Creatives Oct-Nov 2019

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How are they affecting your child’s mental health?

It is quite normal for parents to argue, but their impact on a child’s mental

health is quite extensive. Although parents try not to have a row in front of their

adolescents, sometimes, it is, in fact, inevitable.

In a research, it was deduced by the University of York that the children whose

parents are divorced are most affected by the arguments that led to the divorce,

rather than being affected by the annulment itself. Furthermore, in the research,

it was concluded that by witnessing a fight at home, the children are 30% more

likely to develop certain behavioral issues than those children with happily married


It is healthy and normal for parents to sometimes argue with each other. What

harms the child’s mind is the part where the argument is left inconclusive .

Children learn from this experience and sometimes are unable to have constructive

arguments. This affects their ability to resolve conflicts in their personal life.

As unbelievable as it may sound, children as young as six months show corporeal

symptoms such as having a higher pulse rate being in front of parents fighting,

whereas, their pulse rate is lower when any other adults are arguing.

These symptoms get worse as the child grows. An adolescent may show external

changes such as sudden waves of aggression and by becoming hostile and violent.

Some of the internal changes that take place are that children begin to suffer from

anxiety, depression and having low self-esteem. In extreme cases, however, the

child may also have suicidal thoughts.

To prevent taking multiple trips to the therapist, it is important for the parent(s)

to recognize the noticeable signs of mental instability. In a blog-post by National

Alliance on Mental Illness, it was said that the signs the children of different grades

displayed, required psychological assistance. According to the post, students

from kindergarten till the third grade blame their own selves or their misbehaviour

for the divorce. More signs include complaints of headaches and stomach

pains. With students from fourth to sixth grade, multiple signs can be observed,

concerning the abrupt rise in conflicts with peers and the sudden occurence of

anger, embarrassment or frustration. Moving towards older students until the

twelfth grade display extreme mood swings and demonstrate a lack of interest in

schoolwork and extracurricular activities.

By Damia Nauman

16 years old

LGS 55 Main, Lahore, Pakistan

Marital Issues?

The Creatives|14

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