Ayres Adventures Motorcycle Tours Catalog 2020-2021

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Riding Along the Coast, New Zealand


Motorcycle Adventures in Australia and New Zealand

New Zealand seems to have been designed by a motorcyclist,

for motorcyclists. Tucked away at the bottom of the

South Pacific, it is the hidden treasure of the motorcycling

world. In New Zealand, it’s never necessary to “pay your

dues” in order to reach great motorcycling roads - they're

all great! The landscape changes with nearly every turn.

A single day may include rugged mountains, lush

farmlands, volcanic plateaus, ancient rain forests, pristine

blue lakes and the sparkling waters of the South Pacific

and Tasman Sea.

Imagine looking out your window in Queenstown at night

at a view that was the backdrop to the movie, “Lord of

the Rings”; being lulled to sleep by the sound of the

Tasman Sea during your stay in Punakaiki; watching as

the last rays of light shine on the summit of Aoraki/Mount

Cook (New Zealand’s highest peak); and finally breathing

in the air of an active geothermal field during your stay

in Rotorua. This is New Zealand.

One of our most experienced tour leaders is a native New

Zealander and a “rider’s rider”. Chris Gladstone, as the

“Kiwis” would say, “ is a good bastard”. We know you’ll

enjoy letting him show you the country that he loves and

knows so well.

We've been sharing this gem of a motorcycling paradise

with riders since 2005. Word is getting around - as riders

who have experienced New Zealand return to tell friends

of their discovery. They rave about well-engineered roads,

incredible scenery, friendly people, world-class food and

fine accommodations.

Twisty roads in Japan

The Three Sisters, Australia


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