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First Edition © November 22, 2014<br />

Independent Research Associates<br />

318 Third Avenue Suite 520,<br />

New York, New York, 10010.<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form<br />

without written permission of the author.<br />

Revised Third Edition January 1, 2018.<br />

ISBN 10 1548180033<br />

ISBN 13 is 9781548180034<br />




INDEX<br />


Clandestine intelligence activities lie at the heart of the CIA’s mission.<br />

Terrorist organizations, foreign intelligence services, and other hostile<br />

groups [such as A. J. Weberman and Independent Research Associates]<br />

use information regarding the CIA's specific intelligence capabilities,<br />

authorities, interests and resources to thwart CIA activities and to attack<br />

the United States and its interests. These parties search continually for<br />

information regarding the activities of the CIA and are able to gather<br />

information from a myriad of sources, analyze this information, and devise<br />

ways to defeat CIA activities from seemingly disparate pieces of<br />

information. Even where the subject of an intelligence interest or an<br />

individual with whom the CIA has engaged in intelligence operations is no<br />

longer of interest or engaged in operations, CIA’s adversaries continue to<br />

seek such information, as it may reveal to these adversaries how the CIA<br />

currently focuses its intelligence activities. Mary S. Wilson, CIA FOIA<br />

Officer 1<br />

QUICK NOTE TO E-READER: If you load the book on your computer, the images do<br />

display in a resolution that looks decent on a monitor (although not if you zoom in) and<br />

in color (when applicable). Go to https://read.amazon.com/ If you are reading this in<br />

book form a full color edition is available. https://www.amazon.com/Oswald-Code-Full-<br />

Color/dp/1548180033/<br />








This researcher purchased the first color reproduction of Lee Harvey Oswald’s<br />

address book for $1000.00 from the National Archives 2 and scanned it at a high<br />

resolution so it could be enlarged to a high degree of magnification without distorting the<br />

entries. I also scanned the tramp shots (photos of JFK's assassins being taken into<br />

custody disguised as tramps) at 2400 DPI and was able to extract the significant parts<br />

without distortion.<br />

A careful examination of the address book confirmed my belief that Oswald was<br />

adept at steganography and used this technique to secret information in it.<br />

Steganography is the science of hiding information in plain sight. Whereas the goal of<br />

cryptography is to make data unreadable by a third party, the goal of steganography is<br />

to disguise the data from a third party even though it is staring him in the face. There is<br />

no doubt Oswald’s address book exhibited a high degree of highly valuable<br />

steganographical content; but after his arrest Oswald played down the importance of his<br />

address book and<br />

….stated that an address book in his possession<br />

contains the names of various Russian immigrants<br />

residing in Dallas, Texas, whom he has visited with.” 3<br />

Oswald’s address book proved to be much more than a list of names and<br />

addresses of his anti-Communist Russian exile associates in Dallas. Hidden in it were<br />

the names of the men and women Oswald had come into contact with prior to his being<br />

set up as a patsy in the JFK assassination. It was the key to identifying the identity of<br />

the CIA death squad members who participated in “The Big Event” as was the<br />

testimony of Marita Lorenz.<br />



Despite the fact that the National Security Administration advised the Warren<br />

Commission that Oswald’s address book contained no steganographical or cryptological<br />

entries, the FBI inadvertently stumbled across part of what I call The Oswald Code<br />

when it examined a notation Oswald had made in his English to Spanish Dictionary. It<br />

began: “Phone embassy / Get bus tickers / eat watch Jai Lai game / by silver bracelet<br />

(buy?) record.”<br />



The FBI reported, “On the assumption that the questioned phrase is written in<br />

Russian and English using a combination of Latin and Cyrillic script, it is possible that<br />

the first word could be “To” “20” or “70.” The third word could be the Russian word for<br />

“88 gum” “88 Sulfur or “SARA.” The third word could be the Russian word “and.” The<br />

last word in this phrase could possibly be the Russian word “letters” or the Russian<br />

name “Nina.” This researcher sees. “To 7 Sulfur” 4 Note the map extract below.<br />



TO 7 Sulfur<br />

TO 7 Sulfur<br />



INDENTED WRITING “TO 7 Sulfur”<br />



INDENTED WRITING “TO 7 Sulfur”<br />

Oswald had encoded information by combining Russian and English words! The<br />

FBI didn’t pursue this further even though there were FBI documents that placed<br />

Oswald in Sulphur, Oklahoma, a week prior to the assassination, in the company of<br />

Cuban exiles who members of Alpha-66 and SNFE. You can see the FBI documents<br />

here. 5 What they indicate is that on the morning of Sunday, November 17, 1963,<br />

Oswald and several members of Alpha-66 traveled to Sulphur, Oklahoma. On<br />

November 23, 1963, Willis Price, a service station owner in Sulphur, Oklahoma, told the<br />

Police Chief Charles J. McBee that on November 17, 1963,<br />

…a person believed to be identical with Lee Harvey Oswald accompanied<br />

by two Cuban males, and one Cuban female, were in a service station in<br />

Sulphur operated by Price. The female made two local telephone calls<br />

from a telephone at the service station, speaking in Spanish. It is not<br />

known to whom she was speaking. These people were driving a 1958<br />

Ford, two tone color, dark brown and lighter color, no license plate<br />

information obtained. The Chief of Police stated there are some Cubans in<br />

Sulphur. Willis Price is considered reliable as he operates a service station<br />

and is well-known to the Chief of Police and other members of the Police<br />

Department. Willis Price identified the person referred to above as Oswald<br />

on the basis of pictures of Oswald shown on television and in newspapers.<br />

Willis Price, according to the Chief of Police, was positive of his<br />

identification. 6<br />

FBI questioned Willis D. Price on November 23, 1963:<br />

Willis D. Price, 1123 Broadway [continuation of Route 7], advised he is the<br />

operator of the FINA Service Station at 1123 Broadway, and at about 2:00<br />

p.m. on Sunday, November 17, 1963, a group of people who appeared to<br />

be Cubans, with a light complexioned man who resembled Lee Harvey<br />

Oswald, drove up beside his service station in about a 1958 Ford Station<br />

Wagon, and some of them came to his station. He has seen a photograph<br />

in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper of Oswald, and the light complexioned<br />

man with the Cubans resembled Oswald. He has since however seen<br />



television pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald which did not very much<br />

resemble the man in the company of the Cubans. The automobile which<br />

they parked by the side of his station appeared to be of white and tan<br />

color with a white center and tan bottom. He did not know what license the<br />

vehicle carried. In the station wagon were two women who never got out<br />

of the vehicle. One of these women appeared to be about 40, and the<br />

other older. The following described people got out of the station wagon<br />

and came into the service station: a woman in her late 20's or early 30's; a<br />

tall slender girl about 13 years of age; a child 2 or 3 years old; two men,<br />

both dark complexions, and wide across the face. Both appeared to be<br />

Latins, were about 5' 6" to 5' 7" tall and wore slacks. One man who<br />

resembled the photograph of Oswald, was light complexioned, pale,<br />

appeared to be in late 20's or early 30's, about 6' tall, 170 pounds, thin and<br />

slender, light brown hair, reasonably high forehead, thin lips, and wore<br />

slacks. The man who resembled Oswald spoke in the language of the<br />

other people who looked like Cubans.<br />

Before getting out of the station wagon they asked if they could use the<br />

telephone in the station, and he gave consent. When they first drove up,<br />

the man who resembled Oswald was in the back seat and by motion<br />

attracted his attention and motioned for one of the women to talk to him.<br />

She held up a small black book with a name and box number on it which<br />

he does not remember. From actions they thought the box number was a<br />

street number or address. The woman who held up the black book spoke<br />

broken English. Price told her it was a mailing address and not a street<br />

address.<br />

When the group of people came into the service station the woman, who<br />

appeared to be in her 20's, asked for a telephone directory, and on<br />

obtaining the directory, she looked up a number. She made a telephone<br />

call. The first number she attempted to call did not answer, and she looked<br />

up another number. She telephoned a second time and spoke in broken<br />

English. At the last of her telephone conversation she gave some name as<br />

though referring to her own name, and said 'from Cuba.' She then hung-up<br />

and talked to the light complexioned man resembling Oswald in a foreign<br />

language. These people then left, driving west of Highway 7, after getting<br />

into their station wagon. He does not remember which direction they came<br />

from. The man resembling Oswald never spoke English in the station, but<br />

only used motions to Price. He looked American, but spoke in the same<br />

language as the people he was with.<br />

Willis Price, 62, died of a heart attack in 1989. A couple of things noted here: If<br />

the American looking man in the car was Oswald and was communicating in Spanish<br />

with Cubans, a Spanish-English dictionary would come in handy. Secondly a woman’s<br />

name appears in the writing, Nina or Sara, and Willis described the women has having<br />

been in the car. The FBI interviewed every Cuban in Sulphur, Oklahoma. Dr. Miguel L.<br />



DeSocarraz at the Oklahoma Veterans Hospital residence, Post Office Box 200,<br />

advised the FBI on November 23, 1963, that:<br />

…he is a Cuban refugee and very anti-communist. The following people<br />

contacted him on Sunday, November 17, 1963: Manolito Rodriguez,<br />

[Manuel Rodriguez Occarberro] with his wife and two or three year old<br />

baby; two other men, both of whom were dark complected, one having the<br />

name of Salazar and the other Chito Rivero. With [Jorge] Salazar and<br />

Rivero were their wives, and a girl about 13 or 14 years of age. Salazar is<br />

dark, short, husky and in his 20's. Rivero is dark, short, thin and in his<br />

50's. All of these people were in an older Ford Station Wagon of cream<br />

color. He did not know a 1958 Ford from other year models. Socarraz,<br />

after examining a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald which appeared in<br />

the Daily Oklahoman newspaper, stated the Manolito Rodriguez possibly<br />

did resemble Oswald. However, he is certain Rodriguez is not identical<br />

with Oswald. Rodriguez cannot speak English. He resides at 1208<br />

Huspeth (Oak Cliff) Dallas, Texas, with telephone number FR-4-5923. He<br />

is a Cuban refugee, was a Lieutenant in the rebel army of Fidel Castro but<br />

broke with Castro and obtained asylum in the Brazilian Embassy before<br />

coming to the United States. Rodriguez is employed as a welder in Dallas.<br />

Socarraz advised from the descriptions of the Cubans visiting the FINA<br />

service station on November 17, 1963 and their vehicle, he feels certain<br />

they are the Cubans, described above, who visited him on that date.<br />

Miguel L. DeSocarraz 7 , contacted in June 1993, asked: "How did you get my<br />

telephone number? Did you pose as someone else when you spoke to my brother in<br />

Miami? You were not that doctor that he was thinking of, were you? I think what you find<br />

in the document there is all I can tell you. There is nothing else I can add. I don't want<br />

you to call me anymore." The name Socarraz calls to mind Carlos Prio Socarraz the<br />

president of Cuba who was deposed by Batista. Frank Fiorini Sturgis, whose name<br />

appears in Oswald’s address book, was close to Prio and smuggled arms to his troops<br />

who were fighting against Batista in the mid 1950’s. On February 5, 1962 Howard<br />

Kenneth Davis advised “that Frank Fiorini claimed that would be the military leader for<br />

the organization of Carlos Prio Socarras. 8<br />

The Oswald / Alpha-66 connection didn’t end here: After the Kennedy<br />

assassination, Detective Buddy Walthers of the Dallas Police Department wrote:<br />

November 23, 1963. Mr. Decker: At about 8 a.m. this morning, while in the<br />

presents (sic) of Allan Sweat, I talked to Sorrel, Dallas Secret Service<br />

head. I advised him that for the past few months at a house at 3126<br />

Harlendale some Cubans had been having meetings on the weekends<br />

and were possibly connected with the 'Freedom for Cuba Party' of which<br />

Oswald was a member. November 26, 1963. I don't know what action the<br />

Secret Service has taken, but I learned today that sometime between<br />

seven days before the President was shot these Cubans moved from this<br />

house. My informant stated the Subject Oswald had been to this house<br />



before. 9<br />




Buddy Walther's lead was never followed up. FBI or Secret Service never<br />

contacted Buddy’s informant or traced down the occupants of 3126 Harlandale to<br />

question them about Oswald. An investigation of this nature was never conducted, since<br />

it might be hard to explain what Oswald was doing at an Alpha-66 possibly clandestine<br />

meeting. The bottom of the Buddy Walthers document indicated no action was ever<br />

taken on it by the Dallas Police Department. The CIA -- Alpha-66's sponsor -- denied<br />

that any such address existed. In 1975 the FBI revealed that the actual address was<br />

3128 Harlandale Street; it had been vacated about a week before the assassination.<br />

In December 1975 FBI Bureau Supervisor William O. Cregar, FBI/CIA liaison in<br />

1967, revealed the results of a review of information in the Dallas file on the 3126<br />

Harlendale, Alpha-66, Oswald connection conducted by FBI S.A. Gemberling just<br />

before he had his August 1975 heart attack. It revealed:<br />

In connection with the above enclosure it was noted from review of Dallas<br />

files that the address referred to by Deputy Sheriff Walthers was<br />

erroneously listed as 3128, but the actual address was 3126 Harlendale<br />

Street. Review of Dallas file reflects that the original organization known<br />

as Alpha-66 held meetings during early 1963 at 3126 Harlandale Street,<br />

Dallas, Texas, and a letter furnished to the FBI Dallas by a Mrs. Dorothy<br />

Keasler Klein, 4141 Prescott Street, Dallas, Texas, reflects that she had<br />

received an unsolicited form letter from that organization on November 19,<br />

1963, asking for donations. The letter from Alpha-66 was on letterhead<br />

stationery, which reflected the above address and was signed by Manuel<br />

Rodriguez [Orcarberro], General Secretary of Alpha-66. 10<br />

The FBI added:<br />

A review of Dallas file 134-332 reflects that former DL 282-S [Antonio<br />

Veciana] whose identity is known to the Bureau, Bufile 105-131209 with in<br />

a top leadership position in Alpha 66 at Dallas Texas in 1963 and 1964<br />

and he reported to the Dallas Office during 1964 that meetings of this<br />

group were held during 1963 at the residence of one Jorge Salazar 3126<br />

Harlendale Street.<br />

The informant reported 3126 not 3128. Thanks to the October 2017 document<br />

release the extent of this cover-up becomes even more obvious:<br />

Enclosed for the Bureau are five pictures which according to SJ - 1849OA<br />

were taken at an Alpha 66 meeting which was he in Dallas, Texas, a short<br />

time before he assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy<br />

advised that in photos number 1 and 2 there is an individual who<br />

resembles Lee Harvey Oswald. This individual is a white male who is<br />

wearing, a brown jacket, dark brown pants, white socks and sunglasses<br />

and is situated in the front row of the audience. In photos number 3 and 4,<br />

Antonio Veciana, an Alpha 66 organizer, is shown. In photo number 4 he<br />

is standing before a microphone; in photo number 3 Veciana is seated<br />



between two other men at a table. The enclosed photos, according to<br />

source are the property of Veciana and that the source must soon return<br />

these to Veciana. These photos have not been marked in any way in order<br />

to preserve their original appearance. The Bureau is requested to observe<br />

the enclosed photos and take whatever step deemed warranted to prove<br />

or disprove that the look alike to Lee Harvey Oswald is in fact Lee Harvey<br />

Oswald. It is also requested that this matter be given immediate attention<br />

so that matter can be resolved promptly returned, to the source and then<br />

to Antonio Veciana.<br />

On May 23, 1977 a business partner of Veciana told the FBI: “Source stated that<br />

in the last segment of the tape they presented him with large blow-up photographs of<br />

photographs which he had earlier given to them which concerned an Alpha-66 meeting<br />

in Dallas, Texas in 1963. There appeared in the shots an individual answering the<br />

description of Lee Harvey Oswald. They asked the source in front of the video machine<br />

to point out which individual in the blow ups could possibly be Lee Harvey Oswald.<br />

There was no other comment made about these pictures. There were no other<br />

questions made and at that point the videotaping ended.” 11<br />

This researcher has filed an FOIA request for copies of these pictures. So what<br />

does it all add up to? Oswald had attended an Alpha-66 meeting in Dallas at the home<br />

of Jorge Salazar. Commission Document 1085u, p. 4, states "these meetings [Alpha 66]<br />

are almost always held in the home of Jorge Salazar, residence, 3126 Hollandale,<br />

Dallas." Salazar was on the Board of Directors of SNFE-Alpha 66. Of course one could<br />

say he was spying on them. But the car trip to Oklahoma is much more difficult to<br />

explain. Why does Salazar’s name re-surface? Alpha-66 leader, Antonio Veciana,<br />

reported to have been in the company of Oswald prior to The Big Event along with CIA<br />

Officer David Atlee Phillips a close associate of E. Howard Hunt who had worked with<br />

Hunt in the overthrow of the democratically elected Arbenz government of Guatemala.<br />

SNFE stands for the Second National Front of Escambray. While Castro fought<br />

Batista in the Sierra Maestre these men opened a second front in the Escambray<br />

Mountains. Boy was they pissed when they found out the man they helped come to<br />

power was a commie!<br />





The FBI found other examples of indented writing among Oswald’s possessions<br />

but it could not decipher them.<br />


Q341 White correspondence-type envelope obtained from property of Lee<br />

and Marina Oswald at the house of Mrs. Ruth Paine, 2315 West 5 th Street,<br />

Irving, Texas.<br />

Q342 White airmail-type envelope obtained from property of Lee and<br />

Marina Oswald at the house of Mrs. Ruth Paine, 2315 West 5 th Street,<br />

Irving, Texas.<br />

Result of examination:<br />

The envelopes Q341 and Q342 were examined for development of<br />

indented writing. No intelligible indentations were developed. The<br />

submitted evidence is retained.<br />

Another example of Oswald combing Russian and English using a combination<br />

of alphabets is this entry for the Argentine Embassy:<br />

Oswald hid the word “spy” in the Russian word for wedding ring: Note how the “p”<br />

seems to be inserted after Oswald completed the wedding ring entry. Alteration of<br />

existing entries is an important clue to which entries are steganographically motivated.<br />





Oswald utilized invisible ink to prepare and develop secret messages.<br />






(Handwritten note) all out (?) they are (?) and not what are used in Cuba or Russia esp.<br />

The FBI labeled this evidence as irrelevant because it was not used by the Sovs<br />

or Cubans but was it used by the CIA? When the FBI seized Oswald’s possessions<br />

after November 22, 1963, the FBI consolidated some of them into Item 373:<br />



“This item is composed of miscellaneous Russian and American made pharmaceuticals,<br />

a fever thermometer of Russian make and two eye droppers and a German coin, 1<br />

Pfennig. Nothing unusual was found concerning these items. There are 31 samples of<br />

pharmaceuticals, each sample of which could be used to prepare and/or develop a<br />

secret ink message.” 12<br />


Item 324 papers 1-96, 113-176, 193-208, and 225 to 282 are<br />

printed on one kind of paper stock that fluoresces a light tan<br />

under UV light. Paper 97-112 exhibit a darker tan gray color<br />

when viewed similarly. Paper 177-192 and 209-224<br />

fluoresce a brilliant blue white. The possibility cannot be<br />

eliminated that one or more pages of the book have been<br />

treated to serve as sophisticated carbon for the preparation<br />

of secret ink messages.<br />




Under date of December 20, 1963, the FBI Laboratory furnished the following<br />

information concerning an examination requested by the Dallas Office on November 27,<br />

1963: Q228 Pamphlets entitled "The Crime Against Cuba" by Corliss Lamont Q229<br />

Booklet entitled "The Socialist Workers Party" by Joseph Hansen Q230 Russian book<br />

dated 1962 at Sofia. Result of Examination: In these specimens certain letters, words<br />

and phrases have been excised. No cryptographic significance could be attached to this<br />

material. These cutout letters may have formed the basis of a device used to decipher<br />



secret messages. If the pages were placed over some other text, only certain letters<br />

would appear. These letters could be put next to each other to form a message. 13<br />

The FBI could not disprove that this was a cipher:<br />

Q230 a Russian book dated 1962 at Sofia.<br />

Results of examination:<br />

The negatives that were previously designated Q65a were compared with<br />

specimens Q228 through Q230 but could not be associated. Part of the<br />

Q65a negatives are copies of identification cards in various stages of<br />

alteration and this examination was made to determine whether or not<br />

sections that were cut out of the Q228 through Q230 books were used in<br />

the alteration of the identification cards.<br />

When the Warren Commission questioned the FBI about this, the latter replied,<br />

"the material submitted could conceivably involve code or cipher," but when the Warren<br />

Commission asked the National Security Administration about the matter, NSA<br />

responded,<br />

Skilled cryptologists at the National Security Agency examined the<br />

materials relating to the Oswald case provided by the Warren<br />

Commission. The results are as a follows: Certain letters had been<br />

removed from pages 150 of the Russian novel, Glaza Kotorye<br />

Sprashivayut, Questioning Eyes. Eight letter had apparently been cut from<br />

page 152...The sample is too small for any valid conclusion to be reached<br />

as for the purposes for which the above noted letters were removed. It is<br />

considered most unlikely that this process of letter removal has any<br />

cryptographic implication. The names appearing in Lee’s address book<br />

was checked. No evidence of cryptologic implication was found. 14<br />

The NSA only examined one of the Items. NSA was determined to demonstrate<br />

that Oswald was not a Soviet or American spy. When Marina Oswald was shown this<br />

pocket book with the letters removed, she said she had never seen it before: "Asked<br />

who did it, she answered “Probably he was working, but I never saw that. I don't know<br />

what he had that for." Another CIA document reported: "Marina Oswald was asked<br />

about a Russian book which had certain words cut out. The Commission attorney<br />

observed that this is sometimes a practice used in espionage. She said she had no<br />

explanation for the extracted material." 15<br />

When the FBI went through Oswald’s possessions it found a cryptic message:<br />

FBI ITEM 178: Book published in Moscow 1961 - Fidel Kastro 1. Possibly<br />

by mistake book copy included one page from libretto of Pikoyaya Dama -<br />

Oswald's notes are the translations of Russian words, but Oswald paid<br />

special attention to the words - 'You will receive the death blow...'"<br />

FBI ITEM 180: Program of Russian opera -- Pikovaya Dama (Queen of Spades) with<br />

notes of Lee Oswald.<br />



1. Then it means you are pronouncing the death sentence (in Russian).<br />

2. On another page – Zakalyvat’sya, zakalyveyetsya (twice). 16<br />

Oswald wanted Castro assassinated. He thought he was part of a group of anti-<br />

Castro Americans, operating out of the Florida and Louisiana; however, he was actually<br />

being groomed by his Marine buddy Gerry Patrick Hemming because his background<br />

as a defector made him suitable for framing as the patsy for The Big Event.<br />


Before he left for Mexico City Oswald prepared a resume of his radical activities<br />

as his bona fides for being granted entrance to Cuba. He hinted he had done spy work<br />

for the Soviets involving microdots:<br />


I have worked in the Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval typograhical Co. 522 Browder<br />

St. Dallas, Texas. I wroker from October 1, 1962 to April 1, 1962. I am<br />

profiencent in the photographic arts known as reverses, transparacial, line,<br />

modifications, [forgery] squats blowups, and minaturizations [microdots].<br />

I have submitted an been commended for photo work for the party. I am<br />

familar with layout and art work and am aquianted with cold medal and hot<br />

medal proces'ss in printing.<br />

A. Tax returns of JCS<br />

B. Letters commending photo work by the party.<br />

Oswald’s address book contained the words “micro dots” as you can see from<br />

the reproduction on the next page of The Oswald Code. In October 1962 Oswald asked<br />

Dennis Ofstein, a fellow worker who had served in the U.S. Army, Security Branch, if he<br />

knew what microdots were. When Dennis Ofstein replied negatively, Oswald told him:<br />

Microdots are used as a means whereby a page of anything can be<br />

reduced down to a size smaller than a postage stamp so that it could be<br />

concealed under a postage stamp and could be used in espionage<br />

operations. 17<br />

Hemming advised: "It's reverse lithography work. I was raised in a darkroom.<br />

Arrangement of the lenses. Microdot is a super dense step beyond microfilm." The<br />

Warren Commission asked the FBI and the National Security Agency about microdots.<br />

J. Edgar Hoover wrote the Commission detailing the extent to which the evidence "had<br />

been examined for possible cryptological significance including processing for<br />

microdots." He cited two reports on the subject, neither of which mentioned microdots;<br />

both were written by FBI S.A. Robert P. Gemberling. Robert Gemberling commented to<br />

this researcher: "I'm not a lab technician. The evidence examination would have been<br />

conducted at the Washington FBI Laboratory." The National Security Administration<br />

wrote the Commission that microdots were not one of its specialties. An FBI document<br />

dated October 2, 1964, revealed that the Bureau examined photographs of Oswald in<br />

the USSR and his Russian books for microdots, but found none. 18 Among Oswald’s<br />



possessions the Dallas Police Department discovered a pair of Russian binoculars. The<br />

binoculars could be reversed to blow an image down. 19<br />

Despite all of the rambling by Special Agent Gemberling the words “micro dot”<br />

appear clear as day in his address book and indicated he used the facilities in the<br />

lithography firm where he work to create them.<br />



https://www.scribd.com/document/348532081/FBI-CIA-NSAdocuments-on-Oswald-Cryptological-Ability<br />







Frank Fiorini Sturgis was the death squad member who fired the fatal shot that<br />

blew part of Kennedy’s head off, so we will begin the steganographic entries with this<br />

maggot. Oswald’s address book contained the name Fiorini AKA Frank Fiorini Sturgis.<br />

Frank was the co-leader of the anti-Castro group that Oswald was affiliated with. Fiorini<br />

had the motive to assassinate President Kennedy due to JFK’s actions in the Bay of<br />

Pigs invasion and the subsequent deal JFK made after the Cuban Missile Crisis to<br />

which guaranteed the integrity of the Castro Regime. Frank had smuggled arms to Fidel<br />

in the 1950’s. When he found out Fidel was a Red he started planning to assassinate<br />



him. Fidel figured this out and put out a contract on Fiorini who had to hijack an aircraft<br />

to get out of Cuba. When he returned to the US he became part of Operation 40, killers<br />

who would infiltrate into post-Castro Cuba and summarily execute the communist<br />

infrastructure. After the Bay of Pigs backfired thanks to JFK Fiorini and Gerry Patrick<br />

Hemming, who as stated brought Oswald into the mix, formed the Intercontinental<br />

Penetration Force / International Anti-Communist Brigade (INTERPEN/IAB) to launch<br />

raids, in violation of the Neutrality Act, against Castro's Cuba. The names of the men<br />

who worked under Fiorini and Hemming were also in Oswald’s address book as was the<br />

word INTERPEN.<br />

The name FIORINI appeared twice in Oswald’s address book disguised as two<br />

words. One was “orinis” the other was "Russ for Forin." As you can see letters "i-n" were<br />

written in a different ink. Asked to assess that entry in 1978, during his deposition in<br />

Hunt v. Weberman Fiorini responded:<br />

A. If that name is me, I guarantee he got me in there to be set up to be killed, because<br />

at that time I was very strongly anti-Communist, my name was in the paper quite a bit,<br />

and he, supposedly, by his wife's testimony, made an attempt to kill General Walker,<br />

who was an outspoken --<br />

Q. Do you feel that you were in the same class on a hit list of Oswald's?<br />

A. If that is my name there. I don't think that's my name there, but if that is my name, I<br />

would assume that this is his reason. 20<br />

Fiorini associate Gerald Patrick Hemming, the narrator of The Oswald Code<br />

commented: “F-o-r-I-n. He's using a phonetic misspelling to indicate something else.<br />

You're correct.”<br />

Around Thursday, November 7, 1963, Sturgis said he visited Dallas to see a gun<br />

connection. 21 That was not why he was there. He was there to scope out Dealey Plaza<br />

where The Big Event was going to be held. In 1995 Gerald Patrick Hemming told me:<br />

"The caravan left for Dallas on Tuesday, November 19, 1963. Frank was firing from the<br />

Records Building" That was the same day the President’s parade route in Dallas was<br />

published in the Dallas Morning News.<br />










This is an aerial photograph of Dealey Plaza as it looked on November 22, 1963.<br />

Note the railroad yards behind the Texas School Book Depository. The arrow is pointing<br />

to the freight train that Dispatcher Lee Bowers brought back into the yards after he saw<br />

a man jump from one car to the next. Bowers died in an automobile accident a few<br />

years later. My guess is that someone dusted the steering wheel of his car with contact<br />

poison. Howard Hunt brought the reality of witnesses being assassinated when he said<br />

he was asked to help with the “clean up” after The Big Event. On that fateful day the<br />

Dallas Police picked up 6 derelicts at the scene of the Kennedy assassination. The first<br />

three were picked up immediately after the assassination "right after President Kennedy<br />

was shot" and were named Gedney, Forester and Abrams. They were real bums. I have<br />

reprinted a copy of one of their arrest records which read:<br />

Those men were taken off a train in the rail yard<br />

right after President Kennedy was shot. Those<br />

men are passing through town. They have no jobs<br />

or any means of making a living.<br />



The second set of tramps was picked up at around 2 PM, two hours after the<br />

President was shot. I have reprinted the police radio transcripts as found in the<br />

Warren Commission report:<br />







These men were not tramps but CIA agents and contract agents professionally<br />

disguised as tramps and one of them was Frank Fiorini Sturgis. Hemming told me<br />

confidentially, “Frank was firing from the Records Building.” Frank Anthony Fiorini<br />

Sturgis killed the President of the United States. The FBI, in the person of Oliver Buck<br />

Revell, former SAC of the Dallas Field Office, floated a false news story stating that the<br />

tramps had been identified and were real derelicts in order to protect CIA. The tramps<br />

were never booked or fingerprinted and disappeared into the ether. Canfield asked the<br />

Dallas Police Chief about this. Hear it here.<br />


Fiorini had helped Fidel Castro come to power and in 1959 was in charge of an<br />

Air Force base in Cuba under the command of Pedro Diaz Lanz. He was part of<br />

Operation Forty, a death squad that was to enter Cuba after a successful Bay of Pigs<br />

invasion and murder all the Communist leaders there. He was a world class player and<br />

was named by E. Howard Hunt, in a death bed confession, as a participant in The Big<br />

Event. Disguise? You have to realize that Frank Fiorini’s greasy hair could be washed<br />

then dyed to give him less of that “grease ball” look. The ear tells all.<br />




Once again it is that greasy ethnic look that throws one off. The Rockefeller<br />

Commission examined the tramp shots and determined they were not Hunt or Fiorini. 22<br />

The CIA infiltrated the House Select Committee on Assassination 23 just as the CIA<br />

recently infiltrated the Senate Intelligence Committee. 24 CIA had its asset, Clyde Snow,<br />

report that even though the facial metrics lined up, the tramp was not Frank Sturgis.<br />

This gives you some idea of the lengths the CIA and FBI went to discredit the most<br />

important piece of photographic evidence in the assassination of JFK. Note that the<br />

tramp is flexing his nostrils.<br />

Frank had a 90 IQ in Catholic School in Philadelphia but he wanted to become a<br />

priest. The war intervened and Frank, who was also into boxing, became a part of an<br />

elite Marine Unit. It was in Iwo Jima that he became a killing machine. When he<br />

returned to the US all the killing he had done drove him crazy and he checked into the<br />

loony bin at Sun Valley, California. When Frank worked for Fidel in Cuba he ordered the<br />

execution of 70 Batista henchmen on San Juan Hill then posed on their grave. When I<br />

exposed him as a high level DEA informant, hoping to rid the world of this assassin, he<br />

sent his Miami thug to follow me to New York; however NYPD arrested him following<br />

right behind me at Kennedy Airport. Hemming had tipped them off. Frank was busted in<br />

Watergate, an attempted bloodless coup, orchestrated by Richard Nixon who just<br />

happened to be in Dallas on the day of The Big Event. 25<br />

Withheld documents on Frank released in October 2017 included the fact that<br />

the Justice Department considered filing charges against him when one of his<br />

operations screwed up in Mexico. The DOJ asked the Mexican Police to testify. But<br />

somehow this all went away. It also included his House Select Committee on<br />

Assassinations testimony. Frank denied knowing Howard Hunt prior to Watergate but<br />



when Hunt confessed he said he knew Frank since the 1940’s. He even wrote a book<br />

about Frank entitled Bimini Run in which the main character was Hank Sturgis. Here is<br />

part of the transcript:<br />

The Witness: And the monies did come from CIA for repairs and the bill to the B-25.<br />

Mr. Triplett. And how did you know it was from the CIA?<br />

The Witness: I didn't know who it came from because the money came from Bernard<br />

Barker. Because I didn't know who Barkers boss was. You must understand that I found<br />

out through Howard Hunt while I was in prison that a week before the invasion, Bernard<br />

Barker became the assistant to Howard. Howard, from what Howard told me, that he<br />

disagreed with the policies of what was happening, the change that was happening<br />

within, you know, the groups, the CIA and the Revolutionary Council, because he was<br />

the political officer of the Revolutionary Council. I had no contact with Howard Hunt. I<br />

never knew Howard Hunt at all. I knew there-was An Eduardo and Eduardo was<br />

Barker’s boss. But he left the Outfit and Barker was turned over to a new CIA control<br />

officer, I believe. And Barker would not tell me. I believe his new boss was Jim Knowles.<br />

Frank told the Committee that Watergate putz Bernard Barker tried to recruit him<br />

for a domestic assassination. Why Frank?<br />


Mr. Triplett: Have you ever been contacted by any person for the purpose of killing<br />

somebody in this country?<br />

The Witness: Yes, sir.<br />

Mr. Triplett: By whom?<br />

The Witness: At that time, a CIA agent.<br />

Mr. Triplett: And who was the agent?<br />

The Witness: Do I have to tell you? Well, I've got nothing to hide. I'm sorry I even said<br />

that. The year, I don't recall the year, but I don't know whether I called this party or the<br />

party called me. Anyway we got together and in getting together, I was either asked at<br />

his home or at a restaurant, whether would be interested in doing a domestic<br />

assassination. And that surprised me.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Who was this person?<br />

The Witness: Barker. It was after I came from Cuba. I don't recall what year. Whether it<br />

was before or after the Bay of Pigs, I honestly don't recall. I did tell Sam Jennis about<br />

this and he kind of laughed, and he said really you got to be kidding. Well, find out. So I<br />

pursued it. I told Barker I said yes I would do it, a domestic assassination. But first I've<br />

got to find out who the person is. Then he started questioning me, well how would you<br />



go about it and so forth. And I said hey you know it all depends on who the party is. So<br />

we went from there and I had a couple of meetings pertaining to that. Then finally I was<br />

told to pin him down and say I would not do it unless I get word from his control officer.<br />

And that was what I did. I said, until your control officer sits down with a name and tells<br />

me that he wants a domestic assassination done, then I would do it. I want verification<br />

from your control officer. He never came back.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Did he ever talk to his control officer?<br />

The Witness: Evidently he must have, because he never mentioned it after that<br />

particular incident. And I'd been in touch with him up until the day of Watergate, And he<br />

never came back and told me whether or not he wanted me to go ahead and continue,<br />

you know, whatever the domestic assassination was because I said I want to know who<br />

the party is, depending on how I would do it. If it's doing to be domestic, it's pretty hot<br />

stuff, you know, so I told Barker, well, go to the Everglades you dig a hole, put lye in<br />

there and bury the guy or well get an airplane or boat and do it out here in the Gulf, you<br />

know, blow the boat up and so forth. But I said before I actually do it, I want your control<br />

officer to sit down with me and I want from his mouth that this is national security<br />

business. I would want to know who the party is, depending on how I would do this<br />

particular operation, you know because you've got to kidnap the guy.<br />

Mr. Triplett: And who was the person he wanted killed?<br />

The Witness: I don't know. He never told me.<br />

Mr. Tripplet: Did he offer you money or the purpose of doing this?<br />

The witness: No. I never got to that point. In other words, after I told him, you know that<br />

I would have to set down with his control officer thing ever developed into anything<br />

else. 26<br />


Mr. Triplett: You I am sure in many interviews, both official and unofficial have been<br />

questioned as to where you were on November 22nd, 1963,<br />

The Witness: Yes.<br />

Mr. Triplett: My first question in this area is where you were on the evening of November<br />

21st, 1963.<br />

The Witness: I am quite sure that I was here.<br />

Mr. Triplett: On what do you base that assurance?<br />

The Witness: I really cannot say. I was here on the 22nd --<br />

Mr. Triplett: (Interposing) the 22nd is the day of the assassination. I am talking about<br />

the evening prior.<br />

The Witness: I had to be here. I had to be here.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Again in your own mind it is clear, but if you can verbalize it, how do you<br />



know you had to be here?<br />

The Witness: Well, the only thing I can say is the witnesses who have told me, for<br />

instance my mother-in-law, my nephew. He lived with me. My wife, myself and I believe<br />

Jim Buchanan I believe Bill Johnson, because we were involved in operations at that<br />

time.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Are you saying you laden discussed it with all of these people?<br />

The Witness: Oh, when this thing started coming out naturally, certainly I discussed it<br />

with them. Because I had to put clear in my mind where I was before I knew where I<br />

was that day because saw it on television. I saw it on television.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Did you see it when it occurred or on reruns?<br />

The Witness: I imagine it was reruns on television that day.<br />

The Witness: As a matter of fact when Marita Lorenz made these accusations and I<br />

went to New York and I was arrested by the New York police Department, and I<br />

released on bond, I immediately told my Attorney that wanted to take a polygraph<br />

examination. In the past, I volunteered to take a polygraph examination with the<br />

Watergate Committee, with the Rockefeller Committee, and volunteered with every<br />

committee to take a polygraph]. Now here, with this mess that Marita Lorenz created, I<br />

asked my lawyer, I want to take a Polygraph. And I did take a polygraph and I passed<br />

the polygraph.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Well when you say you passed, you are telling us that the finding was that<br />

you were not deceptive in your answers?<br />

The Witness: That is right. And if you would like to ask me questions of what I was<br />

asked and what my answers were, I would be very happy to tell you<br />

Mr. Triplett: Frankly I do not want to get into a second hand account of some other<br />

polygraph.<br />

The Witness: All right.<br />

Mr. Triplett: And again, just to make our record clean. I know you have, been asked and<br />

answered these questions many, times before; but where exactly where were you on<br />

November 22nd when President Kennedy was assassinated?<br />

The Witness: At my home at 2515 North West 122nd St Miami, Florida, zip code 33167.<br />

Mr. Triplett: And that still your home today?<br />

The Witness: Yes<br />

Mr. Triplett: What were you doing at that time in your home?<br />

The Witness: Possibly I was sleeping or in the bedroom. And I believe my mother-in-law<br />



came you know, and said that there was some news on the television that the President<br />

was assassinated.,<br />

Mr. Triplett: I believe there is two hours me difference between Florida and Texas. So<br />

that would have made it about 2:30 in the afternoon, on a Friday afternoon. Were you<br />

unemployed at that time? Why were you not at work?<br />

The Witness: I was again doing operations, during and after that particular time.<br />

Mr. Triplett: I see. And who else was at your home at that time.<br />

The Witness: Just the people I mentioned. It was my mother-in-law, my nephew, my<br />

wife, and as a matter of fact, Jim Buchanan did mention to me during all this exposure<br />

over the JFK assassination that he came over, he told me that he came over, to the<br />

house that afternoon and that I left with him that afternoon. So there is a possible<br />

outside witness other than my family who knew that I was there that particular day.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Jim Buchanan?<br />

The Witness: Jim Buchanan, yes. Also a William Johnson who was doing a series of<br />

operations with me, I believe that he will verify that I was in town before and after the<br />

assassination.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Do you know where William Johnson is currently located?<br />

The Witness: Yes. He lives in Miami today and he lives off of Brickell Avenue in Sansusi<br />

Estates. I do have his phone number. His phone number is 893-6013. His address I<br />

don't know because I know how to get there, you know. But I do have his address in my<br />

address book in my automobile. It is no problem. If he wishes to have it, I will give it to<br />

Mr. Fonzi.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Now you have mentioned a couple of times in other answers, the<br />

allegations recently made by Marita Lorenz.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Let me ask you specifically, did you, in the company of Marita Lorenz,; Leon<br />

Oswald and others, drive to Dallas a day or two before the assassination?<br />

The Witness: Sir that is an absolute lie. I have never been with Marita Lorenz and<br />

Ozzie, as she calls him or with Pedro Diaz Lanz or Marcos Diaz Lanz or Mr. Orlando<br />

Bosch, or Gerry Patrick, which she claimed all of us besides some other Cubans<br />

were in two automobiles and left Miami, Florida two days before the assassination of<br />

the President of the United States. She is a liar. I took a polygraph examination to that<br />

effect that I have never been involved in any conspiracy to kill the President of the<br />

United States, nor was I with her at any time conspiring to kill the President of United<br />

States, nor was I with her in any automobile with people or any other people going to<br />

Dallas to plot to kill the President of the United States. She is an absolute liar.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Well not getting into her character, which I am certain you have strong<br />

emotions about, it is your testimony that it’s not true? You never made much a trip<br />

The Witness: Not only not true, she is a liar and I believe --<br />

Mr. Rubin.<br />

(Interceding) No. Just tell him did you make the trip?<br />


The Witness: No. I did not make the trip.<br />


Mr. Triplett. Very good! Thank you. And at any time during the year 1963 were you in<br />

Dallas, Texas?<br />

The Witness: I have went because of operations that I had been doing and so forth,<br />

traveled through Texas into Mexico into Central America, in and out. And I would say<br />

yes, sir, I probably have been through not only Dallas but other cities in Texas. Yes,<br />

Mr. Triplett: Now specifically around June or July of '63, did you go to Dallas for the<br />

purpose of purchasing weapons?<br />

The Witness: I have never been to Dallas where I stayed at any particular instance in<br />

order to buy any weapons or anything in Dallas or anyplace in Texas. Anytime I went<br />

through Texas it was transient.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Your answer begs a question little bit. Whether or not you stayed in Dallas<br />

for the purpose of buying weapons? Did you ever go to Dallas to buy weapons around<br />

June or July of '63?<br />

The Witness: No, sir.<br />


After The Big Event the perpetrators associates started a disinformation<br />

campaign that further linked Oswald with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and also<br />

with the DGI, the Cuban spy service. Franks bogus alibi witness to his whereabouts that<br />

day, James Buchanan, wrote this article for the Pompano Beach Sun Sentinel:<br />

DRE following the assassination revealed that Oswald had come to Miami<br />

to infiltrate the active anti-Castro organizations in order to get name of<br />

underground operatives inside Cuba. DRE said he was discovered by<br />

their office in Miami and challenged to defend his pro-Castro convictions in<br />

a debate. Oswald refused. Later he was reported to have brawled with<br />

exiles in Bayfront Park. DRE said Oswald was successful in joining their<br />

New York organization prior to his Miami visit, but was not given<br />

opportunities to betray any DRE agent inside Cuba. Oswald also tried to<br />

infiltrate several other major organizations in Miami, including the Anti-<br />

Communist International Brigade which is headed by Maj. Frank Fiorini, a<br />

former commander of Castro’s air force. Fiorini said his outfit turned down<br />

Oswald’s application because they could not find out anything about his<br />

background. 27<br />

The DRE was a student group that fought against Batista only to be double<br />

crossed by Fidel Castro and subsequently established itself in the United States. David<br />

Atlee Phillips was the DRE’s CIA Case Officer. During his HSCA testimony Sturgis<br />

distanced himself from Phillips when asked if he knew him:<br />

He is a son of a bitch Chief of Western Hemisphere Division, CIA. I<br />

honestly don’t know whether I met him at the Embassy in Havana. And if<br />



he was stationed there, which supposedly he was when I was there, he is<br />

nothing but a pro-Communist bastard.<br />

Frank’s deposition continued: Mr. Triplett: Now you have mentioned both Jerry<br />

and Jim Buchanan in a lot of your other answers. And it that correct? And it is correct is<br />

it not that they are primarily journalists by trade? Newspaper men?<br />

The Witness: Primarily: Yes, sir<br />

Mr. Triplett. And have you, on occasion, provided them with information to incorporate<br />

into articles, or which they did in fact incorporate into articles?<br />

The Witness: Some. Yes, sir.<br />

Mr. Triplett: And could you give us some estimate on how many occasions this may<br />

have occurred?<br />

The Witness. No, sir. I couldn’t give you a correct estimate. No.<br />

Mr. Triplett: But would it be a fair statement to say that you have provided then with<br />

information.<br />

James Buchanan’s brother Jerry was part of this campaign and Jerry Buchanan<br />

told FBI Agent and cover-up artist SA James O’Conner:<br />

In October 1962 members of the International Anti-Communist Brigade<br />

engaged in a fight in Bay Front Park section of Miami with members of the<br />

Fair Play for Cuba Committee which group was distributing pro-Castro<br />

literature. Police broke up the fight. After the assassination of President<br />

Kennedy in November 1963 and the attending publicity given to Lee<br />

Harvey Oswald Buchanan recognized Oswald as having been one of the<br />

members of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee engaged in the fight in Bay<br />

Front Park in October 1962. He also recalls that Oswald had been in<br />

Miami, Florida again in March 1963 distributing pro-Castro literature…He<br />

has been associated with Frank Fiorini in anti-Castro activities since 1959.<br />

In about 1961 he, his brother, James Buchanan, Geraldine Shamma and<br />

Frank Fiorini founded the International Anti-Communist Brigade.<br />

Jerry Buchanan was sent to the Florida State Penitentiary as of July 28, 1961 for<br />

three years as a Parole Violator from a forgery conviction so he could not have beaten<br />

up Oswald when he said that he did unless a parole violator was granted parole.<br />

In September 1960 the G-2 arrested Geraldine Shamma, who was on a mission<br />

for exile leader Manuel Artime Buesa. The DGI claimed:<br />

Geraldine Shamma sent information to foreign news agencies on<br />

subversive operations carried out, also making available her domicile [a<br />

40 room mansion] in the city of Marianao as a hiding place for individuals<br />

of the group who were fleeing the persecution of the authorities by<br />

assisting them, through her foreign contacts, to escape from the country.<br />



Shamma was returned to the United States in 1963 through the aid of James<br />

Donovan, a New York attorney with intelligence community ties. She became Vice<br />

President of International Anti-Communist Brigade (IACB). Frank Sturgis was President.<br />

Hemming's first wife was Mercedez Gonzales, a model "who looked like Sophia<br />

Loren". He married her in 1959 and she was put in jail by Castro. She died right after<br />

the Bay of Pigs. John Martino, who “fixed” slot machines for the mob in Cuba, among<br />

other things, said that Oswald was in telephonic contact with the DGI. On December 2,<br />

1963, S.A. James O'Conner interviewed John Martino. He told him that a confidential<br />

source had told him Oswald was in Miami in October 1962, and made several telephone<br />

calls to Cuba from the home of a suspected Castro double-agent. Martino said that<br />

when Oswald distributed his Fair Play for Cuba Committee literature in Bayfront Park,<br />

Jerry Buchanan an INTERPEN/IAB member attacked him. These tall tales resulting in<br />

Frank Fiorini’s name appearing in Warren Commission documents and gave researcher<br />

Mae Brussel her first Watergate-JFK connection. Martino had been incarcerated with<br />

David Christ, one of the tramps, in a Cuban prison and wrote about it in his book I Was<br />

Castro’s Prisoner. Many former prisoners of Castro were involved in The Big Event.<br />

How would you feel if JFK let you rot in a dungeon? You would want to kill the son-of-abitch,<br />

right?<br />


Mr. Triplett. Were you ever in an automobile with Hemming, Bosch and Marita Lorenz<br />

in the Florida Keys?<br />

The Witness: No, sir.<br />

Mr. Triplett: Never?<br />



The Witness: No, sir. With Dr. Orlando Bosch and Gerry Patrick Hemming?<br />

Mr. Triplett. Correct.<br />

The Witness: No, sir.<br />

Frank was closely associated with Orlando Bosch. Bosch sponsored a<br />

reconnaissance flight in the Bahamas in order to locate a piece of land that would serve<br />

as a clandestine landing strip in which another. Howard K. Davis served as the pilot.<br />


Howard Kenneth Davis, Hemming’s double agent who pretended to turn over all<br />

the information he had on the Cuban exile groups, but withheld key operations that had<br />

a chance of succeeding reported:<br />

On this flight were William Johnson, a pilot and a used car salesman;<br />

Robert Lee, owner of American Air Taxi, engaged in leasing of the aircraft;<br />

Frank Anthony Sturgis, also known as Frank Fiorini, an American<br />

adventurer and soldier of fortune. Johnson has advised this office that<br />

Orlando Bosch desires him to select a plane and a pilot for the raid<br />

mentioned in this LHM which Bosch is secretly planning. Johnson has<br />

agreed to do so but states he has no intention of actually participating in<br />

this raid himself or selecting a plane and pilot. He agreed to keep the<br />

Miami Office advised of pertinent developments with regard to activities of<br />

Dr. Bosch. It has been noted however, that Bosch while utilizing Johnson<br />

occasions, has a critical times dispensed of his services as he appeared<br />

to do in the plans concerning the ill-fated raid of June 19, 1964.<br />

In 1973 the Justice Department decided to prosecute Sturgis for Interstate<br />

Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicles stemming from his abortive attempt to hijack a<br />

Soviet freighter. One of Sturgis' codefendants was Jerry Buchanan. In Texas, Buchanan<br />

claimed the whole car theft case was merely a government ploy to force Sturgis to talk<br />

about Watergate.<br />

MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD November 21, 1973<br />

SUBJECTS: Frank Sturgis and William Johnson.<br />

2. On November 19, 1973, Gary Breneman, Office of General Counsel,<br />

contacted Mr. Leo J. Dunn's office requesting traces and information on a<br />

William J. Johnson, Jr. This request was forwarded to the undersigned. It<br />

was further developed from Breneman that his request had been<br />

prompted by a query from the United States Attorney, Miami, Florida, who<br />

is prosecuting the case against Sturgis on charges stemming from<br />

indictment on transporting stolen automobiles across the Mexican border<br />

in 1968. According to information relayed by Breneman, an individual by<br />

the name of William J. Johnson (DPOD: February 11, 1931, New York<br />

City) was prepared to come forward at Sturgis trial and claim that he was<br />

a CIA employee and that he recruited Sturgis to take part in alleged CIA<br />


operations against Cuba in 1968.<br />


You can see that Johnson was willing to lie for Frank. He was also a coconspirator<br />

in the murder of Alex Rorke, whose plane was sabotaged with contaminated<br />

fuel just before The Big Event.<br />

Bill Johnson with his Grumman F8F Bearcat that was purchased and to be used for CIA<br />

sponsored anti Castro flights over Cuba, was quickly confiscated by the U.S.<br />

Government before it was able to make any flights, circa early 1960's.<br />

Frank’s nephew, Jim Hunt, told this researcher that his uncle asked him to alibi<br />

him for November 22, 1963, which he did in a sworn statement to the Rockefeller<br />

Commission. I have a tape of him or his coauthor saying this but he was a stoned hippy<br />

during the 1967 Summer of Love and contributed to Dana Beal’s bail fund so Jim is<br />

forgiven for not solving this mystery once and for all. Jim is an attorney now and can’t<br />

formerly retract it. It didn’t really matter since the Rockefeller Commission concluded<br />

that it cannot be determined with certainty where Sturgis was on the day of The Big<br />

Event, because his alibi relied on close family members like Jim, Frank’s wife and<br />

Frank’s mother-in-law. Fat Frank didn’t tell the Rockefeller Commission that Shamma,<br />

Johnson and Buchanan saw him on that day. Note that Frank had no impartial<br />

witnesses to verify his whereabouts such as a shop keeper or neighbor etc. Canfield<br />

pretended to be a college student and did a long interview with Frank after which he<br />

called him and recorded the conversation. Frank threatened Comedian Dick Gregory for<br />

digging up stuff that should have been left buried. You can hear the conversation<br />



HERE. More on “Fat Frank” in The Man Who Dropped a Hammer on JFK. 28 Jim Hunt<br />

also told me that Frank claimed to have been in Memphis, Tennessee the day Martin<br />

Luther King was offed. In 2015 Frank was fingered by Jose Esteves and Fernando<br />

Simões as having been the paymaster in Camarate, the assassination of the Prime<br />

Minster of Portugal and his consort, the Defense Minister and his wife, the Prime<br />

Minister’s Chief of Staff, the pilot and the co-pilot of a small plane they were all flying in.<br />

I testified about Frank’s role in this event before the Portuguese Parliament. In 2016 I<br />

was granted permission by the Portuguese Government to film Fernando Simões, a<br />

member of the death squad Frank had assembled in Lisbon in the Valley of the Jews<br />

prison. In 2017 I was contacted by Ramfis Trujillo, the great grandson of Generalissimo<br />

Rafael Trujillo, long time dictator of the Dominican Republic who was convinced that<br />

Frank Sturgis and other CIA Death Squad members such as Frank Nelson and Mitch<br />

Werbell were behind “El Jefe’s” assassination, rather than Dominican patriots. Frank<br />

Sturgis died of lung cancer in 1993. Only God knows how many people he murdered.<br />







Hemming comes next, although if he was still alive he would be pissed off having<br />

to follow Frank, who he described as a “stubble bum.” Gerry invented Oswald. He first<br />

met Oswald in the Marines and he recruited him into the shadowy world of James<br />

Angleton. After Oswald returned from the USSR, his legend as a “defector” made him<br />

an ideal candidate for a patsy in the JFK assassination. Hemming wrote the Fair Play<br />

for Cuba and visit to Cuban Consulate and Russian Embassy Mexico City scenario with<br />

the help of Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips. Hemming wrote the most widely<br />

disseminated False News Story in American history.


I got to know Gerry Patrick Hemming pretty well and found him to be a<br />

fascinating dude. I visited him in the Private Detective Office in Miami’s Little Havana<br />

and at his home. When he came to New York City he visited me at 6 Bleecker Street.<br />

After he got locked up for drug smuggling I corresponded with him while he was in the<br />

Florida State Penitentiary. Hemming was a Long John Silver type. It was impossible to<br />

say if he was good or if he was bad. It depends on what you think about the Kennedy<br />

presidency. By showing weakness during the Bay of Pigs Kennedy paved the way for<br />

the Cuban Missile Crisis that could have ended human life as we know it. I was a hippie<br />

Jim Hawkins; in fact just as Hawkins hid in a barrel and spied on Silver I took pictures of<br />

documents in Hemming’s office with my Minox spy camera when he left the room to<br />

take a dump. I sent him thousands of dollars to let me in on the details of The Big Event.<br />

Mixed in with the BS such as “there was a nigger jacking his dick on the fourth floor<br />

window of the Texas Book Depository” he threw me some really good puzzle pieces.<br />

The photos from Oswald’s Minox I had declassified under the FOIA inextricably linked<br />

the two.<br />




Oswald had a Minox “spy” camera with him when he was in the Marines.<br />

Undeveloped rolls of Minox film were also found among Oswald’s possessions in the<br />

Paine’s garage. Some of them belonged to Michael Paine. The Dallas Police<br />

Department had the rolls developed and I obtained them under the provisions of the<br />

Freedom of Information Act. The roll that was not taken with Michael Paine's camera<br />

was photographed in Subic Bay, Philippines and in Quemoy or Matsu.<br />








The SMOKING GUN in this series of photographs depicted several Marines<br />

including Gerald Patrick Hemming with a member of the Hukbalahap (Huk) guerrilla<br />

group that was formed by the Philippine Communist whom he had just garroted; a shot<br />

of a tanker and LST-845P, shots of an island from offshore; shots entering a harbor;<br />

Asian children walking past a heavily fortified military base; a Chinese funeral passing<br />

the perimeter of the base, and the photo of Oswald with an M-16. The two photos of<br />

Hemming indicated Oswald and Hemming first met in the Marine Corps in the 1950's.<br />

Hemming took the picture below with Oswald’s Minox. You can read more about<br />

Hemming, my main source of information on The Big Event in the Internet version of<br />

Coup D’état in America.<br />




This is a photograph that Oswald took at Subic Bay in the Philippines. The<br />

Warren Commission never saw this nor did the House Select Committee on<br />

Assassinations. Hemming is holding a prisoner in a garrote or is exhibiting a corpse.<br />

That’s our boy Gerry, always up to no good. Notice how Hemming is taller than all the<br />

other men in the photo, presumably his crew. Gerry was about six foot six the tallest<br />

dude I have even known.<br />





Hemming 1995:<br />

That kid [Oswald] went out in the bush with seven other Marines hunting<br />

Huks, just outside of Angeles City on the base slopes of Mount Arayat.<br />

They drove through Olongapo...I can give you the whole fucking schedule.<br />

At Subic Bay and Cubi Point they were out hunting Huks on the<br />

weekends. First four guys got killed they clamped down; they took<br />

everybody's 782 shooter away from 'em. Gotta knock off this shit. Oswald<br />

got wounded outside of fucking Angeles City by a grenade fragment,<br />

playing Huk hunter.<br />



There was evidence to back up Hemming's confession. On October 27, 1957, at<br />

Atsugi, Japan, Oswald opened his locker to remove some gear and a .22 caliber<br />

Derringer pistol fell to the floor. The discharged bullet hit him in the left elbow. Marine<br />

Paul Edward Murphy was in the next cubicle and rushed in. Oswald remarked, "I believe<br />

I shot myself." He was hospitalized until November 15, 1957. The Judge Advocate<br />

General concluded that Oswald "displayed a certain degree of carelessness or<br />

negligence" by storing a loaded revolver in his locker, but that his injury was incurred in<br />

the line of duty, and not the result of his own misconduct. He was, however, charged<br />

with possession of an unregistered privately-owned weapon in violation of general<br />

orders. A court martial followed on April 11, 1958. 29 Oswald received a fine and a<br />

suspended 20-day sentence. Why did Oswald own a Derringer? Had he used it in some<br />

Hemming-directed operation? Oswald stated:<br />

I have had a chance to watch American imperialism in action. Subic Bay<br />

Naval Base in the Phillippines, you'd know what I mean. Sympathies with<br />

Communist elements there, their hatred of America. Americans look upon<br />

all foreign people as something to be exploited for profit. All Filipinos who<br />

are well off are those who cooperate with the Americans. 30<br />

When trying to understand the true meaning of Oswald's statement quoted above<br />

we have to keep in mind that Oswald was a dedicated anti-Communist. Therefore if<br />

Oswald says he had sympathies with Communist elements there and for their hatred for<br />

America, it really means he hated their guts and wanted to see them dead. He is<br />

referring to the Philippine communists, or Huks. Oswald denouncing the traitors means<br />

he admired the rich Filipinos who cooperated or as he implies collaborated with the US.<br />

Oswald was a very sophisticated covert operator, much more intelligent than most<br />

people realize.<br />




What is Hemming up to in the photograph? It looks like the Marines are horsing<br />

around but Hemming looks serious and might be pointing a gun at the man in the<br />

chokehold. Gerry was a killer and told me the only reason I was alive was because I<br />

was a Yippie from Greenwich Village and not a lawyer, prosecutor or even a professor.<br />

He also said he kept me around for laughs. But one had to be careful when one was<br />

around Gerry. When I knew him he was trying to work off a beef and he told me he<br />

knew of a laboratory on a nearby college campus where one could assemble an<br />

Improvised Atomic Explosive Device. He offered to drive me other there to see the<br />

layout. I told him my name wasn’t Lee Harvey Oswald. On another occasion Hemming<br />

tells me “I am getting a document that is going to blow you away. But I don’t want it in<br />

my possession for too fucking long so meet me on such and such a street in Little<br />

Havana at two o’clock in the morning.” I show up and guess who is sitting in a nearby<br />

car along with an overgrown Cuban thug. It’s Fat Frank, Frank Fiorini, your friendly<br />

neighborhood assassin. He just laughed and drove away.<br />







There he is, Gerald Patrick Hemming, who broke into a sporting goods store when he<br />

was 14 and took the weapons he obtained to the hills around LA where he trained half a<br />

dozen other kids to become partisan fighters should the Russkies invade the U.S. 31<br />



On the page opposite to the entry "Russ for Forin" the letters "Hemiu" appeared.<br />

Note the curved line under the “u.” This could serve as the bottom of a “g.” This is also<br />

the Russian word for "German" cleverly altered. Немец German, kraut, Hun, Jerry,<br />


Gerry. Gerry Hemming stated:<br />


Those are my three FAA initials. H-E-M was how I signed off as a radar<br />

operator. You got Oswald's access to the New Orleans newspapers [to<br />

explain the entry], but the Stuckey article about me was published in June<br />

1962 [before Oswald returned from the USSR]. I never gave him my name<br />

when I met him in Monterey Park. I didn't use my name when I visited him<br />

at the El Toro Marine Air Base. The word reads H-e-m-e-u. I don't<br />

recognize that as a Russian word. It was written in the Soviet Union.<br />

Jesus Christ Weberman, you got a pimple looking like the fucking<br />

Goodyear Blimp. Quit pumping on the son-of-a-bitch! Three fucking letters<br />

out of a thousand?<br />


In April 1963 Hemming convinced his puppet Oswald to take a pot shot at<br />

Walker, because Hemming knew that after the JFK assassination the assassination<br />

attempt would redound to General Walker’s benefit. Walker was helping Hemming out<br />

with money throughout the spring and fall of 1963. Hemming gave me a copy of one of<br />

his letters to General Walker.<br />

Gerry Patrick Hemming<br />

c/o Howard Kenneth Davis<br />

3350 N.W. 18 Terrace.<br />

Miami, 35, Fla.<br />

General Edwin A. Walker June 28, 1963<br />

4011 Turtle Creek Blvd.<br />

Dallas, 19, Texas.<br />

Dear General Walker:<br />

Please convey my best wishes to your family and friends, and I hope this<br />

letter finds you enjoying good health and work. On behalf of the men of<br />

that serve in our Instructor Teams, and many others that serve in<br />

supporting roles, I want to convey the sincere gratitude of the entire Para-<br />

Military Liaison Group (volunteer) for your rapid response to call for<br />

assistance. I received the six hundred dollars via Western Union later in<br />

the evening of the same day of my telephone call. Yesterday I received<br />

your check of the same amount which I am enclosing for return….<br />

In late 1963 Hemming became a legendary figure among anti-Communist<br />

paramilitary types and all sorts of paramilitarists offered his group their help. General<br />

Walker sent him a check which Gerry returned. J. B. Stoner of the National States<br />

Rights Party offered Gerry his help. James Earl Ray’s brother, Jerry Ray, was a<br />

bodyguard for J.B. Stoner. It really doesn’t pay to hang out with Gerry; you might end up<br />

an Oswald or James Earl Ray. There was a point in his life where he took his own<br />



family hostage. On the other hand he prevented a bloodbath in Flamingo Park during<br />

the Conventions in 1972 by informing the Secret Service of Frank Fiorini’s diabolical<br />

plan that only a total psychopath could formulate. Frank was going to fire rounds into<br />

the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) protest encampment where one of his<br />

infiltrators was to return the fire. He could have killed Ambassador John Kerry who was<br />

a VVAW member at the time.<br />

Hemming had visited Walker and gave Oswald a floor plan of Walker’s house.<br />

The idea was not to ice the old coot, he had enough ice in drinks which would clink<br />

when I talked to him, it was to take a pot shot at the General and deliberately miss. That<br />

was why Oswald was given a floor plan of the house. He had already taken his own<br />

surveillance photos.<br />









The rectangle within the outline is the back entrance the +++l line with the two<br />

crossing lines that adjoins it is the window and the seemingly more detailed drawing<br />

next to the door to the back room is General Walker’s desk! Walker told the Warren<br />

Commission: “I saw a hole in the wall which would have been to my left while I was<br />

sitting to my right as I looked back, and the desk was cater-cornered in the corner up<br />

against this wall. I noticed there was a hole in the wall, so I went upstairs and got a<br />

pistol and came back down and went out the back door, taking a look to see what might<br />



have happened.” The shots came from the back of the house, as seen in a photo found<br />

among Oswald’s possessions.<br />

Mr. Liebeler: Now, you indicate that to the very far left of this photograph, Commission<br />

Exhibit No. 5, through these bushes there is a window, and that is the window through<br />

which the shot was fired, is that correct?<br />

General Walker: That is correct.<br />

Mr. Liebeler: That is the window immediately left of the gas meter there as you look at<br />

the picture?<br />

General Walker: That is correct.<br />

Mr. Liebeler: You don't have any doubt that that is the back of your house?<br />

General Walker: None at all. That is the back of the house. 32<br />

The House Select Committee analyzed the bullet recovered from Walker's house<br />

using Neutron Activation Analysis, and concluded that the bullet was "probably a<br />

Mannlicher-Carcano bullet." 33 Oswald left a note for Marina instructing her what to do if<br />

he was apprehended.<br />

Send the information as to what has happened to me to the Embassy and<br />

include newspaper clippings (should there be anything about me in the<br />

newspapers). I believe that the Embassy will come quickly to your<br />

assistance on learning everything. If I am alive and taken prisoner, the city<br />

jail is located at the end of the bridge through which we always passed on<br />

going to the city (right in the beginning of the city after crossing the<br />

bridge).<br />



The Warren Commission missed this because if it identified this as a floor plan of<br />

Walker’s home it would mean either Oswald had visited with Walker or someone else<br />

had. Since the Warren Commission set out to prove Oswald was a loner there was no<br />

way it would implicate anyone else in the Walker shooting. Warren Commission<br />

Counsel David Slawson wrote:<br />

Examination of the address book in the original shows that Oswald used<br />

pens and inks of many different kinds in making various entries. For<br />

example, on the page which contains the names and addresses of the<br />

Embassies in Mexico City, all these names and addresses are obviously<br />

from the same pen and the same ink, but the name Sylvia Duran is in a<br />

different ink, and was probably written with a ball point pen.<br />

This strongly indicates that Oswald got the names and addresses of the<br />

embassies at some earlier time, perhaps before he left New Orleans and<br />

that he wrote down Sylvia Duran's name after he met her at the Cuban<br />

Embassy. It would be interesting to know if the same ball point pen that<br />

was used to write her name was also used to make other entries in the<br />

notebook. This would be especially significant, because what appears to<br />

be an alternate telephone number for the Russian Embassy in Mexico City<br />

seems to be from a pen which is different from both that were used to<br />

write 'Sylvia Duran' and from that used to write the names and addresses<br />

of the several embassies.<br />

This points to the fact that Oswald did not have a pen with him, but was<br />

borrowing pens to make these entries, and therefore probably borrowed<br />

one pen at the Cuban Embassy to write 'Sylvia Duran' and another at the<br />

Russian Embassy to write the alternative telephone number. It follows<br />

from this that if any other entry in the notebook is from the same pen and<br />

ink as the 'Sylvia Duran' entry or the alternate telephone number, that it<br />

was probably made at the same time and place as these other entries<br />

were made.<br />

To carry this conjecture out even further, there is what appears to be a<br />

floor diagram on page four of this notebook and it is written in an ink that<br />

could be the same as the ink used to write 'Sylvia Duran' in the notebook.<br />

If this proves to be the case, it could mean the floor plan was drawn when<br />

Oswald was at the Cuban Consulate. Obviously my analysis so far is<br />

much too highly conjectural, but it indicates the kind of inferences that<br />

could legitimately be taken from a closer analysis of the address book. I<br />

recommend we ask that a CIA expert on this sort of thing be assigned the<br />

task of analyzing the entire notebook to give us a report on what entries<br />

were probably made by Oswald with the same pen and ink. 34<br />

All this rigmarole was unnecessary. Anyone could look at the original address<br />

book and see which inks were different. It never crossed the collective mind of the<br />

Warren Commission to compare this to the back of Walker’s house.<br />



On Hemming's CIA application form he put down Klein's Sporting Goods as a<br />

reference. That was where Oswald purchased the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle the crew<br />

used in the hit.<br />

Hemming put him up to making the purchase. I asked Hemming how he got<br />

Oswald to bring the rifle into the Texas Book Depository on morning of the November<br />

22, 1963 coup.<br />

Just offer him double the value of his gun. It wouldn't make anyone<br />

nervous. A crime like this hadn't occurred since McKinley, it wouldn't have<br />

been uppermost in his mind about the President, or any other kind of<br />

bullshit.<br />

Oswald was observed by impartial witnesses carrying the disassembled rife into<br />

the TSBD on the morning of The Big Event. Linnie Mae Randle said that on that fateful<br />

morning, while her brother Buell Wesley Frazier was eating breakfast, she looked out<br />

her window and saw Oswald cross the street and walk toward her home. This was the<br />

first time Oswald came to her house for a lift - Buell usually picked him up at Ruth<br />

Paine's house. Oswald was carrying a "heavy brown bag." Linnie Mae Randle recalled:<br />

"It tapered, like this, as he hugged it in his hand. It was...more bulky toward the bottom."<br />

Linnie Mae Randle thought the color of the bag was similar to the bag found on the sixth<br />

floor of the Texas School Book Depository that afternoon. Oswald claimed they were<br />

curtain rods. A notation gun 22 appears in Oswald’s address book. This is why Oswald<br />

brought his disassembled Mannlicher-Carcano with him to the Texas School Book<br />

Depository on the morning of November 22, 1963 - he could make some money from<br />

the deal. Hemming had fired the weapon on the weekend before the assassination at<br />

the Sportsdrome Rifle Range and had told Oswald that he liked it a lot and would<br />

purchase it for him on next Friday.<br />








Hemming told this researcher that the FBI was really not interested in getting to<br />

the bottom of things:<br />

O'Conner came by himself, which he was prone to do, because there<br />

weren't that many people working his division, which was agents.<br />

O'Conner focused on Castro agents, KGB's and all that kind of bullshit.<br />



O'Conner came by and said Dwyer and a couple of other guys are gonna<br />

be coming by and 'What do you think? Do you think any of the Miami<br />

people could have been involved in this?' I said 'I ain't got a fucking clue.<br />

There's weird shit that happens, but I ain't got a fucking clue.' He said,<br />

'When they come by they're probably not gonna ask you too much shit<br />

anyway, I wouldn't volunteer anything.' Well they know that I'm the one<br />

that has his fingers on every fucking move that's going on.”<br />

Hemming 1994:<br />

“The FBI came by my place after the assassination and asked nine<br />

questions in a hurry, and got the fuck out of there. They asked: 'What did<br />

you have for breakfast? What did you have for lunch?' They didn't ask<br />

where I was when The Big Event happened. Basically, in a roundabout<br />

way, 'Can you think of anything that could help in this business about<br />

Kennedy in Dallas?' Skirting the issues. They gave me a message by the<br />

nature of the fucking questions, to keep my mouth shut. They pointedly did<br />

not ask me my alibi. That was a month after the assassination. That was<br />

the last time I talked to the FBI. After the assassination, nobody in the<br />

group discussed any bullshit, and there was nobody asking no questions.<br />

We didn't discuss it. When there were arguments and shit, a guy would<br />

blurt out something. I would tell him to shut his goddamn face. That's what<br />

caused them guys to think I was in on the son-of-a-bitch. So what are they<br />

gonna do then? They're gonna keep their fucking mouths shut. They figure<br />

I'm a goddamn ringleader on the assassination of a President. This is what<br />

has carried through my connections for the last 30 years. All these<br />

intelligence assholes figure that's what it was. We divorced the Kennedy<br />

thing from our memories until the Garrison thing came up in 1967.”<br />



If all this was not enough, and I am sure it will not be for the reader who has<br />

developed his or her own pet theory, the word INTERPEN appears in the address book.<br />

Oswald had contact with members of the Hemming, Sturgis crew:<br />





The name "Colby" is there. This entry appeared opposite an address book page<br />

scheduling a meeting with a representative of an anti-Castro student group in Miami.<br />

This was INTERPEN/IAB member Edmund Kolby since his name was often misspelled.<br />

For example, a December 7, 1962 Counter-Intelligence Support Desk Memorandum<br />

stated: "In a name check run in Task Force W indices, a Colby [FNU] was reported in<br />

July 1962 as approaching a Standard Oil representative for financial support for his<br />

underground group." 35 The FBI stated that the address book entry referred to Ted<br />

Colby, a Revlon Corporation salesman, since the number 1147 appeared directly<br />

behind the Colby entry (actually it appeared several pages later), and Ted Colby lived at<br />

4711 Homer Street in Dallas. Hemming:<br />

Kolby was born in Finland. He was with the U.N. partisan forces behind the lines<br />

in North Korea. He's the black sheep of the family. Doesn't know how to drive a car.<br />

Stammers a little bit. Looks just like Wally Cocks, Mr. Peepers, he was on a number of<br />

operations. He lives in Miami. Works for the Department of Agriculture. Kolby was in<br />

and out of New Orleans on merchant ships. Kolby told me in 1962 when he come off a<br />

merchant ship that he had ran into some assholes in New Orleans who I thought was<br />

Larry LaBorde, who was in a bar talking about training camps. Kolby don't talk.<br />

Edmund Kolby's name appeared on a CIA index card titled "FRD - Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Front October 21, 1960." The CIA: “Colby (FNU) (Illegible) received from<br />

a representative of Office Original Coordination of Standard Oil of New Jersey. During<br />

week July 8, 1962, source visited by Colby. Subject's first name, address (illegible)<br />

dressed, wearing glasses, speaking with slight stammer. Apparently U.S. citizen from<br />

Eastern section of U.S. Source said he spent six years in Army with Special Services,<br />

now working on project training Cubans unconventional warfare Florida, Everglades. He<br />

claimed spent three or four months a year on merchant ship. This supported him during<br />

the rest of the year while worked on training project. He expressed little love for the CIA<br />

or the U.S. Government and gave source copy of article that appeared in June 3, 1962<br />

issue of the Denver Post “Cuban Exiles Have Learned to Hate CIA.” [by Robert K.<br />

Brown] Reason visiting source is to get financial backing for his project. He was very<br />

critical of money given to underground groups while his group gets no financial<br />

support... Subject was not specific activities of group. Mentioned getting food and<br />

medical supplies into Cuba and 18 day course guerilla warfare.” The United States<br />

Secret Service also transcribed this notation as Colby.<br />



The name “COLIN” appears in Oswald’s address book on a page opposite<br />

contiguous with Hemming’s name. INTERPEN appealed to people whom Hemming<br />

described as having "a low level mentality," like Edward Anderson Collins. Collins was<br />

born at Shreveport, Louisiana, on August 21, 1935. Hemming: “Collins had come from<br />

ECONCON in Europe. He was snitching to Wallace Shanley's people.” Edward Collins<br />

worked in the Dixon Language School in Miami and had ties with racist groups like the<br />

Ku Klux Klan and J.B. National Stoner's National States Rights Party. James Earl Ray's<br />

brother, Jerry Ray, was J. B. Stoner's bodyguard. In May 1962 both the FBI and the CIA<br />



were investigating Edward Collins, "regarding a bomb threat." 36 In September 1964<br />

Hemming told Edward A. Collins to accompany him aboard a small craft they had<br />

rented from Russell Wilkey, a charter boat captain. According to Miami Police and City<br />

of Miami reports, Russell Wilkey, Steve Justin Wilson, Hemming and Edward A. Collins<br />

were out at sea when Edward A. Collins allegedly "dived off the sailboat to retrieve a<br />

drifting dingy. This was the last time he was seen alive."<br />

City of Miami, Florida, Inter-Office Memorandum<br />

Lt. H. Swilly, Intelligence Unit,<br />

From Gus Zenoz, P/officer Intelligence Unit<br />

Date October 20, 1964,<br />

References W/M Edward A. Collins 29 years 1925 S.W. 4th Street<br />

On September 28, 1964, Subject went sailing with Russell Wilkey, 47<br />

years, (owner of sailboat) and two other men, names unknown. According<br />

to Russell they were in the Dinner Key boat channel when Collins dived off<br />

the sailboat to retrieve a drifting dingy. That was the last time they saw<br />

him alive. On September 29, 1964, Perry Nichols Jr. 18 years, discovered<br />

the underwear clad corpse (Subject) about 4:15 p.m. Nichols, a high<br />

school student, had been out on the family boat. Writer has learned that<br />

Subject, at the time of his death, had been very actively locally selling<br />

explosives and guns to the Cuban groups. An informer told writer that he<br />

had been out boat riding with Subject and that he was not the type who<br />

would jump in the ocean especially at night. Informer who was very<br />

friendly with Subject thinks that he was probably killed. Writer thinks it<br />

might be a good idea to find out who the other two men in the boat were<br />

and to check them out. They might be the ones involved in the theft of<br />

dynamite for September 19, 1964, from Jack Allen Austin Powder<br />

Company.<br />

In 1977 Hemming was asked about the death of Edward A. Collins:<br />

Shit, he didn't die in no accident. He was keelhauled by a bunch of left-<br />



wingers! Collins was a very simple guy. We liked to fight a lot and argue.<br />

But he was a real joker. He decided to infiltrate this peace march that was<br />

going to march to Key West, get on some boats, then go to Havana and<br />

march to Guantanamo Naval Base. He fell in with those people, and he<br />

was working for the FBI when he did it. Off Dinner Key he supposedly<br />

jumped off the boat that these peace people were going to take to<br />

Havana, to recover a dingy that had come loose in the night in eight feet of<br />

water, and he drowned. I went to identify the body. Steve Justin Wilson<br />

and I were not on the boat with him. When he drowns the FBI figures,<br />

“Holy shit, their careers are on the line. They got him killed.” The FBI<br />

questioned me about it. Russell Wilkey was a peacenik and a U.S.<br />

Customs informant. We were not on the boat with him. We went and<br />

interrogated the guys on the boat severely. We didn't hurt them too bad.<br />

We wanted know what the hell was going on? How an excellent swimmer,<br />

who had just been on a boat a few months before that blew up off Cuba,<br />

could drown? The City of Miami report is bullshit. They made a mistake.<br />

We looked him over close on the slab.<br />

Hemming could invent some amazing stories to account for his crimes. Collins<br />

mistake was getting “delusions of grandeur” and thinking he was smarter than Hemming<br />

and wanted to run the operation. But remember, Hemming wrote American History<br />

when he invented Oswald. Or perhaps Collins might have threatened to reveal his<br />

connection with Oswald to the media or FBI? In any event Hemming killed him.<br />

Did Hemming ever work for the CIA? Evidence suggests that at one point in his<br />

illustrious career he did!<br />



AMBUD is the crypt for the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC). “[Hemming]<br />

follows the directions of the Case Officer and does not allow his disappointment at the<br />

slow pace of developments towards liberating PBRUMEN to interfere with his work.”<br />

Hemming connections in America were far and wide. He was connected to Jack<br />

Ruby through his close associate and one time roommate Howard Kenneth Davis.<br />

Sometime in the early 1960’s Hemming hooked up with Davis, who had fought<br />

for the overthrow of Batista on behalf of the deposed Cuban President Carlos Prio<br />

Socarras. Davis left Cuba after Castro seized power and moved to Miami where he<br />

became either a double agent for Gerry Hemming or an FBI super-snitch under the<br />

cryptonym MM 639-S. If Davis was a genuine snitch, he rated some of the most<br />

dangerous Cuban exile groups including Alpha-66, Commandos-L, Bosch’s crew,<br />

Christian Democratic Movement and more.<br />

Commission Document 441 - FBI Clements Report<br />

Feb 1964 re: Ruby<br />

DL 44-1639<br />

The following investigation was conducted by SA ALFRED D. NEELEY at Dallas,<br />

Texas:<br />

During interview on December 21, 1963, JACK LEON RUBY advised "at a<br />



time when CASTRO was popular in the United States" he read of an<br />

individual in the vicinity of Houston, Texas, having been engaged in "gun<br />

running" to CASTRO, RUBY stated that he attempted to contact this<br />

individual by telephone as he had in mind "making a buck" by possibly<br />

acquiring some jeeps or other similar equipment which he might sell to<br />

persons interested in their importation to Cuba. RUBY claimed nothing<br />

came of this. On January 14, 1964, Assistant District Attorney William<br />

Alexander, Dallas, advised that he had learned from some source, RUBY<br />

had reportedly had contact with one DAVIS described as an ex-convict<br />

believed living in Beaumont, Texas. Alexander stated he understood the<br />

FBI, Houston, had handled the investigation of this person resulting in<br />

conviction for gun-running activities. The Houston Office advised by<br />

communication January 17, 1964, that investigation had failed to identify<br />

(FNU) DAVIS either at Houston or Beaumont, Texas, The Houston Office<br />

advised that ROBERT RAY McKEOWN was the most logical individual to<br />

whom RUBY referred. McKEOWN was arrested February 25, 1958, and<br />

on October 24, 1958, he was sentenced in the U. S, District Court, SDT,<br />

Houston, Texas, to sixty days to serve and $500.00 fine on a charge of<br />

conspiracy to smuggle goods to Cuba and given a two year sentence<br />

suspended for five years on his second count. The Houston Office further<br />

stated that on March 28, 1958, information obtained from the Houston<br />

Chronicle (newspaper) disclosed at a hearing regarding this matter, a<br />

partial list of arms obtained at residence of McKEOWN was produced and<br />

entered in evidence by CHESLEY JONES, an agent of the Alcohol and<br />

Tobacco Tax Unit, Dallas, Texas.<br />

SAC, Dallas (44-1639)<br />

DATE: 3/10/64<br />

FROM 141/<br />

SAC, Miami (44-1412)(P)<br />

SUBJECT:<br />

JACK L. RUBY, aka.<br />


Re Houston teletype to Miami and Dallas 1/24/64 and Miami airtel to Dallas 1/29/640<br />

On March 5, 1964, MM 639-S, true name Howard K. Davis advised he<br />

had seen newspaper photograph of Jack Leon Ruby but had never seen<br />

him before, never had any dealings with anyone with that name and had<br />

never met him in Houston, Texas. It is noted MM 639-S is from Chicago,<br />

Illinois; Palm Beach and Miami, Florida and does not have any criminal<br />

record. Miami sources and informants were contacted with negative<br />

results concerning the identity of DAVIS in re Houston teletype. Local<br />

federal agencies advised they do not know anyone possibly identical with<br />

DAVIS.<br />

JACK LEON RUBY, aka;<br />




(00: DALLAS)<br />

Re Houston teletype to Miami and Dallas, 1/24/64.<br />

Houston Will note in case entitled "CARLOS PRIO SOCARRAS ET AL,<br />

FPM --CUBA" (Houston file 109-7) ROBERT R. McKEOWN Galena Park,<br />

Texas and others, were arrested by police and later prosecuted by U.S.<br />

Customs for possession and conspiracy to violate Neutrality Act. In this<br />

case, MM 639-S, true name HOWARD DAVIS was in Houston, and had<br />

considerable contact with McKeown and others involved. MM 639-S is still<br />

active in Cuban Revolutionary Matters but is presently out of town. On his<br />

return, he will be contacted again concerning this matter.<br />

The re-interview is nowhere to be found. Hemming knew Jack Ruby through<br />

Davis and Hemming may have been the one who gave Ruby the order to kill Oswald<br />

rather than the mob.<br />

Gerald Patrick Hemming has been investigated by the Miami Office for<br />

over five years, is of known unreliability and has never been able to send<br />

an expedition out of the U. S. MM 639-S. A close associate of Hemming,<br />

on June 21, 1965, said that Hemming is no longer interested in the DR<br />

and is now working on a plan to bring South Vietnamese into the U. S. to<br />

serve as training troops in a Florida National Guard training program.<br />

Informant said that the entire story of sending troops to the DR is a<br />

figment of Hemming's imagination. It is not based on fact but just another<br />

one of Hemming’s many impractical and illogical dreams. Miami Office<br />

feels this matter has received undue importance and alarm because of<br />

CIA reporting and classifying such material "Secret". The Miami Office,<br />

from previous experiences with Hemming, and a quick check with<br />

established sources, feels this entire matter was the result of one of<br />

Hemming's day-dreams.<br />

Not all of Hemming’s operations were daydreams:<br />














PLANES.<br />

Jerry G. Brown, Deputy Chief, Security Analysis Group, believed this played into the<br />

allegations made against him in Coup D’état in America.<br />

For an appreciation of the possible ramifications of the Guatemalan<br />

government expose of this assassination plot involving Hemming you are<br />

referred to attachments to instant memorandum, to wit: a memorandum by<br />

the write dated 10 June 1975 in the name of Frank Sturgis and Everett<br />

Howard Hunt Jr. and an extract from a book published in early 1976<br />

written by Michael Canfield and Alan J. Weberman. The book Coup D’Etat<br />

in America, The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy is diatribe<br />

against the Agency and attempts to link the Agency with the assassination<br />

of President Kennedy.<br />




On January 28, 2008, in Fayetteville, NC, my good friend Gerry Patrick Hemming<br />

passed away. May he rest in peace. What’s a president between friends anyway?<br />







After my book Coup D'état in America was published naming Watergater<br />

Everette Howard Hunt as one of the assassins of JFK he filed a federal lawsuit against<br />

me accusing me of libel. 37 This gave me federal subpoena power to prove my<br />

innocence. I was able to question all of those who I believed were involved in The Big<br />

Event including Angleton 38 , Helms, Barker, Diaz Lanz, 39 Marita Lorenz, 40 Frank Fiorini 41<br />

and others. Hunt dropped the case a day before it was set for trial. My witnesses<br />

included Congressman Henry Gonzalez and Senator Richard Schweiker, whom I had<br />

worked for, so it was unlikely Hunt would have prevailed. Hunt was also afraid of the<br />

publicity that might ensue. During one of my depositions in Hunt v. Weberman I called<br />

the press after Hunt showed up. Hunt’s attorney, Ellis Rubin, asked, “How can my client<br />

get a fair trial with media here?” I told him that I was the one on trial for libel and not<br />

Hunt. By suing me, Hunt put himself on trial for the murder of John Kennedy. I had<br />

plenty of evidence beginning with the tramp comparison shots. When you look at these<br />

photographs keep in mind that one of the men looks like Hunt, one of the men looks like<br />

Sturgis and one of the men looks like David Christ because they are in Technical<br />

Services Division disguise. All three of these men who “happen” to look like the tramps<br />

were involved in anti-Castro operations most notably the Bay of Pigs. The probability<br />

that the tramps are these men increases exponentially rather than logarithmically with<br />

each resemblance. In other words, if one looked like Hunt so what? But if one looks like<br />

Hunt, another like Christ and another like Sturgis it is beyond co-incidence.





Oswald had the initials “WH” in his address book. “WH” was a valid Dallas<br />

telephone exchange but no phone number followed it. Howard Hunt had been the<br />

liaison man between the CIA and the White House regarding the Bay of Pigs invasion<br />

during the Eisenhower Administration. 42 He used the initials “WH” as his code name<br />

during his days as a Nixon Administration White House Plumber as you can see from<br />

Watergate Burglar and long time CIA Agent Bernard Barker’s address book below.<br />



During his deposition in Hunt v. Weberman, Hunt was asked what would lead Mr.<br />

Barker to use the initials W. H? Hunt: "I assume that WH was for White House."<br />

Watergate burglar Rolando Martinez' personal telephone directory listed Howard Hunt.<br />

Next to the phone number it noted: "W. House."<br />





One clue to determining which of Oswald’s address book entries have<br />

steganographic value is the use of different inks. Oswald made it seem as if he had to<br />

attend a wedding on November 6, in Russia. But could this be later on back in the USA?<br />

On November 6, 1962, Oswald was preoccupied with his newborn daughter, June.<br />

There is reason to believe the date Oswald was referring to was November 6, 1963.<br />

On Wednesday, November 6, 1963, Oswald charged out, from the Dallas Public<br />

Library, The Shark and the Sardines, by former President of Guatemala Juan Jose<br />

Arevalo. This book was about Operation PB Success, the CIA’s successful effort to<br />

install a puppet of United Fruit in Guatemala. Howard Hunt and David Philips’ ran this<br />

OP in 1954 and took credit for it in their respective autobiographies. The book was due<br />

on November 13, 1963. The book was never returned to the library. 43 This interest in<br />

this CIA OP and the notation in his address book mark Oswald’s introduction to E.<br />

Howard Hunt and his “wedding” to the CIA. The FBI was not sure of Oswald’s<br />

whereabouts from November 5, 1963 to November 7, 1963.<br />



Hunt met Oswald and Hunt displayed his CIA credentials. He outlined the nature<br />

of an Operation Oswald and others were supposed to carry out. Hunt told him he was<br />

up for a promotion in the Agency but never told him to what level it..So two days later<br />

Oswald jotted off this note to Howard Hunt.<br />



In August 1975 a copy of Oswald’s letter to Howard Hunt was mailed to<br />

researcher Penn Jones. It was postmarked Mexico City. After a reproduction of this<br />

letter was turned over to the FBI, Director Clarence Kelley stated: "Investigation to date<br />

has failed to produce evidence that the alleged letter was written by Oswald." This was<br />

untrue. Clarence Kelley had already ordered the FBI to “still” the investigation of the<br />

tramp shots. This is what this researcher faced throughout my investigation – lies to<br />

save the CIA from possible disbandment. What really got the spooks ticked off was<br />

when Canfield convinced Congressman Gonzalez to introduce HR 1540 in September<br />

1976 and it passed establishing the House Select Committee on Assassinations. If CIA<br />

hadn’t run operations against Congressman Gonzales it would have had some real<br />

problems.<br />

The Justice Department reported,<br />

The copy of the purported Oswald letter has been subjected by the<br />

Bureau to handwriting analysis. The results are inconclusive. The writing<br />

is sufficiently similar to known samples of Oswald’s handwriting, that<br />

Bureau experts cannot eliminate the possibility that the letter is genuine.<br />

Neither can they say definitely that it is Oswald’s writing." The FBI: "The<br />

photocopy...does not reproduce the handwriting on the original document<br />

with sufficient clarity of line detail for adequate handwriting comparisons or<br />

any definite determination whether that handwriting was, or was not,<br />

prepared by Lee Harvey Oswald, whose available genuine writings consist<br />

of a large number of documents previously submitted in this investigation.<br />

However, from such comparisons and examinations as could be made,<br />

significant similarities in letter formations were noted as well as a number<br />



of unexplained handwriting variations. In the absence of the original<br />

document...or a clear photograph of the original document it is doubtful<br />

whether Oswald can be definitely identified, or positively eliminated, as the<br />

writer of the questioned letter." 44<br />

Three handwriting experts retained by the Dallas Morning News in 1977<br />

concluded that the letter was "Oswald’s authentic writing, written by him." Oswald had<br />

misspelled the word "concerning" the same way once before. 45<br />

Was the letter mailed to Penn Jones by a Mexican police official? Hunt’s Mexico<br />

City address was an anti-Castro safe house, in which the Mexican police had an<br />

interest, since anti-Castro attacks had been planned from there. During his Hunt v.<br />

Weberman deposition, Hunt stated: "I traveled down there [Mexico] in 1960, I was there<br />

with my family until the early fall when it became apparent that the Cubans [exiles] had<br />

incurred the hostility of the Mexican Government. At that point I sent my wife and my<br />

family back to the United States..." In Give Us This Day, Hunt wrote: "In Mexico I was to<br />

be treated by the station as a separate unit responsible for all frente matters including<br />

the Mexico City delegation of the Cuban Revolutionary Front. We found a small<br />

furnished house in Lomas de Chapultepec...I established a private office, moved in a<br />

large safe and worked out operation schedules with my station contact...the delegation<br />

reported increasing harassment from Mexican officials. Finally Sam reported having<br />

been trailed to the safehouse and when I looked down from the third floor window, I<br />

could see a sloppily dressed surveillant slouched against a lamppost. A countersurveillance<br />

team traced the man to Mexican Police Headquarters." 46 The CIA reported<br />

that Hunt had set up a Washington, D.C., "Letter Address" in 1963 and terminated it in<br />

1965: "Address still being used by (deleted)."<br />

DO/SEC 63-72 June 18, 1963<br />

MEMO FOR: Deputy Director of Security (Investigations and Operational<br />

Support)<br />

ATTENTION: Mr. (Deleted).<br />

SUBJECT: (Deleted) Request for (deleted)/ This will confirm a verbal<br />

request to your office for a (deleted) in Washington, D.C. to be set up in<br />

the (Deleted). It will be used for an indefinite period of time, should be<br />

service daily and the volume should be light. Please confirm the activation<br />

of this facility as soon as possible. The (deleted) is being forwarded under<br />

separate cover. Joseph R. Murphy DODS Security Officer.<br />

Penn Jones received a cover letter with the Hunt note:<br />

At the end of the last year I gave Mr. Kelley, FBI Director, a letter from Lee<br />

Oswald. It is my understanding it could have brought out certain<br />

circumstances in the Kennedy assassination. Since Mr. Kelley has not<br />

responded to that letter, I've got the right to believe something bad might<br />

happened [sic] to me, and that is why I see myself obligated to keep<br />

myself away for a short time...<br />



This letter was originally sent to the FBI with a return address "Insurgentes, Sur<br />

No. 30, Mexico, D.F., Mexico" on it, and it bore the initials "P.S." Whoever sent it,<br />

mistakenly expected a response. Earl Goltz reported that the address was a working<br />

class apartment building in Mexico City. The FBI reported that this address "is a postal<br />

box for 'The Piccadilly,' a hotel for transients in Mexico City." It is an upscale shopping<br />

center now. When the sender failed to receive a response from FBI Director Clarence<br />

Kelley, he decided to avoid the address on the letter for a short time, or had moved<br />

permanently. The letter was from someone who had experience with the heavy-handed<br />

tactics of the Mexican police. The FBI denied having received this letter: "After a check<br />

of all appropriate personnel and files, the Bureau reports it has no record or other<br />

indication of receiving this letter. FBI Agents interviewed the now retired documents<br />

analyst who would have been responsible...He has no recollection of the Oswald<br />

letter." 47<br />

This letter gave us a good idea of what really went on between Hunt and Oswald:<br />

November 8, 1963 I would like information concerding [sic] my position. I<br />

am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss the matter<br />

fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else.<br />

The date is also significant because on November 8, 1963 Oswald visited the<br />

Dallas FBI Office and left a note threatening to blow it up if the FBI did not stop<br />

bothering his wife. Oswald had met Howard Hunt in person for the first time and<br />

believed he was working on behalf of the CIA and thought they should have informed<br />

the FBI that he was an Operation and told it to lay off his wife who equated the Feds<br />

with the Russian Secret Police. If Howard Hunt was working for the CIA, and not a<br />

rogue element within that agency, why couldn't they prevent S.A. Hosty from bothering<br />

his wife? A phone call from the CIA to the FBI should have put an end to this.<br />

Just what was Oswald’s position anyway? Was he a snitch who was not carried<br />

on the books, or was there paperwork about his undercover work at the Agency? "I am<br />

asking only for information." Oswald was not asking for documentation. He just wanted<br />

a verbal report. "I am suggesting that we discuss the matter fully..." Oswald was willing<br />

to discuss the matter with his Case Officer "before any steps are taken by me or anyone<br />

else." Before he or Hemming did anything else on behalf of the Agency.<br />

James Hosty was asked about the Hunt letter: "Well it was a forgery, and I can<br />

tell you the guy who did it. How did Oswald sign his name? The only trouble is he<br />

signed it 'Lee Harvey Oswald.' He never used his middle name. He spelled his own<br />

middle name wrong." [see Lee Henry Oswald]<br />

The CIA attempted to discredit the Hunt letter as it did the tramp shots in its<br />

creation entitled The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret<br />

History of the KGB by Christopher Andrew MI-5 historian:<br />

In the mid 1970’s the dramatic revelations of real conspiracy in the Nixon<br />

White House and of CIA assassination plots against several foreign<br />

statesmen gave the conspiracy theorists a new lease on life. The KGB,<br />

predictably, was anxious to lose no opportunity to promote active<br />



measures which supported the increasingly popular theory that the CIA<br />

was behind Kennedy’s assassination. Its chief target was the former CIA<br />

officer turned Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt. Who had been<br />

wrongly accused of being in Dallas on the day of the assassination? The<br />

centerpiece of the active measure against Howard Hunt, codenamed<br />

ARLINGTON, was a forged letter to him from Oswald, allegedly written a<br />

fortnight before the assassination. The letter used phrases and<br />

expressions taken from actual letters written by Oswald during his two<br />

years in the Soviet Union, was fabricated in a clever imitation of his<br />

handwriting. The implication, clearly, was the Oswald wanted to meet Hunt<br />

before going ahead with the assassination.<br />

Before being used the forgery was checked twice for “authenticity” by the<br />

Third Department of the KGB’s OUT (operational technical) Directorate. In<br />

1974 photographs of it were sent to the most active conspiracy buffs,<br />

together with covering letters from an anonymous well wisher who claimed<br />

that he had given the original to the Director of the FBI Clarence Kelly,<br />

who appeared to be suppressing it. The center was doubtless<br />

disappointed that for almost two years its forgery received no publicity. In<br />

1977 the letter was published by Penn Jones. The New York Times<br />

reported that three had authenticated the letter. Oswald’s widow identified<br />

her husband’s handwriting. Expert summoned by the HSCA in 1978<br />

concluded more prudently that they were unable to reach a firm<br />

conclusion because of the absence of the original document.<br />

Neither the Justice Department, nor the FBI nor the HSCA could rule out the<br />

possibility that the letter was authentic because it was. The CIA was of course<br />

interested in the KGB Archives. It they weren’t they might as well check into the funny<br />

farm. They mixed in this dirty lie, this disinformation, this false news story to real KGB<br />

documents to give it authenticity however Oswald’s having taken out a book about PB<br />

SUCCESS two days before it was written proves its authenticity as does Hunt’s<br />

confession. As for Christopher Andrews’s statement the KGB did not believe Hunt was<br />

present on the scene of the Kennedy assassination, it is a dirty lie. KGB did a long piece<br />

about Hunt’s complicity in a book entitled A Dangerous Game. Andrews is the official<br />

historian for British Intelligence which is closely linked to CIA and has an interest in<br />

covering up Hunt’s role in the Kennedy assassination. The fact that the operation has<br />

an English name, ARLINGTON, is also suspect. This Soviet operation never existed.<br />

Hunt threw some light on this in American Spy:<br />

Hunt stated:<br />

Another reason my name has become involved with the assassination is a<br />

notorious letter that was allegedly written by Oswald on November 8,<br />

1963, reading: Dear Mr. Hunt: I would like information concerding [sic] my<br />

position. I am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss<br />

the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else. Thankyou<br />

[sic], Lee Harvey Oswald<br />



In 1974, after my name had been exposed in Watergate, the letter was<br />

mailed by the KGB to at least three conspiracy advocates, one of whom<br />

published it in a book. Afterward, the HSCA had the document examined<br />

by a handwriting expert, who pronounced it a forgery. Most likely, it was<br />

part of a clumsy disinformation campaign by the KGB. It certainly doesn't<br />

read as if the person who wrote the letter was very conversant in English,<br />

even misspelling the word concerning. It may have been written by a<br />

person with a thick accent, spelling the word the way he pronounced it.<br />

Defecting agents have confirmed that the KGB was involved in many<br />

strange and, to us, patently ridiculous propaganda campaigns. Trying to<br />

connect the CIA with the assassination of a beloved president may<br />

certainly have been on their agenda.<br />

The Shark and the Sardines was translated by June Cobb who was part of the<br />

anti-Castro American crew. The CIA reported:<br />

Viola June Cobb (201-0278841, born August 24, 1927) was born in Ponca,<br />

Oklahoma, and left home for Mexico City in 1947- 1948 after her father remarried. She<br />

has since lived in Ecuador, Cuba and Mexico, and has been involved with the men and<br />

politics of a number of Latin American countries. During these years she developed a<br />

host of friends and acquaintances, both U.S. and Latin, that included political leaders,<br />

journalists, diplomats, professors, some of which do not enjoy general social<br />

acceptance. Her friends vary from rightists to extreme leftists, but she always seemed to<br />

be more attracted by the more bohemian, revolutionary types.<br />

Miss Cobb was employed in the office of Fidel Castro in Havana, doing<br />

translations and public relations work from September 1959 to 1960. After<br />



spending some time in the United States, she moved to Mexico, where<br />

she has generally been unemployed. In October 1961, she traveled to<br />

Guatemala regarding the Arvelo book, but was arrested, and in November<br />

was expelled on the basis that she had been a Castro agent who mission<br />

in Guatemala was to distribute pro-Castro and Communist propaganda.<br />

Miss Cobb has told several people of her cooperation with the U.S.<br />

Government and undoubtedly many suspect her association with U.S.<br />

Intelligence. Yet she continues to be on friendly terms with Latin American<br />

and American Communists and leftists.<br />

MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD October 17, 1960<br />

SUBJECT AMUPAS/1 Boston Tapes<br />

Discussion between Subject and Ralph True.<br />

According to Subject a week or ten days ago in New York, Estelle (Stasia)<br />

Sokolowska revealed to Cobb that she (Stasia) had been told last winter<br />

(1959-1960) by Marita Lorenz and her mother, and also by Diane<br />

Alexandria (Diane didn't even know Cobb) and by the FBI that Cobb was<br />

involved in the narcotics and abortion rackets. Stasia told Cobb that she<br />

was questioned by the Bureau at 69th & 3rd and was told by the FBI that<br />

Cobb was involved in narcotics traffic with Yanes Pellitier in Cuba and was<br />

using Stasia as a pawn. Mrs. Lorenz was trying to get $3000 for Marita's<br />

operation. She sent a letter to Fidel. She called Cobb and Embassy about<br />

her daughter being held in Cuba against her will. Yanes immediately put<br />

Marita Lorenz on a plane (December). After Christmas Lorenz sent letters<br />

and telegrams to Fidel. Since Cobb's arrival in New York, Diane has seen<br />

a great deal of her - she is eager to hear about Yanes. She helped Cobb<br />

get in touch with Stasia. When questioned by the FBI was asked to get in<br />

touch with Marita Lorenz. Did so in Connecticut -- became friends and<br />

very much involved with them. They were about to vend the story about<br />

Marita and Fidel; she did not mention her love for Yanes. Yanes came up<br />

and Diane learned that he was involved with Marita -- to her surprise and<br />

grief. Continues to see Lorenz. When January rolled around, Pedro Diaz<br />

Fonte (Yanes' aide) came up. Diane involved with Lorenzs.<br />




Marita Lorenz had been recruited by Frank Sturgis in a plot to kill Fidel Castro but<br />

knowing Fat Frank was sending her to her death she claimed the poison pills he gave<br />

her melted in her cold cream, where she had secreted them. When Fat Frank<br />

threatened Marita after she revealed his role in The Big Event, I sent my crew to her<br />

apartment to protect her from this psychopath. Marita was a guest last thanksgiving and<br />

was partying the same day Fidel croaked. Funny how I became friendly with two<br />

members of the death squad.<br />

June Cobb knew Hemming and referred to him in a letter:<br />

Harold, before arriving in Telucigalpa, had been in Mexico. Before she<br />

went down to Cuba she had been writing and receiving letters from him in<br />

Mexico. He didn't realize she was in Cuba, until he saw her in Telucigalpa,<br />

but apparently on her arrival in Cuba she had contacted the other boys,<br />

Chester Simpson, JERRY HEMING, and Harold [sic] brother Alejandro<br />

and they all decided for her to make the trip over to Honduras.<br />

Hemming told this researcher: "Cobb worked for the telephone company in Miami<br />

and married an oil man in Oklahoma. She hung out with all the exile military types.” CIA<br />

reported:<br />

A onetime authority has been granted to use her in developing a<br />

unexpected KGB official from Brazil who is expected to visit Mexico<br />

shortly. Since this is one of the most sensitive operational targets of<br />

KUBARK, the restrictions on giving her requirements about Central<br />

American communists in Mexico seems pointless. She also has good<br />

contacts in the leftist U.S. colony in Mexico but again, because of the<br />

clearance restrictions, no efforts have been made to develop her reporting<br />

capacities along these lines. Since this is more sensitive, it might be well<br />

to keep her out of this area but certainly the Central American target could<br />

be opened up a little for her. Perhaps the Desk could get a relaxation of<br />

CI/OA restrictions on this point. GERARD DROLLER C/WH/POA.<br />

Droller worked closely with E. Howard Hunt on the aborted Bay of Pigs invasion.<br />



E. Howard Hunt was another one of the tramps, the death squad that killed the<br />

President on November 22, 1963. When his son St. John Hunt saw the tramp shots he<br />

recognized his father immediately. He remembered that his father was not present on<br />

the day of the coup. Hunt would later make a deathbed confession in which he admitted<br />

to taking part in the Kennedy assassination along with Frank Sturgis, who he denied<br />

knowing until Watergate brought them together. Hunt named two people whose names<br />

appeared in Oswald’s Address Book, David Atlee Phillips and Frank Fiorini. Hunt<br />

confessed he was recruited by Frank Sturgis and was just a bench warmer for The Big<br />

Event but even for him to go this far, after denying any involvement for decades is<br />

significant. 48 Hunt was no crackpot. America depended on people like Hunt to protect its<br />

national security. After Hunt died the Miami Herald asked Hunt’s wife if he followed any<br />

assassination researchers. She answered just one – A. J. Weberman<br />





CIA knew all along what went down in Dallas and doctored the tramps shots so<br />

they could not be used in judicial proceedings. Hunt had is ears pinned after one stuck<br />

out behind a “tramp” shot that the CIA forgot to doctor. The spooks were able to obtain<br />

the negatives to the tramp shots and alter them to save the Agency from ruin if Hunt<br />

was identified as one of the assassins of the President of the United States. St. John<br />

said his father had surgery on his ear shortly after The Big Event. The first picture of<br />

Hunt is pre-op, the second is post op and in the third you can see the tip of that weirdassed<br />

ear protruding from under the old man tramp’s hat. St. John also stated that his<br />

father’s alibi made no sense. Hunt claimed he was at a Chinese grocery store with his<br />

wife, buying ingredients to create their own Chinese food. St. John stated that he never<br />

saw his parents do this as they were always in a rush and pressed for time. Hunt<br />

described Frank Fiorini as a cold blooded killer who always followed his orders – if he<br />

told Frank to stand outside a denied area and shoot anyone who came near Frank<br />

would do it without batting an eyelash. The covert operators Hunt and Sturgis (Fiorini)<br />

were both caught in Dealey Plaza and in Watergate.<br />




Note the anomalous block of "light" covering the Hunt tramps face. It is no<br />

coincidence it appears there. S.A. Lyndal Shaneyfeldt did most of the photographic<br />

work for the Warren Commission. Shaneyfeldt was granted CIA liaison clearances in<br />

December 1954, August 1962, and August 1968, at the request of the Technical<br />

Services Division. 49 I asked Shaneyfeldt about this anomaly in the course of Hunt v.<br />

Weberman and he denied it even existed.<br />




Once again an unexplainable anomaly appears hiding Hunt's face. This is a<br />

brush stroke placed on the negative. Not having Photoshop the CIA did a sloppy analog<br />

job. This tells us the entire CIA was involved in the cover up! For the spooks to steal the<br />

negatives, doctor them then replace them required a lot of tradecraft – which CIA<br />

possessed. Also the disguises of the tramps are very professional; complete with a<br />

perfume that smelled like a bum indicates the Technical Services Division of CIA was<br />

involved.<br />


Not only did Hunt change his ear, Hunt continually changed his alibi for that<br />

fateful day. Hunt told the FBI:<br />



Mr. Hunt recalls hearing about the Kennedy assassination on his car radio<br />

immediately following his departure from a Chinese grocery store in the<br />

area of '9th' and 'H' Street, Northwest; in Washington, D.C. with his wife<br />

Dorothy (deceased). Mr. and Mrs. Hunt frequently made trips to the<br />

Chinese Grocery stores in the 9th and H Street area as the both loved<br />

Chinese food. Mr. Hunt had spent some time in China during World War II,<br />

and his wife had lived there for some period of time with her first husband.<br />

Mrs. Hunt was an excellent Chinese cook and frequently prepared<br />

Chinese meals. Mr. Hunt is not sure, but expressed his belief that he must<br />

have been on Annual Leave from his employment at the CIA on<br />

November 22, 1963, or else he would not have been on this shopping trip<br />

with his wife. He recalls hearing the Kennedy assassination news in the<br />

early or mid-afternoon and believes he had lunch at home earlier that day<br />

with his wife. Hunt can recall no other events of November 22, 1963,<br />

except this trip, and the fact that he picked up his daughter Kevan at<br />

Sidwell Friends School, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, on the way home<br />

from the 9th and H Streets area. Any and all records of Mr. Hunt relating<br />

to November 1963 were destroyed several years ago. Mr. Hunt believes<br />

CIA records will reflect whether or not he was on Annual Leave on<br />

November 22, 1963, and whether or not he was at work November 21,<br />

1963, and the next working day following November 22, 1963. Hunt<br />

believes he remained home following arrival from grocery trip, until time of<br />

Kennedy funeral watching television with his family. He can recall no<br />

conversation with fellow employees, friends or neighbors, except possibly<br />

one neighbor, Raymond S. Thomas. Mr. Thomas now resides at 1281<br />

Northeast 8th Street, Pompano, Florida. (Leads to interview Thomas...) 50<br />

My attorney, Mark Friedman, questioned Raymond Thomas about Hunt’s alibi:<br />

Q. When you got home that day, did you have an occasion to see Mr. Hunt after your<br />

arrival home?<br />

A. Not that I recall.<br />

Q. Do you ever recall having any discussions with him about his whereabouts on that<br />

day?<br />

A. No. 51<br />

The Rockefeller Commission, which was partially formed to refute the tramp shots,<br />

checked on Hunt’s whereabouts with CIA on the day of the coup:<br />

1. The Finance Office has checked Hunt's leave and travel records for the<br />

period September 1963 to January 1964, not knowing the purpose of our<br />

request. The record shows for the four-week pay period [October 25,<br />

1963, to November 23, 1963] ending November 23, 1963, that Hunt took<br />

11 hours of sick leave and no annual leave. 52<br />



But Hunt thought that he must have been on annual leave because he couldn’t<br />

have been on sick having been driving to China town. The Rockefeller Commission<br />

concluded Hunt:<br />

…used no annual leave and 11 hours of sick leave in the two week pay<br />

period ending November 23, 1963. The exact date, or dates, on which the<br />

sick leave was taken could not be ascertained. There is some indication,<br />

however, that some of these 11 hours of sick leave may have been taken<br />

by Howard Hunt on November 22, 1963, if he was in the company of his<br />

wife and family, rather than at his employment duties, during the afternoon<br />

of that day. November 22, 1963, was a Friday, and therefore ordinarily a<br />

working day for employees of the CIA. Hunt could not recall whether he<br />

was on duty with the CIA on the morning of that day. In examining the<br />

charge that Hunt and Sturgis were together in Dallas on the day of the<br />

assassination, the investigators were handicapped by the fact that the<br />

allegation was first made in 1974, more than ten years after the<br />

assassination. Evidence which might have been available at an earlier<br />

time was no longer available. Contacts with relatives, friends, neighbors,<br />

or fellow employees [who might have known the whereabouts of Hunt and<br />

Sturgis on that particular day] could not be recalled. Some of these<br />

persons are now dead. Finally, records which might have been the source<br />

of relevant information no longer exist. It cannot be determined with<br />

certainty where Hunt and Sturgis actually were on the day of the<br />

assassination.<br />

This researcher snookered Howard Hunt into changing his alibi. In the spring of<br />

1978 Hemming telephoned me in Washington, D.C., to offer his services in helping<br />

compose the deposition questions in Hunt v. Weberman. That afternoon, this<br />

researcher had discovered that a Wah Ling's grocery store existed in Washington, D.C.,<br />

during a search of the Washington, D.C., 1963 Coles Crisscross Directory. I told<br />

Hemming: "You ain't gonna believe this shit my man, but I located Mr. Wah Ling! And<br />

he doesn't remember squat about Hunt coming into his store that day." Hemming said,<br />

"I believe it A. J. 'cause you do your homework." Hemming recorded this telephone call<br />

and gave the tape to Hunt who changed his alibi during his June 1978 deposition:<br />

Q. Did you telephone Wah Ling's grocery store on the morning of November 22, 1963?<br />

A. No.<br />

Q. Where is Wah Ling's located in Washington, D.C.?<br />

A. I don't think that the grocery store existed or ever existed. In fact, in the testimony<br />

that I gave to the Church Committee, if you recall I said, to the best of my recollection,<br />

the name of the grocery store was Wah Ling (phonetic). Having revisited the site, in<br />

fact, by chance having dinner in Chinatown fairly recently, I determined the name of the<br />

grocery store was Tuck Cheong, T-u-c-k C-h-e-o-n-g.<br />

Q. So you are now saying that your alibi for the day of the assassination, Wah Ling's<br />

grocery, is now changed to a different grocery store?<br />



A. Well, I am saying now that attempting to recollect a couple of years ago, the name of<br />

the Chinese grocery store, one of several on 8th Street, that my wife visited on that<br />

afternoon, certainly is subject to re-examination and refreshment which I have done.<br />

Q. Now that you have refreshed your memory, where is this Tuck Cheong?<br />

A. It is on H Street between 6th and 7th Northwest, in Washington.<br />

Q. What did you purchase that day?<br />

A. I don't know. My wife made the purchases. She went into the grocery store. I stayed<br />

in the car with the children.<br />

Q. If I told you there was a Wah Ling's grocery in Washington, D.C., would that surprise<br />

you?<br />

A. I would say simply that it was one, of the probably several, that my wife visited that<br />

day.<br />

Q. Do you remember the testimony you gave to the FBI as to when you picked up your<br />

children that day?<br />

A. No I have never seen the FBI memorandum.<br />

Weberman: Here it is.<br />

Rubin: If you have it there may we see it?<br />

Friedman: Yes, sir. We are going to show it to you. (Hands a copy of instrument to<br />

counsel.)<br />

Rubin: All right, go ahead and read it.<br />

Friedman: "On October 17, 1974, E. Howard Hunt advised [the FBI] that he recalls<br />

hearing about the assassination over his car radio immediately after leaving a Chinese<br />

grocery store in the area of 9th and H Street N.W. Washington, D.C., on November 22,<br />

1963. He was with his wife Dorothy, who is now deceased. Before returning home, they<br />

picked-up their daughter, Kevan, at Sidwell Friends School, Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.,<br />

Washington, D.C. He could recall no contact on that date with anyone other than<br />

possibly a former neighbor. He advised that his personal records pertaining to<br />

November 22, 1963, were destroyed several years ago."<br />

Mr. Rubin: All right. Now how has Mr. Hunt testified any differently than from what you<br />

have just said?<br />

Q. (By Mr. Friedman.) Within the context of this particular report, which I will present to<br />

you while we make copies of it, it indicates that the grocery store came before picking<br />

up the children.<br />

A. Then I would say that I stayed in the car with the dog, rather than with the children.<br />

Q. This would be different from what you testified earlier.<br />

A. Well, we are talking about recollection of a good many years ago. Yes.<br />


Q. So this refreshes your recollection?<br />


A. Yes, as to what I testified to earlier. This is not testified, and it is not a sworn<br />

statement in any case.<br />

Thinking Mee Wah Ling was to appear as a witness, Hunt changed his alibi to<br />

Tuck Cheong. There was no Tuck Cheong in the 1963 crisscross directory or phone<br />

book. Tuck Cheong could never be produced in a court of law, because he did not exist.<br />

Hunt stated that he had waited in the car to cover himself in the event Mee Wah Ling<br />

was produced at the trial. This would be Hunt’s explanation as to why Mee Wah Ling did<br />

not remember him coming into his store that day. Seeking a reason for having waited in<br />

the car, instead of accompanying his wife into the store, he had to fabricate someone,<br />

or something, in the car that needed supervision. At first it was his children, then his<br />

dog. During the 1985 Hunt v. Spotlight trial, Hunt stated: "I was at the time of the<br />

shooting, I was in Washington, D.C., on H Street between 8th and 9th seated in our car<br />

with my two and a half month old son David, while my wife was making purchases at<br />

Chinese grocery stores on both sides of the street."<br />

Hunt was sick alright that day, sick of Kennedy because Hunt believed that after<br />

America showed weakness by withdrawing airpower from the Bay of Pigs invasion,<br />

which he played a major role in effectuating, Communist Russia became emboldened<br />

and placed nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba. This led to the Cuban Missile Crisis that<br />

might have resulted in a thermonuclear exchange at the height of the Cold War.<br />

Kennedy had not only endangered America, but the entire world! JFK might have been<br />

America's worst president but assassinating him was wrong. Hunt didn't believe so as<br />

he had engineered the overthrow of other left leaning democratically elected<br />

governments, such as the Arbenz regime in Guatemala and charity begins at home.<br />

Documents about Hunt were scheduled to be released in October 2017:<br />

Telephone Interview with E. Howard Hunt on March 7, 1975 and March 4, 1975 Robert<br />

Olsen HSCA. FBI Security Classified files 08/08/93 classified and secret. Rock 08/08/93<br />

Attached with an affidavit and advice and waiver from Hunt and a copy of a letter from<br />

Mary Traynor (Hunt’s maid). All withheld by the Trump regime.<br />

Miami was the home office for Operation Mongoose, the global campaign of<br />

espionage, sabotage, propaganda, and assassination that the Kennedy administration<br />

launched in the wake of the Agency fiasco at the Bay of Pigs. Mongoose involved<br />

thousands of people, annual budgets in excess of $50 million, more than 50 front<br />

companies in Dade County alone, and a secret navy that was estimated to be the thirdlargest<br />

military fleet in the hemisphere. Howard Hunt’s part in the operation was to form<br />

a provisional government that would take over after “the bearded communist mongrel”<br />

as disenfranchised casino operator Mike McLaney called him, was overthrown.<br />

However there are no bearded dogs.<br />






The 2017 Documents Release contains very little new information and it is not<br />

entirely transparent as it was allegedly supposed to be. Howard Hunt’s 1963 personnel<br />

file is still withheld unlike the 1962 report and others.<br />












The word CRIST appears on the same page as encryptions for Angleton and<br />

Fiorini disguised as the word CRYSTAL. Note the mark that appears over the “Y”. In<br />

another part of the address book the words “crystal for watch” appears. How many<br />

watch crystals can this guy break? He spells it differently in the other address book<br />

entry.<br />

This is reference to David Lemar Christ, CIA Technical Services Division<br />

employee who’s cheating on his wife Wilma, with a DGI agent, while on a mission in<br />

Havana, led to his becoming a prisoner of Castro. Aside from his position with Technical<br />

Services Division Christ was also part of PROJECT JMARC run by E. Howard Hunt.<br />

David Christ (sometimes spelled Crist) was born January 20, 1918, in Tamaqua,<br />

Pennsylvania the son of David Albert Christ, a coal miner. He died in December 1985 in<br />

Bethesda, Maryland. From 1937 to 1942 he worked at the Atlas Powder Company in<br />

Pennsylvania, packing dynamite and bombs in gelatinous box packs. He joined the Air<br />

Force in 1943, where he became a Communications Officer, Cryptography Section,<br />

after training at Yale University. When the war ended he rejoined the Atlas Powder<br />

Company, received a B.S. from Pennsylvania State University in 1950, and then was<br />

recruited by the CIA in November 1950 as "the first research and development<br />

electronics engineer in what has evolved as the Technical Services Division. He created<br />

an Applied Physics Branch.” The CIA reported that Christ was an innovator in these<br />

areas:<br />

Technical areas --- Microelectronics (particularly micropower), solid state<br />

physics, acoustics, electro-optics, electromechanics, avionics, stability and<br />

control, navigation, communication (analogue and digital), radar systems.<br />

Typical programs – Solid-sate components and devices, communication<br />

systems,--audio video, telemetry; sensors—acoustic, optical, nuclear, RF<br />

etc. avionic subsystems; data processing; power sources, electronic<br />

equipment, dc to microwave; antennas; systems study and analysis.<br />

In early 1957, Mr. Christ was made Chief of what is now the Audio<br />

Operations Branch of TSD and, realizing that a drastic upgrading of the<br />

caliber of field technicians was required, began aggressively recruiting and<br />



training graduate engineers. His high standards and efforts in this area are<br />

reflected in the fact that the majority of TSD Audio mid-management<br />

personnel were recruited by him. In September 1960, he and two<br />

associates were apprehended while on an operation in a denied area. His<br />

exemplary conduct and personal courage during the resulting two and<br />

one-half years incarceration permitted the maintenance of a very difficult<br />

cover situation and successful extraction of all three men. 53<br />


The unnamed genius that sent Christ to Cuba had this to say:<br />

Mr. Christ has one shortcoming, which is not of his own making – he lacks<br />

field experience – only because his superiors have felt his services were<br />

more needed at Headquarters. It is sometimes hard for him to understand<br />

the operational aspects of things as outlined by his assistants. To his<br />

credit it must be said he realizes this lack of field experience and uses the<br />

advices of his men to best advantage. As soon as feasible he should be<br />

assigned to a responsible position at one of our overseas bases.<br />



Cornelius "Corney" Van Schaack Roosevelt (October 23, 1915 – August 3, 1991)<br />

who approved his suggest was a World War II veteran and a grandson of President<br />

Theodore Roosevelt who worked for the CIA from the close of World War II until his<br />

retirement in 1973. In 1952, after a brief stint as vice president of Security Banknote Co.<br />

in Philadelphia, a research administrator for the Office of Naval Research and president<br />

of Linderman Engineering Co., he joined the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington.<br />

While in the CIA, he was the chief of the Technical Services Division/TSD from 1959 to<br />

1962. He served as the chairman of the Technical Surveillance Countermeasures<br />



Committee, which involved securing American facilities against electronic<br />

eavesdropping. Evan Thomas wrote that Roosevelt was the person who originally<br />

suggested the CIA project that attempted to poison Fidel Castro. Roosevelt, as a head<br />

of the CIA technical division, supervised Sidney Gottlieb, who brought a biological<br />

poison to Congo during the autumn of 1960. To friends and family, he said that his work<br />

for the CIA mainly involved creating devices to detect listening devices. He also<br />

mentioned that he took part as a subject in the CIA experiments on LSD (part of<br />

MKULTRA).<br />

In September 1960 the Republic of Cuba opened diplomatic relations with the<br />

People's Republic of China. As a result in September 1960 David Christ was assigned<br />

to an audio mission in Havana. The target was the New China News Agency. The CIA<br />

released this document which gives you insight into the mission:<br />

September 20, 1960<br />

Memorandum For: Director Of Central Intelligence<br />

September 20, 1960<br />

SUBJECT: Summary of [02] ESCALADE – Audio Operation Against New China News<br />

Agency in Havana<br />

1. In May 1959, the New China News Agency opened an office in Havana in the El<br />

Medico Building which is occupied partly by business concerns and partly used for<br />

residential apartments. Shortly thereafter, the Havana Station obtained the concurrence<br />

of Ambassador Bonsal and Miss Carolyn O. Stacey, an Embassy employee, to mount<br />

an audio operation against New China News Agency through the wall of the adjacent<br />

apartment in which Miss Stacey lived.<br />

2. In August 1960 a team of three Technical Services Division technicians who were in<br />

Havana on a separate Soviet Russia Division operation agreed to install the additional<br />

equipment required for the New China News Agency operation. A second Far Eastern<br />

Division case officer, Robert Neet, came down to Havana; and he, together with the<br />

technicians, installed a probe microphone and tape recorder in the apartment obtained<br />

by [deleted] over the New China News Agency office. About this time the equipment<br />

was removed from Miss Stacey’s apartment with the exception of the plastic probe<br />

which was left in the wall and plastered over.<br />

3. The Station was then faced with the probability that time and security would work<br />

against holding indefinitely the lease to the apartment of New China News Agency since<br />

the owners of the building were cancelling sub-lessor’s contracts and recalling leases. It<br />

was, therefore, decided to install transmitters and switches in order to permit continued<br />

monitoring of the target from a distant listening post. Another three man team of<br />

Technical Services Division technicians consisting of David L. Christ, Walter E.<br />

Szuminski and Thorton J. Anderson documented as tourists had been sent to Havana<br />

to install audio equipment in the Chinese Nationalist Embassy before it was due to be<br />

turned over to the Chinese Communists. This operation aborted. This team was then<br />



sent to work on the installation of the transmitters in apartment over the New China<br />

News Agency office.<br />

5. At 2400 hours on September 14, 1960, Christ, who with the other technicians was<br />

working in the target apartment, failed to keep a scheduled appointment with Neet. At<br />

0100 hours on September 15, 1960, the apartment of Mrs. Lennox was entered into and<br />

searched by Cuban authorities, and she was taken into custody. At 1540 hours on<br />

September 15, 1960 Neet, the stay-behind agent and his wife were picked up by the<br />

Cuban authorities and detained.<br />

6. As of today the agent remains in the custody of the Cuban authorities. His wife has<br />

been released and is still in Havana. Neet was released 1715 hours on September 15,<br />

1960 and has subsequently returned to Washington where he was debriefed. Mrs.<br />

Lennox was subsequently released and has also returned to Washington where she is<br />

being debriefed. The three TSD technicians remain in confinement. They have been<br />

seen in confinement but not contacted by an Embassy officer when he first attempted to<br />

secure the release of Mrs. Lennox. Christ was last seen by Neet when they were jointly<br />

interrogated the morning of September 16. At that time Christ did not appear to have<br />

been maltreated.<br />

8. According to articles in the Cuban papers the three technicians were arrested while in<br />

the apartment over the New China News Agency office and completing the installation<br />

of the equipment.<br />

9. Initial information indicated that the three technicians would be charged with<br />

espionage “against the people of China.” Subsequent press releases have been unclear<br />

on this point. An attempt by Consul Hugh Kessler to contact the three men at 1730<br />

hours on September 17 was unsuccessful. He was not permitted to see them but was<br />

told they were in custody.<br />

10. The three technicians travelled to Cuba as tourists under very light commercial<br />

cover, two of them working for a company in New York and the third, one in Baltimore.<br />

In each case the cover company consists of a telephone answering service and a name<br />

on the door. Telephone messages and mail are picked up periodically by an Agency<br />

contract employee. The men were provided with this cover as well as unbackstopped<br />

homes addresses for use when entering or leaving Cuba as tourists since the filling out<br />

of the landing card requires this information. Subsequent to their detention the home<br />

addresses have been partially backstopped so that inquiries will indicate that someone<br />

with this alias name had lived in the apartment house in question. Insofar as the cover<br />

companies are concerned, efforts are being made to provide a backstop to withstand<br />

inquiries from the press should the Cubans reveal this information. In view of the<br />

thinness of cover, it is uncertain whether this will succeed.<br />

11. A cleared and witting law firm in New York has been briefed by Mr. L. Houston on<br />

the situation with the thought that inquiries received by the cover company could be<br />

referred to the firm of lawyers from whom no comment would be obtained by the press<br />

or other inquirers. The law firm has been briefed on the entire situation so that they may<br />

be in a position to act if any action by them appears to be desirable or feasible. It would<br />



not appear that much support of any kind can be obtained from the law firm or law firms<br />

in Cuba which are associated with them.<br />

On December 18, 1960, Christ, Thorton J. Anderson Jr. Walter Szuminski<br />

underwent a military trial. They were charged with "Crimes Against the Powers of the<br />

State." The trial was held in a small schoolroom located on the second floor of the<br />

Jefatura (Guard's Office) building at La Cabana Fortress Prison. The CIA was shitting<br />

bricks. Christ was knowledgeable of dozens of bugging operations throughout the world.<br />

He was a high level TSD man and should not have been assigned this mission. Christ<br />

was wary about it in the first place and had asked for a counter-surveillance team in<br />

Havana but was refused. If the Cubans found out who he was and what he knew they<br />

would have tortured him until he compromised every CIA ELSUR Operation there was!<br />

Chief of TSD/Audio Operations Branch witting of the following: All audio<br />

operations world-wide since December 1957 to present date. Complete<br />

knowledge of all R & D aspects of audio equipments research. Had<br />

knowledge of certain Staff D and FI equipment operations. Complete<br />

knowledge of all audio assets in production and stocked for use overseas.<br />

Clearances through Top Secret, Special Intelligence clearance and “Q”<br />

clearance. World-side knowledge of the location of all our audio<br />

technicians. Having previously been with the Applied Physics Branch of<br />

TSD, he was also aware of many of our other R & D activities. As Branch<br />

Chief in TSD, he has full information on all personnel in TSD and general<br />



knowledge of the overall activities, including research programs. He has<br />

been to Isolation many times.<br />

John Mertz the CIA agent in charge of this mess spoke with CIA Sidney Gottlieb.<br />

Technical Services Division Staff member Sidney Gottlieb was the CIA's expert on<br />

exotic poisons and recherché science. A cripple with a speech defect, Gottlieb<br />

developed cigarette lighters that gave off a lethal gas, lipstick that would kill on contact<br />

and a pocket spray for asthma sufferers that induced pneumonia. Gottlieb told him<br />

“Dave Christ was not knowledgeable of my specialties, beyond knowing I was in charge<br />

of the chemical division of Technical Services Division and had something vague to do<br />

with debilitant drugs.” What interested Mertz was:<br />

Among the contacts in Cuba of (deleted) (Air Force medico in Sid's<br />

hypnosis project) is a lawyer who is also an accomplished hypnotist. He<br />

has reportedly had some success in his cases by hypnotizing the judge at<br />

parties beforehand, and making the judge susceptible to his suggestions<br />

in the courtroom. (Deleted) has the poop on the lawyer. (Deleted) and I<br />

yesterday agreed there might be some merit in sending (deleted) to Cuba<br />

to snoop through the lawyer. We can get (deleted) down here on a day's<br />

notice through Gittinger, who is acting for Sid during the next few weeks.<br />

The CIA wanted to hypnotize the judge and suggest he set Christ free! Not only<br />

did Mertz have to deal with Gottlieb’s crackpot ideas he had to put up with continual<br />

harassment by Wilma Christ, who demanded that the CIA get her husband out of jail<br />

pronto. The CIA was trying everything; it even contacted assets in the underworld but<br />

they could not spring Christ. This was not enough for Wilma who called Mertz two or<br />

three times each day. In order to placate her Mertz arranged for Wilma to meet with<br />

Allen Dulles and Robert Kennedy, who assured her everything was being done to<br />

secure her husband’s release. The CIA reported,<br />

Occasionally, Mrs. Christ becomes temperamental, somewhat abusive,<br />

and highly excitable. She continues to severely criticize the Administration,<br />

as well as the Agency's previous operations to free her husband. Her<br />

brother-in-law, Larry, continually threatens unilateral action unless<br />

'something is done very soon.'<br />

The CIA reported:<br />

Following their arrest, Christ, Thornton J. Anderson and Walter Szuminski<br />

were first detained at G-2 Headquarters then moved to La Cabana prison.<br />

It was possible to keep them supplied with food, vitamins, reading<br />

material, an electric frying pan etc. On January 23, 1961, the three men<br />

were moved to the Isle of Pines prison where living and sanitary<br />

conditions were intolerable. Prisoners were required to perform hard<br />

manual labor and there was an insufficiency of food.<br />

CIA released a document about Christ that indicated his sexual dalliances might<br />

have led to his demise. This CIA released one of the pages of a very interesting<br />



document:<br />

…In August 1958 Subject advised that she was divorcing her husband<br />

and wished to be reinstated as a regular staff employee. Her<br />

reinstatement was approved and in November 1959 she was transferred<br />

back to Washington, D. C. PCS During her employment [deleted] was<br />

under [deleted] cover. Back in Washington she was assigned to DDP/WH/<br />

Support Staff / Logistics Section. In April 1960 Subject legally resumed her<br />

maiden name. In May 1960 Subject was certified to the State Department<br />

in connection with ninety day proposed TDY in Havana Cuba with JMARC<br />

and in October 1960 she was transferred from Havana to Guatemala.<br />

In November 1960 Security was advised that according to information<br />

from "the Project" [presumably JMARC]. Subject had, while in Cuba<br />

allegedly been having affairs "with the three people" who were<br />

"incarcerated in the Cuban jail." This allegation very possibly was<br />

exaggerated and from information in the file may have been untrue.<br />

However, a Security officer on the Project seemed definitely under<br />

the impression that she had been having an affair with one of them,<br />

i.e. David L. Christ and was of the opinion that her "immoral behavior<br />

was a probable contributing factor to then recent arrests of Agency<br />

personnel in Cuba.” According to another version, apparently hers, she<br />

went out one evening with Christ and on other occasions had group social<br />

contact with him and with two other TSD technicians who arrived in<br />

Havana three days before she left to go to the United States on leave. On<br />

the Saturday night prior to her departure on Sunday she and her two<br />

roommates, she said, entertained these three men in their apartment.<br />

In Guatemala, Subject met and dated a Ronald Stanley Davio, American<br />

who was "wanted" by the FBI for car theft and mail fraud. According to<br />

Subject she found this out by checking "the files" and reported it to her<br />

superiors. Also according to Subject: "It was decided" that there was "no<br />

real harm" in continuing her relationship with this individual "as long as I<br />

kept on guard" and she continued to date him until the day he suddenly<br />

disappeared from Guatemala City on 24 January 1961. She had, in fact,<br />

expected him for dinner the evening of the day he disappeared.<br />

Christ's release was secured by the CIA in April 1963 when James Donovan<br />

arranged a prisoner exchange. Christ arrived at Homestead Air Force Base,<br />

Homestead, Florida. The United States agreed to release four G-2 agents, including<br />

Francisco "the hook" Molina, a Castro agent with a missing hand, who was serving a<br />

20-year sentence for the accidental murder of a nine-year-old child. Governor Nelson<br />

Rockefeller agreed to sign the pardon that freed Francisco Molina from Attica prison on<br />

April 22, 1963. Simultaneously, Attorney General Robert Kennedy announced that<br />

charges had been dropped against three Cubans who had been arrested for plotting to<br />

blow up defense installations around New York City. The three, plus Francisco Molina<br />



were deported from Florida to Havana as Donovan brought back the Americans from<br />

Cuba in a straight swap.<br />

Christ had gone through hell at the Isle of Pines. He was systematically starved<br />

and worked to death in the hellhole of a political prison. It was the Cuban equivalent of a<br />

gulag. Christ wanted revenge and believed Hemming and his crew was the ones to<br />

hook up with. Hemming stated:<br />

Christ was in the same cell with me in Havana when I got busted on<br />

September 27, 1960. He thought I was being tortured. I was laying on the<br />

spring, it was like steel wool, a finely woven mesh. I was laying on it<br />

without my shirt. When I rolled over, I heard this English voice: 'Jesus<br />

Christ, he's one of them, and look what the fuck they did to him.' My back<br />

looked like hamburger. They were scared shitless. We ended up in the<br />

same cell together. A cell that would normally be for four people had 40<br />

people in it. Standing room only.<br />

In 1994 Hemming stated:<br />

In the circle of my immediate Miami acquaintances the tramp resembled<br />

Christ. He buddied up with us. He figured we were the real thing. We didn't<br />

give a fuck who he was. He felt he had been betrayed. He wanted to work<br />

with something that was legitimate.<br />

Hemming was asked how Christ reacted when his identity was revealed: "It could<br />

be he felt I was in charge, and I knew what I was doing." INTERPEN member Howard<br />

Kenneth Davis was sent a photograph of Christ then asked:<br />

Q. Did you ever see David Christ around INTERPEN?<br />

A. Yeah, I saw him around, I didn't know him well.<br />

Q. You saw Christ?<br />

A. Yeah, I did. I believe I did if I can remember. I think I saw him over there a couple of<br />

times. People would wander in and out all the time - even CIA people. That was no big<br />

secret. Fiorini had a relationship with the Company. That is absolute. We knew it at the<br />

time, it was no secret in Miami.<br />

How did I come to identify Christ? One night in Hemming’s Independent<br />

Research Associates office he took two photos of Christ and gave them to me.<br />

Hemming said that when I returned them they better not stick together. So it should<br />

come as no surprise when David Lemar Christ appeared in Dealey Plaza about two<br />

hours after the assassination disguised as a tramp with his comrades in arms Frank<br />

Fiorini and E. Howard Hunt seeking revenge for his experiences as a prisoner of the<br />

totalitarian Fidel Castro regime.<br />




Christ was not a happy camper after the came back to the US from his vacation<br />

in The Isle of Pines Prison in Cuba. He wanted blood so he hooked up with Hemming<br />

and Sturgis.<br />









For a complete analysis of the Martin Luther King assassination and David Lemar<br />

Christ’s role go to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078J7L97R and purchase They Killed<br />

the Dreamer.<br />




The ear and hands of the tramp and Christ match up. The ear is like a fingerprint,<br />

there are no two alike in configuration except for twins. This author created transparent<br />

overlays to demonstrate how the ears match up, something unheard of in publishing in<br />

1975. But what is most interesting here is that the Special agent in Charge of the Dallas<br />

FBI Field Office, Gordon Shanklin, who was the most likely candidate to have released<br />

the tramps without booking or fingerprinting them, was familiar with David Lemar Christ,<br />

as you can see from the document on the next page. It was a small world within the<br />

intelligence community in the early 1960’s.<br />



I spoke with feisty Wilma Christ who informed the CIA of my phone call. She stated:<br />

I talked to him at his office the day Kennedy was assassinated. He called<br />

me - and ah - or I called him I guess. I called him. But he knew. I<br />

remember my younger son was just coming home from school. So that<br />

would have been about 3:00 p.m. I don't really remember but I think I<br />

called him. Because I heard it on the T.V. I don't remember what time he<br />

came home from work. He came back that night. Oh, yeah.<br />

A HSCA CIA document revealed:<br />

Question: David L. Christ.<br />

Reported to have been in Dallas on November 22, 1963<br />

A. We have searched for time and attendance records on David L. Christ to determine<br />

his duty status on November 22, 1963. We have been informed that T & A records for<br />

all employees have been destroyed, and therefore we do not know his duty status on<br />

November 22, 1963.<br />

B. We have searched the financial records of David L. Christ to determine if he was in<br />

travel status on November 22, 1963. We did find that Christ performed travel to Boston,<br />

Mass. on November 26, 1963, and returned to Washington, D.C., on November 27,<br />

1963. Transmitted to you separately are copies of his travel voucher and Request for<br />

Advance of Funds concerning his travel to and from Boston. It may be worth noting that<br />

Christ signed the request for advance of funds on November 20, 1963, and his<br />

secretary signed a receipt for the advance of funds on November 21, 1963.<br />

C. We have not conducted a search for any records, memos, letters, buckslips etc. that<br />

might be in our files and contain initials or a signature of Christ signifying action by him<br />

on November 22, 1963. Such a search would require an extensive effort, and may not<br />

prove fruitful, but we are willing to make the effort if requested.<br />

D. In addition, we have not attempted to question or obtain statements from Christ's<br />

colleagues who may recall seeing or talking with Christ on November 22, 1963. Once<br />



again we are not sure such an action would be fruitful, but we are willing to make an<br />

effort if requested. 54<br />

Interestingly enough the 2017 document dump reveals that Christ received a pay raise<br />

a day after the Kennedy Assassination.<br />



The House Select Committee on Assassinations conducted a half-assed<br />

interview with Christ under his pseudonym Daniel Carswell:<br />

Gary Cornwell and I [Dan Hardway] interviewed David Christ on 16<br />

February 1978. Christ stated that he had been in Cuba on two occasions.<br />

He was there for one week in the end of August and one week before his<br />



arrest in September 1960. After his arrest he spent one month in the<br />

Columbia prison in Havana. He was then transferred to the Cabana prison<br />

and was there until his trial in December 1960. Christ met William Morgan<br />

at the Cabana prison. He stated that Morgan had all kinds of escape plots<br />

and that he, Christ, had nothing to do with Morgan other than to tell him<br />

that he was not interested. After his trial, Christ was transferred to the Isle<br />

of Pines. Christ was released on 21 April 1963. He returned to the U.S.<br />

with a group of approximately 20 other Americans. It was his memory that<br />

he landed at Opa Loca Air force Base in Florida. On his return, he said, he<br />

weighed approximately 135 pounds. Christ did not return to work until<br />

August 1963. He said that the first time he was in Dallas was around<br />

1969-70. He said that he was in his supervisor's office when he heard the<br />

news of the assassination. Christ met David Phillips once in (country) in<br />

the 1950’s. Christ said that he could not be sure about Bernardo de Torres<br />

because he had met a lot of Cubans and their names were confusing.<br />

Christ said that he had met Howard Hunt once but did not know him<br />

personally. Christ knew William Harvey in 1957-58 and termed him a<br />

"tough operator." Christ says that he had never heard of Lee Harvey<br />

Oswald or Jack Ruby before the assassination. Mr. Christ was shown two<br />

photographs. The first he recognized as himself taken when he returned to<br />

the U.S. from Cuba. He admitted that there was a striking similarity with<br />

the second picture but said that he had never seen it before and had no<br />

idea of who it was. Christ claimed that he had never been involved in any<br />

assassinations. The second picture was a blow up of one of the tramps<br />

photographed in Dallas on 11/22/63. Christ said that he got the scar above<br />

his left eye when he was a child.<br />


1. General photo analysis to determine if the photo of Christ and of the<br />

tramp are the same individual. Specific photo analysis to determine if the<br />

tramp in the Dallas photo has a scar above his left eye.<br />

There is no scar above the Christ tramp’s left eye, however, we do not know if<br />

Christ was telling the truth as to when he got that scar. Christ was not about to confess<br />

to having killed the President and concocted a self-serving answer. Christ sort of retired<br />

from CIA and in December 1970 was President and General Manager, Research and<br />

Development Division of Devenco Inc. 150 Broadway, New York City.<br />

Mr. Christ will be retiring November 30, 1970. Prior to 1979 he has<br />

generally been considered a capable officer and the list of his<br />

accomplishments during his Agency career is not unimpressive. Christ’s<br />

performance, particularly in the last six months, however, has revealed<br />

critical weakness in judgment, discretion and self-evaluation. These flaws<br />

have been called to Christ’s attention by me personally, and I deem them<br />

sufficiently serious that were it not for his proposed retirement I would be<br />



constrained to seek other means to separate him from Agency<br />

employment.<br />

Christ held a top secret clearance. Devenco had developed an invisible<br />

electronic prison fence which it demonstrated to various law enforcement agencies;<br />

electronics, (all frequencies) including radar, communications and servro-mechanisms,<br />

optimum filters, basic communications equipment and infra-red acoustics, high<br />

frequency electromagnetic phenomena and physical research (crystals, optics, chemical<br />

cells etc.) Christ seemed like he was on the up and up until his name surfaced in an<br />

investigation of Edwin Wilson who sold CIA technology to terrorist Libya.<br />

A remaining former Agency employee whose name has been mentioned<br />

by Kevin Mulcahy but whose role in this matter has not been determined is<br />

David L. Christ. Mr. Christ owns an electronics firm known as Household<br />

Data Services, in Reston, Virginia. This firm currently has some contracts<br />

with the Agency. Kevin Mulcahy has never specified what part Mr. Christ<br />

and his firm play in this case, and no other information concerning them<br />

has come to our attention as yet.<br />

Christ was also connected to the Libyan flap through the Atlas Powder Company.<br />

Raymond Reardon noted: "Christ at one time (1940's) worked for the Atlas Powder<br />

Company in Reynolds, Pa. FBI report indicates Ed Wilson may have had a contact in<br />

Atlas in connection with obtaining export license." Documents on Christ scheduled to be<br />



released in October 2017: Christ David L. 104-10222-10002 CIA 04/17/1998 Not<br />

Marked. Not Believed Relevant. In July 2017 it was revealed Christ had been to<br />

ISOLATION, the CIA’s spy training camp at Fort Peary in Virginia. On November 16,<br />

1965 he became part of PROJECT RHYOLITE. CIA’s RHYOLITE geosynchronous<br />

satellite program allowed continuous coverage of missile telemetry and targets in<br />

Eurasia. Agency operatives were also able to tap into radio-telephone communications<br />

of Communist leaders as they rode in limousines around Moscow, to track Soviet<br />

missile launches from two secret stations inside the Shah's Iran, and to intercept<br />

Warsaw Pact communications from a tunnel dug under East Berlin. Christ was granted<br />

BYEMAN Approval September 12, 1963 for O, ID, C, A, by PSD) The BYEMAN Control<br />

System (BCS), or simply BYEMAN (designated BYE, or B), was a security control<br />

system put in place to protect information about the National Reconnaissance Office<br />

(NRO) and its operations.<br />




SAM KAIL<br />



The FBI had to invent an imaginary character to account for this cryptic entry:<br />



Oswald had the words "From Sam Kail" written in his address book disguised as<br />

"From Mrs. Hail.” Sam Kail was a West Point Graduate of the class of 1936 and a<br />

genuine war hero. Fiorini said his contact at the U.S. Embassy in Havana was Sam Kail.<br />

Hemming stated he went to Cuba in February, 1959, and was approached by William<br />

Morgan and Col. Kail, to determine which way Camillio Cienfuegos would go. Kail<br />

generated intelligence reports on Hemming's having organized a phony invasion of<br />

Nicaragua to show the world that Castroism was spreading and had to be stopped:<br />

Among the individuals identified as members of this group was Jerry [sic]<br />

Heming, U.S. citizen. Age about 26. Caucasian Height 6' 7". Talkative, of<br />

average intelligence, claims to have served in the U.S. Marines. Fought in<br />

Cuban revolution, wears Cuban Air Force Uniform. Claims to be a<br />

Sergeant in the Cuban Air Force. Stationed at Air Force Base in Pinar del<br />

Rio. Presently believed to be in Los Angeles, California, visiting." 55<br />

The release also linked Kail with William Morgan, an American who was credited with<br />

“saving the Castro revolution” but ended up before Fidel’s firing squad:<br />

On September 1, 1959 Colonel Samuel G. Kail, Army Attaché, American<br />

Embassy, Havana, advised that he had learned the William Alexander<br />

Morgan had told Jules DuBois of the Chicago Tribute that Kail had called<br />

at a house which Morgan had rented in connection with a counter-<br />



revolutionary plot against the Cuban Government and that Kail had<br />

attempted to warn some of the plotters that the Cuban Government knew<br />

of the counter-revolutionary plot. It is to be noted that in connection with<br />

the counter-revolutionary plot, Morgan actually was operating as an agent<br />

of the Cuban Government. Kail confidentially advised Legat that he did not<br />

make such a call and did not even know where the house was located.<br />

CIA Official Justin Gleichauf worked with Kail. Gleichauf recalled:<br />

My deputy, Col. Samuel G. Kail, former Army attaché in Havana, and an<br />

outstanding officer, handled military administrative matters. The<br />

arrangement worked well; we never had a case of dissension between<br />

military and civilian personnel, or rivalry among services. Colonel Kail's<br />

direction, military order of battle information was particularly good.<br />

Antonio Veciana testified that he saw Oswald with David Atlee Phillips (BISHOP)<br />

in Dallas. While Veciana was still in Cuba among those at the American Embassy<br />

Bishop suggested his contact for anti-Castro operations was a Col. Sam Kail. The<br />

HSCA determined that there was a Col. Samuel G. Kail at the American Embassy in<br />

Havana in 1960 at the time Veciana said he contacted him. Now retired, Kail was<br />

located and interviewed in Dallas. Colonel Kail served as the U.S. Army attaché at the<br />

U.S. Embassy in Havana from June 3, 1958, until the day the Embassy closed, January<br />

4, 1961. His primary mission as military attaché was that of intelligence. Later, in<br />

February 1962, he was transferred to Miami where he was in charge of the unit that<br />

debriefed newly arrived Cuban refugees. Although he reported directly to the Chief of<br />

Army Intelligence in Washington, Kail said he assumed his unit was actually functioning<br />

for the CIA... “I suspect they paid our bills” he said. Kail said that prior to the American<br />

Embassy closing in Havana there was a “constant stream" of Cubans coming through<br />

his office with anti-Castro schemes, including assassination plans asking for American<br />

assistance in the form or weapons or guarantees of escaping. He had hordes and<br />

hordes of people through there so he does not specifically remember Veciana visiting<br />

him. “I think it would be a miracle if I could recall him” he said, but does not discount the<br />

possibility he had met him. Kail said, however agents of the CIA would frequently us the<br />

names of other Embassy staff personnel in their outside contacts without notifying the<br />

staff individual it was being done. It happened "a number of times" he said that a Cuban<br />

would come in and ask to see Colonel Kail and, then be introduced to him and tell him<br />

that he was not the Colonel Kail he had met outside the Embassy. Kail said he would<br />

then have the Cuban point out the CIA agent who had used his name. Kail said he was<br />

not familiar with name Bishop nor had he ever heard of anyone using that name.<br />

Veciana told the HSCA that he kept going to the Embassy almost until it was<br />

closed down. He said that on the 20th or 21st of December [1960] the last time he was<br />

in the embassy talking to Col. Kail he [Kail] told him he was going to the United States<br />

and he would come back and talk to him later. Kail said he was going to Texas from<br />

Christmas. That is why he always thought Bishop had told him to go to Kail because he<br />

thought perhaps they were friends from Texas. Kail was also acquainted with George<br />

DeMohrenschildt, Oswald's Nazi buddy when Oswald lived in Texas. DeM’s name also<br />


appears in Oswald's address book.<br />


Kail was working out of CIA Miami Domestic Contacts Division when he and<br />

Gleichauf made a startling discovery. In September 1962 a Cuban farmer who fled his<br />

native land told Gleichauf that just before he left, he had witnessed large tractor-trailers<br />

moving through the countryside. The trailers, which moved only at night without<br />

headlights, were carrying long tubular objects. That piece of information was among the<br />

intelligence that led President John F. Kennedy to order a U-2 flight over Cuba. That<br />

flight verified the presence of Soviet ICBM missiles on Cuba and led to a tense standoff<br />

between the United States and the Soviet Union<br />

The 2017 release revealed Kail was given a commendation for this discovery:<br />

(Illegible) the Miami (illegible) by two representatives of my office<br />

(Lieutenant Colonel James K. Patchell and his replacement Lieutenant<br />

Colonel Alexander M. Haig has confirmed the high state of efficiency of<br />

the Army Intelligence collection activities in the Miami area. My own past<br />

observations, which have been reinforced by the foregoing trip, are the<br />

Colonel Samuel G. Kail 022072 and his staff should be commended on<br />

their outstanding work in support of the Cuba effort. Particularly<br />

noteworthy is the fine working relationship Colonel Kail has established<br />

with the CIA Representative (intelligible) supervision the Army element<br />

functions. Joseph A. Califano General Counsel<br />

The November JFK documents release also linked Kail with Antonio Veciana:<br />

1. Any agency officer in contact with Veciana ever used aliases of Morris<br />

bishop, blair or Kail or any agency office in contact with Veciana was<br />

named bishop, Blair or Kail according to our records, Veciana "never<br />

received any funds from this agency.<br />

2· Agency officers who served in Havana remember that there was a<br />

major or colonel kail the military attaches office in the US embassy prior to<br />

the break in relations. Also, one of our officers in havana who left there in<br />

the summer of 1959 had the first name of Blair. 56<br />

Just before The Big Event Homer Echevarria, a Cuban exile living in Chicago,<br />

told Secret Service snitch Tom Moseley that the Jews were putting up money to have<br />

Kennedy hit. I spoke with Homer and as fate would have it; his father was a source for<br />

Sam Kail.<br />

Because my father had some connection with the American Embassy,<br />

with the Military Attaché at the time, Sam Kail, who knows? He was over<br />

here in 36 hours. I never tried to buy arms for the 30th of November, I<br />

didn't know Quesada. I will be glad if the FBI and United States Secret<br />

Service check on me. I am an open book, my friend. 57<br />



Echevarria was a member of the 30th November group, associated with the DRE<br />

with whom Oswald had dealings the previous summer through Carlos Bringuier and<br />

others. Mosley said the arms deal was being financed through Paulino Sierra Martinez,<br />

who had contacts with rich Jewish gangsters. Paulino visited with Hemming and his<br />

crew in Miami, including Joe Gorman, and offered them big money to conduct raids<br />

against Cuba. Howard Kenneth Davis (FBI super-snitch or Hemming double agent)<br />

reported on Sierra to the FBI. “MM T-3 explained that Sierra gave the $1000 to Tony<br />

Cuesta at the residence of Santiago Alvarez Rodriguez on August 9, 1963 and the<br />

persons present were Sierra and his brother Israel, Ton Cuesta, Alvarez Rodriguez and<br />

Gerald Patrick Hemming, an American soldier of fortune.” In February 1965 Homero<br />

Echevarria was used in a Foreign Intelligence CIA operation and granted a Provisional<br />

Operational Approval.<br />



I was lucky enough to purchase some of Sam Kail’s Army decorations on Ebay<br />

along with his escape map. True American icon!<br />







It is widely believed that David Attlee Phillips used the code name BISHOP<br />

during his years with JMARC. In his book Undercover Howard Hunt wrote that Phillips<br />

used the name KNIGHT in 1954 when Phillips and Howard Hunt were involved in<br />

Operation PB/SUCCESS, the overthrow of the Left-leaning Arbenz regime in<br />

Guatemala. Phillips was Hunt's Deputy Chief for Propaganda. On the same page of<br />

Oswald’s address book that the encoded name Hemming was discovered the word<br />

BISToAP appeared – remove the A and the T and the word becomes BISOP. The<br />

Russian words for various chess pieces are found in the address book. These included<br />

Bishop and Knight.<br />





David Atlee Phillips 58 was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on October 31, 1922 - a<br />

spook born on Halloween. He attended Texas Christian University and worked as an<br />

actor until World War II intervened. Phillips served as a nose gunner in the Army Air<br />

Corps. He was shot down over Austria, but returned to the Allied lines after twice<br />

escaping from German prison camps. In 1948 Phillips married an airline stewardess<br />

and, with a $200 a month option on a play he had written that was never produced, he<br />

and his bride decided to go to live cheaply Chile. There he purchased Latin America's<br />

oldest English-language newspaper, The South Pacific Mail. Because he did this, he<br />

was approached by the CIA and asked to pose as Chief of Station in Santiago, Chile, so<br />

that the CIA could observe the extent of KGB surveillance that he attracted. Phillips told<br />

The Washington Post:<br />

I was to be a 'dangle.' Word was to be leaked out in Chile that I was chief<br />

of American intelligence there. Sure enough, a KGB agent soon began to<br />

cultivate me. I was at the time being paid $50 a month for my services.<br />

When the Soviets showed up it occurred to me I should be getting more.<br />

The word “Mockbd” appeared in Oswald’s address book disguised as the<br />

Russian word for Moscow. Beginning in the early 1950’s the CIA maintained a network<br />

of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provided intelligence for the<br />

CIA and at times attempted to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda.<br />

These individuals provided the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers<br />

and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television<br />

stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets. Hunt and Phillips<br />

ran Operation Mockingbird. 59 Mockingbird was very active during PB/SUCCESS.<br />

People like Henry Luce were able to censor stories that appeared too sympathetic<br />

towards the plight of Arbenz. Allen W. Dulles was even able to keep left-wing journalists<br />

from travelling to Guatemala. There was more evidence other than Oswald’s address<br />

book to support an Oswald-Phillips connection.<br />





In 1976 CIA-linked Cuban exile Antonio Veciana stated:<br />

I have been in Dallas many times, and remember a meeting of August<br />

1963, perhaps the first days of September, I was there. At that time the<br />

U.S. Government had confined me to Miami Dade County. No matter, I<br />

traveled to other cities anyway, Dallas was one of them. In August 1963 I<br />

had a meeting in downtown Dallas with Mr. Maurice Bishop, a United<br />

States Intelligence Officer. I remember that Lee Harvey Oswald was<br />

present at that meeting. Oswald remained silent all the time. Bishop<br />

discussed with me different matters about the Cuban situation and other<br />

efforts in the war against Castro.<br />

I have worked with the State Department specifically in the American<br />

Embassy in Bolivia, South America. I have cooperated with the FBI in<br />

different situations, and I also worked for the intelligence service under<br />

Bishop for more than ten years. In 1962, I ordered the attack on the<br />

Russian merchant ships which traveled to Cuba; they were Bishop's<br />

instructions. The plan was to force President Kennedy into making drastic<br />

decisions against the Castro Government. While Kennedy traveled to<br />

Central America we prepared a press conference in Washington, D.C.<br />

really, the president did not fall into the ambush and he was very angry.<br />

He decided to confine me to that country. Among the activities against the<br />

Cuban Communists, I have tried several times to kill Castro; I remember<br />

the last one in Chile on November 31, 1971, always following Bishop's<br />

instructions. I have no doubt that the assassination of President Kennedy<br />

was a conspiracy. Castro had good reason to kill him; he knew perfectly<br />

well that in the United States high level, a plot to kill him was being<br />

considered. However, to my personal understanding Castro was not<br />

involved in President Kennedy's assassination. The President was killed<br />

by other people for other reasons. My profession in the last 17 years has<br />

been risky, my life has been in danger on several occasions, the FBI<br />

knows my life is in danger, yet I hope they will take a step to keep me<br />

alive.<br />

Lee Harvey Oswald was not allowed to talk, all he said was that he was a<br />

patsy. I believed he was telling the truth. There is no doubt that he had<br />

good contact with some intelligence agency in this country...I confirmed<br />

that Mr. Bishop instructed me to make arrangements with my cousin<br />

Guillermo Ruiz, who was working in the Cuban intelligence service in<br />

Mexico City, to offer my cousin money so that he would state that he was<br />

in contact with Oswald about Kennedy assassination. Another part of<br />

Castro's planned assassination in Chile had the same pattern of the<br />

Kennedy plot. The killer would die and everybody would believe that the<br />

killer was the communist, to my judgment Mr. Bishop participated in both<br />

plans. 60<br />





Included in the October 2017 release was an FBI document from the SAC San<br />

Juan Subject OCELOT IS-CUBA that put Oswald and Veciana together. Veciana told<br />

Felix Zabala Mas “Veciana confided that he, and a CIA contact with a code name of<br />

Bishop and Lee Harvey Oswald had a meeting approximately-one month prior to the<br />

assassination of Kennedy in 1963. Veciana did not furnish any other information to the<br />

subject.” 61 Felix was a leading member of Alpha-66 / SNFE in Puerto Rico who had<br />

been involved in Castro assassination plots. He was a close associate of Jose Lanusa,<br />

of the DRE 62 who, as we shall see, claimed that Oswald had attempted to infiltrate the<br />

DRE on behalf of the Cuban Intelligence Services. For more information on Oswald and<br />

Alpha-66 purchase Coup D’Etat in America Volume 5 e-book or paper on Amazon.<br />

David Phillips was Chief of Operations at the CIA Station in Mexico City when<br />

Oswald was there attempting to obtain a visa so that he could go to Cuba and take part<br />

in some bogus operation Hemming, who read spy novels day and night, concocted.<br />

Hemming could not have told him, “Look Lee you are going to be the patsy in the<br />

Kennedy Assassination and we need you to dirty up Cuba by visiting there prior to The<br />

Big Event.” David Phillips assured Oswald what he was doing was CIA sanctioned.<br />

Phillips gave Oswald the times the cameras would be down at the Soviet and Cuban<br />

Embassy’s so he could slip under the radar. I questioned Phillips in Hunt v. Weberman<br />

but I did not get much out of him except for denials. Phillips was a very intelligent<br />

intellectual who claimed he was a registered Democrat. But in reality he was an expert<br />

at overthrowing Democratic Left-leaning Governments. Three CIA documents on David<br />

Phillips will be released in October 2017.<br />






Angleton’s name was cleverly encrypted in Oswald’s address book, disguised as<br />

“Plug For Radio.” The Angleton entry was at the back of the address book and was<br />

written with other entries that indicated he had returned from the Soviet Union.<br />

Apparently Oswald felt that Angleton might give him a job with the CIA in return for his<br />

having successfully completed his mission in the USSR; the words “Job” and<br />

“recommend employment” are crossed out above this entry. The name “James<br />

Angleton” was a TOP SECRET until Kim Philby wrote about him in 1968. Angleton’s<br />

name is encoded along with the names of two other conspirators (Frank Fiorini and<br />

David Christ) so take this into account when judging the validity of the encryption.




The slash / or “l” in “Plug”<br />

forms the “A” as well as the “N”<br />

James Jesus Angleton was born in Boise, Idaho, on December 9, 1917. His<br />

Illinois-born father, James Hugh Angleton, joined the National Guard in Idaho in 1916,<br />

and chased Pancho Villa south of the border under General Pershing. While there,<br />

James Hugh Angleton married a Mexican girl of 17. On returning to Boise, James Jesus<br />

Angleton was born. He worked closely with former FBI Agent William K. Harvey, who<br />

had prior CI experience. Angleton remained Counter-Intelligence Chief for 20 years,<br />

outlasting all of the Directors and Deputy Directors of the CIA. Angleton was supposed<br />

to root out moles in the CIA. He took a shotgun approach and destroyed the careers of<br />

several loyal Americans but there were no significant RIS (Russian Intelligence<br />

Services) penetrations during his tenure. While he was not hunting moles Angleton and<br />

others were running operations that were in violation of the CIA’s charter. Hemming<br />

stated his entre to Angleton and the intelligence community was through his uncle, Art<br />

Simpson, the brother of his mother, Catharine Ellen Simpson. Hemming advised:<br />

John McCone was involved with my uncle, Art Simpson. Simpson was one<br />

of the un-indicted co-conspirators in John McCone's war profiteering trial.<br />

He was found innocent.<br />

There was no criminal trial involving former CIA Director John McCone but there<br />

was a congressional hearing. On Hemming's application for CIA employment he listed<br />

this financial reference: "Haisa-Pacific Inc., Art Simpson (President). Or Art Sixpaon"<br />

Hemming advised: “That was the Asia Pacific Foundation. Simpson was on the board. It<br />

was a proprietary.”<br />

The Asia Pacific Foundation sounds like the Asia Foundation, a CIA-funded<br />

organization exposed by Ramparts Magazine. In 2010 this researcher located Asia<br />

Pacific Capital Advisors at 345 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles. The Asia Society<br />

(founded 1956) is located 350 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. The CIA established<br />

numerous foundations with the name “Asia” to hide its funding of these “NGO’s.” Robert<br />



Hemming confirmed that his uncle, "Art" Simpson, was a partner with John McCone in<br />

Cal-Ship in San Pedro. Hemming knew these references would be checked out so they<br />

are accurate. One should note that Hemming’s other reference was Klein’s Sporting<br />

Goods, the mail order house from which Oswald purchased his Mannlicher-Carcano.<br />

What a coincidence! Hemming had contact with Oswald in the Marines, and then had<br />

contact with Angleton. Hemming was the "missing link" between Oswald and Angleton.<br />

Hemming had brought Oswald to Angleton's attention in an informal atmosphere in<br />

December 1959. Oswald wrote, “Santa Anna, El Toro air base December 1958 to<br />

September 1959, 1 month on leave during December 1958.” One month later Oswald<br />

and Hemming show up at the Cuban Consulate in Monterrey offering their services to<br />

Fidel Castro. Hemming:<br />

Did I recommend Oswald to Angleton? I was not interested in the<br />

business. I was making a career decision. I'm on my way into the Naval<br />

Academy, the Air Force Academy, or ROTC at a university. Or I'm going to<br />

transfer over into the Army. I was not impressed with the CIA. The only<br />

time I ever thought of bringing former Marines into working with me was<br />

when I was in Cuba. I invited some of them down. I was hard pressed to<br />

find somebody that had Special Forces type of skills. These guys were<br />

sharp and had been in the infantry in Korea then they went to the Air<br />

Wing, then they went to radar school. We had similar interests. But<br />

nobody was doing what I was doing in the Marine Corps. I was more or<br />

less on my own...Oswald would have never had a contact at that fucking<br />

level. Fuck no. What the fuck for? That would be telling Oswald that he's<br />

important. He's used as a pawn. He's a fall guy for the U-2 shit, then he's<br />

a fall guy for something else, and then he's a fall guy for the Kennedy<br />

thing. This guy doesn't know what he's being used for. You're wrong on<br />

Angleton.<br />

There was however, a preponderance of evidence that pointed to Oswald having<br />

been part of an operation when he “defected” to the Soviet Union. Evidence suggested<br />

Angleton gave Oswald the information needed to shoot down the U-2 spy plane then<br />

had Oswald give the Soviets the information just before the US-USSR Summit<br />

Conference, so that it would be cancelled. As the Summit approached, President<br />

Eisenhower considered grounding the U-2 spy plane. As we shall learn when we<br />

examine the address book entries regarding the Soviets Oswald under the cover of a<br />

“defector,” was in touch with both KGB and CIA agents and assets within the Soviet<br />

Union. The national security of the United States would be undamaged by the sacrifice<br />

of the U-2 as America was switching to spy satellites. Angleton and men like him<br />

believed that President Eisenhower would enter into treaties and make concessions to<br />

the Soviets that would be far more dangerous than losing a U-2.<br />

William K. Harvey wrote this in regard to CIA ops involving assassination:<br />

25/ 1 - Exec Action. The magic button. Narcotics Buro. [doodle of knife]<br />

'for a living' - RIS 201 cover - Caution - Bankruptcy - No star eyes - JIM A.<br />

- contradestruct [a mixture of contradictory destruction like ice and fire]<br />



from U-2 Not a TSD problem. Apply brakes. Last resort beyond last resort<br />

& confession of weakness. El Benefactor - assumptions - wrong<br />

framework of Sid's job. (Ledford). Elict R & D - Memo. Translating<br />

machines - the basic sounds project phenous (rumble CB) Commit gear.<br />

Anathesia - never mention word assassination. 6/1 AS - (illegible) No file<br />

review. 63<br />

What is a line linking Angleton (JIM A) to the U-2 project doing in the middle of<br />

William Harvey’s notes about forming an assassination section of CIA? Angleton was<br />

supposed to unearth moles within CIA not review spy photography. “Contradestruct”<br />

can also be looked at as anomalous: something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not<br />

easily classified. “Not a TSD problem” The bizarre destruction of the U-2 was not a leak<br />

within the Technical Service Division of the CIA, it was something else, something much<br />

more convoluted and sophisticated. “Apply brakes.” Cut this kind of thing out, stop it<br />

immediately. “Last resort beyond last resort & confession of weakness.” Sacrificing your<br />

own men is one step beyond a last resort and shows the CIA is weak.<br />

“El Benfactor” On the night of Tuesday, May 30, 1961, Trujillo “El Benfactor” was<br />

shot dead on San Cristobal Avenue, Santo Domingo. He was the victim of an ambush<br />

plotted by the CIA death squad that included Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Mitch<br />

Werbell, Frank Nelson and others.<br />


In 1976, Le Cygne 64 , an autobiography by L. Gonzalez-Mata, was published in<br />

Paris. L. Gonzalez-Mata claimed to have served briefly as General Raphael Trujillo's<br />

Chief of Security in 1960. According to L. Gonzalez-Mata, John Roselli and E. Howard<br />

Hunt arrived in the Dominican Republic in March 1961, and assisted in the plots against<br />

General Raphael Trujillo. L. Gonzalez-Mata identified John Roselli as "a friend of<br />

Batista" who was operating "on the orders of William K. Harvey." Hunt was termed "a<br />

specialist." According to L. Gonzales-Mata, John Roselli and Hunt met with U.S.<br />

Counsel General Henry Dearborn and Dominican dissident leader Lorenzo Berry,<br />

operator of a successful retail market. Lorenzo "Wimpy" Berry proposed a plan to force<br />

Raphael Trujillo into exile, but Hunt was adamant that an ambush was the only reliable<br />

course of action. Lorenzo Berry finally agreed when Hunt promised that the CIA would<br />

provide the weapons. When Hunt testified before the SSCIA he said he was familiar<br />



with the planning of the Trujillo assassination "because of my intimacy with Latin<br />

American affairs." 65<br />

Frank Sturgis claimed that in May 1961, he and mafia associate Frank Nelson<br />

visited the Dominican Republic. Sturgis told journalist Paul Meskil that they contacted<br />

Dominican military officers who were conspiring to assassinate General Raphael<br />

Trujillo. Sturgis and Frank Nelson claimed they helped supply this clique with<br />

assassination weapons. Frank Nelson explained:<br />

The guns arrived in boxes sent to a supermarket in the Dominican capital.<br />

The Dominican officers didn't need the guns. They already had enough<br />

stuff for a war. They needed U.S. Government moral support and this was<br />

represented by the arms shipment.<br />

The SSCIA reported that the weapons were sent to Berry, broken down,<br />

disguised as canned goods. It also reported that handguns, machine guns, explosives,<br />

and carbines were supplied by the CIA. Many of these weapons ended up in the hands<br />

of Trujillo's assassins.<br />

Hemming:<br />

Frank Nelson was involved in a business deal with Wimpy's Supermarket,<br />

where the rifles were shipped to. Commercial cover. If Sturgis and Frank<br />

Nelson jumped in on the game as the boys that were coming from up<br />

north, they would be the guys that went back to Washington and laid the<br />

plan out for the big boys in D.C. They wanted Agency people implicated in<br />

the hit so they could cover their ass later on. Those weapons weren't used<br />

for anything. These guys aren't stupid. They were being told by the CIA to<br />

dump the old man. This is gonna happen, that's gonna happen. And when<br />

the blame goes around from the wealthy Trujillo sons, [Ramfis Trujillo]<br />

vicious little bastards, and the shit hits the fan, these guys are going to<br />

want to be able to call their markers in from the CIA. They want to prove<br />

Uncle Sam's behind the thing to get the other colonels and generals to<br />

come in with them.<br />

On May 30, 1961, Generalissimo Raphael Trujillo was assassinated, ambushed<br />

by a band of seven men, including Tony Imbert and General Juan Tomas Diaz. Trujillo<br />

and his chauffeur drove unescorted to see his 20 year old mistress. Around 10:30 p.m.<br />

two carloads of gunmen fired 27 rounds into Trujillo's body. A source in the President's<br />

office of the United Fruit Company informed U.S. Counsel General Henry Dearborn that<br />

the assassination had not triggered an internal rebellion. U.S. Counsel General Henry<br />

Dearborn, in turn, informed the CIA. In the 1920's, Dearborn was a founder of the<br />

Council on Foreign Relations. 66 Dearborn replaced U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican<br />

Republic, Joseph Farland, as the contact between the CIA and dissident Dominican<br />

groups. In a CIA briefing paper for United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy,<br />

the Agency admitted having sent arms to dissident Dominicans: "Operational security<br />

considerations prescribed that the dissidents make their own arrangements for receipt<br />

by which the source of the arms could not be identified." 67<br />



Returning to William Harvey’s handwritten notes:<br />

“Assumptions” Assumptions are beliefs or ideas that we hold to be true — often<br />

with little or no evidence required “wrong framework of Sid's job” Sidney Gottlieb, in<br />

charge of preparing poisons such as the one given to U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers.<br />

Sidney formulated a plan to hypnotize the judge in Christ’s Cuban espionage trial in<br />

Havana. (Ledford) is Brigadier General Jack Ledford, who, in the early 1960’s was in<br />

charge of Operation Oxcart in Area 51, and Operation Blackshield, two projects<br />

involving the U-2 spy plane.<br />

Hemming, who was jealous that his pupil played a more important part in<br />

containing Communism than his teacher, advised:<br />

Oswald wasn't a world class operator. He was just involved in world class<br />

deals. What are you going to do? Put a Rudolph Abel in on the U-2 dump?<br />

Oswald's in there because he was a turkey fucking patsy. Most of us are<br />

in there because we were on the turkey fucking way. When it's all over, it<br />

really don't make a difference, does it?<br />

The U-2 was downed by the Sovs on Mayday 1960. Had the Soviets made<br />

advancements in their radar capabilities? Or had the CIA been penetrated? Or had a<br />

leak emanated from elsewhere? Logic dictated that Angleton, the rest of CI/SIG and the<br />

Office of Security would lead the investigation into the U-2 flap, and that any honest CIA<br />

investigation would have had Oswald as a suspect. The FBI reported:<br />

No one knows what he told the Soviets about American radar. We know<br />

that when he tried to renounce his American citizenship in Moscow he<br />

stated he had volunteered to give the Soviets any information he had<br />

concerning the Marine Corps, intimating he might know something special.<br />

Later when he was applying in Moscow to reenter the United States, he<br />

said he had not given the Soviets any information about the Marines, but<br />

this was self-serving. He indicated to our Agents in an interview in 1962<br />

that he never gave the Soviets information concerning his Marine Corps<br />

specialty in radar. 68<br />



Both of these denials were self-serving statements and have no value. When<br />

Oswald defected he informed Moscow diplomatic official Richard E. Snyder that<br />

he had offered the Soviets radar information "including the specialty that he<br />

possessed." Consul Edward Freers included this in his report on Oswald that he<br />

cabled to Washington. As a result, State Department Headquarters sent the FBI<br />

a report on Oswald, and the Bureau opened an inactive file on him. The same<br />

report was sent to the Office of Security of the CIA.<br />

In May 1960 the questions that Angleton and CI Staff should have asked were:<br />

“Was there a mole in the CIA TSD who gave the Sovs this info?” then "Has there been a<br />

report of anyone with access to the U-2's altitude offering this information to the<br />

Soviets?" The CIA microfilmed Richard E. Snyder's initial dispatch concerning Oswald<br />

and possessed a machine that could scan microfilm for key words. Once it located<br />

Oswald's threat about radar, the next question to ask would have been, "Did he have<br />

access to the altitude of the U-2?" A simple check with the Navy would have indicated<br />

that, as a radar operator at Atsugi, he very well might have. Angleton associate Edward<br />

Petty reported that there was no CI/SIG file about the U-2 incident, yet after Francis<br />

Gary Powers returned to the U.S. a CIA Counter-Intelligence Officer was a witness at a<br />

Board of Inquiry hearing into the U-2 Affair. Why was there was no investigation by<br />

CI/SIG and Angleton? After the Kennedy assassination CI/SIG commented: "CIA does<br />

not investigate U.S. citizens abroad unless we are specifically requested to do so by<br />

some other government security agency. No such request was made in this case." 69<br />

Angleton would never have waited for a green light from the FBI before initiating an<br />

investigation, even if it involved his very own grandmother.<br />

Hemming advised:<br />

Where was damage control? The Soviets couldn't obtain this intelligence<br />

information; this means someone handed it to them. OS, and one other<br />

element, had across the board need-to-know about everything. Who's the<br />

top guy who can go anywhere and stick his nose into anything he wants<br />

to? Angleton. He would have insisted, “We just got our damage control<br />

estimate. We just got our assessment. I don't think it's complete. I want to<br />

know about anyone on the periphery, mechanic, guard. I want everybody's<br />

name who saw the U-2, heard its sounds.” An enormous undertaking.<br />

Under that process people would have been on the lists who worked the<br />

radar sites. The trail leads right back to somebody who intentionally<br />

dumped the U-2, tried to cover it up.<br />

During the show trial of U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers in Moscow in August<br />

1960, the Soviets insisted they shot down the U-2 at its cruising altitude of 68,000 feet.<br />

Powers was asked repeatedly, "At what altitude was your aircraft struck?" and he<br />

answered, "It was the maximum altitude, 68,000 feet." Major Voronov, whose rocket unit<br />

shot down the U-2, testified: "As the plane entered the firing range at an altitude of<br />

68,000 feet one rocket was fired and its explosion destroyed the target." In 1978 the CIA<br />

claimed: "The Soviets knew perhaps even more accurately than even the U-2 altimeters<br />

showed, what the height was." 70 The key to shooting down the U-2 was not so much in<br />



defeating its electronic warfare systems as it was having accurate information as to its<br />

cruising altitude.<br />

Francis Gary Powers gave the Soviets accurate information about the altitude of<br />

the U-2. Francis Gary Powers had been instructed that "if captured be cooperative and<br />

try to answer questions to which the Soviets appeared already to have knowledge."<br />

Powers did not know it, but the Soviets already had knowledge of the altitude of the U-2<br />

from Oswald. Oswald could have learned it at when he was stationed at the U-2 base in<br />

Atsugi, Japan but it is more likely he learned it from Jim Angleton. (The Soviets thought<br />

he had learned it while stationed at Atsugi and KGB could have checked to see if he<br />

was stationed there).<br />

The back flyleaf of Oswald's address book contained the significant words “New<br />

Hite Special" Angleton, who translated Oswald’s address book combined this with<br />

another entry and came up with “From Mrs. Hail M. White, Special.” This referred to the<br />

altitude of the U-2.<br />






The words “tail span” are crossed out in the upper right hand part of the above<br />

enlargement.<br />

On February 15, 1962, Oswald wrote this to Robert Edward Oswald:<br />



I heard over the Voice of America that they released Francis Gary Powers<br />

the U-2 spy plane fellow. that's big news where you are, I suppose. He<br />

seemed to be a nice, bright, American-type fellow, when I saw him in<br />

Moscow.<br />

The CIA commented:<br />

The only period during which it would have been reasonably possible for<br />

Oswald to have seen Powers in Moscow in person was between August<br />

17, 1960 and August 19, 1960, when Powers was in Moscow, undergoing<br />

trial. There are no other indications that Oswald was in Moscow after<br />

January 1960, so Oswald's statements remain unclarified.<br />

If Oswald did, in fact, see Francis Gary Powers during the trial, why had he<br />

waited almost 18 months before writing to his brother about it? Why hadn't Oswald<br />

mentioned attending the Francis Gary Powers trial in his Historic Diary? Oswald's<br />

remarked "he seemed to be a nice bright American-type fellow." This indicated Oswald<br />

had observed Powers personally. Another CIA document revealed:<br />

Powers was in Moscow from May 1, 1960, to September 9, 1960, and<br />

again for less than a day on February 8, 1962, and February 9, 1962, just<br />

before his release. [Oswald's letter was postmarked February 15, 1962.]<br />

The most likely time for Oswald to have seen Powers in person would<br />

have been during the period August 17, 1960 to August 19, 1960 when<br />

Powers was on public view during his trial and in the course of being<br />

transported to and from trial sessions. On February 8, 1962, Powers was<br />

brought into Moscow without publicity, and departed early the next<br />

morning. Since Oswald is not known to have been in Moscow in August<br />

1960, or February 1962, his statement that he saw Powers may have<br />

referred to a television or newsreel appearance. 71<br />

A third CIA document noted:<br />

Francis Gary Powers was in Moscow...for less than a day on February 8,<br />



1962 to February 9, 1962, just before his release. If Oswald did see him<br />

and is not making up this story, or referring to a television appearance, he<br />

must have made another trip to Moscow which is completely unknown to<br />

us. The period from May 2 to May 19 the more likely, since Powers was<br />

not on public view (illegible) to and from trial sessions, whereas in<br />

February 1962 he [Powers] entered the city without fanfare and departed<br />

very early that next morning.<br />

In another CIA document it was detailed:<br />

February 8, 1962: At about 1:00 p.m., Powers arrived in Moscow from<br />

Vladimis Prison by train en route to his release. He was taken for the night<br />

to the prison in which he had been held in 1960 [Lubyanka prison].<br />

February 9, 1962: Powers left the prison in the early morning for an airfield<br />

(apparently a military field) whence he departed Moscow for Berlin and the<br />

U.S. 72<br />

The KGB could have whisked Oswald to Moscow so he could observe that the<br />

man he almost killed had been well-treated. When Powers was first arrested he "noticed<br />

a cover over the outside of the peephole to my cell. The guards could look in whenever<br />

they chose; I couldn't look out." Did Oswald observe Powers through one-way glass in<br />

Vladimis Prison or Lubyanka Prison? How did Oswald know that Francis Gary Powers<br />

stopped in Moscow before he left the Soviet Union in February 1962? Marina Oswald<br />

stated:<br />

Number one, he would hear it on the Voice of America. Lee did not make<br />

secret journey if I was married to him. Only time, was I married to him<br />

then? February 1962. He did not make any secret journeys then. He was<br />

home every day. Cause our daughter was born on February 15, 1962. So<br />

we stayed close every day. He did not make secret journey to Moscow. I<br />

was in the hospital for a week until the 23rd. So I do not know, I cannot<br />

guess, if I wasn't home I cannot verify that. Lee was restricted to travel.<br />

Oswald had not renounced his American citizenship in a lawful manner nor had<br />

he been granted Russian citizenship. He had not sworn allegiance to the Soviet Union.<br />

He had not fought in a foreign army. He was still an American and he knew this. But he<br />

also knew he had committed treason by feeding the Soviets the U-2 information. In<br />

February 1961 Oswald wrote to the American Embassy, Moscow, about repatriation:<br />



Dear Sir; since I have not received a reply to my letter of 1960, I am<br />

writing again asking that you consider my request for the return of my<br />

American passport. I desire to return to the United States that is if we<br />

could come to some agreement concerning the dropping of any legal<br />

proceedings against me. If so then I would be free to ask the Russian<br />

authorities to allow me to leave. If I could show them my American<br />

passport I am of the opinion they would give me an exit visa. They have at<br />

no time insisted that I take Russian citizenship.<br />

With each subsequent letter to the Embassy, he reiterated this fear and<br />

demanded "full guarantees that I shall not, under any circumstances, be persecuted for<br />

any act pertaining to this case.”<br />



In regard to your letter of March 24. I understand the reasons for the<br />

necessity of a personal interview at the Embassy, however, I wish to make<br />

it clear that I am asking not only for the right to return to the United States,<br />

but also for full guarantees that I shall not, under any circumstances, be<br />

persecuted for any act pertaining to this case. I made that clear from my<br />

first letter, although nothing has been said, even vaguely, concerning this<br />

in my correspondence with the Embassy. Unless you honestly think this<br />

condition can be met, I see no reason for continuance of our<br />

correspondence, instead I shall endeavor to use my relatives in the United<br />

States, to see about getting something done in Washington.<br />

He repeated the theme to his brother on May 31, 1961, and wrote:<br />

I can’t say wether I will ever get back to the States of not, if I can get the<br />

government to drop charges against me, and get the Russians to let me<br />

out with my wife then maybe I’ll be seeing you again. But you know it is<br />

not simple for either of those two things. I am in touch with the American<br />

Embassy in Moscow so if anything comes up I’ll know.<br />

In his next letter to Robert Edward Oswald, June 26, 1961 he wrote: "I assume<br />

the government must have a few charge's against me, since my coming here like that is<br />

illigle. But I really don't know exacly what charges." On July 11, 1961 U.S. Consul<br />

Richard E. Snyder wrote this about his interview with Oswald:<br />

Oswald indicated some anxiety as to whether, should he return to the<br />

United States, he would face possible lengthy imprisonment for his act of<br />

remaining in the Soviet Union. Oswald was told informally that the<br />

Embassy did not perceive, on the basis of information in its possession,<br />

on what grounds he might be subject to conviction leading to punishment<br />

of such severity as he apparently had in mind. It was clearly stated to him,<br />

however, that the Embassy could give him no assurance as to whether<br />

upon his desired return to the United States he might be liable for<br />

prosecution for offenses committed in violation of laws of the United<br />

States or any of its States. Oswald said he understood this, he had simply<br />

felt that in his own interest he could not go back to the United States if it<br />

meant returning to a number of years in prison, and had delayed<br />

approaching the Soviet authorities concerning departing from the Soviet<br />

Union until he “had this end of the thing straightened out.”<br />

In yet another letter he wrote in January 1962 he asked his brother: "You once<br />

said that you asked around about weather or not the U.S. government had any charges<br />

against me, you said at that time 'no', maybe you should ask around again, its possible<br />

now that the government knows I'm coming and will have something waiting." Oswald<br />

had a guilty conscious, after all Francis Gary Powers could have been killed instead of<br />

captured either during the crash or if he pushed the self-destruct button on the U-2<br />

since the 60 second interval between pushing the button and the plane self-destructing<br />

did not exist. Powers was truly expendable.<br />



If the preceding evidence was not sufficient to convince you that Oswald was a<br />

player in the U-2 Dump the Miami Herald reported: "The only possession of Lee Harvey<br />

Oswald not confiscated by government agents at the John F. Kennedy assassination<br />

was an English, Russian dictionary in which numerous words were marked or copied<br />

including a phrase meaning "to hit or kill at a distance." It hasn't been checked out for<br />

microdots, or anything," said former sheriff's chief Deputy John Cullins. He was given<br />

the book by Oswald's widow, Marina Porter. Marina confirmed the dictionary belonged<br />

to her late husband and that the handwriting and markings in the book was his. She<br />

said she could not understand why government agents did not notice it when they<br />

descended upon the couple’s residence after the assassination. She said she did not<br />

look in the book or notice the emphasized or hand-written practice words until Cullins<br />

asked her to translate them. Among the emphasized words were "radar" and "range"<br />

"eject" and "razor." "Radar locator" is written in Oswald's handwriting and a definition of<br />

"range" is underlined before being rewritten in Russian. The Russian phrase, Marina<br />

said, means: "To beat, hit kill at a definite distance." Another translation means to kill or<br />

slaughter, like an animal. Cullins said, "I think it was a resume or information on his part<br />

that he was preparing to give up to someone who spoke or read Russian. I see no other<br />

reason he would look things up in English and practice them in Russian." 73 In 1994<br />

Marina Oswald advised: "I gave the dictionary to John Cullins who tried to make money<br />

off the whole thing. This was the only time he was friend." During Oswald's voyage to<br />

the United States in 1962, he made the following notation:<br />

as for the fee of $_________I was supposed to recive for this________I<br />

refuse it. I made pretense to except it only because otherwise I would<br />

have been considered a crack pot and not allowed to appear to express<br />

my views. after all who would refuse money?!? 74<br />

Oswald deliberately left the blank spaces, indicated by pen strokes. The first blank was<br />

difficult to fill in. How much money Oswald received was a mystery; however, the dollar<br />

sign indicated the payment had not been made in rubles. Since Oswald's Red Cross<br />

subsidy was paid to him in rubles, this paragraph referred to another payment. Another<br />

possibility is that “express my opinions” means appear on Radio Moscow and that he<br />

was paid in U.S. dollars. Oswald:<br />

Whene I first went to Russia I the winter of 1959 my funds were very<br />

limited, so after a certain time, after the Russians had assured themselfs<br />

that I was really the naive american who beliyved in communism, they<br />

arranged for me to recive a certain amount of money every month. OK it<br />

came technically through the Red Cross as finical help to a Roos polical<br />

immigrate but it was arranged by the MVD. I told myself it was simply<br />

because I was broke and everybody knew it. I accepted the money<br />

because I was hungry and there were several inches of snow on the<br />

ground in Moscow at the time but what it really was payment for my<br />

denuciation of the U.S. in Moscow in November 1959 and a clear promise<br />

that for as long as I lived in the USSR life would be very good I didn't relize<br />

all this, of course, for almost two years.<br />



The second blank also made sense when the word "information" was placed in it.<br />

Note that when Yuri Nosenko first approached the American Embassy, Geneva, he<br />

offered to sell information to the CIA for 900 Swiss francs. Later he admitted inventing<br />

this story; "He said he feared that an offer to give away information would be rejected as<br />

a provocation..." Marina Oswald told this interviewer: "Maybe he make blank line<br />

because he forget amount." In 1970 Francis Gary Powers wrote in Overflight that he<br />

believed Oswald's defection was related to his being shot down:<br />

Oswald's familiarity with MPS 16 height-finding radar gear and radio codes<br />

(the latter were changed following his defection) are mentioned in the<br />

testimony of John E. Donovan a former first lieutenant assigned to the<br />

same El Toro radar unit as Oswald in the Warren Commission Hearings.<br />

According to Donovan: Oswald has access to the location of all bases in<br />

the west coast area, all radio frequencies for all squadrons, all tactical call<br />

signs, and the relative strength of all squadrons, number and type of<br />

aircraft in each squadron, who was the commanding officer, the<br />

authentification code of entering and exiting the ADIZ, which stands for Air<br />

Defense Identification Zone. He knew the range of our radar. He knew the<br />

range of our radio. And he knew the range of the surrounding unit's radio<br />

and radar. Oswald's conversation with Snyder is mentioned at least three<br />

times in the Warren Report: "Oswald told [Snyder] that he had already<br />

offered a Soviet official what he had learned as a radar operator in the<br />

Marines.” 75<br />

The FBI reported: "News media report Powers has theorized Lee Harvey Oswald<br />

gave the Soviets radar secrets and information as to U-2's altitude capacity." The FBI<br />

relied on CIA reports authored by Angleton that Oswald had no access to U-2 classified<br />

info at Atsugi, and this might have been accurate. Of course Angleton would not<br />

implicate himself in passing this information to Oswald. Oswald knew he had played an<br />

important part in American history and he wrote: "After death of Stalin and peace<br />

reaction, then anti-Stalin reaction. A peace movement leading up to the Paris<br />

conference. The U-2 incident and its aftermath."<br />

On December 30, 1974, Angleton resigned from the CIA because of the flap<br />

caused by Seymour Hersh's exposure of the HT LINGUAL mail opening program. This<br />

article led to the formation of the Rockefeller Commission. The Director of the Central<br />

Intelligence Agency, William Colby, had wished Angleton to resign for some time but<br />

yielded, "because I feared that Angleton's professional integrity and personal intensity<br />

might have led him to take dire measures." David Phillips spoke with Angleton on the<br />

day he resigned.<br />


In December 1974 Angleton told The New York Times: "A mansion has many rooms<br />

and there were many things going on during the period of the bombings. I'm not privy to<br />

who struck John."<br />



Angleton was saying that the CIA (a mansion), has many compartments (rooms),<br />

and during the anti-Castro exile bombings of Cuba (the period of the bombings), the plot<br />

to assassinate President Kennedy was formulated (there were many things going on.)<br />

"I'm not privy to who struck John." (I know who killed John Kennedy). In his deposition<br />

during the course of Hunt v. Weberman, Angleton stated that the quotation had nothing<br />

to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and was similar to "Who<br />

killed Cock Robin?"<br />

It was amazing that men like Angleton and Helms allowed themselves to be<br />

deposed in Hunt v. Weberman. They could have ignored the subpoena on the grounds<br />

of National Security. But they showed up to see what the man was like who solved the<br />

JFK enigma. Angleton tried to break my hand when he shook hands at the beginning of<br />

his deposition. He sat there with his legs crossed chain smoking. Helms remarked that<br />

the underground press was not truly the underground when he asked, “Underground<br />

from what? From who?” I answered “From people like you.” He asked me why didn’t I<br />

call him at the CIA and ask him about the allegations I was making. Sure. CIA<br />

switchboard this is A. J. Weberman. Can I speak to the Director?”<br />



Another indication that Oswald believed he was God’s gift to the Soviets was the<br />

fact that he had the name of the Russian Ambassador to the United States in his<br />

address book. If Oswald needed help after he re-defected he planned to go to the top.<br />




The name of Angleton’s Chief Female Deputy appeared in the address book.<br />



Elizabeth Ann Egerter or Eggerter worked under Angleton in CIA/SIG. Her name<br />

was encoded in the address book. Eggerter delayed opening Oswald’s CIA general<br />

interest 201-file even after he threatened to give classified information to the Soviet<br />

Union. After she was forced to open it she arranged it so that if anyone expressed an<br />

interest in it she would be alerted. Egerter had a sister Betty who worked in the Mexico<br />

City CIA Station when Oswald visited there. Egerter put together a chronology of<br />

Oswald’s visit to Mexico City for the Warren Commission. She investigated some of the<br />

entries in Oswald’s address book for the Warren Commission. She tried to track down<br />

persons of interest to the Warren Commission who resided in the Soviet Union.<br />

Ann G Egerter (1907 - 1990) was born on August 29, 1907. She was born<br />

into the Egerter family. There are no known marriages or children on record for Ann.<br />

Ann died on July 16, 1990 at 82 years old.<br />








Marita Lorenz, a close friend of Frank Fiorini Sturgis and the only female member<br />

of the Death Squad, stated that Pedro Diaz Lanz was in the caravan that left for Dallas<br />

immediately after Kennedy’s parade route was published in the Dallas Morning News.<br />

This researcher had doubts about her testimony because in one of her depositions she<br />

had Oswald riding along with the crew when it was clear he was in Dallas working at the<br />

Texas School Book Depository. It was only when this researcher was contacted by a<br />

former NYPD vice cop Jim Rothstein who verified her story that I realized she was<br />

telling the truth but somehow labored under the delusion that throwing Oswald in with<br />

the crew would give her story added credibility. I apologized to her and to her son who I<br />

have become close friends with. I deposed Diaz Lanz in Hunt v. Weberman. He brought<br />

his attorney along who insisted we stick to one pre-arranged question. He refused to<br />

answer anything else. Lanz was a link between Hunt and Fiorini. At this time Hunt<br />

denied knowing Fiorini until Watergate despite all the friends they had in common.




The FBI transcribed this entry as SMU Hillcrest Bank Daniels to Dickens but I<br />

see a “Z” not an “S” at the end of “Dickens.” By adding 68 with a period after it the word<br />

becomes DIAZ. Perhaps the orphaned “S” in the lower right hand corner indicates there<br />

were two DIAZ’s, Pedro and Marcos. Sturgis described how in January 1959, he<br />

Came down from the mountains and went to Havana and talked to my old<br />

friend, Pedro Diaz Lanz, who became Chief of the [Cuban] Air Force. Now<br />

he's Commander Pedro Diaz Lanz and I had him appoint me Security<br />

Director and Intelligence Director of the Cuban Air Force. I also recruited a<br />

number of people in Havana for intelligence... Eventually Castro realized<br />

that Diaz Lanz was not a Communist.<br />

Former U.S. Customs agent Wallace Shanley recalled: “Before Pedro Diaz Lanz<br />

left he took over Radio Havana for an hour. A car was waiting, and they beat it out of<br />

there.” Pedro Diaz Lanz appeared on national television, then traveled to Washington<br />

and testified before the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee. Wallace Shanley<br />

stated that Pedro Diaz Lanz supplied him with copies of Fidel Castro's letters of credit,<br />

ordering strategic items from the Soviet Union through the Bank of Nova Scotia,<br />

Canada. Shanley stated,<br />

Lanz was a high class guy. Of all the people I've met of the Cuban<br />

persuasion, he is the finest one. He was very pro-American, but he was<br />

also pro-Cuban. He wanted very much to believe that Fidel was the<br />

answer. Fidel was the answer, he was the blessing of that country; it<br />

needed one during Batista's day. Cuba was victimized by American<br />

capitalism. It was one big Texas border town. No housing, schools or<br />

hospitals. Tin shacks. Pedro thought: 'They got rid of the capitalists, and<br />

Fidel was giving Cuba a tremendous leap forward.' In this respect, one<br />

day, there was an airstrip in Fort Lauderdale called Prospect Hills. It<br />

wasn't used much, it was an auxiliary field during the second World War. It<br />

was now a pumping station. Well, when a meter reader went out there and<br />

discovered Lanz's Lodstar being loaded with arms, he reported it to me. I<br />

soon located the aircraft, empty, in West Palm beach. I didn't have a case.<br />

Pedro was there. He had $200,000 in $100 bills in a paper bag. He offered<br />

me the money and asked me not to seize his plane. He said, 'We have to<br />

use people like Sturgis to get it registered in America. That's the hard part<br />

of it.’<br />



Lanz was a part of JMARC, the umbrella effort of CIA to overthrow Castro.<br />

JMARC was in many instances run by Howard Hunt. The October 2017 release<br />

revealed “Information received that Pedro Diaz Lanz at meeting of the FORDC in New<br />

York City making anti-U.S. statements that Cubans would have to fight alone since the<br />

Kennedy Administration would not help.” [Patricia Orr]<br />

Since Marita turned out to be the key to the Kennedy Assassination it is<br />

worthwhile to examine blurry photos of Dealey Plaza on the day of the coup. These<br />

Kennedy-haters were not going to stay in their hotel rooms during The Big Event. They<br />

were out there to witness Kennedy getting assassinated!<br />

DEALEY PLAZA 1963<br />









This nonchalant man was photographed across from the Records Building where<br />

his close friend from Castro's Cuba and his associate in anti-Castro activities, Frank<br />

Fiorini, was firing from, according to Gerry Patrick Hemming. The photo is too blurry to<br />

make out a fire but the hairlines certainly match.<br />

Hunt gave Lanz a job as a pilot with the Cuban Revolutionary Front, despite the<br />

objections of the State Department. The State Department considered Pedro Diaz Lanz<br />

an "unstable reactionary." In Give Us This Day Hunt wrote: "I saw a haggard unshaven<br />

young man in a flying jacket...his eyes burned in his gaunt face. I told him I admired his<br />

exploits. He and his friends had contributed some funds as a down payment on an old<br />

B-25. David Phillips underwrote a loan of $4,000 for an overhaul." Sturgis told the<br />

Rockefeller Commission: "E. Howard Hunt gave X amount of thousands of dollars to, at<br />

least okayed this money for the B-25 bomber to be repaired and then readied in<br />

condition for any operations inside of Cuba." When questioned under oath, Pedro Diaz<br />

Lanz denied he met Howard Hunt. 76 When JFK visited Miami on November 18, 1963<br />

Lanz was interviewed by the Secret Service about disruptions that were being planned<br />

as was Orlando Bosch.<br />







Oswald told Postal Inspector Holmes that there were two keys to Box 2915 and<br />

Marina might have had one. Holmes claimed only one was issued and the police only<br />

retrieved one key. This was the Post Office Box Oswald had the rifle mailed to in March<br />

1963. Hemming was in touch with him at this time as he had him do the Walker<br />

shooting April 10, 1963 using the Mannlicher-Carcano. Chances are Hemming had a<br />

second key and the mailbox was used as a dead drop for communication.<br />

Why is Box 2915 written twice? The first entry is not in Oswald's handwriting - he<br />

never left a space as in the "5" in the first entry. The second contains the initials LH.<br />

Once Oswald starts to overwrite letters or numbers the possibility exists that part of the<br />

address book contains steganographic notations. All the letters that comprise the word<br />

BOSH are here as is “C” although it is reversed to look like a “2.”<br />









This swarthy looking gentleman in the photo above is Orlando Bosch, another<br />

anti-Castro Cuban exile who Maria Lorenz said was the caravan to Dallas. Bosch,<br />

pediatrician turned terrorist, was a former Central Intelligence Agency-backed operative.<br />

He was accused of taking part in the October 6, 1976 bombing of a Cuban civilian<br />

airliner in which all 73 people on board were killed. The bombing had been plotted at a<br />

1976 meeting in Washington, D.C. attended by Bosch, Luis Posada Carriles 77 , and<br />

DINA (Chilean Secret Police / Death Squad) agent Michael Townley. At the same<br />

meeting, the assassination of Chilean former minister Orlando Letelier was plotted. If<br />

that is him in the photograph his part in the plot was to stand nearby the TSBD with a<br />

walkie talkie and co-ordinate the shooters from ground level. Bosch ran the<br />

Insurrectional Movement of Revolutionary Recovery (MIRR), one of Hunt’s of Cuban<br />

exile groups that had participated in the Bay of Pigs. Orlando Bosch was arrested in<br />

October 1968 for firing a homemade bazooka at The Polciana, a Polish freighter<br />

moored in Miami harbor, from the median of a Miami Beach Causeway, using a paper<br />

clip as a sight. Ricardo Morales supplied the prosecution with tapes of conversations<br />

between himself and Orlando Bosch. Hunt’s name came up on one of these tapes:<br />

Morales: Another thing, two months ago, a fellow named Hunt, who is a member of the<br />

Republican Party, was here and he gave $15,000 to some representatives of Cuban<br />

Power to place bombs.<br />

Bosch: I knew nothing about that.<br />

Morales: Fifteen thousand bucks they gave.<br />

Bosch: You know that makes two people who tell me this...78<br />

Bosch was in radio contact with Felipe Santiago Vidal who was in Dealey Plaza with his<br />

buddy Roy Hargraves:<br />



The CIA reported:<br />


In October 1959 Vidal arrived in Caracas, Venezuela as the Cuban Naval<br />

Attaché. In January 1960 a representative of this Agency contacted Vidal<br />

when it became known he was disaffected with the Castro regime. Vidal<br />

defected from his position on 7 March 1960 and fled to Bogota, Colombia.<br />

A POA was granted to Vidal on 15 March 1960 and this was later<br />

superseded by a CSA granted on 27 October 1960. This Agency planned<br />

to utilize Vidal as Chief of the FRD Maritime Force. It was later learned<br />

Vidal was an opportunist and associated with people whom this Agency<br />

frowned upon. He was considered a security risk and interest in him was<br />

terminated in August 1961. Vidal then aligned himself with various exile<br />

groups, notably the Frente Liberacion Nacional (FLN).<br />

Just before Kennedy was shot in the neck Vidal raised his hand and Roy Hargraves<br />

opened his umbrella.<br />





After the Big Even Vidal and Hargraves remained in place while everyone else<br />

was freaking out. Notice the lankiness of the Vidal in Dealey Plaza and Vidal with a<br />

walkie-talkie. Observe the chiseled out features of Hargraves and the man in the dark<br />

jacket.<br />

Roy now admits that he went from Miami to Dallas with Vidal on<br />

November 18, 1963 and returned to Miami on the afternoon/evening of<br />

November 22. They flew by private jet both ways. There were others,<br />

unnamed with them on the plane. Roy would not reveal who provided the<br />

plane. Roy would not say what he did in Dallas, or who he met there. Roy<br />

said that he did not shoot JFK, didn’t even know that JFK was to be in<br />

Dallas. At the end of the meeting when we were looking at photos of<br />

Dealey Plaza from Groden’s book of photos, Roy reiterated that Vidal was<br />

the man on Elm Street with the walkie-talkie. I asked Roy if he was<br />

speculating on this. He said no, he was not speculating. He said compare<br />



Roy’s photo to the Saturday Evening Post photos. He explained that Vidal<br />

did not know what was coming down and was following specific<br />

instructions to do exactly specific things, thus explaining Vidal’s arms<br />

being raised up. Roy said “Black Dog Man” was there to signal the bomber<br />

(to blow up the car on the other side of the underpass.) Roy said it was<br />

Colonel William Bishop who ordered Vidal to come to Dallas at that time<br />

and that it was under Vidal’s instructions that Roy come along. Roy said<br />

later that if he met the torturer General Escalante he would kill him on the<br />

spot for what he did to Vidal. 79<br />








2506<br />





The CIA transcribed "Editor/Director" as "Ed Toraz" ignoring the “I” in between<br />

the two words however, a closer examination shows the entry read ED I Toraz. Get rid<br />

of the E and it read DI TORAZ, or reverse the ED to DE as in Bernardo De Torres. Note<br />

the blue under the R. It is the same color as the single entry “Torres.”<br />

A check with the postal authorities indicated "that Ed Toraz is unknown at<br />

Post Office Box 2119 (G.P.O.) Present Box holder - Vantage Press 130<br />

W. 37th Street, New York City, has had this box since 1960." Vantage<br />

Press was a vanity publishing house and Oswald was thinking of<br />

publishing a sanitized book about his experiences in the Soviet Union. The<br />

account number was written in a different ink. It was the number of the<br />

State Department account Oswald deposited money into in order to pay<br />

back a loan he had received at the American Embassy in Moscow.<br />

Bernardo G. De Torres (born March 26, 1934) Havana Province, Cuba told the<br />

CIA that he entered the United States in January 1955 and began to play professional<br />

baseball. He gave up studies in Civil Engineering and he obtained work at the Ford<br />

Motor Company. He told the FBI that he completed his high school education in<br />

Havana, Cuba, and had not attended school in the United States. Bernardo De Torres<br />

went to Cuba in January 1959 to attempt to exfiltrate his father. He stayed in Havana<br />

and worked against the Castro regime until November 1959 when he returned to the<br />

U.S. After his arrival, he took a course given by the Miami Police Department for private<br />

detectives, and obtained a certificate that allowed him to practice as a detective, which<br />

he did for the private detective firm of his brother Carlos De Torres. He made trips to<br />

Cuba in early 1960, where he discussed shipments of arms to anti-Castro forces.<br />



Bernardo De Torres enlisted in February 1961. He was Chief of Intelligence of the Bay<br />

of Pigs Brigade 2506. 80<br />

All 2506 Brigade enlistees were routinely processed for Provisional Operational<br />

Approval and a request for a POA on Subject was submitted on March 2, 1961 and<br />

cancelled on April 4, 1962. It is extremely doubtful Subject was aware at the time of his<br />

enlistment that he knew of any CIA relationship with the 2506 Brigade. The investigative<br />

phase of the POA indicates that USG interest would be revealed but CIA interest in<br />

Subject would not be revealed. Subject’s file reveals no operational use of Subject<br />

following the cancellation of this POA on April 4, 1962. William C. Sturbitts May 12,<br />

1978.<br />

The head of intelligence for the Bay of Pigs Brigade had no idea the CIA was its<br />

sponsor. Highly unlikely. Bernardo was captured at the Bay of Pigs, and returned to<br />

America in December 24, 1962 after a $50,000 ransom was paid. He later became<br />

Assistant Secretary for Military Affairs of the Brigade. De Torres worked under David<br />

Sanchez Morales. In 1963 De Torres resumed work as a private investigator. According<br />

to Gerry P. Hemming, De Torres worked for Charles Siragusa, who was involved in<br />

foreign assassinations.<br />

When The Washington Post of January 20, 1967, carried an article in which<br />

Bernardo De Torres said he helped the Secret Service guard the President in Miami on<br />

November 18, 1963, William Branigan checked with that agency. According to Bernardo<br />

De Torres, the United States Secret Service requested his help in spotting potential<br />

Cuban assassins. 81 The United States Secret Service admitted it contacted several<br />

Cuban groups before the visit and asked for their assistance. Brigade 2506 was one of<br />

the groups contacted but the Secret Service denied talking to Bernardo De Torres. The<br />

Secret Service: "De Torres is known to be a member of Brigade 2506, but not known as<br />

one of the top leaders. Some Cubans did mingle in the crowd to try to identify trouble<br />

makers."<br />

The FBI files indicated Bernardo De Torres was military commander of Brigade<br />

2506. William Branigan suggested using Bernardo De Torres as informer to William C.<br />

Sullivan and J. Edgar Hoover. J. Edgar Hoover commented: "Be certain we don't use<br />

De Torres as an informant or in any capacity." 82 The Miami FBI Office reported that<br />

Bernardo De Torres was never an informant, Potential Security Informant, or source of<br />

information.<br />



Photograph of Bernardo Torres and brigade members. The guys Kennedy turned over<br />

to Castro by withdrawing airpower from the Bay of Pigs wanted to see the traitor, JFK,<br />

dead. Can you blame them? Kennedy pulled a double cross on the wrong people.<br />





The man in the picture with Torres is identical with a man in Dealey plaza milling<br />

around in front of the grassy knoll right after the Kennedy assassination as seen in this<br />

next photo. The grassy knoll has taken on a life of its own. That is where everyone<br />

looked when the shots were fired so it is unlikely anyone was firing from there if<br />

professionals were involved. What went down was Frank was firing from the Records<br />

Building, Christ was firing from the Texas School Book Depository and Oswald was in<br />

the lunchroom waiting for Hemming to pay him for the gun. After Kennedy was disposed<br />

of a cop came into the TSBD and stuck a gun in Oswald’s ribs. Oswald reflected on his<br />

past bogus defection, Fair Play for Cuba Committee bogus group, trip to Mexico City to<br />

go to Cuba one named came to his mind. HEMMING. HEMMING. HEMMING. Oswald<br />

went back to his room, got his gun and set out to find Hemming to kill him for framing<br />

him for a presidential assassination.<br />






ABOVE: AN EAR STUDY of the two men showing they are identical. One of<br />

Bernard Torres subordinates was in Dealey Plaza on the day of the coup with phony<br />

Secret Service credentials. Seymour Weitzman was the first Dallas Police Officer to<br />

scale the fence on top of the knoll. He told Warren Commission Counsel Joseph Ball<br />

that he "noticed numerous kinds of footprints..." Although Seymour Weitzman had<br />

scaled the fence first, the officer behind him, J. M. Smith, was the first to encounter a<br />

Secret Service Agent there: “I wasn't alone. There was some Deputy Sheriff and I<br />

believe one Secret Service man when I got there...I pulled my pistol from my holster,<br />

and I thought, 'This is silly, I don't know who I am looking for'...Just as I did he showed<br />

me he was a Secret Service Agent...” 83 WEITZMAN<br />

Weitzman had also seen this man and told Joseph Ball: "[There were] other<br />

officers, Secret Service as well." Sterling Holland, who had run to the area where he<br />

saw the puff of smoke, noticed footprints between a station wagon and the picket fence:<br />

It was muddy...a hundred tracks in one location. There was mud on the<br />

bumper as if someone had cleaned their foot...there were 12 or 15<br />

policemen, or plainclothesmen, and we looked for empty shells... 84<br />

The Warren Commission questioned every Secret Service Agent on the scene<br />

that day, and they stated that they went to Parkland Hospital or stayed at the Trade<br />

Center. The HSCA questioned J. M. Smith:<br />

One witness who did not base his Secret Service identification merely upon<br />

observing a plainclothesman in the presence of uniformed police officers was Dallas<br />

police officer Joseph M. Smith. Smith, who had been riding as a motorcycle escort in<br />

the motorcade, ran up the grassy knoll immediately after the shooting occurred. He<br />



testified to the Warren Commission that at that time he encountered a man who stated<br />

that he was a Secret Service agent and offered supporting credentials... 85<br />

The HSCA's photo enhancement of the Philip Willis photograph of the stockade<br />

fence atop the knoll, taken seconds before Hunt, Sturgis and Christ opened fire,<br />

showed:<br />

…an object whose size and shape were consistent with a human being,<br />

positioned just inside the retaining wall. The object possessed colors with<br />

a distinct resemblance to flesh tones, as revealed on the color display.<br />

The Panel perceived the object to be that of a badly blurred image of a<br />

person, dressed in dark clothing, standing or leaning just inside the<br />

retaining wall. In this photograph, which shows the person standing behind<br />

the concrete wall, there is visible, near the region of that person's hands, a<br />

very distinct straight line feature which extends from the lower right to the<br />

upper right. Nevertheless, because of the blur of the object in the<br />

photograph, the panel was not able to determine the actual length of the<br />

object and could not conclude whether it was or was not a weapon.<br />

The Nix film, which captured the area in question around the same time, revealed:<br />

An object that can be construed as having a shape similar to that of a<br />

person. It is also possible to interpret this object as being of the same<br />

general shape as the person identified at the wall of the Willis #5<br />

photograph.<br />

The HSCA found no photographic evidence this man had a rifle with him nor did<br />

it find photographic evidence of the puff of smoke. De Torres’ man set firecrackers off or<br />

did something behind the fence on the grassy knoll as a diversionary effort. If it was<br />

firecrackers one would think there would be residue but with David Christ involved, who<br />

knows? Remember Christ started at Atlas Powder. De Torres’ man, supplied with<br />

United States Secret Service credentials by CIA / TSD turned into a Secret Service<br />

agent after the assassination. No shots were fired from the knoll. It was a diversionary<br />

effort. Sturgis told the Rockefeller Commission about an attempt that he planned on the<br />

life of Fidel Castro:<br />





I again did these exercises to try to get a diversion that if I would get the<br />

nod to do the execution that I would have some means of diversionary<br />

tactics to draw attention away from the people who did the execution, and<br />

I was there with my people to prevent it because of security.<br />

Spectators near the grassy knoll hit the dirt because they believe shots are being fired<br />

from behind them.<br />

After The Big Event De Torres still expressed discontent with the American<br />

Government for not overthrowing Fidel Castro. An article appeared in the St. Petersburg<br />

Times that stated<br />

February 20, 1964 Cuban invasion Brigade 2506 members have<br />

threatened to resign their special U.S. Army training to fight Fidel Castro<br />

on their own, a Bay of Pigs veteran claimed here today. The 168 exiled<br />

officers training here since last year have become impatient with US policy<br />

toward Cuba said Jose Morales Cruz. However brigade veterans are not<br />

expected to make any definite until after next Monday when they meet<br />

with their acting chief, Eneido Oliva and members of the Defense<br />

Department at Fort Benning, Georgia. Juan Jose Peruyero, Bernardo De<br />



Torres and Andres Basol said the problem stemmed from a lack of action<br />

rather than discontent with army life, state Morales Cruz.<br />

The CIA reported that Bernardo’s brother Carlos:<br />

His brother Carlos was the liaison between the Intelligence Department of<br />

the [Brigade] Association and the LNERGO [FBI], and provided the<br />

necessary means to guide Subject in his position. Carlos provided<br />

information on all matters of importance to the LNERGO. About the time<br />

Bernardo De Torres was involved in the Garrison investigation it was said<br />

that he liked to boast of his influence and contacts. (Deleted).<br />

Bernardo De Torres was interviewed by the Miami FBI Office on March 3, 1964,<br />

relative to a reported plot by members of the Bay of Pigs Brigade to carry out a raid<br />

against Cuba. Bernardo De Torres told the FBI that<br />

…although he was a permanent resident of the United States, and<br />

considers himself loyal to the United States, he felt compelled to fight<br />

against the Castro Government in Cuba, because Cuba was the land of<br />

his birth. He said that he did not believe he would be imprisoned for<br />

violation of the Neutrality Statutes, for the reason that the United States is<br />

also committed to the fight to overthrow Castro and further, the United<br />

States was involved in violation of neutrality in its support of the Cuban<br />

invasion of April 1961.<br />

On May 18, 1966, De Torres was briefly contacted by the Miami FBI Field Office<br />

concerning the anti-Castro plans of the Association of Veterans of the Bay of Pigs. He<br />

was the military leader of the association, and had been working on military plans,<br />

which he declined to reveal. In May 1972 De Torres was considered for “intelligence<br />

type informant” by the Bureau of Narcotics and dangerous drugs. He gave two cards to<br />

the BNDD agent, one of which listed as a supervisor of sales for Mitch Werbell’s Military<br />

Armaments Corp. and the other from Defense System International. Hemming worked<br />

for Webell as a Miami Representative. De Torres told the agent that he comes to<br />

Mexico on an average of once a month to sell arms and audio equipment and he<br />

claimed to be in contact with Mexico’s Minister’s of Defense and Education. “Reason for<br />

approach to BNDD is that subject claims to have information on high-placed GOM<br />

officials involved in narcotics traffic and protection. Subject said he is willing to work for<br />

BNDD on fixed salary basis.”<br />

Beginning 1972 Bernardo de Torres was part of WUMUTUAL, a money<br />

laundering entity used by CIA and OC involving Mike McLaney deposed Havana Casino<br />

operator and Resorts International.<br />

8/17/76 from Jerry Brown, Deputy Chief Security Analysis to Chief,<br />

Security Analysis Group: Resorts International, Inc. used formerly the<br />

Mary Carter Paint Company, part of Meyer Lansky's holdings. Trafficante<br />

was Lansky's gambling czar in pre-Castro Cuba. Resorts International, OS<br />



#591 722, was of interest to Cover and Commercial Staff, DDO, in 1972-<br />

1973.<br />

In the October 2017 documents release Eddie Lopez tells us Hemming was<br />

snitching De Torres out.<br />

Monday June 9, 1975 (deleted – Gerry Hemming) was referred to the<br />

Miami Regional Office because of his offer to furnish information in<br />

reference to drug trafficking in the region. Referral: via Mitch Warbell, III,<br />

[Werbell] through Lucien Conien to G/S John Hampe. Interviewed 3 times<br />

by S. A. Doredant. Gave info re:Bernardo de Torres: uses and sells<br />

cocaine sources in Key West associated with Organized Crime Figure<br />

Santo Trafficanti [Trafficante] .<br />













The document reproduced above indicates that De Torres was intimately involved with<br />

the JM WAVE crew that included Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips just prior to the<br />

November 22, 1963 coup.<br />

Bernardo De Torres was called before a Federal Grand Jury in 1976 that was<br />

probing the Letelier murder. Bernardo De Torres had attended a meeting with Hector<br />

Duran, Bay of Pigs Brigade member Armando Lopez Estrada, the head of DINA (the<br />

Chilean secret police) and American Richard Townley, during which the assassination<br />

of Orlando Letelier was discussed. Jack Anderson reported that Robert Carballo, who is<br />

head of the Veterans of the Bay of Pigs Brigade might be in danger of assassination.<br />

His predecessor, Juan Jose Peruyero was shot to death in Miami in January 1977<br />

because he was going to talk to the FBI about the Letelier assassination. Carballo was<br />

a suspect in that hit. 86<br />

A dangerous Cuban exile named Rolando Otero presented hearsay evidence<br />

that indicated De Torres was also present in Dealey Plaza on the day of the<br />

assassination. CIA had traces on Otero: A Response to Green List Request No. 104574<br />

was requested for Rolando Otero Hernandez (born April 18, 1941, 201-285923) on<br />

September 21, 1960, by Betty Vetter of Western Hemisphere/4. The request was<br />

stamped P.O.A. Expedite. The CIA stated that Rolando Otero was a former Special<br />

Actions Branch Team Leader, recruited February 1964, who was never used on a<br />

JMWAVE mission, and was terminated August 26, 1964, for a security violation. He was<br />

re-recruited in September 1964 for (deleted) Project in which he served until December<br />

1964.<br />

In the spring of 1975 Orlando Bosch ordered Rolando Otero to begin a series of<br />

actions against the United States. On October 13, 1975, a bomb exploded in a luggage<br />

locker at Miami's International Airport. In December, Rolando Otero bombed Miami's<br />

Federal Building, Post Office, FBI Field Office, and Police Department. In May 1976,<br />

Otero charged with the bombing of Miami Airport. On August 25, 1976, Rolando Otero<br />

was acquitted by a Federal jury in Miami, however, on the same day he was scheduled<br />

to be released, he was indicted on identical state charges. In March 1977, Rolando<br />

Otero was interviewed in prison awaiting sentencing. The FBI reported on the interview:<br />

On March 1, 1977, Rolando Otero interviewed at the Okaloosa County Jail,<br />

Crestview, Florida, where he is presently incarcerated waiting sentence following his<br />

conviction on state charges relating to bombing incidents in Miami, Florida, area.<br />

Present during interview with Otero were and Robert Rosenblatt and Bill Clay. Otero is<br />

scheduled to be sentenced on state charge on March 17, 1977, at Shalimar, Florida.<br />

Attorneys for Rolando Otero stated prior to the interview that they had no knowledge as<br />

to specifics which Otero was to provide FBI relating to the assassination of President<br />

John F. Kennedy.<br />

Otero wanted the Feds to convince the State to give him a better deal in return for his<br />

testimony, however, the Feds refused.<br />

At the conclusion of interview with Otero he and his attorneys were informed that<br />



Otero's stated desire to testify before the HSCA would be furnished by FBI to<br />

appropriate authorities.<br />

A few weeks later Rolando Otero told a Miami reporter: "The killers of Kennedy are alive<br />

and living in Miami." The testimony of Rolando Otero to the HSCA was classified,<br />

although researcher Dick Russell obtained a copy:<br />

They had a rumor in the Cuban community, like Kennedy was a<br />

Communist, he's against us, he's messing up the whole cause. Before the<br />

Kennedy assassination they called a meeting of these people, and they<br />

said they had to be ready because there was going to be a coup d’état in<br />

the United States. 87<br />

According to Hemming, Torres and his brother were the team members who took<br />

out the JFK witnesses. In his deathbed confession Hunt referred to this as "the clean<br />

up.” Even Hemming was afraid to talk much about them.<br />






Frank Fiorini's operative, Marita Lorenz, said that two Cuban brothers were part of the<br />

caravan that left for Dallas. Marita Lorenz:<br />

On the weekend before the Kennedy assassination I saw Oswald with<br />

Orlando Bosch at Bosch's home. Pedro Diaz Lanz and Frank Sturgis were<br />

there, as were the Novo brothers, who were from New Jersey. They were<br />

going over Dallas street maps, circling places. I thought they were going to<br />

hit another armory. There was talk of a high powered rifle. The word<br />

'Kennedy' spoken to Bosch [sic] which made me say, 'What about him?'<br />

All eyes were on me, studying me, when Oswald started a dispute with<br />

Frank and Bosch about my presence. I spoke with Oswald that night,<br />

someone told me he spoke German, and I found out that he did. Frank<br />

told me I would be going to Dallas with him tomorrow. It was during the<br />

weekend, so it was hard for me to get a baby sitter on such short notice.<br />

We left after midnight in two beat-up looking cars and drove to Dallas.<br />

About eight of us, with Frank's 'baby,' a high powered rifle, scope and<br />

silencer attached, in the trunk of our car. Before we left, we were briefed


by Frank, Bosch and Pedro Diaz Lanz. No phone calls, no speaking<br />

Spanish in Texas, no leaving for restaurants. Supplies and 'kits' were<br />

dumped in the truck. We wore dark street clothes...I was in the car with<br />

the Novos, Frank and Orlando Bosch. Oswald rode with Hemming and<br />

Pedro Diaz Lanz. The car I drove in was beat-up, they had guns in the<br />

back. It had big tail fins, four doors, Florida plates. No one talked about the<br />

Dallas operation during the trip. Just, 'When we get there nobody goes<br />

out, no papers, no broads.' I asked Frank who was paying for the trip and<br />

he told me, 'The Company.' The guns in the car looked like Oswald’s<br />

[Mannlicher-Carcano]...When he arrived in Dallas we stayed at the<br />

Cabana Motel."<br />

Note the letters that have been the most darkened in with pencil. There is an “N” an “O”<br />

a “7” that when reversed can be a “V” and another “O.” Put them all together they spell<br />

NOVO, a name that means a lot to this researcher.<br />





The Novo Brothers, Guillermo Novo Sampol, Ignacio Novo Sampol, were Cuban<br />

exiles who ran an anti-Castro organization known as the Cuban Nationalist Movement<br />

that was the successor of the Cuban Nazi Party. The Novo’s Cuban Nationalist<br />

Movement or CNM was really the Cuban Nazi Movement. Its motto was Cuba Before All<br />

a variation of Deutschland Uber Alles. It made sense that these Cuban Nazis were<br />

involved in The Big Event. The Novo brothers immigrated to America in 1954, after their<br />

father was killed in an explosion in Havana. They graduated from high school in lower<br />

Manhattan. Guillermo Novo received a Degree in Chemistry, and Ignacio Novo became<br />

a shoe salesman. In late 1959 they organized the first anti-Castro demonstration in the<br />

United States. Ignacio Novo became a leader of the Cuban Nationalist Movement, and<br />

in August 1960 he arranged for Cuban exile groups to form a united front against<br />

Castro. The Cuban Revolutionary Front was one of these groups. Hemming told this<br />

researcher the Novo brothers were not part of the caravan: “First, the Novo brothers<br />

hadn't even been invented yet. Talk about one of the Novos being present in the<br />

Brigade. He wasn't in the Brigade. She gets the Novo brothers later on from the Letelier<br />

business. Phillips pulled that stunt.”<br />

The Novos had been invented by 1963 as demonstrated in this article from Life<br />



Magazine, Sept. 27, 1963 "Cubans Crash U.N. Opening"<br />

Every year the opening of the U.N.'s General Assembly looms as a<br />

monument of diplomatic ritual, ponderously impressive but nonetheless a<br />

pretty dull show. Once in a while an unscheduled event, like Nikita<br />

Khrushchev's shoe-banging show, makes it memorable. This year, with<br />

the opening only 90 minutes old and heads already bobbing, a handful of<br />

anti-Castro Cubans woke up the crowd. Cries of "Traitors!" "Abajo Castro!"<br />

"Viva Cuba Libre!" pierced the visitor's gallery and 11 young Cubans,<br />

ostensibly following a guided tour, leaped the rail and headed for the<br />

rostrum, where Dr. Carlos Sosa Rodriguez had just been installed as the<br />

General Assembly's new president. "We all had something in our hands--<br />

leaftlets, a Cuban flag, a banner--so guards would know we weren't<br />

carrying guns or bombs," explained Ignacio Novo, a Bay of Pigs rebel.<br />

"The idea was for nine of us to run interference for two others carrying a<br />

five-page document to Secretary General U Thant." Later in the week, the<br />

whole thing forgotten, the U.N.'s schedule, including an address by<br />

President Kennedy and an average of four parties a day, got into gear. 88<br />

In 1964 the Novos fired a bazooka at the United Nations building as Ernesto<br />

"Che" Guevara prepared to address the General Assembly of that organization.<br />

Tony Ulasewicz from Watergate participated in their arrest. Several months later,<br />

the Novo brothers confessions were ruled inadmissible. 89<br />

During the investigation into the homicide of rival Cuban leader Jose E. De La<br />

Torriente (April 12, 1974), members of this group were identified by a confidential<br />

source as having conspired to assassinate De La Torriente. 90<br />

In 1967 the Novo brothers were convicted of hiding explosives for Orlando<br />

Bosch, and both were sent to prison. The conviction of Ignacio Novo was overturned,<br />

but the conviction of Guillermo Novo was affirmed. In 1968 Ignacio Novo and Orlando<br />

Bosch bombed the Consulates of several Western Bloc countries which did business<br />

with Cuba. The next phase of this operation was to be the execution of Castro officials<br />

outside the United States. Guillermo Novo was paroled in late 1975, but his parole was<br />

revoked after he traveled to Chile to meet with Orlando Bosch and members of the<br />

Chilean military junta. 91<br />

Marita stated that Orlando Bosch was in the caravan from Miami to Dallas. The<br />

HSCA interviewed Orlando Bosch. He said he had met Marita Lorenz once, in 1962,<br />

when he planned an air raid on Cuba with Alexander Rorke. The HSCA: "Lorenz later<br />

called him and said she wanted to get involved in anti-Castro activities, but Bosch<br />

turned her down and never saw her again. He further stated he had never traveled west<br />

of New Orleans in his life."<br />

When the Novo brothers were subpoenaed during a Federal investigation of the<br />

Orlando Letelier assassination, they disappeared. About 23 other Cuban exiles, mostly<br />

veterans of the Bay of Pigs Brigade, were subpoenaed. In 1977 the members of the Bay<br />

of Pigs Brigade elected Ignacio Novo as their military leader. Guillermo Novo and Alvin<br />



Ross Diaz were arrested for cocaine trafficking by the Miami Organized Crime Bureau<br />

in April 1978. The name, address and telephone number of Pedro Diaz Lanz was found<br />

in the address book of Alvin Ross Diaz. Danny Benitez made the arrest. Sturgis was an<br />

informant for Danny Benitez. When Sturgis was questioned about the Novo brothers in<br />

1978, in relation to the charges made by Marita Lorenz, he said he had never heard of<br />

the "Nova brothers." During his deposition in the course of Hunt v. Weberman Sturgis<br />

was asked:<br />

Q. Do you remember the Novo Brothers, Cuban exiles that are presently in New<br />

Jersey?<br />

A. De Novo?<br />

Q. Guillermo Novo?<br />

A. The name - I don't recall the name at the present time. It's possible. Like I said, I<br />

know many Cubans.<br />

Sturgis had to have at least heard about the Novo Brothers. Sturgis was<br />

associated with Carlos Prio Soccarras, who in his later years, worked closely with the<br />

Novo brother's Cuban Nationalist Movement. Hemming told this researcher: “Of course<br />

Sturgis knew the Novos. The Novo connection comes through Navarro. He had lunch<br />

with the Novos on two occasions at Centro Vasco.”<br />

On May 5, 1978, Ignacio Novo was arrested in the basement of his brother-inlaw's<br />

house in Jersey City, New Jersey. The Novo brothers were sentenced to life in<br />

prison on March 24, 1979. The next month, a valise exploded while being loaded on an<br />

airliner at Kennedy Airport. The Cuban Nationalist Movement took credit for the<br />

explosion. They demanded the immediate release of the Novo brothers. 92<br />

Pedro Diaz Lanz was interviewed by the HSCA: "Immunized testimony was<br />

received in Washington, D.C., on April 28, 1978, from Pedro Diaz Lanz who denied<br />

Lorenz's allegation and explained his whereabouts on November 22, 1963." Hemming<br />

denied making the car trip to Dallas with Sturgis. The HSCA questioned Sturgis about<br />

Marita Lorenz's allegations. He testified<br />

Sir, that is an absolute lie. I have never been with Marita Lorenz and<br />

OZZIE as she calls him, or Pedro Diaz Lanz or Marcos Diaz Lanz, or<br />

Doctor Orlando Bosch, or Jerry Patrick, which she claimed all of us<br />

besides some other Cubans [Sturgis again pretended that he was<br />

unfamiliar with the Novo brothers], were in two automobiles and left Miami<br />

Florida two days before the assassination of the President of the United<br />

States. She is a liar. I took a polygraph examination to that effect that I<br />

have never been involved at any time in conspiring to kill the President of<br />

the United States, nor was I with her in any automobile with these people<br />

or any other people going to Dallas to plot to kill the President of the<br />

United States. She is an absolute liar.<br />

In 1976, group members Jose Dionisio Suarez, Guillermo Novo Sampol, Ignacio<br />

Novo Sampol, and Alvin Ross Diaz were charged with the murder of Chilean diplomat<br />



Orlando Letelier and his assistant Ronnie Moffit. At the time Felipe Rivero was<br />

suspected of having masterminded the plot along with agents of Augusto Pinochet's<br />

Chilean Government. Charges against Rivero never materialized, and as a result, he<br />

continued his operations in South Florida and New York City. Jose Dionisio Suarez was<br />

found guilty and sentenced to 12 years in prison. All other group members involved in<br />

the Letelier incident were originally found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment;<br />

however, their conviction was later overturned by an appeals court. Orlando Bosch, the<br />

head of another anti-Castro group with fascist tendencies, implicated the Novo’s in the<br />

Letelier assassination. 93 Marcos Diaz Lanz, Pedro’s brother, had dealings with<br />

Pinochet, who ordered the murder.<br />

Marita Lorenz was telling the truth about the Novo’s and the caravan: a revelation<br />

provided to this author by Jim Rothstein a former New York City Police Department vice<br />

squad cop who was working with Marita Lorenz on a child porn case. He arrested Frank<br />

when he came to Marita’s apartment to shut her up. Rothstein recalled:<br />



Detectives Rothstein and Rosenthal questioned Sturgis for approximately<br />

two hours at Marita’s apartment before taking him for booking at the local<br />

precinct. During this time, Sturgis was very frank and open with the<br />

Detectives. He admitted that he was on the Grassy Knoll at Dealey Plaza<br />

in Dallas, Texas, when Kennedy was assassinated and that he was one of<br />

the shooters from the Grassy Knoll. The Detectives received valuable<br />

information from Sturgis. Sturgis told the Detectives that Operation 40’s<br />

mandate was “to protect our country at all costs.” When Sturgis was asked<br />

why Kennedy was assassinated, he told the Detectives that there were<br />

three reasons. Number one was that Kennedy had double-crossed<br />

Operation 40 in the Bay of Pigs Invasion by pulling back the support.<br />

Operation 40 operatives were to infiltrate Cuba after Castro was deposed and<br />

assassination members of the Cuban Communist Party and July 26 Movement.<br />

This ex-detective informed me that after Frank Sturgis sued NYPD for false<br />

arrest he was able to verify Marita Lorenz’s testimony that she accompanied Hemming,<br />

Sturgis, Pedro Diaz Lanz, Orlando Bosch and two Cuban brothers, the Novo Brothers<br />

on an automobile trip to Dallas shortly before The Big Event beginning on the same day<br />

the parade route was published in the Dallas Morning News. The former detective told<br />

me that he and his partner drove to a gas station that Marita told them the caravan had<br />

stopped in for gas and repairs and the owner remembered them having had repairs<br />

done at his gas station. The reason Rothstein didn’t come forth with this information was<br />

because when he was in the military he was on a carrier that was supposed to provide<br />

air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion. He saw the casualties mount and he hated<br />

Kennedy for his betrayal. He said that when he busted Frank he put a gun in Frank’s<br />

mouth then took it out and shook his hand, congratulating him for whacking JFK.<br />

Strange world we live in but what was stranger was that his detective utilized the<br />

wrestler Skull Murphy as a source of information on the gay community focusing on an<br />

establishment called The Stonewall.<br />

The November 2017 document release revealed:<br />

MM-T-1 who is acquainted with some members of the Cuban Nationalist<br />

Movement in New York City advised on June 5, 1967 that a meeting took<br />

place on June 3 – 4 1967 in the New York area. Present were Ignacio<br />

Novo, Secretary General of the Cuban Nationalist Movement his brother<br />

Guillermo Novo both of the New York City – Newark area Dr Orlando<br />

Bosch, head of the Movimiento Insurreccional de Recuperacion. 94<br />








On August 5, 1963, Oswald initiated contact with Cuban exile Carlos Bringuier,<br />

delegate of the Student Revolutionary Council (DRE) in New Orleans. The DRE was<br />

created and funded by CIA and managed by David Atlee Phillips or BISHOP, who had<br />

been seen with Oswald by Veciana in Dallas. Oswald met with Bringuier at the Casa<br />



Roca retail clothing store at 107 Decatur Street, New Orleans. From where had Oswald<br />

obtained Bringuier’s address? Bringuier told the Warren Commission:<br />

Now that day, on August 5, [1963] I was talking in the store with one<br />

young American -- the name of him is Philip Geraci -- and five minutes<br />

later Mr. Oswald came inside the store. He started to look around, several<br />

articles, and he show interest in my conversation with Geraci. I was<br />

explaining to Geraci that our fight is a fight of Cubans and that he was too<br />

young, that if he want to distribute literature against Castro, I would give<br />

him the literature but not admit him to the fight. At that moment also he<br />

start to agree with me, Oswald start to agree with my point of view and he<br />

show real interest in the fight against Castro. He told me that he was<br />

against Castro and that he was against Communism. He told me -- he<br />

asked me first for some English literature against Castro, and I gave him<br />

some copies of the Cuban report printed by the Cuban Revolutionary<br />

Student Directorate [DRE]. After that, Oswald told me that he had been in<br />

the Marine Corps and that he had training in guerrilla warfare and that he<br />

was willing to train Cubans to fight against Castro. Even more, he told me<br />

that he was willing to go himself to fight against Castro. That was on<br />

August 5. I turned down his offer. I told him that I don't have nothing to do<br />

with military activities, that my only duties here in New Orleans are<br />

propaganda and information and not military activities. That was my<br />

answer to him. He insisted, and he told me that he will bring to me next<br />

day one book as a present, as a gift to me, to train Cubans to fight against<br />

Castro. Before he left the store, he put his hand in the pocket and he<br />

offered me money. As soon as he put the hand in the pocket and he told<br />

me, "Well, at least let me contribute to your group with some money," at<br />

that moment I didn't have the permit from the City Hall here in New<br />

Orleans to collect money in the city and I told him that I could not accept<br />

his money, and I told him that if he want to contribute to our group that he<br />

should send the money directly the headquarters in Miami as they had the<br />

authorization over there in Miami, and I gave him the number of the post<br />

office box of the organization in Miami. And after that, I left the store<br />

because I had to go to the bank to make the deposit, and Oswald was in<br />

the store talking to try brother-in-law -- that is my partner in the store –<br />

Rolando Paez. [Is that spelled P-a-e-z] That is right. Oswald was talking to<br />

him for about a half hour, and later on when I come back from the bank I<br />

ask my brother-in-law “Well what do you think about this guy who was<br />

here.” He told me Oswald seemed like a really smart person and really<br />

interested in the fight against Communism. Next day, on August 6, Oswald<br />

came back to the store, but I was not in the store at that moment, and he<br />

left with my brother-in-law a Guide Book for the Marines for me with the<br />

name "L. H. Oswald" in the top of the first page. When I came back to the<br />

store, my brother-In-law gave to me the Guidebook for Marines. I was look<br />

in the Guidebook for Marines. I found interest in it and I keep it, and later I<br />



forgot about that just for three days more. 95<br />

Rolando Pelaez, aka Rolando Pelaez Bosch aka Rolando Peleaz was Sub-<br />

Secretary of the Department of Defense in Cuba from 1952 to 1959. In exile Rolando<br />

worked aboard a vessel servicing an off-shore oil rig. Carlos spelled his name<br />

incorrectly. Rolando was never questioned by the FBI or interviewed by the Warren<br />

Commission despite his having spent more time with Oswald than Carlos Bringuier did.<br />

One would think Peleaz mentioned his affiliation with the Cuban military so it made little<br />

sense for Oswald to have left his Marine training manual with him. CIA claimed it had no<br />

information on Peleaz.<br />

Information on Peleaz did appear in an FBI file concerning Santiago Alvarez<br />

Rodriguez, a former Senator during Batista’s regime, who was recruited as a Swift Boat<br />

captain by AMBIDDY-1, Howard Hunt protégé Manuel Artime. Santiago Alvarez 96<br />

worked with Dr. Paulino Sierra a minister in the Batista Government who left Havana in<br />

1960 and settled for a time in Miami, where he worked as a translator. By late August<br />

1963, Paulino Sierra contacted Hemming associate Richard Lauchli to purchase guns<br />

and asked Hemming associate Steve Wilson to deliver the guns to Miami. Another<br />

Hemming associate, Dennis Harber, assisted Paulino Sierra in the transport of military<br />

equipment. Evidence suggested that Cuban exile Homer Echevarria heard Paulino<br />

Sierra remark shortly before The Big Event, “We have plenty of money now, our new<br />

backers are Jews. As soon as they (or we) take care of Kennedy." 97 FBI and CIA had<br />

an interest in Rolando Peleaz:<br />

RE: Rolando Peleaz<br />

March 6, 1962<br />

From: S. J. Papich (FBI Liaison with CIA)<br />

By memorandum dated November 6, 1961, we disseminated to CIA<br />

information concerning Castro’s investigative police and armed forces. We<br />

described our source as a former Cuban investigator who had arrived from<br />

Havana. On March 5, 1962, Mrs. Jane Roman, CIA, inquired if the<br />

Bureau’s source could be made available to CIA for questioning. CIA is<br />

interested in asked the source questions concerning Castro’s capabilities<br />

in the investigative and intelligence fields. The above information and CIA<br />

request are being directed to the attention of the Nationalities Intelligence<br />

Section. The reply to CIA should be submitted via Liaison.<br />

The recent document release reveals that Harber may have been a Soviet Agent.<br />

Harber attended a party with Leonard A. Kovalev (Bufile 105-64470; NY File 105-<br />



27651) a Soviet national employed at the UN Secretariat. Harber became intoxicated<br />

and started talking about Communism in Spain, speaking apparently with authority on<br />

the organization of Communist Cells in Spain. 98 He took part in several operations<br />

connected to Hemming:<br />

MM-T1 stated that Aguilar had also been in contact with Edward Collins,<br />

American adventurer who wants to go to Cuba with Aguilar. On July 24,<br />

1963 Aguilar met with Collins and one Dennis Harber an American in his<br />

mid 40’s who speaks fluent Spanish. Dennis is bald and the called<br />

“Professor.” He was with Collins a week ago aboard a boat which was<br />

making radio transmissions to Cuba.<br />

The Oswald / Bringuier meeting was witnessed by a young anti-Castro American,<br />

Vance Blalock who was collecting money for the DRE. Blalock told the Warren<br />

Commission:<br />

Oswald walked up to us and leaned against the desk and listened to the<br />

conversation. Then he started asking questions about the organization,<br />

and we were talking about guerrilla warfare, just in case the country got in<br />

war, how young students could help - something in that nature and then<br />

Oswald asked Carlos Bringuier all about the organization and what part it<br />

played in the main movement in Florida...and he explained that he took<br />

training in guerilla warfare, and he told me how to blow up bridges, derail<br />

trains, make zip guns, make homemade gunpowder...He told us to put<br />

powder charges at each end of the bridge from the foundation to where<br />

the foundation meets the suspension part, and to blow that part up and the<br />

center part of the bridge would collapse. ...He told us how to derail a train<br />

without gunpowder. He said put a chain around a railroad track and lock it<br />

to the track with a lock. He just asked Carlos about the anti-Castro<br />

organization and asked him to explain it to him, and said he was<br />

interested in finding out how it operated. He didn't say he wanted to join it.<br />

He just said he was interested in it. Oh, and Bringuier gave him literature,<br />

a Cuban newspaper and leaflets or booklets.<br />

Liebler: Do you remember talking to the FBI agent about Oswald's remark concerning<br />

having been to Florida?<br />

Blalock: I think he said that he had been there.<br />

Liebler: But you do recall sort of vaguely that Oswald did say that he had been in Florida<br />

and that he had visited an anti-Castro Cuban organization there?<br />

Blalock: Yes sir, I do. 99<br />

Oswald wrote this to the communist Fair Play for Cuba Committee:<br />

I infiltraled the Cuban Student directorite and than harresed them with<br />

information I gained including having the N. O. city atterny general call<br />

them in and put a retraining order pending a hearing on some so-called<br />

bonds for invasion they were selling in the New Orleans area.<br />



Bringuier indicated that Oswald immediately aroused his suspicions and he told<br />

Oswald to deal directly with the Military Section of the DRE in Miami. Bringuier later<br />

commented he was concerned that Oswald knew of the LaCombe, Louisiana, anti-<br />

Castro training camp, because Oswald had mentioned that he wanted to help train anti-<br />

Castro guerrillas. Bringuier explained:<br />

As there was a Castro's spy infiltrated in an anti-Castro training camp in<br />

existence at that moment across the Lake Pontchartrain, and the Castro's<br />

spy, Fernando Fernandez, was sending his information to the Cuban<br />

Ambassador in Mexico City, it is possible and logical that the Cuban<br />

Government could have put that situation in the acknowledgment of any of<br />

the pro-Castro organizations in the country. 100<br />

Bringuier said he was worried about infiltrators because one of his relatives was<br />

a Castro double-agent. The DRE'S operations in Cuba were effectively destroyed in<br />

1962 when Jorge Medina Bringuier infiltrated the DRE underground in February 1962<br />

for the Cuban Intelligence Service. Jorge rose to the position of National Coordinator of<br />

the DRE in Cuba, and systematically furnished information to the Cuban Government<br />

which resulted in numerous arrests and a complete breakdown of the DRE. Despite<br />

Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba Committee correspondence and leafleting activity in the<br />

vicinity of the USS Wasp along with his “infiltration attempt” of the DRE when the FBI<br />

released its Cuban NATIONALITY GROUP COVERAGE report on August 7, 1963 it<br />

was stated unequivocally that there was no Fair Play for Cuba Committee activity in the<br />

New Orleans area. Warren DeBrueys put the report together for the New Orleans SAC.<br />

Here is the document:<br />





The document continued:<br />

NO 1213-S (Arnesto Rodriguez, the owner of an English Language School<br />

who claimed to have a tape recorded conversation with Oswald prior to<br />

the assassination) continues to have contact among a large group of<br />

Cubans in the New Orleans area and is an active informant of the New<br />

Orleans Office. Contacts with all the foregoing sources of information are<br />

conducted with a view to possible development as PSI. While there are no<br />

known branches of the FPCC or of the July 26th Movement nor any pro-<br />

CASTRO type organizations in the New Orleans area, New Orleans,<br />



nevertheless, canvasses all sources in Cuban matters on a continuing<br />

basis to be alert for any activity indicating efforts to establish moth groups<br />

in the New Orleans area. The above coverage has proven adequate in<br />

Cuban matters; however, New Orleans is consistently alert to the<br />

possibility of developing new sources to provide pertinent data regarding<br />

both anti-Castro and pro-Castro matters. New Orleans will submit its semiannual<br />

report on informant coverage in Cuban matters prior to 2/1/64.<br />

FBI Special Agent and JMARC co-optee Warren C. DeBrueys had requested that<br />

Oswald postpone any major confrontation until after his report was issued so the fact<br />

the DeBrueys was deliberately overlooking Oswald would not be documented. The<br />

sources for DeBruey’s information in 1963 were Orlando Piedra and Frank Bartes, both<br />

of whom appear in Oswald’s address book. DeBrueys name was secreted in Oswald’s<br />

address book. DeBruey’s sources for the earlier 1962 NATIONALITY REPORT had<br />

included Bringuier, Orestes Pena, Orlando Piedra, and Frank Bartes. It was no accident<br />

that DeBrueys report was composed one day before Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba<br />

Committee could no longer be ignored.<br />

Oswald was arrested on August 8, 1963 when he and Carlos Bringuier started a<br />

bogus physical confrontation on Canal Street in New Orleans. Oswald had the word<br />

“Canal” and “14” hidden in his address book.<br />





The evidence that this confrontation was planned in advance can be found in a<br />

letter dated August 1, 1963, postmarked August 4, 1963. Oswald wrote this to V. T. Lee<br />

of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee:<br />

Vincent Ted Lee and I moved in the same social circles in the late 1970’s early<br />

1980’s. He came around my loft at 6 Bleecker Street and I was friendly with him until he<br />

started denying the Holocaust. He was more of a rightwing libertarian than he was a<br />

communist as he was buying pot from me. He was armed with a revolver and was an<br />

unstable individual. No evidence has surfaced that he was a FBI snitch.<br />





In regards to my efforts to start a branch of the Fair Play for Cuba<br />

Committee in New Orleans. I rented an office as planned and was promply<br />

closed 3 days later for some obsure reasons by the renters, they said<br />

something about remodeling, ect. I'm sure you understand after that I<br />

worked out of a post office box and by useing street demonstrations and<br />

some circular work have substained a great deal of interest but no new<br />

members. Through the efforts of some cuban-exial "gusanos" a street<br />

demonstration was attacked and we were oficialy cautioned by the police.<br />

This incident robbed me of what support I had leaving me alone. neverthe-less<br />

thousands of circular were distrubed and many, many pamplet<br />

which your office supplied. We also manged to picket the fleet when it<br />

came in and I was surprised at the number of officers who were interested<br />

in our literature. I continue to recive through my post office box inquires<br />

and questions which I shall endeavor to keep ansewering to the best of<br />

my ability.<br />

Oswald wrote the Fair Play for Cuba Committee about an incident that had not yet<br />

occurred. (He had not been attacked by exiles, or questioned by the police, before he<br />

wrote this letter.) The Warren Commission:<br />

In his letter to V. T. Lee, he stated that he was then alone in his efforts on<br />

behalf of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, but he attributed his lack of<br />

support to an attack by Cuban exiles in a street demonstration and being<br />

“officialy cautioned” by the police, events which “robbed me of what<br />

support I had leaving me alone.” In spite of those claims, the Commission<br />

has been unable to uncover any evidence that anyone ever attacked any<br />

street demonstration in which Oswald was involved, except for the incident<br />

which occurred eight days after Oswald wrote the above letter to V. T.<br />

Lee. Bringuier, who seemed to be familiar with many anti-Castro activities<br />

in New Orleans, was not aware of any such incident. Police reports also<br />

fail to reflect any activity on Oswald's part prior to August 9, 1963, except<br />

for the uneventful distribution of literature at the Dumaine Street wharf in<br />

June 1963. Furthermore, the general tenor of Oswald's next letter to V. T.<br />

Lee, in which he supported his report on the Bringuier incident with a copy<br />

of the charges made against him and a newspaper clipping reporting the<br />

event, suggested that his previous story of an attack by Cuban exiles was<br />

at least greatly exaggerated. 101<br />

Oswald was not exaggerating, nor was he clairvoyant. Oswald wrote about his<br />

fight with Cuban exiles before it took place because the fight had been planned before it<br />

took place. The brawl was the work of collusion between Cuban exile Carlos Bringuier<br />

and Oswald at the behest of David Atlee Phillips who ran the DRE. Its purpose was to<br />

attract media, police, and FBI attention, to Oswald and the New Orleans Chapter of the<br />

Fair Play for Cuba Committee, in order to establish bona fides with the Cubans which<br />

would allow Oswald to travel to Cuba. Bringuier was asked, in April 1993, how Oswald<br />

had knowledge of "the brawl" before it happened. He responded,<br />



You said that he wrote the letter, I don't know. I found two possible<br />

explanations. First Oswald was, what you can say, he make a lot of<br />

mistakes, like him transferring dates and things like that, and I believe he<br />

made a mistake. He left a zero out. The date was the 10th." [Bringuier was<br />

asked why the letter was postmarked August 4, 1963] "Sir I didn't finish<br />

yet. I believe that you have a preconceived idea. Then there would be no<br />

possible way for me to change your idea. Most of the people who have<br />

those preconceived ideas are communists...My idea is this. Since the Fair<br />

Play for Cuba Committee was involved in the whole thing, because I am<br />

sure that the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and Castro were involved in<br />

the assassination, and Oswald didn't write to the Fair Play for Cuba<br />

Committee just one letter. And Oswald wrote several letters to the Fair<br />

Play for Cuba Committee. When the Fair Play for Cuba Committee<br />

presented that to the FBI, they transposed the envelopes. That is very<br />

simple. You get one letter that was dated on the tenth the guy missed and<br />

sealed [or misconcealed?] and he did that several times in his life. Not for<br />

the first time that he did that. And then you use another envelope. I have<br />

envelopes here that were written to me in 1962...The only two reasons<br />

that I see is that because first, Oswald could not have been a psychic, and<br />

foresee that there was to be that incident. Because if my friend would not<br />

have seen him on Canal Street when he walked out of the bus, I wouldn't<br />

have known that, because I didn't know about the second time, because I<br />

was working, and on August 16, 1963, he held the other demonstration, I<br />

didn't know about that until it was too late for me to arrive over there, and I<br />

didn't know about the previous demonstration when he did the thing about<br />

the Navy ship that was here in New Orleans and he went over to one of<br />

the piers and he did a demonstration over there.<br />

Carlos Bringuier entered the United States on February 8, 1961, and arrived in<br />

New Orleans on February 18, 1961, where he became associated with the Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Front. Bringuier stated that on October 1, 1962, he opened the Casa<br />

Roca clothing store and has been working there since. Several CIA documents<br />

generated by the Domestic Contacts Division indicated a close relationship between<br />

Bringuier and the CIA. 102 Bringuier was contacted in 1978, and then he was mailed the<br />



CIA Office of Security documents about him. He stated:<br />

I got them. As far as I remember, because I did not pay that much<br />

attention to them, I don't see anything worthwhile in them. The best thing<br />

to find out is if the CIA is now working for Castro, or how deep is<br />

Communist infiltration in the U.S. at this moment? I never met any CIA<br />

people until after the assassination. I wish I would have known [the<br />

Watergate burglars]. Your line of questioning suggests you are trying to<br />

make some kind of wild link...the Communists are trying to bring<br />

something about in that regard. I was with the Cuban Revolutionary Front<br />

until the beginning of 1962. I was just for a few months with the Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Council. I have never met Howard Hunt or "EDUARDO." I<br />

was here in New Orleans and the only one I met here that was with the<br />

Cuban Revolutionary Council was Mr. Arcacha. Then the person who was<br />

appointed chairman of the Cuban Revolutionary Council here was Mr.<br />

Rabel, and I was working with Mr. Rabel as secretary of press of<br />

propaganda just for a few months. I also was trying to find out who were<br />

the communists that were helping Castro from here.<br />

Hunt and Bringuier were both connected to the Cuban Revolutionary Front and<br />

Cuban Revolutionary Council. Hunt described himself as involved in the propaganda<br />

efforts of the Cuban Revolutionary Council. Bringuier described himself as secretary of<br />

press of propaganda of the Cuban Revolutionary Council. Bringuier's brother, Juan<br />

Felipe Bringuier, was a member of Brigade 2506 and was captured during the Bay of<br />

Pigs. Hunt and Bringuier held many common ideas. Both felt President John F.<br />

Kennedy was going to replace Fidel Castro with leftist Manolo Ray. Bringuier termed<br />

this Operation Judas. In 1972 Bringuier was head of Cubans for Nixon in New Orleans.<br />

"We had a committee here Cubans for Nixon and Breen in New Orleans. Yes, sir. We<br />

had." In April 1993 Bringuier received the references to him in this investigation. When<br />

re-contacted he commented:<br />

I saw the amount of lies you put about me there. Listen, I don't want to<br />

discuss them one by one with you because there are only two reasons:<br />

you are either a communist, or you are an idiot. And I don't have time for<br />

either one of them<br />



In the late spring of 1960, three DRE leaders escaped from Cuba and arrived in<br />

Miami, where they immediately offered the Cuban Revolutionary Front their services.<br />

Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips were in charge of the Frente. The DRE was<br />

rendered an affiliate of the Cuban Revolutionary Front and Cuban Revolutionary<br />

Council. DRE leaders, and members, were supplied with weapons and money:<br />

Although there is no record of the DRE in Office of Security indices,<br />

Western Hemisphere/COG files reflect the DRE was conceived, created,<br />

and funded, by the CIA in September 1960, and terminated in December<br />

1966. It was an outgrowth of an activist student group in Cuba which<br />

fought against Batista and later against Castro. After many of the leaders<br />

came into exile in the United States, they were trained and infiltrated back<br />

into Cuba for intelligence duties. After the Bay of Pigs, from 1962 to 1966,<br />

members were used as political action groups throughout the Western<br />

Hemisphere. During the organization's six year period of existence many<br />

DRE personnel were in contact with JMWAVE staffers. 103<br />

Keep in mind that David Atlee Phillips, whose cryptonym appears in Oswald’s<br />

address book, ran the DRE for the CIA. The Miami-based DRE was shelling Havana<br />

from boats in August 1962, which brought it to the attention of United States Attorney<br />

General Robert F. Kennedy. After a warning from the Justice Department, the DRE<br />

distributed leaflets that accused President John F. Kennedy of abandoning it. It warned<br />

it would continue to attack Cuba, since the Bay of Pigs had "culminated in treachery."<br />

On August 25, 1962, the DRE almost assassinated Fidel Castro when it attacked the<br />

Sierra Maestre Hotel in Havana. Two speedboats fired 30 rounds of 20-millimeter<br />

cannon shells, of which 28 hit the hotel. Two rounds went wild and hit the Blanquita<br />

Theater, where Fidel Castro was watching a Chaplin film. Fidel Castro was enraged and<br />

claimed it was a CIA attempt on his life. The DRE leaders were brought to Washington,<br />

and were congratulated by DD/P Richard Helms. The military operations chief of the<br />

DRE, who infiltrated Cuba before the Bay of Pigs, told the HSCA the Cuban<br />

underground mistakenly believed it had the total endorsement of the United States.<br />

After the October 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the Kennedy Administration curtailed the<br />

activities of the DRE, although it was apparently moving closer to assassinating Fidel<br />

217<br />



Castro. 104 On January 23, 1963, MM T-1 advised the FBI that Esiero Borja, the military<br />

chief of the DRE,<br />

…recently contacted a representative of Gerald Patrick Hemming's<br />

INTERPEN group, and said that the DRE desired to receive military<br />

training at INTERPEN training camp at No Name Key, Florida. Hemming<br />

agreed to accept a certain number of DRE members and provide them<br />

with military training, which will start at some time in the near future.<br />

In March 1962 the DRE announced that it was quitting the Cuban Revolutionary<br />

Council. Gaeton Fonzi wrote: In April 1963, President John F. Kennedy prohibited DRE<br />

and Cuban Revolutionary Council exile leaders from leaving the United States. In New<br />

Orleans, Carlos Bringuier, the DRE leader, proclaimed his group “would continue efforts<br />

to liberate Cuba despite United States action to stop raids originating from U.S. soil.”<br />

There is no evidence that puts Bringuier in Dallas on November 22, 1963 but<br />

there is no doubt that he was aware Oswald was no a genuine leftist, but an operation.<br />

Not a chance in the world that Carlos will ever tell the truth about The Big Event. Carlos<br />

fought against Batista in the DRE in Havana and he is a Cuban loyalist however he is a<br />

traitor to the country that gave him sanctuary after Fidel took power in Cuba, the USA.<br />



Flyleaf 3 contained the notation "Free F 12:00." - a Rowena W. Freefield lived in<br />

Dallas, Texas and was an analyst for Texas Instruments. When Rowena W. Freefield<br />

was contacted in April 1993 she stated she had no first-hand knowledge of Oswald. But<br />

Oswald left a space between the e and the F which he capitalized. Could this be a<br />

reference to the Free Cuba Units?<br />

The anti-Castro student group the DRE, whose address was in Oswald’s address<br />

book, was also known as the Free Cuba Units. Claire Booth Luce reported that a<br />

member of the DRE said this:<br />

[On the night of November 22, 1963] my maid came and said Julio<br />

Fernandez (one of the young Cubans, can't remember if that was his<br />

name) called, very urgent. He had to talk to you about the assassination of<br />

the President. He was calling from New Orleans. He said, 'I was with your<br />

boat crew.' Said, 'Mrs. Luce, I must tell you something of tremendous<br />

importance. When the Bay of Pigs was over, government people came<br />

down to Miami and told us all we had had it as far as liberating Cuba. That<br />

we must disperse (you know they tried to break the Free Cuba Units in<br />

Miami).' He said 'I and these two fellows who were his pals, one a lawyer,<br />

one a doctor, came to New Orleans and opened a Free Cuba cell. We<br />

recruited, looked for people who would still work with us. Still determined<br />

to free Cuba although told to get out of Miami.' He said 'This fellow Oswald<br />

came into our cell, and said he wanted to join. Said he had tried to be a<br />

communist, had become disillusioned. Said he could shoot Castro for us.<br />

Claimed to be the greatest shot in the world with a telescopic lens. We<br />

looked into him. He didn't have a dime. No money at all.<br />

We thought he was a crackpot. We thought also he might be a Soviet<br />

agent. So we just babied him along, and dropped him. Then we decided to<br />

follow him. He had the communist cell. We penetrated his cell, and took a<br />

tape recorder with us. He would get up there and say he could shoot<br />

anyone, including the Navy Secretary. We thought he was a little mad.<br />

Then he suddenly seemed to have a little money. We were interested<br />

because we thought his communist cell was getting some money. He kept<br />

going to Mexico City. He came back from Mexico City and went to Dallas.<br />

He said 'We have a tape recording of the things he said in that cell. We<br />

also have some photographs of him passing out communist handbills on<br />

the street. I'm telling you all things, because I think he is a Cuban agent,<br />

and he shot the President at Castro's instigation. What shall I do with the<br />

information?' "I said 'What you do is call the FBI at once. Don't waste a<br />

minute. Go right in and call up the FBI. Then in San Francisco with my<br />

husband, when Garrison in New Orleans suddenly hits the headlines by<br />

saying there was a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. But didn't say<br />



who. Then I began for the first time to recall that night and things told to<br />

me. 105<br />

Could “Free” stand for the Free Cuba Unit and F stand for Julio Fernandez? The<br />

FBI reported:<br />

Dr. Guillermo Belt, the former Cuban Ambassador to the United States<br />

from 1945 to 1947 advised the Washington Field Office of the FBI on<br />

November 26, 1963, that he had received a call from Jose Antonio Lanusa<br />

November 25, 1963 last, in connection Subject. Lanusa advised Oswald<br />

appeared in Miami one or two months ago and attempted to infiltrate anti-<br />

Castro organization DRE. Subject stated he could train DRE members in<br />

guerrilla warfare to be used against Castro. Subject later observed in New<br />

Orleans passing out Communist literature and therefore labeled<br />

Communist and Castro supporter. DRE had nothing further to do with<br />

Subject. 106<br />

Jose Antonio Lanusa later retracted his statement that linked Oswald to Castro.<br />

Lanusa was Julio Fernandez. Lanusa and Oswald met up at noon somewhere in New<br />

Orleans, Miami or Dallas.<br />


117 CAMP STREET<br />



117 Camp Street was the address of a clothing-rental store owned by Orlando<br />

Piedra. Orlando Piedra had been Chief of the Investigations Bureau of the Cuban<br />

National Police until January 1, 1959. Piedra worked closely with the crime syndicate<br />

and the CIA. He had monitored the activities of Fidel Castro when Fidel Castro trained<br />

anti-Batista troops in Mexico. Piedra was involved in the kidnapping of Fidel Castro's<br />

son, and used a Mexican drug trafficker to kidnap a chief supporter of Fidel Castro in<br />

Mexico. The FBI reported: "Orlando Piedra enjoys the distinction of being considered by<br />

the Castro regime as one of the principal war criminals in the United States." The CIA:<br />

"AMOT Report DD 1836 of April 20, 1966 states Orlando Piedra...is one of the main<br />

organizers and exponents of political propaganda in favor of Batista; close to him and<br />

enjoying his trust.” Orlando Piedra was associated with Enrique Fernandez Parajon, the<br />

former Chief of Batista's Secret Police, and he was a friend of Bringuier and Sergio<br />

Arcacha Smith. On December 20, 1963 FBI SAC James J. O'Conner questioned Piedra<br />

about his connection to Oswald:<br />

Orlando Piedra, former Chief of the Bureau of Investigations of the Cuban<br />

National Police until the overthrow of the Batista regime was located at<br />

Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He stated he was visiting relatives and would<br />

return to his residence in New Orleans about January 1, 1964. It was<br />

explained to Mr. Piedra that Oswald’s personal effects contained a listing<br />

of Cuban exile stores at various addresses in New Orleans, Louisiana,<br />

including one such store at 117 Camp Street in New Orleans. Mr. Piedra<br />

stated that he had been a partner in a store at that address called the<br />

Hispanic American Discount House, Inc. which was opened in January<br />

1963. He said that in April or May 1963, he sold his interest to his partner,<br />

Joseph B. Namer, who he stated is a United States citizen who had been<br />

born in Cuba. He said that Mr. Namer subsequently closed down the store<br />

about October 1963. Mr. Piedra stated that he himself had never had any<br />

personal contact with Oswald. He suggested Oswald probably listed the<br />

locations of various Cuban exile stores in New Orleans as part of his<br />



activity directed against anti-Castro Cuban exiles. 107<br />

Hemming said he knew Orlando Piedra in the early 1960's and advised:<br />

Piedra was a Godfather kind of guy who had a private detective agency.<br />

Very personable. He belonged to the Junta of National Liberation. William<br />

K. Harvey's people supported it. William K. Harvey was setting up this<br />

team of people, which a lot of people call OPERATION FORTY, which is<br />

an erroneous name. They were setting up this team of people to eliminate<br />

Fidelista without Fidel, like Manuel Ray. They were to eliminate everybody<br />

in place, if accidentally the former Castro people got into power militarily,<br />

or civilly, during the anarchy that would follow a victory over Castro. Frank<br />

Sturgis was kept on tap to blow a few fucking people away. It was an<br />

extension of ZR RIFLE. Ethnic cleansing of the new government after the<br />

Bay of Pigs. It would be impossible for him to get Piedra's address. Piedra<br />

did not advertise where the fuck he was. He was in business but didn't<br />

advertise where the fuck he was. If you wanted to see him, you had to<br />

make an appointment, and be escorted there. There was kidnap money<br />

out on him. Juan Orta set up a couple of operations to snatch all these<br />

people. These people were fucking war criminals. So how would an<br />

Oswald come up with this? Somebody in the government had to give it to<br />

him.<br />

During a radio debate with William Stuckey (whose name was also found in the<br />

address book) and Bringuier, Oswald observed that "criminals," who are wanted in<br />

Cuba for crimes against humanity, are now engaged in day-to-day trade with the people<br />

of New Orleans. Was he referring to Orlando Piedra? Had they really been criminals in<br />

Cuba, or did Oswald mean “war criminal”? In 1967, Arnesto N. Rodriguez Sr., one of<br />

DeBrueys snitches, suggested that the District Attorney’s office in New Orleans contact<br />

Orlando Piedra about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, since Orlando<br />

Piedra possessed files on exiles suspected of being double-agents. On May 8, 1973,<br />

the name of Orlando Piedra appeared on a document titled "Memo from DDO from<br />

James Flannery, Subject; Media Inquiry to Cuban Exile Journalist in Miami regarding:<br />

Cuban Involvement in Watergate Case and Attitudes in Miami Area w/bio summaries."<br />

This CIA Index Card indicates all these men were mentioned in a particular document:<br />

Sidney Gottlieb, Renaldo Pico, Orlando Piedra, Rolando Masferrer,<br />

Joaquin Pedromo Sanjenis, Juan A. Paula, Edgardo Buttari, Charles<br />

'Bebe' Reboso, James Flannery<br />

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb developed poisons for CIA that were to be used to kill Castro.<br />

In April 1963 Renaldo Pico was part of a movement within Brigade 2506 to request the<br />

flag that Manuel Artime had presented to the President Kennedy in December 1962 be<br />

returned to the Brigade as Kennedy had not done anything significant to fulfill his<br />

promise to return the flag to the Brigade in a free Cuba. Orlando Piedra, Rolando<br />

Masferrer, Joaquin Pedromo Sanjenis were hardcore Batistianos. Juan Paula was in<br />

Cuba in 1961 and was mentioned in Hunt's book, Give Us This Day as an accountant<br />

who served as treasurer of the FRD. In April 1963 ex-Batista Minister of Commerce<br />



Edgardo Buttari was a Director of Social Welfare of the Association of the Veterans of<br />

the Bay of Pigs Brigade 2506 and Bernardo De Torres was Vice Director of Military<br />

Affairs. Buttari was a close associate of Bebe Roboso, who was close to Nixon. CIA<br />

officer James E. Flannery was in Bolivia from 1961 to 1964, Mexico from 1964 to 1965,<br />

where he served under Winston Scott. Flannery served in the Dominican Republic from<br />

1965 to 1969. He was a colleague of David Phillips.<br />

In September 1959 the FBI reported: “Will verify reported financial interest of<br />

PIEDRA in Biltmore Terrace Hotel, Miami Beach, and association with NORMAN<br />

ROTHMAN, described as Manager of that hotel.” 108<br />

MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD April 25, 1975<br />


SF# 354 878<br />

201-272262<br />

4. In September 1960, Norman Rothman, free on a $50,000 bond from a<br />

conviction of theft and transportation of firearms, approached Frank<br />

Sturgis, SF #353 459, and offered to obtain from Cuba two MIG aircraft.<br />

Norman Rothman claimed he could induce the defection of a Czech pilot<br />

and a Cuban who would fly the MIGs to the U.S. At the time, it was<br />

believed that Rothman was either offering assistance to the U.S.<br />

Government for a profit motive, or perhaps in an effort to reduce, or<br />

alleviate, his sentences under federal convictions. It was not clear from file<br />

information what, if any, further contact with Rothman took place regarding<br />

the proposal outlined above." 109<br />


Former OSS man and early Warren Commission critic Harold Weisberg cracked<br />

a very important part of the Oswald Code. 107 Decatur was Carlos Bringuier’s store. If<br />

these numbers were interchanged with the address of Piedra’s store (107 Camp), they<br />



became 107 Camp Street, the office of Ronnie Caire, and 117 Decatur, the Habana Bar<br />

owned by Orestes Pena. There was no such number as 1032 Canal: it was an empty lot<br />

at this time which is interesting in itself. Was this the site of a meet or of a dead drop<br />

between Oswald and those who were manipulating him? The FBI listed Caire’s address<br />

in 1963 as 704 Cigali Building, New Orleans 12, Louisiana. 110 The Cigali building was<br />

located at 107 Camp Street. As demonstrated by the document below generated on<br />

10.19.70, 704 Cigali Building and 544 Camp Street, the Balter Building, were linked via<br />

Ronnie Caire, who acted as a P. R. man for the Cuban Revolutionary Council when<br />

Sergio Arcacha Smith was its New Orleans head:<br />

Oswald used 544 Camp Street as the address for his bogus Fair Play for Cuba<br />

Committee until he thought the better of it due to all the anti-Castro groups having<br />

offices there.<br />



The FBI had no interest in decoding Oswald’s address book as this might<br />

contradict the lone assassin theory of the Warren Commission. When the addresses<br />

were reversed they were those of people who had stated that they had come into<br />

contact with Oswald. Encoded information had been decoded in a plausible fashion. In<br />

1963 Oswald visited Ronnie Caire. After the assassination of President John F.<br />

Kennedy, Ronnie Caire apprised the Secret Service during the afternoon of December<br />

2, 1963, that he<br />

Seemed to recall Oswald applying for a job with his agency while he had<br />

offices at 704-5 Cigali Building, corner Camp and Canal Streets, New<br />

Orleans. He said this was several months ago and about the time Oswald<br />

had a debate over radio station WDSU, in August 1963. He said this was<br />

the only time he had seen Oswald, and for that reason, he could not be<br />

positive in identifying Oswald's photograph that he was the man he had in<br />

mind. 111<br />

The FBI had no traces on Caire in connection with the assassination of President<br />

Kennedy. In 1967, Caire told an investigator for the New Orleans District Attorney's<br />

office,<br />

Oswald once applied for a job with me, he came in one day and said he<br />

had experience in public relations and wanted a job. Oswald did not fill out<br />

an application, and I never saw him again.<br />



Ronnie Caire was interviewed by telephone in 1978:<br />

Q. Did Oswald ever approach you for a job?<br />

A. Gee, that's a long time ago. I don't remember too much about it. Seems to me he<br />

came by once.<br />

Q. You handled publicity for the Cuban Revolutionary Council?<br />

A. Yeah, we handled the fund drive for them.<br />

Q. Did you know Howard Hunt back then or any of the other Watergate guys?<br />

A. No I didn't. I was just a speck on the wall. He was on the national level.<br />

Q. Why did the CIA approach you in the guise of the Cuban Revolutionary Council?<br />

A. Because I had such good local political connections. I was known as an expert in<br />

political affairs. Got them blue chip names. Just another money raising job. I raised it for<br />

the Republicans and Democrats and National State's Rights Party. I said the account<br />

was making nigger shit and I dropped it.<br />

Q. Do you remember what happened when Oswald came to see you?<br />

A. No man, I'm not even sure it was Oswald, and that's the truth, I told them that. At the<br />

time there were so many guys coming in looking for jobs. As a matter of fact, the guy I<br />

remember didn't even come to see me, he came to see my former partner. They were<br />

coming in at that time two or three a week. Truthfully, I sat down with everyone in the<br />

office and tried to remember if we had seen Oswald and we weren't really sure. I had to<br />

question some guy by the name of Oswald who applied for a job. Let me tell you how I<br />

got into this. Sergio came to me and I checked the best I could like the FBI check that<br />

you read to me. I'm in favor of anti-communist causes, and I checked the FBI and they<br />

all said it was alright. Then I was in a room with a bunch of Cuban leaders and I realized<br />

they were more interested in who was going to be the king when they got back, then in<br />

overthrowing Castro. And I went ahead and carried out what obligations I had and I got<br />

the hell out of it. Then one day I'm sitting in the office and in comes Sergio and says<br />

he's been kicked out too. The last time I saw him was when he came in and tried to sell<br />

me some Latin American P. R. accounts. And he introduced me to some dude named<br />

Nestor Marcos Diaz [Marcos Diaz Lanz the brother of Pedro Diaz Lanz?] He said he<br />

had a business in Mexico. I'll tell ya, I feel like a dinosaur. I was raised in the news<br />

business. I got my lumps in the Huey Long days, got my head beat in...I was to appear<br />

as a government witness in the (unintelligible) investigation State of Louisiana. I knew<br />

Banister. Banister was a hot-pistoled cop.<br />





177 Decatur was the address of the Habana Bar owned by Orestes Pena 112 , an<br />

amateur boxer, who doubled as the bouncer there. His address was encoded in<br />

Oswald’s address book by a simple interchange of numbers. On December 5, 1963,<br />

Carlos Bringuier informed the FBI that Orestes Pena had seen Oswald in his bar. After<br />

the Big Event Orestes Pena told Carlos Bringuier that Oswald was with a Cuban<br />

(Bringuier later identified him as a Mexican Communist the FBI wanted to question) and<br />

said Oswald’s conversation was pro-Castro. When the waiter charged him 15 cents for<br />

a glass of lemonade, Oswald remarked: “This man must be a former Cuban capitalist.”<br />

Orestes Pena confirmed to the FBI that Oswald was in his bar and added he became so<br />

intoxicated, he vomited. Orestes Pena’s brother, Ruperto Pena, said that two men<br />

entered his bar and had a pro-Castro discussion. He turned over this information to<br />

Carlos Bringuier, and to the FBI, and was later able to get the license plate numbers of<br />

these men. Although Ruperto could not make a positive identification, Evaristo Gilberto<br />

Rodriguez, a waiter at the Habana Bar, said one was Oswald. When Ruperto Pena<br />

testified before the Warren Commission, he had been intimidated to the point where he<br />

stated that his brother was not in New Orleans when this incident occurred, and that the<br />

man was not Oswald. The Warren Commission noted the testimony of Habana Bar<br />

bartender, and informant for S.A. DeBrueys, Evaristo Rodriguez, that he saw Oswald in<br />

the Habana Bar sometime about August 9, 1963, in the company of a Latin-appearing<br />

man. Rodriguez told the FBI that around 3:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. two men, one Oswald,<br />



came into the Havana Bar. Orestes Pena was questioned by the Warren Commission:<br />

Liebler: Is this the story that you told to the FBI after the assassination, that you had<br />

seen Oswald in the bar and Rodriguez has seen him in the bar?<br />

Pena: More or less.<br />

Liebler: When you talked to the FBI two weeks ago, did they ask you about this again?<br />

Pena: Yes; they asked me about this more than a dozen times.<br />

Liebler: They asked you more than a dozen times about this?<br />

Pena: They come to my bar to ask me about this. They been calling me to come to the<br />

FBI office. That’s why sometimes – one time I went down and got a lawyer. I don’t need<br />

a lawyer about for this. I just tell you the truth.<br />

Liebler: Did you tell Mr. Bringuier about having seen Oswald in the bar?<br />

Pena: Yes; we was talking about it. You see I did like very very much Mr. Kennedy...So<br />

I was hurt when he got killed. So when I saw the man there – I saw the man – so I went<br />

around and told most of my customers that I saw Oswald came to my place.<br />

Liebler: When you talked to the FBI on June 9, 1964, you told them, did you not, that<br />

you had never told anybody that Oswald had been in the bar?<br />

Pena: That I never told anybody?<br />

Liebler: Yes.<br />

Pena: That’s not true.<br />

Liebler: Didn’t you tell that to the FBI?<br />

Pena: I don’t think that so. That I never told anybody?<br />

Liebler: Yes.<br />

Pena: I didn’t told anybody before?<br />

Liebler: I have a report before me, Mr. Pena, of an interview with you in the presence of<br />

your attorney, Mr. Tamberella, which was made by Mr. DeBrueys and Mr. Wall. That<br />

was in the FBI office on June 9, 1964, and on page two of this particular report, it says,<br />

and I quote: “Orest Pena specifically stated that he never told anyone, including Carlos<br />

Bringuier, that Oswald had been in the Habana Bar with a Mexican prior to the<br />

assassination of President Kennedy. He also said he never heard his brother, Ruperto<br />

Pena, say that Oswald had been in the bar with the Mexican. He also stated that he had<br />

no information that the FBI was ever looking for a Mexican who had ever patronized the<br />

bar.” Did you tell the FBI that?<br />

Pena: I don’t think so.<br />

Liebler: In fact, you did tell Bringuier that you saw Oswald in the bar?<br />

Pena: When we were talking after the assassination, we were talking about it...After the<br />

assassination, the FBI came and asked me so many times about the same thing,<br />


lemonade, it just looked silly to me.<br />


S.A. DeBrueys denied that Orestes Pena had been his informant. FBI records indicated<br />

that Orestes Pena had, “during the years 1961 and 1962, furnished information to the<br />

FBI Office New Orleans, concerning persons he claimed were pro-Castro in his<br />

opinion.” During the early 1960’s Orestes Pena was a delegate of the Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Front. When the Cuban Revolutionary Front opened its offices in the<br />

Balter Building The New Orleans States Item did a story on it that included a<br />

photograph of Orestes Pena and Sergio Arcacha Smith. Orestes Pena told the Warren<br />

Commission:<br />

Pena: You see – I started – like I told you when the organization moved to New Orleans<br />

–<br />

Liebler: This is the anti-Castro organization?<br />

Pena: Yes. So I went down there and joined the organization. In 1959 when I went to<br />

Cuba my mother told me how everything was going; so she says “Castro is even worse<br />

than Batista.” So when I came back I joined the organization a little bit after that, the<br />

organization here in New Orleans [the Cuban Revolutionary Front]. So I went and joined<br />

them and started working for the organization collecting money at my place of business<br />

and giving my own money for many things to the organization, you know a dollar, two<br />

dollars...The FBI know very well because a person from the FBI was there all the time. I<br />

don’t remember exactly the name of the organization right now, but the organization<br />

was in the Balter Building, I think, in the second floor.<br />

Liebler: Whatever the organizations name was, was it an anti-Castro organization?<br />

Pena: It was in the Balter Building, the only one there. The chief or the boss of that<br />

organization, who was in Miami was Barrona [Varona]. He was the boss of the<br />

organization.<br />

When Hunt was asked if he knew Orestes Pena, he replied: “Not to the best of my<br />

knowledge. They may have known me in the 1960 to 1961 period under different<br />

names, but those names are not familiar to me.” Hunt was unfamiliar with Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Front delegates Arcacha Smith, Luis Rabel, and Frank Bartes, nor had he<br />

heard of the Cuban Revolutionary Front support group, Friends of Democratic Cuba. As<br />

far as Hunt was concerned, the New Orleans Chapter of the Cuban Revolutionary Front<br />

did not exist since if Hunt linked himself to any of its members, he would have been<br />

linking himself to Oswald. Orestes Pena resigned from the Cuban Revolutionary Front<br />

because of a dispute involving Sergio Arcacha Smith. According to Orestes Pena, S.A.<br />

DeBrueys accused him of complicity in Sergio Arcacha Smith’s theft of the funds of the<br />

Crusade to Free Cuba, and the FBI questioned him about this: “The FBI asked me<br />

about a man that had been in the group before, if I knew his way of signing.” Orestes<br />

Pena participated in an anti-Castro operation in Cuba: “I went to Cuba – I don’t know, I<br />

went to have an operation. Yes.” Initially, Orestes Pena’s story about Oswald having a<br />

meeting in the Habana Bar could be twisted around and be incorporated into Bringuier’s<br />

disinformation campaign to link Oswald with a Castro double-agent in New Orleans. But<br />

the FBI was intent on proving that Oswald had no associates in New Orleans and<br />



pressured Orestes Pena to change his testimony by accusing him of being a<br />

Communist. Investigation in this case was instituted on the basis of information received<br />

from a source who related that Pena had stated he was going to Europe on May 1,<br />

1964, and would visit Moscow. Through investigation, it was later determined that the<br />

person who had originally been told by Pena that Pena was going to Europe and would<br />

also visit Moscow was Guillermo Fiallo, New Orleans, who admits his past connection<br />

with the Batista regime in Cuba and who is openly anti-Castro.<br />

S.A. DeBrueys conducted an intensive investigation of Orestes Pena from April 1964 to<br />

July 1964.<br />

On June 22, 1964, Carlos Bringuier, who runs a clothing business at 107<br />

Decatur Street, just two doors from the Habana Bar, advised that Pena is<br />

a complicated individual who has all sorts of complexes, however,<br />

Bringuier claims that Pena is definitely anti-Castro and has never<br />

defended Castro. He stated Pena would argue with Bringuier in defense of<br />

President Kennedy, but would never argue in favor of Castro.<br />

After the Feds had badgered the life out of him, on June 9, 1964, Orestes Pena<br />

went to the New Orleans FBI with his attorney, and said he was on vacation when the<br />

alleged Oswald incident occurred but when he testified before the Warren Commission<br />

he went back to his story that Oswald was at the Habana bar. This displeased the<br />

Warren Commission. Before Pena testified, Wesley Liebler had warned him that he<br />

might have to reveal that Mrs. Pena was involved with drugs in the fall of 1963. As it<br />

was, Wesley Liebler never brought this up but Wesley Liebler was more interested in<br />



Orestes Pena’s trip to Mexico in May 1963, and the fact that he applied for a passport<br />

on the same day Oswald did, then his insights into Carlos Bringuier. He requested<br />

Orestes Pena let the Warren Commission photograph his passport, so it could be sure<br />

he did not visit Moscow. Orestes Pena believed the assassination could have been<br />

prevented if the FBI had tracked down the printer who ran off Oswald’s Fair Play for<br />

Cuba Committee leaflets. This did not make sense unless Cuban exiles were behind<br />

their having been printed. Pena was trying to tell the Warren Commission that Bringuier<br />

was part of the conspiracy and he stated “Bringuier know Oswald very well.” Orestes<br />

Pena told the Warren Commission that when Bringuier was arrested for attacking<br />

Oswald, it was he, Pena, who put up his bail.<br />

Pena: When I finish with him – you are from Washington. I tell you Bringuier hates the<br />

United States as much as he hates Russia.<br />

Liebler: Bringuier does?<br />

Pena: The day Mr. Kennedy put a blockade in Cuba – you remember about a year and<br />

a half more or less – Mr. Carlos Bringuier was telling me – excuse me – (obscenity) in<br />

Spanish more than a dozen times, and I couldn’t stand that. I have never done anything<br />

against the United States. I said, “No.” Anyway, anything you want to ask me and you<br />

can asked Mr. Bringuier is that true or not, and let him and me take a lie detector test to<br />

see who is right on it.<br />

Liebler: Why do you say that Mr. Bringuier hates the United States more than he does<br />

Russia?<br />

Pena: Because he does as much.<br />

Liebler: Why does he dislike the United States? Has he ever told you?<br />

Pena: No; but the way he talks the United States didn’t help to overthrow Castro, and he<br />

can’t go over there and take over.<br />

Liebler: Is that the basis for Mr. Bringuier’s bad feelings toward the United States, that<br />

we haven’t done anything to overcome the Castro regime?<br />

Pena: Well the way he talks to me he hates the United States as much as he hates<br />

Russia. That’s what I told you, that’s what he said more than a dozen times. And if that<br />

is not true let him take a lie detector test and find out whether that is true or not.<br />

Pena parted ways with Bringuier because of Bringuier’s involvement in the Kennedy<br />

assassination: “Bringuier don’t do many things that he will tell you. He don’t like<br />

America.” In 1975 Orestes Pena told Dan Rather of CBS-TV News that he had seen<br />

Oswald and S.A. DeBrueys together in the summer of 1963. This explained why<br />

DeBrueys had threatened Orestes Pena. Oswald’s address book provided evidence<br />

S.A. DeBrueys was in contact with him. DeBrueys summarized his testimony before<br />

Senator Schweiker’s Senate Select Intelligence Committee:<br />

It was then asked why Orestes Pena would have made a statement that<br />

he had seen me with Oswald. I reminded the Committee that it was my<br />

belief that such a statement by Pena was not supplied by him to the<br />



Warren Commission. In fact, I suspect that the first time he made such a<br />

statement was not more than a year or two ago. I then said that the<br />

accusation was an unmitigated and bare-faced lie...Orestes Pena was an<br />

undesirable individual; a pervert who allegedly engaged in unnatural acts<br />

with females, and who had the reputation of often bullying some seamen<br />

who patronized his bar. These same sources, whose identities I can no<br />

longer recall, had also commented that he had beaten some of his<br />

clientele with a pool stick, and that he felt that he could get away with<br />

almost any activity, as he had contacts within the New Orleans Police<br />

Department...he was trying to gain an aura of importance and<br />

respectability by becoming an officer in one or more of the anti-Castro<br />

organizations in the New Orleans area. 113<br />

On December 8, 1975, S.A. DeBrueys cited:<br />

The outright lie uttered by Orestes Pena on the CBS documentary that he<br />

saw me in company with Oswald, form, in my opinion, the basis for the<br />

growing suspicion that Oswald was an FBI informant...If such allegations<br />

are permitted to persist without strong refutation, they will in time acquire<br />

an aura of truth and, as such, grossly and adversely affect that Bureau's<br />

reputation and provide a false basis for historical evaluation of various<br />

Government institutions. In short, it could seriously damage our national<br />

prestige. It would be well for the Bureau to insure that CBS provides, as<br />

promised by their representative Bruce Hull [Bruce Hall] a full copy of the<br />

transcript of Hull's interview of me for the CBS Documentary.<br />

The HSCA called Orestes Pena to testify. He reiterated to the Committee that he<br />

had seen Oswald and S.A. DeBrueys together several times: “Pena maintained that a<br />

few days before he went to testify before the Warren Commission, S.A. DeBrueys<br />

threatened him physically and warned him not to make any accusations against him.<br />

Orestes Pena stated that Wesley Liebler did not cooperate with him, and did not let him<br />

talk freely, so he decided to keep his mouth shut.” The CIA claimed to have no<br />

"pertinent identifiable information" on Orestes Pena.” As of 1993 Orestes Pena, who<br />

suffered a stroke, lived in Florida. Oswald’s Address book confirmed Pena was telling<br />

the truth as not only did his encoded address appear in but his name did too.<br />





WARREN CLAUDE DE BRUEYS 114 was an FBI agent whose duties included<br />

deciphering Japanese codes in World War II and compiling the first report on President<br />

John F. Kennedy's assassination, died Dec. 21 2013 in Mandeville. He was 92.<br />

DeBrueys enlisted in the Navy and served in the war's Pacific Theater, where he<br />

worked with the Radio Intelligence Unit deciphering Japanese codes. He could figure of<br />

the Japanese code but not Oswald's? His FBI career began during World War II, when<br />

he worked undercover with the FBI in Mexico City. He worked in the bureau's Newark,<br />

N.J., and New Orleans offices and had special assignments in Miami, the Dominican<br />

Republic and Dallas. In addition to working in several divisions at FBI headquarters,<br />

DeBrueys was an assistant legal attaché at U.S. embassies in Mexico City and Buenos<br />

Aires, and legal attaché at embassies in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, Brazil. He also<br />

worked in San Juan, Puerto Rico and El Paso, Texas, before retiring from the bureau in<br />

1977.<br />

His name appears in Oswald's address book. He was clearly lying about not<br />

knowing Oswald. Pena was telling the truth. The name "Warrin DeBryuelu" was in<br />

Oswald's address book, disguised as two Russian words. Angleton reported, Page 21:<br />

Bereshchagin (possibly “Vereshchagin”). (Translator’s Note: Possibly a man’s surname)<br />

Page 19: Spaseeba (means) Thank You. Following the letters “KUTV” [a Dallas<br />

television station] are words of a popular Russian song: Polyushko Pole Little Field.”<br />







DeBrueys was sent a copy of this entry in July 1993. He did not deny that this was his<br />

name and he stated:<br />

I find it interesting, but I think obviously he put my name in his address<br />

book because I had investigated him prior to the assassination. I talked to<br />

the landlord, I guess, I assume, I have no idea, there was a multitude of<br />

ways he could have gotten my name. I talked to his landlady on Magazine<br />

Street. The idea was to confirm if he had any employment that placed him<br />

in contact with sensitive material, as far as national security was<br />

concerned. And, of course, I gave her my name, and showed her<br />

identification.<br />

The HSCA questioned Mrs. Jesse Garner, Oswald’s landlady at Magazine Street<br />

in New Orleans. She said that FBI agent Milton Cage came to her home and questioned<br />

her about Oswald.<br />

Q. Could that have been Milton Kaack?<br />

A. Could have been...It was about a month after Lee moved in.<br />

Mrs. Jesse Garner told the United States Secret Service that "an FBI Agent,<br />

believed to be Milton Kooch or Koach, was investigating Oswald during the time he lived<br />

at 4907 Magazine Street, that he had interviewed her four or five times about Oswald."<br />

She also said that a Cuban male had visited Oswald and stated that<br />

Oswald had been visited on about three occasions, always late in the evening or<br />

about dark, by a middle aged grey haired man who was rather thin, not very tall and had<br />

a receding hair line; very fair complexioned and a neat dresser. She stated that on one<br />

occasion this man was accompanied by a woman. 115 DeBrueys was asked why Oswald<br />

disguised his name as two Russian words rather than just writing it in as he had done<br />

with Special Agent Hosty. He responded, "I have no idea. I got the impression he<br />

fancied himself as a spook. I have no idea. I never met him ever, and to my knowledge,<br />

I never spoke to him." DeBrueys claimed he came face to face with Oswald for the first<br />

time on November 23, 1963. S.A. DeBrueys told Senator Schweiker's Subcommittee on<br />

the Assassination of President Kennedy:<br />

I was asked if I personally met Lee Harvey Oswald and my answer to that<br />

question was a categorical 'No.' I stated that I had not knowingly spoken to<br />

Lee Harvey Oswald by phone.<br />

When DeBrueys testified before the HSCA, he was less certain about the FBI<br />

connection to Oswald:<br />

Oswald was never an asset. We did not use that term, at the time. It would<br />

have been tantamount to saying he was an informant. He was never an<br />

informant. I am disinclined to believe he was ever recorded as a source,<br />

but that possibility exists, because a source of information can be almost<br />

anybody. I would reiterate that he was not the type of person that would<br />

initiate information flowing to us. He would be somebody who would be in<br />

the area, somebody else who could tell us about what went on in the bar.<br />


We may have talked to him.<br />




S.A. Warren C. DeBrueys entered the FBI in August 1950 two years after CIA<br />

was formed. As stated in his obituary his assignments included work in the Newark<br />

Division, and work overseas. S.A. DeBrueys was used by the CIA when he served as<br />

Legal Attaché at the United States Embassies in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. The<br />

post of Legal Attaché in Latin and Central America had been co-opted by the CIA: when<br />

Central Intelligence Group was formed on January 22, 1946, the FBI abruptly withdrew<br />

its intelligence service from Latin America. This function was immediately taken over by<br />

the Central Intelligence Group and the FBI Legal Attaches who remained were coopted.<br />

Hunt: "South of the Rio Grande, CIA Station Chiefs were almost entirely former<br />

FBI agents who had served in Latin America during the war." S.A. DeBrueys was<br />

heavily involved in monitoring Cuban exiles after he returned to the United States and<br />

worked closely with Howard Hunt as a member of PROJECT SEAL, the CIA’s attempt<br />

at putting together a Cuban Government-in-exile. David Atlee Phillips, whose cryptonym<br />

also appears in Oswald’s address book, was asked “Did you ever have occasion of<br />

meeting FBI S.A. Warren DeBrueys?” He responded “Yes. I remember having been in<br />

touch with him either...that name is very familiar. 116 I knew a lot of FBI people.”<br />

DeBrueys told this researcher: “I knew David Phillips when I was undercover, and<br />

assigned to the Dominican Republic revolution for about six months in Santo Domingo<br />

and Dave was the CIA Station Chief. I don't recall that I contacted him subsequent to<br />

that time. I think, maybe when I was in Brazil, he may have been there a short period of<br />

time. I never thought of this before.” DeBrueys was the FBI Agent in charge of the preassassination<br />

Oswald investigation in New Orleans. He never interviewed Oswald<br />

because he believed that Oswald was a CIA operation connected to the Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Council. “No action” was standard procedure when the FBI came across<br />

what it believed to be a CIA Operation as evidenced by the document reprinted on the<br />

next<br />

page.<br />



DeBrueys did his job so well that Oswald had to request a meeting with the FBI.<br />

Oswald was interviewed by FBI S.A. John Lester Quigley on Saturday, August 10,<br />

1963. Oswald claimed he received an honorable discharge from the Marines and, about<br />

four months ago, he and his wife Marina “Prossa,” who he married in Fort Worth, moved<br />

to New Orleans:<br />

He says he does not consider the Fair Play for Cuba Committee to be<br />

communist, or a communist-controlled, group. Oswald said that inquiry in<br />

New Orleans developed the fact that there apparently was a New Orleans<br />

Fair Play for Cuba Committee chapter, but he did not know any of the<br />

members or where their offices were located. He said he sent a letter to<br />

Fair Play for Cuba Committee headquarters...and told them he wished to<br />

join this committee...During the latter part of May of this year he received a<br />

membership card which bore a date of May 28, 1963, and was made out<br />

in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald and was signed by V. T. Lee. A short<br />

time thereafter, he said, he received in the mail a white card which<br />

showed that he was made a member of the New Orleans chapter of the<br />

Fair Play for Cuba Committee. This card was dated June 6, 1963. It was<br />

signed A. J. Hidell and it bore in the lower right hand corner the number 33<br />

which he said indicated membership number. [This also indicated that the<br />

FPCC had at least 33 members] Oswald had in his possession both cards<br />

and exhibited both of them. Since becoming a member of the national<br />

committee, Oswald said he has been receiving the monthly circular of the<br />

committee which is about seven pages in length. He claimed that he could<br />

not recall the name of this publication.<br />

Since receiving his membership card in the New Orleans chapter of the<br />

committee he said that he had spoken with Hidell on the telephone on<br />

several occasions. On these occasions, Hidell would discuss general<br />

matters of mutual interest in connection with committee business and on<br />

other occasions he would inform him of a scheduled meeting. He said he<br />

never personally met Hidell, and he knows Hidell did have a telephone,<br />

but it has now been discontinued. He claimed that he could not recall what<br />

the number was.<br />

Oswald said that the committee did not have any offices in New Orleans, and<br />

whenever meetings were held, they were held in the residences of various members.<br />

Oswald maintained that he had attended only two committee meetings, and at each of<br />

the meetings there were about five different individuals. At each of these meetings the<br />



persons present were different. He did not know the last name of any of these<br />

individuals, and claimed he was only introduced to them by first name. He maintained<br />

that he could not recall any of the first names. From what he understands, there are no<br />

regularly scheduled times for meetings, and the only way he knows about them is when<br />

somebody gives him a call and tells him there will be a meeting. At these meetings he<br />

said the general conversation deals with Cuba and the latest news on the internal affairs<br />

of Cuba. Oswald admitted that on one occasion he held a committee meeting at his<br />

home, but he declined to elaborate on how he got word to the various members that it<br />

would be held. 117<br />

S.A. Warren C. DeBrueys was in charge of investigating the Fair Play for Cuba<br />

Committee and S.A. Quigley's report was turned over to him. The FBI had been unable<br />

to locate a chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee in New Orleans, yet Oswald<br />

could readily join this shadowy organization, which sporadically met in cells of five,<br />

where no one knew anyone else's name. The organizer, A. J. Hidell, did not appear at<br />

meetings, and could be reached only by telephone. This sounds more like a cell of<br />

Communist Cuban spies yet Oswald claimed the FPCC was not Communist or<br />

Communist controlled. Oswald had given S.A. John Quigley his true date of birth and<br />

the address - 4907 Magazine Street. When DeBrueys received this report a check of<br />

FBI records would immediately have indicated to him that Oswald was a defector, with a<br />

dishonorable discharge from the Marines, who married a Russian woman. This would<br />

have rendered him more suspicious of Oswald and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. A<br />

shadowy organization of this nature had to be infiltrated by the FBI. Moreover, Oswald<br />

said he was born in Cuba!! None-the-less, the FBI investigation of A. J. Hidell, the Fair<br />

Play for Cuba Committee, and Oswald, was not ramped up because S.A. DeBrueys<br />

knew that Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee was a CIA Operation. Additionally,<br />

S.A. DeBrueys had covert contact with Oswald. In 1978 S.A. DeBrueys was asked why<br />

Oswald would ask to be interviewed by FBI agents.<br />

He responded: "I mentioned that he may have been concerned about being in<br />

custody of the local police and perhaps thought it would be safer if the 'Feds' were<br />

aware of his being incarcerated." Oswald had not been contacted by the FBI since<br />

August 1962, and he needed its attention to strengthen his bona fides, so he could<br />

enter Cuba like other leaders of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee had. He was<br />

determined to spark an investigation of the New Orleans Chapter of the Fair Play for<br />

Cuba Committee; hoping word of it would reach the Headquarters of the New York Fair<br />

Play for Cuba Committee, where it would be covertly transmitted to the Cuban<br />

Government. One of DeBrueys informants, Frank Bartes, former leader of the Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Council was also in Oswald’s address book as a semi-overt entry. In<br />

1965 DeBrueys was dispatched to Santo Domingo where David Atlee Phillips called the<br />

Dominican strongman General Elias Wessin y Wessin - "a completely patriotic, anticommunist,<br />

atrocious man" and told him to get out of his own country. Hemming<br />

advised:<br />

We had a new Cuba being born in the Dominican Republic. Everybody<br />

went there. Marcello went there. They were there to clean them people out<br />



- and they did. That was Murder Incorporated. They went down there, and<br />

they took out everybody.<br />

When Sturgis was asked if he knew DeBrueys he responded: "Possibly, you<br />

know we're going over years." DeBrueys investigated and interviewed Sergio Arcacha,<br />

who worked for Howard Hunt in JM/ARC in relation to the Frente Revolucionario<br />

Democratico (FRD). When he inquired if the CIA still had an interest in the FRD he was<br />

advised:<br />

Mrs. Jane Roman, CIA, advised that her agency does not know status of FRD in<br />

New Orleans. CIA no longer has any control over FRD and has (illegible) under<br />

restrictions set up by State and Goodwin of White House. 10/18/61.<br />

The CIA’s hands had been tied by the Kennedy Administration in regard to anti-<br />

Castro operations after the Bay of Pigs and its efforts to form a new Government-inexile<br />

had been stymied by the White House. There was a general consensus in the<br />

intelligence community that John F. Kennedy had to go. Angleton knew about his<br />

dropping acid and balling Mary Pinchot Meyers, Marilyn Monroe, Judith Campbell<br />

Exner. Meyers and Monroe met mysterious deaths. But Angleton could have forgiven<br />

this behavior had not Kennedy sabotaged the Bay of Pigs invasion which led to the<br />

Cuban Missile Crisis which ended in a deal guaranteeing the territorial integrity of the<br />

Castro regime in Cuba. So Gerry Hemming devised a plan that would terminate<br />

Kennedy’s life and at the same time cause America to invade Fidel’s communist Cuba.<br />








The word “Bardes” appeared in Oswald’s address book, however after The Big<br />

Event the FBI never questioned Frank Bartes, 118 head of the Cuban Revolutionary<br />

Council in New Orleans, about this entry although they did question him about Oswald. I<br />

asked DeBrueys if he had spoken to Frank Bartes about Oswald. He responded, "I don't<br />

recall having questioned Frank Bartes. I remember talking to him on numerous<br />

occasions, but I just don't specifically remember talking to him about that." Bartes name<br />

did surface in an investigation of 544 Camp Street, an address that was found stamped<br />


on Oswald’s Communist propaganda.<br />


What about Frank Bartes? Did he also have an office at 544 Camp Street? Frank<br />

Bartes knew Hemming and his crew including Larry LaBorde and Howard Kenneth<br />

Davis so his knowing Oswald came as no surprise. Francisco Bartes was the delegate<br />

of the Cuban Revolutionary Council in New Orleans from November 1962 to 1964.<br />

Howard Hunt, one of the death squad disguised as tramps, ran the CRC and FRD, two<br />

governments in exile sponsored by CIA. On April 10, 1964, Bartes advised the FBI that<br />

the New Orleans Chapter of the Cuban Revolutionary Council was inactive.<br />

Bartes had been the president of a private railroad in pre-Castro Cuba. His firm,<br />

which employed thousands of workers and had assets of $100 million, was nationalized<br />

by Castro in 1960. When he came to the United States, he operated a New Orleans<br />

Washeteria from 1961 to 1963. The CIA reported:<br />

Subject's 201 file shows that on the basis of favorable information provided CIA by a<br />

U.S. citizen and former employee of Frank Bartes, William C. Davis, Headquarters<br />



queried Havana about him. Havana requested a Provisional Operating Approval (POA)<br />

for his use in JMATE on December 29, 1960. Whether any paramilitary or operational<br />

use was made of Subject cannot be determined from the files listed above. (Comment:<br />

It is requested that Western Hemisphere/Caribbean Operations Group answer this<br />

question). The Provisional Operational Approval was cancelled on August 30, 1961 at<br />

the request of WH/4 which has no further operational interest.<br />

On May 8, 1961 the CIA Domestic Contacts Division reported:<br />

Mr. Bartes said that there is some chemical the name of which he did not<br />

know which can be added to the oil in diesel locomotive which will cause<br />

the cylinders to freeze thereby paralyzing their movement. He said the<br />

particular additive which he heard of was practically impossible to detect<br />

and that therefore an examination of the oil in the locomotive would not<br />

indicate sabotage. However, be that as it may, this matter never did come<br />

to fruition and Bartes left Cuba on the day that diplomatic relations<br />

between the United States and Cuba was broken. The Consolidated<br />

Railways of Cuba has been intervened by the government and we<br />

understand that in the process Mr. Bartes has lost in the neighborhood of<br />

seven million dollars.<br />

Hemming advised:<br />

Bartes was a very distinguished guy, a close friend of Bill Pawley. He was<br />

of Spanish descent, very patrician. This ain't no flat nosed beaner, tortilla<br />

roller. This is a goddamn aristocrat. The guy is honorable.<br />

A Counter-Intelligence Research & Analysis memorandum stated: "On June 25, 1962,<br />

Lawrence La Borde, Hemming, Howard K. Davis paid a visit to Frank Bartes in New<br />

Orleans and reached an agreement to train anti-Castro Cubans." A memorandum from<br />

the Chief of the New Orleans Domestic Contacts Division Office, Subject, "Proposal<br />

Made to New Orleans Refugee Group for the Military Training of a Refugee Group in<br />

the State of Louisiana," stated:<br />

1. On Thursday, June 28, 1962, Cuban Revolutionary Council Delegate among the<br />

Cuban refugees, Frank Bartes, spoke with Lloyd Ray, with whom he is on friendly terms<br />

and (illegible) he could give us some interesting information. The information he gave us<br />

is certainly not foreign positive intelligence but it may be of some interest to the<br />

Counter-Intelligence Staff.<br />

2. Bartes said that on Monday, June 25, 1962, he had been contacted by three U.S.<br />

citizens named Larry La Borde, Hemming and Howard K. Davis. Bartes says that he<br />

had met La Borde some time ago in Miami. At any rate, these three people told Bartes<br />

and another Cuban refugee here in New Orleans at a meeting held in Bartes house that<br />

they were anxious to begin training of a group of Cuban refugees in the New Orleans<br />

area. They would train them as guerilla fighters and as demolition experts with the idea<br />

of infiltrating into Cuba.<br />

3. Bartes says that he and another Cuban refugee from New Orleans went to Miami a<br />



month or so ago and at that time they met La Borde and La Borde had told them that he<br />

was interested in working with the Cuban refugees and that he had been previously<br />

been connected with a training camp in the Everglades and that camp was abandoned<br />

because of fires in the Everglades.<br />

4. When Bartes returned to New Orleans, according to him, he called the local FBI<br />

office and asked them, if he could, in his words, “clear” La Borde. The Bureau told him<br />

that it could not give him an official clearance, they would look into the situation and<br />

contact (illegible) would contact Mr. Bartes and Mr. Rabel, who is the nominal head of<br />

the Cuban movement in New Orleans.<br />

5. Bartes says some days later the FBI contacted Luis Rabel and told him as far as La<br />

Borde was concerned, off [sic]. Curiously enough, both Bartes and Rabel took this to<br />

mean the FBI clearance of La Borde, so when La Borde and the other contacted Rabel<br />

and Bartes in New Orleans, they had no hesitancy in working with them.<br />

6. We, of course, told Bartes that all of this was out of the question and we had<br />

absolutely nothing to do with such matters and could not offer any advice which he<br />

seemed to be asking for. He said, however, that the (illegible) was giving us this<br />

information was that these men (text covered) that the CIA is doing nothing and is<br />

preventing other people (text covered) that they are anxious to do something to help the<br />

Cuban (text covered). And Bartes said that since he had furnished us with information<br />

(text covered) thought that we should know about the present situation.<br />

7. The three men gave to Bartes the documents which (text covered) which is a<br />

clipping, or alleged clipping from the Denver Post of Sunday June 3, 1962, which<br />

castigates CIA and Dr. Miro Cardona, the other document which is undated, and which<br />

is signed by Luis del Nodal Vega who styles himself Military Coordinator MR 30 11,<br />

Gerald Patrick Hemming Jr., G/W Instructor for INTERPEN and Howard K. Davis, G/W<br />

Instructor for INTERPEN, and is approved by Carlos Rodriguez Quesada, National<br />

Coordinator for MR 30 11, Arturo Gonzales Gonzalez MR 30 11, Dr. Odoardo Fonseca,<br />

M.D. MR 30 11. Bartes was also told by Hemming and (text covered) this document had<br />

been presented to the CIA in Miami last year but that (text covered) come of it.<br />

8. As we said above, we told Bartes that while we would be glad to have copies of any<br />

of the documents which he had, we could not and would not advise him in any manner,<br />

shape or form in connection with any such operation. He seemed to understand that we<br />

could not help him and when he left he said that he would tell the three men, La Borde,<br />

Hemming and Davis, that he could not go along with them.<br />

9. While Bartes did not tell us this, we did ascertain from a source who is a close friend<br />

of Bartes that he had seen Bartes with the men described above, and they looked like a<br />

bunch of thugs. He also said that Bartes had told him confidentially that he was dealing<br />

with these people as a representative of the New Orleans refugee organization but he<br />

did not give him any details. He did tell the other men, however, that these men were<br />

armed and therefore potentially dangerous. We pass this information on for what it is<br />

worth.<br />

The CIA stated "Bartes reached an agreement with La Borde who, he said, was<br />



anti-CIA. Frank Bartes told an investigator for Jim Garrison that:<br />

…when he took over the Cuban Revolutionary Council in November 1962<br />

membership lists had been prepared for the New Orleans Division and<br />

that these membership lists remained essentially the same for the New<br />

Orleans area. During the period of his administration Mr. Bartes had two<br />

informal meetings of the Council at his home and the persons he<br />

remembers as attending these meetings at his home are indicated by a<br />

check mark next to their name on Attachment No.<br />

3. According to Mr. Bartes, Mr. Lawrence La Borde of this city would occasionally come<br />

to the meetings of the Revolutionary Council, but Mr. Bartes does not recall having Mr.<br />

La Borde in his home at any time to attend a meeting of the Council. Mr. Bartes recalls<br />

that Mr. La Borde introduced him to Jerry Patrick Hemming and to Howard Davis in late<br />

1962 but he does not recall whether La Borde brought these two men to his home for<br />

the introduction, or whether the introduction was made elsewhere. He does recall,<br />

however, that on one occasion Jerry Patrick Hemming and Howard Davis came to his<br />

(Bartes) residence to try to obtain funds for a training camp in the Covington area, and<br />

to locate a site for the training camp. Mr. Bartes was not able to assist in obtaining funds<br />

for this project, but states that he did fly over the Covington area with Hemming and<br />

Davis in an attempt to locate a suitable training area in early 1963 in an aircraft rented<br />

from the Pan-Air Corporation located at the New Orleans Lakefront Airport. He recalls<br />

that Howard Davis piloted the aircraft and that the conversation indicated that the<br />

training area, if one could be located, would be used to train a team of men to blow up<br />

the Shell Oil Refinery in Havana Harbor. Bartes expected that his operation had the<br />

sanction and support of our State Department and/or the CIA but later learned, through<br />

his superiors in Miami, that is was a private project of Hemming and Davis and the end<br />

result was that it was not given the support of the Cuban Revolutionary Council.<br />

These names were on attachment No. 3: Carlos Bringuier, Arnesto Napoleon<br />

Rodriguez, Manuel Gil and Orestes Pena. Frank Bartes told the HSCA: "Tony Varona<br />

was especially leery of the plan, also news reports of the camp contributed to the<br />

rejection of the idea." When questioned in Hunt v. Weberman, Hunt, of course, denied<br />

knowing Frank Bartes. In June 1993 Howard K. Davis recalled:<br />

We did not establish a training camp there, but someone else did. The<br />

only reason it wasn't established was because the guy who took us to<br />

Louisiana was a CIA boat captain [Larry La Borde] down in the Florida<br />

area. After we had made arrangements and had done some preliminary<br />

work, he went to the newspapers and all of a sudden it was in the front<br />

page of the New Orleans newspapers. And Bill Stuckey had a big story<br />

about how we were seen going up the Mississippi River in a PT boat.<br />

None of this was true.<br />

During the staged incident with Bringuier in August 1963, Oswald encountered<br />

Frank Bartes. After Bringuier and Oswald were arrested in the street scuffle, Frank<br />

Bartes appeared in court with Bringuier on August 12, 1963. During the hearing, Oswald<br />

sat in the section of the courtroom reserved for "Negroes." According to Frank Bartes,<br />



the news media surrounded Oswald hoping for a statement after the bail hearing. Frank<br />

Bartes then engaged in an argument with Oswald and the news media. Frank Bartes<br />

claimed he also spoke to an FBI agent that day and warned that Oswald was potentially<br />

dangerous. When Frank Bartes was questioned by S.A. Lester Quigley on September<br />

10, 1963, he responded that Oswald was unknown to him: "Frank Bartes, 1608 Mason<br />

Smith Avenue, New Orleans, who is a delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Council in<br />

New Orleans advised on September 10, 1963, that Oswald was unknown to him." On<br />

September 23, 1963, the CIA received a copy of this FBI report. When Bringuier was<br />

asked whether Frank Bartes was at Oswald's hearing, he stated: "I believe that Frank<br />

Bartes was at the trial. I'm not sure." Bringuier was asked why Frank Bartes had lied to<br />

S.A. Quigley about Oswald:<br />

Sir, you have to ask that to Mr. Frank Bartes. But I told you I am used to<br />

people misquoting my words, and now you will probably do the same<br />

thing. I am used to that. But I didn't say to you that Bartes met Oswald. I<br />

have never said that to you. If you are taping this conversation, I want that<br />

to be very clear. I have never said that, and I am not giving you<br />

authorization to tape this, but if Bartes met Oswald or not I don't know. I<br />

don't remember if Bartes was at the trial.<br />

Frank Bartes made a speech in May 1963 in which he accused the American<br />

Government of selling out the Cubans. On June 14, 1963, Bartes told the FBI in New<br />

Orleans that<br />

Local Cuban exiles in New Orleans all feel frustrated in their desire to<br />

effectively oppose the Cuban Government of Castro. While they in no way<br />

want to engage in any activity against Castro contrary to the laws of the<br />

United States, they feel that ultimately decisive action against Castro will,<br />

of necessity, have to be taken by the United States Government.<br />

Frank Bartes wrote to President Kennedy in October 1963 communicating that,<br />

"Cubans have been restrained in their fight for freedom." On November 22, 1963, Frank<br />

Bartes prepared a one-page statement on behalf of the New Orleans Cuban<br />

Revolutionary Council which began:<br />

We have felt the death of your President as if it had been ours, even if in<br />

its political aspect we had difference of opinion caused by soft hand policy<br />

and indecision, whether or not apparent, by the U.S. Government...the<br />

Kennedy assassination, at the hands of a man whose background was<br />

Marxist and pro-Castro is the unquestionable proof that a “Second Pearl<br />

Harbor” had been committed in a cunning and infamous way on American<br />

soil...<br />

Frank Bartes 1977:<br />

Q. Did you know Hemming?<br />

A. This one in particular I did because he came in advance and visited me in Cuba -<br />

Jerry Patrick. Whenever we talked it was related to things we were going to do to help<br />



the Cubans...but I have never been involved in any landing in Cuba with him.<br />

Q. Hemming said this had to do with a plot against John Kennedy.<br />

A. No sir. Don't quote me because I will deny it. Nobody has talked to me about nothing<br />

in reference to President Kennedy, until after he was shot.<br />

In 1965 Frank Bartes signed up as a mercenary in the CIA-funded Congolese air<br />

force. He served for two and a half months. Bartes told New Orleans Domestic Contacts<br />

Division Chief, Lloyd A. Ray, he was sponsored by "Colonel (deleted) and a Mr.<br />

(deleted). I strongly suspect of course, that this was an Agency operation."<br />



Oswald, Hemming, Bartes, the CRC, Hunt, CIA all mixed up together. Bartes<br />

wanted his railroad back and hated Kennedy for not overthrowing Castro – he made<br />

that clear. He knew about The Big Event before it happened.<br />

William Kirk Stuckey, 119 born in 1932, received a B.S. degree in journalism from<br />

Southern Methodist University in Dallas, and spent two years in the Marines. After<br />

returning from a Latin American trip Stuckey stated he "went into the newspaper<br />

business...The New Orleans States-Item made me a columnist. This was in February<br />

1962 when I started my column, and this extended on to April 1963...New Orleans and<br />

the Americas. After I left the paper, doing public relations, I acquired a radio<br />

program...Latin Listening Post [on an NBC station down here]."<br />



William Stuckey knew Hemming, Sturgis, Bringuier and Oswald. William Stuckey<br />

did a feature story on Hemming and INTERPEN for the July 21, 1962, New Orleans<br />

States-Item, which read:<br />







Local Cubans and a shadowy American adventurer have been working<br />

feverishly - but unsuccessfully - for over a month to set up an anti-Castro<br />

guerilla training camp base near Covington. The American soldier-offortune,<br />

The States-Item learned, is Gerald Patrick Hemming. He claims to<br />

be an ex-Marine. Patrick first popped into the news last summer when<br />

Miami newspapers found he was training anti-Castro guerillas in the<br />

Everglades. He called his band the Intercontinental Penetration Force.<br />

Both he and INTERPEN however, dropped out of sight last fall after the<br />

FBI began checking to see if he was violating U.S. neutrality laws.<br />

Last February, Patrick showed up in New Orleans, apparently at the<br />

invitation of local Cuban Revolutionary Council leaders and other Cubans<br />

who wanted to take direct action against Castro. With the help of<br />

anonymous U.S. patrons, the Cubans began supplying Patrick with<br />

machine guns, explosives and other military supplies. Patrick made<br />

regular trips here, slipping in and out of the port secretly in a modern, wellequipped<br />

PT boat.<br />

Last spring, another anonymous U.S. patron offered Patrick a large tract<br />

of land - complete with airstrip - on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain.<br />

Patrick agreed to set up a training base, handling classes of 50 or so<br />

Cuban recruits at a time. After completion of training, the guerillas would<br />

be like their Everglades counterparts, transported to Cuba secretly to work<br />

with the anti-Castro underground. The men also would have been used to<br />

make lightening raids on the Cuban coast to divert the attention of<br />

Castro's militia from important sabotage missions. Luis Rabel, local<br />

delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Council, confirmed last week the<br />



Miami Council Headquarters nixed the Covington base for undisclosed<br />

reasons.<br />

Who is Patrick? Rabel describes him as a rangy, six-foot-seven type who<br />

can shoot two heavy machine guns from the hip at the same time, cowboy<br />

style. Miami sources say he wears an Australian bush hat, a neat beard<br />

and wears his hair long and wavy. He's been described as an Errol Flynn<br />

type in appearance, a French musketeer type and as the "biggest,<br />

strongest and handsomest" man in INTERPEN. Although he claims his<br />

group has little money, local Cubans guess that he has extensive financial<br />

backing. His equipment is of the latest model, and the power boat he<br />

brings here periodically is "at least a $20,000 job."<br />

Patrick tells the Cubans he was to topple Castro because the Fidelista<br />

regime imprisoned his Cuban wife on charges of "counter-revolutionary<br />

activity." She has been sentenced to 30 years. Patrick says he was a<br />

paratroop instructor with Castro in 1958 and stayed on with the Cuban<br />

regime until August 1960. About the time he left Cuba, he was also<br />

involved in an "invasion" intended to topple the Somoza regime in<br />

Nicaragua. Estimates of the size of his organization range from 30 to 100<br />

men - Cubans, Americans, Latins, Canadians and others. "We weed out<br />

all the crackpots and bums" he said.<br />

INTERPEN is connected with the International Anti-Communist Brigade<br />

headed by Frank Fiorini...Both Fiorini and Patrick at one time had<br />

connections with Sanchez Arango, former Minister of Foreign Relations<br />

and Education under pre-Batista President Carlos Prio Soccarras. It's an<br />

educated guess that Patrick’s big backer might be Prio, who reputedly left<br />

Cuba with a huge fortune. Although the Patrick guerilla base plan fell<br />

through here, there is enough happening to whet the appetite of any<br />

invasion-rumor connoisseur. Last April 1962 the New Orleans States-Item<br />

confirmed for the first time Cubans were trained here (New Orleans) at the<br />

old Algiers ammunition dump, for the Bay of Pigs invasion. There Cuban<br />

leader, an ex-Castro officer named Nino Diaz, returned to Miami when the<br />

New Orleans force was unable to land.<br />




There were no CIA Office of Security traces on Stuckey however Jerrold Brown<br />

of the CIA’s Special Analysis Group, a unit charged with determining the validity of<br />

public statements about CIA made in the media, had to comment that Stuckey was a<br />

link between Hemming and Oswald. This implied that my early contention in Coup<br />

D’Etat in America of a Hemming – Oswald relationship was correct. Oswald appeared<br />

on Stuckey’s radio program along with Edward Scanlon Butler. Edward Butler worked<br />

for Radio Free Cuba, but was fired for right-wing extremism. The former president of<br />

Radio Free Cuba, William Klein, stated: "This young man's ultra right-wing ideas were<br />

not only embarrassing but, in my opinion, dangerous. After assuming office as<br />

Executive Director, this ex-John Bircher metamorphosed into a kind of leashed<br />

Robespierre. He could think of nothing but the danger of a globe-encircling communist<br />

conspiracy.” The CIA: “The semi-notional Cuban Freedom Committee served as cover<br />

for Radio Free Cuba.” Hemming said he knew Butler and this provided more evidence<br />

that Hemming and Oswald moved in the same circles.<br />

When Oswald appeared on Stuckey’s radio program he slipped up when he said,<br />

Although I feel that it is a just and right development in Cuba, still we could<br />

be on much friendlier relations with them had the Government of the<br />

United States, its Government Agencies, particularly certain covert, under<br />

cover agencies like the now defunct CIA.<br />

Stuckey: “Now defunct?” “Oswald: Well its leadership is now defunct. Allen Dulles is<br />

now defunct.” Why was Oswald complaining about the lack of action by the “now<br />

defunct CIA?” He sounded like Hemming complaining about the CIA’s lack of covert<br />

action against Cuba due to the deal reached by Kennedy Khrushchev after the Cuban<br />

Missile Crisis. Bill Stuckey’s death was weird. His mom said he died September 21,<br />

1981 however; no record of his death could be located. Mrs. Stuckey stated:<br />

The autopsy said he died of a wound, I never did know the details. It didn't<br />

say gunshot wound. They put him in Seaton Hospital, near San Francisco.<br />

When I called the Hospital they said he had a heart problem, but the<br />

autopsy showed a wound. So I'll never know what happened. He never did<br />

regain consciousness. He only lived five days.<br />

Seaton Hospital had no record of William Stuckey: Death September 21, 1991<br />

San Mateo, CA. Born Jan 16, 1932 TX Mother’s name Thompson. Married Elaine<br />

Dapois children: Clay Lamar Stuckey, Marie Stuckey<br />

Hemming would tell me, “A. J. you think the world revolves around my asshole.” But<br />

there is no denying that Gerry’s picture and name comes up repeatedly in connection<br />

with his crew member, Lee Harvey Oswald.<br />





HOSTY<br />

Oswald family benefactor Ruth Paine was aware that Oswald had some<br />

relationship with the CIA. Evidence suggests Paine’s father, who worked for Angleton,<br />

contacted her and asked her to befriend Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife and get him a<br />

job in downtown Dallas. Ruth knew nothing about The Big Event until after it transpired.<br />

When FBI Agent Hosty showed up at her home to interview Oswald Ruth felt that Hosty<br />

must also know that Oswald was not the Communist he pretended to be. If this was the<br />

case why was he coming around to inquire about him? Shouldn’t Oswald have had<br />

some immunity from FBI harassment? When Oswald was in New Orleans he had to ask<br />

for an FBI interview because DeBrueys ignored him. Ruth took down all the information<br />

Hosty gave her then went outside and got Hosty’s license plate number. She expected<br />

Oswald to report Hosty to his superiors in whatever intelligence agency he was working<br />

for and they would get Hosty off his case so Oswald could perform his operation. After<br />

meeting with CIA big shot Howard Hunt Oswald would threaten to bomb the FBI Dallas<br />

Field Office if they didn’t get Hosty off of his wife’s case.<br />

Hosty didn’t know shit from Shinola. Even though he knew Oswald was<br />

associating with Russian exiles, virulent anti-Communist, he couldn’t figure out Oswald<br />

was an operation. Whereas DeBrueys and Odum both had intelligence community<br />

connections Hosty had none. Hosty was too closely associated with the rightwing fringe<br />

led by General Edwin Walker to be trusted by the CIA. When I spoke with him he told<br />

me be believed the plot revolved around an article in Newsweek Magazine that never<br />

existed. He had no secret contact with Oswald and his name appears as an overt entry.<br />

None-the-less the FBI omitted the Hosty entry when it reported to the Warren<br />

Commission.<br />







The name Odum disguised as "Robert Adam” of the Dallas Texas State<br />

Employment Office was found in Oswald's address book. Robert Adams sent Oswald<br />

out on two job interviews, one to Solid State Electronics to apply for a job as a salesman<br />

and the other to Burton-Dixie as a trainee. This information appeared in an FBI Report<br />

prepared by Special Agent Bardwell Odum after he interviewed Robert Adams. This is<br />

ironic as the entry also refers to Bardwell Odum so he was investigating himself.<br />

Bardwell had gone after Communists in the past and knew that they sometimes<br />

encoded information:<br />

On March 8, 1949 Horace Morton Newman, County Educational Director<br />

of the Los Angeles County Communist Party was placed under arrest by a<br />

US Marshal. Subsequently his personnel effects were made available to<br />

Special Agent Bardwell D. Odum by the jailer at the Los Angeles Country<br />

Jail. Examination of these personnel effects brought to light two sheets of<br />

yellow paper. One contained a list of eleven names; the other contained<br />



numbered comments, apparently corresponding to the names on the first<br />

sheet. It would appear from these comments that these are persons in the<br />

Hollywood section of the Communist Party who are being considered for<br />

expulsion from the Party.<br />

In April 1963 FBI S.A. Bardwell Odum investigated the Walker shooting which<br />

was later blamed on Oswald. After the November 22, 1963 coup FBI Dallas Field Officer<br />

Supervisor Kenneth Howe (EOD 1941) along with FBI Agents James Hosty, Bardwell<br />

Odum and Warren C. DeBrueys (who had been transferred from New Orleans) handled<br />

the most significant parts of the FBI’s investigation of the Kennedy Assassination. The<br />

FBI reported that on November 26, 1963, material of various types which had been<br />

recovered by the Dallas Police Department from Oswald's and Ruth Paine's residence<br />

were turned over to Howe, Odum, Hosty and DeBrueys. Odum took possession of<br />

Oswald’s English to Spanish dictionary that contained encrypted notations. The postassassination<br />

investigation of the Paine family was conducted and directed by the same<br />

crew. S.A. Hosty questioned the Paines’ fifteen times. Odum interviewed Buell Wesley<br />

Frazier about the sack that contained the “curtain rods” that Oswald said he was<br />

bringing to work on the morning of the coup. He convinced Frazier he was wrong about<br />

the size of the sack, which Frazier was because Hemming had offered Oswald twice the<br />

value of the rifle if he brought it to work with him. Oswald was told to stay off the 5 th floor<br />

of the TSBD and go to the TSBD lunchroom. Hosty and Odum interviewed Sylvia Odio<br />

on December 19, 1963. She identified a photo of Oswald as being identical to the<br />

individual she had encountered during the “Odio Incident” during which Hemming’s crew<br />

brought Oswald to her home for a post assassination dirty up of a liberal anti-Castro<br />

group which Hemming and Sturgis hated. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover ordered Hosty<br />

and Odum to "disprove her allegation." 120 S.A. Hosty said she was mentally ill. Hosty<br />

and Odum investigated the shooting of Officer Tippet. Odum interviewed Ruth Paine,<br />

Robert Oswald, Roy Truly and Horace Twiford – all of whom appeared in Oswald’s<br />

address book. In 1961 Howe interviewed a Potential Criminal Informant who gave him<br />

information on Jack Ruby.<br />

Bardwell Odum was the Dallas FBI Office liaison man with the CIA. When the<br />

CIA sent the FBI Dallas Field Office a picture of a man photographed in front of the<br />

Soviet Embassy in Mexico City it was Odum who received it and cut out the background<br />

so as not to reveal the location of the surveillance cameras. In 1968, while investigating<br />

the assassination of Martin Luther King, FBI S.A. Bardwell Odum questioned Dallas<br />

Police Officer William Lee Bass about the second set of tramps (Hunt, Christ and<br />

Sturgis) picked up a few hours after The Big Event because one of the tramps looked<br />

like a sketch of King’s assailant. In 1975 the FBI questioned former Special Agent<br />

Bardwell Odum about a note that Oswald had left off at the FBI Dallas Field Office on<br />

Friday, November 8, 1963 that would have never come to light if FBI Secretary Nancy<br />

Fenner had not reported it.<br />

Let this be a warning. I will blow up the FBI and the Dallas Police Department if you<br />

don't stop bothering my wife. Lee Harvey Oswald.<br />

The FBI questioned Bardwell Odum about this note who<br />



…advised that until he read recent newspaper publicity he had never<br />

heard any reference made to a note left by Oswald for Hosty, or that<br />

Oswald had ever been in the Dallas Office of the FBI...Odum stated he did<br />

not make any statement to Mr. Hosty at any time that Mr. Shanklin had<br />

ever said anything to Mr. Odum about destroying anything or telling Hosty<br />

or anyone else to destroy anything. He stated that any statement by an<br />

FBI Agent pertaining to the destruction of anything which might be<br />

considered evidence would be a matter which would be so unusual, that<br />

he would not forget it. 121<br />

As stated Oswald was fightin’ mad because believed he was involved in an<br />

important government operation and the FBI must have been cognizant of this. So why<br />

was Hosty bothering his wife? If Oswald had been a genuine radical he would have<br />

believed that the FBI’s visits were par for the course and not threatened them with a<br />

bombing. DeBrueys knew he was not to take any action when he thought a group or<br />

individual was working for CIA but Hosty did not catch on despite the fact Oswald<br />

associated with anti-Communists in Dallas who Hosty was also in contact with. Odum<br />

knew Oswald was an operation otherwise his name would not have been encoded in<br />

Oswald’s address book. But Hosty’s name was overt indicating no clandestine contact.<br />

Kenneth Howe was Special Agent Hosty’s and Odum’s supervisor. Howe, Odum<br />

and Hosty were all questioned extensively about the destruction of evidence in the<br />

Kennedy assassination investigation as they were the three agents who knew about the<br />

threatening note Oswald dropped off at the Dallas FBI Field Office. Hosty read the note<br />

but was told by Odum and Howe not to take it seriously so it remained in file until after<br />

the assassination when it was destroyed on the orders of SAC Gordon Shanklin.<br />




After Oswald visited the Odio sisters in his unwitting attempt to dirty up Manolo<br />

Ray and his liberal anti-Castro group JURE, he was flown from Dallas to Houston,<br />

Texas. Hemming, Howard K. Davis, Diaz Lanz and Frank Fiorini were all accomplished<br />

pilots. Oswald arrived in Houston sometime prior to the departure of the bus that would<br />

take him to Mexico which was scheduled to leave on September 26, 1963, at 2:35 a.m.<br />

In Houston, Oswald telephoned the home of Horace Elroy Twiford. Mrs. Estelle Twiford


initially told the FBI "the call was made locally, before 10:00 p.m. I cannot recall the<br />

exact time he called, but I think that it was in the evening, sometime between 7:00 p.m.<br />

and 10:00 p.m.” The Warren Commission stated that Oswald's bus arrived in Houston<br />

on Wednesday, September 25, 1963, at 10:50 p.m. so how could he have called? The<br />

reason Estelle Twiford believed the call was made locally was that no operator was<br />

involved, and that she remembered Oswald saying he had only a few hours and wished<br />

to talk with her husband. The Warren Commission tried to resolve this contradiction:<br />

It [the call] may have been made from Beaumont or some other stop on the<br />

route; however, in view of the bus schedule, it probably was made in Houston later than<br />

Estelle Twiford remembered.<br />

How long would it have taken for Oswald and Twiford to meet up? Oswald would<br />

have needed transportation to and from Twiford’s home or Twiford would have had to<br />

have driven to the bus station. This would have taken at least 45 minutes each way. Did<br />

Oswald really expect to meet with Horace Twiford for the first time between 12:00 p.m.<br />

and 2:00 a.m.? Horace Twiford was a second mate with Local #20 of the International<br />

Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, a leftwing union. Twiford was so employed<br />

for 12 years at a salary of $9,000 a year. He wore a goatee. Horace was also a National<br />

Committeeman-at-large of the Socialist Labor Party in the State of Texas and was<br />

involved with the ACLU. On November 10, 1962 Oswald had written to the Socialist<br />

Labor Party in New York City and requested literature. Horace Twiford was apprised of<br />

Oswald's request by the headquarters of the Socialist Labor Party in New York in July<br />

1963. On September 11, 1963, Horace Twiford mailed a copy of the Socialist Labor<br />

Party's publication, The Weekly People, to Oswald at Post Office Box 2915, Dallas. The<br />

publication was forwarded to Oswald's street address in New Orleans, in time for him to<br />

receive it there just before he left for Mexico City. The return address of Horace Twiford<br />

was on the envelope. It should have been evident to Oswald, from looking at this<br />

envelope, that The Weekly People had been mailed to Dallas and then forwarded to<br />

New Orleans in response to his request for literature. Nonetheless, Oswald was freaked<br />

out by this and entered the name and address of Horace Twiford in his address book:<br />

"Horace Twiford 7018 Schley, Houston, Texas MI98500 WA 35492." "MI98500" was an<br />

out-of-service telephone number listed under Horace Twiford in the then current<br />

(January 1963) Houston telephone directory. "WA 35492" was the telephone number of<br />

Horace Twiford in November 1963. The FBI interviewed Mrs. Estelle Twiford on<br />

December 2, 1963.<br />

Mrs. Twiford related that at some time which she believed to be in late October or<br />

early November she answered a telephone call and the man making this call identified<br />

himself as Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald asked for her husband, and stated he had<br />

received a copy of the Weekly People and wanted to know how Horace Twiford had<br />

obtained his name. Mrs. Twiford stated her best recollection was that Oswald stated on<br />

that occasion that he was flying to Mexico, had a few hours, and desired to talk with Mr.<br />

Twiford. She believes Oswald identified himself as a member of the Fair Play for Cuba<br />

Committee...Mrs. Twiford then obtained from her records a small manila envelope<br />

printed and bearing the address of the New York Labor News Company, 61 Cliff Street,<br />



New York, 38, New York, P.O. Box 76. She identified this as the envelope which had<br />

been mailed to her husband by the Socialist Labor Party. It was noted the upper left<br />

hand corner of this envelope carried the return address in hand printing as follows: "L.<br />

H. Oswald, Box 2915 Dallas, Texas. The above envelope was originally postmarked at<br />

Dallas, Texas on November 10, 1962. There was no indication of the date on which this<br />

envelope had been mailed to Horace Twiford. A handwritten note across the front of this<br />

envelope contained the words “Labor Day issue WP September 11, 1963.” Mrs. Twiford<br />

stated this was the handwriting of her husband and this note indicated to her husband<br />

had mailed to Oswald on September 11, 1963 the above issue of the Weekly People.<br />

The bus trip from New Orleans to Houston was notional. Oswald was being flown<br />

around by private plane at this time. According to the Warren Commission, Oswald first<br />

left of some of his luggage at the Greyhound Station in New Orleans then later went<br />

back to the Greyhound station then left for Houston, Texas, at 12:20 p.m. on<br />

Wednesday September 25, 1963. No one in the baggage department or ticket<br />

department at the New Orleans Greyhound station remembered seeing Oswald that<br />

night or the next day. The ticket clerk at the New Orleans bus station thought he sold<br />

Oswald his ticket on Thursday, September 26, 1963, the same day Oswald arrived in<br />

Laredo, Texas. There were no witnesses on the 12:20 p.m. bus who remembered<br />

seeing Oswald. The bus driver did not remember Oswald. The Warren Commission:<br />

"There was no firm evidence of the means by which Oswald traveled from New Orleans<br />

to Houston." Oswald "hoped to see her husband for a few hours before he flew to<br />

Mexico." Oswald had been flown from city to city by Hemming or Frank Fiorini Sturgis.<br />

He slipped when he said 'flew' or he had not been told he was going to take the bus to<br />

Mexico City and he thought he was going to fly there. Hemming had already flown him<br />

to Austin where he appeared at the local Draft Board, and he inquired about having his<br />

discharge changed to “honorable.” Oswald was obsessed with effectuating this and had<br />

his address book contained the names of John Connelly and Fred Korth, two<br />

Secretaries of the Navy.<br />



Why chat up Twiford? Oswald was afraid that Horace Twiford might have been<br />

something other than just Horace Twiford. Why did he receive literature from someone<br />

in Houston a few days before he was supposed to go to Houston, Texas, then Mexico<br />

City? Who was Horace Twiford? Perhaps Oswald had forgotten he had made this<br />

request since the Socialist Labor Party did not respond for almost one year? Hemming<br />

advised that if one is involved in clandestine activity: "Never rule anything out."<br />


All Horace did was send Oswald some Socialist literature and suddenly he was dragged<br />

into the Kennedy Assassination. Horace lives in a retirement community in North<br />

Carolina and can be seen in the photo above.<br />







As stated Oswald had the words “Dallas Texas State” and a listing for Robert<br />

Adam (or Odom) at the Dallas office of the Texas State Employment Agency. Next was<br />

"Randau at Jobco" On December 12, 1963, information was obtained from the Jobco<br />

Employment Agency in Dallas, Texas, concerning a "cotton picking application" for Lee<br />

H. Oswald, dated October 4, 1963. This application was submitted to the FBI Laboratory<br />

which concluded that the signature on the reverse side of the application was prepared<br />

by Lee Harvey Oswald. Ray Randuk had indeed interviewed him at Jobco and sent his<br />

to the DeVilbiss Company where he was not hired as a cotton picker.<br />

The number RI-8-7604 did not trace back to JOBCO or DeVilbiss, instead it<br />

traced back to McGehee Investments in the Texas Bank Building. This firm was not<br />

listed by Dunn and Bradstreet. There was no indication it existed other than a listing in<br />

the 1963 Dallas Chris-Cross Directory. I cannot locate any reference to it in an FBI<br />

document nor any investigation of this telephone number.<br />

McGehee Investments was an instrument of The National Indignation Convention<br />

started in October 1961 by Dallas Garage Owner Frank McGehee, 32, to protest the<br />

training of Yugoslav pilots in Texas. The National Indignation Committee was an<br />

anticommunist umbrella group with Birchite ties and bore a lot of similarities to the Tea<br />

Party Movement. Instead of going after Hillary, these people went after Adlai<br />

Stevenson, JFK’s Secretary of State.<br />

In November 1961 McGehee was close to General Edwin Walker whose name<br />

and address are in Oswald’s address book. In September 1962 McGehee was visited<br />

by INTERPEN member and Soldier of Fortune magazine founder Robert K. Brown. By<br />

February 1962 The National Indignation Convention had held 175 rallies and was<br />

tooling up a pressure campaign to force Congress to halt all military aid to any<br />

Communist regime anywhere and to fire any government official responsible for any in<br />

the past. The Convention spread across the country through supporting committees.<br />

With a keen eye peeled for "modern traitors" in government, the movement held<br />

evangelistic-like meetings at which members heard the Eisenhower and Kennedy<br />

Administrations were condemned as "treasonous" along with suggestions for lynching<br />

Earl Warren. During Adlai Stevenson's speech in Dallas, protesters coughed in unison.<br />

They walked the aisles with upside-down American flags. Frank McGehee, leader of the<br />



National Indignation Committee, stood up and began shouting until police removed him.<br />

Oswald wrote the Communist Party that, on the evening of Wednesday, October<br />

23, 1963, he had attended a meeting sponsored by General Edwin A. Walker. This<br />

meeting was co-sponsored by the National Indignation Convention. Ruth Paine<br />

described the gathering on Wednesday, October 23, 1963, as a meeting of The<br />

National Indignation Committee. Mrs. Paine: “How much of the day this occupied him, of<br />

course, I didn't know. I didn't see him. Then he got the job, and I judge that occupied<br />

him more fully. He spoke of one evening meeting he went to, this National Indignation<br />

Committee meeting.” William Coleman and David Slawson: "Investigation has led to the<br />

conclusion that this must have been an anti-Castro meeting." John Martino, a gangster<br />

who did time in Cuba with David Lemar Christ, had spoken to a group of John Birch<br />

Society members in September 1963. Martino was involved in operations with Hemming<br />

and would later claim to have pre-assassination knowledge of The Big Event.<br />








According to E. Howard Hunt, Oswald met with David Atlee Phillips during the<br />

time Oswald visited Mexico City. The purpose of Oswald’s visit was to obtain a visa to<br />

Cuba so that Castro would be dirtied up after the assassination and America would<br />

send the Marines into Cuba, a breeding ground for assassins. The word "camera 335"<br />

appeared on page 13 of Oswald’s address book. The FBI transcribed the word as<br />

"Carracas (?)." "Camera 335" was the time that the cameras at the Soviet Embassy<br />

were inoperative. This was why there was no picture of Oswald entering the Soviet<br />

Embassy. As for the photographic surveillance at the Cuban Consulate, as fate would<br />

have it, Oswald was there during a period of upgrade, and the CIA cameras were down.<br />

Note the plural of camera by Oswald. Note the entry K-00850 is written in the same ink<br />

as 335. The FBI overlooked this entry:<br />

Valeriy Kostikov 122 , a KGB agent working out of the Soviet Embassy in Mexico<br />

City recalled his visit from Oswald: Oswald then repeated his request for a visa to<br />

Moscow and said he was "motivated by the fact that it was very difficult for him to live in<br />

the United States, that he was constantly under surveillance, even persecuted, and that<br />

his personal life was being invaded, and his Russian wife and neighbors interrogated.<br />

He claimed he lost his job at a photo lab because the FBI had been around his place of<br />

employment asking questions. "In recounting all this, he continually expressed concern<br />

for his life; Kostikov said. He described Oswald as "extremely agitated and clearly<br />

nervous, especially whenever he mentioned the FBI. It was at that point that Oswald<br />

pulled out the revolver and put it on a table, saying, "See? This is what I must now carry<br />

to protect my life." Yatzkov grabbed the gun, took the cartridges out and put them in a<br />

drawer. When the meeting was over, Oswald picked up the gun again, put it in his<br />

pants, and Yatzkov gave back the bullets. That is why Oswald had the word gun written<br />

under the word “cameras”<br />





Mexico City<br />

Colsulado de Cuba<br />

Zamora y f Marquez<br />

11-28-47<br />

Sylvia Duran (Different ink)<br />

-------------------------------------------<br />

Embajada De La Union<br />

de Las Republicas Socialistas<br />

15 61 55 (15 60 55) (Different ink)<br />

-------------------------------------------<br />

Cubano Airlines<br />

Paseo De La Reforma<br />

56 (Overwritten)<br />

35 (Overwritten)-79-00<br />

--------------------------------------------<br />

U. S. Embassy Lafragua 18<br />

46 94 00<br />

The telephone number and address of the American Embassy in Mexico City<br />

were listed in Oswald's address book but no marking appeared at the location of the<br />

Embassy on Oswald's map of Mexico City. What possible use would this address and<br />

phone number have been to Oswald? Could they have helped him enter Cuba? It is<br />

unlikely Oswald would have contacted Hunt or Phillips neither at the American Embassy<br />

nor at Oswald’s hotel. The Mexico City CIA Station was located in the American<br />

Embassy so for all practical purposes he had its number. Note that the name Sylvia<br />

Duran is in a different handwriting. Duran, who worked at the Cuban Consulate, wrote it<br />

in herself. She ended up sleeping with Oswald who was trying to get her to use her<br />

influence to get him a Cuban visa. All part of the plot to dirty up the Cubans after<br />

Oswald would be the patsy in the Kennedy assassination and cause America to invade<br />

Cuba, a nest of assassins. Had the Bay of Pigs invasion succeeded none of these<br />

Operations would have existed.<br />




Oswald had the address of the Argentinian Embassy in his address. Many Nazi<br />

war criminals ended up there after the war.<br />




West German Embassy B. Gruzinskaya Street 17 Miss Kaisenheim / Oswald contacted<br />

the Embassy to see if he could returnt to the US via West Berlin.<br />



Oswald wrote down “West Berlin – F.R.G. Tempelhofer Damm.” And what looked<br />

like “Lee H” but was really Lee 21 as in 2100 hours. Someone made a map too,<br />

probably not Oswald. F.R.G. means Federal Republic of Germany: the official name of<br />

West Germany. The Tempelhofer Damm is an important thoroughfare in former West<br />

Berlin, close to the Tempelhof Airport.<br />




II, WHICH WAS DRAWN IN 1980. He compared Berlin with the map Oswald, or<br />

someone else, drew in his address book. The dot indicates a meeting point where<br />

Oswald would use the name Lee H. But Oswald was only in Berlin for an hour during his<br />

re-defection so the meeting was canceled. Berlin, like Vienna, was a spy nest. Hunt,<br />

Fiorini, Phillips and the others hadn’t crossed paths with Oswald at this point. His<br />

intersection with the intelligence community was through Hemming, and Hemming’s<br />

uncle’s Art Simpson friend, James Angleton.<br />






When Oswald, Marina, and their baby girl, disembarked in Hoboken, New<br />

Jersey, on June 13, 1962, they were met by Spas T. Raikin, an official of the Travelers<br />

Aid Society, with strong ties to at least two Nazi anti-communist militant organizations<br />

and to the CIA. Was this a chance meeting? Oswald’s address book contained the word<br />

SPAS with a line separating it from the rest of the Russian word for “thank-you.” Spas T.<br />

Raikin claimed Oswald attempted to avoid him on the ship even though he had him<br />

paged via the public address system and was reluctant to speak with him or at least<br />

pretended to. Spas T. Raikin told this author: "He might have felt I was a government<br />

man. There was no CIA point in my connection with Oswald. It's just not there." Raiken<br />

reported that Oswald told him that he has been “a member of the Marine Corps and<br />

while on duty with the United States Embassy in Moscow and got involved with a<br />

Russian girl, whom he married, and renounced his U.S. citizenship.” What really<br />

transpired is a whole other question. Spas T. Raikin was contacted in April 1993. In<br />

answer to a question regarding whether his contact with Russian émigrés inspired<br />

interest on the part of the CIA. Spas T. Raikin responded:<br />

Never. I have never had contact with the CIA. They are an unusual kind of<br />

people. I have never been on friendly terms with them. I am probably on<br />

their blacklist. They think that I'm too independent and have my own<br />

opinions. I suspect this because I have been publishing exile<br />

magazines...CIA did not subsidize our [Bulgarian National Front]<br />

magazine. It was critical of policies. They were messing up things because<br />

they were infiltrated by communist agents. Kim Philby. They would plan<br />

dropping some people in Bulgaria and people from inside would inform the<br />

Bulgarian police of the mission...They were interfering in our exile<br />

Bulgarian affairs. Besides, I was not associated with these groups for long;<br />

I dropped my association in 1963. I left them because they were too much<br />

preoccupied with Russia. They were identifying all Russians with<br />

communism. I would not go along with that. They did not make distinctions<br />

between Russians and Communists.<br />

Raikin's CIA Office of Security File has been declassified.<br />

November 20, 1957<br />

SUBJECT: RAIKIN, Spas T.<br />

RI document 12-7-10-575, is an intelligence report on an airfield in<br />

Bulgaria, the source of which was Spas T. Raikin, Zdravo Kostadinov<br />

Damyanov and Stefen Petrov Peletekov, three Trudovaks who, on May 6,<br />

1951, deserted their unit and made their way to Plovdiv and then to<br />

Greece. The reason for their desertion was to join an alleged illegal group<br />



working in the mountains south of Plovdiv. Unable to make contact with<br />

the group, they wandered around the mountains obtaining provisions from<br />

relatives and friends. Unable to hold out any longer, they entered Greece<br />

on June 19, 1951. Through interrogation it was learned that Spas T.<br />

Raikin was born October 26, 1922 in Zelenikovo. He is single and has two<br />

brothers, Petur and Stoyu, who are farmers in Zelenikovo. His father,<br />

Todor Petkov Raikin, is living and is also a farmer. Subject finished<br />

Theological Seminary in Plovdiv and the Theological Faculty in Sophia. He<br />

then taught for one year on the Sofia Faculty. On April 5, 1950, he was<br />

called up for military service and assigned to Bezmer airfield until<br />

December 22, 1950, when his unit was transferred to Balcchik airfield.<br />

Subject's desire to desert was to join the fight against communism in the<br />

name of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. When he found it was impossible<br />

to do so inside Bulgaria, he decided to escape to Greece and join such a<br />

church group there, if such existed. If none existed, he decided to form a<br />

militant illegal church group to fight communism inside Bulgaria.<br />

Raikin was mailed a copy of his Office of Security File. He reacted:<br />

It's so silly and stupid I didn't find anything of substance there. A number<br />

of things were wrong. I was a Professor in 1967. I was building a house<br />

that year. I took my job here which I liked, and I was not looking for a new<br />

job anyway. I have applied to the CIA for my file.<br />

Raikin was employed by the CIA in 1967 when he worked for its Joint Press Reading<br />

Service in New York City. This is a transcription of Raikin’s latter security clearance.<br />


1. This is to inform you that there is no security objection to use of Subject:<br />

At the headquarters building<br />

At building #213 (Naval Weapons Plant)<br />

As a guard at<br />

As an employee of GSA in Agency buildings<br />

As a GSI employee in the headquarters building<br />

As C. And P. Tel. Co. employee in agency buildings<br />

2. As part of the processing in this case<br />

A polygraph interview is not required.<br />



UTILIZED. Steven L. Kuhn. 123<br />



Spas T. Raikin was re-contacted in September 1993 and informed that the CIA had<br />

released his Office of Security file. He commented,<br />

They did? What does it say there? Who is this employee, me? That's<br />

funny. Well, look, if you have the file why don't you send it to me. I was a<br />

professor all this time. The Joint Press Reading Service - I was translating<br />

something of no consequence. Some Agency from New York asked me to<br />

translate some work, but I found this whole thing very serious and very<br />

cheaply paid and I just dropped it...I suppose the Joint Press Reading<br />

Service was part of the CIA, yes. But the agency I worked for had an<br />

innocent name. I had some papers about this, but I threw them out. The<br />

CIA tried to recruit me right after I left Bulgaria. I told them I wasn't<br />

interested and I was going ahead with my studies. I did not apply for CIA<br />

employment in 1967. I was well into my profession by then. I might have<br />

become interested in doing some translation work. It was all done by mail.<br />

I never met anyone at this time. I have never been in touch with them. No<br />

direct contact except when I left Bulgaria. You are making too much out of<br />

this.<br />

Spas T. Raikin was asked why the CIA hired him, if he was on its blacklist:<br />

I had been very critical about CIA intervention in Bulgarian exile affairs.<br />

Maybe the CIA thought my criticism was inconsequential. In our critical<br />

observations we avoided using titles and names and agencies. We used a<br />

coded language. We wouldn't directly attack them. I don't remember<br />

directly challenging them. I'm not changing my story. Mrs. Edna Norman<br />

gave me the Oswald assignment arbitrarily. Are you trying to build-up a<br />

case against the CIA?<br />

In 1994 the CIA released Spas T. Raikin's application for CIA employment<br />

bearing his signature. It was mailed to him but refused. Raikin was the Secretary<br />

General of the American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik nations. The ABN’s founder and<br />

leader was Jaroslaw Stetzko, who in 1941 had announced plans to unite with Hitler to<br />

“create a New Order in Europe and throughout the world.” Raikin was also a member of<br />

the Bulgarian National Front. The Bulgarian National Front was part of the Anti-<br />

Bolshevik Nations group. Laszlo Pasztor, the founding chair and key figure in the<br />

Republican Heritage Group (the Republican Party) helped the Bulgarian National Front,<br />

headed by his friend, Ivan Docheff. As early as 1971 the GOP was warned that the<br />

Bulgarian National Front was a Nazi group. A Jack Anderson column quoted another<br />

Bulgarian-American organization, the conservative Bulgarian National Committee,<br />

which labeled Docheff’s Front as “fascist.” But the GOP took no action. Professor Spas<br />

T. Raiken was a Front member. He said it grew out of a Bulgarian organization that in<br />

the 1930’s and 1940’s was “pro-Nazi and pro-fascist.” 124<br />

Was this another symptom of the Cold War or was there something more sinister<br />

happening here? Raikin was not working for the CIA when he met Oswald and even if<br />

he were Oswald was a vest pocket operation of James Angleton and the rest of the<br />

Agency knew nothing about this. But the possibility exists that Oswald made contact<br />



with Nazi sympathizers like “A. A. Chubb” and tapped into this network. The answer lies<br />

in how Spas was assigned Oswald – randomly or did he request or volunteer to the<br />

task? To go to the lengths Oswald did to establish a cover there is a good chance of<br />

being motivated by Nazism.<br />


Oswald was the strangest Communist one ever did see – he palled around with<br />

anti-Communist Russian exiles who by all logic should have hated him and he them.<br />

Gaeton Fonzi and this author helped drive George to comitt suicide. I called him<br />

repeatedly and told his wife that we knew her husband had been a Nazi spy. Fonzi went<br />

to his home in an effort to interview him. Due to his association with Oswald George<br />

could not move in the same circles he once had. His prior associations included the<br />

Bush family and the Auchincloss Family, the relatives of Jackie Bouvier Kennedy. Louis<br />

Auchincloss managed accounts originating in Nazi Germany when he was an attorney<br />

with Sullivan and Cromwell. George ended up blowing his brains out with a shotgun<br />

after discovering Fonzi and the House Select Committee on Assassinations was on his<br />

case. George would later claim someone from the Dallas CIA Station told him to<br />

befriend Oswald, but this would make the conspiracy too far reaching and who believes<br />

a Nazi spy anyway?<br />



Oswald was one of the few Americans to actually experience what it was like to<br />

be a worker under Soviet Communism. Not even card carrying members of the<br />

Communist Party of the United States had experienced anything remotely similar.<br />

Oswald became aware of the utter despair the Russians lived under and how much they<br />



hated the Communist system. He associated with many Russian Jews who had been<br />

refused exit visas and were trapped in a vast minimum security prison known as the<br />

USSR. When he returned to the United States Oswald wanted to join a group that he<br />

perceived as being the arch enemy of the Communists so he gravitated toward Nazism,<br />

an ideology that advocated the incarceration of Communists in death camps. In July<br />

1963 during a speech Oswald gave to a group of Jesuits he called the Communist Party<br />

of the United States "subsidized," "a messenger of the Kremlin's Internationalist<br />

propaganda," "fifth columnist of the Russians," and "arch betrayers." He called the<br />

Soviets: "criminals" guilty of "mass extermination" "suppression" "murderers of history."<br />

Oswald’s ideal activist had to throw off the shackles of Soviet Communism and would<br />

emerge after an economic crisis (just as Hitler did in Nazi Germany) and become part of<br />

a "special party" of those "violently opposed to Soviet intervention." Oswald was willing<br />

to enlist disenchanted members of the Socialist Party into this “special party” (the<br />

National Socialist Party - Nazi Party - in Germany had attracted many former Socialists).<br />

Oswald cited the Minutemen as a group that would be active after the "military debacle<br />

of the United States." Oswald portrayed the Minutemen as "redefending their own<br />

backyards," a noble purpose. The Minutemen and the Nazi Party had overlapping<br />

membership. Oswald wrote:<br />

This is where a safeguard is necessary. And not only a safe guard but a<br />

safetly valve, to shut off opportunist forces from within, and foreign powers<br />

from without. There can be no substitute for organization and procurement<br />

work towards the aforestated ideals and goals…the minute men and their<br />

narrow support of capitalism have been most far-sighted, however they<br />

present only a suicide force…<br />

Was Oswald proposing to shut off the lives of members of the Communist Party<br />

after his revolution just as Nazis would? Was that why Oswald told the Jesuits it was<br />

necessary to penetrate the Communist Party and procure membership information?<br />

Essentially, Oswald was proposing the formation of death squad to take out CP<br />

members during a time of crisis since they were agents of a foreign power. This group<br />

would remain underground - "stoic" - until the crisis came. The "practical measures"<br />

Oswald made reference to in this speech was assassination. This translated to "The<br />

only good Communist is a dead Communist." Oswald stated:<br />

There can be no sympathy for those who have turned the idea of<br />

communism into a vill curse for western man. The Soviets have committed<br />

crimes unsurpassed by their early day capitalist counterparts. The<br />

imprisonment of their own peoples, with the mass extermination so typical<br />

of Stalin.The individual suppression and regimentation under Khrushchev.<br />

The deportations, the purposefull curtailment of diet in the consumer<br />

slighted population of russia, the murder of history, the prostitution of art<br />

and culture.<br />

This explains why, when Oswald lived in Dallas, Texas, his closest friend was the<br />

German Nazi George Von Mohrenschildt, who had been part of a spy network operating<br />

in America prior to and during the Second World War. Von DeMohrenschildt had been<br />



observed sketching and photographing the local Coast Guard Station and ship channel<br />

at Port Arkansas, Texas, and acted in such a suspicious manner as to lead authorities<br />

to believe Von Mohrenschildt was a German spy. Von Mohrenschidt’s case officer was<br />

his cousin Baron Konstantine Van Maydall. Von Mohrenschildt was detained in<br />

Arkansas In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer Maydell as "a Baltic<br />

German of Estonian citizenship who told the German Embassy, Washington that he had<br />

come to the United States on an Abwehr sabotage mission." In Game of the Foxes,<br />

Laslo Farago described Baron Konstantine Van Maydell as "the top Abwehr agent in the<br />

United States in 1940." Baron Konstantine Von Maydell was arrested on a Presidential<br />

warrant as a dangerous alien in September 1942, tried for espionage in Federal District<br />

Court for the Southern District of New York, and interred for four years in North Dakota.<br />

He was released in 1946. Von Mohrenschildt attempt to infiltrate the FBI but on July 18,<br />

1942, the Security Office of the OSS reported that “One of the government agencies<br />

indicates that Subject is a Nazi sympathizer and possibly an agent. He is stated to be<br />

definitely suspect. In view of this report it would be difficult to approve Subject.<br />

Recommendation: Security disapproval. George Von Mohrenschildt gave Oswald a<br />

copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf to re-read - Oswald had already read it in the Marines. The<br />

CIA reported in regard to Marina Oswald's Notes on Poetry Notebook:<br />

The most interesting thing of note is, on the last page of the notebook, the<br />

inscription Shil'kgruber, Adol.f (G.). obviously meaning Adolf<br />

Schickelgruber - Adolf Hitler.<br />




Oswald was intent on joining the American Nazi Party. The first overt entry<br />

regarding the locations of Nazi headquarters reads “Nat. Sec. Dan Burros” then “Lincoln<br />

Rockwell, Arlington, Virginia. American Nazi Party” Oswald returned to the United<br />

States on June 13, 1962. Rockwell had started the American Nazi Party in 1958. By this<br />



time Burros was no longer the National Secretary of the American Nazi Party. This info<br />

was stale.<br />

In 1960 Burros had moved to Arlington, Virginia where he lived with George<br />

Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the American Nazi Party. Dan Burros became the party’s<br />

National Secretary–its third-highest office. He was arrested four times for disorderly<br />

conduct and received a suspended sentence for vandalizing the Anti-Defamation<br />

League. In 1961 Burros joined other dissident Nazis in founding the American National<br />

Party. It published Kill! Magazine from its headquarters, a wooden shack in Hollis<br />

Queens. Oswald address book continued, “(Amer. National Party) Hollis sec. of<br />

Queens, N.Y.” The parenthesizes indicate it is different from the American Nazi Party.<br />

This information was up to date. Oswald’s address book continued, “(Newspaper) Nat.<br />

Socialist Bulletin.” In May 1960 the National Socialist Bulletin made its appearance as<br />

the first periodical published by the American Nazi Party.<br />

In September 1961 the American National Party picketed the funeral of an<br />

American Communist leader. In April 1962 Valerian Zorin the Soviet Delegate to a<br />

conference on War Propaganda brandished a pamphlet in which the American National<br />

Party called for an immediate declaration of war against the Soviet Union. On April 13,<br />

1962 the New York Times reported,<br />

The party is reported to consist of ten young men here and eleven in Louisiana.<br />

Its headquarters is reported to be a shanty in Hollis Queens. John Patler, 24 years old,<br />

is the founder of the party. 125<br />

Were any of the American National Parties members from New Orleans? Did<br />

Oswald receive this garbled information from Guy Banister? Oswald had the address<br />

544 Camp Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, (the Balter Building) on a pamphlet entitled<br />

“The Crime Against Cuba.” Former FBI Special Agent in Charge Guy Banister ran his<br />

private detective agency and his Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front support group<br />

from a broken down office at that address. The CIA considered using Guy Banister<br />

associates as a proprietary but it realized Banister was running a ramshackle operation<br />

that attracted every anti-Communist crackpot misfit and money grubbing hustler in New<br />

Orleans. Banister’s politics were similar to those of Louisianan David Duke – he was a<br />

Nazi. Professional informant Jack S. Martin told the New Orleans District Attorney's<br />

Office that Guy Banister subscribed to the American Nazi Party newspaper, The<br />

Thunderbolt. Vernon Gerdes, an employee of Guy Banister stated: “I saw George<br />

Lincoln Rockwell in Banister's office. Delphine Roberts [Banister’s secretary] and I<br />

waited outside."<br />




In May 1961 George Lincoln Rockwell was arrested in New Orleans for illegally<br />

picketing the movie Exodus, which dealt with the Holocaust. Guy Banister found a<br />

bondsman for Rockwell and contributed to his bail fund. Jack S. Martin wrote the FBI:<br />

One interesting item about Rockwell which disturbed Banister to no end was<br />

something about Rockwell's bail bond that was posted here when he and his men were<br />

in trouble. The sureties for these American Nazis were negotiated by Banister and<br />

others at the time. However, these bonds were made by insurance agents Hardy Davis<br />

and his wife Doris Davis. Moreover, the point that bothered everyone was the closely<br />

guarded secret of just who the persons were that signed attesting indemnification in lieu<br />

of loss of those pledges. When this was mentioned it used to drive Banister to a froth,<br />

so the actual identity of these may be a very important facet of this case...Banister<br />

claimed to be a right wing conservative. At the same time he voiced his total hatred for<br />

all extreme anti-American-elements such as Communists. But above all the others the<br />

most, Liberal factions in politics, and the Jews. In some ways he reflected a sort of offbrand<br />

Nazi philosophy. 126<br />

Index cards to Guy Banister's files contained the names and addresses of<br />

numerous New Orleans Jews and Jewish organizations, many taken from the American<br />

Nazi Party magazine, Counterattack! Guy Banister kept an extensive clipping file about<br />

the Civil Rights Movement. He belonged to several other fringe groups besides the<br />



American Nazi Party. Dan Campbell, a private investigator employed by Guy Banister,<br />

told an FBI source in 1962 that Colonel Buford Balter partially financed George Lincoln<br />

Rockwell's trip to New Orleans. Hemming advised: "I came across Rockwell during our<br />

shit tour of the Minutemen and these other weird fringo type groups." The Secret<br />

Service and the FBI questioned George Lincoln Rockwell about his name having<br />

appeared in Oswald’s address book. He said he had no idea why his name appeared in<br />

there. George Lincoln Rockwell told the FBI: "I believe Kennedy was shot by a rightwinger...I<br />

think American Nazis are going to have a hard time for a while. I wouldn't be a<br />

bit surprised to be picked-up on it." The Secret Service and the FBI questioned Dan<br />

Burros who said the same thing as Rockwell. Oswald had been given this information<br />

by someone who was conversant with Nazi activities as that individual was aware of this<br />

esoteric splinter group. Aside from Banister other Nazis that Oswald came into contact<br />

with were George Von Mohrenschildt and Spas Raikin but they operated on a more<br />

traditional Nazi level while Rockwell and Burros were neo-Nazis. Oswald might have<br />

obtained these addresses from Guy Bannister; that would explain the reference to<br />

“members in Louisiana” in the New York Times piece about the American National Party<br />

although Bannister seemed loyal to Rockwell. Dan Burros committed suicide on<br />

October 31, 1965, after The New York Times revealed he was half-Jewish and on<br />

August 24, 1967 Palter assassinated Rockwell.<br />







Ruth Paine’s name, address and phone number were an overt entry in Oswald’s<br />

address book. If you believe the JFK assassination was the consequence of a<br />

conspiracy, and not the result of a lone assassin, you have to believe that it was not by<br />

accident that Ruth Paine got Oswald a job along a likely presidential motorcade route.<br />

Note that Hemming had already moved his pawn Oswald to New Orleans where his<br />

pawn had started a bogus chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. Then he moved<br />

his pawn to Mexico City where his pawn attempted to obtain a visa to Cuba so that<br />

when he returned to the United States and became the patsy in the Kennedy<br />

assassination Castro would be blamed. Finally his pawn Oswald had to be put in a<br />

physical location on the chessboard of Dallas where he would be plausible suspect in<br />

the Kennedy assassination. Without this last move all the other moves would have been<br />

worthless and the King, Kennedy, would not have been check-mated. Hemming also<br />

needed someone to babysit Oswald’s wife, as Marina was new to the United States.<br />

There had to be some special considerations involved since these baby-sitters<br />

would come under scrutiny being so close to the Oswald’s. The baby sitters would need<br />

plausible deniability built into their story – that their meeting Oswald was purely by<br />

chance. The first time Oswald came into the Paine's life was through Everette Glover, a<br />

friend of George DeMohrenschildt. Michael Paine said he met Everette Glover at the<br />

Unitarian Church. Everette Glover asked him if he wanted to meet a Marine who had<br />

defected, then re-defected, from the Soviet Union. Michael Paine:<br />

I thought, “Oh boy that sounds interesting.” It never struck me too odd that<br />

he should be allowed to come home. To be allowed back would be a<br />

feather in the cap of the United States. So I didn't have trouble. Without<br />

asking him, I assumed that was why he was so readily allowed back. I<br />

expected to find him politically interesting. And I didn't find him that way.<br />

He was very different from the kinds of people who had come to talk to my<br />

father. He didn't like complexities.<br />

But as it worked out, Michael Paine would meet Oswald via Ruth Paine. Ruth<br />

Paine was born Ruth Hyde in New York City on September 3, 1932. Her mother was a<br />

Leftist and her father William A. Hyde, was an anti-Communist socialist. When Ruth<br />

Paine was 15 years old, she preached with a traveling Bible school and became a<br />

Quaker while attending Antioch College in 1951. Ruth Paine stated that her first meeting<br />

with Oswald happened purely by chance which in fact it was not.<br />

Michael Paine didn’t attend Everette Glover's February 22, 1963 party, but Ruth<br />

Paine did. Glover was rooming with a German national Volkmar Schmidt, who had a<br />

Nazi background. Norman Frederiksen, who attended the speech Oswald gave at the<br />

party, stated:<br />

Oswald spoke and then answered questions and in doing so<br />

Frederiksen recalls Oswald intimated that he went to Russia because he<br />

thought it was a dynamic society going someplace and that its people<br />

were working enthusiastically to move it ahead but he, Oswald, discovered<br />

in the factory where he worked that these people only worked so as to get<br />

paid and that the only interest they had in putting in extra working hours<br />



was to get some extra pay and that this disillusioned Oswald. Frederiksen<br />

said that Oswald to Frederiken’s recollection of the night never said he<br />

was a Communist or was a member of the Communist Party and that<br />

Oswald in his talk stayed away from political talk and talked about the<br />

people and living conditions in Russia. 127<br />

That’s why it took Ruth Paine at least one month after meeting the Oswald’s and<br />

exchanging addresses and phone numbers for her charitable impulses to kick in after<br />

she met him at the Oswald Coming Out Party. Ruth Paine had been contacted by her<br />

father, sister or brother-in-law or a combination thereof, all of whom traced back to<br />

CI/SIG Chief James Angleton and CIA OS head Howard Osborne. For Ruth Paine to<br />

admit that her actions had been directed would mean incriminating a close family<br />

member, which she was not about to do.<br />

In July 1993 Ruth Paine stated:<br />

I had no association with the Dallas White Russian community. I did not<br />

know DeMohrenschildt. The party was put on by Everette Glover. I sang<br />

English Madrigals with Everette. That was the only time I met<br />

DeMohrenschildt. A colorful fellow, though.<br />



Oswald gave his speech at Glover’s home on February 20, 1963. Ruth Paine<br />

visited Marina Oswald on March 20, 1963. On April 2, 1963, she invited Lee and Marina<br />

to her home for dinner. Michael Paine picked them up and drove them to Irving, then<br />



joined them for supper. On April 7, 1963, Paine invited Marina to move in with her. On<br />

April 10, 1963, Marina and Paine got together and on April 20, 1963, Oswald went on a<br />

picnic with Ruth and Marina. A visit was arranged for April 24, 1963. When Ruth Paine<br />

arrived on April 24, 1963, Oswald was about to depart for New Orleans. Paine offered to<br />

drive Oswald to the bus station. She said his trip came as a complete surprise. Ruth<br />

Paine and Oswald drove to the bus station, cashed in a ticket Oswald had purchased<br />

for Marina, (since Ruth Paine had offered to drive Marina to New Orleans once Oswald<br />

got settled), then they returned to Oswald's apartment and moved some belongings to<br />

Irving. They then returned to the bus station and Oswald left for New Orleans. Once<br />

activated Ruth launched an aggressive campaign to insert herself in Oswald’s life. She<br />

called on Marina, and not vice versa. She acted hastily in exposing her children to<br />

strangers. Someone had told her Ozzie was a-okay. Sen. Cooper of the Warren<br />

Commission asked “What made you willing to have this man, you have said, this very<br />

curious man, from all you have described about him, to have him in your house?”<br />

He was Marina's husband and I, like her, as I have described, was both lonely<br />

and interested in learning the Russian language. I would have been happy had he never<br />

come out, indeed happier had he not come out on the weekends. But they were not<br />

separated as a married couple nor contemplating such separation, and I didn't feel that<br />

this - it was appropriate for him to have to stay away. I did not ask that.<br />

After Oswald moved back from New Orleans to Dallas Ruth Paine testified before<br />

the Warren Commission that she was having coffee with four young mothers when she<br />

remarked that Lee Oswald needed a job:<br />

As best as I can reconstruct it was while having coffee at my immediate<br />

neighbors, Mrs. Ed Roberts, and also present was Mrs. Bill Randle, and<br />

Lee had said over the weekend that he had gotten the last of<br />

unemployment compensation checks that were due him and that it had<br />

been smaller than the others had been, and disappointing in its smallness<br />

and he looked very discouraged when he went to look for work...And the<br />

subject that he was looking for work, and that he hadn't found work for a<br />

week, came up while we were having coffee, four young mothers at Mrs.<br />

Robert's house, and Mrs. Randle mentioned that her younger brother,<br />

Wesley Frazier thought they needed another person at the Texas School<br />

Book Depository where Wesley worked. Marina then asked me, after we<br />

had gone home, asked me if I would call the Texas School Book<br />

Depository to see if indeed there was the possibility of an opening and at<br />

her request I did telephone...I looked up the number in the book, and<br />

dialed it, was told I would need to speak to Mr. Truely who was at the<br />

warehouse. The call was transferred to Mr. Truely and I said I know of a<br />

young man whose wife was staying in my house, the wife was expecting a<br />

child, they already had a little girl, and he had been out of work for a while<br />

and was very interested in getting any employment and his name, and<br />

was there a possibility of an opening there, and Mr. Truly said he didn't<br />

know whether he had an opening, that the young man should apply<br />



himself in person. This was on Monday, October 14, 1963.<br />

Ruth Paine knew that Buell Wesley Frazier, the younger brother of Linnie Mae<br />

Randle, was employed at the Texas School Book Depository. Temporary stock-boy jobs<br />

were always open there, and so it came as no surprise to Ruth Paine when Linnie Mae<br />

Randle suggested that Lee Oswald try the Texas School Book Depository, after Paine<br />

brought up the subject of Oswald and a job. On Monday, October 14, 1963, Ruth Paine<br />

called Roy Truly and secured a position for Oswald. Marina Oswald told the HSCA:<br />

"She went to all the trouble to get the job for him." Michael Paine was asked: "Was it<br />

mere coincidence that your wife placed Oswald in Dealey Plaza?" He responded,<br />

That is so simple that it should not be a part of this. He lost his job at the<br />

photo lab and you've heard the story - and it's true. Ruth was discussing it<br />

over coffee with some neighbors and they thought there was a job<br />

opening at the Texas School Book Depository.<br />

He was asked, “Did she know this neighbor's son worked at the Texas School<br />

Book Depository?" He responded,<br />

That is how come she knew. I think he had a job there, and he spread the<br />

news in that household that they might be still be looking for other<br />

employees. So Ruth took the number down that he should call and told it<br />

to Oswald. He called and was interviewed. We were trying to get him a job<br />

to help him out. Ruth had no idea where it was. We thought it was<br />

somewhere other than Dealey Plaza. There was absolutely no input from<br />

the CIA to get him a job there. It was Ruth's idea. There might have been<br />

a conspiracy, but that was not a part of it. And we know we had no CIA<br />

connection, we didn't know the Texas School Book Depository was there.<br />

We didn't know that President Kennedy was going to come by. We had<br />

absolutely no part of it. If there was any conspiracy, it could only have<br />

been that they knew Oswald was a Communist, and would pick on him.<br />

Hosty came around, he knew where Oswald was working. We had no CIA<br />

contact.<br />

It was pointed out to Michael Paine that his wife's father had CIA contact:<br />

No, he worked for the Agency for International Development. The CIA may<br />

have used the Agency for International Development as a front for awhile,<br />

but it doesn't mean that every Agency for International Development<br />

employee is CIA. Bill Hyde was vehemently opposed to the CIA using the<br />

Agency for International Development for these purposes. Ruth was a<br />

very truthful person and she really knew Bill well enough to know where<br />

he would stand on a matter like that.<br />

Michael Paine was again told William Hyde had CIA contact: "Sure, okay, that's<br />

possible." Ruth Paine wrote this to her mother: "Big news. Lee was accepted for a job<br />

this am. Minimum wage and nothing special about it, but he is very happy and I think<br />

things will ease for them." She informed her husband who informed Angleton.<br />



Ruth was intent on putting Oswald in the Texas School Book Depository or in<br />

another tall building in downtown Dallas Linnie Mae Randle had also suggested two<br />

other jobs for Oswald. One with the Manner Bakery, and the other with the Texas<br />

Gypsum Company. Ruth Paine told the FBI she ruled out the Manner Bakery because<br />

Oswald could not drive a bakery truck. There was evidence that Oswald was able to<br />

drive at this time, but he did not have a valid Texas Drivers License. But Ruth could not<br />

recall Linnie Mae Randle having suggested Texas Gypsum. Guess what? Texas<br />

Gypsum, which had just opened, was located in Irving, Texas nowhere near downtown<br />

Dallas. Jenner asked:<br />

Do you recall whether or not Mrs. Randle, as a friendly gesture - her suggestions were<br />

friendly, were they not, in connection with his securing employment?<br />

Paine: Oh yes.<br />

Jenner: Did she mention the Manner Bakery?<br />

Paine: Possibly, yes. I do recall saying that Lee doesn't drive, making the point that this<br />

was a hampering thing for him. And therefore it made it impossible for him to drive a<br />

truck for the Manner Bakery.<br />

Jenner: And in that connection, had she mentioned the Texas Gypsum Company?<br />

Paine: I don't recall that.<br />

Jenner: At least you do recall that it was impractical to consider possible positions which<br />

would require him to operate an automobile.<br />

Paine: Yes, I believe I do recall a reference now to driving a truck, delivery truck.<br />

Jenner: You have no recollection of any other suggestion as to possible places of<br />

employment?<br />

Paine: I have no recollection of that.<br />

During another part of her testimony before the Warren Commission Ruth Paine was<br />

asked by Albert Jenner:<br />

You have no recollection of any other, at least two other places being suggested, and<br />

you, in turn, stating that they would be unsatisfactory, one because an automobile had<br />

to be used, or it would be necessary for Lee to have an automobile, and the other that<br />

he was lacking in the possible qualifications needed? None of that refreshes your<br />

recollection?<br />

Paine: None of that refreshes my recollections.<br />

Lynne Mae Randle told the Secret Service,<br />

Among other places I suggested were the Manor Bakery and the Texas Gypsum Co.<br />

Mrs. Paine eliminated the bakery job on the basis that Oswald did not have a driver’s<br />

license. She did not offer any comment on the Gypsum Company job.<br />



More proof that Ruth Paine was told to put Oswald in downtown Dallas lies in the<br />

fact that “kind-hearted” Ruth Paine never told Oswald about a job at Love Field Airport<br />

in Dallas that paid $310 per month but instead placed him in the Texas School Book<br />

Depository – a job, mostly taken by Mexicans and Negroes, that paid $210 per month.<br />

On Tuesday, October 15, 1963 Oswald called Marina and told her he had secured<br />

employment at the depository. The Warren Report stated:<br />

…the Texas Employment Commission attempted to refer Oswald to an<br />

airline company which was looking for baggage and cargo handlers at a<br />

salary which was $100 a month higher than that offered by the Depository<br />

Company. The Employment Commission tried to advise Oswald of this job<br />

at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16, 1963. Since the records of the<br />

Commission indicate that Oswald was then working, it seems clear that<br />

Oswald was hired by the Depository Company before the higher paying<br />

job was available. It is unlikely that he ever learned of this second<br />

opportunity. 128<br />

If Ruth Paine would have called him at the book depository Oswald could have walked<br />

out on Roy Truly and taken the other job. He was not under contract at the depository.<br />

Albert Jenner of the Warren Commission questioned Ruth Paine:<br />

Q. Did you ever hear anything by way of discussion or otherwise by Marina or Lee of<br />

the possibility of his having been tendered or at least suggested to him a job at Trans-<br />

Texas, as a cargo handler at $310 a month?<br />

A. I do not recall that.<br />

Q. This was right at the time he obtained employment at the Texas School Book<br />

Depository?<br />

A. And he was definitely offered such a job?<br />



Q. Well I won't say it was offered - that he might have been able to secure a job through<br />

the Texas Employment Commission as a cargo-handler at $310 a month.<br />

A. I do recall some reference of that sort, which fell through - that there was not that<br />

possibility.<br />

Q. Tell us what you know about that. Did you hear of it at the time?<br />

A. Yes.<br />

Q. Now would you please relate that to me?<br />

A. I recall some reference to –<br />

Q. How did it come about?<br />

A. From Lee as I recall.<br />

Q. And was it at the time or just right –<br />

A. It was at the time, while he was yet unemployed.<br />

Q. And about the time he obtained employment at the Texas School Book Depository.<br />

A. It seemed to me he went into town with some hopes raised by the employment<br />

agency, I don't know - but then reported that the job had been filled and was not<br />

available to him.<br />

Q. But that was –<br />

A. That is my best recollection –<br />

Q. Of his report to you and Marina.<br />

A. Yes.<br />

Q. But you do not recall discussing it?<br />

A. I recall something of that nature. I do not recall the job itself.<br />

Oswald used Ruth Paine's address and telephone number as a contact point at<br />

this time. Robert Adams of the Texas State Employment Commission stated that one<br />

day before Oswald went to work at the TSBD he called Ruth Paine and told her about<br />

the higher paying job:<br />

Adams: “I left a message with that person that Oswald should contact me at the<br />

commission. My further recollection is that on the following morning at 10:30 AM I again<br />

called…and learned from the person who answered that Oswald was not there and that<br />



he had in the meantime obtained employment and was working.” 129 On Wednesday,<br />

October 16, 1963, 35 days before the assassination, Oswald began working at the<br />

Texas School Book Depository. Ruth Paine, who had been instructed to place Oswald<br />

in downtown Dallas, never told Oswald about the job at Love Field. Oswald's job at the<br />

Texas School Book Depository required less skill, and was of a lower status, then his<br />

previous jobs, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. It involved moving book cartons. The<br />

Warren Commission: "Oswald's employment at the Texas School Book Depository was<br />

wholly unrelated to the President's trip to Dallas."<br />

How did CIA get to the Paines? As stated the father of Ruth Paine, William Avery<br />

Hyde, had contact with the CIA and the CIA's Office of Security had traces on him:<br />

"Files of the Office of Security reflect that Ruth Paine is the daughter of William Avery<br />

Hyde, OS C-157,435, (deleted)." William Avery Hyde 130 was an anti-Communist who<br />

supported Socialist Party candidate Norman Thomas. Norman Thomas received<br />

millions of dollars in CIA subsidies because of his anti-Communist views. A report by<br />

Bruce Solie of the CIA generated on December 5, 1963, stated:<br />

Files<br />

Chief, Research Branch/OS/SRS<br />


nee: HYDE<br />

aka: Mrs. Ruth Paine<br />

1. FBI S.A. Cregar on December 4, 1963, confirmed that the Subject is the daughter of<br />

William Avery Hyde, SSD-157435. Cregar was furnished a copy of two 1957<br />

investigative reports on William Avery Hyde, for lead purposes only, and was informed<br />

that Hyde was under consideration for a covert use by this Agency in Vietnam in 1957,<br />

but was not used. This information had previously been obtained from [03] CI/SIG.<br />

2. Subject is the individual who is taking care of the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald and<br />

has apparently been quite well known to the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald for an<br />

undetermined period of time. The possibility that William Avery Hyde was the father of<br />

Ruth Paine was previously brought to the attention of Mr. Papich through Mr. Birch<br />

O'Neal, CI/SIG. The Security File of William Hyde contains a copy of a 1956 FBI<br />

investigative report (Security of Government Employees) on Sylvia Ludlow Hyde aka<br />

Mrs. John Hoke who is the sister of Ruth Paine. The file of William Hyde also contains a<br />

1956 OSI report on Sylvia Hoke.<br />

3. In addition to the above, it was previously known that William Avery Hyde and wife<br />

Carol Hyde were associates in the late 1920's and later of Talbot Bielefeldt, #29931,<br />

who is currently employed by this agency in Foreign Documents Division. A certain<br />

amount of information concerning William Hyde, Carol Hyde, and other associates of<br />

Hyde and Bielefeldt during the latter 1920's was furnished by Talbot Bielefeldt during<br />

interviews several years ago. At that time the Bielefeldt case was under extensive<br />

investigation. Bruce Solie.<br />



On April 8, 1964 the CIA Office of Security reviewed the Ruth Paine entry in<br />

Oswald’s address book:<br />

Files reflect that Ruth Paine is the daughter of William Avery Hyde, OS C-<br />

157435, who was being considered for covert use in 1957 by IO Division;<br />

however Hyde did not receive a security clearance for the proposed<br />

utilization. Files contain no pertinent information regarding Ruth Paine or<br />

her husband, and further reflect that the FBI is aware of the relationship of<br />

Paine and Hyde.<br />

The FBI reported:<br />

On December 4, 1963, CIA made available information to the Bureau<br />

Liaison that in 1957 CIA considered using this individual to operate a<br />

cooperative educational center in Vietnam but he was not used by the<br />

CIA. Investigation by CIA at that time concerning William Avery Hyde was<br />

favorable.<br />

One report says favorable, the other unfavorable. We don’t know if he was hired<br />

by the CIA or not. William Avery Hyde might not have been hired but his cryptonym<br />

might have been. On April 30, 1964, Birch O'Neal generated the following document:<br />

MEMORANDUM FOR FILE (CI/OA File 59751)<br />

SUBJECT: Mrs. Ruth Paine nee Hyde<br />

Shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy the press carried information<br />

concerning a Mrs. Ruth Paine who had befriended the Oswald family. Mr. Bruce Solie,<br />

of the Office of Security, called to my attention that the Office of Security has<br />

information of possible interest concerning William A. Hyde, who had three children;<br />

namely Ruth Hyde, Sylvia Hyde Hoke and Carl Hyde. Mrs. Ruth Paine was known to<br />

have had the name Hyde prior to her marriage. On November 29, 1963, I advised Sam<br />

Papich to contact Mr. Solie of the Office of Security for information of possible interest in<br />

connection with Mrs. Ruth Paine. I indicated to Mr. Papich that the Office of Security<br />

information was of possible security significance and consideration and I was<br />

subsequently informed that the Bureau had been in touch with Mr. Solie for its<br />

information.<br />

Birch D. O'Neal Chief, CI/SIG.<br />

Ruth Paine commented:<br />

The information about the CIA considering my father for Vietnam was a surprise. I doubt<br />

if he would have accepted such an invitation, if it was offered. He certainly didn't go. He<br />

went to Peru. He was working with the Agency for International Development. He<br />

helped to develop rural credit unions for the compasinos so that they could save enough<br />

money to make loans to themselves, instead of always paying the huge bank rates. He<br />

loved it. I know that USAID asked my father to appraise a situation in Georgetown,<br />

Guiana. He recommended against starting a project there, as he thought the local<br />

officials corrupt.<br />



Michael Paine was told about William Avery Hyde and Angleton. Michael Paine:<br />

I thought he was an insurance salesman. He would never have<br />

any connection to the CIA. This is getting ridiculous. Out of hand!<br />

Michael Paine, who was usually talkative, said: "There's a good movie on TV and<br />

I want to watch it now, so goodbye." He later refused further comment upon receipt of<br />

the documents.<br />

The sister of Ruth Paine, Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke (born October 2, 1929),<br />

worked at the Labor Department from 1949 to 1953. She started working at the CIA in<br />

1954 as a staff psychologist and she also had a security file. Her cover was Personnel<br />

Research Technician, Placement and Employee Relations Division, Director of Civilian<br />

Personnel, Headquarters, Department of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. In 1994<br />

Marina Oswald advised: "Ruth Paine never mentioned her sister was in the CIA." The<br />

Sylvia Hyde Security File 348 201 was held by the Office of Security, Security Analysis<br />

Group. On June 15, 1955, this CIA Official Routing Slip from Bruce Solie was sent to<br />

illegible whose initials were "wmw"- "Remarks: Please have file set up on Sylvia Hyde<br />

Hoke nee Hyde MS 8201." On December 21, 1955, this document was generated:<br />

To: Mr. Bruce Solie, 2046 I Bldg.<br />

From: Talbot Bielefeldt, 2401 Y Bldg. (Ext 2150)<br />

Subject: ORR, Paul and Violet and others.<br />

1. William A. Hyde was in Washington this last weekend, visiting his daughter and sonin-law,<br />

Sylvia and John Hoke. The latter invited (Deleted) and me over to meet him on<br />

Saturday night December 17, 1955, since we were friends at Stanford. (Deleted) Memo<br />

Dated December 21, 1955. Sanitized version appears above. Deleted Sections contain<br />

references to the Hokes, only 3rd party personal info.<br />

In 1965 Talbot Bielefeldt, Chief USSR Branch, Foreign Documents Division, CIA,<br />

Arlington, Virginia, was questioned by Naval Intelligence about Hoke. He gave the Navy<br />

favorable references and stated that "the sister of the Subject's wife was the one who<br />

rented an apartment to Lee Harvey Oswald and wife in Texas."<br />

On March 21, 1956, the Department of the Air Force issued Sylvia Hoke a Final<br />

Secret Clearance which remained in effect until May 31, 1957, six months after the<br />

investigation by OSI, at which time Sylvia Hyde resigned her cover employment with the<br />

U.S. Air Force to accompany her husband overseas to Germany. As of 1965 the above<br />

clearance was still in effect. Sylvia Hyde Hoke was granted a Top Secret Clearance<br />

from the Agency for International Development on April 17, 1956. On September 20,<br />

1956, and on September 21, 1956, the CIA noted that Sylvia Hyde Hoke's name<br />

appeared in FBI Reports about her father, William A. Hyde. Another document stated:<br />

"For additional Information regarding Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke Refer to:<br />

1. OSI (U.S.A.F.) Rpt. dated December 14, 1956, (#33-3439) Title: Sylvia Ludlow Hyde<br />

Hoke.<br />



2. FBI Rpts covering period September 17, 1956, to February 6, 1957, (FD-204; May 7,<br />

1954). Title: Sylvia Ludlow Hyde Hoke.<br />

In February 1957 Sylvia Hyde Hoke was the Subject of an FBI investigation,<br />

when her mother-in-law called her husband from a telephone monitored by the FBI.<br />

Mrs. Helen Hoke had called her son from the office of CPUSA member Dorothy H.<br />

Wilson:<br />

Dorothy Wilson, according to the informant, also advised (Deleted) that<br />

Helen Hoke has a son, John Lindsay Hoke, who works for "AAA" in<br />

Washington, D.C. and whose wife works in “Navy Intelligence.” Wilson<br />

continued with the information that John Hoke's wife was being upgraded<br />

from a semi-secret position, to a top secret position, and the authorities<br />

had informed her that she could not have this top secret position because<br />

of Helen Hoke's association with Wilson. Too, Wilson advised (Deleted)<br />

John Hoke's wife was told that it did not appear that she would get the<br />

TOP SECRET position if she could not be cleared, they did not believe<br />

she was fit to hold her present position. Wilson said John Hoke's wife was<br />

faced with dismissal, which could have been frightful, except that she was<br />

expecting a child and was leaving in February anyway.<br />

The United States Civil Service Bureau advised the FBI by letter dated June 27,<br />

1957, that Sylvia Hyde Hoke had resigned prior to a determination being made in her<br />

loyalty case. Much of Sylvia Hoke's CIA Security File is withheld as of 2010. Sylvia<br />

Hyde Hoke's clearance with the Agency for International Development was revalidated<br />

on January 17, 1962. On September 22, 1963, the CIA reported its files contained "No<br />

Pertinent Identifiable Information on Subject." On November 11, 1963, Bruce Solie<br />

asked Mrs. M.D. Stevens of the Office of Security to do a search on Sylvia Hyde Hoke<br />

and Carl Hyde. The files on many of Ruth Paine’s relation were both covert and overt.<br />


June 30, 1971<br />



FILE # 348 201<br />

1. Subject, under name of Sylvia Hoke with an address of 523 Monticello Drive, Falls<br />

Church, Virginia, was identified as a CIA employee in the 1961 issue of the Falls Church<br />

Virginia Directory:<br />

2. Since it is known that opposition intelligence services have in the past checked<br />

similar publications, it should be presumed that the indicated employment of Subject by<br />

the CIA is known to other intelligence organizations. The basic memorandum on which<br />

paragraph one is based is available in Volume III of Exposure of CIA Personnel, OS<br />

#601 818. This memorandum contains no additional information concerning SAC and<br />

further review of file # 601 818 can normally be considered unnecessary. Bruce Solie,<br />


Deputy Chief, Senior Research Staff.<br />


Hill's 1961 Falls Church, Virginia, City Directory contained the listing:<br />

Hoke John (Sylvia) emp US Govt home 523 Monticello Drive, (Fax Co)<br />

Hoke Sylvia, Mrs. emp CIA home 523 Monticello Drive, (Fax Co).<br />

Sylvia Hyde Hoke was contacted on November 22, 1993. She was asked if she<br />

had ever worked for the CIA: "No, I'm not going to answer any questions. I refuse to<br />

give interviews." Ruth Paine was asked about her sister:<br />

I would doubt it seriously. When I asked her if she worked for the<br />

government she said she did statistical work for the Air Force. It's very<br />

unlikely and something I never heard from her. It's unknown to me.<br />

Michael Paine was told about Sylvia Hyde Hoke's connection to the CIA. Michael<br />

Paine:<br />

I don't believe it. It is not true. I don't remember what her occupation was. I<br />

had no idea this was the case. Ask Ruth, what does she say? If it was<br />

true, it had no bearing on the Kennedy assassination.<br />

Ruth Paine's brother-in-law, John Lindsey Hoke, worked for the American<br />

Automobile Association from 1951 to 1957. He accepted an appointment with the<br />

International Cooperation Administration (the predecessor of the Agency for<br />

International Development) on February 4, 1956, as an "audio visual consultant<br />

(regional) to be assigned to the U.S. Operations Mission (USOM), Panama City,<br />

Panama." John Lindsey Hoke told the Deputy Director of Communications of the<br />

International Cooperation Administration, Gale Griswold, that, "while assigned in Latin<br />

America he had been requested, and did, intelligence type work for the American<br />

Embassy." Gale Griswold did not know for whom John Lindsey Hoke worked, or what<br />

his job was. On June 24, 1957, John Lindsey Hoke was transferred to Paremaribo,<br />

Surinam, where he worked with the International Cooperation Administration's Office of<br />

Program Support, Communications Research Division. One of his family members<br />

could not adapt to the field and Hoke returned to Washington, D.C. where he worked<br />

with the Agency for International Development in the Office of Program Support,<br />

Communications Research Division. Ruth Paine stated, "You want to know why he left -<br />

his wife couldn't stand Surinam." A notation in Hoke's Naval Intelligence File was "Mrs.<br />

Van Sast, CIA, on September 25, 1962, called and wanted to know Hoke's TOP<br />

SECRET clearance and basis." On June 30, 1963, Hoke terminated his employment<br />

with AID, no reason given. In 1962,<br />

DIO-NDW Confidential Informant (P-1) advised that Subject was approved<br />

as eligible for Top Secret Clearance during the years of 1962 to 1963 by a<br />

Government Agency who conducts security investigations [CIA or FBI].<br />

On August 21, 1962, the CIA granted an Approval for Liaison with John Lindsey Hoke:<br />

TO: Chief, Employee Activity Branch PSD/OS<br />

THROUGH: Chief, Security Officer, OFFICE of Clearance<br />



The following is hereby requested to be effective on a continuing basis:<br />

CIA Employees: NAME (Deleted) and other such member of the<br />

Engineering Staff designated by him. Ext. 2952 Office OC-E<br />

Non-CIA Employee: John L. Hoke. Organization AID, Communications<br />

Resource Specialist State Annex #1, Washington, D.C. On September 28,<br />

1962, Subject's Security Officer advised that SAC was cleared for access<br />

to classified information up to and including TOP SECRET April 19, 1954,<br />

per (Deleted) Classification of matter to be discussed: SECRET, Chief<br />

Engineering Staff, OC Ext. 2952 (Deleted) Authorized Signature.<br />

John L. Hoke was a CIA contract employee. On August 22, 1963, the CIA again<br />

granted an Approval for Liaison with John Lindsey Hoke on a continuing basis. This<br />

document was identical to the first Request for Approval of Liaison except that a block<br />

stamp on it was signed by Howard Osborn and the notation EAB card reflects on<br />

September 28, 1962, Subject's Security Officer advised that SAC was cleared for<br />

access to classified information up to and including Top Secret.<br />

Ruth Paine visited the Hokes in August 1963. When Hoke's Request for Liaison<br />

Approval was renewed on August 13, 1964, it was identical to the others except for a<br />

block stamp that read:<br />

On August 20, 1964, Subject's Security Officer advised that Subject<br />

was cleared for access to classified information up to and including<br />

Top Secret TERMINATED June 30, 1963. Return, no action.<br />

In July 1965 John Lindsey Hoke was the subject of a security investigation by<br />

U.S. Naval Intelligence because of his connection to Ruth Paine combined with his<br />

employment by Atlantic Research. Atlantic Research was founded in 1949 and is an<br />

Alexandria-based, high-technology firm, which is engaged in the production of rockets,<br />

gas generators and chemical research techniques, design and development of<br />

command and control systems for space and air defense, data processing, computer<br />

facilities management, computer-based research and analysis and the development of<br />

defense software. Atlantic Research was involved in launching unmanned satellites in<br />

1956. John Lindsey Hoke was contacted in November 1993. He asked: "What is the<br />

purpose of your book? If this is another one of these books that's doing an exposé on<br />

plots and so forth and so on, I'm simply not interested in getting mixed-up in it." It was<br />

explained to John Lindsey Hoke that his wife's close connection to the CIA had been<br />

exposed.<br />

She worked for the CIA, no (laughs). Well, let me ask her and find out.<br />

Honey, did you work for CIA? I don't know what you got, or where you got<br />

it. I don't particularly want to get into it. I don't need a copy. I don't know<br />

where all this crap is coming up from. I'm sure I'm in it too.<br />

John Lindsey Hoke was read the document that stated he was doing intelligence<br />

work: "Me? I really don't want to discuss it anymore. Thanks for calling." It is obvious<br />

that Ruth Paine was no ordinary Irving, Texas, housewife. How many of her neighbors<br />



had CIA connections tracing back to James Angleton? Ruth Paine was not the only<br />

Dallas associate of Oswald who had Angleton ties:<br />


The CIA reported:<br />


C-77202 on Perry Harten reflects that Perry and wife, Rose Madeline<br />

HARTEN, were registered agents for the Brussels World Exposition in<br />

1956. Perry Harten in 1955 was being considered for assignment in<br />

QKACTIVE 131 , but no use materialized. He was born 25 October 1915 in<br />

New York City and had been employed from 1942-1945 with OWI, and in<br />

1946 transferred to the Department of State as Chief of Studio Operating<br />

Section (IBD). He also worked for USIA until 1954 and his termination may<br />

have been based on an investigation then being conducted by State<br />

Department on a suspected homosexual ring in VOA since Subject was at<br />

that, time under suspicion based on reports from co-workers.<br />

The FBI first reported:<br />

The name R. Harten Hawthorn or Hawthorne has been checked through<br />

Fort Worth City Directories back to 1955 with negative results. This name<br />

does not appear in the last two telephone directories of Fort Worth, and he<br />

is not known at WBAP, Fort Worth. The Credit Bureau of Greater Fort<br />

Worth does not have a record on any such name.<br />

Finally the FBI got it right:<br />

Romain Harten, of 3719 Hawthorne Street, Dallas, Texas, told the FBI that<br />

George Bouhe had given Oswald his name and address as a possible<br />

place to stay, but he did not want a communist living with him.<br />

Why the confusion? Probably because Oswald didn’t write down a first name as he did<br />

with the other entries of Russian exiles? Why? And why what appears to be a test of a<br />

pen near the word LANE, especially close to the “L” in LANE making it look like JANE.<br />

The FBI:<br />

A review of the City Directory for Dallas, Texas reflects a Roman Harten,<br />

wife, Martha, employed as a draftsman for Koch, Fowler and Crafe, with<br />

residence located 3719 Hawthorne, Dallas, Texas.<br />

If you put the Jane and Roman together it becomes JANE ROMAN Angleton’s<br />

Counterintelligence Liaison and long time associate in the CIA and OSS.<br />



Assassination Records Review Board Interview with Jane Roman, former<br />

head of Counterintelligence/ Liaison for the Central Intelligence Agency.<br />

Mrs. Roman recounts working for James J. Angleton in the late 1950’s<br />

and early 1960s. Roman notes the extent of cooperation between<br />

intelligence agencies and recounts her knowledge of HTLINGUAL, a mail<br />

opening and mail cover program of the CIA. Mrs. Roman recounts her<br />

knowledge of the experience of several defectors from the Soviet Union.<br />

Mrs. Roman also details the handling and transfer of documents within the<br />

CIA and recounts her knowledge of the CIA file on Lee Harvey Oswald.<br />

FBI reported:<br />


On November 26, 1963 Dallas Confidential FBI Informant T-4,<br />

advised that he had received information that a male voice was overheard<br />

in a conversation which took place between telephone number CR-5-<br />

5211, Arlington, Texas, [unpublished phone number of Paine at Bell<br />

Helicopter] and telephone number BL-3-1628 [a phone number listed in<br />

Michael Paine's name, but actually Ruth Paine’s number as they were<br />

separated], Irving, Texas, on November 23, 1963. Informant advised the<br />

exact time of this conversation was not available, and that it was not<br />

known from which of the telephone numbers the call originated. Informant<br />

advised that the male voice was heard to comment that he felt sure Lee<br />

Harvey Oswald had killed the President, but he did not feel Oswald was<br />

responsible, and further stated: 'We both know who is responsible.'<br />

It should be noted that the only telephone call between telephone number<br />

CR-5-5211, Arlington, Texas, and telephone number BL-3-1628, Irving,<br />

Texas, during the period November 22, 1963, to November 26, 1963, was<br />

the one call on November 22, 1963, which, according to the telephone<br />

company records, indicates that Mrs. Michael Paine was calling collect<br />

from CR-5-5211, the place of employment of her husband. Previous<br />

information, furnished by Captain Paul Barger, Irving, Texas, Police<br />



Department, to the effect that he had received information from individual<br />

he could not recall concerning a telephone conversation which took place<br />

on November 23, 1963, between telephone numbers CR-5-5211,<br />

Arlington, Texas and BL-3-1623, Irving, Texas, has been reported. Mrs.<br />

Ruth Paine, 2515 West 5th Street, Irving, Texas, has previously stated<br />

that on November 22, 1963, at about 1:00 p.m., her husband telephoned<br />

from his place of business, and advised her that the President had just<br />

been shot. Mrs. Paine denied having any conversation with her husband<br />

at his place of employment on November 23, 1963. 132<br />

This was a clerical error and the telephone records should have indicated Mr.<br />

Michael Paine was calling collect not Mrs. The telephone records indicated that Ruth<br />

Paine placed a collect call to Michael Paine from his office to his home yet no one at<br />

Bell Helicopter testified that they saw Ruth Paine at the facility that day. Marina Oswald<br />

testified that Ruth Paine was not absent any time during that entire day. In 1976 Dallas<br />

Confidential FBI Informant T-4 Paul Barger said he recalled the situation and that it was<br />

he who told the FBI the essence of the conversation, as related to him. He said the<br />

reason he wouldn’t divulge the name of the person who overheard the conversation was<br />

because the person who overheard it would have lost his job. “Due to some mechanical<br />

difficulties or something he was checking out the line. He was a telephone company<br />

repairman. I’m just not going to mention his name. I don’t think it makes any difference<br />

now.” Barger said he didn’t recall exactly what the phone conversation allegedly said. “I<br />

do know the conversation was between her and her husband and it went to the effect<br />

that ‘we all know who did it.’ He said he did not believe the FBI had any wiretap on the<br />

Paine house. “If they did they wouldn’t have been asked me for what happened.”<br />

Theodore Gunderson, the FBI Dallas SAC said, “I can only tell you that we had no<br />

wiretap on the Paine’s at any time.” Wesley Liebler questioned Ruth Paine about this<br />

telephone conversation:<br />

You have previously been questioned about a supposed telephone call<br />

that was supposed to have been made from Michael Paine's office to your<br />


Paine:<br />


home shortly after the assassination, and I do not represent that I have<br />

knowledge of such a call, that such a call was ever made, but as you<br />

know, there were rumors to the effect that this man and woman together in<br />

the conversation - that one of them said he really wasn't responsible for<br />

the assassination, and they both knew who was and I think both of you<br />

and Michael have testified about this before and have denied there was<br />

any such telephone conversation between you and anyone. Was there a<br />

telephone conversation of any kind between you and Michael between<br />

your residence and Michael's office on November 22, 1963, or November<br />

23, 1963?<br />

I have testified to the fact that Michael called. I don't know whether it was<br />

from the cafeteria where he had been eating or more likely from his office,<br />

to my home, on November 22, 1963. That was the only telephone<br />

conversation between those two numbers on those two days that I know<br />

of?<br />

Ruth Paine commented, "It rings no bells for me. I must say I am not impressed with the<br />

quality of FBI reporting." Michael Paine stated:<br />

I've heard that a couple of times, way back, for many years. When I first<br />

heard that said, I thought that they must have overheard me talking to my<br />

father very shortly after the evening or the next day of the assassination.<br />

In this conversation I said to him rather emphatically “We know how he got<br />

that job at the Depository.” Which we did. Immediately after the<br />

assassination, I assumed the phone was tapped.<br />

The repairman did not want to lose his job or face an illegal wiretapping charge<br />

so he lied about the date of the conversation least it be traced back to him. If he was<br />

questioned he could have always said, “But I was not working that day, it was<br />

Saturday.” The man heard what he heard. Both Ruth and Michael Paine believed<br />

Oswald killed JFK as they had been asked by CIA to put him in a building along the<br />

parade route seemingly for that purpose so ultimately the CIA was responsible. The<br />

reason they blurted this out was because the Paine’s might have believed their phones<br />

were tapped but not a few hours after the assassination. The fact remains that the<br />

telephone repair man was aware of Paine’s unlisted office number and Ruth’s home<br />

number so he must have overheard their conversation. In December 1994 Ruth Paine<br />

was living in St. Augustine, Florida, and working in Tampa, Florida as a school<br />

psychologist and still did volunteer work for the Quakers. 133 Hemming advised:<br />

Ruth Paine's a fucking patriot, she doesn't know shit from Shinola. Don't<br />

read nothing, don't wanna know, don't give a fuck. And they're loyal till the<br />

day they die. They believe what's told to them. They're like cult members<br />

out of Waco, or Georgetown. 'Drink your Kool Aide, drink it before goes<br />

bad.' She's a religious fucking fanatic. They'll believe shit out of the fucking<br />

book. God is on their side. That's the kind of fucking people they are. Very<br />



valuable fucking people. They never give yaa...Now, that she would be in<br />

touch with an Oswald, that's saying something. They don't expose people<br />

like Ruth Paine to fucking dimwit numbfucks. She was babysitting the guy<br />

regarding some knowledge he had acquired in the Soviet Union. She was<br />

told to put him in the Texas School Book Depository. They don't tell why.<br />

They put a 14 inch nigger dick between her legs and that's it. They do<br />

what the fuck they're told. You don't tell some fucking cunt what's going<br />

on. She's not going to betray anyone. She'll keep her mouth shut until the<br />

day she fucking dies. Her relatives in the CIA were serving their country. If<br />

they were used and abused, it's not their fault. They are not the enemy.<br />

They were complete fucking dupes. In Angleton's business, the people<br />

that are closest to you, that know too much, are scared. They're always<br />

scared.<br />

Frontline reporter Scott Malone reported that when Dallas Police searched the<br />

home of Ruth Paine after the assassination they found a commercial pornographic film<br />

depicting acts of lesbianism. Ruth Paine: "I certainly never saw them. I don't know what<br />

they thought they found." The police also found "Operating Manual for Sears Tower<br />

Automatic Projector" On page 17 of the description of items found in the Paine home<br />

items J and K are marked Deleted. On November 26, 1963, S.A. Warren C. DeBrueys<br />

informed SAC Gordon Shanklin: "Movie reels in possession of Dallas Pd on November<br />

24, 1963, and November 25, 1963, as result of seizure by search warrant from the<br />

home of Ruth Paine, November 23, 1963...were reviewed and bore no pertinence to<br />

instant case." I tried to locate this film at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. so<br />

that the members of the House Select Committee on Assassinations and others could<br />

review it assuming a projector was available. The film could not be located so that<br />

ended that. I spent months at the Archives going through every document there was<br />

about the Kennedy assassination. I also did extensive research in the FBI Reading<br />

Room and Library of Congress. Cong. Gonzalez obtained a stack pass for me. One<br />

night I became so absorbed in my research I almost got locked in the Library overnight.<br />

I banged on the door and the guard let me out after which I returned to Grover<br />

Norquist’s townhouse where I was crashing.<br />







Oswald was the strangest Communist I ever did see. He had the address of the CPUSA<br />

in the book:<br />

But he only book ever mentioned in his address book was 1984 an anti-Communist<br />

novel written by George Orwell.<br />

Oswald always had a counter-intelligence interest in Communism and Socialism.<br />

He borrowed Das Kapital 134 from the library when he lived with his mother Marguerite in<br />

New Orleans. He wrote to a socialist group for literature when he was just a teenager.<br />

But Oswald enlisted in the Marines rather than joining the CPUSA which indicated his<br />

interest was learning about the Commies to destroy them, not aid in their cause. As<br />

stated it was in the Marines Oswald encountered Hemming who also had a lifelong<br />

interest in fighting communism. The two men murdered Philippine Communists together<br />

and Oswald trusted and looked up to Hemming. Shoot, everyone looked up to<br />

Hemming, he was six foot six.<br />





Oswald met with the Russian dissident and anti-Communist Boris Pasternak just<br />

prior to his re-defection. The name of the hotel Pasternak was forced to stay in was the<br />

Ostankino located in the boonies of Moscow. He met with him at 8 PM in room 6. The<br />

CIA was behind the publication of Pasternak’s Doctor Zivago, and the Russian Jew was<br />

a great favorite of James Angleton.<br />



Oswald was in touch with dissident Russians working for the CIA while he was in<br />

the Soviet Union. The name Kozlova was found in his address book along with this<br />

accompanying information: Vneshtory Bank Bank of Foreign Trade Moscow Neglinnaya<br />

Ul. 12 Kozlova (woman's surname) K-03400 (telephone number) (792) (possible<br />

telephone extension) The CIA listed three Kozlovas. Which Kozlova was Oswald in<br />

touch with? The CIA could not, or did not, want to trace the telephone extension and<br />

find out who it went to. My vote went to Olympiada Kozlova. A bank is included in the<br />

entry one of Olympiada’s relatives had an SSD number which meant he/she worked for<br />

the CIA with Angleton at CI/SIG. The reason this SSD number was withheld was<br />

because it provided another link to Oswald and CIA.<br />






The letters "AM EX" appeared at least six times in Oswald's address book; he<br />

also had the telephone number of the American Express office in Moscow. Next to it,<br />

the name "Jelisvacic." According to the phone book at the American Embassy Michael<br />



Jelisavcic was the office manager of American Express, Moscow. The words "one-two<br />

Dinner" also appeared. Oswald mentioned nothing about this dinner date in his Historic<br />

Diary. CIA was asked for traces on Michael Jelisavcic.<br />

Address Book Page 28 (A2)<br />

A. Ex.<br />

K-4200<br />

384<br />

1 – 2 Dinner<br />

Room 384<br />

Jelisavcic<br />

1. The Telephone Directory of the American Embassy Moscow lists the American<br />

Express Company Room 384, Hotel Metropol telephone 942000; manager Mr. Michael<br />

Jelisavcic.<br />

2. The initial number 9 and letter K are interchangeable in the Moscow telephone<br />

system<br />

3. The nationality of Jelisavcic is unknown. No further traces.<br />

Mikailo Jelisavcic was born in Raska, Montenegro in 1912. He graduated with a diploma<br />

in economics and then worked in the accounting section of the Royal Yugoslav Foreign<br />

Ministry. On the eve of World War Two he participated in the Yugoslav special<br />

delegation to Moscow. He escaped from Yugoslavia during the German invasion and<br />

made his way to South Africa. During World War Two he flew in the South African Air<br />

Force. After World War Two he became a US citizen in 1958. He graduated from<br />

Columbia University in 1956. He then worked for over ten years as a business man in<br />

Moscow during which time he devoted all his spare moments to the study of Russian<br />

art, architecture, literature and history. His work on Soviet Art has been published with<br />

the title "Soviet Art". This text covers Russian art in the Second half of the 19th century<br />

and Soviet Art and architecture.<br />

On December 17, 1968, the New York Office of the FBI sent this wire to the Director:<br />

Enclosed herein for the Chicago Office are 14 copies of various communications<br />

relating to the investigation of Michael Jelisavcic. Also enclosed for Chicago is one<br />

photograph of Jelisavcic and one photograph of 'Sammy' [Yuri Nosenko] for possible<br />

use during interrogation of Jelisavcic.<br />

For the information of the Chicago Office, Michael Jelisavcic, currently employed as an<br />

American Express Company representative, Moscow, USSR and is visiting US on home<br />

leave. It was ascertained, this date, that Jelisavcic departed from the New York City<br />

area on December 11, 1968, en route to Chicago. The Bureau is requested to authorize<br />

Chicago to immediately interview Jelisavcic in an effort to resolve all facts concerning<br />

possible compromise of Jelisavcic by Soviet intelligence during his employment within<br />

the USSR.<br />



The enclosures for the Chicago Office contain all pertinent information re Jelisavcic in<br />

the possession of the New York Office. Chicago's attention is directed particularly to<br />

Bureau letter, dated January 8, 1965, in captioned matter wherein Jelisavcic’s name<br />

and room number were in possession of Oswald. During interview he should be<br />

questioned concerning all circumstances surrounding any possible association with or<br />

knowledge of Oswald and this information should be set out in Letter Head<br />

Memorandum form suitable for dissemination under Oswald caption. All other pertinent<br />

information re Jelisavcic's connection with Soviets in USSR and possible compromise<br />

by Soviet Intelligence should be set out in a form suitable for dissemination under<br />

Subject's caption.<br />

That interview has yet to be released. The closest thing to it that has been released is<br />

the document on the next page of The Oswald Code that remains redacted as of 2010.<br />






On October 30, 1969 the New York Times reported,<br />

A U.S. Travel Agent Expelled by Soviet Moscow: The manager of the<br />

American Express Company here said tonight that he had been ordered to<br />

leave the Soviet Union “as soon as possible.” He is Michael S. Jelisavcic,<br />

a United States citizen who was born in Yugoslavia and who has been in<br />

Moscow for nine years. Mr. Jelisavcic said that the order for his departure<br />

had been relayed to him by officials of the United States Embassy. He<br />

said in an interview that the apparent reason for his expulsion order was<br />

his involvement of August 6 in an automobile accident. The accident, Mr.<br />

Jelisavcic said, occurred when an apparently intoxicated Soviet citizen<br />

walked in front of the automobile he was driving. Mr. Jelisavcic said that<br />

his wife was vacationing in France and his son was a student in New York.<br />



The above was the last government document available on Jelisavcic. Oswald<br />

may have inadvertently come into contact with a Soviet agent or asset.<br />













Perhaps the most intriguing document regarding Oswald’s CIA connections is<br />

one dated April 8, 1964 that deals with events as late as 1972 and may have been<br />

predated by Angleton. It contained names that do not appear in the CIA translation of<br />

Oswald’s address book entitled Name List with Traces (seen above) nor do the names<br />

appear on the CIA’s translation of the Russian names in Oswald’s address book given<br />

to the FBI. Nancy Dammann 135 spent 17 years with USAID as a Communications Media<br />

Advisor in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.<br />

Nancy Dammann, 96, of Peoria, Arizona passed away on Wednesday, June 3,<br />

2015. Born in Chicago, Illinois, August 5, 1919, Nancy was the daughter of Isabel Lynde<br />

and John Francis Dammann. Upon graduating from Smith College (1941), she<br />

embarked on a career of service that eventually took her across the world. She first<br />

became a Courier for the Kentucky-based Frontier Nursing Service riding horseback to<br />

escort health professionals and carried medical supplies to distant clinics throughout<br />

rural Kentucky. With the entry of the United States into World War II, she joined the<br />

Women’s Army Corps and served as a Classification Specialist in administrative offices<br />

in the South Pacific. During her service she was awarded an Asiatic Pacific Theater<br />

Ribbon with Three Bronze Battle Stars, the Philippine Liberation Ribbon with One<br />

Bronze Battle Star, the WAC Service Ribbon and Two Overseas Service Bars along<br />

with a Good Conduct Medal. She was Honorably Discharged in 1945. She returned to<br />

Asia with the U.S. Department of State’s Information Service working in Madras, India,<br />

and subsequently became the first American female diplomat in Nepal. Always intrepid,<br />

Nancy’s work with USIS found her trekking into the Himalayas with public health<br />

workers, visiting medical clinics in distant villages. In the 1960s, she joined the United<br />

States Agency for International Development, (USAID), serving in Thailand, Jamaica,<br />

and the Philippines.<br />

How she ended up in this report God only knows.<br />

Richard C. Jacob was a twenty-four-year-old German-American CIA case officer<br />

from Egg Harbor, New Jersey, listed on the embassy rolls as an "archivist" who was<br />

assigned the task of picking up some intelligence information from Colonel Penkovsky<br />

at a dead drop by Case Officer Paul Garbler. When Jacob arrived at the Pushkin Street<br />

drop, the KGB was waiting. He had walked straight into a trap, just as Garbler had<br />

feared. No traces on “U Johns” other than the name appeared on a Soviet visa blacklist.<br />

Jacob, 76, passed away October 22, 2012. He was a graduate of Egg Harbor City High<br />

School, majored in Russian Civilization at Dartmouth College, was a Fulbright Scholar,<br />

University of Munich and was an intelligence officer during the Cold War with postings in<br />

Moscow and Berlin. 136<br />




Alexis Davison, as an Embassy doctor, had conducted a medical examination of<br />

Marina Oswald in 1962 in Moscow prior to the Oswald's' departure for the USA. Davison<br />

could not recall giving his address to Lee or Marina but testified before the HSCA that in<br />

doing so, "this was not an unusual thing to do since my family had always been very<br />

hospitable to Russians who visited Atlanta." Davison was an agent for the CIA,<br />

providing "passive communication support" for a major intelligence operation in Moscow<br />

involving the Russian spy GRU Colonel Oleg Penkovsky. In May 1963, Penkovsky was<br />

arrested and Davison was one of the US diplomats ordered out of the USSR.<br />

Penkovsky was later shot as a traitor by the Russians.<br />





Oswald’s address book indicates he was in touch with some hardcore KGB<br />

Agents some of whom dispatched Nosenko:<br />




Kuznetsova, Rosa<br />

Intor. Hotel “Mink”<br />

92-463<br />

House 30 Apt 8<br />

Ul. Kola Miskneva<br />

Nel Norodovskvim<br />

122 In of Foreign Languages<br />

KGB?<br />

These entries for "Rosa" were in Oswald's address book:<br />

(1) Kuznetsova, Rosa Inter. Hotel Minsk 9-2-463.<br />

(2) Kuznetsova, Rosa Inter Hotel Minsk 9-2-463 House 30 Apt. 8 Ul. Kola Miskneva (?).<br />

(3) Rosa House 130 Apt. 8.<br />

(4) Rosa House 13 Apt. 8 Karla Oginkneta (Liebknecht?) Street (?).<br />

(5) Rosa Karl Liebnecht Street 130, apartment 8. Telephone 9-2-463.<br />

The CIA: "Traces: None on Kuznetsova or her address. The Minsk Telephone Directory<br />

gives 9-2-462 as the number of Inturist, Minsk Hotel. 9-24-463 is not listed." On January<br />

28, 1964, a CIA CI staff employee, from working under Angleton, generated this<br />

document:<br />

Rosa Kuznetsova, former wife of Augustin Trueba (Calvo), may be identical with the<br />

Rosa Kuznetsova who was shown in the address book as being with Intourist at the<br />

Hotel Minsk.<br />

TO: Chief/Research Branch/OS/SRS<br />

FROM: M. D. Stevens<br />



Address Book<br />


Rosa Kuznetsova<br />

1. According to information in a July 27, 1960, IRD report [Information Research<br />

Development of MI-5] on a May 1960 interview with Augustin Trueba (Calvo), #110 066<br />

Rosa Kuznetsova is the first wife of Augustin Trueba and at that time (May 1960) was<br />

living in Moscow with their daughter Ludmilla Kuznetsova.<br />

2. Augustin Trueba was described as a 36-year-old married male who had been<br />

repatriated to Spain from the USSR in December 1956 after having left Spain to go to<br />

the Soviet Union in 1939 and having remained there. In October 1959 he walked into<br />

the Office of the Labor Attaché of the U.S. Embassy, Spain, and offered information<br />

about his work in the Soviet Union; he eventually was recruited to supply positive<br />

information. He was given the pseudonym of Sergei Petrovich Ivanov.<br />

3. Augustin Trueba's polygraph in May 1960 reflected that he was withholding<br />

information regarding: helping or working for Soviet Intelligence and being sent to Spain<br />

by the Soviets, signing an agreement to work for Soviet Intelligence, information about<br />

Communist and Komsomol membership and other factors; and that he had discussed<br />

his CIA work with his wife and others. During his IRD interview, which was conducted in<br />

Spain, Augustin Trueba discussed the possible effect on his former wife, Rosa<br />

Kuznetsova, and their daughter should his association with CIA be discovered by the<br />

Soviets and commented that he had caused his daughter enough trouble, suffering and<br />

punishment, in that she did not know who her father was and had not had the benefit of<br />

his guidance, etc. since he had left his wife when his daughter was quite young. He<br />

mentioned that on his way from “Magadan to Spain” (time not stated) he stopped in<br />

Moscow and while there visited Rosa Kuznetsova’s residence. She was not there, he<br />

said, but his daughter opened the door and talked with him while he waited for her to<br />

return. (It is not clear whether or not she did return while he was there. This could<br />

probably be resolved by asking Mr. Stoiaken who conducted the interrogation). He said<br />

that his daughter did not recognize him and did not know him to be her father.<br />

According to Trueba he did not correspond with his former wife or their child or with<br />

anyone in the USSR. His current wife, Felicia Calvo, he said, was corresponding with<br />

her sister who lived near Moscow. According to Trueba, he met Rosa Kuznetsova<br />

sometime in 1945 and married her later that year or in early 1946; He stated that at the<br />

time she work for Guk as an audio technician. The child he said was born November 20,<br />

1946. He left her some time in 1947 and as he recalled he received a divorce from her<br />

in October 1947. He got a divorce he said, because she became physically unattractive<br />

to him and because he heard rumors that she had been having an affair with some<br />

other man at her place of employment. After giving a long detailed story regarding the<br />

divorce, its costs etc. Trueba admitted that he did not in fact receive a divorce and that<br />

there was only a separation. He added that his present wife had met Rosa Kuznetsova<br />

sometime during the period 1950 /1954 while both were attending the Moscow Juridical<br />

Institute. He said, in fact, that his present wife had also met his daughter, Ludmilla<br />

Kuznetsova, and that during the period they were awaiting repatriation to Spain,<br />

Ludmilla spent quite a bit of time with him and his present wife. During the IRD interview<br />



Augustin Trueba, who admitted that he had lied on various accounts, became<br />

uncooperative and bluntly refused to cooperate further. (Information concerning Rosa<br />

Kuznetsova is contained on pages 3, 6 and 7 of the July 27, 1960 IRD report. See copy<br />

attached.) Signed M. D. Stevens.<br />

The IRD used Media and Academic fronts, often in conjunction with CIA, such as<br />

Encounter Magazine. I suspect Trueba was a high value intellectual but I can find no<br />

traces on him except in Homage to Spanish Exiles Voices of the Spanish Civil War by<br />

Nancy MacDonald which states that “Agustin Trueba Calvo was born in Santa ??? in<br />

1923 and his wife Felisa was ...Trueba' s brother was shot by the Spanish Fascists and<br />

his mother spent 13...” But there is interesting information on a Mr. Guk.<br />

After The Big Event led directly to the door of the Soviet Union and Cuba, the<br />

Sovs dispatched a phony defector who would claim to have been in charge of the<br />

Oswald KGB file. Angleton knew this KGB officer was bogus because he knew exactly<br />

what Oswald was up to in the USSR having put Oswald up to it. This was Yuri Nosenko.<br />

In order to show CIA and FBI that Nosenko was a true defector, after his socalled<br />

defection there had to be a purge in the KGB of everyone close to him and of<br />

those who leaked information to him. If some KGB agent’s careers had to be ruined, so<br />

be it. The FBI fell for this but Angleton did not. He looked at it as part of a massive KGB<br />

deception, just as he regarded the other KGB “defectors” who vouched for Nosenko’s<br />

bona fides. In The Examination of the Bona Fides of a KGB Defector CIA had this to say<br />

about Yu. I Guk<br />

Implying that their friendship was not of long-standing, Nosenko related in 1962<br />

that he and Guk were together nearly every day in Geneva, where they went out to chat<br />

and have a few drinks. As a consequence, Nosenko was granted access to the<br />

residency and was able to elict information about Guk’s operations in Geneva. He<br />

described his big, big friend Guk as the Deputy Legal Resident in Geneva and the only<br />

“strong officer” in the residency.<br />

Comment: In 1964 Nosenko attributed his gaining access to the residency in 1962 to<br />

TSYMBAL, [head of the KGB Illegal Department in Geneva] not to Guk. (Deleted)<br />

In another CIA document Angleton wondered why Guk was not part of the purge?<br />

Comment: As discussed in our memorandum of March 25, 1964, Yari Guk appears to<br />

be a central figure in this KGB provocation. Nosenko repeatedly and often suspiciously<br />

brings up Guk in a variety of contexts. AQUAMARINE (who, we now are quite certain,<br />

has been under KGB control from the outset) has also reported—from two different subsources<br />

at two different times--on Guk and the latter's friendship with Nosenko. He first<br />

reported in June 1964 that Guk was in "some unexplained trouble" and learned in July<br />

that Guk had, in fact, been fired from the KGB. That your source also mentions Guk<br />

therefore takes on special significance. June 30, 1964: Guk is a good friend of<br />

Nosenko’s. Don’t know what problems this will cause for Guk. July 29, 1964. Golubev’s<br />

assignment exposed to Nosenko by GUK. Don’t know whether Guk is one of those fired<br />

as a result of indiscretions of Nosenko.<br />



The FBI failed to realize that the KGB Nosenko Operation would be a failure if a<br />

purge did not occur after his defection:<br />

It was also reported that Sergei M Golubev, a KGB employee assigned to<br />

the Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC is expected to return to the Soviet<br />

Union in the near future. Golubev, it is noted, arrived in the United States<br />

on December 18, 1963. Golubev is returning to Moscow, primarily<br />

because he is known to Yuri Nosenko, having worked with Nosenko for a<br />

period of time within KGB, Moscow. Subsequently, Nosenko and Golubev<br />

were given different assignments within KGB and thereafter, did not<br />

associate with each other in the course of their daily activities. Nosenko<br />

and Golubev did have a common friend, however, an individual known<br />

only by the surname Guk who was also an employee of KGB Moscow. It<br />

has now been determined probably by the Investigative Commission<br />

representing the Central Committee of the CP, that Guk told Yuri Nosenko<br />

that Golubev had been reassigned to work in the KGB Residency in<br />

Washington, D. C. This, it is stated, is the underlying reason behind<br />

Golubev contemplated return to the Soviet Union. It is not known whether<br />

Guk, mentioned above, is one of the 15 individuals referred to above, who<br />

have been expelled from the KGB, as a result of the investigation of the<br />

Nosenko defection.<br />

The possibility exists that Rosa Kuznetsova was the cutout between Oswald and<br />

Guk, who might have been the KGB official who engineered the Nosenko defection. On<br />

January 31, 1964, Birch D. O’Neal, Chief, CI-SIG signed a Memorandum for the Record<br />

in response to the document about Rosa Kuznetsova having been married to Augustin<br />

Trueba. Based on the description of Rosa Kuznetsova furnished by Oswald’s Historic<br />

Diary, - lived in Minsk, blonde, 23, O’Neal concluded the two Rosa Kuznetsovas were<br />

not identical. Raymond Rocca said it was “quite clear to him that the Rosa Kuznetsova<br />

concerning whom entries were made in the address book was identical with the Rosa<br />

Kuznetsova referred to in the diary.” The CIA found no traces in Minsk of a tourist guide,<br />

or anyone else named Rosa Kuznetsova, nor could it verify that 130 Karl Liebnecht<br />

Street was a valid Minsk address. How could CIA explain this away? Oswald wrote: "I<br />

study russian elemantry and advanced grammas from text books with a English<br />

speaking Russian intourist teacher by the name of Rosa Agafonava, Minsk January to<br />

May 1960." The Warren Commission remarked: "Reference to 'Rosa Agafanova'<br />

probably should be to 'Rosa Kuznetsova'." Angleton and his band of Counter-<br />

Intelligence analysts never examined the possibility that Rosa Kuznetsova’s name was<br />

masked and obscured by numerous “Rosa” address book entries.<br />









According to the Warren Commission "Vera Golevna (?) Alizberg" was listed as<br />

"German teacher consrv." There was however a woman named Vera Alizberg who the<br />

Senior Research Staff (SRS) of the CIA described as working in a KGB section<br />

specializing in “open terrorist attacks and forgery.”<br />





Hagan worked with the OSS during WW II on the shadow war against Hitler. This<br />

is from an anti-immigration website:<br />

Soviet agents, front groups, and infiltration and espionage techniques<br />

composed a broad strategy to undermine the United States. Immigrants<br />

as well as traitorous natives played a role in the communist threat. For<br />

instance, German refugee Karl Frank, alias Paul Hagen, was investigated<br />

by the FBI in 1945. His internal security case confirmed that Hagen was a<br />

communist and active in a communist front group, New Beginning.<br />

According to Herbert Romerstein who studied the Venona Files:<br />

One [unsolved murder] involves the disappearance, in Barcelona during<br />

the Spanish Civil War, of Mark Rein, son of the exiled Russian Menshevik<br />

Rafail Abramovich. Rein was associated with Scandinavian social<br />

democracy when he vanished in wartime Catalonia. His case is one of a<br />

short list of unsolved atrocities alleged against the Soviet secret police on<br />

Spanish Republican territory. According to Romerstein, Rein may have<br />

been betrayed to Stalin's agents by a German leftist named Paul Hagen. A<br />

footnote discloses that sources on the Rein affair may be found in the<br />

German Communist Party Archives.<br />

Most of this document was withheld until 1998 when it was “Released in Full” except for<br />

the component from which it originated. It was not a Warren Commission document. It<br />

indicated that Oswald was in touch with a hardcore experienced KGB agent.<br />



A. A. CHUB<br />





This CIA translation above contains a wrong number for Dyadev, 206311.<br />

This revised edition of the CIA’s Name List with Traces above corrected that mistake.<br />

The next revised edition contained the above entry. The CIA never ran traces on<br />

Kon. Narokhsov.<br />



Next we find above that CIA has found traces on DYADEV.<br />

Next we find that the number listed next to Comrade Dyadev belong to A. A.<br />

Chub and the CIA has no traces on him.<br />

Finally we find that the CIA does have traces on Chub, and his real name is<br />

Stefan Mudryk. Actually Chub or Mudryk was a Ukrainian Nationalist.<br />

Accomplices of Murder in the Soviet Government (by Stepan Mudryk)<br />

Two years after the murder of the OUN leader, Stepan Bandera, the crafty<br />

assassin, an agent of the Soviet KGB, was found and arrested. He will<br />

shortly have to stand trial before a court of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany within whose jurisdiction the crime was committed.<br />

The criminal does not deny his foul deeds instigated by Moscow; he<br />

admitted them and disclosed not only the exact details of the planning but<br />



also the names of those who plotted and ordered the assassination,<br />

trained the murderer and, after the completion of his foul task, decorated<br />

their stooge with the high 'Order of the Red Banner.' The chief criminals<br />

are the former Head of the KGB Alexander Shelepin, and the hangman of<br />

Ukraine, Nikita Khrushchev; their tool: Bohdan Stashynsky.<br />

It is common knowledge that after the murder of S. Bandera the Soviet<br />

propaganda machine tried for two years to circulate within the Russian<br />

empire and in the countries of the free world base and provocative lies<br />

and misrepresentations. These were designed to create confusion and to<br />

undermine the prestige of the OUN, as well as to shift the blame for the<br />

murder away from Moscow. Moscow had been planning and preparing an<br />

attempt on Bandera's life for fifteen years and repeatedly sent trained<br />

agents for this purpose. In many cases, however, the OUN was able to<br />

intervene and prevent the attacks, so that NKGB-MGB-KGB headquarters<br />

were again and again forced to withdraw their agents and to change their<br />

tactics.<br />





Oswald’s cross-outs were designed to make the words almost completely illegible.


On Monday, October 19, 1959, Oswald was interviewed by Radio Moscow. In a<br />

Question and Answer sheet that Oswald prepared upon his re-entry to the United States<br />

he stated:<br />

Did you make statements against the U.S. there? yes. What about that<br />

type [tape] recording? I made a recording for Radio Moscow which was<br />

broadcast the following Sunday, October 25, 1959.<br />

In another part of this Q and A Oswald denied having broadcast anti-American<br />

propaganda. Apparently he felt that having done so would prevent his re-entry into the<br />

United States. Marina Oswald questioned her husband about the radio broadcast he<br />

had made. Oswald explained Leo Setyaev had helped him make some money by<br />

assisting in the broadcast. Oswald said he criticized the United States and praised<br />

Russia as a better place to live. Leo Setyaev or Lev Setyaev was a KGB agent who was<br />

married to a defector known as “Moscow Molly.<br />

”<br />

Utilizing my Hallicrafters S38-E purchased in 1957 as a Radio Moscow listener in<br />



1959 I heard the Oswald interview. I thought this guy from Texas must be dirt poor to<br />

expect to enjoy a higher standard of living in the USSR. He made anti-American<br />

statements.<br />

The MVD was the Secret police after Lavrenty Beria merged the MGB into the<br />

MVD in March 1953. Within a year Beria's downfall caused the MVD to be split up<br />

again; after that, the MVD retained its "internal security" (police) functions, while the<br />

new KGB took on "state security" (secret police) functions. Nikita Khrushchev called for<br />

the dismissal of the All-Union MVD. The Ministry ceased to exist in January 1960.<br />

Oswald entered the Soviet Union in October 1959.<br />



The 433 number is the beginning of Oswald's Social Security Number. Then there are a<br />

sequence of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. The other numbers are obscured by Oswald doodle<br />

of a bull. The letters OS appear. Oswald was convinced this was his CIA Office of<br />

Security File number.<br />

A lone “F” appears on what is left of a missing page in the address book.<br />




Gaeton Fonzi of the HSCA visited me in New York City and crashed at the Yippie<br />

House at 9 Bleecker Street. He told me on numerous occasions he was convinced the<br />

tramps were Hunt and Sturgis but ultimately he stated:<br />

In my own mind, I've never resolved the question of whether or not Frank<br />

Sturgis looked like one of the tramps in Dealey Plaza. There are a couple<br />

of photos which have strong similarities, others with few. The same could<br />

be said of the Hunt comparison.<br />

Fonzi was too nice a guy to be involved in this investigation and was afraid to<br />

dissent from the HSCA official finding which was ridiculous and cooked up by a CIA<br />

asset. Michael Canfield did a tremendous amount of work, in fact it was Mike who<br />

convinced Congressman Henry Gonzalez that after the discovery of the tramp shots a<br />

congressional investigation of The Big Event was merited. This led to the formation of<br />

the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Canfield and I had already been<br />

working for Henry as congressional researchers and were ready to move on the big<br />

time and put an end to CIA (I was a big Left-winger back then). But if you think you can’t<br />

fight city hall, trying fighting CIA. These pond slime creatures drugged the Congressman<br />

and he began making statements like Fonzi, a man who wouldn’t hurt a fly, was a<br />

member of Organized Crime.<br />

Canfield went to Hollywood where he hooked up with Bob Dylan, and became his<br />

Minister at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Dylan put him in the antique car<br />

restoration business (Indigo Motors) but it failed. Canfield was stuck in Demming, New<br />

Mexico in a wheel chair with no money. I don’t remember if I sent him money or not but<br />

if I did it stopped. Canfield took up with a turd who gave him money who dedicated his<br />

life to discrediting the tramp shots. Mike ended up saying Dorothy Hunt was in Dealey<br />

Plaza. Jesus he made it into a family picnic.<br />

In the good guy realm was Howard Gladder, the inventor of the collimator, a<br />

device to calibrate telescopes and a left wing revolutionary. Tom Forcade, Aron Kay,<br />

Dana Beal, John and Yoko and others who helped me organize Zippie activities. Ron<br />

Lowe my attorney when Hunt sued me. And of course the flower of the assassination<br />

world, Gerry Hemming not to forget Marita Lorenz of course who ratted Fat Frank out.<br />



























INDEX<br />

107 Camp Street, 195<br />

107 Decatur, 176, 195, 201<br />

544 Camp Street, 195, 196, 217, 260<br />

Abel, 120<br />

Abrams, 26<br />

Alizberg, 307<br />

American National Party, 260, 262<br />

American Nazi Party, 259, 260, 262<br />

Anderson, 95, 96, 97, 164, 254<br />

Angleton, 69, 93, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120,<br />

121, 122, 135, 136, 139, 205, 214, 230,<br />

250, 255, 265, 268, 274, 278, 280, 284,<br />

285, 297, 301, 303, 304<br />

Annual Leave, 87<br />

Argentine, 14<br />

Asia Pacific Foundation, 116<br />

Atlas Powder Company, 93, 107<br />

Atsugi, 42, 121, 122, 135<br />

Balter Building, 195, 200, 260<br />

Banister, 197, 260, 261, 262<br />

Barker, 69, 71, 72<br />

Bartes, 182, 200, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219,<br />

220, 221, 223<br />

Batista, 31, 143, 177, 189, 190, 193, 194,<br />

200, 201, 226<br />

Bay of Pigs, 30, 71, 90, 154, 155, 163, 164,<br />

173, 188, 189, 191, 194, 195, 214, 226<br />

Bay of Pigs Brigade, 154, 163, 164, 195<br />

Berlin, 129, 247, 249, 250, 297<br />

Bishop, 108, 112, 113<br />

Blalock, 177, 178<br />

Borde, 218, 219, 220<br />

Bosch, 164, 172, 173, 177<br />

Bowers, 26<br />

Branigan, 154<br />

Brigade 2506, 154, 163, 188, 194<br />

Bringuier, 175, 177, 178, 182, 186, 187,<br />

188, 190, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200,<br />

201, 202, 220, 221, 224<br />

Brown, 227, 240<br />

Burros, 259, 260, 262<br />

Caire, 195, 196, 197<br />

Carswell, 106<br />

Casa Roca, 176, 187<br />

Castro, 19, 22, 30, 60, 62, 69, 93, 98, 99,<br />

112, 113, 117, 136, 143, 153, 155, 159,<br />

163, 169, 172, 176, 177, 178, 182, 186,<br />

187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196,<br />

197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 214, 217,<br />



218, 221, 223, 225, 226, 233, 235, 241,<br />

243, 264<br />

Christ, 47, 69, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,<br />

100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 115, 156,<br />

159, 233, 241<br />

Chub, 313, 314<br />

CI/SIG, 120, 121, 272, 273, 285<br />

Cigali Building, 195, 196<br />

cipher, 18<br />

Colby, 62, 135<br />

Collins, 63, 64, 65<br />

Covington, 220, 225, 226<br />

Cryptography, 93<br />

Cuban Revolutionary Council, 188, 189,<br />

190, 195, 197, 210, 213, 216, 217, 218,<br />

220, 221, 225<br />

Cuban Revolutionary Front, 62, 187, 188,<br />

189, 200<br />

Cyrillic, 5<br />

Dammann, 297<br />

Davis, 99, 217, 218, 219, 220, 235, 261<br />

Davison, 298<br />

Dealey Plaza, 25, 26, 84, 99, 158, 164, 268<br />

DeBrueys, 179, 182, 194, 198, 199, 200,<br />

201, 202, 203, 205, 208, 210, 211, 212,<br />

213, 216, 230, 233, 234, 281<br />

decipher secret messages, 18<br />

Derringer, 42<br />

352<br />

DRE, 175, 176, 177, 178, 186, 189, 190,<br />

191, 192<br />

Duran, 53, 164, 245<br />

Dyadev, 312, 313<br />

Egerter, 139, 140<br />

El Toro, 47, 117, 135<br />

Evaristo Rodriguez, 198<br />

Everglades, 62, 219, 225<br />

Exner, 214<br />

Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 156, 178,<br />

179, 182, 184, 186, 187, 196, 202, 211,<br />

212, 236, 264<br />

Fernandez, 178, 191, 192, 193<br />

Fiorini, 22, 25, 30, 31, 43, 48, 60, 69, 83,<br />

84, 93, 99, 114, 141, 166, 226, 235, 237,<br />

250<br />

Fonzi, 190, 255<br />

Forester, 26<br />

Frank Fiorini Sturgis, 22<br />

Frazier, 54, 233, 267, 268<br />

Friedman, 87<br />

Friends of Democratic Cuba, 200<br />

Garbler, 297<br />

Garner, 208<br />

Garrison, 163, 191, 220<br />

Gedney, 26


Geraci, 176<br />

Germany, 249, 255, 257, 274, 314<br />

Gerry Patrick Hemming, 19, 23, 35<br />

Gil, 220<br />

Glover, 264, 265, 266<br />

Gottlieb, 97, 120, 194<br />

Guatemala, 90, 98, 108, 110<br />

Hagan, 309<br />

Hargraves, 102<br />

Harvey, 5, 43, 106, 112, 116, 118, 133, 135,<br />

194, 208, 211, 230, 233, 236, 240, 272,<br />

274, 278<br />

Helms, 69, 136, 189<br />

Hemming, 20, 23, 25, 30, 31, 35, 38, 39, 41,<br />

42, 43, 45, 47, 54, 60, 63, 64, 65, 99, 100,<br />

102, 103, 108, 113, 116, 117, 120, 121,<br />

148, 154, 156, 163, 165, 177, 190, 194,<br />

213, 214, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223,<br />

224, 225, 227, 228, 233, 235, 237, 238,<br />

250, 262, 264, 280, 282<br />

Hidell, 211, 212<br />

Hitler, 254, 257, 258, 309<br />

Hoke, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278<br />

Hosty, 208, 230, 233, 234, 268<br />

HSCA, 105, 158, 159, 165, 189, 203, 208,<br />

220, 268, 298<br />

Huks, 41, 42<br />

Hunt, 25, 30, 31, 69, 71, 72, 82, 84, 85, 86,<br />

87, 88, 90, 93, 99, 106, 108, 110, 113,<br />

353<br />

136, 141, 143, 159, 163, 165, 177, 188,<br />

189, 194, 197, 200, 210, 213, 217, 220,<br />

223, 233, 243, 245, 250<br />

Hunt v. Weberman, 69, 85<br />

Hyde, 264, 268, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276<br />

INTERPEN, 23, 62, 63, 99, 190, 219, 224,<br />

225, 226<br />

INTERPEN/IAB, 23, 62<br />

invisible ink, 15<br />

Jacob, 297<br />

Jaggers-Chiles-Stoval, 19<br />

Jelisavcic, 288, 289, 291, 292<br />

JM WAVE, 163<br />

JMWAVE, 164, 189<br />

Kaack, 208<br />

Kessler, 95<br />

KGB, 110, 117, 122, 129, 243, 297, 300,<br />

301, 303, 304, 307, 309, 314, 316, 317<br />

Klein's Sporting Goods, 54, 117<br />

Kolby, 62<br />

Kostikov, 243<br />

Kozlova, 285<br />

Kuznetsova, 301, 302, 304<br />

LaCombe, Louisiana, 178<br />

Lanusa, 192<br />

Lanz, 69, 141, 143, 173, 197, 235


Latin, 5, 110, 197, 198, 210, 223, 276<br />

Lennox, 95<br />

Letelier, 164, 172<br />

Liebeler, 52<br />

Liebler, 178, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 279<br />

Lorenz, 69, 141, 166, 172<br />

Love Field, 270, 272<br />

Luce, 110, 191<br />

Mannlicher-Carcano, 52, 54, 117<br />

Marina, 19, 52, 129, 133, 134, 148, 211,<br />

252, 258, 264, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271,<br />

274, 279, 298, 316<br />

Martin, 102, 103, 233, 250, 260<br />

Martin Luther King, 102, 103, 233<br />

Maydell, 258<br />

McCone, 116, 117<br />

McGehee, 240<br />

Mertz, 97<br />

Mexico City, 19, 53, 113, 139, 156, 178,<br />

191, 205, 233, 236, 237, 238, 243, 245,<br />

264<br />

Meyers, 214<br />

Michael Paine, 35, 264, 266, 268, 274, 276,<br />

278, 279, 280<br />

Mings, 102<br />

Minox, 35, 38<br />

Minutemen, 257, 262<br />

Mohrenschildt, 257, 262<br />

Molina, 98<br />

Monroe, 214<br />

Morgan, 106<br />

Mulcahy, 107<br />

MVD, 134, 317<br />

National Security Agency, 18, 20<br />

National States Rights Party, 47, 64<br />

Nazi, 169, 247, 252, 254, 255, 257, 259,<br />

260, 261, 262, 264<br />

New China News Agency, 94, 95<br />

Nix, 159<br />

Nosenko, 134, 288, 300, 303, 304<br />

Novo, 169, 170, 171<br />

NSA, 18, 19<br />

Odio, 233, 235<br />

Odum, 230, 232, 233, 234<br />

Ofstein, 20<br />

O'Neal, 272, 273, 304<br />

Ostankino, 284<br />

Otero, 164, 165<br />

Pasternak, 284<br />

Pelaez, 177<br />



Pena, 182, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202,<br />

203, 205, 220<br />

Peruyero, 163, 164<br />

Philby, 114, 252<br />

Phillips, 83, 106, 108, 110, 113, 135, 163,<br />

175, 186, 189, 195, 210, 213, 243, 245,<br />

250<br />

Piedra, 182, 193, 194, 195<br />

Powers, 96, 120, 121, 122, 127, 128, 129,<br />

133, 135<br />

Quigley, 211, 212, 221<br />

Radio Moscow, 134, 316, 317<br />

Raikin, 252, 253, 254, 262<br />

Randle, 54, 267, 268, 269<br />

Raoul, 102<br />

Ray, 47, 64, 102, 188, 194, 218, 223, 235,<br />

240<br />

Revolutionary Student Directorate, 176<br />

Rivero, 172<br />

Robert Gemberling, 20<br />

Rockefeller, 31, 87, 88, 98, 135, 159<br />

Rockwell, 259, 260, 261, 262<br />

Rodriguez, 177, 194, 198, 199, 219, 220<br />

Rubin, 69<br />

Ruby, 106, 233<br />

Russian Embassy, 53<br />

355<br />

Ruth Paine, 54, 230, 233, 241, 264, 265,<br />

266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,<br />

274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280<br />

Schweiker, 69, 202, 208<br />

Scott, 195, 280<br />

Setyaev, 316<br />

Shaneyfeldt, 85<br />

Shanklin, 104, 234, 281<br />

Shanley, 63, 143<br />

Sierra, 177, 189<br />

Simpson, 116, 117<br />

Snyder, 120, 121, 133, 135<br />

Soccarras, 226<br />

Socialist Labor Party, 236, 237, 238<br />

Solie, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276<br />

St. John, 82, 84<br />

steganography, 5<br />

Stoner, 47, 64<br />

Stuckey, 47, 194, 220, 223, 224, 227, 228<br />

Sturgis, 25, 30, 31, 60, 69, 82, 84, 88, 100,<br />

141, 143, 159, 173, 194, 213, 224, 233,<br />

237<br />

Subic, 35, 39, 41, 42<br />

Szuminski, 95, 96, 97<br />

Texas Employment Commission, 270, 271<br />

Texas Gypsum, 269


Texas School Book Depository, 26, 54, 141,<br />

156, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 280<br />

The Big Event., 27, 84<br />

Thomas, 87, 272<br />

Torres, 106, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159,<br />

163, 164, 165, 195<br />

Townley, 164<br />

Trueba, 301, 302, 303, 304<br />

Trujillo, 118<br />

Twiford, 233, 235, 236, 238<br />

U-2, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 127, 130,<br />

133, 135<br />

Walker, 25, 47, 51, 52, 53, 148, 230, 233,<br />

240, 241<br />

Warren Commission, 5, 18, 20, 27, 39, 51,<br />

53, 85, 135, 139, 158, 159, 176, 177, 186,<br />

195, 196, 198, 200, 201, 203, 230, 236,<br />

237, 267, 269, 270, 272, 304, 307, 309<br />

Watergate, 31, 71, 72, 83, 84, 142, 188,<br />

194, 197<br />

Weitzman, 158<br />

Werbell, 163<br />

Wilkey, 64, 65<br />

Willis, 159<br />

Yatzkov, 243<br />

Veciana, 112, 176<br />



1. Weberman v. CIA<br />

2 . These documents are only available to verified purchasers of The Oswald Code.<br />

3. https://books.google.com/books?id=4oQaAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA624&lpg#v=onepage&q&f=false<br />

4. FBI 105-825552419 NARA FBI 124-10047-10005<br />

5. Also see https://www.scribd.com/document/280733809/SECOND-NATIONAL-FRONT-OF-<br />


https://www.scribd.com/document/203873610/Alpha-66-SNFE<br />

6. FBI OK City 89-41-46<br />

7. DeSocarraz telephone 210-428-7559 423-8094<br />

8. NARA Record Number: 124-10226-10290<br />

9. CIA 1643-1088, p24 Walthers. County of Dallas Supp. Inv. Rep. Sheriff's Dept; 7 WH 548; cf.<br />

19 WH 503,505<br />

10. CIA 88-27<br />

11. AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10325-10304<br />

12. WC Item 373 11.27.63<br />

13. WC Exhibit 244; WC Document 206<br />

14. CE 2768; CIA 472; WCE 2772, 2444; FBI DL-100-1046 p59, 85;Ltr. Gordon a. Blake to Rankin<br />

6.16.64<br />

15. CIA 280 First JFK Release<br />

16. CIA Misc. Person. Corr. 1007-951<br />

17. FBI Dallas 100-10461- 12.2.63<br />

18. WCE 2768; CIA 472<br />

19. Hoover to D/CI DBA-82198 re: WCE D-254 - WCE D-262<br />

20. https://www.scribd.com/doc/273391364/Deposition-of-Frank-Fiorini-Sturgis-in-Hunt-v-Weberman


21. Hunt v. Weberman Southern District of Florida Miami Division 76-1252-Civil-PP Sturgis Deposition<br />

See 12<br />

22. https://www.scribd.com/document/347294936/Rockefeller-Commission-Report-Chap19<br />

23. http://www.salon.com/2003/12/17/joannides/<br />

25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkeCQWk9ID8<br />

26. 178-10004-13095 Sturgis Tapes 4/4.75 Rock Com Frank Sturgis testimonies tapes interview. Rock<br />

Assassination File 08/13/93 TOP Secret. Transcript #1781000210372 marked Classified 104-0221-10039<br />

05/16/1998 Not Marked Not Believed Relevant.<br />

27. FBI 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 69<br />

28. https://issuu.com/ajweberman/docs/the_man_who_dropped_a_hammer_on_jfk<br />

24. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/01/world/senate-intelligence-commitee-cia-interrogationreport.html?_r=0<br />

https://www.scribd.com/document/133140869/The-Man-Who-Dropped-a-Hammer-on-JFK-An-<br />

Unauthorized-Biography-of-the-Psychopath-Frank-Fiorini-Sturgis<br />

29. Warren Commission Report, pg 664<br />

30. Interview with Priscilla Johnson in Moscow<br />

31. http://www.whatsnextreport.com/uploads/2/6/6/9/26693570/nodulex9-gerry_patrick_hemming.pdf<br />

32. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/walker_e.htm<br />

33. http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/select-committee-report/part-1a.html<br />

34. UnID WC Doc. Declass. 6.21.73-Rankin/Helms<br />

35. Thomas A. Ogden CI Support Desk OS/OSD/SD/4<br />

36. FBI 105-110398-2 5.1.62<br />

37. http://theoswaldcode.com/complaint.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/273391570/Hunt-v-Weberman-Complaint<br />

38. http://theoswaldcode.com/james_angleton_deposition.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/203441979/James-Angelton-Hunt-v-Weberman-Deposition<br />



39. http://theoswaldcode.com/pedro_diaz_lanz_deposition.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/202864445/Pedro-Diaz-Lanz-Deposition-Hunt-v-Weberman<br />

40. http://theoswaldcode.com/marita_lorenz_deposition.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/199906659/Marita-Lorenz-Hunt-v-Weberman-Deposition<br />

41. http://theoswaldcode.com/fiorini_deposition.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/273391364/Deposition-of-Frank-Fiorini-Sturgis-in-Hunt-v-Weberman<br />

42. Give Us This Day E. Howard Hunt Arlington House Productions, 1973<br />

43. WCE 2642<br />

44. FBI 62-2115-760<br />

45. Summers Conspiracy p626<br />

46. Hunt Day pp. 51-58<br />

47. DOJ File Hantman to Civiletti 6.24.77<br />

48. http://theoswaldcode.com/huntconfession.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/273391704/Howard-Hunt-Confesses-to-Role-in-JFK-Death<br />

49.CIA SRS/OS Sarah K. Hall 2.6.69<br />

50. FBI 62-109060-7140 Charles D. Flagg and Hugh M. Barhhardt<br />

51. http://the-puzzle-palace.com/files/nodule20.htm<br />

52. http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0005/7288238.pdf<br />

53. http://theoswaldcode.com/david_lemar_christ.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/203874781/David-Lemar-Christ<br />

54. Roger Gabrielson, Harold P. Clark, Special Assistant DDS&T -1455-78 CIA FOIA 17477<br />

55. FBI HQ 105-86406-p8, Army Intel. Report #2146986: Subject: Sandino Movement. Sam Kail<br />

56. Release #7366<br />



57. https://www.scribd.com/doc/279480696/Mosley-Echevrarria<br />

58. https://www.scribd.com/doc/183009846/DAVID-ATLEE-PHILLIPS-CIA-OFFICIAL-WHO-HANDLED-<br />

OSWALD<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/david_atlee_phillips.pdf<br />

59. http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php<br />

60. http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/belligerence/veciana-oswald.htm<br />


NUMBER : CR 105-152711-59<br />

62. Agency CIA Record Number 104-10072-10052<br />

63. William K. Harvey's Handwritten Notes On ZR/RIFLE<br />

64. A Friend of Batista: L. Gonzales-Mata, Cygne, Grasset, Paris, 1976<br />

65. SSCIA 157-10005-10228<br />

66. DOS Bio. Reg. 1956<br />

67. Memo for Rec. 6.62. Sub: Rev. of Dom. Ops. for Per. Immed. Prior to, During and Sub. to Trujillo's<br />

Death/CWH/ARA file; Meskil Daily News 4.25.75<br />

68. FBI 105082555-5640<br />

69. First Draft of Initial Report on OSWALD case Attachment to TX-1889<br />

70. CIA OLC #78-2469 - SD Breckinridge meeting with HSCA investigators<br />

71. CIA JFK early release 285 2.15.62<br />

72. http://theoswaldcode.com/u2_dump.pdf<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/u2.cia_docs.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/190558972/DOCUMENTS-ON-THE-U-2-DUMP<br />

73. Miami Herald 8.9.81<br />

74. WCE 25 p2B p122<br />

75. Francis Gary Powers Overflight page 358 Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1st edition (1970)<br />



76. Lanz Depo. Hunt v. Weberman<br />

77. The Bureau will also note that LUIS POSADA CARRILES, a CIA informant and SIERRA LOPEZ,<br />

Customs informants are also involved in this matter. (MM 639-S) on July 27, 1965, reestablished contact<br />

with LUIS POSADA CARRILLO and expects to be working with him in the near future lt is noted that<br />

POSADA is also involved in a plot to blow up a ship in Vera Cruz, Mexico, and maintains .contact with<br />

ROBERTO ALEJOS ARZU, a Guatemalan revolutionist in Miami It is believed POSADA is the main<br />

source of CIA’s information in these reports.. The Bureau will also note that LUIS POSADA CARRILES, a<br />

CIA informant and SIERRA LOPEZ, Customs informant are also involved in this matter. (MM 639-S) On<br />

July 27, 1965, reestablished contact with LUIS POSADA CARRILLO and expects to be working with him<br />

in the near future it is noted that POSADA is also involved in a plot to blow up a ship in Vera Cruz,<br />

Mexico, and maintains contact with ROBERTO ALEJOS ARZU, a Guatemalan revolutionist in Miami it is<br />

believed POSADA is/ the main source of CIA 's information in these matters. (Oct 2017 doc release).<br />

78. USA v Bosch 68-420-Cr-Wm Southern District Florida<br />

79. Bloody Treason eBook Appendix D SUBJECT: Noel Twyman Meeting with Roy Hargraves<br />

DATE: February 10, 2001<br />

80. CIA Traces on Sources of Information (deleted) To: (Deleted) Miami From CAS Miami 10.1972<br />

81. Miami Herald 2.19.67<br />

82. FBI 62-109060-NR 2.23.67, 1.27.67, 3.2.67, 5539, 455; FBI 10582555iNR 3.2.67<br />

83. WC Vol. VII, pg. 535; see interview of Joseph M. Smith, Feb. 8, 1978, House Select Committee on<br />

Assassinations (JFK Document 005886).<br />

84. WC Vol. 6, pgs. 254-247<br />

85. Ibid. 51<br />

86. http://theoswaldcode.com/bernardo_de_torres.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/186409190/BERNARDO-DE-TORRES<br />

87. http://theoswaldcode.com/rolando_otero.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/203136880/Rolando-Otero<br />

88. http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/MNC/DLP-9-18-1963-1.pdf<br />

http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/mnc-1.htm<br />

89. NYT 12.24.64, 12.12.64<br />

90. http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/belligerence/Cero-FBI.pdf<br />



91. http://www.politicalaffairs.net/career-terrorist-boasts-of-his-deeds-in-miami/<br />

92. O'Leary Washington Star 4.28.78<br />

93. http://cuban-exile.com/doc_001-025/doc0014.html<br />


NUMBER : CR 105-141949-2<br />

95. http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh10/html/WC_Vol10_0020b.htm<br />

96. On October 12, 1963 Santiago Alvarez Rodriguez advised that he is head of Commandos L, an anti-<br />

Castro organization, which has conducted raids against Cuba in the past. Santiago advised that he<br />

conferred with Luis Somozo in Miami in July 1963. Somoza went to Washington returned to Miami and<br />

they again conferred. Alvarez said when Somoza first went to Washington in July 1963, he claimed he<br />

had presented a plan for the liberation of Cuba to President John F. Kennedy, who seemed interested<br />

and sent Somoza to confer with officials at the Pentagon, CIA, and State Department. Then President<br />

Kennedy left on a trip to Europe. Military officials at the Pentagon and civilian officials at the CIA allegedly<br />

approved Somoza's plan but the State Department rejected it. When President Kennedy returned to the<br />

United States from his European trip, Somoza again visited Washington, but President Kennedy refused<br />

to see him. Alvarez was told by Somoza that the United States government was interested in his plan with<br />

some modifications and conditions, one condition being that Artime would be the military leader. Alvarez<br />

said that since President Kennedy refused to see Somoza, his plan never materialized. FBI 97-4133-78<br />

11.5.63<br />

97. USSS CO-2-340030 #621, #1223; USSS CO-2-2034030, #1225; USSS CO-2-34,030 #523<br />

98. AGENCY: FBI Record Number : 124-l 0211-10468<br />

99. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh10/pdf/WH10_Blalock.pdf<br />

100. WCD 1085d9; WCE 1413 p4<br />

101. WR p408<br />

102. http://theoswaldcode.com/carlos_bringuier.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/203873836/Carlos-Bringuier<br />

103. CIA Memo 11.9.67<br />

104. NYT 7.1.59; Agee CIA Diary p618 CIA F82-0430/24<br />

105. https://www.scribd.com/doc/203874052/Claire-Booth-Luce<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/claire_booth_luce.pdf<br />

106. FBI DL 89-43-699 NARA FBI 124-10159-10416<br />



107. FBI Miami 105-8342<br />


NUMBER: CR 105-75483-14<br />

109. CIA MFR 4.25.75<br />

110. Ibid. 68<br />

111. FBI 105-82555-5647<br />

112. http://theoswaldcode.com/orestes_pena.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/183837362/ORESTES-PENA<br />

113.http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/D%20Disk/de%20Brueys%20<br />

Warren%20C/Item%2002.pdf<br />

114. https://www.scribd.com/doc/186492195/Warren-c-Debrueys<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/warren_c_debrueys.pdf<br />

115. USSS CO-2, 34,030-988<br />

116. https://www.scribd.com/doc/183009846/DAVID-ATLEE-PHILLIPS-CIA-OFFICIAL-WHO-HANDLED-<br />

OSWALD<br />

117. WCE 826<br />

118. https://www.scribd.com/doc/203875443/Frank-Bartes<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/frank_bartes.pdf<br />

119. http://theoswaldcode.com/william_k_stuckey.pdf<br />

https://www.scribd.com/doc/273405572/William-K-Stuckey<br />

120. https://www.scribd.com/doc/273406326/The-Odio-Incident<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/the_odio_incident.pdf<br />

121. FBI 62-19060-7302X<br />

122. https://www.scribd.com/doc/273408907/Valeriy-Kostikov<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/kostikov_kgb.pdf<br />



123 Raikin Security File CIA Job No.80T01357A Box 45 Folder 9<br />

124. https://www.scribd.com/doc/183837066/SPAS-T-RAIKIN<br />

http://theoswaldcode.com/spas_t_raiken.pdf<br />

125. NYT 9.19.61 NYT 4.28.62 4.13.62 NYT<br />

126. Jack S. Martin sworn statement 2.20.68<br />

127. http://media.nara.gov/dc-metro/rg-272/605417-keypersons/demohrenschildt_george_nov_1963_jan_1964/demohrenschildt_george_nov_1963_jan_1964.pd<br />

f<br />

128. http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report/chapter-6.html<br />

129.<br />

https://books.google.com/books?id=ssVFAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA481&lpg=PA481&dq#v=onepage&q&f=false<br />

130. CIA SSD-157,435<br />

131. The Soviet Realities Division had eight branches. SR-1 (code named "QKACTIVE") ran the<br />

attempted penetration of the Iron Curtain by various émigré groups.<br />

132. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI%20Records%20Files/105-82555/105-<br />

82555%20Section%20071/71c.pdf<br />

133. Xmas card 12.30.94<br />

134.<br />

https://books.google.com/books?id=ZlIEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT92&lpg=PT92&dq=#v=onepage&q&f=false<br />

135. http://www.amazon.com/Nancy-Dammann/e/B001K7PC5K<br />

136. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1962/12/16/page/1/article/russians-charge-spy-plot<br />


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