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80 G&A February 2020 SPENT CASES

A recent study says Òno.Ó



WAITING PERIODS were among the first efforts toward

gun control since the passage of the Gun Control Act

of 1968. The waiting period concept was intended to

give law enforcement time to ensure that a potential gun

buyer wasn’t prohibited from owning a firearm and to give

hot-headed individuals a few days to cool off. Congress

passed the Brady Act, a five-day waiting period on handguns,

effective in 1994 and several states followed with

laws of their own. Though the Brady Act lapsed with

the creation of the National Instant Criminal

Background Check System (NCIS)

in 1998, many state-level restrictions

remain on the books. But do they


A group of researchers studied

this topic and published their

findings on March 22, 2018, in

“The Economic Journal,” a peerreviewed

scientific publication of

The Royal Economic Society. The

study began with a discussion of other

research on the effectiveness of waitingperiod

laws and other gun control measures,

including restrictions on gun show purchases.

The authors stated that “gun shows have no detectable

effect on homicides or suicides, and tighter

regulation of gun shows does not appear to

reduce firearm-related death … a large

portion of those who commit homicides

obtain firearms through theft or private

connections, and thus homicides are

unlikely to be significantly affected

by purchase delays.”

To quantify this theory, the

researchers compared data from

states with no waiting periods to

states with waiting periods in place.

According to the study, 32 states

impose no delay on firearm purchases,

with waiting periods in the remaining

states ranging from three days to six months.

Some states, Florida as an example, have waiting periods,

but waive them for carry-permit holders. Most waiting

periods only apply to handguns with only nine states and

Washington D.C. imposing delays on long guns.

The authors of the study specifically examined causeof-death

data from the National Center for Health Statistics

to determine firearm and non-firearm homicide rates

from 1990 to 2013. The authors don’t mince words on the

study’s results: “There appears to be no consistent statistically

significant relationship between handgun delay policies

and homicides.” What about straw purchasers?

The study goes on to state that, “a policy

designed to interrupt the legitimate sale

of firearms will not have any bite in

secondary or illegal markets.”

There is one catch to the data,

though, which relates to suicides.

“Handgun delay policies do have a

consistently negative and statistically

significant effect on firearm-related

suicides,” though that effect is only 2

percent. Suicides represent the majority

of deaths by firearm in the U.S., and to

put those numbers into perspective, “selfinflicted

gunshots kill more Americans every day

as the worst mass shooting in the country’s history.”

It bears noting that many of the nations with the

world’s highest suicide rates including Russia have

few, if any, firearms in private hands. Suicide

attempts are far more likely to be successful

with a firearm than without, though, something

that the study points out.

This data establishes what many

have said for decades: Waiting periods

simply don’t prevent crime. The

authors leave us with a final note,

one that we can probably all agree

upon, “A key element of depolarising

the normative debate about gun

control and gun violence is establishing

a foundation of facts about gun

control policies and gun violence.” I think

most gun owners would happily have an honest

debate about gun-related policies based on fact rather

than emotion. I know I would.


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