HS Yearbook 2018-19

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Our mission is to cultivate learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment,<br />

growing in love for God and service to humanity.<br />

CAIS can be best portrayed as a mosaic form of culture rather than that of a melting pot. Our stakeholders<br />

comprise from all races, nationalities and cultures. The <strong>Yearbook</strong> is our longstanding tradition of<br />

communicating and celebrating the diversity of students, parents, staff and learning culture within<br />

and outside the school. We endeavored to highlight a comprehensive overview of student life, and bestow<br />

perspectives regarding symbolic aspects of activities, friendships, expressions and jauntiness of success.<br />

Beneath such portraits lies the culmination and cultivation of character and behavior shaped by wisdom<br />

from God’s Word.<br />

This year, the theme of “Shine like stars” was employed to motivate the school community to be a positive<br />

influence for one another through words and deeds. And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness<br />

of sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. (Daniel 12: 3) As you<br />

turn the pages, I would like you to envisage the kind of stories that are being communicated by our students<br />

and the many memorable events.<br />

To our beloved grade 12 students who’ve been with us for many years, being nurtured in the values and<br />

teachings of Scripture will continue to shine like stars for Christ in this dark world. As we bring a closure to<br />

the school year, the yearbook team will continue to venture into new landscape of imagination, creativity and<br />

unfold the pandora box of myriad projects.<br />

- Richard Nadar on behalf of the yearbook staff and student team

Denise Wong<br />

Kelly Lee Jasper Chan Isis Tong Marko Choi<br />

Photography<br />

Ashley Wan, Beatrice Tam, Chloe Tam,<br />

Dave Luk, Louisa Lu, Sophie Chen<br />


The art of crafting a neon sign is one that requires great skill and dedication. In fact, it takes at least half a year to<br />

acquire these skills. In Hong Kong, neon lights are a unique part of the visual culture and aesthetic of the streets:<br />

the neon diffused into the flow of the cityscape. In the same manner, we wanted to put equal care and thought<br />

into capturing the essence of this year, the highlights.<br />

As upcoming graduates of CAIS 20<strong>19</strong>, and being involved in the yearbook for many years, this year as Editors in Chief,<br />

this project holds even more significance to the both of us. Each year holds its own challenges, and this year was certainly<br />

no different. As the school grows, we have had to adjust to many new additions including making the decision<br />

to divide the yearbook into two sections, communicating with more classes, and gathering photos, names, and writing<br />

was no easy task.<br />

We could not have done this without our amazing team of students and teachers who have sacrificed multiple hours<br />

every single week and share a willingness to learn and grow. In particular, Mr. Nadar, thank you for your heart for the<br />

yearbook and the students, and for believing in us. Mr. Nadar has been head teacher of the yearbook for many years<br />

and still strives to better the yearbook each year. A special shoutout to Laura Ciamei, who is not only our best but an<br />

amazing artist who has put in so much time and effort to design the yearbook and decorate the yearbook team page.<br />

To the editors of photography, writing, and layout, your leadership is appreciated and we wish you the best in the coming<br />

years. Lastly, to the next Editor-in-Chief, may you begin strong end strong.<br />

As you flip through these pages we hope you feel the same warmth and glow from the memories carefully encapsulated<br />

through the pictures, the design, and the words.<br />

Through the little snap of a camera, click of a mouse, and lots of team effort you are now holding the highlights of 20<strong>19</strong>.<br />

Writing<br />

Boris Yip, Dimitri Ng, Enoch Lam<br />

Layout<br />

Stephanie Lau, Anke Li, Yasmine Kwong, Jessica Lee,<br />

Moses Yap, Jane Yung, Rose Pak, Kian Kim, Sydney Ko<br />

- Lauren Delvene and Isabelle Cheng, Editors in Chief<br />

Mr. Chan<br />

Mr. Nadar Mr. Cheng Mrs. Schortgen Mr. Juat

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Table Of Contents

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When we travel from one place to another, we plot a<br />

course. We consider our current position, identify the destination,<br />

and then determine the best way to get there.<br />

As it is for us individually, so too it is for a school. The ‘destination’ for the students of Christian<br />

Alliance International School is that they become “learners equipped with knowledge, skills, integrity and<br />

discernment, growing in love for God and service to humanity.” That is the mission of this school for your sons and<br />

daughters, the destination we journey towards. The mission statement sets out a purposeful destination, however, one that is not an<br />

end point in itself, rather, it is a destination always ahead of us.<br />

For me personally, our school mission statement is beautifully summed up in Luke 2:52. “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in<br />

favour with God and man.” Why would we not want our children to grow up in the same manner as our Lord Jesus did?<br />

At the heart of our mission statement is the idea of growth. We are “cultivating” learners to grow in wisdom and stature, and we desire<br />

to see them “grow” in their love to God and humanity. All of us seek to grow. Maybe it is to learn a new hobby, or a new sport. For some of<br />

us it is to grow through reading literature on topics of interest. Innately, none of us like to stagnate. We want to see our relationship with<br />

our children grow. Even where these relationships are strong we know that to stop growing is not beneficial in the long run.<br />

My prayer for the students at Christian Alliance International School is that they have a growth mindset. Not a mindset of perfection<br />

but one of progress. Progress toward a worthwhile destination. This is where the school mission statement sets out a beautiful and<br />

purposeful destination. Imagine a society where all its citizens are growing in knowledge, skills, integrity, discernment, and crucially<br />

growing in love for God and service to humanity. These are the characteristics of the students that Christian Alliance International School<br />

seeks by God’s grace to graduate each year.<br />

If Christian Alliance International School is to influence society for good then it must focus on cultivating the best students for Hong Kong.<br />

From preparatory to Grade 12 every teaching moment, every interaction we have with students, every chapel or assembly time must<br />

without fail point our students towards a purposeful destination.<br />

Our students need to see that an authentic Christian education has a goal in mind: to equip our students so that they grow in love towards<br />

God and in service to humanity.<br />

Jesus Christ summed this up beautifully in Matthew 22:37-39 where he said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all<br />

your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself.”<br />

It is my prayer and hope that our students, your sons and daughters leave, Christian Alliance International School fully equipped to serve<br />

God and their neighbor.<br />

Mr. Richard Vanderpyl<br />

DR. CORA HUI<br />

Principal<br />

Our mission is to cultivate learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment, growing in love<br />

for God and service to humanity.<br />

As I consider the School’s mission statement, I am very much inspired by it. I love the fact that the<br />

School’s mission statement openly declares that it is cultivating learners, and I see it in action every<br />

day. CAIS is obviously a place where teaching and learning is going on, but these words show that CAIS<br />

is being intentional about the main activity that happens as a result of its programs- the cultivation<br />

of learners. What are we cultivating our CAIS learners with? Knowledge & skills - just what we would<br />

expect to see in a school, & indeed they are easily seen at CAIS, from Preparatory to Grade 12. These<br />

elements help students move from one level to the next academically, within and beyond CAIS. I am<br />

also very encouraged that this cultivation is not limited to students, but rather is purposely extended to<br />

teachers, support staff, and parents- all members of the CAIS community. We want the world to know<br />

that every member of our community is a learner!<br />

Another thing that makes CAIS unique is our desire and efforts to go beyond a focus on knowledge<br />

and skills - something that drives so many other schools - to the intentional cultivation of integrity<br />

and discernment. The purposeful addressing of issues that affect our community members’ character,<br />

morality and honesty, while simultaneously helping our learners to be discerning, to have the wisdom<br />

to make sound decisions, to perceive between virtue and vice, even between what is good and what is<br />

better. We do this through a variety of means, such as daily devotions, CE classes and chapels where<br />

we learn about and discuss the character of God and His love for us. We deliberately include other<br />

events, such as Gospel camps, Spiritual Emphasis Days and Spiritual Emphasis Week, which allow<br />

us to go into greater depth on many important topics and foundational issues. All of these activities,<br />

combined together, help to produce integrity and discernment in our CAIS community members.<br />

Finally, the last part of the mission statement says, “growing in love for God and service to humanity.”<br />

As we intentionally cultivate learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment, something else<br />

happens. When cultivation takes place, fruit is a natural end result. So, just as in nature, the cultivation<br />

process that we undertake at CAIS also produces fruit, with the main one being a love for God. When<br />

we love God, we seek to please God, and this love for Him results in the desire to serve others. At CAIS,<br />

this desire to serve others manifests through various service opportunities, like chapel, worship team,<br />

social justice, GID and more, and in the future, I hope that we will be able to add many other avenues<br />

for CAIS students to show their love for God through serving others.<br />

I have stayed at CAIS these many years because for me, it’s a real blessing each year to see our<br />

students growing older and gaining more knowledge, while at the same time, developing a solid<br />

character, understanding and loving God, and desiring to step outside of themselves and serve others.<br />

May God continue to bless CAIS for many years to come!<br />

The apostle Paul launched multiple missionary journeys, planted many churches,<br />

mentored several spiritual leaders, and wrote most of the letters recorded in the<br />

New Testament. We can surely learn “ONE THING” from him.<br />

Do you admire Paul’s curriculum vitae (CV)? Paul said, “If anyone else thinks he<br />

has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth<br />

day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in<br />

regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic<br />

righteousness, faultless” (Philippians 3: 4b-6). Furthermore, Paul stated that he<br />

was a Jew from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city. Under Gamaliel, a<br />

greatly esteemed teacher by all Jews, Paul was thoroughly trained in the law and<br />

was zealous for God (Acts 22). Wow, isn’t that stunning!<br />

Have you ever used the phrase — forgetting what is behind and straining toward<br />

what is ahead — to encourage someone who goes through setback? This phrase<br />

is taken from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, which connects to his listing of<br />

glamorous successes above. It is not about his friends or him facing failure and<br />

needing words of comfort. To our surprise, Paul likened his wealth of knowledge,<br />

experiences and established credentials to rubbish (Philippians 3: 7-11). Yikes!<br />

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I<br />

press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward<br />

in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3: 13b-14). That is Paul’s work ethic and his worldview<br />

of ministry. Paul knew where he was heading and why it was a worthwhile pursuit.<br />

He strived and thrived along his journey. He did not dwell on his past but looked<br />

ahead for growth and new opportunities. A grittier plodder!<br />

This is the ONE THING we can learn from Paul’s life of resilience. Let’s embrace<br />

a growth mindset and fix our eyes on the author and perfection of our faith. Be<br />

salt and light! Be faithful and fruitful. Be a Christ-like servant leader. This is what<br />

counts: May our study, work, relationships, families, school and everything else<br />

bring honour and glory to God!<br />

Mr. David Best<br />

Vice Principal P-3<br />



Principal<br />

I am very honoured and grateful to join the CAIS community this year. Time flies. I<br />

have been with this large family of over 100 teachers and around 1,400 students<br />

for almost ten months. When I walk to the school every day, I always meditate the<br />

picture of countless Lord’s blessings and human interactions happening in this<br />

huge, artistically curved and modernized building.<br />

In the first week of orientation, we were reminded by Dr. Cora Hui about the<br />

school’s mission statement. The mission statement reminds us the purpose of<br />

working in this place: cultivating learners for God and humanity! In that week,<br />

I meditated frequently how to help our lovely students equip knowledge, skills,<br />

integrity and discernment (abbrev. KIDS). These thoughts appear constantly in<br />

my mind in the last ten months.<br />

My main responsibilities are on the strategic and administrative work for the school.<br />

I meet various stakeholders, including school managers, school administrators,<br />

teachers, students, parents, staff, and government officials. I enjoy collaborations<br />

with a mixed group of people to achieve some goals. Each person I interact is<br />

unique with his/her KIDS. The chemistry in the interactions enlighten and inspire<br />

me new working knowledge and people skills. I have to make plenty of strategic<br />

and working decisions to help the school grow in God’s will and for the benefit<br />

of the society. These decisions always demand my discernment and integrity in<br />

balancing flexibilities and limitations. Overall speaking, my daily work acts as a<br />

powerful tool to help me strengthen my KIDS in breath and in depth.<br />

As a senior leader in the school, I visualize and plan what the school will be in a<br />

medium and long term. I always have two principles in my mind: growing in love<br />

for God and service to humanity. I truly believe if our educational plans are not<br />

able to help our students to be closer to God or to serve mankind, these plans<br />

are futile. How precious these two principles are! I firmly assure that our work is<br />

highly valued by our God and He will continue to bless CAIS to become a glorifying<br />

lighthouse in this city.<br />

Lastly, I would like to use the bible verse to encourage ourselves: Love the Lord<br />

your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and<br />

with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27)<br />

Vivien<br />

Barraca<br />

Support Staff<br />

Gwenyth<br />

Cheng<br />

Zoe<br />

Chow<br />

Jasmin<br />

Dabon<br />

Fai<br />

Lau<br />

Janet<br />

Leo<br />

Joyce<br />

Chan<br />

Peter<br />

Chan<br />

Samuel<br />

Cheng<br />

Evelyn<br />

Guttinger<br />

Debra<br />

Kadow<br />

Daniel<br />

Schick<br />

Viann<br />

Lau<br />

Tiffany<br />

Wong<br />

Alvis<br />

Yip<br />

Janice<br />

Tsang<br />

Vinod<br />

Khiatani<br />

Samantha<br />

Zaccheus<br />

009<br />


Support Staff<br />

Eunice<br />

Au Yeung<br />

Ronald<br />

Chan<br />

Chris<br />

Yau<br />

Emi<br />

Leung<br />

Brunel<br />

Hamlett<br />

Johnson<br />

Cheung<br />

Johnathan<br />

Chan<br />

Keith<br />

Lu<br />

Kinny<br />

Lanadjaja<br />

Terry<br />

Lau<br />

Carmen<br />

Lee<br />

Cecilia<br />

Lepcha<br />

Phoebe<br />

Mak<br />

Davy<br />

Ng<br />

Eddy<br />

Wong<br />

Wai<br />

Wong<br />

Gloria<br />

Yoon<br />

Faculty<br />

Sandy<br />

Campbell<br />

Kevin<br />

Chan<br />

Gary<br />

Fong<br />

Ana<br />

Han<br />

Hanani<br />

Cha<br />

Angelo<br />

Juat<br />

Herman<br />

Kwok<br />

Christopher<br />

Lo<br />

Alison<br />

Ma<br />

Richard<br />

Nadar<br />

Heshina<br />

Pillay<br />

James<br />

Sandy<br />

Chris<br />

Siu<br />

Gloria<br />

So<br />

Juliet<br />

Ward<br />

Michael<br />

Yee<br />

Prudence<br />

Yeung<br />

Edward<br />

Cheng<br />

012<br />


Chinese Faculty<br />

Support Staff<br />

Qiuyue<br />

Chen<br />

Sophie<br />

Chen<br />

Aaron<br />

Mao<br />

Jonah<br />

Seto<br />

Kalee<br />

Tang<br />

Angela<br />

Yip<br />

Agnes<br />

Yiu<br />

Anita<br />

Chan<br />

Annie<br />

Chan<br />

Maggie<br />

Chan-Lee<br />

Evelyn<br />

Cheung<br />

Ivy<br />

Shum<br />

PE Faculty<br />

Jody<br />

Mok<br />

Sanva<br />

Lam<br />

Chu Man<br />

Fong<br />

Timothy<br />

Jong<br />

Pistis<br />

Lau<br />

Rebecca<br />

Vuong<br />

Chevonne<br />

Williams<br />

013<br />


Support Staff<br />

Music and Arts<br />

Willy<br />

Lo<br />

Manhing<br />

Chan<br />

Nancy<br />

Chan<br />

Sandra<br />

Ng<br />

Phyllis<br />

Choi<br />

Purple<br />

Chung<br />

Anna<br />

Kwok<br />

Rodanilla<br />

Lo<br />

Sarah<br />

Lun<br />

April<br />

Nam<br />

Fei<br />

Wong<br />

Ann<br />

Yates<br />

Janitorial Staff<br />

Billy<br />

Shui<br />

Manson<br />

Tam<br />

Timothy<br />

Wong<br />

Vincci<br />

Chan<br />

Jasmine<br />

Wong<br />

Diana<br />

Wong<br />

Chris<br />

Lau<br />

Yi Zhe<br />

Chan<br />

Hing Zhe<br />

Chung<br />

Sau Zhe<br />

Lau<br />

Tim Zhe<br />

Tso<br />

015<br />


Class of 20<strong>19</strong>

5 years in CAIS might not seem like a long time but<br />

I am delighted to row into the person I am today. I<br />

would like to thank Mammi and Daddy who have<br />

continuously provided me with a happy learning environment!<br />

Mr. Jong, Mr. Fong and Mr. Schick, thank<br />

you for the encouragements. Megan and David,<br />

thanks for being my fam. To Diane, Denise, Kia, Trevor,<br />

Danny, Carlos and Jo, thank you for all the amazing<br />

memories. Sarah and Izzy, thanks for being my<br />

moral compasses. Laura, I’m looking forward to see<br />

you grow confidently as a woman and thanks for<br />

being so loving. To Courtney and Tiron, I’ve missed<br />

you guys so much and I still do. To everyone else<br />

who holds a special place in my heart, no matter<br />

where we are now, I’m forever grateful. To the class<br />

of 20<strong>19</strong>, we did it! I love you all so much, I’ll never<br />

forget you.<br />

First of all, I’d like to thank my mum and dad with all<br />

my heart for everything they have done for me, for<br />

their endless and love and support and giving your<br />

all to make sure I’m happy. Words cannot express<br />

how much I love you including my siblings of course<br />

Nat and Matt. My friends Court, Kia, Den, Lau, Sam,<br />

Char we’ve all been through so much and have<br />

never failed to put a smile on each other’s faces<br />

including Trevor, the Aesthetic boys. And, of course<br />

I’d like to thank my teachers, coaches Mr.Fong, Mr.<br />

Jong, Mr. Schick, Mr. Leoppky, Mr. Nadar for always<br />

believing and elping me enhance my capabilities.<br />

To the U20 Football team, without our beast goalie<br />

(Matilda) we wouldn’t be as scary on the field as we<br />

have been for the last years. The U20 girls’ volleyball<br />

team, this team was filled with so much joy and love,<br />

I love and dig every single one of you. Last, but not<br />

least I’d like to thank God for everything that he’s<br />

blessed me with. It has been a great 6 years of a<br />

roller coaster ride with CAIS.<br />

“Learning to love others begins with learning to love<br />

ourselves unconditionally first.” - Anita Moorjani<br />

“There are all these moments you think you won’t<br />

survive, and then you survive.” - David Levithan<br />

This is it, my 10th year in CAIS. It has been a long,<br />

bumpy journey starting from 3rd grade all the way<br />

to the 12th and I am truly grateful to be a part of<br />

this community. I thank God for blessing me with<br />

my family who has helped me in times of troubles<br />

and difficulties, and who has helped me grow into<br />

the person in who I am today. Ate, thank you for<br />

being the best older sibling anyone could ask for<br />

who’s loving, patient and selfless. To the “Aesthetic<br />

Bros” thank you for the fun year. To Hou Yin, thank<br />

you for everything you’ve done for me. To Mr. Fong,<br />

*awkard silence* To Mr. Jong, thank you for noticing<br />

my new shoes. To Mr. Schick, thank you for being the<br />

best coach and Matilda, for biting me. To my friends,<br />

Danielle, Kiora, Laura, Samantha, Charmaine and<br />

Trevor, thank you for all the laughter, tears, and for<br />

making my life a little more interesting. To everyone<br />

else, thank you for being a part of my life. To more<br />

years of learning!<br />

I’ve never felt quite at home in this school. Maybe it’s<br />

just me but who knows. It’s the end of this part of our<br />

lives anyways. We all move on. Before these years<br />

fade off into a distant memory, I would like to thank<br />

Ms Ma and Ms Lapp for being my mentors in life<br />

and guiding me through tough times. Even though<br />

at times it’s hard to find the right words. Mr Schick<br />

for being my target to overcome in the (hopefully)<br />

near future and being there to support me on my<br />

journey in discovering the wonders of English. All of<br />

the people that I’ve grown to know and talk to, I wish<br />

you all the very best in life and I would be praying for<br />

you as long as I remember you. Goodbye.<br />

0<strong>19</strong><br />

“Be strong and courageous; do not be<br />

frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is<br />

with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9<br />

“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up<br />

all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up<br />

with people that make you feel all alone.”<br />

~ Robin Williams<br />


I want to thank God, my parents and my friends for<br />

the past 9 years in CAIS. I have been through a lot<br />

during these 9 years and it has made me who I am<br />

today. I am very thankful for all my friends because<br />

spending time with you guys makes me very happy.<br />

I am also very thankful for my parents because even<br />

though I am very lazy, they still support me and love<br />

me so much! Finally, I need to thank God because<br />

he has changed me and made me who I am today.<br />

Without him I am nothing and without him I would<br />

not have a purpose in life.<br />

Although it has come to an end, I’ve always wanted<br />

to say that i’ve enjoyed the past 6 years at CAIS.<br />

Let alone meeting a lot of amazing people, I have<br />

made a lot of unforgettable friends.I want to firstly<br />

thank you all for accepting me as a classmate and<br />

a friend of yours. I am grateful to the ones who stuck<br />

around during my ups and downs. Secondly I want<br />

to thank Ms.Yeung, Mr. Campbell and Mr Fong,<br />

the teachers that I’ve looked up to for the past<br />

few years. Despite how unorganized or annoying I<br />

could be, your jokes and chattering always brought<br />

me to laughter. I want to thank the OG Aesthetic<br />

gang for giving me all the fun memories we had<br />

when we were gyming together, pulling pranks and<br />

doing really questionable activities. I’m glad we<br />

are treating each other like the closest bros and<br />

hopefully these connections would never break off.<br />

Most importantly, I need to thank my parents for<br />

working their butts off to raise me and providing me<br />

emotional support. Lastly, I have to thank God that<br />

he has blessed me with this opportunity to be here<br />

at this school.<br />

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power<br />

and love and self-control.” - 2 Timothy 1:7<br />

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or<br />

terrified because of them, for the LORD your God<br />

goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake<br />

you.” - Deuteronomy 31:6<br />

021<br />

At my height of 5ft, the world might just be too<br />

big. CAIS’ small, tight-knit community has not only<br />

embraced my 5ft with warmth but has also nurtured<br />

what little I had to offer. In all this, it truly was only<br />

through and by God that I am able to do what I<br />

do: God, thank you for being my cornerstone. 媽 咪 ,<br />

thank you for reminding me of my purpose and for<br />

being my strength. vv, thank you for pushing me to<br />

my potential; Bethany, for your irreplaceable humor<br />

and understanding, Aless, for being ever-present.<br />

Lauren, Laura, and Michelle, thank you for keeping<br />

my heart and stomach full, always. Sarah, for being<br />

brilliant and loving, Cloudy for your kindness and<br />

acceptance, and David for being a brother.<br />

Teachers ---- Ms.Ma and Mr.Campbell, your wisdom<br />

and encouragement has been and is invaluable.<br />

Mr.Fong and Mr.Jong, thank you for believing in all<br />

that I am and can be. To all the students and staff<br />

who have given me the opportunity to learn, grow,<br />

and serve, thank you.<br />

Farewell CAIS, the last decade has been truly, truly<br />

beautiful. Now, I leave with confidence knowing<br />

that I am 5ft and more. Bye felicia!<br />

“A little consideration, a little thought for others,<br />

makes all the difference.” - Eeyore (Winnie the<br />

Pooh)<br />

Time really flies without you ever realizing. My 13<br />

years in CAIS have been full of ups and downs. I want<br />

to begin by thanking my family,for all your support<br />

and love. Next, I will be thanking some people and<br />

teachers for my time here. Firstly thanks Mr. Fong and<br />

Mr. Jong for joking around with me and enjoying my<br />

random comments, Laura, Lauren, Izzy, Charmaine,<br />

and Sarah, thanks for being kind and helpful to me,<br />

letting me joke and have fun sometimes, although<br />

I can be annoying sometimes. Isaiah, thanks for<br />

being a very close friend. Terri, thanks for helping<br />

me feel confident about myself, Hino, although we<br />

may not have had the best relationship, it was nice<br />

knowing you for 13 years. Victoria, thanks forhelping<br />

me emotionally and in my walk with God. And<br />

lastly, thank God for everything He did in my life. To<br />

everyone I met in CAIS, I want to thank you for being<br />

part of my journey, I’ll never forget you.<br />

“You can overcome anything, if and only if you<br />

love something enough”- Lionel Messi<br />


Above all, God and my family. Mamma e papi,<br />

grazie per tutti i sacrifici e per avermi insegnato<br />

a vivere la vita con compassione, intelligenza e<br />

ammirazione. Paolo, thanks for being the most<br />

wonderful boy in the world, I’ll miss you most. E zia,<br />

la mia anima gemella, grazie per essermi sempre<br />

affianco. Vi amo tanto. Bella and Lauren, you are<br />

my greatest blessings, I will eternally love and “protec”<br />

you. To my 6 crazies, Charmaine, Kia, Dani,<br />

Court, Dennis, and Sam, you’ve filled my days with<br />

laughter and irreplaceable memories that made<br />

life worth living, I will always love all of you. Sarah<br />

for your genuine love and the immense joy you<br />

give me. Matty for being a real keeper. Rachel

Thank you friends for making me laugh. Thank<br />

you family. Amen<br />

Throughout the two years, I had a lot of bittersweet<br />

memories, ups and downs, always struggled in<br />

academics. Never really fit in with my grade. Aside<br />

from the negatives, thank you Miss Yueng, Mr Kwok,<br />

Mr Ward for giving me those touching life talks.<br />

Thank you Mr Best for always giving me cheerful<br />

smiles and jokes to brighten my year. Thank you Mr<br />

Campbell for being so patient teaching me Chem<br />

and Physics. Huge thank you Laura for inviting me to<br />

your “squad” on my first day, and introducing me to<br />

Deer. Thank you Roy Tam being there for me when<br />

I hit rock bottom, driving from Tsing Yi to Kowloon<br />

Tong at 11pm just to hear me out. Thank you Deer,<br />

Chris OY, Carley Lee, Samuel Wong for being here<br />

for me 24/7, those deep talks at TST pier. Lastly, thank<br />

you Ching for teaching me love.<br />

“I have a dream.” - Martin Luther King Junior<br />

“Leave the field with no regrets.” - Mr John Ward<br />

Time sure flies when assignments are always due next<br />

week. Nonetheless, my time at high school has been<br />

a pivotal life experience for self-discovery and mental<br />

growth. I would like to thank my parents and brother<br />

for being a wonderful support system throughout<br />

my times of stress to help me continuously strive<br />

for improvement. I am truly indebted to each and<br />

every one of the teachers that have facilitated my<br />

enrichment in knowledge throughout high school,<br />

especially all the English and Social Studies teachers<br />

over the years who have helped me develop a<br />

profound interest in literature and history. I am also<br />

grateful to all the friends I have met in high school<br />

with whom I can host discussions with from time to<br />

time, whether it be through some chatter or a bit<br />

of friendly banter. Graduating high school marks an<br />

important day in any student’s life — yet, it is merely<br />

just the beginning of a new journey. I look forward to<br />

this new chapter in life to pursue my ambitions and<br />

endeavor to leave a mark on this world.<br />

Thank God it’s over.<br />

025<br />

“Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious<br />

is to die daily. “ - Napoleon Bonaparte<br />

¨I was always starvin’ like Marvin¨ - Danny Hwang<br />


All glory to God who has been constant, always<br />

working in the most unexpected yet best way<br />

possible to guide me through all these years. To<br />

appa, thank you for all your sacrifices and for pushing<br />

me to my full potential. To the person I love most,<br />

umma, I will be forever grateful for your selflessness<br />

and support. Danny, thank you for developing my<br />

patience and counselling skills, I’ll miss lecturing<br />

and babying you. Mattie for being the big bundle<br />

of energy that you are. Laura for your warmth and<br />

for being someone I can always go to. Bella and<br />

Lauren, you two have brought so much positivity<br />

and light into my life. Megan and Trevor for being<br />

my partners in crime this past year. Mandy, for being<br />

my best friend despite the distance. Jueun and Jisu,<br />

you girls are family and I will love and pray for you<br />

endlessly. Ms.Han, Ms.Ma, Mrs.Fong, Mr.C, Ms.Vuong<br />

thank you for all the wisdom and encouragement.<br />

Loeppky, for challenging me to act out my faith.<br />

Jong, for all the prayers and valuable advice. Mr.<br />

Ng, for dealing with me since fifth grade. Sir, for your<br />

classroom, your honesty, and for always having my<br />

back. I appreciate and love you all.<br />

“Those who leave everything in God’s hands will<br />

eventually see God’s hand in everything.”<br />

- Unknown<br />

Well, I guess it’s my turn to graduate. My 13 years<br />

in CAIS wasn’t always splendid, but it has been<br />

memorable, be it good or bad. First of all, I’d like<br />

to thank you mum and dad for the unwavering<br />

support you’ve given me throughout the countless<br />

years in school. It can be hard to deal with the<br />

menacing and tiresome tests, assignments and<br />

homework, but you’ve given me the capability to<br />

finish my work diligently through continuous and<br />

perpetual directions and discipline. I should also<br />

thank my incorrigible sister for helping me with some<br />

of my work, especially English. I’d also like to express<br />

my gratitude to Mr. Khiatani and Ms. Yeung for the<br />

aid and assistance they’ve rendered. It wouldn’t<br />

have been possible without you both. Furthermore,<br />

a special appreciation to all the mandarin teachers<br />

who’ve taught me, including Ms. Sophie Chen. Last<br />

but not least, I’d like to thank my friends for the times<br />

we’ve had together, especially during lunch where I<br />

could share my thoughts about the issues regarding<br />

our contemporary world. Goodbye CAIS, I might not<br />

miss you. Maybe just a wee bit eh? Now it’s time to<br />

cepat jalan balik kampung lah!<br />

“I have always thought that humanity was animallike.<br />

The Confucian theory was man could be<br />

improved, but I’m not sure he can be. He can be<br />

trained; he can be disciplined.” - First Prime Minister<br />

of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew<br />

I love you Megan and Sarah. If I had to use one word<br />

to sum up highschool, it would be courage. It takes<br />

so much courage to survive in highschool. people<br />

are just rude, classes are hard, success requires you<br />

to take initiative. I am so thankful for my parents and<br />

my sister, 多 謝 家 姐 , 爹 哋 媽 咪 , for always supporting<br />

and encouraging me to chase my dreams around<br />

every corner of life. I love my friends so much, Kia,<br />

Diane, the boys, Denise, Charmaine, Sam Lau and<br />

Luk. They have comforted me whenever I needed<br />

it, showed love whenever I couldn’t love myself,<br />

knew me better when I didn’t know myself, they<br />

couldn’t promise me that I’ll be happy forever but<br />

they promised me that I will never feel alone. The<br />

things that I’m gonna miss most are the smallest<br />

moments, banters in freeblocks, conversations that<br />

get emotional real quick, I honestly don’t think I can<br />

ever get over the fact that I’m graduating and I<br />

will never get to relive it. But always remember that<br />

there will be way more tremendous things in the<br />

days coming than the days we leave behind.<br />

Thank you for your support!<br />

“Are you having fun?” - Maxine [Russian Doll, Netflix]<br />

“I can’t trust a soul who doesn’t listen to<br />

Schumann.”<br />

027<br />


I have found myself in these few years, learnt<br />

valuable lessons in life and being able to love self<br />

and others. I am beyond blessed to have all these<br />

amazing people in my life, who listens and deal with<br />

my craziness, aggressiveness, and mood swings.<br />

There are no words to express how thankful I am<br />

for my family. Mom, Dad thank you for being my<br />

best friend, always being here for me, loving me<br />

unconditionally. Grandma, Bro, Sis thank you for<br />

the love and support you’ve shown me, I love you<br />

so much. I have a love hate relationship with this<br />

school. 6 years of my life here in CAIS, lucky to be a<br />

part of this community, loved and protected. To the<br />

teachers who I look up to and could always rely on,<br />

Mr. Fong, Mr. Schick, Mr. Loeppky, Mr. Nadar, Ms So,<br />

thank you for your kindness, caring and goofy self,<br />

and always being so understanding. To my favourite<br />

people in school, Diane, Denise, Laura(ma), Kia,<br />

Jeffrey and the boys, I love you all.Thank you for your<br />

supportiveness and never failing to cheer me on.<br />

There are no other ways I would choose to spend<br />

my highschool years than here.<br />

As the years of my highschool life comes to an end, I<br />

would first like to thank God for always being there in<br />

every step of my way. Secondly, I would like to thank<br />

MOLBIES for all the joy and nerdiness we shared<br />

together. Beat, Michel, Jane, Rachel, and Nichole, I<br />

appreciate all the memories we had, and you guys<br />

have always been so considerate and loving despite<br />

my flaws. Jason, you are one crazy crazy man, but<br />

thank you for always filling me with your ceaseless<br />

positivity. Finally to my wonderful family: 엄마, 아빠,<br />

오빠! 여태까지 잘한거없이 말대꾸만하고 이기적이였던<br />

기억이 많아서 죄송하면서도 감싸주셔서 감사해요.<br />

어렵게 12특례라는 큰선물을 주신다고 홍콩에 남아서<br />

저의 안정을 우선시해주셔서 감사해요. I think through<br />

my past years in CAIS, many had made sacrifices<br />

in love and care for me, and I value all the kindness<br />

and mercy that was gifted to me when I did not<br />

deserve them. It breaks my heart to think that I will<br />

be drifting away from all these amazing people that<br />

God has placed in my life, but I pray for everyone’s<br />

peace and joy with the guidance of God. Thank<br />

you all for being a part of my chapter.<br />

“Its not whether you get knocked down, it’s<br />

whether you get up.” - Vince Lombardi<br />

“They say the best blaze burns the brightest, when<br />

the circumstabnces are at their worth.” - Howl’s<br />

Moving Castle<br />

I would like to say that I am extremely grateful for this<br />

community that I got to know over the years and if<br />

I don’t mention everyone by name, blame it on the<br />

word count and know that I truly treasure everyone<br />

that God’s put in my life. Firstly, I would like to thank<br />

my PARENTS for playing such an important role in<br />

shaping me to be who I am today with their love<br />

and care. I want to thank Mattie for all the rewarding<br />

memories we made during high school. I would also<br />

like to thank all my “SIBLINGS”, “MUM”, KIBC SQUAD<br />


there to support me and to scream at me when I do<br />

something stupid. Thank you to the WORSHIP TEAM,<br />

TECH TEAM, GID, SRC, SJC and the CLASS OF 20<strong>19</strong><br />

for dealing with my loud voice for all these years and<br />

giving me the privilege to work alongside amazing<br />

talented members, leaders, teachers and mentors.<br />

Last but not least, huge thank you to GOD for giving<br />

me life to go by each day and to have such an<br />

awesome community to call home. Y’ALL WILL BE<br />

MISSED!!! #DingbitsYumYums<br />

The idea of using less than 200 words to write a<br />

summary about my life is just as daunting as writing<br />

a diploma personal response essay... only this time it<br />

will be read by the 1383+ students of CAIS.<br />

Firstly, I would like to thank God for placing me in<br />

this school, learning his word and growing in him. My<br />

family not only for paying the tuition and giving me a<br />

home but also staying with me through times of thick<br />

and thin and loving me no matter what. Teachers,<br />

thank you for being part of this wild journey, I literally<br />

couldn’t have done without you. Lunch Club<br />

Humans... what can I say? You guys had somehow<br />

single handedly made my life a lot less boring and<br />

made me a better person. To the class of 20<strong>19</strong>, you<br />

guys are truly amazing and I know we will all do<br />

great things. Last but not least, the unsung heroes<br />

of our generation: Spotify, Quizlet, Crash Course,<br />

Wikipedia, Google docs, my graphing calculator<br />

and citation machine...Thank you for making me a<br />

little smarter so I can get grades a little bit higher<br />

029<br />

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the<br />

Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,<br />

plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah<br />

29:11<br />

“Hold on to the memories and they will hold on to<br />

you” - New Year’s Day (Taylor Swift)<br />


So since I’m an idiot who can’t remember to put a blurb<br />

in until 5 am on the day after they were supposed to be<br />

due, here’s a blurb so I don’t get stuck with the default<br />

blurb I would otherwise get and thus look like a double<br />

idiot.<br />

I would like to thank everyone I have met at this school<br />

for turning me into the person I am today. I used to be<br />

the disgusting loner kid who had a penchant for nose<br />

picking and sleeping in class. Well, I’m still disgusting<br />

and I still sleep in class, but you get the point. My thanks<br />

especially go to Mr. Jansen from 6th grade, who made<br />

my transition to this school a particularly smooth one<br />

and helped me through a time where I was emotionally<br />

vulnerable, and to Noel Marcus, who I somehow was<br />

in the same class with for seven years straight and<br />

played the role of both encouraging me to work harder<br />

(primarily by getting far better grades than I do) and<br />

being the friend that you sometimes feel is getting a bit<br />

clingy but otherwise can’t get enough of.<br />

I’d say this moment in my life is like the fourth Friday<br />

the 13th movie, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. It<br />

may look like the final chapter, it may feel like the final<br />

chapter, but there are eight more flipping movies after<br />

this.<br />

Time does fly by doesn’t it? 12 years of spending time<br />

with the grade and watching people come and go<br />

really makes you reminisce about all the things that has<br />

happened. Thank you Mom and Dad for supporting my<br />

various endeavors and putting me in this school where<br />

I was able to experience and grow. Big thanks to Mr<br />

Ward, Doug, and Hamlett for being great mentors to me<br />

throughout my highschool life, whether it was helping me<br />

solve problems or just general conversations, the three of<br />

you have been instrumental to my growth at CAIS and<br />

being role models to live as. Tech team, it has been an<br />

honor and a privilege for me to lead you and serve with<br />

you. Continue to work and support Mr Hamlett and each<br />

other as you move forward. Worship team, it has been<br />

an honor for me to serve with you over the last few years,<br />

continue to grow in you service to others and to our God.<br />

Finally and most importantly I am grateful and thankful to<br />

God for providing me with the opportunity to come to this<br />

school to both grow and serve others in the community.<br />

To the Class of 20<strong>19</strong> it has been a great couple of years<br />

with you and seeing the growth in everyone of us. As we<br />

leave high school an embark on the next journey, don’t<br />

fear the future as you are never alone in the wilderness.<br />

“It’s time for me to live up to my family name and face<br />

FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES!” -John Freeman, Halflife: Fulllife<br />

Consequences, squirrelking<br />

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth,<br />

do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the<br />

wilderness and rivers in the desert.<br />

Isaiah 43:<strong>19</strong><br />

031<br />

What a phenomenal experience. In this school I’ve<br />

grown up alongside my beloved friends and dear<br />

family. Mom, though we have a history of conflict<br />

I know you really love me and Dad, we don’t talk<br />

much but I know you support me and will no matter<br />

what. Renata, please come back home I miss you<br />

so much and life sucks without you!<br />

Coming back to CAIS was like being welcomed back<br />

into home; I was embraced by the open arms of<br />

my friends (ALPHABETICAL ORDER) Beatrice, David,<br />

Jane, Jessie, Michelle, Nichole, while I developed<br />

unexpected new bonds with Kelly and Jason :)<br />

Thank you to Mr Fong for still being here despite his<br />

old age, and for always having my back. “b00ty” I<br />

love you guys 4ever and I truly cannot imagine my<br />

future without you. You rock my world! KIBC :)! Bella!<br />

Laura! Hagao! Sushi!<br />

Thanks to you every moment no matter how sucky<br />

has been truly wonderful, and they will continue<br />

to live on as precious memories in my heart. There<br />

were ups and downs, twists and turns, but now we<br />

are finally at the end- or perhaps, the beginning of<br />

something new! Good luck to all!<br />

“Our mission is to cultivate learners with knowledge,<br />

skills, integrity and discernment, growing in love for<br />

God and service to humanity.” - CAIS<br />

Man, this has been the greatest 12 years in CAIS.<br />

I would like to thank my family first for putting me<br />

here. Without their help and courage, all of this<br />

wouldn’t have happened and I would still be trying<br />

to find where I belong. I would like to thank the<br />

MAN up there for being with me throughout this<br />

whole journey, because wherever I go, you are<br />

always there to assist me. I want to thank my REAL<br />

G’s, AESTHETICS Brothers, you guys form a big part<br />

of my life. The times we be laughing till we burn<br />

10000 calories, then showing our muscles in front of<br />

the mirrors and y’know being ourselves in the most<br />

unique way. Jo, Carsun, Carlito, and Cloud Bei,<br />

you are my brothers, and I can never forget those<br />

memories we had together. I hope you all the best in<br />

the future. I would also like to thank the people that I<br />

got to know over the years, you mates have been so<br />

beautiful and lovely. Mr. Jong, Mr. Fong, Mrs L Chan<br />

and Mr Campbell, I am very glad to have you help<br />

me improve who I am today. Peace out, I’M FREE...<br />

“Kraken Up, OGM (Open Game Mindset), Golden<br />

Chance...” - My Family<br />


The past 7 years at CAIS has been quite the journey.<br />

Thank you to my parents who supported me through<br />

my struggles. And to my brother who will be taking<br />

my spot as a senior next year, good luck. I want<br />

to thank my friends who pulled me through these<br />

7 years, I am blessed to be able to know you all, I<br />

would name you all but there are too many of<br />

you. To all the teachers who had to put up with<br />

me sleeping in their classes, I apologize and thank<br />

you for all you have done for me. And a shoutout<br />

to my online friends that I have known for almost 5<br />

years, Dante and Ninfernist, we started out from the<br />

bottom of the rankings but made our way to the top<br />

together, I hope we get to meet each other one<br />

day. But most of all, I would like to thank God, I know<br />

that I have not been the greatest servant to Him but<br />

He has blessed me with a community of people that<br />

I have, I am unworthy of His grace but my everyday<br />

joy is powered by His love.<br />

Innumerable as the stars in the sky, so are my<br />

blessings:<br />

Mom and Dad, for giving more than I could ever<br />

deserve,<br />

Beatrice, Jane, Kelly, Nichole, Rachel, for being the<br />

best friends I could ever ask for,<br />

MOLBIES, for all the laughter and joy,<br />

guidance in the form of teachers and internet,<br />

peace in the strength of God,<br />

and lastly, the years i’ve spent at this school (perhaps<br />

this one is a blessing in disguise);<br />

for this I will always be grateful.<br />

“The possibility of victory is only 0% when all the<br />

players give up. No matter how impossible it may<br />

seem, I refuse to make it 0% myself.” – Tetsuya<br />

Kuroko<br />

“All people are like grass,<br />

and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;<br />

the grass withers and the flowers fall,<br />

but the word of the Lord endures forever.”<br />

1 Peter 1:24-25<br />

The older you get, the faster time seems to fly. Dad,<br />

Mom, thanks for loving and supporting me and my<br />

dreams through various ways. Nathan, thanks for<br />

being my best friend and always being there for me<br />

even though I get super stressed and emotional all<br />

the time. Jeffrey, thanks for your sense of humor and<br />

being able to both have fun together but also listen<br />

to each other when times are hard. “Berry”, thanks<br />

for always coming to find me during lunch when<br />

I’m usually sitting alone. It really means a lot to me.<br />

Nicole, thanks for introducing me to other animes<br />

and hate-watching other stuff with me. Doug, thanks<br />

for listening and giving me advice when I’m having<br />

trouble with my relationship with God. Hamlett, Raph,<br />

and the rest of the Tech Team, thanks for being like a<br />

second family to me. Yin, Hope, Shelby, and Thaovy,<br />

my Internet friends, although we haven’t talked or<br />

Skyped in forever, I hope we will be able to see each<br />

other one day. Lastly, thank you, God for loving me<br />

despite my flaws and putting all these amazing<br />

people in my life. Thank you for a great 7 years at<br />

CAIS.<br />

What a journey it had been in CAIS! Looking back<br />

from Grade 1 until now, I am very grateful to have<br />

walked thus far, through trials, tribulation, and all the<br />

memories that I will cherish all my life. Firstly, I want<br />

to thank with all my heart, God, because without<br />

Him, I do not think that this journey would have<br />

been possible at all. Weather it be in academics, or<br />

anything else, because it is His gift, and I will never<br />

forget to use what I have to glorify God, and spread<br />

His kingdom. Secondly, I would like to thank my<br />

Mom for her many pep talks, and emotional support<br />

throughout this journey. Without her, I do not know<br />

how I would have been able to nurture my passion.<br />

Because she would always encourage me to do<br />

what I love, and when I would stumble, she would<br />

always encourage me with spiritual guidance, and<br />

care, so that I won’t feel discouraged. Lastly I want to<br />

thank Mr.Khiatani. Thank you for your guidance, and<br />

your advice. I am very grateful for your contribution<br />

to my academic growth, and spiritual support, and<br />

do not know where I would be without you.<br />

033<br />

“The night is darkest just before dawn. But keep<br />

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens<br />

your eyes open; if you avert your eyes from the<br />

me.” – Philippians 4:13<br />

dark, you’ll be blind to the rays of a new day...So<br />

keep your eyes open, no matter how dark the night<br />

ahead may be.” —Gintoki Sakata 034

These 9 years in CAIS are like Jackson Pollock’s<br />

artworks: crazy and messy. However, I’m thankful<br />

to meet many wonderful people in my life. Thank<br />

you, God, for always being by my side whenever I<br />

feel hopeless and giving me hope. 婆 婆 , 從 小 直 到<br />

大 , 你 常 常 煮 食 物 給 我 , 告 訴 我 你 的 生 活 故 事 , 和 照 顧<br />

我 。 謝 謝 你 ! 我 很 愛 你 和 會 想 你 。 我 回 香 港 的 時 候 , 我<br />

們 再 看 韓 劇 , 吃 雪 糕 , 和 捉 象 棋 !Thank you, Mommy<br />

and Daddy, for everything. No words can express<br />

your love for me. I hope you are proud of me<br />

despite everything we’ve been through. Thank you<br />

MOLBIES, I will treasure every moment with you guys!<br />

Thanks for the laughs and hilarious talks! Miku, thank<br />

you for always being there for me for 6 years and<br />

laughing at my lame (but still good) puns! Thank you<br />

teachers and staffs — Mr and Mrs Fong for giving me<br />

advice and support; Mr Nadar for printing papers<br />

for me and the laughs in your psychology and CE<br />

class; Ms Wong for inspiring me to explore more in<br />

art; Mr Khiatani for the interesting talks about art and<br />

helping with the university applications. Thank you<br />

everyone for being part of these 9 years. So long,<br />

CAIS!<br />

“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little<br />

accidents.” ~ Bob Ross<br />

Looking back, my 8 years at CAIS seemed only to<br />

have lasted an instant. Each year has accelerated<br />

in its passing and will likely continue to do so from<br />

here on. I do not recall every detail, nor do I believe<br />

it was a journey of nothing but radiant jubilance.<br />

It was challenging and tiresome, but all done in<br />

preparation for what is to come. Considering the<br />

average lifespan of a modern human being, the<br />

end of high school is merely the end of a prologue;<br />

the main narrative is just beginning, and I cautiously<br />

look forward to what is to come. I want to thank Mr<br />

Khiatani for aiding in my various technical endeavors<br />

and Ms Yeung for bearing with my repetitive requests<br />

for proof-reading my personal statements. I also<br />

want to thank Mr Schick for burgeoning within me<br />

my newly found appreciation for literature; it was<br />

truly a blessed discovery. AR was a tiresome ordeal<br />

to suffer through each year, but it was still a useful<br />

exercise which practically enforced a need to<br />

experience new works, and looking back, I am glad<br />

it was a part of the curriculum.<br />

“Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride,<br />

freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty individuality -<br />

the qualities of sensitive, enlightened, mentally developed,<br />

pagan, cynical, poetic, philosophic, dispassionate, reserved,<br />

independent, Nietzschean, unbroken, civilised, master-class<br />

men.” - H.P. Lovecraft<br />

Hyerin Oh<br />

Joy! School is officially out, therapy and selfcare is<br />

in. CAIS, for thirteen years you have served as my<br />

second home, as well as a place to get scolded by<br />

Asian women who weren’t familially related, and I<br />

am (questionably) grateful for it. I consider myself<br />

blessed to have had God with me, day to day,<br />

along with the most wonderful gals I could ask for.<br />

Eunz, Jessie, Mandy, Loren, Queenkle, Matty, thankyou<br />

for the laughs, the PUBG, the loveee. Molbies,<br />

I’ll cherish the lunch dates and boba runs you all<br />

made that much more special. So much gratitude<br />

to my teachers Campbell, Cheng, Nadar, and Ma,<br />

for I wouldn’t be the individual I am today without<br />

their devotion and support. 엄마, 아빠! 저를 이 비싼<br />

국제학교로 보내려고 수고 많으셨어요. 진실한 사랑과 희<br />

생이 무엇인지 가르쳐주셔서 너무 감사합니다. 사랑해<br />

요 뿅뿅. Sistoria, thankyou for the lovely advice and<br />

abuse ㅋ, I couldn’t have done it without the counsel<br />

you provided. Bubs, thankyou for being so weird<br />

with me, you’re a real one. Injurious and inglorious as<br />

highschool has been, still I appreciate the trials I was<br />

put through, and the triumphs I gained of it. Bye!<br />

“Do you have a plan? I don’t even have a ‘pla’” -<br />

Phoebe [Friends]<br />

It’s normal to feel stress. Especially if you have three<br />

physics labs due in two weeks, titration lab and<br />

physics test tomorrow, calculus and chem mastery<br />

quiz next week, socials assignment in three days<br />

and less than half way through an online course<br />

that expires in one month. If you are feeling too<br />

overwhelmed, its ok to take a break. Taking a break<br />

doesn’t mean that you are weak, it just reminds you<br />

that you are human too. I wish everyone in the Class<br />

of 20<strong>19</strong>, a promising and successful life in the future.<br />

I pray that no burden will block y’all from chasing<br />

after what your heart truly desires (ㆁᴗㆁ ).<br />

Anyway, thank you Farrah, Hyerin, Jane, Jessie,<br />

Kelly, Mandy, Marilyn, Michelle, Nichole, Rachel<br />

and graphing calculator for being there for me,<br />

especially freeriding me. 真 心 thank you m(_ _)m.<br />


Jessie tang<br />

Honestly, if you ask me what do I remember in high<br />

school, all I could say was being super unproductive<br />

and fooling around all the time. I’m glad to move on<br />

and can’t say that I will really miss this place because<br />

I wouldn’t come back for another day if I didn’t have<br />

to (jokes! maybe). But there’s a lot of stuff that I take<br />

for granted so if I come back crying one day, don’t<br />

be surprised. Thank you, family, friends, MOLBIES, and<br />

teachers for your guidance, endless laughter, and<br />

love. Like I can’t express how greatly appreciated<br />

and treasured you are in my heart because you<br />

have shaped me to who I am today and even further<br />

down the road. Also because without you, I literally<br />

couldn’t have graduated! Thereby, my thesis is to<br />

continue tackling you guys with hugs and affection<br />

as an expression of my love :D. And lastly, all praise<br />

to our Heavenly Father because all my life you have<br />

and will be faithful.<br />

Staying awake for 6 years’ worth of classes was<br />

not easy, neither was having to complete 3 Physics<br />

lab reports with multiple assessments coming up.<br />

Therefore, I would like to start off by thanking God for<br />

giving me strength when I had none. To my favorite<br />

person, 媽 媽 , thank you for always encouraging me<br />

to pursue my passions. I will be eternally grateful for<br />

your love and patience. 爸 爸 , you will forever be my<br />

role model and I cannot thank you enough for the<br />

sacrifices you’ve made for this family. Home is never<br />

complete without you. Farron, I apologize for being<br />

a bad sister. I love you to bits and there’s nothing<br />

I won’t do for you. Lok, my best friend for the past<br />

17 years, I can’t wait for us to make more memories<br />

together. Thank you to everyone in MOLBIE for<br />

helping me pass school and letting me freeride off<br />

you since grade 11. I will miss our time of intimacy<br />

during lunch. To the class of 20<strong>19</strong>, I wish you all a<br />

fruitful future and I look forward to seeing each one<br />

of you change the world with your own unique gifts.<br />

All the best.<br />

“Pacman champion with Nichole Yew”<br />

“You don’t get anything for nothing. Everything<br />

has to be earned, through work, persistence and<br />

honesty.” -Grace Kelly<br />

I want to thank niki because she recommended me<br />

this US show called Shameless. And Crystal because<br />

she makes me laugh when we’re boxing and got me<br />

a fantastic block of cheese from Italy. And Jessica<br />

for reminding me about drama tests on the day we<br />

have drama tests. And all my friends for loving me.<br />

and Samantha for hisoka!<br />

It only seems like yesterday was my first day of school<br />

in CAIS; where I put on my blue uniform and my hair<br />

was tied neatly into pigtails. I will never forget Mrs.<br />

Reeves’s compassion and kindness that allowed<br />

me to come to this school that taught me a lesson<br />

of love that I will never forget- though 13 years has<br />

passed. I am very grateful for Ms. Bailie; not only she<br />

taught me to read, but to have a loving heart and<br />

to find strength in our Father. I am also very thankful<br />

for my family that has always supported me and<br />

encouraged me to never give up. Thank you so<br />

much for loving me and guiding me when I am lost.<br />

My Chingus!! I will miss you guys and thank you for<br />

always sticking around with me. I love you guys very<br />

much and thank you for bringing so much joy into<br />

my life. Lastly, to whom I owe the most, God. Thank<br />

you so so much for giving me so much love in my<br />

life and the people around me that have showered<br />

me with love as well. Thank you, my heavenly Father,<br />

that has walked along by me and fill my cup when<br />

I am weak.<br />

“I’m so glad I didn’t do IB :^)” - Nicole 20<strong>19</strong><br />

“Look beneath the surface so you can judge<br />

correctly.” - John 7:24<br />

037<br />


Firstly, I want to thank God for placing wonderful souls<br />

in my life, and my family, for loving and nurturing me<br />

unconditionally so that I became the person I am<br />

today. Thank you, Matthew, for taking such great<br />

care of me and never complaining even though I’m<br />

often spoiled and insecure. Thank you, Charmaine<br />

and David, for being my “lit” family and making<br />

my high school experience memorable. Thank you,<br />

Sarah, for being a kind listener whenever I open up<br />

to you, and Mattie, for always biting me hehe (I know<br />

that’s how you express your love). Thanks “Berry”,<br />

even though you’re really quiet, I love how real<br />

and genuine you are around your true friends. I will<br />

miss the chapel team, the late rehearsals, “morning<br />

voices” and our hyped worship sessions. Lastly, thank<br />

you class of 20<strong>19</strong>, for all the laughter and joy you<br />

brought into my life! Each one of you is so unique in<br />

your own way, and I wish you all the best. Now, I will<br />

be entering a new chapter of my life, but I will never<br />

forget these five amazing years at CAIS.<br />

It has truly been a journey filled with many stressful yet<br />

joyful days. Thank you God for giving me guidance<br />

and perseverance to push through the years of my<br />

high school life. Mom and dad, for providing me<br />

daily support and encouragement and giving me<br />

more than I could ask for through your hard work.<br />

Andrew and Brian, for showing me guidance in life<br />

and school through your experiences and giving<br />

me a daily dose of stupidity and laughters. Beatrice,<br />

Jane, Michelle, Kelly and Rachel for always being<br />

there for me and being the best friends I could ask<br />

for. MOLBIES, for the great laughters and panic<br />

modes I can ever imagine. (including free riding you<br />

guys. Thanks) The teachers, for your kindness and<br />

patience in guiding me through the years. Last but<br />

not least, the class of 20<strong>19</strong> for all the laughter and<br />

fun you’ve brought into this chapter of my life! I wish<br />

you all the best for your future!<br />

“Jesus wept.” - John 11:35<br />

“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”-<br />

French proverb<br />

It’s unbelievable to think we are actually seniors,<br />

although it doesn’t seem like we are, I’d like to give<br />

thanks firstly to God for his unending love, guidance,<br />

and his place for me in this school. To KIBC peeps,<br />

Thanks for always being so supportive, I am grateful<br />

for the small group and fellowship together. I’ll also<br />

like to thank and appreciate my 妈 妈 爸 爸 and 姐 姐<br />

for loving me and encouraging me on my decisions.<br />

Thanks for raising me well and constantly reminding<br />

me that God will provide for everything. To Fong,<br />

Campbell, and Ms. Yeung, doing all your schoolwork<br />

would’ve been a pain in the butt without your<br />

entertainment in class. Most importantly, I want to<br />

thank my AES bros for always being there, watching<br />

my back, keeping me fit, and shaping me into the<br />

cheerful person I am now. I will never forget about<br />

the OG bodybuilding days, where we worked out in<br />

class, doing tricep dips, and the endless pranks we<br />

attempted to pull off. To end this milestone with the<br />

class of 20<strong>19</strong>, I am extremely proud to say that God<br />

has done great things within each of us individually.<br />

GOOD LUCK :)<br />

For the past 10 years at CAIS I have experienced<br />

many memories that will last me a lifetime. I have<br />

met some of the best people that have played such<br />

a big part in my life. Thank you to my family, who<br />

have supported me through everything and have<br />

always had the best interests for me. Thank you Mom<br />

and Dad for encouraging me and sacrificing your<br />

time to help me when needed, and for Chenoa who<br />

always knew what to do when I didn’t. I also want<br />

to thank Diane, Lau, Denise, Sam and Charmaine<br />

for being there through the toughest times and sticking<br />

by me. Thank you for never failing to make me<br />

laugh and making me the person I am today. Thank<br />

you to Trevor as well even though you get on my<br />

nerves, and also thank you to the aesthetic boys. I<br />

want to thank Mr. Nadar for everything. Thank you<br />

to Mr. Fong, Mr. Jong and the volleyball team for the<br />

fun times we shared and for Matilda’s killer serves.<br />

Lastly, I want to thank us seniors. I couldn’t think of<br />

a better group of people to end this chapter of our<br />

lives with. I wish all of you the best with everything<br />

that is to come.<br />

039<br />

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do<br />

not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will<br />

be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9<br />

“Trash can not trash cannot.”<br />






Hailing as a nation, we strive to achieve self-actualization,<br />

Manifesting veiled aptitudes through tedious processes,<br />

Endowing arms to flank the civilization,<br />

Recompensing prosperity to the public masses.

Solomon<br />

Chen<br />

Edwin<br />

Cheung<br />

Samuel<br />

Cheung<br />

Gaius<br />

Hong<br />

Megan<br />

Hui<br />

Kian<br />

Kim<br />

Kristie<br />

Lai<br />

Queenkle<br />

Lam<br />

Stephanie<br />

Lau<br />

Thomas<br />

Leung<br />

Dylan<br />

Liang<br />

Dave<br />

Luk<br />

Isaac<br />

Ngai<br />

Isis<br />

Tong<br />

Bob<br />

Wong<br />

Oscar<br />

Wong<br />

Boris<br />

Yip<br />

Aqmar<br />

Zaman<br />

11A<br />

Elvira<br />

Zhang<br />

047<br />


Throughout this school year, the class of 11A has been<br />

one that is energetic, humorous, and united! With a class full<br />

of a variety of unique people all with their own distinct stories<br />

and backgrounds, there is never a dull moment in 11A. With<br />

each event such as Fall Fest to dress-up days (and the class<br />

planning that comes with it), each event showcased our individuality<br />

and unity, making our class fun and diverse. It’s been<br />

a wonderful experience being in a class with variety of unique<br />

people with their own distinct stories and backgrounds from<br />

learning together to playing Mafia!<br />

“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body,<br />

every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were<br />

all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many<br />

parts, but one body.” - 1 Corinthians 12:18-20<br />

- Issac Ngai, Thomas Leung, and Ms. So<br />

049<br />


Gabriel<br />

Chan<br />

Ionie<br />

Chan<br />

Jasper<br />

Chan<br />

Osborn<br />

Chan<br />

Marko<br />

Choi<br />

Charlotte<br />

Choy<br />

Loren<br />

Ho<br />

Daniel<br />

Jeong<br />

Sydnie<br />

Ko<br />

Enoch<br />

Lam<br />

Samantha<br />

Lee<br />

Daniel<br />

Lu<br />

Esther<br />

Ma<br />

Dimitri<br />

Ng<br />

Matilda<br />

Siu<br />

Benjamin<br />

Wong<br />

Denise<br />

Wong<br />

Hino<br />

Wong<br />

11B<br />

Irwin<br />

Wong<br />

Moses<br />

Yap<br />

Martin<br />

Zhang<br />

051<br />


Not one word could fully describe 11B. As one of the most diverse classes ever existed in CAIS, it is<br />

a community made up of idiosyncratic and quirky characteristics, talents, and personalities. Here is<br />

the proof by contradiction:<br />

If 11B only consisted of ordinary people, then...<br />

Student wellbeing and community would not fall into the hands of Loren, Samantha, and Marko who<br />

held half the seats in the 23 rd SRC Executive team,<br />

Popsicle sticks would not come to life as an operational guillotine that lead the entire 11B French<br />

Revolution rebels to win 1 st place in both the Read-a-thon Dress Up and the Popsicle Stick Sculpture<br />

Contests,<br />

Elderly, children and younger CAIS students would not have smiles on their faces and anticipate the<br />

weekly visits lead by Daniel Lu, Dimitri, Jasper, Osborn, Gabriel and Loren from SJC, SSLC, and Peer<br />

Mentorship Club,<br />

Competition of solving Rubik’s Cube would not be as epic if Matilda, Jasper and Enoch did not<br />

represent the entire high school Grade 10-12 Division. (Also, they would not have more than 10<br />

different types of Rubik’s Cubes!),<br />

Interschool tournaments would not be as fun to cheer for and be as worth noting if athletes Danny,<br />

Dimitri, Enoch, Hino, Benjamin, Irwin, Marko, Esther, Matilda, and Loren were not on the courts and<br />

fields to demonstrate their sportsmanship and passion for basketball, soccer and volleyball,<br />

All girls clan—Denise, Sydnie, Charlotte and Ionie—would not sit together, not communicate between<br />

themselves using a language of their own, and not be able to turn in quality assessments despite<br />

being awfully quiet in class,<br />

Last-but-not-least Moses would not show his professional dance moves in his GID trip to the<br />

Philippines, and Martin would not face off with his splits rival Thomas Leung of 11A in Atrium 5 on a<br />

random school day.<br />

Since one contradiction would suffice in mathematics, the seven above all the more proved that 11B<br />

was neither ordinary nor boring. 11B was, is, and forever will be a S-P-E-C-I-A-L community who<br />

added spices and brought joy to the past 180 school days. As “God created mankind in his own<br />

image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27 NIV),<br />

11B showcased the multifaceted characteristics of God. CAIS is thankful for God’s blessings of 11B.<br />

Ms. Prudence Yeung<br />

053<br />


The thunder’s roar signals a great storm,<br />

Darkness envelops the heart’s aspirant,<br />

But stick to Christ and feel the warmth,<br />

And the sun’s radiance will be made apparent.

Linus<br />

Chan<br />

Walter<br />

Chan<br />

Sophie<br />

Chen<br />

Jason<br />

Cheung<br />

Chris<br />

Cho<br />

Ben<br />

Choi<br />

Hayley<br />

Chow<br />

Leona<br />

Chui<br />

Chloe<br />

Fong<br />

Christopher<br />

Fung<br />

Natalie<br />

Hau<br />

Victoria<br />

Huang<br />

Rainbow<br />

Hui<br />

Yasmine<br />

Kwong<br />

Mike<br />

Lee<br />

Evelyn<br />

Lee<br />

Rose<br />

Pak<br />

Gabriel<br />

So<br />

10A<br />

Savannah<br />

Ward<br />

Kate<br />

Wong<br />

057<br />


I still remember meeting the 10A class on orientation day.<br />

I had never taught these students before and so we were strangers<br />

to each other. That first day we broke the ice with some games,<br />

but we really got to know each other better in science class and<br />

during Fall Fest preparations. We may not have won the Fall Fest<br />

but we had a great time preparing our theme of being thankful for<br />

STARS! Our talent show themed performance was a big hit, with a<br />

Korean dance number, heavy metal Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and<br />

especially Jason’s flute solo to “My Heart Will Go On” that featured<br />

dancing girls Rose and Savannah. I can truly say that my class was<br />

full of star performers. Thanks Yasmine and Sophie being our class<br />

reps and keeping our performance on track!<br />

I enjoyed watching this class grow more mature throughout the year.<br />

Teamwork in the lab was observed as students shared chemistry<br />

results and took pictures of their cells and Cabomba (ka-BOMBba)<br />

plants. Our class also had many school leaders in SRC, GID,<br />

Chapel Team, SJC, Tech Team, and various sports teams. This class<br />

grew in responsibility, academics, social skills, and spiritual maturity.<br />

My hope and prayer for the future is that they will shine like stars<br />

for all eternity. As I leave this school and prepare to move on, I know<br />

that I will never forget these students who helped to make my last<br />

year such a great one. Thanks, 10A!<br />

- Mr. Campbell<br />

059<br />


Oscar<br />

Au<br />

Bryan<br />

Cheng<br />

Maureen<br />

Cheng<br />

Yury<br />

Cheung<br />

Mariella<br />

Hanlon<br />

Ray<br />

Ho<br />

Marcus<br />

Lai<br />

Sergio<br />

Lau<br />

Tanya<br />

Leung<br />

Anke<br />

Li<br />

Charlotte<br />

Loon<br />

Louisa<br />

Lu<br />

Lusia<br />

Luk<br />

Stephanie<br />

Ma<br />

Chloe<br />

Tam<br />

Ashley<br />

Wan<br />

Marco<br />

Wong<br />

Jack<br />

Yip<br />

10B<br />

Jane<br />

Yung<br />

061<br />


As the 10B homeroom teacher it has been my pleasure, to<br />

not only teach these students in Science but to also work and<br />

support such a fine group of individuals. The 10B Homeroom<br />

has had an amazing year and they continue to thrive in an<br />

environment that God has blessed us with.<br />

The great strength of this group is the strong relationships that<br />

have developed amongst each other. This has led to a healthy<br />

respect and appreciation for one another and it has enabled<br />

them to work very effectively throughout the year. The 10B<br />

students are a very determined and an extremely hard working<br />

group. I am confident this group of students will continue to<br />

strive to no end to achieve whatever they set their minds to in<br />

the final 2 years here at Christian Alliance International School<br />

On a personal note I have been encouraged by the relationships<br />

I have developed with these students over the course of the year.<br />

They have been warm, friendly and supportive of me and my<br />

teaching and I would love to be given the opportunity to teach<br />

them again in the following year. God has been truly wonderful<br />

in allowing me to teach these students.<br />

-Mr. J. Sandy<br />

063<br />


The world would love to swallow you from your breaks<br />

Into the pit of despair from your mistakes<br />

However, you shake off the dirt and step up<br />

Or else you wouldn’t become a grown up

Sean<br />

Chan<br />

Marcus<br />

Chan<br />

Edward<br />

Chan<br />

Tiffany<br />

Cheung<br />

Harris<br />

Chiu<br />

Ethan<br />

Chung<br />

Mahir<br />

Devgun<br />

Andrew<br />

Fong<br />

Katie<br />

He<br />

Gabriel<br />

Hui<br />

Angel<br />

Iu<br />

Doheon<br />

Kim<br />

Justin<br />

Kim<br />

Matthew<br />

Kwok<br />

Julie<br />

Lai<br />

John<br />

Li<br />

Brian<br />

Luo<br />

Koleka<br />

Ma<br />

Karen<br />

Su<br />

Natalie<br />

Tam<br />

Gordon<br />

Yan<br />

Sara<br />

Yang<br />

Issac<br />

Yiu<br />

Michael<br />

Yap<br />

Michael<br />

Udebuluzor<br />

9A<br />

068<br />


This year, 9A has made some good memories together. Even while<br />

being the first year of Grade 9s to take the PATs, we were able to<br />

have some fun and build community. Some highlights include this<br />

year’s Fall Fest, where our homage to the school’s Vending Machines<br />

helped us win Second Place in the Grade 8-9 category. Mahir’s<br />

performance as the vending machine was unforgettable, along<br />

with all the jokes he made at teachers’ expenses (his homeroom<br />

teacher included). Through everyone’s diligence of reading during<br />

Readathon and Katie’s creative direction, our Lord of the Flies<br />

popsicle stick Pig’s Head won Third Place among the Grades 9-12<br />

Popsicle Stick Structures. Many were outside of our comfort zones<br />

when we had to read to younger kids as their Reading Buddy, but<br />

in the end, it was an enjoyable experience. There was also a valiant<br />

effort on everyone’s part to participate in the Readathon Class<br />

Dress-Up Day. My hope is that this year will only be the beginning<br />

of everyone’s desire to invest into the school community, and we will<br />

all be a greater support for each other as the years go on.<br />

- Ms Alison Ma<br />

069<br />


Ray<br />

Adiari<br />

Kelvin<br />

Au<br />

Jeremy<br />

Auyeung<br />

Cornelius<br />

Chan<br />

Michellella<br />

Huang<br />

Simone<br />

Lai<br />

Charis<br />

Lam<br />

Silas<br />

Leung<br />

Man Hei<br />

Li<br />

Tiffany<br />

Liu<br />

Tania<br />

Wong<br />

Joshua<br />

Wan<br />

Sofia<br />

Rahman<br />

Royce<br />

Nadar<br />

Jaeden<br />

Mo<br />

Christopher<br />

Meau<br />

Bernice<br />

Yam<br />

Ryan<br />

Yeung<br />

Samuel<br />

Yiu<br />

Eric<br />

Zhang<br />

Virginia<br />

Cheung<br />

Brighten<br />

Chu<br />

Chester<br />

Ho<br />

9B<br />

072<br />


Dear 9B members:<br />

Once upon a time, we grew up on stories and the voices in which<br />

they were told.<br />

It was the story of Kino in The Pearl, who unearthed The Pearl of<br />

the World, yet forfeited his soul.<br />

It was Piggy in Lord of the Flies, who stood for justice not because<br />

he was strong, but “because what’s right’s right.”<br />

It was Feste in Twelfth Night who sang: “Journeys end in lovers<br />

meeting”—and Viola who found that there, the journey begins<br />

anew.<br />

And it was you, dear students, who reached into a black felt hat<br />

each day, selected a prompt, opened your mouths to speak, and<br />

found that you have stories and a voice with which to share them.<br />

You learned to start fires the old hard way; climbed skywards on a<br />

hempen rope; saw the world’s first photograph of a black hole. You<br />

cobbled together a Tower of Babel out of popsicle sticks— surely,<br />

there’s a metaphor in there somewhere?<br />

Since the first days of fall, you’ve been welcomed into my classroom<br />

with the smell of freshly-roasted, hand-ground, single origin<br />

coffee.<br />

Finally, we’ve arrived at summer. Is it the smell of the sea that<br />

awaits?<br />

It’s been a pleasure learning with you. Thanks for the stories.<br />

If you need coffee, my room’s always open.<br />

Cheers,<br />

Mr. Yee<br />

073<br />


Alarm is ringing,<br />

Arms are sagging,<br />

Eyelids are drooping,<br />

WAKE UP! You have 2 minutes remaining.

Jacy<br />

Auyeung<br />

Alicia<br />

Chau<br />

Jenkins<br />

Chou<br />

Lik Yau<br />

Chow<br />

Andy<br />

Chung<br />

Gabriel<br />

Fong<br />

Isaac<br />

Ip<br />

Nathan<br />

Kwan<br />

Serene<br />

Lee<br />

Cassidy<br />

Lee<br />

Jason<br />

Li<br />

Anderson<br />

Li<br />

Rachel<br />

Liauw<br />

Asa<br />

Ng<br />

Jakin<br />

Ngan<br />

Hannah<br />

Tam<br />

Mark<br />

Tsang<br />

Matthias<br />

Wong<br />

Ivor<br />

Wong<br />

Vanessa<br />

Yau<br />

Bernice<br />

Yip<br />

Lorraine<br />

Guo<br />

Bo Bo<br />

Wong<br />

8A<br />

078<br />


This year in 8A, we’ve had many ups and downs. Some<br />

have left and others have come. It was a great year and<br />

many memories were made. There was a lot of learning,<br />

fun, laughter and smiles (not from me). Through all the<br />

school activities and events, our homeroom built friendships<br />

and bonds that will continue into the future. Many of us are<br />

apprehensive to change, but I’m excited for what is to come<br />

next year. In class, I always talk about students who may<br />

have the privilege of sitting in the “special seat” with me at<br />

the front of the class but my hope is that we all may have the<br />

privilege of sitting in a special seat with Him in heaven above.<br />

May we be able to step forward in faith, integrity and prayer<br />

with everything that we do. This was an unforgettable year<br />

for me.<br />

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility<br />

count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of<br />

you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests<br />

of others. - Philippians 2:3-4<br />

- Mr. Fong<br />

079<br />


Sean<br />

Chan<br />

Pun Lap<br />

Chan<br />

Katie<br />

Chan<br />

Jazmine<br />

Chang<br />

Timothy<br />

Cheng<br />

Piers<br />

Choi<br />

Christine<br />

Ho<br />

Crispus<br />

Hong<br />

Chun Hin<br />

Hung<br />

Steven<br />

Johnson<br />

Kimberly<br />

Kamunge<br />

Kathleen<br />

Kwong<br />

Joyce<br />

Lee<br />

Shanna<br />

Lee<br />

Harun<br />

Leung<br />

Nicole<br />

Li<br />

Shine<br />

Ng<br />

Jessica<br />

Park<br />

James<br />

Sheng<br />

Anson<br />

Wong<br />

Adrian<br />

Wong<br />

Zaza<br />

Wong<br />

Ronan<br />

Wu<br />

8B<br />

082<br />


This was a year of growth for us. Every one of us were hand-picked by<br />

God, to create this team of unique players that grew to become not just<br />

a strong independent individual, but also caring members of a community.<br />

We had many opportunities to get to know one another, create<br />

sense of community and learn to work together in harmony. Some of us<br />

grew up together at CAIS, some newly joined this year, and some may<br />

have even left us – but it’s been a year that deserves celebration in the<br />

fact that we successfully created a supportive, learning community.<br />

In class, we studied about how our experiences, as well as experiences<br />

of those before us, affect the way we view the world. Through various<br />

school and class activities, we grew to become mature thinkers and<br />

learners.<br />

As a team, we came up with can-sliding booth for carnival, that had the<br />

most customers in the whole school. Together we managed to all come<br />

in dressed up as a Disney character for Readathon, not to mention the<br />

Cinderella castle we built using popsicle sticks that fitted our theme!<br />

Some of us had creative ways to upcycle materials that otherwise<br />

would have been wasted, and turned it into a realistic costume. We<br />

also received cheers and applause from the class skit we created and<br />

performed during camp. All of these memories made our days as grade<br />

8 memorable, unique, and cherishable.<br />

As we move up another year, I pray that God will show each and every<br />

one of you the great plans He has written for you from the very beginning<br />

of your life. Thank you for being my students, and I will miss having<br />

you all in Room 310!<br />

- Ms. Han<br />

083<br />


Cecilia<br />

Chan<br />

Joshua<br />

Fung<br />

Abia<br />

Fung<br />

Jorge<br />

Hui<br />

Figlia<br />

Lai<br />

Megan<br />

Lai<br />

Speeakle<br />

Lam<br />

Issac<br />

Lam<br />

Marvin<br />

Lam<br />

Brandon<br />

Leung<br />

Valerie<br />

Leung<br />

Janice<br />

Min<br />

Darren<br />

Ng<br />

Jason<br />

Poon<br />

Samuel<br />

Shiu<br />

Seth<br />

Stoltzfus<br />

Elizabeth<br />

Tse<br />

Howard<br />

Wong<br />

8C<br />

Petrina<br />

Wong<br />

Nicholas<br />

Yip<br />

085<br />


What a wonderful year it’s been with you Grade 8C! You have<br />

grown and progressed both personally and academically and I<br />

am so very proud to have been your homeroom teacher! Getting<br />

to know one another was a slow start, but through mutual<br />

listening and understanding we have become family and<br />

for this, I am so inspired and grateful! Thank you for all the<br />

laughter and smiles we have shared together, I will cherish<br />

this always! In the words of Mahatma Gandhi: “The fragrance<br />

always stays on the hands that give the rose.” Remember to<br />

be the one who extends a helping hand and limitless kindness,<br />

the one who is selfless and the one who pursues the best in<br />

life. Continue to strive for excellence! May the LORD bless you<br />

and keep you in the palm of his hand, may he enlarge your<br />

territory, provide for you and protect each one of you always.<br />

All my love,<br />

-Miss Pillay<br />

087<br />


Florence<br />

Chan<br />

Caden<br />

Cheng<br />

Maggie<br />

Cheng<br />

Carina<br />

Chung<br />

Paolo<br />

Ciamei<br />

Nature<br />

Cui<br />

Florian<br />

Kwok<br />

Derek<br />

Lam<br />

Ryan<br />

Lam<br />

Isaac<br />

Lau<br />

Vico<br />

Lau<br />

Jennifer<br />

Liu<br />

Kelvin<br />

Lo<br />

Jayden<br />

Lu<br />

Vincent<br />

Ma<br />

Elizabeth<br />

Mok<br />

Julius<br />

Ng<br />

Jethro<br />

Shum<br />

8D<br />

Esther<br />

Tung<br />

Raphael<br />

Wong<br />

Wesley<br />

Wong<br />

Sasha<br />

Wong<br />

089<br />


It has been a privilege to be 8D’s homeroom and science<br />

teacher this year. 8D is characterised by creativity and a<br />

‘refusing to give up’ attitude. This was evident when our<br />

class came up with the idea of building a dunk tank from<br />

scratch (when no one would believe a grade 8 class could<br />

follow through with such a crazy idea!) for the carnival. With<br />

less than 72 hours to go, the design still being discussed and<br />

the building materials still nowhere to be seen, 8D managed<br />

to pull off this monumental task. And the dunk tank lasted<br />

till the very end of the carnival! This determined outlook and<br />

commitment to team work has set the tone for 8D. It has<br />

been my joy to see 8D grow together! May the zeal and<br />

passion of these young men and women continue to flourish<br />

in the years to come.<br />

- Mr. K. Chan<br />

091<br />


Life is all about learning<br />

With your increasing<br />

intelligence<br />

While you stop procrastinating,<br />

You will know it is all about<br />

your diligence.

Halu<br />

Chan<br />

Cody<br />

Chau<br />

Stephanie<br />

Cheng<br />

Keziah<br />

Cheung<br />

Daniel<br />

Huang<br />

Timothy<br />

Ka<br />

Kelly<br />

Lai<br />

Kenneth<br />

Lew<br />

Aquila<br />

Li<br />

Hadassah<br />

Ma<br />

Morgan<br />

Mak<br />

Lek<br />

Man<br />

Olivia<br />

Nadar<br />

Renee<br />

Ng<br />

Kimberly<br />

Ng<br />

Hanna<br />

Park<br />

Jeremy<br />

Poon<br />

Eugenia<br />

Tam<br />

7A<br />

Glad<br />

Udebuluzor<br />

Jaden<br />

Wong<br />

Daniel<br />

Wong<br />

Janice<br />

Wu<br />

095<br />


We love 7A because we are a happy family and everyone is<br />

unique.<br />

We have BB, Snip Snip, Ruby, Salty’s sisters, B alerts, Spies,<br />

Lions, Cubs, Thickies and love.<br />

People here may look weird, but they are very caring,<br />

encouraging and fun to go to school with.<br />

- Mr. Lo<br />

097<br />


Pui Chiu<br />

Chan<br />

Callum<br />

Chan<br />

Samuel<br />

Hui<br />

Miriam<br />

Kam<br />

Elvis<br />

Koo<br />

Natalie<br />

Lai<br />

Cherrie<br />

Lee<br />

Megan<br />

Lee<br />

Wilson<br />

Lee<br />

Giselle<br />

Leung<br />

Belle<br />

Li<br />

Sophie<br />

Li<br />

Zoe<br />

Mak<br />

Max<br />

Ng<br />

Nathan<br />

Ng<br />

Candice<br />

Poon<br />

Bowie<br />

Tam<br />

Isaac<br />

Tzeng<br />

Alicia<br />

Wong<br />

Hogan<br />

Wong<br />

Iris<br />

Wong<br />

Kendrick<br />

Xu<br />

Tanya<br />

Tam<br />

7B<br />

100<br />


The 7B’s spent the year building lasting friendships and<br />

enjoying the learning process. There was never a dull day in<br />

the class; from jokes to humor to funny events happening on<br />

a daily basis! They worked hard and grew spiritually, mentally,<br />

emotionally and physically. The class bonded over SRC<br />

events, Gospel Camp, and the countless academic tests that<br />

they took together as a class.<br />

1 Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise you for your youth, but<br />

set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in<br />

faith, in purity.”<br />

- Mr. Cha<br />

101<br />


Isaac<br />

Chan<br />

Ian<br />

Chan<br />

Aidan<br />

Chong<br />

Dayten<br />

Chu<br />

Rachel<br />

Chung<br />

Jamison<br />

Hui<br />

Lam Yan<br />

Kwok<br />

Natalie<br />

Lam<br />

Yat Sum<br />

Lau<br />

Raphael<br />

Lee<br />

Jackson<br />

Lee<br />

Coco<br />

Meng<br />

Samuel<br />

Ng<br />

Carrie<br />

Ngai<br />

Paco<br />

Seto<br />

Iris<br />

Tang<br />

Eunice<br />

Tsang<br />

Caleb<br />

Wan<br />

Icy<br />

Wong<br />

Moses<br />

Wu<br />

Caden<br />

Yee<br />

Renee<br />

Yeung<br />

Wai Ching<br />

Yiu<br />

7C<br />

104<br />


It has been an incredible journey and an honour to watch this<br />

class grow. We’ve spent almost 180 days together. It seems<br />

like only yesterday, I was introducing myself and trying to<br />

figure out which one is Caleb and the other one Caden. I still<br />

mess it up. 7C has worked extremely hard and have made<br />

so much great progress this year. We have shared a lot of<br />

laughs and had tremendous fun, but now our year is done.<br />

It is evident this class loves school and enjoys learning. They<br />

always took pride in their work. I am always amazed of how<br />

attentive this class can be during lessons and at the same<br />

time bring so much fun and positive energy to classes each<br />

day. This class is the reason why teaching is the greatest job<br />

in the world. Few words of wisdom to this class…<br />

Throw that rubik’s cube away immediately and do what the<br />

Lord has required of you; to act justly and to love mercy and<br />

to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8<br />

You are special, unique, and have a lot to offer the world.<br />

Keep up the great work!<br />

- Mr. Kwok<br />

105<br />


Hans<br />

Chak<br />

Ashley<br />

Chan<br />

Crystabella<br />

Chan<br />

Beverly<br />

Chan<br />

Adrian<br />

Chan<br />

Sycus<br />

Chan<br />

Jessica<br />

Cheung<br />

Ryan<br />

Chiu<br />

Arlen<br />

Chu<br />

Kyle<br />

Fung<br />

Charmaine<br />

Ho<br />

Yuma<br />

Iwabuchi<br />

Chun Yan<br />

Kwok<br />

Adrian<br />

Lam<br />

Natalie<br />

Lau<br />

Isabella<br />

Liao<br />

Vanessa<br />

Ma<br />

Rhea<br />

Mundra<br />

Adrian<br />

Wong<br />

Audrey<br />

Yau<br />

Tegan<br />

Yiu<br />

Jeffrey<br />

Yong<br />

Kyle<br />

Jok<br />

Chester<br />

Lau<br />

7D<br />

108<br />


Our class this year was very unique and rowdy. We won reada-thon<br />

and had a pizza party. We were really surprised that we<br />

won the whole of high school. Camp and discovery days was also<br />

very lively and thrilling. Everyone had a great time and made<br />

new friendships. This year was really fun and we made so many<br />

ever-lasting memories together.<br />

- Rhea Mundra, Natalie Lau, and Ryan Chiu<br />

109<br />


Janice<br />

Chan<br />

Jaden<br />

Chen<br />

Nicole<br />

Chik<br />

Priscilla<br />

Chung<br />

Micheal<br />

Fong<br />

Kinza<br />

Khan<br />

Ho Kit<br />

Kwan<br />

Christopher<br />

Lau<br />

Ally<br />

Lau<br />

Bernice<br />

Luk<br />

Yan Chi<br />

Ng<br />

Chloe<br />

Ngai<br />

Shingo<br />

Ogasawara<br />

Peony<br />

Tsang<br />

Daniel<br />

Tung<br />

Shaun<br />

Wong<br />

Cedric<br />

Yeung<br />

Audrey<br />

Yip<br />

7E<br />

Chantel<br />

Yiu<br />

Minha<br />

Yu<br />

Jerry<br />

Zhang<br />

111<br />


In <strong>2018</strong>/20<strong>19</strong>, there are actually a lot that happened in these days.<br />

G7 has a gospel camp, D’Day, etc. We (7E) even have a “mum”<br />

in our class. We usually go out to eat lunch. We are enthusiastic,<br />

yet sometimes, can be loud and silly, acting like monkeys. However,<br />

we do respect our teachers and we are thankful to them. All<br />

the teachers work very hard for us. Most of the students in our<br />

class are friendly. We could laugh together every day. We share our<br />

happiness and sadness. No matter what we are always there for<br />

each other. We made a lot of memories together and it’s all about<br />

happiness. Thank you 7E!<br />

- Mr. E. Cheng<br />

113<br />










SPORTS DAY 9-12<br />

SPORTS DAY 7-8<br />

SEW<br />

ART<br />





‘If plows under his Iowa cornfield to build a baseball field that brings back Shoeless Joe Jackson and other major league<br />

you build it, they will come’ is a classic statement from the <strong>19</strong>89 movie, ‘Field of dreams’. It’s based on the novel, Shoeless<br />

Joe, by W. P. Kinsella which Ray Kinsella hears a voice in his corn field telling him about the above said statement. He then<br />

baseball players of the Chicago White Sox were banned for throwing the <strong>19</strong><strong>19</strong> World Series. Similarly, CAIS received the calling to<br />

build an International School 10 years back on Friday afternoon to RMC Chairman, Clarence Cheung, and thus on May 4, 20<strong>19</strong>, we<br />

entered the second phase of the building project. Phase II Campus will comprise of space for performing arts and sport activities<br />

that will enrich the lifestyle and learning experience of students, staff and the local community.<br />

The ground breaking ceremony was held on Saturday, May 4, 20<strong>19</strong> in the carpark area of the Butterfly Valley campus. CAIS<br />

student and staff choir began the morning event with a beautiful rendition of ‘Million dreams’ from the movie, ‘The Greatest<br />

Showman’. Staff and Assistant to the Principal, Mr. Schick and Sarah Jeong, grade 12 student were the Master of ceremony. The<br />

guest of honor was the Consul General of Canada, Hong Kong, and Macau, Mr. Jeff Nankivell. Providentially, Sarah also received<br />

the ‘Spirit of Canada’ award from Mr. Nankivell in <strong>2018</strong>. Mr. Vanderpyl, the Head of School, gave welcome address on the role<br />

of CAIS as place of transformation of heart and mind. Since phase 2 will encompass a bigger auditorium and facilities related to<br />

fine arts, there will be flourishing of creativity and development of talents among students for the glory of God. Jeff Nankivell also<br />

promoted the vision of the social entrepreneurial role of CAIS in being able to serve the community as well as develop students<br />

with ethical character. RMC chairman, Martin Lau spoke about the investment being made in CAIS and the kind of returns that<br />

are expected in spite of adversity. Finally, Rev. Wilson Chow spoke of the historical involvement of KTAC’s (Kowloon Tong Alliance<br />

Church) involvement in the field of education. He exhorted about the interdependence between the Church and school, as well as<br />

the principle of working together in partnership. The afternoon closed with prayer followed by light snacks.<br />

117<br />



This year’s Thanksgiving Carnival on October 6th, <strong>2018</strong> was an astounding success<br />

with fantastic entertainment, crafts, and delicacies for all to enjoy. This community<br />

event is an annual favorite of students, parents, teachers, and faculty as a wonderful way<br />

to enjoy family time while supporting the school. Carnival games, crafts, and delicious<br />

food all added to the festivities, leaving everyone smiling and entertained. An event of<br />

this magnitude is not possible without the hard-work of many involved. We would like to<br />

give a very special acknowledgement to all the volunteers, parents, the 22nd SRC, for<br />

their innovative booths and hard-work that realized the carnival.<br />

1<strong>19</strong><br />


The Terry Fox Run Hong Kong aims to continue Terry Fox’s “Marathon of Hope” and keep his<br />

aspiration of a cancer-free world alive. Since its Hong Kong debut in 2013, the Terry Fox Run has<br />

become one of the key charity events for both Canadians and locals in Hong Kong.<br />

The Terry Fox Run is completely volunteer-organized, with no budget for expenses. All proceeds from<br />

the event go towards supporting cure-oriented, biomedical cancer research in Hong Kong. The event is<br />

a 3 km, 5 km or 10 km run.<br />

This year parents, staff, and students of CAIS participated in this race to support a great cause, have<br />

fun, and getting fit!<br />

Terry Fox Run<br />

121<br />


Gospel Camp<br />

The annual gospel camp allowed a time for students to relax from their<br />

intense school work and to strengthen their relationship with God, whilst<br />

they reflect upon their Christian faith. It is a great opportunity for students<br />

to learn Christianity more freely through God’s words from the speakers, a lot<br />

of students had also opened their hearts and allowed God to fulfill their lives;<br />

some recommitted their lives to God during the calling.<br />

Students also had a chance to participate in a variety of minigames and activities<br />

held by the YMCA organization and the SRC; it enhanced their communication<br />

and cooperation skills, and left students with unforgettable experiences<br />

throughout the camp. The yearly balloon shaving, tug-of-war, catapult water<br />

balloon wars as well as a variety of engaging sports, such as capture the flag<br />

and ultimate frisbee competitions between different houses.<br />

123<br />



Grade 10 PE Field Trip<br />

“My arms didn’t thank me after this.” Sophie Chen<br />

On the Tung Lung island trip, grade 10 students shared an<br />

unforgettable experience as they conquered a lot of challenges<br />

not normally encountered in an ordinary classroom setting.<br />

Under the blazing sun, the grade 10s accomplished different missions<br />

and activities on the island in teams. The various tasks pushed<br />

students to encourage one another and learn cooperation amongst<br />

people they may not be the most familiar with. One of the most<br />

memorable activities was the pier jump, in which nearly the entire<br />

class, conquered their acrophobia, jumped into the ocean and blissfully<br />

floated in the ocean after a long hot day.<br />

125<br />


R<br />

E<br />

A<br />

D<br />

A<br />

T<br />

The annual Readathon provides our<br />

school’s bibliophiles with captivating<br />

imagery, and chances to allocate creativity<br />

and to stimulate our literacy skills. The theme this<br />

year was “Building Novel Ideas”, and everyone built<br />

different objects with designated popsicle sticks<br />

that were redeemed with AR points. As per usual,<br />

there were several events that concurrently occurred,<br />

which include the class and individual dress-up days,<br />

fundraising, as well as book swap.<br />

Readathon wrapped up with multitudinous schematics<br />

of enthralling architectures. Ranging from The Lord of the<br />

Flies, a sculpture of a dragon, fully functioning guillotine, to<br />

Castle of Pennsylvania and a colourful gigantic surfboard.<br />

Students also rigorously participated in the book swap,<br />

and it was an inopportune moment for everyone to gain<br />

access to the sea of uncharted books to further enrich<br />

our knowledge and arouse our interest in reading.<br />

H<br />

O<br />

N<br />

127<br />



Stem-week is a week for students at CAIS to come together and appreciate the great minds of<br />

science and math in human history. The Science and Math department presented a<br />

fascinating week demonstrating how Christianity and science are compatible<br />

with one another using morning devotions, lunch time activities, and week-long<br />

competitions, as well as decorating the school with fun factoids. CAIS also<br />

hosted its first ever Rubik’s cube competition in SCI-PI week and<br />

its first ever winner was Ho Kit Kwan in Grade 7A! Other<br />

events include a Fermi-Estimation competition<br />

where students were able to surmise the<br />

total sum of height and weight of all Math and<br />

Science Team teachers without the employment of any<br />

measuring tools besides the most valuable asset of all: their<br />

brain!<br />

129<br />


Grades 9-12 participated in this year’s annual sports day which was a step<br />

out of the confinements of the classroom that fostered stronger relations<br />

with each other while promoting personal well-being. This year’s sports day<br />

was hosted in the school’s newly erected gymnasium and was operated smoothly<br />

through the efforts of different staff members and teachers. The event was<br />

SPORTS<br />

DAY<br />

9 10 11 12<br />

organized so that students could endeavour competing different exciting sports<br />

such as volleyball, handball, ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, badminton, soccer, and full<br />

court basketball games. This event encouraged team bonding and communication<br />

between team members and entrenched good sportsmanship and developed a<br />

sense of understanding towards God.<br />

131<br />


This memorable fiercely sunny day of sports invoked the Grade 7 and 8 students’<br />

sense of collectiveness and sportsmanship in God. The students were dressed<br />

in diverse colors and gathered together to represent their house in a variety<br />

of competitions. They competed and triumphed against each other in soccer,<br />

basketball and ultimate frisbee in Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground. The competition<br />

SPORTS<br />

7 8<br />

DAY<br />

throughout the day was filled with nervous intensity as everyone performed their<br />

best for their house, giving it their all and cooperatively, strenuously attempted to<br />

attain the champion spot. Though not every team returned with ribbons on their<br />

shirts, everyone proudly glowed with rosy sunburns!<br />

133<br />


Students had the opportunity to gather and commune with one<br />

another and reconnect spiritually with God. There were special<br />

morning devotions held in the student’s advisory groups where<br />

everyone had the chance to develop intimate relationships with God<br />

and one another, learning to discern between walking wisely with God<br />

and the deviant path. The GID students also provided special activities<br />

and prayer spaces for students to spend time reflecting with God and<br />

praying over world issues and our school community.<br />

The week ended with a large chapel as a closure. Every student went to<br />

the gymnasium to have a time of worship and to listen to God’s words.<br />

With students praying and having deep reflections regarding their<br />

spiritual lives, a solemn atmosphere was built within the gymnasium,<br />

where God has unveiled himself and spiritually supported the students.<br />

The Holy Spirit has reached some of the students and they committed<br />

to God on that day. Praise God!<br />

135<br />


1. Dave Luk 11A, Jasper<br />

Chan 11B<br />

2. David Lau 12B<br />

3. Maureen Cheng 10B<br />

1<br />

4<br />

ART<br />


G. 10-12<br />

5<br />

4. Leona Chui 10A<br />

5. Moses Yap 11B<br />

2 3<br />

6. Stephanie Lau 11A<br />

6<br />

137<br />


1<br />

4<br />

1. Anke Li 10B<br />

2. Elvira Zhang 11A<br />

3. Samuel Luk 12B<br />

ART<br />


G. 10-12<br />

5<br />

4. David Lau 12B<br />

5. Jane Yung 10B<br />

2 3<br />

6. Samantha Luke 12B<br />

6<br />

139<br />


1. Renee Yeung 7C<br />

2. Janice Wu 7A<br />

3. Crystabella Chan 7D<br />

1<br />

4<br />

ART<br />


G. 7-9<br />

5<br />

4. Koleka Ma 9A<br />

5. Wai Ching Yiu 7C<br />

2 3<br />

6. Speeakle Lam 8C<br />

6<br />

141<br />


Chinese Work<br />

Beverly Chan 7D , Ally Lau 7E<br />

Megan Lee 7B<br />

Renee Yeung 7C<br />

Giselle Leung 7B , Belle Li 7B<br />

143<br />

Eugenia Tam 7A<br />

Kathleen Kwong 8B<br />



DAYS<br />











LAOS<br />




From gorging up rocks, to walking into the ocean along a<br />

conga line, Fun Adventure 20<strong>19</strong> was simply, fun! On the<br />

first day students greatly enjoyed a relaxing hike whilst<br />

blasting music from their speakers and singing along. The<br />

fun adventurers learned to set up tents and really became<br />

one with nature as they ran around in seemingly revolting<br />

mud mixed of the wetlands for a game of Capture the Flag.<br />

Another game student enjoyed was trust building games on<br />

a kayak: the two partners are required to simultaneously<br />

stand up for as long as possible, without capsizing. The<br />

group also took part in a form of beach Olympic Games,<br />

learning basic survival skills.<br />

“The view there was nothing short of perfection; mountains<br />

on one side and the wetlands on the other, filled with water<br />

buffalos and toads!” - Aqmar Zaman 11A<br />

Fun Adventure<br />

147<br />


“We spent the week learning about the rapid advancement<br />

of technology in our world. We explored the convoluted<br />

intricacies of 3D printing and the basics of programming by<br />

coding, designing, and building an autonomous car using a<br />

MicroBit. At the end of the week, everyone one of us had a<br />

car, completed with 3D printed components, which we got<br />

to showcase by moving it through an obstacle course.”<br />

-Ms.Yoon<br />

3D Printing<br />

149<br />


Art Appreciation allowed students to really get a chance to make<br />

a variety of artwork: pottery making, leather crats, Boston graffiti<br />

art and Chinese paintings. Throughout the trip, we were also<br />

allocated with the opportunity to visit the Hong Kong Arts Centre<br />

where we learnt how artists commonly express their stories<br />

through their concocted stories. Overall, the trip was enjoyable<br />

and gave a new perspective on the different arts we got to make,<br />

which we got to experience with our fellow friends!<br />

-David Lau 12B<br />

Art Appreciation<br />

151<br />


The Programming Discovery Days course was fun, practical and<br />

useful. We had a group of about 20 students. Individually, they<br />

built their own web poster or website, and a web-based computer<br />

game – “burger maker”. They all started the project from<br />

scratch. Almost all of they did not know any computer programming<br />

language before. However, after these days, all of them,<br />

not only had learn three commonly used computer languages<br />

(HTML, Java and CSS) but also created their own personalized<br />

computer game.<br />

Every student was working at their own pace but received advice<br />

and support from a teaching instructor and a CAIS teacher. The<br />

project came with a user-friendly interface which contained a<br />

lot of interactive resources, self-help tools and notes. Not all of<br />

the students were able to finish the project within the Discovery<br />

Day week. However, most of them had finished over 70% of it<br />

and continued to finish it at home. At the end, individual student<br />

had a lovely presentation about what they had learnt. I am very<br />

proud of them and wish the students continue to develop more<br />

programming skills for their future career.<br />

-Mr. Siu<br />

Programming<br />

153<br />


Vincent Van Gogh once said, ‘Great things are not done by<br />

impulse, but a series of small things brought together and<br />

that’s exactly what the students did over the five days of their<br />

woodworking sessions at Makerbay workshop at Tsuen Wan.<br />

They started small and then surprised everyone with their<br />

amazing creations. The first day was spent in introducing them<br />

to working with cutting, sharpening and gluing tools, followed by<br />

a small hands-on project. The remaining four days were spent in<br />

creating an innovative wooden gaming structure; fun and easy to<br />

play. Students formed themselves into four different groups to<br />

brainstorm and design their product. They had to process every<br />

step in the construction of the game and develop a portfolio<br />

of infrastructures for future reference. The students under<br />

the guidance of the Youngmaker professional team designed<br />

their blueprint on paper, followed by a functional prototype and<br />

finally to build it. Meticulously working on the materials, taking<br />

accurate measurements, carrying out different checks, try-outs<br />

multiple times eventually led to the completion of their projects.<br />

On the last day, the students were proudly able to display their<br />

wooden games to the staff and guests at the centre and were<br />

highly commended for their hardwork.<br />

-Mr. Nadar<br />

Young Maker<br />

155<br />


From arts and crafts to cultivating musical talents; graffiti to volunteering<br />

at Crossroads, Beyond 5 Senses led students on a journey outside of<br />

their comfort zones to a plethora of new and fruitful experiences through<br />

a wide-range of activities. A memorable experience was Dialogue in the<br />

Dark, where students had a taste of what it feels like to live without one of<br />

their most relied senses: Sight. We often take the ability to see for granted,<br />

and forget the magnificent effects bestowed by our eyes. Besides this,<br />

through activities such as SpeedJam, graffiti, weaving, and embroidery,<br />

students got to put their imaginative minds and artistic talents to work,<br />

creating marvelous pieces of art and learning new instruments within<br />

hours. Aside from focusing on local experiences, on the final day, students<br />

were given the opportunity to experience the world beyond Hong Kong and<br />

give back to it at Crossroads through a simulation and volunteering. The<br />

simulation shone light upon the intricate and frustrating realities of poverty<br />

by allowing students to sample the conditions of those who are caught up<br />

in its clutches, and to serve in various sectors of the less fortunate with<br />

diverse skills. Overall, Beyond 5 Senses encouraged students to interpret<br />

their surroundings and to express themselves through their senses by<br />

introducing them to a myriad of engaging activities and new insights into the<br />

world around us.<br />

-Loren Ho 11B<br />

Beyond 5 Senses<br />

157<br />


Nerve to Serve allowed students to serve the school community again through<br />

assisting the teachers during the primary spiritual emphasis days. The first two<br />

days composed of fun trips outside school to experience what a world would be<br />

like deprived of senses, such as an escaping a room while also being blind. In<br />

accordance to this year’s theme, we spent the first two days of our discovery days<br />

redecorating large parts of the of the school with huge sheets of paper to act as<br />

trees and wild grass. There were also gigantic cutouts of themed animals in the<br />

Safari Journey – an additionally touch to the once bare gym. The most valuable<br />

experience was the chance to interact and watch the primary kids get really into<br />

it at the very last chapel. The feeling of them radiated in their energy, excitement<br />

and unity in their songs, whilst worshipping Jesus Christ will their peers surely<br />

gave everyone around them a chance to reflect on their own lives and alter their<br />

perspectives on children and service.<br />

Nerve to Serve<br />

159<br />


Beijing<br />

For the<br />

Beijing trip, we<br />

spent our first 2 days in a rural<br />

town, Miyun, where we climbed up the<br />

Simatai Great wall and tried different workshops.<br />

The Simatai Great wall is amazing in its view. Though it is not<br />

easy to climb up, it is still worth to do so as we can see the whole town<br />

when we arrived on the top of the tower. At night, it is even more amazing.<br />

There are lightings placed along the Great wall. After sunset, the lights were<br />

on and the Great Wall becomes a ‘fire dragon’, roaring along the mountains.<br />

After 2 days, we returned to Beijing city center and stayed in a traditional<br />

Siheyuan. We visited various alleys and experienced the old Beijing culture.<br />

The visit to the Nursery school and the Peking University also enable us to<br />

reflect on our opportunity to receive good education. It is also remarkable that<br />

in Beihai Park, we had a little morning workout with the locals.<br />

Beijing food is also amazing. We tried Peking duck of different styles and each<br />

style was so different yet so delicious. We also had a dumpling meal, and we<br />

realized that there was so many different stuffing that can be placed into a<br />

dumpling. Also, the traditional street foods are amazing. Every time when<br />

we go into a walking street, we were attracted by the lovely and exotic street<br />

food.<br />

- Mr.Seto<br />

161<br />


Shanghai<br />

The<br />

Shanghai trip<br />

was great! We experience the<br />

modern and ancient part of south east<br />

China. Shanghai is such a modern city. The night<br />

view of the Bund is amazing. Also the mag-train was so<br />

impressive, over 300 km/h. Suzhou is an ancient water town in China,<br />

famous by the gardens and food! The Humble Administrator’s Garden has over<br />

6 hundred years history, but still so beautiful and poetic. Students enjoyed<br />

taking pictures in this garden. Shopping is always the most popular part of the<br />

trip. You will see many interesting food in this ancient town. We also had the<br />

privilege to appreciate Kun Opera in an old house of Suzhou. Kun Opera is listed<br />

as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity<br />

by UNESCO since 2001. Only five masterpieces were listed in China. Although<br />

students do not quite understand the words, the melody was touching.<br />

Hangzhou was the last stop. Students watched a fantastic show about some<br />

stories in Song Dynasty. The last day, we took a boat on the West Lake. It has<br />

so many historical sites around the lake with beautiful stories. Unfortunately,<br />

we did not have enough time to visit any of them. Students were so happy and<br />

did not want to return. Some even danced by imitating some grandmas’ group<br />

dance in a square. It was so fun, the high light of the whole trip!<br />

Over all, this a great trip, although the pollution in Shanghai was<br />

bad!<br />

- Mr. Mao<br />

163<br />


Taiwan<br />

The<br />

students were<br />

taken on an adventure that made<br />

them smile, laugh, work together and relax.<br />

They checked out a bookstore the evening of our arrival<br />

just before retiring for the night at our hotel. The next day, we<br />

went to the fire museum where we did a simulation of hallways filled<br />

with smoke, just like in a real fire, to try and see if we could navigate our<br />

way through it the way a real firefighter would. Subsequently, they also<br />

underwent a simulation of a typhoon while in firefighter gear for the full<br />

experience. Throughout the next several days and nights, we were able<br />

to check out the night market, the science museum, a robotics museum<br />

and the students also had the opportunity to learn some dance moves<br />

during a professional dancing lesson. Finally, they were taken to a camp<br />

site where they got to try archery and make sticky rice. Towards the<br />

end of the trip, the students had bought souvenirs and were also able<br />

to take home sweets, candy and popcorn. The trip was filled with novel<br />

things that a few students got to try out for the first time. The trip<br />

upheld a sense of adventure that the students will<br />

remember for years to come.<br />

165<br />


Laos<br />

Originally, the<br />

prospect of hiking, trekking,<br />

and ziplining in a hot, humid country was<br />

daunting, the trip description emphasizing that it<br />

was an active trip only exacerbating my fears of signing up<br />

for Laos. This challenge has proved to be one of the most<br />

enjoyable trip experiences I have ever had. We got to marvel<br />

at ancient ruins, explore under waterfalls, climb rocks, trek<br />

into valleys, live in treehouses, and zipline into the leafy<br />

canopies of seemingly endless, lush trees, all the while<br />

eating good food and being surrounded by breathtaking<br />

natural scenery, fatigue quelled by the Thai massages we<br />

got during the night. This trip was filled to the brim with<br />

inside jokes, puns, laughter and wonder, and being able<br />

to share these experiences with my closest<br />

friends- students and teachers<br />

alike, is my privilege.<br />

167<br />


Cambodia<br />

Although the<br />

prospects of sweltering weather<br />

and irritating insects for five days was not<br />

eagerly embraced, students quickly found a way to look<br />

past the negatives and take something valuable home. In Siem<br />

Reap, students witnessed one of the seven alternate wonders of<br />

the world, Angkor Wat, and were impressed by the details of the<br />

stone carvings worthy of its title. The hand carvings were then<br />

juxtaposed by a trip to Phnom Kulen National Park and a hike to<br />

the park’s waterfall, displaying the natural beauty of Cambodia.<br />

“Being confronted by this type of human cruelty impacted my<br />

understanding of the importance of preventing crimes against<br />

humanity and awareness as to how blessed I am to live in a<br />

developed city that is Hong Kong.” - Tanya Leung 10<br />

169<br />


Singapore<br />

The<br />

Singapore<br />

trip was filled with exhilarating<br />

activities; we learnt about the differences<br />

in culture and history that are very similar to that of<br />

Hong Kong’s. We had an opportunity to visit one of Singapore’s<br />

most featured pilgrimage – the Merlion Park. Unfortunately, the Merlion<br />

statue was being renovated, so we only had the chance to see its son<br />

that is located beside to it. Other attractions included Gardens by<br />

the Bay, Singapore Zoo, Night Safari, SEAquarium, Universal Studios<br />

and Adventure Cove. The fantastic line-up of activities provided us a<br />

great break from schoolwork, and everyone took lots of pictures to<br />

make the trip memorable. Despite the activity-domineering trip, we<br />

were introduced to the cutting-edge technology of water treatment in<br />

Singapore’s NEWater water treatment facility; they are the forefront<br />

runners that are innovating ways to alert the citizens in conserving<br />

water in our post-Industrialized contemporary world. Overall, the<br />

experience was indefinitely memorable for everyone.<br />

- Boris Yip 11B<br />

171<br />


Japan<br />

Japan<br />

offered students<br />

an insight to the lives of<br />

Christians during the 17th Century and the<br />

tragedies that followed them. Students were given a<br />

better understanding through museum tours, landmarks and<br />

churches, such as the Oura Catholic Church, which was dedicated<br />

to immortalizing the Christian faith of Nagasaki. But of course, a<br />

trip to Nagasaki is never complete without an understanding of the<br />

events that took place during World War 2. with a solemn visit to<br />

the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb museum, students get to see a glimpse<br />

of the terror and pain that nuclear warfare can bring and come to<br />

remember those who fought for world peace. Treated to a broad range<br />

of Japanese delicacies, from the toothsome tempura to the strange<br />

first encounter of horse meat, students have grown to have a deeper<br />

understanding on the development of Christianity in Nagasaki and the<br />

promise to never repeat the horrors of war again.<br />

173<br />


SRC<br />

GID<br />

SJC<br />

SSLC<br />








Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. The OHANA<br />

starts with Omega and ends with the Alpha, as God has said that “I am the Alpha and<br />

the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13); our<br />

team wishes to carry on the baton of the achievements by the CARBS and continue<br />

their legacy of fostering school cohesiveness and the sensation of being one family.<br />

OHANA has proceeded with the CARBS’ work in providing high quality school life and<br />

fostering cohesiveness and harmony within the school community, through holding a<br />

variety of dress up days and decorating the atrium.<br />

The CARBS aimed to build a bigger school spirit alongside a growing student body –<br />

and building – through improving the everyday school life. CARBS symbolize a source<br />

of energy in many shapes and form to represent the sustaining energy we hoped to<br />

provide. As the CARBS I believe we accomplished our goal: from bringing in the vending<br />

machine to creating new events such as the talent show and Christmas dinner. Sprinkled<br />

throughout the year were dress up days, valentine’s day cards, an Easter egg<br />

hunt, leading camp activities, atrium redecoration and more. We’d like to thank each<br />

one of you reading this for your continuous support and hope that you will continue to<br />

take care of the vending machine and foosball tables for the years to come.<br />

177<br />


179<br />

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”<br />

John 15:5<br />

To say the GID philippines trip filled each members hearts with God’s love and fullness would be an understatement. A small church,<br />

community of christ, was our home for many days<br />

GID<br />

GID’s theme this year was commitment to Christ and to the community, emphasizing on being intentional in relationships within the<br />

surrounding community and above all, in the members’ relationship with God. A big thank you to Ms. Ma, for her faithful servant<br />

leadership and for truly leading by example. GID will miss you greatly.<br />

A fellowship of believers empowered to be a light in the community and to the ends of the earth.<br />

To say that the Community of Christ church will always hold a special place in each member’s hearts is a mere surface reflection of<br />

God’s love and fullness that was experienced in this small, tucked away community in New Manila, Quezon City. The small group of<br />

GID students and teachers spent each day at COC interacting with the youth group hoping to reignite a disappearing demographic<br />

in the church. Prior to the trip, students and teachers fundraised through many ways, including a bread run, in hopes to provide a<br />

blessing to the church. But the true blessing was the team’s willingness to take time out of the Christmas break and go where God<br />

calls. The team not only got to grow in relationship with the COC youth, but also with one another and with God.<br />

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”<br />

John 15:5<br />


Social Justice<br />

Club<br />

The Social Justice Club seeks to assist youth in their development<br />

as future members of the society. SJC has bridged students<br />

to the community with the different branches; each branch is<br />

targeted to a specific social issue that persists in Hong Kong. Students<br />

have performed a variance of compassionate acts and the members<br />

are all keen servants who are serving the community for God. The SJC<br />

has expanded into 5 branches this year in order to extensively address<br />

to different social issues, spreading God’s love with the gifts they have<br />

been given.<br />

Branch 1 – Reading with kids: “Kids 4 Kids” program<br />

Branch 2 - Serving the Elderly<br />

Branch 3 – Nepalese Children’s Ministry: Inner City Ministries<br />

Branch 4 – Making Arts and Crafts With Refugee Kids<br />

Branch 5 – Distributing Food to Homeless People<br />

181<br />


SSLC<br />

Student Services<br />

Leadership Club<br />

Peer<br />

Mentorship<br />

Peer<br />

mentorship through<br />

the ELL program is a wonderful opportunity for<br />

primary students to integrate English skills they’ve learned in the classroom<br />

and employ it into everyday language use through telling stories, finding<br />

hidden pictures, establishing a point of view in a debate and more. ELL is a<br />

chance for students to meet new friends and gain high school mentors. The<br />

high school students acted as English mentors guiding them in various<br />

activities, meeting every Monday at lunch to discuss lesson plans and<br />

once a week to meet with the mentees. The primary students acquired<br />

language skills in debate, prepositions, idioms, and much more. The goal<br />

is to grow a collaborative family and friendship within CAIS and allowing<br />

students to acknowledge that God multiplies any skills we have to offer.<br />

183<br />

Student Service Leadership Club (SSLC) or CAIS Cares aims<br />

to enable primary and middle school students to express their<br />

opinion and engage in discussion on pertinent, real-world issues.<br />

Through grade 11 and 12 student leaders, various topics are<br />

covered. At the end of the year, a final service project is enacted<br />

for students to not only demonstrate what they have learned but<br />

also to show that everyone can be agents of change, no matter<br />

how small!<br />

The grade 7s cares students culminating project was creating<br />

small packets of joy, containing notes with words of encouragement<br />

and small goodies, to be handed out within the school and<br />

neighboring Lai Chi Kok area – one student chose to deliver it<br />

to a Kingyo bubble tea worker – ultimately this project was to<br />

demonstrate appreciation and a reminder that everyone in the<br />

community should be valued.<br />

““Thank you to the fellow grade 7s for the wonderful time and we<br />

hope you’ve learned something valuable.” - Jasper Chan 11B<br />

The grade 5 cares primary students’ service project was creating<br />

a personal basket for their domestic helper at home. Each<br />

basket was crafted based on their helper’s favorite things such<br />

as snacks, a drawing, or other items they have come to know<br />

about their helper. Throughout the year topics that were covered<br />

include refugees in Hong Kong, bullying, poverty, and ethnic<br />

minorities.<br />

1 Peter 4:10<br />

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good<br />

stewards of God’s varied grace<br />

“Grade 5s, we hope you continue to grow in knowledge about the<br />

issues in your community and more importantly, to find any way<br />

you can to help, big or small.”<br />

-Lauren Delvenne and Isabella Cheng 12<br />


The tech team comprises of students from grades 6-12 who provide<br />

valuable work and support behind the scenes. The team started with tech<br />

support for chapels and have since grown to cover many major school<br />

events to ensure audio and visual components of the events run smoothly.<br />

With the help of the teacher coordinator Mr. Brunel Hamlett and fellow<br />

student leaders, Samantha Luke, Raphael Lo, Chloe Fong, Vanessa Yau,<br />

and Vincent Ma, the team has grown in technological skills. Most importantly,<br />

the tech team has provided the opportunity for students to serve<br />

God in a different capacity.<br />

“This experience has shown me how much work is put in behind the<br />

scenes and has allowed me to grow much closer in my relationship with<br />

God. This is also a good opportunity to tell teach team that your efforts<br />

are recognized and appreciated! A big thank you to all of you!”<br />

Jane Yung<br />

The worship team consists of students who have a sincere heart to serve<br />

the Lord through their musical talents. By working together as a team,<br />

they were able to develop a cohesive team spirit and build a deeper<br />

spiritual relationship with God, leading the audience into reciprocating<br />

that love for God. The theme for the team this year was for each member<br />

to know their identity before in order to give full praise to God. This theme<br />

has helped refocus the meaning of worship to be more than just music, to<br />

be a sincere confession to God.<br />

“Learning to praise God through different ways has allowed me to learn<br />

what it truly means to humble myself and praise God. Worship has taught<br />

me to let go and to seek God in times of trouble as well as the true<br />

meaning of being the Lord’s servant.”<br />

Kelly Lee<br />

185<br />


The first ever CAIS Robotics team was established this school year by Mr. Sandy Campbell and Mr. Gary Fong to encourage<br />

the development of STEM interests within the school. The brilliant, inquisitive future mechanics equipped themselves with<br />

the mentality of having a goal in mind in preparation for the profusion of competitions throughout Hong Kong. The clawbot<br />

was the first experimental standard robot that the members worked on, using multiple controller options to manipulate<br />

the courses of the bot: tank, arcade, and duo-link mode. These robots required the young aspiring engineers to apply and<br />

synthesize prior mathematics, physics, and spatial skills and knowledge to eventually develop a fully autonomous mode.<br />


187<br />


GAMES<br />

Strategy Games Club began the year with the card game Euchre. This simple game<br />

introduced many new students to get concepts of bidding, trump suit, discarding, and<br />

following suit. They then progressed to German Bridge where they learned to evaluate<br />

the cards in their hands for strength and weaknesses and in the process, calculate<br />

percentages of winning or losing with a particular card and bidding the exact number of<br />

‘tricks’ that they could win with the cards in their hands. Finally, they began to learn and<br />

play Contract Bridge. This intricate game brings complexities in the way that the game is<br />

played but was no challenge to the students who all acquired a knack for the game very<br />

soon. In fact, through this year, students were able to see how math can increase the<br />

chances of you winning a game whilst increasing the enjoyment of the game! If you too<br />

would like to learn how you can improve your critical thinking, planning, math skills, or<br />

simply love to play strategy games, the club invites you to join them in the coming year!<br />

189<br />


Calligraphy<br />

Club<br />

The Chinese calligraphy club is a newly started activity this school year. Students enjoy a relaxing<br />

time of learning and writing traditional calligraphy. This year, we focused on writing bible verses<br />

or quotes. So on one hand we practice calligraphy, on the other hand we immersed in, and<br />

meditate, the word of God. During Chinese New Year, we also wrote blessings on red banners<br />

(hui chun, 揮 春 ). Banners were posted on various locations in school to express our blessings<br />

to our community. Based on interest and proficiency, we wrote different fonts. This year, we had<br />

tried writing the regular script (kai shu, 楷 書 ), the clerical script(li shu, 隷 書 ), as well as the<br />

semi-cursive script (xing shu, 行 書 ). Students found writing calligraphy is enjoyable as they can<br />

focus well, and release their stress.<br />

181<br />




SOCCER<br />



HOCKEY<br />


U20 BOYS<br />

U16 BOYS<br />


Starting off our season pulling out<br />

a win against VSA was what kept<br />

us going. Thoughts on winning gold<br />

was always in mind. Although crucial<br />

players got injured, we still managed<br />

to pull off the bronze medal by only<br />

winning 2 games HAHA good job. Isaiah<br />

you’ll be missed great season WE<br />

GOT FOURTH PLACE! Till next season.<br />

Banners home.<br />

- Dylan Liang<br />


“This<br />

year, the<br />

U16 boys’ basketball team<br />

attained gold in the Silver League Division<br />

One. Being able to accomplish the goal we had set in<br />

the beginning of the season; it has been an honor to<br />

be playing with such talented members on the team.<br />

Everyone on the team had a role to play, and was able<br />

to fulfill their roles by earning the team a collective<br />

victory. Throughout our journey, we had some ups<br />

and downs. One being having our most valued player,<br />

Mahir Devgun, getting an ankle injury. Without him in<br />

the starting lineup, everyone had to put in extra work<br />

-- whether it was playing the entire game without<br />

substitutes or simply getting minutes on the court.<br />

Each and everyone of us stepped up our game as<br />

a team. Some of the exhilarating moments we had<br />

include being undefeated and getting back-to-back<br />

banners, especially with all the handwork being spent,<br />

it was unquestionably worth it! A special mention to<br />

Mr. Ng who has dedicated hours into coaching us in<br />

practices, without his help, we wouldn’t have been able<br />

to make it this far. It has been more than a blessing to<br />

be captain of this team. Now earning two banners for<br />

our school, I’m more than excited to say that we are<br />

all prepared to move forward with hopefully yet again<br />

another undefeated season, bringing a third banner<br />

home again.” #noneedmichael<br />

<strong>19</strong>5 <strong>19</strong>6<br />

- Ryan Yeung

U14 BOYS<br />

U14 GIRLS<br />


The U14 Boys Basketball Team had<br />

a great season as they fought hard<br />

against some strong teams in the<br />

league. The players had hard times<br />

on their practices, but it was all worth<br />

it, as fitness has pushed their limits<br />

and the team made it into playoffs.<br />

They had close games throughout the<br />

season, but with the guidance of the<br />

Mr Jong as the coach, the team fought<br />

hard in playoffs and won second place.<br />

Congratulations to the U14 basketball<br />

team, you all have worked hard this<br />

year, and with the development of<br />

young players on their skills and ingame<br />

communication skills, their future<br />

is bright in CAIS with a stronger team<br />

in the future.<br />


More than Champions. The verse for<br />

the U14 Girls Basketball team this<br />

season was “The joy of the Lord is<br />

your strength” Nehemiah 8:10. The<br />

players were supportive of one another,<br />

determined to give their utmost<br />

excellence, and experienced joy through<br />

play. A special mention to Captain<br />

Natalie Lam who left it all on the court<br />

when she played her last game with<br />

the team in CAIS – we will dearly.<br />

Girls, no matter how life changes,<br />

remember that the joy of the Lord truly<br />

is your strength and that you’ll always<br />

overcome because He already has.<br />

Pucchos!<br />

-Ms. Hon<br />

<strong>19</strong>7 <strong>19</strong>8

U12 BOYS<br />

U12 GIRLS<br />


Last<br />

year, we were<br />

a bunch of individual players<br />

learning how to play together. This<br />

year, we competed as a team every<br />

single time. “Hero ball” was non-existent<br />

as coaches from other teams<br />

commended us on our team play.<br />

Playing their hearts out every time on<br />

the court, the boys showed grace in victory<br />

and defeat and never backed down<br />

from a challenge. I hope they apply this<br />

attitude and demeanour off the court<br />

in other areas of their lives. Proud of<br />

these young lions.<br />

- Mr. Shum<br />


The<br />

U12 Girls<br />

Basketball team learned how<br />

to bond together as a team and push<br />

through all hardships this season. They<br />

trained day after day with the thought<br />

of winning on their minds, and through<br />

their hard work and perseverance,<br />

guaranteed themselves a spot in the<br />

playoffs. This momentum encouraged<br />

them to push their own limits to<br />

outperform opponents at every single<br />

game, winning bronze to finish the<br />

season.<br />

<strong>19</strong>9 200

U20 BOYS<br />

U20 GIRLS<br />


“Once upon a time, there was no U20<br />

volleyball team, it wasn’t until Chung<br />

Man Fong, arrived. His presence<br />

sparked the birth of our team blessing<br />

us with the opportunity to compete in<br />

the league. Although we faced game<br />

changing obstacles like Joseph’s injury<br />

and 2 first-year players joining our<br />

team, we managed to come together<br />

as a team and experience the best<br />

season yet. Thanks to God who played<br />

a huge part throughout our season<br />

and Mr. Fong, we managed to pull<br />

through by winning bronze, oh and not<br />

to forget the greatest setters, hitters,<br />

and liberos of all time. This is one team<br />

that we will never forget. Thanks boys.<br />

#BrothersForLyfe”<br />


The U20 Girls Volleyball team shared<br />

a wonderful season of laughter,<br />

goofiness, and ultimately grew in love<br />

for the sport of volleyball. What makes<br />

this year particularly special is truly<br />

the team chemistry and support we all<br />

had for one another. Cheering loudly for<br />

great finishes but cheering even louder<br />

in the face of mistakes whilst uplifting<br />

each other.<br />

Though we did not receive a medal,<br />

the girls played their best during every<br />

match. What we did take from this<br />

season though, arguably more valuable<br />

than a medal, is an unforgettable<br />

sisterhood. At last, team #FONGJONG<br />

would not be possible without our two<br />

wonderful coaches: thanks for your<br />

time, dedication, and patience on and<br />

off the court.<br />

201 ~ Joseph Yeung and Dylan Liang<br />

- Isabella Cheng<br />


U16 BOYS<br />

U16 GIRLS<br />


“Having a fresh roster and limited<br />

knowledge about volleyball, the U16 boys<br />

goes into the season with a hope and<br />

dedication to win the banner. Making into<br />

the playoffs gave the U16 boys a sense of<br />

happiness and anxiety. The results aren’t<br />

necessarily the best, but the game of<br />

volleyball has been redefined in our minds.<br />

The beginning of the season was a<br />

roller coaster ride. Not knowing how to<br />

pass properly, not able to set perfectly,<br />

and not able to spike properly. The U16<br />

boys has built a chemistry through<br />

hard work. With the ability to play as<br />

a team, skills were developed, leading<br />

us into the playoffs in our first year.<br />

The results may not be as promising,<br />

but we appreciate how far we’ve gone.<br />

Knowing our potential, we will walk<br />

into the next year with the eager to<br />

snatch banner. LET’S GO LIONS!!”<br />

-Ryan Yeung and Mahir Devgun<br />


“The U16 girls’ volleyball team<br />

has come a long way individually and as<br />

a team. At the beginning of the season,<br />

we struggled with shyness towards<br />

students of different grades. For many<br />

of us, it was our first time playing the<br />

sport competitively, but we learned to<br />

improve from mistakes and slowly built our<br />

confidence. We went from playing a game<br />

of “ping pong” to coordinating our plays<br />

with a finishing hit. Each game we won<br />

and the encouragement of our coaches<br />

and each other motivated us to strive<br />

further and push beyond our potentials.<br />

We unfortunately did not make it to the<br />

playoffs, but everyone fought and sacrificed<br />

every limb until the end of our last game.<br />

We may not have ended with a medal,<br />

but the experience was very rewarding.<br />

Thank you, Ms. Yeung, for pushing us<br />

to improve and the shuffling drills. The<br />

sisterhood formed is unforgettable.”<br />

-Tanya Leung<br />

203 204

U20 BOYS<br />

U20 GIRLS<br />

SOCCER<br />

It has been an honor this year for me to<br />

captain and be a part of the team this<br />

year. This year was a year of change,<br />

as there were new players and new<br />

management. Yet our team continued<br />

to adapt and persevere. We continue to<br />

grow throughout the season, not only<br />

did our soccer skills improve, but our<br />

relationship with each other improved.<br />

We learned how to kick a ball as much<br />

as we learned how to respect each<br />

other and trust the team.<br />

- Thomas Leung, Team Captain<br />

SOCCER<br />

This year’s<br />

U20 girls soccer team<br />

made history. With half of the team<br />

being new to the sport, limited practices<br />

and countless rainy days, we’ve had our<br />

setbacks. Regardless, we’ve had an amazing<br />

season with loving memories, deserving<br />

wins, and consistent effort. For the first time<br />

in 8 years, we were granted the opportunity<br />

to participate in a soccer tournament abroad!<br />

We became each other’s sisters, and even<br />

had our youngest girl be the “mom” of the<br />

team. From inside jokes like Renee’s baby<br />

hair, “finding a man” when marking, and<br />

night pranks to the unforgettable moment<br />

where we were awarded the only trophy given<br />

at the tournament. All of us demonstrated<br />

great improvement in our playing skills<br />

and character growth on and off the field.<br />

Starting from the back with our goalie being<br />

a real keeper, to an unsurpassable defence,<br />

persistent midfielders, speedy strikers, the<br />

best possible coach and a godly attitude we<br />

deserved everything we earned. I’m proud to<br />

say it was a great honour to be this year’s<br />

captain.<br />

- Laura Ciamei<br />

205 206

U14 BOYS<br />

U14 GIRLS<br />

SOCCER<br />

The U-14 boys soccer<br />

team had a wonderful, successful<br />

season. Every practice and game started<br />

with a prayer, which as one player even<br />

said, “was the best part of soccer.” God<br />

helped the team to get along, play to the<br />

best of their abilities, and most importantly,<br />

helped the players develop good friendships<br />

with one another. The team went<br />

undefeated during league play, 3 wins, 1<br />

draw, and finished as the champions of<br />

the Kowloon division! In the playoffs the<br />

boys team made it into the championship<br />

game and fought hard but came up short.<br />

Receiving a silver medal was still worthy<br />

of celebration. But the season did not<br />

end there: the players wanted to continue<br />

practicing and playing after the final and<br />

they do so every Thursday. Congratulaions<br />

to the U14 boys soccer team of <strong>2018</strong>-20<strong>19</strong>.<br />

You are all champions! Well done!<br />

- Mr Budwill<br />

SOCCER<br />

The U14 girls went undefeated in the<br />

regular season before falling short on<br />

penalties in the semifinal berth. The<br />

girls bounced back in the bronze medal<br />

game to finish in third place.<br />

207 208

U12 BOYS<br />

U12 GIRLS<br />

SOCCER<br />

The U12 boys soccer team transitioned into their now regular starting roles after having served as<br />

understudies to their graduates who have moved onto the U14 soccer team. The boys showed great<br />

adaptability and maturity in taking up the mantle in leading the charge for a new era of CAIS soccer. This<br />

season promises to be both a challenging and fruitful as the team contends for a spot at the finals at the<br />

end of this year.<br />

-Mr. Lau<br />

SOCCER<br />

The U12 girls soccer team transitioned<br />

into their now regular starting roles<br />

after having served as understudies<br />

to their graduates who have moved<br />

onto the U14 soccer team. The girls<br />

showed great adaptability and maturity<br />

in taking up the mantle in leading the<br />

charge for a new era of CAIS soccer.<br />

This season promises to be both a<br />

challenging and fruitful as the team<br />

contends for a spot at the finals at the<br />

end of this year.<br />

-Mr. Lau<br />

209 210

U16 BOYS<br />

U16 GIRLS<br />


The Boys<br />

team proved to be very<br />

strong and competitive in their first<br />

year of playing in this competition.<br />

However, the competition being of a<br />

particularly high standard proved to<br />

be very challenging. So much so, the<br />

Boys just failed to make the playoffs<br />

this time round. Having said that, both<br />

the Boys and the Girls squads are<br />

particularly keen to continue playing<br />

the following year. The students in<br />

both squads represented the school in<br />

a tremendous way, providing a great<br />

example of sportsmanship and commitment<br />

to the team week in and week<br />

out. I would have no hesitation coaching<br />

these squads again next year.<br />

Mr. Sandy<br />


As the<br />

coach of the U16 Boys and<br />

Girls Badminton teams, I am proud to<br />

say we had a wonderful season, being<br />

our first ever time competing in this<br />

sport. The girls finished the season<br />

with a bronze, with our top ranked<br />

player, Bernice Yam arguably being the<br />

best player in the competition, fell ill in<br />

the final week of playoffs. This made it<br />

difficult for the rest of the team,<br />

however the team played very well as<br />

they were much improved since the<br />

start of the season.<br />

Mr. Sandy<br />

211 212

U12 BOYS<br />

U14 GIRLS<br />


The U12 Boys Badminton team had<br />

a very strong start to the season,<br />

demonstrating adeptness in the sport.<br />

The regular season saw the team<br />

achieve a record that put them in 2nd<br />

place of the division. The team put<br />

forth a valiant effort in the playoffs but<br />

ended up finishing in 4th. However, with<br />

the development of current and future<br />

players in the team the future looks<br />

bright for the CAIS badminton team!<br />

Well done boys!<br />


The U14 Girls Badminton team headed<br />

into a tough season that had the girls<br />

come up against some very strong<br />

teams. Even though they faced a lot of<br />

adversity where they played against<br />

well-established teams and dealt with<br />

sick team members, they persevered<br />

and displayed an amazing attitude<br />

through every single match. This all<br />

paid off in their final game where they<br />

came from 2 games down to winning<br />

the final 3 matches, ultimately winning<br />

the entire match itself! Thank you girls<br />

for all your hard work this year!<br />

-Mr. Chiu<br />

213 214

U20<br />

TRACK<br />

HOCKEY<br />

The U20 Mixed Ball Hockey team<br />

improved a lot in comparison to the<br />

previous season. They were competitive<br />

in every game they played. While the<br />

team was on the wrong side of the<br />

score more than they would have liked,<br />

every player still contributed to the<br />

best of their abilities. Moreover, next<br />

season looks very promising as several<br />

members of the <strong>2018</strong>-20<strong>19</strong> team<br />

continued to play ball hockey even after<br />

the season ended in a youth ball hockey<br />

league. It has been encouraging to<br />

witness some students at CAIS develop<br />

a love and interest in the sport of ball<br />

hockey.<br />


The Track and Field athletes practiced<br />

day in day out and gave every practice<br />

and mini-meet their all.<br />

We spent all of our time on the tracks<br />

and fields seeking to maximize our<br />

potentials. In the process of seeking<br />

our limit, we managed to surpass that<br />

our perceived to become the absolute<br />

best that we can be. This will to improve<br />

slowly moulded us to become amazing<br />

athletes in the championships as we all<br />

strived for gold.<br />

- Dimitri Ng<br />

- Mr. Budwill<br />

215 216

















KIAN KIM<br />



ANKE LI<br />


ROSE PAK<br />



DAVE LUK<br />






































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