Celebration Autumn Term

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Celebrating Success

We have introduced lots of ways to encourage children to make positive

choices and succeed in their learning this year. All children at Westfield

Primary Academy know our School Promise and can earn component coins for

upholding it, for example: showing kindness to others, being determined in

their learning. Each component coin represents the four teams of Water,

Earth, Fire and Air.

Once a child has earned enough component

coins to reach various milestones they recieve

a certificate or a pin badge of bronze, silver or

gold. All component coins awarded are added

together across the school for each team.

Currently the points for Autumn term are:

Water - 2919 Earth - 3275 Fire - 3189 Air - 2987

Over 50 Golden Leaf

postcards have

been sent to

children this term.

Each week, a pupil is chosen by their teacher as Pupil of the Week

and their achievement is recognised at our Celebration Assembly,

to which their parents are invited.

Meet Webster our Westfield Wolf!

Each week, the class with the best attendance gets to keep Webster

in their class for the next week. We are working together as a school

to achieve a target of 96% attendance across the school.

This term we achieved

95%. All 112 children

who had 100% in

autumn were awarded

a certificate. The class

with the best

attendance this term

was Skylark Class - Well

done Skylark!

All pupils begin each

week as a Positive Pip.

As children challenge

themselves, connect

their learning or show

excellent learning

attitudes they move

through the learning

ladder towards the

Golden Leaf. Those who

reach the Golden Leaf

get a special postcard

home from the


A tidy space = a tidy


To encourage our school

to stay smart and clean

we award the Golden

Dustpan Award to the

class who is sparkling

the most!

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