Presdient Trump - Make Us All Great Again

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14/06/2019 <strong>Presdient</strong> <strong>Trump</strong> - leapingwell@gmail.com - Gmail<br />

Dear Mr President,<br />

I saw your press conference with Theresa May.<br />

Perhaps you were just being polite, but I was concerned to hear you say what a great job Theresa May had done as<br />

Prime Minister.<br />

You probably know this already, but just in case, here is the real Theresa May, the very worst Prime Minister in the history<br />

of our country.<br />

Brexit. <strong>All</strong> she had to do was turn up in Brussels and tell them that the UK is leaving. No deal, no negotiations, no money.<br />

We are Leaving! End of.....<br />

Article 50 Just Leave<br />

https://moneyweek.com/455019/dont-trigger-article-50-just-leave/<br />

She promised no less than 100 times to deliver Brexit and after 3 years she has done nothing. Absolutely nothing!<br />

At first I thought she was just incompetent. I was wrong. She knows exactly what she was doing.<br />

She is a puppet of the Bilderbergers NWO elite. Nothing more, nothing less!<br />

She has betrayed Democracy, she has betrayed the British people, she has betrayed our Fathers and Grandfathers who<br />

fought to save England and liberate Europe.<br />

She is a traitor.<br />

I don't need a team of politicians and civil servants. I could have delivered Brexit, myself, on my own, and it would have<br />

taken 15 minutes! This would have been achieved in August 2016 and not a moment later.<br />

I would then call our heads of industry and small businesses, and all of our trading partners throughout Europe and invite<br />

them to come and agree to continue working together, buying and selling, trading and developing, as we always have,<br />

BUT without the interference of the corrupt, criminal bureaucrats in the EU.<br />

They are irrelevant. They have nothing to say. Does anyone think that industry and business great and small throughout<br />

Europe would allow the EU politicians to destroy one of their most important markets? Of course not!<br />

We want to be a sovereign nation, making and living by our own rules and laws, fishing in our own waters, and trading<br />

with the world. It is not complicated.<br />

Please do not put your confidence in Boris Johnson. Nice guy, fun guy, but he does not have what it takes to get the job<br />

done. Worse, he promises one thing and then does the complete opposite. He is just like all the rest of the corrupt,<br />

incompetent, self serving politicians in Westmintser. He is not to be trusted.<br />

N.B. There is only one man who can save the UK and that man is Nigel Farage and his People's party, the Brexit Party..<br />

Islam.<br />

As the Home Secretary, Theresa May said that Sharia Law would be good for the UK.<br />

She did not specify which part of Sharia would be the most beneficial.<br />

Stoning people to death?, Cutting off hands, feet and heads with swords?, Public beatings and executions?, Honor<br />

killings?, Forced marriages?, Genital Mutilation of young girls?, Forced conversion to Islam?, Forcing all women to cover<br />

themselves from head to toe?, Throwing gay men off the top of buildings?, Killing any Muslim who leaves Islam?, and all<br />

of the other barbaric punishments carried out daily around the Muslim world, for the Glory of <strong>All</strong>ah, the Most Merciful.<br />

And that is before Islam imposes the Quran on every aspect of British life and culture.<br />

The whole of the wine, beer and spirit industry would be destroyed. <strong>All</strong> pig farms destroyed. The Music and Entertainment<br />

industry destroyed. Pubs, Clubs, of every kind shut down, this resulting in the loss of millions of jobs, and billions of<br />

pounds in revenue. The pet industry too. Muslims hate dogs which are, in the UK, Man's Best Friend!<br />

For decades, the police and our politicians have ignored and tried to hide the fact that all across the UK, thousands of our<br />

children have been systematically, drugged, beaten, gang raped and forced into prostitution, by gangs of Pakistani<br />

Muslims.<br />

In fact, it is not just Muslims. The Establishment elite, Members of the House of Lords, Ministers, politicians, Judges, the<br />

Social Services, Police, the Catholic and Anglican clergy, Actors, Singers, the BBC, the Masons, have all been involved in<br />

the drugging, raping, trafficking and yes, even the murder, of thousands of our children.<br />

These truly unspeakably evil individuals, I hesitate to call them people, are protected by the elite, especially MI5 and MI6.<br />

There is something rotten in the UK. It stinks to high heaven and it starts right at the very top!<br />

Unbelievably, Tony Blair, another damned traitor, ordered the police and social services to literally, steal children from their<br />

families. I have videos showing them actually ripping babies out of the arms of their screaming mothers. This is beyond<br />

evil. This is Satanic.<br />

Those children ended up in Care Homes where they were systematically preyed upon by Muslim and establishment<br />

paedophiles. Children whose lives have been destroyed before they even began.<br />

Anyone who tries to expose these abhorrent crimes is threatened, silenced, or killed.<br />

Tommy Robinson is one such person who, for years has tried, at great personal risk, to expose what is happening.<br />

Theresa May and her corrupt judges and Gestapo police have had him thrown in prison, where they hoped he would be<br />

murdered by Muslim criminal gangs who control those prisons.<br />

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm#inbox/GTvVlcSKjDhQsJJRwhTZXnqcqXxRjKrrWNqncggLkzqxctWCxNQXRwgjzWlZSHbRncbjzvHrFpMpk 1/3

14/06/2019 <strong>Presdient</strong> <strong>Trump</strong> - leapingwell@gmail.com - Gmail<br />

The highest Judge in the land, in our highest court, released Mr Robinson, saying that the whole case and his<br />

imprisonment was illegal.<br />

Theresa May is still trying to put Robinson behind bars to silence him.<br />

The UK is a Police State. Hitler would be proud!<br />

Just to show you the lengths the authorities will go to, here is a video which shows the <strong>Great</strong>er Manchester Police, very<br />

deliberately, leading a 300 strong gang of armed and masked Muslim thugs through Oldham so that they could attack a<br />

legal, peaceful, European election campaign meeting, held by Tommy Robinson.<br />

These violent thugs threw, stones, bricks, and scissors into the crowd of men, women and children and the police did<br />

nothing whatsoever to stop them.<br />

This was a deliberate criminal act on the part of the police. A gross, criminal, dereliction of duty.<br />

Muslim attack on Tommy Robinson EU election campaign meeting Oldham<br />

https://www.brighteon.com/6038934629001<br />

Theresa May allowed hundreds of Muslims to go and fight for Isis, where they were trained to hate, murder, rape, make<br />

bombs, and then allowed them to come back into the UK, where they pose a serious terrorist threat to the British people.<br />

They are planning their next terror attacks in which our fellow citizens, young and old, will be blown up, mutilated and<br />

maimed. These savages are in their mosques preaching hate and recruiting the next generation of terrorists.<br />

I think that what Theresa May has been doing is aiding and abetting enemies of the State, which is Treason!<br />

In the good old days, we knew exactly what to do with traitors.<br />

I have hundreds of videos, all saved to secure external hard drives, which show the truth about Islam, the truth about what<br />

is happening in the UK.<br />

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google try to delete and hide all of this information, but I and many others are making<br />

sure that the world knows the truth!<br />

G5<br />

I am a little confused as to why you are, or at least, appear to be, a fan of G5. I can, if you wish, present you with facts<br />

about the dangers of G5. It is well known. Scientists all over the world are telling us that it is extremely dangerous. They<br />

have run tests in Europe and America in which hundreds of birds fall out of the sky, dead, when it is switched on. Imagine<br />

what it is doing to us and our children. You and your children.<br />

I have videos which I can show you.<br />

Julian Assange<br />

Julian Assange has been helping whistle blowers expose the crimes of the CIA, the FBI, the Clintons, the Democrats, the<br />

extreme Left, Soros, the Rothschilds, the Deep State, all of which has helped you, not just to become the President of the<br />

United States of America, but fight to destroy the New World Order elite, the enemy of Humankind.<br />

Julian Assange is NOT YOUR ENEMY.<br />

Like you, he is a hero of the people, ALL the people, everywhere!<br />

He deserves a Congressional Medal of Honour.<br />

If you look after him, I am sure that he will help you to finish off the Clintons, the Deep State and all of the criminal<br />

elements who are trying to destroy America and Western Christian Civilization.<br />

Theresa May, it is believed, has been trying to poison Julian Assange https://youtu.be/35sO9HErcuM, to shut him up! You,<br />

Mr President, need to save him.<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QNJLdCRoU<br />

It is my belief that you may be the greatest President in the history of your country. I think that it would be a grave error on<br />

your part to have Assange thrown in prison for the rest of his life for exposing the crimes of the very same people you are<br />

fighting against.<br />

Can you look at the case of Ross Ulbricht, thrown into prison by the same FBI criminals that you are fighting. A massive<br />

miscarriage of justice. He is a brilliant young man who can and should have the opportunity to do great things for his<br />

country.<br />

https://freeross.org/ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tZGk0gF3-A , your old pal Chuck Schumer is up to his neck<br />

in this one, together with corrupt judges, FBI etc etc<br />

In point of fact. If you wish to find the individuals who are actually doing the things that Ross Ulbricht is accused of,<br />

murder, drug trafficking, arms sales,computer fraud, etc etc etc you need look no further than, the Deep State, the<br />

Democrat Party, the FBI and the CIA.<br />

Medicine and Energy<br />

Lastly, there are old buried technologies available in the fields of medicine and energy which have been taken by the<br />

authorities and hidden, when they should be benefiting the human race.<br />

<strong>All</strong> that is required is for you to allow us, the people to develop those techniques and technologies for the free market.<br />

We have to stop the FDA and the criminals in the Patent office and Military Industrial Complex from hiding them.<br />

I believe that you have now authorized anyone who is sick to have the absolute right to try any type of natural medicine or<br />

procedure which they think might help them. This is great! Really great!<br />

We need to do the same thing for energy.<br />

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm#inbox/GTvVlcSKjDhQsJJRwhTZXnqcqXxRjKrrWNqncggLkzqxctWCxNQXRwgjzWlZSHbRncbjzvHrFpMpk 2/3

14/06/2019 <strong>Presdient</strong> <strong>Trump</strong> - leapingwell@gmail.com - Gmail<br />

There is a whole army of people out there ready to help the world. Turn on that tap!<br />

I make myself totally available to you or your people for further contact if you wish,<br />

Thank you for all you are doing. Truly a breath of fresh air.<br />

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm#inbox/GTvVlcSKjDhQsJJRwhTZXnqcqXxRjKrrWNqncggLkzqxctWCxNQXRwgjzWlZSHbRncbjzvHrFpMpk 3/3

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