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The Heart of Ida<br />

SUMMER/FALL <strong>2019</strong> | FREE MAGAZINE<br />



What Makes an<br />

Age-Friendly<br />

University?<br />

GO BEACH!<br />

ISSUE<br />

Aging and Nutrition<br />

With commentary from<br />

Rachel Blaine D.Sc., M.P.H., R.D.<br />


Interview with Dr. Maria Claver<br />

CSULB Director of Gerontology<br />

RESOURCE GUIDE for Older Adults • Families • Caregivers<br />

Health | Classes | Libraries | Recreation | Resources | More<br />

Are you at risk for <strong>fall</strong>ing? Take the survey.



FUND<br />


On behalf of everyone at Heart of Ida,<br />

thank you for your support of the AgeWell<br />

Long Beach Resource Guide.<br />

#RANCHOSWALK<strong>2019</strong><br />

2ND ANNUAL<br />


DATE + TIME<br />



09.28.<strong>2019</strong> | 7AM-2PM 9.4 MILES FREE<br />

Join us for the Ranchos Walk and experience the cities of Long Beach and<br />

Signal Hill in a whole new way! Take a walk through history and follow a<br />

crest trail that links Rancho Los Alamitos and Rancho Los Cerritos. The<br />

9.4-mile scenic walk connects the CSULB campus, Reservoir Hill, Hilltop<br />

Park in Signal Hill, Longview Point at Willow Springs Park and Rancho<br />

Los Cerritos. There will also be 3.5 mile and 6 mile options available.<br />

Shuttle services will be provided along the route.<br />



,.-4<br />



1751<br />

RLC<br />

2 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>




for<br />

Older Adults<br />

Families<br />

Caregivers<br />


Aging and Nutrition | 6<br />

SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Maria Claver | 8<br />

The Pursuit of Happiness at the LifeFit Center | 12<br />

What Makes and Age -Friendly University? | 14<br />

Parkinson’s Wellness Program | 16<br />

OLLI at California University Long Beach | 18<br />

Successful Aging in Long Beach | 20<br />

Classes | 24-26<br />

Elder Abuse |27<br />

Food Assistance | 28<br />

Fraud Help and Prevention | 29<br />

Health Care | 30<br />

Hearing Assistance | 31<br />

In-Home Resources | 31<br />

Hospital Centers/Classes | 32<br />

Hospitals/Urgent Care | 32-33<br />

Neighboring Hospitals | 33<br />

Helplines & Hotlines | 34<br />

Housing | 35<br />

Long Beach Libraries | 36-37<br />

Surrounding Libraries | 38<br />

Legal and Taxes | 39<br />

Long Beach City Numbers | 41<br />

Low Vision | 41<br />

Long Beach Senior Centers<br />

and Community Centers | 42<br />

Utilities | 42<br />

Neighboring Senior Centers | 43<br />

Medical Equipment | 43<br />

Medicare/Healthcare | 44<br />

Medicare Fraud | 44<br />

Check your Mental Wellness | 45<br />

Mental Health | 46<br />

Mortuarys/Cemeteries | 46-47<br />

Transportation | 47<br />

Volunteer and Advocacy | 48-49<br />

Check your Risk for Falling | 50-51<br />

Long Beach City Government | 40<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 3

Executive Director’s Note<br />

Dina Berg, MPA / Founder<br />

Thank you to everyone that contributed to this issue of<br />

AgeWell, especially Dr. Mary Marshall’s CSULB Gerontology<br />

students for highlighting the plethora of classes and<br />

resources available to older adults at the university. Finally,<br />

a very special thanks to the Employees Community Fund of<br />

Boeing for being such a wonderful community partner. With<br />

your assistance, we were able to print this <strong>summer</strong>/<strong>fall</strong> issue.<br />

Publisher<br />

The Heart of Ida<br />

Founder/Executive Director<br />

Dina Berg, MPA<br />

Founder/Volunteer<br />

Keri Reich<br />

Contributing Writers<br />

Dr. Mary Marshall’s Gerontology<br />

Students from CSULB<br />

(picture on page 22)<br />

Spotlight<br />

Dr. Maria Claver | CSULB Director of<br />

Gerontology<br />

facebook.com/heartofida<br />

@heartofida<br />

theheartofida<br />

Follow Us!<br />

We’d Like to Hear from you!<br />

Did we miss something or make a<br />

mistake, questions or comments?<br />

Need help finding services or resources?<br />

The Heart of Ida<br />

Contact Us<br />

(562) 570-3548<br />

heartofida@gmail.com<br />

Content in this issue was<br />

updated in June/Aug <strong>2019</strong>.<br />

Changes may occur,<br />

please call ahead.<br />


Legal Note: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any<br />

means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the<br />

publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by<br />

copyright law. For permission requests, email/call (see above) or write to Heart of Ida, addressed “Attention: Permissions” to PO<br />

Box 8194 Long Beach, CA 90808.<br />

4 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

Long Beach Police Department<br />



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Aging and Nutrition<br />

with Rachel Blaine D.Sc., M.P.H., R.D.<br />

By: Regan Hansen, Irene<br />

Cervantes, Leilani Sato, and<br />

Juan Sanchez<br />

Muscle and Metabolism<br />

As people age, metabolism slows down<br />

and muscle mass is lost. That means that<br />

while diet can stay the same, people will<br />

still be gaining weight thoughout the years.<br />

After the age of 50, six to seven pounds<br />

of lean muscle mass are lost every decade<br />

(Hetherington, M., 1998). Older adults<br />

should get 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic<br />

exercise weekly (Staff, F.E., 2017). Exercises<br />

to help build muscle mass and burn calories<br />

include taking walks, lifting weights, using<br />

resistance bands, and doing body-weight<br />

exercises such as push ups and sit ups (Staff,<br />

F.E., 2017).<br />

Here is what Dr. Blaine says: “Muscle mass<br />

is an important part of our metabolism. So<br />

if you’re losing that muscle mass, you’re<br />

losing 10% of your metabolism every<br />

decade. That’s why we really recommend<br />

older adults stay active and try to do weight<br />

bearing exercises. I recommend strength<br />

training, or even just resistance against the<br />

ground, and things that are going to keep<br />

their muscles healthy and engaged.”<br />

Appetite Gone Astray?<br />

Loss of appetite is a common issue for older<br />

adults as they age.<br />

• Between 15% - 30% of older adults<br />

experience a decline in their appetite<br />

• Loss of appetite can result in health<br />

implications due to the lack of<br />

nutritional intake that it causes.<br />

• Physical activity can help improve<br />

appetite. Dr. Rachel Blaine says, “The<br />

best activity for older adults is just being<br />

outside and walking every single day,<br />

6 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

and that can boost appetite.”<br />

• For seniors who may be homebound, Dr.<br />

Blaine suggests the local food delivery<br />

program, Meals on Wheels.<br />

Here is what Dr. Blaine says: “I think there<br />

are a few ways older adults can approach<br />

improving their appetites. One of them<br />

is to try to eat with other people as much<br />

as possible, whether through lunch dates,<br />

social groups, and church clubs. There<br />

is definitely evidence that eating with<br />

other people can boost the amount of<br />

food somebody eats and it also is a more<br />

pleasurable experience.”<br />

Disease-Deterring Diet<br />

Through nutrition and diet, many diseases<br />

are preventable. While genetics play<br />

a factor in health conditions, what a<br />

person intakes can affect their quality and<br />

longevity of life.<br />

• Walnuts and fatty fish are proven to<br />

improve long-term brain and cognitive<br />

health (Blaine, <strong>2019</strong>).<br />

• Older adults should be conscious of<br />

portion size due to their decrease in<br />

metabolism.<br />

• Healthy calories are important. A great<br />

way to start a better diet is substituting<br />

high-calorie, low-nutrient drinks and<br />

snacks with foods that are more filling<br />

(Blaine, <strong>2019</strong>).<br />

• Dr. Blaine suggests eating fruits,<br />

vegetables, nuts, and beans. These<br />

foods provide nutrients through<br />

vitamins and minerals.<br />

• According to Dr. Blaine, “People who eat<br />

fewer animal products live longer... and<br />

have less chronic disease. People should<br />

try to eat more plant-based foods.” She<br />

suggested trying Meatless Monday!<br />

Switching out meat for plant-based<br />

foods once a week can reduce heart<br />

disease by almost 30%, studies show.<br />

Here is what Dr. Blaine says: “A big change<br />

would be switching the kind of fat someone<br />

is eating and having more heart-healthy<br />

fats like olive oil, avocados, fatty salmon<br />

or fish can really change somebody’s<br />

risk. Even if someone didn’t have the best<br />

lifestyle when they were younger, they can<br />

definitely lengthen their life and lengthen<br />

their quality of life. For a lot of people in<br />

the United States, the types of diseases<br />

that we’re seeing people get in old age<br />

really are preventable diseases. People<br />

don’t have to be dying from heart disease.”<br />






From Heart of Ida<br />


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When did your interest in gerontology<br />

start?<br />

I believe it began when I was about 14<br />

years old. My great-grandfather was able<br />

to live at home until his last two weeks<br />

of life, at which time his care became too<br />

intensive for family to handle. He went to<br />

a nursing home and there was a situation<br />

where I had to strongly advocate for him. I<br />

wondered what happened for those older<br />

adults that didn’t have advocates. I think<br />

that is when the seed was planted. I didn’t<br />

think too much about it until I started as an<br />

undergraduate at UCLA. My very first class<br />

I took was a gerontology class.<br />

What does the word “elderly” mean to<br />

you?<br />

How long have you been a part of CSULB?<br />

(Faculty or Otherwise)<br />

I started teaching at CSULB in 2007. I<br />

became the Gerontology Program Director<br />

in 2016.<br />

What are your degrees and where did you<br />

receive them from?<br />

All of my degrees are from UCLA (go<br />

Bruins!). I received a BS in Psychology in<br />

1997, an MSW (Social Welfare) in 2001<br />

and my PhD in Social Welfare in 2006.<br />

For my graduate degrees, I specialized in<br />

older adults. My dissertation for my PhD<br />

was about frequent emergency room use<br />

among older veterans.<br />

The language we use in this field is SO<br />

important. The term preferred by most<br />

people is “older adults,” because it gives<br />

the connotation of continued vibrancy and<br />

quality of life. “Elderly” gives the sense of<br />

illness and frailty. As an aside, I have started<br />

advocating for the term “care partner”<br />

rather than “caregiver” because again, it<br />

honors the role of the actual older adult,<br />

even if he/she needs assistance.<br />

What are some of the ways CSULB is<br />

considered an age-friendly campus?<br />

There are actually quite a few ways<br />

that CSULB is age-friendly. We have<br />

wonderful resources such as the Osher<br />

Lifelong Learning Institute and Center<br />

for Successful Aging that not only meet<br />

the needs of older adults, but INCLUDE<br />

them in all aspects of their programs.<br />

8 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Interview with CSULB Director of<br />

Gerontology Dr. Maria Claver<br />

By: Nick Ortega, Jack<br />

Kuller, and Devin Leff<br />

The topic of aging has been named as<br />

one of the four primary interest areas<br />

for the College of Health and Human<br />

Services and the university as a whole has<br />

recognized the importance of including<br />

the older population in research, planning<br />

and teaching. In November 2018, CSULB<br />

became the third university in California<br />

to join the international Age-Friendly<br />

University Network, which originated out<br />

of Ireland. My current research will focus<br />

on identifying the needs of older students<br />

and digging deeper into how the university<br />

already serves older adults (and how<br />

they could do an even better job). Lastly,<br />

I want to mention that gerontology/aging<br />

is covered in many classes across campus<br />

– not just the ones with the GERN prefix.<br />

We have a group called the Gerontology<br />

Faculty Interest Group of about 80 faculty<br />

members across campus that teach the<br />

topic in their classes or include older adults<br />

in their research or service.<br />

If you could add an age-friendly program<br />

to CSULB, what would it be and why?<br />

Creating new courses is one of my favorite<br />

things to do. A year ago, a colleague and I<br />

created a class called “Women and Aging:<br />

Lessons from the Golden Girls.” It has<br />

been so fun to teach. I think a goal could<br />

be creating modules that other professors<br />

could include in their courses to get even<br />

more students exposed to the topic. It’s<br />

also a goal to let more students know that<br />

we have a minor, certificate and Master’s<br />

degree.<br />

What advice would you give to an elderly<br />

individual who wants to continue their<br />

education but may have reservations due<br />

to their age?<br />

GO FOR IT! The age span of our students<br />

in the Gerontology Program is early 20s to<br />

mid-60s, so we are no strangers to students<br />

returning to school. Intergenerational<br />

classes (as well as other types of diversity<br />

in the classroom) provide for richer<br />

discussion.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 9


EffectiveJune1,<strong>2019</strong><br />

551/SSP recipients are potentially<br />

eligible for CalFresh benefits!<br />

• Cal Fresh is a food benefit that helps you<br />

buy food.<br />

• Your Cal Fresh benefits are delivered<br />

electronically via the Electronic Benefits<br />

(EBT) Card.<br />

• The EBT card works the same as your bank<br />

debit card.<br />

• CalFresh benefits may be used at any<br />

participating restaurant, supermarket, and/or<br />

Farmer's market.<br />

Income Limits and Possible Benefits<br />

Number of eligible<br />

household members 1 2 3 4 5<br />

Monthl y gross<br />

income limits $2024 $2744 $3464 $4184 $4904<br />

The household<br />

could receive<br />

up to thi s amount<br />

in benefits **<br />

•Each add itiona l membe r + $468 to gross income limit<br />

$192 $353 $505 $642 $762<br />

6 7<br />

$5624 $6344<br />

$914 $1011<br />

"' Actual amount depends on the household's specific case situatio n (Amount s Effective October 1, 20 18 throug h Septembe r 30, <strong>2019</strong>) .<br />

8*<br />

$7064<br />

$1155<br />

For more information on CalFresh or other programs offered by the<br />

: Department of Public Social Services, visit dpss.lacounty .gov.<br />

, f @LACoDPSS ~ @LACo_DPSS ~ @LACo_DPSS<br />

10 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

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65 million older adults are<br />

affected by depression<br />

Two-thirds of older<br />

adults experiencing<br />

depression do not<br />

receive the treatment<br />

they need.<br />

Exercising the mind<br />

and body is key to<br />

maintainina wellness.<br />

Source:UFESenTor Services<br />

Source:National Council on Aging<br />

Getting help early<br />

matters to maintain<br />

physical and mental<br />

wellness.<br />

PosterMyWall.com<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 11

The Pursuit of Happiness<br />

at the LifeFit Center<br />

By: Deleine Chavez, Allysa DeGuzman,<br />

Allison Edquid, Gio Hernandez, and<br />

William Yeo<br />

Whether you have exercised your whole<br />

life or haven’t thought of fitness in the<br />

last 30 years, LifeFit at Cal State Long<br />

Beach will get you feeling better than<br />

ever! Living a healthy lifestyle is always<br />

important, especially in old age. Caring,<br />

compassionate, and driven students assist<br />

in designing programs to fit your individual<br />

needs. There is no need to worry if you<br />

have had a previous medical condition,<br />

LifeFit has the resources to get you in a<br />

fitness rhythm. Why not live a healthy<br />

lifestyle surrounded by like-minded<br />

individuals? We did an interview with Ayla<br />

Donlin, Ed.D, who is the director of the<br />

LifeFit Center and Angela Avery, who is<br />

a member and participant of the center<br />

to find out what LifeFit is and why older<br />

adults should join.<br />

What is LifeFit?<br />

The LifeFit Center is a health and fitness<br />

facility for individuals in the Long Beach<br />

community ages 49 and up. Cardio,<br />

resistance training, balance, palates, and<br />

yoga are some of the core classes they<br />

offer1. The facility includes services such<br />

as an open floor gym and personal training.<br />

Older adults at the LifeFit center are of<br />

all skill levels! Some people have been<br />

working out most of their lives and some<br />

have just decided to start now. No matter<br />

the fitness level, the LifeFit center creates<br />

personal programs based on your health<br />

and certain risk factors that may affect<br />

what you are able to do.<br />

Why join?<br />

The best part of the LifeFit program is<br />

that you are not alone! Ayla, who is the<br />

director of the Lifefit Center, prides herself<br />

on creating a community atmosphere,<br />

getting to know people by name and<br />

building meaningful relationships. Studies<br />

show that strong social activity is just as<br />

important to a longer lifespan as fitness<br />

activities. Social relationships weaken<br />

as we age, with our kids growing up and<br />

friends moving away to focus on their own<br />

families. That’s why it’s beneficial to create<br />

relationships with the people around you.<br />

Having a friend to work out with also<br />

motivates you to get your fitness on, so<br />

stop by the LifFit center anytime during<br />

our hours below to start your journey.<br />

12 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

"Move More. Live Longer ."<br />

LifeFit Center @ The Beach<br />

California State University, Long Beach<br />

1250 Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90840<br />

Phone: (562) 985-2015<br />

Email: LFCBeach@csulb.edu<br />

Pricing:<br />

Community Member-$30/month<br />

OLLI Member- $20/month<br />

Hours:<br />

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 8:30am-2pm<br />

Tuesday/Thursday: 8:30am-5:30pm<br />

Weekends: CLOSED<br />

Interview with Angie Avery<br />

Alumni of Cal State Long Beach / LifeFit Member of 6 years<br />

How often do you come to the center?<br />

Three or four times a week.<br />

Do you participate in fitness classes that<br />

they offer or do you exercise alone?<br />

I am in a small group training program. I<br />

signed up for it, enjoyed it and kept coming.<br />

The group is called “strength for living,”<br />

and feels like personal training. There are<br />

12 people in the class and is led by a group<br />

instructor.<br />

Have you built relationships at the center?<br />

Do you feel comfortable?<br />

Yes, I know a lot of people. I know all the<br />

staff and they fluctuate from semester to<br />

semester because of student interns. But,<br />

you get to know them over the course of<br />

the semester. However, the core group of<br />

staff have been there for a while.<br />

I find it really cool to see everyone all the<br />

time. Everyone is motivated and they<br />

want to take care of themselves. I built<br />

relationships when I didn’t think I would in<br />

the beginning. Over time you see the same<br />

people and it’s also good because we all<br />

have a lot in common. It then becomes FUN.<br />

How has the life center changed your life?<br />

Well, I feel very healthy for my age. I am<br />

going to be 65 soon. So I have been doing<br />

this since I was 59. I can do things now that<br />

I couldn’t do before when I was working. I<br />

am stronger, healthier, and my balance is<br />

great. I agree that I don’t do as much when I<br />

am away from the center. It just feels better<br />

when you are at the center because you<br />

have your group.<br />

What does successful aging mean to you?<br />

Successful aging means that I can do things<br />

that I used to do when I was younger. That<br />

I don’t use age as an excuse. That I am<br />

motivated.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 13

What Makes an Age-Friendly<br />

University?<br />

By: Nick Ortega, Jack Kuller, and Devin Leff<br />

When some people think about a college campus, they may think it only full of students<br />

between 18 and 22 years old. But that is not true, college campuses serve people across<br />

many age ranges within the community surrounding the campus. More universities today<br />

are setting out to be age-friendly campuses, and in this issue of AgeWell we are going to<br />

discuss what makes CSULB one of those campuses. Just last year CSULB joined the Age-<br />

Friendly University (AFU) Global Network, becoming the third university from Southern<br />

California to join, following USC and Fielding Graduate University . What this means is<br />

that CSULB satisfies the ten principles for being an AFU by providing many educational<br />

programs and opportunities for older adults.<br />

An article from Stanford University lays out ten principles for age-friendly universities to<br />

follow, and one of those is to enhance access for older adults to the university’s range of<br />

health and wellness programs. The LifeFit Center at CSULB provides a great opportunity<br />

to engage in these kinds of programs. Monthly membership ranges from just $4-$26<br />

while offering group fitness programs, personal training, and small group programs.<br />

Classes at the LifeFit Center are also geared toward specific categories such as weight<br />

training, cardio, pilates, and much more.<br />

Within the College of Health and Human Services is also the Osher Lifelong Learning<br />

Institute (OLLI) at CSULB. This institute holds 80-95 various non-credit classes and<br />

operates in four sessions of eight weeks per year. If there has ever been a particular topic<br />

or subject that you have wanted to learn more about or are simply interested in, give one<br />

of the classes a try. There are no academic prerequisites for any of the classes; OLLI just<br />

asks that you come with a desire to learn!<br />

14 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

LifeFit Center Kranking Class<br />

Another program at CSULB that is doing a good job at making the<br />

campus more suitable for older adults is the Center for Successful Aging.<br />

As explained on the CSULB website, “A primary focus of the Center is<br />

promoting social connectivity by linking generations, developing positive<br />

associations with aging, and preparing the workforce for increasingly large<br />

cohorts of older adults.” What’s unique about the Center for Successful<br />

Aging is that they rely on scientific research and evidence with their<br />

decision making, using that to develop creative solutions to bridging the<br />

gap between generations. One way that the Center for Successful Aging is<br />

helping the older adult community, is by holding the annual Donald P. Lauda<br />

wellness lecture series which addresses the concept of mental health.<br />

This lecture consists of various topics covering the field of wellness from<br />

speakers, “selected to educate, challenge, and inspire us with the latest<br />

theory, research, philosophical, and practical innovations in attaining,<br />

maintaining, and promoting health throughout the lifespan.”<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 15

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Parkinson’s<br />

Wellness Program<br />

By: Kevin Bello, Darlene Gonzalez,<br />

Debbie Rivera, and Jonathan Valdez<br />

John Saldano<br />

Approximately 930,000 people will be<br />

diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease by the<br />

year 2020 . Although there are no known<br />

cures for this disease, there are a number<br />

of ways individuals can slow down the<br />

progression of their symptoms. One way is<br />

through physical exercise, which has been<br />

shown to effectively contribute towards<br />

the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease<br />

and can be used as a preventative and<br />

maintenance role in physical fitness and<br />

mental health.<br />

One particular program that is available<br />

to the public is the Parkinson’s Wellness<br />

Program held by PT@ the Beach at<br />

California State University- Long Beach .<br />

Patients have the option of attending either<br />

of the two hourly-long sessions held on<br />

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:00-3:00pm or<br />

3:00-4:00pm. Sessions are held inside the<br />

LifeFit center on campus with a convenient<br />

parking lot in front. Those who choose<br />

16 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

to participate in this program will get a<br />

comprehensive assessment completed<br />

every 6 months to track progress and<br />

set goals. During the session, patients<br />

perform aerobic exercises for 45 minutes<br />

continuously on either a stationary bicycle<br />

or on a treadmill. Patients are encouraged<br />

to attend both sessions per week and the<br />

LifeFit center offers a discounted rate<br />

for spouses to use the equipment in the<br />

facility. For additional information or if you<br />

are interested in getting involved, PT@<br />

theBeach can be contacted at (562)985-<br />

8286 or CHHS-PTBeach@csulb.edu.<br />

We had the opportunity to interview one of<br />

the regular attendees of the program, John<br />

Saldano. John suffers from the early stages<br />

of Parkinson’s Disease and actively seeks<br />

out various ways to treat his illness. He was<br />

kind enough to share some of his personal<br />

experiences with Parkinson’s Disease.


with John Saldano<br />

Interviewer: When did you notice<br />

your symptoms for Parkinson’s<br />

Disease?<br />

John: I noticed them 6 months ago. I<br />

woke up one day and I noticed there<br />

was a slight tremor in my right hand<br />

that I could not stop. I was scared<br />

because I’ve seen it before in other<br />

people.<br />

Interviewer: How has this disease<br />

affected your daily living?<br />

John: Not much. I still live a normal<br />

life and I can still do the things I love.<br />

I’m generally a happy person. The<br />

only thing that bothers me is when<br />

people feel obligated to treat me<br />

differently. I want to be independent<br />

and not reliant on others.<br />

Interviewer: Do you feel like the<br />

Parkinson’s Wellness Program has<br />

helped you at all?<br />

John: Absolutely! Even though I have<br />

Parkinson’s Disease, I still feel strong<br />

and healthy because I am exercising<br />

multiple times a week. The reason<br />

why I agreed to this interview is to<br />

spread the awareness of Parkinson’s<br />

Disease and this program.<br />

Long Reach Time Exchange<br />

The Long Beach Time Exchange is a network for<br />

sharing skills and services with neighbors, friends,<br />

and fellow residents as well as other organizations.<br />

Instead of money, we use our time.<br />

Phone: (562) 786-6081<br />

Email: lbtimeexchange@gmail.com<br />

Website: www.lbtimeexchange.com<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 17

OLLI at California State<br />

University Long Beach<br />

By: Josef Babia, Davis Stewart & Hunter Rhode<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)<br />

at California State University Long Beach<br />

offers generous support to provide quality<br />

educational opportunities throughout a<br />

lifespan. OLLI is located in the College of<br />

Health and Human Services and is operated<br />

by volunteers. Classes are held Monday<br />

through Saturday from 8:00AM to 5:00PM<br />

and typically meet one day a week. OLLI<br />

offers 80-95 different courses of interest to<br />

persons 50 years of age or older. Rebecca Low,<br />

an office administrator at OLLI, states:<br />

“We hope to provide educational<br />

opportunities for seniors as well as socializing.<br />

They get to come and meet other people, chat,<br />

and get out of the house—all while learning.<br />

There are activity classes such as Tai Chi,<br />

yoga on a chair, or longevity stick. We have<br />

jewelry making, painting, watercolor and art.<br />

Our biggest growth has been in music so we<br />

started out with a choir and now we have a<br />

ukulele class and even offer guitar lessons.<br />

We also have jam sessions where individuals<br />

get together and play good old sixties songs.<br />

Classes also cover topics such as Shakespeare<br />

and even astronomy. We have upcoming<br />

classes such finance and because every teacher<br />

is a volunteer, the possibilities of any class<br />

are endless. If a volunteer comes in and says<br />

they want to teach crochet, then we will try<br />

and open a crochet class. Anybody who has a<br />

passion and wants to teach can simply sign up<br />

18 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

— it can’t get any easier than that.”<br />

Education is an important part of life and we<br />

believe any person, regardless of age, should<br />

have equal opportunities to learn new things<br />

and ideas. Why is continued education and<br />

learning so important in old age? Lifelong<br />

learning and continued education can help<br />

older adults maintain relevance in society by<br />

keeping up with both educational material<br />

and physical activities. The goal is to maintain<br />

the quality of their lives. Healthy practices<br />

include enhancing their self-reliance, selfsufficiency,<br />

and coping strategies in the areas<br />

of physical, health, and social relationships.<br />

Learning in later life may include individual<br />

reflection and life review that takes place in an<br />

unstructured and spasmodic way, but which<br />

may lead to greater self-understanding and<br />

individual insight.<br />

OLLI is an important part of the Long Beach<br />

community as it opens a door for older<br />

adults and gives them endless amounts of<br />

opportunity for learning and growth. Studies<br />

show that older adults benefit from learning<br />

new things. It is therefore imperative to seek<br />

to prolong the lives of the adult population<br />

through various types of education to enable<br />

them to cope with retirement and the aging<br />

process. Aging education should be made<br />

available to all citizens to increase awareness<br />

and respect for the older adults in our society.

The contribution that one makes in adulthood<br />

can be followed up in their old age through<br />

sources of appropriate education to update<br />

and upgrade their knowledge about their<br />

capabilities and about society.<br />

OLLI at California State University Long<br />

Beach is a wonderful foundation for the<br />

community as it is led by a hardworking and<br />

encouraging administration and staff. It gives<br />

those who may not have had an education<br />

growing up an opportunity to witness<br />

firsthand how it feels to learn new ideas, tricks,<br />

and even a chance to love new hobbies that<br />

...<br />

LLI<br />


Early last year, California State University,<br />

Long Beach relaunched its Center for<br />

Successful Aging, headed by Dr. Iveris<br />

Martinez. The purpose of the center<br />

is to promote a positive view towards<br />

aging, propel research that addresses<br />

issues within our aging communities, and<br />

prepare the future workforce for the<br />

caring and servicing of elderly adults. With<br />

the support of the Archstone Foundation<br />

and the American Gold Star Manor, the<br />

center aims to promote healthy aging<br />

within the Long Beach community and<br />

across the U.S.<br />

The center already has several programs<br />

to address issues facing our older<br />

population. Some of the work the center<br />

does to create increased awareness of<br />

successful aging includes:<br />

A Fall Prevention program which looks<br />

into ways to prevent injuries primarily<br />

through exercise programs that focus on<br />

creating balance and mental sharpness.<br />

A Walking Program partnered with the<br />

American Gold Star Manor, which aims to<br />

get older adults out in the community,<br />

Successful Aging<br />

in Long Beach<br />

By:<br />

Santos Galeas<br />

Melinda Nelissen<br />

Cyrille Juimo Noubisse<br />

Tuva Owre<br />

California State University, Long Beach<br />

Gerontology 400 Section 04<br />

Dr. Mary Marshall<br />

March 14, <strong>2019</strong><br />

ensure that adults of any generation have<br />

the opportunity to learn about the aging<br />

process and what we can do to improve<br />

wellbeing for older adults.<br />

Why is studying <strong>fall</strong> prevention important?<br />

Lately, there has been a focus on physical<br />

health amongst all age groups; however, it<br />

is of particular importance for adults over<br />

50. Most research involving exercise for<br />

promote wellbeing and exercise, and<br />

give members of our community an<br />

opportunity to re-engage with the city.<br />

Studies on Gerontology and aging to<br />

older adults focuses on alleviating health<br />

issues or preventing them altogether.<br />

For example, a study conducted in 2014<br />

looked at improving gait asymmetry<br />

20 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

through balance and weight training. Gait<br />

asymmetry is a condition where one leg<br />

becomes dominant while the other starts<br />

to drag behind. Some severe conditions<br />

prevent adults from being able to lift their<br />

leg, which leads to a higher risk for slips<br />

and <strong>fall</strong>s. The study found that balance<br />

and weight training, in addition to aiding<br />

the severity of the gait, increased overall<br />

strength and also improved posture and<br />

balance.<br />

Why is walking important?<br />

Walking has many health benefits for older<br />

adults. It builds strength, coordination,<br />

and energy; reduces risk for <strong>fall</strong>s and<br />

fractures; improves mood; and relieves<br />

depression. The Center’s walking program<br />

has a primary focus to get older adults back<br />

into the community. The program sets up<br />

walking routes throughout the city that<br />

allow older adults to reach businesses,<br />

parks, and services that cater to them.<br />

It also allows for a more passive form<br />

of exercise that improves mobility and<br />

independence. It is no secret that walking,<br />

biking, and any other aerobic activity can<br />

improve your quality of life, but it is rare<br />

for communities to actually promote this<br />

idea. As the older adult community is<br />

already more than a quarter of the Long<br />

Beach population, the need for improving<br />

access to services has never been of higher<br />

importance for the city.<br />

When we interviewed Dr. Martinez, the<br />

director of the Center for Successful<br />

Aging, to ask her questions about the<br />

center and its affiliates, it became clear<br />

that they are very passionate about, and<br />

Dr. Iveris L. Martinez<br />

take pride in, the work they do. We asked<br />

about her greatest accomplishment, to<br />

which Dr. Martinez responded, “As a team,<br />

the Center for Successful Aging (CSA)<br />

prides itself in the progress made towards<br />

connecting university and community<br />

partners to better assess and evaluate<br />

the needs and services needed for an<br />

improved quality of life among local older<br />

adults.” We asked Dr. Martinez what she<br />

thinks is the greatest factor contributing to<br />

quality of life in older adults and what kind<br />

of research is being conducted to spread<br />

Center for<br />

Successful Aging<br />

Location:<br />

Foundation Building,<br />

Room 150.<br />

Hours:<br />

Monday- Friday<br />

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br />

Website:<br />

csulb.edu/aging<br />

Email:<br />

CHHS-Aging@csulb.edu<br />

Phone:<br />

562-985-2079<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 21

Successful Aging in Long Beach (Cont.)<br />

awareness of this. Dr. Martinez stated the<br />

center believes that “social connectivity is<br />

strongly related to quality of life,” and that<br />

“there is currently developing research on<br />

the negative impacts social isolation has<br />

on health and quality of life.” The programs<br />

CSA offers, such as the Fall Prevention<br />

program and the Walking Program, tackle<br />

issues of social isolation, as the programs<br />

encourage older adults to become a greater<br />

part of their community and engage in<br />

social activities that can benefit their<br />

overall health. Lastly, we asked Dr. Martinez<br />

what resources she recommends for older<br />

adults to become more involved in the Long<br />

Beach community, to which she answered,<br />

“The CSA fully supports student and<br />

older adult volunteer opportunities. We<br />

are currently overseeing four projects at<br />

American Gold Star Manor, a senior living<br />

community in West Long Beach, involving<br />

residents and offering opportunities for<br />

student volunteers to work with aging<br />

populations. Training students across<br />

professions to work with aging populations<br />

through intergenerational experiences is<br />

one of our top priorities.” Additionally, she<br />

discussed how she encourages university<br />

and community members to attend the<br />

colloquium series they host once a month,<br />

where they present “current research<br />

and other initiatives on aging taking place<br />

on campus, many in collaboration with<br />

community partners.”<br />

We are glad to have had the opportunity<br />

to interview with Dr. Martinez and learn<br />

more about the Center for Successful Aging<br />

and the resources they offer to the older<br />

community. If you want more information<br />

about the Center for Successful Aging<br />

and their upcoming events their contact<br />

information is included below.<br />

Students from Dr. Mary Marshall’s<br />

Gerontology class at CSULB. The<br />

Heart of Ida thanks you for putting<br />

together all of the CSULB articles for<br />

the <strong>summer</strong> issue of AgeWell.<br />

22 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine<br />

Senior Water<br />

Exercise Classes<br />

Seniors 50+ are free with a Senior Fitness Pass.<br />

Fun, fast paced, low impact Water Exercise classes will shape you up with<br />

little or no stress on your knees or back. The resistance and buoyancy of<br />

water conditions muscles and promotes cardiovascular fitness.<br />

Belmont<br />

Plaza Pool<br />

4320 East Olympic Plaza<br />

562.570.1807<br />

• Shallow Water Exercise<br />

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 11-11 :50 a.m.<br />

Tuesday & Thursday: 7:10 - 8 p.m.<br />

• Deep Water Exercise<br />

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 10-10:50 a.m.<br />

Silverado<br />

Pool<br />

1540 West 32nd Street<br />

562.570.1721<br />

• Shallow Water Exercise<br />

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 11 -11 :50 a.m.<br />

• Deep Water Exercise<br />

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 10-10:50 a.m.<br />

King Park<br />

1810 Lemon Avenue<br />

562.570.1718<br />

• Deep Water<br />

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:30-7:20 a.m.<br />

• Shallow Water<br />

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 • 8:50 a.m.<br />

• Shallow Water<br />

Monday, Wednesday:<br />

6 - 6:50 p.m.<br />

Visit www.lbparks.org<br />

for more information.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 23


& OTHER<br />

Senior Centers<br />

Long Beach Senior Center<br />

1150 E 4th St.<br />

(562) 570-3500<br />

Fitness Gym. Friendly Café, Monday-Friday,<br />

8am-2pm. HSA lunch, Monday - Friday, $2.25.<br />

OC Food Bank. Food Finders. Game Room with<br />

billiards, games, table tennis. CalFresh (food<br />

stamps) sign-ups, Tuesday, 9am. Library with<br />

magazines and books. Thrift Store. Gift Shop.<br />

Special events, speakers, and occasional vendor<br />

tables. Red Hat Society. Long Beach Gray<br />

Panthers meet first Saturdays at 10:30am.<br />

Senior Citizen Advisory Commission meets 3rd<br />

Wednesday of the month at 9am.<br />

Silverado Park<br />

1545 W. 31st St.<br />

(562) 570-1675<br />

Small lunch, $1, Monday - Friday, 11:30am-<br />

1:30pm. Aerobics • Health Lectures • Bingo<br />

• Card Games • Crochet • Arts & Crafts •<br />

Dances • Floral Arranging • Longevity Stick •<br />

Card Games • Tech Talk • Jewelry Class<br />

El Dorado Park West<br />

2800 Studebaker Road<br />

(562) 570-3225<br />

HSA lunch, Monday-Friday Registration<br />

needed, (562) 429-4283)<br />

Hula • Bell Dancing • Bingo • Book Club •<br />

Card Making • Mini-Craft • Flower Arranging<br />

• Longevity Stick • Light Chair Stretching •<br />

Big Band Concert & Dancing • Senior Fitness<br />

• Bridge • Cronit Club • Card Games • Zumba<br />

Gold Toning • Quilters • Ballroom Dancing •<br />

Line Dance • Almost Ballet • Crochet & Knit.<br />

Houghton Park<br />

6301 Myrtle Ave.<br />

(562) 570-1640<br />

Light-Chair Aerobics • Tai Chi • Bingo •<br />

Call for details such as schedules and registration.<br />

24 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

Quilting • Beg. Computer (English & Spanish)<br />

• Mini Craft • Spanish 1 & 2 • Jewelry Class.<br />

HSA Lunch, $2.25, Monday - Friday.<br />

Cesar Chavez<br />

401 Golden Ave.<br />

(562) 570-8890<br />

Game room, billiards, ping-pong, fitness room.<br />

Crochet, painting, and arts & crafts.<br />

California Rec. Center<br />

1550 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.<br />

(562) 570-1605<br />

HSA lunch program, $2.25, Monday - Friday.<br />

Game room with billiards, games, table tennis,<br />

TV. Tai Chi • Bingo • Crafts • Line Dancing •<br />

Quilting • Tech Help (cell phones, cameras,<br />

email, social media) • Exercise Class • Music<br />

Appreciation<br />

Expo Arts Center<br />

4321 Atlantic Ave.<br />

For schedule of senior activities, call Council<br />

District 8 at (562) 570-6685.<br />

longbeach.gov/district8/<br />

The Salvation Army Al and<br />

Faye Taylor Senior Center<br />

3000 Long Beach Boulevard,<br />

Long Beach, CA, 90807<br />

Call for classes (562) 247-3539<br />

The LGBTQ Center<br />

2017 E. 4th St.<br />

(562) 434-4455<br />

Centerlb.org.<br />

Social support groups, seminars and events.<br />

Alpert Jewish Community Center<br />

3801 E. Willow St.<br />

(562) 426-7601<br />

alpertjcc.org<br />

Silver Sneakers Fitness Program<br />

Call for information. The Barbara Alpert<br />

Warm Water<br />

Exercise<br />

Ability First<br />

3770 E. Willow St.<br />

(562) 426-6161<br />

abilityfirst.org<br />

Arthritis Swim,<br />

Arthritis Swim Plus,<br />

Open Swim,<br />

Water Exercise.<br />

Pools of Hope<br />

6801 Long Beach Blvd.<br />

(310) 537-2224<br />

caaquatictherapy.com<br />

City Pools with<br />

Exercise Classes:<br />

Long Beach<br />

Lakewood<br />

Carson<br />

Compton<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 25


Chorus, Wednesdays at 10:30, strong singing<br />

voice not required. Questions? Call Dr.<br />

Susan Mathieu at (562) 426-7601 x 1721 or<br />

smathieu@alpertjcc.org.<br />

The Happiness & Humor Group, free, monthly<br />

group that helps find the positive side of<br />

life. All senior adults are invited, bring your<br />

friends, and be ready to laugh. Coffee and light<br />

refreshments served. For more information,<br />

call Dr. Susan Mathieu at (562) 426-7601, ext.<br />

1721. Weekly senior lunches, Wednesdays at<br />

noon $5-6<br />

CSULB<br />

Life Fit Center at CSULB<br />

1250 N. Bellflower Blvd.<br />

(562) 985-2015<br />

For Long Beach residents ages 49+.<br />

Membership: $4-26 per month. Additional<br />

fee for parking and Alter-G Anti-Gravity<br />

treadmills.<br />

Fit & Fun, Krank Circuit, Bodyweight &<br />

Balance, Building Strength, Pilates, Flexibility,<br />

Mindfulness & Gratitude, Yoga, Aqua Fitness,<br />

Fit Camp, Krank Fusion, Xcel Fitness, SIT: Spin<br />

Interval Training, In-Trinity Flow, Strength For<br />

Living, Personal Training, Beach TV Yoga, Fit &<br />

Fueled, and much more!<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute<br />

Four locations. (562) 985-8237<br />

Call for special events.<br />

Annual membership for adults ages 50+: $40<br />

(covers full academic year, September to<br />

September). Tuition: $10 per lecture class. $35<br />

per computer class. Additional fee for parking<br />

permit.<br />

LBCC Long Beach Community College<br />

Lifetime Learning Program for older adults.<br />

Pacific Coast Campus, 1305 E. PCH., FF-108.<br />

(562) 938-3048<br />

26 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

lbcc.edu/seniorcenter<br />

Tours and Classes. Call for more information.<br />

Long Beach<br />

Health & Human Services<br />

Locations vary<br />

(562) 570-4499<br />

longbeach.gov/health/<br />

Call or visit their website for Diabetes<br />

Prevention & Management Program, Healthy<br />

Active Long Beach events & programs,<br />

workshops, and health fairs, plus mental health<br />

and healthcare resources.<br />

Primetime Players<br />

Seniors who enjoy singing, dancing, acting and/<br />

or stage work are encouraged to audition.<br />

Contact Jim Meyer, (714) 269-7496 or<br />

Barbara Klein. byrdbud2@verizon.net<br />

YMCA<br />

Silver Sneakers and Silver & Fit.<br />

Los Altos, 1720 Bellflower Blvd<br />

(562) 596-3394 Fairfield, 4949 Atlantic Ave.<br />

(562)423-0491; and Lakewood, 5835 E. Carson<br />

St. (Lakewood), (562) 425-7431.<br />

lbymca.org<br />

Heart of Ida<br />

(562) 570-3548<br />

HeartofIda.com<br />

Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance<br />

Book Club, plus occasional classes, <strong>fall</strong>prevention<br />

awareness, <strong>fall</strong>-risk screenings,<br />

classes and events.<br />

Pathways<br />

(562) 531-3031<br />

4645 Woodruff Avenue,<br />

Lakewood 90713


Report elder abuse<br />

or neglect.<br />

Elder Abuse Hotline<br />

(877) 477-3646<br />

If it is immediate<br />

(happening right<br />

now) or life threat-ening<br />

— Call 911<br />

Ageless Alliance<br />

agelessalliance.org<br />

LA County District<br />

Attorney Victim-Witness<br />

Assistance<br />

(800) 380-3811<br />

da.co.la.ca.us<br />

California Attorney<br />

General Bureau of<br />

Medi-CalFraud & Elder<br />

Abuse<br />

(800) 722-0432<br />

oag.ca.gov/bmfea<br />

Domestic Violence<br />

Hotlines:<br />

National DVH<br />

(800) 799-7233<br />

DVH Socal in 13 languages:<br />

(800) 978-3600<br />

Jewish Family Service<br />

Violence Project<br />

(818) 505-0900<br />

Aging & Adult<br />

Protective Services<br />

(888) 202-4248<br />

(877) 477-3646<br />

aging.lacity.org<br />

Conducts investigation of all<br />

situations involving elders<br />

(age 65+) and dependent<br />

adults (physically or<br />

mentally impaired aged<br />

18-64) who are reported to<br />

be endangered by physical,<br />

sexual, or financial abuse,<br />

abandonment, isolation,<br />

abduction, neglect or selfneglect,<br />

or hazardous living<br />

conditions.<br />

Long-Term Care<br />

Ombudsman<br />

(800) 334-9473<br />

(800) 231-4024<br />

After hours/crisis<br />

wiseandhealthyaging.org<br />

A free and confidential<br />

service that maintains and<br />

improves the quality of life<br />

for residents in long-term<br />

care facilities.<br />

Elder Abuse<br />

Occurs in<br />

Many Forms<br />


SEXUAL<br />








Stand Up &<br />

Speak Out.<br />

It Matters.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 27


Food Stamps<br />

(Cal Fresh)<br />

Sign-ups, call for days/times:<br />

Long Beach Senior Center<br />

(562) 570-3500<br />

Long Beach Dept. of Health<br />

& Human Services<br />

(562) 570-4315<br />

longbeach.gov/health/<br />

Alpert Jewish<br />

Community Center<br />

Senior Lunches $6-7<br />

Wednesdays at noon<br />

(vegetarian and Kosher<br />

options)<br />

3801 E. Willow St.<br />

(562) 426-7601 x 1721 or<br />

smathieu@ alpertjcc.org.<br />

Human Services<br />

Association (HSA)<br />

Meals Program<br />

(562) 570-3520<br />

Lunch Program for ages<br />

60+. Suggested donation<br />

of $2.25; any donation is<br />

appreciated, but no one<br />

will be turned away due to<br />

inability to donate.<br />

Locations include:<br />

California Rec. Center,<br />

Cerritos Senior Center, El<br />

Dorado Park, Houghton<br />

Park, and Long Beach Senior<br />

Center. Phone numbers<br />

and location addresses are<br />

found page 42.<br />

Meals on Wheels LB<br />

$8 per day for two meals -<br />

dinner & lunch. Meals are<br />

delivered Monday - Friday<br />

between 10:30 am - 12:30<br />

pm by volunteers. Sign up<br />

on their website or over the<br />

phone.<br />

(562) 439-5000<br />

mowlb.org<br />


- Call for locations, pickup<br />

times, & more.<br />

American Red Cross<br />

(562) 595-6341<br />

Long Beach Community<br />

(213) 251-3432<br />

Food Finders<br />

(562) 283-1400<br />

Foodbank of So. Cal.<br />

(562) 435-3577<br />

Grateful Hearts Storehouse<br />

(562) 431-0880<br />

Long Beach Rescue<br />

(562) 591-1292<br />

Salvation Army<br />

(562) 436-7637<br />

28 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Credit Card Fraud<br />

Help with identity theft,<br />

create a freeze on new<br />

accounts from being opened<br />

in your name, and credit<br />

report disputes.<br />

Experian<br />

experian.com<br />

(888) 397-3742<br />

Equifax<br />

equifax.com<br />

(866) 349-5191<br />

TransUnion<br />

transunion.com<br />

(800) 680-7289<br />

Free annual credit report:<br />

(877) 322-8228<br />

annualcreditreport.com<br />

Mail Fraud &<br />

Prevention<br />

US Postal Inspection<br />

Service to report mail fraud:<br />

(877) 876-2455<br />

postalinspectors.uspis.gov<br />

Opt-out from insurance<br />

offers, pre-approved credit<br />

card, & unsolicited mail<br />

(888) 567-8688<br />

Direct Marketing<br />

Association Inc.<br />

Remove your name from<br />

mailing lists and e-mailing<br />

lists:<br />

www.dmachoice.org<br />

Telephone Fraud<br />

Federal Trade<br />

Commission (FTC)<br />

Report telemarketing fraud/<br />

identity theft:<br />

(877) 382-4357<br />

Do Not Call Registry - Stop<br />

telemarketers from calling.<br />

(888) 382-1222. www.<br />

donotcall.gov<br />

Internet Crime / Spam<br />

Internet Crime complaint<br />

center: www.ic3.gov<br />

Other Issues<br />

Financial Industry<br />

Regulatory Authority<br />

(FINRA) check the<br />

background of a broker or<br />

brokerage<br />

(800) 289-9999<br />

California Department of<br />

Consumer Affairs to make<br />

sure licenses of physicians,<br />

nurses, and other health<br />

care professionals are<br />

current: dcs.ca.gov, (800)<br />

952-5210<br />

California Department of<br />

Insurance<br />

(800) 927-4357<br />

insurance.ca.gov<br />

California Department of<br />

Real Estate<br />

(213) 620-2072<br />

dre.ca.gov<br />

California Public Utilities<br />

Commission for utility<br />

complaints<br />

cpuc.ca.gov/puc<br />

(800) 649-7570<br />

LA County Department of<br />

Consumer Affairs<br />

for landlord/tenant issues,<br />

housing discrimination,<br />

home-buyer issues,<br />

consumer complaints: dca.<br />

(800) 593-8222<br />

lacounty.gov<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 29


Alzheimer’s Greater Los<br />

Angeles Adult Day<br />

Services Help Line<br />

(844) HELP.ALZ<br />

alzgla.org<br />

ALS Association<br />

als.org<br />

American Heart<br />

Association and<br />

American Stroke<br />

Association<br />

(213) 291-7000<br />

heart.org<br />

American Diabetes<br />

Association<br />

(800) 342-2383<br />

diabetes.org<br />

California Association of<br />

Adult Day Services<br />

caads.org<br />

California Dept. of<br />

Health Care Services<br />

dhcs.ca.gov<br />

California Dept.<br />

of Social Services<br />

ccld.ca.gov<br />

Facility Resources<br />

A Place for Mom<br />

(844) 731-8137<br />

aplaceformom.com<br />

Assisted Living Locators<br />

(310) 853-8282<br />

assistedlivinglocatorssla.<br />

com<br />

Connections Care<br />

Home Referrals<br />

(800) 330-5993<br />

carehomefinders.com<br />

Nursing Home Compare<br />

medicare.gov/<br />

NHCompare/Home<br />

CalQualityCare<br />

calqualitycare.org<br />

Genesis Program<br />

Mental health<br />

Assessments for<br />

people age 60+.<br />

(213) 351-7284<br />

IMAlive Crisis Network<br />

imalive.org<br />

Friendship Line<br />

24-hour, for people<br />

60+.<br />

(800) 971-0016<br />

LA Warmline<br />

10pm - 6am<br />

Crisis Line<br />

(855) 952-9276<br />

spanish available<br />

The Warm Line<br />

Non-Crisis line.<br />

M-F, 5-10pm<br />

Spanish<br />

(888) 448-4055<br />

English<br />

(888) 448-9777<br />

Ombudsmen<br />

State of CA Crisis Line<br />

(800) 231-4024<br />

30 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Ascent Hearing Center<br />

4085 Atlantic Ave., Ste. D<br />

(562) 206-1983<br />

ascenthearinglongbeach.<br />

com<br />

Beltone S. California<br />

2865 Atlantic Ave., Ste. 225<br />

(714) 672-9445, beltone.<br />

com<br />

Connect Hearing<br />

(562) 494-7374<br />

Screenings: locations vary<br />

connecthearing.com<br />

Clear Captions<br />

Free phones.<br />

clearcaptions.com<br />

Hearing Loss Association of<br />

America (HLAA)<br />

Long Beach/Lakewood<br />

Chapter<br />

(562) 438-0597<br />

hlalongbeachlakewood.org<br />

Chapter meets on 2nd<br />

Thursday at 6:30 p.m.<br />

Free Hearing Assistive<br />

Technology (HAT) Demos -<br />

call for schedule. Meeting,<br />

classes, and demos at<br />

Weingart Senior Center,<br />

5220 Olivia Ave., Lakewood.<br />

Jay’s Hearing Aid Center<br />

3740 E. 7th St.<br />

(562) 433-6701<br />

jayshearingcenterlb.com<br />

Sonus Hearing Care<br />

2530 Atlantic Ave., Ste. D<br />

(562) 426-2137<br />

sonushearing.com<br />


In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)<br />

Personal Care Services Program (PCSP)<br />

(888) 944-4477<br />

dpss.lacounty.gov<br />

IHSS Ombudsman<br />

(888) 678-4477<br />

Senior Links Program<br />

For Resources/Services<br />

(562) 570-3555<br />

1150 E. 4th St.<br />

(Inside Long Beach Senior Center)<br />

Long Beach Department of Health and<br />

Human Services outreach program<br />

provides a help line, and wide range of<br />

services & resources.<br />

SCAN<br />

Independence at Home<br />

(866) 421-1964<br />

www.scanhealthplan.com<br />

For people 55+, programs provide<br />

wide variety of supoort through social<br />

workers, gerontologists, mental-health<br />

professionals, pharmacists, health<br />

educators, and volunteers. No charge.<br />

Available in Spanish and other languages.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 31


Dignity Health - St. Mary’s<br />

Medical Center<br />

Bazzeni Wellness Center<br />

for older adults 50+.<br />

1050 Linden Ave.<br />

(562) 491-9811.<br />

dignityhealth.org<br />

Membership, free - $25<br />

annually.<br />

Free classes:<br />

Balance Assessment •<br />

Community Referrals •<br />

Health Education Classes.<br />

Fee-Based Classes (lowcost):<br />

Falls Prevention •<br />

Yoga • Senior Fit Class<br />

• T’ai Chi • Stepping<br />

On • Book Club • Trips<br />

• Passages Outpatient<br />

Therapeutic Support for<br />

55+ • More<br />

Long Beach Memorial<br />

MemorialCare Senior Plus<br />

program for older adults<br />

ages 55+.<br />

2801 Atlantic Ave.,<br />

(562) 933-1650<br />

memorialcare.org<br />

$25 annual fee.<br />

Call for details.<br />


Hospitals<br />

Dignity-St. Mary’s<br />

Medical Center<br />

1050 Linden Ave.,<br />

(562) 491-9000<br />

dignityhealth.org<br />

Long Beach Community<br />

1720 Termino Ave.,<br />

(562) 498-1000<br />

memorialcare.org<br />

Long Beach<br />

Memorial Hospital<br />

2801 Atlantic Ave.,<br />

(562) 933-2000,<br />

memorialcare.org<br />

VA Long Beach<br />

5901 E. 7th St.,<br />

(562) 826-8000<br />

longbeach.va.gov<br />

Neighboring<br />

Hospitals<br />

Harbor-UCLA<br />

Medical Center<br />

1000 W. Carson St.<br />

(310) 222-2345<br />

harbor-ucla.org<br />

Los Alamitos<br />

Medical Center<br />

3751 Katella Ave.,<br />

32 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

Los Alamitos<br />

(562) 598-1311<br />

losalamitosmedctr.com<br />

Lakewood Regional<br />

Medical Center<br />

3700 E. South St.,<br />

Lakewood<br />

(562) 531-2550<br />

lakewoodregional.com<br />

Kaiser Permanente<br />

25825 Vermont Ave.,<br />

Harbor City<br />

(800) 780-<br />

1230<br />

St. Francis Family<br />

Health Center<br />

457 S. Long Beach Blvd.,<br />

Compton<br />

(310) 761-8461<br />

stfrancis.verity.org<br />

Urgent Care<br />

Centers<br />

Urgent Care Plus<br />

555 Ocean Blvd.,<br />

Ste. 110<br />

(562) 285-5050<br />

lburgentcare.com<br />

Reddy Urgent Care<br />

123 Atlantic Ave.,<br />

(562) 726-1383<br />

reddyuc.com<br />

Long Beach Urgent Care<br />

6553 E. PCH<br />

(562) 596-8700<br />

remedemd.com<br />

Medpost Urgent Care<br />

2010 E. Carson St.<br />

(562) 424-5450<br />

medpost.com<br />

MemorialCare Medical<br />

Groups Urgent Care Center<br />

2110 N. Bellflower Blvd.<br />

(562) 346-2222<br />

memorialcare.org<br />

Long Beach Comprehensive<br />

Healthcare<br />

1333 Chestnut Ave.<br />

(562) 599-2153<br />


Los Alamitos<br />

Medical Center<br />

3751 Katella Ave.,<br />

Los Alamitos<br />

(562) 598-1311<br />

losalamitosmedctr.com<br />

Classes and lectures.<br />

Lakewood Regional<br />

Medical Center<br />

3700 E. South St.,<br />

Lakewood<br />

(562) 531-2550<br />

lakewoodregional.com<br />

Classes and lectures.<br />

Kaiser Permanente<br />

25825 Vermont Ave.,<br />

Harbor City<br />

(800) 780-1230<br />

healthy.kaiserpermanente.<br />

org<br />

Classes (KP members only)<br />

St. Francis Family<br />

Health Center<br />

457 S. Long Beach Blvd.,<br />

Compton<br />

(310) 900-7340<br />

55+. Events, wellness<br />

classes, health screenings,<br />

health fairs,<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 33


911 Emergency Police/Fire<br />

911<br />

211 Los Angeles<br />

211<br />

Suicide Hotline &<br />

Vet Crisis Line<br />

(800) 784-2433<br />

Suicide Prevention<br />

for LGBTQ<br />

(866) 488-7386<br />

Poison Control<br />

(800) 222-1222<br />

Elder Abuse Hotline<br />

(877) 477-3646<br />

National Sexual Assault<br />

Hotline<br />

(800) 656-4673<br />

Los Angeles Aging & Adult<br />

Services<br />

(888) 202-4248<br />

Disabled Transport<br />

(Access Eligibility)<br />

(562) 591-8753<br />

Domestic Violence<br />

(800) 799-7233<br />

Center for Health Rights<br />

(213) 383-4519<br />

Emergency Shelter<br />

Hotline<br />

(800) 548-6047<br />

LA County<br />

Mental Health<br />

Access<br />

(800) 854-7771<br />

Legal Aid of Los Angeles<br />

601 Pacific Ave.<br />

(562) 435-3501<br />

Long Beach Gas & Oil<br />

Emergency (562) 570-2140<br />

Utility (562) 570-5700<br />

So Cal Edison<br />

(800) 655-4555<br />

LIHEAP<br />

(Low-Income Emergency<br />

Assistance with Utilities)<br />

(866) 675-6623<br />

Wise & Healthy Aging<br />

Long Term Care<br />

Ombudsman<br />

(800) 334-9473, After<br />

hours, (800) 231-4024<br />

Medicare<br />

(800) 633-4227<br />

Multi-Service Center<br />

1301 W. 12th St.<br />

(562) 570-4500<br />

Poverty assistance.<br />

Friendship Line<br />

(800) 971-0016<br />

34 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Affordable Living<br />

for the Aging<br />

(323) 650-7988<br />

alaseniorliving.org<br />

Eviction Defense Network<br />

(213) 385-8112<br />

Fair Housing Foundation<br />

(562) 989-1206<br />

Forever Active<br />

(888) 705-7441<br />

foreveractivemed.com<br />

Housing Rights Center<br />

(800) 477-5977<br />

hrc-la.org<br />

Housing Authority Bureau<br />

for the City of Long Beach<br />

(562) 570-6985<br />

HUD Senior Resources<br />

hud.gov/groups/seniors/cfm<br />

LA County Housing<br />

Resource Center<br />

(877) 428-8844<br />

housing.lacounty.gov<br />

LBRE -Long Beach<br />

Residents Empowered<br />

(562) 444-5147<br />

Renter’s rights & legal<br />

workshops, bi-monthly<br />

meetings & more<br />

LGBTQ+ Seniors & Allys<br />

LBGTQHousingLB@gmail.<br />

com<br />

(562) 294-6040<br />

Menorah Housing<br />

Foundation<br />

(310) 475-6083<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Improvement<br />

- Free graffitt removal &<br />

paint and use of cleanup<br />

tools, and other resources.<br />

longbeach.gov/cd/<br />

neighborhood_services<br />

(562) 570-6866<br />

Rebuilding Together<br />

Long Beach<br />

(562) 490-3802<br />

Stayhome Safe<br />

(626) 792-0070<br />

stayhomesafe.com<br />

US Dept of Housing &<br />

Urban Development<br />

(800) 955-2232<br />

See CA State Property Tax<br />

Postponement Program on<br />

Page 39.<br />

--<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 35


HOURS:<br />

Monday: Closed<br />

Tuesday: Noon – 7 p.m.<br />

Wednesday: Noon - 6 p.m.<br />

Thursday: Noon – 7 p.m.<br />

Friday and Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.<br />

Sunday: Noon – 4 p.m.<br />

(Bay Shore, Burnett, El Dorado, & Michelle Obama libraries only)<br />

Main Library<br />

200 W. Broadway,<br />

(562) 570-7500<br />

Alamitos<br />

1836 E. Third St.,<br />

(562) 570-1037<br />

Book club for adults on the second<br />

Saturday of each month at 2:30pm<br />

Ruth Bach<br />

4055 N.<br />

Bellflower Blvd.,<br />

(562) 570-1038.<br />

Mystery Readers Discussion Group<br />

2nd Friday, 11:30am - 12:30pm<br />

Bay Shore<br />

195 Bay Shore Ave.,<br />

(562) 570-1039<br />

Book Club 2nd Thursday, 6:30pm<br />

Brewitt<br />

4036 E. Anaheim St.,<br />

(562) 570-1040<br />

Book Club for adults<br />

First Saturday, 10:00 am<br />

Burnett<br />

560 E. Hill St.,<br />

(562) 570-1041<br />

Computer classes focusing on social<br />

media, Saturday, 12:00 pm, and beginning<br />

computer classes Saturday at 2 pm.<br />

Dana<br />

3680 Atlantic Ave.,<br />

(562) 570-1042<br />

Tech Friday, by appt.<br />

El Dorado<br />

2900 Studebaker<br />

Road, (562) 570-3136<br />

Book Club 50+ 1st Tuesday, 1-2:30pm,<br />

Long Beach Sewing Guild Group, 2nd<br />

Thursday, 5 pm.<br />

Bret Harte<br />

1595 W. Willow St.,<br />

(562) 570-1044<br />

36 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

Movie, 2nd Saturday 2pm<br />

Los Altos<br />

5614 E. Britton Dr..<br />

(562) 570-1045<br />

Coloring Club<br />

Thursdays, 3:00-4:30pm, Writing<br />

Workshop, every other Tuesday, 4:30pm,<br />

Book Club, 2nd Saturday, 10:00am,<br />

Shakespeare Aloud, every other Saturday,<br />

1:00 pm.<br />

Mark Twain<br />

1401 E. Anaheim St.,<br />

(562) 570-1046<br />

One on one computer instructions by<br />

appointment only. Dance for Life (Senior<br />

program co-sponsored with the United<br />

Cambodian Community. Low impact,<br />

light aerobic, line and box step dancing to<br />

traditional Cambodian and contemporary<br />

music, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 am<br />

to noon); Spanish Language Support Group,<br />

Tuesdays 4pm - 6pm<br />

(LA County Dept of Mental Health,<br />

co-sponsored with Latinos in Action-<br />

Discussion and support group for Spanish<br />

speaking adults)<br />

Michelle Obama<br />

5870 Atlantic Ave.,<br />

(562) 570-1047<br />

Gardening Group Fridays 9:30 – 10:30 am,<br />

Computer Basics, call to make an<br />

appointment.<br />

Call locations to confirm listed programs,<br />

plus, ask about classes & workshops,<br />

online tutorials, databases & specialized<br />

collections.<br />

Homebound readers services, (562) 570-<br />

6959, Tuesday - Saturday, 10am-5pm.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 37


Bellflower<br />

(562) 925-5543<br />

9945 E. Flower St.<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Carson<br />

(310) 830-0901<br />

151 E. Carson St.<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Compton<br />

(310) 637-0202<br />

240 W. Compton Blvd.<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Rancho Dominguez<br />

(310) 632-6193<br />

4420 E. Rose St.<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Hawaiian Gardens<br />

(562) 496-1212<br />

11940 Carson St<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Lakewood<br />

4990 Clark Ave.,<br />

(562) 866-1777<br />

6600 Del Amo Blvd.<br />

(562) 421-8497<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Los Alamitos/Rossmoor<br />

(562) 430-1048<br />

12700 Montecito, Seal<br />

Beach, ocpl.org<br />

Paramount<br />

(562) 630-3171<br />

16254 Colorado Ave.<br />

colapublib.org<br />

Seal Beach<br />

(562) 431-3584<br />

707 Electric Ave<br />

ocpl.org<br />

Signal Hill<br />

1780 E. Hill St.,<br />

(562) 989-7323<br />

http://bit.ly/2sppCMG<br />

First Friday (of the month)<br />

Book Club, 11:30am. Book<br />

Sale, October 6, 1-4pm;<br />

Oct. 7, 10am-3pm. 25¢<br />

paperbacks; $1 CD/DVD.<br />

Willmington<br />

(310) 834-1082<br />

38 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


AARP Foundation Tax-Aide<br />

(877) 434-7598<br />

aarp.org<br />

Search Tax Aide and Tax Aide locator.<br />

Bet Tzedek Legal Services<br />

(323) 939-0506<br />

bettzedek.org<br />

California State Attorney General<br />

(800) 952-5225, oag.ca.gov<br />

California Elder Law Center<br />

(562) 377-7710<br />

5220 Clark Ave. Lakewood<br />

calelderlawcenter.com<br />

Veterans Seminar & Health Benefits<br />

Clinic - Weds. at 2 p.m.<br />

Schomer Law Group<br />

Free seminars. (562) 346-3209<br />

schomerlawgroup.com<br />

California State Property Tax<br />

Postponement Program<br />

Property tax deferement availble for some<br />

CA homeowners who are seniors, blind, or<br />

have a disability. Search “PTP” at sco.co.gov<br />

or call (800) 952-5661.<br />

Center for Health Care Rights LA<br />

(213) 383-4519<br />

HELP - Health Care & Elder<br />

Law Programs<br />

(310) 533-1996<br />

help4seniors.org<br />

LA County Public Administration Public<br />

Guardian, (213) 974-0515<br />

Legal Aid Foundation of LA<br />

(800) 399-4529<br />

lafla.org<br />

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys<br />

naela.org<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 39


Long Beach City<br />

Mayor & Council<br />

Districts<br />

Mayor Robert Garcia<br />

(562) 570-6801<br />

longbeach.gov/mayor<br />

longbeach.gov/officials<br />

Council District 1<br />

(562) 570-6919<br />

Council District 2<br />

Jeannine Pearce<br />

(562) 570-2222<br />

Council District 3<br />

Suzie Price<br />

(562) 570-6300<br />

Council District 4<br />

Daryl Supernaw<br />

(562) 570-4444<br />

Council District 5<br />

Stacy Mungo<br />

(562) 570-5555<br />

Council District 6<br />

Dee Andrews<br />

(562) 570-6816<br />

Council District 7<br />

Roberto Uranga<br />

(562) 570-7777<br />

Council District 8<br />

Al Austin<br />

(562) 570-6685<br />

Council District 9<br />

Rex Richardson<br />

(562) 570-3319<br />

Neighboring<br />

City Halls<br />

Bellflower<br />

(562) 804-1424<br />

bellflower.org<br />

Carson<br />

(310) 830-7600<br />

ci.carson.ca.us/<br />

Compton<br />

(310) 537-8000<br />

comptoncity.org<br />

Hawaiian Gardens<br />

(562) 420-2641<br />

hgcity.org<br />

Lakewood<br />

(562) 866-9771<br />

lakewoodcity.org<br />

Los Alamitos<br />

(562) 431-3538<br />

cityoflosalamitos.org<br />

Paramount<br />

(562) 220-2225<br />

paramountcity.com<br />

Seal Beach<br />

(562) 431-2527<br />

sealbeachca.gov<br />

Signal Hill<br />

(562) 989-7300<br />

cityofsignalhill.org<br />

40 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Abandoned Shopping Carts<br />

(800) 252-4613<br />

Gas Dept. Emergency<br />

(562) 570-2140<br />

Broken Curb<br />

(562) 570-2770<br />

Leaking Fire Hydrant<br />

(562) 570-2390<br />

Damaged Sewer<br />

(562) 570-2440<br />

Abandoned Vehicles<br />

Code Enforcement<br />

Weed Abatement<br />

(562) 570-2633<br />

Large Trash Pickup<br />

(free, twice a year)<br />

Alley Cleaning<br />

Trash Not Picked up<br />

Trash in Street<br />

Overflowing Trash Can<br />

(562) 570-2876<br />

Standing Water<br />

in Gutters, Tree<br />

Trimming, Potholes<br />

Storm Drains<br />

(562) 570-2700<br />

Noise Complaints<br />

(562) 570-4126<br />

Broken Traffic Light/Meter<br />

(562) 570-3264<br />

Graffiti<br />

(562) 570-2773<br />


St. Mary Medical Center<br />

Low Vision Center<br />

1050 Linden Ave.<br />

(562) 491-9275<br />

https://dignityhlth.<br />

org/2rEr4HA<br />

Lions Club Sight Programs<br />

Downtown Long Beach<br />

Lions<br />

(562) 477-3286<br />

longbeachlions.org<br />

LensCrafters OneSight<br />

(877) 753-6727<br />

lenscrafters.com/<br />

onesight#sd<br />

Outside Long Beach<br />

The Braille Institute<br />

Los Angeles<br />

741 N. Vermont Ave.<br />

(323) 663-1111<br />

Anaheim<br />

527 N. Dale Ave.<br />

(714) 821-5000<br />

(800) 272-4553 (BRAILLE)<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 41



Long Beach<br />

Senior Center<br />

1150 E 4th St.<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.<br />

Saturday, 10am. - 4pm<br />

Reception:<br />

(562) 570-3500<br />

Info. & Assistance:<br />

(562) 570-3533<br />

Senior Fitness Room:<br />

(562) 570-3515<br />

Friendly Cup Cafe:<br />

(562) 570-3546<br />

Heart of Ida<br />

(562) 570-3548<br />


Filipine/American<br />

Senior Civic Center Club<br />

(562) 570-3543<br />

Senior Links<br />

(562) 570-3555<br />

California Recreation<br />

Center<br />

1550 Martin Luther King Jr.<br />

Ave.<br />

(562) 570-1605<br />

Monday - Friday,<br />

9am - 2pm<br />

Cesar Chavez<br />

401 Golden Ave. (562) 570-<br />

8890<br />

Monday - Friday,<br />

9am - 1:30pm<br />

El Dorado Park West<br />

2800 Studebaker Road<br />

(562)<br />

570-3225<br />

Monday - Friday,<br />

9am - 5pm.<br />

Houghton Park<br />

6301 Myrtle Ave.(562) 570-<br />

1640<br />

Monday - Friday,<br />

9am - 2pm<br />

Silverado Park<br />

1545 W. 31st St. (562) 570-<br />

1675<br />

Monday - Friday,<br />

9am - 2pm<br />

Expo Arts Center<br />

4321 Atlantic Ave.<br />

Council District 8 at<br />

(562) 570-6685.<br />

longbeach.gov/district8/<br />

~<br />

--· y<br />

Long Beach Gas & Water<br />

333 W. Ocean Blvd.,<br />

Long Beach<br />

(562) 570-5700<br />

longbeach.gov/<br />

utilityservices<br />

SoCal Edison Assistance<br />

Plans<br />

sce.com/billhelper<br />

Energy Assistance Fund<br />

(800) 205-8596<br />

Energy Savings Assistance<br />

(800) 736-4777<br />

SoCal Gas<br />

(The Gas Company)<br />

Emergency,<br />

(800) 427-2200<br />

(877) 238-0092<br />

socalgas.com<br />

42 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Bellflower<br />

(562) 866-8614<br />

Thompson Park Senior Club,<br />

14001 Bellflower Blvd.<br />

Tuesday, 9am - noon.<br />

Carson<br />

(310) 830-7600<br />

3 Civic Plaza<br />

Compton / Rancho<br />

Dominguez<br />

(310) 605-5688<br />

Dollarhide Center, 301<br />

Tamarind Ave.<br />

Mon. - Fri., 830am-5pm<br />

Hawaiian Gardens<br />

(562) 420-2641<br />

Senior Center, 21815 S.<br />

Pioneer Blvd. Mon. - Fri.,<br />

9am-4pm.<br />

Lakewood<br />

Weingart, 5220 Olivia St.,<br />

(562) 630-6141<br />

Burns, 5510 Clark Ave.,<br />

(562) 925-7512. Mon.-Fri.,<br />

7am-6pm; Sat., 8am-noon<br />

Los Alamitos<br />

Senior Club, (562) 431-<br />

3538. Community Center,<br />

10911 Oak St. Lunch<br />

programs with activities,<br />

grocery program & home<br />

delivered meals.<br />

Paramount<br />

Paramount Park, 14400<br />

Paramount Blvd.<br />

55+ . Monday - Friday, 8am -<br />

5pm, (562) 220-2090.<br />

Signal Hill<br />

(562) 989-7330,<br />

cityofsignalhill.org<br />

Social Club, 2nd<br />

Thursday, 10am -<br />

noon, meets at<br />

Signal Hill Library, 1780 E.<br />

Hill St.<br />

Seal Beach<br />

(562) 431-2527<br />

707 Electric Ave.<br />


Choice Home Medical<br />

Supplies<br />

800 E. Wardlow Road, Ste. A<br />

(562) 256-9961<br />

choicemedsupplies.com<br />

Disabled Resource Center<br />

2750 E. Spring St., Ste. 100<br />

(562) 427-1000, drcinc.org<br />

Medical equipment loans.<br />

Home Medix<br />

3811 Atlantic Ave.<br />

(562) 595-1153<br />

homemedix.com<br />

Mozena Medical Supplies<br />

3935 E. Anaheim St.<br />

(562) 498-2500<br />

mozenamedical.com<br />

Mobul -<br />

The Home<br />

Mobility<br />

Store<br />

2153 N.<br />

Bellflower<br />

Blvd., (562)<br />

343-7333,<br />

mobulstore.<br />

com<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 43


Medicare<br />

(800) 633-4227<br />

www.medicare.gov<br />

Sign up, change plans, review costs, what<br />

is covered, drug coverage, supplements,<br />

claims/appeals, forms and resources.<br />

Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy<br />

Program (HICAP)<br />

- Medicare counseling<br />

(800) 434-0222<br />

cahealthadvocates.org/hicap<br />

Medi-Cal Managed Care Ombudsman<br />

(888) 452-8609<br />

National Council on Aging<br />

Benefits Check-up<br />

benefitscheckup.org<br />

CA Dept. of Insurance Consumer Hotline<br />

(213) 897-8921<br />

(800) 927-4357<br />


Senior Medicare Patrol<br />

California Fraud<br />

Hotline<br />

(855) 613-7080<br />

smpresource.org<br />

cahealthadvocates.org<br />

Center for Health Care<br />

Rights<br />

(213) 383-4519<br />

Telephone counseling by<br />

appointment; in-person<br />

also available under special<br />

circumstances.<br />

US Health and Human TIPS<br />

Hotline to report Medicare<br />

Fraud<br />

(800) 447-8477<br />

oig.hhs.gov/fraud/report-fraud<br />

44 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>


Could you be depressed?<br />

The Geriatri c Depress ion Scale is a valuable and reliab le measurement<br />

tool used in clinical<br />

prac t ice and research programs. If yo u susp ect you are suffering from depressi o n, you can<br />

answer the questions yourself. If you have a score of 5 or more points, you should contact<br />

your health care provider for further evaluation.<br />

1. Are you basically satisfied with your life?<br />

2. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests?<br />

3. Do you feel that your life is empty?<br />

4. Do you often get bored?<br />

5. Are you in good spirits most of the time?<br />

6. Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you?<br />

7. Do you feel happy most of the time?<br />

8. Do you often feel helpless?<br />

9. Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing<br />

thing s?<br />

10. Do you feel that you have more problems with memory than<br />

most?<br />

11. Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now?<br />

12. Do you feel worthless the way you are now?<br />

13. Do you feel full of energy?<br />

14. Do you feel that your situation is hopeless?<br />

15. Do you think that most people are better off than you are?<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Scoring: Score one point if you answered NO to Questions 1, 5,<br />

7, 11, 13. Score one point if you answered YES to Questions 2,<br />

3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15. Total your points. If you have a score<br />

of 5 or more points, you should contact your health care provider for<br />

further evaluation.<br />

TOTAL<br />

Author: Jerry Yesavage, M.D., Department of Psychiat ry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University<br />

Medical Center. Reference: Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, Lum 0 1<br />

Huang V, Adey MB, Leirer VO:<br />

Development and validation of a geriat ric depression screening scale: A preliminary repor t . Journal of<br />

Psychiatric Research. 17: 37-49, 1983.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 45


Suicide Hotline<br />

(800) 273-8255<br />

suicidepreventionlifeline.<br />

org<br />

Chat available.<br />

Dignity - St. Mary<br />

Medical Center<br />

Trauma - 1045 Atlantic Ave.<br />

Ste. 801, (562) 491-7977.<br />

Long Beach Police<br />

Dept. Mental Health<br />

Evaluation Team<br />

(562) 435-6711<br />

Long Beach Mental<br />

Health Center<br />

2900 Redondo Avenue<br />

(562) 256-2900<br />

dmh.lacounty.gov<br />

Long Beach Asian<br />

Pacific Islander Family<br />

Mental Health<br />

4510 E. PCH, Ste. 600<br />

(562) 346-1100<br />

Mental Health America<br />

Village ISA<br />

456 Elm Ave., (562) 437-<br />

6717. mhavillage.org<br />

C.A.R.E.<br />

1045 Atlantic Ave.,<br />

Ste. 1016,<br />

(562) 624-4900<br />

careprogram.org<br />

Telecare La Casa<br />

Mental Health Urgent Care<br />

6060 Paramount Blvd.<br />

(562) 634-9534<br />

Walk-in services only,<br />

8 a.m. - 7 p.m.<br />

Los Angeles County<br />

Dept. of Mental Health<br />

(800) 854-7771<br />

dmh.lacounty.gov<br />


Adams Funeral Home<br />

501 E. Palmer, Compton<br />

(323) 636-9864<br />

Affordable Burial<br />

and Cremation Services<br />

6510 Cherry Ave.<br />

(888) 932-3286<br />

affordableburial.net<br />

All Souls Mortuary<br />

4400 Cherry Ave.<br />

(562) 424-8601<br />

catholicmortuaries.com<br />

Dignity Memorial /<br />

Stricklin<br />

Snively Mortuary<br />

1952 Long Beach Blvd.<br />

(562) 426-3365<br />

dignitymemorial.com<br />

Dignity Memorial / Whites<br />

Funeral Home<br />

9903 E. Flower St.,<br />

Bellflower<br />

(562) 867-2741<br />

dignitymemorial.com<br />

Forest Lawn<br />

1500 E. San Antonio Drive<br />

4471 Lincoln Ave., Cypress<br />

(888) 204-3131<br />

46 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

forestlawn.com<br />

Harrison-Ross Mortuary<br />

426 E. Compton Blvd.<br />

Compton<br />

(310) 667-4052<br />

harrisonross.com<br />

Long Beach Colonial<br />

Mortuary<br />

638 Atlantic Ave.<br />

(562) 436-1601<br />

longbeachcolonial.com<br />

Luyben / Dilday Mortuary<br />

5161 Arbor Road<br />

(562) 425-6401<br />

luybendilday.com<br />

McKenzie Mortuary<br />

3843 E. Anaheim St.<br />

(562) 961-9301<br />

mckenziemortuary.com<br />

Sunnyside Cemetery<br />

(Historical)<br />

1095 E. Willow St.<br />

(562) 595-9392<br />


AARP Driver Safety Course<br />

50+. Online course at aarp.com<br />

AAA Defensive Driving Course.<br />

Online courses, tips and evaluations.<br />

seniordriving.aaa.com<br />

Rancho Los Amigos National<br />

Rehabilitation Center- Driving Simulations<br />

7601 E. Imperial Hwy., Downey.<br />

(562) 401-7111<br />

http://goo.gl/wO9iOQ<br />

Long Beach Transit<br />

- Bus System Passengers that qualify for<br />

Medicare, are 62+, and/or have disabilities,<br />

bus fare is 60 cents. Passengers who<br />

are blind or use a wheelchair, bus fare is<br />

free. Find bus schedules at lbtransit.com/<br />

services<br />

Disability Transportation Services<br />

Must register prior to use. Dial-A-Lift<br />

through Long Beach Transit, (562) 591-<br />

8753; and Access Paratransit Services,<br />

(800) 883-1295, fees apply.<br />

Taxi and Mobile Ride Share<br />

ButterFLI<br />

(855) 267-2354<br />

gobutterfli.com<br />

On-demand assisted transportation.<br />

Long Beach Yellow Cab<br />

(562) 435-6111<br />

Uber and Lyft access services offer<br />

additional assistance to seniors and people<br />

with disabilities. To use services, Uber<br />

and/or Lyft apps are required on a mobile<br />

device.<br />

For Uber services, open the app slide to<br />

Assist or WAV and set location.<br />

For Lyft services, open the app, go to the<br />

“Settings” menu, tap on “Services,” tap on<br />

“Access” to enable, then request a ride.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 47


Alpert Jewish<br />

Community Center<br />

Retired and Senior<br />

Volunteer Program<br />

(RSVP) - (562) 506-2801<br />

American Red Cross<br />

3150 E. 29th St.<br />

(562) 595-6341<br />

redcross.org/ca/longbeach<br />

Cambodian Association<br />

of America<br />

2390 Pacific Ave.<br />

(562) 988-1863<br />

Carpenter Performing<br />

Arts Center<br />

(562) 985-4274<br />

carpenterarts.org<br />

Christian Outreach<br />

in Action<br />

515 3rd St.<br />

(562) 432-1440<br />

coalongbeach.org<br />

Free medical clinic, Tues.<br />

and Thurs., 8am-4pm. Food<br />

and clothing bank. Water<br />

station during the <strong>summer</strong><br />

months. Food for pets,<br />

during food bank, Thursday,<br />

9am-noon.<br />

Community Action<br />

Partnership (LBCAP)<br />

(562) 216-4600<br />

lbcap.org<br />

Disabled Resource Center<br />

2750 E. Spring St., Ste. 100<br />

(562) 427-1000<br />

drcinc.org<br />

Food Finders<br />

(562) 283-1400<br />

foodfinders.org<br />

Gray Panthers Long Beach<br />

First Saturday, 10:30 a.m.<br />

at the Long Beach Senior<br />

Center<br />

1150 E. 4th St.<br />

facebook.com/<br />

longbeachgraypanthers<br />

Heart of Ida<br />

(562) 570-3548<br />

heartofida.org<br />

Long Beach Health<br />

& Human Services<br />

Public Health 24 Hour<br />

Advisory Info Line<br />

(562) 570-4499<br />

Main: 2525 Grand Ave.<br />

(562) 570-4000<br />

Independence at Home<br />

by SCAN<br />

(866) 421-1964<br />

independenceathome.org<br />

Justin Rudd Community<br />

Action Team<br />

justinrudd.com/cat.html<br />

LBRE - Long Beach<br />

Residents Empowered<br />

(562) 444-5147<br />

Renter’s rights & legal<br />

workshops, Housing Action<br />

Meeting bi-monthly.<br />

LGBTQ Center LB<br />

2017 E. 4th St.,<br />

(562) 434-4455<br />

centerlb.org<br />

Long Beach Fire<br />

Ambassador<br />

(562) 570-2519<br />

http://bit.ly/2rTeQiv<br />

Long Beach Heritage<br />

(562) 493-7019<br />

lbheritage.org<br />

Long Beach Playhouse<br />

(562) 494-1014<br />

lbplayhouse.org<br />

48 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong>

Long Beach Rescue<br />

Mission / Lydia House<br />

Samaritan House<br />

1335 Pacific Ave.<br />

(562) 591-1292<br />

lbrm.org<br />

Long Beach Senior<br />

Police Partners (SPP)<br />

http://bit.ly/2t7P07A<br />

Lutheran Social Services<br />

Community Care Long<br />

Beach<br />

1611 Pine Ave.<br />

(562) 599-1321<br />

lsscommunitycare.org<br />

Meals on Wheels<br />

Long Beach<br />

(562) 439-5000<br />

mealsonwheelsoflongbeach.<br />

org<br />

Multi-Service Center<br />

for People Experiencing<br />

Homelessness/Poverty<br />

1301 W. 12th St.,<br />

(562) 570-4500<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Resource Center<br />

(562) 570-1010<br />

100 W. Broadway #550<br />

http://bit.ly/2cqGbNX<br />

Access to fax machines,<br />

computers, printers,<br />

Internet, resource materials<br />

and more.<br />

PFLAG Long Beach<br />

(562) 248-6010<br />

lbpflag.org<br />

Second Wednesday<br />

meetings at Temple<br />

Isreal, 269 Loma; 7pm<br />

Rancho Los Alamitos<br />

(562) 431-3541<br />

rancholosalamitos.com<br />

Rancho Los Cerritos<br />

(562) 206-2040<br />

rancholoscerritos.org<br />

Salvation Army<br />

Family Services<br />

3092 Long Beach Blvd.<br />

(562) 426-7637<br />

salvationarmylbc.org<br />

Senior Corps<br />

(800) 942-2677,<br />

nationalservice.gov/<br />

seniorcorps<br />

Senior Links - Public Health<br />

(562) 570-355<br />

inside Long Beach Senior<br />

Center, 1150 E. 4th St.<br />

Social Security<br />

(800) 772-1213<br />

2005 Long Beach Blvd.,<br />

ssa.gov<br />

St. Luke’s Long Beach<br />

(562) 436-4047<br />

stlukeslb.org<br />

Urban Community<br />

Outreach<br />

(562) 582-1000<br />

ucodic.org<br />

US Vets Long Beach<br />

usvetsinc.org<br />

Hospitals<br />

Long Beach Community<br />

and Memorial Care<br />

Long Beach<br />

http://bit.ly/2rlZUoP<br />

Dignity Health -<br />

St. Mary’s Medical<br />

Center<br />

https://dignityhlth.<br />

org/2t7LVnQ<br />

VA Hospital - Long Beach<br />

(562) 826-5715<br />

longbeach.va.gov/giving<br />

Villages at Cabrillo<br />

2001 River Ave.,<br />

(562) 200-7300<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 49

50 | AgeWell Long Beach | Summer/Fall <strong>2019</strong><br />

Averigiie cual es su riesgo de tener una caida<br />

Si (2)<br />

No (0) I He tenido una caida en el ultimo ano.<br />

Si (2) No (0) Uso o me han recomendado que usara baston o un<br />

caminador para desplazarme con seguridad.<br />

I<br />

Si (1) No (0) A veces siento que no tengo estabilidad al caminar.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Me sostengo de los muebles para estabilizarme cuando<br />

camino en casa.<br />

Las personas que han tenido una caida tienen probabilidades<br />

de volve r a caerse.<br />

Las personas a qu ienes se les ha recomendado usar un<br />

baston o un caminador posib leme nte ya te ngan mas<br />

probabilidades de t ener una cafda.<br />

La falta de estabilidad y sentir la necesidad de apoyarse al<br />

caminar son senales de falta de equi librio.<br />

Esto tambien es serial de falta de equilibrio.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Me preocupa caerme.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Necesito ayudarme con las manos para levantarme de<br />

una silla.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Tengo algo de dificultad para subir el borde de la acera.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Frecuentemente tengo urgencia de llegar al bario.<br />

--<br />

Si (1)<br />

-<br />

No (0) He perdido un poco de sensibilidad en los pies.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Torno medicamentos que a veces me hacen sentir aturdido<br />

o mas cansado de lo normal.<br />

-<br />

Si (1) No (0) Torno medicament os para ayudarme a dormir o para<br />

I mejor ar el estado de animo.<br />

Si (1) No (0) Con frecuencia me siento triste o deprimido.<br />

Las personas que t ienen preocupaciones de caerse tienen<br />

mas probabilidades de tener una cafda.<br />

Esta es una serial de debi lidad muscular en las piernas , una<br />

de las principales causas de cafdas.<br />

Esto tambi en es serial de deb ilidad muscular en las piernas.<br />

Correr para llegar al bario, especia lmente dur ante la noche ,<br />

aumenta las probab ilidades de caerse.<br />

Tener los pies entumecidos puede hacer que se tropiece y se caiga.<br />

A veces, los efectos secundarios de los medicamentos<br />

pueden aument ar sus probabilidades de caerse.<br />

Estos medicamentos a veces pued en aumentar sus<br />

probabilidades de caerse.<br />

Los sfntomas de depresion, como no sentirse bien o sentirse<br />

aletargado, se relacionan con las cafdas.<br />

Total~-<br />

Sume la cantidad de puntos para cada respuesta de "si" . Si obtuvo un puntaje de 4 o mas, es posib le que este en<br />

riesgo de tener una cafda . Hable con su medico acerca de este fo lleto.<br />

*Esta lista fue elaborada por el Greater Los Ange les VA Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center y sus afiliado s y es una herramienta validada<br />

de autoeval uaci6n de riesgo de caidas (Rubenstein et al. J Safety Res; 2011 :42(6)493-499). Adaptado con aut orizaci6n de los autores .

Check Your Risk for Falling<br />

Please circle “Yes” or “No” for<br />

each statement below<br />

Why it matters<br />

Yes (2)<br />

No (0)<br />

I have <strong>fall</strong>en in the past year. People who have <strong>fall</strong>en once are likely to <strong>fall</strong> again.<br />

Yes (2)<br />

Yes (1)<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

No (0)<br />

No (0)<br />

I use or have been advised to use a cane or<br />

walker to get around safely.<br />

Sometimes I feel unsteady when<br />

I am walking.<br />

I steady myself by holding onto furniture<br />

when walking home.<br />

People who have been advised to use a cane or<br />

walker may already be more likely to <strong>fall</strong>.<br />

Unsteadiness or needing support while walking<br />

are signs of poor balance.<br />

This is also a sign of poor balance.<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

I am worried about <strong>fall</strong>ing. People who are worried about <strong>fall</strong>ing are more<br />

likely to <strong>fall</strong>.<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

I need to push with my hands to stand up<br />

from a chair.<br />

This is a sign of weak leg muscles,<br />

a major reason for <strong>fall</strong>ing.<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

I have some trouble stepping up onto a curb. This is also a sign of weak leg muscles.<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

I often have to rush to the toilet. Rushing to the bathroom, especially at night, increases<br />

your chances of <strong>fall</strong>ing.<br />

Yes (1)<br />

Yes (1)<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

No (0)<br />

No (0)<br />

I have lost some feeling in my feet. Numbness in your feet can cause stumbles and<br />

lead to <strong>fall</strong>s.<br />

I take medicine that sometimes makes me Side effects from medicines can sometimes<br />

feel light-headed or more tired than usual. increase your chance of <strong>fall</strong>ing.<br />

I take medicine to help me sleep or improve<br />

my mood.<br />

These medicines can sometimes increase your<br />

chance of <strong>fall</strong>ing.<br />

Yes (1)<br />

No (0)<br />

I often feel sad or depressed. Symptoms of depression, such as not feeling well<br />

or feeling slowed down, are linked to <strong>fall</strong>s.<br />

Total<br />

Add up the number of points for each “yes” answer. If you scored 4 points or more,<br />

you may be at risk for <strong>fall</strong>ing. Discuss this brochure with your doctor.<br />

This checklist was developed by the Greater Los Angeles VA Geriatric Research Education Clinical Center and affiliates and us a<br />

validated <strong>fall</strong> risk assessment tool (Rubenstein et al. J Safety Res; 2011:42(6)493-499. Adapted with permission of the authors.<br />

www.HeartofIda.org | 51




AgeWell Long Beach Magazine - Quarterly Wellness & Resource Publication<br />

Fall-Prevention Awareness and Education - Presentations<br />

Fall-Risk Screenings - Community Screenings<br />

Safe at Home - Safe Home Assessment & Minor Modifications for Fall Prevention<br />

Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance - Evidence-Based Fall-Prevention Program<br />

Tech Day Workshops - Tech Help at Senior Residences & Community Centers<br />

Ida’s Walkers - Dog Walking for Low-Income, Low-Mobility Seniors<br />

Community Professionals Training - Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Interventions Trainings<br />

Holiday Hearts - Hygiene Bags Delivered to Seniors in Assisted Living Homes<br />

The Heart of Ida<br />

Preserving Independence<br />

for Older Adults<br />

HeartofIda.org<br />

(562) 570-3548<br />


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