Wastefulness Book - Aya

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Aya Montessori

Islamic Habits Series


and preserving Allah’s creations

by Salam Aref

When I wash my hands,

I wash it with just enough water.

I don’t play.

Water is gift from Allah

& I don’t waste my gift

When I take a shower,

I use just enough water to keep me clean.

Water is gift from Allah

& I don’t waste my gift

When I make Wudu,

I use just enough water to finish my Wudu

Water is gift from Allah

& I don’t waste my gift

When I eat my food

I finish everything in my plate and I don’t

throw it away.

Food is gift from Allah

& I don’t waste my gift

Sounds good!

But why is not wasting

considered a good habit

that Allah loves?

Let’s search and find out!

One day

Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) saw a man

performing Wudu

by a river

so the prophet told him:

Don’t waste water

even if you are on a

running river.

the man was puzzled. He said:

Even if I’m performing

Wudu using this water?

The prophet replied:

Yes. even if it’s Wudu

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