2018-2019 WLP Annual Report

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the National Geographic Society and author of

Be Fearless: 5 Principles for a Life of Breakthrough

and Purpose.

While the book came out in January, Case said the

story of the principles began long before. Thanks to

her career, Case has had the opportunity to travel

all over the world.

And everywhere she goes, Case said people have

great ideas about how to make things better. But

whenever she asks, “How are you going to make

this a reality?” she finds the same reaction.

“The truth is, people everywhere have that little

voice in their head that says it can’t be me,” she


And that was the look she’d get when she’d ask

people why they haven’t done anything to make

their idea a reality. People would say they felt they

needed to have a special genius, or to go to the

right school or to be well connected.

She began to ask herself: Are there special

characteristics or a “secret sauce” to those

who break through with success?

“What was illuminated is that it is ordinary people

who do extraordinary things. It’s just that they get

there by means of applying these five simple, but

powerful principles in their journey towards

success,” said Case, referring to the five principles

she outlines in her book.

During the rest of her talk, she shared these five

principles — Make a big bet. Be bold, take risks.

Make failure matter. Reach beyond your bubble.

Let urgency conquer fear — along with stories of

real people who illustrate the principles at work.

Case called herself a “living example” of the

principals. The youngest of four kids raised by a

single mom, she said no one looking at her early

life would have foreseen the opportunities she’s had.

“Anyone out there, if they have a burning idea

about their neighborhood, their community, the

world, it’s never too early and it’s never too late,”

she said. “You don’t have to wait to have just the

right stuff. It’s these principles that will get it done.”

As she wrapped up, Case told attendees they are

already making a difference by supporting WLP

and challenged them to find ways to take it just

one step further.

“Thank you for all you do,” said Case. “I will

leave here very inspired and telling the story of

the fearless spirit I see alive and all the great

things that are going on here at USF and in WLP.”


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