Feast Bay Area Morning Bulletin for Dec 1, 2019

Birth of a King Series Talk 1

Birth of a King Series Talk 1

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The Gospel According to Luke 23:35-43 //

Feast of Christ the King

“It takes bravery to admit and embrace these

truths: You are not eternal. You are not that

important. You are not in control.” —Fr. Joel Jason

Accepting that we will die eventually teaches us to value the things

that truly matter and to evaluate if we are fulfilling our life’s purpose.

While we are created in the image and likeness of God, if we want

to be first, we must learn to die to ourselves and be the last.

Let go and let God. Surrender to the One who is truly in control to

experience life’s fullness; keeping in mind that Christ is a powerful King

who wants to empower us.

“Is your mind formed by the world

or by the spirit?” —Fr. Steve Tynan

God has his undivided attention on you.

He loves you as

though you are the

only one in this world.

◄ Ken Yasinski,

International Speaker and Author of

The Fullness of Purpose

The world evangelizes us 24/7. We must practice mindfulness and choose

the important things. We must ask ourselves: Are we brave enough to be

different from the people around us and pay the price?


Lord All Over

Ken Yasinski, Catholic motivational speaker and book author

Above All Names. Jesus’ Name alone is powerful. It is a prayer in itself.

We feel His power and presence even just by uttering “Jesus.”

Bitter or Better? Bitterness keeps us from seeing God’s blessings in our

lives. When we find ourselves suffering in life, do we feel resentful? Or do

we see our blessings despite our struggles?

Once we truly accept that God is our Good Shepherd, He will

always be enough.

Things to Live for. Are you living for eternity or just for fleeting

moments? Two things we can bring to Heaven: our soul and the souls of

the people we lead to Him.

Our Potential. The voice of mediocrity says to an acorn: You will forever

be an acorn. The voice of wisdom says: Do you see the tree from which you fell? Her

greatness is your potential.

The Kingdom of Jesus

Bro. Bo Sanchez and Bro. Audee Villaraza

Thy Kingdom Come. Did you know that the central theme of the

Gospel is Kingdom? Kingdom or Basileia — defined as the space where Jesus

is king —is mentioned162 times in the Bible.

Eden’s King and Queen. God created the world to be within His

kingdom and appointed Adam and Eve to be the King and Queen of the

Garden of Eden alongside Him. But the couple desired to define good and

evil apart from the Lord when they ate the forbidden fruit. Thus, Heaven

and Earth became separate domains. Chaos ensued as man ruled the

world apart from God. Then the Lord picked out David, to bring forth the


All About Jesus. We are called to expand God’s Kingdom.

Sometimes we think that we will only reach Heaven when we pass on. The

truth is it is in the Here and Now. When we bring our lives under the rule of

Jesus, we are annexing our lives to His Kingdom.

Kingdom building should not be a competition. We are all in this

together. It is not about us. It is and will always be about King Jesus.

▲ Singer and songwriter Veia Lim-Viñas and her

brother Vernon Lim (not in photo) are behind The Feast

Worship songs played during the Kerygma Conference.

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