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32 Kleinman Center for Energy Policy 2018–2019 Annual Report





Glen Peters, Research Director,

Center for International Climate Research

Much faith is being put in the ability of negative emissions technologies

to slow the pace of climate change. Glen Peters of Norway’s Center for

International Climate Research (CICERO) looks at the potential of negative

emissions strategies, and the steep challenges to implementing them.

The goal of the Paris Climate Accord is to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius,

the point beyond which the impacts of climate change are feared to be most severe and

enduring. Staying below the 2-degree limit will require two complementary strategies.

The first, mitigation, is now familiar and involves limiting carbon dioxide emissions today

by turning to cleaner energy and greater energy efficiency.

The second strategy, negative emissions, is equally important in limiting future climate

impacts yet has received much less attention in public dialogue and policy circles.

Technologies don’t yet exist in any practical sense, yet they will be counted upon to

remove decades worth of carbon dioxide emissions from Earth’s atmosphere by the

end of this century.

At their best, new negative emissions tools will play a vital role in holding climate change

in check. But this may also give us a false sense of security that today’s carbon emissions

can reversed at some point in the future.

The Energy Policy Now podcast with

Glen Peters is “worthy of your time,”

says Ben Geman of Axios. “The podcast

is a lucid look at the potential for

technologies such as direct air capture

and afforestation, but also enormous

challenges—around land use, ethics,

cost and more—facing deployment.”

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