Sire] chntnctor. attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and<br />

well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner Is in every way qualifled to be admitted a citizen of the United States<br />

Edo swear (affirm) that the statements of tact I have made In this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subscribed by ma true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and ballet SO HELP - ME GOD. -<br />

- .Suhanibed and sworn -to before me by the above'aathad jetitioner and witnesses In the respective forms of oath shown In said petition and affidavit In the office of<br />

the ClerkofaaidCourtst Woodstock _Tilfinois. Lthb -----Z7th,troit_Jnrnrnry- --<br />

it44i hereby certlfj.that Certificate of Arrival N 2 oqt the Immigration and Naturalization Sort. showing the lawful entry..<br />

for-permanent residence of the petitioner above named, Ith —oHn%Eii 'n of.sneh petitioner, has been by me filed with,<br />

attached to, and made a pert of petition on this date.<br />

• ------------<br />

-<br />

• .. Bfr- c. - •. -CI -. -<br />

-:<br />

.DtpuSyClat<br />

:...<br />


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely rejoUnce and abjure all allegiance and ftdelltfto injfosigii 'prince;<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and alleØance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP Mt GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

I . t• S<br />

Sworn to In open court, tliia._A 7 day t1)'7 r - - Alo-' A. D. 19M$<br />

- - By. -<br />

_dJ.AD.t .c<br />

o<br />

----- 7<br />

Clark<br />

-__<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Deptay Clerk.<br />

renuadatlon at title a order of nobffi, add the fr&wh to the<br />

to:)<br />

th of eflegiance herein It I signed: '1 Author seneance the title of (,tve title —<br />

itles) which I STe etefae held." a 1 rurtha nn tbordor of aobill (me the adS of nobility) to which I have-heretofore belonged." -<br />

Petition granted: Line No. - of List No __ - and Certificate No. 6I58' VtL/_ issue d. -<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from to __________ Reason<br />

* . 5. coytassast etMrl.e evrIz . ens<br />


-,<br />

-<br />

-<br />




ry CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port, L<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

Name: Anna Maria Ruling Sthedibauer -<br />

Port ofentry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: April 12, 1938<br />

Manner of arrival: ss Europa<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and<br />

only for naturalization purposes.<br />

--<br />

IN WITNESS ..WHEREOF, this certificate of arrival is issued<br />


mm<br />

Form 161<br />

AR2t939------------- ---------------------------------<br />



Fff LED<br />


:JAN.2 7 1944<br />

lI<br />

Clerk or the C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court

TRIPLICATE No. j4._______<br />

(To be given to<br />

declarant) -' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA<br />

-<br />


(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof) - -<br />

• ___ In the .........QfrnPjtL---------.-----________cowl<br />

j J.H<br />

Cof -Udlionvy - .... .. ucae C Jy._ at 170944oskskiThQi S<br />

anna: Schedibauer - -<br />

. -u • 4i2j.b.rn4.u..t) - 00c.e)<br />

• occupation ---------- aged ....J .....jeajs, do declare on oath that my person description is:<br />

• . sexF1t,color..Th1I__ ,compiesigp1! color of eyes .....klAO-------------<br />

• cpjor of hair --------------- height -------feet inches; weight .j4.5-----pounds; visible distinctive zpârka<br />

• . hone .<br />

__<br />

- tOran -<br />

I was born in - -- 7:n<br />

(0 a. t.w.l - (Goaafry) -0 S-'h (D - (1)<br />

Lam married. Thenamtofmyff?husbandis .....taO £gaS . . ..----<br />

we were medon. --------------<br />

H - Airtans____ • -<br />

-- the United States<br />

• at ..fiov_ttt_U.X±_ .PiJ1 ?_.,trpermZit residence therein, and now<br />

reidei at flJk1ll7.1t[ii!P.!S....ff' I have .Th2' tldrtn, and the name, date and place of birth,<br />

êtut trt ?Ctflr t tT;Gmna---aidBattWPauijTbbrn<br />

nou real in<br />

Ihave.P.Q1heretoforemadea declarationof intention N1IThtfl - dn' - - -<br />

rnylast foreign 1bPQ.YI<br />

I emigrated to the United States Of America -<br />

:2tz T1it1 Btz&%!J<br />

onthe vessel.__..J4Q4___.----- ---- ----------------------------------------- -------<br />

• (II — — by ..L — *at 01 sSnhi<br />

• . I will, before being admitted to .citizenship, renounce forever all aUeance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate,<br />

state, or sovereignty, and particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of winch I may be at the time<br />

of admission a citizeii or subject, lam', not an anarthst, I am but a polygamist nor, a believer in the practice of polygamy, and<br />

-<br />

it is my intention-in good faith to become a citizen of the United Stites of; America'and to reside permanently therein; and I<br />

certify that the photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a keneaapf me So uzia arc GOD<br />

-<br />

.<br />

- (C.11 siMa, 01 d.nai witba.$abnittJ. — .iJ U a..d)<br />

amio Domini 19 Certification No from the Commis- -<br />

sioner of Immigration and Naturalization showing the lawful- entry of the<br />

declarant for permanent residenëe on the date stated above, has been received<br />

by me. The photograph affixed to theduplicate and triplicate hefeof is a likeness<br />

of the declarant.<br />

H<br />

- -<br />

Clerk of the Court.<br />

By Deputy Clerk.<br />

rbria 2202-7.A<br />



0 -<br />

- - -<br />

. -<br />


0<br />

tilt' U;<br />

.<br />

RO<br />

w-<br />

on<br />

T<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk ofCourt)<br />

- No. 1072<br />

- -<br />


[Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Public, No. 853, 76th Cong.)]<br />

To an at<br />

This peE/ion for nctszrdiLot/On, hereby made and fild, aczlJg shear - -<br />

(1) My ton, true, Rod correct namals SttflS<br />

Woodstock, - ±ilinois<br />

aAa.LJ.0 9±±±E±.L__________<br />

(2) My present place of residence is AQX. IZ BRW CMflenrt Myouonia2ItXt,SSJiiZI$-----<br />

(NnS., — St (s_i<br />

(4) 1am years old. (6) iwas born on flSQYS&iS.JflC -. i LenbronaGenany .........<br />

(Tat) (01W t...y tiPeix. dkt.Mt. walsa - L<br />

(6) My p.ersonal desaiptlon1ls as follows: Sex Fema±e — 0 whit e, complexion 1.1L_, color of eyes Q.UAQ.., color of hair<br />

height feet ___ inches. weight -140 pounds, visible tinctvemars none .. , ,<br />

present nationality Gema n(7) 1am ______ married; the name of my Kiflhusband 15Wo1f<br />

rower maid onPQQb€1'_-23 , 1919.'<br />

vflfle<br />

be flwas born aL.AI dO1LC33yerfl2...Gennafly jtber_n --- 1fl------------<br />

St (O.c St SitSi I (Ott) (V_t)<br />

and entered the United States St W_ ork - •. on A,pT - _1213 forpermanentresidenceinthe United fusion<br />

and now resides at .J1J.fl&YtQQQtJ f_l..1r10.Lb __ and nraturallzedL ---------------------------------<br />

D(ssha s.d a.eO ( St tat) (O.nty sad 5.1.)<br />

(0) My last place of foreign residence was iifM t5tL't#I I.IttJCJWsMY----- - (10) 1 encrusted to the United States from<br />

St an) (0.. d1. a,..5a ., sleW<br />

0<br />

uremeni uermShY Germany<br />

(11) My lawful entry for permanent resideoce in the United States was<br />

.New_Yoxt - Y•' Anna Maria Hilling Sehediba<br />

00 A2r11 _flss Puropa ------<br />

(MatS) (Ott) (Tad Isles, d ,sd - seaSt flats It 5a.m..,)<br />

a, shown by the certificate of my arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have not been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of Senonthe or longer, as follow<br />


POUT 0 t<br />

Dan -<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VXSSZI. OR Orriza Mains<br />

ot CoNvzYaNcz<br />

POUT<br />

Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Vzsaxt OR Oraxa MRSNa<br />

or ConvzTaNcz<br />

(13) 1 declared my Intention to become a citizen of the United States on a13.l939-------------------------In the _C<strong>ircuit</strong><br />

Court of .JLCBAflV3T r.niinliy III) 1113 my Intention In good faith to become a<br />

citizen of the United States and t. renounce absolutely and forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate. State, or sovereignty ofwhorncr which at<br />

rUiciples of the Cànstltutloo if the Ulited States mild well disposed to the good order and happines<br />

United States of America for the term of 6 years at least Immediately preceding the date of this petition,<br />

end continuously in the State In which this petition Is made for the term of 6 months at least Immediately wecedtng the date of this petition, to wit, since<br />

..4pri1_14 • ..19Z8 (19) 1 have nQt_ heretofore made petition for-naturalization: NO. ---fl --------- ..----------------an-<br />

______ -.__<br />

- XX _intha--------------------------------------------<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit: -- XX - ..<br />

___ ---------- ------ and the cause of such dismissal or denial hasslnce been aired or removed.<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made apart of this, my petition for naturalization, are my declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States (II such declaration<br />

of Intention be required by the naturalization law), a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said lawful entry Into the United<br />

Qt.a.. (itt ,wnian.nt rnl,lenes (If mirth certilimie of arrival ha retmirad by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at feast two verifying witnesses required by law.<br />

(21) Wherefore, I. your<br />

that I may be admitted a citizen of the United Slates of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

19) 1, aforemld petitioner, do swear (affirm) that' know the contents of this petition for naturalizatIon subscioeo oy me, mat we sums are true to toe nest os my own<br />

nowledge, except ae to mattes therein stated to he alleged upon Information and belief, and that as to those matter. I believe them to be true, and that this petition Is<br />

— by me with my full, true name: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

.te—lsIse-1<br />

a.4<br />

qtt. ea, — 5_tat slate,,, It PsdIia5. .i,hat ,M,..1

I.<br />


The following witeseeb each belnj severally, duly, end respectively swan, depose and say:<br />

Mmeb yna _lki"tnur .Lhelen - , mjoëon1tionb Farnir<br />

irsdeat el Illinois----- ---------------- , and<br />

— Cat) - - (Cur - — WtSkl<br />

Mynainets _Celia me en • myoceupationis _Pousewif'e<br />

I reside Route 1 Mc1iinY, Illinois<br />

±<br />

I am a citizen of the United State of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United Stale with<br />

thopetitloñeinamed In the petition for ñaturallzsslonoi which this affidavit isa part, since ,Tnu1k1721s 1 99_ -----<br />

(MeerSI a, (rt<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, Immediately preceding the date of filing this petition. In the United State antinuously since the date last mentioned,<br />

and at HiflgW.aOd inthestat?oL: Jill flflic_t_eounuousiysthUjJAaJ.9andIbsvepenonel<br />

I do swear (sun) that the statements or tact t nave made In this amdavit of this petition tor naturalization wamnea by me are Due to tIle nest 01 my Knowledge<br />

and better- SO HELP ME q9D.<br />

'I<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named petitioner and witnesses In the respective forms of oetb shown In said petition and affidavit In the office of<br />

.the ck of ssdcW00d5t0*j1lU2fl___ 27fl4anuary<br />

Anne Dosnini 9.A4I hereby certifj that Certificate of Arrival Noi]-"---m tht Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful eniry<br />

far permanent fl No . iao4 has been by<br />

attached<br />

By 1 - -v<br />

-<br />


-Iieiebdeclare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely -renouzfce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that -I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligrition freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

BELL' ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I bave.hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

(rnn. p.eSil<br />

Sworn to In open court, We_ _?-'7 day of tnpgn.i<br />

- .<br />

, -<br />

ittt' ,A. B.<br />

1'<br />

.- Dity Clark.<br />

Clerk -<br />

- NOTE.-4n renunciation of tItle or order of nobffl, add the fouss,hot to the cath of allegiance before It to signed: 1 further renounce the title of (give Ude.'<br />

Sties) which I have etoe held." or '5 further renounce the cider of nebIli (give the eider of lebilily) to which I have heretofore beloiwed."<br />

Petition granted: Line No. 3 of List No. ________and Certificate No. __________ Issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No:<br />

Petition continued from ________________ to _________________ Reason<br />

- . -<br />

. * 5.t eOTssfsT n,susa onscL I '545 Ifr—WlWl<br />

5-.<br />

auer<br />

C<br />





I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Paulina Herdttch<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: Feb. 23 1927<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Albert Baum<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and<br />

only for naturalization purposes. S<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate of arrival is issued<br />

NOV27 1!fl9<br />

MEM<br />

FOrm 161 •.s ..tnx*ttr.rn,m. San. 4_ JAMES L. HOUGHTELING<br />


4<br />

rifLED<br />


JAN 271944<br />

Clerk or the C<strong>ircuit</strong> court<br />


.<br />

.<br />

Nb<br />

An<br />

•K<br />

OR<br />

tE cj,<br />

zzp- pO<br />

'4<br />

No<br />

oJ<br />

pg<br />


No. 1073<br />

(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />


[Of a Married Person, under Sec. 310r (b),flZ of the Natidndlity Abt of 1940 (54 5164. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the Court of I2U]Y tY-------- - eWQQtQ~SflhiZ1Q1$<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and flied pursuant to Section 310(r (6)Xc2LD6t oitho NIonniity Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1) Myfull,true, and orrect name Ii23J1— --- Mne-sAdains------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------<br />

- lPIL — .ithnt shbn,ktta. — say ctba san bat atd. atatS .se b.) -<br />

-,<br />

t. . Henry<br />

Co. Ill<br />

(2) My present place of residence 1 5 pleAve - MeHenry (3) My °°' Is<br />

(Cant,) (Stat.)<br />

(4) iam4- ------ years old. (5) iw<br />

nonk4Et-- -lIt:J,91.S----------- in RllStxGerrnny______________<br />

(Statist (Dar) (Tar) (City., tat) (Cent,. 41.ui.(.<br />

(0) My personal description is as follows: sexFCTh4aorWhlt2mpietion d.altff of eyesbronior of baibTOWflelght bfaet Z_Inelies,<br />

weight 120------ pounds; visible distinctive ,1i4Qie&s~rL.upper---- %A M ite; present nationality<br />

(7) 1 a married; t he name of myifl husbind isV gZit_ nnrwMre marriedun<br />

(Me.tbl - (Day) (T-t)<br />

at M!je13n he was l,orn at TQhfls -- flflnQi&-------<br />

(City a Wa) (Stat, a nate,) (City – t.a) (Caesar. aata.. a iSts) (Caste,) (Math) (Day) (Tad<br />

tIflixwia------------------------- ------------------ ----- -- a-<br />

' ab.. — .hM) (City a eon) (st,i a ante,) (Mash) (Day) (T) (City - tan)<br />

(7a) (If petition is filed under Sectlnn 311, Nationality Act of 1940) ve residod in the United States in marital union with my United States cItIzen spouse [or at least<br />

I year immediately preceding the data of filing this petition for naturalization. 'he<br />

(7b) (If petition Is filed under Section 312, NationalIty Act of 1940) My husband or wife Is a citizen of the United States, is In the employment of the Gove rnment of<br />

the United States, or of an American institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General of the United States, or an American firm or corporation engaged<br />

In whole or In part In the development of foreign trade and commer ce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof; and such h usband or wife is regularly stationed abroad<br />

In such employment. I Intend in good faith to take up residence within the United States immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

(8) I have children; and the name, Ga, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who is living, are as follows:<br />

(9) Mylsst placed foreign residence was .st -4G . XI ih B a flV- , -- a ----------------------- (10) lemigrated to t he United Stateifomfl8Lk2D&i.<br />

a .ats rcn.fl) (City a -<br />

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was at YSrL.N.S..1P- -------- under the name<br />

eta)<br />

Ballin<br />

1,144-P onF6b-----23 on the SS&L? ----- as shown by the certificate of my<br />

(Mates (Day) (Tar) (N—<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) SInce my lawful entry for permanent residence I have DQt- ----- been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

MOT<br />


DATE<br />

day, year)<br />

VXS5EL Oil OTHER MEM(5<br />

or cowvsvAvcs<br />

PORT<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VESSEL OR omen MEANS<br />

or coNnyHics<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of --- ----- yenZ.. at<br />

least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since .Fe..b---21i9a7_ (19) Ihave ...IiOL. heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

COatS CD_i (Ti,.)<br />

lathe ---------- ------- --------<br />

CLash) (0.,) (Tad (City a ion) (Cent,) Oat.) (Nan of awO<br />

number ----- -xx L.... ----- on ------------------------------at ------ - -----------<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

elO-1940)<br />

and the cause of such dismissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

Ld made a part of this, my petition for naturalizat ion, are a certificat, of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said<br />

ted States for permanent residence (If such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

1.<br />

petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be chanted to<br />

f_a us.. — .,.,at (a .5 titin. etahat .bb,ni.tt.o)


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and say'<br />

Mynameb.Akt@&JYSflZ_<br />

my occupation is_jLQU$ewifl<br />

! metrical; ?QiMP1t4tQtP4CtI_flji<br />

rresident!P 4 Mp4t41Q!tJ4cffflryflj4qS_ __<br />

(N.,,b.4d,.e)<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of Amerkn; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United-States withR flA L%flS --<br />

- Adams tbotltloner named in the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit is a part, slum --<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact Ibavemade In this affidavit of this potion for naturalization subscribed by me am true to tF4best of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO HELP ME GOD. - -<br />

-. -<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before rn/by the above-ni pctltlo hit! witnesses, In the respeetivetrms is, said pet4p and affidavit; In the office of<br />

the Clerk otsaititourtatWQQt.QS](i1±_22!..L.27.thiay - F"<br />

bate of Arrival Naka4oQ5J. ------- from the Immigration and Naturalizat Ce, sho<br />

above named, has been by me filed with, attached tot and made a pan of this petitic ? this<br />

C.<br />

-<br />


wind tnio Domini it44i hereby earthy, that Certhi-<br />

entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

-- - - -----: - -<br />

(I - nLI<br />

- Deputy Clot.<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that! absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any fotelgnprhna,, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that Iwill support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of Amerirn against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that! will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that! take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto allied my signature. -<br />

i5414tht6pen euurt, this -----------<br />

ofpes<br />

- By .-- - ------- - -. --------<br />

Deputy C'iaL<br />

A. D. 194%I<br />

Non.—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the eath of allegiance before It is signed: "I further renounce the title of (jive title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Petition granted: Line No. _._JL__. of List No. _____--- ------- and Certiflinte Ne. J 1 5'_4S Issued<br />

Petition denied: List No<br />

Petition continued from -------- to Reason<br />

e. 5 COVn,I.E.T nisTise cIVICS .16-59460--I<br />

I .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

- I<br />

.<br />





is<br />

No-- ----- iLo.82<br />

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Immens, Karel Urnbertus M.<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: March 12, 1912<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Rotterdam<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN Wipz'tss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

----------- Apz11S,..1a41-------------------------------------<br />

(Date)<br />

. 122Ct<br />

Form 101-Tin. (N. V.) ii. s. COVEflIENT Pt OflNa ,,c. By<br />

Distrjckvr of Immiorjjøi and Naturalization.

CUfflTi,'tjJjiuj3<br />

JAN 27<br />

Clerk of the C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court<br />

H<br />

H<br />


I. -<br />

r.<br />

1:.<br />

I:.<br />

- -<br />


(To be given to dedarant UNITED STATES OF AMERICA<br />

wbenalginallylsened; lobe -<br />

suede a pert of the petition<br />

-:<br />


gslnedaaapartoftbepetldon<br />

In IS recort of the won) (Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof)<br />

&tsttM.,Jfl.inDi8--------------------<br />

I<br />

- Inthe -------Otr.ciat<br />

-CPJLt4S9f&Q1iQTity------------------- oJ }iQUanry_ <strong>County</strong> ------- 6iTLQQcit.ctk411inais-<br />

(1)<br />

rc<br />

-<br />

----------------------------<br />

(2) My present plate of residinca is .1O&RiVflL.GrP"CThnLtOjttttLis<br />

(4) I am L52.. yeirs oll. (i; I wttntayIflt LffflaitJrin - -Br an<br />

(6) My personal descrtptiosi is as follows: Sez Val e ith t'b-------- compieion -----------<br />

eoler of bait $r.Y..., - h0lh 5__-51.JLL. inches, weight ],.fi...ponnds,vIsiblo distinctive-marks -<br />

FROM _t.J ------ iresent nationality<br />

mio&th eofth Ehaab_QtkThat{:_:sr. ;<br />

ag0 i1 fThojs---<br />

1% tOtflrtenhl ona- - Wasctcocn) - ,j ------------- (cMntt ctr -i - CC<br />

i . j. qgp - -- -- - and entered the United States at U V. .2 QIZI<br />

_May Y ]9 14 L ° I. Permanenttdenco in the United states and resldes'a ' "F6r*1<br />

.-- -- lcjt'<br />

--<br />

(15 I 4iave ----chlJdAeà-and -the name.- sez date and plate of birth and preesnt lane of residence of each of Üid thib<br />

flobert Hei'bM Jtmtps<br />

resxding at'Poz RiverGrova,flhinois<br />

dam - 14 ----,',f (O.tt..-4 COocMy. dhsxiae,ri...ror.iai (Oesctni --<br />

(9) Mx ing isiace oij4rngn residente was TticlitTdlTatid - (10<br />

-<br />

U nt t a<br />

2L2 ±!&'---<br />

'kcstr., wp.i V - (_.tr) -<br />

at<br />

(11) My lswfuLettry,f perosa<br />

-<br />

1.<br />

- Qrnj Naj .._...... .<br />

.J41i1k_17::t39 Ro<br />

aderthenameof<br />

-Ld -x:cf. -?t - -<br />

- (0-ri ............. - - - -<br />

(12) SInce my lawful entry for anentrstd eel have Lflflt.1 been absent from the United States, for a period or perth<br />

Snbecrlbed and s7o<br />

ltco<br />

Clerk of said o: at<br />

::T -: -:: fl°tac<br />

color of eyes ._D.AIJ ------- -<br />

onragh-yinst<br />

were married oh AurJl21 7<br />

-. cua.cz? (Oar) (Ye.,)<br />

Is living, are as follows:<br />

emigrated to the United States front..<br />

resjdence Int,be Ue4Sed States scsi<br />

3rbus a. immens -<br />

Of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

I - ----- - F_ I.:- F•$<br />


PORT - (Moflay<br />

VEsatLO4OrnnMaca<br />

(13) I have heretofore made declaration of Intention: No. 1?9_ ----------- -on<br />

OUflit1lJçJflftAS____ In the ------------<br />

(14) It Is my Intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States and to reside oermnnenth tin<br />

MY<br />

-<br />

PORT - (Month'day<br />


CT—) ( - te<br />

- ------------<br />

i will, before being admitted to eitlsenshlp<br />

rhich at the time of admission to citizenship<br />

f property, or sabotage; nor a disbeliever in<br />

finer opposition to organized government.<br />

Ion subscribed by me are true to the best of<br />

shown above In the office of the<br />

anno Domini i9.±"i hereby certify that<br />

from the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization,<br />

or residenos of the declarant above named on the data stated in<br />

received by me, and that the photograph affixed to the duplicate<br />

declarant.<br />

(SEAL] - --------- -<br />

By<br />

Form<br />

-<br />

N-31<br />


-<br />

a a<br />

court<br />

- --------------------------<br />

Dtg Clerk.<br />

. -<br />

OL GOYCSNXEIIT FalsiTies eerier<br />

-<br />


(Edition of 1-13--ti)<br />


-1<br />

Not less tlian.2 nor, more than 7 years after the date the original of<br />

this declaration was made, and after you have lived in the United States<br />

for at -least Syéars and in the State for at last 6 months, you may file<br />

a petition for naturalization (or second papers). - You will not be notified<br />

by the Government or the clerk of court to file such petitin. It will be<br />

necessary for you to make application, in person or by letter, to the..<br />

nearest clak of court exercising naturalization jurisdiction, or to a<br />

-representative'of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, for an<br />

application Form N-400. You should not wait to do this until near the<br />

close of 7-year period, because if you do not file your petition with -<br />

- the court before thi end of this 7-year period it will be necessary for you -.<br />

to file a new declaration of intention and wait at least another 2' years<br />

• thereafter before you can file yot petition for naturalization. However,<br />

a petitioner for naturalization who is married to a citizen of the United -<br />

States is not required to make a declaration of intention as a basis for -<br />

filing a petition for naturalization. . -.<br />

Applicants-for naturalizatioii, befóre being granted citizenship, must<br />

-satisfy the judge of the naturalization court that they believe in the<br />

• principles of the Constitution of the United States. - The Immigration<br />

and Naturalization Service has prepared a citizenship textbook about the<br />

Constitution and Government of the United State, which may be used<br />

by per'sns who have declared their intention to become citizens and who<br />

attend citizenship daaes in the public schools. this book and the<br />

classes will help applicants to prepare themselves jor the duties and -<br />

responsibilities of American citizenship.<br />

• .<br />

-<br />

fl -<br />

oIG—I91t9<br />

--<br />

Jcf-37' '<br />

çLL'ZT7<br />

IL<br />

•. _.'.-. ---fl- - ------ • -<br />

El<br />



(to be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />



[Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act of. 1940-(Public, No. 853, 76th Cong.)]<br />

To Use HwwrcbIe the Court of QQ11tL QQdflQck. Till nojs<br />

This pc/dijon Joy naituolizdion, hereby rnaJe and fl/Cd. rec4ullg s!aesst<br />

(1)My full, true, Red correct Rome ls _Charles I1flQflS --------<br />

.4$b.tI .h ..y — S.i* ...flZ..... —,<br />

(2) My present — rsdenae UBQX2L.EQLS2ërArOVetteflry(a) !Jy ooimpetn is lCaxpenter------------<br />

(4)<br />

. (8) I<br />

Rob<br />

C<br />

isflj<br />

U;<br />

W a"<br />

= 5<br />

I---<br />

z z-<br />

ii<br />


- The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively swan, depose and say:<br />

Mynameb _Erirtn 1,. Ler7ros -.,-myg.snb Insurance & Real Estate business<br />

flesideat..IOX_Riverjovq_Illinois . - _____ and<br />

yy . - _.....2<br />

myoccupetlonis nuusews.Le<br />

Irwideat _FOX -River urove1 LLflfl.ois -<br />

0- — - —<br />

I am a dtizea of the United States of Amortm I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United<br />

the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of.wbich this affidavit is a part, since<br />

to my penal knowledge the petitioner baa reeldod, immediately preceding the date of filing this petition, in the Unitec<br />

aod atFOX River GrOVSInMOL. Illinois and I have personal<br />

Subscribed and sworn to betas, me by the above-earned petL<br />

the Clerk of said qpjt at Wood C, IIIJa<br />

Snob DominI L.!'*I hereWl& i$cer ën& of Arrival<br />

for permanent residence of the petitioner above named, togoth<br />

attached to. and made a part or b petition on this date,<br />

I hereby declare, on<br />

potentate, state, or sow<br />

the Constitution and Ia'<br />

and allegiance to the as<br />

HELP ME GOD. In i<br />

moavit of this petition br nnnniiiatiwi snbsaibeo by ma are true to toe bait 01 my Snowleoge<br />

tZter. d -.<br />

and witnesses In the respective forms of oath shown In said petition and affidavit In the offia of<br />

Oil ......?Ztkday.m.__________<br />

Q 38-? frorn the Immigration and Naturalization Service, itowlog the lawful eätt,<br />

No.- 1292, of such petitioner, has been by one filed with,<br />


1' :.-<br />

OWL ,- - - Li<br />

that I absolutely and ent4reInrenounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to my foreign prince<br />

ty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that i will support and defend<br />

he United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith.<br />

nd that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

wledgmey4 whereof I have beçeunto affixed my signature.<br />

worn to In open court, thie A. D. 19Mg<br />

.<br />

nfl '-t<br />

1<br />

By<br />

Deputy Clerk. -<br />

.<br />

NOfl—in renneciatien of title or order.! nobility, add the JoRowhai ti, the oa4 of sflegi,nce before It L, tigned: i forther reneance the title of (give title -<br />

Sties) which I have heretofore bald." a "1 farther renounce the order of sSbIlity , W. the order of nobility) S which I Lace Lesetofore belonged."<br />

Petition granted: Line No. __________ of List No. __________ and Certificate No. - 'J issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from __________________ to Reason<br />

* . PtI*Tfl5 aria. in. ia-teas-I<br />

C<br />

C<br />



No. 11 30582D<br />



I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Wilhelm Even<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: March 21, 1925<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Berengaria<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformitywith,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Pub., No. 853, 76th Cong.) solely for the use of the alien<br />

herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate of arrival is issued MAR 6 — 1941<br />


Special Assistant to the Attorney General<br />

Form N-233 a. •. cav.wr.a nixr',; ucz '6—iota,<br />

ep<br />

By<br />

Chief, Certifications Branch.

•<br />


JAN271944<br />

r<br />

Clerk of the C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court

U-<br />

t -'••••<br />

TRIPLICATE : - Nb 1276 J<br />



(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof)<br />

_Stat --- tJiiinnieL.. ------------- — -'CI'it --------------------------- ° C<br />

--------------- - ------ court '<br />

J!nflnniv<strong>County</strong>-------------------------- of UcllevryCountg------- at<br />

I------t7ill4art2ehnJvon --- ---<br />

1* flY — -<br />

now residing at ---------- —<br />

Epv-apC'----<br />

.s — - -<br />

occupation ---------------- ---------------------aged ------ years, do declare on oath that my personal description is:<br />

Sex --- VaXe ----- -------color complexion - --------- color of eyes Brat ----------color<br />

of hair ------- D1ank --- ------- --height 4L feet.]'------inches; weight pounds; visible distinctiy\marks<br />

---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-- - ------race ---- -<br />

1 was born LnKns Gema ---------------------° --- Qetobq12tb<br />

. Jam ---------_marned. he name ofmy wife nhhis4itj11Efl<br />

------------------------------------------------ --<br />

we were married on ---------------------at --Ran&U-----flh-ineit---- ; sheft was<br />

------- -entered the Unitecstatea<br />

• -<br />

born at -an-tTt1nG1;GL-- -on ---ciGvoa1--1Jtt----i97--<br />

at ----------------------------- n(CitflAWibyLb1rt1i --------- -------------- --, for permhnent residence therein, and now<br />

resides atT flarva!ff,J11iuât! I have------ff"hild, and the name, date and place of birth,<br />

and place-of residence of each of said dre chiln are as follows: fl4tAs. is Peent k..... rfl_S tAt<br />

I have 4tr heretofdre made a declaration of intention: Number -----fl---------------on<br />

at ----------- — ---------- ------------------ ---- _ --- yy --- - -<br />

(ott<br />

my last foreign residence was -I4ecthdonn---Liermany--------------------------- (7,<br />

I emigrated to the United States of America from 5' djaflQg-------------- ---Engi_n4----------,. -<br />

-<br />

my lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at -------- --- ---lisT-u-------------------------------<br />

under the name of jlbllm_Kveta ------- - ------------------------------------------, on<br />

on' thevessel _LLThBernngarit ------------------------------------------------------------------- --<br />

-------- ------- ,s,------------<br />

CU — tS.a by ,.-S. .. •.li -<br />

I will, before ing Ming admitted to citizenship, renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,<br />

or sovereignty, and particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate, state,-or sovereignty of which I may be at the time of admission<br />

a citizen or subject; lam not an anarchist; I am not a, polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; , and it is my Z<br />

• intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and . 63 reside permanently therein; and I certify that -<br />

the photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a likeness of me. "<br />

-<br />

1 swear - (affirm) thit the statements I hthi mad& and the intentions I have expressed in this declaration of inteütioñ<br />

subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief: So help me God. -<br />

- 0<br />

. 0<br />

0'<br />

Z<br />

• -. -- n__Itot1w--- --------------------------<br />

- W SCt<br />

• - - -<br />

- Subscribed and sworn to hefore&te in the fnrni of oath shown above in the<br />

- - c;ffice if tbVlerk of said Court,<br />

tion -3143P-)rom the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization<br />

- showing the lawful entry of the declarant for permanent 'residence on the date<br />

stated above, has been received by me. The photograph affixed to the duplicate<br />

and triplicate hereof is a likeness of the declarant.<br />

(nsa] Clerk of the cjpciiit -- ------------------------ CourtL<br />

By Deputy Clerk.<br />

Form 2202-1.-A - -<br />


V.tflflflt•fl<br />


€<br />

S :5<br />

' S<br />

U<br />

r<br />

- I

.<br />

r<br />

• isiS<br />

a t;<br />

w Ig-<br />

o3<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court) . — No.- 1075<br />


(Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act.oL 1940 (Public, No. 853, 76th Cong.)J<br />

Tutia Jtonorchk Us t cowl 4 MoHenryCoun-tJE,_01_w-------c4b:flLtaQ1S<br />

This pd/Lion Jr ncfwdizdion, hae6s, made unified, nzpcdftdig sheenj<br />

(1) My full, true. and current ilamels William John Zvers---------------------------------------------------------------<br />

-. —<br />

(2) My present planeofrsdenoabBs2li a&flZffèxit Qtflt.(a) My Occupation is_Yanfler----------<br />

Jam 32 yeanold. (5) Iwa,borno tQjAA2. 1 - inJ%3fl1SiiQfttC}erT11flflJ _____________<br />

(MactO CO$, (mn Ckntt.'a) (O,t,.dlctict,a.1aca,,<br />

(6) My personal description is as follow,: Ba male, color wiiite, complexion dark ,color of eyes color of hair_<br />

height feet 1 inches. weight J.L pounds, visible dsinctive marks S car below zigb.t. Xhita_<br />

present nationality German ______ of my wife ZPXXX is :ljuelJ.ia_Eirerz-------we<br />

ware married on Macli n; 1939 Harvard, -flhitini - -<br />

and now resides at<br />

as—n .40y5 (Wand<br />

(ocr f9V4<br />

8tflapzoa111- i inoi,-----------------------_____ -- -<br />

, JIovimher 1 o4sn7----<br />

Or became a citizen by<br />

(6) 1 have children; Red the name, sex, date and place of birth, and<br />

William John Jr., male born Seot. 5<br />

of each are as follows:<br />

Myroa&cnmJ&jprn Oct. 20P1912.at<br />

Harvards Illinois Route 3<br />

ilncis<br />

2<br />

- — (. di.U(, — to__fl,<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence waaEQCb(lOflfl' Germans (10) 1 emigrated to the United States from<br />

SOUthamptQIXL Png1ann — (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was<br />

C—<br />

N Yonsv. a- IV. Y. anderthenameof _Wilhelm 1vers --<br />

LI92 _ SR Berengaria<br />

(Macsb) (D.fl<br />

as shown by the certificate of my arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have not been absent from the United State,, for a period or periods of C months or longer, as tollon<br />


PORT<br />

Dsrz Vzsszi. on Oman Mgsxs<br />

Dsmz Vzsszs, OR Orsiza Mnas<br />

,Ofl<br />

(Month, day, year) or CONVaTANCI (Month, day, year) or CoNvzrAwcz<br />

(13) 1 declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on 4Z1--------------------------------in the<br />

Court of -_VeHnj'y <strong>County</strong> at .1YQpc1flock nlunor' (WIt I, my intention in good faith t become a<br />

to W any whom or which St<br />

of at least 10 years<br />

or a disbeliever in<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States Rod well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18)1 have resided continuously In the<br />

• United States of America for the term of 5-years at least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since MareL214JZ5-------------<br />

Red continuously in the State in which this petition is made for the term of 6 month, at least immediately preceding the date of this petition. to wit, since<br />

MarQh_ 25_s_Js9Z___ --- ___ (19) I have flOtieeutofore made petition for naturalization: No. __XX<br />

War)<br />

CT,.5)<br />

on------------------- --------_fl__----------.._ai --------------XX------------------------------inth&-------- Xi<br />

(Mactb) tD.r) (Van1) (City., In.) (C.acuO (54.5.5 CM.,.. .5 ,.snl<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit: Xj - - ----------------------- ------------<br />

--------- -----------___ and the cease of such dismimal or denial has since bees, cured or removed.<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made a part of this, my petition for naturalization, are my declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States (If such declaration<br />

of intention be required by the naturalization law), a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said lawful entry Into the United<br />

States for permanent residence (If such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying witnesses required by law.<br />

(21) Wherefore, I. your petitioner for naturalIzatIon, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, anti that my name be changed to<br />

SEE<br />

.te—toi-i<br />

and that as to those matters I Deileve tnem to no true, and that tills petition Is<br />


4-<br />


The following withesees, each being severally, daly, and respectively Sworn, depose and sar<br />

Mynamab _George Danner yt. _Farmer<br />

I reside at Route 2 frvard, Illinois -------_____ Bud<br />

- taints<br />

My name is Ralph stc.s.Pas '. ½esa • my occupation<br />

fleL'4d05 _Route 3_ Harvard, Illinois<br />

(N,sbceade,M) W4 i T<br />

lame citizen of the United States of Ajncrica I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United states with 7S .LJ. .5 CD --<br />

• Evers , the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit Is a part, since Jan.4Qn1_1, _19:3 9<br />

W my personal knowledge the petitlanerhsa resldcd,immedlately preceding the date of filing this petition. In the United States continnouslyslnoe the date lsstmentloned,<br />

and at Harvard In the State of ,I11IflQL S ocinuously since I3nII3L.LZ199 and I have personal<br />

- .— -- (Stahl 071 (74<br />

and<br />

e<br />

Snbsaibet€M sure i to before ma by the above-nimed t11<br />

Clerk of sold Count at Woodstock,- ij!±<br />

Anno Domini 19441 bereby certify that Certificate of Arrival<br />

for ,errnanent residence of the petitioner above named, tage<br />

strutted to, and made a pert otthis petition on this date.<br />

By-<br />

ma alt 7to lqe best Cl my<br />

wItns In the reipective forms /1 oath shown in said petition and iffidsvit In the office of<br />

-. thIs 22S1L day _January<br />

30582 tj,e gratIoii and :N nn1 Service, showing the lawful anur'<br />

don Ne, 12?6j such _es betnT ::<br />

-- •. - -<br />

DepWgIcL -, •;•• .tf<br />

. ' 42,.<br />

- - OATH OF ALLEGIANCE - - -<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity td any foreign prince,<br />

potentate, state. or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defendthe<br />

Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that [take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature,<br />

Sworn to In open court, thik c2 I day, of - - - -- , A D.<br />

By<br />

Deputy Clerk,<br />

NOTE.—la renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It Is signed: '1 further renounce the title of (give title<br />

miss) which I have heretere bald." or "I ferther renounce the order of nobility (gi4e the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged."<br />

Petition granted: Line No. _____-- of List No. , __________ and Certificate No. _ it IP-S'13 issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No. -<br />

Petition continued from __________________ to —_-______ Reason<br />

-. * s-t Samoan, nnnI*t CflCSI 554* lhISll<br />

.<br />

.<br />

F,<br />


I.<br />

-<br />




I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent<br />

residence.<br />

Name: Alex Kerbel<br />

Port of entry: Portland Maine<br />

Date: April 2, 1912<br />

Manner of arrival: S.S. Canada<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1900, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

— ---------- PQcbftr---a194° -------------- _-------<br />

1brin 1G1-Im_ u.s. COVt5I!MET flIWTING orricE: 134 14-2601b -------------- -------- ---- ---------------- ---------------- -

C<br />

FILED<br />

wnr COUNTY, iaiuuts<br />

JAN 27 1944 H<br />

lM in ma C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court


(To be given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA<br />


(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof) -<br />

state JnMe_J4r4ujt----------------------------- - ------------------- Ccxvi<br />

Coupty f cHQflr -- - - uC}j <strong>County</strong> at !o1sLocL,1ilinths<br />

i,Alan4atJW bal ------------------ -----------<br />

now resiciing at _______<br />

occupation<br />

1L_,aged_fiL.. years; do.dèclare'on oath that my personal description is:<br />

Sex JI1Q-----------coiort t complexion , color of eyes Brfiwn -------<br />

color of hair }3TOZfl<br />

------------------------<br />

- 2 ,height & L - feet 11) mcLs, weight<br />

- ' L-------------------- --- ---<br />

- pounds, visible distinctive- marks<br />

-<br />

r<br />

I was born in<br />

iam ------------ married.<br />

-<br />

-he me o<br />

, nationalsty - - - -<br />

- ----revrb&is<br />

Anali&XertbpL------------------------------<br />

• we were marrjed on Fob* ta--- --------- atr OP fiP4QQ sheer was<br />

•<br />

bornatcnh4t--------------------onJPtLl<br />

rtheUnitedstates<br />

r,, Jrn n -. V A 1flt -<br />

at uaveaMJJfl_Lo4a4 -- ------- on znusms for permanent residence therein, and now<br />

-0 ----resides<br />

at I have tlJihildren, and the name, date and place of birth,<br />

• dp of ' f hof<br />

1<br />

e<br />

f E -<br />

I k<br />

--- -<br />

PP<br />

Q on--------<br />

-0<br />

0<br />

CQ<br />

In<br />

. ct<br />

I<br />

0?<br />

tz<br />

ôa -T1Jb1b<br />

I have flOt heretofore made a declaration of intention: Number ----- — ----------------- on ------ --------------<br />

--------------------<br />

at ---------- ------ --- ------- ---.--- ----------------- ------------------------------------ - --------------<br />

(Oty.t(n.)<br />

4<br />

•<br />

-<br />

my last foreign residence was ------- - ----------------------------------------------- -<br />

I emigrated to the United States of America from_ G--flGkiPtW q3'--frh CiQ<br />

my lawful entry for pervmanentaesidgncain the United States Was at<br />

under the name of _A4X_h9rPQ1------------------------ 4t'-'- -pril -?,P1!<br />

(1-4<br />

S dT -<br />

onthevesel__!t------------ Do<br />

-------------------------------------- - ---<br />

Cl — by Ati,<br />

I will, before being admitted to citizenship, renounce forever. all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,<br />

or sovereignty, and particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of which I may be at the time of admission<br />

a citizen or subject; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my<br />

intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to reside permanently therein; and I certify that<br />

the photograph affixed to theduplicate endtriplicate hereof isa likeness of me.<br />

I swear (affirm) that the statements I have made and the intentions I have expressed in this dejilaration of intention<br />

subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief: So beW me God. 4<br />

- (OtSkti n d SId.IflS ithct tSSS — *JMS U 5) -<br />

Subscribed and sworn to beforeie in,thq forn of ;t hown above in the<br />

office of the Clerk of said Court, atbj AJklPP is<br />

i(1ha(t------iabruary anno Domini, Certifica-<br />

-<br />

tion No------- --------from the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization<br />

showing the lawful entry of We declarant for permanent residence on the date<br />

stated above, has been receiv9d by me. The photo ph affixed to the duplicate<br />

and triplicate hereof geness of the declare 4<br />

--k\-----------<br />

an] Clerk the Court<br />

Form 2202-1i-A<br />



ISee instructions on reverse hereof I<br />

Deputy Clerk.

7'<br />

-: •-<br />

-, -.<br />

- Not less than 2 nor more than ,7 years after the date of this<br />

'- -<br />

declaration you may file a petition for naturalization (or second papers).<br />

To file such petition it will be necessary for you to make application, in<br />

person or by letter, to the nearest clerk of court exercising naturalization - -- -<br />

- --------- jsthcfion, or to a representative of the Immigration and -Naturalization - - -'<br />

,Serice, forronapplieationFormA22j4. You should not.delay.doing -<br />

- - - - this until near the cle of the 7-year--period, because if you do not file<br />

• . -<br />

- ----.<br />

- -<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

it<br />

your petition with the court prior to the expiration of this, 7-year period<br />

l be hècessa'fd ou to M& a neiii dati$n Of ineñtioâMtht<br />

--at<br />

least another 2 years thereafter before you can Me your petition for<br />

-- - - naturalization. If you houldJmarry I citiIênof the United States, a<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

- -<br />

- - - - declaration of intention is not required as abasis for filing your petition<br />

for naturalization. - 7- ---.<br />

•-- -- - 14-2823 - -<br />

• - - - -<br />

.-t:.i-I ---------------------------- - - - - --<br />

• - - - --------- - --- --- - - 't-y - -I- - - -<br />

.•<br />

--.<br />

— ; t•_, f<br />

•<br />

- ------------ -- 4-<br />

-- --- -<br />

: -<br />

Lt\ =<br />

-- ------<br />

9 ' '- •- ,<br />

--<br />

-•<br />

- -- - -fl. -•-<br />

•<br />

- . C<br />

- - -<br />

--- :--:<br />

a<br />

i. t.: _,s-i. s -t. L2L jt-J .i -. • _;<br />

V..<br />

--• • jt, Q ----- -t!rt t<br />

------------ ----- -'--I --' • - 2,-), L.. j''-. ;•-:-<br />

-. fl: --. -; • ---- -------<br />

o<br />

1f •t;4<br />

\4• ; -'<br />

.1#._ • --<br />

• ---------<br />

[J<br />

• I

.<br />

Li<br />

a<br />

s<br />

W Wu<br />

U;<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court) -. . No. 1076<br />


[Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Publiè, No. 853, 76th Cong.)1<br />

_ To the HwwabM the --- ---- - P&!21 Corns of Mfi9xPJntI— ----- 0sQQt$SQcLT11inni c.<br />

This petition for nosurdizafion, hereby tacit anifikI, re,pe464 ibsen.'<br />

(l)Myfull,true Rod eorrt:namebA1eXaflder_Knbe1 - ---------. ---------------<br />

a .it.. 'M - —<br />

(2) My present place of rSdonee is BR (3) y OPM fee rCTrL!Qrk4G<br />

- y old. (5) twas born on •IXGriJnmJ_IUa&1a------------------<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows: Sex Male WlnteitiA ark ,coioroieyesbtatflL, color of<br />

height 5 feet 10 Inches, weight 175 pounds, visible dIstInctive mark, _none<br />

present nationality Russian (7) lain , married; the name of cay wile flaS Ama]-1- a Krhe1 -------- ---<br />

wewemmajol?j)sJ.bsj,920 - _.Ster14ng-.±Cn1ntda_'<br />

-<br />

- -----trj 29,nr----------<br />

t.akn COts) (Tn)<br />

and entered the United States at .siU.s%(estQ Ti • I -PlC AS on Fen.42_19J2----forpermanent residence in the United States<br />

and now resides at ---------------------. ------.,. L,.and wLlzed a ---------- — -------<br />

(8) 1 have - _.1 children; and the name, sex, date and pines of birth, and present place of residence of each or said children who is living, are as follows:<br />

Olinda, female. born 1/1/22 at Sterling, Colo. - ------ t&hi- ç.gpfl<br />

Hai-o1, male born 12/22/20 at Sterl1n, Colo. -sert1ng<br />

E3AëFfl1Thö'fñ'372sJ23 at Chiâao, Iii. Tseivin In U. S. Arniv<br />

R OR<br />

(10) 1 emIgrated to the United States from<br />

---------- (11) Mylaflulentry for permanent residents in the United Stateewas<br />

Sty" (Cnaufl<br />

Polanu -fine - _Alex TCerbl --<br />

rfl21Z__fl Ss Cpnada<br />

- (MeetbJ - ID.r) (T.,e)<br />

- shows by the cortlilcato of my arrival attached to this petitiea - -<br />

--------<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I bar. flothreat absent from tbe United States, for a period or periods of 6,months or looéer, as follows<br />


Pour<br />

Dar.<br />

(Month,day, year)<br />

Vxssut OR OmxR Mv.ANS<br />


PORT<br />

Dan<br />

(Month, day, yeas)<br />



(13) 1 declared my Intention to become a citizen of the United States on Feb.2fl.19,4L.--------------------in the 13<br />

(Ten) (N,.deunt)<br />

Court of MrHn1'y Cninty at WnM stark "li in,4' (14) it is my intention In good faith to become a<br />

Rev..<br />

United States of America for the term of 5-yearfdt least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit. since<br />

and continuously In the State In' which this petition Is made for the term of 6 months at least immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since<br />

(19) I have not heretofore made petition for naturalization: No.<br />

------------fl. at— ---------------------XX-----------------Intlie flt.<br />

(tenth) (Dtj) (Y.n) (City "ten) (Cnty) (StM.i (N.n ,I nt)<br />

Court, end such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit; -_______ ---- ----------------------- -.<br />

(91) Wherefore, L. your petitioner for naturalizatIon, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that m y name be changed to<br />

or<br />

declara-<br />

United<br />

y law.


The following,wttoenea, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and say,<br />

Mynsmeis Lawrence P. Thirke - -., uiyoccupationla Farmer<br />

I reside at RF.D. 2 Marengo, Illinois - —- and<br />

My name Is Gus uUS AlUAs,L___ • my occupation is FR Pill AV,,,,<br />

Iresideat _RFD -<br />

2Mar9A&QAL I11inois-<br />

(Neab., — ses3 (C tsfl)<br />

I am a dtizen of the United states of Ameriea; I have personally known and have been acquainted in the United States with AIP3MIldpr Kctr he 1<br />

_4the petitioner named In the peclujA foDnaturaiizatlon of which this affidavit is a part, since<br />

.Tnnn wry 1 ,.j93Q ,,,<br />

In my personal knowledge the petitioner baa resided, immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the United State continuously since the data last mentioned,<br />

and at _JIP&Q. ______in the State of _Illinois - continuously since _IanUAry_l 219i39end I have personal<br />

cT,,t)<br />

knowledge that the petitioner Is and during all such periods baa2,eeu epemon of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and<br />

well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner is in every way qualilied to be admitted a citisen of the United States,<br />

-I do swear (alflrtn) that the statements 0 fact I have made in this affidavit of this petition for n$uallsatioa sübsalbed by me are Un, to the best of my.knowledge<br />

and belieF SO HELP ME GOD. II<br />

',- .:cn.cCO - £. -•/%# - fl<br />

iibeaIbed and sworn to before ma by. the above-samed petitioner and witnesses In the respective forms of oath shown In said petition and affidavit In the office of<br />

the Clock of Said courtat WOodStoclC,TIIIinois __this -----2lSk day of -J3nuary<br />

Anne Domlni it44 i hareby certify that Certificate of Arrival NJCLZ....Q7.nw the Immicatlon and Naturalization service,- stowing the lawful entry,<br />

for permanent residence of the petitioner above named, together Dc,'1 XL-. tion N. 22fi4 of such petitioner, has been by ma Sled with,<br />

attached to, end made a part of this petition on this date.<br />

-<br />

- . .<br />

• '.<br />

• • . . -<br />


Clark.<br />

(sr.aLJ s-<br />

— _._, &<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to shy foreign prince<br />

potentate, state. Sr sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith.<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely with6ut any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: 80<br />

HELP Mb GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

Sworn to In open this-_ -: ' day- L.D.lO 4<br />

Deputy Clerk<br />

- NOTE.--ft renunciation of title w order of aebuuty, add the following to the oath or sflagianea before It Is elgnad: "I sandier renounce the We of (give title -<br />

tilled) which I have etekre held." a 9 farther raneance the order ef nobIlity (give the ada.ef nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.". -<br />

3<br />

Petition granted: Line No. ___________ of List No. ___________ and Certificate No. SQV €q.i. issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from to __________ Rearer<br />

* a. a, evasarer lessEn errtCz San iO—lSi't<br />

.<br />

•!<br />


U. S. DEPARTMENt QF JUSTICE 11-356579<br />



I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Francisco de la Torre<br />

Port of entry: El Paso, Texas<br />

Date: February 23, 1918<br />

Manner of arrival: El Paso Electric Railway Co.<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1040, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization<br />

purposes.<br />

IN WImiss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

ttpbr1...19 /<br />

(Date) For the tr ct Dfrector<br />


N-MO<br />

(Old ICI-Im.)<br />

(EditiOn 0(1-13-41) U.S. GOVERMkENTPflNTIKG0FTIC 1O-IO9 Acting Chief.1 Ufl1 _Inforiaation<br />


t.<br />

\ FILED<br />


JAN 2 7 1944<br />

- Clerk of the C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court

.<br />

Mi<br />

to<br />

mz<br />

pa<br />

egi<br />

z g<br />

F 0<br />

€' n<br />

P4<br />

g<br />

Peg<br />

Mo<br />


(To he retained by No. 1077<br />

erk of Court)<br />


iOta Married Poison, under Sec. 310(cflk (b),'AMEOM, of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145))<br />

To the Honorable the ----- CirCUit ---- ------------------ court of J&CBBflLCflUflty--------at ilaodS tack IJJdnois<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section aiofl (b), .flof the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1)My full, true, andcorroctnameb Francis co - Le a<br />

(2) My present place of residence bBQXk72Cafll.i&cJieIU7GQSfllfr (3) MY occupatic.isit 1onJi9Ieman -<br />

4)Iam - ------- yearsold. (S) 1 was bornonAPflt'--- ?tJ,112--- ----------- JU&ichorrySac -Mexico -<br />

(16.ta) (net) (Y,a)<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows: saM&S ; color .WhinpisriobIQY12Aolor of eyesl&rcolor of h&Y height fret jnches,<br />

weight pounds; visible distinctive marks nane race present nationality<br />

(7) I ash ----------- married; the name of my wife Z4fld ------Mary---------- ---------- - we Veto marrie&on Mg1J,Q38___________<br />

jYoodstock -- ,2--n aha was i,orn ---------<br />

- (City S...) (sal. .eaeay) (r — taa) (tSt. ds_ 'late) (O.tetn) on<br />

OSeetLi (n.r) Cr...)<br />

I---<br />

yea.) ______<br />

(<br />

__________________________________— ------- atagah *N,aC.aia.XasX1d(4. and now resides at<br />

(Oiya tan) (stale) (Meat.) (Oty) (Vt,,)<br />

. (stattba — easel) ( - ten) (sat. estee,) (MtSJ (0.1) (Ye) (City., tan) (Stats)<br />

---------------------------------- aX --------------------------------- ----------<br />

------------------- 'orbecameaeltlzanby.....bi.r'tu1____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

(Ia) (If petition is filed under Sectko Ill, Nationality Act of 1940) I have resided in the United States in marital union with my United states citizen spouse for at least<br />

1 year immediately preceding the data of filing this petition for natmnlization.<br />

(7b) (If petition Is filed under Section 312 Nationality Act of 1940) My husband or wife is a citizen of the United States, Is in the employment of the Oovernissent of<br />

the United States, or of an American Institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General of the United States, or an American firm or corporation engaged<br />

in whole or In part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof; and such husband or wife is regularly stationed abroad<br />

In such employment. I intend In good faith to take up residence within the United Slates Immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

IS) I he e -------children; and the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence starch of said children who is living, are as follows:<br />

• ank - Edward ,maleborn July 3, 1940<br />

at Gary. him—is<br />

(9) Mylast place of foreign residence was 1'e-- Mcic----------------------- (10) lomigrated to the United Stateafrom<br />

(at, — ten) (tetety. disuM. en.l.a Mate) (Oaeefrt) (City — ten)<br />

Me-xi-c-2 ---------- (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at ' under the name<br />

ffas–tan)<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

23 19191<br />

Electric Railway Co.<br />

ontFbflfl --- oni2aso-----------as shown by the certificate efmy<br />

(Meet.) (Osy' (Ta..) (Sea. t5 .t,set eth seats, as taenyta_)<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of Smooths or longer, as follows:<br />

PORT<br />


OATS -<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

vzsaxL on 0T5555 IsSAits<br />

01 cosvzvascs<br />

'°fl<br />

OATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or cosrvsvascs<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have traded continuously in the United States of America for the term of &_ yearS at<br />

least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since Yi)3U.arL2i19l819) I have not-- heretofore made petition for nattalization<br />

on----------------------------------at - ------------------------ _lnthe ----------------<br />

(Meet.) (0.,) (vat) (City. tanS (ee5y) (Sete) (Mesa a nit<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and ceon to wit:<br />

elG—I9t6O<br />

jour petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

n<br />

titiooer, do swear (affirm) that I know the contents of this petition (or naturalization subscribed by me. that the same are one to the best of my own<br />

is to matters therein stated to be alleged upon Information and belief, and that as to these matters I believe them to be true, and that this petition is<br />

my full, one name: SO HELP ME GOD,<br />

----------------<br />

(Pal. — — nI .ig.a(a. a eedtia. .ith.tI .bbauttlsej<br />

2, 4.e4 htJ.'-


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and Mr<br />

My name Is ±t&NiI------ my occupation Is<br />

I reside at<br />

4E.C1hQUfl<br />

(Stat)<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States withET. fleitCO. dS.J_a._<br />

---- ------ the petitioner named In the petition for nntunsllzation of which this affidavit isa part, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the 'petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the data of filing this petltidn, In the United states continuously sin the date last mentioned<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States. -<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best army knowledge<br />

and belle!: SO EEL? ME GOD.<br />

-------<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named jaftftWd ' with In the respective farms of oath shown in said petition and affldavitfln the office of<br />

the Clerk of saidtonrt at _QP_AP--, this day pt.l.Y: Anno Domini it I hereby certify that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrival NoU 7 -------from the Immigration and Natnrallzatl% ' Sen , sho wful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me filed with, attached to, and made a part of this petltitn c/this - - - -.<br />


- - —'I<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that! absolutely and entirely renomlee and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true With and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature,<br />

/<br />

sgnntureofpetitio ) -. . -<br />

sworn to In open court. A. D.<br />

- t<br />

k)#A-.fAW) l, fl..c.c.,c—fln -<br />

-- - --. . V -<br />

Deputy Oak,<br />

Non.—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It is signed:"! further renounce the title of (gin title or titles)<br />

which! have heretofore held." or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.". -<br />

Petition granted: Lino No, __________.. of List No. and Certificate No.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from<br />

I<br />

U. S eovnflzsr psI,rn.e cilia ete—tede-i<br />

2-<br />

issued.<br />

.<br />


Form N-220<br />


No----------- 11 362343<br />

Iditios 7-15-43<br />


.- I nsasay cnnrvy that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port, on the date and<br />

in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence.<br />

Name: Chesley Howell<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: September B. 1938<br />

Manner of arrival: 95 Port Townshend -<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of and in conformity with the provisions of<br />

the Nationality Act of 1940 solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IMNlRATIoN 11W tIMAUZATI savau<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREoF this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

NOV 1 5<br />

5. 1. OOVCI*tMT PSIWYINO °,, '_' Assistant Commissioner.

•<br />

4<br />

FILED<br />


AN 2,0 1944<br />

al the CIrwft C.ijrt &


(To he retainea b y<br />

'Clark ofCourt)<br />



.<br />

No. 1078<br />

[Of a Married Person, under Sec. =10MCOM 3113K&. of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the ------C<strong>ircuit</strong>:. ------------ ------- Court of __i ty.Conty::...<br />

WaodstnekI1 1 i nola.<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and flied pursuant to Section tasox (esenliflof the Nationality Act of 1910, respectfully shows: -<br />

(1)My fall, true, Red correct name lsShealeyil Howell ---------------------------------------------------------------- • - lraU, ta., .. .itho.t .taxnttsa. 4 Las eels, a .bMS —<br />

.------------<br />

(2) My present place of residence is .Hehroua McIIezyGo..fl,inqjLj (3) Mr occupation Is<br />

(4) 1am years old. (5) I was born on JtmeJO,9O7-._,---------li' rL<br />

(43) My personal description ism follows: Sex Male-, coleWbStanmplexionfajj color of etesbi,ie color of hnLta a9U.5feet 6Jnches,<br />

weight l45------pounds; visible distinctive marks Sca .rSflflgsr_fl;sacJEfte; present nationality .Rztjtgja ---------<br />

(7) Ism ----------married; the name of my wile dJC%is Doriabenscn ----- ; we were married qn --Jai-a27._4t-.-i9. .......<br />

at C CC1s_IlflflOi5D(k abe was horn<br />

flajiticanncjan.eç _ ...7inmamw aa.MEM909mrand now resides at<br />

Hebron1<strong>McHenry</strong> Co. --Ill. a------------------------ ------- --<br />

• (Na=ba La4 lr teaL) (Ottte - .etet,7) . (Mesh) (O.y) (Tar) (Oy — (Stat.)<br />

PS<br />

a<br />

s-c<br />

0<br />

I<br />

---------------------orbecemaecitizenby birth----------------<br />

---- ------------- ------<br />

------- --------<br />

---------- --- ---<br />

--------<br />

(7a) (If petition is filed under SectIon 311, Nationality Act of l94OTTisve resided In the United States in marital union with my United States citizen spouse for at least<br />

1 year immediately preceding the data of filin g this petition for naturalization.<br />

(7b) (If millionIs flied under Section 312. Nationality Act of 1940) My husband or wife isa citizen of the United States, Is in the employment of the Government of<br />

o take up residence within the United States Immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, are as follows:<br />

(9) Mylast placeef foreign residence wesQa QnearIew.found1and. (10) 1 emigrated to the United States from ---- --- -Jobit.s.<br />

(Oft, t.aL) (tass. dl.t,te,. s,evleet. - ee.al (eetat,,) (y ten)<br />

Newfoundland---- (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was at lie unsier the name<br />

(Oa,sn) (Pit, t.ae)<br />

of -----------------------------eDte .th!Leassrs * thofmr<br />

SOth) lots) (Tax) (Neat d ,,i a ,tls, ae, .5 .nnna..)<br />

snivel attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for perman ent residence I have p0 -been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

POT<br />


DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VZ5SKL OR otnEa MasNe<br />


PORT<br />

an<br />

DAfl<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or cOxvxrANcz<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of ,.2. yearS at<br />

least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: slnce$M, ------ i1938(19) J I have flQt. heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

I nn<br />

number ------ fl, --------- on__fl, --------------------------- at ------------ fl--------------- --_, lnthe -------fl_,,_._<br />

(Mash) CD.,) (V,.z) (City a teal (Oa,et,) (54.).) (Nsa,, S .ewU<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and caufl to wit' ---------- -------------------------------- - --------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------and the muse of such dissnissnl or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made a part of this, my petition for naturalization, are a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Natmaliratlon Service of my said<br />

lawful on into the United States for permanent residence (If such certifica'00 f arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

witnesses required by law.<br />

(2 1) Wherefore, I, your petitioner for naturalization, pray that 'may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

----che1yyIQz.JiQwen--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------<br />

aforesaid petitioner, do swear (affirm) that I know the contents of this peon for naturalization subscribed by me. that the same are true to the best of my own<br />

knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and that as to those matters I believe them to be true, and that this petition Is<br />

signed by me with my full, true name: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

0119400 ___C<br />



The following witnesses, each being scirerally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and say,.<br />

My name I, Turner occupation lslha-tirRA-Farme<br />

t reside at<br />

j9411is__ joccnpauonj4ftt$SgnL_________<br />

inside at z1aTflflflSt.QQdStQQJfliflOi5 .<br />

isaba — .a) (CM:es Ion)<br />

- I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted in th United States with .nes1eyRow.11_.<br />

--------------- - the petitioner named in We petition for naturalization of which this affidavit be part, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the betitioner has resided. lmmedlatelypreoedlnj the date of filing this petition, In the United States continuously since the data last men-<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States. - -<br />

I do swear (alflrm) - that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this Petit!? for<br />

-<br />

naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best of<br />

-<br />

my knowledge<br />

and belief OH LPM GOD. '<br />

—4.T-4— .<br />

Subecribed and sworn to before me by the above-naivjjiecwoner and .ntne,- In the gespective forms of oath shown In said petition and affidavit; in the office of<br />

the clerk court.aYiatPCk-,ia 9aattWof UI1_--- Anno Domini 1944 Ihby eertlfy that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrtvnl No. LL3ñ2Zi4Z. -----from the Immigration and Natura sho ul entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has bcenby me fildwith, atinchetito, and mado a part of thispetiti -<br />

.<br />

By - ----- -- -<br />

- - Dcpnig Clot. -<br />

- OATH OF AlLEGIANCE - -- - --<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, stainer sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United State, of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the mine; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evaslorn SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowletigmeiit whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

Sworn to ih open court, this -------<br />

-<br />

By<br />

Ignature at petitioner) - --;- •-;- -:<br />

A. P. 191±<br />

NGrt—In renunciatiou of tither order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It Is signed: "I further renoince the title of(give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore bald," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Petition granted: Line No. ------- --_- of List No- ---------- - and Certificate No. __4?1 8' SP___<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from ----- — ------------------ _____to<br />

5. ' eOVEXI55XT ,sIau.e cr7505 •t6104Wt<br />

"--i<br />

•i<br />

•i<br />

•i<br />


•<br />



A.2 -5-1 .4 -2 -8 -----------<br />


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence. j<br />

Name:<br />


Port of entry: Forth], N. D.<br />

Date:<br />

March 11, 1921<br />

Manner of arrival: Canadian Pacific Railway<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purposes.<br />

RE CEI<br />

•<br />

548/29/5 MAY<br />

SJQ:ELB 2<br />

.1 WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

ji. it.<br />

'<br />

-.<br />

Form ISO-Im. uhsJlSflPSPS4XTIflC OFFICE 16-18325<br />

May 19, 1942<br />

-- - -<br />

-<br />

, n<br />


Cfl5/y CQ/ft<br />

y1 D<br />


.1<br />

0<br />

U<br />

a.,<br />

on<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />



(Filed under Section 701 of the Nationality Act of 1940)<br />

C1DC14L ,i€1rMeHiry Cnnnt.y dJ&OdStO&l Illtnof$<br />

This pd(Ucn for nefae!fmL lady naje ossdfile4 respedUrelp .Aen:<br />

(1) My fun, trne and correct name iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<br />

(2) My place of reeldonon at the time of my enlistment or induction into the military or naval forces of the United States was<br />

<strong>McHenry</strong>, Jkiirico1 I11i noj_____<br />

(Mth} ) (7..,)<br />

(cIty ç (Otty. nets., me .1t') (Cathy)<br />

(4) My personal deseription ls Age 2 -years; sam i P ; outer Wn •e -; complexion -<br />

color of eyes - blue ; color of hair h3!oW21_; height .._ feet j1._... inches; weight ....162 .... pound visible distinotivo<br />

_none -.------------ pitsentx1stiouallty _British<br />

(5) I am married the name of my wife fl'flIs 2DneHngher.g_SCtiflh1nk. (6) I have _flD ______ children.<br />

(7) lemlgrated to the United States, its Territories, or lb pomeaslona, frontMOi&aS4cJSanad&a _.<br />

(8) My lawful admission to the United States, its Territories, or its possessions, was at P otAtLA1DrS1LAakO.__- -- C<br />

-<br />

',undcr the name of _ 3amue.L S ebmank<br />

-- J4ar-ck212l , on the ..Srai n 1aa1acffirRailway<br />

. (Meaty) (omy) (Year) lilta aZ nnd or atbe ci aa,nma.)<br />

na shown by the certificate of my arrival attached to this petition.<br />

W.<br />

.t<br />

ti_c<br />

ZZ M<br />

0'<br />

u2<br />

(9) I entered the Military __Naymhenflit4&.., una& Serial NoJ35543366<br />

Cl bnesh at aetha)<br />

and am at this time still in such service, serving honorably (or I was honorably discharged on April_6.a....1943<br />

(10) I am not, and have not been for the period of at least 10 year, Immediately preceding the data of this petition an anarchist; nor a believer In the unlawful damage,<br />

(11) Submitted herewith as a part of this, my petition for naturalization, are the nffldnvlb of at least two verifying citizen witnesses required bylaw.<br />

(12) Wherefore, I, your petitioner for naturalIzation, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

n__<br />

(13) 1, aforesaid petitioner, do swear (elllrm) that I know the contents of this petition for nataralisatlon subscribed by me, tt the same are itruo to the best of my own<br />

knowledge, oscept as to matter, therein stated to be alleged upon information an belief, and tb)t as to thq matrs I believe tl4n to be true, and that this<br />

petition is signed by me with my full, trim name; So help me Cod, if If II if if<br />


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and ane<br />

x,mai, Fred OOdID._ - _ Evanston. Ill i noj&.. -<br />

Mynnmoisi/1nrie1&WSJfagbefl Irealdoat 2oQE.atMcwen,jn.<br />

lam a citizen of the United States of America; I personally know<br />

attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and<br />

under Serial No. as shown by official service records.<br />

I do. W 0 affirm) that the statement of facts I have made In this affidavit of this petition for natnrsiisatlnn subscribed by mis Is true tot .? my dire<br />

Ind<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before ma by the shove-named petitioner and witnesses in the respective forms of oath in said petition an aiR it In 0<br />

of the Clerk of said Court at .Woñ.sto&, Ii 1 1 flCbI this ZQth_ day of._ Juno Anna DosnIuilt4L<br />

I hereby<br />

abova named<br />

I certify that the (petitioner and witnessesnsma herein appeared beforo<br />

the filing of thispotitlon.<br />

whom or W<br />

forn & eig end<br />

help me<br />

Sworn to In 00641 0Ottr41t.,,,,4.._4_.._. day of<br />

OATH OF<br />

Petition granted (ie4 Line No. I of List No.<br />


and Naturalization Service showing the lawful entry of the petitioner<br />


0.5. oovrssgntT rotsulO oma 10—rsose.-2<br />

on ''ASS SJ'.J te_ prier to<br />

any<br />

£ D.<br />

Im it TEiimiiflenounco the title of (give title or thles)<br />

to which I have heretofore belonged."<br />

d Certificate No. (flfS 49V55,

• I<br />




HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

- on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Paul Wolfgang Schedibsuer<br />

/<br />

Port ofentry; New York, N.Y.<br />

Date: April 12, 1938<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Europa<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and<br />

only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate of arrival is issued<br />

APR 241940<br />


Form 161 i vn..m nfl. . 14-260!<br />

es<br />

t -<br />


Commissioner. -

•<br />

;.flLE:D<br />


-<br />

JUN201944<br />


•<br />


(To be given to<br />

,-t4-<br />



(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof)<br />

of TI 1jo,js__ --------- in the _...___.C.<strong>ircuit</strong>..___L.-___ ------------------- Court<br />

a:<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

of 1!c1 ny---Co.ut----- ci .Weedeteek-,1-14-inois<br />

Ioltgn2Pa11IScMdibauoa1z&:knoaaLPanL12a1fraashad1a_--------<br />

if p - w.. n.. — say - — , t<br />

now residing at .g. a4J ------ — - -------<br />

occupation . i.L&11Q13,LflkIJilMflL aged<br />

Sex --Hale -e -------------- color .flhit5e. —, complexion<br />

color of hair --- -- --- ---t2JJ, height SL._; feet<br />

years, do<br />

2&ir<br />

inches; wih<br />

on oath that my personal description is:<br />

— - ..., color of eyes — --<br />

4•Q... poufids; visible distinctive nithks<br />

----------------------------------- ----------- .........<br />

race tZWaD ------------- ---------±_- ----- 1L_;nationality GGaL.------------------------------------------------<br />

-------------- - ----------- - on<br />

I was born in<br />

a<br />

------SJ.utrfarmany_<br />

Jam tflLzanied.henameofmy wife orhuabandis ----------- S - n -- ---- ---- ------------------ I --- -----------------weweremarriedonfl-------------<br />

— -------------------- . --- at ----------- -------:-- -------------- --------- ....; she orhewas<br />

- — ------<br />

(S -<br />

bornat ------------------------- on.__Z _ entered tlieUmtedStates<br />

Ifs, - Iowa) (a_s - 1) (-nsa) (Oi - - - (rW) -<br />

at ' on , for permanent residence therein, and now<br />

resides at ----- - ---- — ---- --- ---- ------- ff" I have fieihildren, and the name, date and place of birth,<br />

and place of residence of each of said childrenareasfollows: --------<br />

I have UhLL heretofore made a declaration of intention:, Number on<br />

--<br />

----at------------------------<br />

-- ---------------- ----------------------.<br />

I<br />

(NSSI.an)<br />

MY last foreign residence was --- ---_St.Uut1tLfler12afly------ ------- ---------------------------- ------- --------------------<br />

(OOsab<br />

I emigrated to the United States of America froC---------------- BrQEQfl,GQfl1IflV----------------<br />

(air U, toni (Ocane,)<br />

my lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at NXOD±&sYa. ----------------------------under<br />

the name of --------- Paul Siolinuig &hesllbauar ---------------------- on<br />

onthevesselSaJllrQpa---------------------------------- ----------U ----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

- - -<br />

WM 5b1...S55flaSSfltflO - - -<br />

•<br />

I will, before being admitted to citizenship, renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,<br />

• or sovereignty, and particularly, by name, to the prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of which I may be at the time of admission<br />

a citizen or subject; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my<br />

-:<br />

- - 4- intention in good faith to ,become a-citizen of the--UnitedStates of America and to reside permanently therein; and I certify that<br />

the photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a likeness of me.<br />

I swear (affirm) that the statemenl9_I, have made and the intentions I have expressed in this declaration of intention<br />

-<br />

•<br />

-<br />

subscribed by me arejrua arT25r7C, \knowledge and belief: So help me God.<br />

rniir \ ;,F<br />

_ -----<br />

t I fIcI*tai .ton d,.as wissocs .iw5d,. — .5.4 5 -<br />

- I Subscribed and sworn tthefokê me in the form of oath shown above in the<br />

- office of the Clerk of said Court, atWOadZjack r flLj.nGjo__-------<br />

1 this. - A # . dag okenbet<br />

------ -anno Domini, iU.4.Q. Certifica-.<br />

tion NoL tt?(c&441am the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization<br />

- showing the lawful entry of the declarant for permanent residence on the date<br />

stated above, has been received YYme. The photograph ed to the duplicate<br />

an triplicate hereof is a 2hdyt('<br />

• .<br />

I<br />

Clerk ofthe -- --------- Cinl4t. -------tbt&rt.<br />

•<br />

0• -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

/<br />

/<br />

U..,<br />

I<br />

.<br />

.<br />

By ----------------------------- ------------------------ ,Deputy Clerk.<br />

Fbrm22OS—L-A - 14—Sen -<br />

-. .....<br />

-<br />



• - - . _--. [See instructions on reverse hereof<br />

- jjt4<br />


- . Not less than 2 nor more thaa,7 years after the date of this,<br />

declaration you may file a petition for naturalization (or second papers).<br />

To file such petition it will be necessary for you to make application, in<br />

persdn or by letter, to:the nearest. clerkof court exercising naturalization<br />

• jurisdiction, Or to a representative of the Immigration and Naturalization<br />

Sérvice for an apjlièation Form A-2214. -You should not delay doing<br />

- thisuntil nearthe close of the 7-year, period, because if you do not file.<br />

your petition with the court prior to the expiration of this 7-year period<br />

it wilt be necessary for you to file a new declfion• of intentioâ.and wait<br />

at least another 2 years thereafter before you can file your petition for<br />

naturalization. - If you should marry i citizen of the United States, -a<br />

declaration of intention is not -required-as a basis for filing your petition<br />

for naturalization. - .............' - •, 1425fl<br />

r - a<br />

-__) -------2 3<br />

----- - - ---<br />

-------- ....<br />

V * -<br />

- I t L -<br />

- -- -- . .•<br />

---------:<br />

..-:-m-- -<br />

JUN2 01944<br />

' -<br />

If , Jo t<br />

I<br />

- :- -- ,, •1 , .t<br />

:.-.<br />

-<br />

-- :- -. - -. -----_ - . ------<br />

, --r.T....<br />

:4--sI1-<br />

-- :.-.-.-': ---- ..•'_ -jj1 -' ..... .<br />

•(zznloScsdethG<br />

-<br />

- - - --<br />

-- ----- - ---------_-- .- -:.-. -<br />

-, -------. -, (----.4<br />

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:-•<br />

_1•_ -'<br />

yjz -z -; 1civsr_z)<br />

\ \ \<br />

-. .•) '&•-; ... -<br />

---------- ---------------------<br />

- •..' .<br />

çfl1 I t71tri<br />

-. - 1'- .<br />

- -<br />

•<br />

I<br />

.<br />



(To be retained by.<br />

Clerk of Court) - - No.<br />

1080<br />


[Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Public, No, 853, 76th'Con.)J<br />

c1ofcjkrArL2cwxx-------<br />

• This j4111.n for nainrdizationt kathy made aiidfiie4 rcie4uily shows:<br />

n<br />

C<br />

iat<br />

U;<br />

r- 5<br />

is %<br />

I<br />

'6<br />

(1)My fall, true, Rod oorrectnasaeI 's _Wo1f'mg Raa1_Sehed11lzuer<br />

(2) My present — of residence La Lox 12B od tcWtoecupauonisSent (lJzaiv4<br />

(4)lam 22 years old. czunonike1iS1922------------<br />

(6) My personal desctptton Is as teflon SatTflP 1 e'T. zMcar.ye, .1i::afvigj..<br />

height feet Inches, welghtJ.4&. pounds, visible distinctive mark, g c-pr on chjn.__, _wLite---------present<br />

nationality, German (7) 1 em married: the nerne of my wife or husband is fl_ ----------- — --------------- -<br />

we were mauled en ----- --<br />

hem she wasbom<br />

wn (Two<br />

at WY<br />

t cw-<br />

—<br />

------- -t-t-a--- -------------------<br />

------------------------------<br />

(n1 (V—ti<br />

and entered the United States at X_,,,,____________ _______ on --------- XL----------------- -- for permanent residence in the United States<br />

tOur - seal Wt.s oi.s.. (D.,t cvn.s<br />

and nowresides at.fl— -------------- —_____ Lad wnedenfl -<br />

aL certifleata No. ________ or beosme a oltizen by ___X --------<br />

'Osu-- towns<br />

(8) lbs.. ..,fl.... children; and the name, sex, dame and place of birth, and present $ane of residence of each of said children who is living, are as fellow,:<br />

(9) My lest place of foreign residence we.,<br />

_G rnr__ (10) I emigrated to the United States from<br />

- _Bremen ,ejman_ My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was<br />

New Ycffl<br />

as shown by the oertiflate .1 my arrival attached to this petition.<br />

Ce-<br />

on the _SS Europ.&<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I bay, not been absent from the United States, for a period or periods .16 months or longer, as follows:<br />

- OUT<br />


Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Vgoszn ox OmKR MaINS<br />

or Cosvsranca , Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

(13) 1 declared my Intention to become a citizen.! the United States on Be teinbar4 124Q --- -------- ft. the Cl r;ii<br />

Vnsn OR Onn Mnee<br />

or CONvNTANcI<br />

ot0Mr1Tetrny Cnuinty at Woq j9 (14)R yintentioalngoodfait become.<br />

(5455<br />

citizen of the United Stain and S romance, absolutely and fray all allegiance and fidelity locus ,<br />

this thee I am a subject a nitizen, and ft is my intention to reside permanently in the United ttatea.<br />

Immediately preceding the data of this petition, en anarohist nor a believer in the unlawful damage,<br />

or opposed to organised govcent mat member of or ailulated with any organization or body of;<br />

(16) 1am able to speak the English language (unless physically unable to do so). (IZ tam, and<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States and well disposed to the good order and bapgs<br />

United Stain of America for the tarn of 6 year, at least immediately preceding the data of this petition, to wit, since _Apri .Z,_138<br />

and continuously in the State to which this petition is mad, for the term of 6 months at keel Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since<br />

(19) I bare tat heretofor, made petition for naturalization: No. fl------------<br />

an ----------(Mok ------<br />

fl.------------------------- inthe ------X------------------- - ------<br />

(OM (sW tH•,- .5<br />

Court, and such petition was A4.n.Ise1 or denied by that Court for the following reasons and ceases, to wit: ---- ----- -- ______________<br />

(21)<br />

.te—lesm-t<br />

my<br />

and the ,w.nes of each dismissal or denial has slam bean cored or removed.<br />

may that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of Ameria, and that my name be changed to<br />

w<br />

true to the best of my own<br />

n, and that this petition is<br />



- 'me ronowing ts, etch being severally, duly. and respectively SWom, depose and at -.<br />

L MY .b..Chancey Ii. Duker ,myocsmpatlonis _Supt. of School ci<br />

Ireadde.t 600 South Green. St. MrHenr5r. Tfl1nbi ------------- and<br />

My name Is Cella T my o r<br />

R. El. #1.J4oIeJ]ry I11inois<br />

—<br />

I am a citizan of the United States of Amezia. I have personally known and have been aaivalnted In the United Stasis with No] fr- ang Paul<br />

S chedlbaue r ., the petitioner petition for na nitration of which this affidavit is a pen, since Jariu 817 1 .139 .<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has residod, immedJately peecedlng the data of filing this petition. In the United States continuously since the date lest mentioned,<br />

andat MCHeZ)rL IntheStateoL_Illinois Jarniiry 1 .l93Sandlhavepersonal<br />

- - - (1— •D IT-<br />

end befit 80 ELIi ME Ooa<br />

r2405<br />

LW uaLuIaUZaUOn snwec oy me am nut to 100 Seat 0! my<br />

Subealbed and more to beior?bidby the above-named petitioner and witnesses In the respective forms of oath shown In said petition and affidavit In the Office of<br />

the Clerk of said Court at 1Q.9StoQ9 ,_IflinQis 'ht. 2Qthday of -------<br />

Anno DOmIDI 29A4 I hereby certify that Certificate of Arrival Nil_248422 from the Immigration and NaturalIzation Service, showing the lawful entry<br />

ne<br />

of onNo.fl4_&ntheUtion&.has been, by one died -ith,<br />

put of tbls patitical or, hla t_ date.<br />

By<br />


Depet Clerk.<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreijn.prince,<br />

potentate, stktè, bI sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

(es—. ,t paIu..d<br />

Sworn to In open court, thi& day A. D. 19_<br />

By<br />

Clerk.<br />

Deputy Clerk.<br />

NOTE.-4n ren'nndallen of title or order of nobility, add the renewing to the oath of allegiance before It Is signed: "I further renounce the title of (give title or<br />

bike) which I have beetoe held." or '1 further rvoo-nea the ardor .f nobility (she tb.order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged."<br />

Petition granted: Line No. of List No. ____________ and Certificate No. -._____ ___. issued.<br />

Petition dented: List No.<br />

Petition continued from to -- Reason_________________<br />

* St SOVIasScar Paistise OFflcL Sea 151fl201 -<br />

S<br />




No<br />


9"! T HEREBY CERTIFY that the Immigration records of the Department of Labor show that the alien named<br />

below arrived at the port, on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United;<br />

States of America for permanent residence.<br />

Port of entry: New 'fork N t<br />

Name: Ko1biner, Franz<br />

Date: June 14 1923<br />

Manner of arrival: ss seydlitz<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued -<br />

. - ----------- --4un-G--30 )----1QZO-----------------------------<br />


Form 161 .avnN.rwy n.xn,n,,..n: 14-2601 Commissioner of Naturalization.

$ S

- -<br />

I -<br />

I.<br />

1-<br />

2'<br />

• 00<br />

• 00<br />

- CQ<br />

cc<br />

.0•<br />

- !- -<br />


(to be given to<br />



(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof)<br />

State of Illinois Th ik Court<br />

CQurity O1LIIQIry --<br />

-<br />

ofL!thiury CoinLy °'.oedMca1,I1Lcezs<br />

now residing at 4L4 t--it ------<br />

occupation iarning; -----------r ------- ---, aged 54_ yeà±s, do declare on oath that my personal description is:<br />

Sex Xalfi -- , color ' , complexion _E!3iV -- , color of eyes -et- - -<br />

color of hair J3fl)SZXL---- ---------- height 5 feet.... ----- inches;weight pounds; visible distinctive marks<br />

German ,nationality - Ccrran - - -<br />

-<br />

race<br />

I was born infleflk1hQ1m,Ath<br />

Iam --------<br />

3' L_L__ ---------- -------------------- naIuueiZqJ288<br />

------<br />

- -:<br />

we were married onAprcfipAP2L:aLMfeQk1flgibflflfly<br />

ente<br />

she afle was<br />

born at -Iii dornn1'tbh1ngrQerthtP Jlosz.s2219P23----- ---- - ------------1t° d the United States N<br />

at --- ------ -------- Jmii1J_4E23-----!1, for permanent residence therein, and now<br />

resides at £37tV1_Laha,Jfllinoi&ffff' I have -------4ihildren, and the flame, date and place of birth,<br />

and place of residence of ich of said cht-j as foHows:rak4itLflVfl_143/2ZLtflCC 1' 1flr, i<br />

C,r!Panfl Haroia4 bore lit 11123--- ksairnJn fl1;Jir±huaJaont. --------<br />

1cZi712.<br />

- --------------- ------------------------<br />

--------------<br />

I hye ----heretofcxcede a declaration of intention: Number Sfll 8------------ on _Ju15z2S.dC3Q-<br />

at ircniLCnr±AtLnkeLCn__<br />

my last foreign sideziEe was<br />

I emigrated to the United States of America from --------<br />

my lawful entry for permanent residence in the United Stateá as °krr&QitCx±,21.Y.<br />

:thft? -<br />

- - - - - - UI - ts by ,_ a, d .ninO - - -<br />

I will, before being admitted to citizenship, renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,<br />

or sovereignty, and particularly; by name, to the prince, potentate, state or sovereignty of which I may be at the time of admission<br />

a citizen or subject; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is my<br />

intention in good faith to become a-citizen of the --United .States-of -America -and-S,ee4e-pesanently therein; and 1 certify that<br />

the photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof is a likeness of me. -<br />

I swear (affirm) that the statements I have made and the intentions I have expressed in this declaration of intention<br />

subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief: So help me God.<br />

azaauzI... , .----- -•<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me in the form of oath shown above m the<br />

office of the Clerk of said Court, at --<br />

this 3pd_daof Soptctibor- ---- --- anno Domini, i94il. Certifica-<br />

tion woA b?it?rom the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization<br />

showing the lawful entry of the 4eclarant for permanent residence on the date 7<br />

stated above, has been received fr me. The photogra affixed to the duplicate/<br />

and triplicate hereof isa - of the dec wt<br />

Clerkof the _\Court<br />

By ----- -- _ -----------------<br />

Form 2202—L-A<br />



ISee instructions on reverse hereof<br />

Deputy Clerk-<br />

145623<br />

5.t -fl$flT flWTt a

K &<br />

-<br />

• ...<br />

- -- -<br />

• Not less than 2 nor more than-I years after the date of this<br />

declaration you may file a petition for naturalization (or second papers).<br />

To file such petition it will be necessary for you to make application, in<br />

person or byietter,to the nearest clerk of court exercising naturalization<br />

jurisdiction, or to •a representative of the Immigration and Naturalization<br />

Service, for .an application Form A-2214.. You should not delay doing<br />

.this,until near the close of the 7-year period, be use if you do not file<br />

your petition with thecourt prior to the expiration of this .7-year period<br />

it ilb€nideisrjr for you to file a nev declaraiibn of intetioxi and wait<br />

at least anothei 2 years iherefter before you cann -me your petition for<br />

naturalization. If you should marry a citizen ofthe -United States, a -<br />

declaration of intention is not required as a basis for filing your petition<br />

for naturalization.<br />

J<br />

•:_I&H:•<br />

I<br />

-.•..••:21 -<br />

,...-<br />

- ------- -.<br />

c' rc'4<br />

••••• 'T - .. _?L....................<br />

- -- -<br />

- :i.i-. " -:-.r-- ,P t'-tç ....•i c, i 4 ;.\.: -- -'•- . -<br />

- .......<br />

ft<br />

. ..... :,.;,. ---<br />

... •_'. -. ...... . -<br />

.•::2_ 'r.; '.,:t •_ ,<br />

- •:-- .... - "..'.-. ----------•-':- • ..--<br />

I .<br />

XflI.\ vflt:n.cri L.-A V caurz)<br />

'2<br />


.<br />

• tu:i<br />

I—u<br />

•;<br />

.0_Is, a<br />

t1-I<br />

Z z=<br />

jLu<br />

z 0<br />

h<br />


Clerk of Cou rt) 7<br />

-<br />


No. 1081<br />

[Under General-Provisions of the Nationality Act-of 1940 (Public, No: 853, 76th Cong.)J<br />

To a tlonorcWthc ---------it!4t Cowl Qc4!Qi' is<br />

• This petition for nctradli ration, kathy made unifiEd, rapecddly shots -.<br />

(l)Myf&ndonrre4nme1<br />

Kolbing-- -<br />

• FranlsJr.<br />

(2) My present — of residence I,<br />

(4) 1am _58 .old, (5) Iwas barn on 1euke1beS1J1exmziy___<br />

(6) My pernonnl description is fellgwr -- lAal e , nuJ,te, completion Th12!_. color 9f eyes _tffl. color of hair<br />

height 5._ feet B - Inches, weight - 19 0 pounds, visible distinctive marks waLt_1efleye------- Fare<br />

present nationality, Ge rmir - - (7) I am ______ married: the name of my wIfe 'iaca,es is Katharine-----------------<br />

wrernApr4_EsL]$21<br />

__. 5tMfenkinj.flei'rnany<br />

Xr she was born .iijeaegebri3hinp maEy__------------------ 0rRQreh1fl2! 6---toni<br />

(TO<br />

- ,ffo' $ ( tt<br />

and entered the United States etIlLeW_Lorkp I'd. • __ em 2 JAj.1SZQ for permanent residence in the United States<br />

and now resides aC17St2<br />

----- -- --<br />

fl - -__<br />

u — —<br />

i have 1_.. child=; and the name, las, data and plate of birth, and present plane of residence ci each ofajd dres, who is living, age as fellow.:<br />

born 1/13/22 at Affecking, Germany now in mu___a service;<br />

Haro14 boiEll/11J23 at Prairie 1w, Iii. now - In thflitary iVice -<br />

Arthur, born i,Q117)25<br />

at Mundelein, I1inois rió* residing in Crystal Lalte,"IU;<br />

1 10010Q -------- ii;iax,, - --- i?Mncr GrVAt.FA<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was (10) f emigrated to the United State from<br />

B remen' J3ermany _. ------ (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was<br />

(E-t) - COenOsI IC 4<br />

. New Yoa,Jj.fl underthenameef_Fr<br />

(SS.$)<br />

ri<br />

JuneIL1Z3. _.ntheSS Seydlitz_----------------------------------------_________<br />

W-4<br />

as shown by the certifiesteef my arrival attached to this petftin<br />

(12) Sinew my lawful entry for permanent residence I have been absent from the United States, for a period or perIods .11 months or longer, as followt<br />

- Poar<br />


DATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Vasm OR Oman Mzssts<br />


-<br />

POET<br />

Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Vassan alt Ovum MEANS<br />

or CosvgtsNcz<br />

(13) I declared my Intention to becom, a citizen .f the United States on Saptemh e r 322940 ----------------lii the Ci rcult<br />

Court of _MeHPnVY C rnmty at ___ (144 It bray intention In so faith te become &<br />

citizen of the United States and to renamens absolutely and forever an allegiance and fidelity to say fogeig. mince, potentate, State, or sovereignty of whom or which at<br />

this time I am a subject or cttlzes, and ft is my Intention to reside pennsnentiy In the United State,. (IS) lam not, and Ire., not been for the period of St least 10 yew<br />

Immediately preceding the data of this pesidon, an anarchist; nor a believer In the unlawful damage. Injury, & desinction of property. or sabotage; nor a dlsbcliover In<br />

or opposed to organized government, nor a member of or efillmted with any organization or body of persona teaching disbelief in or opposition to organized government.<br />

(16) I am able to speak the English language (unless physically unable to do so). (17) 1am, arnlbave been during all of the periods enqafred by law, attached to the<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States and well disposed t the good order and bappinces of the United States, (18) thu.. resided continuously In the<br />

Vetted States of America for the earns of years at least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since 2unaaa19,3_______<br />

and continuously In the State In which this petition Is made for the term of months at least Immediately preceding the data of this petition, to wit, since<br />

June 1923 (19) 1 have _not_ heretofor, made petition for naturalization: No----------fl, ------<br />

(MeetS) (Deet (Teed<br />

___at.,,.-------------------------------------ln the --------- — --------------------- - ------<br />

(MeetS) (Teed fltr I...) tC.eM,4 Gt,te)<br />

Court, and such petittoa was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reason, and causes. to wi- - --C____._._ --------- .___--<br />

or denial has sines been cured or removed,<br />

urn, a citizen of the United States (If such declare-<br />

ion Service of my said lawful entry Into the United<br />

tat least two verifying witnesses required by law.<br />

(21) Wherefore, 1, your petitiener for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of Anrerlos, and that my name be changed to<br />

2) I, aforesaid petitlonar, do swear (affirm) that I bmw the contents of this petition for aetzraltzntion suuecrtbee by me, teat tue same are true to tao nest or my own<br />

sowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be allatd upon information and belief, and that sate those matters I belIeve them to be true, and that this petition is<br />

— by me with ray fun, true name: SO HELP ME GOD. C,_7ç ,__<br />


1 ,41<br />


Tb, following witn, each being severally, duly, and respectively swan, depose and sat<br />

MTl2SZII. b E1nar Johnson myo:Ib _Trueker<br />

gr. et J1R_#lCzystalLake,_Ifl1no1 and<br />

- (thy - -<br />

Mynsab Henry n._gngen myooazpationis Farmer<br />

ER Al Crjt1Lakeifl1npjs,, - _<br />

Lana citizen of the Unitdd States of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted in the United States with Frn -<br />

-_— - , the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of whit this affidavit ha pan, since Janu&'y 1 .1939 ..,<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, Immediately preceding the date of filing this petition, In the United States continuously , since the date lest mentioned,<br />

end atQ jai ake,In . of I111noi_ cenun .2.anuaryfl.JS3fld Ihevepersonal<br />

knowledge that the Petitioner hind dating all such periods has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and<br />

Well disposed to the good order and lmppioeae of the United States. and In my opinion the Petitioner bin every way qualified to be admitted a citizen of the rotted States.<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of I have made in this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subsaibed by me ace tine to the best of my knowledge<br />

andbelbHBLPMEQO$7'-., - l.. 7<br />

'. a.: 6<br />

Sutsoribed and sw - for me by the above-named petitioner end witnesses in the respectiv4rms of oath Aow,i In said petition and affidavit In the office of<br />

the Clerk ofsaidc iVnQtj$tnrk, 'TIlinnic th1,tyui.j:j<br />

Anno Dominl 1944 thereby oiiilfy that Certiflate of M1a1 No 2581, from Immigratio a ezid Naturaltizitton Sericeèowing the lawful coDy<br />

for permanent residence of the petitioner above named, together with o. of such petitioner, has been by me filed with ; '<br />

ettechedto,andn,adeapsrtofthlspeugiononthisdate. - . .<br />

By<br />

-. -<br />


D.ptsfyCiak —<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely. rnbunee and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign.prinee,<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have beretofoM been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and doenedtio; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP ME GOD. In aeknow1edgmeyhereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

- C I<br />

Sworn to In open court, thi&__ -' ( A. D. 1995L<br />

By --<br />

Deputy Clerk.<br />

rioTa-b, jennodetion *full.. cadet of nobility. odd tM, following to the oath of allegiar before ItS signed: "I further renounce the title of (give title a<br />

boa) which! have heretofore held." or 1 further renounce the cider of nobility (0v4e tho.orda of nobility) to which I have heretofore belofled."<br />

Petitiongrinted: Due No. of List No. ________ and CertificitjNo....k 5 YVI7issued.<br />

Petition dented: List No.<br />

Petition continued from __________ to Reason<br />

- If a. a. eovnasrar nianse OtflCZ, 1545 le—lolm-t .. . - -: -<br />

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JusncE<br />



No<br />

1 278282<br />

I HEREBy CERTIYY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence. -<br />

Name: Pranz Sjffrar<br />

Port of entry: Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan<br />

Date: August 25, 1924<br />

Manner of arrival: C. N. R. B.<br />

I FURTHER carnn that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Pub., No. 853, 76th Cong.), solely for the use of the alien.<br />

herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREoF, this certificate of arrival is issued ___NOV 19 1941<br />


Special Assistant to the Attorney GeneraL<br />

Form N-225 u. •. oo.nuwn ..Iwn,s onlct 10-19161<br />

me<br />

- By<br />

114<br />

Chief, Certifications B

S<br />

S<br />

FILED<br />


JUN 01944<br />

CIe1f the CkctUCoirt

.<br />


(To be given To declasserst<br />

whenorigltialIyied;tobe •' -<br />

made a part of the petition<br />

thrusamrfise<br />

thSOJed;àndbbe't. DECLARATION OF INTENTION No. 1318<br />

in careclastaparin" '=<br />

thnsxdgmfh:L (Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof)<br />

sr<br />

mike --- ---- C1renit ------------------------------------------<br />

McEe1rc<strong>County</strong> -------- at VJOOd&tOC1C--1flino15<br />

(1) My fun true andoorretnameb fThnk $1flri beat abbya — afl 0a — -----------------------------------------------<br />

- —• -<br />

(2) My present place of residence'] iil&QflgU t.wsi5i oeeuEmuonbtiJhter-JcflaColmtop<br />

(4) 41 ye-flo& (6) JWflbOTflOfltarclI - i BambonRe1n1an& -- -<br />

- F 0&ea4S -. jiayl - 4Yz) Caere a) ( dtehc aea,a..,<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows: Sex coly_1 JJaE_-_--, eOrnpleriO5Ftr Z?-----------nolor of eyes Blue<br />

-- -enjoy of hair height- 5-----rest _Z Inches,wefght-l42nrpoonda, visible distinctive marks 7)flflf -------------------------------- U<br />

(7) Ism ---------- marrieA; the name of my iiifJs Relànhna :1Jorh itt4Vwere married orJJeCa30a1927<br />

at Cit. caao1 Iflinois (Dal (Veil<br />

— r she was born at , Holstein "<br />

on. TU rY - and entered the United Sierra at Sew_IoJc2_<br />

NoVerfttZr 3Q3 19flr permanent residence lathe United States and now resides at &lgonntn ti Tlnnls.<br />

(MflD (Day) (Yea,) - -<br />

(8) I have a children and the name sex data and place of birth and present place of residence of each of said children who is living are as follows<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence<br />

liambur, Gemc<br />

Sc2i.I Std'?7tii<br />

Auu-<br />

on<br />

(i<br />

(12) Since my lawful Entry far Penn=<br />

-<br />

-<br />

PORT<br />

. PU (10) I emigrated to the United States from<br />

(Oee.iy di.tatS. s,,yt,a.. at_a.) - (Oeatttrl<br />

(11) My lawfuVèntry for perinanentresidance in the United States was<br />

flçhi-----if_V- ---- jnn&nameot±Sfl1flz1Ml ff'var<br />

t,othJLRsL-- --------------- IL.----------------<br />

- -lVeil ,tt _ - 04. .d,,eaa,etbetm sd.e,aa.r.a,.)<br />

saidence I have - - boon absent thu the United States, torn period or periods of I) months or longer, as follows:<br />


DATE<br />

(Month day<br />

- (13) Thaw ----------heretofore made declaration of intention: No. ?fli&------------on<br />

Cilkes-Bane -pa,.<br />

- -.<br />

It Is<br />

Viresax OR OTHER MEANS --<br />

PORT (Mothday, VEssK9lbxs<br />

- Or CO-WRYANCIR - Ex<br />

OF CONYANt%<br />

of<br />

'4<br />

ann mpucate Ignore!ri a ale,-OW 01 me sac was siee Dy me. - -<br />

made and the intentions I have expressed In this deelarati on of Intention saheeribed by me are true to the best of<br />

- -<br />

Subscribed and sworn to (ailirined : before me In the form of oath shown e In the office of the<br />

Clerk mid Court. atWOQdStQCk4IlliflQiB-----------------------------------<br />

this .l3itlt day of Daeem.ber ------------ anno Domini i4l I hereby certify that<br />

Certification from the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization,<br />

showing the lawinl entry for permanent residence of the deelarant above named on the date stated in<br />

this declaration of intention, has been received by me, and that the photograph affixed to the duplicate<br />

and triplicate hereof Is a likeness of the declarant.<br />

[SEAL) --- ------- ---------- uiiLp.(gzpø'--------- - -------------<br />

:i<br />

- -<br />

Form N-315<br />


- CraoJtheP±!9J4t_________________________--------------<br />

Cbd t.<br />

at<br />

/<br />

- Depuiy Clerk.<br />

010-10119 e. a. esycaNenT ninsac a,ricg<br />


.(Edltion of 1-1341) -<br />

- - -- ---1

- "<br />

________<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

' - Not less than 2 Aor more than 7 years after the date the original of<br />

-this declaration was 'made, arid after you.-have lived in the United 'States<br />

for at least 5 years and in the State for it least 6 months, you may file<br />

a petition for naturalization (or second papers). You will not be n6tifld<br />

, by the Government or the clerk of court to me such petition. It will be -<br />

necessary for you to make application, - in person or by letter, to the<br />

nearest clerk of court exercising naturalization jurisdiction, - or to a<br />

representative of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, for an<br />

application Form N-400. You should hot wait to do this until- near the<br />

close the 3zyeaperiodJecauscJfs9<br />

the court before the end of this 7-year- period it will be necessary. for you<br />

to file a new declaration of intention Sand wait at least another 2 ycars - - -<br />

- -<br />

- ,<br />

-<br />

-.<br />

thereafter before you can file your petition for naturalization. However,<br />

a j,titioné for naturalization who is married to a citizen of the United<br />

Stateh is not required to make a declatatiori of intention as a basis for - filing a petition for naturalization.<br />

Applicants for naturalization, before èing grnted citizenship, must<br />

satisfy, the judge of the naturalization .ourt that they believe in the<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States.The - Immigration<br />

- and Naturalization Service has prepared a citizenship textbook about the<br />

Constitution and GovirnnTent of the tlni'ted States which maj be used<br />

by persons who have declared their intention to become citizens and who<br />

attend citizenship classes - in the public schools. This book and the<br />

- classes will help applicants to prepare themselves -forthe duties and<br />

responsibilities of American citizens hi - -<br />

---------- - - -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-_<br />

-<br />

-<br />

CO<br />

"::' -<br />

-- -<br />

c16-19110 -<br />

• •--P4ot'<br />

• OfS-) -<br />

----<br />

- - - -. -<br />

--- -• --nk::L. '-<br />

LLJ<br />

- - - : c-dz4ltqAslc3,c.;<br />

: - --- I<br />

•<br />

-<br />

- H •


Cro be retained by<br />

- Clerk of Court)<br />

1082<br />


- [Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act bf 1940 (Pubflà, N& 853, 76th Con)]<br />

To Lbs Hob,;ae t:Pct----------------- cowl 0iMcn wooastk,I" in is<br />

• Thi, pdilhien Jo, natwdizoilom hereby anode and filed, respcdfu/4, sbo.oa-<br />

(1) MyfuB,true aodconectnnels.Fraflk_SIffraI -- - .. -<br />

(2) My prnt plate of resident. guinA-<br />

(44 lam 44 ygante. cs iwtouflre1ff19fl .b,1<br />

(o) my My personal deseription be as teflon Sn MRLP , eoionDn),.e. complexion LUJZ__.. color of ens<br />

.<br />

'• !L<br />

height &.: foei .7 Inches. weight JA9. pounds, visible distinctive marks _flQfl ---------------------------- race<br />

present nationality Cr VThR 11 (7) I am married; the name _______<br />

we were, retorted an __lle0EJ<br />

at<br />

____ was born<br />

and entered the United States el on<br />

and now resides at AJ.&012<br />

and wd'b A Ytallzad i___-------------<br />

________ - atsa an<br />

---- ----------- — ---------- - . - iwo- a.a.*q. xx<br />

—<br />

( ha,. a3. obfldrn; aodjbq uamsJsJe and plea. of birth, and preseatplaee of residence of each of said eblidren wb. Is living, are as follows:<br />

Curt • born beD. S4 siu at Chicago, Illinois - -<br />

(9) My St piano of foreign residonne wet Qtt (10) 1 emigrated to the United States from<br />

yr (CM, (On.Sr. dMt.bt t.... a,<br />

namou2uM2&<br />

re $<br />

(11) My lawful enIsy for permanent residence in the United States was<br />

atSault flarsa1JL3sh4an----- - undfl the nameof_ 'rAflZtrZtaD_----------on<br />

____ ______ -_..:;: _C. N. R!R.---------------------------- --------------- - —<br />

at—es O.S (Ye,O<br />

as shown by the cortiflat. of my ordeal attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Sinm my lawful entry for parentment resideone I hav, not bees absent from the United States, for a period or periods MG months or longer, as follows;<br />

- Ott<br />


Dan<br />

Month, dey. yw)<br />

Ysssn cat Ovnn MZaNS<br />

or C0NVRyANOX<br />


T<br />

- Dan<br />

(Month.day. year)<br />

Vsn OR Oinn Mnns<br />

or Coavnsntz<br />

(IZ I declared my Intention to become e citizen of the United States en _i!eemb er_l3LlI4l----------- in lii. Ci_r42t4.t..<br />

D 4(T44<br />

It Is my intention in — faith to become a<br />

...,__<strong>McHenry</strong> C2Rn<br />

Vatted States of America for the term .15 years at least Immediately preceding the date of this petition. to wit, sine. _AUgU<br />

2al924,<br />

and continuously In the Stat. In which this petition Is med* for the term of S months it least Immediately -preceding the data of this petition, to wit, since<br />

• 3we 1_a_1936 __________ (19) than not heretofore mad, petition for naturalization: No- ---------fl<br />

(ItesS) (Dsp,,. ---ff. --<br />

on-------------------.a,t.. at__._------------------------------------lathe---------------- XX--------------------------<br />

Os_al ( (Taut tflo (On_a (sa.s.) - tNi.. at ,nflS<br />

Court, and such petition was dI-..I-,_J or denied by that Court for the following roasoas and causes, tow]-- ---- XX.<br />

Rod the esnas of nacb diasnissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

are my declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States (If such deolararoan<br />

the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said lawful entry Into the United<br />

aturalizatton law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying witnesses required by law.<br />

(21) Wherefore, I. your petitioner for natumilsatisa, pray that I may be admitted • citizan of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

czn inedlñins with my full, true name: SO BETA? MU GOD.<br />

.t,—letse-I<br />

qvVtIt D2'v<br />

(PSI. n. —

a<br />


- The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and say: - -<br />

.#, MlbJrx&LL.JIuhns Psd ntep and Deenrptey<br />

nedde at West JialaSt. Dunriee.flhjyjnjg<br />

My namefe_Ca11 La +3un__..<br />

- -<br />

Painter<br />

Irsdeat _944 St. John ____<br />

I am a citizen of the United StaIn of Ameria I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with Fr mc S f?rav —<br />

the petitioner named In the petition for natsualizationof which this affidavit Is a part, sines J<br />

to ly peisolal kno4tedge theetIUoner has tedded, immediately r cedin the date of filing this petition. In the United Stern emtinnoa,ly since the data last mentioned,<br />

ended _14lfl]jJ1 in the steteot_fli i nnj uyaineel_17 1. 1 9ZSand Ihaveper,enel<br />

an cv nnr,nan UUUf 1) - - -<br />

subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named petitioner and witnesses In the respective forms- of oath shown in said petition and affidavit In the omee of<br />

the Clerk of said Court this day of JJI.<br />

,&nno flornini 1944 I hereby certify that Certifleste of Arrival No 7.8Z82 from the immigration anà Naturallsnt ion Service, showing the lawful entry<br />

for permanent residence of the petitioner above named, together WI - of o of such petitioner, has been by me filed vitl<br />

attaihcdto,admadeapertofthlspeutiononthl,dare,<br />

By . - — - 'L---- - ------.._. .<br />


thereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince,<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP ME GOD. in acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

er" I ,c7.n -<br />

Sworn to In open court, this--_" '' A. D.<br />

By<br />

- Deputy Clerk.<br />

NOrt—in reiinndatfon of title - ada of nobility, add'tbe toflowing in lbs o&th of allegiance befcee It Is signed: '1 further renounce the tweet (give Pile or<br />

lila) which I have breetafore Md.'. "1 farther ,enoonce the eider of nobility (21.. theorder of nobility) to which I have hjrctofore belonged?'<br />

Petition granted: Line No. of List No. '° and Certificate No. / " '?2. issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from to Reason<br />

- ,<br />

If t a, eovns.ar nrns.eorncc, '4* 16'-19l2O.1 - . -<br />



H<br />

•<br />

U. S. DEPARTMENT or i oo- "- n<br />



i HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

2 permanent residence.<br />


'1 Port of entry: Baltimore, dd—. —<br />

Date: December 2, 1907<br />

Manner of arrival: 55 Rhein — —<br />

I FDETHER cntpwy that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN Wirass WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

-----<br />

N__--- ,fl4Q ------------ —<br />

Immigration & Naturalization Service, a ,g zQ4.iJL€aJ<br />

Chicago, Illinois H. M.D -<br />

District Director,'"Ba1tjmore District<br />

Form 161-T.. IJ..cOvtRnMEptTPINTIMG orricr l4-2Ib

fl<br />

'Li 'NO,<br />

' I


(To be given<br />

to<br />

.1'<br />


• inoig<br />

qu,c---<br />

•<br />


• : (Invalid for all purposes -,seven. years after the date hereof)<br />

CÔUT OT-- -<br />

-<br />

tc[1on!Y Ocunty<br />

No. 1259<br />

Bessie Kadesevilz<br />

now ICSIdmQ ±8Z? r.WIJi, JflhrioW - -<br />

Qjn icai "V16I*°<br />

- • • ot_) (Ocifl -.<br />

occu thou .. --------- aged L' do declare on oath that my p nat description is:<br />

se±hIi,coiorLSik4t:_:. , ,coiinLi4 -------_± color of eyes !!P?P_ -----<br />

COiff of hair Broc2n -± _, height fedt a_ inches; weight IW±_ pounds; visible distinctive -------- marks<br />

race )ThbFGV Tu111<br />

- I-was:b(n on<br />

not. MAW. i (Oo.mii<br />

I_.married. ThenmeofwywifeorhusPdis ____---_<br />

• wewS married on _..T!---------------i fl àt_-------- she or<br />

(Mi Ii -(ye) . - otn<br />

.bmat_. ----- - -------.L on __________,enteredtheUnitedStates<br />

- - - (Sbta.rv) • / - ) - (Oar) (Y*sr)<br />

at for permanent residence therein, and now<br />

(QWn) XX<br />

'Duo .<br />

(Ye)<br />

resides at _____ Ji. I have children, and the name, date and place of birth,<br />

and plac-qfresidenceofeachof said - childrenare2a follows 2_<br />

-- • t -. .- -<br />

---- -- -<br />

I have re 411JI -<br />


------------------------ ---my<br />

last foreign et was t u.s<br />

(Os, ce toe.. F' a tI,<br />

I_ !L - - - -<br />

I einigiated to the United States of America from _L ii"7 ------------------------------------------<br />

I --- to -.ILit9)I' £4Us (OOafrT)<br />

the vei 1U .J\<br />

t111I11<br />

- --------------------------<br />

II?I11!qE1EI1IIII1<br />

- • .s<br />

I will, before bemg a nffed_t° oitizeñIhip, renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate,<br />

.jit,ta..a--.--a-a,•,-napäfficulaxly, by name, to the prince, potentate, tate,.oit sovereignty of which I may be at the time<br />

of admission a citizen or subject, I am not an anarchist'; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy, and<br />

. it 'amy intention in good faith to -become a citizen of the United States of Americ(and to reside permanently therein; and I :<br />

certify that the photograph affixed totjie duplicate and icate kereof Is a likenessof me;So ELP ME GOD:<br />

0 -<br />

p..,<br />

- (IL<br />

:1<br />

— 7 I<br />

1 .<br />

pt3j4%fl4d_ajij safl çj me in the office of the Clerk of,ja{d Court,<br />

'±±Ltti±L th7flofEor4nm<br />

at anno Domini 19 Certification No. t from the Commis-- -<br />

sioner of Immigration and Naturalization showing the lawful entry of the<br />

declarant for permanent residence on'thé date stated above, has been received<br />

by me. The photograph affixed to the duplicate and triplicate hereof i8 a likeness<br />

of the .declarant.<br />

[SEALL.f Clerk o[the Court<br />

• By ------ ai*.:24w------------- Deputy Clerk.<br />

U-', i4-e623<br />

!b 2202—L-A . .<br />



•3; -<br />


t-r<br />

-r<br />

-<br />

I<br />

-<br />

-- - - -<br />

(<br />

t<br />

I<br />

F<br />

- I<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

- q<br />

iTh4-* I<br />

FILED<br />


- JUNZ01944<br />

1<br />

¼<br />

-: - -<br />

-<br />


E1<br />

.<br />

Ll<br />

1.2 —<br />

a 1 at<br />

0.. 0<br />

W -a<br />

I<br />


(To bet ned by<br />

Clerk ofCourt)<br />


fo.- 1083<br />


- [Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Public, No. 853, 76th Cong.<br />

-<br />

c<strong>ircuit</strong> cowi oj knry&Qunty----- WaastackI1 11 mis<br />

This petition Jo, ,wtndization. bareLy made and filed, racctfislly shma. , -<br />

(1) My fall, true, ad conuct tname IS Base1aJcadezvttz -----------------------------<br />

(2) My present Place of realdenos is 6Z3 fleat1efSt<br />

ism _3t. ymes old. (5)I nfl&othn'21Sfl4-------t, in<br />

(0) My personal desSptton is as teflon Set' emn I • colorWfl 1 T., oompisrjo'fflRfl .j.j?,r of eyes fllLrUwrl, color of hair .urawn<br />

height feet 1 inches, weight lOBponnds, visible distinctive marts ole_JstL te nipl e_. ra whita____<br />

present nationality Latvia - (7) 1am Ylnt married; the name of my-wife or husband Is -XX.__................<br />

we were married on _.—XX.<br />

- -<br />

, at _______________<br />

heor she was bomat__X_L.__.____ ____________________ on________._XX._<br />

- 5S 4btkI -*— - •S1* tO.•flfli (asetSi tD•Sj (TWa<br />

and entered the United States at _________ _____________ _______ on ------------- for permanent residence in the United States<br />

- — (W O& a') IT...)<br />

End new resides at_ - andweanstorauadonXt.. -- ----- - - ----------<br />

e1-— — — - — I — 5W Otceeb tonI (r.)<br />

at ..-------XX- ---- -- cordlicate No. _____; or b.eamo a dtizen by .fl._----------<br />

(8) 1 have SO_ children; and the name, a tat and place of birth, and present piece of residence of each of said children who is living. are as follows:<br />

(9) My lest place of foreign residence was Turengexi 4 Latzç__ (1 o) I emigrated to the United States from<br />

Bremen . ffermsny - ----------( 11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was<br />

_Ba1tieT1Ma1anth ----------- -under the name3asthfldiaCheW1tZ ------ ,_<br />

.O*<br />

on_Dprmhe_t19Qt ----------- —" the SS.Bhen.---------------- -<br />

a-es (one (T..t)<br />

as ibawn by di. ilflaie of my arrival attached to this petittoo.<br />

(12) Sine, my lawful entry for permanent residence I have not been absent from the United States, for. period or period. of 6 months Or longer, as follows:<br />


PORT<br />

Dara<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Vasant OR Oven Miaws<br />


POST<br />

Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

(13) 1 declared Intentloate become a citizen of the United States on _Ieb!ISSJ194X------------------In the r in<br />

Court ef !c1)fl ty • iQQ4AtQ °121QL_ (tZtt is my<br />

(O — tBtat,<br />

Vesan on 0mm MEANS<br />

or CONVEYANcE<br />

United States of America for the term of 6 years at least Immediately preceding the data of this petition, to wit, sines<br />

VeWO (7-6<br />

and continuously In the State to which tbM-petltloa Is made for the term oft month. 4 lead bnmedIately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, sines<br />

_______ 1907_ (19) 1 have heretofore math petition for naturalIzatIon: No. XX.. -----------------<br />

(M.b) (DSe) (Tst<br />

on-------------- XX _.as._XL---------------------------------- -- ----- lathe ._XX- ----------------------- —__ ____<br />

nines) CT,d (Ofl - t,nJ (C.,,n,( ibis) tN. - ..ntl<br />

Court, and such petitfon was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following lessees and causes, to wit: -----_JPC------......-------------<br />

(21) Wherefore,<br />

tm-I<br />

petitiener for naturalIzation. pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of Amerfa. and that my name he changed to<br />

or<br />

Own<br />

in Is


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly. and respectively sworn, depose and sar. . . ..J.<br />

Mynan L,dttc CnypIt. .myoeenpaeionh Wnh1AkoPpey -<br />

I reside at 132 Ellsworth---$-t. Crystal LikeTi1innis<br />

—<br />

Mynameb _Lou1s'it.aF . . myocaipationls _Scrap Dealer<br />

Irsd. at-830_Queea.Apn -t. Woodstoc1ç In -moSs<br />

-n –v .,<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of Americs I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with gas ene nau e S P<br />

the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit Is a part, since JRTIUFI1'3T 1 a<br />

W my personal knwledge the petitioner has resided, Immediately preceding the data of filing this petition. In the United States continuously since the data last mentioned,<br />

.dot _Cry st a 1 Lake In the Stateof Ii 1 in ni c - continucusiy since _Jsni.axnj .L,.1939 and I have personal<br />

- wan (Th -<br />

knowledge that the petitioner Is and during all such periods baa been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and<br />

well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner is In every way qualified to be admitted a citizen of the United States.<br />

I do sweet (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subsatbed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and ballet SO KELP ME GOD. - , -<br />

d - Wte,aw. 1<br />

Subetbed and àorn to before me by the above-named petitioner and witheesee in the respective forms of oath ahown in said petition and affidavit in the offlee of<br />

the Clerk of said Court at JVSQtt .ILII1Qfl... this ..ZQS1L.. day of _TUE _______<br />

Anne Domint I hereby certify that Certtflimte of Arrival from the lmmivation and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry<br />

for permanent residence of the petttlther ibove named, together with of tate -- 1 2 of such petitioner, has been by me filed with,<br />

attached to, and made a pert of this petition on this<br />

By<br />


• I hereby deciere, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince,<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and, defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear - true faith<br />

and afleØance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

KELP ME GOD. In acknoflAment whereof I have hereunto affixed myj$ature.<br />

—47<br />

Sworn to In open court. A. D. IWV<br />

By<br />

• . - , Deputy Clerk.<br />

NOTE—la senution of title or eat of nobility. addtlè following to tle oath of allegiance before It Is signed: "I forther senossnee the flue of (give title<br />

tee) which I have heratsfbre bald." or 1 further renonnea the order of nobIlIty (give tb.orde e( nobIlity) to which I have heretoe belonged."<br />

Petition granted: Line No. io of List No. tl<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from<br />

Clerk.<br />

If La. eovaa.aaT pesaTsea OFrsCC ISIS ze—usne-t . ,•)<br />

and Certificate No. —(9/St 4issuet<br />

-<br />

C<br />

.<br />

.<br />


Pa-' N-no<br />

(Rn. 5-31-55)<br />

Clerk, C<strong>ircuit</strong> Court<br />

<strong>McHenry</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Woodstock, Illinois<br />

Den Sir<br />


Immigration and Naturalization Sonic.<br />


LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90006ate October 7,<br />

You are informed that a new certificate of naturalization has been issued in the changed<br />

name of the person whose name appears' below, In lieu of the original certificate granted by your<br />

court. Please make appropriate reference to the change of name In your records, including the<br />

index.<br />

Name at time of admission: BESS JEMSTTE HADES<br />

Number and date of petition: 1083 - June 20, 1944<br />

Present name: BESS JE_AJETTE GOLDSTROM<br />

Change by (marriage<br />

66momumbdat J<br />

Date of<br />

S t<br />

S<br />

i4ag Vegas, Nevada<br />

(marriage September 19, 1956<br />

New certificate issued on: August 19, 1964<br />

Number: 6158493 (263347)<br />

Acting Distritt Director<br />


•<br />

-<br />


IMMIGRATION AND NA11JêJJZAYION sitvucE No. 3.- --- 359fl2<br />


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show - that the alien named below arrived at the port, on the date, and<br />

in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence.<br />

Name: Julia Cronin<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: February 18, 1930<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Lancaster<br />

I nmnsa cnanvy that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with, the provisions of<br />

the Nationality Act of 1940 solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

(Edition August 1942)<br />

IN WrrnEss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

JUL 8 1943<br />

rL t: z<br />

- t _t_.,±IeLc r( _j<br />

j<br />

U. S. COV(flhlENT PAIN TINS STrict 30-18397-1<br />

\\\Icenjtions branch.<br />


TILED<br />


C<br />

0<br />

J U N 2 0 194 4<br />

of th. Chtuft Cart<br />


.<br />

.<br />

S<br />

a<br />

54<br />

U<br />

rile,<br />

r.zo<br />

ma<br />

.-.<br />

S 5'o<br />

tnt z'a<br />

p-a<br />

trIo<br />

0<br />


obe retained by<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />



No. 1084<br />

Of a Married Person, under See. 310fl(b) E3051X of the Nationality AM of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)]<br />

To the Honorable the ------ -C<strong>ircuit</strong> --------------------- CoOfkHenrsaountr ----------atWoodstaot,.I1 1 -i noj<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 3iOb)_)&3k40( Elta)C&il, of the Nationality Act o 1940, respe&fully shows:<br />

(1) My full; true, arid correct name is UliaQl!OflfrLiIllflt-------------------------------------- _<br />

_-------------------<br />

- - -• Co. Illino is<br />

(2) My present place of residence is 1.11----------W'iQflj..Mdlle2rY-(a) - —<br />

My occupation is licusawife<br />

(4) I am L..32-------years old. (5) 1 was<br />

tN.s.bn .eJ stneI) (City - ten) (C.tetrl (SW.)<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows; SjSlnajslorwhlternpletion fair color of eyes i)olor of hair brQMght 5feetttinches,<br />

weight .249-----pounds; visible distinctive marks scar left--ithex---; race ...,wh i te.; present 05ti005itt7 ......Brjtn I i-i<br />

(7) I am ----------married; the name of my fl husband if WilJsrtLSLThin'b0 wáe marrie 0-Maitchfl4..1935------------<br />

at Ch1-ca, 5fljj h.rnat3ebrQn1]lInnI,------- 0.Feb..1&3JSO3 _____________<br />

'car Se) (seeds ..,.earl (7 tnt) (Ctty.dstete. te .54W (Ceteas) (Oty) Cr-"<br />

UL1Q1$----------------------- aiJtt.J4,flflr -----------------------------------------------------------------<br />

(N.s.bs. — — (City - tenj (steS. .tetity) (MeetS) (Des) (Ta,) (City — ten) (Stet.)<br />

____________ ;; became a citizen by ...._hirth ---- ---------------------------------------------------------<br />

(Ia) (If petition is filed under Sect Ion 111, Nationality Act of 1940) I have resided in the United States in marital union with my United States citizen spouse for at least<br />

1 year immediately preceding the date of filing this petition for naturalization.<br />

(7b) (If petition is flied under Section 312 Nationality Act of 1940) My husband or wife is a citizen of the United States, is lathe employment of the Government of<br />

the United States, or of an American institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General of the United States, or an American firm or corporation engaged<br />

in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof; and such husband or wife is regularly stationed abroad<br />

in such employment. I intend in good faith to take up residence within the United States immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

(8)<br />

Edith<br />

at Ch -.<br />

the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, are as follows<br />

a -- r --- V -- E -- E -- U ---P- ---- L -- J -- L -- l --n--- O -- I ---a -now -rena1n at -11e bron-nanoss -<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was Rant ee ilo. Cork .._IrIqnd (10) 1 emigrated to the United States from 'Q4tt Own<br />

Irel 4----------(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at<br />

------ under the name<br />

.,_Julia . on r1 tershown by the certificate of my<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have ...flOt --- .been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

-<br />

M E T<br />


DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />




. OATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VESSEL OR orasa MEANS<br />


disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously in the United States of America for the tern' of .. ------yearS at<br />

least immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since ..FebslBs (MatS) (On) at)<br />

(10) I have not heretofore made petition for naturallzatioa<br />

number ...,,...fl. ---------- on ----------------fl--------------at ------- ------fl-----------------------------------------inthe<br />

(stoatS) Cues) tctsr IT (Ceony) tOcee.) (Neat ed -sea)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons asid causes, to wit:<br />

1) Wherefore, I. jour petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

xx<br />

i2) I, aforesaid petitioner, do swear (amrm) that I know the contents of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me. that the reme are true to the best of my own<br />

sowlodge. except as to matters therein stated to be alleged uwa information and belief, and that as to those matters I believe them to be (rue, and that this petition Is<br />

gn.sd by me with my full. true name; SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

cured<br />

11lo.oas.. — ,tnat atSn ed p.(kM. flS.a .bea,Wite)


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and Mr<br />

My name is Ai4L-kElli son my occupation llQUSeWifr___<br />

f reside at,_____<br />

Xthn — case ewa3 ' Gas,)<br />

ity nasio A.wrdE.EUisoi.. myoccnpntinn is<br />

i reside atjflt1Pil!,..1flJiQ4t$ :: .<br />

IN<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have beeii qnainbai in the United States with .iUUa_crQfliJL1UD<br />

the petitioner named in the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit Is a part, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately, preceding the data of filing this petition, in the United States continuously since the date last men-<br />

tioned, and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and all of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner Is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the,United States. .' -' —<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this wtition for naturalination subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO HELP ME GOD.''<br />

Subscribed and swo to before me by the above'nameg titigier and iritnemes, be the respective foisns-of oath shown in said petition and affidavit. in the office of<br />

the Clerk of ssid:Court at 1aQdStO.SLI11±!h%? ------Dt1I I-day of<br />

sin0 Domini 1944 I hereby certify that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrival No. 1?92------from the Immigration and Natmallzatio S ,show nI enuy for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me flied with,'ottached to, and made a port of this petitioxon r -<br />


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whoth<br />

or which I haveberetofore been a subjet or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true taith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpoes of avasiolE SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature,<br />

- -<br />

- - Sworn to in open coon, this -. A. D.<br />

Noa—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance beforiit is signed: "I further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged,".<br />

Petition granted: Line No- ---- Z of List No and Certificate No. ±LI!_.tSI -- Sued.<br />

Petition denied: List No<br />

Petition centinued to ________ Reason<br />

S co...nr nause orner .16—reese-i<br />

-<br />

.<br />

ti<br />

r<br />

.<br />





I HEREBY cnnn that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port, on the date, and<br />

in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence.<br />

Name: Auguste Wenk<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: June 2,1926<br />

Manner of arrival: ss Muenchen<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with, the provisions of<br />

the Nationality Act of 1940 solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WrrNsss WmmEoF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

OCT 181943<br />

FonnN-220 1 c;z t3sn'n1c:j sy.<br />

(Edition August 1942)<br />

. •. flITZG 0171CC Is—isso;-'

'0<br />

.<br />

CO&VC b<br />


g m<br />

es<br />

Do<br />

S a 'tiles,!.<br />

o<br />

g o<br />

Pig<br />

frlO<br />

Ds<br />


1To be retained by<br />

nia. of r....n<br />


-<br />


No. 1085<br />

[Of a Married Person, under Soc. 310(r (b),XMXMM of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)]<br />

To the Honorable the ------------------------- ---------court of-------- 99u11ty-----------<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 310( of the Nationality Act of 1940; respectfully shows:<br />

(1) My full, true, and correct name is<br />

(2) My present place of residence is<br />

Mrlicnry Go*, Illinois<br />

292 . Clay tre.etil Q&sS-o-tñit:. (3) My occupation 15 Jfpasewl--te<br />

(4) I am 4Y------- years old. (5) Iwas born on 1% in Eueli nWestfl1fl&erma-ny<br />

(V..') (City eyta-) (Caaty. dl,tdot, p,04s,.<br />

(0) My personal description Is as follows: SJ'B.IIl- aor wiSt mplexlon 4qfror ovJ?aQ!!Poior of hal1PUfl Sect<br />

weight .16(1 ------pounds; visible distinctive marks moJsotLXtight--------?L ..whit&; present nationality --- German -----<br />

(7) I am ----------married; the name of myflX husband Is ; we were married Lou July 1I1l9?_---------------<br />

,,Essen L1 was born at 5erfln,Qermany Q.<br />

- ---------------- 4ugut19Jfl5 --<br />

(City - Sn.) Wi.M 'ataity) (City - awl) eC,.t*ty. dht.4.L lasl.,,. ,. .5_ta) (ceatttr) O&nth) (O.y) (T,.')<br />

entered the United Statesat NEw Xork..J.X.-----o&CS2 i1l9?L for permanent residence in the United States, and now resides at<br />

(On 5_fl0 es-ta) westu<br />

Woodstock, In. with me<br />

and was tamOfl5ept. 27,1943 5 WO0(1StO, Illinois<br />

IN,at,t — .Dat) (City - tall) (stat. - ..,atn) o(..tsa (Day) (V,.,) (City,. Sn.)<br />

(8) I have 21Q------------ children; and the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, are as follows:<br />

(0) My last place of foreign residence was ES$eZAtRU.hi' $!--------------(10) 1 emigrated to the United Statesfrom<br />

Q7I11BI (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was atNew Xpik -- mider the..<br />

tO.e.t,,) eon - Ian)<br />

of AuateWnk__ ---------- U.. June<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

z1_ng& on the shown by the certificate of my<br />

ens,)<br />

-<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence -I have =1.... been absent from the United Slates, for a period or perlods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

PORT<br />


DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

(13) (Declaration of Intention not requIred) (14) It Is<br />

allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate.<br />

permanently In the United States. (15) I am not, and<br />

nor a believer in the unlawful damage, Injury, or destruc<br />

fated with any organization or body of persons teaching<br />

celly unable to do so). (17) jam, and have been durin<br />


or CONnTAIWE<br />

PORT<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or coyvzysyc.<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States (18) I have resided continuously in the United States of Amerien for the term of 3_ ye& at<br />

been immediately preceding the dateef this petition, to wit: since 1ufle..Z1926------ (10) Ihave ..zo.t heretofore made petition for naturalized=<br />

(Meoti) (Day) (flu,)<br />

number.. ..fl .onfl ------------------------ _ --- atfl.- ------- ------------------------<br />

---_.in the ..Xt<br />

SnI) (O-.t,) -------------- (a.).)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit: __Z&.. --<br />

(21) Wherefore, I, jour petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

n<br />

(22) 1. U; car iaifirsn tics) subscribed by me. that the same -aretrue to the best of my own<br />

knowledge, ezoept a, to matters therein stated to be alleged upon Information and belief, and that as to those matters I believe them to he true, and that this petition Is<br />

signed by me with my full, true name: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

•1O)9460 -----------<br />

/ (Ta. as.. — ,,,fl sionsa. .1 p.155w. .tkoet .bbnwttMI)

VVV_V_V*jAfj Y—WIN) ag'._Jy y p cc<br />

The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and oor<br />

MynmohMarSA4r&Qflfl mythnIsBOUSeWi.Th_ ------ _<br />

I reside at 45flfttrEetWQOdflQCkaJlltflQiS<br />

My name<br />

I reside at<br />

I ant a citizen of the United States of Amerbce; I haw personally known and have boon acquainted in the United States with StL63&itO!LSi<br />

---------------the petitioner named in the petition for naturalization of which thifaffidavit ha part,<br />

W my personal knowledge the petitioner has melded, immediately, preceding the data of filing this petitloñjMthe United States continuously since the data last mentioned<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner Is now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order end such of the United States, and in my opiniofi the petitioner is In every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States.. n<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made in this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief; SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

----- ---<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above'nasKrJetioner add witnesses, in the respective forms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of saiCCoárt at WQQ i,$tQQt&flL±t'ttt!_].3th, day of Sept 8111b6,PAimo DomIni 19441 hereby certify that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrival No. ..]J._3616-41---- from the Immigration and Naturalizat n , sho ' lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has beef by me flied with, attached to, and made a part of this petition date, - -<br />

By<br />


OtLtt_4t4. - ------------<br />

I hreby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, stata,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that! wifi support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that! will boor true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mentalmservationorpurpoesodevasiona SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. in acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

t9worn to In open molt, this<br />

(Signature of<br />

Mart—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before it IS signed: "I further renounce the title of (give two or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belongs&".<br />

Petition gras ted: Line No-------- of List No- --------- -f4L. --------------- and Certificate No. ±'.P_Y_24._._-_- Sued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition =tinned from -- -----to<br />

U. S soYnMSSST PS !ST%5 CIVICS exe—I.4eo-s<br />

U<br />

Deputy<br />

Cerk.<br />

5w C<br />

D.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />


J I<br />




HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

-c the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America<br />

or permanent residence. -. --<br />

Name: Leopardo, Lucia-<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: November- 26, 1921<br />

Manner of arrival: 58 Presidents. Wilson<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of- arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity<br />

with, the provisions of the Nationality Act ,of 1940, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein<br />

named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

January 18, 1944<br />

ri Immigration and Naturalization.<br />

Form N-215 a. 'V.)<br />

(Old Form 16D-1m. (N. Y.)) -<br />

(Edition of 1-13-41) c.s. COVnUtXT nixt.@ ocncs is—'zs-' By -------------------------------------

-,<br />

-<br />

H H I.<br />

I<br />

B Pt<br />



S<br />

S<br />

MI.<br />

g et<br />

Do<br />


'To be retained by<br />

Cleric of Court)<br />


No. 1088<br />


[Of a Married Person, under Sec. 310fl (b) ' Kv*fl, of the Nationality At of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144.1148)1<br />

To the HonorAble the ----- --IrCUIt ---------------------- Court of MCRY.cQPntY----------<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and flied pursuant to Section 310E (b), * &'JaJxnsem - tf of the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1) My full, true. and correct namelJjLQi11eQQate.nZ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------<br />

McHen CC ill<br />

(2) M), present place of residence is 124 Elinliunt At CrystJ a1.aka (3) My (2PattoE Is ±cus.ewjfs....<br />

(4) I am years old. (5) 1 was born on Suga --- 2.tl9113- -------------- In Masa1a1Itai ______________________<br />

(MaW 0.7) (rw) (Cityuo th) (Coat,. dhuht. a .Sa) (O,eabs)<br />

(6) My personal description ISM follows: J na10-o ttomplathxtai 1'--color of eyZP.WPtoior of hnir27 eIght i--feet .?Llnches,<br />

weight 10&-----pounds; visible distinctive marks .flOUB-------------------------- ; race .Whit6 --- ; present nationality 1ta1iaza----<br />

(7) Ism ----------married; thenainoofmyflhnsbandbErankCostafl2&; we were mazr don UL.2Bt)93A --------------<br />

ShUA&0I -IllQj$; -----------------<br />

- (Ci, - ton) (slat. woe,) (Coy — I. (Cntt. dl,ekL nat'... - .5.) (Ce O(..W boy) (Y..ri<br />

entered the United States at NeWYQrK. --- N.. X_.---- Qct:..24119z1 for permanent residenco in the United States, and now resides at<br />

(dna I) (stat.) (MeMb) (Dot) (Yw)<br />

Crystal -ak hJ?and was naturalized on kti193Q------at<br />

Nnko — -_ (Cay - ton) (Stat. son,,.) (Math) (Dot) trw) (Coy Stoat (54.0.)<br />

(8) I have tKO ----------- children: and the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, are as follows:<br />

at 12,4E_E1mhiirstSt.Cr1sta1_ Lnke4.jfljoj -------------------------------------------------------- -------------<br />

IF<br />

(0) My last place of foreign residence was ---------------------- (10) 1 emigrated to the United States from Rap.les.i -----<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was at -------- under the nan's<br />

(Coy so Sn) Wit's)<br />

- ----------- 1921 On the $&PzesideDastow!M Thzceisof my<br />

(Maui (Dot) (Vs.,) Otta 51.55551,, — 51 wnysas)<br />

(12) Sines my lawful entry for permanent residence I hnve ..not- been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

PORT<br />


DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />



'°<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />



disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of --- 3yea, at<br />

least immediately preceding the date ofthls petition, to wit: since --- ..O.31L2€L._l$2.L_. (IS) I haveflDt_ hemtoforemade petition for naturalization<br />

(SteMS) (0.,) (Y,)<br />

number ----------- - X___on ------------------------------- at ---------------------------------------------- - ------- lathe -----......JKX. ----- -<br />

lutes.) (D,y) trw) (Co7 - ton) (donor) (55.1.) (N.'.,ti,wU<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following ssons and causes, to wit: - ------<br />

--------- ----------------------------- -----------------------and the cause of each dismissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made a part of this, my netition for naturalization, are a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my mid<br />

lawful entry Into the United States for permanent residence (if such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the a ffidavits of at least two verifying<br />

OI6i0460<br />

petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

naturalization Subscribed by me. that the same are true to the 0551 or my own<br />

and that as to those matters I believe them to be true, and that this petition Is<br />



The following witnesses, each beIng severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and sar<br />

f reside tI3L4?,jS3hhlflt±4fl<br />

Uu*tba mcuptionis !Iaet<br />

CN.ah,,ndnn.O rY.tIOfl<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America;! have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with J'41CI 1-1'? --0O3t1za<br />

--------------------the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit is a part, since 4cJp3i7 --- r1G4%----<br />

to my personal kn'owiedgo the petitioner has resided, Immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the United States continuously since the date last mentIoned,<br />

and I have Personal knowledge that the petitioner In now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well dispesed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner Is In every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States.<br />

I do sweet (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me see true to the best clay knowledge<br />

and belief: SO HELP ME GOD. -<br />

-__<br />

Subscribed and sw4rto bfqjn yj a tser anfi svltneeses, in the respective terms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of saidtdWRfl!f9 this day of *nno Domini 1t4L41 hereby certify that Certificate<br />

of Arrival No-------------- ------------- from the Immigration and Naturalization en , showing<br />

above named, has been by me filed pith, attached to, end made ap&t of this petition oa d -<br />

entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

-<br />

-<br />

BY-<br />


Dcpist dat.<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, atate,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which! have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of Ameria against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will beer true faith and allegiance to the sane; and that I take this obliga&jn freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In aeknowlddgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

Sworn to in open court, this -------- Al A.D. itL<br />

By<br />

t<br />

Nom—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It Is signed: ' 4lfurther renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.'.<br />

/0 ' -<br />

Petition granted: Line No ofLiatNa - ----------- - ------------------- and Certlflcete No. __L' ( _.jssued.<br />

Petition denied: List No. - -<br />

PetidonconUnuedfrom -- ---------------------------------to ___,Ressoa _____<br />

e S SOVflfltST nirrise erncz .le—lneo-1<br />

7<br />

-<br />

(SXALJ<br />





I HEREBY cfltTTh'Y that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

• on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence. - -<br />

Name: Nieleson, Magnus<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Pate:<br />

Manner of arrival:<br />

February 26, 1910<br />

55 Mauretania<br />

• I FURTHER cmrnpy that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

e provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for<br />

aturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

• 92.! 2<br />

(Datc)<br />

__1941<br />

rPw Old<br />

N-210 (N. Y.) Distat Director o igration and Naturalization.<br />

1.1342 c-C

I .<br />

ye<br />

• FILED<br />


0<br />

HP 1 1944<br />

Clark .ftheCcuftC.uvt

I 'I<br />

r<br />

• -<br />


(To be given to declarant<br />

when originally Issued; to be<br />

made a part of the petition<br />

for natmalizatlen when petition<br />

Is filed; and to be re-<br />

tthnadasapnrtof the petition<br />

In the reds of the court)<br />




~-j<br />

(Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hekef)<br />

No. 1321<br />

S tate of Illinois<br />

-----------------F<br />

<strong>County</strong> of <strong>McHenry</strong><br />

C<strong>ircuit</strong>----------------------------------------- Court<br />

4 k' t'-.unty------- °' --t dstóck,---I-1-Linoi $<br />

(1) My full . Rod odrátnamebi i&llflflQaAZlao--JmaV7n 1~nsJsø,--------<br />

(2) My present plate of residence is sFafl11 Iatjf ---- -<br />

(4)Iam6yearsoCl. wasbornont ,,j in<br />

(0) My personal description is e.sfollowa: Sex_Male----------- color_ e --- --- - - - cornpiexion-jjgjj -------color of eyes<br />

-<br />

-blue-----------<br />

Color of hair hetht L-- feet ----- hichn,,weight 20.0: pounds. visible distinctive<br />

1.65.q<br />

at natiorisllty---- wedish±-------- -<br />

.,. t, -- -' -<br />

(7) Ism, married the name of my W1fOW.ëX5 -Theresa -: A 1 TTih .S1SGn<br />

at GI4~KQ s flhil3niaT she tas born at Ostra Tarp. Swods'n- -<br />

- we were married on<br />

P<br />

I. - J4.iiM. ins4..,. .$)<br />

on LU1YakUs__ 98 - and entered the United States at .._4. ago.,.LjJ.j,flQ.jg.- ---------- — .<br />

fl OtniS) - (o.,G (Visa jaitV (StMeJ<br />

on<br />

for permanent Mildenco in the United States, and now resides at<br />

(8) I have children; ladthe home; sex date and plies of birth ! and prthnt place ofresidence of each of said children who Is living, are as follows:<br />

tThr.nlA 'I ),rern • 11 IL'Jlfl h4' 117- i!.tT,..nntr. Tii-' -' nii'm tnt fl )Intln,nrn# 71<br />

(0) My Iaüt place of<br />

cqp!apflen.,J)anm.ark-- - --- ------- ------------- --<br />

---- --- --- (1I)My-1afulént& tar permanent residence In the United States was<br />

at 2------------- - - -- uidcr the ndnie of Tht&n flie-lssoa--<br />

C.<br />

Februat 25,, 1G -<br />

nthe -----------------------------<br />

.a, — -<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence Ihavo flQt been absent from the United States, for a 1od or periods of months or longer, as follows:<br />


PORT (Mo& day. -- PORT<br />

-. (13) I have ----------heretofore madejie, aratIQTi of Intention: No.<br />

<strong>McHenry</strong> Ga 4 1flois ------------ --- In the way<br />

(14) It Is<br />

renounce i<br />

I may be<br />

my<br />

become a citizen of<br />

ace and fidelity to a<br />

i not an anartolat;<br />

i —.--.-<br />

. :<br />


(MontJ,iay,<br />

'I,<br />

vtsaaLoBOyuzaMzaxa<br />

OF CONVEYAacat<br />

government.<br />

he Intentions Ihave expressed In this declaration of intention suheeribed by me are true to the best of<br />

- (Ot4.S.l#.d a.. .4 d.S.nM .bbnditiea. .4.. .tb., an.<br />

Sobeeribed and sworn to (afflrnia) before me In the form of oath shown above In the office of the<br />

Clerk of mid Court, at--- Yosact1flhanois--------<br />

------<br />

this day of Qckr ------------- no Domini I hereby certify that<br />

Crtlficatlon a1-324O2.& from the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization,<br />

showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the declarant above named on the data stated In<br />

this declaration of intention, has been received by me, and that the photograph affixed to the duplicate<br />

Rod triplicate hereof Is a likeness of the declarant. -<br />

U - tnatll — -------------------<br />

- By<br />

Cr ±1*<br />

CI&k ---------- - --------------- ...................................<br />

a<br />

Conn.<br />

Thrm N-315 -<br />

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - ole—bile e. S. eern..gsr paIaToa<br />


(Edition of 1-13-41) - -

Not less. than 2 nor more than 7 years after the date the original of<br />

this declaration Wai made, and after you have li'ved iil the United States -<br />

for at least 5 years and in the State foi at least 6 months, you may file<br />

a petition for naturalization (or second papers). You will riot be notified<br />

by. the Government or the clerk of court to file such petition. It will be<br />

necessary for you to make application, in person or by letter, to the<br />

nearest clerk of court exercising naturalization jurisdiction, or to ,a<br />

rqkaentative of the Immigration and - Naturalization Service, for an<br />

application Form' N-400. You should not wait to do this until near the<br />

close of the 7-year period, because if you do not file your petition with<br />

the court before the end of this 7-year period it will be necessary for you<br />

to file a new declaration of intention and wait at least another. 2 years<br />

thereafter before you can file your petition-for naturalization. However,<br />

a pdtitiàner for natur'alizationwho is married to a citizen of the United<br />

States is not required to make a declaration of intention as a basis for<br />

filing a,petition for naturalization.-<br />

Applicants for naturalization, before being gianted citizenship, must<br />

satisfy the judge ofthe natualization court that they believe in the -<br />

principles of the Constitution .of the United States. The Immigration<br />

and Naturalization Service has prepared, a citizenship tertbok aboit th<br />

Constitution and Gdvernment of the United States which may be' used<br />

by era&,s' whb haire fecla,ed their intention to become citizens and who<br />

- attend citizenship classes in the public schools This book and the<br />

claAses will help applicants to prepare themselves for the duties and<br />

responsibilities of Ameriah citizenship.<br />

- -<br />

:1<br />

r . .. -... -•<br />

'S<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />


*<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court) - - No..<br />


[Under General Provisions of the Nationality Act of ,1946 (Public, Ni. 853, 76th Cong.)]<br />

To €a . _ . __C<strong>ircuit</strong> -n( alc&atc,.JfljnQ1s<br />

Thi. pduJon for nabiralizalion, hereby made and Nd, respedfsilly sMn<br />

(1) My full, true, and correct mxe isMsgnust Ni lsnn alsn irno JLanuJ.s<br />

--<br />

(2) My present place of residence IsWeSt. MoHn 1°T occepatlon is .razner<br />

(4) I am years old. (5) I was born on in OstraSemmenho ,4 swsaan<br />

tot.)<br />

(0) My personal description is as follows: Sex Mn 1 P colorWfl i tP -, oomplexion1i4ht, color of eyes b,nz.--, color of hair<br />

-<br />

present nationality aW2disIL.,._ (7) 1am ______ married; the name of my wireaoaetxslce i5 Thereza Alma .ieLsou<br />

we were married on Feh1I3.,1918- I' - at ..Ch1cgoIi1izmjs.---------------------- ------<br />

height b. feet Inches, weight 2flCL pounds, visible distinctive marks sony nn backotJ £ _wb1te ----<br />

tots) CT_n (Ce,,,t. 'toot,,)<br />

PL&<br />

8CX she was born at--- aTowej on sTUlAJQa<br />

and entered the United States at .Lfl].CS.Q.jjjin.flj.$ ... on _02t..28,19j.tj for permanent residence in the United Slates<br />

ff TX (Mb) (On)<br />

and no resides at sw1t ina--------------------------- and was naturalized on XX---------------- - ...........<br />

(Notbto — .t,t (City tetto) (C'ooty — A O.* (0.7)<br />

--- - ---------------- --------- (City toot)<br />

certificate NO. XL------------4or became acitizenby ----- XX. ------------ - ......<br />

• (8) I have -------children; and the name, sex, data and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who is living, use as follows:<br />

•<br />

ED<br />

S<br />

w<br />

Harold, male bot&fl/5/18 tJ[Qlleni11U1.8Srmy-------------------------------------------<br />

]Leone, cwnl Lk<br />

Junea.fPmn 1 ehar 6/7124.St_Grysta1 - Lnk 3 111 now . .ivingst pringilrawe, in<br />

Nan Cy- -qt--Cxy-ataL-Lqke<br />

W .<br />

o<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was ILIIIIi-Qmzn_weüen ----------------------- - ---------------- (10) I emigrated to the United States from<br />

s~.enhagens.j2enmark _ ------------(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was<br />

(CS, - 1 (Coottar) -<br />

_____- ----- ------------ -- _underthenamof Mrw,iig tJ4p1gg _.......<br />

onl l29lfl --------- _0&J&aUrQtania - --------<br />

toor)<br />

(Ti.,). . - .<br />

N shown by the certificate of any arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Simi my lawful entry musiesit residen ce I haveflQ.t, been absent from the United States, for aperiod or periods ofemonths or longer, as follows:<br />

- PORT<br />


Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VzasxL OR OTsixa Mzsxa<br />

. Coxvzvswcx<br />

, Oar<br />

Dan<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Vxsaxi. on Ovsen Mxaaa<br />

or Coyvaraseg<br />

(13) I declared mylntention.io became a citizen of the United States on.DSca..3,.j941 ----------------------- ln the •,irCUjt ----------<br />

APa,T' (Ti.,)<br />

Court of at WQQ&$tQkt.4J,1 1QJ,kL_ (14) It is my intention in good faith to become &<br />

(ctty-n) ties)<br />

United States of America for the term of years at least immediately preceding the da ta of this petition, to wit, sinoe - ieh.26,191Q...............<br />

(Macb) to-,) (Too)<br />

Rod continuously In the State in which this petition Is made for the term of 6 months at least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since<br />

sJ.9AQ-------------------- (19) I haveflQt heretofore made petition for natuniizntion- --- ------- -----------------------<br />

on ---------xi mm =<br />

at -- ----- --XX.------------------------inthe-------------fl.......... -------------------<br />

(10.-tB) (Oty) (Ye.,) (City - toot) (Co.'tr) (sties<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wi-- --- - _JCXC<br />

- - Rod the cause of such dismissal or denial has since base curd orremoved.<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made a part of this, my petition for naturalization, are my declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States (if each declaration<br />

of intention be required by the naturalization law), a eertiflcate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said lawful entry into the United<br />

States for permanent residence (If such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the amdavits of at heat two verifying witnesses required by law.<br />

(21) Wherefore, 1. your petitioner for nsturallzatlon, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of Americe, and that my name be changed to<br />

me with my full, true<br />

me Bra true to<br />

to to be true, and<br />

ClIva 411"<br />

•le"lOImt en toe na. eI puns.... - .bSod,a.)


The following witnesaca, each being severally, duly, and respectively ann, depose and rat<br />

MY51bjarl George Nystrom ,my occupation b _Carpenter -<br />

Irsdeat.J4fi FniD.iijen.2Prk Avp. Cry t.ni T.nksaJlllnols --_-_ and<br />

Mr nameS.. Hulda 4-strom , myooenpationb _Wpusgwjfe<br />

Irsdeat _R4R Faiitj(ieaPirk Ayp.a Gr7StaLLF&P, Tllinot__L<br />

0(550<br />

I am a dtfr.en of the United States of America I have personally known and have been acquainted in the United States with Magnus Nt1SDn..,..<br />

---------the petitioner named In the petition for natmalizatlon of which thlhffidavit is part, since JaflUat11_J.939__--------<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the date of filing this petitioss, in the United State continuously since the date last mentioned,<br />

and at CrystaL.Lake in tim state _ Ill I no is ... -------contimthnslysice .AaUatLJaJSZ9.. sad than penonei<br />

k,,nwledcs that the netltkm.,r Is and dnrtns alisach ni&isha, been auerssnof rood moral character, attached to the orinclolesof OIZ the Constitution of the United State, and<br />

Subsumed and sworn to before me W the tbove-nsi petil<br />

the Clark of said Consist at Woodstock,_ill<br />

Anne Dosnint 144 I hereby oert4fy that Certificate of Anlvel<br />

for pesnaneat residence of the petitioner above named,, together<br />

attached to, and made a pert of this petition on this date.<br />

adavit of this petttt,n for naturalization MthSUiOecl oy me a'. Uue to List nest os my KDOWleGga<br />

*LyLz<br />

and witnesses In the respective forms of oath shown petition and affidavit in the office of<br />

this ----- day: of<br />

.3. "t 4OZ3rrom the Immipation end Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry<br />

.,d assets isetiti., bas been by mor filed with,<br />

I—<br />

By .<br />


- t --<br />

I hereby declare, on oath. that I absolutely and entirely ren oustee and abjure all allegiance aM fidelity to anffoieigi?Priam,<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allesiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP Mt GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

Sworn to In open court, tbi&.<br />

By<br />

J<br />

JF<br />

,<br />

A. I).<br />

Deputy Cierk.<br />

NOTE,—In rennndatian of title - order of nobility. add the following is the oaUh.! sllegtaaee betms it Is signed: '1 farther renuuna the title of (give title —<br />

ties) which I have heretofore held." 1 flu'tha renuc the ads of nobility (gibe the ads of nubility) to which I have heretofore belonged." -<br />

Petition granted: Line No. J1 of List No. _________ and Certificate No. 6/fl.!Lti >issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No. -<br />

-Petition continued from _____________- to ______________ Reason<br />

* 0,$. $oynazaT<br />

is<br />

E1<br />


.<br />



No------- 14 --- 30106€-----------<br />


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Forbes, Alexander<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: March 20, 1921<br />

Manner of arrival: 38 Columbia<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purpothes.<br />

IN Wvrw.ss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

AprSl--l.-----194\------------------------------------<br />

.<br />

Distria Director /J<br />

at ion and Naturalization.<br />

Fo 161-. i. Y.) u. S. covflMScNTflIStlNGcnIcE 1l74 By ---- 4___.______-___._________._........

:<br />


AR<br />


(To be gina to dedsaunt J ¼ A TLfl erflTrc OF fl R S DTr fl<br />

wbeacriginllyisaued;toho - -<br />

znadea put ofthePetition<br />

• - fltOpt DECLARATION OF INTENTION No. 1287<br />

tainedapartoftbepeiitkn<br />

in the rds of the court) (Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof)<br />

ojL]JLnQis Qinuit------------------------------------------<br />

St<br />

UoflenryCeimty ------- -&Waodathd-f-I2ithnis<br />

(1) My full, true, atid corrert ..me is<br />

(2) My present place of reidenee is 1-99<br />

(4) years; old.(3) Iwasbrnon<br />

.,k..t<br />

±21Ou1 'tttarVaJY<br />

Z.<br />

(3) My occupation]<br />

Mo uS<br />

(0) My personal descrlptioàlsasfollowts: Sex Llale. :. ; _JItJtt.e ------ ' ,nölexion.itI2ELta<br />

color of hair Bp 0cm 4x-lit & oat _2 mcbes weight 2fi1) pounds visible distinctive marks<br />

race- Qt&P.L.. presentRationality t -<br />

m ram Mat- med;theatheoftheor husband ufl -----------------<br />

at ------- _LrXXt--- -----L:±1:t 2rivas%ornt.':_:±_L '-------<br />

& r .. t ... r<br />

---- ---;nd entaredtheUnitodStatesat ------ ....-.'.-.c..<br />

(&ath I P r(nvi , t (Ys)L - t, - ,. -. ,;- .7<br />

on --------------------------------for permanent residence in the United States, sad aolç resides at --------<br />

(boy) (Ye..) - . - . - ------------------------- - --- (Ct<br />

(8) 1 have JIft_.. children; and the-name, sex; date and place óf;blrth,and present-pr of residence of each of saideb<br />

(9) My last blace of<br />

-<br />

II<br />

- ......_._<br />

- - .--'•--<br />

color of eyes<br />

L<br />

B were married on -------- XX.<br />

(Me.*as (I-,) (v-si<br />

who is living, am as follows;<br />

ii.&t,...,...,-.l1 0%.t1-..,.aA- •.-- _ -<br />

ML - --. (10)' 1 emigrated to the United States from<br />

'tot.) • (Cottur), ' 4<br />

(ll)jMy lawful ent fotpermaaent residence in the United States was<br />

- A<br />

at..JNtV1 unertheAme'ofLi&tA4<br />

on_-MarQh_-2 1921 L:&nSi1'ff1:S.&Q11kVbia ------------<br />

(Dot) , - (Ye.') . '<br />

•-j 1. - - (W.a.dva.th.tt...e.<br />

p . (12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence IhaveflCtt been absent from the United States, for a period or TM of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

PORT<br />


DATx<br />

. (Month, day,<br />

vaso<br />

(13) I have iIO.t heretofore made declaration of intention: No<br />

-xx<br />

—<br />

----<br />

- ------------------------------ ----- - ---- --------int ------<br />

-,:-• - - -<br />

I.;<br />

JPORT<br />

(14) It is my Intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States and to reside perman;<br />

- . renounce absolutely and forever all allegiance end fidelity to any forel prince, potentate, state, or sove<br />

I may be a subject or citIzen. (10) I ala not an anarchist; nor a believer in the unliwftil-daninrre: in<br />


••Dm ay, vzasaoBQrnERMw.s<br />

at<br />

(bor-<br />

1 trIplicate hereof Is a likeness of me and was signed by 'no.<br />

the Intentions I have expressed in thisdeclaration of Intention subscribed by me ass true to the boat of "<br />

-. .<br />

--- ------------:----<br />

Subscribed and swbrrj,p (affix-mod) before me In the form of oath shown above in the office of the<br />

Clerk of said Court. -------------------------1----------------------<br />

-this day o4 anno Domini 19,L1 hereby certify that<br />

Mh<br />

Certlilcation No. r.O1Q6& froi the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization,<br />

showing the lawful entry for permanent rexjfeuoe of the declarant above named on the date stated in<br />

this dec&aration of intention, has been..oeA*d by me, and that the photograph axed to the duplicate<br />


Deputy Clerk.<br />

Form N-313<br />


010-19110 0.5. 0OV5*KSZWT paI5Ttsc OVflCZ<br />


(Edition of 1-13-41)<br />


.-'-<br />

Not less than 2 nor more than 7 years after the date 'the original of<br />

this declaration was made, and after you have lived in the United States<br />

for at least 5 years and in the State for at least 6 months, you may file<br />

a petition for naturalization (or second papers). You will not be notified<br />

• by the Government or the clerk 617 coat to file such petition. It will be<br />

necessary for you to make application, in person or by letter, to the<br />

nearest clerk of - court exercising naturalization jurisdiction, or to a<br />

- - representative of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, for, an<br />

- applicaion Form N-400. You should not wait to do this until near th - -<br />

close -of the 7-year period, because if you do not file your petitidn, with<br />

the court before the end of this lyear period it-will be necessary, for you<br />

to file a new declaration of intention and wait' at least another 2 'years<br />

thereafter iefore,you can file your petition for naturalization. However,<br />

a petitioner for naturalization who is married to a citizen of the United<br />

States is not required to make a declaration of intention as a basis for<br />

filing a petition for naturalization.<br />

• Applicants for naturalization, before being granted citizenship, must<br />

satisfy the judge' of the naturalization court that they believe -in the<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States., The Immigration<br />

and Naturalization Service has prepared a citizenship textbook about the<br />

Constitution and Government of the United States which may be used<br />

- by persons who have declared their intention to become citizens and who<br />

attend citizenship classes in the public schools. This book and the<br />

classes will help applicants to prepare themselves for the duties and<br />

-. responsibilities of American citizenship.<br />

2 "t<br />

C,<br />

r<br />

rn<br />

.16-15110<br />

t e'ct-c) .< .<br />

•,:-- •-,--< .•' -t . ,*t1r - E i'',:<br />

I<br />

- a<br />

-'<br />

__ --<br />

., I<br />

- . . . Yr ,YIZA.v4 - I,* . •- - --<br />


.<br />

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.<br />

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U;<br />

a E<br />

w<br />

o '<br />

till-"<br />

a,<br />

Wi<br />


(To be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />


• .<br />


[Under General Provisions of- the' Nationality Act of 1940 (PMbliE, Na. 853, 76th Cong.)]<br />

To the Jlomrahle the :fl2i'1 ctm i WoodstockilIllinois<br />

This petition for naturalization, hasty made and $&d. respectfully sheen, -<br />

(1) Mytufl,irue,snd.00rroctnameis AleXaflder FQbeS 1Q XQAS za<br />

(2) My present place of residence I5 19ThB&tZlOff $tThrniâfl!*<br />

(4)IaxnZ&.yeanol& (5) iwt flrcnTiir " ntQt n<br />

'<br />

p&.skJ (nico_ (Y.7) (at, th.I dJ,tei.t. M.AS,, (O -<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows: Sea colon h1te, compiezioZtUdd -----color of eyes brom, color of hair tJtOEAk.<br />

height _&_ feet - _1 Inches, weight 2fi0 pounds, visible distinctive marks scar on lefb.,tht ---white----<br />

present nationality Jiitish,.......,, (7) 1 sm n,ot married; the name of my wife or husband Is fl---------- ------------------<br />

we were married on<br />

------------ at ___.Si1L2ntn.:------------t,_±.t_-------------------------<br />

heorshewssbornaL_------------- -------- --- ----------- ------------------,on,------- ------------ ------- ------------<br />

(City ta') (Co.Sy. daiM. ea.ia•, - .t.W (Co.,ttn) (u-ce (0-ri (v<br />

Rod entered the United States at --------------- I - on ----- --- fl ----------------- for permanent residence In the United States<br />

(City a (ml esa) (Ma(s) (On) (Ta.) -<br />

Rod now resides at ---- - ---- ---------fl. ------ ----------------------- --------------------------- and was naturalized on -------------------------<br />

Ui,Wr — (eat) (057 a to.o) (Otter — a,) (Maca (0.7) (Tar)<br />

-XX eertlncateNoXX. or became<br />

(City a — (s_a)<br />

(8) 1 have flQ children; and the name, sex, data and place of birth, and present plaoe of residence of each of said children who is living, are as follow,:<br />

(9) My last plate of foreign residence was JdOtheTw.ah11,Scntland (10) 1 emigrated to the United states from<br />

(11) My lawful entry far permsnentrealdenceln the United States was<br />

at IfrSL2ZOI4jL us_fl _ under the name of 'Alexander Fithea__ ------<br />

on JM*4LVflSV.L.Ss&_-_--------- on the<br />

as shown by the certificate of my arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) SInce my lawful entry for permanent residence I have Sot been absent from the United States for a period or periods of 6 month, or lohger, as follows:<br />


PORT<br />



DATE ViasEt OR Oman Mzsxs<br />

. OUT • -<br />

(Month,day, year) 01 CONVEYANcE (Month, day. year) Or CONVEYANCE<br />

(13) I declared my Intention to become acitizen of the United States on MqL19J..94 ------------------------ to the ----- -QIrCUS.........<br />

Court of Mc ntz__.. !QQLs9 4) It Is my Intention In good faith to become a<br />

citizen of the United States and to renounce absolutely and forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreitn prince. potentate, State, or sovereignty of whom or which at<br />

this time lain asublect or citizen. end It is my Intention toreside permanently In the United States. (ill) lam not, and have not been for the period of at least 10 years<br />

Immediately preceding the date of this petition, an anarchist; nor a believer In the unlawful damage, Injury, or destruction of property, or sabotage; nor a 'disbeliever In<br />

or opposed to organized government; net a member of or ai5liated with any organization or body of persons teaching disbelief In or opposition to organized - government.<br />

(16) 1am able to speak the English language (unless physically unable to do so). (17) lam, and have been during all of the periods required by law, attached to the<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United Slates (18) 1 have resided continuously in the<br />

United States of America for the term eta ycasa at- least Immediately preceding the data of this petition, to wit, aiace Mnrch.20 3 j.9.21______________<br />

tM,'eb) (Oar) (Ta.)<br />

end continuously In the State in which this petition Is made for the term of 6 months at least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit, since<br />

J&'2O,_J.921-------------------- - (19) I have .aQS heretofore made petition for naturalization: No. fl.............................<br />

(Ma(s) (Oar) (Ytti)<br />

on------------------------------_ at --------------------------- lathe_fl--------------------------------<br />

(Ma(s) (Cft a tml (can,i wee,) (N.a. @1-cal)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following ressons and nurses, to wit: fl_ .--------------------------------------<br />

(20) Attached hereto and made a pert of this, my petition for patnralizatinn, are my declaration of Intention to become a citizen or the United States (if such declaration<br />

of Intention be required by the naturalization law), a eertifieate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said lawful entry Into the United<br />

States for p ermanent residence (If such certificate of arrival be required by the naturallr.atlon law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying witnesses required by law.<br />

(21) Wherefore, I, ymir petitioner for nsturalisa*len, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United Stases of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

Alexander JinrnQnssln ---- _------------------------------------------------------------<br />

(22) 1. afornuld petitioner, do swear (affirm) that! know the contents of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me, that the same are true to the heat of my own<br />

knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and that as to those matters I believe them to be true, and that this petition Is<br />

signed by me with my full, One name: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

11. era. .54 rs,t atta. @1 pSit. .5 .Ma4M.)


The following wiu,eeses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depute and ear,<br />

Mynsmeis'JOhfl Frenk ,myoupatinnls _Carpenter<br />

IfSdSat_506 Nort_Pewey Street) Harvard Illinois _-<br />

Mynamels Teren mvfl-- -. myoceopatlonlz Painter<br />

7nJorthALerStreet HarvarflfltQia-<br />

- tam. citizen of the United States of Amori; I have personally known and have been acquainted in the United States with A1PY n d cì Fnrb<br />

!_, the peuuonel named in the petition'S us "ration of withi this affidsvit is part, since JnrivaLa..j,9.39 ..........<br />

(M - (D<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, lmznediateiz preceding the date of Ming this petition, In the United States continuously since the date last mentioned,<br />

:Harvard '' IIIthOSthSSOf_Ilnnois ; ousyne JFflURL9<br />

and ! have personal<br />

a,, (Tori<br />

-A #<br />

Sg4o'lbed and swan to before me b the above.osmed eqtiooer and wits In the respective ferma of oath shown In said petition and affidavit In the office of<br />

thilrkofeaidCourtat Woodstock, Ili1nO1s 5 i3tn 45Yof seember<br />

Anne DomIni ig,,44 I hereby certilir that Certifloste of Arrival Ntl1...,.331068 from the immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry<br />

for permanent residence of the petitioner above named, togethr with Declaration of Intention No. ..1282............... of such petitioner, has been by me filed with,<br />

attached to, and made a pert of this petition on this date. - - -<br />

7/ clerk. .. -<br />

By .------- '- - -<br />

Depair Clark.<br />

a<br />


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity 4D any foreign prince<br />

potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend<br />

the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith<br />

and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO<br />

HELP at GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

24enrda-2, 1jMfl:t<br />

• - - - ( e. it —)<br />

Sworn to in open court., this. 2L dy of /1'y7 flfl-%.&t , A. D.<br />

By<br />

•<br />

.<br />

. Deputy Clerk.<br />

- NOTK—!n renaadation of title or erder of nobility, add the following in the oath of allegiance before it is signed: '! ther senounee the eltleef (give title —<br />

titles) which I have heretofore held." or "I furth er renounce the eider of nobility &ke the order of nobility) to which! have heretofore belonged." -<br />

Petition granted: Line No. /" of List No. __________ and Certificate No, - issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from to_ , Reason<br />

* 0,.. acynasar asatise enter . ens le'-lSlX-i<br />

S.<br />

.<br />



r<br />



No. _11356720__<br />

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name:<br />

Charlotte Nennuilr<br />

Port of entry: New York, New York<br />

Date:<br />

April U, 1925<br />

Manner of arrival: 35 Columbus<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940 (Pub., No. 853, 76th Cong.), solely for the use of the alien<br />

herein named and only for naturalization purposes. ma<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate of arrival is issued _ --<br />

s<br />

Form N'-= I'". CC. - - -_cAw 1t cQnn.s.,oN,r<br />

Edition February, ma ILL COYERNNENT PRINTING orncc 10-19161-2<br />


1<br />

I 2<br />

/ S<br />

piLED<br />


SEP131 944<br />


.<br />

.<br />

S<br />

• 'fEtid,<br />

Do<br />

on<br />

zz ".-<br />

I E.<br />

Z.<br />

5"<br />

'°l.)<br />

pI)( W<br />


To be retained by<br />

Clerk of court)<br />


No. 1089<br />


101 a Married Person, undex Sec. 3100(b), _'of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1i45)]<br />

• To the Honorable the -------C<strong>ircuit</strong> --------------------- oounotA(cBenryQaunty --------- at WondtackIflinois.<br />

This petition for naturalIzation, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 310XD6r (b)XI3M, of the Nationality Act of 1940, rospoctluliy shows:<br />

(1) My full, true, and correct name is Jz&ateCMr1QtteRSB1U$Sefl----------<br />

----------------------------------------- — -----<br />

(2) My present place of residence i5RtLt3. pry CO ---flip °(3) My occupation is<br />

(Nowb,e .04 .u.n) (Qty - Sn.-) .(C.n(5) )<br />

(4)Iain1 ------ yearsold. (siw monQQSQb? 1Jkqpw- --- Germany<br />

(MoatS) (0.,) IV..,) (Qtrto tap.) t0..atr. dt.tMt ovta. e, atom) (ttfl<br />

(6) My personal description Is as follows: of eyes alr oIhaib1aCJelght 5ieet ath0h5,<br />

weight ----- 145 pounds; visible distinctive marks --- DOW --------------------------- -ce present nationality .QQIYIU -<br />

(7) 1am ----------married; the name of my husband is DDflald 1w1ztliLPgPon June29tJS1Za _______________<br />

atE1gThjIflinoiS; hewasbomatVa1e&QutlLflathta---------onPeà.i&AJ.92.Q<br />

- tow.) (Stat. 'cain) (City tow.) (Conety. ditto,,, ,t.wIo.., ,t .tat.) (Cotter) (Meats) (On) (Y.a)<br />

Entered the United States at ---------fl. ------------------------- on --------fl---------------<br />

!orpermanentrvsldeneelntheflnited States, and now resldesat<br />

( Y.n)<br />

Carys-him--ols with -me --------------------------------<br />

(City (epa) (Seas. eaton) (Masts) (Des) (Ye.') (n,- - (5)<br />

my United &atn dozen spouse<br />

his a citizen of the United States, Is In the emplo yment of the Government of<br />

mayGeneral of the United States, or an American firm or corporation engaged<br />

or a subsidiary thereof; and such husband or wife Is regularly stationed abroad<br />

as Immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

(8) 1 have ------4W---------- children; and the name, ser, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who is Eying, areas follows:<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was (10) Iemigratcd to the United States from .JreIUSUL..<br />

---(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was at eXPZ1.L.JliL. 'I----------under the name<br />

(Out,tay) . (City tewe) a.-)<br />

—<br />

1otte ----- --priL.fla.19AnS---QQlum-Wkas shown by Lt. eertmcateofmy<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

. (MoatS) (Oty) (Ta,) (Name at 1 e1 .e.ny000.)<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have been absent from the United States, for a period or periods oft) months or longer, as follows:<br />

POET<br />


DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VESsEL 03 OT)flE MEANS<br />


POET<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


OF cowvnaNcs<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of __3 yeaP_ n<br />

least immediately pmcedlng the date ofthis petition, to wit: since .4PXfl---1 (19) IhaveflQt_ heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

(stoat,) (Des) (T,)<br />

number ---- 3M on ---------------------------- XX.._at -------------------------------------------------------lnthe....fl --------------<br />

(Metta) (n.$) (v-a) (ati w Iowa) (Can,) (stat.) (stone S toMe)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit: _.fl_ ------ .. ------ ------- -------- - ----------<br />

.00-19400<br />

- ---------------------- ------------------------------and the cause of such dismi ssal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

Ld made a part of this, my petition for naturalization, ore a certificate of arrival from the bnmlpration and Naturalization Service of my mid<br />

led States (or permanent residence (if such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

V.<br />

petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that m y name be changed to ........<br />

true<br />

Litton fur naturalization subscribed by me. tflat tao same are true to tne now 01 my own<br />

d belie!, and that as to these matters I believe them to be true, and that this petition Is


The following witnesses, each being siverally, duly, and respectively twoni, depose and nr<br />

My name lQaephinLlaiSeb.erg my nempattiout is<br />

Ti 11<br />

• My more ls thy cptim is £tata Ho takAttend.ath:------ -<br />

I reside at<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of Amerim; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with MCW5QLSS'AWL1J3'<br />

Basnussen ------ the petitioner named in the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit is a pert, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the date of filing this petition, in the Unitett States continuously since the data lost mentioned,<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner Is now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner Is In every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States. -<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made in this affidavit of this petition far naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

.....<br />

bacribe&bnd sworn to before mc by the ahoy<br />

ejl petitioner and wltue, In the respective forms of oath shown In said Petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

Clerk of saidCozirt at WQOdStQCk4 Ii i+!!----13th--- day of 3e.ptembeanno Domini 19441 hereby certify that Certlf<br />

irate of Arrival No. 11356720._ from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me filed with, attached to, and made a part of this petition on this date,<br />

s$s _:±±-------------<br />

- •.:<br />


Deputy Clerk, -<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which! ban heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that! will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature. - -<br />

tllworn to in open court, this<br />

------------------<br />

By<br />

-:<br />

- Deputy CIffL<br />

• lio,u.—In renunciation of title or ordei of nohifity, add the following to the oath of allegiance before it is siSd: "I further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonge&".<br />

Petition granted: Line No- -------- 3_________ of List No------------------------and Certificete no. _____ sued.<br />

Petition denied: List N.<br />

Petttion continued from -----_,-_____---.------ --------_t______ ,__ Reesan - - _____<br />

- - 5. S coynnssy PSINTIXS W5Ct .16-10450--I<br />

A. D.<br />

canal<br />

.<br />

.<br />


• I<br />

C<br />




HEREBtCERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: KLAfl S. PETEflSON ReiP6 jegarded 98 apTlYlng<br />

Port of entry: Boston, Mass. D'ta cotiled fom form -4O-<br />

Date: March 10, 1921 Per C.O. dr. Letter 4205<br />

Manner of arrival: 55 Hellig Ola'v<br />

I FURTHER cmtrrrr that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization<br />

purposes.<br />

IN WInlEss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

N-21O<br />

(Old 161-In.)<br />

(Edition of 1-13-41) U. S. GO

S I<br />

pT1LED<br />


SEP1 31944

I.<br />

I<br />

S<br />

5<br />

ta co<br />

on a<br />

Az 0—<br />

Paz<br />

NV<br />


(Toetaineilby<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />


No.1090<br />

[Of a Married Person, under Sec. 310 (1,), ,MwdtZtl, of the Nationality Facto! 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the --------C<strong>ircuit</strong>----- --------------- Court of at JlQOñ.StftCkJflif101S<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 310(a) or (b), or Section 311 or 312, of the Nationality Actor 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(t)M y full, tnie, Rod correct nnmels&iAQ4a--- .Axel5on --<br />

tTvt Sn. tan., .t(ba,.t bbn.t&tlat. .ad aa .th,, tan. .hkh baa baa tate. n.m asp.., ha,)<br />

(2) My present — of residence (3) My occupation is<br />

(Nnha — t*at) (City - tan) (C,niy) W()<br />

(4)iamA3--------yearsold. c rwashornonlQV---- 1900---------------inflQflfl-<br />

Odattitl (on) (V..,) (City ., ten) (Catatty. dttt,ht. ant.... mat.) (Canny)<br />

(6) My personal description Is as follows: Sex 4!J!Aor Yh#tQupls.J41Z. color of eyes !?Iqq color of hair-1Q71eigbt .Lfaot lJncbes,<br />

weight pounds; visible distinctive marks .none-<br />

------------------------------ ; rq v]atg; present nationality .w.edaa1i<br />

(7) I am ---------- married; the name of my afQhusband David nardJtO td OR<br />

1)55MW (Day) (Vt.,)<br />

a jtt11'1etka -Iflhii01SheX3(wu hem ----------- --<br />

(City tan) Watt. taCaT) (Cay - tan) (Caesar. Sittin. p,t,laa I (Cetatry) n.M (Dty) (V..')<br />

entered the United States at Nam-York, --- N-9 --- on Ai1...14j2922r permanent residence In the United States, and now resides at<br />

(CItyWP tan) (stat.) (it) (0.y) (V.,,)<br />

lar-t.flflfl-Qi ----------- ami was naturslizeg on kv- 3&,J514.3 at Woodstock ---ilinois<br />

(City tan) (stat, ,aaaity) (Maatk) (Day) (v..,) (CIty p. tPi (stats)<br />

(0) My last place of foreign residence was RQzllb7i Sweden -------------------- (10) I emigrated to the United Statesfrom<br />

(City a (an) tt..taty. diatete.. .n4a p. St.) (Canny) (City a<br />

Pgxn'k---------- (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at ------------------------unjer the name<br />

- (Cs5Mfl) (Cl's son) (Stats)<br />

of 1Ar&J?ateraaQ.a----------------.,, J4zQhJ,.O11921 on the Uefli& as shown by the certificate of my<br />

(stastit) (Day) (Vao,) (Nan. at an.i stat, as ...,sn.,)<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

PonT<br />


OATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or arnvzniacx<br />

POET<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

Is my Intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States and<br />

, state, or sovereignty of whom or which at this time I am a subject or'<br />

id have not been for the oerlad of at least 10 years Immediately Preceding<br />

ag.en,<br />

vEssEL 03 OTHfl MEANS<br />

or CONVEyANCE<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of .3year! at<br />

least immediately preceding the dateof this petition, to wit: sinceCh.lQs..L92L (19) I have not... heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

number ----- .. --- fl ----- on - ----------------------fl at ------------- _.Jnthe ------------<br />

(Mn.M (nay) CT,.') (City a tsn) (tty) (at.a.) (N.rn. .5 n.t)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

the cause of such dismissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

or arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said<br />

red by the naturalization law), and the adavlts of at least two verifying<br />

(21) Wherefore. I, your petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to ........


The following wItn, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and eer.<br />

iretioatBQflt1&rjjfljflQJ&_ _ _ _<br />

(Clv a, tan)- " (54Mg)<br />

• My name , is my occupation t3_llQUsW1fe<br />

tN,nb,,.d.fr,.O<br />

lam a citizen of the United States of Arnerles; I have personally known and havebeenacqualnted in the United States with L ic ra --- Scfia_ixels on<br />

-------------------- the petitioner named in the petition for natntthn of which this affidavit is a part, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the United States continuously shim the date but mentioneel<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner Is In every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States.<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petition for natnrallsation subscribed by me are been to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO EEL!' ME GOD. - - -<br />

WIa.Ae e( .t(5 - (5tn d tta.,$)<br />

- Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-namcj3tloner and witnesses, In the respective forms of oath shown In satel petition and affidavit, In the office of<br />

the Clerk of snidtoüri aWoQttnck&I 11 1 tffts..-lZth da teibes Anno DomIni 144 I hereby certify that OertiI-<br />

bate of Arrival No.1l!t3fi7fl7&_ from the Immigration and Na n,she lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me filed with, attached to, and made a part of this ru this - --<br />

- . . ... -<br />

By.<br />


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasiorn SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature. -<br />

(Signat of petitioner) - . - -<br />

Sworn to In open seen, this --------------4 A. D.<br />

-. By<br />

Non—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It Is signed: "I further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged."<br />

Petition granted: Line No. I V ___ of List No- ----- —Sk.__. and Certificate No. ijS 3 S o " issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued been to ----- ._<br />

5. 5 cOTflNNrT.atxTtke Oflict cic—la4eo-1<br />

H<br />

[BZALJ<br />


Fbrm N-220<br />


JSSSUTWN N NsTawnTI flI<br />

Edition 7-16-4 No. ..1136Z6ZD...<br />


• I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port, on the date and<br />

in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence.<br />

Name: Prje&ericke Albold<br />

Port of entry: New York, N.Y.<br />

Date; Aug. 6, 1928 VP? 1199320<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Columbus<br />

I FuRTITSS CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of and in conformity with the provisions,of<br />

the Nationality Act of 1940 solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

ec<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

FEB 12 1944<br />

0. 5. VtPIIWEWT PWTSTTNG OPTICS .7-0 Assistant Commissioner.

S<br />

FILED<br />


SEP 131944<br />

CIEiI ii the CIrclt Cnrt<br />


.<br />

.<br />

• go<br />

fr<br />

ce<br />

7<br />

Z a)O<br />

Z.<br />

IF<br />

mg<br />

I<br />


(To be retained by ______________<br />

Cjerkof Court) - No. .1091'<br />


- ' -<br />

JOE a Married Person, under Soc. 310((b)_t1flseX of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the ------ C<strong>ircuit</strong> --------------- -- ---- cturtol<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and flied pursuant to Section 310(m{b),<br />

.J~tUI1 at WQtQS..flflnPJ,s<br />

of the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1)My fun, true, and correctnaneitjr-4.fltflJc?.AJ.-- --------------- -------------- - -----------------------------------------<br />

(2) My present place of residence is9<br />

(N.ba a.4 ,*..O (city aIm..) • ((reaty) 91.'.)<br />

-- k-- ------- - yoccupa?ioe iàkea&tJ1QflS1VifS'<br />

(4) I am fl8 --------- years old. (5) I was born on Apfl12.4.i1Th------------ flut- --- -hurin1a --Germ<br />

(Mast) (Day) (Y'm4 (di 'stan) (Ostair. di.ui.t. a.aia... .)Mm)<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows: s.FemajamW11itsmpiozionfa,ircoior of eyes £r&inroi h€XL, height jeet ?lnches,<br />

weight J,].29 pounds; visible distinctive marks flOflS --------------------------- ; race —white-.; present nationality G.erman..........<br />

(7) 1am ----------married; the name of mylfl husband is EarL3iA1bo1d we wcremarrted on Ma1Ch1L.J.QQ2 ------------ --<br />

(sgatta) (Day) (Y.ad -<br />

Germany qe<br />

at be ME was barn at ErfIwtThUrlSt p<br />

flhlBlw , &191876..........<br />

(Cm..)i. dlad.t. a .bt.) (Comae,) (MastS) (Day) (7.5.)<br />

entered the United States at Naw..Xork_N----1.----- oecwh L2PLor permanent residence in the United States, and now resides at<br />

tatyja. an) WiaS (Mast.) (Day)<br />

ak---U,J411.(4—<br />

or<br />

---- -<br />

ith<br />

and was naturalized on .pj-- V----Z40 Wo ock--Illinois<br />

(StatS) (Day) (Tm.) (City .t tan) (Stab)<br />

tn to tare up lesrnenoe Wax)<br />

and the nne, sex, datoand<br />

)Tfl oune<br />

upon<br />

my<br />

of each of saithchfldren who is<br />

near Erfurt,<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was Artih4A i,PAi! - 1WO) I emigrated to the United States from BremezL,.<br />

(Cur Ian) (ureaty. dIafrI.( pt..ias. ..st.J (O.afryl lair a ton)<br />

P (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was at NW YQTk1 N --- under the name<br />

-' (City - brnl ask)<br />

of --- Fnedencks..Alhnl 1i on BL,,l92& on the as shown by the certificate of my<br />

(Oar) (Vms) (Nm...) nd a Ott., a. 01 'manna..)<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) SInce my lawful entry for permanent residence I have ------------ been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 0 months or longer, as follows:<br />


POET<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day. year) VESSEL OR OvEn MEANS or cowvnaxcx<br />

PORT a<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or cONVEYaNCE<br />

Jew York _ !Nly "Bremen" New York -- y1?. "Han- a"<br />

-<br />

193a-------------------------------------------------------------<br />

------Jfl9<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of ..3 ----- year,5at<br />

West immediately preeedlng the defeat this petition, to wit- since 4gpt6 2j9,8-- (19) I have ..fl.QS. heretofore mado petition for naturalization<br />

(Ma_a) (Oar) (rm..)<br />

number __....<br />

og•5.a) (Day) (V_a) ( a ton) (O,oa(r) (Stab) (Nsa. of .on)<br />

----- on.. ............................. at - ---------- - -- ----- Inthe ----------<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and muses. to wit:<br />

(ned by me with my full, tine name: 80 HELP ME U OD.<br />

of the<br />

cause of such dismissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of d<br />

by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and gay,. -<br />

My name Is my cec<br />

Iresideat 22&K.WoadstockSt..frystp1 -<br />

West')<br />

Mynamob_Q1&P1flQfl , _moocupatwn1bUSeWi&L ___<br />

I Grant St. P C Lakes Illinois<br />

I em a citizen of the United States of America; 1 have personally known and have been acquainted in the United States with fliedrikC4lbQJ<br />

the petitio part,<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately preceding the date of filing this petition, in the United States continuously since the data lust mentioned<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is now and during all such period has been a person Of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States. - - - -<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petidçn for naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

---<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-nmn1 ly6ty and witnesses, in the respective torms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit; In the office of<br />

the Clerk of said -court at WQQJ1tQQka Ill ±., this -------- 3th, day of Bept$fl]b.GVtnno Domlnl 10441 hereby certify that certif-<br />

icate of Arrival No. ------------- froa the Immigration end Naturalizati Be ce, sh lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named has been by me filed with, attached to and titolo,<br />

- - - - -<br />

at-<br />


Deputy Clot, - -<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renormee and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, ite,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United State,s of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; SO HELP<br />

ME GOD, In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto eillzed my signature. -<br />

_-<br />

Sworn to in open court, this A. D. lt<br />

By-- --.-----.-------- . . .'.<br />

fl—s<br />

Non.—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It Is signed: "I further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or '1 further esnounco the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Petition granted; Line No. L7. __of List No L_ and Certificate N: .,.iLSS .coV -. -<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petitioncontlnucdfrom__ --------- - --------------------to ,<br />

a. C OVflSSC.T pain-rise CIVICS c18—'19460-'-t




I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: TERESIA GIG LER Record regarded as applying<br />

Port of entry: New York, N.Y.<br />

Data copied from form 1-404.<br />

Date: July 8, 1912<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Kursk Per 0.1 • 363.1.<br />

I FURTHER CERTUY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity. with,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization<br />

purposes.<br />

IN Wrnitss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

•<br />

October .1. 1944 at Ckaago.. llhi-nni s------<br />

(Date)<br />

By<br />

W-210<br />

(Old 161-1im) Edward W. Stowe, Chief<br />

(Edition of 1-13-41) U. S. GovERNENtpRIMTIItG<br />

Applications xamnaEIon Seoti xi

FILED<br />


0CT231944<br />


.<br />

gn<br />

to I<br />

EL<br />

• flt;<br />

•'O<br />

t14 ii<br />

zzo<br />

aE-<br />

-Itt<br />

pta<br />

io<br />

I<br />


be retained by<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />


- -<br />


No. 1092<br />

[Of a Married Person, under Sec. 310(a)35EA4L1aix &1L of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat 1144-1145)J -<br />

To the Honorable the Q12!CUSt ------------------------ CourtofMC,HeflLQ oil flty -------at W.oadstotk4flhSncis...<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 310(n) f bi the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1) My full, true, and correct name i5..Te2!e5s.ZjSgr-----------------------------------------------<br />

(Polk iz 'a .*tnI<br />

MeHenry Co., -Illinois<br />

(2) My present place of residence iAOç .;floyStWQQds 4,-------(3) My occupation is<br />

(4) -1 am _4 - years old (5) 1 was born on'OCtQ.bGtl5Lj.890-------in :Zachrn --------<br />

CM.S) (Dot) (Yr) (City,' t.n) (C,9,ty. di, L 9w. Cbowfl)<br />

(6) My personal description Is as follows: J 10 1QmpiexJP4t color of eyes ttlP,?ooiorot liabQYWbelgi,t _hieet_flOnches,<br />

weight pounds; vbible distinctive marks .D0fl8-<br />

------- - ----------- ---; rae,Whitt; presentnajionnulty R31Ssjan_<br />

(7) jam ----------married; the name of my €flhosband is -42exander!l!-w &riC 2.anuaiy.3L,19.1n__.<br />

at MQ$fQvLLThJLa81a----- ; hewas born at L:,'bn JanuaryJai89C:t<br />

(at, - ,.wa) Cat.., ...sar) (City I,..) Cat,.ts. dJS,in. p009l,a 'Sd.) (C...ay) (M,9S (Day) (1w)<br />

entered the United States at I1id*i1YiirkLNiIY Dei2224_dt9131 permanent residence In the United States, and now resides at<br />

400 N. R01) WOOdStOCkpI]j•andw turairzaionD&C, 221i.922 at..Qhicagoi Iliizins -<br />

OVnb — e,,O tGui - t.093 Cat,s, ,t was,) 01.-ui (Dat) (1w) CCitt,, ,a.pJ<br />

my Unitec utates citizen spouse<br />

(ib) (II petition ls'flied under Section 312, )atioiiaIity Act of 1940) My husband or wife Is a citizen of the United States, Is In the employment of the Government of<br />

the United States. or of an American Institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General of the United States: or an American finn or corporation engaged<br />

In whole or In part In the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof; Rod suchhusband or wife Is regularly stationed abroad<br />

In such employment. I Intend in good faith to take up residence within the United States Immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

(8) I have flO children; end the name, sex, date and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, are as follows<br />

My last placeofforelgnresidenee.wes; ' (1O),Iemlgrated to the United States<br />

(C -* ce (.001 CL!t.tj. dituita. ,t.,te..., ,tdd (Cooms,) (city tow.)<br />

,JIU--------------- (11) My lawful entry for permnnenteasidence In the United States was at X---------under the name<br />

--------<br />

------------ -.. on ..!IIU1Y --- -------i=-on the 3---1L as shown by the card ate of my<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

a2 Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have :not: been absent from the United States. for a period" periods of (I months or longer, as follows:<br />

FORT<br />




P011?<br />

OR 07111111. MEANS<br />

(Month, day. year) OF CONVEYANCE (Month, day, year) OF CONVEYANCE<br />

(13) (Deo1itI6nf thteñtlãjjnbt required) '(14)Itls ñir lntcsitlgjiilsi good faith to bethni&acltliañof the United States and to canon nS' absolutely and forever all<br />

allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, store, or sovereignty of whom or which at this time lam a subject or citizen, and it Is my Intention to reside<br />

permanently In the United States. (15) 1am not, and have not been for the period of at leasilO years Immediately preceding the data of this petition, an anarchist;<br />

nor a believer In the unlawful damage, Injury, or destruction of property, or sabotage; nor a disbeliever in or opposed to organized government; not a member of or affiliated<br />

with any organization or body of persons touching disbelief In or opposition to organized government. (16) I am able to speak the English language (unless physi.<br />

cally unable to do so). (17) I am, and have been during all of the periods required by law, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States and well<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of year.... at<br />

least Immediately preceding the dateofthts petition, to wit: since JuJ a1_19J.2...... (19) I have DQ..'L, heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

Q&eath) (D,p) CThi<br />

on -------------------------------at --------------fl'-----------------------------------------tn the ,...XX<br />

Odaui (nap) (Y) (City - (a,) (suit) (5.w ol,ot)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

.ielGeeO<br />

cause of such dismissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

arrival from the immigration and Naturalization Service of m y said<br />

by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United Stales of America, and that my name be changed to<br />



The following wltucesce, each being severally, duly. and respectively sworn, depose and saT -<br />

My name a TbPodDre,flafler my<br />

, .dd<br />

(Nm — .e..,) at - — - - ease<br />

,My.name 15 .dfli& QZQIL?, _L______ my cecupation is Hôii SPWjIS_--------- - --<br />

Iresident --- Yfl?tfl,t,t,W.QQdflhlC}iflhiflOi&_ ---------- - -<br />

I our a citizen of the United States of Amerien; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with<br />

_ -------- - ---------- the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit is a part, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, Immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the Urted States continuously s1 the data last men-<br />

tioned. and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is now and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well dlspcwd to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner Is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States.<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made in this affidavit of this petition for naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and IXW. SO HELP - ME GOD. - - - -<br />

- ----- ------<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-nam4i petitioner and wItnesses, In<br />

tive forms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of saidCburt tWQ.QdatOCkll1 IS ,n_.2.3rd_ d---------Anao 49~1 Domini I0L44 I hereby certify that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrival No. 23-r33901 1 from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me flied with, attached to, and made apart of this petition on this date,<br />

By 4i,;tj4// 9 fin! !ahtLI<br />

Deputy 't -<br />


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of Amount against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will beer true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature. -.<br />

'S..<br />

Sworn to inopen court, this ,,,,,.._2-<br />

(a of TpConer)<br />

_________<br />

nepeacwt.<br />

Nort—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before it is signed: "I father renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore bald," or "I further renounce the order of nobilIty (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Petition granted: Line No. - of List No - ---------- and Certiflate No. issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition cautioned from_ _____ th --- _ ---------- ---------------- -------- Ro,,,,,_ --<br />

• S SOvflN*flTRIStIWe CIVICS .I6'soeeO'i<br />

r<br />

L.4<br />


FORM 526.-8<br />

I<br />





No. ..... ...... 11-359.997.............<br />






BELOW:<br />

JOHN. ....W....................................................................<br />

PORT OF ENTRY ......own (4dm. at WinniP!z DATE ... . ...... . ..... .. ....... ...<br />


.......... ...............................<br />

......... La .. on 19/4/23)<br />


By<br />

..4<br />

c4L'~;<br />


Louis J. &sterkorn<br />


.<br />

.<br />

C<br />

ra<br />

• b<br />

tag<br />

'tE' ptA<br />

'wz n,,<br />

A4 Z<br />

i-a<br />

thg<br />

I<br />


(roberetasn.dby No. 1093<br />

Clerk of Court)<br />


(Of a Monied Person, under Sec. 310(b)Jizi2c 21? of the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the C<strong>ircuit</strong> court of JlcHenn --- —QWlty --------- tWQQ.dstoek,Iflinaiz<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 3I0(b), a0932EX03M. of the Nationality Act of 1040, respecilnily shows:<br />

(1) My foil, true, and correct name Is<br />

<strong>McHenry</strong> Co. Illinois<br />

(2) My present place of rcsidenee is Pitz1on&t±Earvard, (3) My o atien Is - LabnrPr,,_<br />

(4) tam ----- ------ yearsold. (SI was bornonMJCh -iifl82--------------i,1Jiorodenkai?a d,,<br />

OSosib) (ne)<br />

1an____________________<br />

brown<br />

(0) My personal description is as follows: Sex color iYt1,t&piexieeX3Xdd6olor of oyes brawaor of halrflk. LJeet 7-lnches,<br />

weight .240-----pounds; visible distinctive marks ----- IlOilS-- ----------------------- ; race --White---; prcsont nationality --Polish.........<br />

(7) I am - - married; the name of my wile ShXcXt Is -Loretta L ---------; we were married on4nriJ..7.J.942.. ------------<br />

- 'IMoath)<br />

E, Elkhorn, !cPirshewsbnatc1earo.jcnokcan1.on1nv,sn.is10------------- --<br />

(city to..) WSS, a .oesky) (0V_.­0 (Ocotty. ditatot. pt,,Ia... a t.) (Oe.aby) (Mat)) (0)<br />

entered the United States at ------------------------------------on ---------- XX ----- -----<br />

(Cttylit towo) WI_I.) QIat)) (0.71 (Yw)---<br />

for permanent residence in the United States, and now resides at<br />

JJ2Q1sith . aedWesnat onJPV---I?.9J!n- ------ atfl ------------------------- -----------<br />

(B) I have ...flD- ----------- children; and the name, sex, data and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, axe as follows:<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was Winn.ipe , i Canada. -----------------(10) 1 emigrated to the United States from Winji, pg4<br />

Canada (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was at NQe$M1nUe.SQt& under the name<br />

(O...dn) Citra..wt) Wi_I.)<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

----------------- ---------------QeSokerAtL9fltee&oa2ne s*2?2 the certificate ofmy<br />

(T—)<br />

(N.o .1 ,t_I a .taot a—sot<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have not... been absent from the United Slates, fore period or periods of 6 months or longer, as follows:<br />

PORT<br />


OATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or CONvxnxcz<br />

PORT<br />

DATA<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />



he United States and to renounce absolutely and forever all<br />

no I am a subject or citizen, and It Is my intention to reside<br />

amediately preceding the data of this petition, an anarchist;<br />

opposed to organized government' nor a member of or afili-<br />

(10) 1am able to speak the English language (unless physiprinciples<br />

of the Constitution of the United States and well<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously in the United States of America for the term of ..i -----yearn at<br />

least immediately preceding the date of bwit:sinceP&t9 iL1- (19) Ihave heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

number —._..on ------------- X-------------------at -------------- fl._ ----------------------------------------inthe ------ fl........<br />

(10tS) (0.,) (T,a) (Cat, - ton) - - (Conty) (5.1,) (N..., 'I .051)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

has since been curod or removed.<br />

i Naturalization Service of my, said<br />

affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

RS<br />

gned by me waft my lola, true name: SO hELP ME (hOD.<br />

a<br />

-----------n<br />

(Fan. tIot. — .ot,,t ..ta. of poUltow. .itbott .bbnthtta)


The following witnesses, arch being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and say:.<br />

My name is C2ar119-s.iLe.iThitI1117 my occupation is Banker _______<br />

My 55J s,,1fl'man m a is<br />

IresIdeat3EscaflQufltL,JQQd5SQCkt:11 1injs<br />

(Nenb, d ,.o 05cr -<br />

I arm citizen of the United States of Americs; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the irnits?d States with .SLQnILXQhOU<br />

------- ----------- - the petitioccor named in the Peti tion for natu ralization 01 which this affidavit ha Part. since<br />

_<br />

W my personal knowledge the petitioserhss resided immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the United States continuously since the data lost mentioned,<br />

and I have personal knowkdgô that the petitioner is new and during all such period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner is In every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States,<br />

- I do swear (aqrral that the statements of 144! have m4dg'b thls affidavit of this petition fdlyiatunllmtion subscribed b y me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

/tA/4'<br />

Wi,.., .4 .fts<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named petit4oner and witnesses, in<br />

p / Isls.aes. .5 siSc,)<br />

'ye forms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of said at'W,QQd,5tQ.,dAI11i!!9s* 5-----23r&:; of fletoben.. Anne Domini io44 I hereby certify that Certif.<br />

't* 't4M'it'fli "1<br />

icate of Arrival NO&UQ,JM2L-- ----- from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the pititioner<br />

above named, has been by, me filed with, attached to, and made a pert of this petition on this date. . .<br />


By___<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, stnta,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subleetor citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

4 -<br />

Sworn to in open ccurt, this day of - _,L D. IOXL<br />

- By<br />

- Deinag Clerk,<br />

Nova.—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It is signed: ,'I further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged,".<br />

Petition granted: Line No. L. of List No. and Certificate No. ±!L.!.0 7J 7 Issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No. -<br />

Petition cautioned from 7LtflaAtJ1itC------ to.,2491lt---- JjS __ Rnda-_ -<br />

nV- ,4VJ" ~. /4'i".<br />

U. S COYSSSSCWT 'aisTise ancz sle—Ioeee-s

S<br />

Form N-220<br />


EnIsTt• MW NsTIa.uzAnffi vza<br />

EdiUou 7-15-43<br />

No. ..fl.fi2O.5<br />


I HEREBY cntnn that the immigration records show that the alien named below, arrived at the port, on the date and<br />

in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America foi permanent residence.<br />

Name: Anna Preu&enthal<br />

Port of entry: Nov York, New York<br />

Date: . November 29, 1926<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Albert Baflin<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of and in conformity with the provisions of<br />

the Nationality Act of 1940 solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

SEP 2-1944<br />

mrh<br />

0. 8. cornN.KWT P8ITTIWO OFYICt 10-18307-2<br />

19'-<br />

Assistant Commissioner.

t I<br />

0ct '1'No,8

a<br />

21<br />

S<br />

oEo<br />

p z"<br />

1:10<br />

cd,<br />


(Toberetasnodby<br />

Clerk ofCourt)<br />


•N - '<br />


- [Of a Married Person, underSoccztxa,,_ztx3I1c of the NationalityAct of 1940 (54Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the .flonorablcthe ---- -Circutt--------- ----------- counotlldEenrt<strong>County</strong> tI1oodstack,I1 1 '1 nnj<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and JIled pursuant to SecLionMJC€GflX3li. of the Nationality Act of 1540, respectfully shows;<br />

(1) My full, truS. and correct name is , Ann.a.iAagrate,,Koh1 in pn ---------------------------------------------------------<br />

G'eit .-a - •blee Is — - -<br />

itfls<br />

(21 My present plate of residence is Cr StkL_,Laket11,MdHeflTVL-C 1----- (3) My occupation Is<br />

•<br />

(N a<br />

-, C ••' - - - - '-<br />

(4) lam- yeàsóld. (o)'IvasbornonAugst .3t19a7 -----------I. WoJ sbheMba,flrmny<br />

(Des) (V.) (cira..) - (osC&)<br />

(6) My personal description bus follows: seYe1fl&440orwb1tarnpiatlonni.d6lorofeyeb1ue, color or hIr rblDZght._5Jeet a---<br />

weigh; flft_ pounds; visibie distinctive marks ----- -DOnS ---------- ---- -; ra.flLte; preseninaionailty -<br />

(7) Ism ----------married; the name of my)Gthoaband iaU.aU&3eiflT1Ch,; w?4tiHSthfftn<br />

at EnglewQod, coloatwrnat Ganenncker Moor Germanyj 12'is05_<br />

(teneT)<br />

entered the United tztes aNe1Iöri N.LYLSn7A4t1IIiI9Zperrnanent residence in the United States, and now resides at<br />

(U<br />

Crystal -Lak-e ----- -Wflh d was nal M rct at ioodstaek,flhtno1s<br />

i have cbfld.; and the name, sex, date and<br />

(9$ My last place of foreign residence was Neli<br />

(0 in we u aLtec States In marital Unloa alto my u niteo States citizen spouse tar at least<br />

band oiwife ia cltlzeñ'of the United States, is in the employment'of the dovernment of<br />

y the Attorney General Of the United States: or an American firm or corporation engaged<br />

Led States, era subsldiasy thereof; and such husband or wile is regularly stationed abroad<br />

sited States Immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad-<br />

birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who is living, are as follows;<br />

9,st,&hicgoflh1ois,nowrasi d i ng._<br />

(10). 1 emigrated to the United Statoafrom H.ajbug+..<br />

ie,nLanr --------- (11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at .NewYorkN.1.------ Ruder the name<br />

of Mlfla1 nt1st_---------------onQY?aeXt.nhi9a6hot 8Alhefl1M%e certificate of my<br />

(0.7)<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry 'or Permanent residence I hnve'..flQt:: been absent from the United Stems; for a period or periods of.O months or longer, as follows:<br />


PonT<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />



PORT<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />


or CONVEyANCE<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, (18) I have resided continuously in the United States of America for the term of .,, ----- Yates at<br />

least immediately preceding the dateof this petition, to wit; since QYø211b?2!_29i1929) IhaveflQt. heretofore Rude petition for naturalization<br />

(MeatS) (Des) (Ta..)<br />

number ,_......,...,on --------- _X.X., ----- ------------- at ----- -------------- - -- ----------------- -------- ththa --------- -XX.----------<br />

Plait) co,,) (Tn,) (Ch a 'en) (Cee.ty) (stat.) (shn .1 .eal)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

............... and the muse of such dismissal or denial has since been cured or removed.<br />

id made a pert of this, my petition for naturalization, are a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said<br />

ted States for permanent residence (If such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

F.<br />

Petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United Staten of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

turns Dy me witn Thy sun, true name: su nitLf MS UOU.<br />

e16'194e0 ' Vflfld' *--an-a<br />

-<br />

S... .aigeat Went.,,.) ptitio.a. ailbat abbnttst.e)<br />



The following witnesses, each being wverafly. duly, and respectively sworn, depose and ear.<br />

My name my occupation is - _Housewife<br />

Irtieat4Si11iaflS3tsSPyStaLLakaaIiUaOiS --<br />

My mass is frankflerkfitz- - ., _Retired Fartezs.<br />

I reside at49W111iThS6tflfl5SaL1akejfl 1 $flOiS__ --------------------------<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with Exi&Magsre.te______<br />

-_Kgb 1 tnn nfl--------- - the petitioner named in the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit I.. part, since Maja1942----------<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, immediately prvding the date of filing this petition, in the United States continuously since the data last mentioned,<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner Is now and during all such period has bSna,ersoh of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner Is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States. - - - - -<br />

1 do swear (aflirm) that the statements - of tact I hve made in this affidavit of this petitlpn for naturalization subscribed by me are true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO KELPMr GOD.<br />

------------------------'-------- -----<br />

- ee' 'U - (5_Se,.<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-limed petitioner and witnesses, In the respective forms of oath shown In said Ition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of said Court Zrd4 day of .Qetober, Ann; Doosini 1044 I hereby certify that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrival Naa36n7Oã-------from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above marnedi has been by me flied with, attached io,%nd made a part of this petition on this date.<br />

By—<br />

/ -<br />


a—,<br />

- _<br />

Deputy Clark.<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject Of cItizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and Jaws of the United States of Ameriesagalnst all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature. - -<br />

• Sworn to in op." court, this -------<br />

.-<br />

.5 •-.,-<br />

- -<br />

12-n-n,c t'&1t7f/JC' -.<br />

By<br />

A. D. lgj4L<br />

No-a—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before it is signed: "I further rennemoc the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I here heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order Of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Petition granted: Line No. ofl4stflo n.and CerteNo. _4'- "" Sued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from to ---------------- --------------------------Bream<br />

a, • eovns.oi PUCTOIC OPTICS '16-104W-I<br />


Form N-flO<br />



Edition 7-15-43 No.<br />


• I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration reconthhw that the alien named below arrived at the port, on the date and<br />

in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence.<br />

Name: Maria Buehler<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: March 17, 1926 UP 1342022<br />

Manner of arrival: SS Westphalia<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of and in conformity with the provisions of<br />

the Nationality Act of 1940 solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN Wmmss WHEREOF this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

MAR 2() 1944<br />

• lib. U.S. COVEEWNENT FTIKTJNG OFFICE 151&397'O Assistant Coir.missioiwr.

%.ct<br />


.<br />

r<br />

eel<br />

• a<br />

tire<br />

on I<br />

zzk Mc<br />

IW:S CO<br />

Pt R'<br />

DI<br />


(Toberetciinedby •- No. 1095<br />

Cleric of Court)<br />


[Of aManiod Person, under Sec. 310(mb).nne3a. of the Nationality , Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the ----------------- --------------Court 0 MQHeIU'X.cQUfl------------8YaQ1atPsi1JJ.flh1Q15<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and flied pursuant to Section 310(b), 3XZ3CQI of the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1) My full, true. anil correct name is..MariaRerfladi2m_frel2nd -------------------------------------------------------<br />

Co<br />

(2) My present place of residence isP .0 .Box 219 £2QflQ11iUJ Meffenry(3MYOCUPSUOflUIalnenfa___<br />

(4)I am years old. - (5) twas born on th54_flQS---------------in £Q1ilJna4Bh1fle1aflIlifleDmatY<br />

WntS) (U.,) (fin) ((sara to tenth. dMtt.t, wafaa a 'itt,) (Onaflr)<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows: SerEflln1slorWhit empletlon taut eolor of eyes groIor of a .eP---5Jeet4 inches,<br />

weight ..2.11& pounds; visible distinctive marks ---------- xsone -------------------- ; race.wkiite; present nationality<br />

(7) 1 a married; thname of my JPM husband i5XJFraun. ------ ;'we were marriedn sIu1JJ2..193L_ ---------<br />

at Chic ------- ; ise was born at Coiogna -------------<br />

(city a tnt) (E4.e a enaby) (Oar t.nU (en.tr. dt.toMt. pa4ta, a Mat.) (C..a..r) (0.s (V-)<br />

entered the United States at<br />

oJlQs 19A..J,PZ&r permanent residence In the United States, and now resides at<br />

(OKRa tows) (stow) 0(ottb) (for) (Pitt)<br />

A.gq34!1JU--Tiflh---------- and was naturalized on ept.22_fl43__ at Waoat0 cki11fl101s<br />

(Ne-tao, oat .at) (City a Sn) (stat. ,oettn) (sieSta) (0.7) (P..')<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence was P.O1oae BhlnelanthGe 'T'lflRfl(1o),I emigrated to the United States from JlaflthUTg±<br />

((sty to ('sat,. d.tve. p,,,ne. a '(atM (ca.t(sr) (Oar a Son)<br />

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States wasat _Ret.York1 R5Y ------under the name<br />

(Ca, a (.7,) (StoW)<br />

0sjjlariajBachja- ---- - ----------- oni arch. 1tj-l92&the SS.iLeatphM&nby the eeru&ataofmy<br />

(Me-tb) (0.7) (Too,) (t..tM<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I hive<br />

roar<br />

been absent from the United States, for aperlod or periods of a months or longer, as follows:<br />


DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

or<br />



PORT -<br />

DATA<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

vESSEL oa OTHER MuSS<br />


Is my lntátlon In good faith to beme a citizen of the United States and to renouice absolutly ind forever<br />

3. state, or sovereignty of whom or which at this time I am a subject or citizen. and It '5 my Intention to tea<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of __3 ------ at<br />

least Immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since Jaareh1711926- (19) I have f101L heretoforemade petition for naturalization<br />

Odatta) (0.7) (T,ni<br />

number....fl....-------on --------- .,.XX ------------------- at ------------XX---------------------------------------- In the ..fl,<br />

Ode-tb) (n) (Tote) (City of tan) (Onot,) (et.W) (rite. of eon)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and caun to wit: -------- .XX. ---------- - --------------------------------<br />

your petitioner for naturalization, pray that! may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

10450 (7.5), tnt. '.4 ,a,n,t .ittat,o. of p-Oil.--. .ithoet .bb,ovfotlon)<br />

)I my own<br />

petition is


The following witn, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, dipese and Mr.<br />

MynameZfl&A---- Th.IThe _myocaiputionis Housekeeper --<br />

xreeiae ainSreeta:A1gonguin._I11IUQLS.---------------------------_______<br />

Lmy'oceupationis Housewife --.<br />

fldest ------ A1ganau1n,flhfnnia_:.-'----------------------------------------------------<br />

-<br />

I urn a citizen of the United States of America; I have personally known and have been acquainted in the United Btites,rith<br />

J!reun.d--- ------------ the petitioner named In the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit Is a part, sinai eI1arLJafl41____<br />

Lem personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, Immedlatelyprecediog the data of filing this petition, In theUtiito& States continuously since the data last mentioned,<br />

and I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is nosi and during alIsuch period has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted n citizen of the United States.<br />

I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petition fox naturalization subscribed by me are true to the beat of my knowledge<br />

and belief: SO HELP ME COD. -. -. - - -<br />

_ ----------% 4 L -<br />

S Ibed and sworn to before me by above-n rotltioner and witnesses, In the ye forms of oath shown in said petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of mid Court atWOdStQCktIll-9Ith -----23rdL day of ..Qctobe.r, ioDominI 19t4 I hereby certify that Certil-<br />

kate of Arrival Nll.,3fi4313 ---------- from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me filed wlW attached to, and made a part of this petition on this date.<br />

- . t -.---<br />

- -<br />

Are 011AJ<br />


/ DeputyClak. - -<br />

' , .- ...<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renosmee and abjure all allegiance end fidelity to an y foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which! have heretofore been a subject or citizen ; that! will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of Amerim against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that! will beer true faith and allegiance to the sume; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evsslorn SO HELP<br />

ME COD.' In acknowledgment whereof! have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

Sworn to in open court, this<br />

I<br />

a<br />

(Signature of petitioner) -<br />

Non—rn renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It is signed: "I farther renounce the title of Wy title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

- Petition granted: Line No. ______________ . of List No. --------------------------and Cortifleate No. t' 6 Vo - Issued.<br />

Petition denied: List No<br />

Petition continued from - -----------------Reason<br />

U. S GeYflNStNTflIsTlsG otnct e15-19460-1<br />

-<br />

A. D.<br />

.<br />

.<br />





CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Maria Dicona<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: July 18, 1909<br />

Manner of arrival: SS "Sannio"<br />

I FURTHER CEBTU'Y that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

the provisions of the Nationality Act of 1940, solely-for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization<br />

purposes.<br />

IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arriv<br />

•<br />

AtPflaai11.fiayflth,fl<br />

Rocotci regarde'i as applylnj'<br />

Data copied from form 505<br />

N-210<br />

- (Old lOFIm.)<br />

(Edition of 1-13-41) 0. S. covu flEAT p'.ir's 0 OPflct 10—I9<br />

Ntrg'Direct,ov, I<br />

Vertatjn Officer \._.<br />


• • .<br />

1<br />

X" ILED<br />


U i C)<br />

Clerkoth, Cho C<br />

•<br />

104 4<br />

•<br />

•-?,<br />


. i<br />

N<br />

o -<br />

•<br />

ret-<br />

tim<br />

on<br />

PS<br />

DEn0<br />

fti no<br />

gin<br />

MS<br />



Clerk of Court) - .-<br />

... No- 109-63<br />


lOf a Married Person, under Soc. 310(cz)3EN3ffinnW58Mrofthe-Nafiønality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

Tothe Honorable the C0flfMaIienry_QoLunty-----------<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and flied pursuant to Section of the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1) My foil, true, and correct name is J5az!1s.kQr&:J)OIfl1niC.a------ ------ ----- n-. --------------------------------------<br />

•bMk — — — a -<br />

- - - - .- - -. --------' Iois - - -.<br />

(2) My pant place of residence is 93ON. State. JLareflguf Mcffenry (3) My occupation is J1u ceke epe..<br />

1(4) i smi ,jfi5Lti yOriold. (5) I-was b ecosaezo2.i: -itaJ3cz bmJ&ay318S9 --------------------------<br />

(Dc) tt,nz)<br />

& Gray<br />

(B) My personal description Is a, follows: sexEe tcmplaxlon fla1'oior of.eyestlaZe lIar of hallacXe1ght .5feet .3.Jnches,<br />

weight .28.0------pounds; visible distincttvo marks ------ .flOflS--------- ----------------, rare wbj,.ta; present ,a onality .Its I I Rfl<br />

(7) I am ----------married; the name of my WKNImsband xwnsira&iDec&) we ware married on<br />

aes CQ$ SeTQfl It.aIY he 5was horn at Barreaa italy _Bspt. Th4 1889 -<br />

(City a ton) ('in.,,, .niay) (City a Sn) (On,o,ty. dintria. ec,Qo,. anti.) (ocator) (Mnntb) (Day) (Tic)<br />

entered the United statesat!LX4k-------------- for permanent residence In the United States, and<br />

C — inn) (555) (Mists) (nay) (V...) -<br />

.aQw.j. --- de.eeaaed-----------------------and onM3ZChL..j$27_atWOOfi5tQCksi1 lITlQj5.<br />

(City a inn) ('tin - .naay) (Macth) (a.,) (Tong) toc, a e.n) (5)<br />

(8) I have_PP- ---- — ----- children; and the name, sex, data and place of birth, end present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, areas follows:.<br />

-(0) -Mjr.last place of foreign residence was 22rra,.JtBJV ------------ tS(1O)--I emigrated to the United States from Jifl1eS<br />

(City a. ion) (t.n.ty. detnint. tanSon. (C,at,y) IcIty an !<br />

Lt?'IrY----------- (11) My lawful entry for'imnaent residence In the United States was-fit NftWIQrkIWL..X---------under the name<br />

......................on _iIU3L:18ji9fl9 oniheS&13Rflfl1ilas shown by the oertifleate of my<br />

arrival attached to this petition. -<br />

(12) SInce my lawfulentry for permanent residence I have -been absent from the United Stairs, for a period or periods of 0 months or longer as follows<br />


POET<br />

DATE VESSEL on omtn HEarts<br />

ne<br />

(Month, day. your). •<br />


-- -<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day,<br />


OF<br />

is my intention<br />

Lu 11<br />

nor a ocliovor in tao unmwlul damage, Injury, or aestruouon Or property, Or sabotage; nor a WsOeslever In or opposod to organized government; nor a member of or aim-<br />

lated with any organization or body of persons teschin disbelief Ia or opposition to organized government. (10) 1 a able to speak the English ianuage (unless physi-<br />

cally unable to do so). (17) 1 am, and have been during all of the periods required by law, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States and well<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously in the United State, of America for the term of --- ----- year.. at<br />

least Immediately preceding the data of this petition, to wit: since _1UJ3LJ.6.L909_. (19) 1b.- nOt heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

on----------- .fl....................at ---------------------- XX. ------------------------------- lathe ----- IX.-------------------<br />

(Month) (Day) (Tong) (City no toot) (Oou.t,l (Stat.) (Mao. OS mat)<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or dented by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit: ..XL- ------------------------------------------------ --<br />

good by me with my full, true name: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />

- -------------------------and the cause of such dismissal or denial has stnoe been cured or removed.<br />

pert of this, my petition for naturalization, are a certificate of arrival from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of my said<br />

ror permanent residence (if such certificate of arrival be required by the naturalization law), and the affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

ofmw<br />

for naturalization, pray that I may he admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

RAW<br />

are one to too nest OX my own<br />

true, and that this petition in


The following witnesses, each being severa lly, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and ar<br />

Uen1ey-------- --------------- _...myoccupatlouls..._Hrniswi fe -- --<br />

r luckiest fl&WQOosLRcPd. 14rn'npo~J4nois<br />

MY0 0C1iffq&jit.t.ciien mycenpawmis.Asst._PpstJuLg -<br />

I res ident flfl3tQit&Lt_J1ighWjeflOt,flh1flfli5---------------------------- -------.-- ------- -----<br />

-'I.<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America: I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with itapj,a,,,,Lora---------- --<br />

--------PQinAeQ, the petitidoer ed th 1the petition for naturalization of which thisaffidavit tea<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has reaided Immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, In the linitod States continuously si nce the date iZtsAen.<br />

tionod and I haw personal knowledge that the petitioner is now and during a ll sheli period has been aperson of gooa moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well dispecod to the good order and happiness of the United States, and in my opinion the petitioner Is in every way qualified to<br />

be admitted a citizen of the United States.<br />

I do swcer (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made in this affidavit of this petition fogaturallmilen subscribed by me are been to the b est of my knowledge<br />

and belief; HELP SO ME GOD,"' - -<br />

--------<br />

- 1—.<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the abote'inarnpi petitioner and witnesses, in the respeotive'thrths of oath shown in id petition and affidavit, In the office of<br />

the Clerk of snid'Court aW.QpdtO,Qk 11 QtL2r&.t day of LQQtQkeI,Anno Domini A4 1 hereby certify that Certif<br />

icate of Arrival No. 113251O------ from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, bas been by me filed with, attached to, and made a part of this petition on this data,<br />

'Jnvf4n's' 1_1_ -<br />

By<br />

"<br />

- /<br />


Deputy QcL<br />

I hereby declare, on ceth, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that Iwill support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the seme; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental r eservation or purpose of evaslorn SO KELP<br />

ME GOD.' In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

C,," (Signature of petitioner)<br />

Sworn to in open court, this A. D. 11?.2L<br />

By ,,, '_- -- '____:----.--------------.-- -<br />

------<br />

"NputyClcL . -.<br />

Non.—In renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before It is signed: I further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Pettticn granted: Line No. ' of List No. ..., ----------n. rn.<br />

Petition denied: List No._,,,. -<br />

Petition continued from<br />

US OOIflN*IWT 51Th5C V1C! e10'sDeeo"l<br />

and Certificate N. ___________________ issued.<br />

.<br />

.<br />


• I<br />

- U. S. DEPARTMENT orM,j<br />

- IMMIGRATION AND NAnjRAuzAt% 'WncE No. 11 270132<br />


anir CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port,<br />

on the date, and in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for<br />

permanent residence.<br />

Name: Maria Scheerer<br />

Port of entry: New York, N. Y.<br />

Date: April 24, 1939<br />

Manner of arrival: 55 Europa<br />

I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with,<br />

• the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only<br />

for naturalization purposes.<br />

IN Wimrss WHEREOF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued<br />

tie<br />

NOV 12 1940<br />

• .<br />


ief CciiiflCEit2 Form 161-tin. V. S. GOvSSNNLHt •RJWTIS C OFFtCE 11QOOlb<br />

Inrch<br />


2<br />

.<br />

1<br />

C72 '/11 Oig<br />


.<br />

(e m<br />

to rio<br />

•!<br />


(To be retained by<br />


Clerkofcotnt)<br />

-<br />

'<br />


No. 1097<br />

[Of a Mazriod'Pamon, under Sec. 310)cs2j(b)36max xix- of the Nationality Mt of 1940 (54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the ------ C<strong>ircuit</strong> ---------------------- courtoiMeRenry,&un ------------ 5WQadflQck.1flinQis<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 310(b), Q10EKMEGXMM.1 the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows: -<br />

(1) My full, true, and correct name<br />

- 2Weif Co., Illinois<br />

(2) My present place of residence is iMWthQfl1Jifl]&1 A].gD,Uin±_ - (3) My occupation Is :Jlause*iI fe - -<br />

(4) 1am yearsold (5) IwaaornonjUfle 2f14 193.1 in LancRfl .Zeno, Germany Wnprtfem-<br />

(Moh) (car .' ty. ' - °°" berg<br />

(6) My personal description is as follows:SS4oh tQ mpiexlont. color of eyeiPWZ%olor of hair bl'jQiYZIlght 5----ten<br />

weight .118-----pounds; visible distinctl marks ----- none-- ---------------- . J------- ; rsThht&; present nationality :flrm Rn<br />

(7) 1 am ---------- married; the name of my husband iiettJJet&t; we were married tin ..AujUst..Z84_JS42_<br />

atKahoka, Missouri<br />

Xflasat E1n illinois Baut • ZCL 1909_ -<br />

ara arn 8,a.r UeJ to.; Ia,)<br />

entered the United States at ..IX ------------------------------- on<br />

- (curs, to.4 tittet)<br />

-<br />

()te.IE<br />

for permanent residence in the United States, and now resides at<br />

Alg-pnVin, Illinois wflh--- Wand was natmuhized on ntYkQflL. at ------------a ----------------<br />

(Stab., tad t5 (Cii, a I...) (Beta a tauri (Me.ibj (0.,) (1..,) (CIty., Sn)<br />

(8) I have --------- -----------------children; and the name, sex, data and place of birth. andesent place of residence of each of said children who Is livinz n, areas follows:<br />

with<br />

July<br />

Jct. (9) My last place of foreign residence was JalgeflsaJ LIWUGXLtt_e<br />

4<br />

91' o<br />

4 a-a<br />

-'4 N<br />

Pt z'<br />

odg<br />

rig<br />

rgE (10) 1 emlgrutod to the United States from<br />

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence in the United States was at under the name<br />

of Mari achaeren.........--r'----------AurL242.J.939n hS,S.Juropa------as shown by the certificate of my<br />

(Ott) (Ta,) (No...!<br />

arrival attached to this petition.<br />

(12Y Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have been absent from the United States for a period or periods OR months or longer as follows<br />


PORT<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />



FOIST<br />

;.<br />

-<br />

-.<br />

DATE<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />



-<br />

he United Stales and to renounce absolutely and forever all<br />

no I am a subject or citizen, and It is my Intention to reside<br />

amedlately preceding the date of this petition, an anarchist;<br />

r opposed to organised government; nor a member of or ailS.<br />

(16) lam able to speak the English language (unless physi.<br />

principles of the Constitution of the United States and well<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, (18) I have resided continuously lathe United States of America for the term of ---- 3 yesn$at<br />

West Immediately preceding the dateof this petition, to wit: since .Apr11.24_1939 (19) I have .UQt_ heretoforemade petition for naturalization<br />

(atb) (Dty) (1.4<br />

number_...... ----- on --------fl ----------------------- at ---------------- fl --------------------------------- -- lnthe ------- ------------------<br />

(Me.th) (Day) (Tax) teat,., tan) (C.'nsy) (Stat.! (N.It, .4<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to<br />

JDWISU5V. oxen Las so matters incresn scatec to Ire alto upon Intormauon u,na 001101, ant) Inst as to tense matters a ooneve tnem to no true, ann tnat sass petition to<br />

th my full, true name: SO HELP ME GOD.<br />



The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and y<br />

My come bAz1fl PZ _ myooeupation_HOuSeW1t. --<br />

iZ3CokeAv&. E1gin1111inoi... -------- --<br />

Gertrude Zaeske<br />

,<br />

I am a citizen of the United States of America: I have personally known and have been acquainted In the United States with fit Ia, ThIIUIL_<br />

IrSdoat92ADflatreetAE1giUEfl1fl1oiS----------- -- -------------------------- - -------- .-------- --------------<br />

------------------- the petitner named in the petition for naturalization of which this affidavit is a pert. sinco<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner has resided, Immediately preceding the date of filing this petition, In the United States continuously see the date i&sAcntInned,<br />

and I have personal knowledge that thepetitioner Is now and during all suchpeziod has been a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the<br />

Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States, and In my opinion the petitioner Is in every way qualified to<br />

ho admitted a citizen of the United States.<br />

• I do swear (affirm) that the statements of fact I have made in this affidavit of this petition for natuiallzauon subscribed by we sit true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and belief.' SO HELP ME GOD.' -<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me,bStliabninaêI Tear and witnemes, in the respective forms of oatfràn In said petition and affidavit, In the office of<br />

the Clerk of saidComi ncpcc 2!'Z---- day of . t2i?1,Aniio Domini l94-. I herehy certify that Certif-<br />

icate of Arrival No)-'------------from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing the lawful entry for permanent residence of the petitioner<br />

above named, has been by me filed with, attached to, and made a pert of this petition on this data -<br />

By<br />

WnaaeIY7Yj<br />

/ -<br />


:. Clerk.<br />

Depaq, Clerk.<br />

Thereby declare, on oath, that! ahsolntely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to my foreign prince, potentate, stator sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that! will bear this faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental easel -gallon or purpose of evasion SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof! have hereunto affixed my signature, -<br />

S Of<br />

- ''<br />

--<br />

•' -'- --- -<br />

•-<br />

- s -- -- ' C -- -:<br />

Sworn to In open count, this day off 7 ,A. D. lLit<br />

-, - - -<br />

I)eput; Clerk. -<br />

Non..LIn renunciation of title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allsgianee before It is signed: "I further reslomles the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (give the order of nobility) to which There heretofore belonged.".<br />

Fetiticu granted: Line No. _________________- of List No. ..±--- -------- -- and Certificate NoJ -11 L/J<br />

Petition denied: List No------<br />

Petition eontinuedfrom ----- ._ Reason --- _________________<br />

e, S eova*zev nina., aflct esG-1S4so-I<br />

t -.--• -<br />

-<br />

(sin]<br />

.<br />


ornl2-2AL-@6 at Ic Ile nry co., Ill. now residxñgjâ<br />

NelsTalbert, male,<br />

11t&1ma Petra, female, born 12-3-07 at McHenrf Co., Illo noW resid4k±T<br />

Harvard, Illinois;<br />

MprMLeHe.rieit4 females . torn9 2-11 at <strong>McHenry</strong> Co., Ill.<br />

at flock Island, Illinois;<br />

Chester Herman, male, born 12-6-12 at <strong>McHenry</strong> Co., Ill. now residing at<br />

Hébron, Illinois;<br />

Raymond Sigvart, male, born 4-9-14 at <strong>McHenry</strong> Co., Ill, now residing<br />

at Mdllenry, Illinois; and<br />

Arline Lucile, female, born 6-19-16 at <strong>McHenry</strong> Co., Ill, now residing at<br />

Hebron, Illinois.

.<br />

21<br />

mz<br />

Do . ,-.<br />

zz 0<br />

CE' nE<br />

Psg.<br />

PS<br />

3<br />


(To be l_ retained by<br />

t!1.,_ ,,.t<br />


71 M I P-0162<br />


[Of a Married Person, under Sec. 310(fl (b)E= of the Nationality Act of 1940(54 Stat. 1144-1145)1<br />

To the Honorable the ------C<strong>ircuit</strong>---------------------Court otMcEenr <strong>County</strong> ---------- atiYoadatockJfl nn1s<br />

This petition for naturalization, hereby made and filed pursuant to Section 310((b), of the Nationality Act of 1940, respectfully shows:<br />

(1) My full, true, and correct name ----------<br />

is— ... .4tbaflfTh..Msjo.. 4 .n attn. whl.h he. baa ..,d. nero,.<br />

(2) My present place of residence is liebro,1C.Heflry Ca 4 I1 1 1 nnj5 (3) My occupation Is 2P rmov<br />

(City..<br />

(4) ----- years old. (5) I was born onPeC---- J,877-------------------_..2gersun&<br />

(Math) (On) (To,.) (City., teat) (Ceatty. dial,,, j.a,lo,a a at&t.) (Cn..fl,)<br />

(6) My personal description Is as follows: Sex Ma]a c loWiittomletiosflJdd3%of e?U9. color ofalrgry height bieet .Jianches,<br />

weight-1-50 -----pounds; visible distinctive marks lstfiflgeleLt ; £ nationality _orwagian<br />

(7) I am ----------married; the name of my wife ofli. .T11&a.Sofle ---- -- ; we were married on aauary.242iO4 -------<br />

(Mtatb) (0.7)<br />

at Ottawa jfljjiOi$;lflshe was born at<br />

onDac8mbeLJ2m8fl....<br />

(City - ten) Wt.e, a eaten) (at, a tea.) (Coaty. dl,ieMt.s,e, a at.) (Coat.it (Math) (On) (Tate)<br />

entered the united States at ew.Ioik --------- ---------- Anrt 7.aliQ3for permanent residence In the United States, and now resides at<br />

(cli,t tat) ttt.te) ()&.eta) (On) (V...)<br />

Hebrons him-ols -with - meand was naturalized on 14T---J,jfl4---at _Woodstock ----huh--ols<br />

Otaba — ,U.te) (City - ton) (sat, a .autin) (Meats) (On) (Te)<br />

%SciTieiAikii s'fllcd wider Section 312 Natlnimilty Act of 1940) My husband or wife is citizen of the United States, Is In the employment of the Government of<br />

the United States, or of an American Institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General of the United States, or an American firm or corporation engaged<br />

in whale or In part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof; and such husband or wile is regularly stationed abroad<br />

in such employment. I Intend In good faith to take up residence within the United States Immediately upon the termination of such employment abroad.<br />

(8) z have --------6-----------children; and the name, sex, data and place of birth, and present place of residence of each of said children who Is living, are asfollo:<br />

(9) My last place of foreign residence wee &e15UD&LNDW3Y----------(10) 1 emigrated to the United States from .Liverfla11<br />

a —<br />

England<br />

(_n)<br />

--<br />

(11) My lawful entry for permanent residence In the United States was atRuf.fa1oj...NW..1Ork.. under the n ,a-<br />

(Oar-.-d<br />

-LkaPr&flQ1 on .NQ.Y 19Q2 on the<br />

a<br />


(12) Since my lawful entry for permanent residence I have .11Qt been absent from the United States, for a period or periods of 6 months or longer, as fellows:<br />

PORT<br />


PATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VZ5SXL oa Orliza tanKs<br />

or O0NTBTANCE<br />

PORT<br />

It Is my intention In aood faith to United<br />

I am a<br />


OATS<br />

(Month, day, year)<br />

VEssEL on Oven taxots<br />

or covxrancz<br />

nor a reliever in tile uniawIul manage, Injury, or (lestrucuon or property, or mootagn; nor a uuueiiaver in or opia.seu to organ'rcu guversuJieut flu a memtetr Ut UI east-<br />

lated with any organization or body of perronsteaching disbeliefin or opposition to organized government, (16) lam able to Speak the English language (unless physi-<br />

cally unable to do so), (17) Ism, end have been during all of the periods required bylaw, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the Uaited States and weil<br />

disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States. (18) I have resided continuously In the United States of America for the term of 2-------year.Sat<br />

least immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: 5 aqy6L19?L,_.i9O19 I have not.. heretofore made petition for naturalization<br />

number-----XX. -------on -------------------------------at ------------------ .XX---------- -------------------- -----In the ----------------fl_<br />

(Math) (Os,) (Ta,) ((lit, at...) (Coat,) (Stat,) (Nt.. .5 --<br />

Court, and such petition was dismissed or denied by that Court for the following reasons and causes, to wit:<br />

has since been cured or removed.<br />

J Naturalization Service of my said<br />

e affidavits of at least two verifying<br />

(21) Wherefore, I, jour petitioner for naturalization, pray that I may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and that my name be changed to ........


The following witnesses, each being severally, duly, and respectively sworn, depose and sar<br />

My name is flbe rt_W Mathisønn____my occupation is<br />

IeM.RFD #1Uebroa,Ifl1nois_<br />

My name is _____-- say occupation Is<br />

I reside at<br />

lam a citizen of the-Uniq4 States of .4,rnerla: Ljlnvo personally known and have been acquainted in the United States with<br />

oigvart Nelson<br />

.nLLQWfl.,..SS -----tiffl'pctltioner named inthe petition far naturalization of which this affidavit is a part, since<br />

to my personal knowledge the petitioner ha, resided, Immediately preceding the data of filing this petition, in the United Statei<br />

ue aejnneis a cii,,zvu UI We U HILUU Ou1t4. - -<br />

I do sweet affirm) that the statements of fact I have made In this affidavit of this petition for naturalitation subscribed by me ale true to the best of my knowledge<br />

and be<br />

------------MEOD/<br />

Subscribed and sworn to before me by the ye-unwed petitioner and tnesses, In the respective forms of oaths in said petition and affidavit, in the office of<br />

the Clerk of said -Curt at -WaOijStGEk4IjJ? ----t 23r4.. day of _OCtohSLt, Anno Domini s44 tnwwaaa<br />

By_____________<br />

/<br />


-<br />

Clerk<br />

Deputy Clark.<br />

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, stata,or sovereignty of whom<br />

or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of .&merlsa against all enemies, foreign<br />

and domestic; that! will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: SO HELP<br />

ME GOD. In acknowledgment whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.<br />

-<br />

Sworn to in open court, this -----------<br />

By<br />

mignotum of petitioner)<br />

Noyt—In renunciation or title or order of nobility, add the following to the oath of allegiance before it is signed: '1 further renounce the title of (give title or titles)<br />

which I have heretofore held," or "I further renounce the order of nobility (site the order of nobillty).to which I have heretofore belonged.".<br />

Petition granted: Line No. of List No--------- -- and Certifleate No----- ?I c( cc? . Sued.<br />

Petition denied: List No.<br />

Petition continued from . to ----- -<br />

'V<br />

w A<br />

'%<br />

a. S eOYesflnIT PSISTICC ella etS-1i450-i<br />

--<br />

A. D.<br />

also<br />

.<br />


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