April 2019

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Musings of an Independent<br />

You would think that moving out of home would give you<br />

ample amounts of free time. Time saved from no longer<br />

needing to fight over the television or jostling for shower<br />

time. Time that you wouldn’t have to spend picking up after<br />

other people when your stubbornness lost out over your<br />

desire for order.<br />

Perhaps you would think that having your own home with<br />

just your partner would render you with hours to kill with<br />

very little cleaning because you’re both so tidy.<br />

You might think that now that you don’t catch up with four<br />

other people every night and hear about their day that you<br />

might have another solid hour under your belt to relax, read<br />

a book and think about thinking about landscaping<br />

But no. Those hours fill up. And with a new fulltime job<br />

with a considerable commute, those hours get absorbed<br />

quicker than you can recognise that you had them. And to<br />

be honest, what generally consumes those precious waking<br />

minutes is mostly cooking. And not things that you enjoy<br />

cooking either. More like wilted, floppy greens that have<br />

sat in the fridge since last Sunday that you bought with the<br />

intention of meal prepping. Meal prepping never takes up<br />

these hours.<br />

There’s also the cleaning. Because it turns out that two people<br />

can make quite a mess. Ironically, the mess breeds because<br />

you tell each other that you don’t make that many<br />

dishes or dirty that many clothes so you can afford to let it<br />

build up. Saving water is a perceived added bonus.<br />

Before you know it you’re up at five thirty in the morning<br />

rushing around trying to find a clean shirt and wondering if<br />

an ornate teacup is an appropriate vessel for instant oats.<br />

And going out to dinner suddenly becomes even more attractive.<br />

Paying for meals seems worth it just for the hasslefree<br />

experience of not having to do any dishes afterwards.<br />

Only your bank account doesn’t agree with you and judges<br />

your life choices. It also takes a lot longer than cooking at<br />

home.<br />

Weekends that you anticipated being free for leisurely<br />

activities are consumed by friends who want to see the<br />

new place. Which means more cleaning. Because nobody<br />

wants to look like they have been so busy that<br />

cleaning took a back foot.<br />

The gym no longer seems like a plausible idea because<br />

getting home twenty minutes before you need to go to<br />

bed is as undesirable as making yourself wilted stir fry.<br />

So instead you trap yourself in a cycle of ‘I’ll go tomorrow<br />

night’. But tomorrow night never comes and you eat<br />

a packet of Tim Tams and resign yourself to your new<br />

lazy life.<br />

Yes, time doesn’t seem to add up like it used to. But at<br />

least any future kids will help structure it. Right?<br />

Correction<br />

Gemma<br />

Vale to Mary Payne<br />

In the February edition of the<br />

Newsletter there was a Tribute<br />

to Mary Payne (Donahue) who<br />

died on January 8 <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Mary had attended St Josephs<br />

School not Meredith State<br />

School as stated. Our sincere<br />

apologies for this error.<br />

Photo kindly supplied by<br />

Marg Cooper

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