Before I Fall

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In my dream I know I am falling though there is no up or down, no walls or sides or ceilings, just

the sensation of cold, and darkness everywhere. I am so scared I could scream, but when I open my

mouth nothing happens, and I wonder if you fall forever and ever and never touch down, is it really

still falling?

I think I will fall forever.

A noise punctuates the silence, a thin bleating growing louder and louder until it is like a scythe of

metal slicing the air, slicing into me—

Then I wake up.

My alarm has been blaring for twenty minutes. It’s six fifty A.M.

I sit up in bed, pushing away the comforter. I’m covered with sweat even though my room is cold.

My throat is dry and I’m desperate for water, like I’ve just been running a long way.

For a second when I look around the room everything seems fuzzy and slightly distorted, like I’m

not really looking at my room but only at a transparency of my room that’s been laid down

incorrectly so the corners don’t match up with the real thing. Then the light shifts and everything

looks normal again.

All at once it comes back to me, and blood starts pounding in my head: the party, Hailey

Steinfeld-Sykes, the argument with Lauren—

“Kaki!” My door swings open, banging once against the wall, and Sofia comes galloping across

the room, stepping all over my notebooks and discarded jeans and my Victoria’s Secret Team Pink

sweatshirt. Something seems wrong; something skirts the edges of my memory, but then it is gone

and Sofi is bouncing on my bed, throwing her arms around me. They are hot. She curls a fist

around the necklace I always wear—a thin gold chain with a tiny bird charm hanging from it, a gift

from my grandmother—and tugs gently.

“Mami says you have to get up.”

Her breath smells like peanut butter, and it’s not until I push her off me that I realize how badly

I’m shaking.

“It’s Saturday,” I say. I have no idea how I got home last night. I have no idea what happened to

Dinah or Mani or Ally, and just thinking about it makes me sick.

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