Articles Number Five

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians echo throughout this edition of ARTICLES - as Christians our worldview is shaped by the cross. We may feel that the opposition we face by holding on to this message is something new, but the Apostle Paul was preparing the first Christians for the same kind of hostility. In this edition we look at youth violence, medical ethics, sexuality, money and workplace witness. Each issue is explosive, and we are thankful to the writers for their prayerful approach to each topic. None of these articles are the final word, but they hold up the issue to the cross and look to the wisdom of God, no matter how far it is from the wisdom of the world. So please read, pray and talk about these ARTICLES - and as you do, remember our brothers and sisters in Corinth, and our brothers and sisters across the world today. As we contend for the Gospel, and contend for the truth, remember that it was God himself who chose the things the world thinks are foolish to shame the wise. And God himself chose the things that are weak to shame the strong. God chose the things that people hate, the things they think are nothing, at all - and He used them to bring to nothing things that seem so much.

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians echo throughout this edition of ARTICLES - as Christians our worldview is shaped by the cross. We may feel that the opposition we face by holding on to this message is something new, but the Apostle Paul was preparing the first Christians for the same kind of hostility.

In this edition we look at youth violence, medical ethics, sexuality, money and workplace witness. Each issue is explosive, and we are thankful to the writers for their prayerful approach to each topic. None of these articles are the final word, but they hold up the issue to the cross and look to the wisdom of God, no matter how far it is from the wisdom of the world.

So please read, pray and talk about these ARTICLES - and as you do, remember our brothers and sisters in Corinth, and our brothers and sisters across the world today. As we contend for the Gospel, and contend for the truth, remember that it was God himself who chose the things the world thinks are foolish to shame the wise. And God himself chose the things that are weak to shame the strong. God chose the things that people hate, the things they think are nothing, at all - and He used them to bring to nothing things that seem so much.


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Euthanasia is where someone intentionally kills a person<br />

whose life is felt not to be worth living. Although illegal in<br />

the UK, there has been increasing pressure from various<br />

groups to change the law. The main arguments are: “It’s<br />

my choice” (autonomy), “my suffering is unbearable”<br />

(compassion) and “care costs too much” (economics). The<br />

prominent cases in the media are often complex and do<br />

not represent the average dying patient.<br />

As Christians, we are to uphold the sanctity of human life<br />

made in God’s image, and to have Christ-like compassion<br />

for those who suffer.<br />

Suppose your grandmother was diagnosed with a terminal<br />

illness such as cancer. The law currently protects those<br />

who are vulnerable (such as the elderly, the disabled, and<br />

those unable to speak for themselves), but if the law was<br />

changed to legalise euthanasia, there could be undue<br />

pressure on your grandmother and the family to hasten<br />

death.<br />

Employing faith-based arguments with non-Christians is<br />

often not immediately effective. Nevertheless, we can<br />

still talk about (on terms they might accept) the excellent<br />

provision of palliative care (‘killing the pain, not the patient’)<br />

and the current protection of the law for the vulnerable.<br />

Opinion polls suggest that many are unsure about this<br />

issue and so may be persuaded once they’ve heard these<br />

arguments – so let’s be encouraged to speak out credibly<br />

as Christians for those who can’t speak for themselves.<br />


With advances in healthcare and medical technology, we<br />

are coming across more ethical issues. The prevailing<br />

secular principles (to the exclusion of all others) of<br />

individualism and autonomy mean that we cannot ignore<br />

these conversations as followers of Christ.<br />

In our conversations, we can with joy and conviction point<br />

to a creator God who made us in his image and values life;<br />

a God of justice who cares for the weak and vulnerable; a<br />

relational God who loves us and gave his only Son for us.<br />

Jesus came to reconcile us to God, empathise with our<br />

sufferings, comfort us through the Holy Spirit and point to the<br />

glorious future hope we have where there will be no more<br />

pain or suffering.<br />

How can I be better equipped to engage?<br />

Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) unites and equips<br />

Christian doctors, nurses and midwives to live and speak for<br />

Jesus Christ.<br />

CMF gives a united, powerful and credible voice for Christians<br />

in healthcare to speak out in society. If you work in healthcare,<br />

CMF can help you serve your church by equipping you to<br />

explain these issues overcoming any fear or anxiety in<br />

engaging in these conversations for the sake of the Gospel.<br />

CMF also produces an excellent range of easily accessible<br />

online and print resources for all ranging from contraception,<br />

infertility and abortion to transgender and euthanasia<br />

cmf.org.uk<br />


is a Surgical Doctor, CMF Head of Student Ministries and<br />

part of Brixton Local Church<br />


is a General Practitioner, CMF Head of Graduate Ministries<br />

and part of Christ Church Earlsfield<br />

Although living in an increasingly hostile and Godless<br />

culture, we should not despair and withdraw but rather<br />

welcome these as incredible opportunities to speak<br />

into our society with words of wisdom and hope, with<br />

graciousness and pastoral sensitivity, remembering that<br />

people may be personally affected by these issues.<br />


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