Feast Bay Area Morning Bulletin for Dec 15, 2019

Birth of a Nation Series Talk 3

Birth of a Nation Series Talk 3

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God’s Sacrifice on the First Christmas


We all sacrifice.

Let me give you an example. One day, even if

it was hot, I ditched the car and walked on the road

because I wanted to add to my 10,000-steps. At least

on that day, I sacrificed my comfort for my health.

Sometimes, I’m a good boy but sometimes,

I’m not. Because there are days when I sacrifice my

health for halo-halo, especially if there is leche flan plus

two scoops of ube ice cream on top of it.

But why talk of sacrifice this Christmas season?

It doesn’t fit. Because we connect the idea of sacrifice

to Good Friday, not Christmas. Sacrifice is Jesus on

the Cross, not Jesus on the Manger.

In our minds, Christmas isn’t Sacrifice, but sleigh bells, Santa Claus and sweet ham.

But after this talk, you’ll change your mind. You’ll realize that God’s biggest Sacrifice

started nine months before Christmas Day.

Have a heart-transforming Feast today!

May your dreams come true,


Birth of a Nation

Talk 3: You’re Worth It

“This was how the birth of Jesus

Christ took place. His mother Mary

was engaged to Joseph, but before

they were married, she found out

that she was going to have a baby by

the Holy Spirit. Joseph was a man

who always did what was right, but

he did not want to disgrace Mary

publicly; so he made plans to break

the engagement privately. While

he was thinking about this, an

angel of the Lord appeared to

him in a dream and said, “Joseph,

descendant of David, do not be

afraid to take Mary to be your wife.

For it is by the Holy Spirit that

she has conceived. She will have a

son, and you will name him Jesus—

because he will save his people from

their sins.”

Now all this happened in order

to make come true what the Lord

had said through the prophet, “A

virgin will become pregnant and

have a son, and he will be called

Immanuel” (which means, “God is

with us”).

So when Joseph woke up, he

married Mary, as the angel of the

Lord had told him to.”

—Matthew 1:18-24


The Feast, Founder

A Worthy Sacrifice

The bells are ringing, the carolers are

singing and friends and family have gifts

meant for giving.

Yes, my friend, Christmas is just

around the corner.

But beneath the cheer and the

celebration, there is a deeper meaning

to this beautiful season.

When we think of Christmas, the

word sacrifice is not in the immediate


Today’s talk will change the way you see the happiest season of all.

You will be blessed.

In Him,


The Feast PICC AM, Builder

15 DEC 2019 | SUNDAY

Philippine International Convention Center

Pasay City


Lessons and Inspiration

From the Book of Matthew

continued on page 2

This Is My Story

The Hotline that Saved Me

Accountant Rieena “Rina” Piquero, 27, tells Imy

Eulin how God used a support center to stop her

from committing suicide one night, and other people,

including her mom to serve as her lifeline.

Drunk, alone and brokenhearted. So why not jump off the building

and end it all? That was me. I wanted to take my life because I found out, my

boyfriend was cheating on me.

What saved me was the Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center —their

Facebook post suddenly popped up in my head. I thought, baka kailangan ko lang ng


I dialed their hotline. A friendly voice came on the line and helped me get

over my suicidal tendency.

Away from my family, I realized that all I needed was someone to talk to,

someone to listen to me.

Growing Up

Kami ‘yung pamilyang

laman ng simbahan. My mom,

Emeteria, brought us up, her

children — Kuya Ryan, Kuya

Rhene and me as church

servants. From elementary

through high school, I served

in various ministries from

being an altar server, lector/

commentator and the leader of

the Rosary brigade both in our

local parish and in our school

in Cagayan de Oro City.

In short, serving

God was part of my regular

schedule. Eventually, however,

I failed to see the reason I do

such and I grew tired of it.

▲ Rina Piquero from CDO says, “I’ve

searched high and low before, but I forgot the

most important thing – to search with Him.”

Going Astray

Entering college at the Xavier University — Ateneo de Cagayan, I got

exposed to various influences. In an attempt to understand my faith, I secretly

joined other churches.

With my spiritual debacle, I experienced chaos internally. And then

externally. Our family experienced a tragedy. Dad suffered a heart attack. He

needed a bypass surgery at a time when my brother’s and his wife’s businesses

were not doing well and I just started working. Suddenly, we had money


One time as our family said grace over meals in the hospital, Mama

noticed me not making the sign of the cross. “Are you not Catholic anymore?”

She asked.

Hearing those words, I felt judged and mocked. I wanted to reply “How

can I express the faith that I couldn’t understand by making the sign of the

cross?” But I held back.

With all these happening, I found refuge in the arms of my boyfriend — a

pastor’s son. My life revolved around him.

I entered a new world without my family knowing it. We became

intimate. We did heavy drinking and partying. The relationship was intoxicating.

A Roller Coaster Ride

By December 2017, back home in CDO, I got the shock of my life when

I found out about my boyfriend’s infidelity. Devastated, I broke off with him.

He tried to woo me back — stalking and begging me to get back with

him — but immersed with the Feast teachings, I resisted. Those encounters were

messy and full of drama. It affected my work performance, so I decided to leave

the city.

I prayed and things just fell into place.

New Year, New Life

In January this year, I found a job at an Australian accounting firm in

Mandaluyong. The best part of moving to Manila is being part of Bro. Bo’s

spiritual community. In March, I joined the Love Life Retreat (LLR) Batch 2 and

was later given the chance to speak onstage at The Feast to invite singles for the

next batch.

I even posted about it on my social media account. My friend Nova

commented, “Look at you now, the one bearing fruit, inviting others to go to

God as I did to you.” To which, I could only mutter, thank God.

The Lord also surrounded me with great people — my Light Group (LG)

sisters and friends at work — another answered prayer.

At work, I like sharing with my colleagues The Feast teachings. I also

introduced them to the He Cares Mission, a home for street children, one of the

mercy ministries of our spiritual community. Now, our company is sponsoring 44

street children. We do volunteer work there every month.

A Big Thank You

I used to think I can do everything on my own. Akala ko, hawak ko lahat.

Ngayon, naisip ko, ang liit pala ng kamay ko. Di ko pala kaya kung ako lang. It’s better to

hold hands with God.

Thanks to the people He sent me to be my lifeline — starting with Mama

and my family. Mama, thank you for bringing me up the way you did. Your

efforts bore fruits. I may have gone astray but I found my way back because from

the very start, you taught me Whom to cling to.

Thank you to my friends, my LG sisters and the people behind the LOJ

Pastoral Care Center for making me feel loved and accepted.

continued from page 1

Need an advice or just a listening ear? Call up the LOJ

Pastoral Care Center, a support group for people in crisis.

Their new numbers are 87260267, 87266728, 87264709 and



• Can you explain in your own words how God sacrificed Himself in the Incarnation?

• Will this deeper understanding affect the way you sacrifice your life for God?

Finding The Feast

Stationed in our head offce in Taguig, we had to make do with a longdistance

relationship. It was also the time I came to know about the Sunday

prayer event at PICC. My colleague Nova Fajardo, a colleague, invited me.

Through the God Mythology talk of Bro. Bo Sanchez, The Feast founder,

I received this message: “God doesn’t want to punish you.” Tears streamed down my

face. It felt good to hear that. I felt like a heavy burden was lifted off me. That

started my Feast habit, whether on-site or online.



The Gospel According to Matthew 3:1-12 //

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

“Every day,

God offers

you the gift

of peace.”

For us to have peace on earth —in our family,

community, country and in the world, as the song goes,

let it begin with me. Let it begin with you.



Talk 2: Birth of a King

Big Message:

You are part of God’s story.

“The real superheroes

of The Feast are the


Bro. Audee Villaraza

Library of Books. That’s the literal meaning

of the Bible or Biblia. This Holy Book has many

different books with stories. Each story is connected

to another story, but the climax is Jesus Himself.

Genealogy of Jesus. Matthew’s Gospel starts by

identifying the ancestors of the Messiah but with a

few names skipped.

The names of the ancestors of Jesus are

divided in three sections of 14 generations; 14 being

a meaningful number to the Jews. The number 7

symbolizes perfection while 14, spiritual perfection.

Jesus’ lineage is a picture of the grandness, and

thus, sends the message that the Messiah has finally


Women Power. Five of the names in Christ’s

genealogy are women; three of them —Tamar,

Rahab and the wife of Uriah (Bathsheba) with

questionable or dirty past.

tWhat does this tell us? That God loves us all

—despite our flaws — and that He came to save us.

No matter how dirty we are, we are included in His

lineage. Jesus is the climax of this beautiful story and

we are next in line.

▲ Children from the He Cares Mission, one of the mercy ministries of the Light of Jesus

Family, perform for the Feasters.

Bro. Audee Villaraza

You are God’s hero.

Dear Lord, You say I am Your

hero, and so, I say I am grateful

to play a part in what You’re

doing in this world. While I have

breath, while I have life, I will do my

best. I am going to do this job with all

my heart, with all my soul. Use me,

Jesus to build Your kingdom. Amen.

God’s Rep. When you fear that you are not enough

– for your family, friends and other people around

you – remember that Jesus’ genealogy doesn’t end

with Him. It continues through us, as God’s children,

representing Him here on Earth. Because we are all part

of His story.




Builders: Bo Sanchez, Alvin Barcelona

and Audee Villaraza

Council Heads: Loie Alaba, Tine Duran,

Jhay and Lhei Jatap, Edwin and Rezza Soriano


Media Head: Anne Sanchez

Editor in Chief: Rhoda Osalvo

Managing Editors: Zelle Flora, Meg Gonzales

Associate Editor: Anna Galura

Editorial Assistant: Jerica Severino

Writers: Imy Eulin, Jen Go

Chief Photographer: Jayr Purisima

Asst. Chief Photographer: Cherrie Bansale

Photographers: Trey Bagatsing

Joriz Espino, Dang Gaerlan, Rhea Nodado

Keeshia Pardo, Jim de Ramos

Layout Artist: COL

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