Christmas Day I Vespers

Community of the Servants of the Will of God, First Vespers for Christmas Day

Community of the Servants of the Will of God, First Vespers for Christmas Day


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<strong>Christmas</strong> <strong>Day</strong><br />

The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ<br />

First <strong>Vespers</strong><br />

The Community of the Servants of the Will of God

<strong>Vespers</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

-v`vvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv5vvvvãvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv<br />

Officiant Blessed is the Holy and Indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy<br />

-v`vvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvv]v]vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv}<br />

Spirit.<br />

All for ever and ever. Amen.<br />

-v`vvvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

Cantor<br />

Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, everywhere present,<br />

-v`vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv˝vvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv}<br />

filling all things; Treasury of all good and giver of life.<br />

-v`vvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvb3vvvv˝vvvvÎv#vvvÎvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

All<br />

Come and dwell in us and cleanse us from sin and of your goodness,<br />

-v`vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

heal our souls.<br />

-v`vvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvbvvvv5vvvvvvvvv}<br />

All<br />

Come let us worship God our King and bow down before him.<br />

-v`vvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

Come let us worship Christ our God and King and bow down<br />

-v`vvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvv]vvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbvvvv4vvvbvvvvv5vvvvvbbvv6vvvvvvbvvv5vvvvvvbbbbbb5vvvvvvv<br />

before him. Come let us worship Christ our King and our God and<br />


-v`vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvbbvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvb2vvvvvvvvv}<br />

bow down before him.<br />

-v`vvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv˝vvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

All<br />

Almighty, all-holy, most high, all-ruling God, all-ruling goodness,<br />

-v`vvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvbbvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv]vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvv<br />

universal goodness, total goodness, you who only are good. Grant us<br />

-v`vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

to give you all praise, all glory, all thanksgiving, all honour and all<br />

-v`vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv]vvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvb3vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

blessing. Grant us always to proclaim that you alone do all things<br />

-v`vvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv}<br />

well. Amen.<br />

Troparion<br />

A great and wonderful mystery appears today: the promise of the ages is<br />

now fulfilled. A Virgin bears a Child, while remaining a virgin. The Word<br />

of God takes flesh on earth, while never leaving his Father. Angels and<br />

shepherds sing praises to him, and we join in their song: Glory to God in<br />

the highest and on earth peace, goodwill among men. Amen.<br />


Incensing Psalms<br />

-v`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvbvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvbvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvbv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvbbvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvbvv3vvvvv}<br />

viii<br />

Let my evening prayer rise up, O Lord, as the incense before you.<br />

-v`*~vvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv]vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvv}<br />

Psalm 141<br />

O Lord, I call to you; come to me quickly; *<br />

hear my voice when I cry to you.<br />

Let my prayer be set forth in your sight as incense, *<br />

the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.<br />

Set a watch before my mouth, O Lord, and guard the door of my lips; *<br />

let not my heart incline to any evil thing.<br />

-v`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvbbvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvbbvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvbbv3vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

Let my prayer come before you like incense.<br />

Let me not be occupied in wickedness with evildoers, *<br />

nor eat of their choice foods.<br />

Let the righteous smite me in friendly rebuke;<br />

let not the oil of the unrighteous anoint my head; *<br />

for my prayer is continually against their wicked deeds.<br />

Let their rulers be overthrown in stony places, *<br />

that they may know my words are true.<br />

As when a ploughman turns over the earth in furrows, *<br />

let their bones be scattered at the mouth of the grave.<br />

-v`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvbbvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvbbvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvbbv3vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

Let my prayer come before you like incense.<br />

But my eyes are turned to you, Lord God; *<br />

in you I take refuge; do not strip me of my life.<br />

Protect me from the snare which they have laid for me *<br />

and from the traps of the evildoers.<br />


Let the wicked fall into their own nets, *<br />

while I myself escape.<br />

-v`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvbbvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvbbvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvbbv3vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

Psalm 117<br />

Let my prayer come before you like incense.<br />

Praise the Lord, all you nations; *<br />

laud him, all you peoples.<br />

For his loving-kindness toward us is great, *<br />

and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for ever. Alleluia.<br />

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

-v`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvbvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvbvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvbv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvbbvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvbvv3vvvvv}<br />

Let my evening prayer rise up, O Lord, as the incense before you.<br />


Lamp Lighting<br />

Officiant Lighten our darkness, we beseech you, O Lord, and of your great<br />

mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night, for the love<br />

of your only Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.<br />

All Amen.<br />

O Gladsome Light<br />

-v`*vv3vvvvvbbbbb3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbv3vvvvvv2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb3vvvv4vvvvv5vvv6vvbv5vvvbbvb5vvvvvb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv4vvv3vvv2vvvv3vvvvvvv˝vvvvvv<br />

O gladsome light of the holy glo-ry of the immortal Fa- ther,<br />

-v`*vv5vvvv4vvvv3vvvbb4vvmvvvv5vvv6vvvb5bbbv,vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvv5vvvv4vvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv,vvvvv]vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvbbvv3vvvvvvvv4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv<br />

heavenly, ho-ly, blessed Je- sus Christ. Now that we have come to<br />

-v`*vvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv6vvv5vvv4vvv5vv,vvvvãvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvbvv6vvvvvvbvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvv4vvvv5vv,vvvvãvvv5vvvvv5vvv6vvv5vvv4vvvvv<br />

the setting of the sun,<br />

and behold the light of evening, we praise<br />

-v`*vv3vvv2vvv3vvv4vvvvãvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvvbvv4vvvvbvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv4vvv3vvv2vvvvbb3vvmvvv]vvvv2vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvbv6vvvbv7vvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv<br />

God,<br />

Father, Son and Holy Spi- rit. For it is right at all times to<br />

-v`*vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvv5vvv4vvv6vvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvb°8vvv9bbbv/vvvãvbb7vvv6vvvv5vvv4vvv6vvvv5bvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvb5vvvvvv5vvv6vvvb5vvvvvvv<br />

worship you<br />

with voices of praise, O Son of God and giv-er<br />

-v`*vv4vvvv3vvv2vvv3vvv4vvv5vvv4vvv6vvv5vvv4vvv5vvb,vvv˝vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvbbv4vvvvbbv3vvvvvbvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv}<br />

of life,<br />

therefore all the world glorifies you.<br />


Hymn<br />

Veni, redemptor gentium : i, Sarum<br />

XvvDRv«vFÏ9vvvkvvvkvvvijvvvJIvvvjvvv÷u÷hvv[vvkvvvkvvvjvvvygvvvfvvvGYvvvrdvvvDR,mvv{<br />

XvvavvvDRvvvfvvvFYvvvy¥fvvvgvvfvv≤dvvv[vvjvvvjvvvhvvvjkjvvvtfvvvGYvvvrdvvvDRm,vv}<br />

Come, thou Redeemer of the earth;<br />

And manifest thy virgin-birth:<br />

Let every age adoring fall,<br />

Such birth befits the God of all.<br />

Begotten of no human will,<br />

But of the Spirit, thou art still<br />

The Word of God, in flesh arrayed,<br />

The Saviour, now to man displayed.<br />

The virgin womb that burden gained<br />

With virgin honour all unstained,<br />

The banners there of virtue glow,<br />

God in his temple dwells below.<br />

Forth from that chamber goeth he,<br />

That royal home of purity,<br />

A giant in twofold substance one,<br />

Rejoicing now his course to run.<br />

From God the Father he proceeds,<br />

To God the Father back he speeds,<br />

Runs out his course to death and hell,<br />

Returns to God’s high throne to dwell.<br />

O equal to thy Father, thou!<br />

Gird on thy fleshly mantle now,<br />

The weakness of our mortal state<br />

With deathless might invigorate.<br />

Thy cradle here shall glitter bright,<br />

And darkness glow with new-born light,<br />

No more shall night extinguish day,<br />

Where love’s bright beams their power display.<br />


O Jesu, Virgin-born, to thee<br />

Eternal praise and glory be,<br />

Whom with the Father we adore<br />

And Holy Spirit, evermore. Amen.<br />

ST AMBROSE 340-397<br />

Translated J M NEALE 1818-1866<br />

V O sing to the Lord a new song, alleluia.<br />

R For he has done marvellous things, alleluia.<br />

Officiant O Lord, you have given us the Holy Scriptures for our instruction;<br />

grant us also the help of your Holy Spirit, that we may hear your<br />

Word in the depths of our hearts; and growing thereby in repentance<br />

and faith, may serve your eternal purpose for your creation, and<br />

praise you in the Light of the Appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:<br />

-v`vvv5vvvvvbvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvbvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv˝vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv<br />

All<br />

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for<br />

-v`v3vvvbv3vvvvvv1vvvvvbv2vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

ever. Amen.<br />

Officiant The light of Christ enlightens all. Let us attend.<br />

The Vigil continues with four Old Testament readings each followed by a<br />

psalm, a New Testament reading followed by a canticle and a non-scriptural<br />

reading followed by the Magnificat<br />


Psalm 110<br />

Antiphon (cf I Kings 10:23, 24)<br />

-v`*~vvvbvb3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvbvvb5bbbbbvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvb7vvvbb7bvvvv˝vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvb3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvbvv2vvvbbbvv1vvvvvv<br />

viii<br />

The King of peace is highly exalted, for whose countenance all the<br />

-v`*~vbbbbbvvv2vvvvvbvvvvv3vvvvvvvv}vvvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv]vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvv}<br />

earth longs.<br />

The Lord said to my lord, *<br />

‘Sit at my right hand,<br />

until I make your enemies your footstool.’<br />

The Lord commits to you the sceptre of your power *<br />

reign from Zion in the midst of your enemies.<br />

Noble are you, from the day of your birth upon the holy hill; *<br />

radiant are you, even from the womb,<br />

in the morning dew of your youth.<br />

The Lord has sworn and will not turn back: *<br />

‘You are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.’<br />

The king shall stand at your right hand, O Lord; *<br />

and shatter kings in the day of his wrath.<br />

Glorious in majesty, he shall judge among the nations, *<br />

and shatter heads over a wide land.<br />

He shall slake his thirst from the brook beside the way; *<br />

therefore shall he lift up his head.<br />

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

Antiphon<br />


Psalm 111<br />

Antiphon (cf I Kings 10:23)<br />

-v`vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvbvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvb5vvvv6vvvv6vvbvv˝vvvb7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvbbvv4vvvvvbv5vvvvvbvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvb3vvvvvv<br />

vii<br />

The King of peace is highly exalted, far beyond all the kings of the<br />

-v`vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv}vvvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv]vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv}<br />

earth.<br />

O praise the Lord.<br />

I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, *<br />

in the company of the upright and among the congregation.<br />

The works of the Lord are great, *<br />

and studied by all who take delight in them.<br />

His deeds are majestic and glorious, *<br />

and his righteousness stands for ever.<br />

His marvellous acts have won him a name to be remembered; *<br />

the Lord is gracious and merciful.<br />

He gives food to those that fear him; *<br />

he remembers his covenant for ever.<br />

He showed his people the power of his acts *<br />

in giving them the heritage of the heathen.<br />

The works of his hands are faithful and just, *<br />

and all his commandments are sure;<br />

They stand firm for ever and ever, *<br />

they are done in faithfulness and in truth.<br />

He sent redemption to his people,<br />

he ordained his covenant for ever; *<br />

holy is his name and worthy to be feared.<br />

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and of good<br />

understanding are those that keep his commandments; *<br />

his praise shall endure for ever.<br />

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

Antiphon<br />


Psalm 112<br />

Antiphon (cf Luke 21:31, 32)<br />

-v`*~vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvbvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvbb5vvvvvvvb6vvvvvv5vvvvbvvv4vvvbvv˝vvvb2vvvv2vvvv1vvvbvb2vvvbbvv1vvvvvv<br />

viii<br />

Know therefore that the Kingdom of God is near; truly I say to<br />

-v`*~bbvvvvèvvvvvvb1bbbbbbbbbbbbb2vvvvvvv4vvvvvbv3vvvvvvvb2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv}vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv]vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvv}<br />

you, it will not be delayed.<br />

O praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord *<br />

and greatly delights in his commandments.<br />

His children shall be mighty in the land; *<br />

a race of upright men who will be blessed.<br />

Riches and plenty shall be in his house, *<br />

and his righteousness stands for ever.<br />

Light arises in darkness for the upright; *<br />

gracious and merciful is the righteous man.<br />

It goes well with the man who acts generously and lends; *<br />

who guides his affairs with justice.<br />

Surely he shall never be moved; *<br />

the righteous shall be held in everlasting remembrance.<br />

He will not fear bad tidings; *<br />

his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.<br />

His heart is confident and will not fear, *<br />

he will see the downfall of his enemies.<br />

He gives freely to the poor; *<br />

his righteousness stands for ever,<br />

his head is uplifted in glory.<br />

The wicked man shall see it and be angry; *<br />

he shall gnash his teeth and consume away;<br />

and the hope of the wicked shall fail.<br />

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

Antiphon<br />


Psalm 113<br />

Antiphon (Luke 21:28)<br />

-vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvbvv5vvvvvvbvvvv6vvvvbbvv˝vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvbbvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv7v7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv<br />

i<br />

Look up and raise your heads, for behold, your redemption is<br />

-vvvbv3vvvv4vvvv3vvvvvbvvvv2vvvvvvvv}vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv4vvvv7v7vvvvv]vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv}<br />

drawing near.<br />

Praise the Lord, O sing praises, you that are his servants; *<br />

O praise the name of the Lord.<br />

Let the name of the Lord be blessed, *<br />

from this time forward and for ever.<br />

From the rising of the sun to its going down *<br />

let the name of the Lord be praised.<br />

The Lord is exalted over all the nations, *<br />

and his glory is above the heavens.<br />

Who can be likened to the Lord our God *<br />

in heaven or upon the earth,<br />

Who has his dwelling so high *<br />

yet condescends to look on things beneath?<br />

He raises the lowly from the dust *<br />

and lifts the poor from out of the dungheap;<br />

He gives them a place among the princes, *<br />

even among the princes of his people.<br />

He causes the barren woman to keep house *<br />

and makes her a joyful mother of children.<br />

Praise the Lord.<br />

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

as it was in the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

Antiphon<br />


Canticle Philippians 2:5-11<br />

Antiphon<br />

-v7vvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvbvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvbvv6vvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvbbvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvbbvb6bbbbvvbbv5vvvbbvvv4vvvvbb5vvv5vvvv˝vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv<br />

vi<br />

The Word of God, begotten of the Father before all ages, humbled<br />

-v7vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvbbb2vvvvvvbvb4vvvvvvvbvvv6vvvvvvvbb5vvbbbbbvvv7vvvvvvvb6vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv}<br />

himself to be made Man for our salvation.<br />

-v7vvÓv^vvvÓvvv7vvvv8vvvv5vvvvvãvv˝v%vvv˝vvv6vvvv4vvvv5vvvv6vvvv]vvÓv^vvvÓvvv7vvvv8vvvv5vvvvvãvv˝v%vvv˝vv7vvvv6vvvv3vvvv4vvvv]vvÓv^vvvÓvvv7vvv8vvv9vvvvãvv˝v%vvv˝vv7vvv6vvv5vvv4vvv}<br />

Christ Jesus was in the form of God,<br />

but he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.<br />

He emptied himself, taking the form of a servant,<br />

and was born in the likeness of men.<br />

Being found in human form, he humbled himself<br />

and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.<br />

Antiphon<br />

Therefore God has highly exalted him<br />

and bestowed on him the name which is above every name,<br />

that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow,<br />

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,<br />

and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,<br />

to the glory of Göd the Father.<br />

Antiphon<br />

1 Glory to the Father, and to the Son,<br />

2 and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

3 as it was in the beginning, is now,<br />

4 and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

Antiphon<br />


Magnificat<br />

Antiphon (cf Psalm 19:6, 5)<br />

-v`*~vvvbvvvv3vvvvvvvvb3bbbbbbvvvvv4vvvvvvvb3vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvb4bbbbbvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvãvvvbvv5vvvvvvbbbb6bvvvvbvbb7vvvvvvbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb7vvvvvvb8bvvvvvvv7vvvvvv˝vv<br />

viii<br />

When the sun has risen in the heavens, you will see the King of kings,<br />

-v`*~vvvvvv8vvvbvvb7vvvvvv6vvvvbvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvbvv5vvvbbv5vvvvvvãvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvbvvv3vvvvbv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv}<br />

proceeding from the Father, as a bridegroom out of his chamber.<br />

-v`*~vvÎv#vvvÎvvv2vvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvãvvvÏv$vvvÏvvvv3vvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv]vvvvÓv^vvvÓvvvv4vvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvãvvvvÏv$vvvÏvvvv3vvvv2vvvv3vvvvvvv}<br />

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,<br />

my spirit rejoices in God my saviour;<br />

for he has looked with favour on his lowly servant,<br />

from this day all generations will call me blessed;<br />

1 the Almighty has done great things for me<br />

4 and holy is his name.<br />

Antiphon<br />

He has mercy on those who fear him,<br />

in every generation.<br />

He has shown the strength of his arm;<br />

he has scattered the proud in their conceit.<br />

Antiphon<br />

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones;<br />

and has lifted up the lowly.<br />

He has filled the hungry with good things<br />

and the rich he has sent away empty.<br />

Antiphon<br />

He has come to the help of his servant Israel,<br />

for he has remembered his promise of mercy,<br />

the promise he made to our fathers,<br />

to Abraham and his children for ever.<br />

Antiphon<br />


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,<br />

and to the Holy Spirit,<br />

as it was in the beginning, is now,<br />

and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

Antiphon<br />

Hymn to Mary<br />

-v`*~(vvvvvvv3vvvvvb4vvvvvvvv6vvvbv5vvvbb6vvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvbv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvbbv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvbv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv}<br />

ii Officiant Let us magnify Mary, the Mother of Christ our God.<br />

-v`*~(vvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvbbv3vvvvvbb4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvbvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvãvvvvb6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv<br />

The preaching of the prophets has reached its fulfilment, for he<br />

-v`*~(vvbv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvbv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvb3bbbbbbbbvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvbb5vvvbbbbbvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvãvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv<br />

who they prophesied would come in the fullness of time, has come<br />

-v`*~(vvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvbv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvb5vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvbbv4vvvvv˝vvv6vvvvvb5bbbbvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv<br />

and appeared in flesh, from a pure Virgin, let us prepare ourselves<br />

-v`*~(vb3vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvbvvvv1vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

to receive him with purified hearts and minds.<br />


Prayers<br />

-v`vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv]v]vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvbv3vvvv2vvvbb3bvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv}<br />

Cantor In peace, let us pray to the Lord. All Kyrie el-e-i-son.<br />

Cantor For peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray<br />

to the Lord.<br />

All Kyrie eleison.<br />

Cantor For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy<br />

churches of God and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.<br />

All Kyrie eleison.<br />

The Litany continues, with the same response, and concludes with –<br />

Cantor Help us, save us, succour our need and keep us, O God, by your<br />

grace.<br />

All Kyrie eleison.<br />

Cantor Commemorating the most pure and holy Mother of God, the blessed<br />

and glorious ever-virgin Mary, with St John Baptist, St N, and all the<br />

saints, we commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to<br />

Christ our God.<br />

-v`vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvb3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

All<br />

Officiant<br />

To you, O Lord.<br />

Almighty God,<br />

who have given us your only-begotten Son<br />

to take our nature upon him<br />

and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin:<br />

grant that we, who have been born again<br />

and made your children by adoption and grace;<br />

may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit;<br />

-v`vv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvb3vvvvvv2vvvvvvbv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv˝vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv<br />

All<br />

For you, Lord God, are gracious, you lover of mankind, and we give<br />

-v`vv5vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvbv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvbbbv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv˝vvvÎv#vvvÎvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

glory to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever<br />


-v`vbv3vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvbv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv}<br />

and ever. Amen.<br />

Trishagion<br />

-v`vvtvvrvv]vvvvEvv]vvvtvvyvv]vvvvuvvvuvv]vvvivvjvvvvhvv]vvvtvvvgvvvvvvbvfvvv]vvbvbtbbbbbbbbbgbbbvbvdvv]vbvWvvvvv}<br />

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.<br />

Three times<br />

-v`vvvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv}<br />

Cantor Glory to … All Holy Immortal, …<br />

All Holy God, … once<br />

Our Father<br />

-v`vvvvvvvvvb5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvbv6vvvvbv6vvvvvãvvbbvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvbvvv3vvvvvbvvv4vvvvvbbvvvv2vvvvvv]v]vvvvvbvvvvvvvvèvvvvvvbvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv<br />

Officiant Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. All Your kingdom<br />

-v`vvvbv2vvvvbbbbvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvbbvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvbbv5vvvvbvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv]v]vvvvvvvvvvvvvbbvvvvv5vvvvbvvv4vvvvvv5vvbvv6vvvvv<br />

come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Officiant Give us today<br />

-v`vvv5vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv˝vvvb3vvvvvv5vvvvvbvv6vvvvbvv7vvvvvvvbv6vvvvvvv5vvvvbv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvbvvvv5vvvvvvvvbbbbv3vvvvvvv5bbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbvvvv4vvvvvv<br />

our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against<br />

-v`v4vvvvv]v]vvvvvvvvv5vvvvbvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvb2vvvvbv2vvvvvvbvvèvvvvvvv1vvv3vvvv3vvvvbvvb2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvbv4vvvvbb]vvvb3vvvvvbbv2vvvvvvvv<br />

us. All Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the<br />

-v`bbvbv5vvvvvbbv4vvvvvvbvvv5vvvvvbvvvvv6vvvvvvvvbvvb5vvvvvvv6vvvvvbv7vvvvv6vvvvvbv5vvvvvbvvvv6vvvvvvvvbvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvbvv5vvvvvbbb3vvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv}<br />

kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and for ever. Amen.<br />


Dismissal<br />

-v`vvvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvbbbvvv3vvvvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvbbv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv}<br />

Officiant Glory to you, O Christ our God and our true hope, glory to you.<br />

-v`vvv5vvvbbv5vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvbvv3vvvvbbvv2vvvvvv3vvvvbbbbbvv4cvvvvvvbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv˝vvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

All<br />

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in<br />

-v`vv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvbbbvv5vvvvbvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvbbbbvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvbbvv3vvvvbv5vvvvvvvvv}<br />

the beginning, is now, and shall be for ever. Amen.<br />

-v`vvvv6vvvvvvbvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvãvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvãvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv}<br />

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.<br />

-v`vvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbvvvv4vvvvãvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvv<br />

Officiant May Christ our true God, have mercy on us and save us, through<br />

-v`vvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

the prayers of holy Mary his Virgin Mother, of his glorious apostles,<br />

-v`vvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbvbbvvvv4vvvbvbbb3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv˝vvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

(of St N,) of all the angelic hosts and of all the saints, for he is good<br />

-v`vv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv}<br />

and loves mankind:<br />

-v`vvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvãvvvvvvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv<br />

All<br />

Through the prayers of all our forefathers in the faith, + Lord Jesus<br />


-v`vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvbvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvãvvv˝v%vvv˝vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbvv3vvbbbbbvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvbv5vvvvvvvv}<br />

Christ, our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.<br />

The psalms in this booklet (except the Incensing Psalms) are from<br />

The Liturgical Psalter<br />

© 1976, 1977, David L Frost, John A Emerton, Andrew A Macintosh<br />

and are used with permission<br />


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