Kingdom University

The Beginner's Guide to College Survival

The Beginner's Guide to College Survival


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THE<br />


Eagles<br />

The Power<br />

Couple<br />

Eagles are skilled hunters that are high on the food chain.<br />

These birds are monogamous lovers that only want to<br />

attract one mate. Their courtship involves an aerial show<br />

full of diving and locking talons. Since eagles are family<br />

oriented, once the eggs hatch, the parents care deeply for<br />

their young until they are ready to leave the nest and set out<br />

on their own.<br />

The Power Couple is the Michelle and Barack of the<br />

campus. These lovebirds are hard working, active in the<br />

campus community, and earn great grades all while dating<br />

their best friend. These couples can be seen around campus<br />

holding hands, but they aren’t gropers like the octopi. When<br />

these noble creatures are in the visual eye they are focused<br />

on success and building one another up, not making out<br />

with each other in front of the book store. Many couples<br />

strive to have a relationship like the Power Couple, but not<br />

everyone can be Beyoncé and Jay Z.<br />

4. The Workers

Barn Owl<br />

The Night Owl<br />

This nocturnal creature does most of its activity at night.<br />

Night hours are reserved for its best work, which includes<br />

hunting prey, such as rodents, fish, insects, and other birds.<br />

Out of the many types of owls, the Barn Owl can best detect<br />

exactly where a sound comes from in pitch darkness. These<br />

majestic birds flourish in the night, just like The Night Owl.<br />

College campuses are havens for Night Owls. Like Barn<br />

Owls, Night Owls get some of their best work done at night.<br />

These students stay awake until 3 or 4 am completing their<br />

best papers, online tests, and group projects, which, as<br />

you know, fall on the most responsible student in the pack.<br />

They can be found burning the midnight oil in dorm rooms,<br />

libraries, common areas, and even, outside. No matter the<br />

hour, you never want to sneak up and startle a night owl<br />

since they are often agitated and may lash out. Keep in<br />

mind that not all Night Owls stay up late doing homework.<br />

Some stay awake to drink, smoke, fornicate, or simply hang<br />

out. Warning: Though they may appear harmless, always<br />

take precaution when approaching an animal that lacks sleep.<br />

5. The Workers

Gorilla<br />

The Gym Rat<br />

Gorillas are the largest living primates with males standing<br />

at about 5.5 feet tall and weighing about 300-400 pounds,<br />

and females standing at approximately five feet tall and<br />

weighing 200 pounds. As one of the strongest animals in<br />

the kingdom, a gorilla can seem quite intimidating since it<br />

can lift up to eight times as much as a human. Like all large<br />

primates, the gorilla’s arms are longer than their legs, so<br />

they knuckle walk. Because of knuckle walking the gorilla’s<br />

curled hands bear most of their weight.<br />

The Gym Rat eats, lives, and breathes the gym. They<br />

care a lot about their physique and physical health. Since<br />

the gym is their second home, The Gym Rat can be found<br />

bench-pressing 200-pound weights and flexing in the<br />

mirror when working on their form. Gym Rats are known<br />

to occasionally skip leg day, because they primarily value<br />

upper body strength. If you ever see a gym rat during your<br />

workout, they may approach and give you tips on your<br />

flawed form. Don’t be annoyed because often times they<br />

are right and are great motivators when it is time to work off<br />

that freshman 15. From afar, a gym rat can resemble a gorilla<br />

because their arms may appear much larger than their legs.<br />

Warning: Don’t be alarmed when you hear grunting and<br />

yelling at the gym, it is most likely a Gym Rat maxing out.<br />

8. The Workers

Cheetah<br />

The College<br />

Athlete<br />

The Cheetah is the world’s fastest land animal. These<br />

animals have great eyesight, which allows them to detect<br />

prey from far away. Due to its large heart, massive lungs,<br />

and muscular steering-wheel-like tail, the Cheetah can<br />

accelerate up to 70 miles per hour within just three seconds.<br />

However, the down side to reaching such high speed is the<br />

amount of recovery time. The Cheetah needs a lot of resting<br />

time before it can hunt again, and if the creature fails to<br />

make a catch during its strike, then it has to rest and try<br />

again much later.<br />

The athlete is one of the strongest and most disciplined<br />

species in the animal kingdom. Often times, The College<br />

Athlete has morning and night practices during playing<br />

season. Like the Cheetah, The College Athlete may lose a<br />

game or match, but they keep practicing to win the second<br />

time around. They also need a lot of recovery time after<br />

every sporting event, and usually class is when they catch<br />

up on some well-needed zzzzs.<br />

9. The Workers

THE<br />


Lemur<br />

The Pothead<br />

Lemurs are fanatics for millipedes, because of the defensive<br />

toxins released from the insect when they are squeezed. The<br />

lemur bites on the millipedes and spreads the toxins all over<br />

its fur to prevent malaria-carrying mosquitos. However, the<br />

toxin causes the creature to enter a blissful state. Once the<br />

lemur has finish absorbing the narcotic like substance they<br />

normally take a generous rest so they can recover.<br />

Potheads can be found in many different avenues among<br />

campus grounds from fraternity row to the makeshift rap<br />

studio in your friend’s dorm. Depending on their generosity,<br />

The Pothead may offer you some weed, but only when it’s<br />

your first time smoking with them. After that, expect them<br />

to charge. These creatures may turn their supply into an<br />

edible, or a baked good that contains weed, such as weed<br />

brownies. When cannabis is involved, The Pothead becomes<br />

philosophical and enlightened by the most mundane things.<br />

Like the Lemur, The Pothead must rest after smoking.<br />

Warning: Don’t smoke, (unless you’re in Colorado) but if you<br />

are going to smoke never do it on campus.<br />

14. The Partiers

Fruit Bat<br />

The Good Drunk<br />

Fruit bats have large eyes that help them fly through thick<br />

forests, dark caves, and navigate during late hours. In<br />

addition to their keen eyesight, these creatures have wide<br />

wingspans that can reach up to five feet. These animals<br />

consume fermented fruit regularly, which gives them the<br />

feeling of being buzzed. But, these drunken flyers’ high<br />

metabolism allows them to fly and operate as if they were<br />

simply drinking water. Essentially, they know how to handle<br />

their liquor.<br />

In college, students will attend the best and the worst<br />

parties of their lives. However sometimes most of the<br />

fun may happen at the pregame. A pregame is a social<br />

gathering where students assemble to drink excessively<br />

before a party. This common ritual can best be related to<br />

a drunken watering hole, and you are bound to meet The<br />

Good Drunk at these gatherings. This character may sound<br />

like a party pooper but they aren’t. They always guarantee<br />

drunken fun appropriate for the situation. Their best quality<br />

appears when things go south at parties, because they are<br />

the ones that stop you from crossing a busy street or calls<br />

the Uber when it’s clear you’ve have enough. Every great<br />

friend group needs one of these creatures as a member,<br />

because for every Good Drunk there are 5 bad ones.<br />

15. The Partiers

Waxing Bird<br />

The Bad Drunk<br />

Native to Canada and the United States, the Bohemian<br />

Waxing bird loves to eat berries. But these are no ordinary<br />

fruits. Not only do these berries provide substance and<br />

energy, but they also supply an alternative state of mind,<br />

due to their overripe condition. Since their favorite fruit is<br />

intoxicating, Bohemian Waxing birds have oversized livers<br />

giving them a high tolerance. But since the bohemian<br />

waxing bird often overindulges in berries, they still get very<br />

drunk. So drunk that they fly into trees, windows, and other<br />

objects, resulting in their ultimate demise.<br />

The Bad drunk is the life of the party, at least while<br />

they’re still coherent. Generally, these creatures are the<br />

ones who yell “shots” as soon as they enter a party. Often<br />

times these beings are already drunk by the time they<br />

arrive to the main event because they chugged too many<br />

beers at the pregame. On a bad day, they are passed out<br />

at the pregame spot and don’t even make it to the main<br />

event. As an instigator of peer pressure, these fun drinkers<br />

are constantly pushing drinks onto other people. Like the<br />

Bohemian Waxing bird, The Bad Drunk has a high tolerance,<br />

but they always exceed their limits. Warning: The Bad Drunk<br />

is also known for running into people and walls, stumbling,<br />

falling, slurred speech, hooking up, vomiting, dancing<br />

excessively, and brutal honesty, so always be on the watch.<br />

18. The Partiers

Reindeer<br />

The Druggy<br />

Reindeers are known for seeking out hallucinogenic fungi<br />

to escape the dull winter months. After eating a great<br />

deal of these mushrooms, reindeer enter an altered state<br />

of consciousness. Maybe Santa should think twice about<br />

letting these animals guide his sled.<br />

Druggies enjoy themselves 50 percent of the time when<br />

they have entered an altered state of mind after taking<br />

drugs like LSD, acid, ecstasy, shrooms, and Molly. They can<br />

be found dancing, singing, conversing, staring and doing<br />

a myriad of other random activities with strangers. Found<br />

at raves and dark alleys, Druggies are often confused with<br />

The Pothead, but there is a difference. Unlike The Pothead,<br />

The Druggy is known for doing an excessive amount of<br />

various illegal drugs, whereas The Pothead only smokes<br />

weed. Many Druggies feel they have to take drugs to have<br />

the typical college experience. Unfortunately, they spend a<br />

lot of time recovering from the side effects of these brainaltering<br />

narcotics. College is an exciting time, but you don’t<br />

need drugs to make it fun.<br />

19. The Partiers

THE<br />


Jaguar<br />

The Loner<br />

Perching on a tree for hours and observing the environment<br />

is one of The Jaguar’s favorite pastimes. The Jaguar is<br />

amongst the largest big cats of South America. These<br />

ruthless predators live and hunt alone and mark their<br />

territory for many miles by clawing trees and spraying their<br />

waste. Unlike other big cats, the Jaguar is not afraid of the<br />

water and often uses the water to its advantage. These<br />

creatures prey on large animals that are drawn to watering<br />

holes such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs.<br />

The Loner can be quite mysterious and unafraid.<br />

Perching in the corner and reading your personality like a<br />

book is The Loner’s frequent pastime. While these students<br />

are great at reading situations they avoid getting involved<br />

unless it pertains to them or someone’s general well being.<br />

This creature is usually alone whether at the dining hall or at<br />

a college party. One thing that you should know about these<br />

majestic creatures is that they are not afraid of competition<br />

or confrontation no matter what species is approaching.<br />

They often are comprised of many hidden talents that you<br />

would never expect them to possess because they are<br />

cloaked in mystery.<br />

23. The Outsiders

Spider<br />

The Artsy Kid<br />

Spiders are known for their intricate and elaborate webs<br />

that serve as living quarters, which also trap their meals.<br />

Often times stunning, these webs range from unique and<br />

elaborate to nearly transparent. Other times, they are<br />

massive and span entire trees. These eight-legged arachnids<br />

are very creative and adapt their webs to their environments.<br />

The Artsy Kid can be extremely boisterous, outrageously<br />

timid, or strangely weird, but no matter the personality,<br />

they are always creative. The spider and The Artsy Kid share<br />

many creative and innovative characteristics. These students<br />

are often jacks of many trades when it involves any element<br />

of the arts, from photography, animation, graphic design,<br />

to illustrating. Because of their classes and devotion to the<br />

arts, they are forced to carry around huge drawing pads<br />

that can be seen from miles away. They are easy to spot in<br />

class, because their notes are covered in doodles that are<br />

practically masterpieces. Similar to the spider, The Artsy<br />

Kid’s work traps their fancy off-campus meals—if they are<br />

good enough to sell their class projects.<br />

26. The Outsiders

Mole<br />

The Gamer<br />

This odd creature is rarely seen due to its busy schedule<br />

underground. The mole is constantly creating and moving<br />

through tunnels and chambers. Their high metabolisms and<br />

high-energy diets keep them on the move. On average,<br />

moles eat 70%-100% of their body weight! That’s a lot of<br />

food. In the winter and summer, moles bury themselves<br />

deep into the ground. In the spring and fall, when the<br />

ground is wet, they are most active near the earth’s surface<br />

and occasionally, take a quick peak above the ground.<br />

The Gamer is one of the rarest creatures at the university.<br />

They spend a plethora of hours playing video games<br />

non-stop. Their games are often made priority over their<br />

schoolwork and social life. Like the mole, in their minds,<br />

gamers are busy bodies. They see their passion for gaming<br />

as a necessity and not as a hobby as they move through<br />

each level methodically and swiftly. When the weather<br />

is nice, The Gamer may leave the nest for some fresh air<br />

or food. You can gain a Gamer’s friendship by discussing<br />

games like World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and Assassin’s<br />

Creed, but be prepared to rattle off technical strategies for<br />

beating each level and details about your favorite character.<br />

Always remember they are solitary animals so even if you<br />

connect with them you may not hear from them for many<br />

months, but they will be sure to add you on Xbox Live,<br />

which makes you best of friends.<br />

27. The Outsiders

Vulture<br />

The Creep<br />

Vultures are world-renowned stalkers that monitor the<br />

feeding habits of top predators. Once a top-of-the-foodchain<br />

animal has made a deadly catch, the vulture is quickly<br />

on the scene. Vultures cannot scare the large predators away,<br />

but they can scare other stalking animals. These aggressive<br />

birds love the taste of a fresh carcass, but they must wait<br />

patiently if the top predator is not finished with their meal.<br />

Creeps, usually male, are students of very few words,<br />

who use their eyes to do most of their talking. Like the<br />

vulture, the creep is great at stalking and making others<br />

feel uncomfortable. You can find creeps in dimly lit corners<br />

at parties, dark alleys, the back of classrooms, and in your<br />

DMs—direct message on Instagram. Not to be confused<br />

with the socially awkward, creeps are eerily weird, often<br />

perverted, and possess sexual intent. Warning: Female<br />

students should always walk with a friend at night or call<br />

campus police to escort you to your destination.<br />

30. The Outsiders

THE<br />


Queen Bee<br />

The Promiscuous Girl<br />

The Queen Bee is the most important insect in the hive.<br />

Without her the colony would collapse. She lays many<br />

eggs and produces chemical scents that regulate the unity<br />

of the colony. Choosing the queen is a process based on<br />

appearance and body development. To be the queen, you<br />

must be the largest female bee with fully developed ovaries.<br />

When reproducing, the queen chooses any male she wants<br />

and mates as many times as she wants. Directly after mating<br />

with one male, the queen bee can allow another to mount<br />

her because she’s the boss. However, the queen cannot<br />

reign forever and is replaced if she flits to another hive or<br />

gets too old to reproduce.<br />

While Nelly Furtado taught us a lot about the<br />

Promiscuous Girl you will learn a plethora of things about<br />

these fascinating creatures in college. The Promiscuous<br />

Girl is usually beautiful and often finds a second home in<br />

fraternity row and athlete dormitories. Majority of males<br />

are captivated by The Promiscuous Girl’s pulchritude so she<br />

chooses often, but not always wisely. Known for getting<br />

around, a small segment of males are turned off by her<br />

reputation, but most are turned on. She’s the boss of her<br />

sexuality and seems to regulate the unity of the colony of<br />

savage college boys. Near the end of their junior year, these<br />

creatures begin to slow down in search for a serious mate.<br />

33. The Flirts

Hyena<br />

The Player<br />

The spotted hyena is a polygamous creature. Females<br />

normally dominate a cackle of hyenas; therefore the male<br />

gets to mate with numerous females throughout the group.<br />

While many of the females may reject him, he still breeds<br />

with many of the remaining hyenas in the pack.<br />

The Player is a male creature that knows how to use his<br />

words and body language to seduce a female. Smooth pick<br />

up lines and sexual gestures do not work on all females,<br />

however, some fall victim to the charm. They only have one<br />

thing on their mind and that is sex. Like the spotted hyena,<br />

the males have many mating partners. You can often detect<br />

a Player by watching their eyes to see how many females<br />

they undress with them. They are usually wearing too much<br />

cologne, but their swag is quite palpable. Warning: Ladies,<br />

make sure he wraps it up and do not hook up with these<br />

guys unless you strictly want a one-night stand.<br />

36. The Flirts

Octopi<br />

The Touchy<br />

Couple<br />

Octopi slide in and out of very tight spaces because they do<br />

not have hard bones. When these sea creatures mate, the<br />

male inserts his hectocotylus arm, a modified tentacle with<br />

rows of sperm, into the female’s mantle cavity. Depending<br />

on how receptive the female is mating can last for hours or<br />

just a few minutes. Sometimes the female octopus will drag<br />

the male octopus across the ocean floor while they are still<br />

mating, because of her enjoyment. The males are protective<br />

of their female companion before and during the mating<br />

process, so they show off their largest sucker disks to any<br />

competing males.<br />

Even if you do not directly come in contact with a<br />

Touchy Couple, you have definitely seen one in public.<br />

These are the creatures that cannot keep their hands off<br />

of one another. They can be seen sitting on one another’s<br />

laps, kissing, calling each other “pookie” or “sugarface.”<br />

And if you are lucky, you can even catch them groping one<br />

another. They often think their affection is not annoying,<br />

however many awkward bystanders would rather die than<br />

be in their presence. The “rolls eyes” emoji generally comes<br />

to mind when you see them holding hands or purring at one<br />

another. Warning: Never go anywhere alone with a Touchy<br />

Couple you will be uncomfortable.<br />

37. The Flirts

THE<br />

LOUD<br />


Elephant<br />

The Old Student<br />

Longevity is something elephants possess. The average<br />

lifespan for these large beasts is 60-70 years old. Elephants<br />

are known for their wisdom, knowledge, and cautiousness.<br />

These animals are always protecting members of their fellow<br />

herd, and they are known for paying close attention to their<br />

surroundings. Although these creatures are known as gentle<br />

giants they are not afraid to get loud and irate.<br />

In college, you will encounter The Old Student. This<br />

creature constantly asks the professor numerous questions<br />

that are obvious or questions that no one cares about.<br />

These are generally the only students that read the entire<br />

syllabus on the first day of class and remind the professor<br />

about homework throughout the semester. The Old Student<br />

also has a reputation of holding up the class with their<br />

obsessive cautiousness. Sometimes students in the class<br />

can tell the professor is annoyed with the Old Student’s<br />

meticulous questions. These creatures have keen insight on<br />

the world and are very interesting, but know that you will be<br />

in class for the entire period if an Old Student is present.<br />

41. The Loud Mouths

Howler<br />

Monkey<br />

The Yeller<br />

The Howler Monkey, one of the largest monkeys in the<br />

Central and South American tropics, grows up to two to<br />

three feet and ranges from eight to twenty-two pounds.<br />

Their booming howls match their hefty stature. This howl<br />

can be heard from three miles away because of these<br />

animal’s large throats, and shell like vocal chambers. Every<br />

dusk and dawn, the howler monkeys cry out to warn other<br />

monkeys that the territory is occupied and the food belongs<br />

to them. Their screech also scares away harmful predators;<br />

you could say its bark is worse than its bite.<br />

No matter where you are, class, the library, the dining<br />

hall, a rave, or half asleep in your bed, you can always<br />

hear The Yeller. While this creature is equipped with many<br />

skills, using an inside voice is not one of them. Never sit<br />

beside the Yeller in class because they cannot whisper when<br />

answering your pressing question. Like the boisterous cry of<br />

the howler monkey, The Yeller’s voice is often heard anytime<br />

of the day. That is why you are more likely to hear a Yeller<br />

before you see it. Sometimes these loud beings don’t even<br />

realize they are yelling, but a gentle reminder normally<br />

quiets them for at most a minute.<br />

44. The Loud Mouths

Rhino<br />

The Hothead<br />

The rhino is ranked as one of the most aggressive animals<br />

on the face of the earth. Like other mammals, these<br />

creatures mark their territory by urinating on near by trees<br />

and bushes. When a challenging rhino comes into their<br />

territory, they will battle head to head for control of the<br />

area. Many rhinos die or suffer grave injuries during these<br />

aggressive brawls. Not only are rhinos aggressive when<br />

others threaten their territory, but also when they feel<br />

surprised, nervous, and angry.<br />

The Hothead is a student that explodes with anger<br />

extremely quickly. Like the Rhino, these creatures often<br />

turn aggressive when they are nervous, threatened, angry,<br />

or surprised. There are no easy signs to tell if someone is a<br />

hothead. Hotheads will explode about trivial things and they<br />

are always ready to fight and defend themselves and their<br />

friends. Warning: Do not stand to close to a Hothead when<br />

they are in the zone. You may become injured, due to their<br />

erratic and hostile movements.<br />

45. The Loud Mouths

Crocodile<br />

The Cutthroat<br />

The crocodile has the strongest bite of any animal recorded<br />

by man. These large reptilians can slam their jaws shut with<br />

3,700 pounds per square inch (psi), or 16,460 newtons,<br />

of bite force. Stronger than the great white shark’s, the<br />

crocodile bite is used to catch fish, birds, and land animals<br />

that approach the edge of the water, such as wildebeest,<br />

gazelles, and, zebras. Unlike many predators, the crocodile<br />

does not eat their prey alive. They use their massive jaws<br />

to grab the prey and drown them underwater.<br />

The Cutthroat is fearless because they say whatever is<br />

on their mind. Being with the Cutthroat is reminiscent of a<br />

Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worst<br />

of times…” It is the best of times when they notoriously<br />

say exactly what everyone is thinking, but no one has the<br />

moxie to say it. It is the worst of times when they tell you<br />

their unsolicited opinion and it is not what you want to<br />

hear. Whether they should be praised for shutting down a<br />

liar or scolded for being tactless, their words always bite.<br />

Remember, they never eat their prey alive so by the time<br />

you are in their jaws, it is too late to respond.<br />

48. The Loud Mouths

THE<br />



Peacock<br />

The Showoff<br />

Peacocks and peahens are some of the shallowest species<br />

in the animal kingdom. When pursuing a mate, the peacock<br />

approaches a female, a peahen, and displays his beautiful<br />

iridescent feathers. Zoologists believe that the females want<br />

a mate that will have the best genes for their offspring, and<br />

the bigger the feathers the better the genes.<br />

The Showoff loves flaunting different aspects of their<br />

lives—their bodies, travels, and wealth. Unafraid of being<br />

pretentious or making you feel like less of a person, The<br />

Showoff is most concerned with making everyone jealous.<br />

Unlike the peacock, The Showoff can be male or female.<br />

These students are infamous for using social media filters<br />

and photo editing tools to look more glamorous, and to<br />

give the illusion that they live the most exciting life. They<br />

may receive an astronomical amount of “likes” on an<br />

Instagram selfie, but remember it’s a facade. This species<br />

can be a good time if you are allured to the flashing lights,<br />

but if you prefer backstage, I would advise you to<br />

stay away from the peacock.<br />

51. The Socially Inept

Meerkat<br />

The Dodge<br />

Meerkats are great escape artist, which allows them to avoid<br />

predators. These furry creatures belong to the mongoose<br />

family and their ability to create a system of complex<br />

underground tunnels allows them to hop quickly into their<br />

borrows where larger animals cannot reach. Before they play<br />

offense these mammals have a detailed defense.<br />

The Dodge is a person that purposely avoids making<br />

eye contact, saying hello, or having a conversation with<br />

someone. Like the meerkat, The Dodge always has an<br />

alternate plan to deflect interaction with a particular creature<br />

that they don’t want to engage. Some of the ways that these<br />

nifty students avoid the unwanted communication is by<br />

pretending to receive a text message when the other person<br />

walks by, taking an alternate route to their destination, or<br />

simply acting as if you are invisible.<br />

54. The Socially Inept

Parrot<br />

The Follower<br />

Humans love parrots because they mimic human speech.<br />

However, in the wild, parrots only mimic each other. The<br />

reason these beautiful birds mimic human speech is because<br />

parrots have names, called signature contact calls. In the<br />

wild, these animals only mimic another bird’s name to get<br />

their attention and communicate with them. Therefore these<br />

domesticated birds are programmed to mimic sounds they<br />

hear, which is why they mimic human speech.<br />

College is a time to learn about who you are as a person,<br />

however some people use this time to latch on to others.<br />

These people are known as Followers. Some students may be<br />

allured by the confidence or charisma of another student and<br />

want to follow in their footsteps. These students are known<br />

for following all the latest trends, and even mimicking their<br />

campus idol. If Michelle tries a different makeup on Monday,<br />

then Rachel will be wearing the same eyeliner on Tuesday.<br />

55. The Socially Inept

THE<br />


Remora<br />

The User<br />

The Remora is a fish that attaches to other sea creatures<br />

to hitch a ride across the ocean. These creatures generally<br />

latch on to any swimmer that is larger than them, but their<br />

favorite host is the whale shark. Remoras lack swim bladders<br />

that other fish have; therefore they need a host to travel<br />

the ocean efficiently. The whale shark does not only serve<br />

as a transporter, but they also provide the Remora with an<br />

occasional meal. These fish devour the remaining scraps<br />

that the shark leaves behind when feeding. The Remora is<br />

not solely a freeloading fish; they remove small parasites<br />

from the host’s body during the travel.<br />

Not every student learns the same nor do they study<br />

the same. However, one of the basic principles of studying<br />

is taking notes, and Users will never hesitate to call you<br />

and ask for yours. These blood-sucking creatures only call<br />

when they need something. They never reciprocate or call<br />

to hangout. The first few times the User asks for your notes,<br />

you will not think anything of it, and you may be happy to<br />

help. But once you see the pattern of taking advantage, you<br />

will be ready to cut them off. Unlike the Remora, most Users<br />

do not offer anything meaningful in return. Some common<br />

signs to tell if a student is a User are low class attendance<br />

and only calls when a test is on the horizon.<br />

60. The Slackers

Sloth<br />

The Idle<br />

The Sloth is the world’s slowest moving mammal, and it is<br />

also one of the pickiest eaters in the animal kingdom. This<br />

creature eats a specific leaf that contains deadly toxins.<br />

Eating is not a near death experience for the Sloth because<br />

its body has a particular bacterium that breaks downthese<br />

toxic leaves. Unfortunately, the Sloth’s leaf of choice provides<br />

little to no energy to the animal and causes a very low<br />

metabolism. This creature sleeps about 15-20 hours a day<br />

and is stagnate when it is awake for the few hours remaining.<br />

While colleges are known for activity, from academics<br />

to clubs, from sporting events, to fashion shows, there are<br />

some students that are known to do absolutely nothing. The<br />

scientific name for this creature is The Idle. This species often<br />

has very little drive and self-motivation. One of The Idle’s<br />

most commonly practiced activities is sleeping. Like the sloth,<br />

its diet does have a great affect on the creature’s energy<br />

level. Idles are known for eating an outrageous amount of<br />

fattening foods such as chips, pizza, burgers, and cookies.<br />

These creatures will most likely gain the freshman 15, every<br />

year. Warning: Always try to avoid pairing up with The Idle for<br />

group projects. You will be left doing all of the work.<br />

61. The Slackers

Artic Fox<br />

The Cheater<br />

The Artic Fox is an adequate hunter, however it prefers to<br />

steal other animals’ food after they have done all the work.<br />

Due to the harsh environment of the artic, the fox and many<br />

other small animals have to obtain food anyway they can.<br />

Because they are so small, artic foxes scavenge for dead<br />

animals from big predators, like the polar bear. If they steal<br />

food, the meals are usually from an animal their size or smaller.<br />

It is not good to condone cheating, but if you do cheat<br />

stop in high school. There will always be those few creatures<br />

known as The Cheaters, which do not study for tests and<br />

quizzes, therefore on the day of the exam they start to freak<br />

out. Some easy ways to detect these mischievous critters<br />

are their wondering eyes, constant head movements over<br />

people’s shoulders, and an incessant looking down at their<br />

phones. Warning: Never help a Cheater out in college<br />

unless you are willing to get penalized; in college it’s not<br />

just a simple slap on the wrist, like high school.<br />

64. The Slackers

Armadillo<br />

The Procrastinator<br />

Armadillos are mammals that have an armor-like shell that<br />

covers their backside. These animals curl into a ball when<br />

they are threatened and their hardback protects them from<br />

danger. Like the owl, these animals are known for working<br />

best at night, but they are not strictly nocturnal. Similar to the<br />

sloth, these animals sleep a lot, on average16-19 hours a day.<br />

Everyone in college is a Procrastinator to a certain<br />

degree. Like the armadillo, The Procrastinator is known<br />

for sleeping immensely to stall the process of starting<br />

and or finishing homework. However, sleeping is not the<br />

only activity used to stall productivity. The Procrastinator<br />

wastes precious time browsing through social media,<br />

watching television, hanging out with friends, working<br />

on less pressing projects, cleaning, drinking, or smoking.<br />

Sometimes the procrastinator procrastinates by thinking<br />

about how much they have procrastinated on a given day.<br />

When together, these creatures are even less productive,<br />

and often times take a spontaneous adventure that further<br />

distracts them from their work. According to College-Animal<br />

Research Institute, located in Fairfax, Virginia, 6.5 out of<br />

every 8 students are hardcore Procrastinators.<br />

65. The Slackers

THE<br />


Dolphin<br />

The Basic<br />

Frat Boy<br />

Dolphins are intelligent, playful and have active<br />

personalities. Known for putting on a good show, you can<br />

find dolphins playing with humans, other animals, and each<br />

other. Some of their most famous acts include jumping out<br />

of the water, blowing bubble rings, and interacting with<br />

human objects. Since they are very social, their living pods<br />

contain up to 12 dolphins. They look out for one another’s<br />

well being and are known for carrying the sick when in need.<br />

The males often pair up and serve as each other’s wingman<br />

to find a mate. Like humans, dolphins are one of the rare<br />

species that have sex for pleasure.<br />

As simple as some Basic Frat Boys may seem they are<br />

actually pretty complex. Like the dolphin, this creature is<br />

very active—they have a lot of energy and are quick-witted<br />

always waiting to dish out a joke. The Basic Frat Boy also<br />

travels in groups, which intensifies their masculinity. With a<br />

wingman at their right and a wingman at their left, the Basic<br />

Frat Boy is always scoping for a pretty face and a nice body.<br />

Often times, they are promiscuous, seeking sex in every<br />

crevice they can muster. When the frat is united, there is a<br />

strong bond between them, which they call brotherhood.<br />

These sentimental creatures always protect one another in<br />

times of need. However, most animals in the kingdom do<br />

not see their sentimental sides.<br />

70. The Socializers

Zebra<br />

The Basic<br />

Sorority Girl<br />

No Zebra’s stripes are the same as another. However, when<br />

they run together in packs their stripes make it difficult for<br />

their predator to focus on one animal in particular. These<br />

four-legged creatures are very social and often live in large<br />

groups called herems. When one Zebra spots a predator, he<br />

or she barks or whinnies to warn the others in the group.<br />

Every great friend group has a basic sorority girl, but they<br />

mainly flock together. Similar to Zebras, basic sorority girls<br />

live in sorority houses, where the older sisters, called Bigs,<br />

teach the incoming younger sisters, known as Littles, how to<br />

embody their sorority’s greatness. The Bigs shower the Littles<br />

with gifts, paddles, and other trinkets that usually take up an<br />

annoying amount of space and make moving out at the end<br />

of the year a pain. Often wearing black leggings, sorority<br />

letters, Uggs, puffy vests, while carrying Starbucks, the basic<br />

sorority girls can be hard to decipher. When venturing into<br />

the wild, they always stick up for one another and are never<br />

afraid to whinny or bark to defend a fellow sister.<br />

71. The Socializers

Chimps<br />

The Well-<br />

Rounded<br />

Greeks<br />

Like many other species throughout this section,<br />

chimpanzees are extremely smart. They use tools to<br />

extract insects from crevasses found in trees and rocks and<br />

can even learn human sign language. Chimps live in groups<br />

called communities or units and are very social creatures.<br />

When they are bored, they organize various games and<br />

activities to entertain themselves. Similar to the dolphin and<br />

the zebra, chimps have each other’s backs, figuratively and<br />

literally since they often remove insects, debris, and dead skin<br />

from their fellow friend’s hair. This routine grooming helps<br />

relieve stress and creates a lasting bond between the animals.<br />

The Well-Rounded Greeks are members of sororities<br />

and fraternities that are very active on campus—organizing<br />

events, volunteering their time, and enjoying college life.<br />

Like the Basic Sorority Girls and Fraternity Boys, the Well-<br />

Rounded Greek takes care of their brothers and sisters.<br />

The Well-Rounded Greek is nothing shy of intelligent. This<br />

active group has some of the smartest, athletic, and artistic<br />

creatures in the <strong>Kingdom</strong>. Social and loving, the Well-<br />

Rounded Greeks are easy to approach, so make sure to<br />

have one of these in your college friend group.<br />

74. The Socializers

Shearwater<br />

The World<br />

Traveler<br />

The Sooty shearwater Bird has the longest migration route<br />

of any bird flying approximately 40,000 miles a year. This<br />

New Zealand native travels all the way from the Northern<br />

hemisphere, to areas such as California, to feed during the<br />

summer. While there are many Sooty Shearwaters birds their<br />

populations are dwindling because of habitat degradation<br />

and the rise in sea surface temperature.<br />

Studying abroad is a great way to experience a different<br />

culture during your college career and The World Traveler<br />

takes full advantage of this opportunity. They travel from<br />

country to country, and from continent to continent<br />

exploring new foods, traditions, and ways of life. It’s rare to<br />

see these creatures on campus and often times easier to<br />

catch-up through social media. As the World Traveler checks<br />

off places on their list, the list of places they can visit for the<br />

first time gets smaller and smaller and they may experience<br />

habitat degradation. But the world is pretty big, so it is hard<br />

to run out of new exciting locations.<br />

75. The Socializers

Chameleon<br />

The Adapter<br />

Even though many animals have outstanding camouflage<br />

skills, the chameleon is the king of all deception. These<br />

unique animals contain chromatophore, which are specially<br />

colored pigments that allow their skin tone and patterns<br />

to change. Their changing patterns are used to blend into<br />

the environment, but that is not the only reason. These skin<br />

changes mimic their emotional energy. For example, some<br />

chameleons reflect dark colors when they are angry or want<br />

to scare another animal. Chromatophore gives chameleons<br />

the ability to adapt to their surroundings quickly.<br />

Like high school, college has many cliques and it can be<br />

hard to breakthrough unless you fit certain criteria. However,<br />

some people transcend all groups because they have<br />

diverse experiences and dynamic personalities that mesh<br />

with all people. Adapters connect with nearly everyone<br />

because they are charismatic and optimistic about the<br />

future. These captivating creatures can hold conversations<br />

with Gamers, Athletes, Artsy Kids, Greeks, and even<br />

Hotheads. So when walking to class with an Adapter,<br />

they will often seem like the college Oprah and you start<br />

to wonder if that makes you Gayle. Adapters are great<br />

friends to have because they will introduce you to many<br />

other species and you will begin to feel like an on campus<br />

celebrity yourself.<br />

78. The Socializers

Lions<br />

The Squad<br />

Lions are known for their power, pouncing ability, and<br />

teamwork. These ferocious cats are pack hunters, which<br />

allows them to take down animals twice and even three<br />

times their size. The lionesses are in charge of hunting for<br />

the pride, which contains an average of 20 to 40 lions, but<br />

they can contain as few as 3 lions. While hunting, lionesses<br />

work strategically by having some stir up a large herd of<br />

animals and others wait for the frantic herd to run straight to<br />

them. Once they have decided on the specific herd member<br />

to attack, the lionesses begin to pounce on the victim oneby-one,<br />

until it collapses.<br />

Like out in the Savanna, a college campus can be a place<br />

where you find your Squad. These are the friends that you<br />

can always hangout and study with and no matter what, they<br />

will always have your back. Finding your Squad isn’t always<br />

easy. Some find theirs within weeks of starting freshman<br />

year while others take a year or two. Squad members<br />

become official once they stick up for you when encroaching<br />

creatures are bad-mouthing you. When the Squad is out,<br />

they are nearly invincible and will destroy anyone who<br />

oversteps their boundaries. In the pride, each member has<br />

a unique role. Some members are Fighters, some are Trash<br />

Talkers, and others are Mediators, but no matter what role<br />

they play, The Squad always looks out for your best interest.<br />

79. The Socializers

Ram<br />

The G.O.A.T.<br />

Famous for their large curled horns, the Ram fights for<br />

dominance and mating rights in epic battles in the Rocky<br />

Mountains. In a battle, Rams rear their hind legs and hurl<br />

themselves at another ram in charges up to 20 miles per<br />

hour. Often times the sound of the clashing horns can be<br />

heard for many hours, until one ram walks away. Since the<br />

ram has two layers of skull, the layers usually protect their<br />

brains from serious injury. As the close cousin of the goat,<br />

they have balance-aiding, rough-bottom split hooves that<br />

make for excellent natural grip. They also have sharp vision<br />

which helps them navigate the rugged mountain terrain.<br />

The G.O.A.T.—the Greatest of all Time is a student<br />

whose focus does not stray from the intended path.<br />

However, the G.O.A.T. can be quite hard-headed, which can<br />

lead to epic battles even though you are giving them sound<br />

advice. The G.O.A.T can spar for many hours until you walk<br />

away and they will always have the last word. Despite their<br />

thick skulls, G.O.A.T.s have sharp vision when it comes to<br />

seeking and accomplishing their goals. Their drive allows<br />

them to be successful leaders, dominating their majors,<br />

careers, and lives. Like the photographer, illustrator, and<br />

author of this book, the G.O.A.T. keeps climbing upward<br />

and onward because its hooves were made for the rocky<br />

terrain and steep cliffs of college.<br />

82. The Socializers

ONLY THE<br />

STRONG<br />




Felix Toxey<br />

Yesenia Maldonado<br />

Kelli Beard<br />

Keo Pich<br />

Ashley Jean<br />

George Bonner<br />

Cody Holland<br />

Logan Rice<br />

Gabriela Hurte<br />

Aaron Cox<br />

Ginio Rodriguez<br />

Mitch Dollard<br />

Chris Otoya<br />

Gabrielle Garcia<br />

Ryan Stewart<br />

Marcus Bowman<br />

Sarah White<br />

Louis Fernandez<br />

Tameka Parker<br />

Don Starr<br />

Megan Bisson<br />

Aubrey Lear<br />

Luar Pacheco<br />

Bria Bryant<br />

Megan Misenti<br />

Tamia Perry<br />

Tyler Hubbard<br />

Morgan Slaski<br />

Desirae Luna<br />

Rachel Wynder<br />

Jonathon Willey<br />

Saleem Mokhiber<br />

Francesca Sarris<br />

Dominique Davis<br />

Arthur Reinaltt<br />

Austin Maslyn<br />

Noelle Patterson<br />

Jenna Schifalacqua<br />

Courtney Winstead<br />

Ahmed Cherkaoui<br />

Anthony McLean<br />

Jeremy Steinel<br />

Anna Sanders<br />

Brandon Spann<br />

Marissa Strang<br />

Amir Rafi<br />

References<br />

National Geographic<br />

Animal Planet

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