The Birth of an Organising Union
Celebrating 125 years of organising transport workers in New South Wales
Celebrating 125 years of organising transport workers in New South Wales
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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong><br />
Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong><br />
Celebrating 125 years <strong>of</strong> org<strong>an</strong>ising<br />
tr<strong>an</strong>sport workers in New South Wales<br />
Mark Hearn
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong><br />
Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong><br />
Celebrating 125 years <strong>of</strong> org<strong>an</strong>ising<br />
tr<strong>an</strong>sport workers in New South Wales<br />
Mark Hearn
National Library <strong>of</strong> Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry<br />
Author: Hearn, Mark, 1959-<br />
Title:<br />
<strong>The</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> org<strong>an</strong>ising union / Mark Hearn.<br />
ISBN:<br />
9780646925639 (paperback)<br />
Subjects: Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong>--History.<br />
Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> <strong>of</strong> Australia. New South Wales<br />
Br<strong>an</strong>ch--History.<br />
Tr<strong>an</strong>sport workers--Labor unions--New South Wales--History.<br />
Labor unions--New South Wales--History.<br />
Other Authors/Contributors:<br />
Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> <strong>of</strong> Australia. New South Wales<br />
Br<strong>an</strong>ch, issuing body.<br />
Dewey Number: 331.881138809944<br />
Printed by: Novocastri<strong>an</strong> Print M<strong>an</strong>agement<br />
Design: Southl<strong>an</strong>d Media Pty Ltd.<br />
Published by the Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> <strong>of</strong> New South Wales,<br />
31 Cowper St Parramatta 2014<br />
©Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> <strong>of</strong> New South Wales, 2014
Foreword<br />
In 2013 the Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> celebrated 125 years <strong>of</strong> org<strong>an</strong>ising tr<strong>an</strong>sport<br />
workers in New South Wales. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong> has been produced<br />
in recognition <strong>of</strong> that achievement.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> was first formed in 1888. However<br />
the young org<strong>an</strong>isation was not able to survive the harsh tests <strong>of</strong> economic<br />
depression, <strong>an</strong>d hostility from employers <strong>an</strong>d governments during the early<br />
1890s.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong> focuses on the union’s revival in 1901, a year<br />
that marks the reorg<strong>an</strong>isation <strong>of</strong> the union that became the modern Tr<strong>an</strong>sport<br />
Workers’ <strong>Union</strong>.<br />
1901 also provides a vivid snapshot <strong>of</strong> the working lives <strong>an</strong>d living conditions<br />
faced by trollymen, draymen <strong>an</strong>d carters <strong>an</strong>d their families in the rough <strong>an</strong>d<br />
tumble conditions around Sydney’s Darling Harbour precinct, the area <strong>of</strong> West<br />
Sydney, as it was then known, <strong>an</strong>d where the union first org<strong>an</strong>ised its members.<br />
1901 was also a time when Australia <strong>of</strong>ficially became a nation, <strong>an</strong>d the labour<br />
movement beg<strong>an</strong> to grow in both industrial <strong>an</strong>d political strength, leading to<br />
the world’s first Labor government in 1904, <strong>an</strong>d the formation <strong>of</strong> other Labor<br />
governments in New South Wales <strong>an</strong>d the Commonwealth soon afterwards.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> played a vital role in building this future.<br />
Without the dedicated service <strong>an</strong>d sacrifices <strong>of</strong> those workers, union delegates<br />
<strong>an</strong>d <strong>of</strong>ficials, the Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> would never have been able to
develop as the powerful voice <strong>of</strong> tr<strong>an</strong>sport workers in New South Wales <strong>an</strong>d<br />
across Australia.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong> is a testimony to the brave struggles <strong>of</strong> the<br />
workers who formed our union, <strong>an</strong>d serves as a powerful reminder that new<br />
generations <strong>of</strong> workers <strong>an</strong>d unions are <strong>of</strong>ten called upon to renew the struggle<br />
for achieving better wages <strong>an</strong>d conditions for working people, <strong>an</strong>d protecting our<br />
hard-won gains.<br />
<strong>The</strong> issues that inspired our forefathers to form this great union are the same<br />
issues we face today: the fight for safety on the job, the right to work reasonable<br />
hours to get fair wages <strong>an</strong>d conditions.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong> demonstrates why the union revived with such<br />
force in 1901. <strong>The</strong> lessons that were learnt in those early formative years are with<br />
us still: that the real strength <strong>of</strong> the Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> is our members <strong>an</strong>d<br />
that we were, <strong>an</strong>d always will be, <strong>an</strong> org<strong>an</strong>ising union.
Contents<br />
‘A union was much needed’:<br />
reviving the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> in 1901................................................. 3<br />
1888: First attempt to unionise.............................................................................................8<br />
Darling Harbour in 1901:<br />
the working world <strong>of</strong> the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong>.......................................11<br />
Pyrmont Bridge: ‘a link <strong>of</strong> the utmost value’.....................................................................16<br />
Trolly, Dray <strong>an</strong>d Cart...............................................................................................................17<br />
“United We St<strong>an</strong>d, Divided We Fall”:<br />
creating the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> B<strong>an</strong>ner..............................................19<br />
Not all work: the union’s fundraising concert..................................................................22<br />
Australia in 1901......................................................................................................................23<br />
Fighting for shorter working hours <strong>an</strong>d fairer wages in 1901.......................................25<br />
‘Another Labor Victory!’<br />
<strong>The</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> compulsory industrial arbitration..................................................29<br />
A d<strong>an</strong>gerous job:<br />
the hazards <strong>of</strong> a deregulated workplace in 1901.............................................................33<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> carriers are trying to combine’:<br />
org<strong>an</strong>ising beyond Sydney....................................................................................................36<br />
<strong>The</strong> controversial Billy Hughes............................................................................................38<br />
A fitting tribute to a reborn union:<br />
<strong>The</strong> eight hour day parade in 1901......................................................................................42<br />
Sources <strong>an</strong>d further reading............................................................................................... 48
2 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
‘A union was<br />
much needed’:<br />
reviving the<br />
Trolly, Draymen<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Carters’<br />
<strong>Union</strong> in 1901<br />
On Saturday 2 February 1901, a<br />
meeting <strong>of</strong> trollymen, draymen, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
carters was held at the Trades Hall in<br />
Sussex Street, Sydney, ‘with the object<br />
<strong>of</strong> establishing a union’.<br />
<strong>The</strong> attend<strong>an</strong>ce was, according to a<br />
newspaper report, ‘exceptionally large’.<br />
Forming a union <strong>of</strong> drivers <strong>of</strong> ‘Sydney<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the suburbs’ was <strong>an</strong> idea whose<br />
time had come. Over 500 drivers<br />
signed up to join the new union.<br />
<strong>The</strong> meeting was chaired by William<br />
Morris Hughes, the energetic <strong>an</strong>d<br />
ambitious Labor member <strong>of</strong> the New<br />
South Wales Parliament. Hughes<br />
represented the seat <strong>of</strong> L<strong>an</strong>g, which<br />
covered the working class districts<br />
around western Sydney harbour, where<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y <strong>of</strong> the union’s members lived <strong>an</strong>d<br />
worked.<br />
Hughes observed that ‘during the past<br />
few months Australia had experienced<br />
unprecedented activity in labour<br />
circles’, <strong>an</strong>d he added that ‘such <strong>an</strong><br />
enthusiastic response as the men had<br />
made was very flattering to those who<br />
set the movement for a union on foot.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> assembled men flattered<br />
themselves by putting their faith in<br />
one <strong>an</strong>other. <strong>The</strong>y voted to establish<br />
‘a temporary m<strong>an</strong>agement committee,<br />
consisting <strong>of</strong> one representative from<br />
each yard’, who would ‘carrying on the<br />
initial business <strong>of</strong> the union.’<br />
It was also decided that ‘for the first<br />
three months <strong>of</strong> the union’s existence<br />
no <strong>of</strong>ficers should be paid. <strong>The</strong><br />
entr<strong>an</strong>ce fee for joining the union was<br />
to be one shilling, <strong>an</strong>d the subscription<br />
for membership was set at six pence<br />
per week for the first three months.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’<br />
<strong>Union</strong> would be firmly based in<br />
the org<strong>an</strong>isation <strong>of</strong> its r<strong>an</strong>k <strong>an</strong>d<br />
file members, supported by the<br />
broader labour movement, including<br />
the members <strong>of</strong> Parliament who<br />
encouraged the union’s formation.<br />
‘A union among the class <strong>of</strong> workers<br />
4 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
present was much needed,’ Sam<br />
Smith, a Labor member <strong>of</strong> the NSW<br />
Parliament told the assembled drivers.<br />
‘He had frequently seen those men<br />
working about the wharfs <strong>an</strong>d streets<br />
until 9 <strong>an</strong>d 10 o’clock at night. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
then had, in m<strong>an</strong>y cases, to drive to<br />
dist<strong>an</strong>t suburbs to stable their horses,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d it was <strong>of</strong>ten midnight before they<br />
were free to go to their homes.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> suburbs might indeed have seemed<br />
dist<strong>an</strong>t to a tired carter, because at<br />
midnight he had to walk home, perhaps<br />
from Chippendale to Glebe, or even<br />
Balmain. Some <strong>of</strong> these dist<strong>an</strong>ces<br />
may not seem far, but imagine walking<br />
them after a long shift driving a dray in<br />
Sydney’s narrow streets.<br />
This was the world that Sam Smith<br />
❝<br />
<strong>The</strong> men present <strong>an</strong>d<br />
those they represented<br />
were numerous enough<br />
to form one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
strongest combinations<br />
in Sydney.<br />
reminded the assembled workers <strong>of</strong><br />
in February 1901. Smith knew, he said,<br />
that ‘men rose from their beds in the<br />
very early hours to feed <strong>an</strong>d groom<br />
their horses.’ But he promised that<br />
‘these extreme hours would be reduced<br />
under union conditions, <strong>an</strong>d when the<br />
❞- Sam Smith<br />
Reviving the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> in 1901<br />
Sydney Morning Herald,<br />
11 February 1901<br />
6 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
day’s work was shortened<br />
the question <strong>of</strong> wages<br />
could be considered.’<br />
Smith declared that, ‘<strong>The</strong><br />
men present <strong>an</strong>d those<br />
they represented were<br />
numerous enough to<br />
form one <strong>of</strong> the strongest<br />
combinations in Sydney,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d he appealed to them<br />
to do so.’ <strong>The</strong>y did not<br />
need much persuading.<br />
At a second meeting held<br />
two weeks later, the union’s<br />
membership doubled<br />
to over 1,100, out <strong>of</strong> a Sydney road<br />
tr<strong>an</strong>sport workforce <strong>of</strong> approximately<br />
3-3,500. At this meeting Billy Hughes<br />
was elected president <strong>an</strong>d Finley McInnes<br />
as secretary. Subsequently in November<br />
1901 Mick Connington was elected<br />
secretary. Connington proved a capable<br />
union <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>an</strong>d industrial advocate <strong>an</strong>d<br />
he remained secretary until 1916.<br />
A sense <strong>of</strong> excitement, <strong>of</strong> new<br />
possibilities for org<strong>an</strong>ising unions <strong>an</strong>d<br />
better conditions for workers <strong>an</strong>d their<br />
families, was reflected at the meetings<br />
held in February 1901. However as with<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y other unions, the Trolly, Draymen<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> would find the early<br />
years <strong>of</strong> org<strong>an</strong>isation <strong>of</strong>ten difficult<br />
<strong>an</strong>d frustrating, as employers resisted<br />
union dem<strong>an</strong>ds <strong>an</strong>d the new industrial<br />
arbitration system responded slowly to<br />
industrial claims.<br />
Org<strong>an</strong>ising a union has never been easy.<br />
Reviving the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> in 1901<br />
*<br />
1888: First attempt to unionise<br />
February 1901 was not the first time<br />
that Sydney’s trollymen, draymen,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d carters had met to form a union.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y had done so with high hopes in<br />
Town <strong>an</strong>d Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), Saturday 13 September 1890, page 12<br />
Strike.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> Trolly <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Draymen’s <strong>Union</strong><br />
... decided to place<br />
themselves entirely<br />
in the h<strong>an</strong>ds <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Defence Committee,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d to strike at a<br />
moment’s notice<br />
when called upon to<br />
do so.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> disastrous marit mo strike is still dragging<br />
now along, <strong>an</strong>d has fairly engulphed in its<br />
meshes the whole <strong>of</strong> tint commerce, trade,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d labor <strong>of</strong> the Austi ali<strong>an</strong> colonies. <strong>The</strong><br />
themselves<br />
Trades <strong>an</strong>d Labor leaders express<br />
ss very <strong>an</strong>xious for a conference with the<br />
Shipowners' <strong>an</strong>d Employers' <strong>Union</strong>, but tho latter<br />
aro <strong>of</strong> opinion that no ci'.icient basis c<strong>an</strong> be arrived<br />
at until th*y aro allowed to havo some freedom<br />
shall not em<br />
<strong>of</strong> action as to whom they shall or<br />
ploy, <strong>an</strong>d whether their busine.-s shall bu kept in<br />
const<strong>an</strong>t disruption through tho dictation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
several unioas. To discuss <strong>an</strong>d decide thia<br />
point <strong>an</strong>d to settle a number <strong>of</strong> vexed questions,<br />
tho<br />
mat in conference on tho afternoon <strong>of</strong> September<br />
0 at t' o Chamber cf Commerce. <strong>The</strong>re wero<br />
present representatives <strong>of</strong> the Steamship Owners'<br />
Associations <strong>of</strong> New South WalcB, Victoria, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
South Australia, tho Employers' <strong>Union</strong>s <strong>of</strong> New<br />
South Wales, Victoria, South Australia <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Queensl<strong>an</strong>d, tho Pastoralists' <strong>Union</strong>s <strong>of</strong> this<br />
colony <strong>an</strong>d Victoria, the Associated Colliery<br />
Owners <strong>of</strong> this colony, <strong>an</strong>d various other kindred<br />
Sydney Morning Herald,<br />
associations wore represented. On tho motion <strong>of</strong><br />
Mr. Henry Hudson,<br />
<strong>Union</strong> <strong>of</strong> New South Wales, seconded<br />
11 September 1890<br />
president <strong>of</strong> the Employers'<br />
by Mr. W.<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Steamship Owners'<br />
chairm<strong>an</strong> O, "Willis,<br />
Association <strong>of</strong> Australasia, Mr. E. M. Young,<br />
general m<strong>an</strong>ager <strong>of</strong> the Australi<strong>an</strong> M'
<strong>of</strong> New South Wales <strong>an</strong>d the other<br />
Australi<strong>an</strong> colonies.<br />
<strong>The</strong> unions were dem<strong>an</strong>ding the right<br />
to org<strong>an</strong>ise, <strong>an</strong>d to represent their<br />
members. <strong>The</strong> employers <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
government were determined to crush<br />
them. <strong>The</strong>y refused to recognise unions<br />
as legitimate representatives <strong>of</strong> their<br />
members.<br />
Strike-breaking in<br />
Sydney 1890<br />
Scabs took the strikers’ jobs; the NSW<br />
government defeated the strikes <strong>an</strong>d<br />
the unions. In September 1890 the Trolly<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Draymen’s <strong>Union</strong>’s members went<br />
on strike in support <strong>of</strong> the shearers <strong>an</strong>d<br />
maritime workers, but were defeated,<br />
the government using mounted troopers<br />
to break-up union pickets.<br />
By the early 1890s a severe economic<br />
depression also hit the Australi<strong>an</strong><br />
colonies, driving up to 25% <strong>of</strong> workers<br />
into unemployment, <strong>an</strong>d collapsing the<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isational strength <strong>of</strong> the recently<br />
formed unions.<br />
<strong>The</strong> crippling effects <strong>of</strong> the economic<br />
depression lingered throughout the<br />
1890s.<br />
It was not until the turn<br />
<strong>of</strong> the century, <strong>an</strong>d as the<br />
colonies federated to form the<br />
Commonwealth <strong>of</strong> Australia in<br />
1901, that economic conditions<br />
also improved, <strong>an</strong>d governments –<br />
both state <strong>an</strong>d federal – beg<strong>an</strong> to<br />
acknowledge unions as legitimate<br />
representatives <strong>of</strong> their members.<br />
In 1890 the unions<br />
were dem<strong>an</strong>ding<br />
the right to<br />
org<strong>an</strong>ise, <strong>an</strong>d to<br />
represent their<br />
members. <strong>The</strong><br />
employers <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
government were<br />
determined to<br />
crush them.<br />
1888: First attempt to unionise<br />
10 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Darling Harbour in 1901:<br />
the working world <strong>of</strong><br />
the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Carters’ <strong>Union</strong><br />
<strong>The</strong> suburbs that folded around Darling<br />
Harbour formed the centre <strong>of</strong> the<br />
working world for the Trolly, Draymen<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> in 1901.<br />
Darling Harbour was also a centre <strong>of</strong><br />
production <strong>an</strong>d industrial conflict. It<br />
was a rough realm <strong>of</strong> timber wharves<br />
<strong>an</strong>d wool sheds, t<strong>an</strong>neries <strong>an</strong>d rail<br />
yards.<br />
❝ Living conditions<br />
were poor:<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten not much<br />
better th<strong>an</strong> the<br />
horse stables<br />
that were also a<br />
feature <strong>of</strong> every<br />
street.<br />
❞<br />
Darling Harbour was the working<br />
harbour <strong>of</strong> Sydney. Barricades <strong>of</strong> masts<br />
<strong>an</strong>d churning funnels marked out the<br />
columns <strong>of</strong> tethered ships butting up to<br />
the wharves.<br />
Between J<strong>an</strong>uary <strong>an</strong>d March 1901,<br />
609,000 bags <strong>of</strong> wheat were received<br />
at Darling Harbour, much <strong>of</strong> it<br />
bound for the export market. On 30<br />
November 1901, 7800 bales <strong>of</strong> wool<br />
were m<strong>an</strong>ifested to arrive by rail.<br />
Wheat <strong>an</strong>d wool were just the big<br />
ticket items <strong>of</strong> a rich trade in goods<br />
<strong>an</strong>d produce that poured into Darling<br />
12 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Harbour <strong>an</strong>d then streamed out into<br />
Sydney, carried away by drays <strong>an</strong>d<br />
carts <strong>an</strong>d straining teams <strong>of</strong> horses.<br />
<strong>The</strong> streets around Darling Harbour<br />
were also packed with family homes.<br />
Suburbs <strong>an</strong>d workplaces were bound<br />
close together; homes were thin<br />
terraces <strong>an</strong>d collapsing cottages,<br />
m<strong>an</strong>y dating back to the early years <strong>of</strong><br />
colonial settlement.<br />
Sussex Street was ‘a great artery <strong>of</strong><br />
business, <strong>an</strong>d most residents <strong>of</strong> Sydney<br />
wonder how its immense volume<br />
<strong>of</strong> traffic is tr<strong>an</strong>sacted in the room<br />
allotted.’<br />
Darling Harbour in 1901<br />
Smokestack soot mingled with the<br />
pungent reek <strong>of</strong> the t<strong>an</strong>nery <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
horse m<strong>an</strong>ure scattered along Kent<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Sussex Streets. This is where trolly<br />
<strong>an</strong>d draymen worked, <strong>an</strong>d where their<br />
families lived.<br />
<strong>The</strong> living conditions were poor: <strong>of</strong>ten<br />
not much better th<strong>an</strong> the horse stables<br />
that were also a feature <strong>of</strong> every<br />
street. <strong>The</strong> streets <strong>an</strong>d l<strong>an</strong>es provided<br />
the playgrounds for the children.<br />
Plague Outbreak<br />
A dramatic revelation <strong>of</strong> the poor<br />
living conditions was provided by<br />
the outbreak <strong>of</strong> that medieval terror,<br />
bubonic plague, which suddenly struck<br />
in the Rocks districts <strong>of</strong> Sydney in<br />
1900, tr<strong>an</strong>smitted by nimble rats from<br />
ship to the squalid shore <strong>of</strong> Darling<br />
Harbour where it found a fertile<br />
breeding ground.<br />
A City Council inspection <strong>of</strong> the<br />
14 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Darling Harbour wharves in March 1901<br />
found that ‘in no inst<strong>an</strong>ce were <strong>an</strong>y<br />
precautions taken by the masters <strong>of</strong><br />
vessels to prevent rats getting ashore<br />
along the hawsers.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> inspectors also found that,<br />
‘Steaming slowly past the jetties one<br />
noticed m<strong>an</strong>y <strong>of</strong> them in a dilapidated<br />
condition, the piles wholly or half eaten<br />
away, as well as the pile sheathing<br />
which does duty for a wall. Here was <strong>an</strong><br />
ideal retreat for rats.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> plague outbreak’s first victim was<br />
Arthur Payne, a local trollym<strong>an</strong>, who<br />
luckily recovered. In all, 103 people died<br />
in the outbreak, which persisted for<br />
over a year.<br />
A program <strong>of</strong> disinfection <strong>an</strong>d<br />
demolition <strong>of</strong> condemned properties<br />
was still underway around the Rocks<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the Darling Harbour area in 1901.<br />
Darling Harbour in 1901<br />
Pyrmont Bridge at the<br />
turn <strong>of</strong> the century<br />
Pyrmont<br />
Bridge:<br />
‘a link <strong>of</strong> the<br />
utmost value’<br />
By 1901 the new Pyrmont Bridge sp<strong>an</strong>ning Darling Harbour was nearing completion.<br />
Pyrmont Bridge was described at the time as ‘a link <strong>of</strong> the utmost value in the<br />
chain <strong>of</strong> metropolit<strong>an</strong> intercommunications.’ It was a vital infrastructure component<br />
<strong>of</strong> the redevelopment <strong>of</strong> Darling Harbour underway at the time, spurred by the<br />
demolition <strong>of</strong> derelict buildings <strong>an</strong>d wharves as a consequence <strong>of</strong> the plague<br />
outbreak.<br />
In June 1901 it was also <strong>an</strong>nounced that a new wheat shed, ‘capable <strong>of</strong> containing<br />
one million three hundred thous<strong>an</strong>d bushels <strong>of</strong> wheat, with proper l<strong>an</strong>ding<br />
appli<strong>an</strong>ces’, would immediately be erected at Darling Isl<strong>an</strong>d. It was a confirmation<br />
<strong>of</strong> the import<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> the Darling Harbour precinct to the state’s economy, <strong>an</strong>d a<br />
promise <strong>of</strong> future work for the draymen <strong>an</strong>d carters who distributed the goods <strong>an</strong>d<br />
produce that were tr<strong>an</strong>smitted through Darling Harbour.<br />
16 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Trolly, Dray <strong>an</strong>d Cart<br />
<strong>The</strong> union established at the turn <strong>of</strong> the century intended to combine a disparate but<br />
clearly identifiable workforce: workers whose employment was defined by driving<br />
horse-drawn vehicles.<br />
In 1901, a ‘trolly’ driven by a member <strong>of</strong> the union was a horse-drawn vehicle. A trolly<br />
or a cart could be <strong>an</strong>y number <strong>of</strong> horse-drawn vehicles with four wheels. A dray was<br />
a flat-bed cart without sides. <strong>The</strong>re were also lighter two-wheeled drays <strong>an</strong>d small<br />
v<strong>an</strong>s.<br />
During the Maritime Strike in September 1890 strike-breaking wool-owners<br />
approached Circular Quay in Sydney to deliver their wool bales to the waiting ships.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n, as a newspaper reported, ‘the trollies bearing the bales were surrounded by<br />
unionists, <strong>an</strong>d the heads <strong>of</strong> the horses turned the other way.’ <strong>The</strong> trolly referred<br />
to here was a large, specialised wool trolly required to bear the load <strong>of</strong> a several<br />
stacked wool bales.<br />
Specialist drivers<br />
As Mark Bray <strong>an</strong>d Malcolm Rimmer note in their history <strong>of</strong> the TWU, Delivering the<br />
Goods, m<strong>an</strong>y carters were necessarily specialists: ‘m<strong>an</strong>y drivers stuck to a single kind<br />
<strong>of</strong> work because their vehicle had only one use.’<br />
Carters <strong>of</strong>ten hauled only one commodity: they were meat carters <strong>an</strong>d beer carters,<br />
or furniture carters, for example. M<strong>an</strong>y <strong>of</strong> these drivers were self-employed, coping<br />
with the vagaries <strong>of</strong> maintaining teams <strong>an</strong>d finding work, problems familiar to<br />
modern owner-drivers. <strong>The</strong> breweries <strong>an</strong>d large retail stores like Anthony Horderns<br />
or David Jones employed their own drivers <strong>an</strong>d maintained their own delivery carts<br />
<strong>an</strong>d horse teams.<br />
Pyrmont Bridge: ‘a link <strong>of</strong> the utmost value’<br />
“United We St<strong>an</strong>d,<br />
Divided We Fall”:<br />
creating the Trolly,<br />
Draymen <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Carters’<br />
<strong>Union</strong> B<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
Across 1901 the records reveal the<br />
determination <strong>of</strong> the Trolly, Draymen<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> to fund <strong>an</strong>d produce<br />
a b<strong>an</strong>ner. <strong>Union</strong> b<strong>an</strong>ners provided a<br />
powerful symbolic representation <strong>of</strong><br />
union identity, <strong>an</strong>d the work performed<br />
by unionists.<br />
❝ <strong>The</strong> b<strong>an</strong>ner is a beautiful piece<br />
<strong>of</strong> work from the establishment<br />
<strong>of</strong> JJ Legg <strong>an</strong>d Co, <strong>of</strong> 119<br />
Clarence-street. It is <strong>of</strong> blue<br />
silk, <strong>an</strong>d 14ft by 12ft. On the<br />
front <strong>of</strong> it there is a central<br />
picture representing light <strong>an</strong>d<br />
heavy work as performed by the<br />
members <strong>of</strong> the union.<br />
❞<br />
On Friday 4 October 1901 the b<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
was ceremoniously unfurled at a<br />
meeting at the Protest<strong>an</strong>t Hall in<br />
lower Castlereagh Street. This was a<br />
working class district near the Belmore<br />
Markets <strong>an</strong>d Chinatown, which had<br />
yet to move west to Dixon Street.<br />
Lower Castlereagh Street had several<br />
venues, including the Protest<strong>an</strong>t<br />
Hall, frequently used by the labour<br />
movement <strong>an</strong>d working class political<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isations.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Sydney Morning Herald reported:<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> b<strong>an</strong>ner is a beautiful piece <strong>of</strong> work<br />
from the establishment <strong>of</strong> JJ Legg <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Co, <strong>of</strong> 119 Clarence Street. It is <strong>of</strong> blue<br />
silk, <strong>an</strong>d 14ft by 12ft. On the front <strong>of</strong> it<br />
20 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
there is a central picture representing<br />
light <strong>an</strong>d heavy work as performed<br />
by the members <strong>of</strong> the union. In it is<br />
shown on one side a horse drawing<br />
a load <strong>of</strong> flour in a waggon, <strong>an</strong>d on<br />
the other side a light v<strong>an</strong> drawn by a<br />
horse. <strong>The</strong> drivers <strong>of</strong> the two vehicles<br />
are shaking h<strong>an</strong>ds in the centre.<br />
Surrounding the picture are smaller<br />
ones representing parcel delivery,<br />
furniture-removing, light-load work,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d a heavy wool team. Underneath<br />
is the motto, “United to Assist, not to<br />
Crush”.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> motto reflected the desire <strong>of</strong><br />
the union to work as co-operatively<br />
as possible with employers <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
government <strong>of</strong> the day to improve the<br />
wages <strong>an</strong>d working conditions <strong>of</strong> its<br />
members, resorting to industrial action<br />
when necessary.<br />
<strong>Union</strong> b<strong>an</strong>ners also celebrated the<br />
vital contribution <strong>of</strong> their members<br />
in the task <strong>of</strong> nation building. This<br />
ambition had a particular focus in 1901:<br />
on 1 J<strong>an</strong>uary <strong>of</strong> that year the various<br />
colonies had federated to form the<br />
Commonwealth <strong>of</strong> Australia. So on the<br />
reverse side <strong>of</strong> the b<strong>an</strong>ner, as brilli<strong>an</strong>tly<br />
decorative as the front, were two<br />
pictures, as the Herald observed:<br />
‘One representing city trade, <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
other the shipping trade, surmounted<br />
by Australi<strong>an</strong> flowers <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
Australi<strong>an</strong> Coat <strong>of</strong> Arms. A wreath<br />
bears the name <strong>of</strong> the union. <strong>The</strong><br />
embellishments are <strong>of</strong> gold, <strong>an</strong>d are<br />
connected at the bottom with the<br />
motto, “United We St<strong>an</strong>d, Divided We<br />
Fall.”’<br />
By October 1901 the union had grown<br />
to a membership <strong>of</strong> 1,300, more th<strong>an</strong><br />
doubling the number who founded<br />
the union only a few months earlier.<br />
No wonder there were loud cheers to<br />
greet the unfurling <strong>of</strong> the b<strong>an</strong>ner in the<br />
Protest<strong>an</strong>t Hall.<br />
Creating the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> B<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
Not all work:<br />
the union’s fundraising concert<br />
❝ It was also<br />
reported that<br />
‘the proceeds<br />
resulting from<br />
the concert are<br />
to be devoted to<br />
the purchase <strong>of</strong><br />
a b<strong>an</strong>ner for the<br />
union.’<br />
❞<br />
<strong>The</strong> trollymen knew how to<br />
throw a party. On 6 May 1901 the<br />
union held a successful concert<br />
at the New Masonic Hall,<br />
Castlereagh Street, attended by<br />
over one thous<strong>an</strong>d people.<br />
‘An excellent programme <strong>of</strong><br />
vocal <strong>an</strong>d instrumental music,<br />
step-d<strong>an</strong>cing, <strong>an</strong>d character<br />
impersonsations was submitted,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d there was frequent <strong>an</strong>d<br />
hearty applause. Among those<br />
who contributed items were Mr.<br />
Tod Callaway <strong>an</strong>d Mr. Howard<br />
Chambers, who appeared by<br />
permission <strong>of</strong> Mr. Rickards, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Mr. John Fuller, <strong>of</strong> the Empire<br />
<strong>The</strong>atre.’<br />
Fuller’s Empire <strong>The</strong>atre was<br />
nearby in Castlereagh street<br />
<strong>an</strong>d featured ‘vaudeville’<br />
<strong>The</strong> Royal St<strong>an</strong>dard, known as the<br />
Empire <strong>The</strong>atre in 1901, provided the<br />
entertainers for the union’s b<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
fundraising concert.<br />
comedi<strong>an</strong>s, minstrel <strong>an</strong>d variety<br />
performers. It was also reported<br />
that ‘the proceeds resulting from<br />
the concert are to be devoted to the<br />
purchase <strong>of</strong> a b<strong>an</strong>ner for the union.’<br />
22<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Australia in 1901<br />
Population: 3,773,801<br />
Federation: 1 J<strong>an</strong>uary 1901<br />
Prime Minister: Edmund Barton<br />
New South Wales<br />
Premier: John See<br />
Population: 1,354,846<br />
Workforce: 451,403 males,<br />
113,396 females<br />
Tr<strong>an</strong>sport <strong>an</strong>d Communication<br />
workforce: 45,000<br />
No. <strong>of</strong> union members in NSW: 30,000<br />
Federation parade in Bridge Street, Sydney 1 J<strong>an</strong>uary 1901<br />
Australia in 1901<br />
Eight Hours <strong>an</strong>d Safe Rates<br />
In 1901 the carters employed by the Sydney<br />
retailing firm David Jones & Co. were compelled<br />
to work <strong>an</strong> average 15 hours per day.<br />
Today drivers are still compelled to drive long<br />
<strong>an</strong>d unsafe hours. That is why the TWU fought<br />
a 20 year campaign to establish the Safe Rates<br />
Remuneration Tribunal. <strong>The</strong> need for the Tribunal<br />
c<strong>an</strong> trace its footsteps back to, <strong>an</strong>d beyond, 1888.<br />
24 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Fighting for shorter<br />
working hours <strong>an</strong>d<br />
fairer wages in 1901<br />
When the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’<br />
<strong>Union</strong> was established in February<br />
1901 it was decided that the hours <strong>of</strong><br />
work the men should perform would be<br />
60 hours per week. <strong>The</strong> union rate <strong>of</strong><br />
wages was set at: for men driving one<br />
horse, 40s per week; for men driving<br />
two horses 45s per week, <strong>an</strong>d 2s 6d<br />
extra for each horse driven.<br />
❝ For the carters <strong>of</strong> David<br />
Jones & Co., ‘week in <strong>an</strong>d<br />
week out, the record is one<br />
<strong>of</strong> incess<strong>an</strong>t work. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
rarely see their families,<br />
for the children are asleep<br />
when they leave home in the<br />
morning, <strong>an</strong>d asleep when<br />
they arrive home at night.’<br />
❞<br />
In 1901 working hours were a major<br />
issue, with dem<strong>an</strong>ds that carters be<br />
brought under the terms <strong>of</strong> the NSW<br />
Early Closing Act, which would have<br />
the effect <strong>of</strong> reducing st<strong>an</strong>dard hours<br />
<strong>of</strong> work. One meeting was told <strong>of</strong> ‘the<br />
injustice that m<strong>an</strong>y men were labouring<br />
under in being compelled to work from<br />
80 to 100 hours per week.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> carters employed by the Sydney<br />
retailing firm David Jones & Co. were<br />
compelled to work <strong>an</strong> average 15<br />
hours per day. <strong>The</strong> People, a radical<br />
working class newspaper <strong>of</strong> the period,<br />
26 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
eported that for the carters <strong>of</strong> David<br />
Jones & Co., ‘week in <strong>an</strong>d week out,<br />
the record is one <strong>of</strong> incess<strong>an</strong>t work.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y rarely see their families, for the<br />
children are asleep when they leave<br />
home in the morning, <strong>an</strong>d asleep when<br />
they arrive home at night.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> carters were also ‘forced to pay<br />
6d. per week each into what is called a<br />
‘parcel fund’ — a kind <strong>of</strong> insur<strong>an</strong>ce fund<br />
to recoup the firm for parcels that go<br />
astray in the process <strong>of</strong> delivery.’<br />
People also noted that ‘the highest<br />
wage paid by the firm is 37s. 6d per<br />
week — one m<strong>an</strong> who has been in their<br />
employ for ten years is receiving that<br />
amount — <strong>an</strong>d the lowest 32s. 6d’ –<br />
rates well below those dem<strong>an</strong>ded by<br />
the union.<br />
In August 1901 some progress towards<br />
better wages was made at a conference<br />
between the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the Master Carriers’<br />
Association. <strong>The</strong> minimum wage for<br />
one horse drivers was set at £2 (40s) a<br />
week, <strong>an</strong>d that for two horse drivers £2<br />
5s., with overtime for all loads put on<br />
after 5 p.m. to be paid for as from 6.30<br />
p.m., with time-<strong>an</strong>d-a-half for holidays<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Sundays to team men, <strong>an</strong>d 8s. 6d.<br />
a day for stable work.<br />
On the question <strong>of</strong> working hours, the<br />
union had less success; the conference<br />
decided that the maximum number <strong>of</strong><br />
hours be sixty-six per week, more th<strong>an</strong><br />
the sixty hour week that the union had<br />
hoped to achieve. And as Bray <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Rimmer observed in their history <strong>of</strong> the<br />
union, Delivering the Goods, the union<br />
also found it difficult to compel the<br />
employers to honour the agreement.<br />
Employers would have to be forced to<br />
honour industrial agreements: <strong>an</strong>d that<br />
me<strong>an</strong>t bringing down the weight <strong>of</strong> the<br />
law on the bosses.<br />
Fighting for shorter working hours <strong>an</strong>d fairer wages in 1901<br />
28 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
‘Another Labor<br />
Victory!’ <strong>The</strong><br />
introduction<br />
<strong>of</strong> compulsory<br />
industrial<br />
arbitration<br />
In December 1901 the labour movement<br />
celebrated the passage through the<br />
NSW Parliament <strong>of</strong> the Industrial<br />
Arbitration Act, which compelled<br />
employers to bargain with unions <strong>an</strong>d<br />
workers: ‘Another Labor Victory!’<br />
<strong>The</strong> Sydney Worker, the newspaper <strong>of</strong><br />
the labour movement, declared that<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> uncompromising attitude <strong>of</strong> the<br />
N.S.W. Political Labor League’ had<br />
forced the government to reinstate the<br />
clause which gave preference to trade<br />
unionists.<br />
<strong>Union</strong>s hoped that<br />
industrial arbitration<br />
would resolve the<br />
differences between<br />
capital <strong>an</strong>d labour.<br />
Livingstone Hopkins,<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> Labour Crisis’,<br />
Bulletin, 16 August 1890<br />
For the Worker, the reinstatement <strong>of</strong><br />
the clause reflected the success <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Labor Party since its birth in 1891. In<br />
that year, Labor won 35 seats in the<br />
NSW Legislative Assembly. <strong>The</strong> unions<br />
had established the Labor Party as a<br />
consequence <strong>of</strong> their frustration with<br />
the grim economic circumst<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>of</strong><br />
the early 1890s, <strong>an</strong>d the aggressive<br />
resist<strong>an</strong>ce to union campaigns for<br />
better wages <strong>an</strong>d conditions by<br />
employers.<br />
30 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
Since 1891 Labor had, according to the<br />
Worker, proved itself ‘the pacemaker <strong>of</strong><br />
reform’, initiating a raft <strong>of</strong> legislation<br />
to improve the condition <strong>of</strong> workers<br />
<strong>an</strong>d their families. Although Labor had<br />
not been able to win enough seats to<br />
govern, it held the bal<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> power<br />
in Parliament, <strong>an</strong>d dem<strong>an</strong>ded from<br />
governments ‘support in return for<br />
concessions.’<br />
In 1901 the preference for unionists<br />
clause allowed unions like the Trolly,<br />
Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters to function<br />
as the effective representatives <strong>of</strong><br />
their members in industrial disputes<br />
<strong>an</strong>d cases brought before the NSW<br />
Industrial Arbitration Court.<br />
❝ Since 1891 Labor had,<br />
according to the Worker,<br />
proved itself ‘the pacemaker<br />
<strong>of</strong> reform’, initiating a raft<br />
<strong>of</strong> legislation to improve the<br />
condition <strong>of</strong> workers <strong>an</strong>d<br />
their families.<br />
❞<br />
<strong>The</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> the Act provided<br />
a new basis for bargaining, although it<br />
was not until 1904 that the union was<br />
able to achieve its first industrial award<br />
under the Act.<br />
<strong>The</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> compulsory industrial arbitration<br />
TWU South Coast b<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
A d<strong>an</strong>gerous job:<br />
the hazards <strong>of</strong><br />
a deregulated<br />
workplace in 1901<br />
<strong>The</strong> hazards <strong>of</strong> carting heavy loads on<br />
the roads <strong>of</strong> Sydney <strong>an</strong>d New South<br />
Wales are not new. In J<strong>an</strong>uary 1901 a<br />
serious collision occurred between a<br />
Glebe Point tram <strong>an</strong>d a cart which left<br />
the two carters injured.<br />
❝ Overloading <strong>an</strong>d poorly<br />
tethered loads also caused<br />
serious accidents, practices<br />
that were the product <strong>of</strong><br />
tight deadlines <strong>an</strong>d dem<strong>an</strong>ds<br />
to maximise pr<strong>of</strong>its.<br />
❞<br />
Perhaps the long, exhausting working<br />
hours that the union campaigned to<br />
reduce contributed to the accident,<br />
which took place shortly before<br />
midnight at the intersection <strong>of</strong> Bridge<br />
Road <strong>an</strong>d Glebe Point Road. <strong>The</strong> cart<br />
was crossing the tramline when it was<br />
struck ‘with considerable force’ by the<br />
tram.<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> cart was overturned, <strong>an</strong>d Patrick<br />
Hog<strong>an</strong>, living in Kent Street, Sydney,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d John Clune, living in Chester<br />
Street, Camperdown, who were its<br />
occup<strong>an</strong>ts at the time, were thrown<br />
heavily to the roadway. Both men were<br />
conveyed to the Prince Alfred Hospital.<br />
Hog<strong>an</strong> was suffering from a very<br />
severe scalp wound, <strong>an</strong>d was admitted<br />
34 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
to the institution; but Clune, after being<br />
treated for cuts und bruises, was able<br />
to proceed to his home.’<br />
Overloading <strong>an</strong>d poorly tethered<br />
loads also caused serious accidents,<br />
practices that were the product <strong>of</strong> tight<br />
deadlines <strong>an</strong>d dem<strong>an</strong>ds to maximise<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>its.<br />
At Darling Harbour in December 1901,<br />
a carter named Charles Trotter, <strong>of</strong> East<br />
Street Redfern, was taking a load <strong>of</strong><br />
wool to Messrs John Bridge <strong>an</strong>d Co’s<br />
Darling Harbour stores when two <strong>of</strong><br />
the bales fell from the cart, striking<br />
him. ‘Trotter was conveyed by the Civil<br />
Ambul<strong>an</strong>ce to Sydney Hospital, where<br />
he was admitted suffering from a<br />
fracture <strong>of</strong> the left thigh.’<br />
<strong>of</strong> Hunters Hill. Inquiring into the death,<br />
a magistrates court was told that prior<br />
to the accident Rhem was walking<br />
about five yards behind his dray, which<br />
contained two tons <strong>of</strong> coal.<br />
In turning the corner <strong>of</strong> Church Street<br />
into Drummoyne Street the horses<br />
attached to the dray turned sharply<br />
round the corner. <strong>The</strong>re was a lamppost<br />
on the edge <strong>of</strong> the kerb. Henry<br />
Rhem was behind his cart at the time,<br />
assisting his fellow driver to negotiate<br />
the turn. Rehm r<strong>an</strong> up to the horses<br />
with the evident intention <strong>of</strong> turning<br />
the leader. He caught hold <strong>of</strong> the reins<br />
with his right h<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d put his left arm<br />
round the lamp-post. He was crushed<br />
between the lamp-post <strong>an</strong>d the heavilyladen<br />
dray.<br />
Perhaps the most tragic <strong>of</strong> the<br />
industrial accidents <strong>of</strong> 1901 involving<br />
draymen <strong>an</strong>d carters occurred in<br />
October. Henry Rhem died as a result<br />
<strong>of</strong> a dray accident in the Sydney suburb<br />
Rhem died as a result <strong>of</strong> his internal<br />
injuries several days later. He was 22<br />
years old.<br />
<strong>The</strong> hazards <strong>of</strong> a deregulated workplace in 1901<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> carriers are trying to combine’:<br />
org<strong>an</strong>ising beyond Sydney<br />
After the disastrous economic collapse<br />
<strong>of</strong> the 1890s, unionism was still in its<br />
inf<strong>an</strong>cy in New South Wales in 1901.<br />
So the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’<br />
<strong>Union</strong> concentrated on establishing its<br />
org<strong>an</strong>isation in the industrial centre <strong>of</strong><br />
Sydney. Elsewhere across New South<br />
Wales, carters <strong>an</strong>d carriers sought to<br />
establish their own local unions, which<br />
over time came together to form the<br />
modern Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong>.<br />
Across rural New South Wales, carriers<br />
played the role <strong>of</strong> the modern long<br />
dist<strong>an</strong>ce driver; sometimes working<br />
their own business, sometimes<br />
employed by others. But they <strong>of</strong>ten<br />
faced the same problems <strong>of</strong> poor pay<br />
<strong>an</strong>d working conditions. <strong>The</strong>se were the<br />
griev<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>of</strong> the carriers <strong>of</strong> the NSW<br />
south coast who moved to unionise in<br />
February 1901:<br />
36 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
‘<strong>The</strong> carriers are trying to combine.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y me<strong>an</strong> business too, for they have<br />
called a meeting for the 23rd February<br />
<strong>an</strong>d every carrier in the district has<br />
signed the requisition. <strong>The</strong> object <strong>of</strong><br />
the meeting is to combine <strong>an</strong>d do away<br />
with the starvation rates for which<br />
they have been carrying so long - rates<br />
which me<strong>an</strong> nothing better th<strong>an</strong> poorly<br />
fed families, <strong>an</strong>d worse fed horses.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> newspaper report noted that,<br />
‘Some nine or ten years ago the<br />
carriers <strong>of</strong> this district made a<br />
similar effort to form a union but the<br />
movement fell through with a nasty<br />
thud. Its failure was due to that enemy<br />
<strong>of</strong> all unions — the blackleg. <strong>The</strong> men<br />
who might have stuck to their mates<br />
through thick <strong>an</strong>d thin were compelled<br />
to give in because their mates deserted<br />
the ship <strong>an</strong>d went back to the old cut<br />
throat rates.’ That disunity was <strong>of</strong>ten<br />
<strong>an</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> the economic depression,<br />
forcing desperate workers to take<br />
whatever meagre wages were on <strong>of</strong>fer.<br />
<strong>The</strong> carriers <strong>of</strong> 1901 faced cost<br />
pressures familiar to the modern<br />
long dist<strong>an</strong>ce owner-driver. ‘<strong>The</strong><br />
present rate <strong>of</strong> carriage is ridiculous.<br />
A m<strong>an</strong> with a team <strong>of</strong> eight horses,<br />
which costs nothing under £100, will<br />
travel sixty miles to the port <strong>an</strong>d<br />
sometimes further for 1s 6d to 2s 6d<br />
a hundredweight - according to the<br />
amount he owes the storekeeper. Out<br />
<strong>of</strong> this he has to feed his horses <strong>an</strong>d<br />
feed <strong>an</strong>d clothe himself <strong>an</strong>d his family.<br />
<strong>The</strong> result is, as we said before, poor<br />
horses, <strong>an</strong>d poor people.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> newspaper also noted the<br />
inspiration provided by the federation<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Australi<strong>an</strong> colonies into<br />
one united nation in J<strong>an</strong>uary.<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> predomin<strong>an</strong>t word at the<br />
Commonwealth Celebrations was<br />
‘United,’ <strong>an</strong>d for their own sakes we<br />
hope the carriers will decide at their<br />
meeting on the twenty-third to adopt<br />
the term ‘United,’ as their watchword.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y have only themselves to blame<br />
that they are getting low rates <strong>an</strong>d the<br />
remedy is in their own h<strong>an</strong>ds, let them<br />
not be slow to take it.’<br />
❝ Elsewhere<br />
across New<br />
South Wales,<br />
carters <strong>an</strong>d<br />
carriers<br />
sought to<br />
establish their<br />
own local<br />
unions, which<br />
over time<br />
came together<br />
to form the<br />
modern<br />
Tr<strong>an</strong>sport<br />
Workers’<br />
<strong>Union</strong>.<br />
❞<br />
Org<strong>an</strong>ising beyond Sydney<br />
<strong>The</strong> controversial<br />
Billy Hughes<br />
As the Labor member <strong>of</strong> the NSW<br />
parliament for the western Sydney seat<br />
<strong>of</strong> L<strong>an</strong>g in 1901, William Morris Hughes<br />
was a logical choice to help establish<br />
the Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong><br />
by becoming its first president. Hughes<br />
lifted the public pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the young<br />
union, <strong>an</strong>d used his skills to help the<br />
union in industrial negotiations <strong>an</strong>d<br />
deputations to government.<br />
From the outset <strong>of</strong> his political career<br />
in the 1890s, Hughes attracted<br />
controversy. Billy Hughes was a<br />
physically small m<strong>an</strong> with a dynamic<br />
personality; he had the gift <strong>of</strong> the gab,<br />
able to argue a compelling case <strong>an</strong>d<br />
win people to his cause.<br />
Not everyone was impressed with<br />
Hughes. Harry Holl<strong>an</strong>d, a working class<br />
agitator, published People, a radical<br />
journal that regularly attacked Hughes<br />
in 1901. People described Hughes as<br />
a ‘fakir’, a magici<strong>an</strong> who ‘tricked <strong>an</strong>d<br />
fooled’ workers with his devious words.<br />
‘It is a pity that the Carters allowed<br />
Hughes lifted the public pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the<br />
young union, <strong>an</strong>d used his skills to help<br />
the union in industrial negotiations <strong>an</strong>d<br />
deputations to government.<br />
Facing page: a Claude Marquet cartoon from the<br />
Australi<strong>an</strong> Worker, 5 October 1916, depicting Billy<br />
Hughes building the ‘case’ for Labor.<br />
<strong>The</strong> controversial Billy Hughes<br />
themselves to be m<strong>an</strong>ipulated by this<br />
scab politici<strong>an</strong> as they have done. In<br />
due time they will recognise the error<br />
they have made.’<br />
Hughes’ career continued to flourish;<br />
he successfully r<strong>an</strong> as the <strong>of</strong>ficial Labor<br />
Party c<strong>an</strong>didate for the new federal<br />
seat <strong>of</strong> West Sydney in March 1901, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
moved from state politics to the new<br />
Commonwealth parliament, then based<br />
in Melbourne.<br />
Billy Hughes served as the<br />
Commonwealth Attorney-General<br />
in the Labor Government <strong>of</strong> Prime<br />
Minister Andrew Fisher between 1910-<br />
1913.<br />
Conscription<br />
In 1916, during the brutal conduct<br />
<strong>of</strong> the First World War, Labor<br />
Prime Minister Billy Hughes, who<br />
had succeeded Andrew Fisher a<br />
year earlier, decided to support<br />
the introduction <strong>of</strong> conscription<br />
for overseas military duty. <strong>The</strong><br />
labour movement was opposed to<br />
conscription, believing that Australia’s<br />
volunteer forces, <strong>an</strong>d the work<br />
performed by workers within Australia,<br />
were sufficient sacrifices for the war<br />
effort.<br />
Hughes’ decision split the Labor Party<br />
<strong>an</strong>d the government. In September<br />
1916 Hughes was expelled from the<br />
Labor Party. On 4 October 1916 the<br />
Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong><br />
voted to expel Hughes. At the same<br />
meeting Mick Connington tendered<br />
his resignation as secretary, as did the<br />
union’s org<strong>an</strong>iser, J. D. Rudd.<br />
Connington said that ‘he considered<br />
it was his duty to support Mr. Hughes<br />
in his campaign, <strong>an</strong>d he could not<br />
conscientiously reconcile that attitude<br />
with his position as secretary <strong>of</strong><br />
a union which has voted against<br />
conscription.’ <strong>The</strong> meeting however<br />
passed a vote <strong>of</strong> confidence in<br />
Connington, in appreciation <strong>of</strong> his<br />
service to the union. As one newspaper<br />
commented, ‘it is no exaggeration to<br />
say that his loss will probably be felt<br />
40 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
❝ It is no exaggeration<br />
to say that his [Mick<br />
Connington’s] loss will<br />
probably be felt more<br />
severely th<strong>an</strong> the loss<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong>y other m<strong>an</strong> in<br />
<strong>Union</strong> circles.<br />
❞<br />
Happier times: Picnic Committee 1905.<br />
Front row, second from left: Mick Connington<br />
<strong>an</strong>d second row centre Billy Hughes.<br />
more severely th<strong>an</strong> the loss <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong>y other m<strong>an</strong> in <strong>Union</strong> circles.’ In the space <strong>of</strong><br />
single meeting, the union had lost its long-st<strong>an</strong>ding leadership team.<br />
Following the meeting, a number <strong>of</strong> Hughes’ supporters in the union dem<strong>an</strong>ded<br />
a r<strong>an</strong>k <strong>an</strong>d file ballot to seek Hughes reinstatement as President. <strong>The</strong> result <strong>of</strong><br />
the ballot was close, reflecting the sharp divide in Australi<strong>an</strong> society over the<br />
conscription issue: 1345 for Mr. Hughes <strong>an</strong>d 1471 against, a majority <strong>of</strong> 126.<br />
<strong>The</strong> controversial Billy Hughes<br />
A fitting tribute to a reborn union:<br />
<strong>The</strong> eight hour day parade in 1901<br />
<strong>The</strong> Trolly, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong><br />
was a proud particip<strong>an</strong>t in the gr<strong>an</strong>d<br />
Eight Hour Day Parade conducted<br />
through the centre <strong>of</strong> Sydney on<br />
Monday, 8 October 1901. Having first<br />
unfurled its new b<strong>an</strong>ner only a few<br />
days before, the parade provided <strong>an</strong><br />
opportunity to display the b<strong>an</strong>ner to<br />
the people <strong>of</strong> Sydney.<br />
It was reported that ‘the people <strong>of</strong><br />
the metropolis <strong>an</strong>d suburbs turned<br />
out in thous<strong>an</strong>ds’ to watch as ‘Labour<br />
celebrated in befitting fashion the<br />
<strong>an</strong>niversary <strong>of</strong> the concession <strong>of</strong> the<br />
principle <strong>of</strong> eight-hours’ work, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
the function was in its general aspect<br />
admittedly one <strong>of</strong> the most successful<br />
<strong>an</strong>d imposing that has been witnessed<br />
by the Sydney public for years.’<br />
It was estimated that between 14,000<br />
<strong>an</strong>d 15,000 unionists took part in the<br />
procession. <strong>The</strong> crowd was simply too<br />
large to accurately estimate: ‘spread<br />
over such <strong>an</strong> extensive line <strong>of</strong> route<br />
as that traversed by the numerous<br />
trades, it is impossible to give even<br />
<strong>an</strong> approximate idea <strong>of</strong> the numerical<br />
strength <strong>of</strong> the men, women, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
children who thronged the different<br />
thoroughfares, but the total must have<br />
been very huge indeed.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> 1901 parade was ‘the first eighthours<br />
demonstration in New South<br />
Wales under the aegis <strong>of</strong> the Australi<strong>an</strong><br />
Commonwealth’, <strong>an</strong>d ‘the unionists<br />
turned out in numbers never before<br />
excelled in the State’, both marching<br />
<strong>an</strong>d accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by a stream <strong>of</strong> drays<br />
bearing large union b<strong>an</strong>ners.<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> h<strong>an</strong>dsome b<strong>an</strong>ners <strong>of</strong> the unions,<br />
the m<strong>an</strong>y-coloured badges worn by the<br />
men who marched so briskly through<br />
the streets, <strong>an</strong>d the gaily caparisoned<br />
horses presented <strong>an</strong> ever ch<strong>an</strong>ging<br />
picture which pleased even the artistic<br />
taste.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> reporter also noted that ‘in labour<br />
all men are regarded as equal, so that<br />
the m<strong>an</strong> who represents labour either<br />
in the State or the Federal Parliament<br />
is expected to walk with the men.<br />
44 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
And they did so. Mr. Watson [John<br />
Christi<strong>an</strong> Watson, who became the<br />
first Labor Prime Minister <strong>of</strong> Australia<br />
in 1904], member <strong>of</strong> the House <strong>of</strong><br />
Representatives, walked with his<br />
former colleagues <strong>an</strong>d co-workers in<br />
the Typographical Society, Mr. S. Smith,<br />
M.L.A., stepped along with his old<br />
friends in the Seamen’s <strong>Union</strong>, whilst<br />
Mr. Hughes, M.P., [accomp<strong>an</strong>ied] the<br />
Trolly, Draymen, <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ union, <strong>of</strong><br />
which he is president.’<br />
<strong>The</strong> parade was a proud display <strong>of</strong> the<br />
work performed by union members.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Marble Workers ‘had a lorry on<br />
which some men were engaged in<br />
working a large block <strong>of</strong> stone. A brave<br />
show was made by the Shipwrights,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d their b<strong>an</strong>ner was followed by<br />
numerous models <strong>of</strong> yachts, sailing<br />
boats, <strong>an</strong>d a life-boat. <strong>The</strong> merry sound<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>vil heralded the approach <strong>of</strong><br />
the Coachmakers’ Society.’<br />
❝ <strong>The</strong> 1901 parade was ‘the first<br />
eight-hours demonstration in New<br />
South Wales under the aegis <strong>of</strong><br />
the Australi<strong>an</strong> Commonwealth’,<br />
<strong>an</strong>d ‘the unionists turned out in<br />
numbers never before excelled<br />
in the State’, both marching <strong>an</strong>d<br />
accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by a stream <strong>of</strong> drays<br />
bearing large union b<strong>an</strong>ners.<br />
❞<br />
‘<strong>The</strong> United Furniture Trade <strong>Union</strong><br />
contributed a most instructive display<br />
in the shape <strong>of</strong> a stringy bark hut on<br />
A fitting tribute to a reborn union<br />
a lorry, with a work-m<strong>an</strong> making<br />
the rude tables <strong>an</strong>d benches out <strong>of</strong><br />
saplings <strong>an</strong>d slabs, which comprised<br />
the furniture <strong>of</strong> a hut in the early<br />
days. Surmounting the hut was the<br />
legend “<strong>The</strong> furniture trade in 1801.”<br />
What added to the realism <strong>of</strong> the<br />
display was the fact that the hut<br />
was carried on a waggon drawn by a<br />
team <strong>of</strong> six bullocks, which the driver<br />
h<strong>an</strong>dled with great ability by me<strong>an</strong>s<br />
<strong>of</strong> his long whip.’ No doubt the driver<br />
was a Carters’ union member.<br />
❝ <strong>The</strong>n came the Trolly, Draymen, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Carters’ <strong>Union</strong>, with the new b<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
that was unfurled the previous<br />
Friday evening in the Protest<strong>an</strong>t Hall,<br />
Castlereagh Street. <strong>The</strong> gold-trimmed<br />
b<strong>an</strong>ner floated magnificently over the<br />
brightly decorated dray <strong>an</strong>d the team<br />
<strong>of</strong> plumed horses.<br />
❞<br />
‘<strong>The</strong>n came the Trolly, Draymen, <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Carters’ <strong>Union</strong>, with the new b<strong>an</strong>ner<br />
that was unfurled the previous<br />
Friday evening in the Protest<strong>an</strong>t Hall,<br />
Castlereagh Street, by the Minister for<br />
Works, Mr. E. W. O’Sulliv<strong>an</strong>.’ <strong>The</strong> goldtrimmed<br />
b<strong>an</strong>ner floated magnificently<br />
over the brightly decorated dray <strong>an</strong>d<br />
the team <strong>of</strong> plumed horses.<br />
It was clear from the reception <strong>of</strong> the<br />
people, the press <strong>an</strong>d government<br />
authorities that the unions that had<br />
been driven into defeat in the 1890s<br />
46 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
❝ <strong>The</strong> Eight Hour<br />
Day Parade<br />
provided a fitting<br />
acknowledgement<br />
<strong>of</strong> the arrival <strong>of</strong><br />
the new union,<br />
as the respected<br />
org<strong>an</strong>ising union<br />
<strong>of</strong> trolly drivers,<br />
draymen <strong>an</strong>d<br />
carters.<br />
❞<br />
were welcomed in 1901 as legitimate<br />
representatives <strong>of</strong> working people.<br />
‘Passing the Public Works Department<br />
where the Minister for Works <strong>an</strong>d<br />
several <strong>of</strong> his colleagues were<br />
assembled, the Australi<strong>an</strong> flag was<br />
dipped, as the procession passed.<br />
<strong>The</strong> incident was acknowledged with<br />
rounds <strong>of</strong> cheers from members <strong>of</strong><br />
each union that passed. <strong>The</strong> flag on<br />
the Town Hall was, on instructions from<br />
the Mayor (Sir James Graham), flown<br />
on the tower <strong>an</strong>d was also dipped in<br />
honour <strong>of</strong> the procession.’<br />
In m<strong>an</strong>y respects the Eight Hour<br />
Day Parade provided a fitting<br />
acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> the arrival <strong>of</strong> the<br />
new union, as the respected org<strong>an</strong>ising<br />
union <strong>of</strong> trolly drivers, draymen <strong>an</strong>d<br />
carters.<br />
Eight Hour Day Parade,<br />
Sydney 1909. In the<br />
early years <strong>of</strong> the<br />
twentieth century<br />
these parades attracted<br />
wide support from the<br />
general public.<br />
A fitting tribute to a reborn union<br />
Sources <strong>an</strong>d further reading<br />
A r<strong>an</strong>ge <strong>of</strong> historical newspaper sources<br />
were researched for this publication,<br />
including the Sydney Morning Herald;<br />
Worker (Sydney); Evening News; Sunday<br />
Times; People; <strong>The</strong> Catholic Press;<br />
Western Herald (Bourke); Barrier Miner;<br />
Cumberl<strong>an</strong>d Argus <strong>an</strong>d Fruitgrowers<br />
Advocate; Bombala Times <strong>an</strong>d Monaro<br />
<strong>an</strong>d Coast Districts General Advertiser.<br />
Photograph sources: pp.5, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14,<br />
15, 17, 23, 24, 26, 34 State Library <strong>of</strong> NSW;<br />
p.39, National Library <strong>of</strong> Australia.<br />
For further details <strong>of</strong> the establishment<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Trolly, Draymen, <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong><br />
<strong>an</strong>d its formative years see Mark Bray <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Malcolm Rimmer, Delivering the Goods, a<br />
history <strong>of</strong> the NSW Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers <strong>Union</strong><br />
1888-1986, Allen & Unwin Sydney 1987.<br />
Note on spelling<br />
<strong>The</strong> union was registered as the Trolly,<br />
Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> <strong>an</strong>d all early<br />
material, including the union’s b<strong>an</strong>ner,<br />
uses this spelling. Later accounts have at<br />
times referred to the Trolley, Draymen <strong>an</strong>d<br />
Carters’ <strong>Union</strong>. This book uses the spelling<br />
as designated by the union’s founding<br />
members in 1901.<br />
About the author<br />
Dr Mark Hearn has published a number<br />
<strong>of</strong> books <strong>an</strong>d articles in the historical<br />
<strong>an</strong>d contemporary <strong>an</strong>alysis <strong>of</strong> work<br />
<strong>an</strong>d unions, including Working Lives,<br />
A History <strong>of</strong> the Australi<strong>an</strong> Railways<br />
<strong>Union</strong> (NSW Br<strong>an</strong>ch), Hale & Iremonger<br />
1990; One Big <strong>Union</strong>, a national history<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Australi<strong>an</strong> Workers <strong>Union</strong>,<br />
1886-1994 (co-authored with Harry<br />
Knowles), Cambridge University Press,<br />
1996 <strong>an</strong>d Working the Nation, Working<br />
Life <strong>an</strong>d Federation, 1890-1914, (coedited<br />
with Greg Patmore), Pluto<br />
Press 2001. He was the co-editor <strong>of</strong><br />
Rethinking Work: Time Space Discourse,<br />
published by Cambridge University<br />
Press 2006. During 2002-2005 he was<br />
a sesquicentenary post-doctoral fellow<br />
in Work <strong>an</strong>d Org<strong>an</strong>isational Studies<br />
at the University <strong>of</strong> Sydney. He is<br />
currently a lecturer in the Department <strong>of</strong><br />
Modern History <strong>an</strong>d Politics, Macquarie<br />
University. Dr Hearn is the co-editor <strong>of</strong><br />
the online workplace relations magazine<br />
workSite <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong> associate editor <strong>of</strong><br />
Labour History.<br />
48 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong>
<strong>The</strong> Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong> has a long <strong>an</strong>d proud history in<br />
New South Wales that stretches back for 125 years. <strong>The</strong> Trolly,<br />
Draymen <strong>an</strong>d Carters’ <strong>Union</strong> was first formed in 1888. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Birth</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong> Org<strong>an</strong>ising <strong>Union</strong> focuses on the union’s revival in 1901, a<br />
year that marks the reorg<strong>an</strong>isation <strong>of</strong> the union that became<br />
the modern Tr<strong>an</strong>sport Workers’ <strong>Union</strong>.