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A FILM BY<br />

HICHAM<br />



A FILM BY<br />

HICHAM<br />

LASRI<br />

“I know a interesting old Chinese legend: It’s the story of a man who<br />

has all the knowledge of the world in a library. But he has no staff.<br />

Also, whoever enters becomes a slave and has to look after the place<br />

until their death. In feudal China it was a way of dissuading the peasants<br />

from educating themselves. Like in Europe before the printerpress…”<br />

Nada Sibawayeh<br />

“Where I’m from grey matter is toxic”<br />

Daoud Hasska<br />


Pitch<br />

Nada is a good looking girl, a bit punk, a bit tattooed, some<br />

piercings, died hair, in exile in Canada where she enjoys the<br />

freedom denied to her in Casablanca.<br />

Our Story Starts when she sneezes and her brain pops out<br />

onto the kitchen counter.<br />

She starts her journey to find the money to have the operation<br />

to put her brain back in her head. It costs a fortune and<br />

the only person rich enough to pay for it is her father. The only<br />

problem being that she has not spoken to him for 15 years.<br />

She goes back to Casablanca and to her horror discovers<br />

that her father is dead. 40 thieves have taken everything. Nada<br />

embarks on a journey to find the 40 thieves and get back what<br />

is rightfully hers.<br />

The city becomes a hunting ground. A hunt for treasure in a<br />

jungle hostile to Nada and her decomposing brain.<br />

Nada sets out on a race against time, at first to save her brain<br />

and later fuelled by the guilt of abandoning her father.<br />


Welcome to the age of the wireless brain.<br />


Synopsis<br />

In 2003 the Moroccan courts condemned 13 musicians for<br />

Satanism in a momentous and Kafkaesque trial that<br />

shocked the nation. What the public does not know is<br />

that there was a 14th person who was spared thanks to her<br />

father’s wealth and a corrupt justice system. This person was<br />

Nada Sibawayeh the young and very pretty drummer of the<br />

group. Avoiding catastrophe her father decides to send her to<br />

study in Canada.<br />

20 years later we meet Nada. She has never been back home.<br />

She has made a life for herself in the cold and the Canadian<br />

snow. She is an unabashed party girl with a piercing in her<br />

tongue and a cross around her neck.<br />

All is good.<br />

Parties are in full swing.<br />

The hangover promises to be a cataclysmic.<br />

Nada see hers life turn around she sneezes and her brain<br />

falls out of her head.<br />

She has no other choice but to pour out the goldfish from a jug<br />

and let her brain float around in the water and carry it around<br />

with her where she goes. If she moves more than 7 feet away<br />

from her brain she could die.<br />

Welcome to the age of the wireless brain.<br />

She finds out that the cost of having her brain put back in her<br />

head she looks for every possible way of finding money without<br />

having to turn to her wealthy father that she hasn’t spoken to<br />

for 15 years. She knocks on every door looking for money but<br />

nobody can help her, it is just too much money.<br />

She drifts around with her brain in a jar as it dawns on her that<br />

she will have to go back to the only person that can help her.<br />

Facing death, Nada is obliged to go back to Casablanca where<br />

she discovers that her father died 4 years ago and 40 thieves<br />

have stripped him of his wealth. Nada embarks on an obsessive<br />

journey to find every one of her father’s possessions and<br />

through this she will relive the past 15 years of her absence and<br />

the last days of her father.<br />

The first object she finds are her old drumsticks. She will carry<br />

them everywhere with her, slowly finding her connection to the<br />

music and the few survivors of the days of the 13 Satanists. She<br />

taps her drumsticks against any and every surface whenever<br />

possible.<br />

From this absurd situation begins a strange urban journey<br />

in which this brain on display to the world provokes hatred,<br />

machismo, fundamentalism, the media and above all the interest<br />

of a billionaire with a rotting brain who will try anything to get<br />

hold of Nada’s.<br />

While her brain is busy rotting in the jar that she carries with<br />

her everywhere her senses fade one by one and she loses more<br />

and more of her humanity, turning into a sort of dazed zombie<br />

with a grey tint to her skin and limp hair. Nada can’t and won’t<br />

give up the fight to stay alive and save her father’s honour.<br />


The brain in a jar becomes an absurd symbol of the<br />

crass stupidity of a society caught in stalemate.<br />


Development<br />

“There are two things that horrify me in this world,<br />

phones without cords and puppets without strings”<br />

Bob Dylan<br />

Nada/<br />

Nada was part of that innumerable group of kids in Casablanca<br />

who didn’t know whether to turn left towards the Hassan<br />

II mosque or right towards the bar where alcohol is readily<br />

available or stay in the middle and head towards the stadium to<br />

support one of the two city’s football teams.<br />

All she knows is that she cannot find her destiny with the GPS<br />

on her smartphone.<br />

Nada is a pretty young woman, half rebel, half feminist and the<br />

last half arriviste.<br />

Brilliant young woman with a sick mind, she tries everything but<br />

succeeds at nothing. She has to resort to trickery and charm<br />

to find her place in this world without getting her hands dirty.<br />

It doesn’t make her happy, nothing much in her life is very<br />

interesting.<br />

Nada finds everyone a bit stupid. She sees her herself on the<br />

outside but her combative style, her humour and her ability to<br />

deceive have got her out of many a situation.<br />

She was divorced because she is sterile.<br />

She bumps into her ex’s new wife. She’s pregnant. This encounter<br />

destroys her. She will meet her another time during out<br />

tale, this time carrying the new born baby and Nada carrying<br />

her aborted brain.<br />

Nada’s adventure starts when she wakes up on a Sunday morning<br />

with a terrible hangover after a hipster party in Canada.<br />

Nada is drowning her sorrows by cheating on her “fiancé” and<br />

cheating her boredom by opening her legs rather than opening<br />

a book.<br />

Important note: Nada is an ignorant intellectual<br />

She can name drop like the best of them and has created a<br />

place for herself amongst the cultural class by bandying about<br />

references and quotes without really every understanding what<br />

she is talking about.<br />

She is forever buying books that she will never read and creates<br />

an aura of being cultured, but her real joy is to dance the<br />

“Kaada” (a metal container) to devilish Chaabi music…she gave<br />

up music herself years ago after the whole business with the 14<br />

Satanists. She sees herself as a fifth Beatle.<br />

Nada can show off a G-string from her low cut jeans as much<br />

as she likes, she is at heart a country girl with an old-school<br />

mind-set.<br />

The story starts when Nada sees her brain pop out of some<br />

orifice or other and bounce off the kitchen counter. She puts<br />

her brain in a jug to go and see a doctor. The doctor explains<br />

that she has “lost” her brain and needs to reinsert it immediately<br />

to avoid damaging it.<br />

She mustn’t move further than seven feet away from her brain<br />

or she may die.<br />

When she realises that she doesn’t have the money to go ahead<br />

with the operation to put her brain back in her head she turns<br />

to the only person that can help her: her father. The problem<br />

being that she hasn’t spoken to him since the whole business<br />

with the 14 Satanists.<br />


Canada/<br />

The way she sees it, he stole her destiny as a Joan of Arc from<br />

her. She was going to bring down the hypocritical system. He<br />

became her Judas in this witch-hunt. She left her friends rotting<br />

in state jail while her name was rubbed off the criminal register.<br />

Death in the air, she tries to contact her father but finds out<br />

that he has been dead for 4 years and all of his wealth has been<br />

taken by 40 thieves. Nada sets out to get back her father’s<br />

possessions less and less in order to finance her operation and<br />

more to buy back her favour. The memory of father haunts her,<br />

obsesses her when she finds out that he spent years talking<br />

about her, waiting for a sign from her and even sent people to<br />

Canada to look for her.<br />

Nada begins a pilgrimage in the memories and sites of her<br />

childhood furnished by the ghosts of the past that she has tried<br />

so hard to bury.<br />

Nada’s story is a pilgrimage under the prism of the brain that<br />

she carries everywhere with her all the while trying to appear<br />

normal.<br />

All of her failures in life jump out at her, the police, censorship,<br />

her sterility, her shitty love affairs and her one-night stands.<br />


The<br />

Airport/<br />

It is with no joy that Nada goes back to the country of her<br />

birth. She gets an ulcer just thinking about it. This ulcer erupts<br />

when she gets to Casablanca airport. At the airport she has to<br />

go the pharmacy and we learn a lot about Nada and the past 15<br />

years.<br />

Under the disapproving look of the customs officials for whom<br />

she is a bad girl, a meskhoutate walidine for whom there is no<br />

cure. She is given a bottle of Antacid and sent on her way.<br />

The Antacid becomes her travel companion. She brings it out<br />

every time she is faced with a problem that might provoke<br />

stomach pains. To calm her ulcer she will pour Antacid into<br />

the jar with her brain in until the infamous Antacid shortage of<br />

stock that will knock her to the floor.<br />


Casablanca/<br />

On her return Nada is shocked to find that her father<br />

passed away four years ago and all of his wealth and belongings,<br />

cars, shops, money, cinemas, has been stripped<br />

by 40 of his entourage.<br />

The scavengers have shared her inheritance amongst<br />

themselves.<br />

Broke and broken-hearted Nada realises that the only<br />

way to sort this mess out and to honour her father is<br />

to go on a crusade to get back what ALL of her father’s<br />

belongings.<br />



The<br />

Father’s<br />

House/<br />

At her father’s house Nada finds the place ransacked, totally destroyed.<br />

The house is being squatted by the old doorman who<br />

has turned it into a stop house, renting out rooms to workers,<br />

poor families, Syrian and sub-Saharan refugees.<br />

Nada regrets the separation, the years away from home. She<br />

realises she had left her father to the wolves.<br />

She also realises that she has nothing. She is even more broke<br />

et washed out than she thought. She is also going to lose her<br />

brain, her senses are slowly drifting away.<br />

Angry, Nada starts to try and kick everybody out but the doorman<br />

explains the situation. After the death of her father people<br />

with made up debts came to collect payment. The doorman,<br />

confused by the situation had lost his job and after so many<br />

years in service his only to make any money renting out rooms<br />

to the poor and rejects of society who have no other options.<br />

He starts to help her clear everybody out but Nada takes pity<br />

on the squatters and lets them stay.<br />

Nada learns that the doorman had sent her many letters to<br />

let her know what was happening but they were all returned<br />

unread – he shows her an impressive pile of unread letters.<br />

Nada decides to move in with the people squatting her father’s<br />

house. It is a strange cohabitation with Nada trying to fins<br />

traces and memories of her father.<br />


Her<br />

Father’s<br />

Belongings/<br />

Nada’s father is a tajer a well-connected businessman with<br />

many people under his charge but the death of his wife and his<br />

separation from his only daughter, Nada, left him week, isolated<br />

and sickly over the years. He was an easy target for predators,<br />

crooks, con men seeking to take advantage but it was his right<br />

hand man, Haj Britel who brought about his downfall.<br />

Nada remembers Britel very well. He has now become Haj<br />

Britel after three trips to Mecca to clear himself of his reputation<br />

as a Mafioso. Nada remembers his yellow-toothed smile,<br />

his terrifying stare, his tribal scars on his cheeks. Nada also<br />

remembers being absolutely terrified of Haj Britel and could<br />

never understand why her father didn’t see him for what he<br />

really was.<br />


The Search/<br />

With the help of the doorman and some of the squatters form<br />

her father’s house Nada sets out to find every one of the thieves<br />

who has stripped her father’s wealth and get it back. Using her<br />

memory and the help of the doorman she makes a list of everything<br />

missing from the house in a notebook and another list of 40<br />

objects and people to find.<br />

Nada will fight for her father’s memory.<br />

She will chase away the demons of the past and honour her<br />

father’s memory.<br />

Our hero’s journey begins.<br />


30 DAYS IN<br />




The countdown has started. She has seven days (the best<br />

before on her brain) to find her father’s wealth and pay for her<br />

operation. She starts preparing for her operation in Canada and<br />

tries to convince the hospital that she can pay for it. This will be<br />

the Sword of Damocles hanging over her neck for throughout<br />

the story.<br />

In order to try and gain back favour the doorman will become<br />

her assistant and guide for Morocco that she left 15 years ago-<br />

Without too much trouble, Nada manages to convince the<br />

garage owner of her rightful claim to the car. He gives her the<br />

keys. This is going to be very handy for getting around the country<br />

looking for her inheritance. And even if the car is heavy and<br />

unyielding she will be a blessing, an assault tank in the search for<br />

Haj Britel.<br />

Embarrassed the garage owner even fills up the tank and sends<br />

Nada off, wishing her good luck. He gives her a clue as to how<br />

to find the next “thief” and the next object she needs to find.<br />

THE LIST/<br />

She buys a pen and starts to travel the country looking for the<br />

remains of her father’s wealth. On her list are 40 places, 40<br />

people, 40 objects, 40 encounters. The doorman tells her that it<br />

is Haj Britel, her father’s right hand man who took everything,<br />

money, property, stocks, goods, warehouses, and that if she<br />

wants to get back her inheritance she needs to find him.<br />

Nada sets out to find Haj Britel but realises how difficult the<br />

task is going to be so starts out with the first object on her list<br />

hoping that this will lead her to her most important target: Haj<br />

Britel.<br />

First stop, downtown. She gets back the first object on her list,<br />

a beautiful old Rolls Royce without too much struggle, she gets<br />

it back from the garage where her father would have the car<br />

serviced. She herself remembered the place from going there<br />

every time the car broke down.<br />

Without too much trouble, Nada manages to convince the<br />

garage owner of her rightful claim to the car. He gives her the<br />

keys. This is going to be very handy for getting around the country<br />

looking for her inheritance. And even if the car is heavy and<br />

unyielding she will be a blessing, an assault tank in the search for<br />

Haj Britel.<br />


Every place, every encounter brings back so many memories<br />

of her childhood, of the people she during the good years she<br />

spent with her father. She is on a pilgrimage to the places of<br />

her childhood. She is on a road of reconciliation, of peace and<br />

forgiveness. A difficult journey full of obstacles and challenges<br />

but also full of life and surprises both good and bad.<br />

On her journey, whenever she seems to be getting close to Haj<br />

Britel he disappears which allows Nada to find pieces of her<br />

puzzle left behind. On her journey she will meet Aida, a childhood<br />

crush and one of the 13 members of her rock group who<br />

has been become a high-ranking officer in the police force. She<br />

will help her to find some of the “thieves” but above all to get<br />

out of some of the difficult situations she will find herself in on<br />

her hunt for Haj Britel.<br />

Aide will prove to be a valuable ally they re-find the spark of<br />

passion between them as the date of Nada’s operation looms.<br />

When she finds Britel she finds him fantastically wealthy but<br />

dying of a brain tumour. He tries to buy Nada’s brain but she<br />

refuses. He will try to steal it by sending one of his stooges<br />

after her.<br />


THE END/<br />

While most people want her to put her brain back in her head,<br />

to show a bt of decency, a business wants to buy it and others<br />

want to turn her into a freak show.<br />

Towards the end of the film, after facing many difficult tasks and<br />

a life changing voyage Nada finds herself in a kids park. She puts<br />

her brain down on the edge of a roundabout that turns and<br />

temporarily carries it away and back again.<br />

Next to her the signal for Wi-Fi reception rises and falls like a<br />

heart beat.<br />

She moves away slowly to collapse on a bench.<br />

She tries to resist the feeling when her brain moves away from<br />

her.<br />

Fade to Black.<br />

We leave her sat on the bench, her brain abandoned on the<br />

merry-go-round.<br />




Nada is well into her thirties. She has lived in Canada since<br />

2003 and cut all ties with her Moroccan heritage, her past and<br />

most of all her father. She dug herself a hole in Canada and lives<br />

there with her lovers, her cats, her tattoos and piercings. It is<br />

the life of a trendy young thing of her age (connected to the<br />

web but totally disconnected from reality). She is the only escapee<br />

from the resounding sham of the Satanist arrests in 2003<br />

in Casablanca. Disgusted with her country, her heritage and her<br />

father. When she loses her brain she realises that she is totally<br />

alone in a cruel world and decides to go home to try and revive<br />

a relationship with her father. She heads off to Casablanca unannounced<br />

and finds that her father passed away four years ago<br />

and that his entourage has stripped him of all of his wealth.<br />

Nada embarks on a frantic journey to find her father’s wealth<br />

and belongings. This journey that starts out as a means to a financial<br />

end becomes one of mystery, self-discovery, forgiveness<br />

and reconciliation.<br />


Nada’s father is a phantom character in the film. His memory<br />

haunts every image, every action and every corner of the city of<br />

Casablanca. Nada sets out just wanting to get back her inheritance,<br />

but step-by-step an emotional thread weaves through<br />

Nada’s story – she starts to want to honour her father, his life’s<br />

work and keep his memory from dissipating into noise of this<br />

cruel and forgetful world.<br />

The father was not a big man but Nada remembers a giant, a<br />

rock, a man that did everything for those around him (his employees)<br />

but in reality he was just a businessman obsessed with<br />

his affairs who had no other interest apart from his daughter<br />

who ended up abandoning him.<br />


Nada’s Father’s right hand man is the man who Nada will be<br />

searching for throughout our tale. He is the big bad wolf of the<br />

story, he betrayed her father’s trust, he was ultimately responsible<br />

for his death (which helps Nada out as she initially thinks<br />

that he died of a broken-heart). When Nada finally finds him<br />

she is confronted with a pathetic old man who wants to buy<br />

her brain because his own is decaying.<br />


A tall dark man from the south of Morocco. An honest and<br />

loyal man up until the moment that his employer abandons him<br />

to terrible destitution.<br />

As an employee he lost his home by default when the father’s<br />

home was repossessed and took to squatting it and renting out<br />

rooms to the destitute of the city (refugees from sub-sharan<br />

Africa, from Syria, single mums chased from their families with<br />

their young children). Nada finds that the sumptuous villa of her<br />

childhood has become a squat, a crossroads of miracles where<br />

shared by societal rejects who can’t afford a real hotel. As she<br />

can’t kick them out Nada moves in with them and the poor<br />

doorman becomes her trusted confidant.<br />

AIDA/<br />

A young, friendly woman with short hair and a friendly outlook<br />

who dresses like a hipster. She has turned the page on her<br />

artistic ambition but still has hope. She looks 10 years younger<br />

than Nada.<br />

She was her childhood crush during her rebellious period<br />

and her music partner during the Metalhead days. Aida went<br />

through hell during the incredible trial of the 13 Satanists. She<br />

has since become a reconciliatory element in Nada’s life.<br />



The thieves that Nada will meet on her journey are mostly<br />

people without a particular story, cowards, conventional, the<br />

fruit of a society of cheats heirs to dishonesty.<br />

Nada will knock at the doors of all those that robbed her father.<br />

In the beginning she sets out to reclaim items of value but<br />

becomes obsessed with the hunt and with finding everything<br />

that is missing (forks, phones, photographs, lighters) as if she<br />

was desperately trying to rebuild a memory of her father with<br />

puzzle pieces of the objects she finds.<br />

THE TOWN/<br />

Casablanca is the background to our story, the canvas and also<br />

a hide out for Nada who slowly makes peace with her heritage,<br />

finding the places of her childhood again and the memories of a<br />

trouble-free time. Casablanca is also a contrast to this, its dirty<br />

streets, its noise, its construction sites like Sisyphus’ rock next<br />

to the snow-white image of Canada – its open spaces and the<br />

interiorised depression of Western cities.<br />



“This is the man: a shit-pump through which other liquids pass<br />

and where feelings like love, hatred, jealousy, desire, the sense of<br />

beauty are created”<br />

Nada Sibawayeh<br />

I<br />

In 2003 Morocco was shocked by the “case of Satanist rockers”<br />

A bizarre event that left a scar on the country’s psyche,<br />

a country that had just suffered a terrible terrorist attack and<br />

was in the midst of transitioning from a very difficult reign. The<br />

musicians that were arrested were part of a hard rock band. I<br />

was also a metal head and young filmmaker and this case was a<br />

slap in the face to our freedom of expression; to love, listen to<br />

music and to create. It was an event that made as all paranoid<br />

of the system that we were used to seeing condemning people<br />

for their ideas but not for their musical taste.<br />

I decided at this moment that this was my break up from society,<br />

instead of resisting, break ups are always difficult and always<br />

leaves scars.<br />

Nada has lost confidence in the word she lives in and was<br />

forced into exile by her well-connected father. Nada abandoned<br />

her friends, her principles, and part of her soul. She decided to<br />

live her freedom, use her body as she pleased, do everything<br />

that her original society forbade her from doing. This postadolescent<br />

rebellion will make her a pleasure seeking being.<br />

A selfish kid who will torture her father until his death from<br />

meanness and a sense of revenge. Once she loses her brain she<br />

only has her heart to guide her thorough the consequences of<br />

her split from her heritage and her freakish solitude.<br />

Our societies try to crush us into the safety boxes of conformity,<br />

but as most people aren’t blow up dolls, something usually<br />

gets broken. Nada saw her dreams broken by a Kafkaesque<br />

court case, her heart was broken by her father who forced her<br />

into exile in order to save her and now she has to rescue her<br />

brain that is rotting in a jar.<br />

<strong>Brainless</strong> is an absurd comedy and fantasy about a person who<br />

loses their brain and fights to maintain their physical integrity all<br />

the while trying to keep their mental integrity.<br />

Between Johnny got his Gun and Being John Malkovich, the<br />

basic premise of the film is the only fantasist element of a story<br />

that is told as a dramatic comedy in which we follow Nada who<br />

heads progressively towards oblivion.<br />

Nada is on a frantic journey, trying to escape the inertia of her<br />

surroundings, the weight of a society and the desires of those<br />

who court her brain.<br />

Nada should be a mix of Gena Rowlands and Anna Karina with<br />

a light touch of Audrey Hepburn. The writing style will have a<br />

touch of Hitchcock’s North by Northwest, the direction fluctuating<br />

with Nada’s rotting brain.<br />

To sum it up Nada Sibawayeh is a bit of Woody Allen – during<br />

the Zelig period with one slice too many of David Lynch’s space<br />

cake…<br />

This film is an allegory of the violence of a society that aggressively<br />

pushes for conformity, illiteracy and consumerism to<br />

avoid people becoming capable of independent thought, of using<br />

their heads and maybe starting a revolution…<br />

II<br />

III<br />

FIN<br />


AD feature Executive producer<br />

Documentary<br />

Short Feature<br />


Producer<br />

Ta Mère – Touria Benzari<br />

Hope – Boris Lojkine – (Fr) 53nd SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE CANNES FESTIVAL 2014 SACD AWARD<br />

Française - Souad El Bouhati - (Ma/Fr)<br />


AWARD<br />

Crédit Insuffisant – Hinda Oulmouddane –<br />


Rock ‘n Bled – Touria Benzari –<br />

Boomrang - Jawad Khaleb - (MA/BE)<br />

Vux - Lamia Naji -<br />

48H - Othman Mekouar -<br />


Portrait of Kmissat - Michelle Medina - -<br />

Les Mal Aimés – Amina Harrar & Mbarek Lhautal<br />

Mahjouba – Myriam Bakir –<br />

Fauteuil de cinéaste – Sophie Delvallée<br />

Le jardin secret de Tsunami – Anas El Hatimi<br />

Mi casa y tu casa – Vla & DagInsky –<br />

Kechwalls – Vla<br />

Les Damnés De La Mer - Jawad Ghaleb – (Ma/Be) BEST EUROPEAN MOVIE DOCUMENTARY AWARD<br />

Harraga - Eva Manzano & Mario de la Torre -(Ma/Sp) PREMIOS GOYAS NOMINADO AL MEJOR<br />


Comparse - Othman Naciri &Whalid El Mowtana 13mns -<br />

Casablanca Casanegra - Nicodemo Gallucci 15mns<br />


The Wakhan Front - Clément Cogitore – (Fr) 54nd SEMAINE DE LA CRITIQUE CANNES FESTIVAL 2015<br />

Grand Départ – Nicolas Mercier (Fr)<br />

Human – Yan Arthus Bertrand (Fr) 72nd MOSTRA VENICE 2015 OUT OF COMPETITION<br />


AWARD<br />

Free men - Ismaël Ferroukhi (Fr) ABU DHABI FILM FESTIVAL 2011 BEST DIRECTOR<br />

Men And Gods – Xavier Beauvois (Fr) GRAND PRIX FESTIVAL DE CANNES 2010<br />

Un Balcon Sur La Mer - Nicole Garcia (Fr)<br />

Journey To Mecca- Bruce Neibaur (Can/USA) MOTION PICTURE SOUND EDITORS USA 2011<br />


Marriage Arrangé - Rachida Krim (Fr)<br />

Paris - Cedric Klapish - (Fr)<br />

Tamanrasset - Merzak Alouach (Fr)<br />

Jésus Christ - Gabriel Torrès – (USA)<br />

Sahara - Gabriel Torrès - USA)<br />

Hécate - Daniel Schmidt<br />

Le voyage - Mick Andrieux<br />

Le couple témoin - William Klein<br />

Last Tango In Paris - Bernardo Bertolucci<br />

L’Humeur Vagabonde – Edouard Luntz.<br />

The French - William Klein<br />

The Lorry – Margueritte Duras.<br />

Tell me That You Love Me – Michel Boisrond.<br />

George Who ? - Michèle Rosier.<br />

Bof ou The Anatomy of a Delivery Boy - Claude<br />

Faraldo.<br />


Feature films<br />

Headbang Lullaby - World Première BERLINALE<br />


Starve Your Dog - BERLINALE PANORAMA 2016<br />

World Premiere TORONTO TIFF 2015<br />

The Sea Is Behind - World Premiere BERLINALE PANORAMA 2015<br />

They Are The Dogs - World Premiere ACID CANNES 2013<br />

The End - World Premiere ACID CANNES 2012<br />

Novels<br />

Sainte Rita - 2015<br />

Static - 2010<br />

Comic books<br />

Fawda 2017<br />

Vaudou 2016<br />

Play<br />

The Invisibles - 2017<br />

Larme de joie - 2008<br />

(K)Reve – 2007<br />

CONTACT ABEL AFLAM | 61 Avenue Hassan II 20130 | Casablanca Maroc<br />

+ 212 6 61 46 06 80 | jeandavid@abelaflam.com<br />

41<br />

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1293361/resume?ref_=nm_ov_res<br />



A FILM BY<br />

HICHAM<br />


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