Open Access e-Journal Cardiometry - No.14 May 2019

The present issue of our journal is of very special nature. We are constantly analyzing not only the readers’ focus of interest to the publications in our journal, but we are also tracing how cardiometry as a new science is realized by medical doctors and how they apply it in their practice.

The present issue of our journal is of very special nature. We are constantly analyzing not only the readers’ focus of interest to the publications in our journal, but we are also tracing how cardiometry as a new science is realized by medical doctors and how they apply it in their practice.

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numbers or small scales that corresponds

to entering of the external

friction with the coefficient


µ = λ



In this case, from the condition (5.3) it

follows that only with selection of a sufficiently

small scale of the truncation

λ < λth = t 0


(where the value t 0

is computed in

(3.11)) it is possible to avoid the explosive

loss of the smoothness of the

solution and the loss of predictability

in a finite time t 0

even at the exactly

defined initial data of the numerical

forecasting based on the solution of the

NS equation for compressible medium.

At the same time, actually the initial

data are defined not accurately, but with

a certain inevitable error. This may lead

to breaking down the condition λ < λ th

and loss of predictability in a finite

time. In this regard, fascinating and intriguing

is the relationship, as noted in

[2], between the nonrandom randomness

of the Sinai billiards, the problem

of predictability based on the NS equation

solution and another problem of

relative longevity of biological species

closely related by their initial physical

and physiological parameters (raven

and crow etc.) that has been known

since the Sir Francis Bacon’s time.

Conflict of interest

None declared.

Author contributions

The authors read the ICMJE criteria

for authorship and approved the final


36 | Cardiometry | Issue 14. May 2019


We would like to give due recognition to

E.A. Novikov for his kind interest herein

and highly appreciated suggestions hereto,

to E.A. Kuznetsov for his attentive attitude,

useful discussions and information

about the relevant reference papers [15,

22–24] and to Mr.N.A.Inogamov and V.V.

Lebedev for their constructive criticism.


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