Partnerships for Training Pastors - 2019 Year in Review

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“In a healthy cross-cultural partnership we are

learning together, from God and from one another.”

– Werner Mischke

“We’re in this together” is a common refrain

spoken by pastors and church leaders that gather

in our training sessions.Together, we affirm our

unity in Christ and our desire to live out God’s

design for his church. The refrain also reminds

us that separatist tendencies and personal

power plays have no place in the work of God’s

Kingdom. Christ-centered partnerships are the

way to go!

These partnerships are not only found in

those we train, but also in your prayers,

encouragement, and financial support of this

outreach ministry. As you read this year-end

summary, may you sense the important role that

your partnership plays in fulfilling this

equipping vision. “We’re in this together!”

We are grateful for all that God has done

through Partnerships for Training Pastors

in 2019. Looking forward to 2020, several

new initiatives are before us. Thank you

for the privilege of serving with you in

this grand endeavor to build Christ’s

global church through the equipping

and mentoring of pastors, church and

emerging leaders.

With grateful hearts,

Dave and Joyce Jones


Our vision is to encourage and equip less-resourced Majority World pastors and church leaders

through biblical teaching and development of biblical resources.

By partnering with global churches, mission groups and theological institutions,

we will assist national church leaders as they nurture existing pastors and develop emerging

leaders to the glory of God.

Partnerships for Training Pastors

Our Missional Goals

• Partner with Majority World Evangelical churches,

missionaries, and mission organizations that serve

less-resourced global pastors.

• Equip Majority World pastors, emerging leaders, and

church leaders for gospel ministry through biblical

teaching and provision of practical biblical resources.

• Encourage the development of Majority and Western

World partnerships for training emerging leaders in

Majority World churches.

• Form alliances with global theological institutions

in promoting biblical education and spiritual growth

among Majority World pastors and church leaders.

• Assist Majority World church leaders in cultivating a

vision for continual pastoral training among pastors and

church leaders after this project ends.

2019 in Review


Why is Partnerships for Training Pastors Unique?


• Partnerships focuses on long-term relationships rather than a “dump and run” approach.

• Our training mostly occurs in villages and engages less-resourced pastors and church leaders who are unable to

attend Bible School or Seminary.

• Visiting three or four times per year, for more than a decade, promotes

solid growth among village pastors and church leaders.

• Training pastors and church leaders to teach others by developing

skills for biblical interpretation.

• A growing focus is on training young adult emerging leaders in village

churches as well global theological institutions.

• Giving by check allows 95% of your gift to be focused on our mission

around the world. Only 5% goes to New Horizons Foundation for

administrative costs.


Partnerships for Training Pastors

Our Uganda Partner - Kampala Baptist Church


“Kampala Baptist Church’s alliance with Partnerships for Training

Pastors has been a journey with great results. Thank God for the

commitment of Pastor Dave Jones and his wife Joyce who bring their

gifts, skills and a network of resourceful people to join in the work

of equipping the Ugandan church. We have seen over 120 leaders

equipped and much growth in biblical interpretation skills. This is

critical for the African contemporary church which must grow in the

integrity of biblical interpretation.”

Pastor Andrew Mwenge


2019 in Review



Training the Trainers Project


oming from three different areas of Uganda, these individuals

were selected by regional church leaders to become trainers

of pastors and church leaders. Since 2017, we gathered three

times a year for intense biblical and leadership study, followed by

a requirement to return to their villages and towns and hold local

seminars. These participants are now ready to assist in area training

as well as upcoming emerging leaders training across Uganda. The

three-year Project ended with a graduation ceremony in November.


Partnerships for Training Pastors

Masaka Emerging Leaders

In August of 2015, the leadership of the Baptist Union of Uganda’s Masaka region identified young adults that serve in

churches and communities but need more ministry training. The group comes together three times per year, studies,

prays and relates in close fellowship. The results have been so significant that a country wide initiative is beginning with

this training as it’s model. (See New Initiatives section)


2019 in Review


Masaka Pastors and Church Leaders

In January, we celebrated 10 years of teaching pastors

and church leaders in the Masaka region. Pastor Amos

Sekimpi, regional leader of Masaka Baptist Churches, writes:


Thanks so much Dave and Joyce for the love

and support in ministry for us Ugandans. It is

worthy to celebrate for the partnership we have

enjoyed all these years and thank God for using

our brothers in America to support this work,

trust you, and be ready to share the vision of

equipping us with all the tools necessary in

handling God’s word correctly. Please extend

our great thanks to all the donors towards this

wonderful work. We love you and pray for you.

Kampala Baptist Church (KBC) Discipleship Team

Following our January pastors and

church leaders training, a group

from Kampala Baptist Church traveled

to Masaka’s regional churches, in

May and July, to provide discipleship

training. This project grew out of

KBC’s focus on spiritual growth in

their church and a desire to share

with Masaka churches what they

have learned.

“Kampala Baptist Church recently

concluded their Discipleship

program with us here in our

zones in Masaka; it was really

good to see how progressively

God’s word was being taught for

growth – the responses were

good too.”

Pastor Abel Segirinya


Partnerships for Training Pastors

Partnership with Choshen Farm

Choshen Farm is located in Fimpulu, Zambia - Since 2015, we

have partnered together to teach through the Scriptures. After

presenting Christ in the Old Testament over the initial four years,

we began to study the New Testament last year. Bethany Colvin, of

Choshen Farm, writes of this year’s visit:

“We were blessed to receive once again the teaching team of Dave

and Joyce Jones who facilitated our May Pastor’s training conference

on The Gospels and the Life of Jesus. Pastors and Elders from

around the region attended to grow and have their minds sharpened.”

Bethany Colvin | Choshen Farm


2019 in Review




Kerygma Partnership

Bible translation requires a foundational understanding of

biblical and cultural perspectives. Drs. Chuck and Barbara

Grimes are masters at both, and serve the global church with

steadfast faithfulness. They, and a larger team of linguists,

translate the Scriptures, under the auspices of the GMIT church

in the GMIT’s Unit Bahasa dan Budaya (Language and

Culture Unit).

“We are grateful for the visits by representatives from Bethel Grove

Bible Church, our church in the US, and for their church-to-church

relationship continue to develop with GMIT. During their visit Rev. Eric

Hause, along with Rev. Dr. David Jones and his wife Joyce were able

to interact directly with a number of different GMIT church leaders.

Dave is a seasoned visitor to Kupang, having taught on numerous

occasions at GMIT’s Theology Faculty. His gift of Bible teaching is in

demand in Timor and continues to bear fruit.“

Dr. Chuck Grimes

Artha Wacana Christian University Kupang, West Timor

In 2015, the Universities’ Theological

Faculty invited Dave to teach a seminar

during a visit to West Timor. Since then,

each trip to West Timor has produced

opportunities to teach the Scriptures to

young theological students and emerging

leaders preparing for church ministry.

Partnerships for Training Pastors

Cultivating a vision for pastoral

training in South America

Huanaco, Perú


new 2019 connection was established with Language

Literacy and Life, a ministry developed by Dr. Diana

Weber. She explains how the partnership started in the

following way:

“When I learned that the Quechua organization, Pacha

Waray, had a vision for training rural pastors, I thought of

Dave Jones’ Partnerships For Training Pastors.

In early January 2019 I wrote to Dave seeking guidance on

the process of training. Within a week I received written

communication that proved foundational for Pacha Waray’s

planning. Then to our delight, in March, Dave was able to

come to Huánuco, Peru to meet with Pacha Waray and

denominational leaders. Dave shared his vision and its

outworking in Africa and Asia and challenged the gathering

to seek God’s vision for training for Huánuco. Those present

were encouraged by the simple steps Dave provided as they

consider the task. Although Dave’s visit was only four days,

I believe that there will be changes that last for eternity.”

El Refugio, Calicali, Ecuador

Our long-time mission friends, Jim and Suzy Olsen

invited Dave to visit and provide a discipleship seminar

for the El Refugio staff and introduced him to Ana Galindo,

one of their Ecuadorean partners. Ana has been helping

direct a Bible Institute for indigenous pastors in Ecuador’s

jungle where she lives and serves. We are seeking God’s

guidance to see if this relationship should be pursued.


2019 in Review



Good Shepherd Library in Mansa, Zambia




Pastor and Church Leader Training

Masaka, Uganda

The Gospels and the Life of Jesus

Pastor and Church Leader Training

Fimpulu, Zambia

The Epistles of John

Training of Trainers Project

Kampala, Uganda





Good Shepherd Library

in Mansa, Zambia

Barner Christian Academy

in Davao City, Philippines



Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time

lines, 10th Anniversary Edition


The Voice of the Shepherd, written by

Pastor Andrew Mwenge.


LIBRARY in Mansa, Zambia for furniture,

lighting and completion of study areas for Pastors.


Partnerships for Training Pastors



FOR 2020

Work with our partners

in developing and printing

curriculum for training

emerging leaders in

Uganda and Peru.

“Dear Pastor Dave, Thank you so very much for the books

which you gave [us]. All of the books: Tozer, Maclaren,

Henry, etc., will be a major blessing. The commentary sets

& Leadership Journals which you gave have actually had

another added benefit, in that God seems to be directing

me to redirecting a percentage of my time in training my

co-pastors (one-on-one & in weekly small groups) instead

of just giving them categorical and general guidelines.

This might not have been possible previously, when my

intellectual resources were more limited.”

Rev. Dr Paul Barner

Pastor and founder of Barner Academy

Davao City, Philippines


2019 in Review



Emerging Leaders Training sessions across Uganda

Because the population structure of Uganda is dominated by

children and youth (see graph), an accelerated strategy is

needed to prepare a new generation of church leaders. In response

to a request from the Baptist Union of Uganda (BUU), Partnerships

will focus on training Emerging Leaders beyond Masaka into other

regions of the country. In 2020, we are privileged to partner with

Kampala Baptist Church and the BUU to address this critical national

concern by beginning in two new Ugandan regions.

”… Since God has given me the Grace to lead in the Baptist

Union of Uganda, we can use this chance to advance and

expand the Emerging Leaders program to other Baptist

Churches in Uganda where it has not yet reached. So far

work done in the Emerging Leaders’ program to train, teach

and reach the young leaders of Uganda is excellent.

Thanks, Much love to you all.”

Pastor Abel Segirinya


Partnerships for Training Pastors

Pacha Waray Pilot Project

“Training Pastors in Remote Areas – 2020”

Most of the Quechua leaders and pastors

in rural areas are minimally literate.

They don’t have opportunities to study in

a Bible Institute or a Seminary. Seeing

this reality, Pacha Waray is coordinating

with the church leaders to provide

training on the basic Biblical truths in

the Quechua language.Dr. Diana Weber P

artnerships’ role in 2020 involves assisting in curriculum development

and serving as a consultant for pastoral training in Quechua communities.


2019 in Review



Bible Translation Partnerships – Kerygma Project

In June, Joyce and I had the privilege of attending the Lole Scripture

dedication on the Island of Rote and the Amanuban dedication of

Mark’s Gospel in Niki-Niki, West Timor. The Grimes are inviting us

to join them in helping pastors and church leaders better use the

translated Scriptures in their churches.

“Over the years we have increasingly come to

understand the importance of church involvement

in ownership in Bible translation as part of God’s

mission for the church to make disciples and grow

believers in their faith. We are privileged to have

our church in Ithaca and our church in Indonesia

connecting with each other in church to church

Kingdom relationship committed to Bible translation.”

Drs. Chuck and Barbara Grimes


Partnerships for Training Pastors

I thank my God every time I remember you.

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with

joy because of your partnership in the gospel from

the first day until now, being confident of this, that

he who began a good work in you will carry it on to

completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:3-6

2019 in Review


Financial Summary November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019

We at Partnerships for Training Pastors thank and praise

our Lord for his continued provision through His people, and

for the support received for our projects around the globe.

Partnerships for Training Pastors is sponsored by the New

Horizons Foundation Inc., a registered 501c(3) Non-Profit

Organization in the United States. EIN/FIN 84-1123082.

“Seeing God work through Dave and Joyce is truly a privilege.

Partnerships for Training Pastors continues to be a vibrant example

of what God can do. In the past 30 years, New Horizons Foundation

has given away over $140,000,000.00 for charitable purposes and

sponsored over 700 operating projects and we look forward to

continuing to encourage and support Dave and Joyce as they impact

their local community and travel the world to train others to teach

and share God’s Word.”

Greg Smith

Director of Operations, New Horizons Foundation

13518 – Partnerships for

Training Pastors

Beginning Balance

Income Statement




Net Surplus / Deficit

Ending Balance

Balance Sheet


Net Assets

Our budget goal for 2020 is $126,000











Partnerships for Training Pastors

Support Monthly Giving and Special Gifts

Your support makes it possible for us to continue these partnerships worldwide! You may

offer financial support for Partnerships for Training Pastors through the New Horizons

Foundation by visiting the address below



Send your gifts to the New Horizons Foundation’s address. Checks

should be written to New Horizons Foundation with Partnerships

for Training Pastors on the memo line.

New Horizons Foundation Inc.

Attn: Partnerships For Training Pastors

5550 Tech Center Dr., Suite 303

Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Scan this QR code with

your smartphone to donate

today through the New

Horizons Foundation!

2019 in Review



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